occurances of mismatched wikisyntax
- from XML dump as of 11 July 2010, checked against live wiki 19 July 2010
- checks that (), [], {} match, correctly nested
- matches may not be perfect at this point
- of course, some of these are not errors
- some entries are listed as "stops" and not shown (smiley ;-)
- stops in effect: (, ), -), 1@ContraShoulder-FingerBack 1@IpsiShoulder-FingerBack 1@Abdomen-FingerBack, ;), ;-), Billy Bunter, Kindelbier, Mitteleuropa, Monster Raving Loony, Sarajevo, Slavonic, TEST, Usona, Usonia, Usono, Viking, Watergate, ^ ^, agha, amazing, anthropophilic, argismo, argumentums ad hominem, career-limiting move, confuzzle, confuzzled, confuzzles, dwindle, dyscrasy, eight, fellare, gayer, gaymer, gente, gentle, google, gorp, greets, gu, horrifying, inde, kri, left bracket, lustration, makat, make whoopee, nimrod, no strings attached, nom, nom de plume, oontz, parenthesis, pizza bone, polar cone, ppl, press, quinella, rational numbers, read somebody the riot act, right bracket, scion, shady, slave, smiley, snausage, snowmeow, square bracket, sulje, t'internet, treeify, unct, unæsthetic, verbatim, vivianite, vízkő, while loop, yoghurt, zgodovina, zo'obu, à pied, á, æ, íntegro, батюшка, वसति, ἀπροσδόκητος, ἀτελείωτος, ἄδικος, ἰῶτα, ἱπποτοξότης, ☺, シ, 농어, 탑, (, )
- multiline templates ignored at present: Chechen-decl, Cuneiform sign, Fallbeyging, Latin-decl, Latin-decl-irreg, Letter, ar-conj-derived-nouns, ar-prep-inflection, arabic-dialect-pronunciation, arc-decl-noun, arz-conj-fi3il-yif3al, arz-prep-inflection, ase-adv, attention, bs-decl-noun, ca-conj, ca-conj-refl, ca-conj-table, ce-decl-noun, cite book, cite news, cite web, cite-book, cs-conj, cs-decl-noun, cs-decl-pron-adj, cs-noun-decl, csb-decl-noun, csb-decl-noun-pl, csb-decl-noun-sing, da-noun-infl-base, de-declension, dsb-decl-noun, examples-right, fi-decl, fi-decl-pron, fr-conj, fr-conj-refl, fr-conj-table, ga-prep-infl, ga-prep-infl-h, ga-verb-conj irreg, ga-verb-conj-irreg, grc-decl-blank-F-sp, grc-decl-blank-M-sp, grc-decl-blank-sp, gv-prep-infl, he-conj, he-conj-pa'al-'ef'ol-sh'leimim, he-conj-paal-ef'al-sh'lemim, he-decl-noun, he-decl-noun-segolate, he-prep-inflection, he-prep-sing, hi-conj-1, hr-conj, hr-decl-noun, hsb-decl-noun, hsb-decl-noun-sing, is-decl-noun, is-decl-noun-sg, it-conj, it-conj-are, it-conj-arsi, it-conj-ere, it-conj-ersi, it-conj-ire, it-conj-irsi, ja-kref, ja-readings, kjh-decl-noun-man, ko-conj-adj, ko-conj-verb, ko-pron, la-decl-pl, la-timeline, li-conj8, lt-conj, lt-decl-noun, lt-decl-noun-stress, mk-infl, mk-inflection, mk-verb, ml-noun-n, no-noun-infl, only in, pl-conj-1, pl-conj-ai, pl-conj-ap, pl-decl-adj, pl-decl-noun, pl-decl-noun-dual, pl-decl-noun-pl, pl-decl-noun-sing, projectlinks, quote-book, quote-journal, quote-magazine, quote-news, quote-newsgroup, quote-us-patent, quote-video, reference-book, reference-journal, ro-conj-2, ro-conj-phrase, ro-decl-adj-2, ro-decl-noun, ru-decl-noun, ru-decl-noun-pl, ru-decl-noun-unc, ru-noun, ru-noun1, ru-verb, ru-verb-1, ru-verb-1-impf, ru-verb-1-pf, ru-verb-pf, ru-verbal-forms-impf, ru-verbal-forms-pf, ru-verbs, sa-decl-noun, sa-decl-noun-i-m, sa-decl-noun-i-n, sa-decl-noun-ī, sa-decl-noun-ū, scn-conj, sequence box, sh-decl-noun, sl-decl-noun, sl-decl-noun-2, sl-decl-noun-unc, sq-conj, sr-conj, sr-decl-noun, stroke order, sv-noun-nolink, timeline, tk-decl-noun-man, tr-decl-noun, tr-decl-noun-sing, tr-decl-noun-unc, tr-pos, tr-to be, uk-decl-noun
- contents of SAMPA template ignored, as SAMPA uses {, also tries to avoid others by looking for /...{.../, but may miss something or produce spurious errors as a result
- also X-SAMPA, and brackets as well as slashes
- 723 total problems, limit of 1000 shown
Please do section edit and remove completed entries, the automation will then recheck them. If you do most of a section but not quite all, feel free to just blank the section, any leftovers will get picked up again.
edit- -holism (edit)
- The term "-holism" is not an accepted medical term, but is a fairly prominent [[neologism]]. As such, despite its widespread usage, it lacks a formal definition. The term can be used in many ways ranging from describing a physical or psychological dependency to something (ex. sexaholism<ref>[http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewarticle.asp?AuthorID=1367&id=16843 Sexaholism: The Closet Addiction (article) by Niki Collins-Queen on AuthorsDen:January 29, 2005]</ref><ref>[http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a742021601~db=all~jumptype=rss Sexaholism: A Perspective - Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention:(Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, Volume 13, Issue 1 January 2006, pages 69 - 94)]</ref>), to a tendency to do something obsessively (ex. [[workaholism]],<ref>[http://www.managementhelp.org/prsn_wll/wrkholic.htm](blank page?)</ref> [[shopaholism]]<ref>[http://web.mit.edu/cultureshock/fa2003/essays/prachi.html Culture Shock:Shopaholism (by Prachi Thanawala)]</ref>).
- -시 (edit)
- | [[하다]] (''hada'', "to do") || [[하시다|하'''시'''다]] (''ha'''si'''da'', "to do (by someone superior to the speaker)"
- | [[가다]] (''gada'', "to go") || [[가시다|가'''시'''다]] (''ga'''si'''da'', "to go (by someone superior to the speaker)"
- | [[작다]] (''jakda'', "(to be) small") || [[작으시다|작'''으시'''다]] (''jag-'''eusi'''da'', "(for something superior to the speaker to be) small"
edit- Anziehungskraft (edit)
- [[Anziehung]] 'attraction' (from [[anziehen]] 'to attract', from [[an-]] 'to(ward)' + [[ziehen]] 'to pull') + [[Kraft]] 'force, strength')
- Arbeiterin (edit)
- Germanic: from [[Arbeiter]] 'laborer' (from [[arbeiten]] 'to labor', cognate with Dutch [[arbeiden]]) + [[-er]]) + [[-in]] '-ess'
- Argentine tango (edit)
- * French: {{t-|fr|tango argentin}
edit- Benedict (edit)
- * Portuguese: {{t-|pt|Benedito}}, {{t-|pt|Bento}} (<i>Popes' name and also given name</i>
- Bogenschütze (edit)
- # An [[archer]], who shoots arrows from a [[bow]] or bolts from a crossbow)
- Bollington (edit)
- The township of Bollington (Macclesfield) has been very unhealthy the whole year. There were 50 deaths in it this quarter, 22 of which were from typhus and scarlatina.}}
edit- Capricorne (edit)
- # [[Capricorn]] {someone born with a Capricorn star sign)
- Creest (edit)
- From {{etyl|sga|gv}} {{term|Críst|lang=sga}} < {{etyl|la|gv}} {{term|Christus|lang=la}} < {{etyl|grc|gv}} {{term|Χριστός|sc=polytonic|lang=grc|tr=Khristos}}, proper noun use of {{term|χριστός|sc=polytonic||anointed|lang=grc|tr=khristos}}, in translation of {{etyl|he|gv}} {{term|משיח|sc=Hebr|tr=māshīaχ||anointed|lang=he}}).
- Críost (edit)
- From {{etyl|sga|ga}} {{term|Críst|lang=sga}} < {{etyl|la|ga}} {{term|Christus|lang=la}} < {{etyl|grc|ga}} {{term|Χριστός|sc=polytonic|lang=grc|tr=Khristos}}, proper noun use of {{term|χριστός|sc=polytonic||anointed|lang=grc|tr=khristos}}, in translation of {{etyl|he|ga}} {{term|משיח|sc=Hebr|tr=māshīaχ||anointed|lang=he}}).
- Críst (edit)
- From {{etyl|la|sga}} {{term|Christus|lang=la}} < {{etyl|grc|sga}} {{term|Χριστός|sc=polytonic|lang=grc|tr=Khristos}}, proper noun use of {{term|χριστός|sc=polytonic||anointed|lang=grc|tr=khristos}}, in translation of {{etyl|he|sga}} {{term|משיח|sc=Hebr|tr=māshīaχ||anointed|lang=he}}).
- Cycladen (edit)
- Ultimately from {{etyl|grc|nl}} [[Κυκλάδες]] (''Kyklades''), plural of [[Κυκλάς]] (''Kyklas''), from [[κύκλος]] (''kyklos'', cognate with [[cyclus]]) “‘circle, ring’”).
edit- EBICS (edit)
- #* '''2010''', Association for German Banks (Staff), "[http://www.german-banks.com/html/15_press/press_00_100617.asp EBICS facilitates the Single Euro Payments Area: New Franco-German cooperation promotes European standard for payment transactions]", Press Release. ([http://www.webcitation.org/5qmIMVTZ5 archived article)]
- Englishy (edit)
- #*: In the end he settled for a very faint and tightly checked greeny shirt to go with his dark tweed jacket (an '''Englishy''' touch, along with the college tie...
- Experten (edit)
- # {{genitive of|[[Experte #German|Experte]]|lang=de}
edit- Fraktur (edit)
- #:: {{lang|de|sc=Latf|<nowiki>Aber — wenn von Wei}agungen auf den Heiland im A. T. no< ferner die Rede \ehn \oll, i| es mögli<, daß wir die typi\<e An\i<t der alten Zeit überhaupt fallen la}en können? Kann wohl etwas lä<erli<er, wenig|ens unnatürli<er \ehn, als ein vier bis fünf Stellen des A. T. für wei}agend zu halten, die, wahre}} Dii ex machina, in die pro\ai\<e, bedeutungslo\e Reihe der reinvergangenen alten Zeit, aller Analogie entgegen, \i< einge\<li<en haben \ollen? Keinen Unparteii\<en wird der Einwand ungläubiger Theologen: wenn es Typen geben \olle, \o mü|e ihre Ab\i<t von den Zeitgeno}en \<on erkannt worden \ehn, \onderli< beunruhigen können. Denn was kann den uner\<öpi<en Weltgei| hindern, um eine Harmonie zu begründen, die nur \einem Auge \i< ganz enthüllt, da und dort den Dingen Bedeutung zu geben, die dem men\<li<en Ver|ande im Augenbli>e verborgen bleibt, und in Hieroglyphen zu \<reiben, wovon wir nur den klein|en Theil entziffern können, der größte Theil er| mit der Zeit zur Klarheit gelangt?</nowiki>
- Franco (edit)
- ## notably refers to the long-ruling right)wing 20th century Spanish [[caudillo]] since the Spanish Civil War
- French India (edit)
- * Dutch: [[Frans Indië]] {{n}
edit- GDP (edit)
- * {{biochemistry}} {{reference-book
- God complex (edit)
- * ''[http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2003/september10/caligula-910.html News-Service.Stanford.edu Did Caligula have a God complex? ]]'' Stanford, Oxford archaeologists find evidence that depraved tyrant annexed sacred temple', John Sanford (September 10, 2003).
- Greater China (edit)
- * The term defines only countries where Han Chinese make the majority of the population. [[Sinosphere]] may also include countries with a large portion of Han Chinese population ([[Indonesia]], [[Malaysia]], [[Cambodia]])) or where the Chinese culture had a lot of influence ([[Japan]], [[Korea]], [[Vietnam]]). As a "phrase of the moment", the precise meaning is not entirely clear.
edit- I do (edit)
- They'd been pushing for me to get pregnant ever since I said "I do." And now that I was, do you think they were happy? No way. }}
- Irish (edit)
- #* '''1889''', [[w:Jerome K. Jerome|Jerome K. Jerome}}, ''[[w:Three Men In A Boat|Three Men In A Boat]]''
edit- Kayathi (edit)
- #{{alternative form of|[[Kaithi]]}}}
- Koerdistan (edit)
- * [[Koerdisch]] (adjective & language {{n}}
- Kruegeresque (edit)
- #*: To be sure, SPRIGGAN, like AKIRA, is filled with slick blood and gore (the cackling Little Boy, with his Freddy '''Kruegeresque''' wire-cutter claw attachments...
edit- MLBer (edit)
- # {{baseball}} Someone who plays in the [[MLB]] ([[w:Major League Baseball|Major League Baseball]].
- Maccabee (edit)
- # A member of the [[w:Maccabees|Maccabees]] (a [[liberation]] movement in [[Israel]] who established Jewish independence in the [[Land of Israel]] in the second and first centuries BC.
- Machtwort (edit)
- '''Machtwort''' ''n'' (''genitive'' '''[[Machtworts]]''', '''[[Machtwortes]]''', ''plural'' '''[[Machtworte]]'''
- Madhyamika (edit)
- * Chinese: 中觀宗 (traditional Chinese), 中观宗 (simplified Chinese), Pinyin: ''zhōng guān zōng''. The Chinese characters literally mean ''middle view doctrine'')
- Meibion Glyndwr (edit)
- {{term|meibion|lang=cy}} (''plural of {{term|mab|lang=cy||son}}'') + anglicisation of [[Glyndŵr]] (surname of [[w:Owain Glyndŵr|Owain Glyndŵr]], Welsh ruler.
- Miggy (edit)
- #*: Then do like I do and keep the '''Miggy''' for all e-mail and news. No dodgy headers to give you away then :-)
- Moldavija (edit)
- is=Moldavijom}}
- Murmansk (edit)
- * Arabic: {{t|ar|ميورمانسك|m|tr=murmaansk|alt=ميورمانسك
edit- Nabokovism (edit)
- #*: ...an irresponsible and profligate imitator (like many of the forty long-listed authors, who seem to be victims of the current epidemics of '''Nabokovism'''...
- Negerhollands (edit)
- # A [[Dutch]]-based [[creole]], also incorporating elements of [[Danish]], [[English]], [[French]], [[Spanish]] and [[African]], once spoken in what are now the the [[US Virgin Islands]]).
edit- PHB (edit)
- #*: I know this. Which is why I use it. However proving it to my {{q|PHB}} is a diffrent {{SIC}} matter :-)
- Peirce's law (edit)
- #* Consider <b>Peirce's law</b>, <math> ((P \to Q) \to P) \to P) </math>. If ''Q'' is true, then <math> P \to Q </math> is also true so the law reads "If truth implies ''P'' then deduce ''P''" which certainly makes sense. If ''Q'' is false, then <math> (P \to Q) \to P \equiv (P \to \bot) \to P \equiv \neg P \to P \equiv \neg P \to P \and \neg P \equiv \neg P \to \bot \equiv \neg \neg P </math> so the law reads <math> \neg \neg P \to P </math>, which is intuitionistically false but equivalent to the classical axiom <math> \neg P \vee P </math>.
- Perzija (edit)
- is=Perzijom}}
- Pädophilie (edit)
- # [[pedophilia]] (sexual]] feeling of desire directed towards children)
edit- Tom, Dick or Harry (edit)
- #* (as ''Tom,'' '''''Jack'',''' and ''Harry'') {{quote-book
- Tremella (edit)
- # A [[genus]] of fungi in the family [[Tremellaceae]], occurring widely in North America, Australia, and east Asia.]
edit- Vladikavkaz (edit)
- * [[Ossetian]]: [[Дзæуджыхъæу]] (dzæudžyx”æu}
- Votre Révérence (edit)
- #* {{quote-book|year=1837|author=Louis Viardot|title=L’Ingénieux Hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche|url=[s:fr: L’Ingénieux Hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche{{!}}fr.Wikisource]|original=El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha|by=Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra|section=Volume I, Chapter XXIX|passage=« Eh ! seigneur licencié, s’écria-t-il alors, que Votre Grâce me laisse faire ; il n’est pas juste que je reste à cheval, tandis que '''Votre Révérence''' est à pied.
- #*:– Je ne le souffrirai en aucune manière, répondit le curé... »}}
edit- Wanderer (edit)
- # {{soccer}} someone connected with any number of [[soccer]] clubs known as the [[w:Wanderers#In sports|Wanderers}}.
edit- aanhalingsteken (edit)
- Germanic: genitive (using -s) of [[aanhaling]] 'quotation, (text) citation' (from [[aanhalen]] 'to quote, cite' (from [[aan-]] 'to -, forth' + [[halen]] 'to get, fetch') + [[teken]] 'sign, mark'
- ability (edit)
- #* {{rfdate}} ''[[King James Bible'', "Acts" 11:29
- ablative absolute (edit)
- *:(''Tarquinius reigning, Pythagoras came.'' or <br>
- *:''When Tarquinius was king, Pythagoras came.'')<br>
- * ''The food being good, they ate well.''}}
- accorgendo (edit)
- '''accorgendo''' (preceded by a reflexive pronoun}
- ace-3 (edit)
- * '''2007''', {{reference-book | last = Rand | first = J.B.
