User:This, that and the other/redlinked form-of/en

Last updated 2023-05-20

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a. abbr of annus (talk)
a. abbr of annus (talk)
bm abbr of Builder's Old Measurement (talk)
ca. sa. abbr of capias ad satisfaciendam (talk)
satRNA abbr of satellite RNA (talk)
semper fi abbr of semper fidelis (talk)
3DES abbreviation of Triple DES (talk)
3DTDS abbreviation of three-dimensional topological Dirac semi-metal (talk)
A1C abbreviation of airman 1st class (talk)
AABNCP abbreviation of advanced airborne command post (talk)
AAC abbreviation of airborne aircraft carrier (talk)
AACFT abbreviation of army aircraft (talk)
AAT abbreviation of aspartate aminotransferase (talk)
AAV8 abbreviation of adeno-associated virus 8 (talk)
ABI abbreviation of acquired brain injury (talk)
AG abbreviation of agricultural aviation (talk)
AGJ abbreviation of annular gap junction (talk)
AGM abbreviation of air-to-ground missile (talk)
AHP abbreviation of alkaline hydrogen peroxide (talk)
AIP abbreviation of aeronautical information publication (talk)
AIP abbreviation of air independent propulsion (talk)
AKI abbreviation of anti-knock index (talk)
alpha-GAL abbreviation of alpha-galactosidase (talk)
alpha-gal abbreviation of galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (talk)
AO abbreviation of area of operations (talk)
AOX abbreviation of alternative oxidase (talk)
APY abbreviation of Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (talk)
AQI abbreviation of al-Qaeda in Iraq (talk)
ART abbreviation of anti-retroviral therapy (talk)
ASAT abbreviation of aspartate aminotransferase (talk)
ASF abbreviation of African swine fever (talk)
ASO abbreviation of anti-streptolysin O (talk)
ASO abbreviation of antisense oligonucleotide (talk)
ASuW abbreviation of anti-surface warfare (talk)
axSpA abbreviation of axial spondyloarthritis (talk)
B. Litt. abbreviation of Bachelor of Letters (talk)
BAL abbreviation of broad absorption line trough (talk)
BAL abbreviation of broad absorption line (talk)
BASc abbreviation of Bachelor of Applied Science (talk)
BDAC abbreviation of benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride (talk)
BHB abbreviation of blue horizontal branch (talk)
BIP abbreviation of blunt impact projectile (talk)
BM abbreviation of Bachelor of Medicine (talk)
BM abbreviation of Bachelor of Music (talk)
BOT abbreviation of Bǽh-oe-tu (talk)
BPh abbreviation of Bachelor of Philosophy (talk)
BPhil abbreviation of Bachelor of Philosophy (talk)
brevic. abbreviation of breviculum (talk)
BS abbreviation of Bachelor of Surgery (talk)
Btb. abbreviation of bass tuba (talk)
Cabo abbreviation of Cabo San Lucas (talk)
CAS abbreviation of Court of Arbitration for Sport (talk)
CB abbreviation of Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath (talk)
CBDC abbreviation of central bank digital currency (talk)
CCSN abbreviation of core collapse supernova (talk)
CF abbreviation of Canadian Forces (talk)
CGL abbreviation of chronic granulocytic leukemia (talk)
CID abbreviation of combat identification (talk)
CK2 abbreviation of casein kinase 2 (talk)
CMA abbreviation of calcium magnesium acetate (talk)
CMOS abbreviation of complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (talk)
cNeoblast abbreviation of clonogenic neoblast (talk)
COIL abbreviation of chemical oxygen-iodine laser (talk)
Comelec abbreviation of Commission on Elections (talk)
CPA abbreviation of Christian Palestinian Aramaic (talk)
CPA abbreviation of collaboration protocol agreement (talk)
CPA abbreviation of correlation power analysis (talk)
CPA abbreviation of cost per action (talk)
CPD abbreviation of circumplanetary disc (talk)
CPT1A abbreviation of CPT1A gene (talk)
Cru abbreviation of Crucis (talk)
CSG abbreviation of carrier strike group (talk)
CSG abbreviation of carrier surface assertion group (talk)
CSG abbreviation of carrier surface group (talk)
CSG abbreviation of constructive solid geometry (talk)
CT abbreviation of combat team (talk)
CUI abbreviation of character-based user interface (talk)
CUI abbreviation of command user interface (talk)
CV abbreviation of Carmel Valley (talk)
CYP abbreviation of cytochrome P450 (talk)
CZ abbreviation of cubic zirconium (talk)
D abbreviation of Deutsch number (talk)
DAC abbreviation of D-acetylcarnitine (talk)
DCT abbreviation of digital component tape (talk)
DDJ abbreviation of deputy district judge (talk)
DEHP abbreviation of di-2-ethylhexylphlatate (talk)
DEHP abbreviation of diethylhexyl phthalate (talk)
DIB abbreviation of diffuse interstellar band (talk)
DIDP abbreviation of di-isodecyl phthalate (talk)
DIET abbreviation of direct interspecies electron transfer (talk)
DMAGeC abbreviation of dimethylamino germanium trichloride (talk)
DMR abbreviation of designated marksman rifle (talk)
DNOP abbreviation of di-n-octyl phthalate (talk)
DNZ abbreviation of density-near-zero (talk)
DOSS abbreviation of dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (talk)
DP abbreviation of Daytona prototype (talk)
DPG abbreviation of dihydroxyphenylglycine (talk)
DPG abbreviation of dipropyleneglycol (talk)
DRO abbreviation of digital readout (talk)
DRO abbreviation of distant retrograde orbit (talk)
DSOG abbreviation of discharge singlet-oxygen generator (talk)
DTC abbreviation of diagnostic trouble code (talk)
EBID abbreviation of electron beam-induced deposition (talk)
EC abbreviation of ethylene carbonate (talk)
ECM abbreviation of engineered cellular magmatic (talk)
ECM abbreviation of extra-cluster medium (talk)
EDNY abbreviation of Eastern District of New York (talk)
EES abbreviation of ethinylestradiol sulfonate (talk)
EGM abbreviation of extragalactic medium (talk)
ELCS abbreviation of extracorporeal life support (talk)
Elgin. abbreviation of Elginshire (talk)
ELI abbreviation of equity-linked instrument (talk)
ELN abbreviation of equity-linked note (talk)
EOIL abbreviation of electric oxygen-iodine laser (talk)
ESA abbreviation of electronically steered array (talk)
ESS abbreviation of energy storage system (talk)
et seqq. abbreviation of et sequentia (talk)
ETNO abbreviation of extreme trans-Neptunian object (talk)
EUA abbreviation of emergency use authorization (talk)
EW abbreviation of electronic warfare (talk)
FAB abbreviation of fast atom bombardment (talk)
Fab abbreviation of fragment antigen-binding (talk)
FAB abbreviation of frontal assessment battery (talk)
fALS abbreviation of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (talk)
FALS abbreviation of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (talk)
FCY abbreviation of full course yellow (talk)
FE abbreviation of Formula E (talk)
Fed. abbreviation of Federative (talk)
FFR abbreviation of filtering facepiece respirator (talk)
FFR abbreviation of fractional flow reserve (talk)
FG abbreviation of guided missile frigate (talk)
FGly abbreviation of C-alpha-formylglycine (talk)
FI abbreviation of factor I (talk)
FIS abbreviation of flight information service (talk)
FIV abbreviation of factor IV (talk)
FIX abbreviation of factor IX (talk)
FIZ abbreviation of free industrial zone (talk)
FLD abbreviation of farmer's lung disease (talk)
FLD abbreviation of fatty liver disease (talk)
FLD abbreviation of Fazio-Londe disease (talk)
FLE abbreviation of frontal lobe epilepsy (talk)
FOB abbreviation of fecal occult blood (talk)
FOBT abbreviation of fecal occult blood test (talk)
fPET abbreviation of functional positron emission tomogram (talk)
fPET abbreviation of functional positron emission tomograph (talk)
fPET abbreviation of functional positron emission tomography (talk)
FX abbreviation of factor X (talk)
G2G abbreviation of government-to-government (talk)
abbreviation of gadolinium gallium garnet (talk)
GAHT abbreviation of gender-affirming hormone therapy (talk)
GDA abbreviation of glycyldodecylamide (talk)
GEO abbreviation of geostationary Earth orbit (talk)
GEO abbreviation of geostationary orbit (talk)
GEO abbreviation of geosynchronous equatorial orbit (talk)
gon abbreviation of gondola car (talk)
GOT abbreviation of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (talk)
GSHPX abbreviation of glutathione peroxidase (talk)
GSO abbreviation of geosynchronous orbit (talk)
GST abbreviation of Ge2Sb2Te5 (talk)
GTO abbreviation of geostationary transfer orbit (talk)
GTO abbreviation of Gran Turismo Omologato (talk)
H2RA abbreviation of H2 receptor antagonist (talk)
hATTR abbreviation of hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (talk)
HAV abbreviation of Hallux Abductus Valgus (talk)
HAV abbreviation of hepatitis A virus (talk)
HBCD abbreviation of 1,2,5,6,9,10-hexabromocyclododecane (talk)
HBV abbreviation of hepatitis B virus (talk)
HCAP abbreviation of healthcare associated pneumonia (talk)
HCQS abbreviation of hydroxychloroquine sulfate (talk)
HDA abbreviation of hot-dip aluminization (talk)
HDA abbreviation of hot-dip aluminized (talk)
HDG abbreviation of hot-dip galvanization (talk)
HDG abbreviation of hot-dip galvanized (talk)
hDNA abbreviation of heteroduplex DNA (talk)
hDNA abbreviation of hybrid DNA (talk)
HDT abbreviation of hot-dip temperature (talk)
HDT abbreviation of hot-dip tinned (talk)
HDT abbreviation of hot-dip tinning (talk)
HDT abbreviation of hot-dipped tin (talk)
HET abbreviation of Hall effect thruster (talk)
HEV abbreviation of hepatitis E virus (talk)
HFV abbreviation of high frequency ventilation (talk)
HHV abbreviation of hepatitis H virus (talk)
HHV abbreviation of human herpes virus (talk)
HHV abbreviation of human herpesvirus (talk)
HIFU abbreviation of high intensity focused ultrasound (talk)
HIT abbreviation of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (talk)
HIT abbreviation of hyper-spectral imaging technique (talk)
HIT abbreviation of hyperspectral imaging technique (talk)
HKIA abbreviation of Hamid Karzai International Airport (talk)
HKIA abbreviation of Hong Kong Institute of Allergy (talk)
HKIA abbreviation of Hong Kong Institute of Architects (talk)
HKIA abbreviation of Hong Kong International Airport (talk)
HLIRG abbreviation of hyperluminous infrared galaxy (talk)
HPGP abbreviation of hydrogen peroxide gas plasma (talk)
hPIV abbreviation of human parainfluenza virus (talk)
HPMS abbreviation of high proper motion star (talk)
HPU abbreviation of hogel processing unit (talk)
HPV abbreviation of hydrogen peroxide vapor (talk)
HQC abbreviation of high quality connection (talk)
HQC abbreviation of higher level quality control (talk)
HQC abbreviation of hydroxyquinolinecarbonyl (talk)
HRTEM abbreviation of high resolution transmission electron microscope (talk)
HRTEM abbreviation of high resolution transmission electron microscopy (talk)
HSD abbreviation of hyperspectral data (talk)
HTPB abbreviation of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (talk)
HTS abbreviation of technical high school (talk)
ICM abbreviation of intracluster medium (talk)
IPM abbreviation of interplanetary medium (talk)
IPP abbreviation of infinitivus pro participio (talk)
IPPV abbreviation of intermittent positive pressure ventilation (talk)
ISI abbreviation of Inter-Services Intelligence (talk)
JHP abbreviation of jacketed hollow point (talk)
JSP abbreviation of jacketed soft point (talk)
KBBQ abbreviation of Korean barbecue (talk)
Kcb. abbreviation of Kirkudbright (talk)
kly abbreviation of kilolight-year (talk)
Kly abbreviation of kilolight-year (talk)
km/hr abbreviation of kilometer per hour (talk)
kmph abbreviation of kilometres per hour (talk)
KoRT abbreviation of Knight of the Round Table (talk)
KORT abbreviation of Knight of the Round Table (talk)
KoRT abbreviation of Knights of the Round Table (talk)
KPG abbreviation of Korean Provisional Government (talk)
LACC abbreviation of low affinity Ca2+ channel (talk)
LAWS abbreviation of lethal autonomous weapons system (talk)
LCB abbreviation of logic control block (talk)
LCB abbreviation of logic controller block (talk)
LCB abbreviation of logical control block (talk)
LCC abbreviation of large crude carrier (talk)
LCLC abbreviation of large-cell lung carcinoma (talk)
LCLC abbreviation of lateral collateral ligament complex (talk)
lCret abbreviation of Lower Cretaceous (talk)
LFTR abbreviation of liquid fluoride thorium reactor (talk)
LiPo abbreviation of lithium polymer (talk)
lJur abbreviation of Lower Jurassic (talk)
LLAP abbreviation of live long and prosper (talk)
LLP abbreviation of long lap penalty (talk)
LM abbreviation of layout manager (talk)
LMS filter abbreviation of least mean squares filter (talk)
LNe abbreviation of liquid neon (talk)
LQ abbreviation of low quality (talk)
LQ abbreviation of lunar quadrangle (talk)
LRASM abbreviation of long range anti-ship missile (talk)
LRIP abbreviation of low rate income pool (talk)
LRIP abbreviation of low rate initial production (talk)
Lyc abbreviation of Lycaste (talk)
LyC abbreviation of Lyman continuum photon (talk)
LyC abbreviation of Lyman continuum (talk)
M.Eng. abbreviation of Master of Engineering (talk)
M4M abbreviation of metadata for machines (talk)
MARS abbreviation of multicast address resolution server (talk)
MASc abbreviation of Master of Applied Science (talk)
MathML abbreviation of mathematical markup language (talk)
MBH abbreviation of black hole mass (talk)
MBH abbreviation of macroscopic black hole (talk)
MBH abbreviation of massive black hole (talk)
MBH abbreviation of massive black hole (talk)
MBH abbreviation of micro black hole (talk)
MBH abbreviation of microscopic black hole (talk)
MBH abbreviation of mini black hole (talk)
MCMB abbreviation of mesocarbon microbead (talk)
MCPyV abbreviation of Merkel cell polyomavirus (talk)
MDPV abbreviation of Muscovy duck parvovirus (talk)
MEL abbreviation of miscellaneous equipment load (talk)
MEM abbreviation of β-Methoxyethoxymethyl ether (talk)
MET abbreviation of methylethyltryptamine (talk)
MEX abbreviation of México (talk)
MGA abbreviation of megestrol acetate (talk)
MGS abbreviation of microwave-generated steam (talk)
MHET abbreviation of monohydroxyethyl terephthalate (talk)
mi/hr abbreviation of miles per hour (talk)
MIBI abbreviation of methoxyisobutylisonitrile (talk)
MIBI abbreviation of multiplexed ion beam imaging (talk)
MILC abbreviation of mirrorless interchangeable lens camera (talk)
MLAT abbreviation of modern language aptitude test (talk)
MLAT abbreviation of mutual legal assistance treaty (talk)
MLMer abbreviation of multi-level marketer (talk)
MLSE abbreviation of maximum likelihood sequence estimation (talk)
MLSE abbreviation of military local service engagement (talk)
MMA abbreviation of manual metal arc welding (talk)
mnt abbreviation of maleonitriledithiolate (talk)
MON abbreviation of motor octane number (talk)
Moslawi abbreviation of al-Moslawi (talk)
MOX abbreviation of mixed oxide fuel (talk)
MQ abbreviation of medium quality (talk)
MSA abbreviation of mechanically steered array (talk)
MuSK abbreviation of muscle-specific kinaze (talk)
MUV abbreviation of middle ultraviolet (talk)
MWI abbreviation of microwave irradiation (talk)
MX abbreviation of mail exchanger (talk)
N-V abbreviation of nitrogen vacancy (talk)
n.s. abbreviation of new series (talk)
na abbreviation of noun animate (talk)
NAPE abbreviation of N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (talk)
NBH abbreviation of non-black hole (talk)
NCP abbreviation of neuropathic corneal pain (talk)
NCP abbreviation of novel coronavirus pneumonia (talk)
NCR abbreviation of numeric character reference (talk)
NGEO abbreviation of non-geostationary Earth orbit (talk)
NGEO abbreviation of non-geostationary orbit (talk)
NGL abbreviation of natural ground level (talk)
NGSO abbreviation of non-geostationary orbit (talk)
NigE abbreviation of Nigerian English (talk)
NIRS abbreviation of near infrared spectrogram (talk)
NIRS abbreviation of near infrared spectrograph (talk)
NIRS abbreviation of near infrared spectrography (talk)
NIRS abbreviation of near infrared spectroscope (talk)
NIRS abbreviation of near infrared spectroscopy (talk)
non-24 abbreviation of non-24-hour sleep-wake rhythm disorder (talk)
NUV abbreviation of near ultraviolet (talk)
NZT abbreviation of New Zealand Time (talk)
O. S. abbreviation of old style (talk)
OCR abbreviation of obstacle course race (talk)
OCR abbreviation of obstacle course racing (talk)
OGC abbreviation of oculogyric crisis (talk)
OIL abbreviation of oxygen-iodine laser (talk)
OLS abbreviation of optical landing system (talk)
OLS abbreviation of ordinary least squares (talk)
ONJ abbreviation of osteonecrosis of the jaw (talk)
OPA abbreviation of optionally piloted aircraft (talk)
OPSEC abbreviation of operations security (talk)
OPV abbreviation of organic photovoltaic (talk)
ORD abbreviation of operationally ready date (talk)
OTTOMH abbreviation of off the top of my head (talk)
OVV abbreviation of optically violent variable (talk)
OVV abbreviation of optically visually violent (talk)
p. abbreviation of people’s (talk)
p abbreviation of progressive scan (talk)
P0 abbreviation of position zero (talk)
P0 abbreviation of priority zero (talk)
P1 abbreviation of position one (talk)
P3 abbreviation of priority three (talk)
P5 abbreviation of priority five (talk)
PANH abbreviation of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycle (talk)
PAP abbreviation of past active participle (talk)
PAP abbreviation of present active participle (talk)
PAPI abbreviation of Performance Application Programming Interface (talk)
PAR abbreviation of phased-array radar (talk)
PAW abbreviation of plasma arc weld (talk)
PAW abbreviation of plasma arc welding (talk)
PBr. abbreviation of Proto-Brittonic (talk)
PBV abbreviation of party block vote (talk)
PBV abbreviation of party block voting (talk)
PBV abbreviation of preferential block vote (talk)
PBV abbreviation of preferential block voting (talk)
PC abbreviation of propylene carbonate (talk)
PCG abbreviation of procedural content generation (talk)
PDGF abbreviation of platelet-derived growth factor (talk)
PDGFs abbreviation of platelet-derived growth factors (talk)
PEDOT abbreviation of polyethylene dioxythiophene (talk)
peo. abbreviation of people’s (talk)
peop. abbreviation of people’s (talk)
PETM abbreviation of Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (talk)
PFAA abbreviation of perfluoroalkyl acid (talk)
PFOF abbreviation of payment for order flow (talk)
PHEVLER abbreviation of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with long electric range (talk)
PICA abbreviation of phenolic impregnated carbon ablator (talk)
PIP abbreviation of peak inspiratory pressure (talk)
PIPP abbreviation of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 5-phosphatase A (talk)
PIPP abbreviation of premature infant pain profile (talk)
piRNA abbreviation of piwi-interacting RNA (talk)
PIV-5 abbreviation of parainfluenza virus 5 (talk)
PIV abbreviation of parainfluenza virus (talk)
PIV5 abbreviation of parainfluenza virus 5 (talk)
PLP abbreviation of pyridoxal phosphate (talk)
POCUS abbreviation of point-of-care ultrasound (talk)
pop psych abbreviation of popular psychology (talk)
PP abbreviation of prone positioning (talk)
PPU abbreviation of parallel processing unit (talk)
PPV abbreviation of positive pressure ventilation (talk)
Presby abbreviation of Presbyterian Hospital (talk)
Prog abbreviation of Progressive Party (talk)
PS abbreviation of packet-switched (talk)
PS abbreviation of postal service (talk)
PsA abbreviation of psoriatic arthritis (talk)
pumped hydro abbreviation of pumped hydroelectric energy storage (talk)
pumped hydro abbreviation of pumped-storage hydroelectric energy system (talk)
pumped hydro abbreviation of pumped-storage hydroelectricity (talk)
PVOD abbreviation of pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (talk)
PVS abbreviation of post-viral syndrome (talk)
PVS abbreviation of potentially visible set (talk)
QAC abbreviation of quality assurance and control (talk)
qac abbreviation of quaternary ammonium cation (talk)
QAS abbreviation of quaternary ammonium salt (talk)
QRNG abbreviation of quantum random number generator (talk)
QTM abbreviation of quantum Turing machine (talk)
QTM abbreviation of quarter turn metric (talk)
QTM abbreviation of quaternary triangular mesh (talk)
R2R abbreviation of reel-to-reel processing (talk)
R2R abbreviation of roll-to-roll processing (talk)
RAL abbreviation of refund anticipation loan (talk)
rangefinder abbreviation of rangefinder camera (talk)
RAS abbreviation of rail accessory system (talk)
RBF abbreviation of radial basis function (talk)
RCC abbreviation of red cell concentrate (talk)
RCC abbreviation of reinforced carbon-carbon composite (talk)
RDE abbreviation of real driving emissions (talk)
RDE abbreviation of rotating detonation engine (talk)
RDE abbreviation of rotating disk electrode (talk)
REM abbreviation of reactive electrochemical membrane (talk)
