Stroke order
Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 遠 in the cursive sōsho style.
( obsolete, except in careful speech or when singing )
を • (o )
( obsolete except as a particle) The hiragana syllable を ( o ) . Its equivalent in katakana is ヲ ( o ) . It is the forty-seventh syllable in the gojūon order; its position is わ行 お段 ( wa-gyō o-dan , “ row wa , section o ” ) .
In most cases outside its use as a particle, it is replaced by お .
(Hiragana ) 平仮名 ; あ ぁ , い ぃ , う ぅ ゔ , え ぇ , お ぉ , か ゕ が , き ぎ , く ぐ , け ゖ げ , こ ご , さ ざ , し じ , す ず , せ ぜ , そ ぞ , た だ , ち ぢ , つ っ づ , て で , と ど , な , に , ぬ , ね , の , は ば ぱ , ひ び ぴ , ふ ぶ ぷ , へ べ ぺ , ほ ぼ ぽ , ま , み , む , め , も , や ゃ , ゆ ゅ , よ ょ , ら , り , る , れ , ろ , わ ゎ , ゐ , ゑ , を , ん , ー , ゝ , ゞ , ゟ
うぉ ( wo )
/wo/ → /o/
From Proto-Japonic *wo . Cognate with Okinawan ゆ ( yu ) .
The historical spelling is retained despite the modern pronunciation (as with は ( wa ) and へ ( e ) ).
In songs or hyperformal contexts, the old pronunciation wo may be used.
を • (o )
A case particle.
( with transitive verb ) An accusative case particle: a grammatical marker following the direct object of a verb.
私( わたし ) が リンゴ を 食( た ) べる 。Watashi ga ringo o taberu. I eat an apple.
私( わたし ) を リンゴが食( た ) べる。Watashi o ringo ga taberu. An apple eats me .
As shown in the above two usage examples, Japanese sentences use particles to indicate subject and object, instead of using word order as in English.
( with intransitive verb ) away from, off
席( せき ) を 立( た ) つseki o tatsu to stand up from the seat
( with intransitive verb ) along , following a specified route, track, orbit, etc.
廊( ろう ) 下( か ) を 走( はし ) るrōka o hashiru to run down the corridor
街( まち ) を 歩( ある ) くmachi o aruku to walk down the street
北( ほっ ) 海( かい ) 道( どう ) を 流( なが ) れる川( かわ ) Hokkaidō o nagareru kawa a river that flows through Hokkaido
地( ち ) 球( きゅう ) のまわりを 月( つき ) がまわる。Chikyū no mawari o tsuki ga mawaru. The Moon orbits the Earth.
( archaic ) A conjunctive particle, usually following the rentaikei of classical inflectible words.
Resultative conjunction: expresses reason or cause.
Contrastive conjunction.
我( わが ) 身( み ) だに知( し ) らざりしを 、怎( いか ) でか人( ひと ) に知( し ) らるべき。Wagami dani shirazarishi o , ika de ka hito ni shiraru beki. Even I myself didn't know, so how could others know?
( archaic , literary ) An interjectory particle, expressing sigh or emphasis.
, text [2]
我( あ ) を待( ま ) つと君( きみ ) が濡( ぬ ) れけむあしひきの 山( やま ) のしづくにならましものを A o matsu to / Kimi ga nureken / Ashihiki no / Yama no shizuku ni / naramashi mono o You probably got wet while waiting for me; ah , I wish I could become a waterdrop in the mountain.
In highly informal speech, a lengthened vowel may be used instead of を : 手( て ) ぇ上( あ ) げ ろ ― tē agero ― raise your hands .
For pronunciation and definitions of を – see the following entries.
【小 お 】 1
[prefix] attached to certain nouns :
[prefix] small in shape or scale
[prefix] attached to certain names to give expression or feelings ( Can we verify (+ ) this sense?)
[prefix] used proverbially to represent "small" or "slight" ( Can we verify (+ ) this sense?)
(This term, を ( wo ) , is a historical kana spelling of the above terms.)For a list of all kanji read as を , see Category:Japanese kanji read as を .)