- acetylesterase (edit)
- #{{enzyme}} Any [[enzyme]] that catalyzes the [hydrolysis]] of an [[acetate]] [[ester]]
- achthoekig (edit)
- # {{literally} [[octagonal]], having [[eight]] [[corner]]s
- actionfest (edit)
- #* '''1997''' July 2, Megadee406 (username), "[http://groups.google.com/group/alt.tv.x-files/msg/c4eda74085de4ad5 Re: Cathy's Top Ten Good (and Bad) Things From Season Four (LONG, like this s...]"{{SIC}}, in <tt>alt.tv.x-files</tt>, ''Usenet'':
- addirsi (edit)
- si=si}}
a (2)
edit- adequately wet (edit)
- *The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), {{cite web
- adiuverint (edit)
- # {{conjugation of|[[adiuvo#Latin|adiuvō]]||3|p|perf|act|sub
- administrative (edit)
- * {{a|RP}} {IPA|/ədˈmɪ.nəsˌt ɹeɪ.ɾ ɪv/}}
- affricaat (edit)
- From {{etyl|la|nl}} [[affricatus]], the past participle of [[affricare]] 'to rub against, have/cause friction', from [[af-]] (a form of [[ad-]] 'to(ward)') + [[fricare]] 'to rub')
- agriforest (edit)
- {{prefix|agri|forest}]
- agrumario (edit)
- # [[citrus]] (fruit) ((attributive)
- albino (edit)
- * Compounded with the noun it modifies, e.g. "albinopåfågel" for English "albino peacock").
- albuminize (edit)
- From [[albumin]] (=albumen) 'protein' (from {{etyl|la}} [[albumine]], from {{etyl|la}} [[albumen]] 'egg white', from [[albus]] 'white')) + [[-ize]]
- albuminizer (edit)
- From [[albumin]] (=albumen) 'protein' (from {{etyl|la}} [[albumine]], from {{etyl|la}} [[albumen]] 'egg white', from [[albus]] 'white')) + [[-ize]]
a (3)
edit- albuminuric (edit)
- From [[albuminuria]], from [[albumin]] (=albumen) 'protein' (from {{etyl|la}} [[albumine]], from {{etyl|la}} [[albumen]] 'egg white', from [[albus]] 'white'))
- alecgan (edit)
- {{ang-verb|head=ālecgan|class=1|type=weak}})
- alisso (edit)
- # [[alyssum]], [[madwort]] (plants of the genus ''[[Alyssum]]''
- amareno (edit)
- # [[sour cherry]] (small tree ''[[Prunus cerasus)]]'')
- ambassadrice (edit)
- From {{etyl|fr|nl}} (see below), from [[ambassadeur]] 'ambassador' (from
- {{etyl|it|nl}}) + [[-ice]] '-ess'
- anatomopatologo (edit)
- {{it-noun|anatomopatolog|m|o|i}} (''Alternative plural'': [[anatomopatologhi]]
- antecedent (edit)
- * In the sentence “I saw my girlfriend yesterday wearing her old jacket which is odd because she almost never wears it.”, the phrase “my girlfriend” is the antecedent of “her” and “old jacket” is the antecedent of “it”.}}
- apertura (edit)
- {{Chess diagram|=
- ascertain (edit)
- From {{etyl|fro}} {{term|acertener|lang=fro}}, from ({{term|a-||to, towards|lang=fro}} + {{term|certener||make sure of|lang=fro}}, from the adjective {{term|certain|lang=fro}}.
- asthenospermic (edit)
- * {{a|UK}} {{IPA|/ˌæs.θə.nəʊˈspɜː(ɹ).mɪk/}}, {{SAMPA|/%{s.T@.n@U"sp3:(r\).mIk
a (4)
edit- atencar (edit)
- {{io-verb|atenc
- athleta (edit)
- From {{etyl|grc|la}} {{term|ἀθλητής|tr=athlētēs|sc=Grek|lang=grc}} < ἀθλέω (athlēō), “‘compete for a prize’”) < ἆθλον (athlon), “‘prize’”) or ἆθλος (athlos), “‘competition’”).
- attacher (edit)
- With a change of prefix from {{etyl|fro|fr}} {{term|estachier|lang=fro||bind}}, derived from {{term|estache|lang=fro||stick}} itself from {{frk}} *''stakka'' ("stick"}. Cognate with Old Provençal {{term|estacha|lang=oc}}, Italian {{term|stacca|lang=it}}, Spanish {{term|estaca|lang=es}}; from Gotic *''stakka''.
- aurores (edit)
- {{infl|fr|plural} {{f|p}}
- avea (edit)
- # {{auxiliary|with past participles|lang=ro}} to [[have]] (done) {{attention|ro|does this sense conjugate differently from the others? I ask because of the example sentence that uses "a" where our conjugation table seems to give "are", and because [[am#Romanian]] gives first-person plural uses of "am" where our conjugation table seems to give "avem"
- Short answer, yes. Long answer, there's like a special subset of forms for this auxiliary, which includes the conditionals and optatives. I'm just not sure how would be the best way to sort that out here}}
- azid (edit)
- {{infl|nv|noun}}}
edit- baboon (edit)
- {{rel-top|Variant spellings<ref name="OED">“<span class="plainlinks">[http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50016150 baboon]</span>” listed in the '''Oxford English Dictionary''' [2<sup>nd</sup> Ed.; 1989]</ref>}}
- babushka (edit)
- * Russian: {{t+|ru|бабушка|f|tr=bábuška)}}, {{t+|ru|старуха|f|tr=starúxa}}, {{t|ru|старушка|f|tr=starúška}}
- back (edit)
- *: Simplified: {{t|zh|最后|tr=zuī hóu)
- balzacchiano (edit)
- {{it-noun|balzacchian|m|o|i}} (''Feminine'': [[balzacchiana]]
- balzachiano (edit)
- {{it-noun|balzachian|m|o|i}} (''Feminine'': [[balzachiana]]
- baptism (edit)
- * Hebrew: [[הטבלה (טקס נוצרי]] {{f}}
- baptismal name (edit)
- * Greek: [[βαπτιστικό]] [vaˌptistiˈko̞] {{n}} (meaning: baptismal, abbreviation of baptismal name
- barcha (edit)
- From {{proto|Turkic|bār|lang=uz}}}
- barellare (edit)
- #{{transitive}] To [[carry]] (material) in a [[barrow]]
b (2)
edit- battle (edit)
- * Japanese: {{t+|ja|戦い}} ({{t+|ja|たたかい|tr=tatakai}}, (archaic) {{t+|ja|戦}} ({{t-|ja|いくさ|tr=ikusa}}, {{t+|ja|戦闘|tr=せんとう, sentō}}
- bawdry (edit)
- #*: {{...}}}for the conversation (if it may be called so) was seldom such as could entertain a lady. It consisted chiefly of hallowing, singing, relations of sporting adventures, '''b—d—y''', and abuse of women, and of the government.
- be' (edit)
- # {{context|(sometimes before a consonant}} {{apocopic form of|[[bello#Italian|bello]]|lang=Italian}}
- beffer (edit)
- * [[baffer]] {{m}
- * [[blaffer]] {{m} (wider)
- * [[keffer]] {{m}
- bena (edit)
- {{mt-conj
- bene- (edit)
- '''bene-''' (''or'': [[ben-]] (''before a vowel'')
- beschämt (edit)
- It is more common to use the verb "(sich) [[schämen]]" (to shame oneself) instead of this adjective. (Ich schäme mich. ("I shame myself.") instead of "Ich bin beschämt." ("I am ashamed."). The latter may sound outdated or posh.
- beurre manié (edit)
- French [[beurre]] ([[butter]] and [[manié]] ([[kneaded]]); literally "kneaded butter".
- bho (edit)
- ::{| class="wikitable"
- bihebdomadaire (edit)
- # [[biweekly]] (twice a week}
b (3)
edit- binbag (edit)
- *: ''Jon & Kate Plus 8'' is a show based on two facts: '''1)''' Jon and Kate Gosselin have eight children, and '''2)''' the word ‘Kate’ rhymes with the word ‘eight’. One suspects that if Kate were ever to have another child, a shady network executive would urge her to put it in a '''binbag''' with a brick and drop it down a well. But this is just a horrifying tangent.
- binnengaan (edit)
- # {{transitive}} To [[enter]], go [[into]] (a room, etc.))
- bivati (edit)
- # {{intransitive}} to [[be]] from time to time]], [[happen]], [[occur]] sometimes
- bloedhekel (edit)
- # [[abhorrence]], extreme [[contempt] towards something or someone
- brandewijn (edit)
- * (brandy types; all {{m}}) [[aardappelbrandewijn]], [[graanbrandewijn]], [[korenbrandewijn]], [[maïsbrandewijn]], [[meekrapbrandewijn]], [[moutbrandewijn, [[rijstbrandewijn]], [[tarwebrandewijn]], [[vruchtenbrandewijn]], [[wijnbrandewijn]], [[morellenbrandewijn]], [[perzikbrandewijn]] {{m}}
- brave new world (edit)
- Will digital broadcasting, 'mega-channel-land', change everything or nothing? Will it be a '''brave new world''', or simply more of the same?}}
- In this '''brave new world''', the IMF and other Western financial institutions dictated radical free trade "shock treatment" to both developing nations and the former USSR ...}}
- bullfighting (edit)
- ''In Portugal, Spain, Southern France and some Latin American countries, bulls are used in the sport of '''bullfighting'''.''}}
- butterbeer (edit)
- #*: Adapted from "The Rosie O'Donnell Show."}}
- bánh (edit)
- *[[bánh quy giòn]] ([[cracker]]
- bário (edit)
- [[fr:bário]
edit- c/o (edit)
- ''55512-1234''}}
- cacuminal (edit)
- From {{term||cacūmin-}} (the stem of the {{etyl|la|en}} {{term|cacumen|cacūmen|lang=la|extremity, point, peak}} + {{term|-al|lang=en}}
- caffeic acid (edit)
- # {{organic compound}} The [[phenolic]] [[carboxylic acid]] ''3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl 2-propenoic acid'' that is an intermediate in the [[biosynthesis]] of [[lignin]]
- camaraderie (edit)
- From {{attention|fr|Really? Not from French camerade? (If so, then fix Etym section under English above too.}} {{etyl|es|fr}} {{term|camarada|lang=es}}, from {{term|cámara|lang=es||bedroom}}. Literally "one with whom one shares one's bedroom"
- capsico (edit)
- # [[capsicum]], [[bell pepper]] (pepper of genus ''[[Capsicum]]''))
- carnation (edit)
- Plausibly from {{etyl|it|fr}} [[carnagione]] "flesh color", anyway from Late {{etyl|la|fr}} [[carnatio]] "fleshiness", (from Latin [[caro]] "flesh") or a corruption of [[coronation]] (from [[coronare]] 'to crown', from [[corona]] 'crown'; because of the flower's use in chaplets or from the toothed crown-like look of the petals.
- cartagloria (edit)
- # [[altar card]] (used in the Tridentine mass}
- cat crainn (edit)
- | leis na cait chrainn]]
- central heating (edit)
- * Korean: {{t|ko|중앙 난방|tr=jung-ang nanbang|sc=Hang}} {{t|ko|中央煖房|sc=Hani}})
c (2)
edit- centrifugeren (edit)
- From {{etyl|fr|nl}} [[centrifuger]], coined from {{etyl|fr|nl}} [[centri-]] (alternate combinatory form of [[centrum]] "center", from {{etyl|grc|nl}} (''kentron'') "sharp point, goad", from (''kentein'') "stitch," from a Proto-Indo-European base *kent- "to prick") + [[fugere]] "to run away, flee", from a Proto-Indo-European base *bheug- "to flee"); cognate with English and German [[centrifugieren]]
- cercarsela (edit)
- {{it-conj-carsi|cerc|inf=cercarsela
- cheetah (edit)
- {{etyl|hi|en}} {{term|चीता||tr=cītā|lang=hi|leopard", "panther}}, ultimately from {{etyl|sa|en}} {{term|चित्र||lang=sa|tr=citra|multicolored", "speckled}} (akin to Old High German {{term|haitar||lang=goh|bright}} <ref>[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cheetah Etymology] in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary</ref> > German {{term|heiter}}; Old Norse {{term|heiðr|||lang=non|bright}}) + {{term|काय||tr=kāya|lang=sa|body}}, thus "having a spotted body".
- childism (edit)
- *{{User:Visviva/quote-news-special|pagetitle=childism|year=2009|date=September 29|author=Libby Brooks|title=We must listen to children and young people first|work=Guardian|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/sep/29/public-services-children-young-people|pos=
- chim (edit)
- *[[chim sẻ]] ([[sparrow]]
- chiến tranh thế giới (edit)
- [[chiến tranh]] ([[war]]) + [[thế giới]] ({[world]])
- chorizo (edit)
- * “<span class="plainlinks">[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chorizo chorizo]</span>” defined by ''Merriam–Webster’s Online Dictionary'' [11<sup>th</sup>; Ed.]<br/> pronounced: {{enPRchar|\chə-}}{{IPAchar|ˈ}}{{enPRchar|rē-(}}{{IPAchar|ˌ}}{{enPRchar|)zō, -(}}{{IPAchar|ˌ}}{{enPRchar|)sō\}}
- chumba (edit)
- # [[room]] (division in a building {{jump|t|part of a building|s)
- cist (edit)
- {{etyl|cy}} ''cist faen'' (see [[kistvaen]], [[cistvaen]], from {{etyl|la}} {{term|cist|lang=la}}
- civils (edit)
- |passage=The work involves extensive '''civils''' and p/w since, the track has to drop from the present embankment level, some 5m above the adjacent road, to the floor level of the new tunnel [the 'cut & cover' section of which, is, I guess, about 10m below it.<!--[sic] missing right square bracket-->
c (3)
edit- clois (edit)
- From {{etyl|sga|ga}} {{term|cloisid|lang=sga}}, {{term|cloistid|lang=sga}}, apparently a conflation of {{term|coistid||is silent, listens|lang=sga}} with {{term|clos||hearing}}. {{term|coistid|Coistid|lang=sga}} is a late form of {{term|contúaisi|lang=sga}} < {{proto|Celtic|tauso-|silent|lang=ga}} (cf. Old Irish {{term|tóe||silent|lang=sga}}, Welsh {{term|taw||be silent|lang=cy}}) < {{proto|Indo-European|teh₂ws-|still, silent|lang=ga}} (cf. Sanskrit {{term|तूष्णीम्||silently|lang=sa|sc=Deva|tr=tūṣṇīm}}. {{term|clos|Clos|lang=sga}} is related to {{term|clúas||hearing, ear|lang=sga}} < {{proto|Celtic|kloustā||hearing, ear|lang=ga}} (compare Welsh {{term|clust|lang=cy}}) < {{proto|Indo-European|k̑leust-|lang=ga}} (compare Old English {{term|hlyst||hearing|lang=ang}}) < root {{proto|Indo-European|k̑leu-||to hear|lang=ga}}.
- cluefulness (edit)
- G is ''Gifting''. It is defined as the amount of natural '''clufulness''' you were given “at the factoty.”¶ L is ''Learning''. It is defined as the rate at which you gain (or lose) '''clufulness''' over time}}
- clump (edit)
- Probably from {{etyl|gmw-lge}} {{term|klump}}<ref>[http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/clump%5B1%5D clump] in Merriam-Webster's dictionary</ref> (compare German {{term|Klumpen}}). Cognates include Danish {{term|klump|lang=da}} (probably from Low German as well<ref>{{R:ODS online|klump}}</ref>). Compare Norwegian (bokmål) {{term|klump|lang=no}}
- co-wife (edit)
- |title=Khadija-tul-Kubra (the Wife of the Prophet Muhammed) May Allah be Pleased with Her: A Short Story of Her Life)
- coalition (edit)
- From {{etyl|fr}} {{term|coalition||coalition|lang=fr}}, from {{etyl|LL.}} {{term|alo||I advance (cause, etc., communion}}.
