User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-e

e- {prefix} :: e-; including the hyphen (in an electronic or computerized form, often in association with the Internet)
e {letter} :: letter: e
e {interj} [vulgar] :: hey! (used to call someone's attention)
ebonit {m inan} :: ebonite
ebonitowy {adj} :: ebonite
e-book {m inan} :: e-book
Ebro {prop} :: Ebro (river)
-ec {suffix} :: A masculine suffix
echo {n} :: echo
écru {n} :: ecru colour
écru {adj} :: ecru, cream, off-white
edredon {m anim} :: eider, duck of genus Somateria
edukacja {f} :: education (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment)
edukacyjny {adj} :: educational
Edward {prop} {m} :: given name
Edwarda {prop} {f} :: given name
edycja {f} :: edition
edykt {m inan} :: edict (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment)
edyl {m pers} :: aedile
Edynburg {prop} {m inan} :: Edinburgh (city in Great Britain)
Edyp {prop} {m} :: Oedipus
Edyta {prop} {f} :: given name
edytować {v impf} :: to edit
efekt {m inan} :: effect, result
efektownie {adv} :: showily, strikingly
efektowniej {adv} :: comparative of efektownie
efektowniejszy {adj} :: comparative of efektowny
efektowny {adj} :: showy, striking, impressive
efemerycznie {adv} :: ephemerally; in an ephemeral manner
efemeryczność {f} :: ephemeralness, ephemerality
efemeryczny {adj} :: ephemeral
egalitaryzm {m inan} :: egalitarianism
egida {f} :: aegis (mythical shield of Zeus)
egida {f} [figurative] :: patronage, care
egipski {adj} :: Egyptian (of, or from Egypt)
egipskie ciemności {p} [idiomatic] :: Cimmerian darkness
Egipt {prop} {m inan} :: Egypt
egiptolog {m pers} :: Egyptologist
-ego {suffix} :: Forms personal, animate, and inanimate masculine genitive singular adjectives
-ego {suffix} :: Forms neuter genitive singular adjectives
-ego {suffix} :: Forms personal and animate masculine accusative singular adjectives
ego {n} [psychoanalysis] :: ego (the most central part of the mind, which mediates with one's surroundings)
egocentryczka {f} :: female egocentric, egocentrist
egocentrycznie {adv} :: egocentrically; in an egocentric manner
egocentryczny {adj} :: egocentric
egocentryk {m pers} :: egocentric, egocentrist
egocentryzm {m inan} :: egocentrism
egoista {m pers} :: egoist
egoistka {f} :: female egoist
egoistycznie {adv} :: egoistically, selfishly
egoistyczny {adj} :: egoistic
egoizm {m inan} :: egoism, selfishness
egotyzm {m inan} :: egotism
egranizacja {f} [neologism] :: video game adaptation
egzaltacja {f} :: exaltation
egzamin {m inan} :: examination, exam
egzaminować {v impf} :: to conduct an examination, to subject [+ acc = someone] to a test of skills
egzaminowanie {n} :: verbal noun of egzaminować
egzegeza {f} [theology] :: exegesis
egzekucja {f} :: execution (act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty)
egzekucja {f} :: execution (carrying into effect of a court judgment, or of a will)
egzekucja {f} :: execution (formal process by which a contract is made valid and put into binding effect)
egzekucyjny {adj} :: of or pertaining to execution
egzogamia {f} :: exogamy
egzonim {m inan} :: exonym
egzorcysta {m pers} :: exorcist
egzorcyzm {m inan} :: exorcism
egzosfera {f} :: exosphere
egzotyczniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of egzotyczny
egzotyczny {adj} :: exotic
egzystencja {f} :: existence
egzystencjalizm {m inan} :: existentialism
einstein {m inan} :: einsteinium
einstein {m inan} :: einstein
ej {interj} :: Expresses annoyance or displeasure
ej {interj} [colloquial] :: Used to call someone's attention; hey
ejakulacja {f} :: ejaculation (ejection of semen through the urethra)
-ek {suffix} :: masculine diminutive noun suffix
ekaw. {adj} :: abbreviation of ekawski
ekawski {adj} :: Ekavian
ekierka {f} :: set square (US triangle)
ekipa {f} :: team, crew
eklektyczny {adj} :: eclectic
