User:Quercus solaris/Remedial stuff

Prefatory notes




What is this?

  • If built out comprehensively enough, this list would become/instantiate a list of combining forms in scientific vocabulary. Thus …
  • Redlinks herein are of 2 classes:
    • (1) oughta candidates: Some of the redlinks definitely and obviously need bluening, which will happen in due course.
    • (2) phantom alt forms to be culled later: Other redlinks are valid in terms of morphologic potential but are unrealizable because there are no real-world instances of derived terms to instantiate them. (In other words, they are accidental gaps.) Those will constitute a class of persistence of redness over time, until a time later when they can eventually be duly culled at one fell swoop. But not before then; in due season. Each one requires verification of whether any instantiations exist.
      • Some of these are being weeded out during the course of further iteration, rather than sitting around waiting for later. I recently decided that when I remove them I will use the edit summary "gap", meaning operationally that "it has been determined either not to exist or to be so rare as to lump it into that class for these purposes".
      • Also in the meantime: it is time to start using a symbol as a breadcrumb for later, regarding redlinks herein of which I take a dim view (but am not yet ready to delete).
        • That symbol for the moment shall be: ⊗
        • In contrast, as at semi-oughta, the symbol for likely prospects is: ⊕

Why do this?

  • To what extent is this list rendered superfluous by such already existing things as Category:English prefixes and Category:English suffixes, in terms of already-blue instantiations?
    • In several ways, yes, it is superfluous. But …
    • But this list still has its persistently red class of oughta candidates, and it has the checkmark links, and those are two ways in which it brings something usefully additional.
    • Regarding the use cases of this list, it is interesting that even if it serves no other purpose (such as those mentioned earlier), then …
      • It nonetheless functions as a map for me
        • (1) to systematically find/detect the existing gaps/holes in Wiktionary that need filling (oughta candidates);
        • (2) to organize a list of them as to-do items;
        • (3) to have an easy test method for confirming completion once they have all been backfilled; and
        • (4) to organize a list of stuff I have gotten done that needed doing.
    • Who knows—I might well just abandon this whole dalliance tomorrow, or I might pour dozens of hours into turning it into something that I find interesting and/or useful. When you get down to it, the reason I'm here at all is just because I find this little scratchpad avocationally, casually diverting. It's a fling, like some others as well.
      • Update on 2023-02-21: Time to tabularize? I am starting to think about a grid of semantic relations. Each affix within a cell would have its cat checkmark right next to it. On one hand, my brain keeps intermittently telling me not to bother further fleshing out this fling, because the further benefit to myself in doing so is limited; but on the other hand, my brain is answering that such a grid would be mildly interesting to me, for my own amusement. Perhaps begin building it for kicks, then see later whether I bother to finish? [Some minutes later:] Yes, a demo is given below. Thoughts in reaction so far: (1) It would be neat to have such a table, in comprehensive form (i.e., near-exhaustive form), as a fait accompli. (2) Q: Should I force myself not to build it because the time opportunity cost is not worthwhile? A: Probably; but it would add something useful that is not quite available elsewhere (i.e., lists of ISV combining forms exist elsewhere, but their semantic-relations cross-references tend to be both meager/insufficient and nontabular), and it would be somewhat entertaining to watch it take shape during construction. Meh. TBD.
How to do this (i.e., which way to iterate this)
  • Wiktionary doesn't yet know for sure which standard it would like to follow regarding the autocat categorization and thus the etymology section template parameters; there are two options that have both been used a lot.
    • A discussion in the Beer parlour in 2023-02 elicited no opinions on which method to prefer.
    • In the meantime, it is fine to create entries for prevocalic alt forms that are valid (not gaps) but aren't entered yet; but do not bother retroactively imposing either method of categorization. Thus:
      • For now the focus is on:
        • Ensuring that the cat-cat xrefs exist for all such pairs;
        • Doing some more flagging (⊗) or deleting of redlinks herein that point to prevocalic alt forms not yet entered (some will never be entered; others may possibly be entered someday);
      • If creating an entry for a prevocalic alt form that is valid (not a gap) but isn't entered yet, then the following:
        • Any derived term's etymology section that would point to it raises the following thought:
          • Because neither method of categorization is yet being retroactively imposed (i.e., upon entries that already contained either existing method), the markup should be such that that existing entry points to the new entry in a way that editors can see it, but does not change the method of categorization; thus, commentized; as for how, it seems "|en|rhizo-|alt1=rhiz-<!--[[rhiz-]]-->|-ome" is the best pattern.
  • A thought about to-do item priority. People don't need to be spoonfed every instance of the prevocalic alt forms, once they've been handed the pattern, because to backfill any given additional instance mentally is trivial. In contrast, what they do need is (1) the autocats with cross-references that spoonfeed the alt hyperlinks (to invite them to complete each such circuit in any given instance, without critical thinking) and (2) the semantic relations at both the affix entries and (to some extent) at the autocats, to spoonfeed the relational "insights" (again, to complete each such circuit in any given instance, without critical thinking). Those, too (quote-unquote "insights"), become increasingly trivial to someone who's used to (the metapattern of) reaching for them, but for many others they remain an "insight" otherwise forgone, and rest-of-sentence. I think of a quote recently run across in Starzl 1992 where he mentions a colleague who savored the design of a system that had been designed smartly by smart people to be run without effort by idiots.

