User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-u

u {letter} :: The 22nd letter of the Spanish alphabet
u {f} :: Name of the letter U
u {conj} :: or
U {letter} :: The 22nd letter of the Spanish alphabet
ú {conj} :: obsolete spelling of u
ü {symbol} :: The letter u with a trema
UAF {prop} {f} :: acronym of Unidad de Análisis Financiero
Uagadugú {prop} :: Uagadugú (capital city)
ualabí {m} :: wallaby
uapití {m} :: elk; wapiti
uau {interj} :: wow (exclamation of amazement)
Ubalde {prop} :: surname
Úbeda {prop} {f} :: Úbeda (town)
ubérrimo {adj} [literary] :: very fruitful, abundant, lush
ubersexual {m} :: ubersexual
ubersexual {adj} :: ubersexual
ubetense {adj} :: Of or from Úbeda
ubetense {mf} :: Someone from Úbeda
ubicable {adj} :: placeable; storable; puttable
ubicación {f} :: position; location
ubicado {adj} :: located, situated
ubicado {adj} [Latin America] :: seemly
ubicador {m} :: locator (one who, or that which, locates)
ubicador {m} :: tracer
ubicador {m} :: finder
ubicar {vt} :: to position; to place
ubicar {vt} :: to find
ubicar {vr} :: to be located
ubicar {vr} :: to position oneself
ubicar {vr} :: to behave well, seemly
ubicuidad {f} :: ubiquity
ubicuitina {f} [protein] :: ubiquitin
ubicuo {adj} :: ubiquitous
ubio {m} :: synonym of yugo
ubiquidad {f} :: ubiquitousness; ubiquity
ubiquinona {f} :: ubiquinone
ubiquitario {adj} :: ubiquitous
ubiquitina {f} [protein] :: ubiquitin
ubiquitinación {f} :: ubiquitination
ubiquitinización {f} :: ubiquitination
ubre {f} :: udder
Ucayali {prop} :: Ucayali (region)
Ucayali {prop} :: Ucayali (province)
Ucayali {prop} :: Ucayali (river)
UCD {prop} {f} :: Union of the Democratic Centre, a Spanish political party
ucedista {mf} :: Member of supporter of the Union of the Democratic Centre, a Spanish political party
ucesista {adj} :: Of, relating to, or belonging to, the Unidad Cívica Solidaridad, a Bolivian political party
ucesista {mf} :: A member, or supporter, of Unidad Cívica Solidaridad
ucevista {mf} :: A student of the Central University of Venezuela
-ucha {suffix} :: feminine noun of -ucho
uchepo {m} [Mexico] :: A tamale prepared with sweet corn, originating from the state of Michoacán
-ucho {suffix} :: Used in forming pejoratives from nouns and adjectives
uchuva {f} :: goldenberry, cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana)
UCI {f} :: ICU (intensive care unit)
-uco {suffix} [Spain, especially, Cantabria] :: Added to masculine nouns to denote a diminutive form
UCO {prop} {f} :: acronym of Unidad Central Operativa It is a specialised division of the Guardia Civil
Ucrania {prop} {f} :: Ucrania (country)
ucraniana {f} :: feminine noun of ucraniano
ucranianización {f} :: Ukrainization
ucraniano {m} :: Ukrainian person
ucraniano {m} :: Ukrainian language
ucraniano {adj} :: Ukrainian
ucranio {adj} :: Ukrainian
ucranio {m} :: (of a person) Ukrainian
ucronía {f} :: uchronia
ucronía {f} :: alternate history, alternative history
ucrónico {adj} [attributive] :: alternative history
Ud. {pron} :: abbreviation of usted
udí {adj} :: Udi
udí {mf} :: Udi
udinese {adj} :: Of or relating to Udine or the Udine people
udinese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Udine
-udo {suffix} :: A suffix appended to nouns to form adjectives (which can also be used as nouns), to indicate that someone or something has attributes such as existence or abundance, and sometimes indicates habits or attitudes, similar to English suffixes -y, -ous:
-udo {suffix} [El Salvador, Honduras] :: A suffix appended to nouns of parts of the body to derive adjectives relating to having a big example of such parts:
udómetro {m} [meteorology] :: pluviometer (instrument for measuring the amount of rainfall)
Uds. {pron} :: abbreviation of ustedes
Uds {pron} :: you (formal, plural)
