User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-arb-k

K2 {prop} (the world’s second highest mountain) :: جبل كي ٢ /jabal kay iṯnān/
Kaaba {prop} (cubical stone building in Mecca) :: الكعبة {f} /al-kaʿbatu/
Kabballah {prop} (body of teachings) :: قبالة {f} /qabāla/
kabuki {n} (form of Japanese theatre) :: كابوكي {m} /kābūkī/
Kabul {prop} (capital of Afghanistan) :: كابل {m} /kābul/
kabuto {n} (traditional Japanese military helmet) :: كابوتو {m} /kābūtū/
Kabyle {prop} (language) :: ثاقبايليث /ṯāqbāylīṯ/
kafir {n} (infidel, non-Muslim) :: كافر {m} /kāfir/
Kafkaesque {adj} (marked by menacing complexity) :: كافايكي {m}
kaftan {n} (long tunic worn in the Eastern Mediterranean) :: قفطان {m} /qafṭān/
Kagawa {prop} (Kagawa, Japan) :: كاغاوا {f} /kaḡāwā/
Kagoshima {prop} (city) :: كاغوشيما {f} /kaḡušīmā/
Kagoshima {prop} (prefecture) :: كاغوشيما {f} /kaḡušīmā/
Kaiser {n} (German Emperor) :: قيصر {m} /qayṣar/
Kalamazoo {prop} (city) :: كالامازو /kālāmāzū/
kala namak {n} (variety of salt) :: ملح أسود
kale {n} (edible plant: Brassica oleracea acephala) :: كرنب أجعد /karnab ʾajʿad/
kaleidoscope {n} (tube of mirrors rotated to produce symmetrical designs) :: مشكال {m} /miškāl/
Kaliningrad {prop} (Kaliningrad, see also: Königsberg) :: كالينينغراد {m} /kaliningrād/, كالينينغراد {m} /kalininḡrād/
Kaluga {prop} (city in Russia) :: كالوغا {f} /kalūḡā/
Kama Sutra {prop} (Sanskrit treatise) :: كاماسوترا {f} /kamasutrā/
Kamchatka {prop} (peninsula in the Russian Far East) :: كامتشاتكا {f} /kamtšatkā/, كامشاتكا {f} /kamšatkā/
kamikaze {n} (suicidal attack) :: كاميكازي {m} /kāmīkāzī/
kamikaze {n} (suicidal attacker) :: كاميكازي {m} /kāmīkāzī/
Kampala {prop} (capital of Uganda) :: كمبالا {f} /kambālā/
Kan {prop} (a Japanese surname) :: كان /kān/
kana {n} (Japanese syllabaries) :: كانا {f} /kānā/
kanafeh {n} :: كنافة {f} /kunāfa/
Kanagawa {prop} (Kanagawa, Japan) :: كاناغاوا {f} /kanaḡāwā/
Kanazawa {prop} (a city of Japan) :: كانازاوا {f} /kanazāwā/
Kandahar {prop} (city and province in southern Afghanistan) :: قندهار /qunduhār/
kangaroo {n} (marsupial) :: كنغر {m} /kanḡar/
kangaroo court {n} (an unjust (quasi-)judicial proceeding or group) :: محكمة الكنغر {f} /mahkamat alkanghar/
kanji {n} (Chinese characters in Japanese context) :: كانجي {m} /kānjī/, طابع ياباني {m} /ṭābiʿ yābāniyy/, حرف ياباني {m} /ḥarf yābāniyy/
Kanji {prop} (kanji) SEE: kanji ::
Kannada {n} (language) :: الكانادا {f} /al-kanadā/
Kansas {prop} (US state) :: كانساس {m} /kānsās/
kantar {n} (unit of weight) :: قنطار {m} /qinṭār/
Kao-hsiung {prop} (Kaohsiung) SEE: Kaohsiung ::
Kaohsiung {prop} (a large city in Taiwan) :: كاوشيونغ {m} /kawšyūnḡ/, غاوشيونغ {m} /ḡawšyūnḡ/
kaph {n} (Hebrew letter) :: كاف {m} /kāf/
kappa {n} (Greek letter) :: كبا {f} /kabā/
Karachi {prop} (the capital of the province of Sindh, Pakistan) :: كراتشي {m} /karātšī/
Karafuto {prop} (Sakhalin) SEE: Sakhalin ::
Karaite {n} (adherent of Karaism) :: الثامن و قوامه
Karaj {prop} (city) :: كرج {m} /karaj/
karaoke {n} (a form of entertainment) :: كاريوكي {m} /kārayōkē/
karat {n} (unit of fineness of gold) :: قيراط /qīrāṭ/
karate {n} (martial art) :: كاراتيه {m} /karātīh/
Karelia {prop} :: كاريليا {f} /kārīliyā/
Karl {prop} (cognates) SEE: Charles ::
Karl {prop} (transliterations) SEE: Carl ::