Other points of exposition

  • Regarding homographic forms: Wiktionary does not use the numbered headword convention (as many other dictionaries do), whereas Wiktionary instead uses numbered "Etymology" subheadings, and thus homographs can appear here as adjacent list items with duly tailored pipe linking to the correct/appropriate link target.


  • Finish the checkmark backfill;
  • Cull the trash (now done; any isolated remnant specks will be polished out if found);
  • Caveat: Additional ctrl-h-ness has reintroduced a certain limited degree of bsness to some cat checkmarks, to be duly debullified as work progresses;
  • LabelFront: ctrl-f: "LabelFront"; ctrl-f: "([["
    • <!-- LabelFront: ctrl-f: "LabelFront"; ctrl-f: "([[" -->
  • Step through for front blue-gold;
    • [front blue-gold at whatnow]
      • Wake me up when you reach Jupiter, you little lunch-packer you.
  • Step through for reclean front type 1;
    • [reclean front type 1]
  • Step through for cat-cat xrefs;
    • [cat-cat xrefs, initial, front]
  • Then cull whatever is blueless after that point; but—
    • While doing so, mind the instances of a blue checkmark on an otherwise-all-red affair, which are interesting in their own right; as of this writing, ceco- and cnido- are examples of that class, which is a class of low-hanging fruit. What it represents is situations where bots created the category because redlinks to the forms exist. That sort of situation is satisfying to the part of me that appreciates cases where software beats humans to their own punches in a way that would seem like AI insight except that it's actually just thousand-monkey effluent. Still, it represents how machines can sometimes successfully substitute for the scarcity of attention-paying by humans.
  • Tabularize
    • (Tabularization would be helpful, for tuples of [alternative forms list (alt)] → [key semantic relations (syn, cot, ant, rel, also] → [principal meaning ± main corollary senses] → cardinal example terms, plus more, where "plus more" is a bluelink targeted like this one is)
  • Bluen the redlinks that definitely and obviously need bluening
  • Regarding the redlinks that are of the class of potentially valid but unrealized: temporarily tag them (to get stuff sorted); then eventually just delete them
  • Step through for EN-from-ISV-from-NL-from-L/G, whereas countless wikt entries for neoclassical compounds currently assert "EN-from-L/G" (reflecting a long-standing pedagogic and epistemologic weakness in the education system)
  • Step through for pron
  • Step through for H2 Translingual in addition to H2 English, whereas most of these need both but have only English so far (2022) (reflecting a long-standing pedagogic and epistemologic weakness in the education system)

List body flavor 2


Lemma form or syllable Alt form Senses Synonyms and near-synonyms Antonyms Hypernyms Hyponyms Coordinate terms See also
lem- alt- sense syn- sense ant- sense hyper- sense hypo- sense cot- sense also- sense;
abdomino- abdomin- abdomen coelo- / coel- [front blue-gold at abd-] ventri- / ventro- belly;
dorso- / dors- back;
thoraco- / ⊕thorac-•⊕ thorax; chest
antero- / anterio- front;
postero- / posterio- rear; behind;
acantho- acanth- thorny; spiny spiky; prickly; nettlesome
acaro- acar- mite arthropod > arachno- / arachn- arachnid;
spider; scorpion (coordinate as types of arachnid);
tick (coordinate as type of arachnidial parasite);
ascar- nematode (coordinate as type of parasite)
adipo- adip- bodyfat; adipose tissue; fat tissue lipo- / lip- lipid lard; blubber; suet; tallow;
ante- before; earlier; front pre- before; earlier; front post- after; later; behind peri- around; before± during± after antero- / anterio- front;
postero- / posterio- rear;
anti- ant- against counter- against pro- for; in favor of neutral; disinterested; tolerant; passive;
-mal-•✓✓✓ cheekbone malar bone, zygoma, zygomatico- cheekbone maxillofacial (jaw and face) naso- nose mala (la)
pre- before; earlier; front ante- before; earlier; front post- after; later; behind peri- around; before± during± after antero- / anterio- front;
postero- / posterio- rear;
procto- proct- anorectal GI; gastrointestinal; alimentary; ano- anus; anal;
recto- rectum; rectal;
colo- / col- colon; colonic
intestino- intestine; intestinal

List body flavor 1


A theme of coordinateness
