Appendix:Sundanese Swadesh list

This is a Swadesh list of words in Sundanese, compared with definitions in English.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.


No. English Sundanese
Basa Sunda
1 I kuring (loma)
abdi (lemes)
2 you (singular) manéh (loma)
anjeun (lemes)
3 he, she, it manéhna (loma)
anjeunna (lemes)
4 we arurang (loma-lemes)
5 you (plural) maranéh (loma)
aranjeun (lemes)
6 they maranéhna (loma) aranjeunna (lemes)
7 this ieu (loma-lemes)
8 that éta (loma-lemes, near)
itu (loma-lemes, distant)
9 here di dieu (loma)
palih dieu (lemes)
10 there di dinya (loma, near)
palih dinya (lemes, near)
di ditu (loma, distant)
palih ditu (lemes, distant)
11 who saha (loma-lemes)
12 what naon (loma-lemes)
13 where dimana (loma)
di manten (lemes)
14 when iraha (loma-lemes)
15 how kumaha (loma-lemes
16 not henteu (loma-lemes)
teu (loma-lemes)
17 all kabéh (loma)
sadaya (lemes)
18 many loba (loma)
seueur (lemes)
19 some sawatara (loma)
sababaraha (loma-lemes)
sawatawis (lemes)
20 few saeutik (loma)
sakedik (lemes)
21 other séjén (loma)
sanés (lemes)
22 one hiji
23 two dua
24 three tilu
25 four opat
26 five lima
27 big badag, gedé (loma)
ageung (lemes)
28 long panjang (loma)
paos (lemes)
29 wide rubak (loma)
jembar (lemes)
30 thick kandel
31 heavy beurat (loma)
abot (lemes)
32 small leutik (loma)
alit (lemes)
33 short pondok
34 narrow heureut
35 thin ipis
36 woman awéwé (loma)
istri (lemes)
37 man (adult male) lalaki (loma)
pameget (lemes)
38 man (human being) jalma (loma)
manusa (loma-lemes)
jalmi (lemes)
39 child budak (loma)
murangkalih (lemes)
40 wife pamajikan (loma)
pun bojo (sedeng)
geureuha (lemes)
garwa (lemes pisan)
41 husband salaki (loma)
carogé (lemes)
42 mother ema (loma)
pun biang (sedeng)
ibu (lemes)
43 father bapa (loma)
pun bapa (sedeng)
rama (lemes)
44 animal sato
45 fish lauk
46 bird manuk
47 dog anjing
48 louse otét (loma)
puntang (lemes)
49 snake oray
50 worm cacing
51 tree tangkal
52 forest leuweung (loma)
alas (lemes)
53 stick régang
54 fruit buah
55 seed binih
56 leaf daun
57 root akar
58 bark (of a tree) papagan
59 flower kembang (loma)
puspa (lemes)
60 grass jukut
61 rope tali
62 skin kulit
63 meat daging
64 blood getih
65 bone tulang (loma)
babalung (lemes)
66 fat (noun) gajih
67 egg endog
68 horn tanduk
69 tail buntut
70 feather bulu (loma)
ules (lemes)
71 hair buuk (loma
rambut (lemes)
72 head sirah (loma)
mastaka (lemes)
73 ear ceuli (loma)
cepil (lemes)
74 eye panon (loma)
soca (lemes)
75 nose irung (loma)
pangambung (lemes)
76 mouth sungut (loma)
baham (lemes)
77 tooth huntu (loma)
waos (lemes)
78 tongue (organ) létah (loma)
ilat (lemes)
79 fingernail kuku (loma)
tanggay (lemes)
80 foot suku (loma)
sampéan (lemes)
dampal (lemes pisan)
81 leg tungkai
82 knee tuur (loma)
teku (lemes)
83 hand leungeun (loma)
panangan (lemes)
84 wing jangjang (loma)
pangapung (lemes)
85 belly beuteung (loma)
padaharan (sedeng)
patuangan (lemes)
lambut (lemes pisan)
86 guts peujit (loma)
usus (lemes]]
87 neck beuheung (loma)
tenggek (lemes)
88 back tonggong (loma)
pungkur (lemes)
89 breast susu (loma)
pinareup (lemes)
90 heart jajantung
91 liver haté (loma)
ati (panengah)
manah (lemes)
galih (lemes pisan)
92 to drink inum (nginum) (loma)