Karluk {n} (member of nomadic tribe) :: قارلوق
karma {n} (the total effect of a person’s actions and conduct during the successive phases of his existence) :: كارما /kārmā/
Karnataka {prop} (state in southern India) :: كارناتاكا {f} /kārnātākā/
Kartvelian {n} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
Kartvelian {prop} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
Kartvelian {adj} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
Kashgar {prop} (prefecture, city) :: كاشغر {m} /kāšḡar/
Kashi {prop} (Kashgar) SEE: Kashgar ::
kashida {n} (a type of elongation used in some cursive scripts) :: كشيدة {f} /kašīda/
kashida {n} (elongation character) :: كشيدة {f} /kašīda/
Kashmir {prop} (region) :: كشمير {m} /kašmīr/, قشمير {m} /qišmīr/
Kashmiri {n} (person) :: كشميري {m} /kašmīriyy/, كشميرية {f} /kašmīriyya/
Kashmiri {prop} (language) :: كشميرية {f} /kašmīriyya/
kashrut {n} (the Jewish dietary laws) :: كشروت {m} /kašrūt/
kasra {n} (kasra) :: كسرة {f} /kasra/
katakana {n} (Japanese syllabary) :: كاتاكانا {f} /katakānā/
Kathleen {prop} (Catherine) SEE: Catherine ::
Kathmandu {prop} (Kathmandu) :: كاثماندو {m} /kaṯmandū/
Katyusha {n} (rocket launcher) :: كاتيوشا {f} /kātyūšā/
kava {n} (intoxicating beverage made from the kava plant) :: كافا {f} /kāfā/
Kavala {prop} (city) :: كافالا /kāfālā/
kawaii {adj} (cute, in the context of Japanese culture) :: كاواي /kāwāyy/, كاوايي /kāwāyiyy/
Kawasaki {prop} (a city in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan) :: كاواساكي {m} /kawasakī/
Kawasaki {prop} (a Japanese surname) :: كاواساكي {m} {f} /kawasakī/
Kawasaki {prop} (a Japanese motorcycle manufacturer) :: كاواساكي {m} /kawasakī/
Kaxgar {prop} (Kashgar) SEE: Kashgar ::
kay {n} (name of the letter K, k) :: كاي {m} /kay/, كاي {m} /kāy/, كيه {m} /kīh/, كي {m} /kī/, كي {m} /key/, كا {m} /kā/
Kazakh {n} (a person of Kazakh descent) :: كازاخي {m} /kāzāḵiyy/, كازاخية {f} /kāzāḵiyya/
Kazakh {n} (language) :: كازاخي {m} /kāzāḵiyy/, كازاخية {f} /kāzāḵiyya/
Kazakh {adj} (pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kazakh language) :: كازاخي /kāzāḵiyy/
Kazakhstan {prop} (country in Central Asia) :: كازاخستان {f} /kāzāḵistān/, قازاقستان {f} /qāzāqistān/, كازخستان {f} /kāzaḵistān/
Kazakhstani {n} (person of Kazakh origin) SEE: Kazakh ::
Kazakhstani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kazakh language) SEE: Kazakh ::
Kazan {prop} (city in Russia) :: قازان {m} /qazān/, قزان {m} /qazān/
Kōbe {prop} (Kobe) SEE: Kobe ::
Kōchi {prop} (Kochi) SEE: Kochi ::
Keats {prop} (transliterations of the name Keats) :: كيتس /kīts/
kebab {n} (kebab) :: كباب {m} /kabāb/
keel over {v} (to die) SEE: die ::
Keelung {prop} (a city in Taiwan) :: كيلونغ {m} /kilunḡ/, جيلونغ {m} /jilunḡ/, تشيلونغ {m} /tšilunḡ/
keep {v} (to maintain possession of) :: احتفظ /iḥtafaẓa/, أبقى /ʾabqā/, أخذ /ʾaḵaḏa/
keep company {v} (court) SEE: court ::
keep on {v} (persist or continue) :: يبقي
keep quiet {v} (remain silent) :: صمت /ṣamata/
keep the change {phrase} (instruction to keep the change) :: احتفظ بالباقي
keep track {v} (monitor) :: راقب /rāqqaba/
keffiyeh {n} (Arabian headdress) :: كوفية {f} /kūfiyya/, شماغ {f} /šumāḡ/, غترة {f}, حطة {f} /ḥaṭṭa/, مشدة {f} /mašada/
kefir {n} (fermented milk) :: كيفير {m} /kifīr/