RF abbreviation of radiance field (talk)
RFX abbreviation of regulatory factor X (talk)
RIS abbreviation of rail interface system (talk)
RM abbreviation of regional municipality (talk)
ROS abbreviation of Robot Operating System (talk)
ROU abbreviation of Rouyn-Noranda (talk)
RPA abbreviation of remotely piloted aircraft (talk)
RPA abbreviation of robotic process automation (talk)
rptr. n. abbreviation of reporter's note (talk)
rptr. nn. abbreviation of reporter's notes (talk)
RPV abbreviation of residual pressure valve (talk)
RV abbreviation of return vehicle (talk)
RXR abbreviation of retinoid X receptor (talk)
S. abbreviation of Signor (talk)
S. abbreviation of Signore (talk)
s/p abbreviation of status post (talk)
SAA abbreviation of South Atlantic Anomaly (talk)
sac lac abbreviation of saccharum lactis (talk)
sALS abbreviation of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (talk)
SALS abbreviation of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (talk)
sBCMA abbreviation of serum B-cell maturation antigen (talk)
SBH abbreviation of Bekenstein-Hawking entropy (talk)
SBH abbreviation of Schottky barrier height (talk)
SBH abbreviation of small black hole (talk)
SBH abbreviation of stellar black hole (talk)
scFv abbreviation of single-chain variable fragment (talk)
SCI abbreviation of spinal cord injury (talk)
SCO abbreviation of sharable content object (talk)
SCU abbreviation of Sacra Corona Unita (talk)
SEB abbreviation of South Equatorial Band (talk)
SecDef abbreviation of Secretary of Defense (talk)
SFAICT abbreviation of so far as I can tell (talk)
sGP abbreviation of secreted glycoprotein (talk)
Sgr abbreviation of Sagittarii (talk)
SHIM abbreviation of scanning helium ion microscope (talk)
SIB abbreviation of sodium-ion battery (talk)
SIH abbreviation of spontaneous intracranial hypotension (talk)
sing. abbreviation of singulorum (talk)
single-lens reflex abbreviation of single-lens reflex camera (talk)
sk. abbreviation of synklepton (talk)
SMILES abbreviation of Simplified molecular-input line-entry system (talk)
SNU abbreviation of solar neutrino unit (talk)
SOC abbreviation of state of charge (talk)
SOD abbreviation of superoxide dismutase (talk)
SOFA abbreviation of status of forces agreement (talk)
SOG abbreviation of singlet-oxygen generator (talk)
SOG abbreviation of Summer Olympic Games (talk)
SPB abbreviation of super pressure balloon (talk)
SPLEED abbreviation of spin-polarized low-energy electron diffraction (talk)
SPN abbreviation of service principal name (talk)
Sra. abbreviation of Señora (talk)
Srta. abbreviation of Señorita (talk)
SRV abbreviation of suborbital reusable vehicle (talk)
SSP abbreviation of senior superintendent (talk)
st st abbreviation of stocking stitch (talk)
Ste abbreviation of sainte (talk)
TCAP abbreviation of tricyclic acetone peroxide (talk)
td abbreviation of table data (talk)
TEB abbreviation of triethylbenzene (talk)
TEOS abbreviation of tetraethyl orthosilicate (talk)
th abbreviation of table header (talk)
TMH abbreviation of trimethylhydrazine hydrochloride (talk)
TMH abbreviation of trimethylhydrazine (talk)
TOB abbreviation of top of book (talk)
TPS abbreviation of temporary protected status (talk)
TTS abbreviation of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (talk)
Tuba abbreviation of bass tuba (talk)
uCret abbreviation of Upper Cretaceous (talk)
UDPGA abbreviation of uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid (talk)
UHB abbreviation of uranyl hexagonal bipyramid (talk)
ULP abbreviation of ultra-luminous pulsar (talk)
ULX abbreviation of ultra-luminous X-ray (talk)
USV abbreviation of unmanned surface vessel (talk)
UVGI abbreviation of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (talk)
V.C. abbreviation of vi coactus (talk)
V2I abbreviation of vehicle-to-infrastructure (talk)
V2V abbreviation of vehicle-to-vehicle (talk)
V2X abbreviation of vehicle-to-X (talk)
VCR abbreviation of virtual credit (talk)
VCU abbreviation of verified carbon unit (talk)
VHP abbreviation of vaporous hydrogen peroxide (talk)
vid. abbreviation of vidua (talk)
VIE abbreviation of vacuum insulated evaporator (talk)
VIE abbreviation of variable interest entity (talk)
VLOC abbreviation of very large ore carrier (talk)
VLOC abbreviation of VOR/Localizer (talk)
VoC abbreviation of variant of concern (talk)
vPFC abbreviation of ventricular prefrontal cortex (talk)
VPU abbreviation of vector processing unit (talk)
Vr abbreviation of visual range (talk)
VSIV abbreviation of vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus (talk)
VSV abbreviation of vesicular stomatitis virus (talk)
VUI abbreviation of video usability information (talk)
VUI abbreviation of voice user interface (talk)
wht abbreviation of white (talk)
wht abbreviation of white (talk)
WPT abbreviation of wireless-power transfer (talk)
WPT abbreviation of wireless-power transfer (talk)
wqo abbreviation of well-quasi-ordered (talk)
wqo abbreviation of well-quasi-ordering (talk)
wym abbreviation of what do you mean? (talk)
XPCOM abbreviation of Cross-Platform Component Object Model (talk)
YA abbreviation of youth authority (talk)
YSO abbreviation of young stellar object (talk)
ZAHB abbreviation of zero-age horizontal branch (talk)
βTrCP abbreviation of beta-transducin repeat containing (talk)
μLED abbreviation of microLED (talk)
AACOM acronym of Army Area Command (talk)
AACOMS acronym of army area communications system (talk)
ADAS acronym of advanced driver-assistance system (talk)
ADEM acronym of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (talk)
ALP acronym of axion-like particle (talk)
ANCOVA acronym of analysis of covariance (talk)
ARDS acronym of acute respiratory distress syndrome (talk)
ASIC acronym of application-specific integrated circuit (talk)
ATO acronym of ammunition technical officer (talk)
BiPAP acronym of bilevel positive airway pressure (talk)
CADPAT acronym of Canadian disruption pattern (talk)
CIWS acronym of close-in weapon system (talk)
CLOB acronym of character large object (talk)
COB acronym of chief of boat (talk)
dAGN acronym of dual active galactic nuclei (talk)
DEXA acronym of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (talk)
E-Tolls acronym of electronic toll collection (talk)
ECAM acronym of electronic centralized aircraft monitor (talk)
EDMIn acronym of ethyldimethylindium (talk)
EFIS acronym of electronic flight instrument system (talk)
EICAS acronym of engine-indicating and crew-alerting system (talk)
FIDO acronym of flight dynamics officer (talk)
fNIRS acronym of functional near infrared spectroscopy (talk)
GABOB acronym of gamma-amino-beta-hydroxybutyric acid (talk)
GEODE acronym of generic object of dark energy (talk)
GOP acronym of group of pictures (talk)
HAR acronym of human accelerated region (talk)
HIP acronym of Higher Intermediate Point (talk)
HIT acronym of high-intensity training (talk)
HIT acronym of human intelligence task (talk)
HOT acronym of hybrid-orientation technique (talk)
HOT acronym of hybrid-orientation technology (talk)
ICON acronym of index currency option note (talk)
ISCO acronym of innermost stable circular orbit (talk)
KEW acronym of kinetic energy weapon (talk)
LAC acronym of L-acetylcarnitine (talk)
LAT acronym of large airtanker (talk)
LEEM acronym of low-energy electron microscope (talk)
LEEM acronym of low-energy electron microscopy (talk)
LIC acronym of ligand-gated ion channel (talk)
LIC acronym of ligation-independent cloning (talk)
LIC acronym of listed investment company (talk)
LIF acronym of leukemia inhibitory factor (talk)
MAD acronym of magnetically-arrested disc (talk)
MAG acronym of maximum absorbency garment (talk)
MAG acronym of myelin-associated glycoprotein (talk)
MCV acronym of mean corpuscular volume (talk)
MECO acronym of magnetospheric eternally collapsing object (talk)
MEN acronym of multiple endocrine neoplasia (talk)
MODS acronym of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (talk)
MoID acronym of moderate intellectual disability (talk)
MoRF acronym of molecular recognition feature (talk)
MoRF acronym of morphable radiance field (talk)
NACS acronym of North American Charging Standard (talk)
NAP acronym of non-aggression pact (talk)
NeRF acronym of neural radiance field (talk)
NET acronym of neutrophil extracellular trap (talk)
nos acronym of nitrous oxide system (talk)
NoVA acronym of Northern Virginia (talk)
OTEC acronym of ocean thermal energy conversion (talk)
OTEC acronym of ocean thermal energy converter (talk)
OTF acronym of out-the-front (talk)
PAL acronym of programmable array logic (talk)
PAN acronym of primary account number (talk)
PAP acronym of positive airway pressure (talk)
PAPI acronym of precision approach path indicator (talk)
PBAN acronym of polybutadiene acrylonitrile (talk)
PEBA acronym of polyether block amide (talk)
PEth acronym of phosphatidylethanol (talk)
PIM acronym of personal information manager (talk)
QFET acronym of quantum field effect transistor (talk)
RUPP acronym of road used as public path (talk)
SHU acronym of security housing unit (talk)
SHU acronym of special handling unit (talk)
SHU acronym of special housing unit (talk)
SLAM acronym of stand-off land attack missile (talk)
SLAM acronym of supersonic low altitude missile (talk)
SLiM acronym of short linear motif (talk)
SOG acronym of special operations group (talk)
SyAM acronym of synthetic antibody mimic (talk)
TACAN acronym of tactical air navigation beacon (talk)
TEG acronym of triethylene glycol (talk)
TOFI acronym of thin-outside-fat-inside (talk)
TUFROC acronym of toughened uni-piece fibrous reinforced oxidation-resistant composite (talk)
TYRP1 acronym of tyrosinase related protein 1 (talk)
VOR acronym of VHF omnidirectional range (talk)
VSAT acronym of very small aperture terminal (talk)
WFOE acronym of wholly foreign-owned enterprise (talk)
WISP acronym of wireless internet service provider (talk)
ZUI acronym of zero user interface (talk)
PBP alt case PbP (talk)
Retinaculiaperti alt case retinaculiaperti (talk)
3DNow alt form 3DNow! ([[Talk::3DNow!|talk]])
aethalic alt form ethalic (talk)
asposed to alt form supposed to (talk)
Atuna alt form Tunna (talk)
calcium disodium EDTA alt form E385 (talk)
calcium ferrocyanide alt form E538 (talk)
calcium peroxide alt form E930 (talk)
calcium polyphosphate alt form E544 (talk)
calcium propionate alt form E282 (talk)
calcium sodium polyphosphate alt form E543 (talk)
calcium sulphite alt form E226 (talk)
Chihli alt form Zhili (talk)
China alt form cheyney (talk)
closed loop alt form knot loop (talk)
developpe alt form développé (talk)
dicalcium diphosphate alt form E540 (talk)
diisopropylfluorophosphate alt form diisopropyl fluorophosphate (talk)
dimethyl polysiloxane alt form E900 (talk)
documentarise alt form documentarize (talk)
dpt. alt form dpt (talk)
drivebelt alt form drive belt (talk)
dwell upon alt form dwell on (talk)
endamoeba alt form endameba (talk)
endoarchaeopyle alt form endoarcheopyle (talk)
Engelsist alt form Engelist (talk)
Engelsist alt form Engelist (talk)
erythredema alt form erythroedema (talk)
erythrocythaemic alt form erythrocythemic (talk)
ethyl methyl cellulose alt form E465 (talk)
ethyl para-hydroxybenzoate alt form E214 (talk)
God honest truth alt form God’s honest truth (talk)
groundsnake alt form ground snake (talk)
haemangiomatous alt form hemangiomatous (talk)
have a good mind to alt form have half a mind to (talk)
head counter alt form headcounter (talk)
helizitic alt form helicitic (talk)
hemp nettle alt form hempnettle (talk)
hibernise alt form hibernize (talk)
home-brewn alt form home-brewed (talk)
hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose alt form E464 (talk)
hydroxypropyl starch glycerine alt form E1441 (talk)
hydroxypropyl starch phosphate alt form E1442 (talk)
hydroxypropyl starch alt form E1440 (talk)
hyperinosaemia alt form hyperinosemia (talk)
hyperkaliaemia alt form hyperkaliemia (talk)
hyperkinaemia alt form hyperkinemia (talk)
hypersalaemia alt form hypersalemia (talk)
hypersarcosinaemia alt form hypersarcosinemia (talk)
hyphaemia alt form hyphemia (talk)
hypocholesteraemia alt form hypocholesteremia (talk)
hypogammaglobinaemia alt form hypogammaglobinemia (talk)
hypohydraemia alt form hypohydremia (talk)
hypokinaemia alt form hypokinemia (talk)
hypoleukaemia alt form hypoleukemia (talk)
hyposalaemia alt form hyposalemia (talk)
infrabarreled alt form infrabarrelled (talk)
insolubiliser alt form insolubilizer (talk)
ironicise alt form ironicize (talk)
Keflavik alt form Keflavík (talk)
kunefe alt form künefe (talk)
leblebi alt form lablabi (talk)
leucoagglutination alt form leukoagglutination (talk)
lollycake alt form lolly cake (talk)
magnesium diglutamate alt form E625 (talk)
magnesium phosphate alt form E343 (talk)
Makin alt form Makeen (talk)
methyl cellulose alt form E461 (talk)
methyl para-hydroxybenzoate alt form E218 (talk)
methylcarbamate alt form methyl carbamate (talk)
mind one's peas and cues alt form mind one's Ps and Qs (talk)
monammonium glutamate alt form E624 (talk)
monoanaesthesia alt form monoanesthesia (talk)
monopotassium glutamate alt form E622 (talk)
N2 alt form N₂ (talk)
ornithinaemia alt form ornithinemia (talk)
orthoglycaemic alt form orthoglycemic (talk)
oxyhaeme alt form oxyheme (talk)
oxyhaemochromogen alt form oxyhemochromogen (talk)
palaeobiochemistry alt form paleobiochemistry (talk)
palaeoethnology alt form paleoethnology (talk)
palaeofloristics alt form paleofloristics (talk)
palaeologic alt form paleologic (talk)
palaeomorphic alt form paleomorphic (talk)
periarchaeopyle alt form periarcheopyle (talk)
phytoarcheology alt form phytoarchaeology (talk)
Pojarski cutlet alt form Pozharski cutlet (talk)
potassium acetate alt form E261 (talk)
potassium adipate alt form E357 (talk)
potassium alginate alt form E402 (talk)
potassium aluminium silicate alt form E555 (talk)
potassium ascorbate alt form E303 (talk)
potassium bisulphite alt form E228 (talk)
potassium ferrocyanide alt form E536 (talk)
potassium gluconate alt form E577 (talk)
potassium guanylate alt form E628 (talk)
potassium inosinate alt form E632 (talk)
potassium lactate alt form E326 (talk)
potassium malate alt form E351 (talk)
prairielike alt form prairie-like (talk)
propargylchloride alt form propargyl chloride (talk)
purinaemia alt form purinemia (talk)
pyosepticaemia alt form pyosepticemia (talk)
rio alt form ryō (talk)
salering alt form sale ring (talk)
sectionisation alt form sectionization (talk)
subsaltation alt form subsultation (talk)
sulfophosphovanillin alt form sulphophosphovanillin (talk)
the jury is still out alt form the jury is out (talk)
Thugee alt form Thuggee (talk)
thuggeeism alt form Thuggism (talk)
tighter than Dick's hatband alt form as tight as Dick's hatband (talk)
triphenyltetrazoliumchloride alt form triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (talk)
Uaraicu alt form Waraikú (talk)
Uaraycu alt form Waraikú (talk)
Uirina alt form Wiriná (talk)
under one's very nose alt form under one's nose (talk)
unipectinate alt form unipectinated (talk)
urohaematoporphyrin alt form urohematoporphyrin (talk)
Usheen alt form Oisín (talk)
West Carolina alt form Western Carolina (talk)
work one's buns off alt form work one's butt off (talk)
xanthophile alt form xanthophil (talk)
Zeguha alt form Zigula (talk)
Zulkadah alt form Dhu al-Qadah (talk)
mammalia alternative case form of Mammalia (talk)
White alternative case form of white (talk)
White alternative case form of white (talk)
Abbott-Miller tube alternative form of Miller-Abbot tube (talk)
absolute fee simple alternative form of fee simple absolute (talk)
Accomac alternative form of Accawmack (talk)
adstrictory alternative form of astrictory (talk)
agrocoenosis alternative form of agrocenosis (talk)
amatrice alternative form of amatrix (talk)
anthracaemia alternative form of anthracemia (talk)
Antirion alternative form of Antirio (talk)
Antirrio alternative form of Antirio (talk)
Antirrion alternative form of Antirio (talk)
as demure as an old whore at a christening alternative form of as demure as a whore at a christening (talk)
backscreen alternative form of back screen (talk)
be here for alternative form of be there for (talk)
Bellary alternative form of Ballari (talk)
bodytights alternative form of body tights (talk)
bookright alternative form of book-right (talk)
brickcoloured alternative form of brickcolored (talk)
burcak alternative form of burčák (talk)
butylacetate alternative form of butyl acetate (talk)
caught in the cookie jar alternative form of caught with one's hand in the cookie jar (talk)
caught raiding the cookie jar alternative form of caught with one's hand in the cookie jar (talk)
caught with one's fingers in the cookie jar alternative form of caught with one's hand in the cookie jar (talk)
caught with the cookie jar alternative form of caught with one's hand in the cookie jar (talk)
centiray alternative form of centiRay (talk)
Ch'ing-ho alternative form of Qinghe (talk)
Ch'ing-ho alternative form of Qinghe (talk)
cherrycoloured alternative form of cherrycolored (talk)
Chiang-tzu alternative form of Jiangzi (talk)
Chingshui alternative form of Qingshui (talk)
Christfollower alternative form of Christ-follower (talk)
Chutien alternative form of Zhutian (talk)
Chutung alternative form of Zhudong (talk)
chylomicronaemic alternative form of chylomicronemic (talk)
crab claw alternative form of crab claw sail (talk)
crossentropy alternative form of cross entropy (talk)
Curupuri alternative form of Curupira (talk)
DeKalb alternative form of de Kalb (talk)
dipslide alternative form of dip slide (talk)
don't teach your grandmother how to milk ducks alternative form of don't teach your grandmother how to suck eggs (talk)
don't teach your grandmother to steal sheep alternative form of don't teach your grandmother how to suck eggs (talk)
early bird catches the worm alternative form of early bird gets the worm (talk)
enviro-socialism alternative form of environmental socialism (talk)
enviro-socialist alternative form of environmental socialist (talk)
envirosocialism alternative form of environmental socialism (talk)
envirosocialist alternative form of environmental socialist (talk)
Erh-lien-hao-t'e alternative form of Erlianhaote (talk)
every old nook and cranny alternative form of every nook and cranny (talk)
fawncoloured alternative form of fawncolored (talk)
Fluvia alternative form of Fluvià (talk)
foetalism alternative form of fetalism (talk)
get off on the right foot alternative form of start off on the right foot (talk)
gidday alternative form of g’day (talk)
glass fiber alternative form of glassfibre (talk)
graecolatin alternative form of Graeco-Latin (talk)
Happy Christmas alternative form of Merry Christmas (talk)
Happy New Year's alternative form of Happy New Year (talk)
hold a torch for alternative form of carry a torch for (talk)
homoeopolar alternative form of homeopolar (talk)
Huang-pei alternative form of Huangbei (talk)
hydroxypropylmethylcellulose alternative form of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (talk)
hyperintentional alternative form of hyperintensional (talk)
hyperintentionality alternative form of hyperintensionality (talk)
Jih-k'a-tse alternative form of Rikaze (talk)
K'u-mi-shih alternative form of Kumishi (talk)
Kansu Corridor alternative form of Gansu Corridor (talk)
keep a look-out alternative form of be on the look-out (talk)
Kulangsoo alternative form of Gulangsu (talk)
leukodopachrome alternative form of leucodopachrome (talk)
Luchu alternative form of Luqu (talk)
lung sick alternative form of lung-sick (talk)
lung sick alternative form of lung-sickness (talk)
maxidress alternative form of maxi dress (talk)
Mephitis alternative form of Mefitis (talk)
metisse alternative form of métisse (talk)
Miami alternative form of Mayaimi (talk)
microg alternative form of mcg (talk)
miss the forest for the trees alternative form of cannot see the forest for the trees (talk)
miss the wood for the trees alternative form of cannot see the forest for the trees (talk)
miss the woods for the trees alternative form of cannot see the forest for the trees (talk)
Moldovenism alternative form of Moldovanism (talk)
mommacita alternative form of mamacita (talk)
mute-hill alternative form of moot-hill (talk)
Nanini alternative form of Nanino (talk)
no buts alternative form of no ifs, ands, or buts (talk)
noonie alternative form of nunnie (talk)
NSYNCer alternative form of \*NSYNCer (talk)
oleoptene alternative form of eleoptene (talk)
on short notice alternative form of at short notice (talk)
ooxanthine alternative form of ooxanthin (talk)
Ophiussa alternative form of Ophiusa (talk)
P alternative form of (talk)
Pa-ch'u alternative form of Bachu (talk)
Paiyun-opo alternative form of Baiyun'ebo (talk)
Penki alternative form of Benqi (talk)
per orem alternative form of per os (talk)
phaseshift alternative form of phase shift (talk)