- cocaïnomane (edit)
- {{suffix|lang=fr}cocaïne|mane}}
- collagraphy (edit)
- # a [[printmaking]] [[process]] in which materials are applied to a [[rigid]] [[substrate]] (such as [[cardboard]] or [[wood]]]
- communisme (edit)
- From {{etyl|de|fr}} {{term|Kommunismus|lang=de}} or a [[calque]] of it: {{term|commun||(in) common)|lang=fr}} + {{term|-isme||-ism|lang=fr}}
- condom (edit)
- * Finnish: [[kondomi]], [[kortsu(slang), [[kumi]] (slang)
- confest (edit)
- |passage=What though her face '''confest''' a darker shade? }}#*{{quote-book|year=1840|author=Edward Bulwer-Lytton|title=|chapter=|edition=|url=http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/7735
c (4)
edit- convoyeur (edit)
- # [[escort]] {someone who travels with e.g. valuable goods)
- cornstalk (edit)
- # {{context|Australian English|slang}} a native (not indigenous) of [[New South Wales]] (may be archaic and used [[pejorative| pejoratively]] or even abusively. <ref name='Marshall 2001'>{{reference-book | last = Marshall | first = Peter | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = The Cambridge Illustrated History of the British Empire | publisher = Cambridge University Press | date = 2001 | location = Cambridge | pages = 272 | url = http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521002540 | doi = | id = | isbn = 978-0521002547 }} ''...by 1872 'cornstalk' had become a caustic term for the New South Welsh''</ref>)
- correctio (edit)
- —Shakespeare, Hamlet 1.2.137-38 }}
- correligionario (edit)
- {{it-noun|correligionar|m|io|i}} (''Feminine'': [[correligionaria]]
- cosh (edit)
- # Any of various sorts of [[blunt instrument]] such as [[bludgeon]], [[truncheon]] or the like) (ref. 1991 edition of [[wikipedia:Chambers's Dictionary|Chambers's Dictionary]])
- crespelle (edit)
- # {{plural of|[[crespella]]|lang=it}})
- critical (edit)
- {{term|κρίνω||I separate, judge|tr=krinō|lang=grc}}, also the root of [[crisis]]).
- cruelty (edit)
- * [[Scottish Gaelic]]: {{t-|gd|mì-chneastachd|f|xs=Scottish Gaelic}},{t|gd|neo-thruacantachd|f}}
- cyberize (edit)
- #* '''1993''' August 25, "Robert Johan Enters" (username), "[http://groups.google.com/group/alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo/msg/b5ce2ffb689ac5c1?q=cyberized Re: [ADMIN] Re: Newcomer to the Theatre...]", on <tt>alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo</tt>, ''Usenet'':
- #* '''2000''' March 21, "Julian Mensch" (username), "[http://groups.google.com/group/alt.games.whitewolf/msg/75d75ad4433eb1f6?q=cyberizing Re: Iteration X Conventionpage for a noble Union [*LONG*]]", on <tt>alt.games.whitewolf</tt>, ''Usenet'':
edit- daka (edit)
- # [[catch]] (the act of catching a ball {{jump|t|catching a ball|s)
- dalmatiër (edit)
- from [[Dalmatiër]] 'Dalmatian', person associated with the Balkanic coastal region [[Dalmatia]] (in Dutch [[Dalmatië]], the root of the word), presently in Croatia; on account of the similar black-on-white spots on the [[ermine]] a royal [[dalmatic]] is made of; there exists a [[popular etymology]], only 'valid' for Dutch, that the dog breed was named after its suitability for geodetic registrations of the [[maat]] (measure(ment) of a [[dal]] (dale)
- damassé (edit)
- from {{etyl|fr}}, past participle of [[damasser]] 'to make (like) damask', from [[damas]] 'damask', from the Syrian city [[Damas]]'s name (from {{etyl|la}} [[Damascus]]), from {{etyl|grc}} (''Damaskos''), from Arabic (''Dimashq'')), cognate with Dutch [[#Dutch|damassé]], German [[Damassé]]
- from {{etyl|fr|nl}}, past participle of [[damasser]] 'to make (like) damask', from [[damas]] 'damask', from the Syrian city [[Damas]]'s name (from {{etyl|la|nl}} [[Damascus]]), from {{etyl|grc|nl}} (''Damaskos''), from Arabic (''Dimashq'')), cognate with Dutch [[#Dutch|damassé]], German [[Damassé]]
- dammsugare (edit)
- From {{term|dammsugare|lang=sv}} (referring to its appearance and to the supposed practice of the pastry baker collecting crumbs from the day's cookies for filling.
- danser (edit)
- {{etyl|frm|fr}} from {{etyl|fro|fr}} {{term|dancier|dancer, dancier||lang=fro}}, of {{etyl|gem|fr}} origin, from Low {{etyl|frk|fr}} *{{term||dansjan, dansōn|to draw, pull, gesture|lang=frk}} (compare {{etyl|goh|-}} {{term|danson|dansōn|to draw, pull|lang=goh}}), from *{{term||dinsan|lang=frk}} (compare {{odt}} {{term|þinsan||to move, tear|lang=odt}}, {{goh}} {{term|dinsan||to draw out|lang=goh}}, {{etyl|got|-}} {{term|þinsan||to drag, draw, pull|lang=got}}, from {{proto|Germanic|þánsōnan, þánsōjanan|to stretch out|lang=fr}}, from {{proto|Germanic|þínsanan|to stretch|lang=fr}}, from {{proto|Indo-European|ten-s, tenw(ə)-|to pull|lang=en}}. See [[thin]]. Displaced {{fro|fr}} {{term|baller|lang=fro}} from {{etyl|la|-}} {{term|ballare||to dance|lang=la}}.
- dant (edit)
- From {{proto|Celtic|dant-|lang=cy}} (compare {{sga}} {{term|dét|lang=sga}}) < {{proto|Indo-European|h₃dénts||h₃dónts|lang=cy}} (compare Latin {{term|dens|dēns|lang=la}}, {{lt}} {{term|dantis|dantìs|lang=lt}}, {{grc}} {{term|οδούς|sc=polytonic|tr=odous, odṓn|lang=grc}}, {{fa}} {{term|دندان|sc=fa-Arab|tr=dandân|lang=fa}}.
- dara (edit)
- {{mt-conj
- darežljiv (edit)
- # [[generous]], [[bounteous]] willing to give unsparingly)
- decimoprimo (edit)
- * [[undicesimo]])
d (2)
edit- decimosesto (edit)
- * [[sedicesimo]])
- decimosettimo (edit)
- * [[diciassettesimo]])
- decimottavo (edit)
- * [[diciottesimo]])
- declamatore (edit)
- {{it-noun|declamator|m|e|i}} (''Feminine'': [[declamatrice]]}
- definition (edit)
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|definitie|f}},|nl|omschrijving|f}}
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|definiëring|f}},|nl|omschrijving|f}}
- * Dutch: {{t|nl|definitie|f}},|nl|omschrijving|f}}
- defraudatore (edit)
- {{it-noun|defraudator|m|e|i}} (''Feminine'': [[defraudatrice]]))
- degree of glory (edit)
- * {{{{pedia}}
- deity (edit)
- * {{audio|en-uk-deity2.ogg|Variant becoming more common, but still disapproved of by many <ref>The American Heritage Book of English Usage.
- A Practical and Authoritative Guide to Contemporary English. 1996.</ref> (UK/US)}}
- depth (edit)
- </TABLE>}}
- despejados (edit)
- # {{es-verb form of|mood=participle|tense=past|ending=ar|verb=[[despejar]]
d (3)
edit- dessverre (edit)
- #:: ''I regret to inform that your application has not been successful.'' (literally: I have unfortunately been forced to decline your application
- dhobi (edit)
- From {{etyl|hi}} {{term|sc=Deva|धोबी|tr=dhōbī||washerman}}<ref>*Platts, John T. [http://dsal.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philologic/contextualize.pl?p.4.platts.849370 धोबी] from ''A dictionary of Urdu, Classical Hindi, and English]'' Oxford. 1884.</ref>
- diazoethane (edit)
- #::Diazomethane reacts rapidly with Smith’s diene to produce pyrazoline (R = H) by exclusive reaction at the cyclobutene π-bond); '''diazoethane''' and 2-diazopropane produce analogous products
- diazopropane (edit)
- #::Diazomethane reacts rapidly with Smith’s diene to produce pyrazoline (R = H) by exclusive reaction at the cyclobutene π-bond); diazoethane and 2-'''diazopropane''' produce analogous products
- diffusorio (edit)
- # [[diffusion]] (attributive))
- dilettante (edit)
- * “<span class="plainlinks">[http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50064113 ‖dilettante]</span>” listed in the ''[[w:Oxford English Dictionary|Oxford English Dictionary]]'' [2<sup>nd</sup> Ed.; 1989]<br/> {{IPAchar|(dɪlɪˈtæntɪ}}, It. {{IPAchar|diletˈtante}} Pl. '''dilettanti''' {{IPAchar|(-tiː)}}, rarely '''-es'''.
- direct speech (edit)
- * "Why are you here", started Mrs Jones, "and what exactly do you want?"}}
- disgruntle (edit)
- {trans-bottom}}
- disquiet (edit)
- [fa:disquiet]]
- distributie (edit)
- * [[distributiesysteem]] {{n}
d (4)
edit- dobókocka (edit)
- # {{context|games|lan(=hu}} [[dice]]
- doloire (edit)
- # [[plane]] (type of tool}
- dom (edit)
- {{nl-noun|-|-}} (only [[domkerken]],[domkerkje]])
- donor (edit)
- From {{etyl|enm|en}} {{term|donoure|lang=enm}}, {{term|donour|lang=enm}}; from {{etyl|xno}} {{term|donour|lang=xno}}, from {{etyl|fro}} {{term|doneur|lang=fro}} (See {{etyl|fr|-}} {{term|donneur|lang=fr}}.
- drab (edit)
- {{etyl|enm}} 'color of undyed cloth', from {{etyl|frm}} {{term|drap|lang=frm}} 'cloth', from {{etyl|LL.}} {{term|drappus|lang=la}} (6th c., ''Vita Caesaris Arelatis'')<ref>Jean-Paul Savignac, ''Dictionnaire français-gaulois'', s.v. "drap" (Paris: la Différence,
- 2004), 123.</ref> 'drabcloth, kerchief', from {{etyl|cel-gau}} *''drappo'',<ref>Robert K. Barnhart, ed., ''Chambers Dictionary of Etymology'', s.v. "drab" (NY: Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd., 2003).</ref> from {{proto|Indo-European|drep-}} 'to scratch, tear' (compare Old Norse {{term|trof|lang=non}} 'fringes', {{term|trefja|lang=non}} 'to rub, wear out', Lithuanian {{term|drãpanos|lang=lt}} 'household linens', Serbo-Croat ''drápati'' 'to scratch, scrape', Ancient Greek {{term|δρέπω|tr=drépein|lang=grc}} 'to pluck', Avestan {{term|drafša|lang=ae}} 'flag, banner', Sanskrit {{term|द्रापि|tr=drāpí|lang=sa}} 'mantle, gown').<ref>Xavier Delamarre, ''Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise : une approche linguistique du vieux-celtique continental'', s.v. "drappo" (Paris: Errance, 2001).</ref>
- dress (edit)
- * {{sense|clothe (something or somebody}} [[strip]], [[undress]]
- drinkrietje (edit)
- * [[rietje]] {{n} (shortening)
- drugsverslaafde (edit)
- the plural of [[drug]] 'narcotic(s)' (from {{etyl|en|nl}} + [[verslaafde]] 'addict' (from [[verslaafd]], the past participle of [[verslaven]] 'to enslave, addict', from [[ver-]] + [[slaaf]] 'slave')
- déad (edit)
- From {{etyl|sga|ga}} {{term|dét|lang=sga}} < {{proto|Celtic|dant-|lang=ga}} (compare {{cy}} {{term|dant|lang=cy}}) < {{proto|Indo-European|h₃dénts||h₃dónts|lang=ga}} (compare Latin {{term|dens|dēns|lang=la}}, {{lt}} {{term|dantis|dantìs|lang=lt}}, {{grc}} {{term|οδούς|sc=polytonic|tr=odous, odṓn|lang=grc}}, {{fa}} {{term|دندان|sc=fa-Arab|tr=dandân|lang=fa}}.
- défrisâmes (edit)
- * {{IPA|lang=fr|/de.fʁi.zam/}}, {{X-SAMPA|/de.fRi.zam/|lang=fr}}}
edit- effluviant (edit)
- #* ''"A formal idea of the heaven and the earth may be obtained by imagining the heaven as at first an '''effluviant''' generation from a mono central point, occupying, or creating and occupying space; the earth, as the airiest or end of such generative action, with the gradual relaxation of central tension and abnegation of such centre, the consequence being the formation of a huge internal spherical vacuity, termed in the genetic record 'earth.'" ("Clear as Mud," ''Richmond Daily Dispatch [http://imls.richmond.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ddr;cc=ddr;idno=ddr0886.0025.062;view=text;rgn=div3;node=ddr0886.0025.062%3A3.3.2],''Sept. 11, 1863''
- eighteen-wheeler (edit)
- [[File:Conventional 18-wheeler truck diagram.PNG|frame|center|Side view and underside view of a '''conventional 18-wheeler semi-trailer truck''' with an enclosed cargo space. The underside view shows the arrangement of the 18 [[tire]]s (wheels). Shown in blue in the underside view are the [[axle]]s, [[drive shaft]], and [[differential]]s. The legend for labeled parts of the truck is as follows:<br>
- 10. [[landing gear]] - legs for when semi-trailer is detached]]
- emballer (edit)
- [http://www.lepoint.fr/actualites-politique/nicolas-sarkozy-je-maintiens-ma-confiance-a-bernard-kouchner/917/0/314399
- ]
- empireo (edit)
- # The ultimate region of [[heaven]], the seat of [[God]] (according to [[w:Thomas Aquinas|Thomas Aquinas]]
- empreintes (edit)
- {{infl|fr|plural}} {[f|p}}
- enkelvoudig (edit)
- * [[enkeling]] {m}}
- enmity (edit)
- {{rel-top4|Variant spellings<ref name="OED">“[http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50075653?single=1&query_type=word&queryword=enmity&first=1&max_to_show=10 enmity]” listed in the '''Oxford English Dictionary''' [2<sup>nd</sup> Ed.; 1989]</ref>}}
- entoptic (edit)
- #* '''1990''', R. S. Manor, ''Erratum: '''Entoptic''' [corrected] phenomena in pregeniculate and postgeniculate hemianopsia with splitting of macula by perimetry'', in ''American Journal of Ophthalmology, vol. 109''<ref>{{cite paper
- epithet (edit)
- * In ''Festuca ovina'' subsp. ''guestphalica'' the word ''guestphalica'' is an [[infraspecific epithet]].}}
edit- fag (edit)
- |passage=In schizophrenics, however, the homosexual outlet is sooner or later ... ideas that strangers call them "cs," "fairy," "woman," "'''fag'''," " fruit," etc.). ...
- falchion (edit)
- {{rel-top4|Variant spellings<ref name="OED-n">“[http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50081853 falchion, ''n.'']” listed in the '''Oxford English Dictionary''' [2<sup>nd</sup> Ed.; 1989]</ref>}}
- fan (edit)
- * Japanese: {{t-|ja|扇風機}} ({{t|ja|せんぷうき|tr=senpūki}}
- far (edit)
- {{rel-top|terms derived from ''far (adjective}}''}}
- faucet (edit)
- {{rel-top3|Variant spellings<ref name="OED">“[http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50082754 faucet, ''n.''¹]” listed in the '''Oxford English Dictionary''' [2<sup>nd</sup> Ed.; 1989]</ref>}}
- fee simple subject to condition subsequent (edit)
- *[[fee simple subject to executory interest]] (or [[fee simple subject to executory limitation]]
- fello (edit)
- *: ''(Because you suck [cock] and drink water, Lesbia, you err in nothing:''
- *:: ''in just the part you ought to be, Lesbia, you're making use of the water)''
- feorþa (edit)
- From {{term|feowerþa|fēowerþa|lang=ang}} from the cardinal numeral {{term|
- ferrotipia (edit)
- # [[ferrotype]] {process)
f (2)
edit- ferveo (edit)
- {{la-verb|ferveo|ferveō|fervere|fervēre|ferbui|ferbuī|fervitum|fervitum}}}
- fettler (edit)
- *'''1939.''' ''Comrade Fettler'' (a Union song about Fettlers])[http://unionsong.com/u266.html]
- finial (edit)
- ]
- finirla (edit)
- {{it-conj-irsi-b|fin|avere|inf=finirla
- fiocchetto (edit)
- {{it-noun|fiocchett|m|o|i}} (''Diminutive of'': [[fiocco]]
- fiscaliteit (edit)
- From {{etyl|fr|nl} [[fiscalité]], from {{etyl|la|nl} [[fiscalité]], (indirectly?) from [[fiscalis]], itself from [[fiscus]] 'the imperial treasury' + [[-alis]] '-al'
- flax (edit)
- West Germanic, representing {{proto|Germanic|flahsom}}, from {{proto|Indo-European|plek-|to plait}}. Cognate with Old Frisian ''flax'', Old Saxon *{{term||flahs}} (Dutch {{term|vlas}}), Old High German {{term|flahs}} (German {{term|Flachs}}); the Northern Germanic (and most likely the Gothic too<ref>[http://germazope.uni-trier.de/Projects/WBB/woerterbuecher/dwb/wbgui?lemmode=lemmasearch&mode=hierarchy&textsize=600&onlist=&word=Flachs&lemid=GF04948&query_start=1&totalhits=0&textword=&locpattern=&textpattern=&lemmapattern=&verspattern=#GF04948L0 Etymology] in the Deutsches Wörterbuch of Jakob und Wilhelm Grimm: "however, Old Norse hör ... The Gothic word has not been transmitted, but one might guess ''harvs''"</ref>) stem is different.