Keijō {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
kelvin {n} (SI temperature unit) :: كلفن {m} /kilfin/
Kemerovo {prop} (city in Siberia) :: كيميروفو {m} /kimirufū/
Kemi {prop} (town) :: كيمي
Kennedy {prop} (surname) :: كينيدي /kinidī/, كينيدي /kenedī/
kennel {n} (shelter) :: بيت {m} /bayt/, بيت الكلب {m} /bayt al-kalb/
Kent {prop} (the English maritime county) :: كنت {m} /kent/
Kentucky {prop} (US state) :: كنتاكي {m} /kintākī/
Kenya {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: كينيا {f} /kēniyā/
Kerala {prop} (state in southern India) :: كيرلا {f} /kiralā/
kerchief {n} (piece of cloth) :: غفارة {f} /ḡifāra/, لفاع {m} /lifāʿ/
kerosene {n} (thin, colorless fuel) :: كيروسين {m} /kīrūsīn/
ketchup {n} (tomato-vinegar based sauce) :: عصير البندورة {m} /ʿaṣīr al-bandūra/, كتشب {m} /katšab/
ketoconazole {n} (antifungal drug) :: كيتوكونازول
kettle {n} (vessel for boiling a liquid or cooking food) :: غلاية {f} /ḡallāya/
kettle {n} (teakettle) SEE: teakettle ::
Kevin {prop} (male given name) :: كيفن {m} /kīfin/
key {n} (device designed to open and close a lock) :: مفتاح {m} /miftāḥ/
key {n} (button on a typewriter or computer keyboard) :: زر {m} /zirr/
keyboard {n} (set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc.) :: لوحة مفاتيح {f} /lawḥat mafātīḥ/
keyhole surgery {n} (laparoscopy) SEE: laparoscopy ::
keystone {n} (the top stone of an arch) :: حجر العقد
Kōfu {prop} (Kofu) SEE: Kofu ::
KGB {prop} ((historical) The former Soviet State Security Committee) :: كي جي بي {m} /kay jī bī/, كاي جي بي {m} /kāy jī bī/
Khabarovsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: خاباروفسك {m} /ḵabārufsk/
khachapuri {n} (cheese pastry from Georgia) :: خاتشابوري {m} /ḵātšābūrī/
khagan {n} (title of imperial rank) :: خاقان /ḵāqān/
khaki {adj} (dust-coloured) :: كاكي /kākī/, خاكي /ḵākī/
khamaseen {n} :: خمسين {p} /ḵamsīn/
khan {n} (a ruler over various Turkic, Tatar and Mongol peoples in the Middle Ages) :: خان {m} /ḵān/
khanjar {n} (Arabian dagger) :: خنجر {m} /ḵanjar/
Khan Tengri {prop} (mountain) :: خان تنغري /ḵān tanḡrī/
Khanty-Mansiysk {prop} (city in Russia) :: خانتي-مانسييسك {m} /khanti-mansīsk/
Khariboli {prop} (Khariboli Hindustani) :: كهريبولية {f} /kharībūliyya/
Kharijite {n} (members of a reactionary Islamic sect in the 7th and 8th centuries) :: خارجي /ḵārijiyy/, خوارج {m-p} /ḵawārij/
Kharkiv {prop} (city) :: خاركوف {m} /ḵarkuf/
Kharkov {prop} (Kharkiv) SEE: Kharkiv ::
Khartoum {prop} (capital of Sudan) :: الخرطوم {f} /al-ḵurṭūm/
Khashoggi {prop} (surname) :: خاشقجي /ḵāšuqjī/
khat {n} (shrub (Catha edulis)) :: قات /qāt/
Khazar {n} (member of a semi-nomadic Turkic tribe) :: خزر {m} /ḵazar/
Khazarian {adj} (of or pertaining to Khazaria) SEE: Khazar ::
Khazarian {adj} (of or pertaining to Khazars) SEE: Khazar ::
Khazarian {n} (an inhabitant of Khazaria) SEE: Khazar ::
khedive {n} (monarch of Egypt) :: خديو {m} /ḵidīw/
khedivial {adj} :: خديوي /ḵidīwiyy/
Khmer {n} (language) :: لغة خميرية {f} /luḡa ḵimīriyya/, خميرية {f} /ḵimīriyya/
Khmer {adj} (of or pertaining to Khmer people or their language) :: خميري /ḵimīriyy/
Khmer Rouge {prop} (Cambodian communist guerrilla force) :: الخمير الحمر {m-p} /al-ḵamīr al-ḥumr/
Khomeini {prop} (Persian surname) :: الخميني /al-ḵumayniyy/
Khorasan {prop} (A region in Persia) :: خراسان /ḵurāsān/
