User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/3000

  1. जीवित (jīvita) (jīvita)
    mfn. living Ragh.xii, 75
    lived through (a period of time) W.
    (with or without %{punar}) returned to life MBh. xii, 5686 Pan5cat. Vet.
    enlivened, animated R. v, 66, 24 BhP. viii, 15, 3
    n. a living being RV. i, 1 i 3, 6
    life, iv, 54, 2 AV. vi, 134, 1 S3Br.xiv &c.
    (ifc. f. %{A} Katha1s.)
    duration of life
    livelihood Hit. i, 4, 36 (v.l.)
    cf. %{a-}.
  2. जीविन् (jīvin) (jīvin)
    mfn. ifc. living (a particular period or at a certain time or in a certain way) Mn. MBh. &c.
    living on or by (loc. [Hariv. 4555 R. i, 9, 61] or in comp.) A1s3vGr2. iii Mn. &c.
    m. a living being Pan5cat. i, 11, 0/1 BrahmavP.
  3. जुगुप्सु (jugupsu) (jugupsu)
    mfn. having a dislike or abhorrence S3a1n3khS3r. iii, 20, 5 Pa1n2. 2-1, 37 Pat.
  4. जुगुप्सा (jugupsā) (jugupsā)
    f. dislike, abhorrence, disgust MBh. Pa1n2. 1-4, 24 Va1rtt. 1 Mr2icch. i, 14 Yogas. &c.
  5. जुष् (juṣ) (juṣ)
    1 cl. 6. A1. %{-Sa4te} (also P. RV. [%{-Sa4t}, %{a4juSat}] MBh. &c.
    Subj. %{-SAte}
    Pot. %{-Se4ta}
    3. pl. %{-Serata} RV.
    Impv. %{-Sa4tAm}
    impf. %{ajuSata}, ii, 37, 4
    1. sg. %{a4juSe} AV. vi, 61, 3
    p. %{-Sa4mANa}) cl. 3. P. irr. %{ju4joSati} (Subj. and p. %{ju4joSat}
    cf. Pa1n2. 7-3, 87 Va1rtt. 2
    Impv. 2. pl. %{-juSTana} RV.), rarely cl. i. P. %{joSati} (Subj. %{jo4Sat}
    - aor. p. %{juSANa4}
    3. pl. %{ajuSran}, i, 71, 1
    2. sg. %{jo4Si}, ii, iv
    3. sg. %{jo4SiSat}, ii, 35, 1 [cf. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 3-1, 34 and 4, 7
    94 and 97]
    pf. %{jujo4Sa}, %{-juSe4}
    p. %{-juSva4s}, generally %{-SANa4}
    ind. p. %{juSTvI4} RV.) to be pleased or satisfied or favourable&c.
    to like, be fond of delight in (acc. or gen.), enjoy RV. (with %{tanvAm} or %{-va4s}, `" to be delighted "', iii, 1, 1
    x, 8, 3) AV. &c.
    to have pleasure in granting anything (acc.) to (loc.) RV. vi, 14, 1
    to have pleasure in (dat.), resolve to (Ved. Inf.), i, 167, 5
    iv, 24, 5 S3Br. iii, 6, 4, 7
    to give pleasure to (loc.) RV. x, 105, 8
    to choose for (dat.) VS. v, 42 TS. vi S3Br. iii, 6, 4, 8
    to devote one's self to (acc.), practise, undergo, suffer BhP. ii, 2, 7
    viii, 7, 20 Bhat2t2. xvii, 112
    to delight in visiting, frequent, visit, inhabit, enter (a carriage &c.) MBh. iii, v, xiv Bhat2t2. xiv, 95
    to afflict MBh. iii: Caus. A1. (Subj. 2. sg. %{joSa4yAse}) to like, love, behave kindly towards (acc.), cherish RV.
    to delight in, approve of(acc.), choose S3Br. iii MBh. xiv, 1289
    (P. cf. Dha1tup. xxxiv, 28) Bhag. iii, 26
    [cf. $
    Zd. {zaoSa}
    Hib. {gus}
    Goth. {kiusu}
    Lat. {gus-tus}.] 2 mfn. ifc. liking, fond of, devoted to (once with acc. BhP. vii, 6, 25
    cf. %{nikRtiM-}) BhP. Bhartr2. Sa1ntis3. Katha1s.
    dwelling in Hcar. vii
    visiting, approaching BhP. ii, 7, 25 Madhus.
    having, showing Ba1lar. iv, 17
    ix, 25 Sin6ha7s. Introd. 5l
    xv, 4 Kuval. 169
    similar Hcar. i, 44
    cf. %{sa-}.
  6. जुष्ट (juṣṭa) (juṣṭa)
    mfn. (%{-STa4} RV. ix, 42, 2 AV. and in later language Pa1n2. 6-1, 209f.) pleased, propitious RV. ix, 42, 2
    liked, wished, loved, welcome, agreeable, usual (cf. Pa1n2. 3-2, 188 Ka1r.
    with dat. or gen., rarely instr.)S3Br. &c.
    frequented, visited, inhabited MBh. R. BhP.
    swept over (by the wind) Hariv. 6984
    afflicted by (instr. or in comp.) Sus3r.
    served, obliged, worshipped W.
    practised W.
    furnished with, possessed of (instr. or in comp.) R. iii BhP.
    n. the remnants of a meal
    cf. %{a4-}.
  7. जुहू (juhū) (juhū)
    f. (= %{jihvA4}, %{huc}) a tongue (esp. of Agni
    7 are named RV. i, 58, 7), flame RV.
    personified as wife of Brahma1 and goddess of speech (author of RV. x, 109) RAnukr.
    (fr. %{hu} Pa1n2. 3-2, 178 Va1rtt. 3 Un2. &c.) a curved wooden ladle (for pouring sacrificial butter into fire)&c.
    that part of the frame enshrining the universal spirit which faces the east ChUp. iii, 15, 2.
  8. जेय (jeya) (jeya)
    mfn. (Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 3-1, 97 and vi, 1, 213) to be conquered MBh. xv, 220 Ma1rkP. xxvii
    xxxix. see %{above}.
  9. जइन (jaïna) (jaina)
    mf(%{I})n. relating to the Jinas Sarvad. iii f. Pa1rs3van. ii, 36
    m. a worshipper of the Jinas, Jaina Sarvad. iii, vii, xi
    = $)N. of a prince of Kas3mir
    (%{I}) f. the Jaina doctrine Hcar. viii.
  10. जइमिनि (jaïmini) (jaimini)
    m. (= %{-mani}) N. of a celebrated sage and philosopher (he was a pupil of Vya1sa [who made over to him the SV. BhP. i, 4, 21 Va1yuP.] Sa1mavBr. MBh. if., xii
    and was Udga1tr2i priest at Janamejaya's snake-sacrifice, i, 2046
    and was founder of the Pu1rva- or Karma-Mi1ma1n6sa1 Pan5cat. Madhus.) As3vGr2. iii, 4 Sa1n3khGr2. Pravar. i, 4
    iv, I Hariv. Ba1dar. &c.
  11. जइमिनीय (jaïminīya) (jaiminīya)
    mfn. relating to or composed by Jaimini (a Dharma-s3a1s3tra) Sarvad. xii, 19
    m. an adherent of Jaimini SS3am2kar. xvi, 79
    pl. N. of a school of the SV. Caran2.
    n. Jaimini's work Sarvad. iv, 195.
  12. जोष (joṣa) (joṣa)
    m. ( %{juS}) satisfaction, approval, pleasure RV. i, 120, 1
    %{jo4Sam@A4}, or %{a4nuj-}, `" according to one's pleasure, to one's satisfaction "' RV.
    silence Naish. v, 78
    (%{am}) ind. (g. %{svar-Adi}) according to one's wish or liking RV.
    with %{As} [MBh. ii, vii f. xii, xv S3ak.v, 18/19], 1. %{as} [Naish. vi, 107 Pa1rs3van. iii, 168], %{sthA} [Ka1s3i1Kh.], to remain quiet or silent
    cf. %{a4-}, %{sa-jo4Sa}, %{yathA-joSam}.
  13. ज्ञप्त (jñapta) (jñapta)
    mfn. (2, 27) instructed S3Br. xi, 5, 3, 8ff.
  14. ज्ञप्ति (jñapti) (jñapti)
    f. understanding, apprehension, ascertainment of (in comp.) VarBr2. i, 2 Katha1s. BhP. x, 89, 2 Sarvad. xif. (ilc. %{-tika})
    the exercise of the intellectual faculty, intelligence BhP. x Jaim. i, 1, 5 Sch.
  15. ज्ञात (jñāta) (jñāta)
    mfn. known, ascertained, comprehended, perceived, understood AV. xix, 15, 6 S3Br. &c. (%{AMjJAtam} `" Ah! I know "' Mr2icch. i, 6/7 S3ak. &c.)
    meant (%{mayA@jJAtam} "', I meant "') Ka1d. vi, 995
    taken for (nom.) Pan5cat. i, 2, 2
    known as (nom.) to (gen.) Vop. v, 27
    m. pl. N. of Maha1-vira's family Jain.
  16. ज्ञाति (jñāti) (jñāti)
    m. `" intimately acquainted "' (cf. Goth. {kno1di}), a near relation (`" paternal relation "'and Sch.
    cf. %{sam-bandhin}), kinsmanxii, 5, 44 TBr. i &c.
  17. ज्ञातित्व (jñātitva) (jñātitva)
    n. consanguinity, relationship Mn. xi, 173.
  18. ज्ञान (jñāna) (jñāna)
    n. knowing, becoming acquainted with, knowledge, (esp.) the higher knowledge (derived from meditation on the one Universal Spirit) S3a1n3khS3r.xiii Gobh. Mn. &c.
    knowledge about anything cognizance "' see %{-tas} and %{a-jJAnAd} %{a-jJAnAd} %{vA}, knowingly or ignorantly, xi, 233)
    conscience MBh.
    = %{-ne7ndriya} Kat2hUp. vi, 10
    engaging in (gen. e.g. %{sarpiSas} "', in sacrifice with clarified butter "') Pa1n2. 2-2, 10 Va1rtt. Pat.
    N. of a S3akti Rasik.xiv, 36 Ra1matUp. i, 90 Sch.
    (%{A}) f. id. Pan5car. iii, 2, 30 Ra1mapu1ja1s3.
  19. ज्ञानिन् (jñānin) (jñānin)
    mfn. knowing, endowed with knowledge or intelligence, wise, (opposed to %{vi-}) knowing the higher knowledge or knowledge of spirit (Katha1s. lxxix) Mn. xii, 103 Hariv. &c.
    m. a fortuneteller, astrologer R. vi, 23, 4 Katha1s. xviii, 60
    xix, 77 Vet.
    `" possessing religious wisdom "', a sage W.
  20. ज्ञापक (jñāpaka) (jñāpaka)
    mf(%{ikA})n. causing to know, teaching, designing, informing, suggesting Hariv. 6518 Ka1ty. and Ka1s3. BhP. ix, 6, 10 Sa1h. &c.
    m. a master of requests (particular officer at a Hindu1 court) Pan5cat. iii, 67/68 n. an expression or rule giving particular information (as a rule of Pa1n2. Implying some other grammatical law than that resulting from the mere words of the rule itself), precept MBh. i, 5846 Pat. Ka1s3. and Siddh.
  21. ज्ञापित (jñāpita) (jñāpita)
    mfn. informed A1s3vGr2. iv, 7, 2
    made known, known by (in comp.) Sarvad.
    taught Jaim. i, 1, 2 Sch.
    instructed in (acc.) MBh. xiv, 415 Hariv. 10038. mfn. betrayed, disclosed S3ak. i, 23/24 (v. l.)
  22. ज्या (jyā) (jyā)
    1 (cf. %{ji}) cl. 9. P. %{jinA4ti} (Pot. %{-nIyA4t}
    p. %{-na4t}
    pf. %{jijyau4}
    fut. %{jyAsyati} Pa1n2. 6-1, 16f.
    ind p. %{-jyAya}, 42) Ved. to overpower, oppress, deprive any one (acc.) of property (acc.)&c.
    (derived fr. %{jyA4yas}, `" senior "') to become old Dha1tup. xxxi, 29: cl. 4. A1. %{jI4yate} or Pass. %{-ya4te}, Ved. to be oppressed or treated badly, be deprived of property (or everything, %{sarva-jyAni4m} TS. vii) RV. &c.: Caus. %{jyApayati}, to call any one old Pa1n2. 3-1, 21 Siddh. 46: Desid. (p. %{ji4jyAsat}) to wish to overpower RV. x, 152, 5: Intens. %{jejIyate} Pa1n2. 6-1, 16 Ka1s3.
    cf. %{pari-}
    $ . 4 f. the earth
    a mother
  23. ज्यायस् (jyāyas) (jyāyas)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-3, 61 f.
    vi, 4, 160) superior, more excellent, greater, larger, stronger RV. &c. (ifc. [e.g. %{vaccana-}, `" superior in speech "' Ka1s3.] Pa1n2. 6-2, 25)
    elder RV. &c.
    most excellent Ragh. xviii, 33
    (in law) being of age and answerable for one's conduct W.
  24. ज्येष्ठ (jyeṣṭha) (jyeṣṭha)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-3, 61) most excellent, pre-eminent, first, chief. best, greatest, (m.) the chief. RV. &c. (ifc. [e.g. %{vacana-}, `" best in speech "' Ka1s3.] Pa1n2. 6-2, 25)
    more excellent than (abl.) MBh. xiii, 7205
    (in math. with %{pada} or %{mUla}) greatest (root [square root] extracted from the quantity operated upon)
    (Pa1n2. 5-3, 62
    %{-STha4}) eldest, (m.) the eldest brother RV. iv, 33, 5
    x, 11, 2 AV. &c.
    m. (scil. %{ghaTa}) the ascending bucket (in a machine for raising water) Kuval. 46
    for %{jyaiSTha} VarBr2S. Ra1jat.
    N. of a man MBh. xii, 13593
    n. what is most excellent RV. x, 120, 1 AV. (also oxyt.)
    N. of a Lin3ga Lin3gaP. i, 1, 3
    with %{puSkara} see %{-STha-p-}
    (%{A4}) f. (g. %{ajA7di}) the 16th (or accord. to modern reckoning 18th) lunar mansion (sacred to Indra) AV. xix, 7, 3 (parox.) TBr. iii, 1, 2 Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c. (also pl.)
    the eldest wife Mn. ix, 122 & 124
    a preferred wife
    the 8th year in the Jupiter cycle of 12 years VarBr2S. viii, 10
    the middle finger
    a kind of stringed instrument
    misfortune (personified as the elder sister of Lakshmi1, Padma P. v
    cf. %{-STha-lakSmI4}) BhP. i, 17, 32
    N. of a S3akti Hcat. i, 8, 404
    (%{A} L., %{I}) f. a small house-lizard (also %{jyaiSthI} W.) Tithya1d.
    (%{am}) ind. most, extremely S3Br. i, 8, 1, 4.
  25. ज्येष्ठघ्नी (jyeṣṭhaghnī) (jyeṣṭhaghnī)
    f. = %{-SThA4}, the 16th lunar mansion AV. vi, 110, 2 TBr. i, 5, 2, 8.
  26. ज्यइष्ठ (jyaïṣṭha) (jyaiṣṭha)
    m. N. of a month (May-June, the full moon standing in the constellation Jyesht2ha1) La1t2y. x, 5, 18 Mn. viii, 245 Hariv. 7828 Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
    (%{I}) f. the full moon in month Jyaisht2ha VarBr2S. xxiii, 1 (cf. %{mahA-jyaiSThI})
    see %{jyeSThI}.
  27. ज्योतिस् (jyotis) (jyotis)
    n. light (of the sun, dawn, fire, lightning, &c.
    also pl.), brightness (of the sky) RV. &c. (%{trI4Ni@jyo4tIMSi}, light appearing in the 3 worlds, viz. on earth, in the intermediate region, and in the sky or heaven [the last being called %{uttama4} VS. xx AV. xviii
    or %{u4ttara}, i, 9, l
    or %{tRtI4ya} RV. x, 56, 1] VS. viii, 36 AV. ix, 5, 8 MBh. iii
    also personifled as `" fire "' on earth, `" ether or air "' in the intermediate region, and `" sun "' in the sky S3Br. xi, 5, 8, 2 Sa1n3khS3r. xvi, 21, 2, &c.
    `" fire, sun and moon "' Bhag. xv, 12)
    fire, flash of lightning Megh. S3ak.
    moonlight RV. iii, 34, 4 AV. iv, 18, 1
    (pl.) S3Br. x and R. i, 35, 16
    eye-light RV. i, 117, 17
    the eye MBh. i, 6853 Ragh. BhP. ix
    du. sun and moon Gobh. iii, 3, 18 S3atr. i, 28
    pl. the heavenly bodies, planets and stars Mn. Bhag. &c. %{-tiSAm@ayana} n. course or movements of the heavenly bodies, science of those movements [= %{-tiSa}] La1t2y. iv, 8, 1 S3iksh.
    sg. the light of heaven, celestial world RV. VS. AV. S3Br. xiv, 7, 2
    light as the divine principle of life or source of intelligence, intelligence RV. vi, 9, 6 VS. xxiv, 3 AV. xvi Bhag.
    (%{pauruSaj-} `" human intelligence "') Sarvad.
    (paraj'paurushaj "', highest light or truth "') Ra1matUp. and Sarvad.
    light as the type of freedom or bliss or victory (cf. $, $ and Lat. {lux})VS. S3Br. xiv Sus3r.
    N. of several Eka7has TS. vii S3Br. xii. f. &c.
    of certain formularies containing the word %{jyo7tis} La1t2y. i, 8, 13
    a metre of 32 short and 16 long syllables
    = %{-tiSa}, science of the movements of the heavenly bodies
    a mystical N. for the letter %{r} Ra1matUp.
    m. fire
    the sun
    Trigonella foenum graecum
    N. of a Marut Hariv. 11545
    of a son of Manu Sva1rocisha, 429
    of a Praja1-pati VP.
    cf. %{da4kSiNA-}, %{zukra4-}, %{sa-}, %{hi4raNya-}, &c.
  28. ज्योतिर्मय (jyotirmaya) (jyotirmaya)
    mfn. consisting of light, brilliant Mun2d2Up. Ragh. x, 24 (Vishn2u) &c.
    (also said of S3iva)
    abounding with stars, starry, xv, 59.
  29. ज्योतिर्लिङ्ग (jyotirliṅga) (jyotirliṅga)
    m. N. of several Lin3ga temples.
  30. ज्योतिष (jyotiṣa) (jyotiṣa)
    m. an astronomer Buddh.
    the sun Gal.
    a particular magical formula for exorcising the evil spirits supposed to possess weapons R. i, 30, 6
    n. (g. %{ukthA7di}) the science of the movements of the heavenly bodies and divisions of time dependant thereon, short tract for fixing the days and hours of the Vedic sacrifices (one of the 6 kinds of Veda7n3ga texts) A1p. Mun2d2Up. i, 1, 5 MBh. xiif. &c.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a river Vishn2. lxxxv, 33.
  31. ज्योत्स्ना (jyotsnā) (jyotsnā)
    f. (Pa1n2. 5-2, 114) a moonlight night TBr. ii, 2, 9, 7
    moonlight MBh. R. &c. (ifc. f. a1 Katha1s. cvii)
    pl. light, splendour BhP. iii, 28, 21
    one of Brahma1's bodies, 20, 39
    one of the moon's 16 Kala1s BrahmaP. ii, 15 [428,1]
    Durga1 Devi1P. Devi1m.
    the plant %{jyotsnI}Sch.
    the plant %{ghoSAtakI} L.
  32. ज्वर (jvara) (jvara)
    m. (g. %{vRSA7di}) fever (differing according to the different Doshas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it
    `" leader and king of all diseases "' Sus3r.) MBh. &c.
    fever of the soul, mental pain, affliction, grief ib.
  33. ज्वल (jvala) (jvala)
    m. (Pa1n2. 3-1, 140) flame W.
  34. ज्वलित (jvalita) (jvalita)
    mfn. lighted, blazing, flaming, shining MBh. (%{tRNeSu@jvalitaM@tvayA}, `" you have lighted flames in the grass "', i.e. you have had an easy work, v, 7089) &c.
    (fr. Caus.) set on fire Mn. vii, 90
    n. radiance Ragh. viii, 53
    blazing MBh. v, 133, 15.
  35. ज्वाल (jvāla) (jvāla)
    (Pa1n2. 3-1, 140) mfn. burning, blazing W.
    m. light, torch Kaus3.
    flame MBh. Hariv. &c.
    (%{A}) f. id. ib.
    illumination Ka1tyS3r. iv, Paddh.
    causing a flame to blaze Nya1yam. x, 1, 22
    burnt rice
    = %{jvalanA} q.v.
  36. झकार (jhakāra) (jhakāra)
    m. the sound %{jha} W.
  37. झर (jhara) (jhara)
    m. a water-fall
    (%{A}, %{I}) f. id. Prab. iv, 12
    (%{I}) f. a river W.
    cf. %{mir-}.
  38. झर्झर (jharjhara) (jharjhara)
    m. a kind of drum MBh. viff. Pa1n2. 4-4, 56 Hariv. R. vi, 99, 23
    a strainer Bhpr. v, 11, 125
    = %{-raka}
    N. of a Daitya (son of Hiran2ya7ksha) Hariv. 194
    of a river
    n. a sound as of splashing or dropping W.
    (%{A}) f. a harlot (cf. %{RccharA})
    (%{I}) f. a kind of drum Hariv. 13212 and 15885
    = %{-rikA} Bhpr. v, 11, 37.
  39. झल्ल (jhalla) (jhalla)
    m. a prize-fighter, cudgelplayer (offspring of an outcast Kshatriya) Mn.x, 22
    xii, 45 MBh. ii, 102 [429,1]
    (%{I}) f. = %{-llakI} L.
  40. झल्लक (jhallaka) (jhallaka)
    n. cymbals Tithya1d.
    (%{I}) f. a kind of drum
  41. झष (jhaṣa) (jhaṣa)
    m. a large fish S3Br. i, 8, 14
    a fish MBh. R. VarBr2S. BhP.
    the sign Pisces VarBr2S. VarBr2.
    a forest, forest overgrown with grass
    n. a desert
    (%{A}) f. Uraria lagopodioides L.
  42. झषकेतन (jhaṣaketana) (jhaṣaketana)
    m. = %{-dhvaja} Bhartr2. Ratna7v,
    `" the god of love "' and `" the sea "' Kuval. 33.
  43. ञकार (ñakāra) (ñakāra)
    m. the letter
  44. टकार (ṭakāra) (ṭakāra)
    m. the letter or sound %{T}.
  45. टङ्क (ṭaṅka) (ṭaṅka)
    (m. n. L.) a spade, hoe, hatchet, stonecutter's chisel Hariv. 5009ff. R. ii, 80, 7 Mr2icch. &c.
    a peak or crag shaped like the edge of a hatchet, edge or declivity of a hill MBh. xii, 8291 R. vii, 5, 24 BhP. viii, x Bhat2t2. i, 8
    a leg
    m. a sword
    a scabbard
    a weight of 4 Ma1shas S3a1rn3gS. i, 19 Vet. iv, 2/3
    a stamped coin Hit.
    Feronia elephantum
    (in music) a kind of measure
    a man of a particular caste or tribe Ra1jat. vii, 1003
    n. the fruit of Feronia elephantum Sus3r.
    (%{A}) f. a leg
    (in music) N. of a Ra1gin2i.
  46. टिप्पण (ṭippaṇa) (ṭippaṇa)
    %{-Naka}, a gloss, comment.
  47. ठकार (ṭhakāra) (ṭhakāra)
    m. the letter %{Th} Pa1n2. 8-4, 41 Ka1s3.
    %{-raya} Nom. (Desid. %{TiTh-@-yiSatI}), 54 Ka1s3.
  48. ठक्कुर (ṭhakkura) (ṭhakkura)
    m. a deity, object of reverence, man of rank, chief (the modern `" Tha1ku1r, Tagore "' added to names), vii f. Dhu1rtas. i, . 19/20
  49. डकार (ḍakāra) (ḍakāra)
    m. the letter %{D} TPra1t. iv, 38 Sch.
  50. डमर (ḍamara) (ḍamara)
    m. (n. L.) a riot, tumult VarBr2S. Katha1s. c Pa1rs3van. iv, 186
    cf. %{DAm-}.
  51. डमरिन् (ḍamarin) (ḍamarin)
    m. a sort of drum BhP. viii, 10, 7.
  52. डाक (ḍāka) (ḍāka)
    m. an imp attending Ka1li1 Ka1lac. v, 38.
  53. डाकिनी (ḍākinī) (ḍākinī)
    f. (of %{-ka} Pa1n2. 4-2, 51 Pat.) a female imp attending Ka1li1 (feeding on human flesh) BhP.x BrahmaP. Ma1rkP. Katha1s. (%{DAginI}, cii, cviii f.) (cf. %{zAk-})
    N. of a locality S3ivaP. i, 38, 18.
  54. डिल्लि (ḍilli) (ḍilli)
    %{-llI}, the town Delhi.
  55. डीन (ḍīna) (ḍīna)
    mfn. (cf. Pa1n2. 7-2, 14
    viii, 2, 45 Ka1s3.) flown, flying W.
    n. a bird's flight MBh. viii, 1899 f.
    cf. %{ati-}, %{abhi-}, %{ava-}, %{ni-}, %{nir-}, %{parA-}, %{pari-}, %{punar-}, &c.
  56. ढकार (ḍhakāra) (ḍhakāra)
    m- the letter %{Dh}.
  57. णकार (ṇakāra) (ṇakāra)
    m. the letter or sound %{N}, vii, 1
    xiii, 6.
  58. तकार (takāra) (takāra)
    m. the letter t
    %{-vipulA} f. N. of a metre.
  59. तक्र (takra) (takra)
    n. (g. %{nyaGkv-Adi}) buttermilk mixed with (a third part of) water Mn. viii, 326 Ya1jn5. iii, 37 & 322 Hariv. &c.
    (%{A}) (f.= %{-krA7kvA} L.
  60. तक्ष (takṣa) (takṣa)
    1 mfn. `" cutting through "' see %{tapas-}
    m. ifc. = %{-kSan} VarBr2S. lxxxvii, 20 and 24 (cf. %{kauTa-}, %{grAma-})
    N. of a Na1ga (cf. %{-kSaka}) Kaus3.
    of a son [of Bharata R. vii, 100 f. Ragh. xv, 89 BhP. ix, 11, 12
    (also %{-kSaka})
    of Vr2ika, 24, 42]. 2 in comp. for %{-kSan},
  61. तक्षक (takṣaka) (takṣaka)
    m. (Pa1n2. 8-2, 29 Ka1s3.) `" a cutter "' see %{kASTha-}, %{vRkSa-}
    a carpenter
    the Su1tra-dha1ra or speaker in the prelude of a dramaSch.
    N. of a tree
    of a Na1ga prince (cf. %{-kSa}) AV. viii, 10, 29 Ta1n2d2yaBr. xxv, 15 S3a1n3khGr2. iv, 18, 1 Kaus3. MBh. &c.
    of a son of Prasena-jit BhP. ix, 12, 8
    see also %{-kSa}.
  62. तक्षण (takṣaṇa) (takṣaṇa)
    m. a cutter, abrader W.
    (in math.) the divisor employed to reduce a quantity W.
    n. cutting, paring, peeling, abrading Ka1tyS3r. xxii, 6 Gaut.i, 29 Mn.v, 115 &c.
    (N. of a Kala1) Va1tsya1y. i, 3, 17
    dividing in order to reduce a quantity, Lil.
    (%{I}) f. an instrument for cutting or paring
  63. तक्षन् (takṣan) (takṣan)
    m. (Ved. acc. %{-kSaNam}, class. %{-kSaNam} Pa1n2. 6-4, 9 Ka1s3.) a wood-cutter, carpenter, $ RV. ix, 112, 1 AV.x, 6, 3 VS. &c.
    N. of a teacher S3Br. ii, 3, 1, 31
    (%{kSNI}) f. g. %{gaurA7di} (not in Gan2ar.)
  64. तट (taṭa) (taṭa)
    m. (exceptionally n. Das3ar. ii. 18/19) a slope, declivity, any part of the body which has (as it were) sloping, sides (cf. %{zroNi-}, %{stana-}, &c.), a shore MBh. (said of Siva, xii, 10381) Hariv. &c. (ifc. f. i1 Bhartr2.)
    (%{I}) f. (g. %{gaurA7di} Gan2ar. 49) id. Gi1t. Prab. Sa1h.
    cf. %{a-}, %{ut-}
  65. तडाग (taḍāga) (taḍāga)
    n. (m. g. %{ardharcA7di}) = %{-DAka} S3a1n3khGr2. v, 2 Mn. iv, vii ff. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    a trap L.
  66. तडित् (taḍit) (taḍit)
    ind. = %{-Di4tas} RV. i, 94, 7 (%{talit})
    f. stroke (%{vadha-karman} Naigh. ii, 19) "', lightning Nir. iii, 10f. Sus3r. &c. (ifc. %{-Dita} Vet. Introd. 20).
  67. तण्डु (taṇḍu) (taṇḍu)
    m. N. of an attendant of S3iva (Bharata's teacher in the art of dancing cf. %{tANDava}).
  68. तण्डुल (taṇḍula) (taṇḍula)
    m. (g. %{ardharcA7di}) grain (after threshing and winnowing), esp. rice AV. x ff. S3Br. AitBr. &c.
    rice used as a weight Car. vii, 12 VarBr2S.
    = %{-lIka}
    m. = %{-lu}
    (%{I}) f. a kind of gourd
    = %{-lIka}
    the plant %{yava-tiktA} L.
  69. तद् (tad) (tad)
    (nom. and acc. sg. n. of and base in comp. for 2. %{ta4} from which latter all the cases of this pron. are formed except nom. sg. m. %{sa4s} or %{sa4} & f. %{sA4}
    instr. pl. %{tai4s} AV. &c.
    Ved. %{te4bhis}&c.) m. he f. she n. it, that, this (often correlative of %{ya4} generally standing in the preceding clause e.g. %{yasya@buddhiH@sa@balavAn}, `" of whom there is intellect he is strong "'
    sometimes, for the sake of emphasis, connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns, with other demonstratives and with relatives e.g. %{so@'ham}, `" I that very person, I myself "' [%{tasya} = %{mama} Nal. xv, 10]
    %{tAv@imau}, `" those very two "'
    %{tad@etad@AkhyAnam}, `" that very tale "' AitBr. vii, 18
    %{yat@tat@kAraNam}, `" that very reason which "' Mn. i, 11
    %{yA@sA@zrI}, `" that very fortune which "' MBh. vii, 427) RV. &c.
    (%{tad}) n. this world (cf. %{idam}) R. vi, 102, 25
    = Brahma see %{tat-tva}
    (%{ta4d}) ind. there, in that place, thither, to that spot (correlative of %{ya4tra} or %{ya4tas}) AV. AitBr. ii, 11 S3Br. i, x, xiv ChUp.
    then, at that time, in that case (correlative of %{yadA4}, %{ya4d} AV.
    of %{ya4tra} S3Br. xiv
    of %{yadi} Nal. Bhag. &c.
    of %{ce7d} S3ak. &c.) RV. iv, 28, 1 AV. &c.
    thus, in this manner, with regard to that, ix, xiii S3Br. AitBr.
    (%{tad@etau@zlokau@bhavataH}, `" with reference to that there are these two verses "') Pras3nUp.
    on that account, for that reason, therefore, consequently (sometimes correlative of %{yatas}, %{yad}, %{yena}, `" because "' Das3. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c.) Mn. ix, 41 MBh. &c.
    now (clause-connecting particle) AV. xv S3Br. AitBr.
    so also, equally, and AV. xi, xv
  70. तत (tata) (tata)
    2 m. (cf. %{tAta}) chiefly Ved. a father (familiar expression corresponding to %{nanA4}, mother) RV. viii, 91, 5 f.
    ix, 112, 3 AV. TS. iii TBr. &c. (voc. [like %{tAta}] also term of affection addressed to a son AitBr.v, 14, 3
    vii, 14, 8).2 mfn. (vi, 4, 37) extended, stretched, spread, diffused, expanded RV. &c.
    spreading over, extending to W.
    covered over by (instr. or in comp.) Laghuj. ii, 16 Kir. v, 11 S3is3. ix, 23
    protracted W.
    bent (a bow) MBh. i, 49, 25
    iv, 5, 1
    spreading, wide
    composed (a tale), i, 2455
    performed (a ceremony) RV. &c.
    m. wind
    n. any stringed instrument
    a metre of 4 x 1 2 syllables.
  71. तत (tata) (tata)
    2 m. (cf. %{tAta}) chiefly Ved. a father (familiar expression corresponding to %{nanA4}, mother) RV. viii, 91, 5 f.
    ix, 112, 3 AV. TS. iii TBr. &c. (voc. [like %{tAta}] also term of affection addressed to a son AitBr.v, 14, 3
    vii, 14, 8).2 mfn. (vi, 4, 37) extended, stretched, spread, diffused, expanded RV. &c.
    spreading over, extending to W.
    covered over by (instr. or in comp.) Laghuj. ii, 16 Kir. v, 11 S3is3. ix, 23
    protracted W.
    bent (a bow) MBh. i, 49, 25
    iv, 5, 1
    spreading, wide
    composed (a tale), i, 2455
    performed (a ceremony) RV. &c.
    m. wind
    n. any stringed instrument
    a metre of 4 x 1 2 syllables.
  72. तति (tati) (tati)
    1 nom. acc. pl. (Pa1n2. 1-1, 23 ff.) so many, Lat. {tot} AV. xii, 3.
  73. तत्त्व (tattva) (tattva)
    n. true or real state, truth, reality S3vetUp. Mn. Bhag. &c.
