User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-y

-y {suffix} (having the quality of) :: -inen
-y {suffix} (inclined to) :: -va, -vä
-y {suffix} (forming diminutive nouns) :: -nen
-y {suffix} (forming abstract nouns) :: -uus, -yys
yacht {n} /jɑt/ (slick and light ship) :: jahti, huvipursi
yacht {n} (any private noncommercial vessel) :: huvialus
yachtsman {n} (man who sails a yacht) :: purjehtija
yaffingale {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffle {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffler {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
Yagnobi {prop} (language) :: jagnobi
yah {adv} (yes) SEE: yes ::
yah {interj} /jʌː/ (expression used to encourage a horse to run faster) :: hopoti-hop
Yahoo! {prop} (a popular web portal) :: Yahoo!
Yahweh {prop} /ˈjɑːˌweɪ/ (personal name of God) :: Jahve
Yahweh {prop} (Jehovah) SEE: Jehovah ::
yak {n} /jæk/ (ox-like mammal) :: jakki
yak {v} (talk informally, persistently) :: jäkättää
yak {v} (vomit) :: yrjötä
yak {n} (informal, persistent talk, chattering) :: jäkätys, juttelu
yak {n} (vomit) :: yrjö
Yakut {prop} (language) :: jakuutti
Yakutsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Jakutsk
yakuza {n} / ˈjakuza/ (Japanese organized crime gang) :: yakuza
yakuza {n} (member of a Japanese organized crime gang) :: yakuza
Yalikavak {prop} (town) :: Yalikavak
y'all {pron} /jɑl/ (plural of you) :: te
Yalta {prop} /ˈjɑːltə/ (city in Crimea) :: Jalta
yam {n} (potato) SEE: potato ::
yam {n} /jæm/ (any Dioscorea vine) :: jamssi
yam {n} (taro) SEE: taro ::
yam {n} (sweet potato) SEE: sweet potato ::
Yamal {prop} (a large peninsula in the Russian North) :: Jamal
yam cake {n} (taro cake) SEE: taro cake ::
Yandex {prop} /ˈjan.dɛks/ (Yandex (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters)) :: Yandex
Yangon {prop} /jæŋˈɡɑn/ (largest city in Myanmar) :: Rangoon, Yangon
Yang-tzŭ {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze ::
Yangtze {prop} /ˈjæŋ(t)si/ (river) :: Jangtse
Yangtze dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
Yangtze River dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
yank {n} /jæŋk/ (A sudden, vigorous pull) :: vetäisy, kiskaisu, riuhtaisu
yank {v} (to pull something with a quick, strong action) :: vetäistä, kiskaista, riuhtoa, riuhtaista
yank {v} (to remove from distribution) :: vetää pois markkinoilta
Yank {n} /jæŋk/ (native of the Northern USA) :: jenkki
Yank {n} (native of the USA) :: jenkki
Yankee {n} /ˈjæŋ.ki/ (native or inhabitant of the USA) :: jenkki
Yankee {n} (native or inhabitant of the Northern USA) :: jenkki
Yankee {n} ((nautical) large triangular headsail) :: genoa, jenny
Yaoundé {prop} (capital of Cameroon) :: Yaoundé
yap {n} /jæp/ (high-pitched bark) :: räksytys
yap {v} (of a small dog, to bark) :: räksyttää
Yap {prop} (an island in the Caroline Islands of western Micronesia) :: Yap
yapok {n} /ˈjæpɒk/ (Chironectes minimus) :: pussisaukko
yard {n} /jɑːd/ (land around a house) :: piha
yard {n} (enclosed area for a specific purpose) :: piha, -tarha
yard {n} (nautical: tapered timber from which square sails hang) :: raaka
yard {n} (nautical: any spar carried aloft) :: puomi, raaka
yard {n} (staff, rod, stick) :: tanko, sauva
yard {n} (three feet) :: jaardi
yard {n} (slang: one hundred units of currency) :: satku, huntti
Yard {prop} (Jamaica) SEE: Jamaica ::
yardarm {n} (outer end of a yard) :: raa’annokka
yardarm to yardarm {adv} (very close to each other) :: kylki kyljessä
yardbird {n} /ˈjɑɹd.bɝd/ (person who is imprisoned) :: häkkilintu
yardlong bean {n} (Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis) :: parsapapu
