User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fa-v

vacation {n} (holiday, period of leisure time) :: تعطیل /ta'til/, تعطیلات {p} /ta'tilât/
vaccination {n} (inoculation with a vaccine) :: مایه کوبی /mâye-kubi/, واکسیناسیون /vâksinâsiyon/
vaccine {n} (substance meant to stimulate production of antibodies) :: واکسن /vâksin/
vacuum {n} (vacuum cleaner) SEE: vacuum cleaner ::
vacuum cleaner {n} (machine for cleaning) :: جارو برقی /jâru bârqi/
vacuum flask {n} (a bottle, flask or similar vessel having a vacuum between its inner and outer silvered walls) SEE: thermos ::
vagabond {n} (a bum, a hobo, a tramp, a homeless person) :: ولگرد /velgard/
vagary {n} (An erratic, unpredictable occurrence or action) :: بلهوسی /bolhavasi/, دمدمی‌مزاجی /damdami-mezâji/
vagary {n} (An impulsive or illogical desire; a caprice) :: هوس /havas/
vagina {n} (anatomical sense) :: واژن /vâžan/, مهبل /mahbal/
vagina {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
vaginal sex {n} (vaginal sex) :: کس کردن /kos kardan/, کس دادن /kos dadan/ [vulgar]
vagrant {n} (person without a home or job) :: خانه‌به‌دوش /xâne-be-duš/
vague {adj} (not clearly expressed) :: مبهم /mobham/
vaguery {n} (vagaries) SEE: vagary ::
Vahagn {prop} (Ancient Armenian god) :: واهاگن /vâhâgen/
Vahagn {prop} (male given name) :: واهاگن /vâhâgen/
vain {adj} (overly proud of one's appearance) :: ایفده /ifode/
Valentine's Day {prop} (Saint Valentine's Day) SEE: Saint Valentine's Day ::
valerian {n} (Valeriana officinalis) :: سنبل طیب /sonbol-e-tīb/, علف گربه /alaf-e-gorbe/
valerian {n} (valerian root) :: ذوله /zūle/, زوله /zūle/
Valerian {prop} (a Roman cognomen) :: والریان /vâleriyân/, والریانوس /vâleriyânus/
Valerian {prop} (given name) :: والریان /vâleriyân/
Valhalla {prop} (in Norse mythology, the home of warriors slain gloriously in battle) :: والهالا /vâlhâlâ/
valiant {adj} (showing courage or determination) :: دلیر /delir/, هرو /horv/
validity {n} (the state of being valid, authentic or genuine) :: اعتبار /e'tebâr/
valise {n} (a piece of hand luggage such as a suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
valkyrie {n} (any of the female attendants, or handmaidens of Odin) :: والکیری
Valletta {prop} (capital of Malta) :: والتا /vâletâ/
valley {n} (elongated depression between hills or mountains) :: دره /darre/, وادی /vâdi/
valor {n} (value, worth) SEE: value ::
valour {n} (value) SEE: value ::
valuable {adj} (having a great value) :: قیمتی /qeymati/
value {n} (quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable) :: ارزش /arzeš/, بها /bahâ/, اخش /axš/, قیمت /qeymat/
value {n} (degree of importance given to something) :: ارزش /arzeš/
value {n} (amount (of money, goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else) :: ارزش /arzeš/, بها /bahâ/
value {n} (numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed) :: مقدار /meqdâr/
value {n} (ideal accepted by some individual or group) :: ارزش /arzeš/
value {n} :: ارزش
value {v} (to estimate the value of) :: ارزشگذاری /arzešgozâri/
value {v} (to hold dear) :: ارج نهادن /arj nahâdan/
value added tax {n} (tax levied on added value of an exchange) :: مالیات بر ارزش افزوده
vampire {n} (mythological creature) :: خون‌آشام
vampirism {n} (extortion) SEE: extortion ::
van {n} (a covered vehicle) :: ون /van/