- floral white (edit)
- # Of a faint [[pinkish] [[white]] colour.
- fo (edit)
- :: {| class="wikitable"
- fol-de-rol (edit)
- # Nonsense word traditional to English [[ballad]]s and [[madrigal]]s.{{attention|en|Is this a nonsense word (so use {non-gloss definition} and perhaps a different POS), or does it mean 'A nonsense word...'?
- Also, does the quotation below belong on this sense, perhaps?}}
f (3)
edit- for- (edit)
- * {{a|unstressed}} {{IPA|/fə/)}}
- formulier (edit)
- From {{etyl|fr|nl}} [[formulaire]], from {{etyl|la|nl}} [[formularium] 'form (collection)', itself from [[formula]] (diminutive of [[forma]] 'form, shape') + [[-arium]] '-ary'
- forþgeriman (edit)
- {{ang-verb|type=weak|class=2|head=forþġerīman}} ''third-person sg present'' '''[[forþgerimaþ|forþġerīmaþ]]''', ''third-person sg preterite'' '''[[forþgerimde|forþġerīmde]]''', ''preterite plural'' '''[[forþgerimdon|forþġerīmdon]]''', ''past participle'' '''[[forþgerimed|forþġerīmed]]''')
- freend (edit)
- |passage="But a' wudna like ye tae sell Jess, for she's been a faithfu' servant, an' a '''freend''' tae. }}#*{{quote-book|year=1919|author=Violet Jacob|title=Songs of Angus and More Songs of Angus|chapter=|edition=|url=http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/17933
- freezed (edit)
- * Use of the "weak" inflection ending in "-ed" instead of the strong inflected form, {{term|froze}} (past} or {{term|frozen}} (past participle) is considered non-standard, though the speaker or writer would be understood.
- fregarsene (edit)
- {{it-conj-carsi|freg|inf=fregarsene
- frigger (edit)
- {of a typical rural Australian:)
- frisé (edit)
- * [[friseur]] {{m}
- fullnusta (edit)
- * [[krefjast fullnustu fyrir]] (
- furen (edit)
- * {{IPA|[ fu˥˥ʐɛn˧˥ ]|lang=cmn}} (fūren}
edit- gas generator (edit)
- # (engineering} (US) an electrical generator that runs on gasoline
- gecompliceerd (edit)
- From [[compliceren]] 'to complicate', either from [[complicatie]] 'complication' or modeled on {{etyl|fr|nl} [[compliquer]] 'to complicate', anyhow ultimately from {{etyl|la|nl} [[complicare]] 'to complicate'
- gefluit (edit)
- # {pejorative}} A monothonous or bad [[fluting]]
- genuflettersi (edit)
- *Note: reflexive only, past participle [[genuflesso]])
- geteon (edit)
- {{{ang-verb|type=weak|class=2|head=ġetēon}} (''third-person sg preterite'' '''[[geteode|ġetēode]]''', ''preterite plural'' '''[[geteodon|ġetēodon]]''', ''past participle'' '''[[geteod|ġetēod]]''')
- gibet (edit)
- Probably from {{etyl|frk|fr}} *{{term||gibb|forked stick}} (or from {{etyl|la|fr}} {{term|gibbus|tr=hunchbacked}} <ref>''Le Robert pour tous, Dictionnaire de la langue française'', Janvier 2004, p. 520</ref>).
- gig (edit)
- # {{context} U.S. Military}} A demeret received for some infraction of military dress or deportment codes. {as in "I received gigs for buttons un-buttoned"}
- girllove (edit)
- #* '''2009''', "Ignored By The Liberal Mass Media", ''The Duke University Child Rape Case Proves Pedophilia Isn't an "Orientation"'' (on Internet newsgroup ''alt.politics.homosexuality''
- glass felt (edit)
- # {{context|roofing}} glass [[fiber]]s bonded into a sheet with [[resin]] and suitable for impregnation with [[asphalt]] in the manufacture of [[bituminous]] waterproofing, roofing [[membrane]s and [[shingle]]s.
g (2)
edit- glazenier (edit)
- Germanic: a blend from [[glas]] 'glass' + -(n)ier '-er' (probably modeled on [[hovenier]] 'gardener', formed by the Dutch art critic Albert Plasschaert in 1925
- gnasher (edit)
- COUNTRY park ranger Bob Thurston could hardly believe his luck when he casually asked bosses at the gravel quarry next door whether any interesting old}}
- gotera (edit)
- # [[leak]] in the roof which lets water drop into the house)
- granaatappel (edit)
- [[Image:Pomegranate03 edit.jpg|thumb|A pomegranate <br>''granaatappel'' (fruit]]
- great- (edit)
- #: {{qualifier|informal}} ''fourth-'''great-'''uncle'', etc. (same as {{term||great-great-great-great-uncle}}
- #: {{qualifier|informal}} ''fourth-'''great-'''grandfather'', etc. (same as {{term||great-great-great-great-grandfather}}
- green gram (edit)
- # A bean from the seed of ''Vigna radiata'', which is native to Bangladesh, India, one of many species recently moved from the genus ''Phaseolus'' to ''Vigna'' (still often seen cited as ''Phaseolus aureus'' or ''Phaseolus radiatus''.
- gricer (edit)
- From {{term|grice}}, supposed plural of {{term|grouse}} (on analogy to {{term|mouse}}/{{term|mice}} ( < A person who bags railway locomotives as a sportsman bags grouse.)
- griep (edit)
- From {{etyl|fr|nl}} [[grippe]], from [[gripper]] 'to seize, snatch' (i.e. infect; from Old High German [[gripan]] (modern [[greifen]]; cognate with to [[grip]], Dutch [[grijpen]])
- gura (edit)
- # [[go]] (to move from a place to another that is further away {{jump|t|move|s|a)
- götten bacaklı (edit)
- * Literal meaning "with legs from the ass". ("[[göt]]" (''ass'') + "[[-ten]]" (''ablative suffix'') + "[[bacak]]" (''leg'') + "[[-lı]]" (''with, ... added'')
edit- habnab (edit)
- | passage=I put it <br/> Ev'n to your worship's bitterment, habnab; <br/> I shall have a chance of the dice for it.}} <br/>(As quoted in Wedgwood's ''Dictionary of English Etymology'')
- hampe (edit)
- # [[pole]] (for flag etc.; [[shaft]] (of lance)
- hang-loose sign (edit)
- with one hand so I could give the '''hang-loose sign''' to my buds.}}
- hanky-panky (edit)
- Possibly a corruption of ''hakk'ni panki'', a {{etyl|rom}} ("Gypsy") expression for a "great trick" or "big con," hence "shady dealings."<ref>Gresham, William Lindsay. ''Monster Midway'', a book about circus life and side-shows. Victor Gollancz Ltd, London, 1954. (some of the chapters in this book appeared as articles in the following magazines: ''[[w:Collier's Weekly]]'', ''[[w:Life (magazine)|Life]]'', ''[[w:Esquire (magazine)|Esquire]]'', ''[[w:True (magazine)|True]]'', and ''[[w:The American Weekly]]''. Reference copied from [[w:Hokkani_boro|Wikipedia]]</ref>
- harmonically bound (edit)
- :::{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
- havarija (edit)
- # [[accident]], [[crash]], [[wreck]] (esp. [[shipwreck]], [[emergency]], [[average]] (i.e. situation caused by damage, breakdown or failure)
- # [[accident]], [[crash]], [[wreck]] (esp. [[shipwreck]], [[emergency]], [[average]] (i.e. situation caused by damage, breakdown or failure)
- # [[accident]], [[crash]], [[wreck]] (esp. [[shipwreck]], [[emergency]], [[average]] (i.e. situation caused by damage, breakdown or failure)
- # [[accident]], [[crash]], [[wreck]] (esp. [[shipwreck]], [[emergency]], [[average]] (i.e. situation caused by damage, breakdown or failure)
- hen dos (edit)
- '''hen]] dos'''
- hesitate (edit)
- {{term|lang=la|haesitare}}, intensive of {{term|lang=la|haerere||to hesitate, stick fast;
- to hang or hold fast}}. Compare [[aghast]], [[gaze]], [[adhere]].
- hircic acid (edit)
- #:''{{quote-book
edit- ijsbreker (edit)
- Germanic: from [[ijs]] 'ice' (cognate) + [[breken]] 'to break [cognate]') + [[-er]]
- immobiliarista (edit)
- {{it-noun|immobiliarist|m|a|i}} ((it-noun|immobiliarist|f|a|e}}
- incontrovertible (edit)
- * {{a|UK}} {{IPA|/ˌɪŋ.kɒn.tɹəˈvɜː.təbl̩/}}, {{SAMPA|/%IN.kQn.tr\@"v3:.t@b{{=}}l/}}
- indefinite adjective (edit)
- * '''many''' children}}
- indigner (edit)
- # {{reflexive|s'indigner|lang=fr}}) to express self-righteous anger or disgust.
- individualizzato (edit)
- {{it-adj|individualizzat}]
- infischiarsene (edit)
- {{it-conj-iarsi|infischi|essere|inf=infischiarsene
- inhabitant (edit)
- {{etyl|fro}} {{term|inhabitant|lang=fro}}, from {{etyl|la}} {{term|inhabitans|lang=la}}, present participle of {{term|inhabito|lang=la||to inhabit}}, from {{term|in-|lang=la||in}} + {{term|habito|habitō|lang=la|to dwell}} (frequentative of {{term|habeo|habeō|lang=la|to hold}}, from {{proto|Indo-European|ghabh-|seize, take, hold, have}}.
- intempestivity (edit)
- *: ''d) Gradualism.'' The system should avoid certain inherent distortions to the generated processes of centralized structure, such as ritualism, {{q|intempestivity}}, bureaucracy, imposition of norms, etc.
i (2)
edit- inter (edit)
- From {{etyl|fr}} {{term|enterrer}} < [[Vulgar Latin]] "[[in]] + [[terrare]]". Cognates include Spanish/Portuguese/Galician/Catalan ''[[enterrar]]'' ([[inter#English|to inter)]], ([[bury#English|to bury]]), Italian ''[[interrare]]'' ([[plant#English|to plant]]), ([[dig_in#English|to dig in]]).
- island (edit)
- {rel-mid}}
- issuġerixxa (edit)
- <!-- perfect forms except issuġġerixxew get no google hits at all :(
- istriano (edit)
- {{it-noun|istrian|m|o|i}} (''Feminine'': [[istriana]]
- it takes one to know one (edit)
- #*'''1949''', Nial Kent, ''The Divided Path]], p. 358:
edit- jeans (edit)
- Shortening of [[jean fustian]], itself from [[jean]] (from {{etyl|enm}} {{term|Gene||Genoa [city state]|lang=enm}}, the -s was added influenced by the cognate Old French {{term|Jannes|lang=fro}}, (modern=) {{term|Gênes|lang=fr}}) + {{term|fustian||strong cotton fabric}} (from {{etyl|enm}}, from {{etyl|fro}} {{term|fustaine|lang=fro}}, from medieval {{etyl|la}} {{term|fustaneum|lang=la}}, probably from Latin {{term|fustis||club; (medieval sense) tree trunk|lang=la}}.
- jump for joy (edit)
- # {{idiom}} [[exalt]], [rejoice]], feel [[elation]].
- juodoji mirtis (edit)
- {{lt-decl-noun-unc
- jättiläismanner (edit)
- {{infl|fi|noun}}}
edit- kana (edit)
- ''Sanoi Pohjolan emäntä, itse lausui, noin nimesi:/ Kummallenp' on mielit mennä, kun tulevat tahtomahan/ ikuiseksi ystäväksi, kainaloiseksi '''kanaksi'''?''}}
- kardinaalschap (edit)
- From [[kardinaal]] "cardinal" (from [[cardinalis]] "cardinal", itself the noun use of the adjective derived from [[cardo]] "hinge, main point" + [[-alis]] "-al")) + [[-schap]] "-ship"
- karper (edit)
- * (''fish species'') [[goudkarper]] {{m}}, [[karperkoning]] {m}}, [[karperzalm]], [[steenkarper]] {{m}}, [[blauwkarper]] {{m}}, [[boerenkarper]] {{m}}, [[edelkarper]] {{m}}, [[goudkarper]] {{m}}, [[karperzalm]], [[kroeskarper]] {{m}}, [[kruiskarper]] {{m}}, [[lederkarper]], [[maankarper]] {{m}}, schubkarper {{m}}, [[spiegelkarper]] {{m}}, [[steenkarper]] {{m}}, [[zalmkarper]] {{m}}, [[zeekarper]] {{m}}
- keilahalli (edit)
- {{infl|fi|noun}}}
- kesyttyä (edit)
- # {{rare|lang=fi}} To [[tame]] (to become tame}.
- keyrrey (edit)
- #* Ta un '''cheyrrey''' screbbagh doghaney yn [[slane|clane}} shioltane.
- king hit (edit)
- * '''2007.''' [http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/man-ss-club-and-bouncers-after-kinghit/2007/08/06/1186252609236.html Man sues club and bouncers after king hit —Sydney Morning Herald]'', 6 August 2007]:
- kroning (edit)
- # A [[coronation]], the act or solemnity of crowning)
- kruisspin (edit)
- [[kruis]] 'cross' [from the dots pattern on its back] + [[spin]] 'spider' (from [[spinnen]] 'to spin (a web)'
edit- la (edit)
- * {{sense|music}}} [[do]], [[re]], [[mi]], [[fa]], [[sol]], [[ti]]
- lairdship (edit)
- |passage=They talked of affairs, particular and general, of Ian's late proceedings and the '''lairdship''' of Alexander, of men and places that they knew away from this countryside. }}# The area of land owned by a [[laird]]
- lapsus linguae (edit)
- '''lapsus linguae''' (usually spelled [[Lapsus linguae]], the only spelling found in Duden<ref>Duden - Deutsches Universalwörterbuch. 4. Aufl. Mannheim 2001.</ref>)
- lawl (edit)
- #: {{cite-usenet|group=alt.religion.scientology|title=if I were to go trick-or-treating as a scientologist, what would my costume look like?|author=Kat|year=2009
- layback (edit)
- |passage=Mirai Nagasu, like Zhang a promising 14-year-old, showed equally astonishing flexibility on a '''layback''' spin Wednesday, leaning so far that the back of her head nearly touched her backside. }}[[Image:Crack climbing layback left.jpg|A layback (climbing)|thumb|right]]
- leaf peeper (edit)
- #* '''2000''', William G. Tapply, Snake Eater/Seventh Enemy/Close to the Bone: A Brady Coyne Omnibus (#13, 14 ... - Page 340
- leannan (edit)
- #: ''"A '''leannain''' ghrinn, ciamar a theirinn cia mheud a tha gràdh agam ort?" - "O sweet darling, how could I say how much that I love thee?")''
- leftosphere (edit)
- #* '''2008''' March 4, "[http://groups.google.com/group/alt.sports.baseball.bos-redsox/msg/9f9eda24a4a9b285 O'Neil's Faggy Prostate - SWEEPEAT!!!]" (username), "Re: I. . . I just couldn't do it!!! :_(", in <tt>alt.sports.baseball.bos-redsox</tt>, ''Usenet'':
- lekker (edit)
- |passage=}}The other men ask why he's crying, when he's got such a '''lekker''' car. The guy shakes his head and says, "I just saw my wife, and she was driving a skateboard."
l (2)
edit- lesje (edit)
- (plural [[lesjes]]; no compound diminutive}}
- liftshaft (edit)
- ]
- liikkua heikoilla jäillä (edit)
- # to [[skate on thin ice]] (to place oneself) in a risky, potentially dangerous or delicate situation)
- litotes (edit)
- * Organizing these records is no small task (to indicate difficulty)<br>}}
- llins (edit)
- {{ca-noun-form|m}p}}
- loan (edit)
- # {{context|usually double|_|transitive|US|dated in|_|UK|informal}} To [[lend]] (something) to {someone).
- lofa (edit)
- # {{context|ditransitive|governs the dative and the accusative}} to [[permit]] somebody to [[do]] something]], to [[allow]] somebody to [[do]] something{{jump|is|allow|s}}
- lol (edit)
- * Thai: {{t+|th|555}} ({{t+|th|ห้า|alt=ห้าๆๆ|tr=hâa-hâa-hâa}}
- long (edit)
- Generally assumed to be a {{etyl|la|sga}} loan, from {{term|longa|(navis} longa|lang=la}}, but [[w:Joseph Loth|Joseph Loth]] believed it to be from {{proto|Celtic|lang=sga}}, cognate to {{cy}} {{term|llong|lang=cy}}.
