User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-y

-y {suffix} (forming diminutive nouns) :: ,
Ya-an {prop} (Ya'an) SEE: Ya'an ::
Ya'an {prop} (prefecture-level city in China) :: 雅安 /Yǎ'ān/
ya ba {n} :: 亞霸, 亚霸 /yàbà/, 鴨霸, 鸭霸 /yābà/
yacht {n} (slick and light ship) :: 游艇 /yóutǐng/
yachtsman {n} (man who sails a yacht) :: 帆船運動員, 帆船运动员 [sportsman], 遊艇主, 游艇主 /yóutǐngzhǔ/ [owner]
yaffingale {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffle {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffler {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yah {adv} (yes) SEE: yes ::
Yahoo! {prop} (a popular web portal) :: 雅虎! /Yǎhǔ!/, 雅虎 /Yǎhǔ/
Yahweh {prop} (personal name of God) :: 耶和華, 耶和华 /Yēhéhuá/, 雅威 /Yǎwēi/
Yahweh {prop} (Jehovah) SEE: Jehovah ::
yak {n} (ox-like mammal) :: 牦牛 /máoniú/
yaksha {n} ((Buddhism) a kind of supernatural being) :: 夜叉 /yèchā/
Yakut {prop} (language) :: 雅庫特語, 雅库特语 /Yǎkùtèyǔ/
Yakutia {prop} (region in North Asia) :: 雅庫特, 雅库特 /Yǎkùtè/, 牙庫特, 牙库特 /Yákùtè/ [historically]
Yakutsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: 雅庫茨克, 雅库茨克 /Yǎkùcíkè/
yakuza {n} (Japanese organized crime gang) :: 極道, 极道 /jídào/, 如龍, 如龙 /rúlóng/, 日本黑道 /Rìběn hēidào/
yakuza {n} (member of a Japanese organized crime gang) :: 極道, 极道 /jídào/, 如龍, 如龙 /rúlóng/
yale {n} (mythical beast) :: 耶魯 /yēlǔ/
Yale {prop} (university) :: 耶魯大學, 耶鲁大学 /Yélǔ dàxué/
Yale {prop} (romanisation scheme) :: 耶魯拼音, 耶鲁拼音 /Yélǔ pīnyīn/
y'all {pron} (plural of you) :: 你们 /nǐmen/
Yalta {prop} (city in Crimea) :: 雅爾塔, 雅尔塔 /Yǎ'ěrtǎ/
yam {n} (potato) SEE: potato ::
yam {n} (any Dioscorea vine) :: 山藥 山药 /shānyào/
yam {n} (taro) SEE: taro ::
yam {n} (sweet potato) SEE: sweet potato ::
Yama {prop} (the Hindu lord of death, who rides a buffalo) :: 閻摩, 阎摩 /Yánmó/
Yamagata {prop} (Yamagata, Japan) :: 山形 /Shānxíng/
Yamaguchi {prop} (Yamaguchi, Japan) :: 山口 /Shānkǒu/
Yamal {prop} (a large peninsula in the Russian North) :: 亞馬爾半島, 亚马尔半岛 /Yàmǎ'ěr bàndǎo/, 亞馬爾, 亚马尔 /Yàmǎ'ěr/
Yamanashi {prop} (Yamanashi, Japan) :: 山梨 /Shānlí/
Yamato {prop} (ancient name for Japan) :: 大和 /Dàhé/, /Wō/ [derogatory]
yamberry {n} (bulbil of the Chinese yam) :: 山藥豆, 山药豆 /shānyaodòu/
yam cake {n} (taro cake) SEE: taro cake ::
yamen {n} (a residence of an official of the Chinese Empire) :: 衙門, 衙门 /yámen/, 官衙 /guānyá/
Yamoussoukro {prop} (official/administrative capital of Ivory Coast) :: 亞穆蘇克羅, 亚穆苏克罗 /Yàmùsūkèluó/
Yamuna {prop} (tributary of the Ganges) :: 朱木納, 閻牟那, 亞穆納
Yan'an {prop} (prefecture-level city) :: 延安 /Yán'ān/
Yanbian {prop} (Korean autonomous prefecture in northeast China) :: 延邊, 延边 /Yánbiān/
Yanbian {prop} (county in Panzhihua, Sichuan, China) :: 鹽邊, 盐边 /Yánbiān/
Yancheng {prop} (prefecture-level city in eastern China) :: 鹽城, 盐城 /Yánchéng/
Yancheng {prop} (district in central China) :: 郾城 /Yǎnchéng/
yandere {n} (character who fits the archetype of being genuinely kind, loving, or gentle, but suddenly switching to being aggressive or deranged) :: 病嬌, 病娇 /bìngjiāo/
yang {n} (essential male principle) :: , /yáng/
Yang-chou {prop} (Yangzhou) SEE: Yangzhou ::
Yang-hsin {prop} (Yangxin) SEE: Yangxin ::
Yangi Hissar {prop} (Yengisar) SEE: Yengisar ::
