Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/7001-7500

  1. 校門校门 (xiàomén) (xiàomén) - school gate
  2. 複句复句 (fùjù) (fùjù) - sentence of two or more clauses
  3. (shuài) - lead,command
  4. 診所诊所 (zhěnsuǒ) (zhěnsuǒ) - clinic
  5. 準則准则 (zhǔnzé) (zhǔnzé) - guideline,formula,principle,practice,norm,rule of thumb,standard,verity,criterion,canon,touchstone,basis,guidepost,maxim
  6. 畫展画展 (huàzhǎn) (huàzhǎn) - art/paintings exhibition,art_exhibition,exhibition of paintings,art exhibition,art,paintings exhibition
  7. 絕望绝望 (juéwàng) (juéwàng) - give up all hope,despair
  8. 期刊 (qīkān) (qíkān) - journal,bulletin,periodical
  9. 裁判 (cáipàn) (cáipàn) - judge,referee,umpire
  10. 婦人妇人 (fùrén) (fùrén) - married woman
  11. 神祕神秘 (shénmì) (shénmì) - mysterious,mystical
  12. 荒謬荒谬 (huāngmiù) (huāngmiù) - absurd,preposterous
  13. 理會理会 (lǐhuì) (lǐhuì) - understand,comprehend,take notice of,pay attention to
  14. 院子 (yuànzi) (yuànzi5) - patio,court,courtyard,yard,compound
  15. 全身 (quánshēn) (quánshēn) - mutton,the whole body,em,whole body,mut
  16. 罷工罢工 (bàgōng) (bàgōng) - go on strike
  17. 仰賴仰赖 (yǎnglài) (yǎnglài) - look_to,rely_on,lie,lean,cling,rely on,repose_on,rest
  18. 絕望绝望 (juéwàng) (juéwàng) - give up all hope,despair
  19. 佈置布置 (bùzhì) (bùzhì) - arrange,fix up,assign
  20. 更改 (gēnggǎi) (gēnggǎi) - change,alter
  21. 佈置布置 (bùzhì) (bùzhì) - arrange,fix up,assign
  22. 幼蟲幼虫 (yòuchóng) (yòuchóng) - nit,embryo,grub,larva
  23. 瓦解 (wǎjiě) (wǎjiě) - disintegrate,collapse
  24. 入境 (rùjìng) (rùjìng) - enter a country
  25. 古董 (gǔdǒng) (gǔdǒng) - old fogey,curio,antique,virtu,vertu,bygone,bric-a-brac
  26. () () - short for Suzhou,short for Jiangsu province,short for former Soviet Union
  27. 嚴厲严厉 (yánlì) (yánlì) - stern,toughen,maul,severe
  28. (shì) - know,recognize
  29. 禪師禅师 (chánshī) (chánshī) - honorific title for a Buddhist monk,Zen master
  30. (cài) (cài) - Cai,Surname
  31. () () - open/set up,start,build
  32. 差點差点 (chàdiǎn) (chādiǎn) - almost
  33. 健保 (jiànbǎo) (jiànbǎo) - National Health Insurance
  34. 美化 (měihuà) (měihuà) - beautify,embellish
  35. 表格 (biǎogé) (biǎogé) - tabular array,tabulation,table,form,blank,tabular matter
  36. 穿著 (chuānzhuó) (chuānzhuó) - dress,apparel
  37. 建檔建档 (jiàndàng) (jiàndǎng) - place on file
  38. 思維思维 (sīwéi) (sīwéi) - thought,thinking
  39. 系主任 (xìzhǔrèn) (xìzhǔrèn) - academic administrator,dean,chairman
  40. 抗拒 (kàngjù) (kàngjù) - resist,defy
  41. 身長身长 (shēncháng) (shēncháng) - height (of person)
  42. 抗拒 (kàngjù) (kàngjù) - resist,defy
  43. 低頭低头 (dītóu) (dītóu) - submission,surrender,submit,bow/hang one's head,bow,crouch,lower,yield,hang one's head,bow one's head,lower one's head
  44. 往事 (wǎngshì) (wǎngshì) - past,the past,past events
  45. (huǐ) (huǐ) - destruction,ruin,slay,damage,slander,spoil,bugger up,burn up,refashion,make over,destroy,defame,demolish
  46. (è) - evil,wicked,vicious
  47. 華裔华裔 (huáyì) (huáyì) - foreign citizen of Ch. origin
  48. 窗戶窗户 (chuānghù) - window,casement
  49. 隕石陨石 (yǔnshí) (yǔnshí) - meteorite,meteor,aerolite,stony meteorite
  50. 週刊周刊 (zhōukān) (zhōukān) - supplement,weekly,weekly (publication)
  51. () () - morality,virtue,kindness
  52. 無可无可 (wúkě) (wúkě) - cannot
  53. 陽明山阳明山 (yángmíngshān) - Yangmingshan,mountain in Taiwan
  54. 發表會发表会 (fābiǎohuì) - news conference,briefing
  55. 高峰 (gāofēng) (gāofēng) - summit,apex,alp,vertex,acme,peak,height,pinnacle,high,all-time high
  56. 歌劇歌剧 (gējù) (gējù) - revue,melodrama,opus,operatic,opera
  57. 莊嚴庄严 (zhuāngyán) (zhuāngyán) - solemn,dignified,stately
  58. 祝福 (zhùfú) (zhùfú) - invoke blessing,wish happiness to
  59. 酒精 (jiǔjīng) (jiǔjīng) - ethanol,alcoholic,spirits of wine,alcohol,ardent spirits,ethyl alcohol,spirit,aqua vitae
  60. 毫無毫无 (háowú) (háowú) - not at all
  61. 出入 (chūrù) (chūrù) - come in and go out
  62. 布條布条 (bùtiáo) (bùtiáo) - list,strips of cloth
  63. 本土化 (běntǔhuà) (běntǔhuà) - indigenization