yard sale {n} (sale) :: pihakirppis
yardstick {n} (measuring rod thirty-six inches long) :: jaardin mitta
yardstick {n} (standard to which other measurements or comparisons are judged) :: mittapuu, mittatikku
yarmulke {n} /ˈjɑ(ɹ)mə(l)kə/ (skullcap worn by religious Jewish males) :: kipa
yarn {n} /jɑɹn/ (fiber strand for knitting or weaving) :: lanka, rihma
yarn {n} (nautical) :: lanka
yarn {n} (story) :: tarina, juttu, sepustus
Yaroslavl {prop} (city) :: Jaroslavl
yarrow {n} /ˈjæɹoʊ/ (any of several pungent Eurasian and North American herbs, of the genus Achillea) :: kärsämö
yasak {n} (tribute) :: jasakki
yashmak {n} (a veil worn by Muslim women) :: niqab
yatzy {n} (dice game) :: yatzy, jatsi
yaw {n} /jɔː/ (The rotation of an aircraft, ship, or missile about its vertical axis so as to cause the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, ship, or missile to deviate from the flight line or heading in its horizontal plane) :: kääntyminen
yaw {n} (The angle between the longitudinal axis of a projectile at any moment and the tangent to the trajectory in the corresponding point of flight of the projectile) :: kääntyminen
yaw {n} (The extent of yawing, the rotation angle about the vertical axis) :: kääntyminen
yaw {v} (To turn about the vertical axis while maintaining course) :: kääntyä
yaw {v} (To swerve off course to port or starboard) :: poiketa
yaw-haw {v} (to laugh loudly) :: hahattaa, hohottaa
yawl {n} /jɔːl/ (sailing vessel) :: jooli
yawn {v} /jɔn/ (open the mouth and take a deep breath) :: haukotella
yawn {v} (to present a wide opening) :: ammottaa
yawn {n} (the action of yawning) :: haukotus, haukottelu
y-axis {n} (axis on a graph that is usually drawn from bottom to top) :: y-akseli
yay {interj} /jeɪ/ :: jippii, jess, hurraa
Yazgulyam {prop} (language) :: jazguljam
Yazidi {n} (member of a Kurdish-speaking people of northern Iraq, whose religion is Yazidism) :: jesidi
Yazidism {prop} (religion) :: jesidismi
Y chromosome {n} (mammalian sex chromosome) :: Y-kromosomi
yeah {particle} /ˈjɛ(ə)/ (yes) :: joo, juu
yeah {interj} (expressing joy) :: jee, joo
yeah, right {interj} /jɛə̯ ɹaɪt/ (sarcasm to express disbelief) :: just, niin vissiin
year {n} /jɪɹ/ (time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun) :: vuosi
year {n} (time it takes for any planetary body to make one revolution around another body) :: vuosi, kiertoaika
year {n} (a period between set dates that mark a year) :: vuosi, kalenterivuosi
year {n} (a scheduled part of a calendar year spent in a specific activity) :: vuosi
year {n} (a Julian year) :: vuosi
year {n} (a level or grade at school or college) :: luokka
yearbook {n} (reference book, published annually) :: vuosikirja
yearbook {n} (publication compiled by the graduating class) :: vuosikirja
year dot {n} (a very long time ago) :: vuosi yksi ja kaksi
year-end {adj} (on the end of the year) :: vuoden lopun [genitive of noun]
year in, year out {adv} (during every year) :: vuodesta toiseen
yearly {adj} /ˈjɪɹli/ (happening once every year) :: vuosittainen, jokavuotinen
yearly {adv} (once a year) :: vuosittain
yearly {n} (something that is published once a year) :: vuosikirja
yearn {v} /jɜːn/ (to have a strong desire; to long) :: kaivata, haikailla
yearn {v} (to long for something in the past with melancholy) :: kaivata
yearning {n} /ˈjɝnɪŋ/ (wistful or melancholy longing) :: kaipuu, kaipaus, ikävä
year of our Lord {adj} (anno Domini) :: Herran vuosi
year-round {adj} (continuing throughout the year) :: ympärivuotinen
year-round {adv} (continuing throughout the year) :: ympäri vuoden