eklektyzm {m inan} [art] :: eclecticism
ekliptyka {f} [astronomy] :: ecliptic
eko- {prefix} :: eco-
ekolog {m pers} :: ecologist
ekologia {f} :: ecology
ekologicznie {adv} :: ecologically
ekologiczniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of ekologiczny
ekologiczny {adj} :: ecological
ekonomia {f} :: economics
ekonomicznie {adv} :: economically
ekonomiczny {adj} :: economic
ekonomista {m pers} :: economist
ekonomistka {f} :: economist
ekopolityka {f} :: environmental policy
ekosystem {m inan} :: ecosystem
ekoterroryzm {m inan} :: ecoterrorism
ekran {m inan} :: screen [TV, monitor]
ekranizacja {f} :: film adaptation
ekranizować {vt impf} :: to adapt a literary work to a film
ekranolot {m inan} [aviation, nautical] :: ekranoplan, ground-effect vehicle
ekranoplan {m inan} [aviation, nautical] :: ekranoplan, ground-effect vehicle
eks- {prefix} :: ex- (former)
eks {mf} [colloquial] :: ex (ex-partner)
ekscelencja {f} :: Excellency
ekscentryczka {f} [psychology] :: female eccentric
ekscentrycznie {adv} [psychology] :: eccentrically; in an eccentric manner
ekscentryczność {f} :: eccentricity (quality of being eccentric)
ekscentryczność {f} [psychology] :: eccentricity (eccentric behaviour)
ekscentryczność {f} [mathematics] :: eccentricity (ratio between distances in a conic section)
ekscentryczność {f} [astronomy] :: eccentricity (distance of the centre of a planet's orbit from the centre of the sun)
ekscentryczny {adj} [psychology] :: eccentric (deviating from the norm)
ekscentryczny {adj} [geometry] :: noncoaxial
ekscentryczny {adj} [engineering] :: working due to an eccentric (off-centre wheel)
ekscentryk {m pers} [psychology] :: eccentric
ekscentryzm {m inan} [psychology] :: eccentricity (eccentric behaviour)
ekscytacja {f} :: excitation
ekshibicjonista {m pers} :: exhibitionist
ekshibicjonistka {f} :: female exhibitionist
ekshibicjonistyczny {adj} :: of or pertaining to exhibitionism
ekshibicjonizm {m inan} :: exhibitionism
ekshumacja {f} :: exhumation
ekshumacyjny {adj} [relational] :: exhumation
ekshumować {vt pf} :: to exhume (to dig out of the ground; to take out of a place of burial; to disinter)
eksklamacja {f} [grammar] :: exclamation
eksklawa {f} :: exclave
ekskluzywny {adj} :: exclusive
ekskomunika {f} :: excommunication
ekskomunikować {v pf} :: to excommunicate
ekskomunikowanie {n} :: verbal noun of ekskomunikować
ekskrement {m inan} :: excrement
eksmąż {m pers} :: ex-husband
eksmisja {f} :: ejection, eviction
eksmisyjny {adj} :: of or pertaining to eviction
ekspedient {m pers} :: shop assistant, shopkeeper
ekspedientka {f} :: female shop assistant, shopkeeper
ekspert {m pers} :: expert
ekspertka {f} :: feminine noun of ekspert
ekspertyza {f} :: expertise (advice or opinion of an expert)
eksperyment {m inan} :: experiment
eksperymentalny {adj} :: experimental
eksperymentować {v impf} :: to experiment, to experimentalize
ekspiacja {f} :: expiation
ekspiacyjny {adj} :: of or pertaining to expiation
eksplozja {f} :: explosion
eksponat {m inan} :: exhibit
eksponatowy {adj} [relational] :: exhibit
eksport {m inan} :: export
eksportować {v impf} :: to export
eksportowanie {n} :: verbal noun of eksportować
ekspozycja {f} :: exposition, exhibition, show, fair
ekspozycja {f} :: exhibit, display, installation
ekspres {m inan} :: coffee machine
ekspres {m inan} :: express train (one that stops only at major cities)
ekspres {m inan} :: an expedited service
ekspres {m inan} :: quickdraw
ekspres {m inan} :: a type of double-barrelled rifle
ekspresjonizm {m inan} :: expressionism
ekstaza {f} :: ecstasy, delight, intense pleasure
ekstradować {vt pf} :: to extradite
ekstradycja {f} [law] :: extradition
ekstradycyjny {adj} [relational] :: extradition
ekstrakt {m inan} :: extract
ekstrawagancki {adj} :: extravagant
ekstremalny {adj} :: extreme