- lose (edit)
- * {{sense|shed (weight}} [[drop]], [[shed]]
- * {{sense|fail to win (something}} [[win]]
- * {{sense|shed (weight}} [[gain]], [[put on]]
edit- maalteken (edit)
- [[maal]] 'time(s), meaning an arithmetic factor)' + [[teken]] 'sign'
- macc (edit)
- [[Primitive Irish]] genitive {{term|ᚋᚐᚊᚊᚔ|sc=Ogam|tr=maqqi|lang=sga}} < *''makʷkʷo-'', *{{proto|Celtic|makʷo-|son|lang=sga}}, (compare Welsh {{term|mab||lang=cy}}, Gaulish ''Maponos''), perhaps < {{proto|Indo-European|meh₂ḱ-|lang=sga|long, thin}} (compare Ancient Greek {{term|μακρός||long|sc=polytonic|lang=grc}}, Latin {{term|macer||thin|lang=la}}.<ref>[http://www.indo-european.nl/cgi-bin/response.cgi?root=leiden&morpho=0&basename=\data\ie\celtic&first=1&method_celtic=substring&text_oir=macc&method_oir=substring&method_w=substring&method_bret=substring&method_co=substring&method_gaul=substring&method_lep=substring&method_celtib=substring&method_pie=substring&method_pok=substring&method_other=substring&method_see=substring&method_notes=substring&method_references=substring&method_any=substring&sort=celtic An Etymological Lexicon of Proto-Celtic]. Retrieved 2009-09-13.</ref>
- magmánk (edit)
- # {{hu-inflection of|magma|pos|4s
- magmátok (edit)
- # {{hu-inflection of|magma|pos|5s
- magnétoscoper (edit)
- # to [[record]] [using a [[videocassette recorder]])
- manscape (edit)
- |passage=Nearly everywhere is a '''Manscape''' now, and we need not mourn the fact. There is still plenty which is beautiful and a solace{{...}}}} -->
- mate (edit)
- From {{etyl|ang}}, from 14th century {{etyl|gml}} {{term|mate||messmate|lang=gml}}, related to Old English {{term|gemetta||table-guest}}, derived from {{proto|Germanic|ga-maton}}, itself from {{proto|Germanic|ga-|together}} (related to German and Dutch [[ge-]]) + {{proto|Germanic|maton}} (from {{proto|Germanic|matiz|food}}), related to Old English {{term|mete||food|lang=ang}}).
- mayhem (edit)
- {{etyl|enm}} {{term|mayme, mahaime}}, from {{etyl|xno}} {{term|mahaim}} 'mutilation', from {{etyl|fro}} {{term|mahaign}} 'bodily harm, loss of limb', from {{etyl|gem}}, from {{proto|Germanic|''maiđjanan''}} 'to cripple, injure' (compare {{etyl|gmh|-}} ''meidem, meiden'' 'gelding', {{etyl|non|-}} ''meiða'' 'to injure', [[Gothic]] ''maidjan'' 'to alter, falsify'),<ref>Philip Babcock, ed., ''Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language'', Unabridged, s.v. "mayhem" (Springfield, Mass: Merriam-Webster, Inc., 1993.</ref> from {{proto|Indo-European|''mei''}} 'to change'. More at [[mad]].
- me too (edit)
- * Russian: {{t|ru|я тоже|tr=ja tóže}}, {{t|ru|я также|tr=(ja tákže}}
m (2)
edit- meanless (edit)
- #*: In particular: i) the average is used to get a '''meanless''' dataset, as specified in sect. '''20'''; {{...}}
- microflare (edit)
- {{prefix|micro|flare}}}
- midget-porn (edit)
- *: : Your porn star name is the name of your first pet, and your mother’s maiden name. So I’m Shadow Eady. Told you it was crap ;-)<br>Yipe! I’m Fuzzball Udarbe. Sounds like the name of a '''midgetporn''' actor. *cringe*
- military attaché (edit)
- {{term|military}} (from {{etyl|frm}} [[militaire]] (=modern), from {{etyl|la}} [[militaris]] "of soldiers or war", from [[miles]] "soldier", perhaps ultimately from Etruscan) + {{term|attaché}} (from {{etyl|fr}}, the past participle of [[attacher]] 'to attach'.
- millesimale (edit)
- # [[millesimal]]; [[thousand]] or [[thousandth]] (attributive}
- mud fight (edit)
- * Dutch: [[moddergevecht]] {n}}
- * Dutch: [[moddergevecht]] {n}}, [[moddergooien]] {n}}
- muu (edit)
- a6s=[[muuten]]}}
- muu kuin (edit)
- a6s=[[muuten kuin]]}}
- mäntähöyrykone (edit)
- # A [steam engine]] (piston engine driven by steam).
n (2)
edit- noleggiatore (edit)
- {{it-noun|noleggiator|m|e|i}} (''Feminine'': [[noleggiatrice]]
- nonneural (edit)
- {{prefix|non|neural]]
- noxius (edit)
- From {{term|noxa||injury; fault, offence; punishment]|lang=la}}.
edit- obustava (edit)
- # [[cessation]], [[stoppage]], [[suspension]] (of an activity,
- octaethyleneglycol (edit)
- {{en-noun}} (''Properly'': {{term|octa(ethylene glycol)}}
- of blessed memory (edit)
- # {{Judaism}} {{rfdef|topic=Judaism|
- Then perhaps just add a {{chiefly|Judaism}} tag to the first sense? Or perhaps move this conversation to the TR? :-) —[[User:Msh210|msh210]]
- //[end of rfdef tag]}}
- ojačavati (edit)
- # {{ambitransitive|reflexive}} to [[strengthen]] (to make strong or stronger, grow strong or stronger}}
- oltraggiatore (edit)
- {{it-noun|oltraggiator|m|e|i}} (''Feminine'': [[oltraggiatrice]]}}
- oltranzistico (edit)
- # [[extremist]], [[hard-line]] (attributive}
- omkoping (edit)
- the root of [[omkopen]] 'to bribe' (from [[om]] 'around' + [[kopen]] 'to buy' + [[-ing]]
- on (edit)
- From {{etyl|fro|fr}} {{term|hom|lang=fro}}, reduced form of {{etyl|fro|fr}} {{term|homme||man|lang=fro}}, used pronominally (a calque of the {{etyl|frk|-}} indefinite pronoun *{{term||man|one|lang=frk}}; confer {{etyl|de|-}} {{term|man||one|lang=de}}, reduced pronomial form of {{term|Mann||man|lang=de}}). The etymon itself stems from {{etyl|la|fr}} {{term|homo|hominem||lang=la}}, accusative form of {{term|homo|homō|man|lang=la}}, but its use as a pronoun is of {{etyl|gem|-}} origin. Confer {{etyl|ang|-}} {{term|man||one, they, people|lang=ang}} (reduced form of {{etyl|ang|-}} {{term|mann||man, person|lang=ang}}; {{etyl|de|-}} {{term|man||one, they, people|lang=de}}; {{etyl|nl|-}} {{term|men||one, they, people|lang=nl}}.
- onderarm (edit)
- * [[onderarmbeen]] {n}}
o (2)
edit- onderhevig (edit)
- # {{context|~ [[aan]]|[[subject]] [[to]]
- ongekoperd (edit)
- From [[on-]] 'un-, not -' + [[gekoperd]], the past participle of [[koperen]] 'to copper' (from [[koper]] 'copper', from {{etyl|grc|nl}}) + verbal ending [[-en]])
- onleengoed (edit)
- # An [[estate]]) which is held as an [[allodium]], not [[enfeoffed]]
- opbellen (edit)
- # to [[call]] (up)) (to contact by telephone)
- opia (edit)
- #* '''1975''': Dov Bing, ''China: Cultural and Political Perspectives'', [http://www.google.co.uk/books?id=wSEhAAAAMAAJ&q=opium+opia&dq=opium+opia&pgis=1 pp212<ref>Like many western practices, traditional Chinese treatments aim to comfort, and who are we to call for the withdrawal of this ‘opium for the people’ when we cling to our own '''opia'''.</ref> & 218<ref>One always hopes, in great cataclysms such as the French, the Russian, and the Chinese revolutions, that the good results will outweigh the obvious sufferings. ‘Religion is the opium of the people: abolish it, let the people’s minds become clear and unclouded’ is the cry. But why not the medical '''opia''' too?</ref>] (Longman Paul)
- optrekken (edit)
- #: ''De meeste gebouwen in Londen waren destijds uit brandbaar materiaal <b>opgetrokken</b>, zoals hout en stro.''<ref>http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grote_brand_van_Londen#Verloop_van_de_brand]</ref> — The most buildings in London at that time were built out of flammable material, such as wood and straw.
- opwekking (edit)
- #: ''Milieugroepen hebben zware kritiek op het klimaatplan. Ze wijzen erop dat Australië 85 procent van de elektriciteits'''opwekking''' haalt uit kolencentrales, die weinig milieuvriendelijk zijn.'' — Environmental groups have placed heavy criticism upon the climate plan. They point out that Australia gets 85 percent of its electricity ''generation'' out of coal plants, which are little environment-friendly. <ref>http://www.nrc.nl/buitenland/article2093011.ece/Australie_komt_met_eigen_klimaatplan NRC Handelsblad], 12/15/2008</ref>
- orbitaal (edit)
- # orbital, of or relating to the [[eye socket]] (eyehole))
- ortolan (edit)
- [[File:Hortolà 01 Emberiza hortulana).jpg|thumb|A female ortolan.]]
- othar (edit)
- # [[wounded]], mutilated]]
o (3)
edit- otuđivati (edit)
- * {{l|hr|krasti|krȁsti}} {{impf}}, {{l|hr|ukrasti|ùkrasti {{pf}}
- oursin (edit)
- #: ''Sur certains points les plus fréquentés de Marseille, on étale les coquillages les plus savoureux, les plus appétissants : les moules, les clovisses, les oursins, les [raires, les huîtres.'' (in ''Journal officiel'', 4 juin 1873)
- out-gunned (edit)
- '''out-gunned)'''
edit- pandeismo (edit)
- {{quote|Dottrina...costringe, come faceva osservare un dotto Critico, la rivelazione a cambiare il suo posto con quello del pensiero istintivo e dell' affermazione senza riflessione e colloca la ragione fuori della persona dell'uomo dichiarandolo un frammento di Dio, una spezie di '''pandeismo''' spirituale introducendo, assurdo per noi, ed al Supremo Ente ingiurioso, il quale reca onda grave alla libertà del medesimo, ec, ec.<ref>{{reference-book|last=Ferrarese|first=Luigi|title=[http://books.google.com/books?id=viE7AAAAcAAJ&pg=RA1-PA16&dq=pandeismo&client=firefox-a&cd=1#v=onepage&q=pandeismo&f=false Memorie risguardanti la dottrina frenologica]|date=1838|p=15}}</ref>}}
- {{quote|Certo è che quel concetto forma una delle basi morali fondamentali di religioni i cui segnaci sono oltre i due terzi della popolazione del globo, mentre è influenzato dall'indole speciale di ciascuna di esse, cioè da un idealismo sovrumano nel Cristianesimo, da un nichilismo antiumano nel Buddismo, e da un '''pandeismo''' eclettico nell'incipiente ma progrediente Bramoismo indiano; e a queste credenze che ammettono il principio ideale della fratellanza universale, conviene aggiungere il naturalismo estetico scientifico greco-romano e moderno che inspira, in modo sostanziale, tutto l'insegnamento pubblico Europeo, e contro il quale protestarono sempre e molto logicamente gli ortodossi cristiani, da Paolo II papa a Giuseppe di Maistre.<ref>{{reference-book|last=Uzielli|first=Gustavo|title=[http://books.google.com/books?id=b_QDAAAAYAAJ&pg=PR35&dq=pan-deismo&client=firefox-a&cd=1#v=onepage&q=pan-deismo&f=false Ricerche intorno a Leonardo da Vinci]|date=1896|p=xxxv}}</ref>}}
- pansified (edit)
- * [[pansification]
- paraben (edit)
- # Any of a group of chemicals used as [[preservative]]s in [[cosmetic]]s and [pharmaceutical]]s, wherein the [[hydrogen]] of a [[parahydroxybenzene]] molecule is replaced by an [[alkyl]] group
- paralelkenar (edit)
- * From Turkish "[[paralel]]" (''parallel'') + "[[kenar]]" (''side''
- parasiet (edit)
- # An individual [[parasite]] or a [[parasitic]] (generally undesirable) living [[organism]] that exists by stealing resources from another living organism)
- parsley (edit)
- From {{etyl|la}} {{term|petroselinum}} (spelt also {{term|petroselinon}}<ref>[http://linguaeterna.com/vocabula/show.php?n=33718 the entry] in [[:w:ru:Дворецкий И. Х.|Dvoretsky]]'s and [[:w:ru:Корольков, Дмитрий Николаевич|Korol'kov]]'s ''Latin - Russian dictionary'', the most voluminous Latin dictionary issued in the 20th century</ref>), from {{etyl|grc}} {{term|sc=unicode|πετροσέλινον|tr=petrosélinon||parsley|lang=grc}}, from {{term|sc=polytonic|πέτρος|tr=pétros||rock, stone|lang=grc}} + {{term|sc=polytonic|σέλινον|tr=sélinon||celery|lang=grc}}.
- pastorage (edit)
- #: "The pastorage is in front of you," he says, "but the clergyman is not at home, there is no one at the pastorage."<br>(from ''The Story of Gösta Berling'' by Selma Lagerlöf, Little, Brown and company, 1910, [http://books.google.com/books?id=8nxcAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA317&dq=pastorage#v=onepage&q=pastorage&f=false As Retrieved 2009-09-16]
- payndemain (edit)
- #* '''1914''', Charles Sears Baldwin (quoting [[w:Geoffrey Chaucer|Geoffrey Chaucer]], ''An Introduction to English Medieval Literature'', p. 215:
- peacelessness (edit)
- #* '''1974''': ''International peace research newsletter'', volume 12:2, [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=a9YVAAAAIAAJ&q=peacelessness&dq=peacelessness&ei=F5vPSMKKB43wjAHG_YX1Cw&pgis=1 pages 16<ref>The conditions of '''peacelessness''' lead to aggression, internalised and open; aggression to violence, violence to bloodshed, to the destruction of life, civilization and values; and all these to mini wars.</ref> & 17<ref>Wars, as viewed by those who suffer from '''peacelessness''' thus, do not always disturb peace but quite often are mere symptoms of acute '''peacelessness''' and sometimes a relief.</ref>]
- #* '''1989''': Keizai Kōhō Sentā, ''Speaking of Japan'', [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ZLW0AAAAIAAJ&q=peacelessness&dq=peacelessness&ei=F5vPSMKKB43wjAHG_YX1Cw&pgis=1 pages 6<ref>We now understand that '''peacelessness''' comes not only out of the barrel of a gun.</ref> & 7<ref>[…] increasing linkages between city economies and the global economy sometimes produce economic and social changes that have induced conflict and poverty, thereby producing '''peacelessness'''.</ref>] (Keizai Kōhō Center)
p (2)
edit- pennywise (edit)
- #*{{User:Visviva/quote-news-special|pagetitle=pennywise|year=2007|date=February 21|author=Milt Freudenheim|title=Some Employers Are Offering Free Drugs|work=New York Times|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/21/business/21free.html
- perfectioneren (edit)
- # {{transitive}} To (make (more) [[perfect]]
- period (edit)
- #* '''2009''' {{cite web
- pesukarhu (edit)
- A working group for naming mammals proposed in 2008 that "raccoon" should be named ''[[supi]]'' in Finnish, as: a) all other species in the genus have ''supi'' in their name, although the genus is ''pesukarhut'', b) raccoon is not a {{term|karhu||bear}}, and c) the term ''supi'' has been used in Finland of the fur of raccoon and of the animal by Finnish Americans. The opponents claim that this convention would just add to the confusion as the term ''pesukarhu'' is unambiguous and "[[raccoon dog]]" is ''[[supikoira]]'' in Finnish, often called only ''supi'' in common language. As a result, ''supi'' has not gained popularity as Finnish name of raccoon.
- petter (edit)
- #*: ... 36) are good sports 37) have a good sense of humor 38) are not sissies 39) do not try to neck on the first date 40) are not routine '''petters'''...
- picti (edit)
- # [[pico]]; x1 is a trillionth (10<sup>-12</sup> of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
- pieken (edit)
- From {{etyl|fr|nl}} {{term|pic||sharp point or spike|lang=fr}} (possibly from {{etyl|la|nl}} {{term|picus||woodpecker|lang=la}}) and/or {{term|pique|lang=fr}}, its descendant via {{term|piquer||to pick, sting, stab|lang=fr}}); the verb may, in some senses, derive from cognate synonym {{term|pikken||to pick, hack|lang=nl}}.
- pieker (edit)
- From [[piekeren]], from {{etyl|fr|nl}} [[pic]] "sharp point or spike" (possibly from {{etyl|la|nl}} [[picus]] 'woodpecker') and/or [[pique]], its descendant via [[piquer]] 'to pick, sting, stab'); the verb may, in some senses, derive from cognate synonym [[pikken]] 'to pick, hack'
- piezonuclear (edit)
- #{{physics}} Describing supposed [[nuclear]] [[reaction]]s as a result of [[mechanical]] [[stress]] (such as [[cavitation]]}
- piloter (edit)
- # To [[drive]] {control a vehicle)
p (3)
edit- planetary system (edit)
- # A group of smaller bodies such as planets or asteroids) that orbit one one or more [[star]]s.