Yangjiang {prop} (prefecture-level city in Guangdong) :: 陽江, 阳江 /Yángjiāng/
Yang-lo {prop} (Yangluo) SEE: Yangluo ::
Yangluo {prop} (subdistrict in central China) :: 陽邏, 阳逻 /Yángluó/
yangmei {n} (fruit) :: 楊梅, 杨梅 /yángméi/
Yangon {prop} (largest city in Myanmar) :: 仰光 /Yǎngguāng/
yangqin {n} (Chinese musical instrument) :: 揚琴, 扬琴 /yángqín/
Yang-tzŭ {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze ::
Yangtze {prop} (river) :: 長江, 长江 /Cháng Jiāng/, 揚子江, 扬子江 /Yángzǐ Jiāng/
Yangtze dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
Yangtze River dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
Yangxin {prop} (county in central China) :: 陽新, 阳新 /Huángzhōu/
Yangzhou {prop} (a prefecture-level city in eastern China) :: 揚州, 扬州 /Yángzhōu/
Yangzi {prop} (a town in central China; a residential community in central China; a village in central China) :: 洋梓 /Yángzǐ/
Yankee {n} (native or inhabitant of the USA) :: 揚基, 扬基 /Yángjī/, [derogatory] 美國佬, 美国佬 /Měiguólǎo/
Yankee {n} ((baseball) player that plays for the New York Yankees) :: 洋基 /yángjī/
Yanling {prop} (prefecture-level city in central China) :: 鄢陵 /Yānlíng/
Yanshuei {prop} (district in south Taiwan) :: 鹽水, 盐水 /Yánshuǐ/
Yanshui {prop} (Yanshuei) SEE: Yanshuei ::
Yantai {prop} (a city of China) :: 煙臺 or 煙台, 烟台 /Yāntái/
Yanukovych {prop} (Ukrainian surname) :: 亞努科維奇, 亚努科维奇 /Yànǔkēwéiqí/
Yanzi {prop} (town in central China) :: 燕子 /Yànzi/
Yao {prop} (ethnic group in China) :: 瑤族, 瑶族 /Yáozú/
yaodong {n} (earth shelter dwelling) :: 窯洞, 窑洞 /yáodòng/
Yaoundé {prop} (capital of Cameroon) :: 雅溫得, 雅温得 /Yǎwēndé/
Yap {prop} (an island in the Caroline Islands of western Micronesia) :: 雅蒲島, 雅蒲岛 /Yǎpú dǎo/
yard {n} (land around a house) :: 院子 /yuànzi/, 庭院 /tíngyuàn/
yard {n} (three feet) :: , /mǎ/
Yard {prop} (Jamaica) SEE: Jamaica ::
yardang {n} (streamlined protuberance carved from bedrock) :: 雅丹 /yǎdān/
yardlong bean {n} (Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis) :: 豆角 /dòujiǎo/
yardstick {n} (standard to which other measurements or comparisons are judged) :: 尺度 /chǐdù/, 標準, 标准 /biāozhǔn/
Yaren {prop} (largest town of Nauru) :: 亚伦
Yarkand {prop} (Yarkant) SEE: Yarkant ::
Yarkant {prop} (county in Kashgar, Xinjiang) :: 莎車, 莎车 /Shāchē/
yarmulke {n} (skullcap worn by religious Jewish males) :: 卡巴 /kǎbā/
yarn {n} (fiber strand for knitting or weaving) :: 紗線, 纱线 /shāxiàn/, , /shā/, 毛線, 毛线 /máoxiàn/
Yaroslavl {prop} (city) :: 雅羅斯拉夫爾, 雅罗斯拉夫尔 /Yǎluósīlāfū'ěr/
yarrow {n} (any of several pungent Eurasian and North American herbs, of the genus Achillea) :: /shī/
yashmak {n} (a veil worn by Muslim women) :: 面紗, 面纱 /miànshā/
Yasodhara {prop} (former wife of Gautama Buddha) :: 耶輸陀羅
yataghan {n} (type of sword) :: 彎刀, 弯刀 /wāndāo/
Yawa {prop} (township in Karakax, Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 雅瓦 /Yǎwǎ/
Yawagh {prop} (subdistrict) :: 亞瓦格, 亚瓦格 /Yàwǎgé/
yawl {n} (sailing vessel) :: 划子 /huázi/, 舢板 /shānbǎn/
yawn {v} (open the mouth and take a deep breath) :: 打哈欠 /dǎ hāqian/, 打呵欠 /dǎ hēqiàn/, 打阿老 /dǎ ālǎo/
yawn {n} (the action of yawning) :: 哈欠 /hāqian/, 呵欠 /hēqiàn/
yay {interj} :: 好哇 /hǎowā/, 萬歲, 万岁 /wànsuì/