    (in phil.) a true principle (in Sa1m2khya phil. 25 in number, viz. %{a-vyakta}, %{buddhi}, %{ahaM-kAra}, the 5 Tan-ma1tras, the 5 Maha1-bhu1tas, the 11 organs including %{manas}, and, lastly, %{puruSa}, qq.vv.) MBh. xii, 11840
    xiv, 984 R. iii, 53, 42 Tattvas.
    24 in number MBh. xii, 11242 Hariv. 14840 (m.)
    23 in number BhP. iii, 6, 2 ff.
    for other numbers cf. xi, 22, 1 ff. Ra1matUp.
    with Ma1hes3varas and Loka7yatikas only 5 [viz. the 5 elements] are admitted Prab. ii, 18/19
    with Buddh. 4, with Jainas 2 or 5 or 7 or 9 Sarvad. ii f.
    in Veda7nta phil. %{tattva} is regarded as made up of %{tad} and %{tvam}, `" that [art] thou "', and called %{mahA-vAkya}, the great word by which the identity of the whole world with the one eternal Brahma [%{tad}] is expressed)
    the, number 25 Su1ryas. ii
    the number 24 DevibhP. S3Br. vii, 3, 1, 43 Sa1y.
    an element or elementary property W.
    the essence or substance of anything W. [433,1]
    the being that Jaim. i, 3, 24 Sch.
    = %{tata-tva}
    N. of a musical instrument
    (%{ena}) instr. ind. according to the true state or nature of anything, in truth, truly, really, accurately Mn. vii, 68 MBh. R.
    %{-kaumudI} f. `" Tattva-moonlight "'N. of a Comm. on Sa1m2khyak. Sarvad. xiv, 20
    %{-candra} m. `" truthmoon "'N. of a Comm. on Prakriya1-kaumudi1
    `" Tattva-moon "'N. of a Comm. on %{-kaumudI}
    %{-cintAmaNi} m. N. of a philos. work by Gan3ge7s3a
    of another work Nirn2ayas. iii
    %{-jJa} mfn. ifc. knowing the truth, knowing the true nature of, knowing thoroughly Mn.xii, 102 MBh. (%{a-} neg., xii, 6623) R. &c.
    m. a Bra1hman Npr.
    %{-jJAna} n. knowledge of truth, thorough knowledge, insight into the true principles of phil. Sarvad.
    %{-jJAnin} mfn. = %{-jJa} W.
    %{-taraMgiNI} f. `" truth-river "'N. of wk. by Dharmasa1gara
    %{-tas} ind.= %{-ttvena} Mun2d2Up. i, 2, 13 Mn. MBh. &c.
    %{-tA} f. truth, reality W.
    %{-tyaj} mfn. mistaking the true state Viddh. iii, 19
    %{-trayamaya} mfn. consisting of the 3 realities Hcat. i, 11, 893
    %{-darza} m. (= %{-dRz}) N. of a R2ishi under Manu Deva-sa1varn2i BhP. viii, 13, 32
    %{-darzin} mfn. = %{-dRz} MBh. iii, 1149 Ra1mag.
    m. N. of one of Manu Raivata's sons Hariv. 433
    of a Bra1hman, 1265
    %{-dIpana} n. `" Tattva-light "'N. of wk.
    %{-dRz} mfn. perceiving truth Veda7ntas.
    %{-nikaSa-grAvan} m. the touchstone of truth Hit. i, 9, 12
    %{-nizcaya} m. `" ascertainment of truth "', right knowledge Sarvad. vi, 91 and 94
    %{-niSThatA} f. veracity Hemac.
    %{-nyAsa} m. `" application of true principles "'N. of a ceremony in honour of Vishn2u (application of mystical letters &c. to parts of the body while prayers are recited), Tantr.
    %{-prakAza} m. `" light of true principles "'N. of a Comm. Sarvad. vii
    %{-prabodha-prakaraNa} n. N. of wk. by Haribhadra II (A.D. 1200)
    %{-bindu} m. `" truthdrop "'N. of a philos. treatise
    %{-bodha} m. knowledge or understanding of truth, xii, 46
    N. of wk. Tantras. ii
    %{-bodhinI} f. `" teaching true principles "'N. of a Comm. on Sam2kshepa-s3a1ri1raka
    of a Comm. on Siddh. by Jn5a1ne7ndra-sarasvati1
    truth-teaching cf. RTL. p. 492 and 509
    %{-bhava} m. true being or nature Kat2hUp. vi S3vetUp. i
    %{-bhUta} mfn. true MBh. xii, 5290
    %{-muktA7vali} f. `" necklace of truth "'N. of wk. Sarvad. iv, 110
    cf. RTL. p. 123
    %{-vat} mfn. possessing the truth or reality of things MBh. xii, 11480
    %{-vAda-rahasya} n. N. of wk. Sarvad. v, 110
    %{-vid} mfn. knowing the true nature of(gen.) Bhag. iii, 28
    %{-vivitsA} f. desire of knowing the truth W.
    %{-viveka} m. the sifting of established truth
    N. of wk. on astron. (also %{siddhA7nta-t-})
    of another work Sarvad. v, 6
    %{-ka-dIpana} n. `" light of truth-investigation "'N. of a philos. work
    %{-zambara} n. N. of a Tantra A1nand. 31 Sch.
    (%{-raka}, A1ryav.)
    %{-zuddhi} f. ascertainment or right knowledge of truth Katha1s. lxxv, 194
    %{-saMgraha} m. N. of wk. Sarvad. vii, 88
    %{-satya-zAstra} n. N. of a Buddh. work by Gun2aprabha
    %{-samAsa} m. `" Tattva-compendium "'N. of Kapila's Sa1m2khya-su1tras Tattvas.
    %{-sAgara} m. `" truth-ocean "'N. of wk. Smr2itit. xi Nirn2ayas. i, 318
    %{-sAra} m. `" truth-essence "'N. of wk. S3a1kta7n. ii
    %{-vA7khyAno7pamA} f. a simile expressing or stating any truth Ka1vya7d. ii, 36
    %{-vA7dhigata} mfn. learnt thoroughly Sus3r.
    %{-vA7pahnava-rUpaka} n. a metaphor denying a truth (as that two eyes are not eyes but bees) Ka1vya7d. ii, 95
    %{-vA7bhiyoga} m. a positive charge or declaration Ya1jn5. ii, 5/6, 4 ff.
    %{-vA7rtha} m. the truth Sarvad. iii
    %{-tha-kaumudI} f. `" truth-light "'N. of a Comm. on Pra1yas3c. by (Govinda7nanda
    %{-tha-vid} mfn. knowing the exact truth or meaning of (in comp.) Mn.i, 3
    (see %{veda-})
    %{-tha-sUtra} n. N. of a Jaina work by Uma1-sva1ti Sarvad. iii, 103
    %{-vA7vabodha} m. perception of truth W.
  74. तत्पुरुष (tatpuruṣa) (tatpuruṣa)
    m. the original or supreme spirit (one of the 5 forms of I1s3vara [also %{-Sa-vaktra}] Sarvad. vii) Ka1t2h. xvii, 1 TA1r., x, 1, 5 f. Lin3gaP. i, 13 [433,2]
    the servant of him Ka1tyS3r. vii, 1, 8
    N. of a Kalpa period MatsyaP. liii, 41
    a class of compounds (formed like the word %{tat-puruSa}, `" his servant "') in which the last member is qualified by the first without losing (as the last member of Bahu-vri1hi compounds) its grammatical independence (whether as noun or adj. or p.)
    two subdivisions of these compounds are called Karma-dha1raya and Dvi-gu (qq.vv.)
    %{-vaktra} m. see before.
  75. तत्रत्य (tatratya) (tatratya)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 4-2, 104 Pat.) of that place, being there BhP. Katha1s. Ra1jat. i, 117 Hit.
  76. तथ्य (tathya) (tathya)
    mfn. `" being really so "', true MBh. R. Pan5cat.
    n. truth S3ak. Bhartr2.
    (%{ena}) ind. according to truth Mn. viii, 274.
  77. तदर्थ (tadartha) (tadartha)
    mfn. intended for that A1p.ii, 14, 3 Pa1n2. 2-1, 36
    i, 3, 72 Ka1s3.
    serving for that Jaim. i, 2, 1 (%{a-} neg.)
    having that or the same meaning Pa1n2. 2-3, 58
    m. (its or) their meaning Veda7ntas. 200
    (%{am}) ind. on that account, with that object, for that end, therefore Pa1n2. 5-1, 12 R. i, 73, 4 VarBr2S. lxxiv Ka1s3. VP. iv
    %{-tA} f. = %{tAdarthya} A1s3vS3r. iii, 4, 12 Sch.
  78. तद्भव (tadbhava) (tadbhava)
    mfn. = %{tajja} Mn. iv, 232, Medha1t.
  79. तद्रूप (tadrūpa) (tadrūpa)
    mf(%{A})n. thus shaped, so formed, looking thus KapS. v, 19 and Jaim. vi, 5, 3 (%{-tva} n. abstr.) Pan5cat. Pa1n2. 7-3, 86 Sch.
    of the same quality Sarvad. xv, 354 Va1m. iv, 3, 9 (%{a-} neg. `" of different quality "')
    %{a-}, `" reverse "' Ba1dar. iii, 4, 40.
  80. तद्विद्य (tadvidya) (tadvidya)
    mfn. a connoisseur, expert Nya1yad. iv, 2, 47 Car. i, 25
    iii, 8.
  81. तन (tana) (tana)
    n. offspring, posterity, i, 39, 7
    viii, 18, 18 and 25, 2 AV. vii, 73, 5 (%{-nA4yA} for %{-nAya})
    (%{A}) f. sg. or Ved. n. pl. id. RV. iii, 25, 1 and 27, 9
    ix, 62, 2.
  82. तनय (tanaya) (tanaya)
    mfn. propagating a family, belonging to one's own family (often said of %{toka4}) RV. AitBr. ii, 7
    m. a son Mn. iii, 16
    viii, 275 MBh. (du. `" son and daughter "', iii, 2565) S3ak. Ragh. ii, 64
    = %{-bhavana} VarBr2S.
    N. of a Va1sisht2ha Hariv. 477 (v.l. %{anagha})
    pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 371
    n. posterity, family, race, offspring, child (`" grandchild "', opposed to %{toka4}, `" child "' Nir. x, 7
    xii, 6) RV. VarBr2S. (ifc. f. %{A}, ciii, 1 f.)
    (%{A}) f. (g. %{priyA7di}) a daughter Mn. xi, 172 (v.l.) Nal. R. &c.
    the plant %{cakra-tulyA} L.
  83. तनयित्नु (tanayitnu) (tanayitnu)
    mfn. (= %{stan-}) roaring, thundering, iv, 3, 1
    x, 66, 11. see 2. %{tan}.
  84. तनु (tanu) (tanu)
    mf(%{us}, %{U4s}, %{vI})n. thin, slender, attenuated, emaciated, small, little, minute, delicate, fine (texture R2itus. i, 7) S3Br. iii, 5, 4, 21 Ka1tyS3r. viii, 5 MBh. &c. (in comp. g. %{kaDArA7di}
    also = %{-dagdha} Sarvad. xv, 189)
    (said of a speech or hymn) accomplished (in metre) RV. viii, 1, 18 and (acc. f. %{-nva4m}) 76, 12
    m. (g. 2. %{lohitA7di}, not in Ka1s3.) N. of a R2ishi with a very emaciated body MBh. xii, 4665
    (%{us}) f. (once m. Bha1m. ii, 79) = %{-nU4} (see s.v.), the body, person, self (cf. %{duS-Tanu}, %{priya4-}) AitBr. viii, 24, 4 (ifc.) Mn. (%{svakA@t-}, `" one's own person, iv, 184) MBh. Hariv. (acc. pl. irr. %{-navas}, 3813) &c. (%{iyaM@tanur@mama}, `" this my self. i.e. I myself here "' Ratna7v. iv, 4
    %{-nuM-tyaj} or %{hA}, `" to give up one's life "' Mn. vi, 32 BhP. iii Katha1s.)
    form or manifestation S3ak. i, 1
    the skin
    = %{-gRha} VarBr2. Laghuj.
    (%{vI}) f. a slender or delicate woman S3ak. Ma1lav. v Bhartr2. &c.
    Desmodium gangeticum
    Balanites Roxburghii (vv.ll. %{tannI}, %{-nni}, `" Hemionitis cordifolia "'
    a metre of 4 + 24 syllables
    N. of a wife of Kr2ishn2a (?) Hariv. 6703
    [cf. $
    Lat. {tenuis} &c.]
  85. तनू (tanū) (tanū)
    1 in comp. for %{-nu4}.
  86. तन्तु (tantu) (tantu)
    m. a thread, cord, string, line, wire, warp (of a web), filament, fibre RV. &c.
    a cobweb W.
    a succession of sacrificial performances BhP.
    any one propagating his family in regular succession Ka1tyS3r. iii A1p. TUp. MBh. (cf. %{kula-}) &c.
    a line of descendants AitBr. vii, 17
    any continuity (as of thirst or hope) MBh. xii, 7877 Ma1lati1m.
    N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
    = %{-nAga}
    (g. %{gargA7di}) N. of a man Pravar. iv, 1
    cf. %{kASTha-}, %{vara-}, %{sapta4-}.
  87. तन्त्र (tantra) (tantra)
    n. (Pa1n2. 7-2, 9 Ka1s3.) a loom, v, 2, 70
    the warp RV. x, 71, 9 AV. x, 7, 42 TBr. ii Ta1n2d2yaBr. x, 5 S3Br. xiv Kaus3. MBh. i, 806 and 809
    the leading or principal or essential part, main point, characteristic feature, model, type, system, framework S3Br. xii Ta1n2d2yaBr. xxiii, 19, 1 La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. &c. (e.g. %{kulasya@t-}, `" the principal action in keeping up a family i.e. propagation "' MBh. xiii, 48, 6
    ifc. `" depending on "' cf. %{Atma-}, %{sva-}, %{para-}, &c.)
    doctrine, rule, theory, scientific work, chapter of such a work (esp. the 1st section of a treatise on astron. VarBr2S. i, 9
    Para1s3ara's work on astron., ii, 3
    vii, 8) MBh. &c. (cf. %{SaSTi-} &c.)
    a class of works teaching magical and mystical formularies (mostly in the form of dialogues between S3iva and Durga1 and said to treat of 5 subjects, 1. the creation, 2. the destruction of the world, 3. the worship of the gods, 4. the attainment of all objects, esp. of 6 superhuman faculties, 5. the 4 modes of union with the supreme spirit by meditation [436,2]
    cf. RTL. pp. 63, 85, 184, 189, 205ff.) VarBr2S. xvi, 19 Pan5cat. Das3. Katha1s. xxiii, 63 Sarvad.
    a spell HYog. i, 5 Vcar.
    oath or ordeal
    N. of a Sa1man (also called `" that of Viru1pa "') A1rshBr.
    an army (cf. %{-trin}) BhP. x, 54, 15
    ifc. a row, number, series, troop Ba1lar. ii f. vi
    = %{rAjya-t-}, government Das3. xiii S3is3. ii, 88
    (%{para@t-}, `" the highest authority "') Subh.
    a means which leads to two or more results, contrivance Hariv. ii, 1, 31
    a drug (esp. one of specific faculties), chief remedy cf. %{-trA7vApa}
    = %{paricchada}
    = %{anta}
    a house
    happiness W.
    (%{eNa}) instr. ind. so as to be typical or hold good Ka1tyS3r. xvi, xx
    (%{A}) f. for %{-ndrA} Sus3r.
    (%{Is} cf. Pa1n2. 5-4, 159 Ka1s3.
    %{I} L.) f. = %{-ntI} Gobh. iii, 6, 7 and BhP. iii, 15, 8 (v.l. for %{-ntI}
    see also %{vatsatantrI})
    the wire or string of a lute S3a1n3khS3r. xvii La1t2y. iv, 1, 2 Kaus3. &c. (%{-tri} R. vi, 28, 26)
    (fig.) the strings of the heart Hariv. 3210 (v.l.)
    any tubular vessel of the body, sinew, vein Pa1n2. 5-4, 159
    the plant %{-trikA}
    a girl with peculiar qualities
    N. of a river
    cf. %{ku-tantrI}.
  88. तन्त्रिन् (tantrin) (tantrin)
    mfn. having threads, made of threads, spun, wove W.
    chorded (an instrument) W.
    m. a musician W.
    a soldier Ra1jat. v, 248-339
  89. तन्द्रा (tandrā) (tandrā)
    f. lassitude, exhaustion, laziness Ya1jn5. iii, 158 MBh. iii, 3008
    xiv, 874 R. Sus3r. &c.
  90. तन्मय (tanmaya) (tanmaya)
    mfn. made up of, that, absorbed in or identical with that Mun2d2Up. S3vetUp. Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c.
    %{-tA} f. the being absorbed in or identical with that Ka1d. BhP. Ra1jat. iii, 498
    %{-tva} n. id. MBh. v, 1622 &c.
    %{-yI-bhAva}, Sa1h.
  91. तन्मात्र (tanmātra) (tanmātra)
    mfn. = %{-traka} MBh. ix, 1806 Pan5cat.
    = %{-trika} BhP. iii, 10, 15
    n. merely that, only a trifle Katha1s. v, 15
    lxiii, 60 Ra1jat. vi, 1
    a rudimentary or subtle element (5 in number, viz. %{zabda-}, %{sparza-}, %{rUpa-}, %{rasa-}, %{gandha-}, from which the 5 Maha1-bhu1tas or grosser elements are produced cf. RTL. p. 31 and 33) Ya1jn5. iii, 179 MBh. i, xiii Sa1m2khyak. KapS. &c.
    %{-tA} f. the state of a Tan-ma1tra Ma1rkP. vl, 46
    %{-tva} n. id. BhP. iii, 26, 33 ff.
    %{-sarga} m. (in Sa1m2khya phil.) creation of the subtle elements, rudimentary creation.
  92. तन्यतु (tanyatu) (tanyatu)
    m. thunder RV. (Ved. instr. %{-tA4}, i, 80, 12
    perhaps mfn. = %{tanayitnu4}, iv, 38, 8
    vi, 6, 2
    x, 65, 13 and 66, 10) AV. v, 13, 3
    wind (`" a musical instrument "' W.) Un2. iv, 2 Sch.
    night ib.  %{-nyu4}. Sae 2. %{tan}.
  93. तप (tapa) (tapa)
    mfn. ifc. `" consuming by heat "' see %{lalATam-}
    `" causing pain or trouble, distressing "' see %{janaM-} and %{paraM-}
    tormented by Hariv. i, 45, 37
    m. heat, warmth (cf. %{A-}) Pan5cat. ii, 3, 5/6
    the hot season S3is3. i, 66
    the sun W.
    = %{-pas}, religious austerity Car. Ca1n2. (cf. %{mahA-} and %{su-})
    a peculiar form of fire (which generated the seven mothers of Skanda) MBh. iii, 14392
    Indra Gal.
    N. of an attendant of S3ivaSch.
    (%{A}) f. N. of one of the 8 deities of the Bodhi-vr2iksha Lalit. xxi, 404
    cf. %{a-}.
  94. तपत् (tapat) (tapat)
    mfn. pr. p. 2. %{tap} q.v.
    (%{tI}) f. `" warming "'N. of a daughter of the Sun by Cha1ya1 (married to Sam2varan2a and mother of Kuru) MBh. i BhP. vi, viii f. Va1mP.
    = %{-pantI} Rasik. Katha7rn2.
    (%{ntI}) f. N. of a river DivyA7v. xxx
    cf. %{tApatya}.
  95. तपन (tapana) (tapana)
    mfn. warming, burning, shining (the sun) MBh. i, v R. vi, 79, 57
    causing pain or distress RV. ii, 23, 4
    x, 34, 6 AV. iv, xix
    m. (g. %{nandy-Adi}) the sun MBh. i, vi, xiii R. i, 16, 11 Ragh. &c.
    the hot season
    N. of a hell (cf. %{mahA-}) Mn. iv, 89 Buddh.
    N. of an Agni Hariv. 10465
    Agastya (cf. %{Agneya})
    Semecarpus Anacardium Npr.
    = %{-cchada} (or `" a white kind of it "' Npr.)
    Premna spinosa
    Cassia Senna Npr.
    the civet cat Gal.
    = %{-maNi}
    N. of a Yaksha MBh. i, 32, 18
    of a Rakshas R. vi
    n. (%{-na4}) the being hot, burning, heat TBr. ii, 2, 9, 1 f.
    pining, grieving, mental distress Ka1t2h. xxviii, 4 Sa1h. iii
    (%{I4}) f. heat RV. ii, 23, 14
    the root of Bignonia suaveolens Npr.
    = %{-panti} DivyA7v. xxx, 317 and 409
    a cooking vessel Baudh. (TS. Sch.)
    cf. %{gopAla-}, %{tripu4ra}, %{rAma-}.
  96. तपस् (tapas) (tapas)
    n. warmth, heat (%{paJca@tapAMsi}, the 5 fires to which a devotee exposes himself in the hot season, viz. 4 fires lighted in the four quarters and the sun burning from above Mn. vi, 23 R. BhP. iv BrahmaP.
    cf. Ragh. xiii, 41)VS. Sa1n3khS3r.
    pain, suffering RV. vii, 82, 7
    religious austerity, bodily mortification, penance, severe meditation, special observance (e.g. `" sacred learning "' with Bra1hmans, `" protection of subjects "' with Kshatriyas, `" giving alms to Bra1hmans "' with Vais3yas, `" service "' with S3u1dras, and `" feeding upon herbs and roots "' with R2ishis Mn. xi, 236) RV. ix, 113, 2
    x (personified, 83, 2 f. & 101, 1, `" father of Manyu "' RAnukr.) AV. &c.
    (m. L.) N. of a month intervening between winter and spring VS. TS. i S3Br.iv Sus3r. Pa1n2. 4-4, 128 Va1rtt. 2 Pat. S3is3. vi, 63
    the hot seasonSch.
    = %{-po-loka} Veda7ntas. 120
    the 9th lunar mansion (%{dharma}) VarBr2. i, 19
    ix, 1 and 4
    N. of a Kalpa period, Va1vuP. i, 21, 27.
  97. तपस्य (tapasya) (tapasya)
    1 Nom. %{-syati} (Pa1n2. 3-1, 15) to undergo religious austerities S3Br. xiv, 6, 8, 10 (%{ta4p-}) MBh. i, iii, xiii (A1. cf. 2. %{tapasya}) R. &c.
  98. तपस्विन् (tapasvin) (tapasvin)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-2, 102) distressed, wretched, poor, miserable TS. v, 3, 3, 4 (compar. %{-vi4-tara}) R. ii f. S3ak. Ma1lav. BhP. Sa1h.
    practising austerities, (m.) an ascetic AV. xiii, 2, 25 Ka1t2h. xx (compar.), xxiii (superl. %{-vi-tama}) S3Br. (compar. ii) &c.
    m. a pauper W.
    = %{-paHkara}
    a kind of Karan5ja tree
    N. of a son of Manu Ca1kshusha Hariv. 71
    of a R2ishi of the 12th Manv-antara, 482 BhP. viii, 13, 29 VP.
    (%{inI}) f. a female devotee, poor wretched woman Nal. R. iii, 2, 7 S3ak. Das3.
    Nardostachys Jat2a1-ma1n6si1
    Helleborus niger
    = %{mahAzrAvaNikA} Bhpr.
    %{-svi-kanyakA} or %{-nyA} f. the daughter of an ascetic S3ak. i, 15/16 and 24
    %{-tA} f. devout austerity MBh. xiii, 2896 S3atr.
    %{-pattra} m. Artemisia
    %{-svI7STA} f. Prosopis spicigera Gal.
  99. तपित (tapita) (tapita)
    mfn. refined (gold) Hariv. 13035.
  100. तपोधन (tapodhana) (tapodhana)
    mf(%{A})n. rich in religious austerities, (m.) a great ascetic Mn. xi, 242 MBh. Hariv. ii, 69, 62 &c.
    m. N. of a son of Manu Ta1masa, i, 7, 23
    of a R2ishi of the 12th Manv-antara VP. iii, 2, 34
    of a Muni Katha1s. cxvii, 125
    = %{-pasvipattra}
    (%{A}) f. Sphaeranthus mollis L.
  101. तपोवन (tapovana) (tapovana)
    n. a grove in which religious austerities are performed Nal. xii, 62 R. i S3ak. Ragh.
    (ifc. f. %{A}) Katha1s. xxii.
  102. तप्त (tapta) (tapta)
    mfn. heated, inflamed, hot, made redhot, refined (gold &c.), fused, melted, molten&c.
    distressed, afflicted, worn R. iii, 55, 15 Megh. S3ak.
    (in astrol.) opposed by VarYogay. ix, 16
    practised (as austerities) MBh. v, 7147 R. i, 57, 8
    one who has practised austerities S3Br. ChUp.
    `" inflamed with anger, incensed W.
    n. hot water S3Br. xiv, 1, 1, 29
    (%{a4m}) ind. in a hot manner, xi, 2, 7, 32.
  103. तमस् (tamas) (tamas)
    n. darkness, gloom (also pl.) RV. (%{-maH}, %{pra4NIta}, `" led into darkness, `" deprived of the eye's light or sight, i, 117, 17) &c.
    the darkness of hell, hell or a particular division of hell Mn. iv, viii f. VP. ii, 6, 4 Ma1rkP. xii, 10
    the obscuration of the sun or moon in eclipses, attributed to Ra1hu (also m. L.) R. VarBr2S. v, 44 VarBr2. ii VarYogay. Su1ryas.
    mental darkness, ignorance, illusion, error (in Sa1m2khya phil. one of the 5 forms of %{a-vidjA} MBh. xiv, 1019 Sa1m2khyak. &c.
    one of the 3 qualities or constituents of everything in creation [the cause of heaviness, ignorance, illusion, lust, anger, pride, sorrow, dulness, and stolidity
    sorrow Kir. iii
    see %{guNa} and cf. RTL
    p. 45] Mn. xii, 24 f. and 38 Sa1m2khyak. &c.) RV. v. 31, 9 R. ii S3ak. Ra1jat. v, 144
    N. of a son (of S3ravas MBh. xiii, 2002
    of Daksha, i Sch.
    of Pr2ithu-s3ravas VP. iv, 12, 2)
    [cf. %{timira}
    Lat. {temere} &c.] %{-sa4}, &c. see col. 1.
  104. तमाल (tamāla) (tamāla)
    m. `" dark-barked (but white-blossomed) "' Xanthochymus Pictorius MBh. Hariv. 12837 R. Sus3r. Mr2icch. &c.
    a sort of black Khadira tree
    Crataeva Roxburghii
    tobacco, Siksha1p.
    sectarial mark on the forehead (made with the juice of the Tama1la fruit)
    a sword
    m. n. (g. %{ardharcA7di}) the bark of the bamboo
    n. = %{-patra}
    (%{I}) f. = %{tamakA} Npr.
    Crataeva Roxburghii
    = %{tAmra-vallI}&c.,
  105. तमिस्र (tamisra) (tamisra)
    m. = %{-pakSa} W.
    n. darkness, dark night (also pl.) MBh. iv, 710 BhP. v, 13, 9 Gi1t. xi, 12
    a dark hell, hell (in general) BhP. iv, 6, 45
    (%{A}) f. (Pa1n2. 5-2, 114) a dark night RV. ii, 27, 14 TBr. ii, 2, 9, 6 MBh. iii Ra1gh. &c.
    cf. %{su-}
  106. तर (tara) (tara)
    1 an affix forming the compar. degree of adjectives and rarely (cf. %{vRtra-ta4ra}) of substantives Sus3r. i, 20, 11
    (%{Am}), added (in older language) to adverbs (see %{ati-tarA4m} &c.) and (in later language) to verbs (Pan5cat. i, 14, 7 Ratna7v. iii, 9 Katha1s.), intensifying their meaning
    ind. with %{na}, not at all BhP. x, 46, 43.
  107. तरम्बुज (tarambuja) (tarambuja)
    n. (borrowed fr. $) a water-melon (cf. %{kharbUja}), Tantr.
  108. तरि (tari) (tari)
    f. = %{-rI}, a boat MBh. i, 4014
    xii, 1682 Prab. vi, 7
    see also %{-rI} s.v. %{-ra}. %{-rika}, %{-rikin}, &c. see col. 1.
  109. तरल (tarala) (tarala)
    mf(%{A})n. ( %{tRR}? cf. %{taraMga}) moving to and fro, trembling, tremulous MBh. &c.
    glittering R. vi, 4, 33 Ragh. xiii, 76 S3ak.
    unsteady, vain Bhartr2. Amar. Ra1jat. iii, 515
    liquid W.
    m. a wave BhP. xf.
    the central gem of a necklace MBh. viii, 4913 Hariv.
    a necklace
    a ruby
    a level surface (%{tala})
    the thorn-apple Npr.
    N. of a poet Ba1lar. i, 13 S3a1rn3gP.
    pl. N. of a people MBh. viii, 237
    (%{A}) f. spirituous liquor
    a bee
    N. of a Yogini1 Hcat. ii, 1, 709
    rice-gruel VarBr2S. lxxvi, 11 (%{-la} n. ?).
  110. तरु (taru) (taru)
    1 mfn. `" quick "' or subst. `" speediness "', (pl.) RV. v, 44, 5 (cf. ii, 39, 3).
  111. तरिक (tarika) (tarika)
    m.= %{-kin} Ya1jn5. ii, 263
    a raft, boat
    (%{A}) f. id.
    the skin on the milk VS.xxxix, 5/6 Ka1tyS3r. xxvi, 7, 50/51.
  112. तरुण (taruṇa) (taruṇa)
    mf(%{I} [Pa1n2. 4-1, 15 Va1rtt. 6 Pat.] RV.)n. ( %{tRR}
    g. %{kapilakA7di} Gan2ar. 447) `" progressive "', young, tender, juvenile&c.
    new, fresh, just risen (the sun cf. %{bAlA7ditya}), just begun (heat or a disease) MBh. R. Kum. iii, 54 Sus3r.
    tender (a feeling) Bhartr2.
    m. a youth MBh. &c. (cf. %{tarNa})
    Ricinus communis
    large cumin seed
    N. of a particular section in a Tantra work treating of various stages in a Ta1ntrika's life Kula7rn2. viii
    of a mythical being MBh. ii, 7, 22
    of a R2ishi in the 11th Manv-antara Hariv.477
    m. n. the blossom of Trapa bispinosa"'
    n. = %{-NA7sthi} Sus3r.
    a sprout (ifc., %{kuza-}) Ka1tyS3r. Pa1rGr2. ii, 1, 10
    (%{I}) f. (g. %{gaurA7di}) a young woman, girl R. Sus3r. &c.
    a kind of pot-herb, i, 46, 4, 39
    Aloe perfoliata
    Rosa glandulifera or alba Npr.
    Croton polyandrum or Tiglium
    [cf. vip, $.]
  113. तर्क (tarka) (tarka)
    m. conjecture MBh. &c.
    reasoning, speculation, inquiry Kat2hUp. ii, 9 Pa1rGr2. ii, 6, 5 Gaut. Mn. xii, 106 MBh. &c.
    doubt W.
    system or doctrine founded on speculation or reasoning, philosophical system (esp. the Nya1ya system, but applicable also to any of the six Dars3ana q.v.) BhP. ii, vii f. Prab. Vop. Caran2. Madhus.
    the number 6 Su1ryas. xii, 87
    logic, confutation (esp. that kind of argument which consists in reduction to absurdity) Tarkas. Sarvad. Madhus.
    wish, desire
    supplying an ellipsis
    cause, motive
    n. a philosophical system Hcat. i, 7
    (%{A}) f. reasoning, inquiry (`" = %{kAGkSA} "' Sch.) MBh. iv, 892
    cf. %{a-}, %{ku-}, %{dus-}, %{rUpa-}.
  114. तर्ककउमुदी (tarkakaümudī) (tarkakaumudī)
    f. N. of a Vais3eshika work.
  115. तर्कु (tarku) (tarku)
    (m. n.
    3. %{kRt} Nir. ii, 1, but cf. %{niS-Tarkya4}, $& {torqueo} &c. s.v. %{tark}) a spindle Pa1rGr2. i, 15/16.
  116. तर्किन् (tarkin) (tarkin)
    mfn. skilled in speculation Mn. xii, 111.
  117. तर्कुकर्मन् (tarkukarman) (tarkukarman)
    n. `" spindlework "'N. of a Kala1 (q.v.).
  118. तर्जक (tarjaka) (tarjaka)
    mfn. one who threatens Pan5car. iv, 3.
  119. तर्जन (tarjana) (tarjana)
    n. threatening, scolding R. iii, v Ragh. xix, 17 Kum. vi, 45 &c.
    (ifc.) frightening MBh. iii, 12569
    derision W.
    putting to shame, surpassing W.
    anger W.
    (%{A}) f. scolding Sa1h.
    (%{I}) f. `" threatening finger "', the fore-finger Katha1s. xvii, 88 Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
    = %{-nikA} Hcat. ii, 1.
  120. तर्जित (tarjita) (tarjita)
    mfn. threatened R. vi Ragh. xi, 78
    scolded, reviled Bhat2t2. Ra1jat. iii, 34: Sa1h.
    frightened Hariv. 3911 Sus3r. Ra1jat.v, 398
    n. threat R. [440,2]
  121. तर्पण (tarpaṇa) (tarpaṇa)
    mf(%{I})n. id. Sus3r. (cf. %{ghrANa-})
    (m. or n.) N. of a plant, iv, 5, 13 and 18
    16, 3
    n. satiety MBh. xiv, 673
    satiating, refreshing (esp. of gods and deceased persons [cf. %{RSi-}, %{pitR-}] by presenting to them libations of water
    a particular ceremony performed with a magical Mantra Sarvad.
    cf. RTL. p. 394 and 409) Pa1rGr2. iii, 3, 11 Mn. iii, 70 Ya1jn5. i, 46 MBh. xiii &c.
    gladdening (ifc.) BhP. iii, 1, 27
    refreshment, food AV. ix, 6, 6 MBh. xviii, 269 and 275 Car. Pa1n2. 2-3, 14 Ka1s3. Hcat. (ifc. f. %{A})
    (satiating i.e.) filling the eyes (with oil &c.) Sus3r.