piggy-back alternative form of piggy back (talk)
piggy-back alternative form of piggy back (talk)
piggy-back alternative form of piggy back (talk)
piggy-back alternative form of piggy back (talk)
plastic Paddy alternative form of Plastic Patty (talk)
pleurosthotonus alternative form of pleurosthotonos (talk)
prothyalosome alternative form of prothyalosoma (talk)
Ptolemæus alternative form of Ptolemaeus (talk)
PTX alternative form of PLTX (talk)
put up one’s hands alternative form of put one's hands up (talk)
Qur'ân alternative form of Qur’an (talk)
rinky-dink alternative form of rinky-tink (talk)
rinky-dink alternative form of rinky-tink (talk)
rock alum alternative form of roche alum (talk)
Romy alternative form of Romi (talk)
runish alternative form of rennish (talk)
Sagan alternative form of Sakan (talk)
Saint Michael alternative form of St. Michael (talk)
Saint Michael alternative form of St. Michael (talk)
Sang-chu alternative form of Sangzhu (talk)
set sights on alternative form of set one's sights on (talk)
setewale alternative form of cetewale (talk)
Sho alternative form of Shö (talk)
So-ch'e alternative form of Shache (talk)
soaked to the bones alternative form of soaked to the bone (talk)
star sixty-nine alternative form of *69 ([[Talk::*69|talk]])
star-sixty-nine alternative form of *69 ([[Talk::*69|talk]])
stiffneckedness alternative form of stiff-neckedness (talk)
subcarbureted alternative form of subcarburetted (talk)
sulfocyanic alternative form of sulphocyanic (talk)
sulphinide alternative form of sulfinide (talk)
sulphochlorinated alternative form of sulfochlorinated (talk)
syns alternative form of syns. (talk)
T'o-k'o-hsün alternative form of Tuokexun (talk)
talik alternative form of taliq (talk)
ureolytically alternative form of urealytically (talk)
urohaematin alternative form of urohematin (talk)
Utsire alternative form of Utsira (talk)
valchovite alternative form of walchowite (talk)
wait on hand, foot and finger alternative form of wait on hand and foot (talk)
wait on someone hand, foot and finger alternative form of wait on hand and foot (talk)
wait upon hand and foot alternative form of wait on hand and foot (talk)
Weihsien alternative form of Weixian (talk)
wirecutter alternative form of wire cutter (talk)
Wu-ch'ia alternative form of Wuqia (talk)
Wuhsien alternative form of Wuxian (talk)
Wutsin alternative form of Wujin (talk)
Xorg alternative form of X.Org (talk)
Yeh-ch'eng alternative form of Yecheng (talk)
Yeh-i-k'o alternative form of Yeyike (talk)
Ying-chi-sha alternative form of Yingjisha (talk)
Yungkang alternative form of Yongkang (talk)
a'n't alternative spelling of ain’t (talk)
Accomack alternative spelling of Accawmack (talk)
Action démocratique du Québec alternative spelling of Action Democratique du Quebec (talk)
airblown alternative spelling of air-blown (talk)
Almaine Rivets alternative spelling of almain-rivets (talk)
Amphissa alternative spelling of Amfissa (talk)
antistrange alternative spelling of anti-strange (talk)
arylsulphonate alternative spelling of arylsulfonate (talk)
attorneys fees alternative spelling of attorney's fees (talk)
bacalao alternative spelling of bacalhau (talk)
baktun alternative spelling of b'ak'tun (talk)
calesa alternative spelling of kalesa (talk)
chachka alternative spelling of Tzatza (talk)
clamjamphrie alternative spelling of clanjamphry (talk)
coinflipping alternative spelling of coin-flipping (talk)
conditorie alternative spelling of Konditorei (talk)
crossculturally alternative spelling of cross-culturally (talk)
don't cry over spilled milk alternative spelling of don't cry over spilt milk (talk)
femalecentric alternative spelling of female-centric (talk)
flakeable alternative spelling of flakable (talk)
Fuzhine alternative spelling of Fužine (talk)
Hormuz alternative spelling of Hormud (talk)
hourslong alternative spelling of hours-long (talk)
libra alternative spelling of libbra (talk)
Maui alternative spelling of Māui (talk)
meningocele manqué alternative spelling of meningocele manque (talk)
mind one's P's and Q's alternative spelling of mind one's p's and q's (talk)
mysterioso alternative spelling of misterioso (talk)
Patzcuaro alternative spelling of Pátzcuaro (talk)
pick up trucks alternative spelling of pick-up truck (talk)
ploot alternative spelling of plout (talk)
ploughability alternative spelling of plowability (talk)
pseudoresponse alternative spelling of pseudo-response (talk)
San Remo alternative spelling of Sanremo (talk)
Sandzak alternative spelling of Sandžak (talk)
selforganized alternative spelling of self-organized (talk)
Sewanee alternative spelling of Sewannee (talk)
straitlacedness alternative spelling of strait-lacedness (talk)
supersecretive alternative spelling of super-secretive (talk)
tropaean alternative spelling of tropæan (talk)
uA alternative spelling of µA (talk)
ucd alternative spelling of µcd (talk)
ug alternative spelling of µg (talk)
uK alternative spelling of µK (talk)
umol alternative spelling of µmol (talk)
uncoördinate alternative spelling of uncoordinate (talk)
us alternative spelling of µs (talk)
weakbrained alternative spelling of weak-brained (talk)
weakheaded alternative spelling of weak-headed (talk)
whyte alternative spelling of white (talk)
yt alternative spelling of white (talk)
o altform ο (talk)
Ælfric archaic form of Aelfric (talk)
æstheticization archaic form of estheticization (talk)
Æthelred archaic form of Aethelred (talk)
metaphenylenediamin archaic form of metaphenylenediamine (talk)
methylacetanilid archaic form of methylacetanilide (talk)
Oushak archaic form of Uşak (talk)
perhalid archaic form of perhalide (talk)
quata archaic form of coiata (talk)
Quiloa archaic form of Kilwa (talk)
Restorationer archaic form of Restorationist (talk)
tolidin archaic form of tolidine (talk)
Ushak archaic form of Uşak (talk)
Yauapery archaic form of Jauaperi (talk)
Aber clipping of Abergwyngregyn (talk)
Arlberg clipping of Ski Arlberg (talk)
brachy clipping of Brachyrhaphis (talk)
cab clipping of cabinet file (talk)
CAPCOM clipping of capsule communicator (talk)
Chiapa clipping of Chiapa de Corzo (talk)
China clipping of China tea (talk)
Conservative Party clipping of Conservative Party of Canada (talk)
Crimea clipping of Crimean Republic (talk)
foiling clipping of hydrofoiling (talk)
foreign clipping of chamber foreign (talk)
galette clipping of Breton galette (talk)
jadoogur clipping of Jadugar-Khana (talk)
long clipping of a long time (talk)
long clipping of taking a long time (talk)
Macca clipping of Macca Oromo (talk)
napoleon clipping of Napoleon bigarreau (talk)
napoleon clipping of Napoleon boot (talk)
napoleon clipping of Napoleon brandy (talk)
napoleon clipping of Napoleon cake (talk)
napoleon clipping of Napoleon gun (talk)
office clipping of inquest of office (talk)
Phil clipping of the Philippines (talk)
PLA clipping of PLAGF (talk)
time clipping of a long time (talk)
tode clipping of tode-boat (talk)
venire facias clipping of venire facias ad respondendum (talk)
wildcat clipping of wildcat money (talk)
Advaita contraction of Advaita Vedanta (talk)
alotta contraction of a lot of (talk)
lorra contraction of lot of (talk)
Capsuimoon dated form of Kap Shui Mun (talk)
Chefoo dated form of Zhifu (talk)
like a house afire dated form of like a house on fire (talk)
neuraxone dated spelling of neuraxon (talk)
old timer's disease eggcorn of Alzheimer’s disease (talk)
10 ellipsis of perfect 10 (talk)
1095 ellipsis of 1095 steel (talk)
5160 ellipsis of 5160 steel (talk)
Accomac ellipsis of Accomac Shire (talk)
acetate ellipsis of acetate disc (talk)
Acidalia ellipsis of Acidalia Planitia (talk)
Acushnet ellipsis of Acushnet River (talk)
Adak ellipsis of Adak Base (talk)
Adak ellipsis of Adak Island (talk)
Adak ellipsis of Adak Station (talk)
Adak ellipsis of America/Adak (talk)
Alcatraz ellipsis of Alcatraz Island (talk)
Alpena ellipsis of Alpena Township (talk)
Amhara ellipsis of Amhara language (talk)
Amhara ellipsis of Amhara people (talk)
Amhara ellipsis of Amhara Region (talk)
Antioch ellipsis of Principality of Antioch (talk)
asperatus ellipsis of undulatus asperatus cloud (talk)
Assam ellipsis of Assam tea (talk)
ballerina ellipsis of ballerina roll (talk)
basic income ellipsis of guaranteed basic income (talk)
Bay ellipsis of San Francisco Bay (talk)
Berdiansk ellipsis of Berdiansk Municipality (talk)
Berdiansk ellipsis of Berdiansk Spit (talk)
Berlin ellipsis of Berlin Township (talk)
Bimini ellipsis of Bimini Islands (talk)
bipolar I ellipsis of bipolar I disorder (talk)
bipolar II ellipsis of bipolar II disorder (talk)
Blantyre ellipsis of Blantyre District (talk)
Blouin ellipsis of Lake Blouin (talk)
Boca Raton ellipsis of Lake Boca Raton (talk)
Bronx ellipsis of The Bronx River (talk)
Bronx ellipsis of The Bronx (talk)
Bt ellipsis of Bt toxin (talk)
Butler ellipsis of Butler River (talk)
Callao ellipsis of Callao Cave (talk)
Canso ellipsis of Canso Crater (talk)
Canso ellipsis of Canso Rocks (talk)
Canso ellipsis of Cape Canso (talk)
Canso ellipsis of Strait of Canso (talk)
Carey ellipsis of Carey Island (talk)
Cas ellipsis of Cas gene (talk)
Cas ellipsis of Cas protein (talk)
Cas ellipsis of Cas sequence (talk)
Casey ellipsis of City of Casey (talk)
Casey ellipsis of Division of Casey (talk)
Cassiar ellipsis of Cassiar Country (talk)
Cassiar ellipsis of Cassiar Land District (talk)
Cassiar ellipsis of Cassiar Mountains (talk)
Cassiar ellipsis of Cassiar River (talk)
Chinesca ellipsis of La Chinesca (talk)
conveyor-broiler ellipsis of conveyor-broiler oven (talk)
Conwy ellipsis of River Conwy (talk)
Cornwallis ellipsis of Cornwallis Island (talk)
Cornwallis ellipsis of Cornwallis River (talk)
Cornwallis ellipsis of Cornwallis Township (talk)
Coromandel ellipsis of Coromandel Coast (talk)
Coromandel ellipsis of Coromandel Peninsula (talk)
Coromandel ellipsis of Coromandel Range (talk)
cotillion ellipsis of cotillion ball (talk)
Craco ellipsis of Craco Peschiera (talk)
cream of coconut ellipsis of cream of coconut soup (talk)
Crecy ellipsis of Battle of Crecy (talk)
Crecy ellipsis of Crecy Campaign (talk)
Crecy ellipsis of Crecy Forest (talk)
Crecy ellipsis of Crecy-en-Ponthieu (talk)
Creekside ellipsis of Creekside Village (talk)
Crimea ellipsis of Republic of Crimea (talk)
Crowley ellipsis of Town of Crowley (talk)
cycleman ellipsis of motorcycleman (talk)
Daimler ellipsis of Daimler-Chrysler (talk)
DCD ellipsis of DCD gene (talk)
DCD ellipsis of DCD protein (talk)
De Lesseps ellipsis of De Lesseps Lake (talk)
De Lesseps ellipsis of De Lesseps River (talk)
Deschutes ellipsis of Deschutes River (talk)
Deschutes ellipsis of Deschutes River (talk)
Devil's Staircase ellipsis of Devil's Staircase Wilderness (talk)
devil ellipsis of devil seam (talk)
Don Valley ellipsis of Don Valley Parkway (talk)
Dras ellipsis of Dras Volcanic Island Arc (talk)
Dundas ellipsis of Dundas Street (talk)
Etobicoke ellipsis of Etobicoke Creek (talk)
existential ellipsis of existential clause (talk)
ezrin ellipsis of ezrin gene (talk)
fibreglass ellipsis of fibreglass wool (talk)
fifty-fifty ellipsis of fifty-fifty grind (talk)
fifty-fifty ellipsis of fifty-fifty slide (talk)
Flushing ellipsis of Flushing Bay (talk)
Flushing ellipsis of Flushing River (talk)
Fonoifua ellipsis of Fonoifua Township (talk)
Fox ellipsis of Fox Indian (talk)
Fox ellipsis of Fox language (talk)
Fox ellipsis of Fox Tribe (talk)
Fremont ellipsis of Lake Fremont (talk)
Fremont ellipsis of Town of Fremont (talk)
Fremont ellipsis of Township of Fremont (talk)
French ellipsis of French vermouth (talk)
Galveston ellipsis of Galveston Bay Area (talk)
Galveston ellipsis of Galveston Bay (talk)
Galveston ellipsis of Galveston Island (talk)
Galveston ellipsis of Port of Galveston (talk)
gastroesophageal reflux ellipsis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (talk)
Gatineau ellipsis of Gatineau River (talk)
Godbout ellipsis of Godbout River (talk)
Grant ellipsis of Grant Town (talk)
Grant ellipsis of Grant Township (talk)
Grasse ellipsis of Pays de Grasse (talk)
Greenwood ellipsis of Greenwood Township (talk)
Gretzky ellipsis of Wayne Gretzky (talk)
groaning ellipsis of groaning time (talk)
Hamlin ellipsis of Hamlin Township (talk)
Hancock ellipsis of Hancock Township (talk)
Harris ellipsis of Harris Township (talk)
heat island ellipsis of urban heat island (talk)
Henrietta ellipsis of Henrietta Township (talk)
Hessian ellipsis of Hessian boot (talk)
hexabenzocoronene ellipsis of hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (talk)
hydroflight ellipsis of hydroflight sports (talk)
hypersoft ellipsis of hypersoft tyre (talk)
ice dam ellipsis of ice dam membrane (talk)
infraorbital ellipsis of infraorbital bone (talk)
Jack ellipsis of Jack Rum (talk)
jet dryer ellipsis of jet hand dryer (talk)
Jezero ellipsis of Jezero Crater (talk)
Kamloops ellipsis of Kamloops Lake (talk)
Kaska ellipsis of Kaska Dena (talk)
Kaskian ellipsis of Kasian people (talk)
Kaskian ellipsis of Kaskian language (talk)
Kaskians ellipsis of Kaskian people (talk)
Kaskians ellipsis of Kaskian people (talk)
kata ellipsis of code kata (talk)
Kennar ellipsis of Kennar Valley (talk)
Kerguelen ellipsis of Kerguelen Island (talk)
Kerguelen ellipsis of Kerguelen Plateau (talk)
ketchup ellipsis of tomato ketchup (talk)
KF94 ellipsis of KF94 filter (talk)
KF94 ellipsis of KF94 mask (talk)
Kharkiv ellipsis of Asteroid Kharkiv (talk)
Kings ellipsis of Kings Bay (talk)
Kings ellipsis of Kings River (talk)
KN95 ellipsis of KN95 filter (talk)
KN95 ellipsis of KN95 mask (talk)
Kuper ellipsis of Kuper Island (talk)
Kyiv ellipsis of Kyiv District (talk)
Kyiv ellipsis of Kyiv Peninsula (talk)
lactate ellipsis of lactate ion (talk)
Lagrangian ellipsis of Lagrangian density (talk)
Lanark ellipsis of County of Lanark (talk)
Laval ellipsis of Island of Laval (talk)
leprosy ellipsis of murine leprosy (talk)
Lessard ellipsis of Lessard River (talk)
likubin ellipsis of citrus likubin (talk)
likubin ellipsis of likubin bacterium (talk)
long track ellipsis of long-track speedskating (talk)
long track ellipsis of long-track speedway (talk)
long track ellipsis of long-track speedway (talk)
Loud ellipsis of Loud Township (talk)
Loud ellipsis of River Loud (talk)
Lowana ellipsis of Lowana Planitia (talk)
Luyendyk ellipsis of Mount Luyendyk (talk)
Lytton ellipsis of Lytton Creek (talk)
Lytton ellipsis of Lytton First Nation (talk)
Lytton ellipsis of Lytton Indian Band (talk)
Machias ellipsis of Machias Bay (talk)
Machias ellipsis of Machias River (talk)
Maidan ellipsis of Maidan Shahr (talk)
Maidan ellipsis of Maidan Wardak (talk)
Mango ellipsis of Mango Township (talk)
Mattapoisett ellipsis of Mattapoisett River (talk)
Mayland ellipsis of Mayland Heights (talk)
Medyka ellipsis of Gmina Medyka (talk)
men's ellipsis of men’s room (talk)
Meroitic ellipsis of Meroitic language (talk)
Meroitic ellipsis of Meroitic script (talk)
Miami ellipsis of Lake Miami (talk)
mithridate ellipsis of mithridate mustard (talk)
Moab ellipsis of Moab Grand Canyon (talk)
Moab ellipsis of Moab Valley (talk)
moesin ellipsis of moesin gene (talk)
Montreal ellipsis of Montreal Archipelago (talk)
Moose Jaw ellipsis of Moose Jaw River (talk)
Mountbatten ellipsis of Mountbatten Estate (talk)
multiplex ellipsis of cinema multiplex (talk)
Mun ellipsis of Mun River (talk)
Mun ellipsis of River Mun (talk)
Muroc ellipsis of Muroc Field (talk)
Neville ellipsis of Neville-sur-Mer (talk)
No Gun Ri ellipsis of No Gun Ri Massacre (talk)
Nomuka ellipsis of Nomuka Group (talk)
Nomuka ellipsis of Nomuka Island (talk)
Nomuka ellipsis of Nomuka Township (talk)
Nowotarski ellipsis of Nowotarski County (talk)
Nyiragongo ellipsis of Mount Nyiragongo (talk)
Nyiragongo ellipsis of Nyiragongo Territory (talk)
Oga ellipsis of Oga City (talk)
Oga ellipsis of Oga Peninsula (talk)
Oga ellipsis of Oga Quasi-National Park (talk)
Olduvai ellipsis of Olduvai Gorge (talk)
Olduvai ellipsis of Olduvai hominid (talk)
Olduvai ellipsis of Olduvai technology (talk)
Omicron ellipsis of Omicron Hill (talk)
Orangeville ellipsis of Orangeville District (talk)
Orangeville ellipsis of Orangeville Township (talk)
oropharyngeal ellipsis of oropharyngeal airway (talk)
OVV ellipsis of OVV quasar (talk)
Oxford ellipsis of Oxford marmalade (talk)
Oxford ellipsis of Oxford shirt (talk)
Pacific American ellipsis of Pacific Islander American (talk)
palmaris longus ellipsis of palmaris longus muscle (talk)
palmaris longus ellipsis of palmaris longus tendon (talk)
Panjshir ellipsis of Panjshir District (talk)
Panjshir ellipsis of Panjshir Province (talk)
Panjshir ellipsis of Panjshir River (talk)
Paracas ellipsis of Paracas Bay (talk)
Paracas ellipsis of Paracas District (talk)
Paracas ellipsis of Paracas Peninsula (talk)
pariah dog ellipsis of Indian pariah dog (talk)
Penelakut ellipsis of Penelakut Island (talk)
pentathlon ellipsis of women's pentathlon (talk)
pharyngeal ellipsis of pharyngeal consonant (talk)
pie crust ellipsis of pie crust collar (talk)
plasma therapy ellipsis of convalescent plasma therapy (talk)
platform ellipsis of car platform (talk)
platform ellipsis of computing platform (talk)
platform ellipsis of digital platform (talk)
Port Radium ellipsis of Port Radium Mine (talk)
Port Royal ellipsis of Port Royal Island (talk)
Port Royal ellipsis of Port Royal Sound (talk)
Porter ellipsis of Porter Crater (talk)
Prigogine ellipsis of Asteroid Prigogine (talk)
Punchbowl ellipsis of Punchbowl Crater (talk)
qac ellipsis of qac gene (talk)
Quiver ellipsis of Quiver Creek (talk)
radixin ellipsis of radixin gene (talk)
Raya ellipsis of Hari Raya Aidilfitri (talk)
Rh-null ellipsis of Rh-null blood (talk)
rib-eyes ellipsis of rib-eye steaks (talk)
RIE ellipsis of RIE parenting (talk)
Riley ellipsis of Riley Creek (talk)
rings ellipsis of still rings (talk)
Ripley ellipsis of Ripley Township (talk)
Roanoke ellipsis of Roanoke Colony (talk)
Robertson ellipsis of Division of Robertson (talk)
Rotorua ellipsis of Lake Rotorua (talk)
Rotorua ellipsis of Lake Rotorua (talk)
Rotorua ellipsis of Rotorua Lakes (talk)
Rouleau ellipsis of Ile Rouleau (talk)
Sable Island ellipsis of Sable Island horse (talk)
Saint Andrew ellipsis of Saint Andrew County (talk)
Saint Andrew ellipsis of Saint Andrew Parish (talk)
Saint James ellipsis of Saint James Parish (talk)
Saint Michael ellipsis of Saint Michael Island (talk)
Saint Michael ellipsis of Town of Saint Michael (talk)
Sandoval ellipsis of Lake Sandoval (talk)
Sandoval ellipsis of Sandoval Township (talk)
Sanibel ellipsis of Sanibel Island (talk)
Schrödinger ellipsis of Asteroid Schrödinger (talk)
Schrödinger ellipsis of Schrödinger Crater (talk)
Schrödinger ellipsis of Schrödinger Valley (talk)
side-by-side ellipsis of side-by-side rifle (talk)
side-by-side ellipsis of side-by-side shotgun (talk)
sinc ellipsis of sinc function (talk)
sinc ellipsis of sinc function (talk)
soft ellipsis of soft tyre (talk)
South Georgia ellipsis of South Georgia Island (talk)
South Georgia ellipsis of South Georgia Islands (talk)
Srpska ellipsis of Republic of Srpska (talk)
St. Francis ellipsis of St. Francis River (talk)
Stone Mountain ellipsis of Stone Mountain Village (talk)
street stock ellipsis of street stock car racing (talk)
street stock ellipsis of street stock car (talk)
Sumadija ellipsis of Sumadija District (talk)
Sumas ellipsis of American Sumas (talk)
Sumas ellipsis of Canadian Sumas (talk)
Sumas ellipsis of District of Sumas (talk)
Sumas ellipsis of Sumas First Nation (talk)
Sumas ellipsis of Sumas Indian Band (talk)
Sumas ellipsis of Sumas Lake (talk)
Sumas ellipsis of Sumas Mountain (talk)
Sumas ellipsis of Sumas Peak (talk)
Sumas ellipsis of Sumas River (talk)
super light ellipsis of super light jet (talk)
Superior ellipsis of Superior Craton (talk)
supersoft ellipsis of supersoft tyre (talk)
supertank ellipsis of superheavy tank (talk)
t-distribution ellipsis of Student's t-distribution (talk)
Tâche ellipsis of La Tâche (talk)
Tâche ellipsis of Le Tâche (talk)
tarsal ellipsis of tarsal muscle (talk)
Tash ellipsis of Kiryas Tash (talk)
Tatlow ellipsis of Mount Tatlow (talk)
Tatlow ellipsis of Tatlow Creek (talk)
Tatlow ellipsis of Tatlow Lake (talk)
Tegel ellipsis of Berlin-Tegel (talk)
Tegel ellipsis of Lake Tegel (talk)
Tegel ellipsis of Tegel Village (talk)
Tigray ellipsis of Tigray Province (talk)
Tigray ellipsis of Tigray Region (talk)
Tiran ellipsis of Tiran Island (talk)
Torino ellipsis of Asteroid Torino (talk)
Tosh ellipsis of Kiryas Tosh (talk)
ultrasoft ellipsis of ultrasoft tyre (talk)
ULX ellipsis of ultraluminous X-ray pulsar (talk)
ULX ellipsis of ultraluminous X-ray source (talk)
undulatus ellipsis of undulatus asperatus cloud (talk)
Vachon ellipsis of Vachon River (talk)
Vallarta ellipsis of Vallarta de Bureba (talk)
Varennes ellipsis of Varennes-en-Argonne (talk)
variety ellipsis of variety performance (talk)
