Appendix:Sino-Tibetan Swadesh lists/176-207

1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-207
English word POS language sub-type Romanization cognates are shaded IPA notes(similar use is shaded) Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese
176 black adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin hēi xei˥˥
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin hak1
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin haak1
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī ɔ˥˥
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin ou1
Hakka het2
Burmese meh/net mɛ́/neʔ
177 night noun Mandarin Standard Pinyin yèwǎn iɛ˥˩uan˨˩˦ 夜晚 夜晚
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin maan5 hak1 晚黑 晚黑
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī àm-sî am˥˧ɕi˧˥ 暗時 暗时
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin mên5gua7
Hakka am55 pu24 theu11
Burmese nya ɲa̰
178 day noun Mandarin Standard Pinyin báitiān pai˧˥tʰiɛn˥˥ 白天 白天
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin jat6 tau2 jɐt̚˨tʰɐu˧˥ 日頭 日头
Amoy Quanzhou, Taipei Pe̍h-ōe-jī li̍t-sî lɪt˩˩ɕi˧˥ 日時 日时
Amoy Xiamen, Zhangzhou, Tainan Pe̍h-ōe-jī ji̍t-sî ʑɪt˩˩ɕi˧˥ 日時 日时
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin rig8dao7
Hakka ngit11 sii11 theu11
Burmese nei nḛ
179 year noun Mandarin Standard Pinyin nián niɛn˧˥
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin nin4
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī ni˧˥
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin ni5
Hakka ngien11
Burmese hnit n̥iʔ
180 warm adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin wēnnuǎn uən˥˥nuan˨˩˦ 溫暖 温暖
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin nyn5
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī sio-lō ɕio˧˧lo˧˧ 燒烙 烧烙
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin sio1
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin ung1ung1
Hakka seu24 non24
Burmese nwé
181 cold adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin lěng ləŋ˨˩˦
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin dung3 toŋ˧
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī kôaⁿ kuã˧˥
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin ngang5
Hakka hon11
Burmese é é
Burmese tʃʰán
182 full adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin mǎn man˨˩˦ 滿
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin mun5
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī bóan buan˥˧
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī móa mua˥˧
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī tīⁿ tĩ˧˧ or or
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin din6
Hakka man24 e55
Burmese pjḛ
183 new adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin xīn ɕɪn˥˥
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin san1
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī sin ɕɪn˥˥
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin sing1
Hakka sin24 e55
Burmese θiʔ
184 old adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin lǎo lau˨˩˦ not young
Mandarin Standard Pinyin jiù tɕiou˥˩ not new
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin lou5 not young
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin gau6 not new
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī lāu lau˧˧ not young
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī ku˧˧ not new
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin lao6
Hakka khiu55 e55
Burmese òʊ
185 good adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin hǎo xau˨˩˦
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin hou2
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī ho˥˧
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin ho2
Hakka ho31 e55
Burmese káʊn
186 bad adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin huài xuai˥˩
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin waai6
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī pháiⁿ pʰaĩ˥˧
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin mo2
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin ao3
Hakka fai55 e55
Burmese sʰóʊ
187 rotten adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin làn lan˥˩
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin laan6
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī àu au˨˩
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī chhàu-nōa tsʰau˥˧nua˧˧ 臭爛 臭烂
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin mi5
Hakka fai55 te31
Burmese poʊʔ
188 dirty adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin zāng tsaŋ˥˥
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin wu1 zou1 汚糟 汚糟
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī lah-sap laʔ˥˧sap˩˩ 垃圾 垃圾
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin ci1ghi5
Hakka tap55 ti55
Burmese ɲiʔ paʔ
189 straight adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin zhí tʂɚ˧˥
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin dzik6
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī ti̍t tɪt˥˥
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin dig8
Hakka tshiit5
Burmese pʰja̰un
190 round adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin yuán yɛn˧˥
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin jyn4
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī îⁿ ĩ˧˥
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin in5
Hakka ien11
Burmese lóʊn
191 sharp adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin jiān tɕiɛn˥˥ prefix
Mandarin Standard Pinyin li˥˩ prefix
Mandarin Standard Pinyin fēnglì fəŋ˥˥li˥˩ 鋒利 锋利
Mandarin Standard Pinyin ruìlì ʐuei˥˩li˥˩ 銳利 锐利
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin lei6