yeasayer {n} /ˈjeɪ.ˌseɪ.ɚ/ (who habitually agrees uncritically) :: jees-mies
yeast {n} /jiːst/ (fungus) :: hiiva, hiivasieni
yeast {n} (froth used in medicine, baking and brewing) :: hiiva
yeast {n} (cake or dried granules used to make bread dough rise) :: hiiva, kuivahiiva
yeast {n} (frothy foam on sea waves) :: vaahto
yeast infection {n} (candidiasis) SEE: candidiasis ::
yeasty {adj} /ˈjiːsti/ (having or resembling yeast) :: hiivainen
yech {interj} (yuck) SEE: yuck ::
yegg {n} (a person who breaks open safes; a burglar) :: murtovaras, kassakaappimurtaja
Yehudit {prop} (female given name) SEE: Judith ::
Yekaterinburg {prop} (city in Russia) :: Jekaterinburg
Yelena {prop} (Russian female name) :: Jelena
yell {v} /jɛl/ (shout (verb)) :: huutaa
yell at {v} (to scold by yelling) :: rähjätä
yellow {adj} /ˈjɛl.əʊ/ (having yellow as its colour) :: keltainen
yellow {adj} (lacking courage) :: pelkuri
yellow {n} (colour) :: keltainen, kelta [in compounds]
yellow {v} (to become yellow or more yellow) :: kellertyä, kellastua
yellow {v} (to cause to become yellow or more yellow) :: kellertää, kellastuttaa
yellow badge {n} (cloth patch that Jews were ordered to sew on their outer garments to mark them as Jews in public) :: keltainen daavidintähti
yellow beet {n} (yellow variety of beet) :: keltajuurikas
yellow-bellied {adj} (uncourageous, cowardly) :: pelkurimainen
yellow bile {n} (one of the four humours) :: koleerisuus
yellow-billed loon {n} (Gavia adamsii) :: jääkuikka
yellow bristle grass {n} (Pennisetum glaucum) SEE: pearl millet ::
yellow bristle grass {n} (Setaria parviflora) :: polvipantaheinä
yellow bristle grass {n} (Setaria pumila) :: sinipantaheinä
yellow-browed warbler {n} (Phylloscopus inornatus) :: taigauunilintu
yellow card {n} /ˈjɛl.oʊ ˌkɑɹd/ (card in sports) :: keltainen kortti
yellow fever {n} (illness) :: keltakuume
yellow flag {n} (Iris pseudacorus) :: keltakurjenmiekka
yellow-green {adj} (colour) :: kellanvihreä
yellowhammer {n} (a passerine bird, Emberiza citrinella) :: keltasirkku
yellowing {n} (process of turning yellow) :: kellastuminen, kellertyminen
yellowish {adj} /ˈjelɔʊɪʃ/ (somewhat yellow) :: kellertävä, kellahko
yellow jersey {n} (shirt worn by the leader in the Tour de France) :: keltapaita, maillot jaune
yellow-legged gull {n} (Larus michahellis) :: etelänharmaalokki
yellow light {n} (traffic light between the green light and the red light) :: keltainen valo
yellow-necked mouse {n} (Apodemus flavicollis) :: metsähiiri
yellowness {n} (state or quality of being yellow) :: keltaisuus
yellow pages {n} (telephone directory that lists commercial organisations) :: keltaiset sivut
yellow peril {n} (perceived threat from East Asia) :: keltainen vaara
yellow press {n} (newspapers which publish sensationalist articles) :: keltainen lehdistö, sensaatiolehdistö, bulevardilehdistö, skandaalilehdistö
yellow rattle {n} (Rhinanthus minor) :: pikkulaukku
Yellow River {prop} (river of northern China) :: Keltainenjoki
Yellow Sea {prop} (Asian sea) :: Keltainenmeri
yellow tit {n} (Machlolophus holsti) :: taiwanintiainen
yellow union {n} (trade union) :: yhtiön alainen ammattiyhdistys, yhtiön alainen ammattiliitto
yellow-vented bulbul {n} (Pycnonotus goiavier) :: keltaperäbulbuli
yellow wood anemone {n} (Anemone ranunculoides) :: keltavuokko
yelp {n} /jɛlp/ (an abrupt, high-pitched noise or utterance) :: ulvahdus
yelp {v} (to utter an abrupt, high-pitched noise) :: ulvahtaa, ulvaista
Yeltsin {prop} /ˈjeltsɪn/ (Russian surname) :: Jeltsin
Yemen {prop} /ˈjɛmən/ (Republic of Yemen) :: Jemen
Yemeni {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Yemen, or the Yemeni people) :: jemeniläinen