- plass (edit)
- # [[room]] (space {{jump|t|space|s)
- pluche (edit)
- From {{etyl|fr|nl}} [[peluche]], from {etyl|it|nl}} [[peluzzo]] {{m}}
- plus (edit)
- * There may be some difficulty for non-native speakers to detect the negativity or positivity of "plus". The negative sense is generally used with a {{term|ne|lang=fr}}, but sometimes the "ne" is dropped in colloquial speech. Thus in certain cases, some speakers may choose to pronounce the final {{IPAchar|/s/}} of a positive ''plus'' (as {{IPAchar|/plys/}} in order to make a distinction.
- pomelo (edit)
- {{rel-top|Variant spellings<ref name="OED2008/06">“[http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50183647 pomelo, ''n.'']” listed in the '''Oxford English Dictionary''' [<span style="font-variant:small-caps">Draft revision</span>; June 2008]</ref>}}
- pomerium (edit)
- {{rel-top|Variant spellings<ref name="OED">“[http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50183706?single=1&query_type=word&queryword=pomerium&first=1&max_to_show=10 pomerium, ''n.'']” listed in the '''Oxford English Dictionary''' [<span style="font-variant:small-caps">draft revision</span>, June 2008]</ref>}}
- pork-barrelling (edit)
- {{Citation
- porselein (edit)
- From {{etyl|fr|nl}} [[porcelaine]], from {{etyl|fro|nl}} [[pourcelaine]]), from {{etyl|it|nl}} [[porcellana]] (originally the name of a conch species)
- postimpressionisme (edit)
- [[Image:Georges Seurat - Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte.jpg|thumb|250px|''Een voorbeeld van postimpressionisme:''<br>
- An example of postimpressionism:<br> ''Dimanche d'été à la Grande Jatte'', Georges Seurat, 1886]]
- potpredsednica (edit)
- # {{[[vice president]] (female)
p (4)
edit- preforeclosure (edit)
- {{prefix|pre|
- prolix (edit)
- * Dutch: {{t-|nl|langdradig}}}
- pronomen (edit)
- {{sv-noun
- provisory (edit)
- from [[proviso]] from {{etyl|enm}, from the Middle {{etyl|la}} [[loose ablative]] ''proviso quid'' 'provided that'; notably from the first word, being the inflected past particple [[provisus]] of [[providere]] 'to provide, see to', itself from [[pro-]] + [[videre]] 'to see') + [[-ory]]
- prowess (edit)
- From {{etyl|fro}} {{term|proeche|lang=fro}} (Modern French: {{{term|prouesse|lang=fr}})
- prætentious (edit)
- *: Guess I was just being '''prætentious''' in my spelling. }->
- présider (edit)
- # To [[preside]]; to [[chair]]; to [[head]] {{gloss|to be in charge of)
- pugilat (edit)
- * [[pugilist]] (''boxer''}
- puhe (edit)
- {{fi-decl-hame
- push (edit)
- * {{sense|tense the muscles in the abdomen in order to expel its contents''): to [[bear down]]
p (5)
edit- putiri (edit)
- {{scn-conj-iri|put|pùt
- pygargue (edit)
- # [[eagle]] (specifically, any of a number of, but not all, species of eagle, belonging to either genus ''Haliaeetus'' or genus ''[[Ichthyophaga]]''). See [[w:fr:pygargue|French Wikipedia]] for more information)
- pædomorphic (edit)
- * '''1903''': Herbert George Wells, ''Mankind in the Making'', [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=GZkSAAAAIAAJ&q=%22p%C3%A6domorphic%22&dq=%22p%C3%A6domorphic%22&ei=fSw2SuGQFYGuyATmztj-BQ&pgis=1 page 155] (3<sup>rd</sup> Ed.; Chapman & Hall}}
edit- qizhebakou (edit)
- * [http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-gb%3AIE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7GPTB&q=%22%E4%B8%83%E6%8A%98%E5%85%AB%E6%89%A3%22&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&oq= Google hits: "七折八扣"]]
- quarantine (edit)
- From {{etyl|it}} {{term|quarantina|lang=it||forty}}, from {{term|quarantina giorni|lang=it||forty days}}, the period [[Venetian]]s customarily kept ships from plague-ridden countries waiting for off port), from {{term|quaranta||lang=it|forty}}, from {{etyl|la}} {{term|quadraginta||lang=la|forty}}
- queeb (edit)
- #*: Umm, Jim...those were just '''queebs'''. :-)
- quæstion (edit)
- *: […] lenght to inveigh agaynst the power of the king to '''quæstion''' his right in the shipps (which before the kings continually […]
edit- reconnaissance (edit)
- {{en-noun|-}} (abbreviated as {{term|recce}} or {{term|recon}}
- recure (edit)
- Probably partly from {{etyl|la} {{term|recurare|recūrāre}}, and partly from a reduced form of {{term|recover}}.
- redneck (edit)
- # {{context|slang}} An uneducated, unsophisticated, or poor white person, typically used to describe residents (of either gender<ref>[http://www.hit-country-music-lyrics.com/redneck-woman-lyrics.html Country Music Lyrics New Country Tunes]</ref>) of the [[rural]] US.
- registratie (edit)
- * [[registratierecht]] {n}}
- regnal (edit)
- # Of or pertaining to the [[reign]] of a [[monarch]] (or [[pope])
- rejoint (edit)
- {{{1913}}
- restripe (edit)
- {{cite-usenet
- rikssynsar (edit)
- First used in Norwegian in 1984, from {{etyl|sv|nn}} {{term|rikstyckare|lang=sv}}, {{prefix|riks|synsar|lang=nn}} ({{term|riks-||pertaining to [[rike#Norwegian|rike]] (kingdom, realm, empire)}}, ({{term|synsar|lang=nn}} from {{term|synast|lang=nn}}
- rikssynser (edit)
- First used in Norwegian in 1984, from {{etyl|sv|nb}} {{term|rikstyckare|lang=sv}}, {{prefix|riks|synser|lang=nb}} ({{term|riks-||pertaining to [[rike#Norwegian|rike]] (kingdom, realm, empire)}}, ({{term|synser|lang=nb}} from {{term|synes|lang=nb}}
r (2)
edit- rix-dollar (edit)
- {{rel-top3|Alternative spellings<ref name="OED-ref">The '''Oxford English Dictionary''' (2007)</ref>}}
- roder (edit)
- # {{transitive|lang=fr}} to [[polish up]], [[hone]] {skills).
- rosa (edit)
- #*:: Farther on, there are '''roses''' too along the path, and the cool shade is pleasantly alternated with sunshine. Having passed through these manifold winding alleys, the path resumes a straight course, and at the same time divides into several tracks, separated by box hedges.<ref>[http://www.gardenvisit.com/history_theory/library_online_ebooks/ml_gothein_history_garden_art_design/pliny_youngers_villas_garden_letters Pliny text], English translation 1</ref><ref>[http://www.gardenvisit.com/history_theory/library_online_ebooks/ml_gothein_history_garden_art_design/pliny_youngers_villas_garden_letters Pliny text], English translation 2]</ref>
- #*:: Even '''roses''' grow there, and the warmth of the sun is delightful as a change from the cool of the shade. When you come to the end of these various winding alleys, the boundary again runs straight, or should I say boundaries, for there are a number of paths with box shrubs between them.<ref>[http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_text_plinyltrs5.htm#VI Pliny text], alternative English translation]</ref>
- royal (edit)
- * Danish: {{rfc-tbot}}{{t|da|royal}, {{t|da|kongelig}}
- ruimtetuig (edit)
- # A [[spacecraft]], [[vehicle]] traveling through [[space]])
- rôleplay (edit)
- *: Talking of sex {{q|rôleplaying}}, I must phone Janice :)
edit- sadfuck (edit)
- #* '''1995''', "Count Zero", ''!CONSERVANAZIS (o 2/2'' (on Internet newsgroup ''alt.gothic'')
- samozadovoljevati se (edit)
- {{sl-verb
- satre (edit)
- * Russian: '''t'''i'''r'''i'''e'''t — [[тереть] [teretʹ]
- schorpioen (edit)
- * (other animal species) [[schorpioenkreeft]], [[schorpioenspin]], [[schorpioenvis]] (obsolete spelling [[schorpioenvisch]]), [[stekelschorpioenvis]] (obsolete spelling [[stekelschorpioenvisch])], [[schorpioenvlieg]]
- schuimkraag (edit)
- From [[schuim]] 'foam' (compare cognate German [[Schaumkrone]]) + [[kraag]] 'collar')
- sclerophyll (edit)
- # {{biology}} A form of [[vegetation]] that has hard [[leaf|leaves] and short [[internode]]s
- scæne (edit)
- *: Here should A '''Scæne''' '''·''' be betwene Iunius, & Petillius : (Iunius mocking Petillius for being in loue w<sup>th</sup> Bonducas Daughter that Killd her selfe : to them : Enterd Suetonius : (blameing Petillius for the […]
- scíath (edit)
- From {{proto|Celtic|skeito-|lang=sga}} (compare Welsh {{term|ysgwydd||shoulder|lang=cy}}.
- se ja se (edit)
- {{term|se||it, that}} + {{term|ja||and}}} + se
s (2)
edit- seised in fee (edit)
- *Albert H. Putney, ''[http://chestofbooks.com/society/law/Popular-Law-6/ Popular Law Library Vol6 Real Property, Abstracts, Mining Law]]'', 1908, [http://chestofbooks.com/society/law/Popular-Law-6/Section-18-Fee-Simple.html Section 18. Fee-Simple], website of [http://chestofbooks.com/about.html ChestofBooks.com: Read Books Online for Free], Accessed 3 March 2010
- semifinished (edit)
- |passage=The {{...|tariff on the export of steel wires and rods will be raised to 15 percent, from 10 percent, and
- seniausia pasaulio profesija (edit)
- {{lt-decl-noun-unc
- seruristo (edit)
- From {{suffix|seruro|isto|alt2=ist-|lang=io}}, {{etyl|eo|io}} {{term|seruristo|lang=eo}].
- set on fire (edit)
- * Japanese: {{Jpan|[[火]]を[[付ける]]}} ({{Jpan|ひをつける|tr=hi o tsukeru}}, {{t|ja|着火する|tr=chakkasuru}}, {{t|ja|点火する|tr=tenkasuru}}}}, {{t|ja|放火する|tr=hōkasuru}} {{qualifier|for arson}}
- sexverslaafde (edit)
- (from {{sex|en|nl}} + [[verslaafde]] 'addict' (from [[verslaafd]], the past participle of [[verslaven]] 'to enslave, addict', from [[ver-]] + [[slaaf]] 'slave')
- sheaf (edit)
- * {{ttbc|Spanish}}: (the mathematical meaning): [[haz]] {{m}}, [[fibrilla]]{f}}
- simper (edit)
- Origin uncertain; compare (probably from<ref>[http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=simper simper] in [[:w:Online Etymology dictionary|Online Etymology dictionary]]</ref>) {{etyl|da}} {{term|simper|lang=da}} / {{term|semper||coy|lang=da}}, German {{term|zimper||elegant, dainty|lang=de}}.
- single-ply membrane (edit)
- # {{context|roofing}} Roofing [[membrane]]s that are field applied using just one layer of membrane material (either [[homogeneous]] or [[composite]] rather than [[multiple]] layers.
- skian (edit)
- From {{etyl|sga|gv}} {{term|scíathán|lang=mga}} < {{term|scíath|lang=sga}} < {{proto|Celtic|skeito-|lang=gv}} (compare Welsh {{term|ysgwydd||shoulder|lang=cy}}.
s (3)
edit- skilinn (edit)
- {{past participle of|skilja|lang=is}} Where it means {{term|skilja|to understand; to separate; to divorce}}|lang=is}}.
- skydaddy (edit)
- #*: No, actually, I'm a sex addict. But at least that's not as bad as being addicted to imaginary '''skydaddies'''. :)
- sociolinguist (edit)
- * "The "quick look at the markets" on news bulletins is a form of what sociolinguists call phatic communication: a message without any real content, just there for the sake of communicating something." - {{cite news
- softo (edit)
- # [[Soviet]]; x1 reflects Russian empire/USSR/ex-USSR (Soviet]/CIS culture/nationality in aspect x2.
- sonder (edit)
- # {{meteorology|lang=fr}} to [[survey]] and take measurements using a [weather balloon]]
- sovkhoz (edit)
- #: ''The average size of a '''sovkhoz''' was 15,300 hectares (153 km²), nearly three times the average [[kolkhoz]] (5,900 hectares or 59 km² in 1990.''
- spearthrower (edit)
- # {{archeology}} A lever used to increase the throwing distance and penetrating force of a spear; the separate handle of an [[atlatl]]. (The word atlatl is a two-part hunting weapon: a [[dart]] (short stout spear) with a separate lever/handle. {{US|Mexico|Canada}} The [[Aztec]] word atlatl described the compound weapon composed of both dart and lever/handle used in the Americas for thousands of years.
- spectatorial (edit)
- |passage=He was a psychologist rather than a philosopher, and his interest and zest in life, in the relationships of simple people, the intermingling of personal emotions and happy comradeships, kept him from ever forming cynical or merely '''spectatorial''' views of humanity. }}# suitable for [[spectate|spectating]]
- spheksophobia (edit)
- #*{{cite newsgroup
- stilema (edit)
- # [[stylistic-adverb)} [[meaning a still dilema. while in narnia with willy wonka, and a tsunami is coming....
s (4)
edit- stocc (edit)
- {{proto|Germanic|stukkaz|tree-trunk|lang=}}. Akin to {{etyl|goh|-}} ''[[stoc#Old High German|stoc]]'' ({{etyl|de|-}} ''[[Stock]]''
- ), {{etyl|non|-}} ''[[stokkr]]'' "tree-trunk"
- stropicciarsene (edit)
- {{it-conj-ciarsi|stropicc|inf=stropicciarsene
- styðja (edit)
- # to [[place]] (one's hand, foot, etc.) on something for support)
- stéréotype (edit)
- # A [[stereotype]], as in [[conventional]], [[formulaic]], and [[oversimplified]]] [[conception]], [[opinion]], or [[image]].
- suffice (edit)
- * Russian: {{t+|ru|хватать}}) (xvatát') {{impf}}, {{t+|ru|хватить}} (xvatít') {{pf}}
- sungi (edit)
- # {{past participle of|{{nn-inf|syngj|/}}|syngja]]|lang=nn}}
- superkracht (edit)
- From [[super]] (from {{etyl|la|nl}} + [[kracht]] 'force, strength, power'
- surprising (edit)
- * Finnish: {{t-|fi|yllättävä}}}
- suurmanner (edit)
- {{infl|fi|noun}}}
- syllabic abbreviation (edit)
- * '''[[Konami]]''', names of Kagemasa '''Ko'''zuki, Yoshinobu '''Na'''kama, Hiro '''M'''atsuda, and Shokichi '''I'''shihara}}
s (5)
edit- synthetic lethality (edit)
- * '''2002''', {{cite web |last = Maloy |first = Stanley
- sự (edit)
- *[[sự thực]] ([[fact]], [[truth]]
edit- taenicide (edit)
- #*: The practice in Ethiopia of eating raw meat...has given rise...to a high incidence of [[taenia]], or tapeworm. ... The commonest traditional taenicide was the blood-red flower of the [[kosso'' tree...
- tavukgötü (edit)
- * It literally means "hen's ass". ("[[tavuk]]" (''hen'') + "[[göt]]" (''ass'') + "[[-ü]]" (''3rd person singular possession suffix'')
- teleguida (edit)
- [[Category:Italian verb forms]]]
- teleprogram (edit)
- #*: The architecture should provide for a reliable communication infrastructure required for the transfer of files ('''teleprograms''', displayable pages...
- teon (edit)
- {{ang-verb|type=weak|class=1|head=tēon}} ''third-person sg preterite'' '''[[teode|tēode]]''', ''preterite plural'' '''[[teodon|tēodon]]''')
- thrombolytic (edit)
- {{prefix|thrombo|lytic]]
- tokkelen (edit)
- * (instrument) [[tokkelciter]], [[tokkelinstrument]] {{n}, [[tokkelspeeltuig]] {{n}}
- tokány (edit)
- # [[strip|Strip]]s of meat [[stewed]] on [[fried]] [[onion]], [[black pepper]] and [[marjoram]]. A kind of "[[pörkölt]]" that does not contain [[paprika]] and has less [[sauce]])
- toll (edit)
- # {legal|obsolete}} To take away; to vacate; to annul.
t (2)
edit- tonitruer (edit)
- # {{intransitive|lang=fr}} to [[thunder]], [[crack]] {make a sound like thunder)
- tow (edit)
- * Russian: {{t|ru|буксировать|tr=buksírovat'}} {{qualifier|usually of a vehicle}}}, {{t+|ru|тянуть|tr=tjanút'}}, {{t|ru|тащить|tr=taščít'}
- tracklement (edit)
- Coined in its current sense by the English cookery writer Dorothy Hartley in her book ''Food in England'' in 1954, but probably derived from a similar dialect word with variant spellings e.g. tranklement, tanchiment) used before that date across North and Central England and meaning "ornaments, trinkets; bits of things".
