User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-u

u {letter} /ˈu/ :: letter
u {m} :: u (name of the letter U, u)
u {adv} [obsolete] :: where
u {art} :: eye dialect of o
U {letter} :: letter
ú {letter} :: The letter u with an acute accent
ú {letter} :: This accent is added to the letter u when it is present in an antepenultimate and stressed syllable
Ú {letter} /u/ :: The letter U with an acute accent
ü {symbol} /w/ :: The letter u with a trema
ũa {art} :: obsolete form of uma
uaçu {mf} :: rare form of babaçu
Uagadugu {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Ouagadougou
uaguassu {mf} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of babaçu
uaguassú {mf} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of babaçu
uai {interj} [Brazil, especially in the rural areas of the Southeast] /uˈaj/ :: why (exclamation of surprise)
uai {interj} [Brazil, especially in the rural areas of the Southeast] :: huh (expresses doubt or confusion)
uapiti {m} /ˌwa.pi.ˈt͡ʃi/ :: wapiti; elk (Cervus canadensis, a large deer of North America and East Asia)
uau {interj} /u.ˈaw/ :: wow (exclamation of amazement)
uau {m} :: vav (name of the Hebrew letter ו)
uau {m} :: waw (name of the Arabic letter و)
Uauá {prop} :: Uauá (municipality)
uauaçu {mf} :: alternative form of babaçu
uauaçú {mf} :: obsolete form of babaçu
uauassu {mf} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of babaçu
uauassú {mf} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of babaçu
uauçu {mf} :: rare form of babaçu
uaussú {mf} [rare] :: obsolete form of babaçu
ubá {f} {m} /uˈba/ :: a simple canoe made from a single piece of tree bark
ubá {f} {m} :: Gynerium sagittatum, a tall grass of South America
Ubá {prop} :: Ubá (municipality)
Ubaí {prop} :: Ubaí (municipality)
Ubaíra {prop} :: Ubaíra (municipality)
Ubaitaba {prop} :: Ubaitaba (municipality)
Ubaporanga {prop} :: Ubaporanga (municipality)
Ubarana {prop} :: Ubarana (municipality)
Ubatã {prop} :: Ubatã (municipality)
Ubatuba {prop} :: Ubatuba (municipality)
Uberaba {prop} :: Uberaba (municipality)
úbere {m} :: udder (part of domestic milk-giving animal that expresses milk)
Uberlândia {prop} :: Uberlândia (municipality)
uberrimamente {adv} /u.ˌbɛ.ʁi.mɐ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ :: superlative of uberemente
ubèrrimamente {adv} :: obsolete spelling of uberrimamente
ubérrimo {adj} /u.ˈbɛ.ʁ :: superlative of úbere
ubicação {f} /u.ˌbi.ka.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: ubication (the condition occupying a certain place or position)
ubiquidade {f} :: ubiquity
ubiqüidade {f} :: obsolete spelling of ubiquidade
ubíquo {adj} /u.ˈbi.kwu/ :: ubiquitous (being everywhere at the same time)
Ubirajara {prop} :: given name
Ubirajara {prop} :: Ubirajara (municipality)
Ubirani {prop} :: given name
Ubirani {prop} :: given name
Ubiratã {prop} {m} :: given name
Ubiratam {prop} {m} :: given name
Ubiratan {prop} {m} :: given name
Ubiretama {prop} :: Ubiretama (municipality)
ubre {m} /ˈubɾi/ :: udder
ubuntu {m} [politics] :: ubuntu (ideology focusing on people’s allegiances and relations)
ucase {m} :: alternative spelling of ukase
Uchida {prop} {mf} :: surname
Uchoa {prop} :: Uchoa (municipality)
UCP {n} [computing] :: initialism of unidade central de processamento
ucraíno {adj} [chiefly Paraná] :: Ukrainian (of, from relating to Ukraine), usually referring to Ukrainian immigrants in Brazil and the Ukrainian Catholic Church
Ucrânia {prop} {f} /u.kɾɐ.ˈnjɐ/ :: Ucrânia (country)
ucraniano {m} [uncountable] /ˌu.kɾɐ.ni.ˈɐ.nu/ :: Ukrainian (a Slavic language spoken in Ukraine)
ucraniano {m} :: Ukrainian (person from Ukraine)
ucraniano {adj} :: Ukrainian (of Ukraine and its people)
ucraniano {adj} :: Ukrainian (of the Ukrainian language)
uculele {m} :: rare spelling of ukulele
ud {m} :: oud (Arabic plucked string instrument)
Udine {prop} {f} :: Udine (city)
udmurt {adj} :: Udmurt (pertaining to Udmurts, Udmurtia, or the Udmurt language)
udmurt {mf} :: Udmurt (member of the Udmurt people of Siberia)
-udo {suffix} :: A suffix appended to nouns of parts of the body to derive adjectives relating to having a big example of such parts:
udómetro {m} [European orthography, meteorology] :: pluviometer (instrument for measuring the amount of rainfall)
udômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of udómetro
UE {prop} [politics, economics] :: EU; initialism of União Europeia
{interj} /ˈwɛ/ :: huh (expresses perplexity)
{interj} :: how is that possible?
{interj} :: what was that all about?