UE {prop} {f} :: initialism of Unión Europea (English: EU)
Uehara {prop} {mf} :: surname
-uela {suffix} :: feminine noun of -uelo
-uelo {suffix} :: diminutive suffix for nouns
-uelo {suffix} :: emphasizes contempt for the subject
uf {interj} :: ugh, oof (expresses disgust or discomfort)
uf {interj} :: phew, whew (expresses relief)
ufanarse {v} :: to take pride in; to boast about
ufanía {f} :: pride; smugness; uppitiness
ufanismo {m} :: excessive pride, especially of one's nation
ufano {adj} :: proud, smug
ufóloga {f} :: feminine noun of ufólogo
ufología {f} :: ufology
ufólogo {m} :: ufologist
Uganda {prop} :: Uganda
ugandés {adj} :: Ugandan
ugandés {m} :: Ugandan
ugandesa {f} :: feminine noun of ugandés
ugarítico {adj} :: Ugaritic
ugetista {adj} :: Of or relating to Unión General de Trabajadores, a Spanish trade union
ugetista {mf} :: A member of Unión General de Trabajadores, a Spanish trade union
UGT {prop} {f} :: initialism of Unión General de Trabajadores a Spanish trade union
uh {interj} :: Used to express disappointment or disdain
uigur {adj} :: Uyghur
uigur {mf} :: Uyghur (member of a Turkic ethnic group of northwestern China)
uigur {m} :: Uyghur (Turkic language spoken by the Uyghur people)
ujier {mf} :: usher
ujier {mf} :: doorman; doorwoman; doorperson
ukelele {m} :: ukulele
ukelín {m} :: ukelin
ulama {f} :: A Mesoamerican game played with a rubber ball and racquet
Ulán Bator {prop} :: Ulán Bator (capital city)
úlcera {f} :: ulcer
ulceración {f} :: ulceration
ulcerar {v} :: to ulcerate
ulcerar {v} :: to fester
ulceroso {adj} :: ulcerous
ulco {m} :: fire-eyed diucon
ulexita {f} [mineral] :: ulexite
Ulises {prop} {m} :: given name
Ulises {prop} {m} :: Odysseus (in some translations of Homer's Odyssey)
Ulises {prop} {m} :: The letter U in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
ulna {f} [skeleton] :: ulna
ulnar {adj} :: ulnar
Ulrica {prop} {f} :: given name
ulsterización {f} :: Ulsterisation
ulterior {adj} :: ulterior
ulterior {adj} :: later; subsequent
ulteriormente {adv} :: subsequently
ultimación {f} :: ultimatum
última gota {f} [idiom] :: last straw (small additional burden)
últimamente {adv} :: recently, lately
ultimar {vt} :: to finalize; to complete
ultimar {vt} [South America] :: to kill
ultimátum {m} :: ultimatum
ultimísimo {adj} :: superlative of último
último {adj} :: final; last
último {adj} :: latest; most recent
ultimogénito {m} :: lastborn
último grito {m} [idiomatic] :: all the rage, the latest thing
último mono {m} [idiom] :: A nobody; a zero (an insignificant person)
último recurso {m} :: last resort
ultra- {prefix} :: ultra-
ultra {adj} :: extreme
ultra {mf} :: far-right extremist
ultra {mf} :: hooligan, hardened fan
ultrabajo {adj} :: extremely low
ultracatolicismo {m} :: ultra-Catholicism
ultracatólico {adj} :: ultra-Catholic
ultracentrífuga {f} :: ultracentrifuge
ultracentrifugadora {f} :: ultracentrifuge
ultracentrifugar {v} :: to ultracentrifuge
ultrachavista {adj} :: ultra-Chavist
ultrachic {adj} :: ultrachic
ultraconservador {adj} :: ultraconservative
ultraconservador {m} :: ultraconservative
ultraderecha {f} [politics] :: far right
ultraderechismo {m} :: far-right politics
ultraderechista {mf} :: extreme right-winger
ultradiano {adj} :: ultradian
ultraestructura {f} :: ultrastructure
ultraestructural {adj} :: ultrastructural
ultrafemenino {adj} :: really feminine
ultrafiltración {f} :: ultrafiltration
ultrafino {adj} :: really fine
ultrafino {adj} :: really thin
ultrafrío {adj} :: ultracool
ultraislámico {adj} :: ultra-Islamic
ultraísmo {m} :: ultraism (Hispanophone literary movement)
ultraísta {mf} :: A member of the poetic movement known as ultraism
ultraísta {adj} :: Of or relating to that movement
ultraizquierda {f} [politics] :: far left