Khorramshahr {prop} (city) :: محمرة /muḥammara/
Khrushchev {prop} (surname) :: خوروشوف {m} /ḵurušūf/
Khujand {prop} (city in Tajikistan) :: خجند {m} /ḵujand/
khutbah {n} (talk or sermon delivered in mosques before the Friday prayer) :: خطبة {f} /ḵuṭba/
kibbeh {n} (form of dumpling) :: كبة /kibba/, كبة /kubba/
kibbutz {n} (a community) :: كيبوتس {m} /kibuts/, مستوطنة زراعية /mustawṭana(t) zirāʿiyya/
kick {v} (strike with or raise the foot or leg) :: رفس /rafasa/, ركل /rakala/
kick {n} (hit or strike with the leg or foot) :: ركلة /rakla/
kickboxing {n} (sport) :: كيك بوكس {m} /kik buks/
kick-off {n} (opening kick in football) :: البداية {f} /al-bidāya/
kick scooter {n} (foot-propelled vehicle) SEE: scooter ::
kid {n} (young goat) :: جدي {m} /jady/
kid {n} (child (colloq.)) :: طفل {m} /ṭifl/
kidnap {v} (to seize and detain a person unlawfully) :: اختطف /iḵtaṭafa/
kidnapping {n} (the crime of taking a person against their will, sometimes for ransom) :: اختطاف {m} /iḵtiṭāf/
kidney {n} (an organ in the body) :: كلية {f} /kulya/
Kiev {prop} (Ukrainian city) :: كييف {f} /kiyīf/, كييف {f} /kiyef/
Kiev {prop} (Medieval principality) SEE: Kievan Rus ::
Kievan Rus {prop} (medieval principality) :: كييف روس {f} /kiyif rūs/
Kigali {prop} (capital of Rwanda) :: كيغالي {m} /kiḡālī/, كيجالي {m} /kigālī/
kill {v} (to put to death) :: قتل /qatala/
kill {n} (act of killing) :: قتلة {f} /qatla/
killer {n} (person who kills) :: قاتل {m} /qātil/
killer {n} (murderer) :: قاتل {m} /qātil/
killer whale {n} (A sea mammal, Orcinus orca) :: حوت قاتل {m} /ḥūt qātil/
killing {adj} (lethal, deadly, fatal) :: مميت /mumīt/, قاتل /qātil/
killing {n} (instance of someone being killed) :: قتل {m} /qatl/
kill two birds with one stone {v} (solve two problems at once) :: ضرب عصفورين بحجر واحد /ḍarab ʿuṣfūrayn bi-ḥajar wāḥid/ (to hit two sparrows with one stone)
kiln {n} (oven, furnace or heated chamber) :: فرن {m} /farn/
kilo {n} (short form of kilogram) :: كيلو {m} /kīlū/
kilobyte {n} (1024 bytes) :: كيلوبايت {m} /kilubayt/
kilogram {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 grams) :: كيلوغرام {m} /kīlūḡrām/
kilojoule {n} (an SI unit of energy) :: كيلوجول {m} /kīlūjūl/
kilometre {n} (unit of measure) :: كيلومتر {m} /kīlomitr/
Kim {prop} (male given name) :: كيم {m} /kīm/
Kim {prop} (Korean surname) :: كيم /kīm/
kimono {n} (traditional Japanese clothing) :: كيمونو /kīmūnū/
kin {n} (relatives collectively) :: أهل {m} /ʾahl/, أقارب {p} /ʾaqārib/
kin {n} (relative) SEE: relative ::
kind {n} (type, race, category) :: نوع
kind {adj} (affectionate, nice) :: حنون /ḥanūn/, لطيف /laṭīf/
kindergarten {n} (educational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6) :: رياض {m} /riyāḍ/, روضة {f} /rawḍa/, رياض أطفال {m} /riyāḍ ʾaṭfāl/, روضة أطفال {f} /rawḍa(t) ʾaṭfāl/
kindhearted {adj} (having an innately kind disposition or character) :: رقيق /raqīq/, شفوق /šafūq/, رقيق القلب /raqīq al-qalb/
kindle {v} (to start (a fire)) :: شعل /šaʿʿala/
kindness {n} (being kind) :: إحسان {m} /ʾiḥsān/
kindred {n} (kin) SEE: kin ::
kinesia {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
kinetosis {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
king {n} (a male of a royal family who is the supreme ruler of his nation) :: ملك {m} /malik/
