User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-i

i {letter} :: letter: i
i {conj} :: and
i {conj} :: even
i {conj} :: also, too
i {conj} :: so, so that
i {conj} :: as well as
i {conj} :: Emphasizing particle
i tak dalej {phrase} :: and so on
i tyle! {phrase} :: so much for ...!
i tyle! {phrase} :: and that's that!
iberyjski {adj} :: Iberian
iberystyka {f} [humanities] :: Hispanic studies (Spanish and Portuguese studies)
ibis {m anim} :: ibis (bird)
Ibiza {prop} {f} :: Ibiza
iBook {m anim} :: iBook
-ica {suffix} :: Forms feminine nouns, especially pejoratives and augmentatives
ich {pron} :: possessive pronoun for oni or one, namely their or theirs; indeclinable
ichtiolog {m pers} :: ichthyologist
ichtiolog {f} :: female ichthyologist
ichtiologia {f} :: ichthyology
ichtiologiczny {adj} :: ichthyologic
ichtiopatologia {f} :: ichthyopathology
Iczkeria {prop} {f} :: Ichkeria
-iczny {suffix} :: forms adjectives from nouns borrowed from Latin and Greek ending in -ia
id {n} [psychoanalysis] :: id (the unconscious impulsive component of the personality in the Freudian psychoanalytic model)
Idaho {prop} {n} :: Idaho (state)
idea {f} :: idea (image of an object that is formed in the mind or recalled by the memory)
idea {f} [philosophy] :: idea (abstract archetype of a given thing, compared to which real-life examples are seen as imperfect)
idea {f} :: keynote, mission statement
idealizm {m inan} :: idealism
idealnie {adv} :: ideally
idealny {adj} :: ideal
ideał {m inan} :: ideal (a standard of excellence)
ideał {m inan} [mathematics] :: ideal
identyczność {f} :: identity, sameness
identyczność {f} [mathematics] :: identity element
identyczność {f} [mathematics] :: identity function
identyfikować {vt impf} :: to identify (to establish the identity of s.o./
identyfikować {vr impf} :: to identify o.s. (to associate oneself with some group)
identyfikowanie {n} :: verbal noun of identyfikować
ideogram {m inan} [linguistics] :: ideogram
ideolog {m pers} :: ideologue
ideologia {f} :: ideology
ideologicznie {adv} :: ideologically; in an ideological manner
ideologiczny {adj} :: ideological
idiolekt {m inan} [linguistics] :: idiolect
idiom {m inan} :: idiom (idiomatic expression)
idiom {m inan} :: idiom (artistic style)
idiom {m inan} [rare, dated] :: idiom (language or language variety)
idiomatyczny {adj} :: idiomatic
idiota {m pers} :: idiot
idiota {m pers} [medicine, obsolete] :: person with severe mental retardation
idiotoodporny {adj} [humorous] :: idiot-proof
ido {n} :: Ido
idol {m pers} :: idol (cultural icon, especially popular person)
idol {m inan} :: idol (representation of anything revered)
idolatria {f} [religion] :: idolatry (worship of idols)
idylla {f} :: An idyllic life or an environment conducive to an idyllic life
idylla {f} [poetry] :: pastoral; idyll; bucolic
ie. {noun} :: abbreviation of indoeuropejski
-iec {suffix} :: A masculine suffix
Iga {prop} {f} :: given name
igiełka {f} :: diminutive of igła
iglak {m inan} [colloquial] :: conifer (tree), pine (tree)
iglak {m inan} :: needle file
iglasty {adj} :: coniferous (of a conifer)
iglica {f} :: Any plant of the genus Erodium, particularly the redstem filaree (Erodium cicutarium)
iglica {f} :: damselfly of the genus Nehalennia
iglica {f} [architecture] :: spire
iglica {f} [geology] :: needle (sharp pinnacle of rock)
iglica {f} [firearms] :: firing pin
iglica {f} :: part of a railroad switch
iglica {f} [literary] :: needle (leaf of conifers)
iglica {f} :: needle (indicator)