ekstremizm {m inan} :: extremism
ekstremum {n} [mathematics] :: extremum
eksżona {f} :: ex-wife
Ekwador {prop} {m inan} :: Ekwador (country)
Ekwadorczyk {m pers} :: Ecuadorian (person)
Ekwadorka {f} :: Ecuadorian (female person)
ekwadorski {adj} :: Ecuadorian
ekwilibrysta {m pers} :: equilibrist
ekwilibrystka {f} :: equilibrist
ekwilibrystyka {f} :: equilibristics, acrobatics
ekwipunek {m inan} :: equipage, kit, accoutrement
ekwiwokacja {f} [logic] :: equivocation (logical fallacy)
ekwiwokacja {f} :: equivocation (expression susceptible of a double signification, possibly misleading)
-el {suffix} :: Forms masculine agent nouns
Ela {prop} {f} :: given name
elastyczny {adj} :: elastic
Elba {prop} {f} :: Elba (Italian island)
Elbląg {prop} {m} :: Elbląg (city)
Elbląg {prop} {m} :: Elbląg (river)
elbląski {adj} :: Elbląg (of, from or pertaining to Elbląg in Poland)
elegancja {f} :: elegance
elegancki {adj} :: elegant
elegancko {adv} :: elegantly; in an elegant manner
elegia {f} [poetry] :: elegy (mournful or plaintive poem or song)
elegia {f} [music] :: elegy (composition of mournful character)
elekcja {f} :: election
elekcja {f} [historical] :: royal elections in Poland
elektrochemiczny {adj} :: electrochemical
elektroda {f} :: electrode
elektrolit {m inan} :: electrolyte
elektroluks {m inan} [dated, regional, colloquial] :: vacuum cleaner
elektroluminescencja {f} [physics] :: electroluminescence
elektron {m inan} :: electron
elektronarzędzie {n} :: power tool
elektroniczny {adj} :: electronic (generated by an electronic device)
elektronik {m pers} :: electronic engineer
elektronika {f} :: electronics
elektronoluminescencja {f} [physics] :: cathodoluminescence
elektronowolt {m inan} :: electron volt
elektronowy {adj} :: electronic (of or pertaining to an electron)
elektrownia {f} :: power plant, power station
elektrownia atomowa {f} :: nuclear power plant, nuclear power station
elektrownia jądrowa {f} :: nuclear power plant, nuclear power station
elektryczność {f} :: electricity
elektryczny {adj} :: electric, electrical
elektryczny zespół trakcyjny {m inan} [rail transport] :: electric multiple unit
elektryk {m pers} :: electrician
element {m inan} :: element (component, piece of a larger whole)
element {m inan} [pejorative, dated] :: element (group of people)
elementarny {adj} :: elementary (relating to the basic, essential or fundamental part of something)
elementarny {adj} :: elementary (relating to a subatomic particle)
Eleonora {prop} {f} :: given name
elf {m anim} :: elf, mythical or fantasy creature
elfi {adj} :: elvish
elipsa {f} [geometry] :: ellipse
elipsa {f} [rhetoric] :: ellipsis
elita {f} :: elite
-elnia {suffix} :: forms names of designated rooms, shops or factories
elo {interj} [slang] :: hi
elokwencja {f} :: eloquence (quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing)
elokwencja {f} [ironically] :: garrulity, talkativeness
Elżbieta {prop} {f} :: given name
{n} :: letter: ł
Ełk {prop} {m inan} :: Ełk (city)
e-mail {m inan} :: e-mail system
e-mail {m inan} :: e-mail (message)
e-mail {m inan} :: e-mail address
emancypacja {f} :: emancipation
emancypacyjny {adj} :: of or pertaining to emancipation
emancypant {m pers} :: emancipator
emancypantka {f} :: female emancipator; emancipatrix
emancypować {v impf} :: to emancipate (set free)
embargo {n} :: embargo
embrion {m inan} :: embryo
emeryt {m pers} :: pensioner
emerytka {f} :: female pensioner
emerytura {f} :: pension (regular payment due to a person in consideration of past services)
emeryturka {f} :: diminutive of emerytura
Emesa {prop} {f} [historical] :: Emesa
emeseński {adj} :: Emesene
Emil {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Emilia {prop} {f} :: given name
Emilka {prop} {f} :: given name
eminencja {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: His Eminence