  64. 史料 (shǐliào) (shǐliào) - historical data/materials,materials,historical data,historical materials,annals
  65. 失誤失误 (shīwù) (shīwù) - mistake
  66. 再生 (zàishēng) (zàishēng) - be reborn,regenerate
  67. 中外 (zhōngwài) (zhōngwài) - China and foreign countries
  68. 預約预约 (yùyuē) (yūyuē) - make an appointment
  69. 文人 (wénrén) (wénrén) - man of letters, scholar, literati, civilian (vs. military)
  70. 總務處总务处 (zǒngwùchù) - general affairs section
  71. 出入 (chūrù) (chūrù) - come in and go out
  72. 天性 (tiānxìng) (tiānxìng) - natural instincts, nature
  73. 拓寬拓宽 (tuòkuān) (tuòkuān) - broaden
  74. (qiǎo) (qiǎo) - clever,intelligent,skillful,ingenious,artful,deceiving,pretty,cute,opportune,fortuitous,coincidental
  75. 務必务必 (wùbì) (wùbì) - by_any_means,always,must,should,be
  76. 預約预约 (yùyuē) (yūyuē) - make an appointment
  77. (jiǎng) - Jiang,Surname
  78. 反射 (fǎnshè) (fǎnshè) - reflect
  79. 示威 (shìwēi) (shìwēi) - put on show of force,demonstrate,march
  80. 返國返国 (fǎnguó) (fǎnguó) - return to one's country
  81. 角逐 (jiǎozhú) - contend,tussle
  82. 休假 (xiūjià) (xiūjià) - have holiday/vacation/leave
  83. 放進放进 (fàngjìn) (fàngjìn) - put in
  84. 好意思 (hǎoyìsī) - how can one have the nerve,how can one have the face,have the nerve
  85. 休假 (xiūjià) (xiūjià) - have holiday/vacation/leave
  86. 要件 (yàojiàn) (yàojiàn) - important document
  87. 成群 (chéngqún) (chéngqún) - cluster,in large numbers,in groups
  88. 建材 (jiàncái) (jiàncái) - fixture,fitting,building materials,structural member,building material
  89. 示威 (shìwēi) (shìwēi) - put on show of force,demonstrate,march
  90. 地獄地狱 (dìyù) (dìyū) - the pit,hell,infernal,pandemonium,abyss,underworld,ballyhack,Hades,hades,blaze,Sheol,infernal region,Gehenna,Tartarus,Avernus,Topheth,Tophet,heck,nether region,Scheol,Acheron,perdition,the lower regions,Abaddon,netherworld,Hel,Inferno,inferno,Hell
  91. 光榮光荣 (guāngróng) (guāngróng) - honor,glory,credit
  92. 光榮光荣 (guāngróng) (guāngróng) - honor,glory,credit
  93. 協辦协办 (xiébàn) (xiébàn) - do sth. jointly
  94. 協調會协调会 (xiétiáohuì) - consultation
  95. 目的地 (mùdìdì) (mùdìdì) - bourn,goal,destination,terminus,bourne
  96. 別墅别墅 (biéshù) (biéshù) - villa
  97. 迫使 (pòshǐ) (pòshǐ) - distress,obligate,intrude,exact,haze,enforce,feeze,pressure,tie_down,force,compel,enjoin,flog,insist,condemn,oblige,thrust,impel,necessitate,drive,hurl,sell_up,nail_down,make,corner
  98. 徘徊 (páihuái) - perambulate,fluctuate,roll,hesitation,mosey,pace up and down,tarry,divagate,peripatetic,roam,stray,vacillate,linger,hover,rove,cast,pace back and forth,cruise,stravage,dally,maunder,wander,loiter,stroll,stooge,waver,drift,on the prowl,range,swan,hang_around,prowl,vagabond,fluctuation,ramble,hesitate,traik,skulk
  99. 啟示启示 (qǐshì) (qǐshì) - apocalypse,illumination,revelation
  100. 莊嚴庄严 (zhuāngyán) (zhuāngyán) - solemn,dignified,stately
  101. (jiàng) - fall,drop,lower
  102. 贈送赠送 (zèngsòng) (zèngsòng) - present,complimentary,ladle,give_away,present ... as a gift,proffer,gift,give,present as gift,donate,compliment,give ... as a present
  103. 面談面谈 (miàntán) (miàntán) - discuss face to face
  104. 角逐 (jiǎozhú) - contend,tussle
  105. 便於便于 (biànyú) (biànyū) - easy to,convenient for
  106. 傢伙 (jiāhuo) (jiāhuǒ) - bastard,gent,bounder,gink,son-of-a-bitch,blighter,bod,heel,specimen,pistol,lad,cad,fellow,customer,implement,josser,dagger,gazabo,bleeder,blackguard,bozo,chappie,cat,joe,knocker,egg,jasper,bloke,merchant,gat,bugger,geezer,nabs,brother,feller,rascal,scout,dick,skate,hombre,cuss,jake,hound,cove,devil,dog,person,sirrah,beggar,fella,chap,guy,duck,buste
  107. 返國返国 (fǎnguó) (fǎnguó) - return to one's country
  108. 家用 (jiāyòng) (jiāyòng) - family used
  109. 風暴风暴 (fēngbào) (fēngbào) - tempest,roughness,firestorm,windstorm,squall,blow,tempestuousness,storm
  110. 秒鐘秒钟 (miǎozhōng) (miǎozhōng) - m.[standard]
  111. 柏林 (bólín) - Berlin
  112. 英國人英国人 (yīngguórén) (yīngguórén) - nabob,British people,John Bull,Britisher,Anglo-Saxon,pom,Briton,English people,Anglo,Englishman,English,English person,the English,Englishmen,Brit,British,Englander,pommy,Brits,the British,limey