ultraizquierdista {adj} :: extremely left (politically)
ultraizquierdista {mf} :: an extreme leftist
ultrajante {adj} :: insulting, offensive
ultrajar {v} :: to outrage; to insult; to offend
ultrajar {v} [Mexico, El Salvador, Venezuela] :: to rape
ultraje {m} :: outrage
ultraje {m} :: insult, offense
ultrakirchnerista {adj} :: having very strong support for Néstor Kirchner, president of Argentina from 2003 to 2007, and/or his wife Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, president of Argentina since 2007
ultrakirchnerista {mf} :: An avid supporter of Néstor Kirchner and/or his wife Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
ultralempina {f} :: feminine noun of ultralempino
ultralempino {adj} [El Salvador] :: Of or connected to C.D. Luis Ángel Firpo, a soccer team from Usulután
ultralempino {m} [El Salvador] :: Someone connected to C.D. Luis Ángel Firpo, as a fan, player, coach etc
ultraliberal {adj} :: ultraliberal
ultraliberal {mf} :: ultraliberal
ultraligero {adj} :: ultralight, microlight, superlight, lightweight
ultralujoso {adj} :: super-luxurious
ultramáfico {adj} :: ultramafic
ultramar {m} :: abroad; overseas
ultramaratón {m} :: ultramarathon
ultramarino {adj} :: overseas
ultramarino {m} [Spain, usually in the plural] :: food product, foodstuff
ultramoderno {adj} :: ultramodern
ultramonárquico {adj} :: extremely monarchical
ultramontano {adj} :: ultramontane
ultranacionalismo {m} :: ultranationalism
ultranacionalista {mf} :: ultranationalist
ultranza {f} :: extreme
ultraortodoxo {adj} :: ultra-Orthodox
ultraperiférico {adj} :: ultraperipheral
ultraportátil {m} :: netbook, subnotebook
ultrapotásico {adj} [geology] :: ultrapotassic
ultraprocesado {adj} :: ultra-processed
ultraprominente {adj} :: ultra-prominent
ultrarradical {adj} :: ultraradical
ultrarrápido {adj} :: ultrafast, superfast
ultrarrealista {adj} :: ultra-realistic
ultrarreducido {adj} :: extremely reduced
ultrarreligioso {adj} :: ultrareligious
ultrarrojo {adj} :: infrared
ultrasecreto {adj} :: top secret
ultrasensible {adj} :: ultrasensitive
ultrasimple {adj} :: ultrasimple
ultrasofisticado {adj} :: extremely sophisticated
ultrasónico {adj} :: ultrasonic
ultrasonido {m} :: ultrasound
ultrasonografía {f} [medicine] :: ultrasonography
ultraterrenal {adj} :: ultramundane, other-worldly
ultraterreno {adj} :: ultramundane, other-worldly
ultraterrestre {adj} :: outer-space
ultratrail {m} :: ultra- long running trail
ultratumba {f} :: afterlife
ultravida {f} :: afterlife; life after death
ultraviolencia {f} :: ultraviolence
ultravioleta {adj} :: ultraviolet
ulular {vi} :: to ululate
ulular {vi} :: to wail; to howl
ulular {vi} :: to hoot
ululato {m} :: wail
ululato {m} :: hoot
umami {m} :: umami
umbela {f} :: umbel
umbilicado {adj} [mycology] :: umbilicate
umbilical {adj} :: umbilical
umbra {f} :: feminine noun of umbro
umbral {m} :: doorstep; threshold; stoop
umbría {f} :: umbra, shady area
Umbría {prop} {f} :: Umbría (region)
umbrío {adj} :: shady, dark, shadowy
umbro {adj} :: Umbrian
umbro {adj} [historical] :: Umbri
umbro {m} :: Umbrian
umbro {m} [historical] :: Umbri
umbroso {adj} :: shady (having or causing shades)
umbundo {m} :: Umbundu
umpire {m} :: umpire
-un- {affix} [chemistry] :: -un-
un {adj} [before the noun] :: apocopic form of uno one
un {art} :: a
una {f} :: feminine noun of uno
una {pron} :: one (an indefinite plural pronoun using a singular feminine item, used for females)
UNA {prop} {f} :: acronym of Universidad Nacional de Agricultura
uña {f} :: claw, hoof, stinger
uña {f} :: nail, fingernail, toenail
uña de caballo {f} :: coltsfoot
una de cal y otra de arena {f} [idiomatic] :: An alternation of two opposite things, for example hot and cold, good cop bad cop, zigzag, up and down, happy one minute and sad the next
