Appendix:Sino-Tibetan Swadesh lists

This is a Swadesh list of Sino-Tibetan languages, specifically Chinese, Burmese, Tibetan, Tangut, Japhug, Drung, Kurtöp, Tangsa and Yakkha, compared with that of English.

1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-207


Gloss Old Chinese Written Burmese Written Tibetan Tangut Kamnyu Japhug Drung Kurtöp Hakhun Tangsa Yakkha
1 I (*ŋˤa (B-S), *ŋaː (ZS))
(*lə (B-S), *lɯ (ZS))
(*laʔ (B-S), *la (ZS)), some others
ငါ (nga), ကျွန်တော် (kywantau), ကျွန်မ (kywanma.) (nga) 𗧓 (*ŋa²), 𗕘 (*ŋə¹), 𘘮 (*mjo²) aʑo, aj nga ngat (absolutive), ngai (ergative) ŋà ka
2 you (singular) () (naʔ (B-S), njaʔ (ZS))
(nak (B-S), njag (ZS))
(ěr) (neʔ (B-S), njelʔ (ZS))
(nǎi) (nˤəʔ (B-S), nɯːʔ (ZS)), some others
နင် (nang), မင်း (mang:), ခင်ဗျား (hkangbya:), ရှင် (hrang) རང (rang), ཁྱེད་རང (khyed rang) 𘀍 (*nja²) (informal), 𗍳 (*nji²) (formal) nɤʑo, nɤj na wit (absolutive), (ergative) nɤ̂ nda
3 he () (ʔij (B-S), qlil (ZS))
() (pajʔ (B-S), pralʔ (ZS)), some others
သူ (su) ཁོང (khong) 𗳱 (*thja²), 𘑶 (*tsjij¹), 𗤧 (*tśjụ¹), 𘉑 (*mjɨ¹) ɯʑo vng khit (absolutive), khî (ergative) atî, atîvà
4 we (*ŋˤajʔ (B-S), *ŋaːlʔ (ZS)) ငါတို့ (ngatui.), ကျုပ်တို့ (kyuptui.), တို့ (tui.) ང་ཚོ (nga tsho) 𗧦𗣊 (*gjɨ² mji²) tɕiʑo (dual), iʑo, iʑora, iʑɤra (plural) vne (dual), ing (plural), rvng (plural inclusive) ner (absolutive inclusive), neri (ergative inclusive), net (absolutive exclusive), nei (ergative exclusive) nɤhiʔ (dual inclusive), cʰəniʔ (dual exclusive), nɤrûm (plural inclusive), nîrûm (plural exclusive) kanciŋ (dual), kaniŋ (plural)
5 you (plural) () (naʔ (B-S), njaʔ (ZS)) နင်တို့ (nangtui.), မင်းတို့ (mang:tui.) རང་ཚོ (rang tsho) 𗍳 (*nji²) ndʑiʑo (dual), nɯʑo, nɯʑora, nɯʑɤra (plural) nvne (dual), nvning (plural) nin (absolutive), ningi (ergative) nuʔcʰuʔ (dual), nuʔrûm (plural) njiŋda (dual), nniŋda (plural)
6 they same as he သူတို့ (sutui.), သူများ (su-mya:) ཁོང་ཚོ (khong tsho) [Term?] ʑɤni (dual), ʑara (plural) vngne (dual), vngning (plural) bot (absolutive), boi (ergative) hənîmɤ̂ni, tâni (dual), hənîrûm, târûm (plural) uŋci
7 this (shì) (*[d]eʔ (B-S), *djeʔ (ZS))
() (*[tsʰ]e(j)ʔ (B-S), *sʰeʔ (ZS))
() (*[s]e (B-S), *se (ZS))
ဒီ (di), ဒါ (da) འདི ('di) 𘌽 (*thjɨ²), 𗣜 (*thju²) ki (singular), kiki (plural) kai (very proximal), gya (proximal) wo, wozi abə́ (unstressed short form), abeʔ (stressed short form), arə́bə́ (unstressed singular long form), arə́beʔ (stressed singular long form), arə́hɤ́bə́ (unstressed plural long form), arə́hɤ́beʔ (stressed plural long form) na (singular), kha (plural)
8 that () (pajʔ (B-S), pralʔ (ZS)) အဲဒီ (ai:di), ထို (htui), အဲဒါ (ai:da), ဟို (hui) དེ (de) 𗳌 (*tjịj¹), 𗬙 (*tśhju²), 𗳺 (*thja²) (singular), nɯnɯ (plural) vya (medial), ko (distal) wudi ibə́ (unstressed short form), ibeʔ (stressed short form), irə́bə́ (unstressed singular long form), irə́beʔ (stressed singular long form), irə́hɤ́bə́ (unstressed plural long form), irə́hɤ́beʔ (stressed plural long form) nna (singular), ŋkha, nnakha (plural)