  113. 面談面谈 (miàntán) (miàntán) - discuss face to face
  114. 拓寬拓宽 (tuòkuān) (tuòkuān) - broaden
  115. 嚴謹严谨 (yánjǐn) (yánjǐn) - rigorous,strict,compact,well-knit
  116. 嚴謹严谨 (yánjǐn) (yánjǐn) - rigorous,strict,compact,well-knit
  117. (huán) - give back,return,repay,give/do sth. in return
  118. 再生 (zàishēng) (zàishēng) - be reborn,regenerate
  119. 朝向 (cháoxiàng) (cháoxiàng) - head,face,look,confront,front,facing,point,steer,take,orient,tend,fasten,make,turn towards,turn
  120. 震驚震惊 (zhènjīng) (zhènjīng) - shock,amaze,astonish
  121. 繁忙 (fánmáng) (fánmáng) - busy
  122. 歌謠歌谣 (gēyáo) (gēyáo) - nursery rhyme,folk_song,song,lay,derry,folk song,ditty,ballad
  123. 預測预测 (yùcè) (yūcè) - forecast
  124. 震驚震惊 (zhènjīng) (zhènjīng) - shock,amaze,astonish
  125. 電視機电视机 (diànshìjī) (diànshìjī) - set,idiot_box,tv,goggle-box,idiot box,television receiver/set,teleset,television set,television receiver,TV set,goggle_box,tv set,goggle box,boob tube,receiver,telly,television
  126. 標榜标榜 (biāobǎng) (biāobǎng) - excessively praise,parade,glorify,advertisement,boast,boost,advertise,flaunt
  127. 澄清 (chéngqīng) - clear up,clarify
  128. 繁忙 (fánmáng) (fánmáng) - busy
  129. 工作者 (gōngzuòzhě) (gōngzuòzhě) - worker
  130. (jià) (jià) - marry (of a woman)
  131. 虛無虚无 (xūwú) (xūwú) - nothingness
  132. 評核评核 (pínghé) (pínghé) - examine and comment
  133. 解嚴解严 (jiěyán) (jiěyán) - end martial law,lift curfew
  134. 路徑路径 (lùjìng) (lùjìng) - path,lane,pathway,ways and means,route,footpath,method,way,career
  135. 遊樂區游乐区 (yóulèqū) - playground
  136. 澄清 (chéngqīng) - clear up,clarify
  137. 心血 (xīnxuè) (xīnxiě) - painstaking care/effort
  138. 關節关节 (guānjié) (guānjié) - joint
  139. 邁入迈入 (màirù) (màirù) - stride forward
  140. 讚美赞美 (zànměi) (zànměi) - praise,eulogize
  141. (guān) (guān) - pass,barrier,crux,critical juncture,turning/key point,key part
  142. 賽程赛程 (sàichéng) (sàichéng) - contest schedule/agenda
  143. 支配 (zhīpèi) (zhīpèi) - arrange, allocate, budget, control, dominate, govern
  144. 小提琴 (xiǎotíqín) (xiǎotíqín) - violin
  145. 誤解误解 (wùjiě) (wùjiě) - misunderstanding
  146. 人民日報人民日报 (rénmínrìbào) - The People's Daily
  147. 台語 (táiyǔ) (táiyǔ) - Min,Taiwanese(Language),Formosan,Min dialect,Hokkianese,Taiwanese,Fukkianese,Amoy,Fukien
  148. 不定 (bùdìng) (búdìng) - uncertain,indeterminate,indefinite,undetermined
  149. 山坡 (shānpō) (shānpō) - hillside, mountain slope
  150. 不等 (bùděng) (bùděng) - disparity
  151. 大雨 (dàyǔ) (dàyǔ) - heavy rain
  152. 小鎮小镇 (xiǎozhèn) (xiǎozhèn) - whistle_stop
  153. 上來上来 (shànglái) (shànglái) - come_up,come up
  154. 引擎 (yǐnqíng) (yǐnqíng) - engine
  155. 解嚴解严 (jiěyán) (jiěyán) - end martial law,lift curfew
  156. 木材 (mùcái) (mùcái) - patina,heartwood,wood,stuff,lumber,cabinet wood,timber
  157. 芝加哥 (Zhījiāgē) (zhījiāgē) - Chicago
  158. 易於易于 (yìyú) (yìyū) - be apt to
  159. 後代后代 (hòudài) (hòudài) - descendant,posterity,descendants,later generations,ages,limb,later ages,get,descendent,later periods,offspring,later periods in history,progeny
  160. 拚命 (pànmìng) (pànmìng) - risk life,make death-defying effort
  161. 祈禱祈祷 (qídǎo) (qídǎo) - pray
  162. 板橋板桥 (bǎnqiáo) (bǎn) - wooden bridge,Banchiau (city in Taiwan)
  163. 拜拜 (bàibài) - bow down
  164. 祈禱祈祷 (qídǎo) (qídǎo) - pray
  165. 殿堂 (diàntáng) (diàntáng) - mansion,manse,hall,palace,temple,residence,mansion house
  166. 相傳相传 (xiāngchuán) (xiāngchuán) - tradition has it that...,according to legend,pass on from one to another,hand down from one to another,hand down or pass on from one to another
  167. 偵訊侦讯 (zhēnxùn) (zhēnxùn) - interrogation,investigate and interrogate
  168. 汙染污染 (wūrǎn) (wūrǎn) - pollution
  169. 更何況更何况 (gènghékuàng) (gènghékuàng) - much less,let alone,all the more
  170. (hǎo) - conj.: so as to,so that
  171. (zhù) (zhù) - aid,assist,assistance,help
  172. 取材 (qǔcái) (qǔcái) - select material (for book/etc.)
