Appendix:Sindhi Swadesh list

This is a Swadesh list of words in Sindhi, compared with definitions in English.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.


  • Siraj-ul-Haque Memon, Ghulam Ali Alanna, Qalandar Shah Lakiaree (2010) Oxford English-Sindhi Dictionary, OUP Pakistan, →ISBN
  • Parmanand, Mewaram (1910) “سنڌي”, in Sindhi-English Dictionary, Hyderabad, Sindh: The Sind Juvenile Co-operative Society


edit (207)
1I (1sg)آئون (āū̃), مان (mā̃) (dialectal, Northern Sindh)
2you (2sg)تون (tū̃)
3he, she, it (3sg)هِي () (masculine proximal), هُو () (masculine distal), هِيءَ (hīa) (feminine proximal), هُوءَ (hūa) (feminine distal)
4we (1pl)اَسِين (asī̃), اسان (asā̃), پاڻ (pāṇ)
5you (2pl)تَوِهِين (tavhī̃), توهان (tavhā̃), اوھان (avhā̃)
6they (3pl)هِي () (proximal), هُو () (distal)
7thisهِي () (masculine), هِيءَ (hīa) (feminine)
8thatهُو () (masculine), هُوءَ (hūa) (feminine)
9hereهِتي (hite)
10thereهُتي (hute)
11whoڪير (ker)
12whatڇا (chā)
13whereڪِٿي (kithe)
14whenڪَڏهَن (kaᶑhã)
15howڪِيئَن (kiã)
16notنہ (na)
17allسَڀُ (sabhu)
18manyگھَڻا (ghaṇā)
19someڪُجھِ (kujhi)
20fewٿورا (thorā)
21otherٻِيو (biyo)
22oneهِڪُ (hiku)
23twoٻہ (ɓa)
24threeٽي (te)
25fourچار (cār)
26fiveپَنجَ (panja)
27bigوَڏو (vaᶑo)
28longڊِگهو (ḍigho)
29wideڪُشادو (kuśādo), ويڪِرو (vekiro)
30thickٿُلهو (thulho)
31heavyڳَرو (ɠaro)
32smallنَنڍو (naṇḍho)
33shortنَنڍو (naṇḍho)
34narrowتَنگ (tang)
35thinسَنهو (sanho)
36womanعورت ('aurat), زال (zāl)
37man (adult male)ماڻهُو (māṇhū), مَردُ (mardu)
38man (human being)ماڻهُو (māṇhū), اِنسانُ (insānu)
39childٻارِ (ɓāri)
40wifeزال (zāl), جوءِ (joe), گهَر واري (ghar vārī), اِستَري (istarī)
41husbandمَڙس (maṛs), گهَر وارو (ghar vāro)
42motherماءُ (māu)
43fatherپيءُ (pīu)
44animalجانوَرُ (jānvaru)
45fishمَڇي (machī)
46birdپَکِي (pakhī)
47dogڪُتو (kuto)
48louseجوُنءَ (jū̃a), جوُن (jū̃)
49snakeنانگُ (nāṅgu)
50wormڪِيڙو (kīṛo)
51treeوَڻُ (vaṇu)
52forestجھَنگَل (jhaṅgal)
53stickلَٺِ (laṭhi)
54fruitميوا (mevā)
55seedٻِجُ (ɓiju)
56leafپَنُ (panu)
57rootپاڙَ (pāṛa)
58bark (of a tree)ڇوڏو (choᶑo)
59flowerگُلُ (gulu)
60grassگاھُ (gāhu)
61ropeرَسو (raso)
62skinکَلَ (khala)
63meatگوشت (gośt)
64bloodرَتُ (ratu)
65boneهَڏو (haᶑo)
66fat (noun)چَرٻِي (carɓī)
67eggآنو (āno)
68hornسڱ (siṅu)
69tailپڇ (puchu)
70featherکنڀ (khambhu)
71hairوارَ (vāra)
72headمٿو (matho)
73earڪَنَ (kana)
74eyeاکِ (akhi)
75noseنَڪُ (naku)
76mouthواتُ (vātu)
77toothڏَندَ (ᶑanda)
78tongue (organ)زَبانَ (zabāna)
79fingernailنَھُن (nahun)
80footپيرُ (peru)
81legٽَنگَ (ṭaṅga)
82kneeگوڏو (goᶑo)
83handھَٿَ (hatha)
84wingپر (paru)
85bellyپيٽُ (peṭu)
86gutsآنڊو (āṇḍo)
87neckڳِچي (ɠicī)
88backپُٺِ (puṭhi)
89breastڇاتي (chātī)
90heartدِل (dil)
91liverجِگَرُ (jigaru)
92to drinkپِيئَڻُ (pīaṇu), پِئَڻُ (piaṇu)
93to eatکَائِڻُ (khāiṇu)
94to biteچَڪ ھَڻَڻُ (cak haṇaṇu)
95to suckچُوپِڻُ (cūpaṇu), چُوسِڻُ (cūsaṇu)
96to spitٿُڪَڻُ (thukaṇu)
97to vomitاوڪَڻُ (okaṇu), اُلٽِي ڪَرڻُ (ulṭī karṇu)