Yay {prop} (A branch of the Tai language family, spoken by the Bouyei and Giáy people) :: 布依語, 布依语 /Bùyīyǔ/
yayan {prop} (Yayan) SEE: Yayan ::
Yayan {prop} (standard form of spoken Chinese) :: 雅言 /Yǎyán/
yeah {particle} (yes) :: 是啊 /shì a/, , /duì a/, /à/, /ǹg/
year {n} (time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun) :: /nián/, [colloquial] 年頭, 年头 /niántóu/
year {n} (a period between set dates that mark a year) :: 年度
year {n} (a level or grade at school or college) :: 年級, 年级 /niánjí/, [academic year] 學年, 学年 /xuénián/
yearbook {n} (reference book, published annually) :: 年鑑, 年鑒, 年鉴 /niánjiàn/
year-end {adj} (on the end of the year) :: 年末的 /niánmò de/, 年終亞的, 年终的 /niánzhōng de/, 年尾的 /niánwěi de/
year in, year out {adv} (during every year) :: 年復一年, 年复一年 /niánfùyīnián/, 年年 /niánnián/
yearly {adj} (happening once every year) :: 每年的 /měinián de/
yearly {adv} (once a year) :: 每年 /měinián/
yearn {v} (to have a strong desire; to long) :: 想念 /xiǎngniàn/, 思念 /sīniàn/, 盼念 /pànniàn/
yearning {n} (wistful or melancholy longing) :: 憧憬 /chōngjǐng/
yeast {n} (fungus) :: 酵母 /mainland China: jiàomǔ; Taiwan: xiàomǔ/
yeast {n} (froth used in medicine, baking and brewing) :: 酵母 /mainland China: jiàomǔ; Taiwan: xiàomǔ/
yeast {n} (cake or dried granules used to make bread dough rise) :: 酵母 /mainland China: jiàomǔ; Taiwan: xiàomǔ/
yeast extract {n} (yeast product) :: 酵母精華, 酵母精华 /jiàomǔ jīnghuá/
yeast infection {n} (candidiasis) SEE: candidiasis ::
yech {interj} (yuck) SEE: yuck ::
Yüeh-p'u-hu {prop} (Yopurga) SEE: Yopurga ::
Yehuda {prop} (male given name) SEE: Judah ::
Yekaterinburg {prop} (city in Russia) :: 葉卡捷琳堡, 叶卡捷琳堡 /Yèkǎjiélínbǎo/
Yelena {prop} (Russian female name) :: 叶莲娜 /Yèliánnà/
yell {v} (shout (verb)) :: 叫喊 /jiàohǎn/, /jiào/
yellow {adj} (having yellow as its colour) :: , /huáng/
yellow {n} (colour) :: 黃色, 黄色 /huángsè/
yellow-bellied tit {n} (Pardaliparus venustulus) :: 黄腹山雀
yellow-billed loon {n} (Gavia adamsii) :: 白嘴潜鸟
yellow card {n} (card in sports) :: 黃牌, 黄牌 /huángpái/
yellow-cheeked tit {n} (Machlolophus spilonotus) :: 黄颊山雀
yellow fever {n} (illness) :: 黃熱病, 黄热病 /huáng rèbìng/
yellowfin {n} (yellowfin tuna) SEE: yellowfin tuna ::
yellowfin tuna {n} (edible species of tuna) :: 黃鰭鮪, 黄鳍鲔 /huángqíwĕi/, 黃鰭金槍魚, 黄鳍金枪鱼 /huáng qíjīnqiāngyú/, 黃鰭鮪魚 /huángqíwĕiyú/
yellow-green {adj} (colour) :: 黃綠, 黃綠 /huánglǜ/, 黃綠色, 黄绿色 /huánglǜsè/
yellow jersey {n} (shirt worn by the leader in the Tour de France) :: 黃色領騎衫, 黄色领骑衫 /huángsè lǐng qí shān/
Yellowknife {prop} (capital of the Northwest Territories, Canada) :: 耶洛奈夫 /Yēluònàifū/, 黃刀鎮, 黄刀镇 /Huángdāo zhèn/
yellow light {n} (traffic light between the green light and the red light) :: 黃燈, 黄灯 /huángdēng/
yellow pages {n} (telephone directory that lists commercial organisations) :: 黃頁, 黄页 /huángyè/
yellow peril {n} (perceived threat from East Asia) :: 黃禍, 黄祸 /huánghuò/
yellow press {n} (newspapers which publish sensationalist articles) :: 黃色新聞, 黄色新闻 /huángsè xīnwén/, 黃色新聞學, 黄色新闻学 /huángsè xīnwénxué/
Yellow River {prop} (river of northern China) :: Classical Chinese: ; 黃河, 黄河 /Huáng Hé/
Yellow Sea {prop} (Asian sea) :: 黃海, 黄海 /Huánghǎi/
yellow tit {n} (Machlolophus holsti) :: 台湾黄山雀, 黃山雀