Vancouver {prop} (city) :: ونکوور /vankuver/
vandal {n} (person who destroys or damages property) :: خرابکار /xarâbkâr/, مغول /moğol/
Van Gogh {prop} (van Gogh) :: ونگوگ /vangôg/, ونسان ونگوگ /vansân vangôg/
vanguard {n} (leading units of an army) :: یزک /yazak/, طلایه /talāye/, پیشگام /pišgām/
vanguard {n} (forefront of any group or movement) :: پیشگام /pišgām/
vanity {n} (excessive pride) :: غرور /ḡorūr/
vantage point {n} (point of view) SEE: point of view ::
vapid {adj} (tasteless, bland, or insipid) :: لیوه /live/
vapor {n} (the gaseous state of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid) :: بخار /boxâr/
vapour {n} (vapor) SEE: vapor ::
vapour {n} (steam) SEE: steam ::
Varanasi {prop} (city in India) :: بنارس /banâras/, وارانسی /vârânasi/
varenye {n} (kind of sweet fruit preserve) :: مربا /morrabâ/
variable {adj} (able to vary) :: متغیر /moteğayyer/
variable {adj} (mathematics: having no fixed quantitative value) :: متغیر /moteğayyer/
variable {n} (mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values) :: متغیر /moteğayyer/
variable {n} (mathematics: a symbol representing a variable) :: متغیر /moteğayyer/
variable {n} (computing: a named mutable piece of storage) :: متغیر /moteğayyer/
variable {n} (astronomy: a variable star) SEE: variable star ::
variable star {n} (star whose brightness varies) :: ستاره متغیر
variant {adj} (variable) SEE: variable ::
varicocele {n} (varicose veins in the area of the scrotum) :: واریکوسل /vârikosel/
variety {n} (variation of something) :: اختلاف /extelâf/
varnish {n} (transparent paint) :: ورنی /verni/
varsity {n} (university) SEE: university ::
Varuzhan {prop} (transliteration of Armenian name) :: واروژان /vâružân/
vase {n} (container used mainly for displaying flowers) :: گلدان /goldân/
vat {n} (a large tub, such as is used for making wine or for tanning) :: خم /xom/, خمبه /xombe/, خمره /xomre/
Vatican {prop} (state) :: واتیکان /vâtikân/
Vatican City {prop} (State of the Vatican City) :: واتیکان /vâtikân/
Vaticanian {adj} (Vatican) SEE: Vatican ::
vault {n} (arched masonry structure) :: کمرا /kamrâ/, گمبذ /gombaz/
vault {n} (crypt) SEE: crypt ::
vaunt {v} (speak boastfully) SEE: boast ::
vav {n} (Hebrew letter) :: واو /vâv/
vector {n} (directed quantity) :: بردار
veer {n} (turning) :: ویراژ /virâž/
veer {v} (transitive: to turn) :: ویراژ دادن /virâž dâdan/, تغییر جهت دادن /tağyir jahat dâdan/
Vega {prop} (the brightest star in the constellation Lyra) :: ونند /vanand/, کرکس نشسته /karkas-e-nešaste/
vegetable {n} (any plant) :: سبزی /sabzi/
vegetable {n} (a plant raised for some edible part of it) :: سبزی /sabzi/
vegetable {n} (edible part of such a plant) :: سبزینه
vegetable garden {n} (vegetable garden) :: باغچه /bâğče/
vegetarian {n} (person who does not eat any animal flesh) :: گیاهخوار /giyâhxâr/, وژتارین /vežetâryan/
vegetarianism {n} (practice of following a vegetarian diet) :: گیاه‌خواری /giyâh-xâri/
vehicle {n} (conveyance) :: وسیلهٔ نقلیه /vasile-ye naqleye/
vein {n} (blood vessel transporting blood towards the heart) :: سیاهرگ /siyâhrag/, ورید /varid/
vein {n} (stripe or streak in stone or other material) :: رگه /rage/
Vela {prop} (constellation) :: بادبان /bâdbân/
velvet {n} (fabric) :: مخمل /maxmal/
vendetta {n} (bitter, destructive feud in which each injury is revenged) :: دشمنی خونی /došmani-e xuni/, کین‌خواهی /kin-xâhi/