uña de gato {m} :: cat's claw
uñado {adj} [heraldry] :: hoofed, having hoofs of a different tincture
una, dole, tele, catole {phrase} :: Equivalent to eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Unai {prop} {m} :: given name
una imagen vale más que mil palabras {proverb} :: a picture is worth a thousand words
unamuniano {adj} :: Of or relating to Miguel de Unamuno, a Spanish writer and philosopher
unánime {adj} :: unanimous
unánimemente {adv} :: unanimously
unanimidad {f} :: unanimity
una porra {interj} :: no way, not a chance; over my dead body
unario {adj} :: unary
UNASUR {prop} :: Union of South American Nations
una vez más {adv} :: once again
una y otra vez {adv} [idiomatic] :: over and over; over and over again; again and again; time and again; time and time again; repeatedly
unboxing {m} [object-oriented] :: unboxing
un burro hablando de orejas {phrase} :: alternative form of el burro hablando de orejas
uncial {adj} :: uncial
uncial {f} :: uncial
unción {f} :: unction
uncir {v} :: to yoke
un clavo saca otro clavo {proverb} :: one nail drives out another
undecágono {m} :: undecagon
undecanoato {m} :: undecanoate
undécimo {adj} :: eleventh
undécimo {m} :: eleventh
underground {m} :: underground (movement)
un día de estos {adv} [idiomatic] :: one of these days, someday
un día es un día {proverb} :: what the heck; you only live once (said when making an exception to indulge in something)
un día más un día menos {proverb} :: another day, another dollar
un día sí y otro también {adv} [idiom] :: alternative form of día sí, día también
undoso {adj} :: wavy
UNED {prop} :: acronym of Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
uñeta {f} :: plectrum
unete {f} :: An Internet currency established in Spain in 2013
ungir {v} :: anoint
ungueal {adj} :: ungual
ungüento {m} :: unguent, ointment, salve
ungulado {adj} [zoology] :: ungulate
ungulado {m} [zoology] :: ungulate
un huevo {adv} [vulgar, colloquial, idiomatic] :: a shitload; fuck loads; a fuckton
un huevo y parte del otro {adv} [vulgar, colloquial, idiomatic] :: a fucking shitload; fucking loads; a motherfucking fuckton
uni- {prefix} :: uni-
uni {f} :: clipping of universidad
únicamente {adv} :: only, uniquely
unicameral {adj} [government] :: unicameral
unicameralidad {f} :: unicameralism
unicato {m} [Argentina] :: A type of government in which the president has great powers
uniceja {f} :: monobrow, unibrow
unicel {m} [Mexico] :: styrofoam
unicelular {adj} :: unicellular
unicidad {f} :: uniqueness
único {adj} :: only; single; sole
único {adj} :: unique, one-of-a-kind
único {adj} :: solitary alone, only one(s)
unicolor {adj} :: unicolor/unicolour, one-color/one-colour, monocolor/monocolour, monochromatic, monochrome
unicornio {m} :: unicorn
unidad {f} :: A unit (object, military, or measure)
unidad {f} :: unity
unidad astronómica {f} :: astronomical unit
unidimensional {adj} :: one-dimensional, unidimensional
unidimensionalmente {adv} :: unidimensionally
unidireccional {adj} :: unidirectional
unidireccionalidad {f} :: unidirectionality
unido {adj} :: united
unido {adj} :: joined, linked
unidocente {adj} :: having a single teacher
uniestamental {adj} :: united in social class
unifamiliar {adj} :: single-family
unificación {f} :: unification
unificador {adj} :: unifying
unificar {v} :: to unify
uniformado {adj} :: uniformed (wearing uniform)
uniformado {m} :: police officer
uniformar {v} :: to standardize
uniforme {adj} :: uniform, even
uniforme {m} :: uniform, dress uniform
uniformemente {adv} :: uniformly
uniformidad {f} :: uniformity
uniformismo {m} :: uniformism
uniformista {mf} :: uniformist
uniformización {f} :: standardization
uniformizador {m} :: uniformizer, steamroller (an overwhelming force that overpowers all opposition)