yellow union {n} (trade union) :: 黃色工會, 黄色工会 /huángsè gōnghuì/
Yeltsin {prop} (Russian surname) :: 葉利欽, 叶利钦 /Yèlìqīn/
Yemen {prop} (Republic of Yemen) :: 也門, 也门 /Yěmén/; [Taiwan] 葉門, 叶门 /Yèmén/
yen {n} (unit of Japanese currency) :: 日元 /rìyuán/, 日圓, 日圆 /rìyuán/, [slang] 老日 /lǎorì/
yen {n} (coin or note of one yen) :: 日圓, 日圆 /rìyuán/, 日元 /rìyuán/, [slang] 老日 /lǎorì/
Yen-an {prop} (Yan'an) SEE: Yan'an ::
Yen-ch'eng {prop} (Yancheng) SEE: Yancheng ::
Yengimehelle {prop} (town) :: 英買里, 英买里 /Yīngmǎilǐ/
Yengiostang {prop} (several townships and villages in Xinjiang) :: 英吾斯塘 /Yīngwúsītáng/
Yengisar {prop} (county in Kashgar, Xinjiang; town in Yengisar, Kashgar, Xinjiang) :: 英吉沙 /Yīngjíshā/
Yengiyer {prop} (town in Yengisar, Kashgar, Xinjiang) :: 英也爾, 英也尔 /Yīngyě'ěr/
Yenisei {prop} (river in Russia) :: 葉尼塞河, 叶尼塞河 /Yènísāi hé/
Yenshui {prop} (Yanshuei) SEE: Yanshuei ::
Yen-t'ai {prop} (Yantai) SEE: Yantai ::
yep {n} (informal "yes") :: 是啊 /shì a/, 對啊, 对啊 /duì a/, /à/, /ǹg/
Yerevan {prop} (the capital and largest city of Armenia) :: 埃里溫, 埃里温 /Āilǐwēn/ [PRC, HK], 葉里溫, 叶里温 /Yèlǐwēn/ [Taiwan]
yermulke {n} (yarmulke) SEE: yarmulke ::
yes {particle} (word used to indicate agreement or acceptance) :: /shì/, , /duì/, /à/ [colloquial], (repeating the verb/attribute used in the question to mean "yes" 你知道吗? 知道)
yes and no {phrase} (indicating there is no simple "yes" or "no" answer) :: 肯定否定 /jì kěndìng yòu fǒudìng/ [no exact equivalent exists]
Yesanguan {prop} (town in central China) :: 野三關, 野三关 /Yěsānguān/
yes man {n} (a person who always agrees with his employer or superior) :: 好好先生 /hǎohǎo xiānshēng/ ("Mister Yes-Yes"), 跟屁蟲, 跟屁虫 /gēn pì chóng/ ("fart following insect"), 應聲蟲, 应声虫 /yìngshēng chóng/ ("responding insect")
yes-no {particle} (particle used to form yes-no questions) :: , /ma/ [final]
yesterday {n} (day before today) :: 昨天 /zuótiān/, 昨日 /zuórì/
yesterday {adv} (on the day before today) :: 昨天 /zuótiān/, 昨日 /zuórì/ [literary], 昨兒, 昨儿 /zuór/, 昨兒個, 昨儿个 /zuórge/
yesterday night {n} (last night) SEE: last night ::
yet {adv} (thus far) :: /hái/, /hái/
yet {adv} (even) SEE: even ::
yeti {n} (unidentified animal) :: 雪人 /xuěrén/, 野人 /yěrén/
yew {n} (Taxus baccata) :: 歐洲紫杉, 欧洲紫杉 /Ōuzhōu zǐshān/
yew {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Taxus) :: 紅豆杉 /gōngdòushān/, 紫杉 /zǐshān/
Yeyik {prop} (township in Niya, Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 葉亦克, 叶亦克 /Yèyìkè/
YHWH {prop} (יהוה (tetragrammaton)) :: 耶和華 /yé-hé-huá/, 雅威 /yǎ-wēi/
Yi {n} (ethnic group) :: 彝族 /Yízú/
Yi {prop} (Korean surname) :: /Lǐ/
Yibin {prop} (prefecture-level city in China) :: 宜賓, 宜宾 /Yíbīn/
Yichang {prop} (a prefecture-level city in central China) :: 宜昌 /Yíchāng/
Yicheng {prop} (a county-level city and an economic and technological development zone in central China) :: 宜城 /Yíchéng/
Yiddish {prop} (language) :: 意第緒語, 意第绪语 /yìdìxùyǔ/
Yiddish {adj} (Jewish) SEE: Jewish ::
Yidu {prop} (county-level city in central China) :: 宜都 /Yídū/
yield {v} (to give way) :: 讓步, 让步 /ràngbù/
yield {v} (to give as required) :: 降服 /xiángfú/, 屈服 /qūfú/
yield {v} (to produce as return) :: 產量, 产量 /chǎnliàng/, 產生, 产生 /chǎnshēng/
yield {v} (to produce as a result) :: 得出 /déchū/
