User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-h

Habakuk {prop} :: [rare] given name
habit {m inan} :: habit (clothing worn by monks and nuns)
hacham {m pers} [Judaism] :: hakham
haczyk {m inan} :: diminutive of hak
haczyk {m inan} :: caron, háček (diacritical mark)
haczyk {m inan} [colloquial] :: catch, hidden disadvantage in a deal
Hades {prop} {m anim} [Greek god] :: Hades (god)
Hades {prop} {m inan} [Greek mythology] :: Hades (underworld)
hadis {m inan} [Islam] :: hadith
hadron {m inan} [particle] :: hadron
haf {m inan} :: bay
hafn {m inan} :: hafnium (chemical element, Hf, atomic number 72)
haft {m inan} :: embroidery
haftować {vt impf} :: to embroider
haftować {vi impf} [slang] :: to puke; to vomit
Haga {prop} {f} :: Haga (administrative capital)
haggis {m inan} :: haggis
Hainaut {prop} {m} :: Hainaut (province)
Haitanka {f} :: Haitian (female person)
Haitańczyk {m pers} :: Haitian (person)
haitański {adj} :: Haitian
haitański {m inan} :: Haitian Creole (language)
Haiti {prop} {n} :: Haiti (country)
Haiti {prop} {n} :: Hispaniola
hajs {m inan} [colloquial] :: money
hak {m inan} :: hook
hak {m inan} [colloquial, usually plural] :: kompromat
haker {m pers} [computing] :: cracker
haker {m pers} [computing] :: hacker (expert at programming)
hakerski {adj} [computing] :: hackerish
hakerstwo {n} [computing] :: hacking (unauthorized attempts to bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network)
haki {nv} [colloquial] :: kompromat
hakodziób {m anim} :: Any bird of prey belonging to the genus Chondrohierax
hala {f} :: hall, concourse
hala {f} :: mountain meadow in the Alpine tundra, above the tree line
hala {f} :: pasture in the Tatra mountains
halabarda {f} :: halberd (weapon)
halerz {m inan} :: heller
halibut {m anim} :: halibut
Halina {prop} {f} :: given name
halit {m inan} [mineral] :: halite
halka {f} :: petticoat (undergarment)
Halka {prop} {f} :: given name
halo {interj} :: (when answering the telephone) hello
halo {n} :: halo (atmospheric phenomenon)
halo {n} :: buzz, hype
halsztuk {m inan} :: stock tie
hałas {m inan} :: noise, racket, din
hałasować {vi impf} :: to make a noise, to be loud
hałaśliwie {adv} :: noisily, loudly
hałaśliwość {f} :: loudness, noisiness
hałaśliwy {adj} :: loud, noisy, raucous
hamak {m inan} :: hammock
hamburger {m inan} :: hamburger (sandwich)
hamburgerowy {adj} [relational] :: hamburger
hamburski {adj} :: Hamburg (of, from or pertaining to Hamburg in Germany)
hamera {f} [Lesser Poland] :: storm; gale (strong wind)
Hameryka {prop} {f} [dialectal, humorous or derogatory] :: America, United States; 'Murica
hamować {vi impf} :: to brake
hamować {vt impf} :: to inhibit, restrain, curb
hamowanie {n} :: verbal noun of hamować
hamulec {m inan} :: brake (a device used to slow or stop a vehicle)
handel {m inan} :: trade (exchange)
handlarka {f} :: feminine noun of handlarz
handlarz {m pers} :: tradesman, huckster, peddler, monger
hangar {m inan} :: hangar
hangeul {m inan} :: alternative spelling of hangul
hangul {m inan} :: Hangeul (Korean phonetic script)
Hania {prop} {f} :: given name
Hanna {prop} {f} :: given name
Hanower {prop} {m} :: Hanover, Hannover
hantel {m inan} :: dumbbell (weight with two disks attached to a short bar)
hańba {f} :: disgrace, shame, dishonour
hańbić {vt impf} :: to dishonour, to disgrace, to discredit
haracz {m inan} :: extortion in the form of protection racket
harakiri {n} :: hara-kiri
harcereczka {f} :: diminutive of harcerka
harcerka {f} :: female scout
harcerz {m pers} :: scout, boy scout