{interj} :: duh (expresses that something is obvious)
Uechi {prop} {mf} :: surname
Ueda {prop} {mf} :: surname
Uehara {prop} {mf} :: surname
Ueno {prop} {mf} :: surname
Ueta {prop} {mf} :: surname
UF {f} [Brazil] :: initialism of unidade federativa
UF {f} [Brazil] :: initialism of unidade da federação
ufa {interj} /ˈu.fɐ/ :: phew! whew! (used to show relief)
ufa {f} :: only used in à ufa
Ufa {prop} {f} :: Ufa (caplc)
ufanar {vt} :: to make proud
ufanar {vt} :: to rejoice
ufanar {vp} :: to boast; to brag
ufania {f} :: pride
ufanismo {m} [Brazil] :: excessive pride, especially of one's nation
ufano {adj} :: proud
ufano {adj} :: arrogant; smug
ufo {m} :: alternative spelling of UFO
UFO {m} /ˈ :: UFO; alien spacecraft
ufologia {f} :: ufology
ufológico {adj} /ˌˈlɔ.ʒi.ko/ :: ufological
ufólogo {m} /u.ˈfɔ.lu.ɣu/ :: ufologist
Uganda {prop} {f} /u.ˈɡɐ̃.dɐ/ :: Uganda (country)
ugandense {adj} :: Ugandan (of, from or pertaining to Uganda)
ugandense {mf} :: Ugandan (person from Uganda)
uhu {interj} [Brazil] :: woohoo!
uhul {interj} /u.ˈʁuw/ :: yeah! (expresses joy or celebration)
ui {interj} :: used to comment on a close call
uia {interj} :: wow (expression of amazement)
Uibaí {prop} :: Uibaí (municipality)
uigur {mf} :: Uyghur (member of a Turkic ethnic group of northwestern China)
uigur {m} :: Uyghur (Turkic language spoken by the Uyghur people)
uigur {adj} :: relating to the Uyghur people
uigure {m} :: alternative form of uigur
uigure {adj} :: alternative form of uigur
uirapuru {m} /ujˌɾapuˈɾu/ :: Name given to some wren species found in Brazil
uísque {m} [uncountable] /ˈwiʃ.kɨ/ :: whiskey (a type of alcoholic drink)
uísque {m} :: a bottle of whisky
uivar {vi} /uj.ˈvaɾ/ :: to howl, to utter a loud and mournful sound as dogs and wolves often do
uivo {m} /ˈ :: howl
ukase {m} :: ukase (proclamation by a Russian ruler)
ukelele {m} :: alternative form of ukulele
ukraniano {m} :: obsolete spelling of ucraniano
ukraniano {adj} :: obsolete spelling of ucraniano
ukulele {m} [musical instruments] :: ukulele (small Hawaiian four-stringed guitar)
ULA {f} [computer hardware] /ˈu.lɐ/ :: acronym of unidade lógica aritmética
Ulan Bator {prop} {f} :: Ulan Bator (capital city)
ulano {m} [historical] :: uhlan (soldier with lance)
Ulan-Ude {prop} {f} :: Ulan-Ude (city/regional capital)
úlcera {f} [pathology] /ˈɾa/ :: ulcer (an open sore)
úlcera {f} :: any wound or injury
ulceração {f} :: soreness
Ulcinj {prop} {f} :: Ulcinj (town/and/municipality)
ulemá {m} [Islam] :: alim (scholar of Islamic law)
ulexita {f} [mineral] :: ulexite
Ulianovsk {prop} {f} :: Ulianovsk (oblast)
Ulianovsk {prop} {f} :: Ulianovsk (city/administrative center)
Ulisses {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Ulysses; Odysseus (Greek leader during the Trojan War)
Ulisses {prop} {m} :: given name
ulmária {f} :: alternative form of ulmeira
ulmeira {f} :: meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria, a flower of Eurasia)
ulmeiro {m} :: elm (tree of genus Ulmus)
ulna {f} [skeleton, Brazil] /ˈ :: ulna
Ulrica {prop} {f} :: given name
Ulrico {prop} {m} :: given name
ulterior {adj} /uɫtɨˈɾjoɾ/ :: ulterior; posterior in space
ulterior {adj} :: subsequent in time
última {f} [Brazil, slang] /ˈuɫ.ti.mɐ/ :: recent news
última bolacha do pacote {f} [idiom] :: Often used sarcastically, referring to what a highly egocentric person would think of himself or herself; it means "very important person" or "the most important person in a group"
última bolacha do pacote {f} [idiom] :: A person who feels lonely
ultimação {f} :: finalization
Última Ceia {prop} {f} [Christianity] :: Last Supper (last meal Jesus ate with disciples)
ultimamente {adv} /uɫ.ti.mɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: lately, recently, of late
ultimando {v} :: gerund of ultimar
ultimar {v} /uɫ.ti.ˈmaɾ/ :: to finalize, finish
ultimato {m} /ˌuw.t͡ʃi.ˈma.tu/ :: ultimatum (a final demand, with an implicit or explicit threat of reprisal for noncompliance)
último {adj} /ˈuɫ :: final; last
último {adj} :: latest; most recent
último grito {m} [idiomatic] :: all the rage, the latest thing, colloquial for state of the art
último, mas não menos importante {phrase} :: last but not least
último nome {m} :: surname (name that indicates family)
ultracentrífuga {f} :: ultracentrifuge
ultracentrifugação {f} :: ultracentrifugation
ultracentrifugadora {f} [rare] :: synonym of ultracentrífuga
ultradireita {f} :: far right
ultradireitismo {m} :: far-right politics
ultradireitista {adj} :: far-right
ultrajar {vt} :: to insult (to offend someone by being rude, insensitive or insolent)
ultraje {m} :: outrage (an offensive, immoral or indecent act)
ultraje {m} :: insult (rude action or speech)
ultramáfico {adj} [geology] :: ultramafic
ultramar {m} /uɫtɾɐˈmaɾ/ :: overseas (countries and regions outside one’s country, especially across the sea)
ultramar {m} [often, capitalized] :: The Portuguese African overseas territories
ultramarino {adj} :: overseas (occurring or relating to a different nation, especially one across a sea)
