Wiktionary:Translation requests/archive/2007-04

Can you please translate into hindi


Birth and death are a recurring natural phenomenon in our world. Man does not know for sure where he came from and where he is going. Those born are destined to die, rather they are born to die

janam aur mrityu iss duniya mein baar baar hone waali prakratik ghatnaaein hain. Manushya nahi jaanta ki woh kahaan se aaya hai aur kahan jaa raha hai. Jo janam lete hain unka marna nishchit hai, balki woh toh marne ke liye hi janme hain.

P.S - I hope this helps!



how do you do this fine morning?



can you translate "how are you this morning?"

Yes. --EncycloPetey 19:13, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Need help...


I am in need of assistance. I would like to translate a phrase but I am having a very hard time doing so. The phrase is "Every passing moment is another chance to turn it all around." I am looking for a Latin translation, or any translation for that matter. Can anyone assist???

Well, in Danish it would be approximately: "For hvert øjeblik der går, er der endnu en chance for at vende det hele om"

"For hvert" = For each "Øjeblik" = Moment "Der går" = That passes "Er der" = Is there "Endnu en chance" = Another change (another is split) "For at vende" = To turn" "Det hele" = It all "Om" = Around"

This would be pretty literal - to physical turn some objects upside down.

"For hvert øjeblik der går, er der encnu en chance for at vende rundt" would mean to walk back the way you came from. 18:40, 22 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

English sentences into Telugu


Sir, I wish to have translation of following sentences from English to Telugu :

1. I simply cannot go away from you, dear. 2. I have been here since morning/noon/evening/night. 3. I am yours only dear. 4. Come to me and let me take you to moon, honey. 5. From sunrise to sunset...from sunsent to moonrise, I am with you.

English to Khmer Translation


I need to translate the words,

' i have seen more than i remember and remember more than i have seen '

into Khmer, with the Khmer letters, i believe in english letters it would read,

'knjom barrn kherjn jrern jeang kjnom jong jarm, heuy knjom jong jarm jrern jeang ah vey ddel knjom barn kherjn'

but i am not sure whether this is correct.