iglica {f} [fishing] :: net needle
iglica {f} [obsolete] :: A hairpin or a type of brooch
igliczka {f} :: diminutive of iglica
igliwie {n} :: conifer needles
igloo {n} :: igloo (Inuit snow house)
iglu {n} :: alternative spelling of igloo
igła {f} :: needle (as used to sew)
igła {f} :: needle (as used for injections)
igła {f} :: needle (as used in record players)
igła {f} :: needle (leaf of conifers)
igła {f} [slang] :: something in mint or excellent condition
ignorancja {f} :: ignorance
ignorować {v impf} :: to ignore
ignorowanie {n} :: verbal noun of ignorować
Igor {prop} {m} :: given name
Igorek {prop} {m} :: given name
igrać {v impf} :: to toy, often with something hazardous, downplaying its dangerousness; to trifle
igrek {m inan} :: the letter Y (y); wye
igrzyska {nv} [poetic] :: games; festival
iguana {f} :: iguana
ijekawski {adj} :: Ijekavian
-ik {suffix} :: Forms diminutive nouns
ikaw. {adj} :: abbreviation of ikawski
ikawski {adj} :: Ikavian
ikebana {f} :: ikebana (art)
ikebana {f} :: ikebana vessel
ikona {f} :: icon
ikonoklasta {m pers} [historical, Christianity] :: iconoclast (one who destroys religious images or icons)
ikonoklazm {m inan} [historical, Christianity] :: iconoclasm (belief in, participation in, or sanction of destroying religious icons)
ikonostas {m inan} :: iconostasis
ikra {f} :: roe (of fish)
ikra {f} [colloquial, figurative] :: pep; spirit; zest; vigor
ilasty {adj} :: loamy
Ildefons {prop} {m} :: given name
ile {pron} :: how much, how many
ile {pron} [colloquial] :: how long
ile masz lat {phrase} [colloquial, to a single person] :: how old are you?
ilekroć {conj} :: whenever (every time that)
Iliria {prop} :: Illyria
Illinois {prop} {n} :: Illinois (state)
Illinois {prop} {n} :: Illinois (river)
iloczas {m inan} [phonetics] :: vowel length; the perceived duration of a vowel sound
iloczyn {m inan} [arithmetic] :: product (multiplication result)
iloczyn {m inan} [set theory] :: intersection
iloczyn {m inan} [algebra, category theory] :: product
iloraz {m inan} :: quotient
ilość {f} :: quantity (a fundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement)
ilustracja {f} :: illustration (picture designed to decorate)
iluzja {f} :: illusion
iluzjonista {m pers} :: illusionist
iluzjonistka {f} :: female illusionist
iluzorycznie {adv} :: illusorily; in a illusory manner
iluzoryczny {adj} :: illusory
{m inan} [geology] :: loam
{m anim} [aircraft] :: Ilyushin
Iława {prop} {f} :: Iława (town)
iłołupek {m inan} :: shale
iłowiec {m inan} [geology] :: claystone
Iłża {prop} {f} :: Iłża (town)
iłżanin {m pers} :: A male inhabitant of Iłża
iłżanka {f} :: A female inhabitant of Iłża
Iłżanka {prop} {f} :: Iłżanka (tributary)
iłżecki {adj} [relational] :: Iłża
im {conj} :: Introduces a parallel, conditional or comparative statement, placed before the thing being compared to
iMac {m anim} :: iMac
imadło {n} :: vice (US: vise)
imago {n} [entomology] :: imago
imago {n} [psychology] :: imago
imam {m pers} [Islam] :: imam (a Shi'ite Muslim leader)
imbecyl {m pers} [derogatory] :: imbecile (fool, idiot)
imbecyl {m pers} [obsolete, pathology] :: imbecile (person with limited mental capacity)
imbir {m inan} :: ginger (plant)
imbirowy {adj} :: having the taste or aroma of ginger
imbryk {m inan} :: teapot
imieniny {p} :: name day
imiennik {m pers} :: A male having the same given name as another male; namesake, namefellow
imiennik {m pers} :: A male having the same last name as another (unrelated to him) male; namesake, namefellow
imiesłów {m inan} [grammar] :: participle