    (%{I}) f. N. of a plant L.
  122. तर्ष (tarṣa) (tarṣa)
    1 m. = %{-rISa}, a raft Un2. iii, 62 Sch.
    the ocean ib.
    the sun Un2. vr2. 2 m. ( %{triS}) thirst "', wish, desire for (in comp.) MBh. xii R. ii, 100, 3 BhP. v, 8, 12 (%{ati-}, `" excessive desire "')
    Desire (son of Arka [the sun] and Va1sana1), vi, 6, 13
    (%{A}) f. thirst, desire, xi, 9, 27.
  123. तल (tala) (tala)
    (m. L.) n. ( %{stR}) surface, level, flat roof(of a house) MBh. &c. (chiefly ifc. [f. %{A} R. v, 13] cf. %{nabhas-}, %{mahI-} &c.)
    the part underneath, lower part, base, bottom Mn. ii, 59 VarBr2S. Pan5cat. &c. (cf. %{adhas-}, %{taru-} &c.) [440,3]
    (m. n.) the palm (of the hand see %{kara-}, %{pANi-}) R. ii, 104, 17 S3ak. Ragh. vi, 18
    the sole (of the foot, %{aGghri-}, %{pAda-}) MBh. i VarBr2S.
    (without %{kara-} &c.) the palm of the hand (%{anyo@'nyasya}, or %{parasparaM@talaM} or %{-lAn-dA}, to slap each other with the palms of the hands) MBh. Hariv. R. Sus3r.
    m.) the sole of the foot R. v, 13, 47
    (m.) the fore-arm
    = %{tAla} (a span
    the handle of a sword
    the palmyra tree Viddh. ii, 13)
    pressing the strings of a lute with the left hand MBh. viii
    m. N. of a hell A1run2Up. S3ivaP. (cf. %{talA7tala})
    S3iva MBh. xiii, 17, 130
    N. of a teacher g. %{zaunakA7di}
    n. = %{-hRdaya}
    = %{talka}
    = %{talaka} (q.v.)
    = %{talla} (q.v.)
    the root or seed of events
    = %{-tra} A1s3vGr2. iii, 12, 11 (%{tala}) MBh. R.
    (%{A}) f. id.
    N. of a daughter of Raudra7s3va Va1yuP. ii, 37, 122
    cf. %{a-}, %{jihvA-}, %{ni-}, %{nis-}, %{pra-}, %{mahA-}, %{rasA-}, %{vi-}, %{su-}.
  124. तलत्र (talatra) (talatra)
    `" arm-guard "', a leathern fence worn by archers on the left arm, iii, vi Hariv. 13373
    %{-vat} mfn. furnished with that fence, 14465.
  125. त्वद् (tvad) (tvad)
    = %{tvat}.
  126. तष्ट (taṣṭa) (taṣṭa)
    mfn. ( %{takS}) pared, hewn, made thin
    fashioned, formed in mind, produced xi, 1, 23
    cf. %{su4-}, %{sto4ma-}
  127. तस्कर (taskara) (taskara)
    m. (for %{tat-k-} Nir. iii, 14 VPra1t. iii, 51) a thief, robberVS. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Hariv. 5180 Ka1m. iv, 53
    cf. %{a-taskara4}
    ifc. used as a term of contempt [Katha1s. ci, 140] Gan2ar. 114)
    Trigonella corniculata Sus3r. iv, 37, 15
    Vanguiera spinosa
    Ardisia humilis (?)
    the ear (derived fr. Ragh. i, 27) W.
    pl. N. of particular Ketus VarBr2S. xi, 20
    (%{I}) f. a passionate woman
    a kind of Mimosa Npr.
  128. तस्थिवस् (tasthivas) (tasthivas)
    mf(%{-thu4SI})n. pf. p. P. %{sthA}, q.v. mfn. (pf. p. of 1. %{sthA}
    nom. %{-vA4n}, %{-thu4SI}, %{-va4t}) one who has stood, standing, remaining, continuing in, being on or in (loc.) RV. Ragh.
    one who has stood still or stopped or made a pause (used as pf. tense, `" he made a pause "' Hariv.), fixed, immovable, stationary (opp. to %{ja4gat}) RV. MBh. &c.
    occupied with, engaged in (loc.) Ragh. Ra1jat.
    keeping on with (instr.) MBh.
    persevering, constant MBh.
    ready to, prepared for (dat.) ib.
  129. ताजिक (tājika) (tājika)
    m. a Persian pl. the Persians (cf. %{tarj-} and %{tAyika}) Katha1s. xxxvii, 36 Romakas. (also %{-jIka})
    n. = %{-jaka} (e.g. %{-jyotir-maNi}, %{-praznA7dhyAya}, %{-zAstra}, %{-kA7larMkAra}). [441,3]
  130. ताटङ्क (tāṭaṅka) (tāṭaṅka)
    (m. L.) n. a kind of ear ornament Prasannar. ii, 0/1.
  131. ताडन (tāḍana) (tāḍana)
    mfn. beating, striking, hitting, hurting R. (G) i, 30, 17 BhP. viii, 11, 9
    n. striking, beating, thumping, whipping, chastising, hammering (of gold &c.) Ya1jn5. i, 155 MBh. &c. (often ifc. with the instrument, once [Pan5cat.] with the object)
    (in astron.) touching, partial eclipse VarBr2S. xxiv, 34
    a kind of solemn act (performed with Kun2d2as, Sa1rad, v, 3
    or with Mantras Sarvad.)
    (%{I}) f. a whip
  132. ताडित (tāḍita) (tāḍita)
    mfn. struck, beaten, chastised R. v, 26, 12 VarBr2S. Kum. v, 24 S3ak. ii, 6 Ragh. &c.
  133. ताण्डव (tāṇḍava) (tāṇḍava)
    (m. n. g. %{ardharcA7di}
    fr. %{taNDu}?) dancing (esp. with violent gesticulation), frantic dance (of S3iva and his votaries) Ma1lati1m. Katha1s. BhP. x MatsyaP. Ra1jat. &c. (cf. RTL. p. 84)
    (in prosody) a tribrach
    Saccharum procerum L.
  134. तात (tāta) (tāta)
    m. (cf. 1. %{tata4}) a father MBh. i R. Vikr. S3ak. iv, 4/5 (in comp.) &c.
    (%{tA4ta}) voc. a term of affection addressed to a junior [S3Br. xiv AitBr. vii ChUp. MBh. &c.] or senior [i, 6796 Ragh. &c.], addressed to several persons MBh. i, 6825
    v, 5435 (C) [442,1]
    in the latter use also (%{As}) voc. pl. ib. (B)
    i, 6820 f.
    iv, 133
    [cf. $
    Lat. {tata} &c.]
  135. ताति (tāti) (tāti)
    a son
  136. तात्पर्य (tātparya) (tātparya)
    mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{tat-para}) aimed at Sa1h.
    n. devoting one's self to Pa1n2. 2-3, 40 Ka1s3.
    reference to any object (loc.), aim, object, purpose, meaning, purport (esp. of speech or of a work) Bha1sha1p. Veda7ntas. &c.
    (%{eNa}) instr. ind. = %{-tas} W.
  137. तादर्थ्य (tādarthya) (tādarthya)
    n. (g. %{caturvarNA7di}) the being intended for that Jaim. vi, 1 f. Anup. iii, 8 Pa1n2. 2-3, 13 Va1rtt. 1 Ka1s3.
    the having that meaning, sameness of meaning, iv, 2, 60 Pat.
    `" reference to that "', (%{ena}) instr. ind. with this intention
  138. तादात्म्य (tādātmya) (tādātmya)
    n. sameness or identity of nature or character with (instr., loc., or in comp.) BhP. Sa1h.
  139. तादृश (tādṛśa) (tādṛśa)
    mf(%{I})n. (Pa1n2. 3-2, 60
    vi, 3, 91) = %{-dR4z} S3Br. xi, 7, 3 Mn. &c.
    %{yAdRza@t-} [Pan5cat.) or %{za-t-} [MBh. xiii, 5847], anybody whosoever.
  140. तान (tāna) (tāna)
    m. (3. %{tan}) a fibre Sus3r. i, 25
    a tone MBh. ii, 133 and 391
    xiii, 3888 Kum. i, 8
    `" a monotonous tone (in reciting, %{eka-zruti}) Ka1tyS3r. i, 8, 18 Vait. Bha1shik. Nya1yam. VPra1t. Sch.
    an object of sense (or = %{tAtparya})(cf. %{eka-})
  141. तान्त्रिक (tāntrika) (tāntrika)
    mf(%{A} Sus3r. i, 3
    %{I})n. taught in a scientific manual Tattvas. (%{-kI@saMjJA}, `" a technical N.)
    taught in the Tantras. mystical Ha1r. (Mn. ii, 1/2) Sus3r. &c.
    m. one completely versed in any science or system Bha1sha1p.
    a follower of the Tantra doctrine BhP. xii, 11, 2 SS3am2kar.
  142. ताप (tāpa) (tāpa)
    m. (2. %{tap}
    g. %{uJchA7di}) heat, glow Mn. xii, 76 S3ak. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Kum. vii, 84)
    heating Nya1yam. x, 1, 22
    testing (gold) by heat MBh. xii, 12357 Subh. (%{-pana}, GarP.)
    pain (mental or physical), sorrow, affliction MBh. &c.
    fever W.
    (%{I}) f. the Tapti1 river (`" also the Yamuna1 river "' L.) Hariv. ii, 109, 30 BhP. v, 19, 18
    x, 79, 20
    cf. %{pazcAt-}.
  143. तापत्य (tāpatya) (tāpatya)
    mfn. relating to Tapati1 MBh. i, 387 [442,3]
    m. metron. fr. Tapati1 (N. of Kuru, 6505
    of Arjuna, 6509
  144. तापस (tāpasa) (tāpasa)
    mfn. (g. %{chattrA7di} Pa1n2. 5-2, 103) a practiser of religious, austerities (%{ta4pas}) S3Br. xiv, 27 &c.
    relating to religious austerity or to an ascetic R. (G) ii, 52, 5
    m. an ascetic Mn. Nal. &c.
    the moon Gal.
    Ardea nivea
    = %{-se7kSu} Sus3r. i, 45, 9, 2 and 6
    = %{-pattra}
    patr. of Agni, Gharma, and Manyu RAnukr.
    of a Hotr2i Ta1n2d2yaBr. xxv, 15
    n. = %{-ja}
    (%{I}) f. (g. %{gaurA7di} Gan2ar. 49) a female ascetic MBh. i, 3006 S3ak. iv, 4/5 Vikr. Dhu1rtas.
    Curcuma Zedoaria Npr.
    Nardostachys Jat2a1-ma1n6si1 ib.
  145. तामस (tāmasa) (tāmasa)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{ta4mas}) dark
    appertaining to or affected by the quality %{tamas} (q.v.), ignorant, various Mn. xii Bhag. &c. (%{-sI@tanU}, the form assumed by the deity for the destruction of the world "' [443,1]
    %{-sI@zakti}, `" the faculty of %{tamas} "')
    relating to Manu Ta1masa BhP. viii, 1, 28
    m. a malignant person
    a snake
    an owl
    N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv. 9562
    of the 4th Manu Mn. i, 62 Hariv. BhP. v, viii
    of an attendant of S3ivaSch.
    of a man Pravar. i, 1 (J)
    n. `" darkness "' see %{andha-}
    (%{I}) f. night
    N. of a river MBh. vi, 339.
  146. तामसिक (tāmasika) (tāmasika)
    mfn. relating to the quality tamas (q.v.) VarBr2. ii, 7/8.
  147. ताम्बल (tāmbala) (tāmbala)
    mf(%{I})n. made of hemp Gobh. ii, 10, 10
    m. a kind of hemp ib. Sch.
  148. ताम्बूल (tāmbūla) (tāmbūla)
    (= Pra1kr2it {-bo7la} fr. %{tAmragula}) m. = %{-bala} W.
    n. betel, (esp.) its pungent and aromatic leaf (chewed with the areca-nut and catechu and sometimes caustic lime and spices as a carminative and antacid tonic) Hariv. 8454 and 8457 Sus3r. VarBr2S. &c.
    the areca-nut
    (%{I}) f. Piper Betel Ragh. iv, 42 Ka1d. &c.
  149. ताम्बूलिक (tāmbūlika) (tāmbūlika)
    m. a seller of betel R. (G) ii, 90, 23 Ka1d. iii, 825 Sa1h. iii, 40/41.
  150. ताम्र (tāmra) (tāmra)
    mf(%{A})n. ( %{tam} Un2.) of a coppery red colour VS. xvi (Naigh. iii, 7) MBh. &c. (%{tAmrA@tvac}, the 4th of the 7 membranes with which an embryo is covered Sus3r. iii, 4, 2)
    mf(%{I})n. made of copper R. iii, 21, 17 Sus3r., 53/54 BhavP.
    m. a kind of leprosy with large red spots, Karmavip.
    N. of a son of Naraka Bhauma BhP. x, 59, 12
    = %{-dvIpa} MBh. ii, 1172 Romakas.
    n. = %{-tA}
    copper Kaus3. Mn. &c.
    a coppery receptacle MBh. ii, 61, 29
    = %{-dru} W. (cf. R. ii, 83, 17)
    (%{A}) f. Rubia Munjista Npr.
    a red kind of Abrus ib.
    a kind of pepper
    N. of a daughter of Daksha (one of the wives of Kas3yapa and mother of various birds) MBh. i, 2620 Hariv. R. iii BhP. vi, 6, 25 ff. VP.
    N. of a river MBh. iii, 12909
    vi, 335
    (%{I}) f. a kind of clepsydra (cf. %{-mra-pAtra}) L.
  151. तार (tāra) (tāra)
    mfn. ( %{tRR}) carrying across, a saviour, protector (Rudra) VS. xvi, 40 S3iraUp.
    (Vishn2u) MBh. xiii, 6986
    high (a note), loud, shrill, (m. n.) a high tone, loud or shrill note Ta1n2d2yaBr. vii, 1, 7 (compar. %{-tara} and superl. %{-tama}) TPra1t.
    S3iksha1 MBh. vii Mr2icch. &c.
    mfn. (ft. %{stR4}?) shining, radiant Megh. Amar. Katha1s. lxxiii Sa1h.
    clean, clear
    good, excellent, well flavouredSch.
    m. `" crossing "' see %{dus-}, %{su-}
    `" saving "', a mystical monosyllable (as %{om}) Ra1matUp. S3ikhUp. Sarvad. Tantr.
    Andropogon bicolor
    N. of Man2i-ra1ma (author of a Comm. on Bha1m.)
    of a Daitya (slain by Vishn2u) Hariv.
    of one of Ra1ma's monkey generals (son of Br2ihas-pati, husband of Ta1ra1) MBh. iii, 16372 R. i, iv, vi
    pl. a class of gods in the 12th Manv-antara VP. iii, 2, 33
    m. [n. and (%{A}) f. L.] the clearness or transparency of a pearl, clear pearl Sus3r. v, 3, 19 Gi1t. xi, 25
    (m. n. L.) = %{-rA7bhra}
    m. n. a star
    the pupil of the eye
    n. descent to a river, bank (cf. %{tIra}, %{tIrtha4}) AV. iv, 37, 3 Pa1n2. 6-3, 109 Va1rtt. 1
    silver BhP. iv, 6, 27 Bhpr. v, 26, 43
    (%{A}) f. (g. %{bhidA7di}) a fixed star, asterism (cf. %{stR4}) Ya1jn5. iii, 172 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Mr2icch. iii, 10)
    the pupil of the eye (chiefly ifc.) VarBr2S. lviii, 11 &c.
    a kind of meteor, vli, 86 and 94
    (in Sa1m2khya phil.) one of the 8 Siddhis Tattvas.
    (in music) N. of a Ra1ga of six notes
    a kind of perfume
    a form of Da1ksha1yan2i (worshipped on the mountain Kishkindha MatsyaP. xiii, 46
    protectress of the Gr2itsa-madas BrahmaP. ii, 18, 8
    cf. RTL. p. 187)
    N. of a Buddh. goddess, Va1sav, 433
    of Br2ihaspati's wife (carried off by Soma) MBh. v, 3972 Hariv. 1340 ff. BhP. &c.
    of the wife of Buddha Amoghasiddha Buddh.
    of a S3akti Jain.
    of a Yogini1 Hcat. ii, 1, 710
    of a female monkey (daughter of Sushen2a, wife of Ba1lin and mother of An3gada) MBh. iii, 16110 ff. R. i, iv, vi.
  152. तारक (tāraka) (tāraka)
    mf(%{ikA} [Pa1n2. 7-3, 45 Va1rtt. 6] R. ii)n. causing or enabling to pass or go over, carrying over, rescuing, liberating, saving MBh. xii (S3iva) Ja1ba1lUp. S3ivaP. &c. (a particular prayer, %{brahman})
    belonging to the stars VS. xxiv, 10 (%{-ka4})
    m. a helmsman
    N. of a Daitya (conquered by Indra with the assistance of Skanda) MBh. vi ff. (pl. the children of that Daitya, viii, 1553), xiii Hariv. Kum. &c.
    of an enemy of Vishn2u
    of a friend of Si1manta Brahmo7ttKh. xxx
    m. n. a float, raft
    n. a star MBh. v, 5390 Gi1t.vii, 24
    the pupil of the eye
    the eye
    a metre of 4 X 13 syllables
    (%{tA4rakA}) f. (Pa1n2. 7-3, 45 Va1rtt. 6) a star AV. TBr. i, 5, 2, 5 Ya1jn5. i MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A})
    a meteor, falling star AV. v, 17, 4
    the pupil of the eye MBh. i, 2932 R. iii Mr2icch. &c.
    the eye
    = %{laghu-vRndAvana} Npr.
    (= %{-rA}) N. of Br2ihas-pati's wife VP. iv, 6, 9
    (%{ikA}) f. the juice of palms Kula7rn2. mfn. cheating, deceitful, a deceiver Bhartr2. Vcar.
  153. तारकामय (tārakāmaya) (tārakāmaya)
    mfn. on account of (Br2ihas-pati's wife) Ta1raka1 (or Ta1ra1
    said of the war waged by gods and demons for her rescue) MBh. i f.
    vi f. Hariv. R. vf. BhP. ix, 14, 7
    m. `" full of stars "', S3iva MBh. xii, 10424.
  154. तारकाराज (tārakārāja) (tārakārāja)
    m. `" star-king "', the moon Ka1d. v, 106 Hcar. v, 381
  155. तारकित (tārakita) (tārakita)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-2, 36) star-spangled (i.e. filled) with (in comp.) Das3. Ka1d. Naish. iv, 49.
  156. तारण (tāraṇa) (tāraṇa)
    mf(%{I})n. causing or enabling to cross, helping over a difficulty, liberating, saving MBh. xiii, 1232 (Siva) and 6986 (Vishn2n) Hariv.7022 and 7941 Katha1s. lxvii, 1
    m. a float, raft
    n. crossing, safe passage
    conquering (difficulties) MBh. iv, xiv R. &c.
    carrying across, liberating, saving MBh. i, iii, ix
    N. of a Sa1man
    the 3rd year of the 4th Jupiter cycle VarBr2S. viii, 3 Su1ryas. Jyot.
    pl. N. of a family Pravar. ii, 3, 6. n. (fr. Caus.) ferrying over, carrying across, Sa1rin3gP.
    passing over, crossing (m. c. for %{-taraNa}) R. Ra1jat.
    deceiving, cheating (also %{A} f.) S3a1rn3gP. L.
  157. तार्किक (tārkika) (tārkika)
    mfn. (fr. %{tarka}) related or belonging to logic W.
    m. a dialectician, logician, philosopher Ga1tha1sam2gr. Veda7ntas. &c.
  158. तार्क्ष्य (tārkṣya) (tārkṣya)
    m. N. of a mythical being (originally described as a horse with the epithet %{a4riSTa-nemi} [RV. i, 89, 6
    x, 178, 1 Naigh. i, 14 Kaus3. 73], later on taken to be a bird [RV. v, 51, interpol. A1s3vS3r. x, 7] and identified with Garud2a [MBh. Hariv. &c.] or called his elder brother [L.] or father [BhP. vi, 6, 2 and 21
    see also %{-putra}]
    mentioned with Arisht2a-nemi VS. xv, 18
    with Arisht2a-nemi, Garud2a, Arun2a and A1run2i as offspring of Kas3yapa by Vinata1 MBh. i, 2548 and 4830 Hariv. 12468 and 14175
    called a Yaksha VP. ii, 10, 13
    a Muni with the N. Arisht2a-nemi MBh. iii, 12660 and 12665
    xii, 10615
    pl. a class of demi-gods grouped with the Gandharvas, Yakshas, and Ca1ran2as R. i, 16, 9)
    N. of the hymn RV. x, 178 (ascribed to Ta1rkshya Arisht2anemi) A1s3vS3r. ix Sa1n3khS3r. xi f. La1t2y. i
    a horse Naigh. i, 14
    a cart
    a bird MBh. vi, 71 Sus3r. iv, 28, 5
    a snake
    = %{-prasava}, vi, 51, 19 (%{-kSa} ed.)
    a sort of antidote, v, 5, 66
    = %{netrA7Jca@keza} Npr.
    N. of a man Pravar. ii, 3, 6 (A1p. and A1s3v.)
    pl. N. of a people MBh. ii, 1871
    n. = %{-ja} Sus3r. iv, 9, 45.
  159. ताल (tāla) (tāla)
    m. (Siddhnapun6s. 25 Sch.) the palmyra tree or fan-palm (Borassus flabelliformis, producing a sort of spirituous liquor
    considered as a measure of height R. iv
    vi, 2, 6 Lalit. iii, xxii
    forming a banner MBh. iv, vi, xvi Hariv.
    to pierce seven fan-palms with one shot is held to be a great feat R. i, 1, 64 AgP. viii, 2) Mn. viii, 246 MBh. &c.
    (fr. %{tADa}) slapping the hands together or against one's arm, xiii, 1397 R. &c.
    the flapping of an elephant's ears Ragh. ix, 71 Katha1s. xii
    xxi, 1 Prab. i, v
    musical time or measure MBh. &c. (cf. %{-jJa} & %{-zIla})
    a dance Sa1h. vi, 277
    a cymbal Pan5cat. BhP. viii, 15, 21
    (in prosody) a trochee
    a span measured by the thumb and middle finger Hcat. i, 3, 855 and 6, 171 [445,1]
    (= %{tala}) the palm (of the hand)
    a lock, bolt W.
    (= %{tala}) the hilt of a sword
    a goldsmith Gal.
    S3iva MBh. xiii, 1243
    pl. N. of a people (cf. %{-vana} and %{apara-}) VarBr2S. xiv, 22
    m. n. orpiment
    N. of a hell VP. ii, 6, 2 and 10 S3ivaP.
    n. the nut of the fan-palm MBh. iii, 8718 Hariv. 3711 (cf. %{kAkatAlIya})
    the throne of Durga1 (cf. %{manas-})(v.l.)
    mf(%{I} Pa1n2. 4-3, 152) n. made of palmyra wood Mn.xi, 96/97
    (%{A}) f. (g. %{kuNDA7di}) see %{mAsa-}
    (%{I}) f. (g. %{kuNDA7dI}) N. of a tree (Corypha Taliera, Corypha umbraculifera, Flacourtia cataphracta, Curculigo orchioides L.) Hariv. 6407 R. Sus3r. &c.
    toddy W.
    a fragrant earth
    = %{tallikA}
    a metre of 4 x 3 long syllables
    cf. %{ucca-}, %{ut-}, %{eka-}, %{kara-}, %{kAMsya-}, %{kAma-}, %{kroza-}.
  160. तालजङ्घ (tālajaṅgha) (tālajaṅgha)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 6-2, 114 Ka1s3.) having legs as long as a palm-tree R. v, 12, 35 Hariv. 9553 Tantr.
    belonging to the Ta1la-jan3gha tribe MBh. xiii, 7223
    m. a prince of that tribe, iii, 17014
    a Rakshas VarYogay. iii, 21
    N. of a Rakshas R. vi, 84, 12
    of a Daitya Hariv. 12940
    of a chief of the Bhu1tas Katha1s. cviii, 90
    of the ancestor of the Ta1la-jan3gha tribe (descendant of S3arya1ti MBh. xiii, 1946
    son of Jaya-dhvaja VP. iv, 11, 5 BhP. ix, 23, 27)
    pl. N. of a warrior-tribe MBh. Hariv. R. BhP.
  161. तालव्य (tālavya) (tālavya)
    see %{-lu} below. mfn. (cf. Pa1n2. 5-1, 6) relating to the palate Sus3r. iii, 8, 15
    palatal (the letters %{i}, %{e} and %{ai} [called %{kaNTha-t-}, `" belonging to throat and palate "' S3iksh.], %{c}, %{ch}, %{j}, %{jh}, %{J}, %{y}, %{z}) S3iksh. RPra1t. VPra1t.
  162. तालु (tālu) (tālu)
    n. rarely m. [MBh. xiv, 568 Hariv. 14273 BhP. ii] the palate VS. xxv, 1 Kaus3. RPra1t. Sus3r. &c.
  163. तावत् (tāvat) (tāvat)
    mf(%{atI})n. (fr. 2. %{ta} Pa1n2. 5-2, 39
    vi, 3, 91) so great, so large, so much, so far, so long, so many (correlative of %{yA4vat}
    rarely of %{ya} or %{yatho7kta} Nal.&c.) RV. &c. (%{yAvatA@kSaNena@tAvatA}, `" after so long time, in that time "', as soon as Ra1jat. v, 110)
    just a little Kir. ii, 48
    (in alg.) an unknown quantity (also with %{yAvat})
    ind. (correlative of %{yA4vat}) so much, so greatly, to such an extent, in such a number, so far&c. (%{tA4vat-tAvat} S3Br. i, 8, 1, 6)
    so long, in that time RV. x, 88, 19 S3Br. i Mn. &c.
    meanwhile, in the mean time (the correlative %{yAvat} being often connected with a neg. e.g. %{tAvac@chobhate@mUrkho@yAvat@kiM-cin@na@bhASate}, `" so long a fool shines as long as he says nothing "' Hit.
    %{zocayiSyAmy@AtmAnaM@tAvad@yAvan@me@prA7ptam@brAhmaNyam}, `" so long I will emaciate myself, as long as [i.e. until] I have obtained the state of a Bra1hman "' R. i, 64, 19) S3Br. xiv, 4, 2, 30 ChUp. vi, 14, 2 Mn. MBh. &c. (also correlative of %{purA} [R. i, 28, 21], of %{yAvatA@na}, of %{yAvat} preceded by %{purA} [MBh. xiii, 4556], or without any correlative [2727 Katha1s. Hit.])
    at once, now, just, first (followed by %{anantaram} [Hit.], %{aparam} [Pan5cat.], %{api} [ib.], %{idAnIm} [Hit.], %{uta} [S3ak.], %{ca} [Das3. Prab.], %{tatas} [Mn. iv, 174 Ragh. vii, 4f.], %{tad-anu} [Megh.], %{tu} [Das3. vii Veda7ntas.], %{pazcAt} [R. ii], %{punar} [Pan5cat.], %{vA}
    very often connected with an Impv., rarely [MBh. iv, 888 R. ii, 56, 13] with a Pot., often with the 1st person of pr. or fut. MBh. &c.
    the Impv. is sometimes to be supplied [%{itas@tAvat}, `" just come hither "'
    %{mA@tAvat}, `" by no means, God forbid! "'] S3ak. Ma1lav. Vikr. Prab.
    sometimes %{arhasi} with the inf. is used instead R. i f.)
    (with %{na} or %{a-}) not yet MBh. &c. (followed by %{yAvat}, `" while "' Katha1s. xxvi, 23
    %{tAvan@na-api@na}, `" not only not-but also not "' Ka1d.)
    very well, all right Hcar.
    indeed, truly (e.g. %{dRDhas@tAvad@bandhaH}, `" the knot is tight I must admit "' Hit.
    %{gatA@tAvat}, `" she is indeed gone "' Katha1s. xviii, 241) R. &c.
    already (opposed to `" how much more "' or `" how much less "') R. iv f. S3ak.
    really (= %{eva}, sometimes connected with this particle e.g. %{vikrayas@tAvad@eva@saH}, `" it is really a sale "') Mn. iii, 53 Hariv. 7110 R. &c.
    (%{tA}) instr. ind. to that extent RPra1t. xiii, 13 BhP. v, viii
    in that time, in the mean time, meanwhile Das3. Katha1s. x, 24 Bharat2.
    (%{ti}), loc ind. so far S3Br. viii, 6, 2, 8
    so long, in that time TS. ii, 4
    [cf. Lat. {tantus}.]
  164. तिक्त (tikta) (tikta)
    %{-ktaka} see below. mfn. bitter (one of the 6 modifications of taste, %{rasa}), pungent MBh. xii, xiv Sus3r. &c.
    fragrant Megh. S3is3. v, 33
    m. a bitter taste, pungency W.
    fragrance W.
    Wrightia antidysenterica
    Capparis trifoliata
    Agathotes Chirayta Npr.
    = %{pari-} ib.
    Terminalia Catappa ib.
    a sort of cucumber ib. (cf. %{anArya-}, %{kirAta-}, %{cira-}, %{mahA-})
    n. N. of a medicinal plant
    a kind of salt Npr.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a plant (= %{-rohiNI}
    Clypea hernandifolia
    a water-melon
    Artemisia sternutatoria Bhpr.
    = %{yava-}
    cf. %{kAka-}) Sus3r. iv, 5, 12.
  165. तिङन्त (tiṅanta) (tiṅanta)
    n. `" ending with %{tiG} "', an inflected verbal base.
  166. तितिक्षु (titikṣu) (titikṣu)
    mfn. bearing, enduring patiently, forbearing, patient AV. xii, 1, 48 S3Br. xiv MBh. BhP.
    m. N. of a son of Maha1-manas, ix, 23 Hariv.
  167. तित्तिर (tittira) (tittira)
    m. (onomat. fr. the cry %{titti}) a partridge MaitrS. iii, 14, 17 MBh. v, 267 ff. VP. iii, 5, 12 (cf. BhP. vi, 9, 1 ff.)
    pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 2084.
  168. तिथ (titha) (titha)
    m. fire Un2. ii, 12 Sch.
    love ib.
    autumn Un2. vr2.
  169. तिथि (tithi) (tithi)
    mf. (Siddh.stry. 25) a lunar day (30th part of a whole lunation of rather more than 27 solar days
    15 Tithis, during the moon's increase, constitute the light half of the month and the other 15 the dark half
    the auspicious Tithis are Nanda1, Bhadra1, Vijaya1, Pu1rn2a1 VarBr2S. ic, 2) Gobh. i f. S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. &c.
    the number 15 VarBr2S. VarBr2. Laghuj. Su1ryas.
    cf. %{janma-}, %{dus-}, %{mahA-}.
  170. तिन्तिड (tintiḍa) (tintiḍa)
    m. (also %{titt-} L.) = %{-dikA}
    N. of a Daitya
    = %{kAla-dAsa}
    m. and (%{I}) f. sour sauce (esp. made of the tamarind fruit)
    (%{I}) f. = %{-DikA} VarBr2S. lv, 21
    = %{Dimba}
  171. तिन्तिडीक (tintiḍīka) (tintiḍīka)
    m. (%{titl-} Pa1n2. 4-3, 156 Va1rtt. 2 Pat.
    %{tittirIka} Sus3r. vi, 39, 272) the tamarind tree (also %{A} f.Sch.), (n.) its fruit Sus3r. i, iv
    n. sour sauce (esp. made of the tamarind fruit)
  172. तिन्दुक (tinduka) (tinduka)
    m. Diospyros embryopteris, (n.) its fruit (yielding a kind of resin used as pitch for caulking vessels &c.) MBh. R. Sus3r. VarBr2S. &c.
    m. = %{-du} q.v.
    n. a kind of weight (= %{karSa}
    = %{suvarNa} Car. vii, 12) S3a1rn3gS. i, 21 Asht2a7n3g.
    (%{I}) f. = %{-ki} Sus3r. iv, 2, 42 and 21, 8 VarBr2S.lxxix Ka1s3. [447,1]
  173. तिमिर (timira) (timira)
    mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{tamar} [Old Germ. {demar}] = %{ta4mas}) dark, gloomy MBh. vi, 2379 R. vi, 16, 104
    = %{-nayana} VarBr2. xx, 1 Sch.
    m. a sort of aquatic plant (cf. %{-vana}) VarBr2S. lv, 11
    n. darkness (also pl.) Ya1jn5. iii, 172 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} R. v, 10, 2 Katha1s. xviii)
    darkness of the eyes, partial blindness (a class of morbid affections of the coats [%{paTala}] of the eye) Sus3r. i, iii, v f., 13 Ra1jat. iv, 314
    iron-rust Npr.
    N. of a town R. iv, 40, 26
    (%{A}) f. another town Katha1s. xvii, 33
    cf. %{vi-}, %{sa-}.
  174. तिरस्करिन् (tiraskarin) (tiraskarin)
    m. see %{-raNi}
    (%{iNI}) f. id. Ma1lav. ii, 1 and 11 Kum. i, 4 Hcar. and c.
    a magical veil rendering the wearer invisible S3ak. vi Vikr.