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī lāi lai˧˧
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin ziam1
Hakka li55
Burmese tʰeʔ
192 dull adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin dùn tun˥˩
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin doen6
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin gwat6
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī tūn tun˧˧
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin
Hakka an11 thun55
Burmese tʰáɪn
193 smooth adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin guānghuá kuaŋ˥˥xua˧˥ 光滑 光滑
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin waat6
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī kng-ku̍t kŋ˧˧kut˥˥ 光滑 光滑
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin
Hakka vat5
Burmese tʃɔ
194 wet adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin shī ʂɚ˥˥ 湿
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin sap1 湿
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī sip ɕɪp˩˩ 湿
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī tâm tam˧˥
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin siap4 湿
Hakka siip2
Burmese sòʊ
195 dry adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin gān kan˥˥
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin gon1
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī ta ta˥˥
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin dan1
Hakka tsau24
Burmese tʃʰaʊʔ
196 correct adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin duì tuei˥˩ informal
Mandarin Standard Pinyin zhèngquè tʂəŋ˥˩tɕʰyɛ˥˩ formal 正確 正确
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin ngaam1 ŋaːm˥
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī tio̍h tioʔ˥˥ informal
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī chèng-khak tɕiŋ˥˧kʰak˩˩ formal 正確 正确
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin dioh8
Hakka tui55 e55
Burmese m̥àn
197 near adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin jìn tɕɪn˥˩
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin kan5 near in space
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin gan6 near in time
Amoy Quanzhou Pe̍h-ōe-jī kīn kɨn˧˧
Amoy Xiamen, Taipei Pe̍h-ōe-jī kūn kun˧˧
Amoy Zhangzhou, Tainan Pe̍h-ōe-jī kīn kɪn˧˧
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin geng6
Hakka khium55 e55
198 far adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin yuǎn yɛn˨˩˦
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin jyn5
Amoy Quanzhou, Xiamen, Taiwan Pe̍h-ōe-jī hn̄g hŋ˧˧
Amoy Zhangzhou, Yilan Pe̍h-ōe-jī hūiⁿ huĩ˧˧
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin heng6
Hakka ien31 e55
199 right adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin yòu iou˥˩
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin jau6
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī chiàⁿ tɕiã˨˩
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin zian3ciu2boin1
Hakka tsang31 pien31
Burmese ɲà
200 left adjective Mandarin Standard Pinyin zuǒ tsuɔ˨˩˦
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin dzo2
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī to˨˩
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin do3ciu2boin1
Hakka tso31 pien31
Burmese bɛ̀
201 at preposition Mandarin Standard Pinyin zài tsai˥˩
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin hai2
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī ti˧˧
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin do6
Hakka tshai55
Burmese m̥à
202 in preposition Mandarin Standard Pinyin zài...lǐ tsai˥˩˨˩˦ 在...裡 在...里
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin loey3 min6 裏面 里面
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin jap6 bin1 / jap6 bin4 入邊 入边
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī tī...lāi ti˧˧...lai˧˧ 於...裡 于...里
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin do6...lai6
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin do6...doin2
Hakka ti55...ti11 poi55
Burmese ə twín
Burmese ə tʰɛ
203 with conjunction Mandarin Standard Pinyin /hàn xə˧˥
Mandarin Standard Pinyin gēn kən˥˥
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin tung4 tʰoŋ˨˩
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī kap kap˩˩
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin gah8
Hakka iung55
Burmese nɛ̰
Burmese n̥ḭn
204 and conjunction Mandarin Standard Pinyin xə˧˥
Mandarin Standard Pinyin gēn kən˥˥
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin tung4 tʰoŋ˨˩
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī kap kap˩˩
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin gah8
Hakka lo24
Burmese nɛ̰
Burmese n̥ḭn
205 if conjunction Mandarin Standard Pinyin rúguǒ ʐu˧˥kuɔ˨˩˦ 如果 如果
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin jy4 gwo2 如果 如果
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī nā-sī na˨˩ɕi˧˧ 若是 若是
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin na1si7
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin ru2guên2
Hakka ka31 sii31
206 because conjunction Mandarin Standard Pinyin yīnwèi jɪn˥˥uei˥˩ 因為 因为
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin jan1 wai6 因為 因为
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī in-ūi ɪn˧˧ui˧˧ 因為 因为
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin ing1di2
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin ing1ui7
Hakka in24 vi11
Burmese dʒa̰ʊn
207 name noun Mandarin Standard Pinyin míng miŋ˧˥ affix
Mandarin Standard Pinyin míngzi miŋ˧˥tsɨ generic 名字 名字
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin ming4
Cantonese Standard Cantonese Pinyin meng2
Amoy Pe̍h-ōe-jī miâ miã˧˥ affix or generic
Teochew Standard Cantonese Pinyin mian5
Hakka miang11 e31
Burmese nà mɛ