imię {n} :: given name
imię {n} :: personal name
imię {n} [poetic, archaic] :: name
imię {n} [grammar] :: noun
imię chrzcielne {n} :: Christian name, baptismal name
imitacja {f} :: imitation
immanentny {adj} [literary] :: immanent (naturally part of something; inherent)
immunitet {m inan} [law] :: immunity from prosecution (e.g. diplomatic or parliamentary immunity)
immunoglobulina {f} [immunology] :: immunoglobulin
immunologia {f} :: immunology
immunopatologia {f} :: immunopathology
imperator {m pers} :: emperor (ruler of an empire)
imperatorowa {f} :: empress (of Russia)
imperatyw {m inan} :: imperative (an essential action, a must)
imperialista {m pers} :: imperialist
imperialistyczny {adj} :: imperialist
imperializm {m inan} :: imperialism
Imperium Osmańskie {prop} {m inan} :: Ottoman Empire
Imperium Rzymskie {prop} {n} :: Roman Empire
impertynencki {adj} :: impertinent (insolent, ill-mannered)
impertynencko {adv} :: impertinently; in an impertinent manner
impet {m inan} :: momentum, impetus
implant {m inan} [medicine] :: implant (anything surgically implanted in the body)
implozja {f} :: implosion
imponować {vi impf} :: to impress (affect someone favourably)
importować {v impf} :: to import
importowanie {n} :: verbal noun of importować
impotencja {f} [andrology] :: impotence (erectile dysfunction)
impotencja {f} :: impotence (powerlessness)
impresjonizm {m inan} :: impressionism
impreza {f} [obsolete] :: undertaking, venture
impreza {f} :: party (a social gathering for entertainment and fun)
improwizować {vit impf} :: to improvise, extemporize
impuls {m inan} :: impulse
imputować {vt impf} [formal] :: to impute (to attribute to a cause or source)
-ina {suffix} [obsolete] :: Appended to nouns or proper nouns (often surnames) to form nouns meaning: wife of
inaczej {pron} :: otherwise, differently
inauguracja {f} :: inauguration (act of inaugurating)
ind {m inan} :: indium (chemical element, In, atomic number 49)
Indiana {prop} {f} :: Indiana (state)
Indianin {m pers} :: Indian, member of one of the indigenous peoples of the Americas
Indianka {f} :: Indian, member of one of the indigenous peoples of the Americas
indiański {adj} :: Of or relating to the indigenous peoples of the Americas; Indian
Indie {prop} {p} :: India (the country)
indoeuropeista {m pers} :: Indo-Europeanist
indoeuropeistka {f} :: female equivalent of indoeuropeista
indoeuropeistyka {f} :: Indo-European studies
indoeuropejski {adj} :: Indo-European
indoktrynacja {f} :: indoctrination
indoktrynować {v impf} :: to indoctrinate
Indonezja {prop} {f} :: Indonezja (country)
Indonezyjczyk {m pers} :: male Indonesian
Indonezyjka {f} :: female Indonesian
indonezyjski {adj} :: Indonesian
indonezyjski {m inan} :: Indonesian (language)
indor {m anim} :: male turkey (bird)
industrialny {adj} [relational] :: industrial (of or relating to industry)
indyczek {m anim} :: diminutive of indyk
indyczka {f} :: a female turkey (bird)
indygo {n} :: indigo colour
indygo {n} :: indigo-coloured dye
indygo {adj} :: indigo
indyjski {adj} :: Of or relating to India; Indian
indyk {m inan} :: turkey (any bird belonging to the genus Meleagris)
indyk {m inan} :: male turkey (bird)
indyk {m inan} :: turkey (meat)
indywidualizm {m inan} :: individualism
indywidualny {adj} :: individual, single, self-standing (relating to a single person or thing)
indywidualny {adj} :: individual, single, personal (intended for a single person)
infekcja {f} [pathology] :: infection (process of infecting)