yield {n} (quantity of something produced) :: 收成 /shōuchéng/, 產量, 产量 /chǎnliàng/
yield the ghost {v} (give up the ghost) SEE: give up the ghost ::
yield up the ghost {v} (give up the ghost) SEE: give up the ghost ::
Yilan {prop} ( county in Taiwan; city in Taiwan) :: 宜蘭, 宜兰 /Yílán/
Yilan {prop} (county) :: 依蘭, 依兰 /Yīlán/
Yiling {prop} (a district in central China) :: 夷陵 /Yílíng/
Yilkiqi {prop} (township) :: 依力克其 /Yīlìkèqí/
yin {n} (essential female principle) :: , /yīn/
Yin-ch'uan {prop} (Yinchuan) SEE: Yinchuan ::
Yinchuan {prop} (a city of China) :: 銀川, 银川 /Yínchuān/
Ying-ch'eng {prop} (Yingcheng) SEE: Yingcheng ::
Yingcheng {prop} (county-level city in central China) :: 應城 /Yìngchéng/
Yingcheng {prop} (town in central China) :: 郢城 /Yǐngchéng/
Ying-chi-sha {prop} (Yengisar) SEE: Yengisar ::
Yingde {prop} (city) :: 英德 /Yīngdé/
Ying-shan {prop} (Yingshan) SEE: Yingshan ::
Yingshan {prop} (county in central China) :: 英山 /Yīngshān/
Ying-te {prop} (Yingde) SEE: Yingde ::
Yingwusitang {prop} (Yengiostang) SEE: Yengiostang ::
Yining {prop} (city in Xinjiang) :: 伊寧, 伊宁 /Yīníng/
yin-yang {n} (yin and yang) :: 陰陽, 阴阳 /yīnyáng/
yin-yang {n} (symbol) :: 太極圖, 太极图 /tàijítú/
yin-yang {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina ::
yip {n} (sound a small dog makes) :: 犬叫 /quan jiao/
Yitzchak {prop} (given name) SEE: Isaac ::
Yiwu {prop} (city in Zhejiang) :: 義烏, 义乌 /Yìwū/
Yiyuan {prop} (subdistrict in central China) :: 一元 /Yīyuán/
YMCA {n} (Young Men's Christian Association) :: 基督教青年會 /jīdùjiào qīngnián huì/
Yün-meng {prop} (Yunmeng) SEE: Yunmeng ::
Yün-nan {prop} (Yunnan) SEE: Yunnan ::
Yün-yang {prop} (Yunyang) SEE: Yunyang ::
Yün-yang {prop} (Yunyang) SEE: Yunyang ::
yoctometer {n} (yoctometre) SEE: yoctometre ::
yoctometre {n} (SI unit of length) :: 攸米 /yōumǐ/, 幺米 /yāomǐ/
Yoda {prop} (A wise old Jedi Master in the Star Wars films) :: 尤達, 尤达 /Yóudá/
yodel {n} (song) :: 約德爾 /yuēdéěr/, 約德爾唱法 /yuēdéěr chàngfǎ/
yoga {n} (Hindu discipline) :: 瑜伽 /yújiā/, 瑜伽功 /yújiāgōng/, 瑜伽術, 瑜伽术 /yújiāshù/
yogi {n} (yoga practitioner) :: 瑜伽士 /yújiāshì/
yogurt {n} (a milk-based product thickened by a bacterium-aided curdling process) :: 酸奶 /suānnǎi/, 酸牛奶 /suānniúnǎi/, 酸凝酪 /suānnínglào, suānníngluò/, 優酪乳, 优酪乳 /yōulàorǔ, yōuluòrǔ/, 發酵乳, 发酵乳 /fājiàorǔ, fāxiàorǔ/, 優格, 优格 /yōugé/
yo-ho-ho {interj} (cry associated with pirates and seafaring) :: , /yō hē hē/
yoke {n} (wooden bar) :: , /è/, 牛軛, 牛轭 /niú'è/
yoke {n} (wooden frame or bar for a person to carry a pair of buckets) SEE: carrying pole ::
yokel {n} (unsophisticated person) :: 土包子 /tǔbāozi/, 鄉巴佬, 乡巴佬 /xiāngbalǎo/
yokel {n} (person of rural background) :: 鄉下人 /tǔbāozi/, 乡下人 /xiāngxiàrén/
Yokohama {prop} (a city of Japan) :: 橫濱, 横滨 /Héngbīn/
yolk {n} (yellow of egg) :: 蛋黃, 蛋黄 /dànhuáng/
yonder {adv} (in a distant, indicated place) :: (在)那邊, (在)那边 /(zài) nàbiān/
Yong'an {prop} (city in Fujian, China) :: 永安 /Yǒng'ān/
Yongchang {prop} (a county in northwestern China) :: 永昌 /Yǒngchāng/
Yongchun {prop} (city in Fujian) :: 永春 /Yǒngchūn/
Yonglong {prop} (town in Hubei, China) :: 永漋 /Yǒnglóng/
yoni {n} :: 約尼, 约尼 /yuēní/
Yonne {prop} (départment of Bourgogne) :: 约讷省 /Yuēnèshěng/