  173. 抽出 (chōuchū) (chōuchū) - elicit,run_out,put forth (of certain plants),take out,obtain by drawing,slide,take out (from in between),take (part from whole),draw,perm,whop,etc.,pull,get out,take ... out from in between,draw_out,reel,spare,pull out
  174. 重疊重叠 (chóngdié) (chóngdié) - telescope,duplicate,superpose,overlap,repeated,lap
  175. 長久以來长久以来 (chángjiǔyǐlái) - long ago,long_since,lang syne,for a long time,long since
  176. 骨頭骨头 (gǔtóu) - os,strong character,bone,character,person of a certain character
  177. 感想 (gǎnxiǎng) (gǎnxiǎng) - sentiment,reflections,feeling,thoughts,impressions,impression
  178. 索取 (suǒqǔ) (suǒqǔ) - scrounge,extort,subpoena,obtain,charge,demand,exact,ask for
  179. 起初 (qǐchū) (qǐchū) - initio,ab initio,first,primarily,early,in_the_beginning,originally,at_first,in the beginning,initially,at the start,at first,early on
  180. 神聖神圣 (shénshèng) (shénshèng) - sacred,holy
  181. (tàn) - explore,stretch forward,visit,look for,call on,sound,stretch,stretch/pop forward,try to find out,survey,exploration,sounding,pop forward,pay a call on
  182. (pèi) (pèi) - match,find sth. to fit/replace sth. else,deserve,be worthy of,be qualified,compound,mix
  183. 莫大 (mòdà) (mòdà) - greatest,utmost
  184. 美元 (měiyuán) (měiyuán) - U.S. dollar
  185. 參展参展 (cānzhǎn) (cānzhǎn) - participate in exhibition
  186. 前衛前卫 (qiánwèi) (qiánwèi) - avant-garde
  187. (lèi) - tear,lachrymal,teardrop,brine,eyewater
  188. 都會都会 (dūhuì) (dūhuì) - big city,city,metropolis
  189. (shǎn) (shǎn) - sprain,get out of the way,wink,shine,leave behind,have mishap,twist,sparkle,dodge,flash
  190. 參展参展 (cānzhǎn) (cānzhǎn) - participate in exhibition
  191. 強勁强劲 (qiángjìng) (qiángjìn) - strong,forceful,sturdy,powerful
  192. 清醒 (qīngxǐng) (qīngxǐng) - waken,wake up,sober up,be wide-awake,be clear-headed,wide-awake,wake,be sober,awaken,be sober/wide-awake,sober,come alive,awake,come to,regain consciousness,arouse,sober_up
  193. 拿去 (náqù) - eloign,collar,take something to,take_away,take away
  194. 華僑华侨 (huáqiáo) (huá) - overseas Chinese
  195. 消基會消基会 (xiāojīhuì) - Consumer's Foundation
  196. 活躍活跃 (huóyuè) (huóyuè) - animate,kick around,active,invigoration,knock_about,cavort,enliven,vitalize,knock about,energize,flourish,invigorate,brighten,kick about,vitalization,vivify,move
  197. 規範规范 (guīfàn) (guīfàn) - direct,formulate
  198. 衍生 (yǎnshēng) (yǎnshēng) - derive,form
  199. 東北东北 (dōngběi) (dōngběi) - Northeast China,Manchuria
  200. 房價房价 (fángjià) (fángjià) - house/apartment purchase price,house purchase price,apartment purchase price,house
  201. 異國异国 (yìguó) (yìguó) - foreign country
  202. (cháo) (cháo) - nest,lair
  203. 覓食觅食 (mìshí) (mìshí) - forage,scavenge,look for food,forage (of animals)
  204. 設廠设厂 (shèchǎng) - build a factory
  205. 更多 (gèngduō) - more
  206. 通車通车 (tōngchē) (tōngchē) - be open to traffic,have transport service
  207. 明知 (míngzhī) (míngzhī) - know perfectly well,be fully aware
  208. 特權特权 (tèquán) (tèquán) - regalia,privilege,charter,freedom,vested interest,exclusive right,franchise,perquisite,liberty,peculiar,exclusive,prerogative,vested_interest,faculty,indulgence
  209. 通話通话 (tōnghuà) (tōnghuà) - converse,communicate by telephone
  210. 起步 (qǐbù) (qǐbù) - start (a task)
  211. 拿出來拿出来 (náchūlái) - take_out,take out
  212. 通話通话 (tōnghuà) (tōnghuà) - converse,communicate by telephone
  213. (duī) (duī) - pile/heap up
  214. 率先 (shuàixiān) (shuàixiān) - take lead/initiative
  215. 起步 (qǐbù) (qǐbù) - start (a task)
  216. 設廠设厂 (shèchǎng) - build a factory
  217. 地坪 (dìpíng) (dìpíng) - terrace,floor
  218. 自認自认 (zìrèn) (zìrèn) - avow,be conscious,own,aware,resign oneself to,accept as unavoidable
  219. 投注 (tóuzhù) (tóuzhù) - throw into,throw one's energy/emotion into,throw one's emotion into,throw one's energy into,mortgage,emotion into,throw one's energy
  220. 羽毛 (yǔmáo) (yǔmáo) - plumage,feathering,plume,feather
  221. 巡視巡视 (xúnshì) (xúnshì) - make inspection tour
  222. 供水 (gōngshuǐ) (gōngshuǐ) - supply water
  223. 好比 (hǎobǐ) (hǎobǐ) - like,may be likened to,be just like,can be compared to
  224. (qiú) (qiú) - request,entreat
  225. 紅血球红血球 (hóngxuèqiú) (hóngxiěqiú) - red_blood_cell,erythrocyte,red blood cell
  226. 血壓血压 (xuèyā) (xiěyā) - blood pressure
  227. 社會局社会局 (shèhuìjú) - Department of Social Welfare
  228. 巡視巡视 (xúnshì) (xúnshì) - make inspection tour
  229. 好萊塢好莱坞 (hǎoláiwù) - Hollywood
  230. 成品 (chéngpǐn) (chéngpǐn) - end,end product,turnoff,end/finished product,finished product,facture
  231. 相對論相对论 (xiāngduìlùn) (xiāngduìlùn) - relativity,theory of relativity,relativism,relativistic,theory_of_relativity
  232. 病變病变 (bìngbiàn) (bìngbiàn) - pathology
  233. 建築建筑 (jiànzhù) (jiànzhú) - build,construct,erect
  234. 衍生 (yǎnshēng) (yǎnshēng) - derive,form
  235. (xióng) (xióng) - male,grand,imposing,powerful,mighty
  236. 供水 (gōngshuǐ) (gōngshuǐ) - supply water
  237. 不平 (bùpíng) (bùpíng) - dissatisfaction
  238. 通車通车 (tōngchē) (tōngchē) - be open to traffic,have transport service
  239. 總部总部 (zǒngbù) (zǒngbù) - base of operations,head office,armory,base,headquarters
  240. 遭遇 (zāoyù) (zāoyū) - vicissitudes of life
  241. 遷移迁移 (qiānyí) (qiānyí) - move,remove,migrate
  242. 腐敗腐败 (fǔbài) (fǔbài) - rotten,putrid,decayed,corrupt
  243. 不平 (bùpíng) (bùpíng) - dissatisfaction
  244. 市中心 (shìzhōngxīn) (shìzhōngxīn) - central city,municipal center,down_town,core city,city center,civic center,hub,civic_center,down town,town
  245. 公所 (gōngsuǒ) (gōngsuǒ) - public affairs office,administrative office
  246. 歌唱 (gēchàng) (gēchàng) - sing
  247. 不以為然不以为然 (bùyǐwéirán) (bùyǐwéirán) - disagree,not approve of,acceptable,object to,consider sth. not so,take exception to,right
  248. 說出來说出来 (shuōchūlái) - come out with,speak up
  249. 出色 (chūsè) (chūsè) - outstanding,remarkable,splendid
  250. 出發點出发点 (chūfādiǎn) (chūfādiǎn) - terminus a quo,base,takeoff,starting_point,start,starting_post,beachhead,springboard,starting,starting point,starting post
  251. 工業局工业局 (gōngyèjú) - Industrial Development Bureau
  252. 土木 (tǔmù) (tǔmù) - girder,construction,building
  253. 中藥中药 (zhōngyào) (zhōngyào) - trad. Ch. medicine
  254. 工夫 (gōngfū) - workmanship,skill,art
  255. 藍圖蓝图 (lántú) (lántú) - pattern,blueprint,cyanotype,design,project outline
  256. 糟糕 (zāogāo) (zāogāo) - terrible,Too bad!,What a mess!