Yemeni {n} (a person from Yemen or of Yemeni descent) :: jemeniläinen
yen {n} /jɛn/ (unit of Japanese currency) :: jeni
yen {n} (coin or note of one yen) :: jeni
Yenisei {prop} /ˌjɛnəˈseɪ/ (river in Russia) :: Jenisei
Yeniseian {prop} (family of languages) :: jeniseiläiskielet {p}
Yeniseian {n} (member of the Yeniseian ethnolinguistic group) :: jeniseiläinen
Yeniseian {adj} (of or relating to the languages of the Yeniseian family, or their speakers) :: jeniseiläinen
yeoman {n} /ˈjəʊ.mən/ (small freeholder) :: talonpoika
yeoman {n} (subordinate) :: avustaja
yeomanry {n} /ˈjoʊmənɹi/ (class) :: talonpojat {p}, talonpoikaisto
yeoman's service {n} (arduous work performed in a committed manner) :: uurastus, ahkera työ
yep {n} /jɛp/ (informal "yes") :: joo, juu
Yerevan {prop} /ˌjeɹəˈvɑːn/ (the capital and largest city of Armenia) :: Jerevan
yermulke {n} (yarmulke) SEE: yarmulke ::
yes {particle} /jɛs/ (word used to indicate agreement or acceptance) :: use the verb, kyllä [literary], joo [colloquial], juu [colloquial]
yes {particle} (word used to indicate disagreement or dissent in reply to a negative statement) :: verb + -pas, kylläpäs, joopas [colloquial], juupas [colloquial]
yes {interj} :: jes!
yes {interj} (response that confirms attention) :: niin
yes {n} (answer that shows agreement or acceptance) :: kyllä
yes {n} (vote of support) :: jaa, kyllä
yes {v} (to affirm) :: vahvistaa
yes {v} (attempt to flatter by agreeing) :: myönnellä
yes and no {phrase} (indicating there is no simple "yes" or "no" answer) :: kyllä ja ei
yes man {n} (a person who always agrees with his employer or superior) :: jees-mies
yes-no {particle} (particle used to form yes-no questions) :: -ko [final], -kö [final]
yes-no question {n} (type of question) :: kyllä tai ei -kysymys
yessir {interj} /ˈjɛsɜː(ɹ)/ (used to express assent, especially to a superior) :: kyllä herra, jessör
yesterday {n} /ˈjɛstɚdeɪ/ (day before today) :: eilinen, eilispäivä
yesterday {n} (the recent past) :: eilinen, eilispäivä
yesterday {adv} (on the day before today) :: eilen, eilispäivänä
yesterday night {n} (last night) SEE: last night ::
yesteryear {n} /ˈjɛstəjɪə/ (times gone by) :: menneet vuodet
yesteryear {n} (last year, see also: last year) :: mennyt vuosi
yet {adv} /jɛt/ (thus far) :: vielä
yet {adv} (continuously up to this point in time) :: vielä, edelleen
yet {adv} (at some future time) :: vielä
yet {adv} (not as of the time referenced) :: vielä
yet {adv} (in addition) :: vielä, lisäksi
yet {conj} (nevertheless; however) :: vaan, silti, kuitenkin, mutta
yet {adv} (even) SEE: even ::
yeti {n} /ˈjɛ.ti/ (unidentified animal) :: lumimies, jeti
yew {n} /juː/ (Taxus baccata) :: marjakuusi, euroopanmarjakuusi
yew {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Taxus) :: marjakuusi
yew {n} (wood of the yew) :: marjakuusi
yew {adj} (made from the wood of the yew tree) :: marjakuusesta, marjakuusinen
Yeysk {prop} (town) :: Jeisk
Yiddish {adj} /ˈjɪd.ɪʃ/ (of or pertaining to the Yiddish language) :: jiddišinkielinen
Yiddish {prop} (language) :: jiddiš, juutalaissaksa [dated]
Yiddish {adj} (Jewish) SEE: Jewish ::
yield {v} /jiːld/ (to give way) :: taipua, antaa tietä, väistää
yield {v} (to give as required) :: myöntää
yield {v} (to produce as return) :: tuottaa
yield {v} (to produce as a result) :: tuottaa
yield {n} (quantity of something produced) :: sato
yield {n} (current return) :: tuotto
yield {n} (profit from an investment) :: tuotto
yield the ghost {v} (give up the ghost) SEE: give up the ghost ::
yield up the ghost {v} (give up the ghost) SEE: give up the ghost ::
yiff {interj} /jɪf/ (furry pornography) :: turriporno