Yopurga {prop} (county in Kashgar, Xinjiang) :: 岳普湖 /Yuèpǔhú/
Yopurgha {prop} (Yopurga) SEE: Yopurga ::
York {prop} (city in North Yorkshire) :: 約克 /Yuēkè/
Yorkshire {prop} (former large county) :: 約克郡, 约克郡 /Yuēkèjùn/
Yorkshireman {n} (A man from Yorkshire) :: 約克郡人, 约克郡人 /Yuēkèjùnrén/
Yorkshire pudding {n} (dish made from batter baked in fat) :: 約克郡布丁, 约克郡布丁 /Yuēkèjùn bùdīng/, 約克夏布丁, 约克夏布丁 /Yuēkèxià bùdīng/
Yorkshirewoman {n} (A woman from Yorkshire) :: 約克郡人, 约克郡人 /Yuēkèjùnrén/
Yoruba {prop} (a sub-Saharan language) :: 約魯巴語, 约鲁巴语 /Yāolǔbāyǔ, Yuēlǔbāyǔ/
Yoshkar-Ola {prop} (capital of Mari El, Russia) :: 約什卡爾奧拉, 约什卡尔奥拉 /Yuēshíkǎ'ěr-Àolā/
yotta- {prefix} (SI prefix) :: 堯-, 尧- /yáo-/ [mainland China], 堯它-, 尧它- /yáotā-/ [mainland China], 佑- /yòu-/ [Taiwan]
you {pron} (object pronoun: the group being addressed) :: [see subject pronouns]
you {pron} (object pronoun: the person being addressed) :: [see subject pronouns]
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the group being addressed) :: 你們, 你们 /nǐmen/
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the person being addressed) :: [familiar] /nǐ/, [formal] /nín/
you {determiner} :: , /nǐ/, , /nín/
you are welcome {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink {proverb} (you can show someone how to do something, but you can't make them do it) :: 可以地方但是無法, 可以地方但是无法 /nǐ kěyǐ bǎ mǎ qiān dào yǒu shuǐ de dìfāng, dànshì nǐ wúfǎ jiào tā hē shuǐ/ [literal, non-idiomatic]
you can say that again {phrase} (that is very true) :: 誰說不是呢, 谁说不是呢 /shéi shuō bù shì ne/, 可不是嗎, 可不是吗 /kě bù shì ma/
you can't judge a book by its cover {proverb} (it is not possible to judge things by external appearances alone) :: 人不可貌相 /bùyào yǐmàoqǔrén/
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs {proverb} (you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette) SEE: you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette ::
you don't say {interj} ((idiomatic) really? ; no kidding! ; Is that so?) :: 真的, 真的 /zhēn de ma?/, 難道..., 难道... /nándào.../ [followed by a clause, not used separately]
you get what you pay for {proverb} (quality of goods increases as the prices increases) :: 一分錢,一分貨, 一分钱,一分货 /yī fēn qián, yī fēn huò/
you have beautiful eyes {phrase} (you have beautiful eyes) :: 你的眼睛很漂亮 /nǐ de yǎnjīng hěn piàoliang/
you know {interj} (expression signifying a pause or hesitation) :: 那个 /pinyin:nèige ,zhuyin:ㄋㄟˋㄍㄜ/, 那個 /pinyin:nèige,zhuyin:ㄋㄟˋㄍㄜ/
you know what {phrase} (used to get attention) :: 你知道吗, 我要说
you-know-who {pron} (known and unmentioned person) :: 那谁 /nàshéi/, 那个人 /nàgè rén/
you-know-who {pron} :: [mainland] 神秘人 /Shén-Mì-Rén/, [Taiwan] 那個人 /Nà-Gè-Rén/
young {adj} (in the early part of life or growth) :: 年輕, 年轻 /niánqīng/
younger brother {n} (single-word translations) :: 弟弟 /dìdi/
younger sister {n} :: 妹妹 /mèimèi/
young man {n} (youth) SEE: youth ::
young pioneer {n} (child member of a Communist party) :: 少先隊員, 少先队员 /shàoxiānduìyuán/
Young's modulus {n} (coefficient of elasticity of a solid) :: 楊氏模量, 杨氏模量 /Yángshì mòliàng/
youngster {n} (a young person) :: 小孩 /xiǎohái/, 年輕人, 年轻人 /niánqīngrén/, 小伙子 /xiǎohuǒzi/