uniformizar {v} :: to make uniform
unigénito {adj} :: only-begotten
unilateral {adj} :: unilateral
unilateralidad {f} :: unilaterality
unilateralismo {m} :: unilateralism
unilateralista {adj} :: unilateralist
unilateralista {mf} :: unilateralist
unilateralmente {adv} :: unilaterally
unilingüe {adj} :: monolingual
unilocular {adj} :: unilocular
unimoc {m} :: military-style truck
uninacional {adj} :: one-nation
uninominal {adj} :: uninominal
unión {f} :: union
unión {f} :: binding, junction
unión {f} :: unity, togetherness
Unión {f} :: alternative form of unión
Unión Africana {prop} {f} :: African Union
unión americana {f} [slang, Mexico] :: United States of America
unión civil {f} :: civil union
unión de hecho {f} :: common-law marriage, civil union, domestic partnership (a legal relationship between a cohabiting couple which grants some or several, depending on the jurisdiction, of the rights of marriage)
Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas {prop} {f} :: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
unionense {adj} :: Of or from various places called Unión or La Unión, for example
unionense {adj} :: Of or from Unión, Paraguay
unionense {adj} :: Of or from La Unión, Murcia
unionense {adj} :: Of or from La Unión, El Salvador
unionense {mf} :: Someone from any of the above places
Unión Europea {prop} {f} :: European Union
unionismo {m} :: unionism
unionismo {m} :: trade unionism
unionista {mf} :: unionist
unión libre {f} :: common-law marriage
Unión Soviética {prop} {f} :: Soviet Union
Unión Sudafricana {prop} {f} :: Union of South Africa
uniparamétrico {adj} :: uniparametric
unipartidista {adj} :: one-party; monoparty
unipersonal {adj} :: unipersonal (comprising a single person)
unipersonal {adj} [grammar] :: impersonal (not having a subject, or having a third person pronoun without an antecedent)
unipolar {adj} :: unipolar
uniprovincial {adj} :: single-province
unir {v} :: to unite
unir {v} :: to merge, conflate
uniseriado {adj} :: uniseriate
unisex {adj} :: unisex
unisexual {adj} :: unisexual
unísono {adj} :: unison, unisonous
unísono {m} :: unison
unista {mf} [politics] :: One who desires union or unity of various political factions or nations
unitaria {f} :: feminine noun of unitario
unitariamente {adv} :: unitarily, unilaterally
unitario {adj} :: unitary; unit
unitario {m} [politics] :: one of Los Unitarios; member of the Partido Unitario, in 19th century Argentina
unitario {m} [religion] :: Unitarian (adherent of Unitarianism; Unitarian Christian; or Unitarian, member of the Unitarian Church). See also unitariano
unitario {m} [religion] :: Unitarian Universalist, see unitario universalista
unitarismo {m} :: Unitarianism
unitarismo universalista {prop} {m} :: Unitarian Universalism
unitarista {adj} :: Unitarian
universal {adj} :: universal
universalidad {f} :: universality
universalismo {m} :: universalism
universalista {mf} :: universalist
universalización {f} :: universalization
universalizar {v} :: to universalise
universalmente {adv} :: universally
universiada {f} :: university games
universidad {f} :: university
universitaria {f} :: feminine noun of universitario
universitario {adj} :: of or relating to a university
universitario {m} :: university student
universo {m} :: universe
universo paralelo {m} :: parallel universe
unívocamente {adv} :: univocally
unívoco {adj} :: univocal
uno {num} :: one
uno {determiner} :: one
uno {pron} :: one
uno que otro {pron} :: one or two (a small number)
unos {adj} :: some, a few (plural of uno)
unos {adj} :: [with a specific time] about, approximately
unos {pron} :: some, a few (plural of uno)
uñoso {adj} :: long-nailed
un poco {adv} [modifying an adjective] :: a bit, a little, kind of, slightly, somewhat, kinda