yikes {interj} /jaɪks/ (expression of shock and alarm) :: hui, iik
yikes {interj} (expression of empathy with unpleasant or undesirable circumstances) :: auts, jopas
yin-yang {n} /ˈjɪn ˈjæŋ/ (yin and yang) :: jin-jang
yin-yang {n} (symbol) :: jin-jang
yin-yang {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina ::
yip {n} /jɪp/ (sound a small dog makes) :: vingahdus
yip {v} (sound a small dog makes) :: vingahtaa
yippee {interj} /ˌjɪ.ˈpi/ (expression of enjoyment) :: jippii, hurraa
Yitzchak {prop} (given name) SEE: Isaac ::
y'know {contraction} /jəˈnoʊ/ (short for you know) :: tiiäthän
-yl {suffix} (radical or functional group) :: -yyli
ylide {n} /ˈɪlaɪd/ (type of organic compound) :: ylidi
Ylitornio {prop} (municipality) :: Ylitornio
Ylöjärvi {prop} (municipality) :: Ylöjärvi
YMCA {n} (Young Men's Christian Association) :: NMKY [Nuorten Miesten Kristillinen Yhdistys]
-yne {suffix} (hydrocarbon with triple bonds) :: -yyni
Yün-nan {prop} (Yunnan) SEE: Yunnan ::
yob {n} /jɒb/ (antisocial person) :: renttu
yobbo {n} (yob) SEE: yob ::
yocto- {prefix} (10−24) :: jokto-
yoctolitre {n} (10-24 litres) :: joktolitra
yoctometer {n} (yoctometre) SEE: yoctometre ::
yoctometre {n} (SI unit of length) :: joktometri
yodel {v} /ˈjoʊ.dəl/ (to sing in such a way that the voice fluctuates rapidly between the normal chest voice and falsetto) :: jodlata
yodel {n} (song) :: jodlaus
yodeler {n} (one who yodels) :: jodlaaja
yodh {n} /jɒd/ (Semitic letter) :: jod
yoga {n} /ˈjoʊɡə/ (Hindu discipline) :: jooga
yogi {n} /ˈjoʊɡi/ (yoga practitioner) :: joogi
yogist {n} (practitioner of yoga) :: joogi
yogurt {n} /ˈjoʊɡɚt/ (a milk-based product thickened by a bacterium-aided curdling process) :: jogurtti
yoik {n} (style) :: joiku
yoik {n} (song) :: joiku
yoik {v} (to sing in a traditional Sami style) :: joikua
yoke {n} /jəʊk/ (wooden bar) :: ies
yoke {n} (wooden frame or bar for a person to carry a pair of buckets) SEE: carrying pole ::
yokel {n} /ˈjoʊ.kəl/ (unsophisticated person) :: juntti
yokel {n} (person of rural background) :: maalaisjuntti
Yokohama {prop} (a city of Japan) :: Jokohama
yolk {n} /joʊk/ (yellow of egg) :: munankeltuainen, keltuainen, ruskuainen
YOLO {phrase} /ˈjoʊ.loʊ/ (you only live once) :: kerran sitä vain eletään
Yom Kippur {prop} /ˌjɒm kɪˈpʊɹ/ (Day of Atonement) :: Jom Kippur
yomp {n} /jɒmp/ (long-distance march) :: täbärimarssi
yon {adj} /jɒn/ (that thing, distant, but within sight) :: tuo
yonder {adv} /ˈjɒndə(ɹ)/ (in a distant, indicated place) :: tuolla
yonder {determiner} (distant but within sight) :: tuo
yonder {n} (the vast distance) :: tuo
yoni {n} /ˈjəʊni/ :: yoni
York {prop} /jɔɹk/ (city in North Yorkshire) :: York
Yorkshire {prop} /ˈjɔːkʃə/ (former large county) :: Yorkshire
Yorkshire fog {n} (all, perennial grass, Holcus lanatus) :: karvamesiheinä
Yorkshire pig {n} (breed of pig) :: yorkshiresika, yorkshire
Yorkshire pudding {n} (dish made from batter baked in fat) :: Yorkshire vanukas
Yorkshire Terrier {n} (breed of dog) :: yorkshirenterrieri
Yoruba {prop} /ˈjɔːɹəbə/ (a sub-Saharan language) :: joruba
Yoruba {prop} (family of religions) :: joruba-uskonto
yotta- {prefix} /ˈjɒtə/ (SI prefix) :: jotta-
you {pron} (object pronoun: the group being addressed) :: teidät [accusative], teitä [partitive]
you {pron} (object pronoun: the person being addressed) :: sinut [accusative], sinua [partitive], teidän [polite, now uncommon], teitä [polite, now uncommon]
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the group being addressed) :: te, teidän
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the person being addressed) :: sinä, sinun, te [polite, now uncommon]
