Appendix:False friends between Indonesian and Standard Malay (A-D)

This is a list of Indonesian-Malay false friends, that is, word pairs similar in appearance but different in meaning. Diacritics are shown for clarity in this table (while they are not usually written). Translations may be approximated; see linked entries for details.

Indonesian Standard Malay Translation,
Indonesian only
Standard Malay only
acara acara program, agenda; court examination event -
ahli ahli expert member Both senses (member and expert) are listed in Indonesian dictionary, however the member sense is obsolete (fossilized in several compounds).
akar umbi akar umbi tuberous root - grass roots
akta akta act (written legal document) - act (of parliament)
alam alam universe nature, realm, world kingdom (taxonomic rank)
ampaian ampaian - clothesline suspension (chemistry, physics)
angkasawan angkasawan radio broadcaster astronaut, cosmonaut -
awak awak I (Sumatran East Coast), crew (transportation) - you (casual)
ayat ayat entry ayat sentence
baja baja steel - fertilizer
bajak bajak pirate plough -
baki baki tray - balance, residue
ban ban tyre; tape - bun (small bread roll)
banci banci transvestite - census
bandar bandar coastal town; bookmaker, bookie; dealer; watercourse, ditch port, harbour city
bangun bangun to build wake up (from sleep) to develop
bangsa bangsa nation race; ethnicity
banting banting slam (verb) - banteng
bapa bapa Father (Christianity) - father
bas bas bass (music), boss - bus (transportation)
batuk kêring batuk kering dry cough - tuberculosis
bêlanja belanja to shop to spend to treat
bêndahara bendahara treasurer (male or neutral), prime minister (obsolete) vizier
bêndahari bendahari female treasurer - treasurer
bénténg bénténg fort; rook (chess piece) embankment
bêrbagi berbagi to share - to give
bêrcinta bercinta to make love, to have sexual intercourse to love in love
bêrèdar berédar to oscillate (of planet); to distribute to leave
berjaya berjaya successful, victorious succeed, succeeded
berlaku berlaku apply happen, occur
bêrupaya berupaya to make an effort, to do the best capable
bêtung betung - giant bamboo sewer (pipe); a kind of frog; blackfin scad
biara biara non-Buddhist monastery, eg. Christian monastery Buddhist monastery Buddhist monastery in Indonesian is wihara, a Javanese cognate.
bicara bicara to speak, to say, to talk to try (put on trial); to discuss
biji biji testicle (offensive) seed
bila bila if, when (conjunction) when (interrogative)
bilik bilik booth (an enclosure), chamber room* The sense of room is dated in Indonesian.
bilik persalinan bilik persalinan delivery room dressing room
bina bina to develop to build
bisa bisa venom can, able
boga boga food - favourite
bola sepak bola sepak football (the ball) - football, soccer (the sport)
bon bon receipt; union, association - bond, debenture
bual bual to tell a lie to chat, to converse
budak budak slave kid
bulu tangkis bulu tangkis badminton shuttlecock
bunga api bunga api spark firework
buntut buntut tail buttock
butuh butuh need male genital The male genital sense in Indonesian is dialectal.
cadangan cadangan spare - suggestion; proposal; opinion
capaian capaian achievement - access
catatan catatan - note, record, remark; warning entry
cêroboh ceroboh indecent, improper; rude; careless, negligent; sloppy, untidy trespass
comèl comél grumbler, grouser cute; pretty (dialectal)
cukai cukai excise tax
daripada daripada than (comparison) from (all senses) (clarification of this definition is needed)
darurat darurat emergency state of emergency
daya daya power (physics) force (physics)
daur daur rotation, cycle, turn period
débit débit discharge (hydrology), flowrate debit (accounting) -
dêkat dekat near at, in, on
dêtik detik second jiffy
disénteri disénteri to be shined by flashlight dysentery
doktor doktor doctor (person who has doctorate) doctor (medical doctor)
duduk duduk to sit to reside (informal) The sense of "to reside" is dated in Indonesian and can be found in the derivation such as penduduk (resident).
dukung dukung to support to carry in the arms
dorong dorong to push; to boost to propel to encourage, to motivate
dramatis dramatis dramatic - dramatist