  257. 女朋友 (nǔpéngyǒu) - jane,girl,girl friend,lady friend,girlfriend,amie
  258. 腐敗腐败 (fǔbài) (fǔbài) - rotten,putrid,decayed,corrupt
  259. (rěn) (rěn) - forbear,endure,put up with,be hardhearted enough to,hold back,bear,bide,toleration,tolerate,have the heart to,tolerance
  260. 發佈发布 (fābù) (fābù) - issue,announce
  261. 發佈发布 (fābù) (fābù) - issue,announce
  262. 搬到 (bāndào) - move
  263. 菁英 (jīngyīng) (jīngyīng) - elite,person of outstanding ability
  264. 頒獎颁奖 (bānjiǎng) (bānjiǎng) - present reward/honor
  265. 頒獎颁奖 (bānjiǎng) (bānjiǎng) - present reward/honor
  266. (yāo) - particle: expressing exclamation/warning/negative evaluation/etc.
  267. 遷移迁移 (qiānyí) (qiānyí) - move,remove,migrate
  268. (lún) (lún) - m.[event]
  269. 起碼起码 (qǐmǎ) (qǐmǎ) - at least
  270. 親眼亲眼 (qīnyǎn) (qīnyǎn) - with one's own eyes, personally
  271. 談話谈话 (tánhuà) (tánhuà) - talk,chat
  272. 綽號绰号 (chuòhào) (chuòhào) - nickname
  273. 歌唱 (gēchàng) (gēchàng) - sing
  274. 疑慮疑虑 (yílǜ) (yílù) - misgivings,doubts
  275. 頻寬频宽 (pínkuān) (pínkuān) - channel capacity,broadband
  276. 寧願宁愿 (nìngyuàn) (níngyuàn) - prefer,(would) rather,better,choose
  277. 餐飲餐饮 (cānyǐn) (cānyǐn) - catering,foods,table
  278. 善惡善恶 (shàn'è) (shànè) - good and evil
  279. 定義定义 (dìngyì) (dìngyì) - define
  280. 高市 (gāoshì) - Kaohsiung city (a city in Taiwan)
  281. 起飛起飞 (qǐfēi) (qǐfēi) - take off (of planes/etc.)
  282. 追尋追寻 (zhuīxún) (zhuīxún) - pursue,search,track down
  283. 起飛起飞 (qǐfēi) (qǐfēi) - take off (of planes/etc.)
  284. 國度国度 (guódù) (guódù) - country,state,nation,national expenditure
  285. () () - introducing instrument or target
  286. 深感 (shēngǎn) (shēngǎn) - feel deeply
  287. 神明 (shénmíng) (shénmíng) - god,gods,divinities,deity,deities,divinity
  288. 情侶情侣 (qínglǚ) (qínglǔ) - sweethearts,lovers
  289. 透過透过 (tòuguò) (tòuguò) - seep through
  290. 進場进场 (jìnchǎng) (jìnchǎng) - march into arena
  291. 擔憂担忧 (dānyōu) (dānyōu) - be apprehensive
  292. 聖經圣经 (shèngjīng) (shèngjīng) - Holy Scripture,bible,Word of God,Holy Bible,scriptural,Vulgate,Holy_Writ,testimony,book,writings of ancient sages,version,Holy Writ,Scripture,Word,scripture,Bible,Good Book
  293. 崩潰崩溃 (bēngkuì) (bēngkuì) - collapse,fall apart
  294. 意圖意图 (yìtú) (yìtú) - intention,intent
  295. 節約节约 (jiéyuē) (jiéyuē) - economize,save
  296. 訴說诉说 (sùshuō) (sùshuō) - tell,relate,recount
  297. 善意 (shànyì) (shànyì) - good_faith,grace,good intention,benevolence,love,goodwill,good will
  298. 黑暗 (hēi'àn) (hēiàn) - dark aspect,seamy side
  299. 傷口伤口 (shāngkǒu) (shāngkǒu) - wound,cut
  300. 節約节约 (jiéyuē) (jiéyuē) - economize,save
  301. 黑面琵鷺黑面琵鹭 (hēimiànpílù) - Black-faced Spoonbill
  302. 援助 (yuánzhù) (yuánzhù) - support,aid
  303. 進場进场 (jìnchǎng) (jìnchǎng) - march into arena
  304. 維他命维他命 (wéitāmìng) (wéitāmìng) - calciferol,vitamine,vitamin
  305. 運轉运转 (yùnzhuǎn) (yùnzhuǎn) - revolve,turn round,work,operate
  306. 指稱指称 (zhǐchēng) (zhǐchēng) - assert,declare,profess
  307. (guāi) (guāi) - be at variance,well-behaved,obedient,oppose
  308. 改編改编 (gǎibiān) (gǎibiān) - adapt,rearrange,revise
  309. 決心决心 (juéxīn) (juéxīn) - decide,make up one's mind
  310. 忠告 (zhōnggào) - remonstrance,remonstration,monition,wind,admonishment,sincere advice,tip,steer,advice,advert,lead,rede,dehortation,expostulation,counsel,hint,admonition,exhortation,confidential information,pointer
  311. 改編改编 (gǎibiān) (gǎibiān) - adapt,rearrange,revise
  312. 佳作 (jiāzuò) (jiāzuò) - fine piece of writing,excellent work
  313. 法師法师 (fǎshī) (fǎshī) - exorcist,reverend,rabbi,enchanter,monk,a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest,magus,Master (title for Buddhist/Daoist priest),Master,master,Master (title for Buddhist,Daoist priest)
  314. () () - carve,engrave,cut
  315. 彷彿彷佛 (fǎngfú) (fǎngfú) - seem,as if
  316. 指稱指称 (zhǐchēng) (zhǐchēng) - assert,declare,profess
  317. 面孔 (miànkǒng) (miànkǒng) - phiz,face,physiognomy
  318. 浪潮 (làngcháo) (làngcháo) - moving ridge,wave,tide
  319. 研商 (yánshāng) (yánshāng) - study and discuss