you {pron} (one) :: passive voice used
you {determiner} (the individual or group spoken/written to) :: sinä {s}, te {p} [familiar]; Te [polite]
you {determiner} (used before epithets for emphasis) :: senkin
you {v} (to address using the more formal second-person pronoun) :: teititellä
you are welcome {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
you are what you eat {proverb} (proverb) :: olet mitä syöt
you bet {interj} (certainly (reply to a request)) :: varmasti, täältä pesee
you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink {proverb} (you can show someone how to do something, but you can't make them do it) :: voit viedä hevosen veden ääreen, mutta et voi pakottaa sitä juomaan
you can say that again {phrase} (that is very true) :: aivan, sanopa muuta, totta töriset
you can't judge a book by its cover {proverb} (it is not possible to judge things by external appearances alone) :: ei ole koiraa karvoihin katsominen
you can't keep a good man down {proverb} (person who has talent will succeed) :: ahkeruus kovankin onnen voittaa
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs {proverb} (you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette) SEE: you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette ::
you can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear {proverb} (it is not possible to produce something refined from something which is unrefined) :: ei paska punniten parane [vulgar], roskasta ei saa kultaa
you can't polish a turd {proverb} (something inherently bad cannot be improved) :: ei paska punniten parane
you can't teach an old dog new tricks {proverb} (too old to change) :: vanhalle koiralle ei voi opettaa uusia temppuja (an old dog can not be taught new tricks)
you could have fooled me {phrase} (what you now tell me is true I thought was false) :: ettet vain huijaa minua, älä valehtele, en usko sinua
you don't say {interj} ((idiomatic) really? ; no kidding! ; Is that so?) :: ihanko totta?, no älä
you get what you pay for {proverb} (quality of goods increases as the prices increases) :: sitä saat, mitä tilaat
you have beautiful eyes {phrase} (you have beautiful eyes) :: sinulla on kauniit silmät
you hear me {phrase} :: tajuatko?, kuuletko?
you know {interj} (expression signifying a pause or hesitation) :: tiedäthän, näes
you-know-who {pron} (known and unmentioned person) :: tiedät-kyllä-kuka [said to sg, of one person], tiedätte-kyllä-ketkä [formal to sg or said to pl, of several persons]
you'll get yours {phrase} (you will get what you deserve) :: saat vielä ansiosi mukaan
you make the bed you lie in {proverb} (a person's circumstances are normally the result of his or her own actions) :: niin makaat kuin petaat
you must be fun at parties {phrase} (sarcastic retort) :: olipa hauskaa
you name it {pron} (you name it) :: vaikka mitä; vaikka missä, vaikka minne [of places or locations]
you never know {phrase} (phrase used to speculate about a slim chance) :: ei sitä koskaan tiedä
young {adj} /jʌŋ/ (in the early part of life or growth) :: nuori
young {n} (people who are young) :: nuoriso, nuoret {p}
young {n} (offspring (plural)) :: jälkeläiset {p}, poikaset {p}
young camel {n} :: nuori kameli
younger brother {n} (multi-word, compound-word or otherwise sum-of-parts translations) :: nuorempi veli
younger sister {n} :: nuorempi sisar
youngest {adj} /ˈjʌŋɡəst/ (superlative form of young) :: nuorin
young man {n} (youth) SEE: youth ::
young pioneer {n} (child member of a Communist party) :: pioneeri
Young's modulus {n} (coefficient of elasticity of a solid) :: kimmokerroin