infiks {m inan} [linguistic morphology] :: infix
inflacja {f} :: inflation
infolinia {f} :: helpline, hotline
informacja {f} :: information
informacyjny {adj} :: informative, news-
informatyk {m pers} :: computer scientist
informatyka {f} :: computer science
informować {vt impf} :: to inform
infraczerwony {adj} :: infrared
infrastruktura {f} :: infrastructure
ingerencja {f} :: intervention, interference
Inguszetia {prop} {f} :: Ingushetia
inhalacja {f} :: inhalation
inhalator {m inan} :: inhaler
inherentny {adj} :: inherent
inhibitor {m inan} [chemistry] :: inhibitor
inicjał {m inan} [typography, calligraphy] :: initial (distinguished initial letter)
inicjały {nv} [typography] :: initials (abbreviation of a person's name)
iniekcja {f} [medicine] :: injection
iniekcja {f} [mathematics] :: injection
inkaust {m inan} [obsolete] :: ink
inkluzywny {adj} :: inclusive (including (almost) everything within its scope)
inkunabuł {m inan} :: incunabulum
innowacja {f} :: innovation
innowacyjnie {adv} :: innovatively
innowacyjność {f} :: innovativeness
innowacyjny {adj} :: innovative
innowator {m pers} :: innovator
innowierca {m pers} :: adherent of a different religion
inny {pron} :: A different one, another
innymi słowy {adv} [idiomatic] :: in other words
ino {particle} :: [regional] only, just
inochód {m inan} :: pace (lateral gait) or lateral ambling gait
insekt {m anim} :: vermin (insect)
insekt {m anim} [dated] :: insect (any arthropod of class Insecta)
inside job {m inan} [chiefly in conspiracy theories] :: inside job
inspiracja {f} :: inspiration (stimulating influence upon the intellect or emotions)
inspiracja {f} :: inspiration (suggestion)
instalacyjny {adj} :: installation
instalować {v impf} :: to install (set something up for use)
instrument {m inan} :: instrument
instrument muzyczny {m inan} [music] :: musical instrument
instrumentalista {m pers} :: instrumentalist
instrumentalistka {f} :: female instrumentalist
instytut {m inan} :: institute
insulina {f} :: insulin
insurekcja {f} [dated] :: insurrection, rebellion, uprising
insynuacja {f} :: innuendo, insinuation
insynuować {v impf} :: to insinuate
intelekt {m inan} :: intellect
intelektualizm {m inan} [philosophy] :: intellectualism (doctrine that knowledge is derived from pure reason)
intelektualizm {m inan} :: intellectualism (use or development of intellect)
intelektualizm {m inan} :: intelectual nature of something
inteligencja {f} :: intelligence
inteligencja {f} :: intelligentsia (intellectual elite of society)
inteligentniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of inteligentny
inteligentny {adj} :: intelligent
intencja {f} :: intention
intencjonalność {f} :: intentionality
intencjonalny {adj} :: intentional, deliberate
intensyfikacja {f} :: intensification
intensywny {adj} :: intensive
intercyza {f} [law] :: prenuptial agreement
interes {m inan} :: business (commercial enterprise)
interes {m inan} :: business (objective)
interes {m inan} :: business (personal matter)
interes {m inan} [dated, euphemistic] :: manhood, package (male genitalia)
interesować {vt impf} :: to interest
interesować {vr impf} :: to be interested [+ (instrumental) = in something]
interfejs {m inan} [computing] :: interface (point of interconnection between systems or subsystems)
interfejs {m inan} [computing] :: interface (connection between a user and a machine)
interfiks {m inan} [linguistic morphology] :: interfix
interlingua {f} :: Interlingua
interlingua {f} :: Latino sine Flexione