  320. 貫徹贯彻 (guànchè) (guànchè) - carry out,implement
  321. 美商 (měishāng) (měishāng) - American business man,American merchants
  322. 香蕉 (xiāngjiāo) (xiāngjiāo) - banana
  323. 香味 (xiāngwèi) (xiāngwèi) - spicery,incense,redolence,odor,aroma,spiciness,sweetness,fragrance,flavor,bouquet,sapidness,flavour,sapidity,perfume,spice,smell,snuff,scent,fragrancy,balm,nose,zest
  324. 信號信号 (xìnhào) (xìnhào) - sign,cue,beacon,code,beacon fire,messenger,signal,semaphore,signaling,waft
  325. 恐龍恐龙 (kǒnglóng) (kǒnglóng) - carnosaur,tyrannosaurus,Titanosaurus,dinosaur,dinosaurian
  326. 研商 (yánshāng) (yánshāng) - study and discuss
  327. 流血 (liúxuè) (liúxiě) - shed blood,hemorrhage,bloody,bleed
  328. 長城长城 (Chángchéng) (chángchéng) - impregnable bulwark,the Great Wall,Great Wall
  329. 食堂 (shítáng) (shítáng) - mess_hall,eatery,hall,buttery,commissariat,(institutional) dining room,mess hall,mess,refectory,dining room,canteen
  330. 最少 (zuìshǎo) (zuìshǎo) - minimum
  331. (xié) - oblique,inclined,tilted
  332. 業餘业余 (yèyú) (yèyū) - unpaid,dilettante,amateur,recreational
  333. 空前 (kōngqián) (kōngqián) - unprecedented
  334. 寶座宝座 (bǎozuò) (bǎozuò) - throne
  335. 運轉运转 (yùnzhuǎn) (yùnzhuǎn) - revolve,turn round,work,operate
  336. () () - move with hand/foot/stick/etc.,turn,stir,poke
  337. 體貼体贴 (tǐtiē) (tǐtiē) - be considerate, be thoughtful
  338. 轉身转身 (zhuǎnshēn) (zhuǎnshēn) - turn round,go_about,face about,turn
  339. 壞事坏事 (huàishì) (huàishì) - rascality,evildoing,misdoing,villainy,roguery,bad thing,malfeasance,evil deed,caper
  340. 大展 (dàzhǎn) (dàzhǎn) - exhibition
  341. () () - jade
  342. 民營化民营化 (mínyínghuà) (mínyínghuà) - denationalize,privatize
  343. 大舉大举 (dàjǔ) (dàjǔ) - go_all_out,on a large scale,in a large scale,in a big way,(do sth.) on a large scale
  344. 上揚上扬 (shàngyáng) (shàngyáng) - rise
  345. 上揚上扬 (shàngyáng) (shàngyáng) - rise
  346. 大半 (dàbàn) (dàbàn) - det.: more than half
  347. 不動產不动产 (bùdòngchǎn) (búdòngchǎn) - immovable,demesne,real estate,movable,estate,realty,immovables,reality,real property,freehold,real_estate,hereditament,real_property
  348. 一塊一块 (yīkuài) (yīkuài) - at same place,together
  349. 聚會聚会 (jùhuì) (jùhuì) - get-together,gathering
  350. 公關公关 (gōngguān) (gōngguān) - person in public relations
  351. 寫成写成 (xiěchéng) - write
  352. 鼓舞 (gǔwǔ) (gǔwǔ) - inspire,hearten,dance for joy,rejoice
  353. 聯合會联合会 (liánhéhuì) (liánhéhuì) - union,league,federation
  354. 學長学长 (xuézhǎng) (xuézhǎng) - fellow student,department/division head in college/university,one's senior at school
  355. 樹枝树枝 (shùzhī) (shùzhī) - branch,twig
  356. 綠化绿化 (lǜhuà) (lùhuà) - make (a place) green,afforest
  357. 頭部头部 (tóubù) (tóubù) - costard,crest,caput,head,nose,top section
  358. 綠化绿化 (lǜhuà) (lùhuà) - make (a place) green,afforest
  359. 賭博赌博 (dǔbó) (dǔbó) - gamble
  360. 中途 (zhōngtú) (zhōngtú) - halfway,midstream,midway
  361. 鼓舞 (gǔwǔ) (gǔwǔ) - inspire,hearten,dance for joy,rejoice
  362. 貪污贪污 (tānwū) (tānwū) - corrupt,venal
  363. 高明 (gāomíng) (gāomíng) - brilliant,wise
  364. 深入 (shēnrù) (shēnrù) - go deep into,penetrate into
  365. () () - abandonment,abandon,discard,throw away
  366. 財源财源 (cáiyuán) (cáiyuán) - financial resources,source of revenue
  367. 處置处置 (chǔzhì) (chǔzhì) - deal with,manage,dispose of,punish
  368. 專屬专属 (zhuānshǔ) (zhuānshǔ) - be specific to
  369. 處置处置 (chǔzhì) (chǔzhì) - deal with,manage,dispose of,punish
  370. 洽談洽谈 (qiàtán) (qiàtán) - hold trade talk,negotiate
  371. 國中生国中生 (guózhōngshēng) - students of junior high school
  372. 突破 (tūpò) (túpò) - breakthrough,penetration
  373. 降至 (jiàngzhì) (jiàngzhì) - drop to,fall to
  374. 信託信托 (xìntuō) (xìntuō) - entrust
  375. 貪污贪污 (tānwū) (tānwū) - corrupt,venal
  376. 假使 (jiǎshǐ) (jiǎshǐ) - conj.: if,in case,in the event that
  377. 張開张开 (zhāngkāi) (zhāngkāi) - gap,yawn,gape,dehisce,unfold,open,spread,yaw,splay
  378. 單打单打 (dāndǎ) (dāndǎ) - play by oneself
  379. 停車位停车位 (tíngchēwèi) (tíngchēwèi) - parking spot
  380. (bǎng) (bǎng) - bind,tie,bind sb.'s hands behind him,truss up