ultrapassado {adj} /uw.tɾˈsa.du/ :: obsolete; outdated (replaced by something newer and better)
ultrapassado {adj} [driving, racing] :: overtaken (passed by another vehicle or racer)
ultrapassar {vt} /uɫ.tɾɐ.pɐ.ˈsaɾ/ :: to trespass
ultra-som {m} :: superseded spelling of ultrassom
ultra-sónico {adj} :: superseded spelling of ultrassónico
ultra-sônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: superseded spelling of ultrassônico
ultrassecreto {adj} :: top secret (requiring greatest protection of confidentiality)
ultrassom {m} /uɫtɾɐˈsõ/ :: ultrasound
ultrassónico {adj} [European orthography] /uɫtɾɐˈsɔniku/ :: ultrasonic
ultrassônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: ultrasonic
ultraterreno {adj} /uw.tɾa.te.ˈʁ :: ultramundane, other-worldly
ultravida {f} :: afterlife; life after death
ultravioleta {adj} /ˌuw.tɾˈle.ta/ :: ultraviolet (having wavelength from 380nm to 10nm)
ultravioleta {m} :: ultraviolet colour
ululando {v} :: gerund of ulular
ululante {adj} :: obvious, evident, manifest, clear
ululante {adj} :: howling (making a howling sound)
ulular {v} :: to ululate
ulular {v} :: to howl
ululo {m} :: howl, ululation
Uluru {prop} {m} :: Uluru (large rock formation)
um {num} /ũ/ :: one
um {art} :: [indefinite] a, an
um {art} :: [in the plural] some; a few (a small number of)
um {art} :: [with uncountable nouns] a bit of
um {art} :: [usually in the feminine, pronounced slowly, emphatically and with a high intonation] indicates that what follows is exceptional; quite a; quite the
um {m} :: The figure or digit "1": one
um {pron} :: a person; one; someone
um {pron} :: Element(s) of a previously mentioned class: one; some (in plural)
uma {num} /ˈu.mɐ/ :: feminine equivalent of um
uma {pron} :: feminine of um
uma andorinha só não faz verão {proverb} :: one swallow does not a summer make
um abraço {interj} [Brazil, familiar] :: see ya!
um abraço {interj} [São Paulo] :: used to mean something is impossible
um abraço {interj} :: See: pt um abraço
uma corrente é tão forte quanto o seu elo mais fraco {proverb} :: alternative form of uma corrente é tão forte quanto seu elo mais fraco
uma corrente é tão forte quanto seu elo mais fraco {proverb} [Brazil] :: a chain is only as strong as its weakest link
uma desgraça nunca vem só {proverb} :: misfortunes never come singly
uma desgraça nunca vem sozinha {proverb} :: misfortunes never come singly
uma hora {adv} [idiomatic] :: at an undetermined time, but inevitably
uma hora {adv} :: See: pt uma hora
uma hora ou outra {adv} [idiomatic] :: at an undetermined time, but inevitably
uma imagem vale mais do que mil palavras {proverb} :: alternative form of uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras
uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras {proverb} :: a picture is worth a thousand words (visualisation is better than verbal description)
uma mão lava a outra {proverb} :: you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
uma mulher prevenida vale por duas {proverb} :: feminine equivalent of um homem prevenido vale por dois
uma nota firme {f} [idiom, dated] :: An emphatic form of uma nota. A large quantity of money
um ao outro {pron} :: each other; one another (reciprocal pronoun)
uma ova {interj} [slang] :: my foot!, my eye! (added to the end of a sentence, indicates disapproval, disdain, disgust)
uma pá {pron} [São Paulo] :: many, a large number
uma pá {pron} :: See: pt uma
uma pinoia {interj} :: my eye! (expression of contempt or disbelief)
uma porção {adv} :: See: pt uma porção
uma porção {adv} [idiomatic] :: a lot (very many or very much)
um atrás do outro {phrase} [idiom] :: Many, in quick succession
uma vez {adv} :: See: pt uma vez
uma vez {adv} :: once (during some period in the past)
uma vez ou outra {adv} [idiomatic] :: now and then; sometimes; occasionally
uma vez que {conj} :: Once
uma viagem de mil milhas começa com um único passo {proverb} :: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
umbahuba {f} :: obsolete form of ambaíba
Umbanda {prop} {f} :: Umbanda (the Afro-Brazilian religion)
umbauba {f} :: alternative form of ambaíba
umbaúba {f} :: alternative form of ambaíba
umbaúva {f} :: rare form of ambaíba
umbelífera {f} [botany] :: umbellifer (any plant of the family Apiaceae/Umbelliferae)
umbelífero {adj} [botany] :: umbelliferous (pertaining to a member of the family Umbelliferae)
um belo dia {phrase} :: Used to introduce a sudden, unexpected change in the course of events
umbigada {f} [anatomy] /ũbiˈɡadɐ/ :: region around the navel
umbigada {f} :: belly-bump
umbigada {f} [dance] :: choreography used in various African or Afro-Brazilian dances
umbigo {m} [anatomy] /ũ.ˈbi.ɣu/ :: navel (indentation or bump remaining in the abdomen of mammals)
um bocado {adv} [somewhat, colloquial] :: quite (to a significant degree)
um bocado {adv} :: See: pt um bocado
umbral {m} /ũ.ˈbɾaɫ/ :: threshold (area in front of a door)
umbral {m} :: jamb (upright post that frames a door or window)
umbral {m} [Spiritism] :: a shadowy transitory realm to where immoral spirits are attracted after their physical death