eminentny {adj} [literary] :: eminent (distinguished, important, noteworthy)
emir {m pers} :: emir (title of a prince, commander or other leader or ruler in an Islamic nation)
emirat {m inan} :: emirate (country or province ruled by an emir)
emitować {v impf} :: to emit
emitować {v impf} :: to broadcast, to air
emocja {f} :: emotion (person's internal state of being)
emocjonalny {adj} :: emotional
emocjonować {vt impf} :: to excite, to thrill
emocjonować {vr impf} :: to get worked up
empetrójka {f} [colloquial] :: an MP3 player
empetrójka {f} [colloquial] :: an MP3 file
empiryczny {adj} :: empirical
emporium {n} :: emporium
encefalograf {m inan} [medicine] :: encephalograph
encefalografia {f} [medicine] :: encephalography
encefalograficzny {adj} [relational, medicine] :: encephalography
encyklopedia {f} :: encyclopedia (comprehensive reference with articles on a range of topic)
encyklopedyczny {adj} :: encyclopedic (of or relating to comprehensiveness and other characteristics of an encyclopedia)
encyklopedyczny {adj} [lexicography] :: encyclopedic
endemiczny {adj} :: endemic
endonim {m inan} :: endonym
endorfina {f} :: endorphin
endospora {f} :: endospore
enerdowski {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the German Democratic Republic
energetyk {m pers} :: (male) power engineer
energetyk {m inan} [colloquial] :: energy drink
energia {f} :: energy (impetus behind activity)
energia {f} :: energy (capacity to do work)
energia {f} [physics] :: energy (quantity that denotes the ability to do work)
energizer {m inan} :: energy drink
enklawa {f} :: enclave
entalpia {f} :: enthalpy
enter {m inan} [computing] :: Enter (key on a computer keyboard)
entomolog {m pers} :: entomologist
entomologia {f} :: entomology (study of insects)
entropia {f} [physics] :: entropy
entuzjasta {m pers} :: enthusiast
entuzjastka {f} :: female enthusiast
entuzjazm {m inan} :: enthusiasm
enzym {m inan} :: enzyme (catalytic protein)
eon {m inan} :: era
eon {m inan} [geology] :: aeon (geological time period)
eon {m inan} [Gnosticism] :: aeon (being emanating from the Godhead)
e-papieros {m inan} :: electronic cigarette
epenteza {f} :: epenthesis
epicentrum {n} :: epicentre
epicki {adj} :: epic (of or relating to an epic)
epicki {adj} [colloquial] :: epic (extraordinary)
epicko {adv} :: epically; in an epic manner
epickość {f} :: The emotional style of epic poetry
epicykl {m inan} :: epicycle (a small circle whose centre is on the circumference of a larger circle)
epiczny {adj} :: epic (of or relating to an epic)
epidemia {f} :: epidemic
epifit {m inan} [botany] :: epiphyte
epik {m pers} :: epicist
epika {f} :: epic poetry
epilepsja {f} :: epilepsy
epilog {m inan} :: epilogue (a brief oration or script at the end of a literary piece)
Epir {prop} {m} :: Epirus
episkopat {m inan} :: episcopate, episcopacy (bishops seen as a group)
episkopat {m inan} :: episcopate (tenure in office of a bishop)
epistemolog {m pers} :: epistemologist
epistemologia {f} [philosophy] :: epistemology (branch of philosophy studying knowledge)
epistemologiczny {adj} :: epistemological
epitafium {n} :: epitaph
epitet {m inan} [poetry, rhetoric] :: epithet (term used to characterize a person or thing)
epitet {m inan} [euphemistic] :: epithet (abusive or contemptuous word or phrase)
epizod {m inan} :: episode
epoka {f} :: age (particular period of time in history)
epos {m inan} :: epic (extended narrative poem)
era {f} :: era
erb {m inan} :: erbium (chemical element, Er, atomic number 68)
erekcja {f} [literary] :: erection (act of building or putting up or together of something; construction)
erekcja {f} [physiology] :: erection (physiological process by which erectile tissue, such as a penis or clitoris, becomes erect by being engorged with blood)
eremita {m pers} :: hermit, eremite
ergo {conj} [rare, literary] :: therefore, thus