  175. तिरस्कृत (tiraskṛta) (tiraskṛta)
    mfn. concealed R. ii Amar. Bhat2t2.
    eclipsed W.
    excelled Pan5cat.
    censured, reviled, despised ib. (%{a-} neg.)
    %{-prAtivezya} m. = %{tiraH-pr-} q.v.
    %{-sambhASa} mfn. %{a-} neg. speaking together without abusing each other MBh. iii, 233, 27.
  176. तिरोभाव (tirobhāva) (tirobhāva)
    m. disappearance ChUp.vii, 26, 1 Sa1m2khyak. and KapS. Sch. Sa1h.
  177. तिरोहित (tirohita) (tirohita)
    (%{-ro4-}) mfn. removed or with drawn from sight, concealed, hidden (a meaning) RV. iii, 9, 5 S3Br. i AitBr. viii, 27 Mn. &c.
    run away
    %{-tA} f. disappearance, becoming invisible Katha1s. xxi, 145
    %{-tva} n. id. RV. i, 113, 4 Sa1y. [447,3]
  178. तिल (tila) (tila)
    m. Sesamum indicum (its blossom is compared to the nose Gi1t. x, 14 Sin6ha7s.
    cf. %{-puSpa}), sesamum seed (much used in cookery
    supposed to have originated from Vishn2u's sweat-drops Hcat. i, 6, 137 & 142) AV. (%{-la4}, xviii, 4, 32) VS. S3Br. &c.
    a mole Ka1lid.
    a small particle MBh. &c.
    the right lung S3a1rn3gS. v, 42
    pl. N. of a ch. of PSarv. (cf. %{kRSNa-}, %{carma-}, %{SaNDha-}).
  179. तिलक (tilaka) (tilaka)
    m. (g. %{sthUlA7di}) Clerodendrum phlomoides (Symplocos racemosa L.) MBh. &c.
    a freckle (compared to a sesamum-seed) VarBr2S. l, 9
    lii, 10 Katha1s.
    a kind of skin-eruption
    (in music) N. of a Dhruvaka
    a kind of horse
    N. of a prince of Kampana1 Ra1jat. viii, 577 ff
    m. (n. Pan5cad. ii, 57) a mark on the forehead (made with coloured earths, sandal-wood, or unguents, either as an ornament or a sectarial distinction) Ya1jn5. i, 293 MBh. iii, 11591 R. (ifc. f. %{A}, iii) &c.
    the ornament of anything (in comp.) Pan5cat. i, 1, 92 Katha1s. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Ra1jat. iii, 375)
    n. id.
    the right lung
    black sochal salt
    alliteration Ra1jat.
    a metre of 4 x 6 syllables
    = %{tri-zlokI}
    a kind of observance Ka1lanirn2. Introd. 12
    (%{A}) f. a kind of necklace
    cf. %{eNa-}, %{kha-}, %{vasanta-}
  180. तिलोत्तमा (tilottamā) (tilottamā)
    f. N. of an Apsaras MBh. &c.
    of a woman Ra1jat. vii, 120
    a form of Da1ksha1yan2i1 MatsyaP. xiii, 53
    %{-mIya} Nom. P. to represent the Apsaras Tilo7ttama1 Bha1m. ii, 96.
  181. तिष्य (tiṣya) (tiṣya)
    m. N. of a heavenly archer (like Kr2is3a1nu) and of the 6th Nakshatra of the old or 8th of the new order RV. v, 54, 13
    x, 64, 8 TS. (%{-Sya4}) &c.
    the month Pausha
    Terminalia tomentosa
    = %{-SyA}
    (Pa1n2. 4-3, 34
    i, 2, 63 Ka1s3.) `" born under the asterism TTerminalia "', a common N. of men Buddh. (cf. %{upa-})
    n. (m. L.) the 4th or present age MBh. vi Hariv. 3019
    mfn. auspicious, fortunate W.
    (%{A}) f. Emblic Myrobalan L.
  182. त्रि (tri) (tri)
    m. %{tra4yas} f. nom. acc. %{tisra4s} n. %{trI4Ni} [%{trI4} RV. S3Br. xi], 3 RV. &c. (%{tribhi4s} & %{tisR4bhis}, &c. RV.
    only once %{tri4bhis} [viii, 59, 5] with the later accentuation, cf. Pa1n2. 6-1, 177 and 180 f.
    gen. %{trINA4m} [RV. x, 185, 1
    cf. Pa1n2. 7-1, 53 Ka1s3.] and %{tisRRNA4m} [RV. viii, 19, 37 and 101, 6], later on [fr. %{-ya4}] %{trayANAm} [AitBr. Mn.] and %{tisRNA4m} [RV. v, 69, 2 against metre
    cf. Pa1n2. 6-4, 4 f.]
    ifc., vii, 2, 99 f. Ka1s3.) [458,1]
    [cf. $, Lat. {tres}
    Goth. {threis}
  183. तीक्ष्ण (tīkṣṇa) (tīkṣṇa)
    mf(%{A4})n. ( %{tij}) sharp, hot, pungent, fiery, acid RV. x, 87, 9 AV. &c.
    harsh, rough, rude Mn. vii, 140 MBh. R. VarBr2S.
    sharp, keen S3is3. ii, 109 Pa1n2. 5-2, 76 Ka1s3.
    zealous, vehement
    (with %{gati}, `" a planet's course "', or %{nakSatra} `" asterism "') inauspicious VarBr2S. vii, 8 and 10
    iic, 7 (asterisms Mu1la, A1rdra1, Jyesht2ha1, A1-s3lesha1)
    m. nitre
    = %{-taNDulA} Npr.
    black pepper ib.
    black mustard ib.
    = %{-gandhaka} ib.
    = %{-sArA} ib.
    majoram ib.
    white Kus3a or Darbha grass ib.
    the resin of Boswellia thurifera ib.
    an ascetic
    (g. %{azvA7di}) N. of a man Ra1jat. viii, 1742 f.
    of a Na1ga Buddh.
    n. pl. sharp language R. ii, 35, 33 Ma1rkP. xxxiv, 46
    sg. steel (cf. %{-varman}) Npr.
    any weaponSch.
    Galmei Npr.
    Bignonia suaveolens
    Piper Chaba
    Asa foetida Npr.
    heat, pungency W.
    haste W.
    (%{A}) f. N. of several plants (Mucuna pruritus, Cardiospermum Halicacabum, black mustard, %{atyamla-parNI}, %{mahA-jyotiSmatI}, %{vacA}, %{sarpakaGkAlikA}) Npr.
    a mystical N. of the letter %{p}, Ra1mat. i, 77
    cf. %{a-}, %{su-}.
  184. तीर (tīra) (tīra)
    1 m. tin (cf. %{tIvra})
    n. a kind of arrow (cf. Pers. $) Pan5cad. ii, 76
    (%{I}) f. id. L.2 n. ( %{tRR} Siddh.pum2l. 56) a shore, bank AitBr. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} MBh. R. Ragh.
    ifc., for derivatives cf. Pa1n2. 4-2, 106 and 104 Va1rtt. 2
    ifc. ind., for accent cf. vi, 2, 121)
    the brim of a vessel S3Br. vi, xiv.
  185. तीर्ण (tīrṇa) (tīrṇa)
    mfn. one who has crossed MBh. R. (with acc., v, 15, 23)
    one who has gone over (acc.) Ragh. xiv, 6 Megh. 19
    one who has got through (grammar, %{vyAkaraNaM}) Ba1dar. iii, 2, 32 Sch.
    one who has escaped (with abl.) Hariv. 4066
    crossed R. vi S3ak. vii, 33 Prab. v &c. (%{a4} neg., `" endless "' RV. viii, 79, 6)
    spread W.
    surpassed W.
    fulfilled (a promise) R.
    (%{A}) f. a metre of 4 x 4 long syllables. (%{pra4-}) mfn. having put to sea S3Br.
    having spread over (acc.) Ragh.
  186. तीर्थ (tīrtha) (tīrtha)
    n. (rarely m. MBh.) a passage, way, road, ford, stairs for landing or for descent into a river, bathing-place, place of pilgrimage on the banks of sacred streams, piece of water RV. &c.
    the path to the altar between the, Ca1tva1la and Utkara Shad2vBr. iii, 1 A1s3vS3r. iv, ix S3a1n3khS3r. La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r.
    a channel, iv, 8, Paddh.
    the usual or right way or manner TS. S3Br. xiv, (%{a4-}, xi) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. iv, 1411
    the right place or moment ChUp. viii Anup. &c.
    advice, instruction, counsel, adviser, preceptor MBh. v Ma1lav. i, 12/13 Kir. ii, 3
    certain lines or parts of the hand sacred to the deities Mn. ii Ya1jn5. &c.
    an object of veneration, sacred object BhP.
    a worthy person A1p. Mn. iii, 130 MBh. &c.
    a person worthy of receiving anything (gen.) Ma1nGr2. i, 7
    N. of certain counsellors of a king (enumerated in Pan5cat. iii, 67/68) MBh. ii, 171 Ragh. xvii S3is3. xiv [449,2]
    one of the ten orders of ascetics founded by S3am2kara7ca1rya (its members add the word %{tIrtha} to their names)
    a bra1hman Un2. vr2.
    = %{darzana}
    = %{yoga}
    the vulva
    a woman's courses
    fire Un2. vr2.
    = %{nidAna} ib.
  187. तीव्र (tīvra) (tīvra)
    mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{tiv-ra}, %{tu}) strong, severe, violent, intense, hot, pervading, excessive, ardent, sharp, acute, pungent, horrible RV. &c.
    m. sharpness, pungency Pa1n2. 2-2, 8 Va1rtt. 3. Pat.
    for %{-vara} (?) g. %{rAjanyA7di}
    n. pungency W.
    a shore (for 2. %{tIra} ?) Un2. k.
    tin (cf. 1. %{tIra}) ib.
    (%{am}) ind. violently, impetuously, sharply, excessively W.
    (%{A}) f. Helleborus niger
    black mustard
    (in music) N. of a S3ruti
    of a Mu1rchana1
    of the river Padmavati1 (in the east of Bengal) L.
  188. तुग्र (tugra) (tugra)
    m. N. of Bhujyu's father (saved by the As3vins) RV. i
    vi, 62
    of an enemy of Indra, 20 and 26
  189. तुङ्ग (tuṅga) (tuṅga)
    mf(%{A})n. prominent, erect, lofty, high MBh. &c.
    chief. W.
    strong W.
    m. an elevation, height, mountain R. iv, 44, 20 (cf. %{bhRgu-}) Hit. ii (v.l.)
    top, peak W.
    (fig.) a throne BhP. iii, 3, 1
    a planet's apsis VarBr2. i, vii, x f.
    xxi, 1 Laghuj. ix, 20
    Rottleria tinctoria MBh. R. Sus3r.
    the cocoa-nut
    = %{-mukha}
    N. of a man Ra1jat. vi f.
    n. the lotus stamina
    (%{A}) f. Mimosa Suma
    a metre of 4 x 8 syllables
    N. of a river in Mysore
    (%{I}) f. a kind of Ocimum
    Gauri1 Gal.
  190. तुङ्गत्व (tuṅgatva) (tuṅgatva)
    n. `" height "' and `" passionateness "' S3is3. ii, 48.
  191. तुण्ड (tuṇḍa) (tuṇḍa)
    n. a beak, snout (of a hog &c.), trunk (of an elephant) TA1r. x MBh. &c.
    the mouth (used contemptuously) Ba1dar. ii, 2, 28 S3am2k.
    the point (of an arrow &c.) see %{ayas-}, %{dhUs-}
    the chief, leader Dhu1rtan. i, 4
    m. Cucumis utilissimus
    Beninkasa cerifera
    S3iva Hariv. 14882
    N. of a Rakshas MBh. iii, 16372
    (%{I}) f. a kind of gourd Ca1n2.
    cf. %{asthi-}, %{kaGka-}, %{kAka-}, %{kRSNa-}, %{vAyasa-}, %{sUkSma-}
    %{kaTu-} and %{tikta-tuNDI}.
  192. तुण्डिकेर (tuṇḍikera) (tuṇḍikera)
    pl. N. of a people MBh. vii, 691
    viii, 138
    (%{tauND-} Hariv.)
    (%{I}) f. = %{-kezI} Sus3r. ii, 2, 4
    vi, 48, 25
    a large boil on the palate, i f.
    iv, 22, 55 and (metrically %{-ri}) 62
    the cotton plant
  193. तुद (tuda) (tuda)
    mfn. ifc. `" striking "' see %{aruM-}, %{tilaM-}, %{vidhuM-}
    m. N. of a man g. %{zubhrA7di}
    cf. %{ut-}.
  194. तुन्न (tunna) (tunna)
    mfn. struck, goaded, hurt, cut RV. ix, 67, 19f. AV. &c.
    m. = %{-nnaka}%{-nnaka} see %{tud}.
  195. तुम्बुरु (tumburu) (tumburu)
    m. N. of a pupil of Kala1pin Pa1n2. 4-3, 104 Ka1s3. (Ka1r.)
    of a Gandharva MBh. &c. (`" attendant of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1 "' Jain.)
    n. coriander or the fruit of Diospyros embryopteris (also %{-rI} and %{tubarI} L.) Sus3r. iv
    vi, 42, 67 and (metrically %{-rU}) 118 Pa1n2. 6-1, 143 Ka1s3.
  196. तुर (tura) (tura)
    1 mfn. quick, willing, promptvi, 102, 3
    strong, powerful, excelling, rich, abundantvii, 50, 2 TS. ii Kaus3. 91
    m. N. of a preceptor and priest with the patr. Ka1vasheya S3Br. ix f. xiv AitBr. Ta1n2d2yaBr. BhP.
    (%{tu4ram}) ind. see 2. %{tu4r}.2 mfn. hurt RV. viii, 79, 2
    cf. %{A-}.
  197. तुरीय (turīya) (turīya)
    Nom. %{-ya4ti}, to go Naigh. ii, 14.
  198. तुरुष्क (turuṣka) (turuṣka)
    m. pl. (= %{-raSka}) the Turks Katha1s. Ra1jat. Prab. &c.
    sg. a Turk Katha1s. xxxvii
    a Turkish prince W.
    Turkestan W.
    (m. n. L.) olibanum Jain. Sus3r. VarBr2S.
  199. तुर्वसु (turvasu) (turvasu)
    m. (later form of %{-za}) N. of a son of Yaya1ti by Devaya1ni1 and brother of Yadu MBh. i Hariv. 1604 and 1617 BhP. &c.
  200. तुला (tulā) (tulā)
    f. a balance, weight VS. xxx S3Br. xi Mn. &c. (%{-layA@dhR} or %{-lAM} with Caus. of %{adhiruh}, `" to hold in or put on a balance, weigh, compare "'
    %{-lAM} with Caus. of %{adhi-ruh}, `" to risk "' Pan5cat. i, 16, 9
    %{-lAm@adhi-} or %{A-} or %{sam-A-ruh}, `" to be in a balance "', be equal with [instr.]
    the balance as an ordeal Ya1jn5. ii Mr2icch. ix, 43)
    equal measure, equality, resemblance Ragh. &c. (%{-lAm@i} or %{gam} or %{A-yA} or %{A-lamb} or %{dhA}, `" to resemble any one or anything "' [instr. or in comp.]
    %{-lAM@na@bhR}, `" to have no equal "' Prasannar. i, 37
    %{-lAM} with Pass. of %{nI}, `" to become equal to "' [gen.])
    = %{-la} Pan5cat. i, 14, 14 VarBr2. &c.
    N. of a measure (= 100 Palas) MBh. iii, xiv VarBr2S. Sus3r. Asht2a7n3g. S3a1rn3gS. i, 31
    a kind of beam in the roof of a house VarBr2S. liii, 30.
  201. तुलसी (tulasī) (tulasī)
    f. holy basil (small shrub venerated by Vaishn2avas
    commonly Tulsi1) BhP. Va1yuP. and PadmaP. (produced from the ocean when churned) BrahmaP. (produced from the hair of the goddess Tulasi1, ii, 19.)
  202. तुलाभार (tulābhāra) (tulābhāra)
    m. = %{-puruSadAna} Hcat. i, 5, 619.
  203. तुलित (tulita) (tulita)
    mfn. lifted up Ragh. weighed VarBr2S.
    equalled, compared, lxxx, 12.
  204. तुल्य (tulya) (tulya)
    mf(%{A})n. (in comp. accent Pa1n2. 6-2, 2) equal to, of the same kind or class or number or value, similar, comparable, like (with instr. or gen. [cf. ii., 3, 72] or ifc.
    e.g. %{tena} [Mn. iv, 86] or %{etasya} [Kat2hUp. i, 22] or %{etat-} [24], `" equal to him "') Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y. Pa1n2. &c.
    fit for (instr.) Su1ryas. xiv, 6
    even VarBr2. iv, 21
    n. N. of a dance
    (%{am}) ind. equally, in like manner Pa1n2. MBh. R. Hariv.
    contemporaneously Dharmas3arm. xvii, 14.
  205. तुष (tuṣa) (tuṣa)
    m. the chaff of grain or corn or rice &c. AV. S3Br. AitBr. &c.
    Terminalia Bellerica
    cf. %{a-}, %{ut-}, %{nis-}.
  206. तुषार (tuṣāra) (tuṣāra)
    mf(%{A})n. cold, frigid Ragh. Naish.
    m. sg. and pl. frost, cold, snow, mist, dew, thin rain MBh. &c.
    = %{-kaNa} S3is3. vi, 24
    camphor Bhpr.
    pl. for %{tukh-}.
  207. तुषित (tuṣita) (tuṣita)
    m. pl. a class of celestial beings MBh. xiii, 1371 Buddh. &c. (12 in number Hariv. VP. BhP. iv, 1, 8 Va1yuP. ii, 6
    36 in number L.)
    sg. Vishn2u in the 3rd Manv-antara Vishn2. iic, 47 VP. iii, 1, 38
    (%{A}) f. N. of the wife of Veda-s3iras and mother of the Tushitas, 37 BhP. viii, 1, 21.
  208. तुष्ट (tuṣṭa) (tuṣṭa)
    mfn. satisfied, pleased MBh. &c.
    m. N. of a prince Va1yuP. ii, 34, 122.  %{-STi}, %{-Sya} see %{tuS}.
  209. तुहिन (tuhina) (tuhina)
    n. (Siddhnapum2s. 41) frost, cold, mist, dew, snow Pan5cat. ii, 58 R2itus. Katha1s. Ra1jat. Prab.
    moonlight Un2. k.
    camphor Npr.
    (%{A}) f. the tree %{zuka-nAsa} ib.
  210. तूण (tūṇa) (tūṇa)
    m. (g. %{zoNA7di}
    g. %{gaurA7di} v.l.) `" bearer "' ( %{tul}), a quiver MBh. &c. (often du.)
    (%{I}) f. id. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c.
    a disease of the anus and the bladder Sus3r.
    the Indigo plant Npr.
  211. तूर्ण (tūrṇa) (tūrṇa)
    mfn. ( %{turv} Pa1n2. 6-4, 21 Ka1s3.
    %{tvar}, 20
    vii, 2, 28) = %{-rta4} Ka1tyS3r. x, 1, 9
    (%{am}) ind. quickly, speedily, viii, xxv Pras3nUp. Nir. MBh. &c.
  212. तूर्णि (tūrṇi) (tūrṇi)
    mfn. quick, expeditious, clever, zealous RV. TS. ii S3Br. i
    m. the mind Un2. vr2.
    a S3loka ib.
    dirt Un2. k.
    f. speed L.
  213. तूर्त (tūrta) (tūrta)
    mfn. quick, expeditious S3Br. vi, 3
    cf. %{a4-}.
  214. तूर्य (tūrya) (tūrya)
    see %{ap-}, %{mitra-} &c. 2 n. (m. L.) a musical instrument Pa1n2. Mn. vii MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Kat2hUp. Hariv.)
    cf. %{sa-}.3 mfn. = %{tur-}, 4th Ra1jat. ii, 91
    m. N. of a family W.
  215. तूल (tūla) (tūla)
    n. a tuft of grass or reeds, panicle of a flower or plant AV. xix, 32, 3 Ka1t2h. Ta1n2d2yaBr. ChUp. (%{ISIkA-}) Kaus3. A1p. Pa1n2. 6-2, 121 (ifc. ind.)
    a pencil DivyA7v. v. xxxvi
    = %{tUta}
    m. the thorn-apple Npr.
    n. (m. L.) cotton MBh. R. &c.
    (%{A}) f. id.
    a lamp wick
    (%{I}) f. id.
    cotton Sa1m2khyak. 17, Gaud2ap.
    = %{-li} Un2. Sch.
    = %{-paTI} Subh. Ra1matUp. i, 86 Sch.
    the Indigo plant
    cf. %{a4pa-}, %{indra-}, %{udak-}, %{prAk-}, %{bhasma-}, %{zaNa-}, %{sa-}, %{haMsa-},
  216. तूलिक (tūlika) (tūlika)
    m. a cotton trader Katha1s. lxi.
  217. तृण (tṛṇa) (tṛṇa)
    n. (m. g. %{ardharcA7di}
    ifc. f. %{A}) grass, herb, any gramineous plant, blade of grass, straw (often symbol of minuteness and worthlessness) RV. &c. (ifc. accent g. %{ghoSA7di})
    m. N. of a man g. %{zivA7di} and %{naDA7di}
    [cf. Goth. {thaurnus}.]
  218. तृण्ण (tṛṇṇa) (tṛṇṇa)
    see %{a4ti-}, %{ava-}, %{A4-}, %{vi4-}, %{sa4M-}.
  219. तृतीय (tṛtīya) (tṛtīya)
    mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{tri4} Pa1n2. 5-2, 55
    see also vii, 3, 115
    i, 1, 36 Va1rtt.) the 3rd RV. &c.
    m. the 3rd consonant of a Varga (%{g}, %{j}, %{D}, %{d}, %{b}) RPra1t. VPra1t. APra1t. Pa1n2. Va1rtt. and Ka1s3.
    (in music) N. of a measure
    (%{A}) f. (scil. %{tithi}) = %{-yikA} Jyot. &c.
    (scil. %{vibhakti}) the terminations of the 3rd case, the 3rd case (instrumental) Pa1n2. APra1t. iii, 19
    (%{am}) ind. for the 3rd time, thirdly RV. x, 45, i S3Br. ix, xi Ta1n2d2yaBr. &c.
    (%{ena}) instr. ind. at the 3rd time Pa1rGr2. ii, 3, 5
    (%{tR4tIya}) mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-3, 48) forming the 3rd part, (n.) a 3rd part TS. TBr. S3Br. iii f. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. vi, 33 MBh.
    [cf. Zend {thritya}, Lat. {tertius}
    Goth. {thridja}.]
  220. तृत्सु (tṛtsu) (tṛtsu)
    m. sg. and pl. N. of a race RV.
  221. तृप्त (tṛpta) (tṛpta)
    mfn. satiated, satisfied with (gen. instr., or in comp.) AV. S3Br. &c.
    (%{am}) ind. so as to exhibit satiety AitBr. i, 25, 15
    n. N. of a metre RPra1t. xvii, 5.
  222. तृप्ति (tṛpti) (tṛpti)
    f. satisfaction, contentment RV. viii, 82, 6 (%{-pti4}) and ix, 113, 10 AV. &c.
    disgust Sus3r. i, 24, 2
    m. N. of a Gandharva Gal.
  223. तृषित (tṛṣita) (tṛṣita)
    mfn. (fr. 2. %{tRS} g. %{tArakA7di}) thirsty, thirsting, desirous RV. i, 16, 5 MBh. &c. (with inf. Hariv. 5033)
    n. thirst W.
    cf. %{a4-}.
  224. तृष्णा (tṛṣṇā) (tṛṣṇā)
    f. thirst, i, vii, ix AV. S3Br. &c.
    desire, avidity (chiefly ifc.) R. Ragh. BhP. &c.
    Avidity as mother of Dambha (Prab. ii, 11/12), daughter of Death (Mr2ityu VP. i, 7, 31
    or Ma1ra Lalit. xxiv, 20), generated by Vedana1 and generating Upa7da1na (Buddh.)
    cf. %{ati-}.
  225. तेज (teja) (teja)
    m. ( %{tij}) sharpness Vop. viii, 132
    m. N. of a man Ra1jat. viii, 1226
    (%{A}) f. the 13th night of the Karma-ma1sa Su1ryapr.
  226. तेजस् (tejas) (tejas)
    n. (often pl.) the sharp edge (of a knife &c.), point or top of a flame or ray, glow, glare, splendour, brilliance, light, fire RV. &c.
    clearness of the eyes VS. xxi AitBr. &c.
    the bright appearance of the human body (in health), beauty Nal. Sus3r. i, 15 [454,3]
    the heating and strengthening faculty of the human frame seated in the bile, 14 and 26
    the bile
    fiery energy, ardour, vital power, spirit, efficacy, essence AV. &c.
    semen virile MBh. R. Ragh. S3ak.
    the brain W.
    (opposed to %{kSamA}) impatience, fierceness, energetic opposition MBh. iii VarBr2. Sa1h. iii, 50 and 54 Das3ar. ii, 3
    (in Sa1m2khya phil.) = %{rajas} (passion)
    spiritual or moral or magical power or influence, majesty, dignity, glory, authority AV. VS. &c.
    a venerable or dignified person, person of consequence MBh. v, xiii S3ak. vii, 15
    fresh butter
    a mystical N. of the letter $ Ra1matUp. i, 23
    (%{ase}) dat. inf. %{tij} q.v.
    cf. %{a-}, %{agni-}, %{ugra-} &c.
  227. तेजस्विन् (tejasvin) (tejasvin)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-2, 122 Ka1s3.) sharp (the eye) Bhartr2.
    brilliant, splendid, bright, powerful, energetic TS. ii f. TBr. &c.
    violent VarBr2S. ci, 2
    inspiring respect, dignified, noble Mn. &c.
    = %{-kara} TUp. ii, 1
    m. N. of a son of Indra MBh. i, 7304
    (%{inI}) f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum
    %{-svi-tA} f. energy MBh. iii
    majesty, dignity Hcar. v, 435
    %{-svi-tva} n. brilliancy MBh. v, 181, 7 Prata1par.
    %{-svini-tamA} or %{-svi4nI-t-}, Superl. of f. of %{-svi4n} Ka1t2h. xxiii, 10 TS. vi
    %{-svi-prazaMsA} f. N. of S3a1rn3gP. xvii.
  228. तइजस (taïjasa) (taijasa)
    mf(%{I})n. originating from or consisting of light (%{te4jas}), bright, brilliant S3Br. xiv Ma1n2d2Up. MBh. &c.
    consisting of any shining substance (as metal), metallic A1s3vGr2. Gaut. Mn. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
    said of the gastric juice as coloured by digested food Sus3r. i, 14
    passionate Sa1m2khyak. Tattvas. Veda7ntas. Sus3r. BhP.
    n. metal
    vigour W.
    N. of a Ti1rtha MBh. iii, 7035
    ix, 2723
    (%{I}) f. Scindapsus officinalis Npr.
    long pepper Gal.
    %{-sA7vartanI}, %{-tinI} f. a crucible
  229. तइतिल (taïtila) (taitila)
    m. N. of a man (v.l. %{-tala}) g. %{tikA7di}
    a rhinoceros
    a god Das3. xii, 129
    %{kaliGga}, 129 Sch.
    n. (m. Sch.) a pillow KshurUp.
    n. N. of the 4th Karan2a (in astr.) VarBr2S. iiic, 4 and 6
    %{-kadrU} Pa1n2. 6-2, 42.
  230. तइत्तिर (taïttira) (taittira)
    mf(%{I})n. produced or coming from a partridge (%{tittiri}) A1s3vGr2. S3a1n3khGr2. R. Sus3r.
    sprung from the sage Tittiri Un2. k.
    m. a partridge
    n. a flock of partridges L.
  231. तइत्तिरीय (taïttirīya) (taittirīya)
    m. pl. `" pupils of Tittiri "', the Taittiri1yas (a school of the Yajur-Veda) Pa1n2. 4-3, 102 R. ii, 32, 15 VP. &c.
  232. तइत्तिरीयारण्यक (taïttirīyāraṇyaka) (taittirīyāraṇyaka)
    n. the A1ran2yaka of the TTaittiri1yas.
  233. तइल (taïla) (taila)
    n. (fr. %{ti4la}) sesamum oil, oil AV.i, 7, 2(?) Kaus3. Gobh. Mn. &c. (ifc. Pa1n2. 5-2, 29 Va1rtt.4 Pat.
    ifc. f. %{A} Kum. vii, 9)
    olibanum VarBr2S. lxxvii, 4 and 6.
  234. तोदन (todana) (todana)
    n. = %{tottra}
    pricking pain, i, 22, 5
    (m.) N. of a tree and (n.) its fruit, 46, 3, 25 and 29.
  235. तोमर (tomara) (tomara)
    m. n. (g. %{ardharcA7di}) a lance, javelin MBh. &c.
    m. pl. N. of a people, vi, 377
    sg. N. of the ancestor of a commentator on Devi1m.
    n. a metre of 4 X 9 syllables.
  236. तोय (toya) (toya)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) water Naigh. i, 12 Mn. v, viii f. MBh. &c. (%{-yaM-kR} with gen., `" to make offerings of water to the dead "', xviii, 32
    (%{A}) f. N. of a river in S3a1lmala-dvi1pa VP. ii, 4, 28
    of another in India).
  237. तोरण (toraṇa) (toraṇa)
    n. (g. %{ardharcadi}) an arch, arched doorway, portal, festooned decorations over doorways (with boughs of trees, garlands, &c.) MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A})
    a mound near a bathing-place W.
    a triangle supporting a large balance
    m. S3iva, xiii, 1232
    n. the neck
    cf. %{ut-}, %{kapATa-}, %{kautuka-}.
  238. तोल (tola) (tola)
    mfn. ( %{tul}) `" poising one's self "' see %{ghana-}
    m. n. = %{-laka} W.
    (%{A}) f. `" weighing(?) "' Vop.
  239. तोल्य (tolya) (tolya)
    mfn. to be weighed Hcat. i, 5, 113.
  240. तोष (toṣa) (toṣa)
    m. ( %{tuS}) satisfaction, contentment, pleasure, joy (with loc. gen., or ifc.) MBh. &c.
    Contentment as a son of Bhaga-vat and one of the 12 Tushitas BhP. iv, 1, 7.
  241. तोषण (toṣaṇa) (toṣaṇa)
    mf(%{I})n. satisfying, gratifying, appeasing, pleasing MBh. BhP.
    n. the act of satisfying or appeasing or delighting, i, 2, 13 (ifc.) [456,2]
    (%{I}) f. Durga1 Hariv. 10238
    cf. %{su-}.
  242. तोषिन् (toṣin) (toṣin)
    mfn. ifc. satisfied with, liking MBh. xiii Hariv.
    satisfying, pleasing R. iv Kum. v, 7.
  243. तोषित (toṣita) (toṣita)
    mfn. satisfied, gratified, pleased MBh. R. BhP. S3ak. vii, 1 Katha1s.
  244. त्यक्त (tyakta) (tyakta)
    mfn. left, abandoned.
  245. त्याग (tyāga) (tyāga)
    m. (Pa1n2. 6-1, 216) leaving, abandoning, forsaking Mn. &c.
    quitting (a place, %{deza-}) Pan5cat.
    discharging, secretion MBh. xiv, 630 VarBr2S. giving up, resigning, gift, donation, distribution Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c.
    sacrificing one's life RV. iv, 24, 3
    liberality Mn. ii, 97 R. &c.
    a sage
    cf. %{Atma-}, %{tanu-}, %{deha-}, %{prA7Na-}, %{zarIra-}.
  246. त्यागिन् (tyāgin) (tyāgin)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 3-2, 142) = %{tyAjaka} Mn. iii, 245 (with gen.) Ya1jn5. and S3ak. v, 28 (ifc.)
    giving up, resigning (ifc.) Bhag. xviii, 11
    one who has resigned (as an ascetic who abandons worldly objects) MBh. iii, 77 [457,1]
    sacrificing, giving up (life, %{AtmanaH}) Mn. 89
    liberal, (m.) donor R. vi Pan5cat. Katha1s.
    m. a hero
    %{-gi-tA} f. liberality Hit. i.
  247. त्याज्य (tyājya) (tyājya)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 7-3, 66 Va1rtt.) to be left or abandoned or quitted or shunned or expelled or removed Mn. ix, 83 MBh. &c.
    to be given up Bhag. &c.
    to be sacrificed Das3. vii, 211
    to be excepted W.
    n. part of an asterism or its duration considered as unlucky W.
  248. त्र (tra) (tra)
    1 mf(%{A})n. ( %{trai} Pa1n2. 3-2, 3) ifc. `" protecting "' see %{aMsa-}, %{aGguli-}, %{Atapa-}, %{kaTi-}, %{giri-}, %{go-}, %{tanu-}, %{tala-}, %{tvak-}, %{vadha-}
    %{kRta-} and %{jala-trA}. 2 = %{tri}, `" three "' see %{dvi-}.
  249. त्रपा (trapā) (trapā)
    f. (Pa1n2. 3-3, 104) perplexity, bashfulness, shame MBh. ii BhP. Ratna7v. &c.: (ifc. f. %{A} Sa1h.)
    an unchaste woman
    fame L.
  250. त्रपु (trapu) (trapu)
    n. (1, 177 Ka1s3.) tin AV. xi, 3, 8 VS. xviii Kapisht2h. ChUp. Mn. &c.
  251. त्रय (traya) (traya)
    mf(%{I4})n. (fr. %{tri4} Pa1n2. 5-2, 43) triple, threefold, consisting of 3, of 3 kinds RV. x, 45, 2 AV. iv, 11, 2 VS. &c. (%{-yI4@vidyA4}), `" the triple sacred science "', reciting hymns, performing sacrifices, and chanting [RV., YV., and SV.] S3Br. AitBr. &c. [457,2]
    n. a triad (chiefly ifc.) ChUp. Kat2hUp. Mn. &c.