youngster {n} /ˈjʌŋstɚ/ (a young person) :: nuori ihminen, nuorukainen [male only]
you only go around once {proverb} (a person has only one lifetime) :: kerranhan sitä vain eletään
your {determiner} /jɔːɹ/ (belonging to you (singular; one owner)) :: sinun, -si, sinun
your {determiner} (belonging to you (plural; more owners)) :: teidän ...nne, -nne, teidän
you're never too old to learn {proverb} (proverb) :: aina voi oppia jotakin uutta
you're on {phrase} ("I accept your challenge") :: kiinni veti
you're right {phrase} (you're right) :: olet oikeassa
you're telling me {phrase} (used to indicate agreement before preceding statement) :: älä muuta virka, veit sanat suustani
you're welcome {phrase} (reply to thanks) :: ole hyvä (be good), eipä kestä, eipä mitään (it's nothing)
your grace {pron} (you) :: Teidän armonne
Your Highness {pron} (a title of respect used to address a prince or princess) :: teidän korkeutenne
Your Honour {pron} (title used to address a judge or magistrate) :: Teidän korkeutenne
Your Majesty {pron} (Title of respect) :: Teidän Majesteettinne
your mileage may vary {phrase} /jə ˈmaɪlədʒ meɪ ˈvɛəɹi/ (it may work differently in your situation) :: sinun tilanteestasi en osaa sanoa
your mileage may vary {phrase} (this is just my opinion, see also: there's no accounting for taste) :: tämä on vain minun mielipiteeni
your mom {interj} (a general-purpose insult) :: [slang] isäs (from isäsi)
your mother is a whore {phrase} (you are a person of poor character) :: et ole mistään kotoisin
yours {pron} /jɔːɹz/ (possessive pronoun, singular) :: sinun, Teidän [formal]
yours {pron} (possessive pronoun, plural) :: teidän, Teidän [formal]
yours {pron} (sincerely) :: kunnioittavasti [formal], terveisin [informal]
yourself {pron} /jɔːˈsɛlf/ ((reflexive) your own self) :: [informal] itsesi, [formal] itsenne
yourself {pron} (you, used emphatically) :: [informal] sinä itse, [formal] te itse
yourselves {pron} /jʊɹˈsɛlvz/ (you (referring to the people being spoken to, previously mentioned)) :: itsenne
yourselves {pron} (intensifier) :: itse
your servant {n} (archaic: greeting) :: palveluksessanne
your servant {n} (archaic: closing) :: Teidän
yours faithfully {adj} (a polite formula to end letters) :: kunnioittaen, kunnioittavasti, ystävällisin terveisin, parhain terveisin
yours sincerely {adj} (a polite formula to end letters) :: ystävällisin terveisin, kunnioittavasti, parhain terveisin
yours truly {phrase} (closing in a note or letter) :: ystävällisin terveisin
yours truly {pron} ((idiomatic) me or I) :: allekirjoittanut
your wish is my command {phrase} (what you wish for I will effect as if it were a command) :: pyyntösi on käskyni
Your Worship {pron} (title) :: Teidän armonne
you said it {phrase} :: sinäpä sen sanoit
you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours {proverb} (if you do me a favor then I will do you a favor) :: vuoroin vieraissa käydään
you see {interj} :: nimittäin, katsos
you shouldn't have {phrase} (used to express gratitude at unnecessary generosity) :: sinun ei olisi tarvinnut
you snooze you lose {proverb} (If you are not alert and attentive, you will not be successful) :: nopeat syövät hitaat
you tell me {interj} :: sanopa se
youth {n} /juːθ/ (quality or state of being young) :: nuoruus
youth {n} (part of life following childhood) :: nuoruus, nuoruusikä
youth {n} (young person) :: nuori
youth {n} (young man) :: nuorukainen, nuorimies
youth {n} (young persons, collectively) :: nuoriso, nuoret {p}
youth center {n} (a building operated as a place for young people to meet and take part in recreational activities) :: nuorisotalo