Umbral {prop} {m} [spiritualism] :: A place of suffering for spirits, similar to Hell
Úmbria {prop} {f} :: Úmbria (region)
umbroso {adj} :: shady (abounding in shades)
Umburanas {prop} :: Umburanas (municipality)
Umburatiba {prop} :: Umburatiba (municipality)
um dia {adv} :: See: pt um dia
um dia {adv} :: someday / once (at some unspecified point in the future or past)
um dia não são dias {proverb} /ˈũ ˈdi.ɐ ˈnɐ̃w̃ ˈsɐ̃w̃ ˈdi.ɐʃ/ :: you only live once (said when making an exception to indulge in something)
umedecer {v} :: alternative spelling of humedecer
umedecido {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of humedecido
Umeko {prop} {f} :: given name
um e noventa e nove {n} [Brazil, idiomatic] :: cheapness, low price
um e noventa e nove {n} [Brazil, idiomatic] :: commonplace
úmero {m} [skeleton] /ˈu.mɨ.ɾu/ :: humerus
um homem prevenido vale por dois {proverb} :: forewarned is forearmed (advance awareness of a situation prepares one to deal with it)
umidade {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: humidity
umidade {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: moisture
umidade {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: damp
umidificador {m} [chiefly Brazil] :: alternative spelling of humidificador
úmido {adj} [Brazilian orthography] /ˈu.mi.ðu/ :: humid; damp; moist (somewhat wet or watery)
umlaut {m} [linguistics] :: umlaut (partial assimilation of a vowel in Germanic languages)
umlaut {m} [orthography] :: umlaut (the diacritical mark ¨ used to indicate such assimilation)
ummah {f} [Islam] :: ummah (the worldwide Muslim community)
um mal nunca vem só {proverb} :: misfortunes never come singly (unfortunate events occur in quantity)
um monte {adv} :: See: pt um monte
um monte {adv} [idiomatic, usually followed 'de'] :: a lot (very many or very much)
um ou outro {pron} [idiomatic] :: one or another (a very small subset)
um ou outro {pron} :: See: pt um ou outro
um passarinho me contou {phrase} [idiomatic] :: a little bird told me (I received the information from a confidential source)
um passo de cada vez {adv} [idiomatic] :: one step at a time
um pior que o outro {proverb} :: All members of a group are very bad
um por todos, todos por um {phrase} :: one for all, all for one
um por um {adv} [idiomatic] :: one by one; individually
um pouco {adv} :: slightly; a little; a bit (to a small extent or degree)
um pouco {adv} :: See: pt um pouco
um pouco {pron} :: a few; a little; a bit (a small amount or number of something)
um tanto quanto {adv} [idiomatic] :: quite a bit, rather
um tanto quanto {adj} [euphemism] :: simulates the adverbial form but does not explicites a condition
-un- {affix} [chemistry] :: -un-
-ún- {interfix} :: alternative spelling of -un-
Una {prop} :: Una (municipality)
Unaí {prop} :: Unaí (municipality)
unânime {adj} :: unanimous
unanimemente {adv} :: unanimously
unanimidade {f} :: unanimity
UNASUL {prop} :: Union of South American Nations
unção {f} /ũ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: unction
uncção {f} :: obsolete spelling of unção
uncinado {m} [skeleton] /ˌũ.si.ˈ :: hamate bone
unctar {v} :: obsolete spelling of untar
undecano {m} [organic compound] :: undecane
undécimo {adj} [formal] /ũ.ˈdɛ :: eleventh
underline {m} /ɐ̃deɾˈlajni/ :: underscore (name of the character _)
undíssono {adj} [rare, poetic] :: undisonant (making the noise of waves)
ungidor {m} :: anointer (one who anoints)
ungir {v} /ũ.ˈʒiɾ/ :: to anoint
unguento {m} :: unguent (cream containing medicine)
ungüento {m} :: obsolete spelling of unguento
ungulado {adj} [zoology] :: ungulate (having hooves)
ungulado {m} [zoology] :: ungulate (a hooved mammal)
unha {f} /ˈu.ɲɐ/ :: nail; fingernail; toenail
unha-de-asno {f} :: coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara, a herb of Europe and the Middle East)
unha-de-cavalo {f} :: coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara, a herb of Europe and the Middle East)
unha-de-gato {f} [botany] :: catsfoot, cudweed (common name given to various plants)
unha-de-gato {f} :: cat's claw (Acacia plumosa, a medicinal plant of Brazil)
unha-de-gato {f} :: cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa, a tropical plant of South and Central America)
unhando {v} :: gerund of unhar
unhar {v} /u.ˈɲaɾ/ :: to scratch with a nail or claw
unhas-de-gato {fp} :: alternative form of unha-de-gato
uni- {prefix} :: uni-
união {f} /u.ˈnjɐ̃w̃/ :: union (join)
União Africana {prop} {f} /ˌˈɐ̃w ˌɐ.fɾi.ˈkɐ.nɐ/ :: African Union (organisation consisting of various African nations)
união civil {f} :: civil union
União da Serra {prop} :: União da Serra (municipality)
União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas {prop} {f} :: União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas (former country)
união de facto {f} /uˈnjɐ̃w̃ dɨ ˈfak.tu/ :: domestic partnership, civil union (legal union established in 1999 in Portugal to regulate the relationship of cohabiting couples, expanded in 2001 to include gay and lesbian couples)
União de Minas {prop} :: União de Minas (municipality)
União do Oeste {prop} :: União do Oeste (municipality)