ergonomia {f} :: ergonomics
ergonomicznie {adv} :: ergonomically
ergonomiczny {adj} :: ergonomic
ergonomiczny {adj} :: ergonomic
Ernest {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Ernestyna {prop} {pl} {f} :: given name
erotyczny {adj} :: erotic
errata {f} [typography] :: errata (typeface whose letters slant to the right)
erudycja {f} :: erudition
Eryk {prop} {m} :: given name
erystyka {f} :: eristic (type of dialogue)
Erytrea {prop} {f} :: Eritrea
Erytrejczyk {m pers} :: a male Eritrean
Erytrejka {f} :: a female Eritrean
erytrocyt {m inan} :: erythrocyte
Erywań {prop} {m} :: Erywań (capital city)
erywański {adj} :: Yerevanian (of, from or pertaining to Yerevan in Armenia)
Esbjerg {prop} {m} :: Esbjerg (port city/seat)
Esbjerg {prop} {m} :: Esbjerg (municipality)
eschatologia {f} :: eschatology
esej {m inan} :: essay
esemes {m inan} :: SMS
esemesować {v impf} [colloquial] :: to text; to exchange text messages; to SMS
esemesowanie {n} :: verbal noun of esemesować
esencja {f} :: essence
esencja {f} :: extract
esencja {f} :: gist
esencja {f} :: infusion of tea
esencjonalny {adj} :: essential
esencjonalny {adj} :: strong
esesman {m pers} [historic, colloquial] :: officer of the Schutzstaffel, the internal security force of Nazi Germany
esesman {m anim} [slang, humorous] :: text message
esica {f} :: sigmoid colon
eskapada {f} :: escapade
eskapizm {m inan} [psychology] :: escapism (inclination to escape)
esperanto {n} :: Esperanto
e-sport {m inan} :: electronic sport
espresso {n} :: espresso
est. {adj} :: abbreviation of estoński
establishment {m inan} [derogatory, politics] :: the establishment (the ruling class or authority group)
ester {m inan} :: ester (organic compound)
esteta {m pers} :: aesthete
estetka {f} :: female aesthete
estetycznie {adj} :: aesthetically
estetyczny {adj} :: aesthetical
estetyka {f} :: aesthetics
estetyzm {m inan} [philosophy] :: aestheticism
Estonia {prop} {f} :: Estonia
Estonka {f} :: Estonian (female person)
Estończyk {m pers} :: Estonian (person)
estoński {adj} :: Estonian
estoński {m inan} :: Estonian (language)
estuarium {n} :: estuary (place where ocean tides and river water merge)
estyma {f} :: respect (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit)
estymator {m inan} [mathematics, statistics] :: estimator
{n} :: letter: ś
etan {m inan} :: ethane
etanol {m inan} :: ethanol
etap {m inan} :: age (one of the stages of life)
etap {m inan} :: phase (like phase of production)
etażerka {f} :: etagere, whatnot
eter {m inan} :: ether (any compound with to hydrocarbon groups bonded to an oxygen atom)
eter {m inan} [colloquial] :: diethyl ether
etiologia {f} :: aetiology
Etiopczyk {m pers} :: a male Ethiopian
Etiopia {prop} {f} :: Ethiopia
Etiopka {f} :: a female Ethiopian
etiopski {adj} :: Ethiopian
etiuda {f} [music] :: étude (piece of music)
etiuda {f} :: etude (short piece of art, designed to give an artist practice in a particular area or skill)
etnografia {f} [anthropology] :: ethnography
etnologia {f} [anthropology] :: ethnology
etnonim {m inan} :: ethnonym
etologia {f} [zoology] :: ethology (study of animal behaviour)
etologia {f} :: ethology (study of the human ethos)
Etruria {prop} {f} :: Etruria
Etrusk {m pers} :: Etruscan (person)
etruski {adj} :: Etruscan
etui {n} :: case (container for a collection of items packaged together)
etycznie {adv} :: ethically
etyczność {f} :: ethicality (quality of being ethical)
etyczny {adj} :: ethical
etyk {m pers} :: ethicist
etyka {f} [philosophy] :: ethics (study of principles governing right and wrong conduct)
etyka {f} :: ethics (morality)
etykieta {f} :: etiquette (forms to be observed in social or official life)
etykieta {f} :: label (small ticket or sign giving information)
etykieta {f} :: price tag
etykieta {f} :: label, social stigma (name categorising someone as part of a group)