hardo {adv} :: haughtily, superciliously, arrogantly
hardość {f} :: impertinence, pride
hardy {adj} :: haughty, supercilious, arrogant
hardziej {adv} :: comparative of hardo
harem {m inan} :: harem
harfa {f} :: harp
harfista {m pers} :: harpist
harfistka {f} :: female harpist
harlekin {m inan} [derogatory, literature] :: pulp romance (romance novel with little artistic value)
harmider {m inan} :: hubbub, commotion
harmider {m inan} :: racket, clamor, loud noise
harmonia {f} :: harmony
harmonia {f} :: consonance
harmonia {f} :: concertina
harmonia {f} :: accordion
harmonogram {m inan} :: schedule (time-based plan of events)
harować {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slave, to tool, to work very hard
harówa {f} :: augmentative of harówka
harówka {f} [colloquial] :: toil, drudgery, grind
harpiogłów {m anim} :: Any bat of the genus Harpiocephalus
harpun {m inan} :: harpoon
hart {m inan} :: strength, resilience, fortitude
hart ducha {m inan} [idiom] :: fortitude, resilience, persistence
hartować {vt impf} :: to temper, to harden, to indurate, to toughen, to anneal
hartować {vr impf} :: to inure, to temper
has {m inan} :: hassium
hasać {vi impf} :: to romp, gambol, frolic, caper
hasełko {n} :: diminutive of hasło
haski {adj} :: The Hague (of, from or pertaining to The Hague in the Netherlands)
hasło {n} :: password
hasło {n} :: slogan
hasło {n} :: entry, headword
haszcze {nv} [colloquial] :: brush; thicket; undergrowth
haszysz {m inan} :: hashish
hau {interj} :: woof (the sound a barking dog makes)
haubica {f} :: howitzer
hausa {m} :: Hausa (language)
haust {m inan} :: gulp, swig
Hawaje {prop} {p} :: Hawaje (state)
Hawaje {prop} {p} :: Hawaje (archipelago)
hawajski {adj} :: Hawaiian
Hawana {prop} {f} :: Hawana (capital city)
hazard {m inan} [singular only] :: gambling
hazard {m inan} [electronics] :: race condition
hazardzista {m pers} :: gambler
hazardzistka {f} :: gambler
headshot {m inan} :: A headshot: a gunshot to the head; used mainly in reference to first-person-shooter video games.
heban {m inan} :: ebony
Hebe {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Hebe
Hebe {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Hebe
hebel {m inan} :: plane, tool for smoothing the surface of wood
hebr. {noun} :: abbreviation of hebrajski
hebraizm {m inan} [linguistics] :: Hebraism
hebrajski {adj} :: Hebrew
hebrajski {m inan} :: Hebrew (language)
Hebrydy {prop} {nv} :: Hebrydy (group of islands)
hedonista {m pers} :: hedonist
hedonizm {m inan} :: hedonism (belief that pleasure or happiness is the highest good in life)
Hefajstos {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hephaestus
hegemonia {f} :: hegemony (domination, influence, or authority over another)
heheszki {fp} [slang] :: kicks-and-giggles
hej {interj} :: hi, hey (greeting)
hej {interj} :: hey (call for attention)
hej {interj} [dialectal] :: yeah, yep
hejt {m inan} [neologism, Internet] :: Hateful or spiteful comments, especially online; naysaying or harassment
hejter {m pers} [neologism, derogatory, Internet] :: Someone who engages in online harassment
hejterka {f} [neologism, derogatory, Internet] :: Someone who engages in online harassment
heks {noun} :: witch (woman with magical powers)
heks {noun} [derogatory] :: witch (unpleasant woman)
heksametr {m inan} :: hexameter
heksan {m inan} :: hexane
hektar {m} :: hectare (10000 m²)
hekto- {prefix} :: hecto-
hektolitr {m inan} :: hectoliter, hectolitre
hektopaskal {m inan} :: hectopascal
hel {m inan} :: helium
Helena {prop} {f} :: given name