    (%{I}) f. id. see %{zata-}
    = %{-yI4@vidyA4} Gaut. Mn. &c.
    the Buddh. triad (Buddha, Dharma, and Sam2gha) Hcar. viii
    summit Ba1lar. i, 28
    a woman whose husband and children are living
    Venonia anthelminthica
  252. त्रयस्त्रिंश (trayastriṃśa) (trayastriṃśa)
    mf(%{I4})n. the 33rd S3Br. (du. `" the 32nd and 33rd "', iv, xi)
    (chs. of MBh. and R.)
    + 33 S3Br. xiii, 5, 4, 12 f.
    consisting of 33 parts (%{sto4ma}, sometimes to be supplied) VS. AV. TBr. S3Br. Ta1n2d2yaBr. MaitrUp.
    numbering 33 (the gods) VS. xx AV. S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r. iv
    celebrated with the %{-za4} Stoma VS. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. S3a1n3khSr.
    %{-sa-pati} m. `" lord of the gods "', Indra
    %{-za4-vartani} mfn. forming the path for the %{-za4} Stoma TS. iv
    %{-za4-stoma} mfn. containing the %{-za4} Stoma S3Br. xiii S3a1n3khS3r. x.
  253. त्रय्यारुण (trayyāruṇa) (trayyāruṇa)
    m. (for %{try-AruNa}) N. of a prince (son of Tri-dhanvan Hariv. 716 ff. VP. iv, 3, 13 Lin3gaP. i, 66, 2 Ku1rmaP. i, 21, 1
    of Uru-kshaya VP. iv, 19, 10
    %{-Ni} BhP. ix, 21, 19 Va1yuP. ii, 37, 159
    %{try-aruNa} MatsyaP. il, 39).
  254. त्रस (trasa) (trasa)
    mfn. moving n. the collective body of moving or living beings (opposed to %{sthAvara}) MBh. xii f. Jain.
    m. `" quivering "', the heart
    n. a wood L.
  255. त्रस्त (trasta) (trasta)
    mfn. quivering, trembling, frighted MBh. &c.
    (in music) quick
    [Lat. {tristis}.]
  256. त्राटक (trāṭaka) (trāṭaka)
    n. (an ascetic's) method of fixing the eye on one object, Hathapr. ii, 32 f.
  257. त्राण (trāṇa) (trāṇa)
    mfn. protected Pa1n2. 8-2, 56
    n. protecting, preserving, protection, defence, shelter, help (often ifc.) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c.
    protection for the body, armour, helmet &c., iii, 12092
    = %{trAyamANA4}
    (%{A}) f. id.
    cf. %{aGguli-}, %{udara-}, %{uras-} &c.
  258. त्रामन् (trāman) (trāman)
    n. protection RV. i, 53, 10
    v, 46, 6.
  259. त्रास (trāsa) (trāsa)
    m. fear, terror, anxiety MBh. &c.
    a flaw in a jewel L.
  260. त्रिंश (triṃśa) (triṃśa)
    mf(%{I})n., the 30th (chs. of MBh. and R.)
    + 30 Pa1n2. 5-2, 46
    m. `" a Stoma consisting of 30 parts "' mfn. connected with that Stoma Ta1n2d2yaBr. La1t2y.
    m. = %{-zA7Mza} Laghuj.
  261. त्रिंशत् (triṃśat) (triṃśat)
    f. (Pa1n2. 5-1, 59) 30 RV. &c. (pl. MBh. vi, xiii
    with the objects in the same case, once [Ra1jat. i, 286] in the gen.
    acc. %{-zat} Hcat. i, 8).
  262. त्रिंशत्तम (triṃśattama) (triṃśattama)
    mf(%{I4})n. the 30th S3Br. viii-x
    (chs. of MBh. xii, xv and Hariv.)
  263. त्रिक (trika) (trika)
    mfn. triple, threefold, forming a triad RV. x, 59, 9. La1t2y. (Stoma
    cf. %{eka-}) S3ulbas. i Sus3r. &c.
    happening the 3rd time Pa1n2. 5-2, 77
    (with or without %{zata}) 3 per cent. Mn. viii, 152 Kull.
    m. (n. L.) a place where 3 roads meet Hariv. Jain.
    m. = %{tri-kaTa} Npr.
    Trapa bispinosa ib.
    n. a triad (cf. %{kaTu-}, %{taurya-}, %{tri-}, %{paJca-}) Mn. ii, vii Pat. and Ka1s3. VarBr2S.
    the loins, regio sacra, hips Hariv. Pan5cat. Sus3r. (also `" the part between the shoulder-blades "') &c.
    the triple Vya1hr2iti W.
    (%{A}) f. a triangular frame across the mouth of a well L.
  264. त्रिकाल (trikāla) (trikāla)
    n. the 3 times or tenses (pf., pr. fut.) S3vetUp. BhP. v Ra1matUp.
    mfn. relating to them Sa1m2khyak. 33
    m. a Buddha W.
    (%{am}) ind. 3 times, thrice BhP. v
    in the morning, at noon, and in the evening MBh. xiii
    (%{-la-}) Ka1m.
    %{-jJa} mfn. knowing the 3 times, omniscient R. i VarBr2S.
    m. a Buddha
    %{-darzin} mfn. omniscient R. i VarBr2S.
    a sage
    %{-nAtha} m. N. of a Yogin Sin6ha7s. xx, 0/1
    %{-rUpa} mfn. three-shaped at the 3 times (of day i.e. the sun) VP. iii, 5, 19
    %{-vid} mfn. omniscient R. v
    a Buddha
    an Arhat of the Jainas L.
  265. त्रिकोण (trikoṇa) (trikoṇa)
    mf(%{A})n. (fr. $) triangular MBh. xiv VarBr2S. Phetk.
    forming a triangle VarBr2S.
    n. a triangle Ra1matUp. i, 29
    = %{-Na-bhavana} VarBr2S. VarBr2. Laghuj.
    (%{A}) f. Trapa bispinosa Npr.
    %{-phala} n. id.
    %{-bhavana} n. the 5th and 9th mansion VarBr2S.
  266. त्रिजीवा (trijīvā) (trijīvā)
    f. the sine of 3 signs or 90 degrees, radius Su1ryas.
  267. त्रित (trita) (trita)
    m. `" third "' ($)N. of a Vedic deity (associated with the Maruts, Va1yu, and Indra
    fighting like the latter with Tva1sht2ra, Vr2itra, and other demons
    called A1ptya [q.v.), `" water-deity "', and supposed to reside in the remotest regions of the world, whence [RV. viii, 47, 13-15 AV.] the idea of wishing to remove calamity to TTva1sht2ra, and the view of the Tritas being the keepers of nectar [RV. vi, 44, 23], similarlyRV. ii, 34, 10 TS. i TBr. i] the notion of Trita's bestowing long life
    also conceived as an inferior deity conquering the demons by order and with the help of Indra [RV. ii
    viii, 52, 1
    fallen into a well he begged aid from the gods [i, 105, 17
    x, 8, 7]
    as to this last myth Sa1y. on i, 105 relates that 3 R2ishis, Ekata, Dvita, and Trita, parched with thirst, looked about and found a well, and when TTva1sht2ra began to draw water, the other two, desirous of his property, pushed him down and closed up the well with a wheel
    shut up there, TTva1sht2ra composed a hymn to the gods, and managed miraculously to prepare the sacrificial Soma, that he might drink it himself, or offer it to the deities and so be extricated: this is alluded to in RV. ix, 34, 4 [cf. 32, 2
    38, 2
    102, 2] and described in MBh. ix, 2095
    also Nir. iv, 6 makes him a R2ishi, and he is the supposed author of RV. i, 105
    viii, 36
    ix, 33 f. and 102
    x, 1-7
    in epic legends [MBh. ix, xii f. ] Ekata, Dvita, and TTva1sht2ra are described as 3 brothers, sons of Gautama or of Praja1-pati or Brahma1
    elsewhere TTva1sht2ra is one of the 12 sons of Manu Ca1kshusha by Nad2vala1 BhP. iv, 13, 16
    cf. %{traitana4}
    Zd. {Thrita}
    $, $, &c.)
    n. triplet of young (three-twin) TS. Sch.
  268. त्रित्व (tritva) (tritva)
    n. = %{-tA} MBh. xiv BhP. i, 15.
  269. त्रिदण्डक (tridaṇḍaka) (tridaṇḍaka)
    n. the 3 staves of a Parivra1jaka MBh. xii Up.
  270. त्रिदण्डिन् (tridaṇḍin) (tridaṇḍin)
    m. `" carrying the 3 staves tied together "', a Parivra1jaka Ya1jn5. iii, 58 MBh. &c.
    a triple commander (i.e. controlling his own thoughts, words and deeds) Mn. xii, 10 Ma1rkP. xli.
  271. त्रिपिण्डी (tripiṇḍī) (tripiṇḍī)
    f. the 3 sacrificial cakes (cf. Mn. iii, 215).
  272. त्रिपुण्ड्रक (tripuṇḍraka) (tripuṇḍraka)
    n. a triple sectarial mark consisting of 3 lines or marks on the forehead (or on back, heart, shoulders &c. RTL. 400) Vas. Hariv. Brahma7n2d2aP. Tithya1d.
  273. त्रिपुर (tripura) (tripura)
    n. sg. id. (built of gold, silver, and iron, in the sky, air, and earth, by Maya for the Asuras, and burnt by S3iva MBh. &c.
    cf. TS. vi, 2, 3, 1) S3Br. vi, 3, 3, 25 AitBr. ii, 11 S3a1n3kh Br.N. of an Up.
    of a town Kshiti7s3. iii, 17
    m. S3iva S3aktir. v
    the Asura Ba1n2a Reva1Kh.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of cardamoms (cf. %{-puTA}) Gal.
    a kind of rice ib.
    a kind of sorcery S3a1rad. xii
    N. of an Up.
    Durga1 Ka1lP. Tantras. Pan5cad.
    (%{I}) f. N. of an Up.
    of the capital of the Cedis MBh. iii, 254, 10 VarBr2S. xiv, 9 Ba1lar. iii, 38
    %{-kumAra} m. N. of a pupil of S3am2kara7ca1rya S3am2kar. lxx
    %{-ghAtin} m. `" destroyer of TTantras "', S3iva Katha1s. cxv
    %{-ghna} m. id. MBh. R. i
    %{-jit} m. id. W.
    %{-dahana} m. id.
    n. N. of a drama
    %{-dAha} m. `" burning of TTantras "'N. of PadmaP. iv, 5
    of a drama
    %{-druh} m. `" enemy of TTantras "', S3iva Ba1lar.
    %{-dviS} m. id. Ragh. xvii, 14
    %{-pramAthin} m. = %{-ghna} Dhanam2j. 37
    %{-bhairava} m. N. of a mixture Bhpr.
    (%{I}) f. Durga1 Ka1lP. S3a1rad. xii
    %{-mallikA} f. a kind of jasmine
    %{-mAlI} f. id.
    %{-vadha} m. `" destruction of TTantras "' (%{-rasya@v-} MBh. vii, 9570)N. of S3ivaP. ii, 5-7
    %{-vijaya} m. conquest of TTantras. Megh. 56
    N. of Lin3gaP. i, 71 f.
    %{-vijayin} m. `" TTantras-conqueror "', S3iva Mudr. i, 2
    %{-vidhvaMsaka} m. id. Buddh.
    %{-sundarI} f. Durga1 Rudray. ii, 1 Tantras. iii f.
    %{-han} m. = %{-ghna} R. vi BhP. iv
    %{-hara} m. id. Prasannar. ii, 35 Ha1sy.
    N. of Lin3gaP. i, 72
    %{-rA7dhipati} m. `" TTantras-lord "', Maya BhP. v, viii
    %{-rA7ntaka4} m. = %{-ra-ghna} MBh. ii Hariv. 1579 S3atarUp. (interpol.) Katha1s. ciii
    %{-rA7ntakara} m. id. MBh. ii, 754
    %{-rA7nta-kRt} m. id., A1ryav.
    Ra1ma's bow Mcar. i, 52
    %{-rA7rAti} m. = %{-radruh} Katha1s. lvi
    %{-rA7ri} m. id. Sus3r. vi Katha1s. ix, 7
    %{-rA7rNava} m. N. of wk. Sch. on A1nand. 1 and 3
    %{-rA7rdana} m. = %{-ra-ghna} MBh. iii
    %{-re7zA7dri} m. N. of a mountain Ra1jat. v
    %{-re7zvara}N. of a place, v f.
    %{-ro7pAkhyAna} n. N. of S3ivaP. iii, 52 - 54.
  274. त्रिभुज् (tribhuj) (tribhuj)
    mfn. threefold AV. viii, 9, 2.
  275. त्रिभुज (tribhuja) (tribhuja)
    mfn. triangular
    m. a triangle A1ryabh. ii, 11.
  276. त्रिमूर्ति (trimūrti) (trimūrti)
    mfn. having 3 forms or shapes (as Brahma1, Vishn2u. S3iva) Kum. ii, 4
    Gan3ge7s3. Ra1matUp. i, 16 Sch.
    in comp. Brahma1, Vishn2u, S3iva Hcat. i, 11, 547
    m. the sun (cf. %{trayI-deha}), 8, 221
    a Buddha
    one of the 8 Vidye7s3varas, 8, 406
    11, 857
    ii, 1, 941 S3aktir. v
    (%{-tika}) Sarvad. vii, 75.
  277. त्रिलिङ्ग (triliṅga) (triliṅga)
    mfn. possessing the 3 Gun2as (cf. %{-guNa}) BhP. iii
    = %{-gaka}
    n. `" the 3 Lin3gas "', the country Telinga
    (%{I}) f. the 3 genders (in Gram.) L.
  278. त्रिलोक (triloka) (triloka)
    n. sg. [MBh. xiii Hariv. 11303] m. pl. [R. iii] the 3 worlds (= %{-patha})
    m. sg. the inhabitants of the 3 worlds BhP. iii, 2, 13
    (%{I}) f. the 3 worlds, i-iii Ra1jat. Prab.
    %{-nAtha} m. `" TTelinga-lord "', Indra Ragh. iii, 45
    S3iva Kum. v, 77
    %{-rakSin} mfn. protecting the 3 worlds Vikr. i, 5
    %{-vazaM-kara} m. N. of a Loke7s3vara
    %{-vIra} m. N. of a Buddh. deity
    %{-sAra} m. N. of wk.
    %{-kA7tman} m. `" TTelinga-soul "', S3iva
    %{-ke7za} m. `" TTelinga-lord "', Vishn2u Sin6ha7s.
    Siva MBh. xiv
    the sun L.
  279. त्रिवर्ण (trivarṇa) (trivarṇa)
    mfn. three-coloured S3a1n3khGr2.
    %{-kRt} m. the chameleon Npr.
  280. त्रिवृत् (trivṛt) (trivṛt)
    mfn. threefold, triple, triform, consisting of 3 parts or folds &c. RV. &c.
    connected with the Tri-vr2it Stoma S3Br. xiii Ka1tyS3r. S3a1n3khS3r.
    (n. pl. %{-vRnti}) A1s3vS3r.
    m. (with or without %{sto4ma}) a threefold Stoma (in which first the three 1st verses of each Tr2ica of RV. ix, II are sung together, then the 2nd verses, and lastly the 3rd) VS. &c.
    m. a triple cord, Sa1n3khGr2. Mn. iii, 43
    an amulet of 3 strings AV. v, 28
    N. of a Vya1sa (see %{-vRSa})
    f. = %{-tA} Sus3r. (generally written %{tR-v-})
    %{trivRc-chiras} mfn. TTelinga-headed MBh. xii, 1632
    xiii, 7379
    %{trivRt-karaNa} n. making threefold Veda7ntas. 116 (ChUp. vi, 3, 2 f.)
    %{trivR4t-tA} f. triplicity S3Br. vi
    %{-parNI} f. Hingcha repens
    %{trivR4t-prAya} mfn. similar to the TTelinga, xii, 3, 1, 5
    %{-stoma} mfn. connected with the TTelinga Stoma Hariv. 7435. [460,3]
  281. त्रिशिरस् (triśiras) (triśiras)
    mfn. three-headed (Tva1sht2ra, author of RV. x, 8.) Ta1n2d2yaBr. xvii Br2ih. KaushUp. MBh. Ka1m.
    (Jvara) BhP. x, 63, 22
    three-pointed MBh. xiii R. iv
    m. N. of an Asura killed by Vishn2u MBh. ix, 1755
    of a Ra1kshasa killed by Ra1ma R. Ragh. [461,1]
    (%{-ra}) BhP. ix, 10, 9
    n. (with %{rakSas}) id. R. i, 1, 45
    a Rakshas
    Kubera L.
  282. त्रिशीर्षन् (triśīrṣan) (triśīrṣan)
    mfn. three-headed (Tva1sht2ra, %{dA4sa}, &c.) RV. x AV. v, 23, 9 Ka1t2h. S3Br. (%{tri4-z-}) S3a1n3khS3r. xiv.
  283. त्रिशूल (triśūla) (triśūla)
    n. a trident MBh. &c. (S3iva's weapon, iii, 5009 Hariv. MatsyaP. xi, 29)
    m. N. of a mountain
    %{-khAta} n. N. of a Ti1rtha MBh. iii
    %{-gaGgA} f. N. of a river
    %{-purI} f. N. of a town
    %{-vara-pANin} and %{-hasta} mfn. bearing the trident in his hand (S3iva), xii, xiv
    %{-lA7Gka} m. `" trident-marked "', S3iva Shad2gurus3.
    %{-lAya} Nom. A1. to resemble S3iva's trident Ven2is. i, 8/9.
  284. त्रिष्टुभ् (triṣṭubh) (triṣṭubh)
    f. a metre of 4 X 11 syllables (RPra1t. xvi, 41 ff. Nir. vii, 12) RV. viii ff. VS. &c. (%{-bhAm@arkau}N. of 2 Sa1mans)
    (in the later metrical system) any metre of 4 X 11 syllables.
  285. त्रेता (tretā) (tretā)
    f. (fr. %{traya4}) and triad, triplet MBh. xiv, 2759
    the 3 sacred fires (= %{agni-}), v, 1559 Hariv. 1410
    trey (throw at dice or the side of a die marked with 3 spots) VS. xxx, 18 TS. iv Mr2icch. ii, 9
    `" age of triads "', the 2nd Yuga (or silver age) AitBr. Mun2d2Up. S3a1n3khS3r. Mn. &c.
  286. त्रइयम्बक (traïyambaka) (traiyambaka)
    mfn. relating or belonging or sacred to Try-ambaka VS. xxiv La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. and Gobh. iii, 10, 14 (scil. %{apUpa}, `" cake "') MBh. vii, 169 and 2778.
  287. त्रइलोक्य (traïlokya) (trailokya)
    n. (g. %{caturvarNA7di}) the 3 Lokas or worlds Mn. xi, 237 MBh. &c.
    a mystic N. of some part of the body
    m. N. of a man Ra1jat. vii f.
  288. त्रइवर्ण (traïvarṇa) (traivarṇa)
    m. a member of the first 3 (%{varNa}) castes Hcat.
  289. त्र्यम्बक (tryambaka) (tryambaka)
    m. `" three-eyed "' (originally probably `" three-mothered "' fr. the threefold expression %{a4mbe@a4mbike4} "' %{mbAlike} VS. &c.
    cf. %{tri-mAtR4} and %{traimAtura}) Rudra or (later on) S3iva RV. vii, 59, 12 VS. &c. (%{triy-} Kapisht2h. viii, 10 R. vii Kum. iii, 44
    cf. Pa1n2. 6-4, 77 Va1rtt. Pat.)
    N. of one of the 11 Rudras MBh. iii Hariv. VP. i, 15, 123 NarasP. v, 9
    pl. (= %{traiy-}) the cakes sacred to Rudra Try-ambaka TS. iii TBr. i Ka1t2h. S3Br. S3a1n3khBr. Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vS3r.
    sg. the ceremony in which those cakes, are offered S3a1n3khS3r. xiv, 10, 21
    n. N. of a Lin3ga S3ivaP. i, 38, 19
    mfn. knowing the 3 Vedas or pervading the 3 worlds TejobUp. 6
    (%{A}) f. Pa1rvati1 Devi1P.
    %{-parvata} m. N. of a mountain, Vaidyaj.
    %{-mAhAtmya} n. N. of part of PadmaP. iv
    %{-vRSabha} m. S3iva's bull Ka1d.
    %{-sakha} m. `" S3iva's friend "', Kubera
    %{ke7zvarapurI} f. = %{zaiva-nagara}.
  290. त्वच् (tvac) (tvac)
    1 cl. 6. %{-cati}, to cover Dha1tup.
  291. त्वच (tvaca) (tvaca)
    n. skin (ifc. see %{mukta-}, %{mRdu-}) Un2. ii, 63 Sch.
    cinnamon, cinnamon tree R. iii, 39, 22 Sus3r.
    Cassia bark
    (%{A}) f. skin
    cf. %{guDa-}
    %{tanu-} and %{pRthak-tvacA}.
  292. त्वदीय (tvadīya) (tvadīya)
    mfn. thy, your, thine, yours MBh. &c.
  293. त्वरा (tvarā) (tvarā)
    f. haste, speed MBh. R. &c. (%{-rAM-kR} with gen. `" to make haste with "' Katha1s. xx, 199)
    (%{ayA}) instr. ind. hastily, quickly R. Sus3r. S3ak. vi, 2/3.
  294. त्वरित (tvarita) (tvarita)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 3-2, 187) hasty, quick, swift, expeditious MBh. &c.
    n. impers. hurried W.
    n. haste (see %{sa-tvaritam})
    (%{am}) ind. quickly, swiftly MBh. R. S3ak. iii, 1/2 Ka1ran2d2.
    (%{A}) f. Durga1 and a magical formula called after her Tantras. iv S3a1rad. x
    %{-gati} f. `" swift motion "', a metre
    %{ram} ind. more quickly Prab. vi, 1/2
    %{-vikrama}, of 4 x 10 syllables Chandah2s. vi, 10 ff. Sch.
    %{-ta} mfn. stepping quickly Hariv. 3182
    4507 R. i, vii
    %{-to7dita} mfn. = %{tUrNo7d-}
    cf. %{tUrta4}, %{-rNa}.
  295. त्वष्टृ (tvaṣṭṛ) (tvaṣṭṛ)
    m. a carpenter, maker of carriages (= %{ta4STR}) AV. xii, 3, 33
    `" creator of living beings "', the heavenly builderN. of a god (called %{su-kR4t}, %{-pANi4}, %{-ga4bhasti}, %{-ja4niman}, %{sv-a4pas}, %{apa4sAm@apa4stama}, %{vizva4-rUpa} &c. RV.
    maker of divine implements, esp. of Indra's thunderbolt and teacher of the R2ibhus, i, iv-vi, x Hariv. 12146 f. R. ii, 91, 12
    former of the bodies of men and animals, hence called `" firstborn "' and invoked for the sake of offspring, esp. in the A1pri1 hymns&c. MBh. iv, 1178 Hariv. 587 ff. Ragh. vi, 32
    associated with the similar deities Dha1tr2i, Savitr2i, Praja1-pati, Pu1shan, and surrounded by divine females [%{gnA4s}, %{jana4yas}, %{devA4nAm@pa4tnIs}
    cf. %{tva4STA-va4rUtrI}] recipients of his generative energy RV. S3Br. i Ka1tyS3r. iii
    supposed author of RV. x, 184 with the epithet Garbha-pati RAnukr.
    father of Saran2yu1 [Su-ren2u Hariv.
    Sva-ren2u L.] whose double twin-children by Vivasvat [or Va1yu ? RV. viii, 26, 21 f.] are YamaYami1 and the As3vins, x, 17, 1 f. Nir. xii, 10 Br2ih. Hariv. 545 ff. VP.
    also father of Tri-s3iras or Vis3varu1pa ib.
    overpowered by Indra who recovers the Soma [RV. iii f. ] concealed by him because Indra had killed his son Vis3va-ru1pa TS. ii S3Br. i, v, xii
    regent of the Nakshatra Citra1 TBr. S3a1n3khGr2. S3a1ntik. VarBr2S. iic, 4
    of the 5th cycle of Jupiter, viii, 23
    of an eclipse, iii, 6
    %{tvaSTur@Atithya}N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.)
    a form of the sun MBh. iii, 146 Hariv. 13143 BhP. iii, 6, 15
    (styled %{mahA-graha}) Para1s3.
    N. of the 12th Muhu1rta Su1ryapr.
    of an A1ditya MBh. i Hariv. BhP. vi, 6, 37 VP. i, 15, 130
    ii, 10, 16
    of a Rudra, i, 15, 122
    of a son of Manasyu or Bhauvana, ii, 1, 40 BhP. v, 15, 13.
  296. त्वादृश् (tvādṛś) (tvādṛś)
    nom. %{-dRk} mfn. like thee, of thy kind Kat2hUp. MBh. v BhP. i, 17.
  297. त्वाष्ट्र (tvāṣṭra) (tvāṣṭra)
    mfn. belonging to or coming from Tvasht2r2 i RV. i, 117, 22 AV. VS. &c. (%{putra}, `" son of TTvasht2r2i "' Prab. ii, 31)
    having TTvasht2r2i as regent VarBr2S. viii, 37 Jyot. (YV.) 6 Sch.
    m. the son of TTvasht2r2i (Vis3va-ru1pa RV. &c.
    A1bhu1ti S3Br. xiv Vr2itra BhP. vi, 9, 17
    xi, 12, 5 Tri-s3iras RAnukr.)
    N. of an eclipse VarBr2S. iiic, 2
    n. TTvasht2r2i's energy, creative power RV. iii, 7, 4 BhP. viii, 11, 35
    the asterism Citra1 VarBr2S.
    (%{I}) f. `" daughter of TTvasht2r2i "', Saran2yu1 (Vivasvat's wife) Nir. xii, 10 MBh. i, 2599 Hariv. 545 f.
    the asterism Citra1
    a small car
    pl. `" daughters of TTvasht2r2i "', certain divine female beings Ta1n2d2yaBr. xii, 5.
  298. त्सारुक (tsāruka) (tsāruka)
    mfn. skilful in handling (%{tsaru}) a sword MBh. i, 5271.
  299. थकार (thakāra) (thakāra)
    m. the letter or sound %{th}.
  300. दंश (daṃśa) (daṃśa)
    mfn. `" biting "' see %{mRga-}
    m. a bite, sting, the spot bitten (by a snake &c.) Sus3r. Ma1lav. iv, 4 & 4/5, 3 Gi1t. x, 11 Katha1s. lx, 131
    snake-bite W.
    pungency W.
    a flaw (in a jewel)
    a tooth
    a stinging insect, gnat, gad-fly ChUp. Mn. xii, 62 Ya1jn5. iii, 215 MBh. &c.
    N. of an Asura, xii, 93
    armour, mail BhP. i, iii
    a joint of the body
    (%{I}) f. a small gad-fly
    cf. %{kSamA-}, %{vRSa-}.
  301. दंशन (daṃśana) (daṃśana)
    n. the act of biting, bite MBh. xiv, 754 Sa1h.
    the being bitten by (instr.) MBh. viii, 4252
    armour, mail, i, iii, viii Devi1m. ii, 27.
  302. दंशित (daṃśita) (daṃśita)
    mfn. bitten Vet. ii, 0/1
    armed, mailed MBh. R. iii BhP. vi
    protected MBh. Hariv.
    adorned, 5432
    ready for (loc.) MBh. xii, 644
    fitting closely (like armour), standing closely together, crowded, iv
    v, 7184 (%{saMz-} B) Hariv.
    n. a bite L.
  303. दंष्ट्रा (daṃṣṭrā) (daṃṣṭrā)
    f. of %{-ra}.
  304. दंसन (daṃsana) (daṃsana)
    n. a surprising or wonderful deed, marvellous power or skill RV. i, 166, 13
    (%{A}) f. id., i, iii-viii (often instr. %{-sa4nA}), x.
  305. दकार (dakāra) (dakāra)
    m. the letter or sound %{d}.
  306. दक्ष (dakṣa) (dakṣa)
    mf(%{A})n. able, fit, adroit, expert, clever, dexterous, industrious, intelligent RV. &c.
    strong, heightening or strengthening the intellectual faculties (Soma), ix f.
    passable (the Ganges) MBh. xiii, 1844
    suitable BhP. iv, 6, 44 Bhartr2. iii, 64
    right (opposed to left) Ra1matUp. i, 22 Phetk. i
    m. ability, fitness, mental power, talent (cf. %{-kratu4}), strength of will, energy, dispositionVS.
    evil disposition RV. iv, 3, 13
    x, 139, 6
    a particular form of temple Hcat. ii, 1, 390
    a general lover W.
    a cock Car. i, vi
    N. of a plant
    Siva's bull
    N. of an A1ditya (identified with Praja1-pati TS. iii S3Br. ii
    father of Kr2ittika1 S3a1ntik.) RV. if., x Nir. ii, xi
    N. of one of the Praja1-patis (MBh. xii, 7534 Hariv. VP. i, 7, 5 and 22, 4 BhP.iii, 12, 22 MatsyaP. cvl, 15 Ku1rmaP. &c. S3ak. vii, 27
    born from Brahma1's right thumb MBh. i, xii Hariv. &c.
    or from A-ja "', the unborn "' BhP. iv, 1, 47
    or son of Pra-cetas or of the of 10 Pra-cetasas, whence called Pra1cetasa MBh. i, xii f. Hariv. 101 VP. i, 15
    father of 24 daughters by Pra-su1ti VP. i, 7, 17 ff. BhP. &c.
    of 50 [or 60 MBh. xii, 61 36 R. iii, 20, 10
    or 44 Hariv. 1 1521 ff.] daughters of whom 27 become the Moon's wives, forming the lunar asterisms, and 13 [or 17 BhP.
    or 8 R.] those of Kas3yapa, becoming by this latter the mothers of gods, demons, men, and animals, while 10 are married to Dharma Mn. ix, 128f. MBh. i, ix
    xii, 7537ff. Hariv. VP. &c.
    celebrating a great sacrifice [hence %{dakSa@sya4yana}, `" N. of a sacrifice "' Mn. vi, 10] to obtain a son, he omitted, with the disapproval of Dadhi1ca, to invite Siva, who ordered Vira-bhadra to spoil the sacrifice Hariv. 12212 [identified with Vishn2u] ff. Va1yuP.i, 30, = BrahmaP. i Lin3gaP. MatsyaP. xiii Va1mP. ii-v S3ivaP. i, 8 Ka1s3i1Kh. lxxxvii ff.
    named among the Vis3ve-deva1s Hariv. 11542 Va1yuP.
    Br2ihasp. [Hcat] &c.)
    N. of a son of Garuda MBh. v, 3597
    of a man with the patr. Pa1rvati S3Br. ii, 4, 4, 6
    of a law-giver Ya1jn5. i, 5 Mn. ix, 88 Sch. &c.
    of a son of Us3i-nara BhP. ix, 23, 2
    of one of the 5 Ka1nyakubja Bra1hmans from whom the Bengal Bra1hmansare said to have sprung Kshiti7s3. i, 13 and 41
    (%{A}) f. the earth
    cf. %{a-tUta-}, %{dina4-}, %{samAna4}
    Lat. {dex-ter}
    Goth. {taiksvs}.
  307. दक्षिण (dakṣiṇa) (dakṣiṇa)
    (also %{-Na4} S3Br.) mf(%{A})n. (declined as a pron. when denoting relative position [`" right "' or, southern "'] Ka1tyS3r. As3vGr2. &c.
    cf. Pa1n2. 1-1, 34
    vii, 1, 16
    but not necessarily in abl. and loc. sg. m. n. [%{-Ne} Ka1tyS3r. Mn. ii, 63] and nom. pl. m.
    except Hariv: 12390) able, clever, dexterous Pa1n2. 1-1, 34 Ka1s3. S3atr. (ifc.)
    right (not left)VS. &c. (%{-NaM@parI7}, to walk round a person with the right side towards him "' BhP. iv, 12, 25
    %{-maMkR}, to place any one on the right side as a mark of respect "', i, viii)
    south, southern (as being on the right side of a person looking eastward), situated to the south, turned or directed southward AV. VS. &c.
    coming from south (wind) Sus3r. Ragh. iv, 8
    (with %{AmnAya}) the southern sacred text (of the Ta1ntrikas), Kularn2. iii
    straightforward, candid, sincere, pleasing, compliant MBh. iv, 167 R. S3ak.iv, 18 Sa1h. iii, 35 Prata1par. BrahmaP.
    m. the right (hand or arm) RV. i, viii, x TS. v
    the horse on the, right side of the pole of a carriage, i, x VS. ix, 8
    m. or n. the south Nal. ix, 23 R. iv
    n. the righthand or higher doctrine of the S3a1ktas Kula7rn2. ii
    (%{am}) ind. to the right R. ii, 92, 13
    (%{A}) f. (scil. %{go}), able to calve and give milk "', a prolific cow, good milch-cow
    a fee or present to the officiating priest (consisting originally of a cow cf. Ka1ty S3r. xv La1t2y. viii, 1, 2 ). RV. Rc.
    Donation to the priest (personified along with Brahman2as-pati, Indra, and Soma, i, 18, 5
    x, 103, 8
    authoress of x, 107 RAnukr.
    wife of Sacrifice [Ragh. i, 31 BhP. ii, 7, 21, both being children of Ruci and Aku1ti, iv, l, 4 f. VP. i, 7, 18 f.)
    reward RV. viii, 24, 2I
    (offered to the Guru) MBh. v Ragh. v, 20 Katha1s. iv, 93 f.