you only go around once {proverb} (a person has only one lifetime) :: 生命只有一次 /shēngmìng zhǐyǒu yīcì/
your {determiner} (belonging to you (singular; one owner)) :: 你的 /nǐ de/, 您的 /nín de/ [formal]
your {determiner} (belonging to you (plural; more owners)) :: 你們的, 你们的 /nǐmen de/
you're never too old to learn {proverb} (proverb) :: 活到老,學到老, 活到老,学到老 /huó dào lǎo, xué dào lǎo/
you're on {phrase} ("I accept your challenge") :: 好的 /hǎode/, , /lái ba/
you're right {phrase} (you're right) :: 你說得對, 你说得对 /nǐ shuō de duì/
you're welcome {phrase} (reply to thanks) :: 不客氣, 不客气 /bù kèqi/, 不用謝, 不用谢 /bùyòngxiè/, 不謝, 不谢 /bùxiè/, 沒事, 没事 /méishì/, 應該的, 应该的 /yīnggāi de/, 沒事兒, 没事儿 /méishìr/
Your Highness {pron} (a title of respect used to address a prince or princess) :: 殿下 /diànxià/
Your Honour {pron} (title used to address a judge or magistrate) :: 閣下, 阁下 /géxià/
Your Majesty {pron} (Title of respect) :: 陛下 /bìxià/, 萬歲, 万岁 /wànsuì/
your mileage may vary {phrase} (this is just my opinion, see also: there's no accounting for taste) :: 見仁見智
your mother {interj} (insult) :: 你妈
yours {pron} :: 你的 /nǐ-de/, 您的 /nín-de/ [formal]
yourself {pron} (you, used emphatically) :: 自己 /zìjǐ/
yourselves {pron} (you (referring to the people being spoken to, previously mentioned)) :: 你們自己
yours faithfully {adj} (a polite formula to end letters) :: 肅然, 肃然 /sùrán/
yours sincerely {adj} (a polite formula to end letters) :: 肅然, 肃然 /sùrán/, 謹上, 谨上 /jǐnshàng/, 鄙人 /bǐrén/, 真摯地, 真挚地 /zhēnzhì-de/
your wish is my command {phrase} (what you wish for I will effect as if it were a command) :: 有求必應, 有求必应 /yǒuqiú bìyìng/
Your Worship {pron} (title) :: 閣下, 阁下 /géxià/
you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours {proverb} (if you do me a favor then I will do you a favor) :: 互惠互利, 滴水之恩,当涌泉相报
youth {n} (quality or state of being young) :: 青春 /qīngchūn/
youth {n} (part of life following childhood) :: 芳華, 芳华 /fānghuá/, 青年時期, 青年时期 /qīngnián shíqí/, 青春 /qīngchūn/, 華年, 华年 /huánián/, 英年 /yīngnián/
youth {n} (young person) :: 青年人 /qīngniánrén/, 年輕人, 年轻人 /niánqīngrén/
youth {n} (young man) :: 青年 /qīngnián/
youth {n} (young persons, collectively) :: 青年 /qīngnián/
youth crime {n} (juvenile delinquency) SEE: juvenile delinquency ::
youth detention centre {n} (secure residential facility for young people) :: [mainland China] 少年管教所 /shàonián guǎnjiàosuǒ/, [other Chinese-speaking regions] 少年感化院 /shàonián gǎnhuàyuàn/, 少年教養所, 少年教养所 /shàonián jiàoyǎngsuǒ/, 少年拘留所 /shàonián jūliúsuǒ/
youthful {adj} (young or seeming young) :: 青春的 /qīngchūn de/, 年輕, 年轻 /niánqīng/
youth hostel {n} (an inexpensive supervised lodging place, primarily for young people) :: 青年旅舍 /qīngnián lǚshè/, 青年旅館, 青年旅馆 /qīngnián lǚguǎn/, 青旅 /qīnglǚ/
youtiao {n} (deep-fried dough stick) :: 油條, 油条 /yóutiáo/
YouTube {n} (any website that allows users to upload content) :: 在線視頻網站, 在线视频网站 /zàixiàn shìpín wǎngzhàn/
you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette {proverb} (phrase) :: 天下沒有白吃的午餐 [there is no such thing as free lunch], 有得必有失; 有失才有得 [you gain some and you lose some]
yo-yo {n} (toy) :: 溜溜球 /liūliūqiú/
ytterbium {n} (chemical element) :: /yì/
yttrium {n} (chemical element) :: /yǐ/