translate from pinyin to english

Ji yi xiang you le yuan ban jing cai
wo men xiang dui lian ren xiang ai
xing fu shi ying gai bu hui shi dang ran
zhi guai wo men dou tai tan wan
si nian xiang yun duo ban rou ruan
er ni jing jing tang zai wo xiong huai
wo xiang shi ren xing zou shi de xiao hai
jin jin bao zhe gu dan
wo men dou ceng jing ming bai
ye dou ceng jing yi han
cuo guo le ai jiu nan yi chong lai
bu yao hai pa qu tan bai
pa rong yi bei ni chong huai
wang le gai yu bu gai
dao na li zhao hui zhen ai
zhao hui suo you yi han
ai de zhen xiang jiu neng gou jie kai
duo gei wo yi xie pian duan
pin cou wei zhi de yi wai
shi qu ji yi zui chu de ai
wo shi bei ni yi wang de jing cai
ni que dai zhe ji yi li kai
xin tiao shi wo men wei yi de hu han
ti xing wo men ceng jing xiang ai
ni de xiao xiang yang guang ban can lan
xiao xin yi yi cang zai wo kou dai
zai wo cui luo shi gei le wo wen nuan
shui ye wu fa qu dai
dan wo men dou ceng ming bai
ye dou ceng jing yi han
yi dan cuo guo jiu nan yi chong lai
bu yao hai pa qu tan bai
pa you rong yi bei chong huai
wang le gai yu bu gai
dao na li zhao hui zhen ai
zhao hui suo you yi han
ai de zhen xiang jiu neng you jie kai
duo gei wo yi xie pian duan
pin cou wei zhi de yi wai
shi qu ji yi zui chu de ai oh -- unsigned
zhēn ài
pu re lo ve
by: 183 Club
jìyì xiàng yóulèyuán bān jīngcǎi
me mo ries are as vi vid as a the me park
wǒmen xiàng duì liànrén xiāng'ài
we are a pair of lov ers who lo ve each oth er
xìngfú shì yīnggāi bùhuì shì dāngrán
hap pi ness is not some thing that should be tak en for gran ted
zhǐ guài wǒmen dōu tài tān wán
it is our fault for play ing a round too much
sīniàn xiàng yúnduǒ bān róuruǎn,
thoughts are soft like clouds
ér nǐ jìngjìng tǎng zài wǒ xiōnghuái
as you lay qui et ly in my arms
wǒ xiàng shì rènxìng zǒushī de xiǎohái
I am like a lost way ward child
jǐnjǐn bàozhe gūdān
who tight ly em bra ces his lon li ness
cho rus:
wǒmen dōu céngjīng míngbái
we both un der stood
yě dōu céngjīng yíhàn
and both ha ve re gret ted
cuòguò le ài, jiù nán yǐ chónglái
we ha ve mis treat ed lo ve and it will not co me back so ea si ly
bùyào hàipà qù tǎnbái
I should not be af raid to be frank
pà róngyì bèi nǐ chǒng huài
or be af raid that I might be ea si ly spoil ed by you
wàng le gāi yǔ bù gāi
I for got whe ther or not I should
dào nǎlǐ zhǎo huí zhēn ài
where can I go to get back true love
zhǎo huí suǒyǒu yíhàn
and get back all reg rets
ài de zhēnxiàng, jiù nénggòu jiěkāi
so that I can get at the truth ab out our lo ve
duō gěi wǒ yīxiē piànduàn
gi ve me so me mo re pie ces
pīncòu wèizhī de yìwài
so that I can pie ce to get her the un ex pec ted and un known
shīqù jìyì zuìchū de ài
I ha ve lost the me mo ries of our lo ve as it was in the be gin ning
wǒ shì bèi nǐ yíwàng de jīngcǎi
I am the ex cit ment that you ha ve for got ten
nǐ què dài zhe jìyì líkāi
but you ha ve left with yo ur me mo ries be hind
xīntiào shì wǒmen wéiyī de hūhǎn
the heart beat is our on ly way to shout
tíxǐng wǒmen céngjīng xiāng'ài
it re minds us of our pre vi ous mu tu al lo ve
nǐ de xiào xiàng yángguāng bān cànlàn
yo ur smi le is as bright as a ray of sun shi ne
xiǎoxīnyìyì cáng zài wǒ kǒudài
which is ca re ful ly hid ing in my poc ket
zài wǒ cuìruò shí gěi le wǒ wēnnuǎn
it gi ves me war mth when I am we ak
shéi yě wúfǎ qǔdài
and can be rep la ced by no o ne
dàn wǒmen dōu céngjīng míngbái
we both un der stood
yě dōu céngjīng yíhàn
and both ha ve re gret ted
yīdàn cuòguò, jiù nányǐ chóng lái
so me thing that has been ab us ed will not co me back so ea si ly
bùyào hàipà qù tǎnbái
I should not be af raid to be frank
pà róngyì bèi nǐ chǒng huài
or be af raid that I might be ea si ly spoil ed by you
wàng le gāi yǔ bù gāi
I for got whe ther or not I sho uld
dào nǎlǐ zhǎo huí zhēn ài
where can I go to get back true love
zhǎo huí suǒyǒu yíhàn
and get back all reg rets
ài de zhēnxiàng, jiù nénggòu jiěkāi
so that I can get at the truth ab out our lo ve
duō gěi wǒ yīxiē piànduàn
gi ve me so me mo re pie ces
pīncòu wèizhī de yìwài
so that I can pie ce to get her the un ex pec ted and un known
shīqù jìyì zuìchū de ài
I ha ve lost the me mo ries of our lo ve as it was in the be gin ning
I ho pe this helps. -- A-cai 06:57, 3 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

french words translate in english


what the meaning of "ne me quitte pas(french)" in english??

In English, ne me quitte pas means "do not leave me". —Stephen 01:16, 4 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

English to gaelic (irish) translation


I need to find a translation for "in loving memory" for a tattoo I am getting for my father who passed away a year and a half ago. Any help is greatly appreciated and God Bless You.

beauty in Arabic


how do you say beauty in arabic?

In Arabic, beauty is Template:ARchar (jamāl). —Stephen 01:13, 4 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I am learning russian, and i recognize облако, but I cannot remember what it means in English.