    (%{-NAm@A-} %{diz}, to thank "' DivyA7v. vii, 104
    Caus. to earn thanks, i)
    a gift, donation (cf. %{abhaya-}, %{prA7Na-}) Mn. iii R. ii
    (scil. %{diz}) the south, Deccan
    a figure of Durga1 having the right side prominent W.
    completion of any rite (%{pra-tiSThA})
    (%{e}) loc. ind. on the right side Hemac.
    (%{At}) abl. ind. from or on the right side Pa1n2. 5-3, 4
    from the south, southward ib.
    (%{ena}) instr. ind. on the right or south (35), on the right side of or southward from (acc.
    ii, 3, 31) S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c. (with %{kR}, to place or leave on the right BhP. v, 21, 8)
    (%{ais}) instr. ind. to the right Kaus3. 77
    [cf. Lith. {de4szine7} f. the right hand. "']
  308. दक्षिणा (dakṣiṇā) (dakṣiṇā)
    f. of %{-Na} q.v.
    %{-NA4} (old. instr.) ind. on the right or south (Pa1n2. 5-3, 36), on the right side of or southward from (abl.: ii, 3, 29) RV. ii, 27, 11
    x, 17, 9 AV. (also %{da4kS-}) VS. TBr. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
    S3a1n3khS3r. La1t2y. ChUp. Kaus3.
  309. दक्षिणामूर्ति (dakṣiṇāmūrti) (dakṣiṇāmūrti)
    m. a Ta1ntric form of S3iva
    N. of a copyist of the 17th cent.
    %{-prayoga} m. N. of a ch. of Tantras. iv
    %{-mantra} m. N. of Sa1rad. xix
    %{-saMhitA} f. N. of wk. Tantras. A1nand. 31 Sch.
    %{-stava} m. or %{-stotra} n. 10 verses ascribed to S3am2kara (explained by Vis3va-ru1pa or Sure7s3vara in a commentary with gloss by Ra1ma-ti1rtha)
    %{-ty-upaniSad}, f: N. of an Up.
  310. दग्ध (dagdha) (dagdha)
    mfn. ( %{dah}) burnt, scorched, consumed by fire AV. iv, xviii Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c.
    tormented, pained, consumed by grief or hunger, distressed R2itus. i, 10 Amar. 24 Ra1jat.
    dry, insipid S3iksh.
    inauspicious, PSarv "'
    miserable, execrable Das3. vii, 290 Ka1d.
    n. cauterisation (cf. %{agni-}) Sus3r. i, 11 f.
    (%{A}) f. (soil. %{diz}) the quarter where the sun remains overhead
    (scil. %{tithi}) N. of certain inauspicious days
    = %{-ruhA} L.
  311. दण्ड (daṇḍa) (daṇḍa)
    ( = $ -v, hence cognate with %{da14ru} and %{dRR}) m. (n. [cf. %{ikSu-}] g. %{ardharcA7di}) a stick, staff, rod, pole, cudgel, club RV. &c. (staff given at investiture with the sacred thread S3Br. &c.
    `" penis [with %{vaitasa4}] "', xi, 5, 1, 1
    `" trunk "' see %{zuNDA-}
    `" arm "' or `" leg "' see %{dor-}, %{bAhu-}
    `" tusk "' see %{daMSTrA-})
    = %{-DakA7sana} Br2Na1rP. xxxi, 115 (n.)
    a stalk, stem (of a tree
    cf. %{ikSu-}, %{ud-}, %{khara-}) MBh. ii, 2390
    the staff of a banner, 2079
    iv, xiv
    the handle (of a ladle, sauce-pan, fly-flap, parasol &c.) AitBr. S3Br. &c.
    the steam of a plough
    `" a mast "' see %{mahAdaNDa-dhara}
    the cross-bar of a lute which holds the strings S3a1n3khS3r. xvii
    the stick with which a lute is played
    a churning-stick (cf. %{-DA7hata})
    a pole as a measure of length (= 4 Hastas) VarBr2S.xxiv, 9
    N. of a measure of time (= 60 Vi-kala1s) BrahmaP. ii VarP. BhavP.
    N. of a staff-like appearance in the sky (`" N. of a planet "' (L.
    cf. %{-bhAsa}) VarBr2S.
    N. of a constellation, xx, 2 VarBr2. Laghuj.
    a form of military array (cf. %{-vyuha})
    a line (cf. %{-pAta})
    a staff or sceptre as a symbol of power and sovereignty (cf. %{nyasta-}), application of power, violence Mn. vii f. MBh.
    power over (gen. or in comp.), control, restraint (cf. %{vAg-}, %{mano-}, %{kAya-} [%{karma-} Ma1rkP. xli, 22]
    %{tri-daNDin}) Subh.
    embodied power, army (%{koza-}, du `" treasure and army "' Mn. ix, 294 MBh. Kir. ii, 12) Mn. vii Ragh. xvii, 62
    the rod as a symbol of judicial authority and punishment, punishment (corporal, verbal, and fiscal
    chastisement and imprisonment, reprimand, fine) Ta1n2d2yaBr. xvii, 1 Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. %{gupta4} & %{gUDha-}) [466,3]
    m. a horse
    Punishment (son of Dharma and Kriya1 VP. i, 7, 27 Ma1rkP. l)
    S3iva MBh. xii, 10361
    N. of an attendant of the Sun, iii, 198
    (g. %{zivA7di} and %{zaunakA7di}) N. of a man with the patr. Aupara MaitrS. iii, 8, 7 TS. vi, 2, 9, 4
    of a prince slain by Arjuna (brother of %{-dhara}, identified with the Asura Krodha-hantr2i) MBh. if., viii
    of a Rakshas R. vii, 5, 39
    see %{-oDaka}
    (%{A}) f. Hedysaruni lagopodioides, Npr
  312. दण्डक (daṇḍaka) (daṇḍaka)
    (g. %{RzyA7di}) m. (n. g. %{ardharcA7di}) ifc. `" a staff "' see %{tri-}
    a handle (of a parasol)
    the beam (of a plough)
    the staff of a banner MBh. vii, ix
    (Pa1n2. 5-3, 87 Ka1s3.) N. of a plant Sus3r. v, 7, 1
    a row, line S3a1n3khS3r. Sch.
    a class of metres the stanzas of which may extend from 4 X 27 to 4X 999 syllables Chandah2s. vii, 33-36 HanRa1mUp. 15
    a kind of spasm Car. vi, 28 Bhpr. vii, 36, 171 and 227
    (%{-DA7khya}) 171/172
    N. of wk. relating to VS.
    m. N. of a son of Ikshva1ku (whose country was laid waste by the curse of Bha1rgava, whose daughter he had violated
    his kingdom in consequence became the %{-kA7raNya}) MBh. xii (allusion only) Hariv. 637 BhP. ix, 6, 4 Ka1m. (v.l. %{dANDakya})
    %{-NDa} R. vii.79, 15 VP. iv 2, 4 Va1vuP.ii, 26, 9 PadmaP. i
    N. of a silly man Bharat2. xxv
    of an Asura Virac. xvi
    pl. the inhabitants of %{-kA7raNya} MBh. ii, xiii R. Ragh. VarBr2S.
    n. = %{-kA7raNya} MBh. xiii R. BhP. ix, 11, 19 Prasannar.vii, 77 (pl.)
    (%{A}) f. id. R. Ragh. xiii (colophon) VarBr2S. Mcar. iv, 40/41
    (%{ikA}) f. a stick, staff Mn.v, 99 Kull. (ifc.)
    a line Naish. i, 21 Sch.
    a rope
    a string of pearlsm. N. of a Bhoja (v.l. %{-kya}).
  313. दण्डकावन (daṇḍakāvana) (daṇḍakāvana)
    n. = %{-kA7raNya} R. ii, 30 VarBr2S. xiv, 16.
  314. दण्डनीय (daṇḍanīya) (daṇḍanīya)
    mfn. to be punished Ya1jn5. Ba1lar.v.
  315. दण्डपाणि (daṇḍapāṇi) (daṇḍapāṇi)
    (%{-Da4-}) mfn. (g. %{AhitA7gny-Adi}) staff-handed S3Br. xi Katha1s. liv
    m. a policeman Ha1sy.
    Yama Shad2vBr. v, 4 BhP. i, v
    N. of the leader of 2 of S3iva's troops, Ka1s3iKh. xxxii
    of the father of Buddha's wife Go-pa1 Lalit. xii Suvarn2apr. xviii
    of a Ka1s3i king PadmaP.
    of a physician Bhpr. vii, 8, 137
    of a prince (grandfather of Kshemaka) BhP. ix, 22, 42 Va1yuP. ii, 37, 270 ff. MatsyaP. l, 87 Brahma7n2d2aP.
    (%{khaND-} VP. iv, 21, 4.)
  316. दण्डवत् (daṇḍavat) (daṇḍavat)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-2, 115 Ka1s3.) carrying a staff Hcat. i, 11, 566
    furnished with a handle Ka1tyS3r. xxvi
    having a large army Ragh. xvii Ka1m. xiii, 37
    ind. like a stick Vishn2. xxviii, 5
    (with %{pra-Namya}, prostrating the body) in a straight line, AdhyR. Introd. 5.
  317. दण्डिन् (daṇḍin) (daṇḍin)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 5-2, 115 Ka1s3.) carrying a stick S3Br. xiii Ka1tyS3r. S3a1n3khS3r. Mn. &c.
    m. a Bra1hman in the 4th stage of his life (= %{Tri-}) Ka1lid.
    N. of an order of ascetics founded by S3am2kara7ca1rya W.
    a door-keeper, policeman Nal. iv, 25 Ka1d. i, 225
    an oarsman W.
    Yama Ka1m. ii, 36
    (g. %{naDA7di}) N. of a son of Dhr2itit-ra1sht2ra MBh. i, 2738
    of a door-keeper of the Sun R. vii, 23, 2, 9 and 11
    of the author of Das3. Ka1vya7d. and some 3rd work
    Artemisia Abrotanum
    pl. N. of a family Pravar. ii, 2, 2.
  318. दत् (dat) (dat)
    m. (taking the form %{da4nta} in the strong cases Pa1n2. 6-1, 63) a tooth RV. (nom. %{da4n}, x, 115, 2) AV. VS. S3Br. A1s3vGr2. BhP.
    often ifc. (Pa1n2. 5-4, 141-145) see %{a-} &c.
    %{dac-chada} [cf. $, Lat. {dens} &c.]
  319. दत्त (datta) (datta)
    1 mfn. ( %{de}) protected
  320. दद्रू (dadrū) (dadrū)
    f. (Pa1n2. 5-2, 100 Va1rtt. l and Pat.) a cutaneous eruption, kind of leprosy (also %{dard-} Un2. i, 92 and %{dardU} Sch.) Sus3r. iv, 9 VarBr2S. xxxii, 14.
  321. दधन् (dadhan) (dadhan)
    see 2. %{da4dhi}.
  322. दधीच (dadhīca) (dadhīca)
    m. = %{-dhy-a4c} (devoted himself to death that Indra might slay Vr2itra with the thunderbolt fabricated by Tvasht2r2i out of his bones) MBh. i, iii, ix (father of Sa1rasvata by Sarasvati, 2929 ff.), xii
    (blamed Daksha q.v.) Va1yuP. i, 30, 103 ff. Ku1rmaP. i, 15, 6 ff. (v.l. %{-A})
    author with the pa1tr. Pa1thnya Anukr. on Ka1t2h. xvi, 4.
  323. दनु (danu) (danu)
    f. N. of a daughter of Daksha (by Kas3yapa [or %{danAyU4} S3Br. i, 6, 3, 9], mother of the Da1navas) MBh. i, 2520 ff. Hariv. R. iii, 20 VP. &c. VarBr2S.
    m. N. of a son of S3rI (also called Da1nava
    originally very handsome, but changed into a monster [%{kabandha}] by Indra for having offended him) R. iii f.
  324. दन्त (danta) (danta)
    m. (fr. &) = %{da4t} RV. vi, 75, 11 AV. &c. (n. R. vi, 82, 28
    ifc., %{al} [Katha1s. xxi Caurap.] or %{I} [MBh. ix Mr2icch. x, 13 VarBr2S. Ghat2.] Pa1n2. 4-1, 55)
    the number 32 Gan2it.
    an elephant's tusk, ivory MBh. R. &c. [468,3]
    the point (of an arrow? %{atharI4}) RV. iv, 6, 8
    the peak or ridge of a mountain, Haravij. iv, 32 Dharmas3arm. vii, 32
    an arbour S3is3. iv, 40
    a pin used in playing a lute, Haravij. i, 9
    (%{i}) f. = %{-tikA} Sus3r. VarBr2S.
    (in music) N. of a composition
    cf. %{ibha-dantA}
    %{kuDmala-} and %{krUra-a-dantI} &c.
  325. दन्त्य (dantya) (dantya)
    mf(%{A} Pa1n2. 6-1, 213 Sch.)n. dental (a letter) Pra1t. Ka1s3. Vop.
    being on the teeth Pa1n2. 4-3, 55 Ka1s3. Hemac. [469,2]
    suitable to the teeth Sus3r. i, 46 Pa1n2. 5-1, 6 Ka1s3.
    cf. %{a-}.
  326. दम (dama) (dama)
    m. (or n.) house, home ($, Lat. {domus})vii (also %{puru-da4ma} q.v.) VS. viii, 24
    mfn. ifc. `" taming, subduing "' see %{ariM-}, %{gaM-} %{baliM-}
    m. self-command, self-restraint, selfcontrol S3Br. xiv, 8, 2, 4 (%{-ma4}, but cf. Pa1n2. 7-3, 34 Ka1s3.) TUp. KenUp. Mn. &c.
    punishment, fine, viii f. Ya1jn5. ii, 4 BhP.
    N. of a brother of Damayanti1 Nal. i, 9
    of a Maha-rshi MBh. xiii, 1762
    of a son of Daksha, i Sch.
    of a grandson [or son BhP. ix, 2, 29] of Marutta VP. iv, 1, 20 Ma1rkP. cxxxiv Va1yuP.
    cf. %{dur-}, %{su-}.
  327. दमन (damana) (damana)
    mf(%{I})n. ifc. taming, subduing, overpowering MBh. viii Bhartr2.
    self-controlled, passiv, 26, 2
    (g. %{nandy-Adi}) Artemisia indica Mantram. xxiii
    N. of a Sama1dhi Ka1ran2d2. xvii, 18
    of Ya1ma1yana (author of RV. x, 16) RAnukr.
    of a son of Vasu-deva by Rohin2i Hariv. 1951
    of a Brahmarshi Nal.i, 6 Va1yuP. i, 23, 115
    of a son of Bharadva1ja Ka1s3i1Kh. lxxiv
    of an old king MBh. i, 224
    of a Vidarbha king Nal. i, 9
    n. taming, subduing, punishing MBh. R. S3ak. BhP. BrahmavP.
    self-restraint W.
    (%{I}) f. Solanum Jacquini
    N. of a S3akti Hcat. i, 8, 405.
  328. दमयन्ती (damayantī) (damayantī)
    f. `" subduing (men ) "'N. of Nala's wife (daughter of Bhima king of Vidarbha) Nal.
    a kind of jasmine
    %{-katkA} f. N. of Nalac.
    %{-kAvya} n. N. of a poem, Praud2h.
    %{-pariNaya} m. N. of a drama,
  329. दम्पति (dampati) (dampati)
    (%{da4m-}) m. (= Gk. $-$) the lord of the house (Agni, Indra, the As3vins), i
    ii, 39, 2 (cf. Pa1n2. 1-1, 11 1 Ka1s3.)
    v, viii
    (%{I}) du. (g. %{rAjadantA7di}, the comp. taken as a Dvandva and %{dam} in the sense of `" wife "'), `" the two masters "', husband and wife, v, viii, x AV. Gobh. &c. (said of birds Hit.) see 2. %{da4m}
  330. दम्भ (dambha) (dambha)
    m. deceit, fraud, feigning, hypocrisy Mn. iv, 163 MBh. &c.
    Deceit (son of A-dharma and Mr2isha1 BhP.iv, 8, 2) Prab.ii
    Indra's thunder bolt
    N. of a prince (%{darbha} AgP.
    %{rambha} VP.) PadmaP.
  331. दया (dayā) (dayā)
    f. sympathy, compassion, pity for (loc. MBh. Pan5cat. Bhartr2. &c. [470,1]
    gen. R. Hariv. 8486
    in comp. MBh. xiv Hit. i, 6, 41 ) S3Br. xiv &c. (%{-yAM} %{kR}, `" to fake pity on "' [loc. MBh. Hit. i, 2, 7
    gen. Vop.])
    Pity (daughter of Daksha and mother of A-bhaya BhP. iv, 1, 49 f.) Hariv. 14035
    cf. %{a-daya4}
    %{nir-}, and %{sadaya}.
  332. दयालु (dayālu) (dayālu)
    mfn. (Pa1n2. 3-2, 158) = %{-yA-vat} MBh. &c. (with loc. Ragh. ii, 57)
    %{-tA} f. pity Ka1d. Katha1s. civ
    %{-tva} n. id. Ka1m. (with loc.)
  333. दयावत् (dayāvat) (dayāvat)
    mfn. pitiful, taking pity on (gen. MBh. xiii
    loc., ii R. ii)
    (%{ti}) f. N. of a Sruti (in music).
  334. दयित (dayita) (dayita)
    mfn. cherished, beloved, dear MBh. R.
    protected Bhat2t2. x, 9
    m. a husband, lover S3ak. iii, 19/20 (v.l.)
    (%{A}) f. a wife, beloved woman Ragh. ii, 30 Megh. 4 Sis3. ix 70 Katha1s. Dhu1rtas. ii, 13.
  335. दर (dara) (dara)
    (Pa1n2. 3-3, 58) mfn. ( %{dRR}) ifc., cleaving, breaking see %{puraM-dara4}, %{bhagaM-}
    m. (g. %{ardharcA7di}, %{uJchA7du}) = %{-rI} R. ii, 96, 4
    a conch-shell BhP. i, vf., x Kramadi1p.
    m. the navel Gal.
    `" stream "' see %{asRg-}
    fear MBh. v, 4622
    n. poison (v.l. %{dhara})
    (%{I}) f. a hole in the ground, cave MBh. R. Hariv. Kum. &c.
    (%{am}) ind. a little Bhartr2. iii, 24.
  336. दरद (darada) (darada)
    m. pl. N. of a people (living above Pesha1war
    also called %{-d} Ra1jat.) Mn. x, 44 MBh. Hariv. 6441 R. iv VarBr2S. Va1yuP. i, 45, 118
    sg. a Darada prince (also %{-d} Ra1jat. vii, 914) MBh. i, 2694 Hariv.
    n. red lead Bhpr.v, 26, 93
    vii, 1, 227
    %{-lipi} f. writing peculiar to the Daradas Lalit. x, 32.
  337. दरिद्र (daridra) (daridra)
    mf(%{A})n. ( %{drA}, Intens. Pa1n2. 6-4, 114 Va1rtt. 2) roving, strolling TS. iii, 1, 1, 2 (%{-ri4dra}) VS. xvi, 47 S3Br.i, 6, 1, 18 Ta1n2d2yaBr.
    poor, needy, deprived of (instr. Katha1s. lxxiii
    in comp., lxiv Bhartr2. iv, 11), (m.) a beggar Mn. ix, 230 R. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Katha1s. xc, 26)
    cf. %{mahA-}. =
  338. दर्प (darpa) (darpa)
    m. (2. %{dRp}) pride, arrogance, haughtiness, insolence, conceit Mn. viii MBh. &c. (pl. Sa1ntis3. iv, 22)
    Pride (son of A-dharma and S3ri1 MBh. xii, 3388 Ma1rkP. l, 25
    of Dharma VP. i, 7, 26 BhP. iv, 1, 51
    musk Hcat. i, 7, 1311
    cf. %{ati-}, %{sa-},
  339. दर्पण (darpaṇa) (darpaṇa)
    m. (g. %{nandy-Adi}) `" causing vanity "', a mirror Hariv. 8317 R. ii S3ak. &c.
    ifc. `" Mirror "' (in names of works) e.g. %{AtaGka-}, %{dAna-}, %{sAhitya-}
    = %{dAna-} Smr2itit. iv
    N. of a measure (in music)
    of a mountain (seat of Kubera), Ka1IP.
    of Siva MBh. xiii, 1194
    n. the eye
    repetition VarBr2S. iii, 11 Sch.
    kindling W.
    Nom. P. %{-Nati}, to represent a mirror.
  340. दर्भ (darbha) (darbha)
    m. (2. %{dRbh}) a tuft or bunch of grass (esp. of Kus3a grass
    used for sacrificial purposes) RV. i, 191, 3 AV. &c.
    N. of a grass (different from Kus3a and Ka1s3a Sus3r. i, 38
    Saccharum cylindricum W.) Lalit. xvii, 89 Sus3r.
    (Pa1n2. 4-1, 102
    g. %{kurv-Adi} v.l.) N. of a man Pravar. ii, 3, 1 (A1s3vGr2. Ka1ty. &c.)
    `" of a prince "' see %{dambha}.
  341. दर्वि (darvi) (darvi)
    f. `" wooden (cf. %{dru4}) "', a ladle RV. v, x AV. (voc. %{-ve}, iii, 10, 7
    cf. Pa1n2. 7-3, 109 Va1rtt. 2 Pat.)
    the hood of a snake (cf. %{vi-darvya}) AV. x, 4, 13
    m. N. of a son of Us3i1nara VP. iv, 18, 1 (v.l. %{-va}).
  342. दर्श (darśa) (darśa)
    mfn. ( %{dris}) ifc. `" looking at, viewing "' see %{avasAna-}, %{Adinava-}, and %{vadhU-darza4}, %{tattva-}
    `" showing "' see %{Atma-}
    m. `" appearance "' see %{ca4dir-darza4}, %{dur-}, %{prity-}
    (g. %{pacA7di}) the moon when just become visible, day of new moon, halfmonthly sacrifice performed on that day AV.
    (parox.) TS. TBr. & S3Br. ix Kaus3. A1s3vGr2. &c. (n. MBh. iii, 14206)
    (Day of) New Moon (son of Dha1tr2i BhP. vi, 18, 3
    of Kr2ishn2a, x, 61, 14
    N. of a Sa1dhya Va1yuP. ii, 5, 6)
    du. = %{pUrNamAsa4} TS. Sch.
  343. दर्शक (darśaka) (darśaka)
    mfn. seeing (with gen.) Pa1n2. 2-3, 70 Ka1s3.
    looking at (acc.) MBh. xiii, 5097
    ifc. looking for, i, 5559
    `" examining "' see %{akSa-}
    showing, pointing out (with gen. Kum. vi, 52 Hit. Introd. 10
    ifc. Mr2icch. iv, 20 BhP. i, 13, 38 Ra1jat. i
    with %{lohitasya}, making blood appear by striking any one) Mn. viii, 284
    m. a door-keeper
    a skilful man W.
    N. of a prince Va1yuP. ii, 37, 312
    pl. N. of a people MBh. vi, 361.
  344. दर्शत (darśata) (darśata)
    mf(%{A4})n. visible, striking the eye, conspicuous, beautifuliv, vii, xviii S3Br. xiv, 8
    m. the sun Un2. Sch.
    the moon ib.
    cf. %{vizva4-}.
  345. दर्शन (darśana) (darśana)
    mf(%{I})n. showing. Pa1n2. 5-2, 6
    ifc. seeing, looking at (see %{tulya-}, %{deva-}, %{sama-}.) Ragh. xi, 93
    `" knowing see %{dharma-}
    exhibiting, teaching MBh. i, 583 BhP. v, 4, 11
    n. seeing, observing, looking, noticing, observation, perception RV. i, 116, 23 S3Br. xiv S3a1n3khGr2. v, 5 MBh. &c. [471,1]
    ocular perception Sus3r. iv, 27
    the eye-sight, vi, 17
    inspection, examination Ya1jn5. 1, 328 Hariv. 5460
    visiting Ya1jn5. i, 84 Katha1s. iii, 8
    audience, meeting (with gen. Ca1n2.
    instr. with or without %{saha} Vet.
    in comp. Ragh. xii, 60 S3ak. v, 5/6
    vii, 25/26 Ra1jat. vi, 43
    experiencing BhP. i, 8, 25
    foreseeing Ragh. viii, 71
    contemplating Mn. viii, 9 and 23
    apprehension, judgment S3ak. iii, 6/7 discernment, understanding, intellect Mn. vi, 74 Ya1jn5. i, 8 Bhag. &c.
    opinion Ma1lav. v, 13/14 Ka1m. ii, 6
    intention (cf. %{pApa-}) R. i, 58, 18
    view, doctrine, philosophical system (6 in number, viz. [Pu1rva-] Mi1ma1n6sa1 by Jaim. Uttara-Mi1ma1n6sa1 by Ba1dar.
    Nya1ya by Gotama Vais3eshika by Kan2a7da Sa1m2khya by Kap.
    Yoga by Pat.) MBh. xii, 11045 f. BhP. &c.
    the eye Sus3r. v, 8 S3ak. iv, 6 Prab. iii, 10
    the becoming visible or known, presence A1s3vGr2. iii, 7 Mn. ii, 101
    iv Ya1jn5. i, 131
    ii, 170 MBh. &c.
    appearance (before the judge) Mn. viii, 158 Ya1jn5. ii, 53 Ka1m.
    the being mentioned (in any authoritative text) Ka1ty. S3r. i, xxvi La1t2y. vi, ix Ba1dar. i, s, 25 MBh. xiv, 2700
    a vision, dream Hariv. 1285 Hit. iii, 0/1
    ifc. appearance, aspect, semblance Mn. ii, 47 MBh. (Nal. ii, 3
    xii, 18 and 44) R. Ragh. iii, 57
    showing (cf. %{danta-}) Bhartr2. ii, 26 Dhu1rtas. i, 35/11 a mirror
    a sacrifice
    = %{dharma}
    (%{I}) f. Durga1 Hariv. 10238
    N. of an insect Npr.
    cf. %{a-}, %{su-}.
  346. दर्शनीय (darśanīya) (darśanīya)
    mfn. visible R. i, v
    worthy of being seen, good-looking, beautiful TS. ii, 7, 9 S3Br. xiii Sha4vBr. ChUp. Sa1n3khGr2. MBh. &c. (superl. %{-tama}, ii R. iii BhP. iv)
    to be shown Katha1s. lxxi, 20
    to be made to appear (before the judge) Mn. viii, 158 Kull.
    m. Asclepias gigantea Npr.
    cf. %{a-}.
  347. दर्शिन् (darśin) (darśin)
    mfn. ifc. seeing, looking at, observing, examining, finding MBh. viii, 1757 R. &c.
    knowing, understanding, (G) ii, 64, 3 S3ak. i, 16/17 Ragh. xiv, 71 Kum. ii, 13 Hit. i
    receiving Mr2icch. ii, 7
    experiencing R. iii, 65, 11
    composer (of a hymn, %{sUta-})
    looking, appearing, iv, 40, 48
    showing, exhibiting, teaching MBh. S3ak. iv, 21/22 Katha1s. lvi, 203
    inflicting (cf. %{pApa-}) R. ii, 75, 2 Hariv.
  348. दल (dala) (dala)
    n. (m. L.) a piece torn or split off. fragment (cf. %{aNDa}, %{carma-}, %{dvi-}, %{veNu-}) Sus3r. v, 3, 22
    vi, 5, 4 S3is3. iv, 44 (ifc. f. %{A}) Naish- vii, 31
    `" part "', a degree VarBr2. xvii, 4
    a half (cf. %{adhara-}, %{ahar-}, %{dyu-}) VarBr2S. Sus3r. i, 7 Su1ryas.
    a hemistich
    `" unfolding itself. "' a small shoot, blade, petal, leaf (often ifc. in names of plants) "' MBh. R. &c.
    cinnamon leaf.
    unclean gold Bhpr. v, 26, 2
    a clump, heap
    a detachment W.
    = %{utsedha}, %{-dhavad-vastu}, %{avadravya} (%{apad-} W.)
    dividing, splitting W.
    m. N. of a prince MBh. iii, 13178 VP. iv, 4, 47,
  349. दलन (dalana) (dalana)
    mf(%{i})n. splitting, tearing asunder, dispelling BhP. vii, 10, 59 Bhartr2. iii, 47 Vidvanm.
    n. breaking (of the heart) Gi1t. v, 2
    destruction Naish. iv, 116 Katha1s. lxxv, 62
    causing to burst, splitting Bhartr2. Katha1s. Ra1jat. Gi1t.
    (%{i}) f. a clod of earth
    cf. %{nir-}
    %{mAnsa-}. %{-li} f. id. Un2. Sch.
  350. दवथु (davathu) (davathu)
    m. (Pa1n2. 3-3, 89) heat, pain Dhu1rtan. i, 14
    inflammation (of the bile, eyes &c.) Car. i, 20.
  351. दशक (daśaka) (daśaka)
    mfn. consisting of 10, having 10 parts RPra1t. Mn. Chandah2s. Ka1s3. Ka1m.
    (with %{zata}) 10 per cent. Ya1jn5. ii
    m. one in a decad of chs. (of the Sa1ma-tantra)
    n. a decad Sa1ntis3. iv, 7 Katha1s. cii, 108 Ka1tyS3r. xvii, 6, 3 Sch.
  352. दशकुमारचरित (daśakumāracarita) (daśakumāracarita)
    or n. `" adventures of the 10 princes "'N. of wk. by Dan2d2in.
  353. दशत् (daśat) (daśat)
    (1, 60) mfn. consisting of 10 Ka1s3.
    f. a decad MaitrS. i TS. vii TBr. i S3Br. Ta1n2d2yaBr.
  354. दशतय (daśataya) (daśataya)
    mf(%{i})n. (Pa1n2. 5-2, 42) consisting of 10, tenfold RV. i
    (%{I}) f. N. of a Comm.
    pl. (scil. %{Rcas}) the 10 Man2d2alas of RV. La1t2y. x Nir.
    cf. %{dAs-}
  355. दशन (daśana) (daśana)
    ( %{daMz}) m. (n.Sch.) a tooth Mn. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} iii, 10 MBh. xii Megh. &c.)
    a bite Va1tsya1y. i, 1, 2 m. a peak
    n. (= %{daMz-}) armour L.
  356. दशन् (daśan) (daśan)
    pl. (g. %{svasr-Adi} Gan2ar. 42) ten (nom. acc. %{da4za} RV. &c.
    instr. [%{da4za}, x, 101, 10 &] %{daza4bhis} loc. %{-sa4su} RV. &c.
    both forms & %{-zabhyas} in Class. also oxyt. Pa1n2. 6-1, 177ff.)
    cf. %{a4}-$, $.
  357. दशम (daśama) (daśama)
    mf(%{I})n. the 10th RV. i (with %{yuga4} = %{-mI4} 158, 6)
    x AV. v
    xiii VS. &c.
    n. with %{a4han}, the last day of the day of the Das3a-ra1tra ceremony TBr. ii S3Br.xii Ta1n2d2yaBr. S3a1n3khS3r.
    (without %{ahan}) La1t2y.
    (proparox. Pa1n2. 5-3, 49) a 10th part Mn. viii f.
    (%{a4m}) ind. for the 10th time RV. viii, 24, 23 TBr. ii
    (%{I}) f. the 10th stage of human life (age from 91 to 100 years) AV. iii, 4 Ta1n2d2yaBr. Gaut. Mn.ii
    (scil. %{tithi}) the 10th day of the half moon, iii, 276 MBh. &c.
    the 10th day after birth Pat. Introd. 73
    [cf. Lat. {decimus}.]
  358. दशा (daśā) (daśā)
    f. ( %{daMz}?) the fringe of a garment, loose ends of any piece of cloth, skirt or hem Ka1tyS3r. iv, 1, 17 (%{UrNA}) La1t2y. viii, 6, 22 Kaus3. S3a1n3khGr2. ii, 12, 5 Mn. &c.
    a wick Gobh. iv, 2, 32 (%{kSauma-}) Kum. iv, 30 Bhartr2. iii, i
    state or condition of life, period of life (youth, manhood, &c.), condition, circumstances R. Pan5cat. Megh. &c.
    the fate of men as depending on the position of the planets, aspect or position of the planets (at birth &c.) VarBr2S. VarBr2. Laghuj.
    the mind
    cf. %{vastra-}
    i. %{daza}.
  359. दशरात्र (daśarātra) (daśarātra)
    mfn. lasting 10 days S3Br. xiii Ka1tySr. xxi
    m. a 10 days' ceremony Ta1n2d2yaBr. Ka1tyS3r. xxiii S3a1n3khS3r.
    N. of a 10 days' ceremony (forming the chief part of the Dva1das3a7ha) S3Br. xii Ka1tyS3r.
    10 days, xxv S3a1n3khS3r. Kaus3. Gobh. Mn. R. (n., iii, 2, 12) Ma1rkP.
    %{-parvan} n. N. of a Sa1man.
  360. दशाह (daśāha) (daśāha)
    m. 10 days S3Br. xiii A1s3vGr2. Mn. R.
    a ceremony lasting 10 days Ka1tyS3r. xxiii La1t2y. x, 10.
  361. दष्ट (daṣṭa) (daṣṭa)
    mfn. ( %{daMz}) bitten, stung Mn. xi MBh. &c. (said of a wrong pronunciation Pa1n2S3. [RV.] 35)
    n. a bite Sus3r. i, 13, 6.
  362. दस्त (dasta) (dasta)
    mfn. = %{dosita} Pa1n2. 7-2, 27 Vop. xxvi.