  381. (tián) (tián) - writing,fill in,stuff,write,fill,close,charge,fill up
  382. 貴賓贵宾 (guìbīn) (guìbīn) - honored guest,VIP,visiting fireman,visitant,honoured guest,distinguished guest,visiting_fireman,honored/distinguished guest,honored
  383. 葡萄 (pútáo) (pútáo) - grape
  384. 隔壁 (gébì) (gébì) - next door
  385. 沿岸 (yán'àn) (yánàn) - coast,banks,seacoast,bank
  386. 光華光华 (guānghuá) (guānghuá) - resplendence,splendor,brilliance,splendour,resplendency,glory
  387. 傾倒倾倒 (qīngdào) - pour
  388. (hùn) - fool/play around together
  389. 束縛束缚 (shùfù) (shùfú) - tie up,fetter
  390. 朝廷 (cháotíng) (cháotíng) - imperial government,royal,court,courtly,royal government,government,royal/imperial court/government,imperial court,royal court
  391. (liǎng) - m.[standard]
  392. 低落 (dīluò) (dīluò) - low,downcast
  393. 字典 (zìdiǎn) (zìdiǎn) - lexicon,wordbook,lexical,thesaurus,chararter dictionary,dictionary
  394. 如意 (rúyì) (rúyì) - as one wishes
  395. 注目 (zhùmù) (zhùmù) - notice,fix one's eyes on,fix eyes on,rivet,remark,gaze at
  396. 色調色调 (sèdiào) (sèdiào) - hue,tincture,tint,nuance,tonality,tone,chromaticity,tinct,dye,key,shade
  397. 冷漠 (lěngmò) (lěngmò) - cold and detached,unconcerned,indifferent
  398. 低落 (dīluò) (dīluò) - low,downcast
  399. 供需 (gōngxū) (gōngxū) - supply and demand
  400. (gào) - accuse,go to law against
  401. 例外 (lìwài) (lìwài) - excepted
  402. 作物 (zuòwù) (zuòwù) - crop
  403. 洽談洽谈 (qiàtán) (qiàtán) - hold trade talk,negotiate
  404. 但願但愿 (dànyuàn) (dànyuàn) - wish,if only...,I wish that...,may,might
  405. 束縛束缚 (shùfù) (shùfú) - tie up,fetter
  406. 任內任内 (rènnèi) (rènnèi) - during term of office
  407. 奇異奇异 (qíyì) (qíyì) - bizarre,freak,odd,queer,fantastic,strange
  408. 冷漠 (lěngmò) (lěngmò) - cold and detached,unconcerned,indifferent
  409. 交互 (jiāohù) (jiāohù) - each other,mutual,alternately,in turn
  410. 即已 (jíyǐ) - already
  411. 典範典范 (diǎnfàn) (diǎnfàn) - quintessence,nonpareil,example,specimen,nonsuch,apotheosis,ideal,nonesuch,prototype,monument,paragon,role model,soul,saint,model
  412. 剖析 (pōuxī) (pǒuxī) - analyze,dissect
  413. 紅茶红茶 (hóngchá) (hóngchá) - tea,bohea,black_tea,black tea
  414. 剖析 (pōuxī) (pǒuxī) - analyze,dissect
  415. 官兵 (guānbīng) (guānbīng) - officers and men,government troops
  416. 人馬人马 (rénmǎ) (rénmǎ) - rider and mount,forces,coolies and beasts of burden,troops
  417. 尼泊爾尼泊尔 (Níbó'ěr) (níbóěr) - Nepal
  418. 友誼友谊 (yǒuyì) (yǒuyí) - fellowship,comity,communion,attachment,companionship,friendly relationship,sodality,association,friendship,good-fellowship,friendliness,company,palship
  419. 方程式 (fāngchéngshì) (fāngchéngshì) - equation,formula
  420. 加重 (jiāzhòng) (jiāzhòng) - make heavier,punctuate,increase,make or become more serious,weight,become more serious,exacerbate,aggravate,exasperate,make more serious,become heavier,increase the weight of,make
  421. 半數半数 (bànshù) (bànshù) - half,half (the number),det.: half
  422. 中華民族中华民族 (Zhōnghuá mínzú) (zhōnghuámínzú) - the Chinese nation,Ch. people
  423. 引來引来 (yǐnlái) - invoke,bring,invite,draw,ask for
  424. 權勢权势 (quánshì) (quánshì) - power and influence
  425. 及早 (jízǎo) (jízǎo) - at an early date,as soon as possible
  426. 倘若 (tǎngruò) (tǎngruò) - conj.: if,supposing,in case
  427. 釐清 (líqīng) (líqīng) - clarify,bring home,make clear
  428. 城鄉城乡 (chéngxiāng) (chéngxiāng) - urban and rural,town and country
  429. () () - collection of writings
  430. 看成 (kànchéng) (kànchéng) - take for/as,as,look upon .. as,take for,take as,regard ... as
  431. 功用 (gōngyòng) (gōngyòng) - effect,function,usefulness,utility,use
  432. 審慎审慎 (shěnshèn) (shěnshèn) - cautious; circumspect
  433. 纖維纤维 (xiānwéi) (xiānwéi) - fiber, staple
  434. (děng) (děng) - class,grade
  435. 感慨 (gǎnkǎi) (gǎnkài) - sigh with emotion
  436. (suān) (suān) - sick at heart,grieved,distressed,aching,tingling
  437. 雲門云门 (yúnmén) - Cloud Gate
  438. 節日节日 (jiérì) (jiérì) - festival,holiday
  439. 廢棄物废弃物 (fèiqìwù) - litter,refuse,trash