Vendémiaire {prop} (the first month of the French Republican Calendar) :: واندمیر /vândemiyer/
vendor {n} (a person or a company that vends or sells) :: فروشنده /forušande/
veneer {n} (thin covering of fine wood) :: روکش روکش چوبی
Venezuela {prop} (country) :: ونزوئلا /venezuelâ/
vengeance {n} (revenge taken for an insult, injury, or other wrong) :: انتقام /enteqâm/
Venice {prop} (city and province in Italy) :: ونیز /veniz/
Ventimiglia {prop} (city in Italy) :: ونتیمیگلیا
ventricle {n} (one of two lower chambers of the heart) :: بطن /batn/
Ventôse {prop} (the sixth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: وانتز /vântoz/
venturi {n} (throat of a carburetor) SEE: throat ::
Venus {prop} (planet) :: ناهید /nâhid/, زهره /zohre/, بیدخت /beydoxt/
Venus {prop} (goddess) :: ونوس /venus/
veranda {n} (roofed open gallery) :: برآمده /bar-âmde/
verb {n} ((grammar) a word that indicates an action, event, or a state) :: فعل /fe'l/
verbal noun {n} (grammar: noun that is morphologically related to a verb and has similar meaning) :: مصدر {m} /masdar/
verbatim {adv} (word for word) :: کلمه‌به‌کلمه /kalame-be-kalame/, عیناً /eynan/
verdigris {n} (blue-green patina on copper and copper alloys) :: زنگار /zangâr/
verdolaga {n} (common purslane) SEE: common purslane ::
verge {n} (phallus) SEE: phallus ::
verification {n} (the act of verifying) :: بررسی /barresi/, درستی سنجی /dorosti sanji/
verify {v} (to substantiate or prove the truth of something) :: ثابت کردن /sâbet kardan/
verify {v} (to confirm or test the truth or accuracy of something) :: تایید کردن /taid kardan/
verify {v} (law: to affirm something formally, under oath) :: تایید کردن /taid kardan/
verily {adv} (truly, doubtlessly) :: همانا /hamânâ/, هراینه /har-âyene/ [bookish], به‌راستی /be-râsti/, حقیقتاً /haqiqatan/
verjuice {n} (very acidic juice) :: آبغوره /âb-ğure/
vermicelli {n} (long, slender pasta) :: ورمیشل /vermišel/
vermilion {adj} (having the color of vermilion dye) :: شنگرف /šangarf/
vermin {n} (Any one of various common types of small insects or animals which cause harm and annoyance) :: حشره موذی /hašare-ye muzi/ [insects only], جک و جانور /jak-o-jânevar/ [informal]
vermin {n} (An obnoxious, or mean and offensive person) :: اراذل /arâzel/ [plural]
vernal {adj} (pertaining to or occurring in spring) :: بهاری /bahâri/
vernal equinox {n} (the point) :: برابران بهاری /barābarān-e bahārī/
vernal equinox {n} (the moment) :: اعتدال بهاری /e'tedâl-e bahâri/
Versailles {prop} (suburb of Paris) :: ورسای /versây/
verse {n} (poetic form with regular meter and a fixed rhyme scheme) :: مصرع /mesra'/
verse {n} (poetic form in general) :: نظم /nazm/
verse {n} (one of several similar units of a song, consisting of several lines, generally rhymed) :: بند /band/
verse {n} (a small section of the Bible) :: آیه /âye/
verst {n} (unit of length) :: ورست /verst/
vertebra {n} (any of the small bones which make up the backbone) :: مهره /mohre/
vertex {n} (geometry: corner of a polygon or polyhedron) :: رأس
vertical {adj} (being perpendicular to horizontal) :: ایستاده /īstāde/, عمودی /amūdī/, راست /rāst/, قائم /qā'em/
vertical bar {n} (vertical bar) SEE: pipe ::
vertigo {n} (sensation of whirling and loss of balance) :: سرگیجه /sargije/
very {adv} (to a high degree) :: بسیار /besiyâr/, خیلی /xeyli/