king {n} (a playing piece in chess) :: ملك {m} /malik/
King Arthur {prop} (legendary king of Britain) :: الملك آرثر {m}
king cake {n} (cake eaten on Epiphany) :: كعكة عيد الغطاس {f} /kaʿka(t) ʿīd al-ḡaṭṭās/
kingdom {n} (realm having as supreme ruler a king and/or queen) :: مملكة {f} /mamlaka/
kingdom {n} (taxonomic division, below Domain and above Phylum) :: مملكة {f} /mamlaka/
Kingdom of Belgium {prop} (official name of Belgium) :: مملكة بلجيكا {f} /mamlaka(t) baljīkā/
Kingdom of Cambodia {prop} (official name of Cambodia) :: مملكة كامبوديا {f} /mamlaka(t) kāmbūdiyā/
Kingdom of Denmark {prop} (official name of Denmark) :: مملكة الدنمارك {f} /mamlaka(t) ad-danmārk/
Kingdom of England {prop} (Kingdom of England) :: مملكة إنجلترا /mamlakatu ʾinjiltirā/
Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} :: المملكة لبريطانيا العظمى /al-mamlaka(t) libirīṭāniyā l-ʿuẓmā/
Kingdom of Heaven {prop} (Christian concept) :: ملكوت السماوات /malakūt as-samāwāt/
Kingdom of Morocco {prop} (official name of Morocco) :: المملكة المغربية {f} /al-mamlaka(t) al-maḡribiyya/
Kingdom of Norway {prop} (official name of Norway) :: مملكة النرويج {f} /mamlaka(t) an-nurwīj/
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia {prop} (official name of Saudi Arabia) :: المملكة العربية السعودية {f} /al-mamlakatu l-ʿarabiyyatu s-saʿūdiyya/
Kingdom of Scotland {prop} (Kingdom of Scotland) :: مملكة إسكتلندا /mamlakatu ʾiskutlandā/
Kingdom of Spain {prop} (official name of Spain) :: مملكة إسبانيا {f} /mamlaka(t) ʾisbāniyā/
Kingdom of Sweden {prop} (official name of Sweden) :: مملكة السويد {f} /mamlakatu s-suwayd/
Kingdom of Thailand {prop} (official name of Thailand) :: مملكة تايلند {f} /mamlaka(t) tāyland/
Kingdom of the Netherlands {prop} (monarchy consisting of the Netherlands and the Caribbean independent constituent countries) :: مملكة هولندا {f} /mamlaka(t) hūlandā/
King Kong {prop} (a fictional giant ape) :: كينغ كونغ {m} /king kong/, كينغ كونغ {m} /kīnḡ kūnḡ/
king of kings {n} (king who has other kings as subjects, see also: shahanshah) :: ملك الملوك {m} /maliku l-mulūki/
Kingston {prop} (capital of Jamaica) :: كينغستون {m} /kinḡstun/
Kingstown {prop} (capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) :: كينغستاون {m} /kīnḡstāwun/
Kinshasa {prop} (the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo) :: كينشاسا {f} /kinšāsā/
kiosk {n} (enclosed structure where cigarettes, magazines, etc are sold) :: كشك {m} /kušk/
kip {n} (unit of currency in Laos) :: كيب {m} /kīb/
kipfel {n} (croissant) SEE: croissant ::
kippah {n} (skullcap) :: قبة {f} /qubba/, كبة {f} /kibba/
Kiribati {prop} (Republic of Kiribati) :: كيريباتي {m} /kiribātī/
Kirill {prop} (Cyril) SEE: Cyril ::
Kirill {prop} (Kirill, Russian male given name) :: كيريل /kiril/
Kirkuk {prop} (a city in northeast Iraq) :: كركوك {m} /Karkūk/
Kirov {prop} (Russian surname) :: كيروف {m} /kirūf/
Kirov {prop} (city in Russia) :: كيروف {m} /kirūf/
kismet {n} (fate; a predetermined or unavoidable destiny) :: قسمة {f} /qisma/
kiss {v} (to touch with the lips) :: قبل /qabbala/, باس /bāsa/ [colloquial], لثم /laṯama/
kiss {n} (touch with the lips) :: قبلة {f} /qubla/, بوسة {f} /bawsa/, بوسة {f} /būsa/ [colloquial]
kiss me {phrase} (kiss me) :: قبلني /qabbilnī/ [to a man], قبليني /qabbilīnī/ [to a woman]