un poco {adv} [modifying a verb] :: some, a bit, a little
un poco {adv} :: a little bit, a little, a bit, some (when followed by de)
untable {adj} :: spreadable
un tanto {adv} :: slightly
untar {v} :: to anoint
untar {v} :: to bribe
untar {v} :: to smear
untuosidad {f} :: unctuousness
untuoso {adj} :: greasy, oily, unctuous
untuoso {adj} :: sticky
untuoso {adj} [deprecative] :: mellifluous, excessively kind and flattering
untura {f} :: spreading (act of spreading e.g. butter on bread)
untura {f} :: spread (margarine or the like)
ununbio {m} :: ununbium
ununoctio {m} :: ununoctium (chemical element)
ununpentio {m} :: ununpentium
ununquadio {m} :: [deprecated] flerovium (formerly ununquadium)
ununseptio {m} :: ununseptium
ununtrio {m} :: ununtrium
upar {vt} :: lift, raise
Upe {prop} {f} :: given name
ups {interj} :: oops
Upsala {prop} {f} :: Upsala (city)
UPyD {prop} {f} :: acronym of Unión Progreso y Democracia
Ur {prop} {f} [historical] :: Ur
-ura {suffix} :: attaches to adjectives to form abstract nouns
uracilo {m} [organic compound] :: uracil
uralita {f} :: fibre cement
uranilo {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: uranyl
uranio {m} :: uranium
Urano {prop} {m} :: Uranus
uranología {f} [obsolete] :: uranology
urartiana {f} :: feminine noun of urartiano
urartiano {adj} :: Urartian
urartiano {m} :: Urartian
urato {m} [organic compound] :: urate
urbanidad {f} :: politeness; urbanity
urbanismo {m} :: city planning
urbanista {mf} :: town planner
urbanísticamente {adv} :: urbanistically
urbanístico {adj} :: urban, urbanistic
urbanita {adj} :: urban
urbanita {mf} :: urban dweller
urbanizable {adj} :: Designated for building
urbanización {f} :: housing development
urbanización {f} :: housing estate
urbanización {f} :: urbanization
urbanizador {adj} :: urbanizing
urbanizador {m} :: urbanizer
urbanizadora {f} :: feminine noun of urbanizador
urbanizar {v} :: to develop [land for building houses]
urbanizar {v} :: to urbanize
urbano {adj} :: urban
urbano {adj} :: urbane
urbe {f} :: metropolis; large city
urbi et orbi {adv} :: all over the world; worldwide
urce {m} :: heather
urceolado {adj} :: urceolate
urcitano {adj} :: From Almería
urcitano {m} :: Someone from Almería
urdidor {m} :: thinker; brainchild
urdidora {f} :: feminine noun of urdidor
urdimbre {f} :: warp (of the weave)
urdimbre {f} :: scheme
urdir {v} :: to scheme
urdir {v} :: to conspire
urdir {v} :: to warp (textiles)
urdu {m} :: Urdu (the Indo-Iranian language)
urdú {m} :: alternative form of urdu
urea {f} :: urea (organic compound)
ureasa {f} [enzyme] :: urease
ureico {adj} :: ureic
uremia {f} [pathology] :: uremia
urémico {adj} :: uremic
ureñense {adj} :: Of or from Pedro María Ureña
ureñense {mf} :: Someone from Pedro María Ureña
Ures {prop} :: Ures (municipality)
uretano {m} [organic chemistry] :: urethane
uréter {m} :: ureter
ureteral {adj} :: ureteral
uretra {f} [anatomy] :: urethra
uretral {adj} :: urethral
uretritis {f} :: urethritis
urgabonense {adj} :: of or relating to the city of Arjona, Spain
urgencia {f} :: urgency
urgencia {f} :: emergency
urgente {adj} :: urgent
urgentemente {adv} :: urgently
urgentísimo {adj} :: superlative of urgento
urgir {vi} :: to be urgent, pressing
-uria {suffix} [medicine] :: -uria
urial {m} :: urial (species of wild sheep)
Uriarte {prop} :: surname
uribismo {m} :: Uribism
uribista {mf} :: A supporter of Colombian president Álvaro Uribe, his administration, or policies. A political ally or member of Uribe's administration
uribista {adj} :: Of or relating to Colombian president Álvaro Uribe, his administration, or policies
uribista {adj} :: Describing a supporter of Colombian president Álvaro Uribe, his administration, or policies, or describing a political ally or member of Uribe's administration
úrico {adj} :: uric