helikopter {m inan} :: helicopter (aircraft)
heliocentryzm {m inan} [astronomy] :: heliocentrism
Helios {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Helios
helisa {f} :: helix
helmintoza {f} [disease] :: helminthiasis
Helsinki {prop} {nv} [plural only] :: Helsinki (capital city)
helsiński {adj} :: Helsinkian (of, from or pertaining to Helsinki in Finland)
hełm {m inan} :: helmet
hełm {m inan} [heraldry] :: helmet
hematologia {f} [medicine] :: haematology
hemoglobina {f} :: hemoglobin
hemoliza {f} :: haemolysis
henoteizm {m inan} :: Henotheism
henr {m inan} :: henry
Henryk {prop} {m} :: given name, Henry
Henryka {prop} {f} :: given name
hepatologia {f} [medicine] :: hepatology
heptan {m inan} :: heptane
hera {f} [slang] :: heroin
Hera {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Hera
Heraklit {prop} {m pers} :: Heraclitus
heraldyka {f} :: heraldry
herb {m inan} [heraldry] :: coat of arms
herb {m inan} [heraldry] :: armigerous clan; cf. Polish heraldry
herbaciarnia {f} :: tea room, tea shop
herbata {f} :: tea
herbatka {f} :: diminutive of herbata
herbatnik {m inan} :: biscuit, cookie
herbicyd {m inan} :: herbicide (substance used to kill plants)
herc {m inan} :: hertz
hercegbośniacki {adj} :: Herzeg-Bosnian
heretycki {adj} :: heretical
heretyk {m pers} :: heretic
herezja {f} :: heresy
hermeneutyka {f} :: hermeneutics (art and science of text interpretation)
Hermes {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hermes
hermetyczny {adj} :: hermetic (isolated, away from outside influence)
hermetyczny {adj} :: hermetically sealed, airtight
hermetyczny {adj} :: of or pertaining to hermeticism
herod-baba {f} [colloquial] :: ball-breaker, ball-buster, vixen
heroiczny {adj} :: heroic (brave and courageous)
heroiczny {adj} [literature] :: heroic
heroina {f} :: heroin
heroizm {m inan} :: heroism
herszt {m pers} :: ringleader, bellwether, chieftain
Hesja {prop} {f} :: Hesse (component state of Germany)
het. {noun} :: abbreviation of hetycki
heteroseksualista {m pers} :: heterosexual man
heteroseksualistka {f} :: heterosexual woman
heteroseksualizm {m inan} :: heterosexuality
heteroseksualnie {adv} :: heterosexually; in a heterosexual manner
heteroseksualność {f} :: heterosexuality
heteroseksualny {adj} :: heterosexual
hetman {m anim} [chess] :: queen
hetman {m pers} [historical] :: a Cossack military commander
hetman {m pers} [historical] :: Title used by the senior military commanders in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (15th to 18th century)
hetycki {adj} :: Hittite
Hetyta {m pers} :: Hittite
hiacynt {m inan} :: hyacinth (plant of the genus Hyacinthus)
hiacynt {m inan} :: hyacinth (gemstone)
hiacyntowy {adj} [relational] :: hyacinth
hibernacja {f} :: hibernation (period of inactivity of some animals during the winter)
hibernacja {f} [computing] :: hibernation (power saving mode where the contents of memory are stored on disk and the computer is completely powered down)
hidżab {m inan} :: hijab (practice of wearing a veil)
hidżab {m inan} :: hijab (veil)
hiena {f} :: hyena
hiena cmentarna {f} [idiom] :: grave robber
hiena cmentarna {f} [idiom, derogatory] :: someone who exploits the misfortune of others to his ends
hierarcha {m pers} :: high ranking member of the clergy; hierarch
hierarchia {f} :: hierarchy
hierarchini {f} [rare] :: high ranking female member of the clergy
hieroglif {m inan} :: hieroglyph
higiena {f} :: hygiene
higienicznie {adv} :: hygienically
higieniczny {adj} :: hygienic
hikikomori {n} :: hikikomori