vessel {n} (tube or canal that carries fluid in an animal or plant) :: آوند /âvand/, رگ /rag/
vest {n} (garment worn over a shirt) :: ژیلت /žilet/
vested interest {n} (a group of people or organizations with such a stake) :: ذی‌نفع /zi-naf'/
vested interest {n} (an exceptionally strong interest in protecting whatever is to one's own advantage) :: نفع شخصی /naf'-e šaxsi/
vestiary {n} (dressing room or stroreroom for clothes) SEE: vestry ::
vestment {n} (clothing) SEE: clothing ::
vestry {n} (room in a church) :: رختکن
vet {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
vetch {n} (plant of the genus Vicia) :: ماش /mâš/
veteran {n} (person with long experience) :: کهنه‌کار /kohne-kâr/, کارکشته /kâr-košte/
veteran {n} (old soldier) :: کهنه‌سرباز /kohne-sarbâz/
veteran {adj} (with long experience) :: کارکشته /kâr-košte/, کهنه‌کار /kohne-kâr/
veterinarian {n} (doctor who treats animals) :: دامپزشک /dâmpezešk/, بیطار /beytâr/ [rare]
veterinary {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
veterinary surgeon {n} (veterinarian) SEE: veterinarian ::
vetiver {n} (aromatic root) :: وتیور /vetiver/
vex {v} (to annoy) :: آزردن /âzordan/
vex {v} (to distress; to cause mental suffering) :: رنجاندن /ranjândan/
vexillology {n} (study of flags) :: پرچم‌شناسی
viaduct {n} (bridge with several spans that carries road or rail traffic over a valley) :: ویادوک /viyâduk/
vice {n} (bad habit) :: رذیلت /razilat/
vice president {n} (deputy to a president) :: معاون رئیس
vice versa {adv} (the other way round) :: برعکس /bar'aks/, بالعکس /bel'aks/
Victor {prop} (male given name) :: ویکتور /viktor/
Victoria {prop} (female given name) :: ویکتوریا /vikturiyā/
Victoria {prop} (Queen Victoria) :: ویکتوریا /vikturiyā/
victorious {adj} (being the winner) :: پیروز /piruz/, چیره /čire/
victory {n} (an instance of having won a competition or battle) :: ظفر /zafar/, پیروزی /piruzi/, غلبه /ğalabe/
Victory Day {n} (a day to commemorate victories in important battles or wars in the countries' history) :: روز پیروزی /ruz-e piruzi/
video {n} (television show, movie) :: ویدیو /vidiyo/
video game {n} (game controlled by software) :: بازیهای رایانه /bâzihâ-ye râyâne/
vie {v} (to rival; to struggle for superiority; to compete) :: رقابت کردن /reqâbat kardan/
Vienna {prop} (capital of Austria) :: وین /viyan/
Vienna sausage {n} :: فرانکفورتر /frankfurter/
Vientiane {prop} (capital of Laos) :: وینتیان /ventiân/
Vietnam {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: ویتنام /viyatnâm/
Vietnamese {n} (language) :: ویتنامی /viyatnâmi/
view {n} (something to look at) :: دید /did/, منظره /manzare/, ویو /viyu/
view {v} (to look at) :: دیدن /didan/
viewpoint {n} (point of view) SEE: point of view ::
vigilante {n} (person who considers it their responsibility to summarily uphold the law) :: ویژیلانته /vižilânte/
vilayet {n} (one of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire) :: ولایت /velâyat/, ایالت /eyâlat/
villa {n} (a house used as a retreat) :: ویلا /villâ, vilâ/, کوشک /kušk/
village {n} (a rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town) :: روستا /rustâ/, ده /deh/, قشلاق /qešlâq/
villager {n} (person who lives in, or comes from, a village) :: دهاتی /dehâti/
villain {n} (scoundrel) :: تبه کار
villain {n} (bad person in a stage or screen play) :: بدذات /bad-zât/