very light ellipsis of very light aircraft (talk)
very light ellipsis of very light jet (talk)
Volta ellipsis of Lake Volta (talk)
Volta ellipsis of Volta River (talk)
Voorhees ellipsis of Voorhees Township (talk)
Ward ellipsis of Ward Beach (talk)
Ward ellipsis of Ward River (talk)
Ward ellipsis of Ward Township (talk)
Wascana ellipsis of Wascana Creek (talk)
Wascana ellipsis of Wascana Lake (talk)
Wellington ellipsis of Wellington Land District (talk)
West Sea ellipsis of West Korea Sea (talk)
Westham ellipsis of Westham Island (talk)
Whatcom ellipsis of Lake Whatcom (talk)
Whatcom ellipsis of Whatcom Creek (talk)
Whatcom ellipsis of Whatcom Falls (talk)
Whatcom ellipsis of Whatcom Glacier (talk)
Whatcom ellipsis of Whatcom Peak (talk)
when the cat's away ellipsis of when the cat's away, the mice will play (talk)
Whistler ellipsis of Whistler Mountain (talk)
White Crane ellipsis of Fujian White Crane (talk)
White Crane ellipsis of Tibetan White Crane (talk)
Winslow ellipsis of 8270 Winslow (talk)
Winton ellipsis of Shire of Winton (talk)
Wolseley ellipsis of Wolseley River (talk)
women's ellipsis of women’s room (talk)
Yoro ellipsis of Mount Yoro (talk)
Yoro ellipsis of Yoro Department (talk)
Yoro ellipsis of Yoro District (talk)
Yoro ellipsis of Yoro Falls (talk)
Yoro ellipsis of Yoro Mountains (talk)
Yoro ellipsis of Yoro River (talk)
Young ellipsis of Mount Young (talk)
Young ellipsis of Young Lake (talk)
Young ellipsis of Young Parish (talk)
Young ellipsis of Young River (talk)
Young ellipsis of Young Shire (talk)
Young ellipsis of Young Township (talk)
better for you en-comparative of good for you (talk)
whiter en-comparative of white (talk)
*nices en-irregular plural of *nix ([[Talk::*nix|talk]])
brethren in arms en-irregular plural of brother in arms (talk)
quæsita en-irregular plural of quæsitum (talk)
uterine brethren en-irregular plural of uterine brother (talk)
*69ed en-past of *69 ([[Talk::*69|talk]])
adushed en-past of adush (talk)
attasted en-past of attaste (talk)
bioproduced en-past of bioproduce (talk)
carried a torch for en-past of carry a torch for (talk)
caught one's drift en-past of catch one's drift (talk)
cysted and deceased en-past of cyst and decease (talk)
dendronized en-past of dendronize (talk)
deparaffinated en-past of deparaffinate (talk)
dumped ass en-past of dump ass (talk)
eclogitized en-past of eclogitize (talk)
electroeluted en-past of electroelute (talk)
emperished en-past of emperish (talk)
filsted en-past of filst (talk)
fiscalized en-past of fiscalize (talk)
folwed en-past of folwe (talk)
had a bath en-past of have a bath (talk)
had a wild hair to en-past of have a wild hair to (talk)
haemodialysed en-past of haemodialyse (talk)
hydrofected en-past of hydrofect (talk)
jumped one's bones en-past of jump one's bones (talk)
kept it on the barber pole en-past of keep it on the barber pole (talk)
light-footed en-past of light-foot (talk)
lived in the moment en-past of live in the moment (talk)
mastectomized en-past of mastectomize (talk)
mis-spelled en-past of mis-spell (talk)
overcluttered en-past of overclutter (talk)
photoevaporated en-past of photoevaporate (talk)
photowritten en-past of photowrite (talk)
præfigured en-past of præfigure (talk)
preablated en-past of preablate (talk)
premelted en-past of premelt (talk)
rebogied en-past of rebogie (talk)
self-certified en-past of self-certify (talk)
self-induced en-past of self-induce (talk)
semi-domesticated en-past of semi-domesticate (talk)
skinned over en-past of skin over (talk)
smoked one's pole en-past of smoke one's pole (talk)
sold oneself en-past of sell oneself (talk)
Stalinized en-past of Stalinize (talk)
stewed in one's juices en-past of stew in one's juice (talk)
subceded en-past of subcede (talk)
trispast en-past of trispas (talk)
undercrested en-past of undercrest (talk)
whited en-past of white (talk)
wore rose colored glasses en-past of wear rose colored glasses (talk)
wrooped en-past of wroop (talk)
blew it en-simple past of blow it (talk)
came at a price en-simple past of come at a price (talk)
came to the fore en-simple past of come to the fore (talk)
gave someone a big head en-simple past of give someone a big head (talk)
gave someone static en-simple past of give someone static (talk)
got over with en-simple past of get over with (talk)
lay about en-simple past of lie about (talk)
lay out en-simple past of lie out (talk)
rode the ... train en-simple past of ride the ... train (talk)
threw one's back out en-simple past of throw one's back out (talk)
best for you en-superlative of good for you (talk)
whitest en-superlative of white (talk)
'phones en-third-person singular of ’phone (talk)
adushes en-third-person singular of adush (talk)
adwesches en-third-person singular of adwesch (talk)
attastes en-third-person singular of attaste (talk)
bioproduces en-third-person singular of bioproduce (talk)
blows it en-third-person singular of blow it (talk)
bulls en-third-person singular of bull (talk)
carries a torch for en-third-person singular of carry a torch for (talk)
catches one's drift en-third-person singular of catch one's drift (talk)
comes at a price en-third-person singular of come at a price (talk)
comes to the fore en-third-person singular of come to the fore (talk)
cysts and deceases en-third-person singular of cyst and decease (talk)
dumps ass en-third-person singular of dump ass (talk)
filstens en-third-person singular of filsten (talk)
filsts en-third-person singular of filst (talk)
fiscalizes en-third-person singular of fiscalize (talk)
folwes en-third-person singular of folwe (talk)
gives someone static en-third-person singular of give someone static (talk)
has a bath en-third-person singular of have a bath (talk)
has a wild hair to en-third-person singular of have a wild hair to (talk)
has one's day in court en-third-person singular of have one's day in court (talk)
jumps one's bones en-third-person singular of jump one's bones (talk)
keeps it on the barber pole en-third-person singular of keep it on the barber pole (talk)
lives in the moment en-third-person singular of live in the moment (talk)
præfigures en-third-person singular of præfigure (talk)
sells oneself en-third-person singular of sell oneself (talk)
smokes one's pole en-third-person singular of smoke one's pole (talk)
Stalinizes en-third-person singular of Stalinize (talk)
steals one's thunder en-third-person singular of steal one's thunder (talk)
stews in one's juices en-third-person singular of stew in one's juice (talk)
throws one's back out en-third-person singular of throw one's back out (talk)
undercrests en-third-person singular of undercrest (talk)
whites en-third-person singular of white (talk)
God-a-mercy eye dialect of God have mercy (talk)
whoze eye dialect of who’s (talk)
Politkovskaya female equivalent of Politkovsky (talk)
Kinzie form of [short form] MacKinzie (talk)
Kinzie form of [short form] MacKinzie (talk)
what does that have to do with the price of fish form of [variant] what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? (talk)
Antioch former name of Antakya (talk)
Asbestos former name of Les Sources (talk)
Asbestos former name of Val des Sources (talk)
Austerlitz former name of Slavkov u Brna (talk)
Battenberg former name of Battenberg (Eder) (talk)
Battenberg former name of Battenberg (Pfalz) (talk)
Beloozero former name of Belozersk (talk)
Bullard former name of Figarden (talk)
Cajania former name of Kainuu (talk)
Chiapa former name of San Cristóbal de las Casas (talk)
Chiarenza former name of Glarentza (talk)
Chimera former name of Ceraunian Mountains (talk)
CNTRP former name of CDTRP (talk)
Cranganore former name of Kodungallur (talk)
Dovhe former name of Mostyshche (talk)
Gay Village former name of The Village (talk)
Gottschee former name of Kočevje (talk)
Gumbinnen former name of Gusev (talk)
Hajipur former name of Diamond Harbour (talk)
Lauenburg former name of Lębork (talk)
Lowana former name of Loyetea (talk)
Martaban former name of Mottama (talk)
Maymyo former name of Pyin Oo Lwin (talk)
Miami former name of Lake Okeechobee (talk)
Michelob former name of Mecholupy (talk)
Michelob former name of Michalovce (talk)
Michelob former name of Michalovice (talk)
Negraglia former name of Negrais (talk)
Panjshir former name of Panjshir Province (talk)
Porto-Novo former name of Parangipettai (talk)
Queenstown former name of Queenston (talk)
Sandwich Island former name of Manuae Island (talk)
Scala Nuova former name of Kuşadası (talk)
Seringapatam former name of Srirangapatna (talk)
Sexmoan former name of Sasmuan (talk)
Shorzha former name of Shoghakat (talk)
Surprise former name of Surprise Station (talk)
Tellicherry former name of Thalassery (talk)
Trout Lake former name of Sambaa K'e (talk)
Trucial States former name of Trucial Oman (talk)
Vakhrusheve former name of Bokovo-Khrustalne (talk)
Wenham former name of East Carver (talk)
thaz informal form of that’s (talk)
whaz informal form of what’s (talk)
AAA init of accumulated adjustments account (talk)
AAA init of airborne array aperture (talk)
AAQ init of acceptance and action questionnaire (talk)
AAT init of Australian Antarctic Territory (talk)
ADT init of androgen deprivation therapy (talk)
AES init of actually existing socialism (talk)
AFFO init of adjusted funds from operations (talk)
ALDH init of aldehyde dehydrogenase (talk)
AML init of acute myeloblastic leukemia (talk)
AML init of acute myelogenous leukemia (talk)
AMU init of astronaut maneuvering unit (talk)
APML init of acute promyelocytic leukemia (talk)
ARA init of Aracruz Cellulose S.A. (talk)
ARM init of accelerated reply mail (talk)
AS init of alayhi as-salaam (talk)
BHN init of Brinell hardness number (talk)
BPV init of basis point value (talk)
BPV init of bipolar violation (talk)
BPV init of bovine papillomavirus (talk)
BU init of brilliant uncirculated (talk)
CA init of closed access (talk)
CB init of confined to barracks (talk)
CCB init of carbon ceramic brake (talk)
CFF init of critical flicker frequency (talk)
CI init of competitive intelligence (talk)
CI init of creative industries (talk)
CLG init of company limited by guarantee (talk)
CLT init of community land trust (talk)
COMT init of catechol-O-methyltransferase (talk)
CPO init of certified pool operator (talk)
CPO init of charge point operator (talk)
CR init of complete remission (talk)
CR init of computed radiography (talk)
CR init of country route (talk)
CR init of county road (talk)
CRA init of credit reference agency (talk)
CTP init of computer-to-plate (talk)
CTT init of capital transfer tax (talk)
CVA init of costovertebral angle (talk)
CWT init of Central War Time (talk)
CWT init of continuous wavelet transform (talk)
D.B.A. init of Doctor of Business Administration (talk)
DCN init of dorsal cochlear nucleus (talk)
DCN init of dynamic circuit network (talk)
DD init of deficit disorder (talk)
DD init of discharged dead (talk)
DD init of dual diagnosis (talk)
DH init of heavy destroyer (talk)
DID init of digital input device (talk)
DM init of De Morgan’s law (talk)
DMD init of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (talk)
DNP init of dendroaspis natriuretic peptide (talk)
DNP init of Doctor of Nursing Practice (talk)
DNP init of dynamic nuclear polarization (talk)
DSM init of digital surface model (talk)
DSM init of distributional semantic model (talk)
DXA init of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (talk)
EAF init of electric arc furnace (talk)
EEBD init of emergency escape breathing device (talk)
EFB init of electronic flight bag (talk)
EFB init of electrostatic force balance (talk)
EK init of endothelial keratoplasty (talk)
EMU init of economic and monetary union (talk)
EMU init of English metric unit (talk)
EPA init of enduring power of attorney (talk)
EPSG init of European Petroleum Survey Group (talk)
EST init of Extended Standard Theory (talk)
EWT init of Eastern War Time (talk)
F init of Fujita (talk)
FBS init of forward-based system (talk)
FC init of franking credit (talk)
FIB init of focused ion beam (talk)
FM init of field manual (talk)
FM init of finance minister (talk)
FM init of finance ministry (talk)
FM init of first ministry (talk)
FM init of foreign ministry (talk)
FMD init of functional movement disorder (talk)
FSA init of Foreign Service Assignment (talk)
FSAD init of female sexual arousal disorder (talk)
FSAID init of female sexual interest/arousal disorder (talk)
FWICT init of from what I can tell (talk)
GFY init of go fuck yourself (talk)
GIP init of gross internal product (talk)
GSE init of ground service equipment (talk)
GSE init of ground support equipment (talk)
GSL init of guaranteed student loan (talk)
HAB init of heavy assembly building (talk)
HAB init of horizontal assembly building (talk)
HAWB init of house airwaybill (talk)
HRV init of heat recovery ventilation (talk)
HRV init of heat recovery ventilator (talk)
HRV init of Holmes ribgrass virus (talk)
HRV init of human rhinovirus (talk)
HSDD init of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (talk)
HSE init of herpes simplex encephalitis (talk)
HU init of handling unit (talk)
ICP init of ignition coil pack (talk)
ICS init of integrated care system (talk)
IMF init of Impossible Mission Force (talk)
ITP init of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (talk)
ITP init of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (talk)
LBC init of letter before claim (talk)
LCH init of langerhans cell histiocytosis (talk)
LPA init of lasting power of attorney (talk)
LTO init of lithium titanate (talk)
LTO init of lunar transfer orbit (talk)
LYP init of lower yield point (talk)
MCF init of magnetic confinement fusion (talk)
MGN init of membranous glomerulonephritis (talk)
MHSDD init of male hypoactive sexual desire disorder (talk)
ML init of maximum likelihood (talk)
MLC init of member of legislative council (talk)
MLT init of multi-link trunking (talk)
MMF init of multimode fibre (talk)
MoM init of month-over-month (talk)
MOO init of massive overdense object (talk)
MSM init of Modern Standard Mandarin (talk)
MWT init of Mountain War Time (talk)
NA init of nurse-assistant (talk)
NA init of nurse's assistant (talk)
NA init of nursing assistant (talk)
NFA init of no fixed abode (talk)
NFA init of non-forecast airlift (talk)
NLE init of Newfoundland and Labrador English (talk)
NMOSD init of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (talk)
NQ init of newly qualified (talk)
NRB init of nil-rate band (talk)
NRB init of non-rebreather mask (talk)
NTA init of not that anon (talk)
P2E init of play-to-earn (talk)
PBW init of proton beam writing (talk)
PCD init of primary ciliary dyskinesia (talk)
PCV init of permanent capital vehicle (talk)
PEM init of proton exchange membrane (talk)
PEV init of provincial episcopal visitor (talk)
PF init of phonological form (talk)
PF init of psychometric function (talk)
PH init of polynomial hierarchy (talk)
PIT init of parallel immobilization technique (talk)
PIT init of precision immobilization technique (talk)
PIT init of pursuit intervention technique (talk)
PMS init of performance management system (talk)
PMS init of performance measurement system (talk)
PMS init of performance monitoring system (talk)
PMS init of planned maintenance system (talk)
PMS init of project management system (talk)
POTS init of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (talk)
PPO init of polyphenol oxidase (talk)
PPO init of polypropylene oxide (talk)
PPU init of physics processing unit (talk)
PQ init of picture quality (talk)
PRU init of pupil referral unit (talk)
PRU init of pupil reintegration unit (talk)
PWA init of printed wire assembly (talk)
PWA init of Pro Wrestling Alliance (talk)
PWT init of Pacific War Time (talk)
RLHF init of reinforcement learning from human feedback (talk)
ROM init of run of month (talk)
ROW init of run of week (talk)
ROY init of run of year (talk)
RSI init of rapid sequence induction (talk)
RSII init of rapid sequence induction and intubation (talk)
RSII init of Russia–Syria–Iran–Iraq coalition (talk)
SAS init of special assistance school (talk)
SBA init of school-based assessment (talk)
SEE init of Signed Exact English (talk)
SHA init of sidereal hour angle (talk)
SIAD init of sexual interest/arousal disorder (talk)
SLD init of semiconductor laser diode (talk)
SLD init of single lens digital (talk)
SLD init of supercooled large droplet (talk)
SLD init of superluminescent diode (talk)
SPC init of saeclum post Christum (talk)
SPD init of spectral power distribution (talk)
SPD init of summary plan description (talk)
SPD init of surge protective device (talk)
SPDI init of single-point diamond interchange (talk)
SPI init of single-point interchange (talk)
SPL init of stretched penile length (talk)
SPN init of service provider name (talk)
SSI init of standard settlement instruction (talk)
SSO init of single sign-on (talk)
SSP init of sound speed profile (talk)
SSPE init of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (talk)
SSR init of Small Ships Register (talk)
SSR init of Special Support and Reconnaissance (talk)
SSR init of Sub Surface Radar (talk)
SSR init of sum of squared residuals (talk)
ST init of Standard Theory (talk)
STD init of short-term disability (talk)
STD init of subscriber toll dialing (talk)
SUI init of stress urinary incontinence (talk)
SVP init of sound velocity profile (talk)
TAT init of total air temperature (talk)
TCP init of thienyl cyclohexylpiperidine (talk)
TE init of transposable element (talk)
TG init of transformative-generative (talk)
TLC init of total leukocyte count (talk)
TN init of true negative (talk)
TT init of tandem turn (talk)
TT init of terrestrial time (talk)
TVB init of trivinylbenzene (talk)
TVI init of tactical vehicle intervention (talk)
TYT init of take your time (talk)
UEA init of universal enveloping algebra (talk)
UYP init of upper yield point (talk)
VMI init of vendor-managed inventory (talk)
WR init of Wassermann reaction (talk)
WSW init of white sidewall (talk)
XR init of extended reality (talk)
XXXXL init of extra extra extra extra large (talk)
XXXXL init of extra extra extra extra large (talk)
XXXXXL init of extra extra extra extra extra large (talk)
XXXXXL init of extra extra extra extra extra large (talk)
XXXXXXL init of extra extra extra extra extra extra large (talk)
XXXXXXL init of extra extra extra extra extra extra large (talk)
yb init of YoungBoy Never Broke Again (talk)
0I initialism of zero inventory (talk)
0TLP initialism of zero transmission level point (talk)
1-D RCM initialism of one dimensional radiative-convective model (talk)
1-G initialism of normal gravity (talk)
1B1T initialism of one ball, one tracer (talk)
1BH initialism of one-base hit (talk)
2MF initialism of 2-methyl-3-furanthiol (talk)
2MF initialism of 2-methylfuran (talk)
3-MBT initialism of 3-methylbutenethiol (talk)
3LOD initialism of three lines of defence (talk)
3PL initialism of third-party logistics (talk)
A-GPS initialism of Assisted GPS (talk)
AA-C initialism of anesthesiologist assistant certified (talk)
AA initialism of abdominal aorta (talk)
AA initialism of account aggregator (talk)
AA initialism of acting appointment (talk)
AA initialism of administrative assistant (talk)
AA initialism of adoption agency (talk)
AA initialism of against actual (talk)
AA initialism of Air Almanac (talk)
AA initialism of air armament (talk)
AA initialism of air attaché (talk)
AA initialism of aircraft apprentice (talk)
AA initialism of aircraft artificer (talk)
AA initialism of airman apprentice (talk)
AA initialism of appointed actuary (talk)
AA initialism of appropriate authority (talk)
AA initialism of approximate absolute (talk)
AA initialism of armament artificer (talk)
AA initialism of Army Act (talk)
AA initialism of ascending aorta (talk)
AA initialism of Asian-African (talk)
AA initialism of Asian-American (talk)
AA initialism of assembly area (talk)
AA initialism of Associate in Arts (talk)
AA initialism of athletic association (talk)
AA initialism of author's alteration (talk)
AA initialism of avenue of approach (talk)
AA initialism of aviation annex (talk)
AA initialism of aviatsionnaya Armiya (talk)
AAA initialism of advanced acoustic array (talk)
AAAIS initialism of Antiaircraft Artillery Information Service (talk)
AAAIS initialism of Antiaircraft Artillery Intelligence Service (talk)
AAB initialism of anti-aircraft battery (talk)
AAB initialism of army air base (talk)
AAB initialism of army artillery board (talk)
AABFS initialism of amphibious assault bulk fuel system (talk)
AABP initialism of aptitude assessment battery program (talk)
AAC initialism of advanced audio coding (talk)
AAC initialism of aerated autoclaved concrete (talk)
AAC initialism of aeronautical approach chart (talk)
AAC initialism of affirming Anglican catholicism (talk)
AAC initialism of aircraft armament change (talk)
