User:Matthias Buchmeier/uk-en-n

о {letter} :: The sixteenth letter of the Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet
о {noun} :: The Cyrillic letter О, о
о {noun} :: The Roman letter O, o
о {interj} :: oh
о {prep} :: (+ prepositional case) about, of, on
о {prep} [literary] :: (+ accusative case) against, upon
обговорення {noun} :: discussion, talk
Об'єднані Арабські Емірати {prop} :: Об'єднані Арабські Емірати (country)
об'єднання {noun} :: association (organization of people based on common goals, objectives)
об'єднання {noun} :: union
об'єкт {noun} :: object
об'єм {noun} :: volume, capacity, bulk
обід {noun} :: dinner, lunch
обід {noun} :: lunchtime
обід {noun} [colloquial] :: noon
обід {noun} :: rim, felly
обіцяти {vt} :: to promise, to pledge
область {noun} :: province, region, territory
область {noun} :: sphere (of influence etc.)
обличчя {noun} :: face
обличчя {noun} :: character
обов'язковий {adj} :: compulsory, mandatory
обов'язок {noun} :: duty, responsibility
обожнювати {vt} :: to adore, to love, to worship
обожнювати {vt} [figuratively] :: to apotheosize
оборона {noun} [uncountable] :: defense
образ {noun} :: image (graphical representation)
образ {noun} :: icon (sacred image)
обрус {noun} [dialectal] :: tablecloth
обсерваторія {noun} :: observatory
обставина {noun} :: circumstance, condition, case
обсяг {noun} :: volume, extent, scope, size
овес {noun} :: oats
овід {noun} :: botfly, oestrus
овоч {noun} :: vegetable
Огайо {prop} :: Огайо (state)
Огайо {prop} :: Огайо (river)
огірок {noun} :: cucumber (plant)
огляд {noun} :: examination
огляд {noun} :: inspection, review
огляд {noun} :: survey, review
огляд {noun} :: viewing
оглядати {v} :: to inspect, to examine
оглядати {v} [figurative] :: to consider, to evaluate
оглядати {v} [imperfective only, dialectal] :: to see
оглядини {noun} :: the traditional rite of inspection of a bride or groom's household by the other party's family
оглядини {noun} [colloquial] :: inspection
оглянути {v} :: to inspect, to examine
оглянути {v} [figurative] :: to consider, to evaluate
одежа {noun} :: clothing, clothes
оден {num} :: alternative form of оди́н
Одеса {prop} :: Одеса (city)
один {num} :: one (1)
одинадцятий {adj} :: eleventh
одинадцять {num} :: eleven (11)
однина {noun} [uncountable] :: singular
одноголосний {adj} :: unanimous
однокласниця {noun} :: classmate (female)
одружуватися {v} :: to get married, to marry
одуд {noun} :: hoopoe
одяг {noun} :: clothes, clothing, garments
одягти {vt} :: to dress, to clothe
ожина {noun} [uncountable] :: blackberry (plant)
ожина {noun} [countable] :: blackberry (fruit)
озеро {noun} :: lake (body of water)
озерце {noun} :: a small lake
озимий {adj} [relational] :: autumn, before winter [of crops]
озимі {noun} [agriculture] :: winter cereals, winter crops
ознака {noun} :: sign
ознака {noun} :: indication
ознака {noun} :: token, evidence
ознака {noun} :: feature, characteristic
океан {noun} :: ocean (one of the five large bodies of water)
око {noun} :: eye
око {noun} [archaic] :: A unit of weight, approximately 1.2 kg
око {noun} [archaic] :: A measure for alcoholic beverages, approximately 1-1.5 liters
окріп {noun} :: boiling water
окріп {noun} :: dill (Anethum graveolens)
Оксана {prop} :: given name
оладка {noun} [colloquial] :: alternative form of оладок
оладок {noun} :: thick pancake
Олександр {prop} :: given name
Олена {prop} :: given name
олень {noun} :: deer
олива {noun} [botany] :: olive (tree and fruit)
олива {noun} :: lampante olive oil
олива {noun} [rare] :: motor oil
Олин {adj} :: Olya's
олівець {noun} :: pencil
олія {noun} :: liquid fat
олія {noun} :: cooking oil
олія {noun} :: oil paint
олія {noun} [dated] :: grease (for technical uses)
олово {noun} [uncountable] :: tin (element)
Ольга {prop} :: given name
оман {noun} :: inula, elecampane (Inula spp., especially Inula helenium)
онук {noun} :: grandson
онука {noun} :: granddaughter
опариш {noun} :: maggot (dipterous insect's larva that eats decomposing flesh)
опера {noun} :: opera
операція {noun} :: operation
описати {vt} :: to describe
описувати {vt} :: to describe
опозиція {noun} :: opposition
оранжевий {adj} :: orange (color)
оргазм {noun} :: orgasm
організація {noun} :: organization
організувати {v} :: to organise
орден {noun} :: [honors] decoration, order
орден {noun} [architecture] :: order
орден {noun} :: [organizations] order
орел {noun} :: eagle
оригінальність {noun} [uncountable] :: originality
орудний {adj} [grammar] :: instrumental
оса {noun} :: wasp
освіта {noun} :: education
освітологія {noun} :: educology
осел {noun} :: donkey, ass
оселедець {noun} :: herring
оселедець {noun} :: topknot (hairstyle favored by Ukrainian Cossacks)
осердя {noun} :: core
осердя {noun} :: lead [of a pencil]
осердя {noun} [anatomy] :: pericardium
осінній {adj} :: autumn, autumnal
осінь {noun} :: autumn, fall
Осло {prop} :: Осло (capital city)
основа {noun} :: basis, base, foundation
особа {noun} :: person, human being, personage, individual
особа {noun} [grammar] :: person
особистий {adj} :: personal (relating to a particular person)
особливість {noun} :: peculiarity
особовий {adj} :: personal
останній {adj} :: last, final
останній {adj} :: latest, most recent
острів {noun} :: island
отава {noun} :: aftergrass, aftermath; grass that comes up after mowing
отець {noun} :: father
отримати {vt} :: to receive
отруїти {v} :: to poison
отруйний {adj} :: poisonous, toxic
отрута {noun} :: poison
охорона {noun} [uncountable] :: protection, security
охоронець {noun} :: guard, guardian, watcher
оцей {determiner} :: alternative form of цей
оцет {noun} :: vinegar
оцінка {noun} :: assessment, mark (school)
очерет {noun} :: reed [plant] (genus Phragmites)
очерет {noun} [collective] :: reeds
очиці {noun} :: diminutive of о́чі
очиці {noun} :: endearing form of о́чі
очікувати {vt} :: to wait
очко {noun} :: endearing diminutive of о́ко
очко {noun} [rare] :: small window, peephole [in a door or similar]
очко {noun} [rare] :: knitting ring
очко {noun} [rare] :: small hole [especially for bees in hive]
очко {noun} [rare, cards] :: spot, pip
очко {noun} [rare, botany] :: eye
очко {noun} [rare] :: small stone in a ring
очко {noun} [games, sports] :: point
очко {noun} [colloquial, cards] :: blackjack
очко {noun} [printing] :: face (the raised part of a piece of type)