9 here same as this ဒီမှာ (dihma) འདིར ('dir) 𗣜 (*thju²) kutɕu, kɯre gya, gya do tshô akə́ nhe
10 there same as that ဟိုမှာ (huihma) དེར (der) 𗳺 (*thja²) nɯtɕu, nɯre ko do ikə́ nnhe
11 who (shú) (*[d]uk (B-S), *djɯwɢ (ZS)) ဘယ်သူ (bhaisu) སུ (su) 𗖶 (*sjwɨ¹) ɕɯ vmi ’ê hwé isa
12 what (*[ɡ]ˤaj (B-S), *ɡaːl (ZS))
() (*[ɡ]ˤe (B-S), *ɡeː (ZS))
() (*[ɡ]ˤat (B-S), *ɡaːd (ZS))
ဘာ (bha) ག་རེ (ga re) 𗣄 (*thwo²) tɕʰi (probably from Tibetan ཅི (ci)), cognate native form tsʰi- found in tsʰitsuku (whatever) tvng, vtvng zhâ , càlì, càlìlì i, ina, iya
13 where same as what ဘယ် (bhai) ག་པར (ga par) [Term?] ŋotɕu, ŋoj vra ’au bə́kə, bə́rə́kə́, bə́nɤ́, bə́rə́nɤ́ heʔne, hetne
14 when same as what ဘယ်တော့ (bhaitau.), ဘယ်တုန်းက (bhaitun:ka.) ག་དུས (ga dus) 𗾮 (*zjɨ̣¹) tʰɤjtɕu vdang ’arwa bə́doʔkə́ heʔniŋ, hetniŋ
15 how (ān) (*[ʔ]ˤa[n] (B-S), *qaːn (ZS))
(yān) (*ʔa[n] (B-S), *qan, *qran (ZS)), some of the interrogative terms above
ဘယ်လို (bhailui) ག་ལ (ga la) 𘕣 (*wa²) combining tɕʰi with the verbs fse (to be like) or stu (to do like) tei, tvngkya bəruʔ imin
16 not Several terms, such as (*pəʔ (B-S), *pɯ, *pɯʔ, *pɯ' (ZS))
() (*mo (B-S), *ma (ZS))
(ma.)...ဘူး (bhu:) མེད (med), མིན (min) 𗅋 (*mji¹) mainly expressed by negative prefixes: mɤ-, mɯ-, ma-, mɯ́j-, with distribution determined by TAME and finiteness. mv- ma- (perfective), me- (imperfective-future, verb roots with non-high vowel), mi- (imperfective-future, verb roots with high vowel) constructions involved affixes such as me(N)-, N-…-n, -nin
17 all (fán) (*[b]rom (B-S), *bom (ZS)) အားလုံး (a:lum:) ཚང་མ (tshang ma) 𗄊 (*źji²) rmɯrmi vshing, svnaq pura, rita tʰúmlà, , cʰôcʰiʔ ghak
18 many (*[t.l]ˤaj (B-S), *ʔl'aːl (ZS)) များ (mya:) མང་བ (mang ba) 𗫔 (*ꞏji¹), 𗮅 (*rejr²), 𘜗 (*mja̱²), 𗧸 (*zjịj²), 𗫤 (*nju²) ʑimkʰɤm, kʰro beum, mvjeu ’ngam aʒaʔ pyak
19 some (sjaːl (ZS)) တချို့ (ta.hkyui.), အချို့ (a.hkyui.) ཁ་ཤས (kha shas) [Term?] tsuku dakti hîŋkʰó koi
20 few (*[s.t]ewʔ (B-S), *hmjewʔ (ZS)) နည်း (nany:) ཉུང (nyung), ཉུང་ཤས (nyung shas), ཁ་ཤས (kha shas) 𘚇 (*wjọ¹) rkɯn chuq dakti miyaŋ, mimik ('a little')
21 other (l̥ˤaj (B-S), l̥ʰaːl (ZS))
(l̥ˤaj (B-S), l̥ʰaːl (ZS))
အခြား (a.hkra:) གཞན་དག (gzhan dag) 𗉲 (*tśhjiw¹), 𘈒 (*dzjij²) kɯɕte, kɯmaʁ zhanma -he heko
22 one (*ʔi[t] (B-S), *qliɡ (ZS)) တစ် (tac) གཅིག (gcig) 𘈩 (*lew¹) ci kye, ti thê mɤ̂tʰeʔ i, eko (Nepali loan)
23 two (èr) (*ni[j]-s (B-S), *njis (ZS)) နှစ် (hnac) གཉིས (gnyis) 𗍫 (*njɨ̱¹), 𗍱 (*zjɨ̣²) ʁnɯz vni zon mɤ̂ni hiC (C- assimilates to the following consonant)
24 three (*s.rum (B-S), *suːm (ZS)) သုံး (sum:) གསུམ (gsum) 𗛰 (*lhejr²), 𘕕 (*sọ¹) χsɯm vseum sum mɤ̂rûm sum
25 four ()/ () (*[j]-s (B-S), *hljids (ZS)) လေး (le:) བཞི (bzhi) 𗥃 (*ljɨr¹), 𗝝 (*ŋwər¹) kɯβde vbli ble bəlí (Nepali loan)



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Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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