união estável {f} :: domestic partnership, civil union (legal union established in 2002 in Brazil to regulate the relationship of cohabiting couples, expanded in 2011 to include gay and lesbian couples)
União Eurasiática {prop} {f} :: Eurasian Union (proposed union between several post-Soviet countries)
União Europeia {prop} {f} /u.ˈnjɐ̃w̃ ew.ɾu.ˈpɐj.ɐ/ :: European Union (organisation consisting of various European nations)
União Européia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of União Europeia
União Paulista {prop} :: União Paulista (municipality)
União Soviética {prop} {f} :: União Soviética (former country)
unicamente {adv} /ɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: uniquely
unicamente {adv} :: only, solely
unicameral {adj} [government] :: unicameral
unicelular {adj} :: unicellular
unico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of único
único {adj} /ˈ :: unique
único {adj} :: only
Unicode {prop} {m} [computing] :: Unicode (series of computer encoding standards)
unicolor {adj} :: unicolor/unicolour, one-color/one-colour, monocolor/monocolour, monochromatic, monochrome (having only one colour)
unicórnio {m} :: unicorn
unicórnio {m} [heraldiccharge] :: unicorn
unidade {f} /ˈða.ðɨ/ :: unit (standard measure of a quantity)
unidade {f} :: unity
unidade astronômica {f} :: astronomical unit
unidade central de processamento {f} [computer hardware] :: central processing unit (part of a computer that executes instructions)
unidade de medida {f} :: unit of measure (any standardised, reproducible unit for measuring a physical property)
unidade de processamento central {f} :: alternative form of unidade central de processamento
unidade de terapia intensiva {f} :: intensive care unit (hospital ward for patients in danger of dying)
unidade lógica aritmética {f} [computer hardware] :: arithmetic logic unit (part of a CPU that does calculations and logical operations)
unidimensional {adj} :: one-dimensional, unidimensional
unido {adj} /u.ˈni.ðu/ :: united
unido {adj} :: joined, linked
uni-duni-tê {m} :: eeny, meeny, miny, moe (children’s counting game used to pick an option)
unidunitê {m} :: A children's counting-out game, similar to English eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Most common full form: unidunitê, salameminguê, um sorvete colorê, o escolhido foi você
unidunitê {interj} :: The first word spoken by a person playing the counting-out game of unidunitê
uniesquina {f} [derogatory] :: diploma mill
unificação {f} /ɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: unification
unificar {v} /unifiˈkaɾ/ :: to unify
uniforme {adj} /ˈfɔɾ.mɨ/ :: uniform, even
uniforme {m} :: uniform
uniformemente {adv} :: uniformly (in a uniform manner)
uniformidade {f} :: uniformity (a state of being uniform)
uniformizar {vt} :: to uniform (make uniform)
uniformizar {vt} :: to fit with uniforms
unilateral {adj} /ˌˌla.te.ˈɾaw/ :: unilateral (affecting only one side)
unilateral {adj} :: one-sided; partial (biased in favour of one faction)
unilateral {adj} [of a contract or interaction] :: unilateral (binding or affecting one party only)
unilateralismo {m} /ɾa.ˈ :: unilateralism
unilateralmente {adv} :: unilaterally
unir {v} /u.ˈniɾ/ :: to bind; to connect
unir {v} :: to unite (come or bring together as one)
unissex {adj} :: unisex (designed to be suitable to both sexes)
unissexuado {adj} [biology] :: unisexual (describing a species where individuals have only one of multiple sexes)
unissexual {adj} [biology] :: unisexual (describing a species where individuals have only one of multiple sexes)
uníssono {adj} /u.ˈ :: unisonous
uníssono {m} :: unison
Unistalda {prop} :: Unistalda (municipality)
unitário {adj} :: unitary
unitário {m} :: singleton
unitarismo {m} [Christianity] :: Unitarianism (the religious belief that God is a single person)
unitarismo {m} [politics] :: belief in a unitary government
universal {adj} /ɨɾ.ˈsaɫ/ :: Of or pertaining to the universe; universal
universal {adj} :: Common to all society; universal; world-wide
universal {adj} :: Common to all members of a group or class; universal
universalidade {f} :: universality
universalidade {f} :: catholicity
universalismo {m} [theology] :: universalism (the belief that all souls can attain salvation)
universalmente {adv} :: universally
universidade {f} /ʁ.si.ˈda.d͡ʒi/ :: university
universitária {f} /ˌˌveʁ.si.ˈta.ɾjɐ/ :: feminine noun of universitário
universitário {adj} :: of or relating to a university
universitário {adj} :: academic
universitário {m} :: university student, especially an undergraduate
universitário {m} :: university professor
universo {m} /ˈvɛɾ.su/ :: universe
universo alternativo {m} [fiction] :: alternate universe (imaginary realm where a story takes place)
universo paralelo {m} :: parallel universe
unívoco {adj} :: univocal (having only one possible meaning)
uno {adj} [poetic, literary] /ˈ :: only; singular (alone in a category)
uno {adj} [poetic] :: indivisible (unable to be divided)
uno {m} [card games] :: Uno (a card game played with special cards)
Uno {prop} {mf} :: given name