AAC initialism of area advisory committee (talk)
AACM initialism of anti-armor cluster munition (talk)
AACP initialism of advanced airborne command post (talk)
AACSM initialism of airways and air communications service manual (talk)
AACV initialism of assault air-cushion vehicle (talk)
AAD initialism of airborne assault division (talk)
AAD initialism of Aircraft Assignment Directive (talk)
aad initialism of alloxazine adenine dinucleotide (talk)
AAD initialism of Anti-aircraft division (talk)
AAD initialism of armored automobile detachment (talk)
AAD initialism of army air defense (talk)
AADC initialism of air aide-de-camp (talk)
AADC initialism of anti-aircraft defense commander (talk)
AADC initialism of area air defense commander (talk)
AADC initialism of area air defense commander (talk)
AADC initialism of army air defense commander (talk)
AADCCS initialism of army air defense control and coordination system (talk)
AADCP initialism of army air defense command post (talk)
AAU initialism of assigned amount unit (talk)
ABC initialism of active body control (talk)
AC initialism of adenylyl cyclase (talk)
AC initialism of air corps (talk)
AC initialism of army corps (talk)
AC initialism of athletic club (talk)
AC initialism of author's correction (talk)
AC initialism of automobile club (talk)
AC initialism of autonomous county (talk)
AC initialism of aviation cadet (talk)
ACD initialism of automated call distribution (talk)
ACD initialism of automatic call distributor (talk)
ACF initialism of auto-collimating flat (talk)
ACLS initialism of advanced cardiac life support (talk)
ACU initialism of accessory commercial unit (talk)
ACU initialism of Assault Craft Unit (talk)
AD initialism of air defence (talk)
AD initialism of anti-dumping (talk)
AD initialism of assistant director (talk)
AD initialism of auxiliary destroyer (talk)
ADC initialism of antibody-drug conjugate (talk)
ADN initialism of ammonium dinitramide (talk)
ADS-A initialism of automatic dependent surveillance - addressed (talk)
ADS-C initialism of automatic dependent surveillance - contract (talk)
ADS-R initialism of automatic dependent surveillance - rebroadcast (talk)
AdS initialism of anti de Sitter (talk)
ADS initialism of automatic dependent surveillance (talk)
ADSC initialism of adipose-derived stem cell (talk)
ADSC initialism of adipose-derived stromal cell (talk)
ADT initialism of accelerated degradation testing (talk)
ADT initialism of active duty for training (talk)
ADT initialism of advanced DRAM technology (talk)
ADU initialism of accessory dwelling unit (talk)
AEFI initialism of adverse event following inoculation (talk)
AEM initialism of anion exchange membrane (talk)
AFI initialism of actual flip-angle imaging (talk)
AG initialism of auditor general (talk)
AGM initialism of absorbent glass mat (talk)
AHRS initialism of attitude heading reference system (talk)
AIN initialism of anterior interosseous nerve (talk)
AM initialism of Anno Mundi (talk)
AM initialism of Artium Magister (talk)
AM initialism of Assembly Member (talk)
AM initialism of automated mapping (talk)
AML initialism of acute myeloid leukemia (talk)
AMP initialism of accelerated mobile page (talk)
AMP initialism of antimicrobial peptide (talk)
AMS initialism of altered mental status (talk)
AMU initialism of Acute Medical Unit (talk)
ANF initialism of atrial natriuretic factor (talk)
AOA initialism of abort once around (talk)
AoA initialism of age of attraction (talk)
AOC initialism of Air Officer Commanding (talk)
AON initialism of all or nothing (talk)
AOR initialism of auxiliary replenishment oiler (talk)
APC initialism of antenna phase center (talk)
APC initialism of antigen-presenting cell (talk)
APC initialism of armor piercing capped (talk)
APDS initialism of armor-piercing discarding-sabot round (talk)
APP initialism of ammonium polyphosphate (talk)
APP initialism of amyloid precursor protein (talk)
APS initialism of active protection system (talk)
APT initialism of acyl protein thioesterase (talk)
AQ initialism of automatic qualifier (talk)
ARB initialism of angiotensin receptor blocker (talk)
ARD initialism of acid reflux disease (talk)
ARD initialism of Aftertreatment Regeneration Device (talk)
ARNP initialism of advanced registered nurse practitioner (talk)
ARP initialism of absolute refractory period (talk)
ARV initialism of alien reproduction vehicle (talk)
AS initialism of aortic stenosis (talk)
ASA initialism of air sovereignty alert (talk)
ASC initialism of ambulatory surgery center (talk)
ASDS initialism of autonomous spaceport drone ship (talk)
ASE initialism of aromatic stabilisation energy (talk)
ASE initialism of Automated Software Engineering (talk)
AShBM initialism of anti-ship ballistic missile (talk)
ASI initialism of anti-suit injunction (talk)
ASK initialism of amplitude shift keying (talk)
ASN initialism of autonomous system number (talk)
ASS initialism of argininosuccinate synthase (talk)
ASV initialism of autonomous surface vehicle (talk)
ASV initialism of autonomous surface vessel (talk)
AT initialism of anaerobic threshold (talk)
ATC initialism of automatic train control (talk)
ATM initialism of active traffic management (talk)
AVM initialism of avian vacuolar myelinopathy (talk)
AWG initialism of arbitrary waveform generator (talk)
AWG initialism of arrayed waveguide grating (talk)
BAA initialism of Business Associate Agreement (talk)
BAS initialism of Bachelor of Applied Science (talk)
BBA initialism of balanced budget amendment (talk)
BBP initialism of benzyl butyl phthalate (talk)
BBW initialism of brake-by-wire (talk)
BCG initialism of blue compact galaxy (talk)
BCG initialism of brightest cluster galaxy (talk)
BCT initialism of battalion combat team (talk)
BCT initialism of brigade combat team (talk)
BCVA initialism of Best Corrected Visual Acuity (talk)
BD initialism of Bachelor of Divinity (talk)
BD initialism of broker-dealer (talk)
BDS initialism of Bush Derangement Syndrome (talk)
BEVx initialism of battery electric vehicle with extender (talk)
BH initialism of heavy battleship (talk)
BHB initialism of beta-hydroxybutyrate (talk)
BI initialism of business informatics (talk)
BI initialism of business interruption (talk)
BIFA initialism of black imported fire ant (talk)
BLI initialism of boundary layer ingestion (talk)
BLR initialism of broad-line region (talk)
BMAC initialism of Bactria–Margiana Archaeological Complex (talk)
BMP initialism of basic metabolic panel (talk)
BMP initialism of batch message processor (talk)
BOE initialism of barrel of oil equivalent (talk)
bpdc initialism of back post double crochet (talk)
BPO initialism of broker's price opinion (talk)
BPO initialism of business process outsourcing (talk)
BPS initialism of bisphenol S (talk)
BRV initialism of Blue River virus (talk)
BSA initialism of business system analyst (talk)
BSC initialism of biological safety cabinet (talk)
BSI initialism of body substance isolation (talk)
BSS initialism of business support system (talk)
BVR initialism of beyond visual range (talk)
BWA initialism of boil water advisory (talk)
BWM initialism of Biel water maze (talk)
BX initialism of base exchange (talk)
BZO initialism of battlesight zero (talk)
c/o initialism of certificate of origin (talk)
CA initialism of cabin attendant (talk)
CA initialism of civil affairs (talk)
CA initialism of communications assistant (talk)
CAA initialism of civil aviation authority (talk)
CAB initialism of Cognition, Affect, and Behavior (talk)
CAG initialism of Comptroller and Auditor General (talk)
CATV initialism of community antenna television (talk)
CAW initialism of carbon arc welding (talk)
CBA initialism of can't be arsed (talk)
CBD initialism of case-based discussion (talk)
CBD initialism of chemical and biological defence (talk)
CBD initialism of component-based development (talk)
CBD initialism of consortium board of directors (talk)
CBG initialism of carrier battle group (talk)
CBT initialism of compulsory basic training (talk)
CBT initialism of computer-based training (talk)
CBT initialism of coulomb blockade thermometer (talk)
CCC initialism of countercurrent chromatography (talk)
CCF initialism of carotid-cavernous fistula (talk)
CCF initialism of congestive cardiac failure (talk)
CCF initialism of credit conversion factor (talk)
CCFL initialism of cold-cathode fluorescent lamp (talk)
CCO initialism of chief change officer (talk)
CCO initialism of chief commercial officer (talk)
CCO initialism of chief communications officer (talk)
CCO initialism of chief compliance officer (talk)
CCP initialism of central counterparty (talk)
CCRC initialism of continuing care retirement community (talk)
CCS initialism of casualty clearing station (talk)
CCS initialism of Combined Charging System (talk)
CCV initialism of Community Core Vision (talk)
CD initialism of corporate design (talk)
CD initialism of corps diplomatique (talk)
CD initialism of creative director (talk)
CdLS initialism of Cornelia de Lang Syndrome (talk)
cDNA initialism of copy DNA (talk)
CDO initialism of command duty officer (talk)
CDRAM initialism of cached dynamic random-access memory (talk)
CDT initialism of clock draw task (talk)
CEI initialism of child exploitation images (talk)
CEM initialism of cation exchange membrane (talk)
CER initialism of certified emission reduction (talk)
CEST initialism of Central European Summer Time (talk)
CFA initialism of conditional fee agreement (talk)
CFG initialism of control-flow graph (talk)
CFR initialism of constant frame rate (talk)
CGA initialism of certified general accountant (talk)
CGM initialism of continuous glucose monitor (talk)
CGM initialism of continuous glucose monitoring (talk)
CGO initialism of chief green officer (talk)
CH initialism of cargo helicopter (talk)
CH initialism of Cretan Hieroglyphic (talk)
CHD initialism of common hepatic duct (talk)
CHE initialism of Carnian humid episode (talk)
CHF initialism of centre half-forward (talk)
CI initialism of chief inspector (talk)
CI initialism of corporate identity (talk)
CIJ initialism of continuous inkjet (talk)
CINCA initialism of chronic infantile neurologic cutaneous and articular syndrome (talk)
CL initialism of containment level (talk)
CL initialism of lift coefficient (talk)
CL initialism of light cruiser (talk)
CLG initialism of guided-missile light cruiser (talk)
CLL initialism of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (talk)
CLP initialism of Constituency Labour Party (talk)
cLWTS initialism of Contextual Pitch Type Linear Weights (talk)
CMA initialism of certified management accountant (talk)
CMCA initialism of cruise missile carrier aircraft (talk)
CMG initialism of control moment gyroscope (talk)
CMIA initialism of Central Middle Indo-Aryan (talk)
CMO initialism of chief marketing officer (talk)
CMP initialism of Common-Midpoint method (talk)
CMP initialism of comprehensive metabolic panel (talk)
CMP initialism of container-managed persistence (talk)
CN initialism of Canadian National (talk)
COB initialism of contingency operating base (talk)
CoC initialism of certificate of candidacy (talk)
COE initialism of cab over engine (talk)
COE initialism of cab-over-engine (talk)
CoE initialism of center of excellence (talk)
COF initialism of circle of fourths (talk)
COP initialism of conference of the parties (talk)
CPA initialism of chartered professional accountant (talk)
CPC initialism of circuit protective conductor (talk)
CPD initialism of critical point drying (talk)
CPE initialism of Carnian pluvial episode (talk)
CPIL initialism of Code on Private International Law (talk)
CPM initialism of certified property manager (talk)
CPM initialism of charged particle microscope (talk)
CPO initialism of certified pre-owned (talk)
CPO initialism of Civil Police Officer (talk)
CPR initialism of common-pool resource (talk)
CQD initialism of colloidal quantum dot (talk)
CR initialism of controlled release (talk)
CSF initialism of classical swine fever (talk)
CSM initialism of customer success manager (talk)
CSP initialism of chief superintendent (talk)
ctDNA initialism of circulating tumor DNA (talk)
CTLD initialism of C-type lectin-like domain (talk)
CTV initialism of clinical target volume (talk)
CV initialism of cataclysmic variable (talk)
CVPI initialism of Crown Victoria Police Interceptor (talk)
CVR initialism of cerebrovascular resistance (talk)
CZT initialism of cadmium zinc telluride (talk)
DA initialism of descending aorta (talk)
DALK initialism of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (talk)
DAMP initialism of damage-associated molecular pattern (talk)
DAP initialism of double anal penetration (talk)
DBE initialism of disadvantaged business enterprise (talk)
DBN initialism of deep belief network (talk)
dc initialism of double crochet (talk)
DCA initialism of dual-capable aircraft (talk)
DCFC initialism of DC fast charge (talk)
DCFC initialism of DC fast charge (talk)
DCFC initialism of DC fast charger (talk)
DCFC initialism of DC fast charging (talk)
DCM initialism of dilated cardiomyopathy (talk)
DCRS initialism of dipole coil resonance system (talk)
DCT initialism of discrete cosine transform (talk)
DCT initialism of dual clutch transmission (talk)
DDG initialism of guided-missile destroyer (talk)
DDI initialism of direct dial-in (talk)
DEG initialism of dwarf elliptical galaxy (talk)
DFA initialism of design for assembly (talk)
DGS initialism of deposit guarantee scheme (talk)
DGS initialism of Dominion Government Ship (talk)
DHAP initialism of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (talk)
DHPR initialism of dihydropyridine receptor (talk)
DI initialism of direct injection (talk)
DIG initialism of dwarf irregular galaxy (talk)
DINP initialism of di-isononyl phthalate (talk)
DIT initialism of diet-induced thermogenesis (talk)
DIT initialism of digital intermediate technician (talk)
DLEK initialism of deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty (talk)
DLP initialism of defect liability period (talk)
DLP initialism of Dual Language Programme (talk)
DM initialism of Defensive Midfielder (talk)
DMEK initialism of Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (talk)
DMF initialism of distribution media format (talk)
DNB initialism of draw, no bet (talk)
DOF initialism of date of filing (talk)
DOHC initialism of double overhead cam (talk)
DOHC initialism of dual overhead cam (talk)
DOS initialism of density of states (talk)
DPA initialism of deferred prosecution agreement (talk)
DPA initialism of diphenylanthracene (talk)
DPE initialism of deprotonation energy (talk)
DPP initialism of Deputy Public Prosecutor (talk)
DPR Korea initialism of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (talk)
DPRK initialism of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (talk)
DPV initialism of dependent pressure vessel (talk)
DPV initialism of disabling positional vertigo (talk)
DPV initialism of discounted present value (talk)
DPV initialism of dissimilarity pixel value (talk)
DPV initialism of duck plague virus (talk)
DR initialism of drug resistant (talk)
DRC initialism of design rule check (talk)
DSAEK initialism of Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (talk)
DSEK initialism of Descemet's stripping endothelial keratoplasty (talk)
DSO initialism of deep sky object (talk)
DSU initialism of disjoint-set union (talk)
DSV initialism of deep submergence vehicle (talk)
DSV initialism of diving support vessel (talk)
DT initialism of design and technology (talk)
DTD initialism of dissociative trance disorder (talk)
DTI initialism of diffusion tensor imaging (talk)
DTTV initialism of digital terrestrial television (talk)
DUV initialism of deep ultraviolet (talk)
DV initialism of daily value (talk)
DWI initialism of deal with it (talk)
EA initialism of educational assistant (talk)
EA initialism of enrolled agent (talk)
EA initialism of evolutionary algorithm (talk)
EAA initialism of evidentiary abuse affidavit (talk)
EAB initialism of emergency air breather (talk)
EADA initialism of executive assistant district attorney (talk)
EB initialism of elementary body (talk)
EBCT initialism of Electron beam computed tomography (talk)
EBCTA initialism of electron beam computed tomography angiography (talk)
EC initialism of enstatite chondrite (talk)
EC initialism of European Communities (talk)
EC initialism of European Community (talk)
ECCCM initialism of electronic counter-counter-countermeasures (talk)
ECCM initialism of electronic counter-countermeasures (talk)
ECF initialism of extracellular fluid (talk)
ECH initialism of Enhanced Combat Helmet (talk)
ECM initialism of electronic countermeasure (talk)
ECM initialism of elliptic curve method (talk)
ECS initialism of electronic chart system (talk)
ECU initialism of European Currency Unit (talk)
ECV initialism of effective circulating volume (talk)
ECV initialism of external cephalic version (talk)
ECV initialism of extracellular volume (talk)
EELS initialism of electron energy loss spectroscopy (talk)
EES initialism of epidural electrical stimulation (talk)
EES initialism of epidural electrical stimulator (talk)
EGCG initialism of epigallocatechin gallate (talk)
egd initialism of equality-generating dependency (talk)
EGTA initialism of ethylene glycoltetraacetic acid (talk)
EI initialism of enemy infantry (talk)
EKC initialism of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (talk)
elmo initialism of enough, let's move on (talk)
EMC initialism of electromagnetic compatibility (talk)
EMC initialism of ethylmethyl carbonate (talk)
EOR initialism of employer of record (talk)
EPC initialism of electron-phonon coupling (talk)
ePTFE initialism of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (talk)
ERP initialism of effective refractory period (talk)
ERU initialism of emission reduction unit (talk)
ESRD initialism of end-stage renal disease (talk)
ESS initialism of electronic switching system (talk)
ESS initialism of employee self-service (talk)
ETFE initialism of ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (talk)
EWMA initialism of exponentially weighted moving average (talk)
EWS initialism of economically weaker section (talk)
EXAFS initialism of extended X-ray absorption fine structure (talk)
FAD initialism of flavin adenine dinucleotide (talk)
FAE initialism of fuel-air explosion (talk)
FAE initialism of fuel-air explosive (talk)
FAE initialism of fundamental attribution error (talk)
FAIF initialism of free as in freedom (talk)
FATT initialism of fracture appearance transition temperature (talk)
FB initialism of forward base (talk)
FBC initialism of full blood count (talk)
FBO initialism of fixed base operator (talk)
FC initialism of Federal Court (talk)
FCA initialism of Federal Court of Appeal (talk)
fCT initialism of functional computed tomogram (talk)
fCT initialism of functional computed tomograph (talk)
fCT initialism of functional computed tomography (talk)
FDM initialism of fused deposition modeling (talk)
FDMA initialism of frequency division multiple access (talk)
FDR initialism of Federal Democratic Republic (talk)
FEA initialism of finite element analysis (talk)
FF initialism of fair face (talk)
FF initialism of fill factor (talk)
FFAR initialism of Folding-Fin Aerial Rocket (talk)
FGCC initialism of functionally graded cementitious composite (talk)
FGF initialism of fibroblast growth factor (talk)
FiT initialism of feed-in tariff (talk)
FMA initialism of Filipino martial arts (talk)
FMN initialism of flavin mononucleotide (talk)
fMRI initialism of functional magnetic resonance image (talk)
fMRI initialism of functional magnetic resonance imager (talk)
FMS initialism of Federated Malay States (talk)
FOBT initialism of fixed odds betting terminal (talk)
FOC initialism of full operational capability (talk)
FOT initialism of fell off a truck (talk)
FOT initialism of field operational test (talk)
FOT initialism of free on truck (talk)
FPC initialism of flexible printed circuit (talk)
fpdc initialism of front post double crochet (talk)
FPO initialism of follow-on public offering (talk)
FPRY initialism of Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia (talk)
FPS initialism of free phone service (talk)
FRA initialism of forward-rate agreement (talk)
FRC initialism of family resource center (talk)
FRC initialism of functional residual capacity (talk)
FSM initialism of field strength meter (talk)
FSM initialism of fluorescent speckle microscopy (talk)
FSW initialism of forward swept wing (talk)
FTD initialism of frontotemporal dementia (talk)
FUV initialism of far ultraviolet (talk)
FYP initialism of for you page (talk)
GA initialism of good article (talk)
GAR initialism of glutathione amide reductase (talk)
GAR initialism of glycineamide ribonucleotide (talk)
GAR initialism of Grand Army of the Republic (talk)
GAR initialism of gross annual revenue (talk)
GATS initialism of Global Adult Tobacco Survey (talk)
