User:Matthias Buchmeier/uk-en-m

на {prep} :: on, onto
набій {noun} :: explosive charge
набій {noun} :: explosive cartridge
набійка {noun} :: calkin, caulkin, calk (projection on a horseshoe to prevent it from slipping)
навидіти {vt} [dialectal] :: to love
навидіти {vt} [dialectal] :: to admire
навидіти {vt} [dialectal] :: to notice
навіть {adv} :: even
навмання {adv} :: at random
навмисно {adv} :: deliberately
навмисно {adv} :: intentionally
навмисно {adv} :: purposely
навмисно {adv} :: willfully
навмисно {adv} :: knowingly
навмисно {adv} :: expressly
навмисно {adv} :: voluntarily
навмисно {adv} :: by design
навмисно {adv} :: advisedly
навмисно {adv} :: designedly
навмисно {adv} :: studiedly
наволочка {noun} :: pillowcase, pillowslip
Наврез {prop} :: Nowruz
Навруз {prop} :: Nowruz
навчання {noun} :: teaching, instruction
навчання {noun} :: studying, learning
навчання {noun} :: apprenticeship
на гамуз {adv} :: to pieces, into smithereens
нагий {adj} [dated] :: naked
наголос {noun} :: emphasis
наголос {noun} [phonology, phonetics, grammar] :: stress, accent
наголошений {adj} :: emphasized
наголошений {adj} [grammar] :: stressed, accented
над {prep} :: above, over
надання {noun} [uncountable] :: granting
надання {noun} [uncountable] :: donation
надворі {adv} :: outside
надійність {noun} [uncountable] :: reliability
надійність {noun} [uncountable] :: quality (the degree to which a man-made object or system is free from bugs and flaws)
надіти {v} :: to put on, to get on
надія {noun} :: hope
на добраніч {interj} :: good night
назавжди {adv} :: forever
назавше {adv} :: forever
назва {noun} :: name, appellation
назва {noun} :: title (of a book)
називний {adj} [grammar] :: nominative
називний відмінок {noun} [grammar] :: nominative case
наймит {noun} :: hireling
наймичка {noun} :: worker, employee
наймичка {noun} :: handmaid, maid
наказовий {adj} :: imperative
намагатися {v} :: to try, to attempt
Намібія {prop} :: Намібія (country)
намір {noun} :: intention, intent
наперсток {noun} :: thimble
написати {v} :: to write
напій {noun} :: beverage; drink
напрям {noun} :: direction, trend, tendency, course
напрямок {noun} :: direction
наразі {adv} [dialectal] :: for the time being, now
нарвал {noun} :: narwhal
наречена {noun} :: fiancée, bride
нарід {noun} :: people
народ {noun} :: people
народ {noun} :: nation
народження {noun} :: birth
народитися {v} :: to be born
народний {adj} :: national
народний {adj} :: popular
народъ {noun} :: obsolete spelling of наро́д
населення {noun} [uncountable] :: population, populace
насінина {noun} :: seed (fertilized grain)
насіння {noun} [uncountable, collective noun] :: seeds (of plants)
наслідок {noun} :: consequence, effect, outcome
настроїти {v} [music] :: to tune
настроїти {v} :: to prepare oneself
настроїти {v} :: to dispose
настроювати {v} [music] :: to tune
настроювати {v} :: to tune in
настроювати {v} :: to dispose
наступний {adj} :: next, following
Наталія {prop} :: given name
натовп {noun} :: crowd, throng
наука {noun} :: science
національний {adj} :: national
нація {noun} :: nation
наче {conj} :: as if, as though, as
наш {pron} [possessive pronoun] :: our, ours
наш {pron} [Canada] :: ethnically Ukrainian
наявність {noun} [uncountable] :: presence
наявність {noun} [uncountable] :: availability
не {particle} :: no
не {particle} :: not
небезпека {noun} :: danger (exposure to or instance of liable harm)
небезпечний {adj} :: dangerous
небеса {noun} [plurale tantum, poetic] :: heavens, skies
небіж {noun} :: nephew
небіж {noun} :: endearing term of address for a younger man
небо {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: sky
небо {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: heaven
Нева {prop} :: Neva (river)
невже {particle} :: really?, is it possible?, indeed
невіста {noun} :: fiancée, bride
невіста {noun} :: marriageable girl
невралгічний {adj} :: neuralgic
неврологічний {adj} :: neurologic, neurological
негайно {adv} :: immediately
неділя {noun} :: Sunday
неділя {noun} [colloquial or non-standard] :: week
недоконаний {adj} :: imperfective
нежуйні {noun} :: nonruminants of the suborder Suina
незабаром {adv} :: soon
незабаром {adv} :: before long
незалежний {adj} :: independent
незалежність {noun} [uncountable] :: independence
неістота {noun} :: inanimate
нейробіологія {noun} :: neuroscience
нема {v} :: there is no, there are no (+ genitive)
немовля {noun} :: infant, baby
ненавидіти {v} :: to hate
ненависть {noun} :: hatred, hate
ненаголошений {adj} [grammar] :: unstressed, unaccented
ненька {noun} :: diminutive of не́ня
ненька {noun} :: endearing form of не́ня
ненька {noun} [figuratively] :: (mother) Ukraine, motherland
ненька {noun} :: used to address gently a woman, especially an older one
ненька {noun} :: used in exclamations
неньо {noun} :: dad, daddy (informal word for father)
неня {noun} :: mother
необхідність {noun} [uncountable] :: necessity
Неоніла {prop} :: given name
Непал {prop} :: Непал (country)
нервова система {noun} :: nervous system
нерівність {noun} :: unevenness
нерівність {noun} :: inequality
нескладовий {adj} :: nonsyllabic
нести {v} :: to carry (on foot)
нехай щастить {phrase} :: good luck!