villain {n} (A peasant free of serfdom) :: رعیت
Vilnius {prop} (capital of Lithuania) :: ویلنیوس
vinaceous {adj} (of the colour of red wine) :: شرابی /šarâbi/
vinaigrette {n} (sauce) :: وینگرت /vinegret/
vinegar {n} (condiment) :: سرکه /serke/
vineyard {n} (grape plantation) :: تاکستان
violation {n} (rape) SEE: rape ::
violator {n} (one who violates) :: متخلف /motexallef/, خلافکار /xalâfkâr/, خاطی /xâti/
violence {n} (extreme force) :: خشونت /xošunat/
violence {n} (action intended to cause destruction, pain or suffering) :: خشونت /xošunat/
violent {adj} :: دنت
violet {n} (colour) :: بنفش /banafš/
violet {n} (plant) :: بنفشه /banafše/
violet {adj} (having a bluish-purple color) :: بنفش /banafš/, بنفشه‌ای /banafše'i/
violin {n} (string instrument) :: ویولن /viyolon/
violoncello {n} (cello) SEE: cello ::
VIP {n} (abbreviation: very important person) :: شخص خیلی مهم
viper {n} (a poisonous snake in the family Viperidae) :: گرزه‌مار /garzemār/, گرزه /garze/
virgin {n} (person who has never had sexual intercourse) :: دوشیزه /dušize/, باکره /bâkere/, جوان‌زن /ǰavānzan/
virgin {adj} (of an object, untouched) :: دست نخورده /dast naxorde/
virginal membrane {n} (hymen) SEE: hymen ::
virgin forest {n} (forest free from disturbance) :: جنگل بکر /jangal-e bekr/
virginity {n} (state or characteristic of being a virgin) :: باکرگی /bâkeregi/, بکارت /bakârat/
Virgin Mary {prop} (mother of Christ) :: مریم عذرا /Maryam-e Azrâ/
Virgo {prop} (constellation) :: خوشه /xūše/,دوشیزه /dūšīze/
Virgo {prop} (astrological sign) :: دوشیزه /dušize/
virility {n} (the state of being virile) :: مردانگی /mardânegi/
virtual {adj} (in effect; not fact) :: مجازی /majâzi/
virtue {n} (excellence in morals) :: خوبی /xūbī/, ستودگی /sotūdegī/, هژیری /hožīrī/
virus {n} (infectious organism) :: ویروس /virus/
visa {n} (permit) :: روادید /ravâdid/, ویزا /vizâ/
visage {n} (countenance; appearance; face) :: چهره /čehre/, رخ /rox/, رخسار /roxsâr/, سیما /simâ/
vishap {n} (dragon) :: ویشاپ /višâp/
Vishnu {prop} (the god) :: ویشنو /višnu/
visible {adj} (able to be seen) :: پیدا /peydâ/, هویدا /hoveydâ/, ویدا /vidâ/
vision {n} (sense or ability of sight) :: بینش /bineš/, بینایی /binâyi/
vision {n} (ideal or goal) :: چشم‌انداز /ĉašm-andâz/
visit {n} (single act of visiting) :: دیدار /didâr/
visit {n} (meeting with a doctor) :: ویزیت /vizit/
visit {v} (to avenge) SEE: avenge ::
visit {v} (to inflict) SEE: inflict ::
visiting card {n} (business card) SEE: business card ::
visor {n} (mask) SEE: mask ::
vitamin {n} (organic compound essential to human health) :: ویتامین /vitâmin/
vitiligo {n} (patchy loss of skin pigmentation) :: پیسی /pisi/
vitrine {n} (glass-paneled cabinet or case) :: ویترین /vitrin/
vitriol {n} (various metal sulphates) :: زاج /zâj/
viva {interj} (long live ... !) SEE: long live ::
vivacious {adj} (lively and animated) :: سرزنده /sarzende/
vixen {n} (attractive woman) SEE: fox ::
vizier {n} (high-ranking official) :: وزیر /vazir/
Vladimir {prop} (male given name) :: ولادیمیر
Vladimir {prop} (Russian city) :: ولادیمیر
Vladivostok {prop} (seaport in Russia) :: ولادی‌وستوک /velâdi-vostok/
vlei {n} (marsh) SEE: marsh ::
vlei {n} (wetland) SEE: wetland ::
Vänern {prop} (Swedish lake) :: دریاچه ونرن
vocabulary {n} (list of words) :: واژگان {p} /vâžegân/