Hildegarda {prop} {f} :: given name
Himalaje {prop} {p} :: Himalaje (mountain range)
himalajski {adj} :: Himalayan
hindi {n} :: Hindi (language)
hinduizm {m inan} :: Hinduism (religion)
Hindus {m pers} :: A man from India; Indian
Hinduska {f} :: A woman from India; Indian
hinduski {adj} :: Hindu
hinduski {adj} :: Indian (pertaining to India or its people)
Hiob {prop} {m} :: Job (biblical character)
hiperbola {f} [geometry] :: hyperbola
hiperbola {f} :: hyperbole
hiperboliczny {adj} :: hyperbolic
hiperłącze {n} [computing] :: hyperlink
hipermarket {m inan} :: hypermarket
hipermarketowy {adj} [relational] :: hypermarket
hiperon {m inan} [physics] :: hyperon
hiperonim {m inan} :: hypernym
hiperrealizm {m inan} :: hyperrealism
hipis {m pers} :: hippie
hipnoza {f} :: hypnosis
hipodrom {m inan} :: hippodrome
hipokryta {m pers} :: hypocrite
hipokrytka {f} :: female hypocrite
hipokryzja {f} :: hypocrisy
hiponim {m inan} :: hyponym
hipopotam {m anim} :: hippopotamus
hipopotami {adj} :: of or pertaining to a hippopotamus
hipoteka {f} [law] :: mortgage, lien; limited legal right to seize real estate by a creditor when the debtor defaults on the payment of a loan
hipoteza {f} [sciences] :: hypothesis (tentative conjecture in science)
hipoteza {f} :: hypothesis (assumption taken to be true)
hipster {m pers} :: hipster (person interested in the latest trends)
hipster {m pers} :: hipster (aficionado of jazz who considers himself or herself to be hip)
hipsterka {f} :: hipster (female person interested in the latest trends)
hipsterka {f} :: hipster (female aficionado of jazz who considers himself or herself to be hip)
hipsterski {adj} [relational] :: hipster
hiragana {f} :: hiragana
Hiroszima {prop} {f} :: Hiroszima (city)
histereza {f} :: hysteresis
histeryczka {f} :: female hysteric
histeryczny {adj} :: hysterical
histeryk {m pers} :: hysteric
histologia {f} [biology] :: histology
histopatologia {f} [medicine] :: histopathology
historia {f} :: history
historia {f} :: story
historyczka {f} [colloquial] :: female historian
historyczka {f} [colloquial] :: female history teacher
historyczny {adj} :: historic
historyczny {adj} :: historical
historyk {m pers} :: historian
histydyna {f} :: histidine
Hiszpan {m pers} :: Spaniard
Hiszpania {prop} {f} :: Hiszpania (country)
Hiszpanka {f} :: Spaniard (female)
hiszpański {adj} :: Spanish
hiszpański {m inan} :: Spanish (language)
hiszpańskojęzyczny {adj} :: Spanish-speaking
hiszpańskojęzyczny {adj} :: written, spoken or created in the Spanish language
hit {m inan} :: hit (a success, especially in the entertainment industry)
hitlerowiec {m pers} :: Hitlerian
hobby {n} :: hobby (activity)
hobbysta {m pers} :: hobbyist
hobbystka {f} :: female hobbyist
hochsztapler {m pers} :: grifter, mountebank
hochsztaplerka {f} :: female grifter, mountebank
hodować {vt impf} :: to breed, to rear
hodować {vt impf} :: to grow
hodowca {m pers} :: breeder (person who breeds animals)
hodowca {m pers} :: grower (person who grows plants)
hodowla {f} :: husbandry
hodowla {f} :: farm
hodowla {f} [microbiology] :: culture
hojnie {adv} :: generously
hojnie {adv} :: bountifully, bounteously
hojniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of hojny
hojność {f} :: generosity, bounty
hojny {adj} :: generous
hojny {adj} :: bountiful, bounteous
hokeista {m pers} :: hockey player
hokeistka {f} :: female hockey player
hokej {m inan} :: hockey
hokejowy {adj} :: pertaining to hockey
hokejówka {f} :: ice hockey skate
hokus-pokus {interj} :: hocus-pocus! (a phrase used as a magical incantation)