  440. 睡眠 (shuìmián) (shuìmián) - sleep
  441. 盡情尽情 (jìnqíng) (jìnqíng) - fully,as much as one likes
  442. 豬肉猪肉 (zhūròu) (zhūròu) - pork
  443. 疑惑 (yíhuò) (yíhuò) - be perplexed,be uncertain
  444. 疑惑 (yíhuò) (yíhuò) - be perplexed,be uncertain
  445. 頻譜频谱 (pínpǔ) (pínpǔ) - spectrum, spectrogram
  446. 構圖构图 (gòutú) (gòutú) - composition (of picture)
  447. (miè) (miè) - destruction,go out,put out,wipe out,extermination,put/go out,put,exterminate,turn off,destroy,extinguish
  448. 裝備装备 (zhuāngbèi) (zhuāngbèi) - equipment,outfit
  449. 集會集会 (jíhuì) (jíhuì) - assemble,rally,gather
  450. 稍後稍后 (shāohòu) (shāohòu) - later on
  451. 集會集会 (jíhuì) (jíhuì) - assemble,rally,gather
  452. 隔離隔离 (gélí) (gélí) - keep apart,segregate,isolate
  453. 富有 (fùyǒu) (fùyǒu) - be rich in,be full of
  454. 置身 (zhìshēn) (zhìshēn) - place/keep oneself
  455. 跟隨跟随 (gēnsuí) (gēnsuí) - keep abreast,succeed,heel,come after,keep up,follow,tag,pursue
  456. 寒冷 (hánlěng) (hánlěng) - cold,frigid
  457. 隔離隔离 (gélí) (gélí) - keep apart,segregate,isolate
  458. 標記标记 (biāojì) (biāojì) - sign,mark,symbol
  459. 極其极其 (jíqí) (jíqí) - absolutely,extremely,very,parlous,heaps,utterly,entirely,miserably,goldarn,precious,exceedingly,passing,definitely,plaguily,passingly,totally,staving,goldurn,completely
  460. 摸索 (mōsuǒ) (mōsuǒ) - grope,feel about,fumble,try to find out
  461. 勞動力劳动力 (láodònglì) (láodònglì) - labor force,labor,capacity for physical labor,able-bodied person
  462. 慈善 (císhàn) (císhàn) - benevolent,charitable,philanthropic,benevolently
  463. 煉鋼炼钢 (liàngāng) (liàngāng) - make steel
  464. 開朗开朗 (kāilǎng) (kāilǎng) - clear up (of weather)
  465. 激起 (jīqǐ) (jīqǐ) - elicit,feed,animate,stir up,arise,pique,enliven,fire,fan,inspire,galvanize,raise,enkindle,stir,arouse,wind up,excite,turn on,provoke,spark,kindle,sex,prompt,evoke,uprouse,ferment,whip_up,awake,rouse,evocation,invigorate,exalt
  466. 監獄监狱 (jiānyù) (jiānyū) - prison,jail
  467. 劇院剧院 (jùyuàn) (jùyuàn) - theater
  468. 摸索 (mōsuǒ) (mōsuǒ) - grope,feel about,fumble,try to find out
  469. 誘惑诱惑 (yòuhuò) (yòuhuò) - tempt,seduce,lure
  470. 誘惑诱惑 (yòuhuò) (yòuhuò) - tempt,seduce,lure
  471. 漲幅涨幅 (zhǎngfú) (zhǎngfú) - range of rise
  472. 壽命寿命 (shòumìng) (shòumìng) - life
  473. 莫過於莫过于 (mòguòyú) (mòguòyū) - nothing is more...than
  474. 相對的相对的 (xiāngduìde5) - relatively
  475. 風光风光 (fēngguāng) - scene,view,sight
  476. 長老长老 (zhǎnglǎo) (zhǎnglǎo) - elder,patriarch,elders,eldership,senior monk,paterfamilias,village elders,head of household,elder of a Buddhist monastery,graybeard,presbyter,sheikh,past_master,dean,past master,abbe
  477. 河南 (Hénán) (hénán) - Henan province
  478. 社會學社会学 (shèhuìxué) (shèhuìxué) - demotics,sociological,sociology
  479. 耕耘 (gēngyún) (gēngyún) - plowing and weeding,cultivation
  480. 接任 (jiērèn) (jiērèn) - take over a job
  481. 頂尖顶尖 (dǐngjiān) (dǐngjiān) - towering
  482. 副作用 (fùzuòyòng) (fùzuòyòng) - side-effect
  483. 動畫动画 (dònghuà) (dònghuà) - (animated) cartoon
  484. 排隊排队 (páiduì) (páiduì) - stand in line,queue
  485. 舉動举动 (jǔdòng) (jǔdòng) - behaviour,demeanor,dealing,deportment,motion,proceeding,conduct,behavior,demeanour,movement,comportment,action,move
  486. 口氣口气 (kǒuqì) (kǒuqì) - tone,note,manner of speaking,tone of voice,implication
  487. 開朗开朗 (kāilǎng) (kāilǎng) - clear up (of weather)
  488. 戲院戏院 (xìyuàn) (xìyuàn) - theater
  489. 耕耘 (gēngyún) (gēngyún) - plowing and weeding,cultivation
  490. 現年现年 (xiànnián) (xiànnián) - present age (of person)
  491. 推翻 (tuīfān) (tuīfān) - overturn,topple,repudiate,reverse
  492. (tān) (tān) - be corrupt,practice graft,covet,hanker after
  493. 混凝土 (hùnníngtǔ) - concrete
  494. (zhù) - bless,invoke blessing,express good wishes,wish
  495. 乾燥干燥 (gānzào) (gānzào) - dry,arid
  496. 牽涉牵涉 (qiānshè) (qiānshè) - involve,drag in
  497. 結局结局 (jiéjú) (jiéjú) - final result,outcome,ending
  498. 溪流 (xīliú) (xīliú) - stream,rivulet,ghyll,rundel,gill,brook,watercourse,rundle,creek,river,flow
  499. 港務局港务局 (gǎngwùjú) (gǎngwùjú) - port office,port authority