98to blowڦُوڪَڻُ (phūkaṇu)
99to breatheسَاهُه کَڻڻُ (sāhu khaṇṇu)
100to laughکِلَڻُ (khilaṇu)
101to seeڏِسَڻُ (disaṇu)
102to hearٻُڌَڻُ (ɓudhaṇu)
103to knowڄَاڻَڻُ (ʄāṇaṇu)
104to thinkسوچَڻُ (socaṇu), خِيَالُ ڪَرَڻُ (xiyālu karaṇu)
105to smellسُنگهَڻُ (suṅghaṇu), سِنگهَڻُ (siṅghaṇu)
106to fearڊِڄَڻُ (ḍiʄaṇu)
107to sleepسُمهَڻُ (sumhaṇu)
108to liveجِيئَڻُ (jīaṇu)
109to dieمَرَڻُ (maraṇu)
110to killمَارَڻُ (māraṇu)
111to fightوِڙهَڻُ (viṛhaṇu)
112to huntشِڪارُ ڪَرَڻُ (śikāru karaṇu)
113to hitمَارَڻُ (māraṇu)
114to cutوَڍَڻُ (vaḍhaṇu)
115to splitچِيرَڻُ (cīraṇu), ڏَارَڻُ (ᶑāraṇu)
116to stabھَڻَڻُ (haṇaṇu)
117to scratchکَنَھَڻُ (khanahaṇu)
118to digکوٽڻُ (khoṭaṇu)
119to swimتَرَڻُ (taraṇu)
120to flyاُڏِرَڻُ (uᶑiraṇu)
121to walkهَلَڻُ (halaṇu)
122to comeاَچَڻُ (acaṇu)
123to lie (as in a bed)ليٽَڻُ (leṭaṇu)
124to sitويهَڻُ (vehaṇu)
125to standاُٿڻُ (uṭhaṇu)
126to turn (intransitive)وَرَڻُ (varaṇu)
127to fallڪِرَڻُ (giraṇu)
128to giveڏِيَڻُ (diaṇu)
129to holdجَهلَڻُ (jhalaṇu)
130to squeezeنِپُوڙَڻُ (nipūṛaṇu)
131to rubمَھٽَڻُ (mahṭaṇu)
132to washڌوئِڻُ (dhoaṇu)
133to wipeاُگھَڻُ (ughaṇu)
134to pullڇِڪَڻُ (chikaṇu)
135to pushڌِڪَڻُ (dhikaṇu)
136to throwاُڇلائِڻُ (uchlāiṇu)
137to tieٻَڌَڻُ (ɓadhaṇu)
138to sewسِبَڻُ (sibaṇu)
139to countڳَڻَڻُ (gaṇaṇu)
140to sayچوَڻُ (cavaṇu)
141to singڳائِڻُ (gāiṇu)
142to playکيڏَڻُ (kheḍaṇu)
143to floatتَرَڻُ (taraṇu)
144to flowوَھَڻُ (vahaṇu)
145to freezeڄَمَڻُ (ʄamaṇu)
146to swellسُڄَڻُ (suʄaṇu)
147sunسِجُ (siju), سُورَجُ (sūraju)
148moonچَنڊُ (canḍu)
149starتارو (tāro)
150waterپاڻي (pānī)
151rainمينھُن (mī̃hũ)
152riverنَدي (nadī)
153lakeڍَنڍَ (ḍhanḍha)
154seaسَمُنڊُ (samundu)
155saltلۇڻُ (lūṇu)
156stoneپَٿَرُ (patharu)
157sandوارِي (vārī)
158dustمِٽِي (miṭī)
159earthڌَرتِي (dhartī), زَمِينَ (zamīna)
160cloudڪَڪَرُ (kakaru)
161fogڪوهِيڙو (kohīṛo)
162skyآسمانُ (āsmānu)
163windواءُ (vāu)
164snowبَرفَ (barfa)
165iceبَرفَ (barfa)
166smokeدونھون (dū̃hõ)
167fireبَاھِه (bāhi)
168ashڇائيِ (chāī)
169to burnٻَرَڻ (ɓaraṇu)
170roadرَستو (rasto)
171mountainجَبَلُ (jabalu)
172redڳاڙھو (gāṛho)
173greenسائو (sāo)
174yellowڦِڪو (phiko)
175whiteاَڇو (acho)
176blackڪارو (kāro)
177nightراتِ (rāti)
178dayڏِينھُن (ᶑīhũ)
179yearسالُ (sālu)
180warmڪوسو (koso), گَرَمُ (garamu)
181coldٿَڌو (thadho)
182fullڀَريَل (bharyal)
183newنئون (naõ)
184oldپُراڻو (purāṇo), پوڙھو (poṛho)
185goodسُٺو (suṭho), ڀَلو (bhalo)
186badخرَابُ (xarābu), ڪِنو (kiṇo), مَٺو (maṭho)
187rottenڳَريَل (ɠaryal)
188dirtyميرو (mero)
189straightسِڌو (sidho)
190roundگولُ (golu)
191sharp (as a knife)تِکو (tikho), تيز (tez)
192dull (as a knife)مُڏو (muᶑo)
193smoothلَسو (laso)
194wetآلو (ālo)
195dryسُڪَل (sukal)
196correctصَحِيح (sahi)
197nearويجھو (vejho)
198farپَري (pare)
199rightسَڄو (saʄo)
200leftکَٻو (khaɓo)
201atتي (te)
202in۾ (mẽ)
203withسان (sā̃), گَڏ (gaᶑ)
204and۽ (a͠i)
205ifجيڪَڏَھِن (jekaᶑahin)
206becauseڇالاءِ (chālāi), اِنھِي ڪري (inhai kare)
207nameنالو (nālo)