Kiswahili {prop} (Swahili) SEE: Swahili ::
kit {n} (clothing) SEE: clothing ::
kitchen {n} (room) :: مطبخ {m} /maṭbaḵ/
kitchenette {n} (small kitchen) :: مطبخ صغير {m} /maṭbaḵ ṣaḡīr/
kitchen garden {n} (a garden used for growing fruits, vegetables for use in the kitchen) SEE: vegetable garden ::
kite {n} (bird of prey of the family Accipitridae) :: حدأة {f} /ḥadaʾa/
kite {n} (lightweight toy) :: طائرة ورقية {f} /ṭāʾira(t) waraqiyya/
kite {v} (to move rapidly) SEE: rush ::
kitsune {n} (Japanese fox spirit) :: كيتسونه
kitten {n} (a young cat) :: هريرة {f} /hurayra/
kiwi {n} (bird) :: كيوي {m} /kiwī/
kiwi {n} (kiwi fruit) SEE: kiwi fruit ::
kiwi fruit {n} (fruit) :: كيوي {m} /kīwī/
kleptomania {n} (disorder that causes an uncontrollable obsessions with stealing) :: مرض السرقة
Klingon {prop} (the language) :: كلينغونية {f} /klīnḡūniyya/
knead {v} (to work and press into a mass) :: دلك /dalaka/
kneading trough {n} (trough in which dough is kneaded) :: ماجور {m} /mājūr/
knee {n} (joint in the middle of the leg and area around it) :: ركبة {f} /rukba/
kneecap {n} (bone) :: رضفة {f} /raḍafa/
kneel {v} (to stoop down and rest on the knee) :: ركع /rakaʿa/, جثا /jaṯā/
kneepan {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap ::
Knesset {prop} (the Israeli parliament) :: الكنيست {m} /al-knīsit/
knickers {n} (panties) SEE: panties ::
knife {n} (utensil or tool designed for cutting) :: سكين {m} {f} /sikkīn/, مدية {f} /mudya/
knife {n} (weapon) :: خنجر {m} /ḵanjar/
knife {n} (any blade-like part designed for cutting) :: نصل {m} /naṣl/, شفرة {f} /šafra/
knifer {n} (someone who sells knives) :: سكاكيني /sakākīniyy/, سكان /sakkān/
knight {n} (warrior, especially of the Middle Ages) :: فارس {m} /fāris/
knight {n} (chess piece) :: حصان {m} /ḥiṣān/, فرس {m} /faras/
Königsberg {prop} (the former capital of East Prussia, see also: Kaliningrad) :: كونيغسبرغ {m} /kūnīḡsbarḡ/
Königsberger Klopse {n} (East Prussian dish of meatballs) :: كرات لحم كونيغسبرغ {f-p} /kurāt laḥmin kūnīḡsbarḡ/
knit {v} (to make fabric from thread or yarn) :: حاك /ḥāka/
knit one's brows {v} (to scowl, indicating anger, worry, or puzzlement) :: عبس /ʿabasa/
knock {v} (to rap one's knuckles against something) :: خبط /ḵabaṭa/, دق /daqqa/
knock back {v} (reject) SEE: reject ::
knock down {v} (demolish) SEE: demolish ::
knock oneself out {v} (go nuts) SEE: go nuts ::
knock on wood {interj} (hopefully; used when undertaking such a customary action) :: أمسك الخشب /ʾamsik al-ḵašaba/ (seize wood), [Lebanon] دق عالخشب /duqqa ʿālḵašaba/ (knock on wood)
Knossos {prop} (an archaeological site) :: كنوسوس {f} /knusus/, [archaic] أكنوس {f} /aknus/
knot {n} (looping) :: عقدة {f} /ʿuqda/
knot {n} (nautical unit of speed) :: عقدة {f} /ʿuqda/
knot {n} :: عقدة
knot {v} (form into a knot; tie with knot(s)) :: عقد /ʿaqada/
know {v} (be certain or sure about (something)) :: علم /ʿalima/, عرف /ʿarafa/
know {v} (be acquainted or familiar with) :: عرف /ʿarafa/
know {v} (have knowledge of) :: درى /darā/, عرف /ʿarafa/
know-how {n} (the knowledge and skill to be able to do something correctly) :: دراية {f} /dirāya/, براعة {f} /barāʿa/, مهارة {f} /mahāra/, حذق {m} /ḥiḏq/
knowledge {n} (fact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information) :: علم {m} /ʿilm/, معرفة {f} /maʿrifa/
