

to speak; to say; talk
to speak; to say; talk; word
certainly; must; will
certainly; must; will; necessarily
letter; true; to believe
letter; true; to believe; sign; evidence
to go; to do; capable
to go; to do; capable; all right; competent; OK; to travel; temporary; to walk; will do; behaviour; conduct; a row; profession; professional
certainly; must; will
certainly; must; will; necessarily
fruit; result
simp. and trad.



From the Analects, Book 13 (《論語·子路》):

[Classical Chinese, trad.]
[Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Analects of Confucius, c. 475 – 221 BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Zǐgòng wèn yuē: “Hérú sī kě wèi zhī ‘shì’ yǐ?” Zǐyuē: “Xíng jǐ yǒu chǐ, shǐ yú sìfāng, bù rǔ jūn mìng; kěwèi ‘shì’ yǐ.”
Yuē: “Gǎnwèn qícì.” Yuē: “Zōngzú chēng xiào yān, xiāngdǎng chēng tì yān.”
Yuē: “Gǎnwèn qícì.” Yuē: “Yán bì xìn, xíng bì guǒ, kēngkēng rán, xiǎorén zāi, yì yì kěyǐ wèi cì yǐ.”
Zigong asked, saying, "What qualities must a man possess to entitle him to be called an officer? The Master said, "He who in his conduct of himself maintains a sense of shame, and when sent to any quarter will not disgrace his prince's commission, deserves to be called an officer."
Zigong pursued, "I venture to ask who may be placed in the next lower rank?" And he was told, "He whom the circle of his relatives pronounce to be filial, whom his fellow villagers and neighbors pronounce to be fraternal."
Again the disciple asked, "I venture to ask about the class still next in order." The Master said, "They are determined to be sincere in what they say, and to carry out what they do. They are obstinate little men. Yet perhaps they may make the next class."






  1. Promises must be kept and action must be resolute. / Always be true in word and resolute in deed.