youth club {n} (area set aside for the young) :: nuorisotila
youth crime {n} (juvenile delinquency) SEE: juvenile delinquency ::
youth detention centre {n} (secure residential facility for young people) :: nuorisokoti, koulukoti
youthful {adj} /ˈjuːθfəl/ (young or seeming young) :: nuorekas, nuorehko
youthfully {adv} (in a youthful manner) :: nuorekkaasti
youthfulness {n} (vitality) :: nuorekkuus
youth hostel {n} (an inexpensive supervised lodging place, primarily for young people) :: retkeilymaja
youth work {n} (community support activity) :: nuorisotyö
youth worker {n} (one who works with youngsters) :: nuorisotyöntekijä
YouTube {n} /ˈjuːtjuːb/ (any website that allows users to upload content) :: YouTube, tube [slang]
YouTube {prop} (a video-sharing website) :: YouTube
YouTuber {n} (YouTube user) :: YouTube-käyttäjä, tubettaja
YouTuber {n} (YouTube video creator) :: tubettaja
you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette {proverb} (phrase) :: munakasta ei voi tehdä rikkomatta munia
you would think {phrase} :: sitä luulisi(, että)
yowzah {adv} (yessir) SEE: yessir ::
yowzah {interj} /ˈjaʊ.zə/ (an indication of surprise, excitement, or amazement) :: vautsi, vautsi-vau
yo-yo {n} /ˈjoʊ.joʊ/ (toy) :: jojo
ytterbium {n} /ɪˈtɜː.bi.əm/ (chemical element) :: ytterbium
yttrium {n} /ˈɪ.tɹi.əm/ (chemical element) :: yttrium
yttrium iron garnet {n} (synthetic mineral) :: yttriumrautagranaatti
yuan {n} /jʊˈɑːn/ (basic unit of money in China) :: juan, yuan
Yuan dynasty {prop} (Chinese dynasty) :: Yuan-dynastia
Yuan Tan {prop} (Chinese New Year) SEE: Chinese New Year ::
yuba {n} (tofu skin) SEE: tofu skin ::
Yucatec {prop} (language) :: jukatek
Yucatec Maya {prop} (Yucatec Maya language) :: jukatek
Yucatán {prop} (a peninsula in North America) :: Jukatanin niemimaa
Yucatán {prop} (a state in Mexico) :: Yucatán
yucca {n} /ˈjʌkə/ (evergreen plant) :: jukka
yuck {interj} /jʌk/ (uttered to indicate disgust) :: yök
yuck it up {v} (yuk it up) SEE: yuk it up ::
yucky {adj} /ˈjʌkɪ/ (causing aversion or disgust) :: kuvottava
Yuezhi {n} (ancient Indo-European people) :: yuezhit {p}, yuezhi-kansa
Yugoslav {adj} (Yugoslavian) SEE: Yugoslavian ::
Yugoslav {n} (Yugoslavian) SEE: Yugoslavian ::
Yugoslavia {prop} /juːɡəˈslɑːvi.ə/ (former country in the Balkans) :: Jugoslavia
Yugoslavian {adj} (of or relating to Yugoslavia) :: jugoslavialainen
Yugoslavian {n} (a native of Yugoslavia) :: jugoslavialainen
Yugur {n} (member of Yugur people) :: yuguuri
yuk it up {v} (clown around) :: pelleillä
yulan {n} (Magnolia denudata) :: jademagnolia
yule {n} (Yule) SEE: Yule ::
Yule {prop} /juːl/ (the Christmas season) :: joulu
Yule log {n} (log burned on Christmas Eve) :: jouluhalko
Yule log {n} (log-shaped cake covered in chocolate) :: jouluhalko
yuletide {n} (the Christmas season) SEE: Christmas season ::
yum {adj} /jʌm/ (indication of delight) :: nam, nami, nam-nam
yum cha {n} (traditional Chinese meal) :: yum cha
yummy {adj} /ˈjʌm.i/ (delicious) :: nami, nanna
Yunnan {prop} (a province in China) :: Yunnan
yup {interj} /jʌp/ ((informal) yes) :: jep, joo
Yup'ik {prop} /ˈjuːpɪk/ (a language of the Eskimo-Aleut family) :: alaskanjupik
Yup'ik {prop} (subbranch of the Eskimo-Aleut family of languages) :: jupikki
yuppie {n} /ˈjʌpɪ/ (young upwardly mobile urban professional person) :: juppi
Yurok {n} (person) :: yurok
Yurok {prop} (language) :: yurok
yurt {n} /jɜːt/ (large, round tent with vertical walls and conical roof) :: jurtta
yurtlike {adj} (of a yurt) :: jurttamainen
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Južno-Sahalinsk
YWCA {prop} (YWCA) :: [Nuorten Naisten Kristillinen Yhdistys] NNKY