knowledge {n} (awareness, state of having been informed) :: علم {m} /ʿilm/, معرفة {f} /maʿrifa/
knowledge is power {proverb} (knowledge is power) :: المعرفة هي القوة /al-maʿrifa hiya l-quwwa/
known {adj} (that whom other people know, renowned, famous) :: معلوم /maʿlūm/
knuckle {n} (joint of the finger) :: برجمة {f} /burjuma/, مفصل {m} /mafṣil/
knuckle duster {n} (weapon worn around the knuckles) SEE: brass knuckles ::
knucks {n} (brass knuckles) SEE: brass knuckles ::
koala {n} (a tree-dwelling marsupial that resembles a small bear) :: كوالا {f} /kuwalā/
Kobane {prop} :: عين العرب /ʿayn al-ʿarab/
Kobarid {prop} (town in Slovenia) :: كوباريد {m} /kūbārīd/
Kobe {prop} (a city in Honshū, Japan) :: كوبه {m} /kūbih/
Kochi {prop} (Kōchi, Japan) :: كوتشي {m} /kūchī/
Kodiak {prop} (town in Alaska) :: كودياك {m} /kawdiaak/
Kodiak bear {n} (large species of brown bear) :: دب كودياك {m} /dubb kudiak/
kofta {n} (meatball or meatloaf dish) :: كفتة /kufta/
Kofu {prop} (a city of Japan) :: كوفو {m} /kōfū/
kohl {n} (makeup) :: كحل /kuḥl/
Kola Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Russia) :: شبه جزيرة كولا {m} /šibh jazīra kōlā/
Kolkata {prop} (city) :: كالكوتا {f} /kalkūtā/, كلكتا {f} /kalkatā/
Kolyma {prop} (area) :: كوليما {f} /kolimā/
Komi {prop} (republic) :: كومي {m} /kūmī/
Komsomol {prop} (Young Communist League in the USSR) :: كومسومول {m} /kumsumūl/, كومسومول {m} /komsomol/, إتحاد الشبيبة الشيوعي {m} /ʾittiḥādu š-šabībati š-šuyūʿiyy/
Komsomolsk {prop} (Komsomolsk-na-Amure, Russia) :: كومسومولسك نا أموري {m} /kumsumūlsk-na-ʾamūrī/
Komsomolsk {prop} (Komsomolsk, towns and rural localities in Russia and Ukraine) :: كومسومولسك {m} /kumsumulsk/
Konkani {prop} (language) :: لغة الكونكانية /luḡat al-konkaniyya/
kookaburra {n} (kingfishers) :: كوكابورا
kopek {n} (one-hundredth of a ruble) :: كوپك {m} /kōpek/, كوبيك {m} /kubīk/
kopi luwak {n} (coffee made from eaten berries) :: قهوة الكوبي لواك
Koran {prop} (the Islamic holy book) SEE: Qur'an ::
Korea {prop} (South Korea) SEE: South Korea ::
Korea {prop} (North Korea) SEE: North Korea ::
Korea {prop} (ancient country or both Koreas as a whole) :: كوريا {f} /kōriyā/
Korean {adj} (relating to the Korean Peninsula) :: كوري /kōriyy/
Korean {n} (language) :: كوري {m} /kōriyy/, كورية {f} /kōriyya/
Korean {n} (person) :: كوري {m} /kōriyy/, كورية {f} /kōriyya/
kosher {adj} (in accordance with Jewish law) :: كوشر /kūšir/, كشر /kašir/
K'o-shih {prop} (Kashgar) SEE: Kashgar ::
Kosovo {prop} (disputed region in the Balkans) :: كوسوفو {m} /kūsūfū/, قوصوه {m} /qūṣuwuh/
Kostroma {prop} (city in Russia) :: كوستروما {f} /kustrumā/
koumiss {n} (fermented drink) :: كوميس {m} /kūmīs/
kowtow {v} (kneel such that forehead touches ground) :: سجد /sajada/, تملق /tamallaqa/, ركع /rakaʿa/
K-pop {n} (Korean pop music) :: كي بوب {m} /kē būb/, بوب كوري {m} /būb kūriyy/
Krasnodar {prop} (a city in Russia) :: كراسنودار {m} /krasnudār/
Krasnoyarsk {prop} (city) :: كراسنويارسك {m} /krasnuyarsk/
Kraut {n} (German) SEE: German ::
Kremlin {prop} (the Moscow Kremlin) :: الكرملين {m} /al-krimlin/
Krishna {prop} (avatar) :: كريشنا {m} /krīšnā/
Kris Kringle {prop} (synonym of Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus ::
Krung Thep {prop} (Bangkok) SEE: Bangkok ::