  363. दस्यु (dasyu) (dasyu)
    m. ( %{das}) enemy of the gods (e.g. %{za4mbara}, %{zu4SNa}, %{cu4muri}, %{dhu4ni}
    all conquered by Indra, Agni, &c.), impious man (called %{a-zraddha4}, %{a-yajJa4}, %{a4-yajyu}, %{a4-pRnat}, %{a-vrata4}, %{anya-vrata}, %{a-karma4n}), barbarian (called %{a-nA4s}, or %{an-A4s} `" ugly-faced "', %{a4dhara}, inferior "', %{a4-mAnuSa}, inhuman "'), robber (called %{dhani4n})&c.
    any outcast or Hindu1 who has become so by neglect of the essential rites Mn.
    not accepted as a witness, viii, 66
    cf. %{traso4-} (%{da4syave@vR4ka} m. `" wolf to the Dasyu "'N. of a man RV. viii, 51
    55 f
    %{da4syave@sa4has} n. violence to the DDasyu (N. of Turvi1ti), i, 36, 18).
  364. दस्र (dasra) (dasra)
    mfn. accomplishing wonderful deeds, giving marvellous aid (chiefly said of the As3vins) RV.
    m. N. of one of the As3vins Br2ih. MBh. Hariv. 601
    du. the As3vins
    sg. the number 2 Su1ryas. i
    = %{-devatA}, viii, 9
    a robber, thief. Un2. Sch.
    an ass (cf. %{dazeraka})
    n. the cold season Un2. vr2. see %{dasma4}.
  365. दहन (dahana) (dahana)
    mf(%{I})n. burning, consuming by fire, scorching, destroying (chiefly ifc.) Hariv. BhP. Bhartr2.
    (said of the %{dhAraNA} of fire) Goraksh. 164
    m. fire (of three kinds), Agni Kaus3. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Hora1s3.)
    the numeral three VarBr2S. Su1ryas.
    one of the 5 forms of fire in the Sva1ha1-ka1ra Hariv. 10465
    a pigeon
    Plumbago zeylanica
    Anacardium officinarum
    N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2536
    N. of a Rudra, i MatsyaP.
    n. burning, consuming by fire Kaus3. 80 R. vii Ragh. &c.
    cauterising Sus3r.
    sour gruel Npr.
    (%{A}) f. N. of part of the moon's course VarBr2S. ix, 1-3 Sch.
    (%{I}) f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L.
  366. दाक्ष्य (dākṣya) (dākṣya)
    n. (fr. %{da4kSa}) cleverness, skill, fitness, capability, industry MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  367. दाडिम (dāḍima) (dāḍima)
    mf(%{I})n. the pomegranate tree MBh. Hariv. Sus3r. (n. also its fruit
    %{-mAni@danz}, to bite pomegranates, said of a hard or unwelcome task Va1m. iii, 2, 14)
    small cardamoms
    mfn. being on the pomegpomegranates tree Sus3r.
  368. दातृ (dātṛ) (dātṛ)
    (with acc.
    once without RV. iv, 31, 7),
  369. दातव्य (dātavya) (dātavya)
    mfn. to be given AitBr. Mn. &c.
    to be communicated S3vetUp. Pan5cat. i Ma1rkP.
    to be given in marriage Da1yabh. (Pait2h.) Katha1s.
    to be paid or restored Mn. viii Pa1n2. 3-3, 171 Ka1s3.
    to be placed upon (loc.) Mn. v, 136 VarBr2S.
    to be made Bhpr. vii, 18, 74. i.
  370. दान (dāna) (dāna)
    1 n. the act of giving RV. S3Br. MBh. &c.
    giving in marriage (cf. %{kanyA-})
    giving up (cf. %{prANa-}, %{Atma-}, %{zarIra-} Pan5c. ii)
    communicating, imparting, teaching (cf. %{brakma-})
    paying back, restoring Mn. Ya1jn5.
    adding, addition (VarBr2S.)
    donation, gift Lat. {donum}] RV. S3Br. &c. (%{-naMdA}, to offer a ggift Mn. Ya1jn5. Hit. &c.
    %{-nam@prayam}, to bestow a ggift Mn. iv, 234)
    oblation (cf. %{udaka-}, %{havir-})
    liberality (cf. 2. %{dAna})
    bribery Mn.vii, 198 (cf. %{upA7ya}).
  371. दानव (dānava) (dānava)
    m. (fr. 2. %{dA4u}) a class of demons often identified with the Daityas or Asuras and held to be implacable enemies of the gods or DevasS3Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (described as children of Danu and Kas3yapa, sometimes reckoned as 40 in number MBh. i, 252
    sometimes as 100 &c.)
    (%{I}) f. a female DDanu
    mf(%{I})n. belonging to the DDanu MBh. R. &c.
  372. दानवपति (dānavapati) (dānavapati)
    m. king of the DDanuN. of Ra1hu Bhartr2. =
  373. दानु (dānu) (dānu)
    mfn. liberal (Un2. iii, 32)
    m. prosperity, contentment
    air, wind
  374. दानीय (dānīya) (dānīya)
    mfn. worthy of gifts or offerings Pa1n2. 3-3, 113 Ka1s3.
    n. gift, donation W.
  375. दान्त (dānta) (dānta)
    1 mfn. ( %{dam}) tamed, broken in, restrained, subdued
    mild, patient Br. Mn. MBh. &c.
    m. a tamed ox or steer (cf. %{damya}) Ra1jat. v, 432
    a donor, giver W.
    Ficus Indica or = %{damanaka}
    N. of a son of Bhi1ma Nal. 1, 9
    of a bull Katha1s. xvi, 295
    pl. of a school of the AV.
    (%{A}) f. of an Apsaras MBh. xiii, 1425.
  376. दामन् (dāman) (dāman)
    1 n. m. a giver, donor RV.
    a liberal man MBh. xii, 3479
    (%{dA4-}) n. giving, a gift RV. (cf. %{a-}, %{su-}). 1.
  377. दामन् (dāman) (dāman)
    1 n. m. a giver, donor RV.
    a liberal man MBh. xii, 3479
    (%{dA4-}) n. giving, a gift RV. (cf. %{a-}, %{su-}). 1.
  378. दामोदर (dāmodara) (dāmodara)
    m. having a rope round waist "'N. of Kr2ishn2a MBh. Hariv.
    of 12th month VarBr2S.
    of 9th Arhat of past Ut-sarpin2i1
    of 2 kings of Kas3mira Ra1jat. &c.
    of a river (held sacred by the Santa1ls) MW.
    %{-gupta} m. N. of a poet Ra1jat. iv, 495
    %{-tantra} n. N. of wk.
    %{-datta} and %{-deva} m. N. of 2 men
    %{-paddhati} f. N. of wk.
    %{-bhUti} m. N. of a man
    %{-mizra} m. N. of author of one recension of the Hanu1man-na1t2aka
    %{-rA7raNya} n. N. of a forest Ra1jat. vi, 183
    %{-rIya} mfn. relating to (king) Da1modara Ra1jat. i, 157.
  379. दाय (dāya) (dāya)
    1 mfn. (Pa1n2. 3-1, 139
    141) giving, presenting (cf. %{zata-}, %{go-})
    m. gift, present, donation MBh. R. &c.
    nuptial fee(cf. %{su-})
    gift at the ceremony of initiation W.
    handing over, delivery Mn. viii, 165
    n. game, play Pan5cad.
  380. दाय (dāya) (dāya)
    1 mfn. (Pa1n2. 3-1, 139
    141) giving, presenting (cf. %{zata-}, %{go-})
    m. gift, present, donation MBh. R. &c.
    nuptial fee(cf. %{su-})
    gift at the ceremony of initiation W.
    handing over, delivery Mn. viii, 165
    n. game, play Pan5cad.
  381. दायक (dāyaka) (dāyaka)
    1 mf(%{ikA})n. giving, granting, bestowing
    imparting, communicating, uttering, telling
    fulfilling, causing, effecting MBh. Hariv. Das3. &c. (generally ifc.
    cf. %{agni-}, %{uttara-}, %{jJAna-} %{viSa-}). m. heir, kinsman Gr2S.
  382. दायाद (dāyāda) (dāyāda)
    m. id. (with gen. or loc. of thing or ifc. Pa1n2. 2-3, 37, vi, 2, 5) AV. S3Br. Mn. Ya1jn5.
    a son or distant descendant or kinsman MBh. Pan5c.
    (%{A}, %{I}) f. heiress, daughter AgP.
    %{-vat} mfn. having an heir MBh.
  383. दायाद्य (dāyādya) (dāyādya)
    n. inheritance (g. %{brAhmaNA7di}) Gr2S. Mn. MBh. &c.
    %{-tA} f. near relationship, affinity MBh. i, 7509.
  384. दारक (dāraka) (dāraka)
    1 mf(%{ikA})n. breaking, tearing, splitting (cf. %{loha-} and %{zatru-})
    m. a hog
    N. of Kr2ishn2as charioteer (cf. i. %{dAruka})
    (%{ikA}) f. rent, chink (cf. %{pAda-}). 2 m. (rather connected with 2. %{dAra} than with %{dR}) a boy, son, child MBh. Mr2icch. Pan5c. Sus3r.
    young animal Pur.
    (%{ikA}) f. a girl, daughter Hariv. Katha1s. (%{akI} BhP. iv, 28, 21)
    (%{akau}) m. du. a boy and girl Nal.
  385. दार (dāra) (dāra)
    1 Inf(%{I})n. ( %{dRR}) tearing up, rending (cf. %{bhU-})
    m. rent, cleft, hole Ta1n2d2yaBr. xv, 3, 7 (cf. %{udara-}, %{karbu-}, %{a-dAra-sRt})
    (%{I}) f. id. Sus3r.2 m. pl. (probably not connected with s. %{dAra} and %{dRR}, but cf. Pa1n2. 3-3, 20 Va1rtt. 4) a wife (wives) Gr2S. Mn. MBh. &c. (%{-An} %{kR} or %{pra-kR}, take to wife, marry MBh.
    cf. %{kRta-})
    rarely m. sg. (A1p. i, 14, 24 Gaut. xxii, 29) f. sg. (BhP. vii, 14, ii) and n. pl. (Pan5c. i, 450).
  386. दारिद्र्य (dāridrya) (dāridrya)
    n. poverty Mricch. VarBr2. Pan5c. Hit.
  387. दारु (dāru) (dāru)
    1 mfn. liberal(cf. Pa1n2. 3-2, 159)
    m. see 2. %{dAru}. (%{pI4tu-}) m. a kind of tree (= %{deva-dAru}, or = %{khadira}) S3Br. Ka1t2h. (cf. %{pIta-dAru}).
  388. दारुक (dāruka) (dāruka)
    1 m. N. of Kr2ishn2a's charioteer MBh.
    of an incarnation of S3iva Va1yuP.2 n. Pinus Devadaru
    (%{A}) f. a wooden doll or puppet L.
  389. दारुण (dāruṇa) (dāruṇa)
    (Un2. iii, 53)
  390. दारुमय (dārumaya) (dārumaya)
    mf(%{I})n. made of wood, wooden (%{-yi@nArI}, %{yoSA} or %{strI}, a wooden doll MBh.
    %{citi}, a funeral pile BhP. iv, 28, 50).
  391. दाव (dāva) (dāva)
    m. (fr. 2. %{du} Pa1n2. 3-1, 142) conflagration, esp. a forest conflagration S3Br. MBh. &c.
    fire, heat
    m. n. a forest MBh. (always connected with fire) Ragh. ii, 8.
  392. दाश (dāśa) (dāśa)
    1 see %{puro-}. 3 the Vr2iddhi form of 2. %{daza} in comp.
  393. दाशरथ (dāśaratha) (dāśaratha)
    mf(%{I})n. (a road) affording space for ten waggons MBh. xii, 242
    belonging to or coming from Das3a-ratha
    m. patr. of Ra1ma R. v, 80, 23.
  394. दाशराज्ञ (dāśarājña) (dāśarājña)
    n. the fight with the ten kings
  395. दाश्वस् (dāśvas) (dāśvas)
    (p. pf. fr. 1. %{dAz}), honouring or serving the gods, devout, piousVS.
    gracious RV. i, 3, 7 (the gods)
    110, 2 (Savitr2i)
    x, 65, 5, 6 (Varun2a)
    104, 6 (Indra)
    giving, granting (with acc. or ifc.) BhP.
  396. दास (dāsa) (dāsa)
    1 m. fiend, demon
    N. of certain evil beings conquered by Indra (e.g. Namuci, Pipru, S3ambara, Varcin &c.) RV.
    savage, barbarian, infidel (also %{dA4sa}, opp. to %{Arya}
    cf. %{dasyu})
    slave, servantMn. &c.
    a Su1draSch.
    one to whom gifts may be made W.
    a fisherman (v.l. for %{dAza})
    ifc. of names, esp. of S3u1dras and Ka1ya-sthas (but cf. also %{kAli-})
    (%{I}) f. a female servant or slave AV. S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c.
    N. of a plant (= %{nilA} or %{pItA@jhintI}, %{kAka-jaGghA}, %{nIlA7mlANa} &c.)
    an altar
    N. of a river
    (%{dA4sa}) mf(%{I})n. fiendish, demoniacal, barbarous, impious RV.
  397. दास्य (dāsya) (dāsya)
    n. servitude, slavery, service S3Br. Mn. &c.
  398. दास्याःपुत्र (dāsyāḥputra) (dāsyāḥputra)
    (Pa1n2. 6-3, 22) m. `" the son of a female slave "', a low wretch or miscreant (as an abusive word often in the plays).
  399. दाह (dāha) (dāha)
    m. (fr. %{dah}) burning, combustion, conflagration, heat Ka1tyS3r. Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. R. &c.
    place of cremation Vas. xix, 26
    glowing, redness (of the sky cf. %{dig-}) Mn. MBh. VarBr2S. &c.
    cauterizing, cautery (of a wound) Sus3r. Ma1lav. iv, 4
    internal heat, fever Sus3r.
    pl. N. of a people (v.l. for %{vaideha}) Va1yuP. 1
    %{-haka} mf(%{I})n. burning, setting on fire Ya1jn5. ii, 282 BhP. xi, 10, 8
    m. Plumbago Zeylanica.
  400. दिश् (diś) (diś)
    1 cl. 3. P. %{di4deSTi} (Imper. %{di4deSTu} RV.
    cl. 6. %{diza4ti}, %{-te} [later the only Pres. stem]
    pf. %{dide4za}, %{didize4}
    fut. %{dekSyati}, %{-te} [%{deSTA} Siddh.]
    aor. %{adikSat} S3Br. &c.
    %{adikSi}, %{a4diSTa} RV.
    inf. %{deSTum} MBh. etc.
    %{di4ze} RV.) to point out, show, exhibit RV.viii, 82, 15
    to produce, bring forward (as a witness in a court of justice) Mn. viii
    to promote, effect, accomplish Kir., i, 18
    to assign, grant, bestow upon (dat. RV. ii, 41, 17 AV. xiv, 2, 13
    gen. MBh. iii, 14278
    xiii, 1843
    loc. R. i, 2, 28)
    to pay (tribute) Hariv. 16061
    to order, command, bid (inf.) Kir. v, 28: Pass. %{dizyate} MBh. &c.: Caus. %{dezayati}, %{-te}
    aor. %{adIdizat}, to show, point out, assign MBh. R.
    to direct, order, command ib.
    teach, communicate, tell, inform confess Buddh.: Desid. %{didikSati}, %{-te}, to wish to show &c.: Intens. %{de4diSTe}, 3. pl. %{-zate}, (p. f. pl. %{-zatIs}) to show, exhibit, manifest RV.
    to order, command ib.: Pass. %{dedizyate}, to show or approve one's self. AV. VS. [Cf. Z. {dis}
    Gk. $
    Lat. {di1co}, &149116[479,3] {in-dr2care} &c.
    Goth. {teihan}
    O. E. {te4on} (fr. {ti4han}).] 2 f. quarter or region pointed at, direction, cardinal pointS3Br. &c. (four in number, viz. %{prAcI}, east
    %{dakSiNA}, south
    %{pratici}, west
    and %{udIcI}, north AV. xv, 2, 1 A1s3vGr2. iv, 8 &c.
    Sometimes a 5th, %{dhruvA} AV. iii, 9, 15 S3Br. ix, 4, 3, 10
    and a 6th, %{UrdhvA} AV. iii, 27, 1 S3Br. xiv, 6, 11, 5
    and a 7th, %{vy-adhvA} AV. iv, 40, l S3Br. ix, 5, 2, 8
    but oftener 8 are given i.e. the 4 cardinal and the 4 intermediate quarters, S.E., S.W.N. W., and N. E. Mn. i, 13 [cf. %{upa-}]
    and even a 9th, and 10th, %{tiryak} or %{adhas} and %{Urdhvam} S3Br. vi, 2, 2, 34 MBh. i, 729
    %{dizAm@pati} [cf. %{dik-pati}) below] = Soma RV. ix, 113, 2, or = Rudra VS.xvi, 17)
    quarter, region, direction, place, part (pl., rarely eg. the whole world e.g. %{dizi}, %{dizi}, in all directions, everywhere Bhartr2. i, 86
    %{digbhyas}, from every qquarter BhP. i, 15, 8 [480,2]
    %{dizo@dizas}, hither and thither Pan5c. ii, 116/117
    %{dizo'valokya}, looking into the qquarter of the sky i.e. into the air Ratn. iv, 4/5 %{di4so@'ntAt}, from the extremities of the world ib., Introd. 6)
    country, esp. foreign country, abroad (cf. %{dig-Agata} and %{-lAbha}, below)
    space (beside %{kAla}) Kap. ii, 12
    the numeral 10 (cf. above) S3rutab. Su1ryas.
    a hint, reference, instance, example Sus3r. Sa1h. Sch.
    precept, order, manner RV. [cf. $ O. H.G. {zeiga} (see also %{dizA})]
    mark of a bite
    N. of a river MBh. vi, 327. 3 a vulgar form for %{dRz}, to see Pa1n2. i, 3, 1 Va1rtt. 13 Pat.
  401. दिग्ध (digdha) (digdha)
    mfn. ( %{dih}) smeared, anointed
    soiled, defiled
    poisoned AV. S3Br. Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a poisoned arrow R. ii, 30, 23 (cf. below)
    a tale L.
  402. दित (dita) (dita)
    1 mfn. (3. %{dA}) bound (cf. %{ud-}, %{ni-}, %{saM-}). 2 mfn. ( %{do} Pa1n2. 7-4, 40) cut, torn, divided BhP. vi, 6, 23 (cf. %{nir-}).
  403. दिति (diti) (diti)
    1 f. N. of a deity answering to A-diti (q.v.) as Sura to A-sura and without any distinct character AV. vii, 7, 1 &c. VS. xviii, 22
    in ep. daughter of Daksha and wife of Kas3yapa and mother of the Daityas (see s.v.) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    (the Maruts are also described as her progeny or derived from the embryo in her womb divided into pieces by Indra) Hariv. 239 R. i, 46, i
    cf. Pan5c. ii, 40.2 f. cutting, splitting, dividing
    distributing, liberality (also personified cf. 1. %{di4ti}) RV.
    m. N. of a king
    a king W.
  404. दिधिषु (didhiṣu) (didhiṣu)
    mfn. wishing to gain or obtain, striving after, seeking RV.
    m. a suitor RV. x, 18, 8
    a husband BhP. ix, 9, 34
    the second husband of a woman twice married (also %{-SU})
    (%{u} or %{U}) f. a widow remarried or an elder sister married after the younger (both of whom having the choice of their husbands may be compared to suitors).
  405. दिन (dina) (dina)
    1 mfn. ( %{do}) cut, divided, mowed RV. viii, 67, 10 (cf. %{svayaM-}).
  406. दिलीप (dilīpa) (dilīpa)
    m. (fr. %{dilI} = modern Delhi [cf. %{Dilli}] + %{pa} protector?) N. of certain kings (esp. of an ancestor of Ra1ma, son of An6s3umat and father of Bhagi-ratha) MBh. Hariv. &c.
  407. दिव (diva) (diva)
    n. heaven, sky MBh. Hariv.
    day, esp. in %{dive4-dive}, day by day, daily RV. and ifc. (g. %{zaradAdi})
    wood[Cf. %{a4har-}, %{tri-}, %{naktaM-}, %{naktaM-} %{bRhad-}. %{rAtrim-}, %{su-}
    cf. also $ Fo in $ Lat. (?) {biduum}.
  408. दिव् (div) (div)
    1 cl. 1. P. %{-devati} cl. 10. P. %{-deyavati}, to cause to lament, to pain, vex
    to ask, beg
    to go
    A1. %{-te}, to suffer pain Dha1tup. xxxiii, 51, 32. 2 cl.4. %{dI4vyati}, %{-te} RV. Br. &c. (perf. %{dide4va} AV.
    fut. %{deviSyati}
    cond, %{adeviSyat} MBh. Das3.
    aor. %{adevIt} MBh.
    infin. %{devitum} MBh. &c.
    ind. p. %{devitvA} Pa1n2. 1-2, 18
    %{-dIvya} RV. x, 42, 9) to cast, throw, esp. dice i.e. play, gamble (%{akSais} RV. x, 34, 13 MBh. iii, 2260
    %{akSAn} Pa1n2. 1-4, 43), with (instr. MBh. ii, 2509), for (instr., ii, 2061 &c.
    acc. MaitrS. i, 6, 11 S3Br. v, 4, 4, 23
    dat. MBh. iv, 534
    ii, 2468
    gen. [%{zatasya}] Pa1n2. 2-3, 58)
    to lay a wager, bet with (%{sA7rdham}), upon (dat.) MBh. i, 1192
    to play, sport, joke, trifle with (acc. AV. v, 29)
    to have free scope, spread, increase (Pan5c. ii, 193 B. %{vardhati})
    to shine, be bright [Zd. {di1v}
    (?) Lit. %{dyvas}] BhP. iii, 20, 22
    to praise, rejoice, be drunk or mad
    to sleep
    to wish for
    to go Dha1tup.: Caus. %{devayati}, to cause to play (Sch.) or to sport BhP. iii, 20, 22: Desid. %{dideviSati} and %{dudyUSati} Pa1n2. 7-2, 49 Ka1s3.: Caus. of Desid. %{dudyUSayati}, to incite to play Bhat2t2. v, 49: Intens. %{dedivIti}, %{dedyeti}, %{dedeti} &c. Vop. xx, 17.
  409. दिवस (divasa) (divasa)
    m. (or ri. g. %{ardharcA7di} L.) heaven TBr. i, 7, 6, 6
    a day MBh. Ka1v. &c. [Cf. $ in $, $ for $.]
  410. दिव्य (divya) (divya)
    1 Nom. P. %{-yati}, to long for heaven Pa1n2. 8-2, 77 Sch.
  411. दिव्यचक्षुस् (divyacakṣus) (divyacakṣus)
    n. a ddivine eye, supernatural vision Das3. Buddh.
    mfn. having a ddivine eye Ragh. iii, 45
    having (only) the ddivine eye, (in other respects) blind
    m. a monkey
    a kind of perfume L.
  412. दिष्ट (diṣṭa) (diṣṭa)
    mfn. shown, pointed out, appointed, assigned (%{diSTA@gatis}, the appointed way "' i.e. death R. ii, 103, 8)
    fixed, settled
    directed, biddenMBh. R. &c.
    m. time
    a sort of Curcuma
    N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata Pur.
    n. appointed place ChUp. v, 9, 2
    aim, goal TBr. ii, 4, 2, 2 &c.
    allotment, assignment, decree
    fate, destiny AV. x, 3, 16 MBh.
    direction, order, command BhP. v, 1, 11 &c. Ra1jat. iv, 121
    a description according to space and time (i.e. of a natural phenomenon) Sa1h.
  413. दिष्टि (diṣṭi) (diṣṭi)
    f. direction, prescription, Ta1n2dyaBr. xxv, 18
    auspicious juncture, good fortune, happiness (esp. instr. %{-TyA}, thank heaven! I congratulate you on your good luck! often with %{vardhase}, you are fortunate) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a kind of measure of length Kaus3. Sch. on Ka1ty. Sr.
  414. दीक्षण (dīkṣaṇa) (dīkṣaṇa)
    n. consecrating one's self or causing one's self to be consecrated, consecration, initiation S3rS. MBh.
    (%{A}) f. id. VarBr2S. xcviii, 14.
  415. दीक्षा (dīkṣā) (dīkṣā)
    f. preparation or consecration for a religious ceremony, undertaking religious observances for a partic. purpose and the observances themselves AV. VS. Br. S3rS. &c.
    dedication, initiation (personified as the wife of Soma RV. 25, 26, of Rudra Ugra or RRudra Va1madeva Pur.)
    any serious preparation (as for battle) MBh. Hariv. Ka1v.
    self-devotion to a person or god, complete resignation or restriction to, exclusive occupation with (comp.
    cf. %{viraha-}, %{zAka-}, %{zRGgAra}.).
  416. दीक्षित (dīkṣita) (dīkṣita)
    mf(%{i} GopBr. i, 5, 24)n. consecrated, initiated into (dat. loc. instr., or comp.) AV. TS. Br. S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.
    prepared, ready for (dat. instr. or comp.) MBh. R. (%{-taM-kR}, to initiate, instruct Katha1s. xx, 198)
    performed (as the Di1ksha1 ceremony) W.
    m. a priest engaged in a DDi1ksha1 (%{-tva} n. Jaim.)
    a pupil of (affixed, and rarely prefixed to the N. of a teacher, and given as a N. to a Bra1hman to denote his being a pupil of that tteacher e.g. %{bhaTToji-}, %{zaM-kara-}
    sometimes the teacher's N. is dropped and DDi1ksha1 is used alone).
  417. दीन (dīna) (dīna)
    mfn. (fr. 3. %{di}?) scarce, scanty RV.
    depressed, afflicted, timid, sad
    miserable, wretched Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (%{am}) ind. sadly, miserably S3iksh. 35
    n. distress, wretchedness Hariv. Pan5c.
    Tabernamontana Coronaria
    (%{A}) f. the female of a mouse or shrewmfn. see under 3. %{dI}.
  418. दीनार (dīnāra) (dīnāra)
    m. (fr. $, {denarius}) a gold coin or a certain weight of gold (variously stated as 2 Ka1sht2has, 1 Pala of 32 Rettis or the large Pala of 108 Suvarn2as) Pan5c. Ra1jat. iv
    a gold ornament
    a seal L.
  419. दीप (dīpa) (dīpa)
    m. a light, lamp, lantern A1s3vGr2. Mn. MBh. &c.
  420. दीपक (dīpaka) (dīpaka)
    mfn. kindling, inflaming, illuminating Pan5c. iii, 27, 221/222
    exciting, stimulating (digestion) Sus3r.
    skilful in managing a lamp (g. %{AkarSA7di})
    m. a light, lamp Hariv. Bhartr2. BhP.
    the shining body, Lila1v.
    N. of two plants having digestive properties, Ptychotis Ajowan or Celosia cristata
    a bird of prey
    (in music) N. of a Ra1ga
    a kind of measure
    N. of Ka1ma (the inflamer)
    of a son of Garud2a (MBh. v, 3596) &c.
    m. or n. saffron
    (%{ikA}) f. a light, lamp, lantern Hariv. Ka1v. &c.
    moonlight W.
    `" illustrator "' or `" illustration "' at the end of titles of books (cf. %{kula-}, %{gUDhA7rtha-}, %{trailokya-}) and also aloneN. of wks. (see below)
    Ptychotis Ajowan or the root of Calmus
    (in music) N. of a Ra1gin2i1
    n. a partic. class of rhet. figures (throwing light upon an idea) Sa1h. Kuval.
    N. of a metre,
  421. दीपिकाधारिणी (dīpikādhāriṇī) (dīpikādhāriṇī)
    f. a female lamp-carrier Ka1d.
  422. दीप्त (dīpta) (dīpta)
    mfn. blazing, flaming, hot, shining, bright, brilliant, splendid Mun2d2Up. ii, 1, 1 MBh. R. &c.
    excited, agitated (%{krodha-} MBh. v, 7207)
    (in augury) exposed to the sun (also %{Aditya-} MBh. iii, 15669)
    being on the wrong side, inauspicious (opp. to %{zAnta}) Hariv. Sus3r. VarBr2S.
    clear, shrill (? applied to the inauspicious voice of an animal and opp. to %{pUrNa}) VarBr2S. lxxxviii, 11
    xci, 1 Sus3r.
    m. a lion (from his bright colour)
    the citron tree
    inflammation of the nose Sus3r.
    (%{A}), Methonica Superba
    Cardiospermum Halicacabum
    = %{sAtalA}
    red arsenic
    (in music) a partic. tone
    a partic. S3akti Hcat. i, 5
    n. Asa Foetida
    gold L.
  423. दीर्घ (dīrgha) (dīrgha)
    mf(%{A})n. (compar. %{drA4ghIyas}, superl. %{drA4ghiSTha} [qq. vv.]
    rarely %{dirghatara} [Pan5c. iv, 13/14] and %{-tama} [BhP. vii, 5, 44]) long (in space and time), lofty, high, tall
    deepBr. &c.
    long (in prosody) Pra1t. Mn. &c.
    (%{a4m}) ind. long, for a long time (superl. %{-atamam} BhP. iii, 1, 37)
    m. along vowel Gobh. ii, 8, 15 Ka1tyS3r. &c.
    a camel
    Saccharum Sara
    Shorea Robusta = %{utkaTa}, %{rAma-zara} &c.
    a mystical N. of the letter %{a} Up.
    the 5th or 6th or 7th or 8th sign of the zodiac Jyot.
    N. of a prince of Magadha MBh. i, 4451
    of S3iva MBh. xiii, 1158
    (%{A}) f. an oblong tank (cf. %{-ghikA}) R. v, 16, 27
    a kind of plant= %{-pattrA}
    a mystical N. of the letter %{n} Up.
    n. a species of grass
    N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr. [Fr. %{drAgh}
    cf. also Gk. $
    Sl. {dlu8gu8}.]
  424. दीर्घकाल (dīrghakāla) (dīrghakāla)
    m. a llong time Mn. viii, 145 MBh.
    %{-jIvin} mfn. llong-lived MW.
  425. दीर्घजिह्व (dīrghajihva) (dīrghajihva)
    mfn. `" longtongued "'
    m. a snake
    N. of a Da1nava MBh. i Hariv.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a Ra1kshasi1 MBh. R.
    of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2641), (%{I4}) f. . (Pa1n2. 4-1, 59) N. of an evil spirit Br.
  426. दीर्घतमस् (dīrghatamas) (dīrghatamas)
    (%{-gha4-}) m. N. of a R2ishi with the patron. Aucathya and the metron. Ma1mateya RV. i, 158, 1
    6 (author of the hymns RV. i. 140-164
    father of Kakshivat Sa1y. on RV. i, 125, 1
    through Br2ihas-pati's curse born blind MBh. i, 4192 &c.
    xii, 13182
    father of Dhanvan-tari Pur.
    has by Su-deshn2a1, Bali's wife, five sons, An3ga, Bhan3ga, Kalin3ga, Pun2d2ra, and Suhma MBh. Pur.)
    pl. his descendants
    %{-tamaso'rka} m. %{-so@vrata} n. N. of two Sa1mans (cf. %{-tapas} and %{dairghatamasa}).
  427. दीव् (dīv) (dīv)
    f. (only dat. %{dIve4} loc. %{dIvi4} RV.
    acc. %{dyu4vam} dat. %{dyuve4} AV.) gambling, playing with dice.
  428. दुःख (duḥkha) (duḥkha)
    1 mfn. (according to grammarians properly written %{duS-kha} and said to be from %{dus} and %{kha} [cf. %{su-kha4}]
    but more probably a Pra1kritized form for %{duH-stha} q.v.) uneasy, uncomfortable, unpleasant, difficult R. Hariv. (compar. %{-tara} MBh. R.)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) uneasiness, pain, sorrow, trouble, difficulty S3Br. xiv, 7, 2, 15 Mn. MBh. &c. (personified as the son of Naraka and Vedana1 VP.)
    (%{am}) ind. with difficulty, scarcely, hardly (also %{at} and %{ena}) MBh. R.
    impers. it is difficult to or to be (inf.with an acc. or nom. R. vii, 6, 38 Bhag. v, 6)
    %{duHkham} - %{as}, to be sad or uneasy Ratn. iv, 19/20
    - %{kR}, to cause or feel pain Ya1jn5. ii, 218 MBh. xii, 5298.
  429. दुःखित (duḥkhita) (duḥkhita)
    mfn. pained, distressed
    afflicted, unhappy Mn. MBh. R. &c.
    %{-citta} mfn. grieved in mind MW.
  430. दुकूल (dukūla) (dukūla)
    m. a kind of plant Hariv. 12680
    n. very fine cloth or raiment made of the inner bark of this plant MBh. Hariv. Sus3r. Ka1v. &c. (different from %{kSauma} MBh. xiii, 7175, opp. to %{valkala} Bhartr2. iii, 54).
  431. दुग्ध (dugdha) (dugdha)
    mfn. (2. %{duh}) milked, milked out, extracted&c.
    sucked out, impoverished Das3.
    milked together, accumulated, filled, full BhP.
    n. milk AV. TS. S3Br. Sus3r. Pan5c. &c.
    the milky juice of plants, sap (cf. %{go-rakSa-} and %{tAmra-})
    (%{I}) f. a kind of Asclepias (= %{kSIrAvikA}) L.
  432. दुग्धिन् (dugdhin) (dugdhin)
    mfn. having milk, milky W.
    n. calcareous spar L.
  433. दुत (duta) (duta)
    mfn. pained, afflicted S3is3. vi, 59.
  434. दुन्दुभि (dundubhi) (dundubhi)
    mf. a sort of large kettledrum RV. Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a sort of poison
    N. of the 56th year in the Jupiter cycle of 60 years Var. Su1ryas.
    of Kir2ishn2a MBh. xii, 1511
    of Varun2a
    of Asuras, a Rakshas, a Yaksha &c. R. Hariv. Katha1s.
    of a son of Andhaka and grandson of Anu &c. Pur.
    f. a drum AV. vi, 38, 4 (also %{-bhI} MBh. iii, 786)
    (%{i}) f. a partic. throw of the dice in gambling
    N. of a Gandharvi1 MBh.
    n. N. of a partic. Varsha in Kraun5ca-dvi1pa VP. [484,2]
  435. दुरतिक्रम (duratikrama) (duratikrama)
    mfn. hard or difficult to be overcome, insurmountable, inevitable Mn. xi, 238 R. Pan5c. &c.
    m. N. of a Bra1hman (regarded as son of S3iva) Va1yuP.