GAWR initialism of gross axle weight rating (talk)
GC initialism of guanylate cyclase (talk)
GCE initialism of gross conceptual error (talk)
GCM initialism of giant cell myocarditis (talk)
GCMS initialism of gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (talk)
GCMS initialism of gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry (talk)
GDA initialism of gastroduodenal artery (talk)
GDP initialism of guanosine diphosphate (talk)
GDS initialism of graph dynamical system (talk)
GEO initialism of genetically engineered organism (talk)
GFR initialism of glomerular filtration rate (talk)
GFU initialism of good for you (talk)
GFYS initialism of go fuck yourself (talk)
GHIH initialism of growth hormone-inhibiting hormone (talk)
GHRH initialism of growth hormone-releasing hormone (talk)
GLM initialism of generalized linear model (talk)
GMA initialism of greater metropolitan area (talk)
GMG initialism of grenade machine gun (talk)
GMO initialism of genetically modified organism (talk)
GNS initialism of glucosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase (talk)
GNS initialism of grain neutral spirit (talk)
GNS initialism of grape neutral spirit (talk)
GO initialism of graphene oxide (talk)
GoS initialism of grade of service (talk)
GP initialism of general principle (talk)
GPF initialism of general protection fault (talk)
GPL initialism of Germanic parent language (talk)
GRR initialism of gross reproduction rate (talk)
GSE initialism of government-sponsored enterprise (talk)
GST initialism of GeSbTe (talk)
GTC initialism of good till canceled (talk)
GV initialism of gender variant (talk)
HAVS initialism of hand-arm vibration syndrome (talk)
HB initialism of horizontal branch (talk)
HCM initialism of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (talk)
hdc initialism of half double crochet (talk)
HEO initialism of highly elliptical orbit (talk)
HEV initialism of high endothelial venule (talk)
HFO initialism of heavy fuel oil (talk)
HFO initialism of high-frequency oscillations (talk)
HFT initialism of high-frequency trader (talk)
HFV initialism of hepatitis F virus (talk)
HFV initialism of human foamy virus (talk)
HGV initialism of hypersonic glide vehicle (talk)
HGW initialism of hyperquenched glassy water (talk)
HI initialism of hyperspectral imaging (talk)
HIA initialism of head injury assessment (talk)
HIA initialism of health impact assessment (talk)
HIV initialism of header isolation valve (talk)
HIV initialism of helium isolation valve (talk)
HIV initialism of hydraulic isolation valve (talk)
HMTD initialism of hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (talk)
HMXB initialism of high-mass X-ray binary (talk)
HNA initialism of anhydrohexitol nucleic acid (talk)
HNA initialism of hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy (talk)
HNA initialism of hexitol nucleic acid (talk)
HNA initialism of high nucleic acid (talk)
HNA initialism of hydrohexitol nucleic acid (talk)
HOCM initialism of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (talk)
HOV initialism of human-occupied vehicle (talk)
HPC initialism of high power charging (talk)
HPMC initialism of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (talk)
HPP initialism of high pressure processing (talk)
HPR initialism of Hungarian People’s Republic (talk)
HPU initialism of hydraulic power unit (talk)
HPV initialism of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (talk)
HQMC initialism of Headquarters Marine Corps (talk)
HRP initialism of horseradish peroxidase (talk)
HSC initialism of hematopoietic stem cell (talk)
HSCSD initialism of Highspeed Circuit Switched Data (talk)
HT initialism of Holmes tremor (talk)
HTF initialism of how the fuck (talk)
HTR initialism of hard tissue replacement (talk)
HTR initialism of high temperature reactor (talk)
HVC initialism of high velocity cloud (talk)
HVD initialism of high voltage differential (talk)
HVS initialism of hypervelocity star (talk)
HWR initialism of heavy water reactor (talk)
HXT initialism of hard X-ray telescope (talk)
IA initialism of immediate action (talk)
IA initialism of individual augmentee (talk)
IA initialism of Institute of Arts (talk)
IA initialism of internal argument (talk)
IA initialism of item-and-arrangement (talk)
IB initialism of infectious bronchitis (talk)
IBV initialism of infectious bronchitis virus (talk)
ICF initialism of inertial confinement fusion (talk)
ICPL initialism of international civil procedural law (talk)
ICSI initialism of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (talk)
ICT initialism of Indochina Time (talk)
ICU initialism of intersection capacity utilization (talk)
IDL initialism of interactive data language (talk)
IDP initialism of intrinsically disordered protein (talk)
IDT initialism of inactive duty training (talk)
IDW initialism of inverse distance weighting (talk)
IE initialism of infective endocarditis (talk)
IEM initialism of ion exchange membrane (talk)
IEPL initialism of international ethernet private line (talk)
IGS initialism of instrument guidance system (talk)
IHH initialism of Indian hedgehog (talk)
ILR initialism of indefinite leave to remain (talk)
IM initialism of information memorandum (talk)
IMTA initialism of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (talk)
IMU initialism of inertial measurement unit (talk)
INR initialism of International Normalized Ratio (talk)
INS initialism of Indian Naval Ship (talk)
IOC initialism of initial operating capability (talk)
IP initialism of initial permutation (talk)
IPA initialism of isopropyl acetate (talk)
IPF initialism of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (talk)
IPL initialism of international private law (talk)
IPS initialism of in-plane switching (talk)
IR initialism of inertial reference (talk)
IRA initialism of individual retirement account (talk)
IRF initialism of inertial reference frame (talk)
IRS initialism of instant replay system (talk)
IS-K initialism of Islamic State, Khorasan (talk)
IS initialism of implementation shortfall (talk)
IS initialism of Interior Salish (talk)
ISCI initialism of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (talk)
ISD initialism of inhibited sexual desire (talk)
ISI initialism of international sensitivity index (talk)
itt initialism of in this thread (talk)
itt initialism of in this topic (talk)
IV initialism of instrumental variable (talk)
IVA initialism of in-vitro activation (talk)
IVC initialism of intravaginal culture (talk)
JC initialism of juvenile court (talk)
JP-1 initialism of jet propellant 1 (talk)
JSC initialism of junior school certificate (talk)
KAB initialism of knee airbag (talk)
KBE initialism of knowledge-based economy (talk)
KBE initialism of knowledge-based engineering (talk)
KBO initialism of keep buggering on (talk)
KE initialism of Kegel exercises (talk)
KK initialism of Kandang Kerbau (talk)
KK initialism of Kuala Kangsar (talk)
KTM initialism of Keretapi Tanah Melayu (talk)
L3C initialism of low-profit limited liability company (talk)
LA initialism of lead arsenate (talk)
LAB initialism of Lyman-alpha blob (talk)
LAE initialism of Lyman-alpha emitter (talk)
LBL initialism of laminated bamboo lumber (talk)
LBL initialism of layer by layer (talk)
LC initialism of least concern (talk)
LC initialism of lethal concentration (talk)
LC initialism of lord chancellor (talk)
LCA initialism of large commercial aircraft (talk)
LCA initialism of logic cell array (talk)
LCAO initialism of linear combination of atomic orbitals (talk)
LCB initialism of licensed customs broker (talk)
LCB initialism of liquor control bureau (talk)
LCC initialism of leaf-and-branch compost cutinase (talk)
LCHF initialism of low carb high fat (talk)
LCL initialism of lateral collateral ligament (talk)
LD initialism of legislative district (talk)
LDA initialism of low-density amorphous ice (talk)
LE initialism of luxury edition (talk)
LF initialism of logical form (talk)
LF initialism of low frequency (talk)
LFD initialism of lateral flow device (talk)
LFO initialism of low-frequency oscillation (talk)
LIA initialism of lost-in-action (talk)
LLETZ initialism of large loop excision of the transformation zone (talk)
LLP initialism of laser light plane (talk)
LMRP initialism of lower marine riser package (talk)
LNA initialism of low nucleic acid (talk)
LNP initialism of Liberal National Party (talk)
LO initialism of local oscillator (talk)
LPA initialism of light personal aircraft (talk)
LPDR initialism of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (talk)
LPR initialism of Lugansk People's Republic (talk)
LQ initialism of letter quality (talk)
LRBM initialism of long range ballistic missile (talk)
LRG initialism of luminous red galaxy (talk)
LRN initialism of luminous red nova (talk)
LSA initialism of light sport aircraft (talk)
LSB initialism of lower sideband (talk)
LSD initialism of £sd (talk)
LSL initialism of laminated strand lumber (talk)
LSPI initialism of low-speed pre-ignition (talk)
LVD initialism of low voltage differential (talk)
LVDS initialism of low voltage differential signaling (talk)
LVL initialism of laminated veneer lumber (talk)
LZO initialism of Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer (talk)
M/T initialism of mud terrain (talk)
MBL initialism of mannose-binding lectin (talk)
MBT initialism of methylbutenethiol (talk)
MC initialism of Mars-crosser (talk)
MC initialism of Merry Christmas (talk)
MCA initialism of Mars-crossing asteroid (talk)
MCAA initialism of monochloroacetic acid (talk)
MCB initialism of miniature circuit breaker (talk)
MCG initialism of membrane-coating granule (talk)
MCT initialism of multi-clutch transmission (talk)
MCU initialism of main control unit (talk)
MCU initialism of master control unit (talk)
MCU initialism of memory controller unit (talk)
MCU initialism of multi-cervical unit (talk)
MCU initialism of multipoint control unit (talk)
MDA initialism of medium-density amorphous ice (talk)
MDB initialism of multidrop bus (talk)
MDI initialism of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (talk)
MDR initialism of multi-drug resistant (talk)
MDT initialism of multidisciplinary team (talk)
ME initialism of main engine (talk)
ME initialism of master of engineering (talk)
MFD initialism of multifuction display (talk)
MFI initialism of mechanical fuel injection (talk)
MFI initialism of multipoint fuel injection (talk)
MFI initialism of multiport fuel injection (talk)
MFM initialism of magnetic force microscopy (talk)
MGDA initialism of methylglycinediacetic acid (talk)
MGUH initialism of motor generator unit, heat (talk)
MHC initialism of major histocompatibility complex (talk)
MHL initialism of mobile high-definition link (talk)
MIA initialism of missing-in-action (talk)
MIC initialism of minimum inhibitory concentration (talk)
MICV initialism of mechanized infantry combat vehicle (talk)
MIPCC initialism of mass injection and pre-compressor cooling technology (talk)
MIS-C initialism of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (talk)
MIS initialism of medium invert sugar (talk)
MIS initialism of mortgage interest statement (talk)
MLC initialism of multi-level cell (talk)
MLD initialism of mid-lithospheric discontinuity (talk)
MLS initialism of microwave landing system (talk)
MMDA initialism of Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (talk)
MMU initialism of manned maneuvering unit (talk)
MNPI initialism of material non-public information (talk)
MOCVD initialism of metalorganic chemical vapour deposition (talk)
MOD initialism of mesio-occlusal-distal (talk)
mPFC initialism of medial prefrontal cortex (talk)
MPI initialism of multipoint fuel injection (talk)
MPI initialism of multiport fuel injection (talk)
MPR initialism of Mongolian People’s Republic (talk)
MR initialism of modified release (talk)
MRA initialism of mutual recognition agreement (talk)
MRC initialism of major regional conflict (talk)
MRV initialism of multiple reentry vehicle (talk)
MSC initialism of Modern Standard Chinese (talk)
MSP initialism of managed service provider (talk)
MSR initialism of molten salt reactor (talk)
MSV initialism of maize streak virus (talk)
MTS initialism of multichannel television sound (talk)
MV initialism of measured variable (talk)
MV initialism of merchant vessel (talk)
MVA initialism of malignant ventricular arrhythmia (talk)
MVA initialism of mechanical ventricular assistance (talk)
MVA initialism of microvillous atrophy (talk)
MVA initialism of minimum visual angle (talk)
MVA initialism of mitral valve annuloplasty (talk)
MVA initialism of mitral valve area (talk)
MVB initialism of multivesicular body (talk)
MVK initialism of methyl vinyl ketonel (talk)
MVW initialism of model-view-whatever (talk)
N/S initialism of nuclear ship (talk)
NAE initialism of N-acyl-ethanolamine (talk)
NBMR initialism of narrowband mobile radio (talk)
NBMR initialism of negative binomial multiple regression (talk)
NCB initialism of nitro cold brew (talk)
NCLDV initialism of nucleocytoplasmic large DNA virus (talk)
NCO initialism of Number Controlled Oscillator (talk)
NDD initialism of neurodevelopmental disorder (talk)
NDF initialism of non-deliverable forward (talk)
NDG initialism of Notre Dame de Grace (talk)
NDP initialism of net domestic product (talk)
NEB initialism of North Equatorial Band (talk)
NERD initialism of nonerosive reflux disease (talk)
NGS initialism of neutral grain spirit (talk)
NGS initialism of neutral grape spirit (talk)
NIB initialism of newly initiated brother (talk)
NIE initialism of National Interest Exemption (talk)
NK initialism of not kidding (talk)
NLP initialism of neuro-linguistic psychotherapy (talk)
NLP initialism of nonlinear programming (talk)
NNT initialism of number needed to treat (talk)
NOC initialism of network on a chip (talk)
NOMA initialism of non-orthogonal multiple access (talk)
NOMID initialism of neonatal onset multisystem inflammatory disease (talk)
NPI initialism of non-pharmaceutical intervention (talk)
NPP initialism of NPOESS Preparatory Project (talk)
NPS initialism of new psychoactive substance (talk)
NPT initialism of national pipe thread (talk)
NPT initialism of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (talk)
NPU initialism of network processing unit (talk)
NPU initialism of neural processing unit (talk)
NPV initialism of negative pressure ventilation (talk)
NPV initialism of negative pressure ventilator (talk)
NS initialism of neutral spirit (talk)
NS initialism of nuclear ship (talk)
NVOCC initialism of non-vessel-operating common carrier (talk)
OBC initialism of onboard credit (talk)
OBC initialism of original Broadway cast (talk)
OCR initialism of one coat render (talk)
OCR initialism of optical character reader (talk)
ODO initialism of off-duty officer (talk)
ODP initialism of Office for Domestic Preparedness (talk)
ODP initialism of Oracle Data Provider (talk)
OEL initialism of occupational exposure limit (talk)
OEL initialism of organic electro-luminescence (talk)
OFC initialism of orbitofrontal cortex (talk)
OFC initialism of oxygen-free copper (talk)
OFDM initialism of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (talk)
OFSP initialism of orange-fleshed sweet potato (talk)
OJT initialism of on-the-job training (talk)
OQ initialism of operational qualification (talk)
OR initialism of original research (talk)
ORC initialism of odd radio circle (talk)
OSB initialism of oriented strand board (talk)
OSI initialism of Other Supplementary Information (talk)
OSL initialism of optically stimulated luminescence (talk)
OTA initialism of operational transconductance amplifier (talk)
OTA initialism of over-the-air (talk)
OTW initialism of overtime win (talk)
PAE initialism of postantibiotic effect (talk)
PAE initialism of power added efficiency (talk)
PAL initialism of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (talk)
PAS initialism of Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (talk)
PAS initialism of Partidul Acțiune și Solidaritate (talk)
PB initialism of prime broker (talk)
PBM initialism of pharmacy benefit manager (talk)
PBMC initialism of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (talk)
PBN initialism of parabigeminal nucleus (talk)
PBR initialism of point-blank range (talk)
PBR initialism of potential biological removal (talk)
pBzK initialism of passive BzK (talk)
PC initialism of patrol craft (talk)
PC initialism of police constable (talk)
PC initialism of private chat (talk)
PC initialism of Professional Corporation (talk)
PC initialism of progressive contextualization (talk)
PCM initialism of phase change memory (talk)
PCM initialism of phase-change material (talk)
PCM initialism of pulse code modulation (talk)
PCO initialism of Parliamentary Counsel Office (talk)
PCO initialism of posterior capsular opacification (talk)
PD initialism of Parkinson’s disease (talk)
PD initialism of process deviation (talk)
PD initialism of professional development (talk)
PD initialism of Progressive Democrat (talk)
PDA initialism of patent ductus arteriosus (talk)
PDA initialism of production data acquisition (talk)
PDB initialism of protein data bank (talk)
PDI initialism of petrol direct injection (talk)
PDRE initialism of People’s Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (talk)
PE initialism of permanent establishment (talk)
PE initialism of protective earthing (talk)
PECS initialism of picture exchange communication system (talk)
PEF initialism of polyethylene furanoate (talk)
PEO initialism of parking enforcement officer (talk)
PEO initialism of polyethylene oxide (talk)
PEO initialism of professional employer organization (talk)
PFBS initialism of perfluorobutanesulfonate (talk)
PFC initialism of power factor correction (talk)
PFC initialism of preference for consistency (talk)
PFI initialism of port fuel injection (talk)
PFO initialism of patent foramen ovale (talk)
PFV initialism of persistent fetal vasculature (talk)
PGD initialism of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (talk)
PGS initialism of prompt global strike (talk)
ph initialism of physical health (talk)
PH initialism of preliminary hearing (talk)
PHA initialism of potentially hazardous asteroid (talk)
PI initialism of partial induction (talk)
PI initialism of port injection (talk)
PI initialism of power integrity (talk)
PID initialism of photoionization detector (talk)
PIRA initialism of Provisional IRA (talk)
PJ initialism of Petaling Jaya (talk)
PK initialism of penetrating keratoplasty (talk)
PKC initialism of paroxysmal kinesigenic choreoathetosis (talk)
PKC initialism of protein kinase C (talk)
PKD initialism of polycystic kidney disease (talk)
PKP initialism of penetrating keratoplasty (talk)
PLC initialism of phospholipase C (talk)
PLO initialism of pot-limit Omaha (talk)
PLSS initialism of personal life support system (talk)
PLSS initialism of portable life support system (talk)
PM initialism of perfect match (talk)
PM initialism of portfolio manager (talk)
pMHR initialism of portable multi-mission hemispheric radar (talk)
PMI initialism of private mortgage insurance (talk)
PMO initialism of Prime Minister's Office (talk)
PNA initialism of personal navigation assistant (talk)
PNC initialism of philatelic numismatic cover (talk)
PNR initialism of Philippine National Railways (talk)
PO initialism of per os (talk)
POE initialism of plasma oscillation event (talk)
POU initialism of program organization unit (talk)
PP initialism of Planned Parenthood (talk)
PP initialism of promenade position (talk)
PPC initialism of production-possibility curve (talk)
PPD initialism of pixels per degree (talk)
PPD initialism of purified protein derivative (talk)
PPF initialism of paint protection film (talk)
PPI initialism of personal priesthood interview (talk)
PPI initialism of pixels per inch (talk)
PR initialism of progesterone receptor (talk)
PR initialism of prothrombin ratio (talk)
PRB initialism of People’s Republic of Bangladesh (talk)
PRB initialism of People’s Republic of Benin (talk)
PRB initialism of People’s Republic of Bulgaria (talk)
PRC initialism of Palm Resource Code (talk)
PRC initialism of People’s Republic of the Congo (talk)
PRC initialism of Police Record Check (talk)
PRD initialism of Pearl River Delta (talk)
PRI initialism of Population Reference Intake (talk)
PRK initialism of People’s Republic of Kampuchea (talk)
PRK initialism of People’s Republic of Korea (talk)
PRM initialism of patrol resource management (talk)
PRM initialism of People’s Republic of Mozambique (talk)
PRM initialism of People’s Revolutionary Militia (talk)
PRR initialism of pattern recognition receptor (talk)
PRR initialism of proportional reporting ratio (talk)
PSAT initialism of phosphoserine transaminase (talk)
PSP initialism of postsynaptic potential (talk)
PSRA initialism of People’s Socialist Republic of Albania (talk)
PSRA initialism of presunrise authorization (talk)