Krym {prop} (Crimea) SEE: Crimea ::
krypton {n} (a chemical element) :: كربتون {m} /kribtōn/
Kuala Lumpur {prop} (capital of Malaysia) :: كوالا لمبور {m} /kwālā lumbūr/
Kuang-chou {prop} (Guangzhou) SEE: Guangzhou ::
Kuang-tung {prop} (Guangdong) SEE: Guangdong ::
Kuban {prop} (the Kuban river) :: الكوبان {m} /al-kubān/
Kuei-lin {prop} (Guilin) SEE: Guilin ::
Kuei-yang {prop} (Guiyang) SEE: Guiyang ::
Kufic {adj} (Relating to original Arabic script) :: كوفي /kūfiyy/
Kufic {prop} (Original Arabic script) :: كوفي /kūfiyy/
Ku Klux Klan {prop} (Ku Klux Klan) :: كو كلوكس كلان {m} /kū kluks klān/
kulak {n} (prosperous peasant) :: كولاك {m} /kūlāk/, قولاق {m} /qūlāq/
Kumamoto {prop} (a city in Japan) :: كوماموتو {m} /kumamūtū/
Kumamoto {prop} (a prefecture in Japan) :: كوماموتو {m} /kumamūtū/
kumquat {n} (small orange fruit) :: برتقال ذهبي {m} /burtuqāl ḏahabiyy/
kuna {n} (currency of Croatia) :: كونا {f} /kūnā/
kung fu {n} (martial art) :: كونج فو {m} /kung fū/
K'un-ming {prop} (Kunming) SEE: Kunming ::
Kunming {prop} (a prefecture-level city in southwestern China) :: كونمينج {m} /kunming/, كونمينج {m} /kunming/, كونمينغ {m} /kunminḡ/, كونمينغ {m} /kunming/
Kurd {n} (a member of the people inhabiting Kurdistan) :: كردي /kurdiyy/
Kurdish {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Kurdistan, the Kurdish people or the Kurdish language) :: كردي /kurdiyy/
Kurdish {n} (language of Kurdistan) :: كردية {f} /kurdiyya/
Kurdistan {prop} (a region in the Middle East inhabited mostly by the Kurds) :: كردستان {m} /kurdistān/
Kurgan {prop} (city) :: كورغان {m} /kurḡān/
Kuril Islands {prop} (group of islands) :: جزر الكوريل {p} /juzur al-kurīl/
Kurosawa {prop} (surname) :: كوروساوا {m} {f} /kurusāwā/
Kursk {prop} (city in Russia) :: كورسك {m} /kūrsk/
kurta {n} (Indian shirt) :: قرطق
Kuwait {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: الكويت {f} /al-kuwayt/
Kuwait City {prop} (capital of Kuwait) :: مدينة الكويت {f} /madīna(t) al-kuwayt/
Kuwaiti {n} (A person from Kuwait or of Kuwaiti descent) :: كويتي {m} /kuwaytiyy/, كويتية {f} /kuwaytiyya/, كويتيون {m-p} /kuwaytiyyūn/
Kuwaiti {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Kuwait or the Kuwaiti people) :: كويتي /kuwaytiyy/
Kuwaitisation {n} (nationalising) :: تكويت {m} /takwīt/
Kuwaitise {v} (to make Kuwaiti) :: كوت /kawwata/
Kuwaitization {n} (Kuwaitisation) SEE: Kuwaitisation ::
kvass {n} (traditional Slavic drink) :: كفاس {m} /kfās/, كفاس {m} /kvās/
kyat {n} (unit of currency) :: كيات {m} /kyāt/
kyūjitai {n} (traditional form of Japanese kanji) :: شنجيتي
Kyoto {prop} (Kyōto, Japan) :: كيوتو {m} /kiyūtū/
Kyrgyz {n} (member of a Turkic people) :: قيرغيزي {m} /qīrḡīziyy/, قيرغيزية {f} /qīrḡīziyya/
Kyrgyz {prop} (language) :: قيرغيزية {f} /qīrḡīziyya/, قيرغيزي {m} /qīrḡīziyy/
Kyrgyz {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz people or the Kyrgyz language) :: قيرغيزي /qīrḡīziyy/
Kyrgyzstan {prop} (country in Central Asia) :: قيرغيزستان {f} /qirḡizistān/
Kyrgyzstani {n} (person of Kyrgyz origin) SEE: Kyrgyz ::
Kyrgyzstani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kyrgyz language) SEE: Kyrgyz ::
Kyōto {prop} (Kyoto) SEE: Kyoto ::
Kyushu {prop} (the third largest of Japan's islands) :: كيوشو {m} /kyūšū/
Kyzyl {prop} (city in Russia) :: كيزيل {m} /kizīl/