vocabulary {n} (set of words a person knows) :: واژگان {p} /vâžegân/
vociferous {adj} (making a noisy outcry) :: پر سر و صدا /por sar-o-sedâ/
vodka {n} (clear distilled alcoholic liquor) :: ودکا /vodkâ/
voetsek {interj} (get lost) SEE: get lost ::
voice {n} (sound uttered by the mouth) :: آوا /âvâ/, صدا /sedâ/, آواز /âvâz/, دنگ /dong/, بانگ /bâng/, صوت /sout/
voice {n} (one who speaks; speaker) :: گوینده /guyande/
voice {n} (grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs) :: واک
voice {v} (to clamor) :: بانگ
voice box {n} (larynx) SEE: larynx ::
voice recognition {n} (function which processes spoken input into electronic commands) :: بازشناسی گفتار /bâzšenâsi-ye goftâr/, تشخیص گفتار /tašxis-e goftâr/
vol. {n} (abbreviation of (the equivalent of) volume) :: ج /j/
Volapük {prop} (language) :: ولاپوک /volapuk/
volcano {n} (mountain containing a magma chamber) :: آتش‌فشان /âtaš-fešân/
vole {n} (small rodents of the subfamily Arvicolinae) :: ول /vol/
Volga {prop} (longest river in Europe, flowing to the Caspian Sea) :: ولگا /volgâ/
Volgograd {prop} (Volgograd) :: ولگوگراد
volleyball {n} (game) :: والیبال /vâlibâl/
volleyballer {n} (volleyball player) :: والیبالیست /vâlibâlist/
Volodymyr {prop} (Vladimir) SEE: Vladimir ::
Vologda {prop} (city in Russia) :: وولوگدا /vulugdâ/
volt {n} (unit of measure) :: ولت /volt/
voltage {n} (difference in electrostatic potential) :: ولتاژ /voltâž/
volume {n} (three-dimensional measure of space) :: حجم /hajm/
volume {n} (strength of sound) :: صدا /sedâ/
volume {n} (issues of a periodical over a period of one year) :: دوره /doure/
volume {n} (single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia) :: جلد /jeld/
volunteer {n} (one who voluntarily offers himself/herself for service) :: داوطلب /dâvtalab/
Volvo {prop} (automobile manufacturer) :: ولوو /volvo/
vomit {v} (to regurgitate the contents of a stomach) :: قی کردن /qay kardan/
voracious {adj} (devouring great quantities of food) :: پرخور /por-xor/
voracious {adj} (having a great appetite for anything) :: پرولع /por-vala'/
vote {n} (formalised choice) :: رأی /ra'y/
vote {v} (assert a formalised choice) :: رای دادن /ra'y dâdan/
Vote {n} (person of Votic descent) :: ووتیک /votik/
voter {n} (one who votes) :: رأی‌دهنده /ra'y-dahande/
vowel {n} (sound) :: واکه /vâke/
vowel {n} (letter) :: واکه
vowel harmony {n} (phonological process) :: هماهنگی واکه‌ای /hamâhangi vâke-i/
voyage {n} (long journey; especially by ship) :: سفر /safar/
voyager {n} (traveller) SEE: traveller ::
Võro {prop} (language) :: زبان وورو /zabân vuro/
Vuelta a España {prop} (annual cycling race in Spain) :: تور دوچرخه‌سواری ووئلتا اسپانیا /tor do-čarxe-savâri Vueltâ Espâniyâ/, ووئلتا اسپانیا /Vueltâ Espâniyâ/
vulgar {adj} (distasteful, uncouth, obscene) :: رکیک /rakik/, مبتذل /mobtazal/
vulgarian {n} (vulgar individual) :: ادم عامی و پست, ادم عوام
Vulgate {prop} (Latin Bible translation) :: ولگاته /volgate/
vulnerability {n} (security vulnerability) SEE: hole ::
vulnerability {n} (state of being vulnerable) :: آسیب‌پذیری /âsib-paziri/
vulnerable {adj} (exposed to attack) :: آسیب‌پذیر /âsib-pazir/
vulture {n} (bird) :: کرکس /karkas/, لاشخور /lāšxwar/
vulva {n} (collectively the external female sexual organs) :: فرج /farj/, [vulgar] کس {f} /kos/
VW {prop} (Volkswagen, a German car manufacturer) :: فولکس‌واگن