PSS initialism of polystyrene sulfonate (talk)
PST initialism of Philippine Standard Time (talk)
PSW initialism of personal support worker (talk)
PSW initialism of program status word (talk)
PT initialism of prothrombin time (talk)
PTBNL initialism of player to be named later (talk)
PTC initialism of positive train control (talk)
PTD initialism of period to date (talk)
PTO initialism of patent and trademark office (talk)
PTU initialism of paroxysmal tonic upgaze (talk)
PTU initialism of police tactical unit (talk)
PTU initialism of power transfer unit (talk)
PUT initialism of programmable unijunction transistor (talk)
PV initialism of pemphigus vulgaris (talk)
PV initialism of process variable (talk)
PV initialism of promotional video (talk)
PVA initialism of patterned vertical alignment (talk)
PVC initialism of peripheral venous catheter (talk)
PVC initialism of premature ventricular contraction (talk)
PVD initialism of peripheral vascular disease (talk)
PVD initialism of physical vapor deposition (talk)
PVP initialism of polyvinylphenol (talk)
PVRI initialism of pulmonary vascular resistance index (talk)
PX initialism of post exchange (talk)
PXRD initialism of powder X-ray diffraction (talk)
QIC initialism of quarter-inch cartridge (talk)
QLC initialism of quad-level cell (talk)
QPA initialism of quality point average (talk)
R. V. initialism of research vessel (talk)
R.V. initialism of research vessel (talk)
R/V initialism of research vessel (talk)
RA initialism of rahmatu 'llahi alayh (talk)
RA initialism of rescue ambulance (talk)
RA initialism of Royal Academician (talk)
RAC initialism of rock against communism (talk)
RAS initialism of reasonable articulable suspicion (talk)
RAS initialism of reticular activating system (talk)
RBD initialism of receptor-binding domain (talk)
RBM initialism of restricted Boltzmann machine (talk)
RCC initialism of roller compacted concrete (talk)
RCM initialism of radiative-convective model (talk)
RCM initialism of regional county municipality (talk)
RCM initialism of restrictive cardiomyopathy (talk)
RDA initialism of Recommended Dietary Allowances (talk)
RDS-EON initialism of Radio Data System Enhanced Other Networks (talk)
RDS initialism of respiratory distress syndrome (talk)
RDW initialism of red blood cell distribution width (talk)
RE initialism of response element (talk)
RFA initialism of restricted free agent (talk)
RFS initialism of Rural Fire Service (talk)
RFS initialism of Russian Federation Ship (talk)
RHU initialism of radioisotope heater unit (talk)
RIA initialism of registered investment adviser (talk)
RIF initialism of risk influencing factor (talk)
RIO initialism of radar intercept officer (talk)
RISA initialism of radioiodinated serum albumin (talk)
RJ initialism of registered jack (talk)
RLV initialism of reusable launch vehicle (talk)
RM initialism of Resident Magistrate (talk)
RM initialism of Routemaster (talk)
RMU initialism of removal unit (talk)
RMW initialism of read–modify–write (talk)
RNAi initialism of RNA interference (talk)
RNG initialism of renewable natural gas (talk)
rNTP initialism of ribonucleotide triphosphate (talk)
RO initialism of receiving office (talk)
ROC initialism of receiver operating characteristic (talk)
rpd initialism of relative pointwise distance (talk)
RPV initialism of rapid patrol vehicle (talk)
RPV initialism of remotely piloted vehicle (talk)
RR initialism of relative risk (talk)
RR initialism of Riva-Roccin (talk)
RRAT initialism of rotating radio transient (talk)
RRP initialism of relative refractory period (talk)
RSDS initialism of reduced swing differential signaling (talk)
RSE initialism of ring strain energy (talk)
RSI initialism of relative strength index (talk)
RSJ initialism of rolled steel joist (talk)
RTC initialism of regional trial court (talk)
RTF initialism of real time factor (talk)
RV initialism of reentry vehicle (talk)
RV initialism of research vessel (talk)
S.A. initialism of sub anno (talk)
SaO2 initialism of arterial oxygen saturation (talk)
SAW initialism of surface acoustic wave (talk)
SB initialism of season best (talk)
SB initialism of Standard Babylonian (talk)
SC initialism of Scheduled Caste (talk)
SC initialism of Settlement Conference (talk)
sc initialism of single crochet (talk)
SC initialism of StarCraft (talk)
SC initialism of State College (talk)
SC initialism of Superior Court (talk)
SCC initialism of squamous cell carcinoma (talk)
SCNR initialism of signal to effective clipping noise ratio (talk)
SCS initialism of supervised consumption site (talk)
SDA initialism of specially denatured alcohol (talk)
SDBA initialism of self-directed brokerage account (talk)
SDMH initialism of symmetrical dimethylhydrazine (talk)
SE initialism of single ended (talk)
SED initialism of spectral energy distribution (talk)
SEFF initialism of service effect specification (talk)
SEM initialism of secondary electron multiplier (talk)
SFA initialism of sweet Fanny Adams (talk)
SFF initialism of small form factor (talk)
SFG initialism of signal-flow graph (talk)
SFG initialism of sum frequency generation (talk)
SHGC initialism of solar heat gain coefficient (talk)
sHSP initialism of small heat shock protein (talk)
SHTF initialism of shit hits the fan (talk)
SI initialism of spark ignition (talk)
SI initialism of supporting information (talk)
SI initialism of systematic internaliser (talk)
SK initialism of Sunkyong (talk)
SLAM initialism of simultaneous localization and mapping (talk)
SLC initialism of single-level cell (talk)
SLO initialism of social license to operate (talk)
SMC initialism of sheet molding compound (talk)
SMC initialism of sheet mould composite (talk)
SMC initialism of sliding mode control (talk)
SMC initialism of structural maintenance of chromosomes (talk)
SMS initialism of special mint set (talk)
SMS initialism of stiff man syndrome (talk)
SN initialism of steric number (talk)
SOA initialism of Safe operating area (talk)
SOA initialism of School of the Americas (talk)
SOA initialism of Semiconductor optical amplifier (talk)
SOA initialism of Society of Actuaries (talk)
SOA initialism of Society of Ancients (talk)
SOA initialism of Stimulus Onset Asynchrony (talk)
SOCSO initialism of Social Security Organisation (talk)
SOHC initialism of single overhead cam (talk)
SOM initialism of self-organizing map (talk)
SON initialism of supraoptic nucleus (talk)
SPE initialism of solid-phase extraction (talk)
SPG initialism of submersible pressure gauge (talk)
SPM initialism of scanning probe microscope (talk)
SPM initialism of scanning probe microscopy (talk)
SPM initialism of supplemental poverty measure (talk)
SPM initialism of suspended particulate matter (talk)
SPN initialism of supermolecular polymer network (talk)
SPR initialism of self-piercing rivet (talk)
SPR initialism of self-piercing riveting (talk)
SR initialism of semen retention (talk)
SR initialism of speculative realist (talk)
SR initialism of state road (talk)
SR initialism of state route (talk)
SRC initialism of Short Range Certificate (talk)
SRH initialism of somatotropin-releasing hormone (talk)
sRLV initialism of suborbital reusable launch vehicle (talk)
SRM initialism of solid rocket motor (talk)
SRM initialism of standard reference material (talk)
SROM initialism of spontaneous rupture of membranes (talk)
SRP initialism of suggested retail price (talk)
SRS initialism of small RNA sequencing (talk)
SRT initialism of statutory residence test (talk)
SRW initialism of simple random walk (talk)
SSDL initialism of sample-set differential logic (talk)
SSDL initialism of secondary standard dosimetry laboratory (talk)
SSDL initialism of small-swing differential logic (talk)
SSDL initialism of social semantic digital library (talk)
SSDL initialism of solid-state dye laser (talk)
SSDL initialism of Space Systems Development Laboratory (talk)
SSDL initialism of Staged Self-Directed Learning (talk)
SSDL initialism of SYLPH services definition language (talk)
SSL initialism of sound scattering layer (talk)
SSNRI initialism of selective serotonin norephinephrine reuptake inhibitor (talk)
SSTO initialism of single-stage-to-orbit (talk)
STL initialism of slower than light (talk)
STV initialism of straight to video (talk)
SV initialism of setpoint variable (talk)
SV initialism of steam vessel (talk)
SVZ initialism of sub-ventricular zone (talk)
SWR initialism of standing wave ratio (talk)
SWS initialism of slow-wave sleep (talk)
SX initialism of single precision (talk)
TAO initialism of thyroid-associated orbitopathy (talk)
TBA initialism of tert-butyl alcohol (talk)
TBG initialism of thyroxine-binding globulin (talk)
TBI initialism of throttle body injection (talk)
TBL initialism of tall building lawyer (talk)
TBT initialism of target bearing transmitter (talk)
TCS initialism of traction control system (talk)
TDS initialism of tabular data stream (talk)
TDS initialism of tax deducted at source (talk)
TDS initialism of technical documentation service (talk)
TDS initialism of thermal desorption spectroscopy (talk)
TDS initialism of time-driven switching (talk)
TDS initialism of topological Dirac semi-metal (talk)
TDS initialism of total dissolved solids (talk)
TDS initialism of transaction data store (talk)
TDS initialism of Trump delusional syndrome (talk)
TE initialism of transporter-erector (talk)
TEB initialism of triethylborate (talk)
TEC initialism of thermoelectric cooler (talk)
TED initialism of thyroid eye disease (talk)
TGA initialism of thermogravimetric analysis (talk)
tgd initialism of tuple-generating dependency (talk)
TGIF initialism of transforming growth interacting factor (talk)
TIJ initialism of thermal inkjet (talk)
TIMS initialism of thermal ionization mass spectrometry (talk)
TJI initialism of turbulent jet ignition (talk)
TK initialism of transitional kindergarten (talk)
TLC initialism of triple-level cell (talk)
TMB initialism of trimethylborane (talk)
TODA initialism of Tricycle Operators & Drivers Association (talk)
TP initialism of transportation problem (talk)
TP initialism of true position (talk)
TP initialism of true positive (talk)
tPCT initialism of teaching primary care trust (talk)
TPD initialism of temperature programmed desorption (talk)
TPE initialism of thermoplastic elastomer (talk)
TPE initialism of total power exchange (talk)
TPMS initialism of tire pressure monitoring system (talk)
TPP initialism of Trans-Pacific Partnership (talk)
TPR initialism of total peripheral resistance (talk)
TPR initialism of total physical response (talk)
TPR initialism of total player rating (talk)
TPS initialism of thermal protection system (talk)
TPU initialism of thermoplastic polyurethane (talk)
TR initialism of technical report (talk)
TR4 initialism of tropical race 4 (talk)
TSB initialism of technical service bulletin (talk)
TSP initialism of textured soy protein (talk)
TSTO initialism of two-stage to orbit (talk)
TTC initialism of triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (talk)
TTS initialism of Temporary threshold shift (talk)
TUIO initialism of Tangible User Interface Objects (talk)
TVC initialism of thrust vector control (talk)
tysm initialism of thank you so much (talk)
UAF initialism of User Action Framework (talk)
UB initialism of Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (talk)
UCL initialism of ulnar collateral ligament (talk)
UCP initialism of uncoupling protein (talk)
UCP initialism of universal camouflage pattern (talk)
UDG initialism of ultra diffuse galaxy (talk)
UDMH initialism of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (talk)
UGV initialism of unmanned ground vehicle (talk)
UHFT initialism of ultra-high-frequency trader (talk)
UHFT initialism of ultra-high-frequency trading (talk)
UJT initialism of unijunction transistor (talk)
UL initialism of Tolerable upper intake levels (talk)
ULC initialism of unlimited liability corporation (talk)
ULD initialism of upper limb disorder (talk)
ULDB initialism of ultra light displacement boat (talk)
UNA initialism of unlocked nucleic acid (talk)
UOR initialism of urgent operational requirement (talk)
URA initialism of Universal Remote Access (talk)
URI initialism of upper respiratory tract infection (talk)
URN initialism of uniform resource name (talk)
USSF initialism of United States Soccer Federation (talk)
UTV initialism of utility task vehicle (talk)
UVC initialism of underwater visual census (talk)
V2G initialism of vehicle-to-grid (talk)
V2H initialism of vehicle-to-home (talk)
V2L initialism of vehicle-to-load (talk)
VA initialism of vertical alignment (talk)
VA initialism of voice artist (talk)
VAB initialism of vertical assembly building (talk)
VCD initialism of value change dump (talk)
VCD initialism of vinyl cyclohexene diepoxide (talk)
VCFD initialism of Ventura County Fire Department (talk)
VCU initialism of vacuum control unit (talk)
VCU initialism of vascular compression unit (talk)
VCU initialism of vehicle control unit (talk)
VCU initialism of video codec unit (talk)
VCU initialism of video compression unit (talk)
VCU initialism of video control unit (talk)
VDPV initialism of vaccine-derived poliovirus (talk)
VDX initialism of virtual document exchange (talk)
VLF initialism of very low frequency (talk)
VLJ initialism of very light jet (talk)
VM initialism of viral myocarditis (talk)
VMPFC initialism of ventromedial prefrontal cortex (talk)
VN initialism of vocational nurse (talk)
VoT initialism of value of time (talk)
VoT initialism of voice-onset time (talk)
VPU initialism of video processing unit (talk)
VPU initialism of vision processing unit (talk)
VPU initialism of visual processing unit (talk)
VPU initialism of voxel processing unit (talk)
VSD initialism of ventricular septal defect (talk)
WAGMI initialism of we're all gonna make it (talk)
WRT initialism of water restoration technician (talk)
WRT initialism of western running tour (talk)
WRT initialism of wireless receiver/transmitter (talk)
WRT initialism of wireless router (talk)
WRT initialism of with reference to (talk)
WRT initialism of world rummy tournament (talk)
WRULD initialism of work-related upper limb disorder (talk)
WTSHTF initialism of when the shit hits the fan (talk)
WVR initialism of within visual range (talk)
WWAN initialism of wireless wide area network (talk)
XDR initialism of extremely drug resistant (talk)
XNA initialism of xeno nucleic acid (talk)
YRD initialism of Yangtze River Delta (talk)
ZFC initialism of zero-field cooling (talk)
ZLR initialism of zoom-lens reflex (talk)
austrealis misspelling of australis (talk)
didint misspelling of didn’t (talk)
distroferric misspelling of dystroferric (talk)
doesint misspelling of doesn’t (talk)
etale misspelling of étale (talk)
Ikthues misspelling of Ikhthues (talk)
inquilab misspelling of inqilab (talk)
isint misspelling of isn’t (talk)
Jurgen misspelling of Jürgen (talk)
Lopez misspelling of López (talk)
lysotropic misspelling of lysotrophic (talk)
MDOT misspelling of MaineDOT (talk)
MDOT misspelling of MnDOT (talk)
MDOT misspelling of MoDOT (talk)
Nadege misspelling of Nadège (talk)
not of misspelling of not’ve (talk)
P3 misspelling of P-3 (talk)
ph misspelling of pH (talk)
Plexiglass misspelling of Plexiglas (talk)
Quintation misspelling of Quintaton (talk)
screenshoting misspelling of screenshotting (talk)
suppose to misspelling of supposed to (talk)
synergohymenotrophic misspelling of synergohymenotropic (talk)
t'is misspelling of ’tis (talk)
t'was misspelling of ’twas (talk)
their misspelling of they’re (talk)
there misspelling of they’re (talk)
wasint misspelling of wasn’t (talk)
Bq's nonstandard form of Bq (talk)
kgs nonstandard form of kg (talk)
kGs nonstandard form of kG (talk)
Kgs nonstandard form of kg (talk)
KGs nonstandard form of kG (talk)
nGs nonstandard form of nG (talk)
n' nonstandard spelling of ’n’ (talk)
'hem obsolete form of ’em (talk)
ægilopic obsolete form of egilopic (talk)
allœosis obsolete form of allesis (talk)
anæmical obsolete form of anemical (talk)
azotorrhœa obsolete form of azotorrhea (talk)
blennorrhœic obsolete form of blennorrheic (talk)
Bœotic obsolete form of Boeotic (talk)
chylorrhœa obsolete form of chylorrhea (talk)
cœloscope obsolete form of celoscope (talk)
crico-arytænoid obsolete form of crico-arytenoid (talk)
crico-arytænoid obsolete form of crico-arytenoid (talk)
cystorrhœa obsolete form of cystorrhea (talk)
dysæmic obsolete form of dysemic (talk)
hæmorrhagia obsolete form of hemorrhagia (talk)
homœomorphy obsolete form of homoeomorphy (talk)
homœopathize obsolete form of homeopathize (talk)
homœopolar obsolete form of homeopolar (talk)
hydrorrhœa obsolete form of hydrorrhea (talk)
hyperæsthetical obsolete form of hyperesthetical (talk)
Lacedæmonia obsolete form of Lacedaemonia (talk)
laryngorrhœa obsolete form of laryngorrhea (talk)
leucorrhœic obsolete form of leucorrhoeic (talk)
Llin-nen obsolete form of Xinning (talk)
metrorrhœa obsolete form of metrorrhea (talk)
Œnanthe obsolete form of Oenanthe (talk)
œnologic obsolete form of oenologic (talk)
otorrhœal obsolete form of otorrheal (talk)
otorrhœic obsolete form of otorrheic (talk)
pharmacopœical obsolete form of pharmacopoeical (talk)
Phœnicopteridæ obsolete form of Phoenicopteridae (talk)
phororachus obsolete form of phorusrhacos (talk)
præfix'd obsolete form of prefix’d (talk)
she'l obsolete form of she’ll (talk)
shou'dn't obsolete form of shouldn’t (talk)
they'l obsolete form of they’ll (talk)
we'l obsolete form of we’ll (talk)
wou'dn't obsolete form of wouldn’t (talk)
you'l obsolete form of you’ll (talk)
æsthetology obsolete spelling of esthetology (talk)
Cæpio obsolete spelling of Caepio (talk)
Chichemec obsolete spelling of Chichimec (talk)
Choong Wan obsolete spelling of Chung Wan (talk)
Monterey obsolete spelling of Monterrei (talk)
ploot obsolete spelling of plout (talk)
præfix'd obsolete spelling of prefix’d (talk)
Tropæolum obsolete spelling of Tropaeolum (talk)
æsthesiometric obsolete typography of aesthesiometric (talk)
anæsthesize obsolete typography of anaesthesize (talk)
cœliac plexus obsolete typography of coeliac plexus (talk)
pharmacopœian obsolete typography of pharmacopoeian (talk)
pharmacopœian obsolete typography of pharmacopoeian (talk)
pharmacopœist obsolete typography of pharmacopoeist (talk)
thermanæsthesia obsolete typography of thermanaesthesia (talk)
varicocœle obsolete typography of varicocoele (talk)
blown it past participle of blow it (talk)
given someone a big head past participle of give someone a big head (talk)
given someone static past participle of give someone static (talk)
got over with past participle of get over with (talk)
gotten over with past participle of get over with (talk)
ridden the ... train past participle of ride the ... train (talk)
stolen one's thunder past participle of steal one's thunder (talk)
thrown one's back out past participle of throw one's back out (talk)
'phones plural of ’phone (talk)
*bands plural of *band ([[Talk::*band|talk]])
*nixes plural of *nix ([[Talk::*nix|talk]])
*NSYNCers plural of \*NSYNCer (talk)
120s plural of 120 (talk)
Adenias plural of Adenia (talk)
Afers plural of Afer (talk)
Africoon Americoons plural of Africoon Americoon (talk)
arctic ground squirrels plural of arctic ground squirrel (talk)
argyraspides plural of argyraspide (talk)
attorneys fees plural of attorneys fee (talk)
b'ak'tuns plural of b'ak'tun (talk)
banes of one's existence plural of bane of one's existence (talk)
banes of one's life plural of bane of one's life (talk)
benefits in kind plural of benefit in kind (talk)
billion laughs attacks plural of billion laughs attack (talk)
Blind swine mates plural of Blind swine mate (talk)
bordellers plural of bordeller (talk)
Bq's plural of Bq (talk)
Carcharodontosauruses plural of Carcharodontosaurus (talk)
celtic crosses plural of celtic cross (talk)
chaulmoogra oils plural of chaulmoogra oil (talk)
Chromistas plural of Chromista (talk)
civil-services plural of civil-service (talk)
cms plural of cm (talk)
coalholes plural of coalhole (talk)
Comatulas plural of Comatula (talk)
confraters plural of confrater (talk)
corni di bassetto plural of corno di bassetto (talk)
cotisations plural of cotisation (talk)
coup d'états plural of coup d’état (talk)
cuigeals plural of cuigeal (talk)
delayments plural of delayment (talk)
dirkas plural of dirka (talk)
duglas plural of dugla (talk)
dumbfuckers plural of dumbfucker (talk)
early lifers plural of early lifer (talk)
elder brothers plural of elder brother (talk)
elder sisters plural of elder sister (talk)
Elkinsias plural of Elkinsia (talk)
Ermins plural of Ermin (talk)
escorials plural of escorial (talk)
eulipotyplans plural of eulipotyplan (talk)
eurillos plural of eurillo (talk)
excusements plural of excusement (talk)
Filoviruses plural of Filovirus (talk)
finnophones plural of finnophone (talk)
flagkinis plural of flagkini (talk)
flemers plural of flemer (talk)