uridililtransferasa {f} [enzyme] :: uridylyltransferase
uridiltransferasa {f} [enzyme] :: uridyl transferase
uridina {f} [organic compound] :: uridine
urinario {adj} :: urinary
urinario {m} :: urinal
urna {f} :: urn
urna {f} :: poll; ballot box
-uro {suffix} [chemistry] :: -ide [marking the binary compound of a nonmetal]
uro- {prefix} :: uro- (relating to urine)
uro {m} :: aurochs (Bos primigenius)
urobilinógeno {m} :: urobilinogen
urobórico {adj} :: ouroboric
uróboro {m} [Egyptian mythology, Greek mythology] :: ouroboros
urocordado {m} [zoology] :: urochordate
urocultivo {m} :: urine culture
urogallo {m} :: wood grouse
urogenital {adj} :: genitourinary
uroginecóloga {f} :: urogynecologist
uroginecólogo {m} :: urogynecologist
urografía {f} [medicine] :: urography
uróloga {f} :: feminine noun of urólogo
urología {f} :: urology
urológico {adj} :: urologic, urological
urólogo {m} :: urologist
uroporfirinógeno {m} :: uroporphyrinogen
urotelio {m} :: urothelium
uroterapia {f} :: urine therapy
urraca {f} :: magpie (also called: common magpie, European magpie, Eurasian magpie) (Pica pica)
urraca de América {f} :: blue jay
úrsido {m} :: Ursid
URSS {prop} {f} :: USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Soviet Union)
Ursua {prop} :: surname
Úrsula {prop} {f} :: given name
ursulina {f} :: feminine noun of ursulino
ursulino {adj} :: Ursuline
ursulino {m} :: Ursuline
urticante {adj} :: urticant
urticaria {f} :: urticaria
úrtimo {adj} [Andalusia] :: pronunciation spelling of último
Urubamba {prop} :: Urubamba (province)
urubú {m} :: black vulture, buzzard
urucú {m} :: achiote, annatto (Bixa orellana plant, harvest, and dye)
urucum {m} :: rare form of urucú
uruguasho {adj} [Argentina, Uruguay] :: pronunciation spelling of uruguayo
Uruguay {prop} {m} :: Uruguay (country)
Uruguay {prop} {m} :: Uruguay (major river)
uruguaya {f} :: feminine noun of uruguayo
uruguayizar {v} :: to make or become Uruguayan
uruguayo {adj} :: Uruguayan
uruguayo {m} :: Uruguayan
urunday {m} :: a tree, Astronium balansae
urushiol {m} [organic chemistry] :: urushiol
Urzúa {prop} :: surname
usabilidad {f} :: usability
usable {adj} :: usable
usado {adj} :: used
usado {adj} :: worn, worn-out
usado {adj} [neologism] :: accustomed, used
usanza {f} :: usage
usanza {f} :: custom
usar {vt} :: to use
usar {vt} :: to wear
usar {vt} :: to consume
usar {vr} :: to be used
usar {vr} :: to be fashionable
usarcé {pron} [archaic, formal] :: your grace; your mercy; you
usarced {pron} [archaic, formal] :: your grace; your mercy; you
usarse {v} :: to be used
usarse {v} :: to be fashionable
-usco {suffix} :: alternative form of -sco
USECIC {prop} {f} :: acronym of Unidades de Seguridad Ciudadana de la Comandancia A rapid-response unit of the Guardia Civil, Spanish police force
usencia {pron} [archaic, formal] :: second person; your Excellency; you (singular)
usencia {pron} [archaic, formal] :: second person; your reverence; you (singular)
usencias {pron} [archaic, formal] :: plural of usencia
Ushuaia {prop} {f} :: Ushuaia
ushuaiense {adj} :: of or from Ushuaia
ushuaiense {mf} :: Someone from Ushuaia
usía {pron} [archaic, formal] :: second person; your honor; you (singular)
usías {pron} [archaic, formal] :: plural of usía
usina {f} :: plant (factory or industrial facility), especially a large one
uslero {m} [Bolivia, Chile] :: rolling pin
uso {m} :: use
uso {m} :: usage; habit
uso {m} :: wear (degradation)
uso del suelo {m} :: land use
ustacha {adj} :: Ustashe
ustacha {mf} :: Ustashe
usté {pron} :: obsolete spelling of usted
usted {pron} :: second person formal; you (singular)
usted {pron} [Colombia, chiefly Bogotá] :: second person informal; you (singular)
ustedear {v} :: to address somebody as usted
ustedeo {m} :: Use of the polite pronoun usted rather than informal pronouns