etykietka {f} :: diminutive of etykieta
etymolog {m pers} :: An etymologist
etymologia {f} :: etymology (study of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words)
etymologiczny {adj} :: etymological
eucharystia {f} :: Eucharist ("substances")
eucharystia {f} :: Eucharist ("ceremony")
eucharystia {f} :: Eucharist ("sacrament")
eucharystyczny {adj} :: eucharistic, eucharistical
eufemistycznie {adv} :: euphemistically
eufemizm {m inan} :: euphemism
eufonia {f} :: euphony
euforia {f} :: euphoria
Eufrat {prop} {m inan} :: Eufrat (river)
eufuizm {m inan} [literature] :: euphuism
Eugenia {prop} {pl} {f} :: given name
eugenika {f} :: eugenics
Eugeniusz {prop} {pl} {m pers} :: given name
eukaliptus {m inan} :: eucalyptus
eukariont {m anim} [biology] :: eukaryote
euklidesowy {adj} :: Euclidean
eunuch {m pers} :: eunuch
eunuchoidyzm {m inan} [pathology] :: eunuchoidism
Eupatoria {prop} {f} :: Eupatoria (A <<resort city>> in <<pen/Crimea>>, internationally recognized as part of <<c/Ukraine>> but de facto in <<c/Russia>>)
Eurazja {prop} {f} :: Eurasia
euro {n} :: euro (currency)
eurodance {m inan} :: Eurodance
Eurodeterrent {prop} {m inan} :: Eurodeterrent (unified nuclear deterrent of the European Union)
europ {m inan} :: europium (chemical element, Eu, atomic number 63)
Europa {prop} {f} :: Europe
Europa {prop} {f} :: Europa
Europejczyk {m pers} :: European (person)
Europejka {f} :: European (female person)
europejski {adj} :: European
eutanazista {m pers} [neologism, offensive] :: someone who supports the legality of euthanasia or assisted suicide
eutanazja {f} :: euthanasia (practice of killing a human being or animal)
Ewa {prop} {f} :: given name
ewangelia {f} [Christianity] :: gospel (first section of New Testament)
ewangelia {f} [Christianity] :: gospel (account of the life, death, and teachings of Jesus)
ewangelia {f} [Christianity] :: gospel (in Christian liturgy: a reading from the Gospels used during Mass)
ewangelia {f} :: gospel (that which is absolutely authoritative (definitive))
ewangeliarz {m inan} :: evangelistary
ewangelicki {adj} :: evangelical
ewangelicyzm {m inan} :: evangelicism
ewangeliczka {f} :: female evangelical
ewangelik {m pers} :: evangelical
ewangelikalizm {m inan} :: evangelicalism
Ewelina {prop} {f} :: given name
ewenement {m inan} :: phenomenon, sensation
ewenkijski {adj} :: Evenki
ewentualnie {adv} :: if necessary
ewentualnie {adv} :: alternatively
ewentualny {adj} :: potential, hypothetical
eweński {adj} :: Even
ewikcja {f} :: eviction
Ewka {prop} {f} :: given name
ewolucja {f} :: evolution (gradual process of development)
ewolucja {f} [biology] :: evolution (change in the genetic composition of a population over time)
ewolucja {f} [military] :: evolution (one of a series of ordered movements)
ewolucja {f} [dance, sports] :: evolution (turning movement of the body)
ewolucyjny {adj} :: evolutionary
Ewunia {prop} {f} :: given name
ex aequo {adv} [usually, used for sports] :: equal (in an equal state)
Exodus {prop} :: Exodus
exposé {n} :: exposé (formal speech given by a prime minister)
Ezdrasz {prop} {m} :: A Jewish high priest from the fifth century
Ezdrasz {prop} {m} :: given name
ezoteryczny {adj} :: esoteric (understood only by a chosen few or an enlightened inner circle)
ezoteryka {f} :: esoterism, esotericism
ezoteryzm {m inan} :: esoterism, esotericism
EZT {noun} :: initialism of elektryczny zespół trakcyjny
{suffix} :: Forms neuter nouns, especially referring to young animals or, more rarely, young people
{suffix} :: Forms first person singular of verbs not in Class I or Class II
{suffix} :: Forms accusative singular of nouns ending in -a
ę {letter} :: The 8th letter of the Polish alphabet, preceded by E and followed by F, and representing /ɛ̃/
ę-ą {adj} [colloquial, idiom] :: alternative form of ą-ę