- transaction (edit)
- * Japanese: {{t|ja|処理}} ({{t|ja|しょり}}, {{t|ja|shori|sc=Latn}}
- * Japanese: {{t|ja||取引}} ({{t|ja|とりひき}}, {{t|ja|torihiki|sc=Latn}}
- * Japanese: {{t|ja|取引}} ({{t|ja|とりひき}}, {{t|ja|torihiki|sc=Latn}}
- * Japanese: {{t|ja|取引}} ({{t|ja|とりひき}}, {{t|ja|torihiki|sc=Latn}}
- trinkle (edit)
- [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=eJXWNj6Y7n0C&pg=PA165&dq=%22trinkled%22&hl=en&ei=KbwpTOG7HoKglAejgp3DAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAQ] (the tears trinkled down her cheeks), [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=0AVzqSAUoLUC&pg=PA101&dq=%22trinkled%22&hl=en&ei=KbwpTOG7HoKglAejgp3DAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CDwQ6AEwBg] (the tears trinkled down Trim's cheeks], [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=8mUl8oDXyroC&pg=PA56&dq=%22trinkling%22&hl=en&ei=arwpTIXLFYSclgfdgOWsAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CD8Q6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=%22trinkling%22&f=false] (my own heart's blood came trinkling down)
- tro (edit)
- ::{| class="wikitable"
- trojan (edit)
- #{{astronomy}} Describing a [[satellite]] ([[moon]] or [[minor planet]])) that shares an [[orbit]] with another
- trombose (edit)
- * (thromboseren (verb)
- trouble (edit)
- * {{enPR|trŭb'l}}; {{IPA|[tɹʌbl̩]|/tɹʌbəl/}}; {{SAMPA|["trVbl{{=}}]|/trVb@l/}}
- tyrmäysase (edit)
- {{infl|fi|noun}}}
t (3)
edit- uile (edit)
- From {{proto|Celtic|olyo-|all, whole, every|lang=sga}} (compare Welsh {{term|oll|lang=cy}}, Gaulish {{term|ollon|lang=xtg}} < {{proto|Indo-European|h₃ol-yo-|lang=sga}} (compare Gothic {{term|𐌰𐌻𐌻𐍃||all, whole|tr=alls|sc=Goth|lang=got}}).
- unaccusative (edit)
- #*: We have seen that Unergatives and '''Unaccusatives''' differ in 1) permitting the derivation of an Impersonal Passive, and 2) in licensing purpose clauses, since Unergatives have active subjects, and '''Unaccusatives''' do not.
- unergative (edit)
- #*: We have seen that '''Unergatives''' and Unaccusatives differ in 1) permitting the derivation of an Impersonal Passive, and 2) in licensing purpose clauses, since '''Unergatives''' have active subjects, and Unaccusatives do not.
- uranium (edit)
- [[http://elements.vanderkrogt.net/elem/u.html vanderkrogt.net].
- učenje (edit)
- # [[studying]]], [[learning]] (act or process of)
edit- variabiliteit (edit)
- From {{etyl|fr|nl}} [[variabilité]], from {{etyl|la|nl}} [[variabilitas]], from [[variabilis]] 'variable', itself from [[variare]] 'to vary' (from [[varius]] 'varied, different, spotted') + [[-bilis]] '-able')
- varikkokäynti (edit)
- {{infl|fi|noun}}}}
- veel (edit)
- {{nl-decl-adj-base|head=veel|[[veel]]|[[vele]]|[[veel]]|[[vele]]|[[vele]]|[[veels]]<!--
- vliegende vis (edit)
- {{etyl|gem|nl}} inflection of {{term|vliegend||flying|lang=nl}} (from the present participle of {{term|vliegen||to fly|lang=nl}} + {{term|vis||fish|lang=nl}}
- voetsoldaat (edit)
- From {{term|voet||lang=nl|on foot}} + {{term|soldaat||lang=nl|soldier}}, from {{etyl|fr|nl}} {{term|soldat|lang=fr}}, from {{etyl|it|nl}} {{term|soldado|lang=it}}, literally 'sold-recipient')
- vriezer (edit)
- {{suffix|vriezen|er|lang=nl}}}
- vuliri (edit)
- {{scn-conj-iri|vul|vol|vòl
edit- wan't (edit)
- *: If i would be locked for the night in the 3rd floor of Eiffel Tower, it '''wan't''' be because i was late but because it was a nice plan for the night and I am not alone so I would have a lot of fun :)
- wannabe (edit)
- ''Wannabe'' is a noun formed from a complex verb combination of the phrase, "[[want]] [[to]] [[be]]". ''Wannabe'' can be considered a [[w:conversion (linguistics)|conversion]], [[w:category change (linguistics|category change]], or [[w:functional shift (linguistics)|functional shift]].
- washer-upper (edit)
- #*: ...not just as a tool extends human effort but as innovations substitute for old travails (the dishwasher purportedly releasing the '''washer-upper'''...
- weigh in (edit)
- #*: Having more or less approved [[w:Drexel Burnham Lambert|Drexel [Burnham Lambert]]]'s selection earlier, he [Peter Cohen, CEO of [[w:Shearson Lehman/American Express|Shearson]]] now '''weighed in''' with what seemed a halfhearted endorsement of [Thomas] Strauss's [CEO of [[w:Salomon Brothers|Salomon Brothers]]] stance.
- winge (edit)
- *[http://books.google.com/books?id=6YJjY9qBv9kC&pg=PA215&dq=wingeing-pommy&ei=9ocWSry-DZnCyASk8JyhAw#PPA215,M1 A relevant page]] from ''Understanding cultures through their key words'', Anna Wierzbicka.
- within (edit)
- * Japanese: {{t|ja|の中に|alt=...の中に|tr=...のなかに, ...no naka ni)
- workstrand (edit)
- ... Sustainable Cities, ‘Investing in Child and Youth Development’ (ICYD) '''workstrand''' which began in 2003 and was completed in June 2006}}
- world (edit)
- * Korean: {{t+|ko|세계|tr=segye|sc=Hang}} {{t+|ko|世界}})
- * Vietnamese: {{t|vi|thế giới|xs=Vietnamese}} {{t-|vi|世界|sc=Hani|xs=Vietnamese}})
- wróżka (edit)
- # [[fairy]] (mythical being}
w (2)
edit- yalıçapkını (edit)
- [[Image: Alcedo atthis 1 tb (Marek-S.jpg|thumb|yalıçapkını]]
- yardlong bean (edit)
- * India (Goa}: [[vali]], [[eeril]]
- yirmigen (edit)
- * From Turkish "[[yirmi]]" (''twenty''))
- yizhebakou (edit)
- * [http://www.google.com/search?q=%22%E4%B8%80%E6%8A%98%E5%85%AB%E6%89%A3%22&rls=com.microsoft:en-gb:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GPTB Google hits: "一折八扣"]]
edit- ääri (edit)
- From {{proto|Finnic|ääri|lang=fi}} (compare Estonian {{term|äär|lang=et}}, Karelian {{term|eäreh||away|lang=krl}}, possibly of early {{etyl|bat|fi}} origin, from *eǵe-ro (compare Lithuanian {{term|ežė|lang=li}}).
- ætrian (edit)
- {{ang-verb|type=weak|class=1|head=ǣtrian}} weak)
- éa- (edit)
- From {{etyl|sga|ga}} {{term|en-|lang=sga}}. Related to Old English {{term|un-|lang=ang}} (modern English [[un-]], Latin {{term|in-|lang=la}}, Ancient Greek {{term|ἀ-|lang=grc}} (modern Greek {{term|α-|lang=el}}) and Sanskrit {{term|अ-|lang=sa}}.
- ébouâmes (edit)
- * {{IPA|lang=fr|/e.bwam/}}, {{X-SAMPA|/e.bwam/|lang=fr}}}
- éraflâmes (edit)
- * {{IPA|lang=fr|/e.ʁa.flam/}}, {{X-SAMPA|/e.Ra.flam/|lang=fr}}}
- ígða (edit)
- {{etyl|non|fo}} {{term|igða||a kind of a small bird<ref>{{R:non:Zoega}}</ref> or [[marsh tit]]<ref>{{non-lit-Koebler}}</ref>}}.
- Čad (edit)
- is=Čadom}}
- ħalla (edit)
- {{mt-conj
- šereg (edit)
- #*'''1684''', [[w:Pavao Ritter Vitezović|Pavao Ritter Vitezović]], ''[[s:hr:Odiljenje sigetsko/Dil drugi|
- Odiljenje sigetsko]]'':
edit- Η/Υ (edit)
- # {{computing|lang=el}} [[ηλεκτρονικός υπολογιστής]], [[computer]] ([[electronic]] [[calculator]]}
- Ινδιάνα (edit)
- *[[Ινδή]] (native of [[India]]
- Ινδιάνος (edit)
- *[[Ινδός]] (native of [[India]]
- Κάρντιφ (edit)
- {{el-noun-proper|n|Kárntif
- άλογο (edit)
- * {{l|el|φοράδα|tr=foráda}} {{f}} ([[mare]] (female horse)
- ευρωπαϊκός (edit)
- # [[European]], pertaining to Europe, its people or the European Union)
- καθηγήτρια (edit)
- * {{l|el|διδάσκαλος|tr=didáskalos}} {{m}}, {{l|el|διδασκάλισσα|tr=didaskálissa}} {{f}} ([[teacher]]
- κλάσμα (edit)
- # [[fraction]] ({{arithmetic)
- κρύσταλλο (edit)
- * {{l|el|κρυστάλλινος|tr=krystállinos}} ([[crystal]], [[cut-glass)
- * {{l|el|κρυσταλλώνω|tr=krystallóno}} } ([[crystallise]])
Greek (2)
edit- λακωνικός (edit)
- From {{etyl|grc|el}} {{term|λακωνικός||Laconian|tr=lakōnikos)|lang=grc|sc=polytonic}}.
- μυς (edit)
- * {{l|el|ποντικός|tr=pontikós}} {{m}} ([[mouse]] (rodent)
- * {{l|el|ποντίκι|tr=pontíki}} {{m}} ([[mouse]] (rodent)
- νωδός (edit)
- From {{proto|Indo-European|n̥h₃dos|lang=grc}} from {{proto|Indo-European|n̥-|not|lang=}} (whence {{term|νη-||not|tr=nē-|lang=grc|sc=polytonic}} + {{proto|Indo-European|h₃dónts|lang=}} (whence {{term|ὀδούς||tooth|tr=odous|lang=grc|sc=polytonic}})
- οἰκουμένη (edit)
- # the [[Greek]] world (as opposed to the lands of the [[barbarian]]s
- πεύκο (edit)
- * {{l|el|πευκόξυλο|tr=pefkóxylo}} {{n}} ([[pine]] (wood/timber)])
- πολιτεία (edit)
- #: ''Θρόνιο - Μία πολιτεία χαμένη στους αιώνες'' ([http://www.aganet.gr/360virtualtourwebcams/thronio-local-history.html]
- ποντίκι (edit)
- * {{l|el|ποντικός|tr=pontikós}} {{m}} ([[mouse]] (rodent)
- ποντικός (edit)
- * {{l|el|ποντίκι|tr=pontíκι}} {{n}} ([[mouse]] (rodent)
- πουλάρι (edit)
- * {{l|el|φοράδα|tr=foráda}} {{f}} ([[mare]] (female horse)
- πούλμαν (edit)
- # {{transport|lang=el}} [[coach]], (single decked) [[bus]])
Greek (3)
edit- στερέωμα (edit)
- # [[sky]])
- τροχός (edit)
- From {{proto|Indo-European|dʰrogʰos|lang=grc}} from {{proto|Indo-European|dʰregʰ-|lang=}} (whence {{term|τρέχω||I run|tr=trekhō|lang=grc|sc=polytonic}}. Cognates include Old Irish {{term|droch|lang=sga}}, and Armenian {{term|դուրգն||potter's wheel|tr=durgn|lang=hy|sc=Armn}}.
- υγιής (edit)
- # [[healthy]], [[sane]], [[sound]], [[well]
- χαμαί (edit)
- From {{proto|Indo-European|ǵʰm̥mai|lang=grc}} a case form (perhaps dative?) of {{proto|Indo-European|dʰéǵʰōm|lang=}} (whence also {{term|χθών||earth|tr=khthōn|lang=grc|sc=polytonic}}. Cognates include Latin {{term|humi|humī|lang=la}}. Also compare {{term|πάλαι|tr=palai|lang=grc|sc=polytonic}} and {{term|παραί|tr=parai|lang=grc|sc=polytonic}}.
edit- Георгий (edit)
- '''Георгий''' < Greek {{term|sc=polytonic|Γεω´ργιος|tr=Iōánnēs|lang=grc}} "[[farmer]], [[earth]]-[[worker]]").
- Молдавија (edit)
- is=Молдавијом}}
- Перзија (edit)
- is=Перзијом}}
- Чад (edit)
- is=Чадом}}
- абдикацията (edit)
- # {{bg-noun form of|singular|definite|noun=абдикация}}}
- абсолвент (edit)
- * {{IPA|/ˌapsoɫˈvɛnt̪/|lang=bg}}}
- автомобилчетата (edit)
- {{infl|bg|noun form|sc=Cyrl|head=автомобилчетата|tr=avtomobilčetata}}]
- бивати (edit)
- # {{intransitive}} to [[be]] from time to time]], [[happen]], [[occur]] sometimes
- блуе (edit)
- {{mk-verb-pf|ќе изблујам|ќе изблуеш|ќе изблуе
Cyrillic (2)
edit- венгерский язык (edit)
- |венге́рским язы́ком]]
- |о венге́рском язы́ке]
- воссоединить (edit)
- {{infl|ru|verb|tr=vossojedinít'}} {{pf}} (''see'' '''[[воссоединять]]''' {{impf}}
- гризе (edit)
- {{mk-verb-pf|ќе гризнам|ќе гризнеш|ќе гризне
- дрейфить (edit)
- {{infl|ru|verb|tr=dr'éjfit'}} {{impf}}, [[сдрейфить]] (sdr'éjfit') {pf}}
- дружина (edit)
- # [[troupe]], [[band]] (of artists
- дува (edit)
- {{mk-verb-pf|ќе дувнам|ќе дувнеш|ќе дувне
- душ (edit)
- #*: <small>Кочерга І., ''Твори'' том.II, 1956, 273)</small>
- ебе (edit)
- {{mk-verb-pf|ќе изебам|ќе изебеш|ќе изебе
- жопа (edit)
- #: {{Cyrl|[[не#Russian|Не]] [[быть|будь]] жо́пой, [[помогать|помоги́]] [[делать|сде́лать]] [[домашнее задание|дома́шнее
- зада́ние]]!}} — ''Don’t be an asshole, help me do my homework!''
- запах (edit)
- *{{Cyrl|[[дух]]}}, {{Cyrl|[[амбре]]}
Cyrillic (3)
edit- коричневый (edit)
- *{{Cyrl|[[коричневеть]]}
- кулиса (edit)
- # ''theatral, plural'' [[wings]], [[side scenes]], [[slips, ]]coulisses]]
- кімната (edit)
- # [[room]] (division in a building {{jump|t|part of a building|s)
- марити (edit)
- # {{intransitive}}} to [[care]], be [[concerned]]
- надокнадити (edit)
- # {{transitive}} to [[compensate]] (make up for
- надокнађивати (edit)
- # {{transitive}} to [[compensate]] (make up for
- обустава (edit)
- # [[cessation]], [[stoppage]], [[suspension]] (of an activity,
- оди (edit)
- {{mk-verb-pf|ќе отидам|ќе отидеш|ќе отиде
- остаться (edit)
- >{{ru-verb-1-pf|оста́ться
- ојачавати (edit)
- # {{ambitransitive|reflexive}} to [[strengthen]] (to make strong or stronger, grow strong or stronger}}
Cyrillic (5)
edit- хаварија (edit)
- # [[accident]], [[crash]], [[wreck]] (esp. [[shipwreck]], [[emergency]], [[average]] (i.e. situation caused by damage, breakdown or failure)
- цица (edit)
- {{mk-verb-pf|ќе исцицам|ќе исцицаш|ќе исцица
- јаде (edit)
- {{mk-verb-pf|ќе изедам|ќе изедеш|ќе изеде
edit- գոճի (edit)
- *{{a|hy-E}} {{IPA|[gotʃˈi]]|lang=hy}}
- երթամ (edit)
- #:{{hy-example|յերդումն երթալ|to swear, to take oath}}}}
- թանձր (edit)
- {{xcl-decl-noun|type=<small>irregular ''u''-type/''o''-type</small>|թանձր|tʿanjr|[[թանձունք]], [[թանձրունք]]*, [[թանձրոյք]],|tʿanjunkʿ, tʿanjrunkʿ, tʿanjroykʿ|
- 13d=զթանձր|14d=ztʿanjr|15d=զ{{gray link|թանձունս}}|16d=ztʿanjuns}}
- թիւ (edit)
- #:{{Armn|անցուցանել ընդ թիւ, ի թիւ}/ընդ թիւ արկանել, թիւ համարոյ առնել, ունել զթիւ համարոյ}} — ''to number, to count, to calculate; to range, to set in order''
- ինչ (edit)
- {{xcl-decl-pron-unc|ինչ|inčʿ|||||[[զինչ]]|zinčʿ|||||յինչ|yinčʿ|
- note=the rest of the declension is filled by {{term|իմն|lang=xcl}} and {{term|իք|lang=xcl}}}}
- իք (edit)
- {{xcl-decl-pron-unc|իք|ikʿ|[[իրիք]]|irikʿ|[[իմիք]]|imikʿ|||յ[[իմեքէ]]|yimekʿē|[[իւիք]]|iwikʿ|յ[[իմիք]]|yimikʿ|
- note=the nominative/accusative was not used in the classical era<br> there is also an unusual declension {{term|իմիքի|lang=xcl}} attested once}}
- կապել (edit)
- # {{figuratively|lang=hy}} to [[marry]շ
- ունայնութիւն (edit)
- * {{R:xcl:Bedr}}]]
- ոք (edit)
- {{xcl-decl-pron-unc|ոք|okʿ|[[ուրուք]]|urukʿ|[[ումեք]]|umekʿ|զոք|zokʿ|յ[[ումեքէ]]|yumekʿē|||յ[[ումեք]]|yumekʿ|
- note=forms like {{term|ումեքիւ|lang=xcl}} and {{term|ոքք|lang=xcl}} are attested post-classically<br>the instrumental and plurals are filled in by forms of {{term|ոմն|lang=xcl}}}}
edit- אחריות (edit)
- From {{term||אחרי|responsible (for)|sc=Hebr|tr=akharái)}} + {{term|־ות|־וּת|-ity|sc=Hebr|tr=-út}}.
