Wiktionary:Foreign Word of the Day/2020/December

This is the December archive of the Foreign Word of the Day for the year of 2020.



Foreign word of the day  in Swahili
chanjo noun
  1. a gash, incision, cut
  2. (medicine) vaccination, vaccine (substance meant to stimulate production of antibodies)
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Coronavirus pandemic




Foreign word of the day  in Chinese
落湯雞 / 落汤鸡 (luòtāngjī) noun
  1. someone who is soaking wet, who looks like a drowned rat
  2. someone who is in the soup, in a difficult situation
    (literally, “a chicken that fell in hot water”)
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Foreign word of the day  in Dutch
megadode noun
  1. megadeath (one million deaths, esp. in the context of nuclear war)
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Coronavirus pandemic; over one million recorded deaths of COVID19



Foreign word of the day  in Portuguese
cipoal noun
  1. (ecology) a tangle of lianas
  2. (figurative) tangle; snarl; imbroglio (a tricky, complicated or messy situation that is hard to get out of)
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Foreign word of the day  in Irish
tionchar noun
  1. influence, impact (significant or strong influence)
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Foreign word of the day  in Korean
검역 (geomyeok) noun
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Coronavirus pandemic



Foreign word of the day  in Czech
mdlo noun
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Foreign word of the day  in German
Maskenträger noun
  1. A mask wearer, e.g. a masquerader or a person wearing a surgical mask.
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Coronavirus pandemic




Foreign word of the day  in Finnish
teho-osasto noun
  1. (medicine) intensive care unit, ICU
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Coronavirus pandemic




Foreign word of the day  in Esperanto
volapukaĵo noun
  1. (slang) something incomprehensible, something that makes no sense
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Zamenhof Day



Foreign word of the day  in Spanish
barbijo noun
  1. (Latin America) chinstrap
  2. (Latin America) face mask, surgical mask
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Coronavirus pandemic




Foreign word of the day  in Yiddish
דריידל (dreydl) noun
  1. spinning top
  2. Hanukkah dreidel
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last day of Hanukkah



Foreign word of the day  in Egyptian
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Coronavirus pandemic



Foreign word of the day  in Swedish
pava noun
  1. (colloquial) bottle (of alcohol)
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Foreign word of the day  in Japanese
(kan) affix, noun
  1. (affix, noun) midwinter; cold season
  2. (affix) cold; chilly
  3. (affix) poor; poverty-stricken
  4. (noun) cold, coldness
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Midwinter on the Northern Hemisphere



Foreign word of the day  in Latin
sternūtō verb
  1. to sneeze (repeatedly or violently)
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Coronavirus pandemic



Foreign word of the day  in French
espèces sonnantes et trébuchantes noun
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The Latin Monetary Union, a bimetallic monetary union, was founded by treaty on this date in 1865.



Foreign word of the day  in Hungarian
bejgli noun
  1. A walnut or poppy seed roll traditionally eaten in Hungary at Christmas time or at Easter.
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Foreign word of the day  in Thai
ห้วย (hûai) noun
  1. stream containing water flowing from a mountain
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Foreign word of the day  in Welsh
hunanynysu verb
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Coronavirus pandemic




Foreign word of the day  in Italian
blocco noun
  1. blockade
  2. embargo
  3. block, blockage
  4. A state in which it is impossible to progress; standstill, paralysis
  5. (economics) freeze (of pay, etc.)
  6. lockdown
  7. (computing) crash
  8. (pathology) failure, arrest
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Coronavirus pandemic




Foreign word of the day  in Hindi
महामारी (mahāmārī) noun
  1. epidemic (a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time) (literally, “great killer”)
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New Year's Eve; Coronavirus pandemic