нещасний {adj} :: unhappy
нещасний {adj} :: unlucky
нива {noun} :: cornfield
нива {noun} [figuratively] :: field
низ {noun} :: bottom, lower part
низ {noun} :: lowland, low terrain
низ {noun} :: lower reaches [of a river]
низ {noun} [pluralonly] :: the masses
низ {noun} [pluralonly] :: low sounds, lower register [e.g. of one's voice]
низка {noun} :: row, file, string, line
низький {adj} :: low
низький {adj} :: deep
низький {adj} :: short (of a person)
-ний {suffix} :: Used to form adjectives from nouns; -ish, -y
нині {adv} :: nowadays, at present
нині {adv} :: today
нирка {noun} :: kidney
нити {v} :: to whine, to yammer
нити {v} :: to ache, to hurt (about prolonged mild pain)
нитка {noun} :: thread
нищити {v} :: to destroy
ні {adv} :: no
ні {adv} :: not a single, not even (a)
ні {adv} :: neither, nor
ні {adv} :: не зна́ю ні ба́тька, ні ма́тері ― I know neither my father nor my mother
Нігер {prop} :: Нігер (country)
ніготь {noun} :: nail (fingernail or toenail)
Нідерланди {prop} :: Нідерланди (country)
нідерландський {adj} :: Dutch
ніж {noun} :: knife
ніж {conj} :: than
ніжний {adj} :: gentle, tender
ніздря {noun} :: nostril
-ній {suffix} :: Used to form adjectives from nouns; -ish, -y
Нікарагуа {prop} :: Нікарагуа (country)
Нікарагуа {prop} :: Нікарагуа (lake)
ніколи {adv} :: never
німа {noun} :: female mute person, woman unable to speak
німець {noun} :: German (male person)
німець {noun} [colloquial] :: German Shepherd dog
німець {noun} [colloquial] :: German made car
німецька {prop} [colloquial] :: The German language, short for німе́цька мо́ва
німецький {adj} :: German
Німеччина {prop} :: Німеччина (country)
німий {adj} :: mute
німий {adj} :: speechless
німий {adj} :: silent, quiet
німий {noun} :: mute person
ніс {noun} :: nose
ніхто {pron} :: nobody, no one
ніхто {pron} :: (in questions and negative sentences) anybody, anyone
ніч {noun} :: night
нічий {pron} :: nobody's (belonging to nobody (possessive form of nobody))
нічия {noun} [sports] :: draw, tie (result of a game)
нічліг {noun} :: lodging for the night
ніщо {pron} :: nothing
НКАУ {prop} :: NKAU, the National Space Agency of Ukraine
-ння {suffix} :: Abstract noun-forming suffix: -tion
Нова Зеландія {prop} :: Нова Зеландія (country/and/archipelago)
новий {adj} :: new
новина {noun} :: novelty
новина {noun} :: piece of news
новини {noun} :: news (especially, radio or television program)
нога {noun} :: leg
ножиці {noun} [plurale tantum] :: scissors, shears
номер {noun} :: ordinal number
номер {noun} :: number (various senses)
номер {noun} :: size (of clothes or shoes)
номер {noun} :: room (in a hotel)
номер {noun} :: number, issue (e.g. of a magazine or a newspaper)
номер {noun} :: item, turn, trick (e.g., in a circus)
Норвегія {prop} :: Норвегія (country)
норвезький {adj} :: Norwegian
норма {noun} :: norm, standard, rule
норма {noun} :: rate, quota
нормалізувати {v} :: to normalise
носилки {noun} :: stretcher
носилки {noun} :: litter, palanquin
носити {v} :: to carry
носоріг {noun} :: rhinoceros
ночви {noun} :: a kind of tub used for performing household jobs, particularly bathing small children and kneading dough
ноша {noun} :: burden
ноша {noun} [dialectal] :: clothing
ноші {noun} :: stretcher
нуль {num} :: zero (0)
нутрощі {noun} :: viscera, entrails, intestines, guts
нюх {noun} :: scent, nose (the sense of smell); flair
нюх {noun} :: gut feeling
нюхати {v} :: to smell, to sniff
нянів {adj} [relational] :: dad; dad's