foges plural of foge (talk)
free-livers plural of free-liver (talk)
Fronsacs plural of Fronsac (talk)
galactophages plural of galactophage (talk)
gentlemen and scholars plural of a gentleman and a scholar (talk)
gobets plural of gobet (talk)
governers plural of governer (talk)
great great great grandfathers plural of great great great grandfather (talk)
great great great grandmothers plural of great great great grandmother (talk)
grecisms plural of grecism (talk)
gyses plural of gyse (talk)
haramyids plural of haramyid (talk)
Hepatozoons plural of Hepatozoon (talk)
Hungarian Hounds plural of Hungarian Hound (talk)
hyperlogarithms plural of hyperlogarithm (talk)
iCONs plural of iCON (talk)
impedimenta plural of impedimentum (talk)
Indian Peacocks plural of Indian Peacock (talk)
inqilabs plural of inqilab (talk)
intrigoes plural of intrigo (talk)
Irish Setters plural of Irish Setter (talk)
JUs plural of JU (talk)
kgs plural of kg (talk)
kGs plural of kG (talk)
Kgs plural of Kg (talk)
kinedoms plural of kinedom (talk)
KPCs plural of KPC (talk)
lim infs plural of lim inf (talk)
maneapas plural of maneapa (talk)
maréchals plural of maréchal (talk)
megatooths plural of megatooth (talk)
multifractions plural of multifraction (talk)
multiprogressions plural of multiprogression (talk)
neat-freaks plural of neat-freak (talk)
neo-Kraepelinians plural of neo-Kraepelinian (talk)
neurochetae plural of neurocheta (talk)
neuromodules plural of neuromodule (talk)
nGs plural of nG (talk)
nine elevens plural of nine eleven (talk)
niveloids plural of niveloid (talk)
nmols plural of nmol (talk)
nobleobatrachians plural of nobleobratrachian (talk)
nomina propria plural of nomen proprium (talk)
nootkatanes plural of nootkatane (talk)
nortriterpenes plural of nortriterpene (talk)
oaxaquitas plural of oaxaquita (talk)
occulents plural of occulent (talk)
oopoochawas plural of oopoochawa (talk)
orfeomes plural of orfeome (talk)
orthonitrites plural of orthonitrite (talk)
parselmouths plural of parselmouth (talk)
passivants plural of passivant (talk)
perhalides plural of perhalide (talk)
Petrogales plural of Petrogale (talk)
pgs plural of pg (talk)
Pgs plural of Pg (talk)
pHs plural of pH (talk)
phycocyans plural of phycocyan (talk)
pKas plural of pKa (talk)
pointihedra plural of pointihedron (talk)
polyalgebras plural of polyalgebra (talk)
pontifiers plural of pontifier (talk)
porelliportulae plural of porelliportula (talk)
prelarvae plural of prelarva (talk)
promargins plural of promargin (talk)
pseudobosons plural of pseudoboson (talk)
pseudodisks plural of pseudodisk (talk)
pseudoguaianolides plural of pseudoguaianolide (talk)
pseudoidentities plural of pseudoidentity (talk)
pseudonuclei plural of pseudonucleus (talk)
pseudoparaphyses plural of pseudoparaphysis (talk)
pseudopores plural of pseudopore (talk)
pseudoprobabilities plural of pseudoprobability (talk)
pseudosingularities plural of pseudosingularity (talk)
pyrs plural of pyr (talk)
quasicategories plural of quasicategory (talk)
quasimorphisms plural of quasimorphism (talk)
quasistrategies plural of quasistrategy (talk)
quattuordecillionths plural of quattuordecillionth (talk)
quindecillionths plural of quindecillionth (talk)
rados plural of rado (talk)
rag and bone men plural of rag and bone man (talk)
rent seekers plural of rent seeker (talk)
reves plural of reve (talk)
ricewhores plural of ricewhore (talk)
risorgimentos plural of risorgimento (talk)
Safaites plural of Safaite (talk)
Sandwich Terns plural of Sandwich Tern (talk)
scare-bullfinches plural of scare-bullfinch (talk)
scirpenols plural of scirpenol (talk)
secundaxils plural of secundaxil (talk)
secundibrachs plural of secundibrach (talk)
semikernels plural of semikernel (talk)
semilimits plural of semilimit (talk)
seminormalizations plural of seminormalization (talk)
semitritones plural of semitritone (talk)
shoulder knots plural of shoulder knot (talk)
smash powers plural of smash power (talk)
sokelands plural of sokeland (talk)
solvsolitons plural of solvsoliton (talk)
sophoi plural of sophos (talk)
soutpiels plural of soutpiel (talk)
spherasters plural of spheraster (talk)
square pegs into round holes plural of square peg into a round hole (talk)
ssps. plural of ssp. (talk)
streptamines plural of streptamine (talk)
strong-waters plural of strong-water (talk)
subconcentrations plural of subconcentration (talk)
subcouplings plural of subcoupling (talk)
subdensities plural of subdensity (talk)
subflares plural of subflare (talk)
subgratings plural of subgrating (talk)
subhelices plural of subhelix (talk)
subideals plural of subideal (talk)
sublithistids plural of sublithistid (talk)
submeasures plural of submeasure (talk)
subnumerations plural of subnumeration (talk)
subtruncations plural of subtruncation (talk)
subtylotes plural of subtylote (talk)
subway cars plural of subway car (talk)
Sunis plural of Suni (talk)
supercommutators plural of supercommutator (talk)
superdads plural of superdad (talk)
supererogators plural of supererogator (talk)
superforms plural of superform (talk)
supergluons plural of supergluon (talk)
supermoduli plural of supermodulus (talk)
supermultiples plural of supermultiple (talk)
superpartitions plural of superpartition (talk)
superpropagators plural of superpropagator (talk)
superstabilizers plural of superstabilizer (talk)
suplattices plural of suplattice (talk)
supracolloids plural of supracolloid (talk)
supramolecular assemblies plural of supramolecular assembly (talk)
svitkas plural of svitka (talk)
swamp niggers plural of swamp nigger (talk)
t*ts plural of t*t (talk)
telescopers plural of telescoper (talk)
teleutosori plural of teleutosorus (talk)
television episodes plural of television episode (talk)
terebratuloids plural of terebratuloid (talk)
Thuggees plural of Thuggee (talk)
tittie-touchers plural of tittie-toucher (talk)
torosauruses plural of torosaurus (talk)
Tortorellas plural of Tortorella (talk)
Toscas plural of Tosca (talk)
Trekboers plural of Trekboer (talk)
triconcepts plural of triconcept (talk)
Tupanviruses plural of Tupanvirus (talk)
Turáns plural of Turán (talk)
turnbarrels plural of turnbarrel (talk)
Turnhalles plural of Turnhalle (talk)
TV episodes plural of TV episode (talk)
unigraphs plural of unigraph (talk)
upcrossings plural of upcrossing (talk)
uredoforms plural of uredoform (talk)
uredosori plural of uredosorus (talk)
van der Waals plural of van der Waal (talk)
vasa efferentia plural of vas efferens (talk)
videoclips plural of videoclip (talk)
vitrons plural of vitron (talk)
wavemodes plural of wavemode (talk)
whites plural of white (talk)
Whitlatches plural of Whitlatch (talk)
wrapper classes plural of wrapper class (talk)
xanthophils plural of xanthophil (talk)
xenopeptides plural of xenopeptide (talk)
Zam-buks plural of Zam-buk (talk)
Zamaks plural of Zamak (talk)
zeptokilograms plural of zeptokilogram (talk)
Zhydo-Banderites plural of Zhydo-Banderite (talk)
Ziegler's Water Rats plural of Ziegler's Water Rat (talk)
zoosporocysts plural of zoosporocyst (talk)
*69ing present participle of *69 ([[Talk::*69|talk]])
aaahing present participle of aaah (talk)
acid washing present participle of acid wash (talk)
adushing present participle of adush (talk)
attasting present participle of attaste (talk)
bioproducing present participle of bioproduce (talk)
blowing it present participle of blow it (talk)
body shaming present participle of body shame (talk)
button mashing present participle of button mash (talk)
carrying a torch for present participle of carry a torch for (talk)
catching one's drift present participle of catch one's drift (talk)
coming at a price present participle of come at a price (talk)
coming to the fore present participle of come to the fore (talk)
copropagating present participle of copropagate (talk)
cysting and deceasing present participle of cyst and decease (talk)
doing the hard yards present participle of do the hard yards (talk)
dumping ass present participle of dump ass (talk)
filstening present participle of filsten (talk)
filsting present participle of filst (talk)
fiscalizing present participle of fiscalize (talk)
fly-posting present participle of fly-post (talk)
folwing present participle of folwe (talk)
getting over with present participle of get over with (talk)
giving someone a big head present participle of give someone a big head (talk)
giving someone static present participle of give someone static (talk)
having a bath present participle of have a bath (talk)
having a wild hair to present participle of have a wild hair to (talk)
having one's day in court present participle of have one's day in court (talk)
having someone on present participle of have someone on (talk)
jumping one's bones present participle of jump one's bones (talk)
keeping it on the barber pole present participle of keep it on the barber pole (talk)
knocking one down with a feather present participle of knock one down with a feather (talk)
knocking one over with a feather present participle of knock one over with a feather (talk)
living in the moment present participle of live in the moment (talk)
looking forward present participle of look forward (talk)
making a clean break present participle of make a clean break (talk)
mercy-killing present participle of mercy-kill (talk)
neveling present participle of nevel (talk)
out-gassing present participle of out-gas (talk)
photoevaporating present participle of photoevaporate (talk)
rethermalizing present participle of rethermalize (talk)
riding the ... train present participle of ride the ... train (talk)
selling oneself present participle of sell oneself (talk)
sequence breaking present participle of sequence break (talk)
single-phasing present participle of single-phase (talk)
skin diving present participle of skin dive (talk)
slipcasting present participle of slipcast (talk)
smoking one's pole present participle of smoke one's pole (talk)
Stalinizing present participle of Stalinize (talk)
suprasaturating present participle of suprasaturate (talk)
throwing one's back out present participle of throw one's back out (talk)
untopping present participle of untop (talk)
whiting present participle of white (talk)
asposta pronunciation spelling of supposed to (talk)
di'n't pronunciation spelling of didn’t (talk)
don' pronunciation spelling of don’t (talk)
dun't pronunciation spelling of doesn’t (talk)
mercy bucket pronunciation spelling of merci beaucoup (talk)
nomsayin' pronunciation spelling of know what I'm saying (talk)
silver plate pronunciation spelling of s'il vous plaît (talk)
supposta pronunciation spelling of supposed to (talk)
thank ye so very much pronunciation spelling of thank you so very much (talk)
interbehaviour rare spelling of interbehavior (talk)
pseudofatalistic rare spelling of pseudo-fatalistic (talk)
smoothrunning rare spelling of smooth-running (talk)
tumourously rare spelling of tumorously (talk)
antithetic short for antithetic variate (talk)
Campy short for Campylobacter (talk)
Casper short for Casper flip (talk)
catex short for cation exchange resin (talk)
colitis short for ulcerative colitis (talk)
consulting short for consulting physician (talk)
count one's chickens short for count one's chickens before they hatch (talk)
Crimea short for People's Crimean Republic (talk)
Darjeeling short for Darjeeling tea (talk)
devil to pay short for the devil to pay and no pitch hot or ready (talk)
diginet short for digital multicast television network (talk)
dye-sub short for dye sublimation (talk)
Euro-Mediterranean short for European Mediterranean (talk)
Grandmaster short for Grandmaster of the Soviet Union (talk)
hypercharge short for hyperonic charge (talk)
IIR short for infinite impulse response (talk)
Kangra short for Kangra tea (talk)
M/L ratio short for mass-to-light ratio (talk)
M/L ratio short for media-to-lumen ratio (talk)
Muriwai short for Muriwai Beach (talk)
nöbers short for nombers (talk)
Quinault short for Quinault Indian Nation (talk)
Reb A short for Rebaudioside A (talk)
recovery boiler short for heat recovery boiler (talk)
Santa Maria short for Santa Maria de la Concepcion (talk)
SEAL short for Navy SEAL (talk)
shroff short for shroff office (talk)
simplified short for simplified Chinese (talk)
spermatic short for spermatic artery (talk)
sus chord short for suspended chord (talk)
tau short for tau meson (talk)
Torrington short for Great Torrington (talk)
traditional short for traditional Chinese (talk)
Tyva short for Republic of Tyva (talk)
goal-orientated spelling of British standard (talk)
Norad spelling of British alternative (talk)
abjunction syn of material nonimplication (talk)
aspidium syn of dryopteris (talk)
Ayn syn of Buhoodle (talk)
backstromite syn of hydrohausmannite (talk)
binary syn of binary asteroid (talk)
binary syn of binary file (talk)
binary syn of binary planet (talk)
blue fig syn of blue quandong (talk)
Caro's acid syn of peroxymonosulfuric acid (talk)
cha syn of Korean foot (talk)
Chaldean syn of Chaldean Neo-Aramaic (talk)
china syn of cheyney (talk)
cothangent syn of hyperbolic cotangent (talk)
dead center syn of dead point (talk)
director of music syn of musical director (talk)
fairy chess syn of fairy problem (talk)
Gbari syn of Gbaygi (talk)
iothion syn of iopropane (talk)
isopunicine syn of isopelletierine (talk)
ja syn of Korean foot (talk)
Juruna syn of Yudjá (talk)
Kakeya set syn of Kakeya needle set (talk)
Kivinza syn of Vinza (talk)
methenamine syn of methenamine silver (talk)
methylpunicine syn of methylpelletierine (talk)
Miao-Yao syn of Hmong-Mien (talk)
O star syn of O-type star (talk)
orbital velocity syn of oribtal speed (talk)
pelea syn of melicope (talk)
shove down someone's throat syn of ram down someone's throat (talk)
to top it off syn of to top it all off (talk)
Xantus's murrelet syn of Guadalupe murrelet (talk)
Xantus's murrelet syn of Scripps's murrelet (talk)
Yong syn of Yongzhou (talk)
youth court syn of juvenile court (talk)
Abbot's Priory synonym of King's Bench Prison (talk)
Adak synonym of Kuluk Bay (talk)
antipercolation synonym of AB percolation (talk)
antithromboplastin synonym of anticonvertin (talk)
Arran synonym of Arranmore (talk)
bannal synonym of common broom (talk)
Baraki synonym of Ormur (talk)
Black Dutch synonym of Afro-Dutch (talk)
Black English synonym of African-American English (talk)
bogger synonym of Boglander (talk)
Bragg mirror synonym of dielectric mirror (talk)
British bulldog synonym of English bulldog (talk)
Bryanite synonym of Bible Christian (talk)
Cabbage Town synonym of Waterloo Mills Historic District (talk)
case papers synonym of case notes (talk)
Chiang Mai synonym of Rattanatingsa (talk)
chlorogenone synonym of spirostane-3,6-dione (talk)
chloroperoxidase synonym of chloride peroxidase (talk)
Chunqiu synonym of Spring and Autumn Annals (talk)
Chusovitina synonym of full-out dismount (talk)
ciminite synonym of arsoite (talk)
clava synonym of gracile tubercle (talk)
come at a cost synonym of come at a price (talk)
concierge synonym of conciergerie (talk)
county jail synonym of county prison (talk)
crewman synonym of armoured crewman (talk)
Crimea synonym of Crimean Khanate (talk)
cyclamic synonym of cyclohexylsulfamic (talk)
cyclectomy synonym of ciliectomy (talk)
cyclohexanoic acid synonym of cyclohexanecarboxylic acid (talk)
cyclopentanoic acid synonym of cyclopentanecarboxylic acid (talk)
cyprusite synonym of hydroniumjarosite (talk)
Darwinian medicine synonym of evolutionary medicine (talk)
deep breathing synonym of diaphragmatic breathing (talk)
demicharacter synonym of demi-caractère (talk)
devil's staircase synonym of Cantor function (talk)
diazooxide synonym of diazocyclohexadienone (talk)
diethoxydimethylsilane synonym of dimethyldiethoxysilane (talk)
DNA testing synonym of genetic testing (talk)
East Van synonym of East Vancouver (talk)
Eid synonym of Aith (talk)
Elkhart Lake synonym of Road America (talk)
Ellipse synonym of President's Park South (talk)
End-Permian Extinction synonym of Permian extinction (talk)
enhancin synonym of amoxocillin (talk)
equinus synonym of talipes equinus (talk)
eye-apple synonym of apple of one's eye (talk)
ezrin synonym of EZR gene (talk)
February daphne synonym of Daphne mezereum (talk)
feeling in one's water synonym of feeling in one's bones (talk)
feraxanase synonym of feraxan endoxylanase (talk)
Five Nations synonym of Five Civilized Tribes (talk)
for Goddess's sake synonym of for God’s sake (talk)
Galineers Cob synonym of Gypsy horse (talk)
Garamond synonym of long primer (talk)
get it through one's skull synonym of get it through one's head (talk)
Guelph synonym of Welf (talk)
Hasaka Province synonym of al-Hasakah Governorate (talk)
hexacyanogen synonym of tricyanotriazine (talk)
HMS synonym of HICMS (talk)
HMS synonym of HIFMS (talk)
HMS synonym of HIMS (talk)
Hormuz synonym of Hormozabad (talk)
how the turntables synonym of how the tables have turned (talk)
Huaiyang synonym of Jianghuai (talk)
hyperionic synonym of hyperionian (talk)
Ibilao synonym of Bugkalot (talk)
inner tube synonym of swim ring (talk)
intextine synonym of endexine (talk)
Iraqibacter synonym of Acinetobacter baumannii (talk)
Italian tomato synonym of Roma tomato (talk)
Jin synonym of Wanyan (talk)
Kaguya synonym of SELENE (talk)
Kaska synonym of Kaskian language (talk)
Kaska synonym of Kaskian people (talk)
khatna synonym of khitan (talk)
Kingdom of Italy synonym of Kingdom of the Lombards (talk)
Kingdom of Naples synonym of Parthenopean Republic (talk)
Kyiv synonym of Kyivskyi District (talk)
Laval synonym of Île Jésus (talk)
lesbian lizard synonym of New Mexico whiptail (talk)
Liao synonym of Rau (talk)
Licius synonym of Liezi (talk)
limitans synonym of membrana limitans (talk)
Little Island synonym of Isle of the Senecas (talk)
liver of antimony synonym of antimony sulfide (talk)
Lushan synonym of Mount Lu (talk)
Makhnovshchina synonym of Free Territory (talk)
Maru synonym of Lhao Vo (talk)
Marytown synonym of Mariavaros (talk)
Metro Toronto synonym of Greater Toronto Area (talk)
Micius synonym of Mozi (talk)
mindswapping synonym of bodyswapping (talk)
moesin synonym of MSN gene (talk)
mole shrew synonym of short-tailed shrew (talk)
Nanjingese synonym of Jianghuai (talk)
Nazi Shepherd synonym of German Shepherd (talk)
New Connecticut synonym of Connecticut Western Reserve (talk)
Nibuchu synonym of Nerchinsk (talk)
nosyl synonym of nitrobenzenesulfonyl (talk)
Nubian lion synonym of East African lion (talk)
Outer Khingan synonym of Stanovoy (talk)
oxobutyric synonym of ketobutyric (talk)
Pacific War synonym of War of the Pacific (talk)
parka squirrel synonym of arctic ground squirrel (talk)
Pauling synonym of Pauling unit (talk)
peeler bar synonym of bark spud (talk)
Pianguan synonym of Piantou (talk)
pizza oven synonym of conveyor oven (talk)
poor man's diamond synonym of cubic zirconium (talk)
Portuguesic synonym of Judeo-Portuguese (talk)
Poseidonia synonym of Basaidu (talk)
preference stock synonym of preference share (talk)
presocialist synonym of utopian socialist (talk)
protoceratine synonym of protokeratin (talk)
pye-dog synonym of Indian pariah dog (talk)
quaranty synonym of Council of Forty (talk)
quick response team synonym of drug abuse response team (talk)
quick response team synonym of rapid response team (talk)
radixin synonym of RDX gene (talk)
Santiago synonym of Guan Yu (talk)
satelloon synonym of balloon satellite (talk)
Sclavia synonym of Slave Craton (talk)
scratches synonym of pastern dermatitis (talk)
Sicily synonym of Kingdom of Sicily (talk)
side-by-side synonym of double rifle (talk)
Sidetan synonym of Sidetic (talk)
SJIS synonym of Shift JIS (talk)
smooth mudalia synonym of smooth rocksnail (talk)
South Van synonym of South Vancouver (talk)
Southwest synonym of Southwestern United States (talk)
split switch synonym of point switch (talk)
split wheel synonym of split pulley (talk)
spruce tip synonym of conifer tip (talk)
stratum germinativum synonym of stratum basale (talk)
Superia synonym of Superior Craton (talk)
superoxidase synonym of superoxide dismutase (talk)
table hockey synonym of rod hockey (talk)
take French leave synonym of go AWOL (talk)
Tegel synonym of Tegelort (talk)
Terreneuvian synonym of Newfoundland French (talk)
Tetreaultville synonym of Mercier East (talk)
thionitrobenzene synonym of nitrothiophenol (talk)
trigonum synonym of os trigonum (talk)
Unna-Thost syndrome synonym of palmoplantar keratoderma (talk)
Urukuena synonym of Wayana (talk)
veiled plate synonym of fogged plate (talk)
Virchow's disease synonym of leontiasis ossea (talk)
visible Web synonym of Surface Web (talk)
West Sea synonym of Qinghai Lake (talk)
white wolf synonym of spirit wolf (talk)
wouldn't harm a fly synonym of wouldn't hurt a fly (talk)
Wuhan virus synonym of A/Wuhan/359/95 (talk)
Yatung synonym of Shasima (talk)
Yu synonym of Yuu (talk)
zizanoic acid synonym of khusenic acid (talk)