- נכה (edit)
- Piel construction of the root [[נ-כ-ה]
- עולה (edit)
- #* '''2010''' January 24, {{term||דנה ויילר-פולק|Dana Weiler-Polak|lang=he}}, “{{Hebr|אחרי שלוש שנים בארץ נאמר ל'''עולה''': אינך יהודי|lang=he}}” (''akharéi shalósh shaním ba'árets ne'emár l''''olé''': einkhá y'hudí'', “After Three Years in Israel, '''Immigrant''' Told: You Are Not Jewish”, in [[w:Haaretz|Haaretz]] online.
- פסח (edit)
- {{he-noun|tr=pésach|cons=פסח|pl=פסחים|g=m|wv=פֶּסַח|conswv=פֶּסַח|plwv=פְּסָחִים|plconswv=פִּסְחֵי|plcons=פסחי|
edit- ب (edit)
- {{aeb-prep-inflection
- بص (edit)
- {{arz-conj-fa33-yifu33
- بلغ (edit)
- pphead=مَبْلُوغ}}
- جمرك (edit)
- {{ar-noun|head=جُمْرُك|g=m|sc=Arab|tr=júmruk}}, (plural {{l|ar|جمارك|جَمَارِك|sc=Arab}}), jamaarik)
- حب (edit)
- {{arz-conj-fa33-yifi33
- خور (edit)
- {{infl|ps|noun|g=f|tr=xor|sc=ps-Arab
- سانپ (edit)
- [[File:Indiancobra.jpg|thumb|{{ur-Arab|سانپ]]
- سرپ (edit)
- [[File:Forsten's Cat Snake At Yala.jpg|thumb|{{Deva|सर्प]]
- ط و ع (edit)
- * {{ar-verb|II|طَو{{ar-dia|sha}}عَ|Tawwa3a|طوع}
Arabic (2)
edit- عزل (edit)
- # {{context|Islamic}} [[withdrawal]] (''[[coitus interruptus]]'') during intercourse characterized by withdrawal of the penis before ejaculation).
- فتح (edit)
- {{arz-conj-fa3al-yif3al
- في (edit)
- {{aeb-prep-inflection
- كبد (edit)
- From the root {{ar-root-entry|ك|ب|د}}}.
- كتب (edit)
- pphead=مَكْتُوبْ}}
- {{arz-conj-fa3al-yif3il
- مع (edit)
- {{aeb-prep-inflection
- ہونا (edit)
- {{ur-conj-1
- {{ur-conj-1
edit- ܐܒܕܢܐ (edit)
- {{arc-decl-noun-unc
- ܐܒܢܐ (edit)
- {{arc-decl-noun-unc
- ܚܘܒܐ (edit)
- {{arc-decl-noun-unc
- ܣܒܪܐ (edit)
- {{arc-decl-noun-unc
- {{arc-decl-noun-unc
edit- अभि (edit)
- # with accusative) [[to]], [[towards]], in the direction of, [[against]]
- औपरिष्टक (edit)
- * Burton, R. (1883) (translation. ''The Kama Sutra, Aphorisms on Love by Vatsyayana''.
- काल (edit)
- # [[time]] (as destroying all things), [[death]], time of death (often personified and represented with the attributes of [[Yama]], regent of the dead, or even identified with him: hence
- तनू (edit)
- {{sa-decl-noun-ū|त|न|ta|n|
- acp=तन्वः (tanvaḥ), तनूः (tanūḥ)}}
- तर्क (edit)
- * {{l|sa|sc=Deva|अतर्क}} (a-tarka
- त्रि (edit)
- lp={{Deva|त्रिषु}} (triṣu)}}
- lp={{Deva|तिसृषु}} (tisṛṣu)}}
- lp={{Deva|त्रिषु}} (triṣu)}}
- नवन् (edit)
- lp={{Deva|नवसु}} (navásu, navasú)}}
- पद् (edit)
- lp={{Deva|पत्सु}} (patsu)}}
- मृदु (edit)
- # [[slow]] ([[gait]]) {{sa-a|MBh}}, {{sa-a|Kāv}} etc.)
Devanagari (2)
edit- यद् (edit)
- {{sa-decl-pronoun
- रजस् (edit)
- # "coloured or dim space", the [[sphere]] of [[vapour]] or [[mist]], region of clouds, [[atmosphere]], [[air]], [[firmament]] (in [[Veda]] one of the divisions of the world and distinguished from {{term|sc=Deva|दिव्|tr=div|lang=sa}} or {{term|sc=Deva|स्वर्|tr=svar|lang=sa}}, "the sphere of light" , and ''rocanā divaḥ'', "the ethereal spaces", which are beyond the ''rajas'', as ether is beyond the air; often ''rajas'', = "the whole expanse of heaven or sky" , divided into a lower and upper stratum, the ''rajas uparam'' or {{term|sc=Deva|पार्थिवम्|tr=pārthivam|lang=sa}} and the ''rajas uttamam'' or {{term|sc=Deva|परमम्|tr=paramam|lang=sa}} or {{term|sc=Deva|दिव्यम्|tr=divyam|lang=sa}}
- राजि (edit)
- # name of a son of āyu ({{sa-a|MBh}}) (B. {{term|sc=Deva|रजि|tr=raji|lang=sa}} ({{sa-a|L}})
- लक्ष्मी (edit)
- {{sa-decl-noun-ī|लक्ष्|म|lakṣ|m|n=t|width=70|
- acp=लक्ष्मीः (lakṣmīḥ), लक्ष्म्यः (lakṣmyaḥ)}}
- विमान (edit)
- # a [[car]] or [[chariot]] of the gods, any mythical self-moving aerial car (sometimes serving as a seat or throne, sometimes self-moving and carrying its occupant through the air; other descriptions make the ''vimāna'' more like a house or palace, and one kind is said to be 7 stories high; that of {{term|sc=Deva|रावण|tr=rāvaṇa|lang=sa}} was called {{term|sc=Deva|पुष्पक|tr=puṣpaka|lang=sa}}; the {{term|sc=Deva|नौविमान|tr=nau-vi-māna|lang=sa}} [Ragh. XVO, 68] is thought to resemble a ship) ({{sa-a|MBh}}, ({{sa-a|Kāv}} etc.)
- शिव (edit)
- # name of a [[Purana]] (= {{term|sc=Deva|शिवपुराण|tr=śiva-purāṇa|lang=sa}} or {{term|sc=Deva|शैव|tr=śaiva|lang=sa}}
- श्रम (edit)
- # [[exertion]], [[labour]], [[toil]], [[exercise]], [[effort]] either bodily or mental, [[hard work]] of any kind (as in performing acts of bodily mortification, religious exercises and austerity, pains or trouble bestowed on (locative or compound) ({{sa-a|AV}} etc.)
- सप्तन् (edit)
- lp={{Deva|सप्तसु}} (saptásu)}}
Greek Ext
edit- ἀπών (edit)
- {{grc-adecl-blank-full|title=[[Appendix:Ancient Greek first declension|First]] and [[Appendix:Ancient Greek third declension|third]] declension of [[ἀπών]], [[ἀποῦσα]], [[ἀπόν]]
- ἐγώ (edit)
- |style="background:#F5F5F5;"| <big>[[ἡμῖν]], [[ἄμμι]][[άμμιν|(ν}]]
- ἐνενήκοντα (edit)
- From {{proto|Indo-European|h₁néwn̥̄ḱomt|lang=grc}}, from earlier {{proto|Indo-European|h₁néwn-dḱomt|nine-ten|lang=|title=}} from {{proto|Indo-European|h₁néwn̥|lang=|title=}} (whence also {{term|ἐννέα||nine|tr=ennea|lang=grc|sc=polytonic}}) + {{proto|Indo-European|déḱm̥t|lang=|title=}} (whence also {{term|δέκα||ten|tr=deka|lang=grc|sc=polytonic}}. Cognate with Latin {{term|nonaginta|nōnāgintā|lang=la}} and Old Armenian {{term|իննսուն|tr=innsun|lang=xcl}}.
- ἵ (edit)
- # {{context|anaphoric|reflexive}} [[she]] (nominative of {{term|οὗ|tr=hou|lang=grc|sc=polytonic}}
- ὤν (edit)
- {{grc-adecl-blank-full|title=[[Appendix:Ancient Greek first declension|First]] and [[Appendix:Ancient Greek third declension|third]] declension of [[ὤν]], [[οὖσα]], [[ὄν]]
edit- かって (edit)
- # {{context|alternative spelling; [[嘗て]] and [[曾て]] ([[かつて]], [[katsute]]}} {{ja-def|曾て}} [[once]], [[before]], [[former]]; {{context|with a negative verb}} [[never]]
- はし (edit)
- * {{sense|端]}} Common Accent: {{ja-accent-common|heiban|は|し|hàshí}}
- ゆかた (edit)
- {{ja-noun|h|rom=yukata}}}
edit- 㖭 (edit)
- # same as 舔) to lick; to taste
- 㝵 (edit)
- # An ancient form of U+5F97 [[得]]) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 [[礙]]) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint
- 七宝美髯颗粒 (edit)
- |补骨脂 (黑芝麻炒
- 乌梢蛇 (edit)
- {{cmn-noun|s|pin=wūshāoshé|pint=wu1shao1she2 |tra=[[烏梢蛇]]|sim=乌梢蛇
- 二手 (edit)
- * [[中古]] (zhōnggǔ) (Taiwanese Mandarin, borrowed from Japanese 中古 (ちゅうこ, chūko).
- 仹 (edit)
- # {{archaic}} name of a fairy (仙人)
- 切除 (edit)
- {{compound
- 化症回生片 (edit)
- |Fructus Evodiae (stir-baked with the decoction of Radix Glycyrrhizae
- 区 (edit)
- {{Han char|rn=23|rad=匸|as=02|sn=4|four=|canj=尸大 (SK)|ids=⿷[[匚]][[㐅]] or ⿷匸乂
Han (2)
edit- 四季青 (edit)
- # leaf of the Chinese holly (An herb used in [[traditional Chinese medicine]] to "clear heat and toxics".
- 土茯苓 (edit)
- # wild tuckahoe. (An herb used in [[traditional Chinese medicine]] to "clear heat and toxics".
- 地锦草 (edit)
- # wolf grass (An herb used in [[traditional Chinese medicine]] to "clear heat and toxics".
- 女眞 (edit)
- # [[Jurchen]], [[Jurchens]] (a [[Tungusic]] people who inhabited the region of [[Manchuria]] until the 17th century, when they adopted the name [[Manchu]]
- 婺剧 (edit)
- # [[Wuju]], a form of Chinese opera from [[Jinhua]], in the eastern province of [[Zhejiang]], China (also performed in northeastern [[Jiangxi]] province
- 對 (edit)
- {{Han char|rn=41|rad=寸|as=11|sn=14|four=3410<sub>0</sub>|canj=廿土木戈 (TGDI)|ids=⿰⿱业⺷寸
- 小坂 (edit)
- wo saka > wozaka > ozaka. Compound of {{term|小|wo|little}} and {{term|坂|saka|hill}}. The medial /s/ voices to /z/ due to [[w:Rendaku|}}. The geographical area was later renamed to {{term|大阪|Ōsaka / Ōzaka|great hill}}.
- 小美人魚 (edit)
- {{zh-forms|[[小]][[美]][[人魚]]|[[小美人鱼]]
- 山慈菇 (edit)
- # bulb of the pleione (An herb used in [[traditional Chinese medicine]] to "clear heat and toxics".
- 巧克力豆 (edit)
- * [[巧克力]] ([[transliteration]] of English ''[[chocolate]]'' + [[豆]] ("bean")
Han (3)
edit- 帳 (edit)
- {{Han char|rn=50|rad=巾|as=08|sn=11|four=4123<sub>2</sub>|canj=中月尸一女 (LBSMV)|ids=⿰[[巾]][[長]]
- 搬家 (edit)
- #: [[她]][[上]][[个]][[星期]][[还]][[搬家]][[来着]],[[怎么]][[会]][[在]][[旅游]][[呢]]? (''[[Simplified Chinese|simp.]]''
- 方剂学 (edit)
- * Tabellae Acanthopanacis Senticosi (Ciwujia Pian) ([[刺五加片]])
- * Tabellae Belladonnae (Dianqie Pian) ([[颠茄片]])
- * Tabellae Clinopodii (Duanxueliu Pian) ([[ 断血流片]])
- 梨果仙人掌 (edit)
- # ''[[Opuntia ficus-indica]]'' (a species of prickly pear cactus]]
- 毛唐人 (edit)
- | id = ISBN 4-0006-0050- }}8
- 海金沙 (edit)
- # spores of Lygodium japonicum (a medicinal substance used in [[traditional Chinese medicine]] to "induce diuresis and excrete dampness".
- 海金砂 (edit)
- # spores of Lygodium japonicum (a medicinal substance used in [[traditional Chinese medicine]] to "induce diuresis and excrete dampness".
- 清热药 (edit)
- * [[绿豆衣]], ''skin of the mung bean]]''
- 演 (edit)
- * [[演練]] (([[演练]])
- 烏梢蛇 (edit)
- {{cmn-noun|t|pin=wūshāoshé|pint=wu1shao1she2 |tra=[[烏梢蛇]]|sim=乌梢蛇
Han (4)
edit- 無法無天 (edit)
- Literally: no (respect for) law<ref>[[法]] is short for [[法紀]] (law)</ref> and no (respect for) heaven(ly justice<ref>[[天]] is short for [[天理]] (heavenly justice)</ref>)
- 猪苓 (edit)
- # ''[[w:Polyporus|Polyporus]] umbellatus'' ( a medicinal [[mushroom]] used in [[traditional Chinese medicine]] to treat boils and tumors, and to "induce diuresis and excrete dampness".
- 男人 (edit)
- #*: ''A Beautiful Daughter-in-Law Era'' ([http://ent.sina.com.cn/f/v/xfdmhsd/ 媳妇的美好时代]]), 2009
- 発電 (edit)
- * [[発電所]] ([[はつでんしょ]]], [[hatuden-sho]]): [[electric]] power plant
- 聞く (edit)
- #: [[道]]に[[迷う|迷った]]彼は]]、私に'''聞いた'''。
- 草乌头 (edit)
- # root of the [[w:Aconitum|aconitum kusnezoffii
- ]]. (An [[herb]] used in [[traditional Chinese medicine]] as a heart stimulant.)
- 草履 (edit)
- #:草(ジャウ)履 ザウリ
- 蓬莱宫 (edit)
- # {{archaic|lang=zh-cn|skey=peng2lai2gong1}} Penglai Palace (a nickname for Daming Palace of the [[w:Tang Dynasty|Tang Dynasty]]
- 豬苓 (edit)
- # ''[[w:Polyporus|Polyporus]] umbellatus'' (a medicinal [[mushroom]] used in [[traditional Chinese medicine]] to treat boils and tumors, and to "induce diuresis and excrete dampness".
- 走人 (edit)
- {{cmn-verb|ts|pin=zǒurén|pint=zou3ren2|rs=走00}}}
Han (5)
edit- 超常 (edit)
- #: [[這]][[個]][[實驗]][[出現]][[了]][[不]][[可]][[解釋]][[的]][[超常]]][[現象]]。 (''[[Traditional Chinese|trad.]]'')
- #: [[这]][[个]][[实验]][[出现]][[了]][[不]][[可]][[解释]][[的]][[超常]]][[现象]]。 (''[[Simplified Chinese|simp.]]'')
- 金麦 (edit)
- # rhizome of the wild buckwheat (An herb used in [[traditional Chinese medicine]] to "clear heat and toxics".
- 霛 (edit)
- {{Han char|rn=173|rad=雨|as=09|sn=17|four=|canj=一月弓弓弓 (MBNNN)|ids=⿱[[⻗]]⿲[[弓]]弓弓
- 風 (edit)
- * Ancient Chinese thought insects appear with wind. (insects refer to any kind of animal, such as tigers([[大蟲]])
- 香砂养胃丸 (edit)
- |Rhizoma Cyperi (processed with vinegar