internat {m inan} :: boarding house, housing for students at a boarding school
internauta {m anim} [computing] :: netizen (Internet user)
Internet {prop} :: the Internet
internetowy {adj} [relational] :: the Internet
internista {m pers} :: internist
interpelacja {f} [politics] :: interpellation (formal political procedure)
interpunkcja {f} :: punctuation, the use of punctuation marks in text and the rules that govern it
interpunkcyjny {adj} :: related to punctuation
interwał {m inan} :: interval (distance in space or period of time)
interwał {m inan} [music] :: interval (distance in pitch of notes)
interwałowy {adj} [relational] :: interval (distance in space or period of time)
interwałowy {adj} [relational] :: interval (distance in pitch of notes)
intrada {f} [music] :: intrada
intratny {adj} :: lucrative, profitable
introligator {m pers} :: bookbinder
intryga {f} :: intrigue
intuicja {f} :: intuition
intuicyjnie {adv} :: intuitively; in an intuitive manner
intuicyjny {adj} :: intuitive
intymniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of intymny
intymny {adj} :: intimate
inwalida {m pers} :: a disabled man
inwalidka {f} :: a disabled woman
inwalidzki {adj} :: invalid (intended for use by an invalid)
inwalidztwo {n} :: disability
inwazja {f} [military] :: invasion (military action)
inwazja {f} [biology] :: invasion (spread of a new species to an area hitherto occupied by indigenous species)
inwazja {f} [medicine] :: invasion (spread of cancer cells, bacteria and such to the organism)
inwazja {f} :: invasion (entry without consent of an individual or group into an area where they are not wanted)
inwazyjny {adj} :: invasive
inwektywa {f} :: invective, vituperation, insult
inwektywny {adj} :: invective
inwencja {f} [uncountable] :: inventiveness, ingenuity, creativity
inwencja {f} [countable, music] :: invention
inwentaryzacja {f} :: stocktaking, inventory; inventory taking, inventory control
inwersja {f} :: inversion
inwestycja {f} :: investment
inżynier {m} :: engineer (person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering)
inżynieria {f} :: engineering
Iowa {prop} {f} :: Iowa (state)
IPA {prop} {f} :: the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
iPhone {m anim} :: iPhone
iPod {m anim} :: iPod
ipsacja {f} [medicine] :: masturbation
IQ {prop} {n} :: IQ
iracki {adj} :: Iraqi
Irak {prop} {m} :: Iraq
Irakijczyk {m pers} :: Iraqi (person from Iraq)
Irakijka {f} :: Iraqi (a woman from Iraq)
Iran {prop} {m} :: Iran
Iranka {f} :: a female Iranian
irań. {adj} :: abbreviation of irański
Irańczyk {m pers} :: a male Iranian
irański {adj} :: Iranian, Irani
Irena {prop} {f} :: given name
Ireneusz {prop} {m} :: given name
Irenka {prop} {f} :: given name
Irkuck {prop} {m} :: Irkuck (city)
irl. {noun} :: abbreviation of irlandzki
Irlandczyk {m pers} :: Irishman
Irlandia {prop} {f} :: Irlandia (country)
Irlandia Północna {prop} {f} :: Northern Ireland
Irlandka {f} :: Irishwoman
irlandzki {adj} :: Irish
Irmina {prop} {pl} {f} :: given name
irokeski {adj} [relational] :: Iroquois
irokez {m inan} [colloquial] :: Mohawk (hairstyle)
Irokez {m pers} :: Iroquois (male person)
Irokezka {f} :: Iroquois (female person)
ironia {f} :: irony
ironicznie {adv} :: ironically
ironiczny {adj} :: ironic
irracjonalizm {m inan} :: irrationalism
irracjonalny {adj} :: irrational
iryd {m inan} :: iridium (chemical element, Ir, atomic number 77)
iskać {vt impf} :: to delouse, to pick out lice
iskiereczka {f} :: diminutive of iskierka
iskierka {f} :: diminutive of iskra