    N. of S3iva
    %{-maNIya} mfn. impassable, Ba1l. vi, 18/19.
  436. दुराचार (durācāra) (durācāra)
    m. bad behaviour, ill conduct MBh.
    mfn. ill-conducted, wicked Mn. MBh. &c.
    %{-rin} mfn. id.
  437. दुरात्मन् (durātman) (durātman)
    mfn. evil-natured, wicked, bad Mn. MBh. &c.
    %{-ma-tA} f. meanness, wickedness MBh.i, 2010
    %{-ma-vat} mfn. = %{-man} MBh. i, 2017 &c.
  438. दुरासद (durāsada) (durāsada)
    mfn. ddifficult or dangerous to be approached MBh. Ka1v. Pur.
    ddifficult to be found or met with, unheard of, unparalleled MBh. R.
    difficult to be accomplished (v.l. %{-saha})
    m. N. of S3iva, mystical N. of a sword MBh. xii, 6203.
  439. दुरित (durita) (durita)
    (%{du4r-} RV. i, 125, 7) n. bad course, difficulty, danger. discomfort, evil, sin (also personified)Hariv. Ka1v. &c.
    mfn. difficult, bad AV. xii, 2, 28
    wicked, sinful
    %{-kSaya} m. destruction of sin BhP.
    N. of a man ib.
    %{-damanI} f. Mimosa Suma
    %{-tA7tman} mfn. evil-minded, malicious Subh. 147
    %{-tA7ri} f. `" enemy of sin "'N. of a Jaina goddess
    %{-tA7rNava} m. `" ocean of sins "'N. of a king Kautukar.
  440. दुरुक्त (durukta) (durukta)
    mfn. `" badly spoken "', harsh, injurious
    harshly addressed Pan5c. i, 100
    n. bad or harsh word Br. GS. MBh. &c.
    %{-kto7kta} mfn. ill spoken of AitBr. ii, 17, 6.
  441. दुर्ग (durga) (durga)
    see %{durga} (p. 487).
  442. दुर्गत (durgata) (durgata)
    mfn. faring ill, unfortunate, miserable MBh. &c.
    N. of a poet Cat.
    %{-tA} f. ill luck, misery Pan5c. i, 297.
  443. दुर्गति (durgati) (durgati)
    mfn. = %{-gata} R. vii, 88, 3
    f. misfortune, distress, poverty, want of (gen.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-nAzinI} f. `" removing distress "'N. of Durga1 BrahmaP.
  444. दुर्गन्ध (durgandha) (durgandha)
    m. bad smell, stink Kaus3.
    mfn. ill-smelling, stinking Hariv. Sus3r.
    m. the mangotree (= %{Amra})
    an onion Bhpr.
    n. sochal-salt
    %{-kAra} m. the anus, Cir.
    %{-tA} f. badness of smell, Susr.
  445. दुर्गापूजा (durgāpūjā) (durgāpūjā)
    f. the chief festival in honour of DDurga1, held in Bengal in the month As3vin or about October RTL. 197, 431
    N. of a ch. of the PSarv.
  446. दुर्जन (durjana) (durjana)
    m. a bad man, villain, scoundrel Mn. Ka1v. &c.
    m. pl. bad people Sch.
    mfn. malicious, wicked Katha1s.
    %{-tA} f. and %{-tva} n. wickedness, villainy
    %{-nindA} f. %{-mukha-capeTikA} f. %{-mukha-padma-pAdukA} f. %{-mukha-mahA-capeTikA} f. N. of wks.
    %{-malla}N. of a prince Inscr.
  447. दुर्दशा (durdaśā) (durdaśā)
    f. bad situation, misfortune Katha1s.
  448. दुर्दिन (durdina) (durdina)
    n. a rainy or cloudy day, bad weather Kaus3. 38 MBh. Ka1v.
    mfn. cloudy, rainy, dark MBh. viii, 4771 R. Hariv.
    %{-grasta-bhAskara} mfn. having the sun obscured by dark clouds MW.
    %{durdinAya} Nom. A1. %{-yate}, to become covered with clouds Pa1n2. 3-1, 17 Va1rtt. 1 Pat.
  449. दुर्धी (durdhī) (durdhī)
    mfn. weak-minded, stupid, silly MBh. v, 4590 BhP. ii, 15, 13
    having bad intentions, malignant Nir. x, 5 (cf. %{dU-DhI}).
  450. दुर्नामन् (durnāman) (durnāman)
    m. `" having a bad name "'N. of a Yaksha BrahmaP.
    f. (= m. or %{-mnI}) a cockle
    hemorrhoids, piles(cf. %{-NAman})
    %{-mA7ri} m. `" enemy of ppiles "', the bulbous root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus
    %{-maka} n. hemorrhoids
    %{-mikA} f. a cockle L.
  451. दुर्निमित्त (durnimitta) (durnimitta)
    n. a bad omen MBh. ii, 818 S3ak. v, 11/12.
  452. दुर्बल (durbala) (durbala)
    mfn. of little strength, weak, feeble Mn. MBh. &c.
    thin, slender (waist) R. iii, 52, 31
    emaciated, lean (cow)
    sick, unwell Ka1ty. S3r. xxv, 7, 1 MBh. iv, 182
    scanty, small, little MBh. Ka1v. Pur.
    m. an impotent man, weakling Mn. iii, 151 (v.l. %{-vAla})
    a kind of bird (w.r. for %{-bali})
    N. of a prince VP.
    of an author Cat.
    (%{A}) f. a species of plant (= %{ambu-zirISikA}) Bhpr.
    (%{I}) f. N. of wk.
    %{-balatA} f. weakness, thinness Ka1v. Pan5c.
    %{durbalA7gni} mfn. having a weak digestion (%{-ni-tA} f. Sus3r.)
    %{-lA7yAsa} mfn. weak of effort "', ineffective MW.
    %{-le7ndriya} mfn. having feeble (i.e. unrestrained) organs of sense MW.
    %{-lita} mfn. weakened, rendered ineffective Katha1s. cv, 91
    %{-lI-bhU}, to become weak or ineffective ib. cvii, 52 (read %{-bhUtAs})
    %{-lI-bhAva} m. the becoming weak (of the voice) Car.
    %{-lIyas} mfn. weaker, feeble MBh. Mn. iii, 79.
  453. दुर्मङ्गल (durmaṅgala) (durmaṅgala)
    see %{a-dur-m-}.
  454. दुर्मति (durmati) (durmati)
    f. bad disposition of mind, envy, hatred RV. VS. AV.
    false opinion or notions Ca1n2.
    mfn. weak-minded, silly, ignorant (rarely `" malicious "', `" wicked "') m. fool, blockhead (rarely `" scoundrel "', villain "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    N. of the 55th year of the cycle of Jupiter (lasting 60 years) Var. Su1ryas.
    of a demon Lalit.
    of a blockhead, Bharat.
  455. दुर्मनस् (durmanas) (durmanas)
    n. bad disposition, perversity of mind R. ii, 31, 20
    mfn. [cf. $] in bad or low spirits, sad, melancholy MBh. R. &c. (%{-tA} f. sadness Sch.)
    N. of a man (cf. %{daur-manasAyana})
    %{-ska} mfn. = %{-manas} mfn.
    %{-tA} f. Katha1s. cxiv, 35.
  456. दुर्योधन (duryodhana) (duryodhana)
    mfn. id. (%{-tA} f. MBh. iv, 2103)
    N. of the eldest son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra (leader of the Kauravas in their war with the Pa1n2d2avas) MBh. Hariv. &c. (cf. %{su-y-})
    of a son of Su-durjaya MBh. xiii, 96
    %{-rakSA-bandhana} n. N. of wk.
    %{-vIrya-jJAna-mudrA} f. `" mark of knowledge of invincible heroism "', a partic. intertwining of the fingers
    %{-nA7varaja} m. `" the younger brother of DDhr2ita-ra1sht2ra "', N. of Duh2-s3a1sana, G.
  457. दुर्लङ्घ्य (durlaṅghya) (durlaṅghya)
    mfn. = %{-laGghana}
    (%{-tA} f. Das3ar. iv, 13)
    ddifficult to be transgressed (command) Ra1jat. v, 395.
  458. दुर्लभ (durlabha) (durlabha)
    mfn. ddifficult to be obtained or found, hard, scarce, rare (comp. %{-tara}) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    hard to be (with inf. MBh. iii, 1728)
    extraordinary, eminent
    dear, beloved (also %{-ka}) Ka1ran2d2.
    m. Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet
    N. of a man Cat.
    (%{A}) f. Alhagi Maurorum or = %{zveta-kaNTa-kArI}
    %{-tA} f. (Ra1jat.), %{-tva} n. (Var.) scarceness, rarity
    %{-darzana} mfn. out of sight, invisible Ma1lav.
    %{-rAja} m. N. of the father of Jagad-deva Cat.
    %{-vardhana} m. N. of a king of Kas3mira (also called Prata1pa7ditya) Ra1jat. iv, 7
    %{-svAmin}, m.N. of a temple built by Dur-Vardhana Ra1jat. iv, 6.
  459. दुर्ललित (durlalita) (durlalita)
    mfn. ill-mannered, wayward
    spoilt by, weary of, disgusted with (comp.) Ka1v. (%{-ka} and %{-lasita} v.l. S3ak. vii, 16/17)
    n. way wardness, naughty or roguish tricks Hariv.
  460. दुर्वास (durvāsa) (durvāsa)
    m. (cf. %{-vAsas}) prob. = %{-sA7cArya} m. N. of a R2ishi Cat.
    %{-sa-purANa} n. N. of a Pur.
    %{-se7zvara} n. N. of a Lin3ga SkandaP.
    %{-so7paniSad} f. N. of a section of S3ivaP.
  461. दुर्विदग्ध (durvidagdha) (durvidagdha)
    mfn. wrongly taught, wrongheaded, silly Mr2icch. v, 15/16 Bhartr2. &c.
  462. दुर्वृत्त (durvṛtta) (durvṛtta)
    n. bad conduct, meanness MBh.
    mfn. behaving badly, vile, mean
    m. rogue, villain MBh. R. &c.
  463. दू () (dū)
    1 in comp. for %{dus} above.2 f. (fr. 2. %{du}) pain, distress.3 = 2. %{du4vas}, only nom. acc. pl. %{du4vas} RV. (cf. %{a4-dU}).
  464. दुश्चेष्टा (duśceṣṭā) (duśceṣṭā)
    f. misconduct, error, K.
    %{-Tita} n. id. ib.
    mfn. misbehaving, doing evil W.
  465. दुष्कर (duṣkara) (duṣkara)
    mfn. hard to be done or borne, difficult, arduous Br. Mn. MBh. &c. (often with inf.
    %{-raM@yad} or %{yadi}, with indic. or Pot. and also with inf. = hardly, scarcely MBh. R.)
    rare, extraordinary MBh. Katha1s.
    doing wrong, behaving ill, wicked, bad W.
    n. difficult act, difficulty ib.
    austerity DivyA7v. 392
    aether, air
    the tree of plenty W.
    %{-karman} (v.l. %{duSkarma-kArin}) mfn. doing difficult things, clever Das3.
    %{-kArin} mfn. id.
    experiencing difficulties R. &c. (%{-ritA} f. MBh. xii, 5886)
    %{-caryA} f. hard penanceN. of a ch. of Lalit.
    %{-sAdhana} n. means of overcoming difficulties Das3.
  466. दुष्कृत (duṣkṛta) (duṣkṛta)
    (%{du4S-}) mfn. wrongly or wickedly done, badly arranged or organized or applied S3Br. viii, 6, 2, 18 MBh. &c.
    (%{-ta4}) n. evil action, sin, guilt RV. S3Br. ChUp. Mn. MBh.
    a partic. class of sins DivyA7v. 544
    %{-ka4rman} mfn. acting wickedly, criminal Mn. Ya1jn5. R.
    n. wicked deed, wickedness W.
    %{-ta-bahiSkRta} mfn. free from sin W.
    %{-tA7tman} mfn. evilminded wicked, base BhP.
  467. दुष्ट (duṣṭa) (duṣṭa)
    mfn. spoilt, corrupted
    defective, faulty
    wrong, false
    bad, wicked
    malignant, offensive, inimical
    guilty, culpable S3rS. Mn. Ya1jn5. Sus3r. MBh. &c.
    sinning through or defiled with (cf. %{karma} %{mano-}, %{yoni-}, %{vAg-})
    m. a villain, rogue
    a kind of noxious animal Vishn2. xii, 2
    (%{A}) f. a bad or unchaste woman
    u. sin, offence, crime, guilt Hariv. R. (cf. %{zruti-})
    Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L.
  468. दुष्पूर (duṣpūra) (duṣpūra)
    mfn. difficult to be filled or satisfied MBh. &c.
  469. दुष्प्रयुक्त (duṣprayukta) (duṣprayukta)
    mfn. falsely used Va1m. v, 2, 55.
  470. दुष्यन्त (duṣyanta) (duṣyanta)
    m. (fr. %{dus} + %{so}? or p. of %{duS}?, older form %{duH-Santa}) N. of a prince of the lunar race (descendant of Puru, husband of S3akuntala1 and father of Bharata) MBh. S3ak. Pur.
  471. दुस्तर (dustara) (dustara)
    mfn. (cf. %{S-T-}) difficult to be passed or overcome, unconquerable, invincible MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  472. दुहितृ (duhitṛ) (duhitṛ)
    f. a daughter (the milker or drawing milk from her mother [cf. Zd. {dughdar}, Gk. $, Goth. &151827[489,2] {dauhtar}, Lith. {dukte}, Slav. {dushti}]).
  473. दूत (dūta) (dūta)
    m. (prob. fr. 1. %{du}
    cf. %{dUra4}) a messenger, envoy, ambassador, negotiatorS3Br. MBh. &c. (%{-taya} Nom. P. %{-yati}, to employ as mmessenger or aambassador, Naish)
    (%{i}) f. female messenger, esp. procuress, go-between RV. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a kind of bird (= %{sArikA})
    N. of a female attendant on Durga1 W.
  474. दूद (dūda) (dūda)
    mfn. afflicting, harassing(For 1 . %{dU} see p. 488, col. 2.)
  475. दूर (dūra) (dūra)
    mf(%{A})n. (prob. fr. 1. %{du}, hut see Un2. ii, 21
    compar. %{da4vIyas}, superl. %{daviSTha}, qq.vv.) distant, far, remote, long (way)
    n. distance, remoteness (in space and time), a long way S3Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (%{a4m}) ind. far, far from (gen. or abl. Pa1n2. 2-3, 34 Ka1s3.), a long way off or a long period backS3Br. &c. (also %{dUrA4d@dUra4m} AV. xii, 2, 14)
    far above (%{ut-patati} Hit. i, 101/102) or below (%{ambhasi} Katha1s. x, 29)
    far i.e. much in a high degree (%{dUram@un-mani-kRta} Prab. iii, 21/22
    %{dUraM-kR}, to surpass, exceed Ragh. xvii, 18
    %{-M-karaNa} mf(%{i})n. making far or distant, removing Vop. (v. l.)
    %{-M-gata} mfn. = %{-ra-g-} Sam2k.
    %{-M-gama4} mfn. going far away VS. xxxiv, 1
    (%{A}) f. (scil. %{bhUmi}) one of the 10 stages in the life of a S3ra1vaka
    (%{eNa}) ind. (Pa1n2. 2-3, 35) far, from afar, by far MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    compar. %{-ra-tareNa} VP. iii, 7, 26, 33
    (%{At}) ind. (Pa1n2. ib.) from a distance, from afarMBh. &c.
    far from (abl.) Mn. iv, 151
    a long way back or from a remote period, iii, 130
    in comp. with a pp. e.g. %{dUrAd-Agata}, come from afar Pa1n2. 2-1, 39
    vi, 1, 2
    2, 144 Ka1s3.
    (%{e}) ind. (Pa1n2. 2-3, 36 Ka1s3.) in a distant place, far, far away RV. i, 24, 9
    iv, 4, 3 (opp. %{a4nti}) and c AV. S3Br. Ts3Up.5(opp. %{antike}) Mn. MBh. &c.
    compar. %{-ra-tare}, some way from (abl.) Mn. xi, 128
    %{dUre-kR}, to discard Amar. 67
    %{dUre-bhU} or %{gam}, to be far away or gone off Katha1s. Vet.
    %{-re@tiSThatu}, let it be far i.e. let it be unmentioned, never mind Katha1s. vi, 37.
  476. दूर्वा (dūrvā) (dūrvā)
    f. ( %{durt}?) bent grass, panic grass, Du1rb grass, Panicum Dactylon RV. VS. Br. MBh. &c. (cf. %{ali-}, %{gaNDa-}, %{granthi-}, %{mAlA-}).
  477. दूष (dūṣa) (dūṣa)
    mfn. defiling, corrupting (ifc.
    cf. %{kora-}, %{paGkti}). %{-Saka}, %{-SaNa}. %{-Sita} see under 2. %{duS}.
  478. दूषक (dūṣaka) (dūṣaka)
    mf(%{ikA})n. corrupting, spoiling, disgracing, seducing Mn. MBh. R. &c. (%{-Sika} only DivyA7v.)
    offending, transgressing (gen. or comp.) Hariv. 5635 Mr2icch. ix, 40
    sinful, wicked MBh. xii, 1236 &c.
    m. offender, seducer, disparager (%{vedAnAm} MBh. xiii, 1639
    %{prakRtInAm} Mn. ix, 232)
    (%{ikA}) f. impurity or impure secretion of the eyes Mn. Sus3r.
    a kind of rice Sus3r.
    pencil or paint-brush
  479. दूषण (dūṣaṇa) (dūṣaṇa)
    mf(%{I})n. corrupting, spoiling, vitiating, violating AV. S3a1n3khGr2. &c.
    counteracting, sinning against (comp.) R. ii, 109, 7 (cf. %{arA-ti-d-}, %{kula-d-}, %{kRtyA-d-}, %{khara-d}, %{loka-d-}, %{viSa-d-}, %{viSkandha-d-})
    m. N. of a Rakshas (general of Ra1van2a) MBh. R. &c.
    of a Daitya slain by S3iva S3ivaP.
    (%{A}) f. N. of the wife of Bhauvana and mother of Tvasht2r2i BhP. v, 15, 13
    n. the act of corrupting &c. (see above) Mn. MBh. &c.
    dishonouring, detracting, disparaging MBh. Mr2icch. Katha1s. &c.
    objection, adverse argument, refutation Sarvad. Jaim. Kap. Sch.
    fault, of fence, guilt, sin Mn. Ka1v. Hit. &c. (cf. %{arthad-}, %{sukRta-d-}, %{strI-d-}).
  480. दूषित (dūṣita) (dūṣita)
    mfn. spoiled, corrupted, contaminated, defiled, violated, hurt, injured Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    censured, blamed MBh. Katha1s.
    calumniated, blemished, compromised, falsely accused of (often in comp. see %{manyu-}, %{zatrU7pajApa}.) Mn. vi, 66 (v.l. %{bhUSita}), viii, 64 &c. MBh. Bhartr2. Pan5c. &c.
    (%{A}) f. a girl who has been violated or deflowered W.
  481. दृश् (dṛś) (dṛś)
    1 (Pres. forms supplied by %{paz} q.v.
    pf. P. %{dada4rza} RV. &c. [2 sg. %{dadarzitha} and %{dadraSTha} Pa1n2. 7-2, 65]
    A1. %{dadRze4} AV. [%{da4dRze}, 3pl. %{-dRzre} RV.
    %{-zrire} TBr.]
    p. P. %{dadRzva4s} RV.
    %{-sivas} Up.
    %{darzivas} q.v. [491,2]
    A1. %{da4dRzAna} RV.
    fut. P. %{-drakSya4ti} Br. &c.
    A1. %{-Syate} and fut. 2. %{draSTA} MBh.
    aor. P. %{adarzam}, %{-zas}, %{-zat}, 3 pl. %{-zur} Br.
    1 pl. %{adarzma} TS.
    %{adRzma} JaimBr.
    Subj. %{darzam}, %{-zat}, %{-zathas}
    A1. 3 pl. %{a4dRzran} VS. AV. Br.
    %{-zram} RV.
    p. %{dRzAna4} or %{dR4zAna} [cf. s.v.] RV.
    P. %{dRzan}, 3 pl. %{a4dRzan} Br.
    Pot. %{dRze4yam} RV.
    %{-zema} AV.
    P. %{adrAkSit} and %{adrAk} Br.
    A1. 3 pl. %{a4dRkSata}
    Subj. 2 sg. %{dR4kSase} RV.
    inf. %{dRze4} and %{driza4ye} RV.
    %{dra4STum} AV. &c.
    ind. p. %{dRSTvA4} AV. &c. [MBh. also %{dRzya}], %{-TvAya} RV.
    %{-dR4zya} RV.
    %{-darzam} Das3.) to see, behold, look at, regard, considerS3Br. MBh. &c.
    to see i.e. wait on, visit MBh. R.
    to see with the mind, learn, understand MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to notice, care for, look into, try, examine Ya1jn5. Pan5c.
    to see by divine intuition, think or find out, compose, contrive (hymns, rites, &c.) Br. Nir. ii, 11: Pass. %{dRzya4te} (ep. also %{-ti}) aor. %{ada4rzi} RV. &c. to be seen, become visible, appearS3Br. MBh. &c.
    to be shown or manifested, appear as (%{iva}), prove Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.: Caus. P. A1. %{darzayati}, %{-te} AV. &c.
    aor. %{adIdRzat} Br.
    %{adadarzat} Pa1n2. 7-4, 7, to cause to see or be seen, to show a thing (A1. esp. of something belonging to one's self) or person (P. and A1. with or scil. %{AtmAnam}, also one's self), to (acc. AV. iv, 20, 6 S3Br. &c.
    gen. Mn. iv, 59 MBh. &c.
    dat. R. ii, 31, 33 Ragh. &c.
    instr. after A1. refl. Pa1n2. 1-4, 53 Ka1s3.)
    to show = prove, demonstrate Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to produce (money) i.e. pay Mn. viii, 155
    (a witness), 158: Desid. A1. %{dIdRkSate} (ep. also %{-ti}) to wish to see, long for (acc.) RV. iii, 30, 13 S3Br. MBh. &c.: Desid. of Caus. %{didarzayiSati}, to wish to show S3am2k.
    %{adidarzayiSIt} Nid.: Intens. %{darIdRzzate}, to be always visible Bhojapr.
    %{darI8darSTi} or %{dard-} Pa1n2. 7-4, 90
    91. [Cf. Gk. $, $, $
    Goth. &152440[491,2] {tarhjan}.]
  482. दृढ (dṛḍha) (dṛḍha)
    or (%{dRLha4}) mfn. fixed, firm, hard, strong, solid, massiveS3Br. MBh. &c.
    firmly fastened, shut fast, tight, close (e.g. ship, 52, 5
    bonds, fetters, chains Hit. i, 67/68 Mr2icch.vii, 6/7
    fist MBh. iv, 1976)
    whole, complete (opp. to %{bhinna}) MBh. xiii, 7453
    difficult to be bent (bow ChUp. i, 3, 5)
    steady, resolute, persevering Hariv. Katha1s.
    confirmed, established, certain, sure Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    intense, violent, mighty MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (in mathem.) reduced to the last term or smallest number by a common divisor
    m. (in music) a kind of Ru1paka
    N. of a son of the 13th Manu Hariv.
    of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra MBh. vii
    (%{A}) f. N. of a Buddh. goddess
    n. anything fixed or firm or solid
    stronghold, fortress RV. &c.
    (%{a4m}) ind. firmly, fast AV. MBh. R. &c. (comp. %{-taram} Prab. iv, 11)
    steadily, perseveringly, thoroughly, much, very well MBh. Ka1v. BhP. &c. see under %{dRMh} &c.
  483. दृप्त (dṛpta) (dṛpta)
    mfn. mad, wild, proud, arrogant (%{-tara}, compar.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (cf. %{a4-d-} and %{a-dRpita4}).
  484. दृब्ध (dṛbdha) (dṛbdha)
    mfn. strung, tied(cf. %{saM-d-}).
  485. दृश (dṛśa) (dṛśa)
    m. look, appearance (cf. %{I-d-}, %{kI-d-}, %{tA-d-} &c.)
    (%{am}) ind. = 2. %{dRz} ifc. (g. %{zarad-Adi})
    (%{A}) f. the eyemf(%{I})n. id. Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
  486. दृश्य (dṛśya) (dṛśya)
    1 mfn. visible, conspicuous RV. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to be looked at, worth seeing, beautiful, pleasing Hariv. Ka1v. Pur.
    m. (arithm.) a given quantity or number
    n. any visible object Ma1lav. i, 9
    the visible world RTL. 119
    N. of a town = %{-pura}, Brahmap.
  487. दृषद् (dṛṣad) (dṛṣad)
    f. ( %{dRR}? Un2. i, 130) a rock, large stone, mill-stone, esp. the lower mmill-ststone (which rests on the %{upala})VS. S3Br.
    GS. Ka1v. &c.
  488. दृषद्वत् (dṛṣadvat) (dṛṣadvat)
    mfn. rocky, stony Pa1n2. 8-2, 10 Ka1s3.
    m. N. of the father of Vara7n3gi (wife of Sam2ya1ti) MBh. i, 3767
    (%{atI}) f. (%{-Sa4d-v-}, also read %{-zad-v-})N. of a river which flows into the Saras-vati1 RV. iii, 23, 4 Ta1n2d2yaBr. Mn. MBh. &c.
    the mother of Asht2aka and wife of Vis3va1-mitra Hariv. [492,2]
    the mmother of Pratardana and wwife of Divo-da1sa ib.
    the mmother of S3ibi Aus3i1nara and wwife of Nr2ipa ib.
    mmother of Prasena-jit (called also Haimavati1, prob. as N. of a river) ib.
    of Durga1
  489. दृष्ट (dṛṣṭa) (dṛṣṭa)
    mfn. seen, looked at, beheld, perceived, noticed Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    visible, apparent AV. VS.
    considered, regarded, treated, used S3ak. iii, 7 Pan5c. i, 401/402
    appeared, manifested, occurring, existing, found, real Ka1v. Pan5c. Hit.
    experienced, learnt, known, understood MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    seen in the mind, devised, imagined MBh. R.
    allotted, destined ib.
    settled, decided, fixed, acknowledged, valid Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    n. perception, observation Sa1m2khyak. Tattvas.
    (scil. %{bhaya}) a real or obvious danger.
  490. दृष्टि (dṛṣṭi) (dṛṣṭi)
    f. seeing, viewing, beholding (also with the mental eye) Br. Up. &c.
    sight, the faculty of seeing S3Br. Mn. Sus3r. &c.
    the mind's eye, wisdom, intelligence BhP.
    regard, consideration
    view, notion Bhag. Kap.
    (with Buddhists) a wrong view
    theory, doctrine, system Ja1takam.
    eye, look, glance Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{-TiM@dA} with loc. turn the eye to, look at, S3r2in3ga1r. 15)
    the pupil of the eye Sus3r.
    aspect of the stars (e.g. %{zubha-}) Var.
  491. दृष्टार्थ (dṛṣṭārtha) (dṛṣṭārtha)
    mfn. having the aim or object apparent, obvious, practical (opp. to %{a-d-}, transcendental) S3am2k. serving for a pattern or standard Gaut.
    knowing the matter or the real nature of anything R. Ra1jat.
    %{-tattvajJa} mfn. knowing the true, state or circumstances of the case MW.
  492. देय (deya) (deya)
    mfn. (1. %{dA}) to be given or presented or granted or shown
    fit or proper for a gift AV. TS. Mn. MBh. &c.
    to be or being given in matrimony (cf. %{brahma-})
    to be delivered or handed over Mn. viii, 185
    to be ceded (road) Mn. ii, 138
    to be returned Vikr. iv, 33
    to be paid (as a debt, wages, taxes &c.) Mn. Ya1jn5.
    to be laid or set to (as fire) MBh. Bhpr.
    n. giving, gift (cf. %{a-}, %{bala-}, %{magha-}, %{rAdho-}, %{vasu-}, %{vaira-})
    tax, tribute MBh. xii, 3308
    water (?) L.
  493. देव (deva) (deva)
    mf(%{i})n. (fr. 3. %{div}) heavenly, divine (also said of terrestrial things of high excellence)VS. S3Br. (superl. m. %{deva4-tama} RV. iv, 22, 3 &c.
    f. %{devi-tamA}, ii, 41, 16)
    m. (according to Pa1n2. 3-3, 120 %{de4va}) a deity, god RV. &c.&c.
    (rarely applied to) evil demons AV. iii, 15, 5 TS. iii, 5, 4, 1
    (pl. the gods as the heavenly or shining ones
    %{vi4zve@devA4s}, all the gods RV. ii, 3, 4 &c., or a partic. class of deities [see under %{vi4zva}], often reckoned as 33, either 11 for each of the 3 worlds RV. i, 139, 11 &c. [cf. %{tri-daza}], or 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, and 12 A1dityas [to which the 2 As3vins must be added] Br.
    cf. also DivyA7v. 68
    with Jainas 4 classes, viz. %{bhavanA7dhI7za}, %{vyantara}, %{jyotiSka}, and %{vaimAnika}
    %{devA4nAm@pa4tnyas}, the wives of the gods RV. VS. Br. [cf. %{deva-patnI} below]) [492,3]
    N. of the number 33 (see above) Gan2it.
    N. of Indra as the god of the sky and giver of rain MBh. R. &c.
    a cloud
    (with Jainas) the 22nd Arhat of the future Ut-sarpin2i1
    the image of a god, an idol Vishn2.
    a god on earth or among men, either Bra1hman, priest(cf. %{bhU-d-}), or king, prince (as a title of honour, esp. in the voc. `" your majesty "' or `" your honour "'
    also ifc. e.g. %{zrI-harSa-d-}, %{vikramA7Gka-d-}, king S3ri1-hharsha or VikrVikrama7n3ka, and in names as %{puruSo7ttama-d-} [lit. having Vishn2u as one's deity
    cf. %{atithi-d-}, %{AcArya-d-}, %{pitR-d-}, %{mAtR-d-}]
    rarely preceding the name e.g. %{deva-caNDamahAsena} Katha1s. xiii, 48) Ka1v. Pan5c. &c. (cf. %{kSiti-}, %{nara-}, &c.)
    a husband's brother (cf. %{devR} and %{devara}) W.
    a fool, dolt
    a child
    a man following any partic. line or business
    a spearman, lancer
    emulation, wish to excel or overcome
    sport, play
    a sword Gal.
    N. of men VP.
    of a disciple of Na1ga7rjuna MWB. 192
    dimin. for %{devadatta} Pa1n2. 5-3, 83 Va1rtt.4 Sch.
    (n. L.) an organ of sense Mun2d2Up. iii, 1, 8
    2, 7
    (%{A}) f. Hibiscus Mutabilis or Marsilia Quadrifolia
    (%{I4}), f. see s.v. [Cf. Lat. {di1vus}, {deus}
    Lit. {de14vas}
    Old Pruss. {deiwas}.]
  494. देवक (devaka) (devaka)
    mf(%{ikA})n. who or what sports or plays W.
    divine, celestial id.
    m. (%{div-}) a god, deity (at the end of an adj. comp.) MBh. ii, 1396 &c. (cf. %{daivaka})
    N. of a man (?) RV. vii, 18, 20 Sa1y.
    of a Gandharva (at once a prince, son of A1huka and father of Devaki1 [below] MBh. i, 4480
    v, 80 &c. Hariv. Pur.) [495,3]
    of a son of Yudhi-sht2hira and Yaudheyi1 or Pauravi1 (cf. %{-vikA} below) Pur.
    familiar N. for %{deva-dattaka} Pa1n2. 5-3, 83 Pat.
    pl. N. of the S3u1dras in Kraun5ca-dvi1pa BhP. v, 20, 22
    (%{A}) f. fam. for %{deva-dattikA} Pa1n2. 7-3, 45 Va1rtt. 4 Pat.
    (%{de4vikA}) f. N. of a class of goddesses of an inferior order Br. (pl. the oblations made to them, viz. to Anu-mati1, Ra1ka1, Sini1vali1, Kuhu1, and to Dha1tr2i TS.
    cf. %{-havis} AitBr. Vait.)
    of the wife of Yudhisht2hira and mother of Yaudheya MBh. i, 3828
    of a river MBh. iii, 5044 (cf. %{dAvika})
    of a country VarBr2S. xi, 35
    the thorn-apple Bhpr.
    (%{devakI}) f. see below.
  495. देवकीपुत्र (devakīputra) (devakīputra)
  496. देवता (devatā) (devatā)
    see %{deva4tA}.
  497. देवत्व (devatva) (devatva)
    n. godhead, divinity (cf. %{-tA}) RV. TBr. Mn. MBh. &c.
  498. देवनागरी (devanāgarī) (devanāgarī)
    f. `" divine city writing "'N. of the character in which Sanskr2it is usually written (prob. from its having originated in some city) Col. MWB. 66, 1.
  499. देवपति (devapati) (devapati)
    m. `" lord of gods "'N. of Indra MBh. R.
    pl. the most excellent of gods BhP. [493,3]
    %{-mantrin} m. `" IIndra's counsellor "'N. of Br2ihas-pati, the planet Jupiter Var.
  500. देवय (devaya) (devaya)
    Nom. P., only p., %{-ya4t}, loving or serving the gods, religious RV. (cf. %{a4-})
    divine or shining (?) BhP. iii, 20, 22.