ustedes {pron} [formal in Spain, Equatorial Guinea, Philippines] :: you (plural)
ustedes {pron} [Latin America, Canary Islands, Western Andalusia] :: you (plural)
ustés {pron} :: obsolete spelling of ustedes
usual {adj} :: usual
usualmente {adv} :: usually
usuaria {f} :: feminine noun of usuario
usuario {m} :: user
usuario final {m} :: end user
usucapión {f} :: usucaption
usucapir {vt} :: to acquire property rights through customary use
usufructo {m} :: usufruct
usufructuar {v} :: to usufruct
usufructuaria {f} :: feminine noun of usufructuario
usufructuario {m} [law] :: beneficial owner
usuluteca {f} :: feminine noun of usuluteco
usuluteco {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Usulután Department, El Salvador
usuluteco {m} :: An inhabitant of Usulután Department, El Salvador
usura {f} :: usury
usuraria {f} :: feminine noun of usurario
usurario {adj} :: usurious
usurario {adj} :: user (of the user of an application)
usurario {m} :: user
usurera {f} :: feminine noun of usurero
usurero {m} :: usurer, loan shark (someone lending money at exorbitant rates of interest)
usurpación {f} :: usurpation
usurpador {m} :: usurper
usurpadora {f} :: feminine noun of usurpador
usurpar {vt} :: to usurp
Utah {prop} :: Utah (state)
utaheña {f} :: feminine noun of utaheño
utaheño {adj} :: Utahn
utaheño {m} :: Utahn
Utcubamba {prop} :: Utcubamba (province)
utensilio {m} :: utensil; tool; implement
uterino {adj} [anatomy] :: uterine
utero- {prefix} [anatomy] :: utero-
útero {m} :: uterus; womb
uterovaginal {adj} [anatomy] :: uterovaginal
uterovesical {adj} [anatomy] :: uterovesical
Útica {prop} {f} :: Utica (ancient Punic city)
útil {adj} :: helpful; useful
utilera {f} :: feminine noun of utilero
utilería {f} [theater, film] :: props (items placed on a stage)
utilero {m} :: kit man
utilero {m} :: roadie
utilero {m} :: props manager
utilidad {f} :: utility, usefulness
utilidad {f} [in the plural] :: profits
utilísimo {adj} :: superlative of útil
utilitario {adj} :: utilitarian
utilitarismo {m} [philosophy] :: utilitarianism
utilitarista {adj} :: utilitarian
utilitarista {mf} :: utilitarian
utilitarístico {adj} :: utilitarian
utility {m} [sports] :: utility
utilizable {adj} :: usable
utilización {f} :: utilization; use
utilizar {vt} :: to use; to make use of; to utilize
utilizarse {vr} :: To utilize
utillaje {m} :: tools, tooling, equipment
utillero {m} :: alternative form of utilero
útilmente {adv} :: usefully
utopía {f} :: utopia
utópico {adj} :: utopian
utopismo {m} :: utopism; Utopianism
utopista {adj} :: utopian
utopista {mf} :: utopian
utraquista {mf} :: Utraquist
utratecnología {f} :: ultratechnology
Utrecht {prop} {m} :: Utrecht (province)
Utrecht {prop} {m} :: Utrecht (city/and/capital)
utrera {f} :: feminine noun of utrero
utrerana {f} :: feminine noun of utrerano
utrerano {adj} :: of or from Utrera
utrerano {m} :: someone from Utrera
utrero {m} :: A young bull between three and four years old
utrículo {m} :: utricle
utual {adv} [obsolete, El Salvador] :: just now, just recently
utualito {adv} [obsolete, El Salvador] :: just now, just recently
uva {f} :: grape
uvas de la suerte {fp} :: Twelve grapes that are traditionally eaten in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries as the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve
uve {f} [Spain] :: letter: v
úvea {f} :: uvea
uve doble {f} :: letter: w
uveítis {f} :: uveitis
úvula {f} [anatomy] :: uvula
uvular {adj} :: uvular
uy {interj} :: oh, oops
uy {interj} :: alternative spelling of huy
uzbeca {f} :: feminine noun of uzbeco
uzbeka {f} :: feminine noun of uzbeko
Uzbekistán {prop} {m} :: Uzbekistan (Republic of Uzbekistan)
uzbeko {adj} :: Uzbek
uzbeko {m} :: Uzbek (person)
uzbeko {m} [uncountable] :: Uzbek (language)