leueut (ngaleueut) (lemes)
93 to eat tuang (nuang)
94 to bite gogot (nyogot)
95 to suck seuseup (nyeuseup)
96 to spit ludah (ngaludah)
97 to vomit luga (ngaluga)
98 to blow tiup (niup)
99 to breathe ambekan (ngambekan)
100 to laugh gumujeng (ngumujeng)
101 to see tingali (ningali)
102 to hear dangu (ngadangu)
103 to know uninga (nguninga)
104 to think ngamanah (ngamanahan)
105 to smell ambung (ngambungan)
106 to fear sebér
107 to sleep héés (loma)
saré (panengah)
mondok (sedeng)
kulem (lemes)
108 to live jumeneng
109 to die pupus
110 to kill telas (nelasan)
111 to fight tarung (narungan)
112 to hunt bujeng (bubujeng)
113 to hit teunggeul (neunggeul)
babuk (mabuk/ngababuk)
gebug (ngagebug)
114 to cut teukteuk (neukteuk)
115 to split beulah (meulah)
116 to stab tewek (newek)
117 to scratch garo (ngagaro)
118 to dig kali (ngali)
119 to swim ngojay
120 to fly hiber
121 to walk papah (mapah)
122 to come sumping
123 to lie (as in a bed) kedeng (ngedeng)
124 to sit calik (action, state)
125 to stand adeg (ngadeg) (action, state)
126 to turn (intransitive) robah (ngarobah)
127 to fall labuh
128 to give pasihan (masihan)
129 to hold cepeng (nyepeng)
130 to squeeze rames (ngarames)
131 to rub kosok (ngosok)
132 to wash kumbah (ngumbah)
133 to wipe mupus
134 to pull bedol (medol)
135 to push sorong (nyorong)
136 to throw alung (ngalung)
137 to tie beungkeut (meungkeut)
138 to sew kaput (ngaput)
139 to count étang (ngétang)
140 to say carios (nyarios)
141 to sing kawih (ngawih)
142 to play ameng (ngamengan)
143 to float kambang (ngambang)
144 to flow kucur (ngucur)
145 to freeze kimpel (ngimpel)
146 to swell bareuh (mareuh)
147 sun panonpoé
148 moon bulan
149 star béntang
150 water cai
151 rain hujan
152 river walungan
cai gedé
153 lake situ
154 sea sagara
155 salt uyah
156 stone batu
157 sand keusik
158 dust kekebul
159 earth lemah
160 cloud méga
161 fog halimun
162 sky awang
163 wind maruta
164 snow salju
165 ice és
cai batu
166 smoke haseup
167 fire seuneu
168 ash lebu
169 to burn huru
170 road jalan
171 mountain gunung
172 red beureum
173 green héjo
174 yellow konéng
175 white bodas
176 black hideung
177 night wengi
178 day dinten
179 year warsih
180 warm haneut
181 cold tiris
182 full pinuh
183 new weuteuh
184 old heubeul
185 good saé
186 bad awon
187 rotten buruk
188 dirty bagedur
189 straight lempeng
190 round buleud
191 sharp (as a knife) seukeut
192 dull (as a knife) mentud
193 smooth lemes
194 wet baseuh
195 dry saat
196 correct leres
197 near caket
198 far tebih
199 right tengen
200 left kiwa
201 at dina
202 in lebet
203 with kalawan, sareng
204 and sarta
205 if upami
206 because margi
207 name jenengan, nami
  • Orthography :

When the words have various forms (verbs conjugation, gender and number agreement, declensions), the orthography is the following :

  • verbs : infinitive
  • other words : neutral or masculine, singular, nominative (subject)

For specific cases (no infinitive, feminine name, plural name for instance), the simplest form is used.


  • Sundanese English Dictionary, R. R. Hardjadibrata, Jakarta 2003 - →ISBN

See also

Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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