Also, this page needs a serious cleanup, Werndabot anybody?

Bearingbreaker92 20:33, 3 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Just follow the link and you will be enlightenend. —Stephen 00:38, 4 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

What is the Cree word for "Robin"


What is the Cree word for "Robin"

Cree for robin is peepee tsoo (peepee means bird). —Stephen 00:41, 4 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

cai fu xiao hai

What is "Happy Birthday!" in Vietnamese?


What is "Happy Birthday!" in Vietnamese?

That’s chúc mừng sinh nhật. —Stephen 12:34, 6 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Help me please to...


translate "True love never dies" in the Irish gaelic language



Can anyone give me the written form of



in Aramaic?

Its a girl


How do you say it's a girl in russian?

You could say "У нас родилась дочка!" (u nas rodilás dóchka = we have a girl!) or "У вас родилась дочка!" (u vas rodilás dóchka = you have a girl!) —Stephen 12:32, 6 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

дочка - means daughter... Girl is дebочка

The Chinese Cat in the Hat


How would you say "The cat in the hat" in Chinese. I've heard that "cat" and "hat" are both "mau".

猫在帽子 (māo zài màozi) —Stephen 12:43, 6 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
If you're looking for an official translation of the title of the Dr. Seuss book, there are two titles:
Hope this helps. -- A-cai 05:22, 3 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

salvation translated into telegu


salvation translated into telegu from english

In Telugu that’s ముక్తి (mukti). —Stephen 12:44, 6 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

English to Irish


How do you say "Good luck. We miss you already" in Irish

English to Aramaic or Sumerian Cuneiform


I am trying to get two phrases translated to aramaic for a religious unity design.

    "There is but one true God."
    "We are all children of the same God."

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This French term has a sense in mathematics or statistics (I don't remember which) given in the Grand Larousse. The French article doesn't help. Does anyone know the equivalent English? (I would be the person to ask, but I genuinely don't know.) — Paul G 08:35, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

My Collins French Dictionary translates it as plane. --EncycloPetey 19:12, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

English to Latin Translation


I would like an English to Latin Translation of the phrase " Under the Cross I am judged by my Lord. "

That would either be:
  • Sub cruce iudicor a Domino meo. (Under the cross I am being judged by my Lord.)
  • Sub cruce iudicabor a Domino meo. (Under the cross I shall be judged by my Lord.)
--EncycloPetey 19:10, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Enlighs to Aramaic Translation


Can you please translate "May the christ light protect me" from english to aramaic.

Many Thanks

ܢܘܪܐ ܕܡܫܝܚܐ ܢܓܢ ܥܠܝ
Shai 03:18, 16 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

How do you say Ilya in chinese?


How do you say Ilya in pinyin and in characters?

Traditional: 伊裡亞; Simplified: 伊里亚 (Yīlǐyà). —Stephen 19:57, 16 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Could someone be as kind as to put the conjugations of the verbs бежать and прыжок on their respective pages?

Bearingbreaker92 02:02, 16 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Uh, прыжок is a noun. —Stephen 20:00, 16 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Oh whoops, I meant прыгать Bearingbreaker92 22:38, 19 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

How do you say "Good Luck" in Combodian?

Translate "Good Luck" in Khmer

Good luck = Template:KMchar (somnāng la-or). —Stephen 12:29, 9 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

translate from english to Aramaic


to be born and to die

english to scots or gaelic


How do you say "God be thanked for the land of the Scots" in the language of Gaelic or Scots. All I know is "Bethankit" which means God be thanked. If someone could give me "for the land of the Scots" in the language of Scots, that would be awesome! :)

In Scots you can just say God be thankit for the land o' the Scots. For is sometimes spelled fer or fir in Scots. Note also that Scotland is sometimes referred to in Scots as the land o' cakes. Widsith 11:17, 23 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Request please


I request the following phrase: "To thine own self be true" to traditional Chinese & also japanese

Chinese: 做真實的自己 (zuò zhēnshí de zìjǐ)
Japanese: おのれに忠実であれ (onore ni mame de are) —Stephen 00:41, 27 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]