-isko {suffix} :: forms augmentatives
-isko {suffix} :: forms nouns
iskra {f} :: spark
iskrownik {m inan} :: magneto
islam {m inan} :: Islam
islamizm {m inan} [politics] :: Islamism (Islamic fundamentalism)
islamizm {m inan} [obsolete, religion] :: Islam
islamofobia {f} :: Islamophobia
islamski {adj} :: Islamic
Islandczyk {m pers} :: Icelander (person)
Islandia {prop} {f} :: Islandia (country)
Islandka {f} :: Icelander (female person)
islandz. {adj} :: abbreviation of islandzki
islandzki {adj} :: Icelandic
islandzki {m inan} :: Icelandic (language)
istnieć {vi impf} :: to exist
istnienie {n} :: verbal noun of istnieć
istnienie {n} :: existence (the state of being, existing, or occurring)
istny {adj} :: true, quintessential
istny {pron} [Poznań] :: that, the aforementioned
istny {m pers} [Poznań, jocular] :: fiancé
istota {f} :: creature, being
istota {f} :: essence, substance
istotnie {adv} :: germanely, principally
istotnie {adv} :: significantly, considerably
istotnie {adv} :: really
istotnie {particle} :: indeed
istotność {f} :: salience, meaningfulness, significance, pertinence, pertinency
istotny {adj} :: germane, principal
istotny {adj} :: significant, considerable
istotny {adj} :: real
iście {adv} [literary, formal] :: really, truly, indeed
iść {v impf} :: to go, to walk
iść w cholerę {v impf} [idiom, colloquial] :: to go to hell, to be rendered useless
iść w cholerę {v impf} [idiom, colloquial, often, imperative] :: to go to hell, to go away, to be gone
Italia {prop} [literary] :: Italy
Italia {prop} [historic] :: Italia (One of the provinces of the Roman Empire)
italianistyka {f} [humanities] :: Italian studies
italianizm {m inan} [linguistics] :: Italianism
italski {adj} :: Italic (pertaining to a subfamily of the Indo-European language family)
itd. {phrase} :: abbreviation of i tak dalej etc.
iterb {m inan} :: ytterbium (chemical element, Yb, atomic number 70)
itp. {adv} :: etc.
itr {m inan} :: yttrium
iwa {f} :: goat willow (Salix caprea)
iwa {f} :: Any plant of the genus Iva; marsh elder
Iwa {prop} {f} :: given name
Iwan {prop} :: given name (Polish form of Ivan)
Iwana {prop} :: given name (feminine form of John)
iwanko {n} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
Iwo {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Iwona {prop} {f} :: given name
Iwonka {prop} {f} :: given name
Iworyjczyk {m pers} :: Ivorian (person)
Iworyjka {f} :: Ivorian (female person)
iworyjski {adj} :: Ivorian
Izabela {prop} {f} :: given name
-izacja {suffix} :: -ization
Izajasz {prop} {m} :: given name
Izajasz {prop} {m} :: Isaiah (A prophet, the author of the Book of Isaiah)
Izajasz {prop} {m} :: A book of the Old Testament of Bible, and of the Tanakh
izba {f} [dated] :: chamber, room
izba {f} :: chamber, house, office (governmental body)
izdebka {f} :: diminutive of izba
izdebka {f} :: cubicle, cubby, cubbyhole
izgrzyca {f} :: danthonia (any member of the genus Danthonia)
-izm {suffix} :: -ism
-izna {suffix} :: appended to an adjective to form a noun indicating a possession, state of being, or abstract quality
izobologram {noun} :: isobologram
izoleucyna {f} :: isoleucine
izomorfizm {m inan} :: isomorphism
izotop {m inan} :: isotope
izotopowy {adj} :: isotopic
-izować {suffix} :: -ize, -ise
Izrael {prop} {m} :: Izrael (country)
Izraelczyk {m pers} :: Israeli (person)
Izraelka {f} :: Israeli (female person)
izraelski {adj} :: Israeli
Izyda {prop} {f} :: Isis (Egyptian goddess)
{conj} [bookish] :: Introduces a nounal subordinate clause; that