hol. {noun} :: abbreviation of holenderski
hol {m inan} :: hall, hallway
hol {m inan} :: lobby
hol {m inan} :: vestibule, anteroom
hol {m inan} :: haul, tow
Holandia {prop} {f} :: Holland
Holandia Południowa {prop} {f} :: South Holland
Holandia Północna {prop} {f} :: North Holland
holding {m inan} [business] :: holding company
Holender {m pers} :: Dutchman (Netherlander, Hollander)
Holenderka {f} :: Dutchwoman (Netherlander, Hollander)
holenderski {adj} :: Dutch (Netherlandish, Hollandish)
holm {m inan} :: holmium (chemical element, Ho, atomic number 67)
holownik {m inan} :: tugboat, towboat
hołd {m inan} :: homage
hołota {f} [derogatory] :: rabble, riffraff, mob (unruly group of people)
hołota {f} [dated] :: the poor (those who have little or no possessions or money, taken as a group)
homar {m anim} :: lobster [crustacean]
homeopatia {f} :: homeopathy
homiletyka {f} :: homiletics
homilia {f} [Christianity] :: homily, sermon
homo niewiadomo {n} [colloquial, offensive] :: a person of indeterminate sexual orientation and potentially homosexual
homofobia {f} :: homophobia
homofobicznie {adv} :: homophobically; in a homophobic manner
homofobiczny {adj} :: homophobic
homograf {m inan} :: homograph
homomorfizm {m inan} [mathematics] :: homomorphism
homonim {m inan} :: homonym (word with the same sound or spelling but different meaning)
homoseksualista {m pers} :: homosexual man
homoseksualistka {f} :: homosexual woman
homoseksualizm {m inan} :: homosexuality
homoseksualnie {adv} :: homosexually; in a homosexual manner
homoseksualność {f} :: homosexuality
homoseksualny {adj} :: homosexual
Honduranin {m pers} :: Honduran (person)
Honduranka {f} :: Honduran (female person)
Honduras {prop} {m inan} :: Honduras (country)
honduraski {adj} :: Honduran
Hongkong {prop} {m} :: Hongkong (city/island/and/special administrative region)
hongkoński {adj} :: Hongkongese, Hong Kong
Honolulu {prop} {n} :: Honolulu (city/state capital)
honor {m inan} :: honour, honor (praiseworthiness, respect)
honorarium {n} :: honorarium, emolument, fee
Honorata {prop} {f} :: given name
honownica {f} :: honing machine
Horacy {prop} {pl} {m pers} :: given name
horda {f} :: horde
hormon {m inan} :: hormone
horoskop {m inan} :: horoscope
horrendalny {adj} :: horrendous
horrendalny {adj} :: outrageous
horror {m inan} [colloquial] :: horror (something horrible; that which excites horror)
horror {m inan} [film] :: horror movie
horror {m inan} [literature] :: horror
Horus {prop} {m} :: Horus
horyzont {m inan} :: horizon
horyzont zdarzeń {m} [astrophysics] :: event horizon
hospicjum {n} [medicine] :: hospice (facility or organization offering palliative care for the terminally ill)
hospicjum {n} [archaic] :: inn, tavern
hospicjum {n} [archaic] :: pied-à-terre, homestay, lodgings for students
hospitalizować {vt impf} :: to hospitalize (admit to a hospital)
hospitalizować {vt impf} :: to treat in a hospital
hossa {f} [finance] :: boom, bull market
hossa {f} [finance] :: macroeconomic situation
hostel {m inan} :: hostel
hostia {f} :: host; communion wafer
hot dog {m inan} :: hot dog
hotel {m inan} :: hotel
hotelik {m inan} :: diminutive of hotel
hotelowy {adj} [relational] :: hotel
house {m inan} :: house, house music
hoży {adj} [literary] :: blooming, robust, brisk, buxom
HP {prop} {n} :: The Hewlett-Packard Company
hrabia {m pers} :: count (the male ruler of a county)
hrabstwo {n} :: county, shire
hreczanyk {m inan} [regional] :: bread from buckwheat flour
hreczka {f} [Kraków, Lwów, Bukovina] :: buckwheat