Uno {prop} {mf} :: surname
uns {adv} /ũʃ/ :: about, some (indicating an approximate amount)
untar {v} /ũ.ˈtaɾ/ :: to smear; to spread (to distribute in a thin layer)
untar as mãos a alguém {v} [idiomatic] :: to grease someone's palm
unto {m} /ˈũ.tu/ :: lard
unto {m} :: grease
unto {m} :: unguent
untuoso {adj} :: greasy, oily, unctuous
unúnbio {m} :: ununbium
ununnílio {m} :: ununnilium
ununóctio {m} /ˌˈnɔ.t͡ʃi.u/ :: ununoctium (chemical element)
ununséptio {m} /ˌu.nũ.ˈsɛp.t͡ʃi.u/ :: ununseptium (element with atomic number 117)
ununtrio {m} :: ununtrium
upa {interj} :: giddyup (instruction for a horse to move faster)
upar {vt} [Internet slang] /uˈpa(ʁ)/ :: to upload
upar {v} [video games] :: to level up
upas antiar {m} :: antiar (a poison obtained from the upas tree)
update {mf} [chiefly in Brazil, colloquial] /upi.ˈdeit͡ʃi/ :: An update
upgrade {m} [chiefly in Brazil, colloquial] /upi.ˈɡɾeid͡ʒi/ :: An upgrade
upload {m} :: upload (file transfer to central storage)
Uppsala {prop} {f} /upˈsa.lɐ/ :: Uppsala (city)
ups {interj} :: oops
Upsala {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Uppsala
uquelele {m} :: alternative form of ukulele
-ura {suffix} :: -ness (forms nouns of quality from adjectives)
uracil {m} [organic compound] :: uracil (one of the bases of RNA)
Urais {prop} {mp} :: Urais (range)
urálico {adj} :: Uralic (pertaining to the Ural Mountains)
urálico {adj} :: Uralic (pertaining to the Uralic language family)
urálico {m} :: a member or descendant of a Uralic-speaking people
Urandi {prop} :: Urandi (municipality)
Urânia {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Urania (the Muse of astronomy)
Urânia {prop} {f} :: Urânia (municipality)
uraniano {adj} :: Uranian
uranilo {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: uranyl
uraninita {f} [mineral] :: uraninite
urânio {m} :: uranium
uranita {f} [mineral] :: uranite
Urano {prop} {m} [Greek god] /u.ˈɾɐ.nu/ :: Uranus (primal god of the sky)
Urano {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Uranus (seventh planet of the Solar System)
urbanização {f} /ˌuɹ.ba.ˌˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: urbanization (growth of cities)
urbanizar {vt} /uʁ.ˌbɐ.ni.ˈza(ʁ)/ :: to develop (bring urban infrastructure to an area)
urbanizar {vt} :: to urbanize (make something more urban in character)
urbano {adj} /uɾˈβɐnu/ :: urban
Urbano {prop} {m} :: given name, of mostly historical usage
Urbanski {prop} {mf} :: surname
urbe {f} [poetic] :: city (large settlement)
urceolado {adj} [botany] :: urceolate (urn-shaped)
urdidura {f} [weaving] :: warp (threads that run lengthwise in a woven fabric)
urdimento {m} [weaving] :: warp (threads that run lengthwise in a woven fabric)
urdimento {m} [theatre] :: the beams that support the fly system, curtains and lights of a stage
urdir {v} /uɾˈðiɾ/ :: to warp, to weave (textiles)
urdir {v} :: to scheme, conspire
urdu {f} :: Urdu (an Indo-Iranian language with native speakers mainly in Pakistan and India)
urdume {m} [weaving] :: warp (threads that run lengthwise in a woven fabric)
ureia {f} [organic compound] :: urea
uréia {f} :: obsolete spelling of ureia
ureter {m} :: alternative form of uréter
uréter {m} [anatomy] :: ureter (narrow duct that carries urine from the kidneys)
uretra {f} [anatomy] /u.ˈɾɛ.tɾɐ/ :: urethra
urgência {f} :: urgency
urgência {f} :: emergency
urgência {f} :: immediacy
urgente {adj} /uɾ.ˈʒẽ.tɨ/ :: urgent (requiring immediate attention)
urgentemente {adv} :: urgently
urgindo {v} :: gerund of urgir
urgir {vi} :: to be urgent, pressing
urgir {vt} :: to act urgently, in a hurry
Urias {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Uriah (any of several Old Testament characters)
urim e tumim {m} [as a common noun] :: alternative form of Urim e Tumim
Urim e Tumim {prop} {m} :: Urim and Thummim (sacred device used for casting lots)
urina {f} :: urine
urinação {f} [physiology] :: urination (the process of eliminating urine from the body)
urinar {vi} :: to urinate
urinário {adj} :: urinary
urinol {m} :: urinal (appliance in male restrooms mounted on a wall)
URL amigável {morf} [Internet] :: friendly URL (simple thus findable URL)
urna {f} /ˈuɾnɐ/ :: ballot box (a sealed box into which a voter puts his voting slip)
urna {f} :: urn (vessel for ashes of a deceased person)
urna {f} [by extension] :: coffin (box in which a dead person is buried)
urna {f} [archaic] :: a vase for water
uro {m} /ˈu.ɾu/ :: aurochs (Bos primigenius, an extinct European species of wild cattle)
uróboro {m} [mythological creature] :: ouroboros (a serpent, dragon or worm who eats its own tail)
urocordado {m} :: urochordate, tunicate
uróloga {f} :: feminine noun of urólogo
urologia {f} [medicine] :: urology (branch of medicine dealing with urinary tract and urogenital system)
urologista {mf} :: urologist (doctor of urology)
urólogo {m} :: urologist (doctor of urology)
uroque {m} :: aurochs (Bos primigenius, an extinct European species of wild cattle)
urra {interj} :: hurrah (expressing approval, appreciation or happiness)
urra {m} :: hurrah (a cry of hurrah!)