yuan {n} (basic unit of money in China) :: , /yuán/ [formal]; /yuán/ [less formal]; , /kuài/ [colloquial]; 人民幣, 人民币 /rénmínbì/ [Chinese currency in general]
Yuan'an {prop} (a county in central China) :: 遠安, 远安 /Yuǎn'ān/
Yuan dynasty {prop} (Chinese dynasty) :: 元朝 /Yuáncháo/, /Yuán/
Yuanli {prop} (urban township in western Taiwan) :: 苑裡, 苑里 /Yuànlǐ/
Yuan Tan {prop} (Chinese New Year) SEE: Chinese New Year ::
yuba {n} (tofu skin) SEE: tofu skin ::
Yucatán {prop} (a peninsula in North America) :: 尤卡坦半岛
Yucatán {prop} (a state in Mexico) :: 尤卡坦州
yuck {interj} (uttered to indicate disgust) :: 惡心, 恶心 /ěxin/, [strong, offensive] /pēi/, /cuì/, 哎呀 /āiyā/, /āi/, /ài/
yuck it up {v} (yuk it up) SEE: yuk it up ::
yucky {adj} (causing aversion or disgust) :: 噁心, 恶心 /ěxin/
Yue {prop} (language) :: 粵語, 粤语 /yuèyǔ/
Yuepuhu {prop} (Yopurga) SEE: Yopurga ::
yueqin {n} (Chinese stringed instrument) :: 月琴 /yuèqín/
Yuezhi {n} (ancient Indo-European people) :: 月氏 /yuèzhī/, 月支 /yuèzhī/
Yugoslavia {prop} (former country in the Balkans) :: 南斯拉夫 /Nánsīlāfū/
Yugur {n} (member of Yugur people) :: 裕固, 裕固族
yukata {n} (a light kimono) :: 浴衣 /yùyī/
yukhoe {n} (a Korean dish) :: 肉膾, 肉脍 /ròukuài/
yuk it up {v} (clown around) :: 逗乐
Yukon {prop} (territory in northern Canada which has Whitehorse as its capital) :: 育空 /Yùkōng/
Yukon Territory {prop} (Yukon) SEE: Yukon ::
yulan {n} (Magnolia denudata) :: 玉蘭, 玉兰 /yùlán/
Yule log {n} (log-shaped cake covered in chocolate) :: 聖誕樹幹蛋糕, 圣诞树干蛋糕 /shèngdàn shùgàn dàngāo/
yuletide {n} (Camellia sasanqua) SEE: sasanqua ::
Yuli {prop} (a county in Xinjiang) :: 尉犁 /Yùlí/
yum cha {n} (traditional Chinese meal) :: 飲茶, 饮茶 /yǐnchá/
yummy {adj} (delicious) :: 好吃 /hǎochī/
Yunfu {prop} (city in Guangdong, China) :: 雲浮, 云浮 /Yúnfú/
Yung-an {prop} (Yong'an) SEE: Yong'an ::
Yung-ch'un {prop} (Yongchun) SEE: Yongchun ::
Yunlin {prop} (county in western Taiwan) :: 雲林, 云林 /Yúnlín/
yunluo {n} (Chinese musical instrument) :: 雲鑼, 云锣 /yúnluó/
Yunmeng {prop} (county in central China) :: 雲夢, 云梦 /Yúnmèng/
Yunnan {prop} (a province in China) :: 雲南, 云南 /Yúnnán/
Yunxi {prop} (county in central China) :: 鄖西, 郧西 /Yúnxī/
Yunyang {prop} (district in central China) :: 鄖陽, 郧阳 /Yúnyáng/
Yunyang {prop} (county) :: 雲陽, 云阳 /Yúnyáng/
Yupogha {prop} (Yopurga) SEE: Yopurga ::
yuppie {n} (young upwardly mobile urban professional person) :: 雅皮士 /yǎpíshì/, 雅痞 /yǎpǐ/
Yurchi {prop} (Yurqi) SEE: Yurqi ::
yuri {n} (anime or manga genre) :: 百合 /bǎihé/ [mainly for romances], GL [mainly for pornography]
Yurqi {prop} (township) :: 玉爾其, 玉尔其 /Yù'ěrqí/
yurt {n} (large, round tent with vertical walls and conical roof) :: 穹廬, 穹庐 /qiónglú/, 蒙古包 /Ménggǔ bāo/, 氈帳, 毡帐 /zhānzhàng/, 氈包, 毡包 /zhānbāo/
Yushan {prop} (mythological mountain; highest mountain in Taiwan; county in eastern China; town in western China) :: 玉山 /Yùshān/
Yushan {prop} (town in central China) :: 峪山 /Yùshān/
Yutian {prop} (county in Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 于田 /Yútián/
Yutian {prop} (place in Xinjiang, China) :: 于闐, 于阗 /Yútián/
Yuxi {prop} (prefecture-level city in China) :: 玉溪 /Yùxī/
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: 南薩哈林斯克, 南萨哈林斯克 /Nán-Sàhālínsīkè/
YWCA {prop} (YWCA) :: 基督教女青年會 /jīdùjiào nǚqīngnián huì/