
ailment; illness; disease
ailment; illness; disease; fall ill; sick; defect
to enter
fat region between the heart and the diaphragm; vital organs; finalized disease
fat region between the heart and the diaphragm; vital organs; finalized disease; finalized illness; suffering of the humans and hardships of the popular
trad. (病入膏肓) 膏肓
simp. #(病入膏肓) 膏肓


疾病求醫使豎子:「?」:「?」:「不可不可。」:「。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
疾病求医使竖子:「?」:「?」:「不可不可。」:「。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Commentary of Zuo, c. 4th century BCE
Gōng jíbìng, qiúyī yú qín, qín bó shǐ yī huǎn wèi zhī. Wèi zhì, gōng mèng jí wèi èr shùzǐ, yuē: “Bǐ liáng yī yě, jù shāng wǒ yān táo zhī?” Qí yī yuē: “Jū huāng zhī shàng, gāo zhī xià, ruò wǒ hé?” Yī zhì, yuē: “Jí bùkě wèi yě, zài huāng zhī shàng, gāo zhī xià, gōng zhī bù kě, dá zhī bù jí, yào bù zhì yān, bùkě wèi yě.” Gōng yuē: “Liáng yī yě.” Hòu wèi zhī lǐ ér guī zhī. [Pinyin]
Duke Jing of Jin was sick. He tried to find a doctor in Qin. The Count of Qin (Duke Huan of Qin) sent a doctor called Huan to cure him. Before Doctor Huan arrived, Duke Jing had a dream in which his disease appeared as two children. One of them said, "He's a good doctor. I'm afraid that he will harm us. Where should we hide ourselves?" The other said, "Let's go to the fat region between the heart and the diaphragm. Then he can't get rid of us." When Doctor Huan arrived, he said, "This disease can't be cured. It's at the fat region between the heart and the diaphragm. Neither medicine nor acupuncture would be effective, so it can't be cured." Duke Jing replied, "You're a good doctor". He then offered generous gifts to Doctor Huan and saw him out.






  1. to be incurable as one is critically ill
    及早求醫不要病入膏肓 [MSC, trad.]
    及早求医不要病入膏肓 [MSC, simp.]
    Yǒu bìng jiù yào jízǎo qiúyī, bùyào děng dào bìngrùgāohuāng. [Pinyin]
    Seek medical care if you have symptoms, don't wait until it's too late to cure.
  2. (figuratively) to be hopeless as the situation has gone too bad
    公司財政狀況已經病入膏肓 [MSC, trad.]
    公司财政状况已经病入膏肓 [MSC, simp.]
    Zhè jiā gōngsī de cáizhèng zhuàngkuàng yǐjīng bìngrùgāohuāng. [Pinyin]
    The financial situation of this company is hopeless.