hrywna {f} :: hryvnia (currency of Ukraine)
huba {f} :: polypore (tree fungus)
Hubert {prop} {m} :: given name
hucpa {f} :: chutzpah (arrogant courage)
huculski {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Hutsuls
huczny {adj} :: grand, imposing, showy
huczny {adj} :: loud
hufnal {m inan} :: a large nail made from a metal rod by smithing, used to attach horseshoes and sometimes in carpentry
huj {m anim} [vulgar] :: alternative spelling of chuj
huk {m inan} :: noise, boom, bang, crash, rumble
huknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of huknąć
hulać {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to carouse; to party
hulać {vi impf} [of wind] :: to gust
hulać {vi impf} [Bukovina] :: to dance
hulajnoga {f} :: scooter
hulaka {m pers} :: reveller
hulanie {n} :: verbal noun of hulać
hultaj {m pers} :: bastard, rogue
humanista {m pers} :: humanist
humanistka {f} :: female humanist
humanistyka {f} [humanities] :: humanities
humanizm {m inan} :: humanism
humanoid {m anim} :: humanoid
humanoidalny {adj} :: humanoid
hummus {m inan} :: hummus
humor {m inan} :: humour
humor {m inan} :: mood (mental state)
humoreska {f} [literature] :: lighthearted short story
humoreska {f} [music] :: humoresque
humorysta {m pers} :: humorist (person who writes or performs humorous material)
humorysta {m pers} :: funnyman, joker
humorystka {f} :: feminine noun of humorysta; female humorist
humorystyczny {adj} :: comical, funny
humus {m inan} :: humus
humus {m inan} :: hummus
huncwot {m pers} [derogatory] :: blighter (one who behaves in an objectionable or pitiable manner)
hungarystyka {f} [humanities] :: Hungarian studies
hungaryzm {m inan} [linguistics] :: a Hungarianism, any word or phrase borrowed from Hungarian, or suggestive of Hungarian
hura {interj} :: hooray!
huragan {m inan} [meteorology] :: hurricane (wind scale for quite strong wind)
hurgot {m inan} :: alternative form of hurkot
hurkot {m inan} :: clatter (noise)
hurra {interj} :: alternative spelling of hura
hurt {m inan} :: wholesale
hurtownia {f} :: warehouse store
hurtowo {adv} :: wholesale, in bulk
hurtowy {adj} :: wholesale
hurysa {f} :: houri
husaria {f} [historical] :: Polish cavalry consisting of winged hussars
husycki {adj} :: Hussite
husyta {m pers} :: Hussite
husytka {f} :: female Hussite
husytyzm {m inan} :: Hussitism
huśtać {vt impf} :: to rock, to swing
huśtać {vr impf} :: to swing, to sway
huśtawka {f} :: swing, seesaw, teeter-totter (a hanging seat)
huta {f} :: ironworks, steelworks
huta {f} :: glassworks (a factory that produces glass)
hycel {m pers} [colloquial] :: dogcatcher, animal control officer
hycel {m pers} [colloquial] :: rascal, ne'er-do-well
Hydra {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Hydra (mythical serpent)
Hydra {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Hydra (constellation)
hydrant {m inan} :: hydrant, fire hydrant
hydrauliczny {adj} :: hydraulic
hydraulik {m pers} :: plumber
hydro- {prefix} :: hydro-
hydrobiologia {f} :: hydrobiology
hydrocefalia {f} :: hydrocephalus
hydrofitologia {f} :: hydrophytology
hydrogeologia {f} :: hydrogeology
hydroklimatologia {f} :: hydroclimatology
hydrologia {f} :: hydrology
hydrometeorologia {f} :: hydrometeorology
hydronim {m inan} :: hydronym
hydrosfera {f} :: hydrosphere
hydrostatyczny {adj} :: hydrostatic
hydrostatyka {f} :: hydrostatics, fluid statics
hydroterapia {f} [medicine] :: hydrotherapy
hymn {m inan} :: anthem
hymn {m inan} :: hymn
Hypnos {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hypnos