urrar {v} /u.ˈʁa(ɾ)/ :: to roar
urrar {v} [figuratively] :: to shout, to cry, to yell
urro {m} /ˈu.ʁu/ :: roar (of some animals)
urro {m} [figuratively] :: shout, yell, cry
ursa {f} :: feminine noun of urso; she-bear
Ursa Maior {prop} {f} [constellation] :: Ursa Major (large circumpolar constellation of the northern sky)
Ursa Menor {prop} {f} [constellation] :: Ursa Minor (a circumpolar constellation of the northern sky)
ursinho {m} :: diminutive of urso
ursinho de peluche {m} :: alternative form of ursinho de pelúcia
ursinho de pelúcia {m} :: teddy bear (a stuffed toy bear)
urso {m} /ˈuɾ.su/ :: bear
urso {m} [pejorative, colloquial] :: unsociable person, misanthrope
urso branco {m} :: alternative spelling of urso-branco
urso-branco {m} [zoology] :: polar bear (Ursus maritimus, a species of bear of the Arctic region)
urso cinzento {m} :: alternative spelling of urso-cinzento
urso-cinzento {m} :: grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis, a North-American subspecies of the brown bear)
urso-de-kodiak {m} :: alternative form of urso Kodiak
urso Kodiak {m} :: Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi, a subspecies of brown bear of North America)
urso malaio {m} :: alternative spelling of urso-malaio
urso-malaio {m} :: sun bear (Helarctos malayanus, a species of bear found in Southeast Asia)
urso-negro {m} :: black bear (Ursus americanus, a bear species of North America)
urso negro americano {m} :: American black bear (Ursus americanus, a bear species of North America)
urso negro asiático {m} :: Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus, a bear of East Asia)
urso-pardo {m} :: brown bear (Ursus arctos)
urso-pardo {m} :: grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis)
urso-polar {m} [zoology] :: polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
URSS {prop} {f} :: initialism of União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas USSR (the Soviet Union)
Úrsula {prop} {f} /ˈuʁ.su.lɐ/ :: given name
urticar {v} [rare] :: alternative form of urtigar
urticária {f} [medicine] :: urticaria (itchy, swollen, red area of the skin)
urtiga {f} :: nettle (stinging herb of genus Urtica)
urtigar {v} :: to nettle (to sting causing a rash)
Uru {prop} :: Uru (municipality)
Uruana de Minas {prop} :: Uruana de Minas (municipality)
Urubici {prop} :: Urubici (municipality)
urubiciense {mf} [demonym] /u.ɾˈẽ.si/ :: Born in or inhabitant of the Brazilian municipality of Urubici
urubiciense {adj} [demonym] :: Pertaining or related to the Brazilian municipality of Urubici
urubu {m} :: vulture in general, or New World vulture more specifically (cf. abutre)
urubu-de-cabeça-vermelha {m} :: turkey vulture (Cathartes aura, a vulture of North America)
Urucânia {prop} :: Urucânia (municipality)
urucu {m} :: alternative form of urucum
urucubaca {f} [colloquial] :: bad luck
Uruçuca {prop} :: Uruçuca (municipality)
urucueiro {m} :: alternative form of urucuzeiro
Urucuia {prop} :: Urucuia (municipality)
urucum {m} /ˌu.ɾu.ˈkũ/ :: achiote (Bixa orellana, a tropical American evergreen shrub)
urucum {m} :: achiote (seed of the achiote shrub)
urucum {m} :: achiote (orange-red dye obtained from achiote seeds)
urucuzeiro {m} :: achiote (Bixa orellana, a tropical American evergreen shrub)
Uruguai {prop} {m} /ˌu.ɾu.ˈɡwaj/ :: Uruguai (country)
Uruguai {prop} {m} :: Uruguai (river)
Uruguaiana {prop} :: Uruguaiana (municipality)
uruguaio {m} /ˌu.ɾu.ˈɡwaj.u/ :: Uruguayan (a person from Uruguay)
uruguaio {adj} :: Uruguayan (a person from Uruguay)
Uruguay {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Uruguai
uruguayo {m} :: obsolete spelling of uruguaio
uruguayo {adj} :: obsolete spelling of uruguaio
Urumchi {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Urumqi
Urumqi {prop} {f} :: Urumqi (prefecture-level city/capital)
Urupema {prop} :: Urupema (municipality)
urupemense {mf} [demonym] /u.ɾu.peˈmẽ.si/ :: Born in or inhabitant of the Brazilian municipality of Urupema
urupemense {adj} [demonym] :: Pertaining or related to the Brazilian municipality of Urupema
Urupês {prop} :: Urupês (municipality)
Urussanga {prop} :: Urussanga (municipality)
urutau {m} [zoology] /u.ɾu.ˈtaw/ :: potoo, especially the commonest species Nyctibius griseus
urze {f} /ˈuɾ.zɨ/ :: heather (plant)
urze {f} :: heather (various species of the genus Erica)
usabilidade {f} :: usability (degree to which an object or device is easy to use)
usado {adj} /uˈzaðu/ :: used
usado {adj} :: worn, worn-out
usar {v} /uˈzaɾ/ :: [de] to use; to utilise; to employ; to make use of
usar {vt} :: to sport (to wear, wield or have as a notable feature)
usar {vt} :: to use (to consume habitually)
usar {v} :: [archaic or dialectal, auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] to be used to (to have the habit of)
usável {adj} /u.ˈza.vew/ :: usable (capable of being used)
usbeque {adj} :: alternative form of uzbeque
usbeque {mf} :: alternative form of uzbeque
usbeque {prop} {m} :: alternative form of uzbeque
Usbequistão {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Uzbequistão
username {m} [computing] /ˌ(j)u.zeʁ.ˈnejm/ :: username (a person’s identification on an individual computer system)
usina {f} [Brazil] /u.ˈ :: plant (factory or industrial facility), especially a large one
usina {f} [Brazil] :: sugar mill (factory that produces sugar)
usina {f} [Brazil] :: power plant (industrial complex where electricity is produced)
usina de ideias {f} [idiomatic] :: think tank (group producing research and recommendations)
usinagem {f} :: machining
usina hidrelétrica {f} :: hydroelectric power plant
usina hidroelétrica {f} :: alternative form of usina hidrelétrica
usinável {adj} :: machinable
usitadamente {adv} :: usually
uso {m} /ˈu.zu/ :: use
uso {m} :: usage, habit
uso {m} :: wear (degradation)
usoniano {adj} [architecture, rare] :: Usonian (relating to a style of construction introduced by Frank Lloyd Wright)
USP {prop} {f} :: acronym of Universidade de São Paulo
usso {m} [archaic] /ˈ :: alternative form of urso
usso {m} [archaic] :: alternative form of uso
ustulação {f} /ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: roasting
usual {adj} /uˈzwaɫ/ :: usual (most commonly occurring)
usualmente {adv} :: usually
usuário {m} [chiefly Brazil] /ˌu.zu.ˈa.ɾi.u/ :: user (one who uses something, a consumer)
usuário {m} [chiefly Brazil] :: user (one who uses illegal drugs)
usuário {m} [computing, chiefly Brazil] :: user (person who uses a computer or a computing network)
usuário {m} [computing, chiefly Brazil] :: user account
usuário {m} [computing, chiefly Brazil] :: username (person’s identification on an individual computer system)
usucapião {mf} [legal] :: usucaption
usufruindo {v} :: gerund of usufruir
usufruir {v} :: to enjoy
usufruto {m} [legal] /u.zu.ˈfɾu.tu/ :: usufruct
usufrutuário {adj} :: usufructuary
usura {f} /u.ˈzu.ɾa/ :: usury (exorbitant rate of interest)
usura {f} [uncountable] :: usury (practice of lending money at exorbitant rates)
usura {f} :: any exploitative transaction
usurário {adj} :: usurious (relating to or involving usury)
usurário {m} :: usurer (one who loans money at exorbitant interest rates)
usureiro {m} :: usurer, loan shark (one who loans money at exorbitant interest rates)
usurpação {f} /u.zuɾ.pɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: usurpation
usurpador {m} :: usurper
usurpar {v} /u.zuɾ.ˈpaɾ/ :: to usurp
Utah {prop} {m} /ju.ˈta/ :: Utah (state)
utensílio {m} :: utensil
utensílio {m} :: tool
utensílio {m} :: implement
utente {mf} :: user (especially of a public or private service)
uterino {adj} :: uterine (of or pertaining to the uterus)
útero {m} [anatomy] :: uterus
UTI {f} :: ICU; initialism of unidade de terapia intensiva and unidade de tratamento intensivo
útil {adj} /ˈu.tiɫ/ :: helpful
útil {adj} :: useful
utilidade {f} [uncountable] /u.t͡ʃˈda.d͡ʒi/ :: usefulness (quality of being useful)
utilidade {f} :: utensil (small specialised implement)
utilidade {f} :: a use; a function
utilitário {adj} :: utilitarian
utilitarismo {m} [philosophy] :: utilitarianism (the theory of the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people")
utilização {f} /ɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: utilization, use
utilização {f} :: application
utilizado {adj} :: utilized
utilizador {m} :: user (one who uses something)
utilizador {m} [computing, chiefly Portugal] :: computer user (person who uses a computer or a computing network)
utilizar {vt} /ˈzaɾ/ :: to use, to employ, to apply
utilizável {adj} :: utilizable, usable
utilmente {adv} :: usefully (in a useful manner)
Utinga {prop} :: Utinga (municipality)
utopia {f} :: utopia
utópico {adj} /uˈtɔpiku/ :: utopian
Utrecht {prop} {f} :: Utrecht (province)
Utrecht {prop} {f} :: Utrecht (city/and/capital)
Utsunomiya {prop} {f} :: Utsunomiya (capital city)
Uttarakhand {prop} {m} [rare] :: Uttarakhand (state)
Uttar Pradesh {prop} {m} :: Uttar Pradesh (state)
uva {f} /ˈu.vɐ/ :: grape (fruit)
uva-espim {f} :: barberry (Any of the thorny shrubs of genus Berberis)
uva passa {f} :: synonym of passa
uva-passa {f} :: alternative form of uva passa
úvula {f} [anatomy] :: uvula (appendage that hangs from the palate)
uxoricida {mf} :: uxoricide (someone who kills their wife)
uxoricídio {m} :: uxoricide (the killing of one’s wife)
uygur {m} :: alternative spelling of uigur
uygur {adj} :: alternative spelling of uigur
uzbeque {adj} /uzˈbɛk(i)/ :: Uzbek (of, from or pertaining to Uzbekistan)
uzbeque {mf} :: Uzbek (person from Uzbekistan)
uzbeque {prop} {m} :: Uzbek (Turkic language spoken in Uzbekistan)
Uzbequistão {prop} {m} :: Uzbequistão (country)
uzina {f} :: obsolete spelling of usina