User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-e

-e {suffix} :: Used to form adverbs from adjectives
-e {suffix} [rare] :: Used to form nouns, usually terms for young animals
-e {suffix} :: desinence used to form dative singular and locative singular of some feminine nouns
-e {suffix} :: desinence used to form genitive singular, nominative plural, accusative plural and vocative plural of some feminine nouns
-e {suffix} :: desinence used to form vocative singular of some masculine animate nouns
-e {suffix} :: desinence used to form genitive singular, accusative singular and accusative plural of some masculine animate nouns
-e {suffix} :: desinence used to form vocative singular and locative singular of some masculine inanimate nouns
-e {suffix} :: desinence used to form genitive singular, nominative plural, accusative plural and vocative plural of some masculine inanimate nouns
é {letter} :: The ninth letter of the Czech alphabet, after e and before ě
{suffix} :: Used to form adverbs from adjectives
ě {letter} :: The tenth letter of the Czech alphabet, after é and before f
ebenové dřevo {n} :: ebony (wood)
ebonit {m} :: ebonite, vulcanite
-ec {suffix} :: Appended to nouns to form an agent noun; used only on composite nouns expressing fields of knowledge
-ec {suffix} :: Appended to a country name root to form a demonym; used generally on country names which have roots ending with -j, -l, -m, -n, -r, -v; the root is formed by dropping the -ie or -sko suffix
-ec {suffix} :: Appended to nouns to derive a specialized substantive, most often in terminology
-ec {suffix} :: Appended to adjective to form a noun describing somebody or something having the specific quality
-ec {suffix} :: Appended to a verb to form an agent noun
-ec {suffix} [dated, dialectal] :: Appended to a noun to form a diminutive
éčko {n} :: letter e
éčko {n} [colloquial] :: E, ecstasy (a particular drug)
éčko {n} [colloquial] :: euro (unit of currency)
-ečný {suffix} [chemistry] :: Added at the end of the name of an electropositive component with an oxidation number of V in a compound
Eda {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Eduard
edém {m} :: edema, oedema, dropsy (excessive accumulation of serum in tissue spaces or a body cavity)
edice {f} :: edition
Edík {prop} {m} :: given name, a pet form of Eduard
edikt {m} :: edict
Edinburgh {prop} {m} :: Edinburgh (capital city)
Edinburgh {prop} {m} :: Edinburgh (council area)
Edinburk {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Edinburgh
Edita {prop} {f} :: given name
Editka {prop} {f} :: given name
editor {m} :: editor (computer program)
editovat {v impf} :: to edit
Eduard {prop} {m} :: given name
ef {n} :: letter: f
efekt {m} :: effect (result)
efekt {m} :: effect (illusion produced by technical means)
efekt {m} :: effect (scientific phenomenon, usually named after its discoverer)
efektivita {f} :: effectiveness, effectivity, efficiency
efektivně {adv} :: effectively (in an efficient or effective manner)
efektivní {adj} :: efficient
efektivnost {f} :: efficacy (ability to produce effect)
efemérní {adj} :: ephemeral
eferentní {adj} [anatomy] :: efferent
efko {n} :: letter F/f or a thing denoted by it
Egejské moře {prop} {n} :: the Aegean Sea
egejský {adj} :: Aegean
ego {n} :: ego
ego {n} [psychoanalysis] :: ego
egoismus {m} :: egoism
egoistický {adj} :: egoistic
Egypt {prop} {m inan} :: Egypt
Egypťan {m anim} :: Egyptian (male person)
Egypťanka {f} :: female Egyptian
egyptolog {m} :: Egyptologist
egyptologie {f} :: Egyptology
egyptoložka {f} :: female Egyptologist
egyptský {adj} :: Egyptian
egyptština {f} :: Egyptian (language)
EHP {prop} :: initialism of Evropský hospodářský prostor (European Economic Area)
echo {n} :: echo (reflected sound)
echoencefalografie {f} :: echoencephalography
echokardiograf {m} :: echocardiograph
echokardiografie {f} :: echocardiography
echolálie {f} :: echolalia (echoing of words or phrases)
echolokátor {m} :: echolocator (organ that performs echolocation within an organism)
echopraxie {f} :: echopraxia (involuntary repetition of the observed movements of others)
eidam {m} :: Edam cheese
Eiffelova věž {prop} {f} :: Eiffel Tower (tower in Paris)
Eiffelovka {prop} {f} :: Eiffel Tower
einsteinium {n} :: einsteinium
einsteinovský {adj} :: Einsteinian
-ej {suffix} [inflectional suffix, common, non-standard] :: masculine nominative singular of hard adjectives
-ej {suffix} [inflectional suffix, dialect] :: feminine genitive singular of hard adjectives
-ej {suffix} [inflectional suffix, dialect] :: feminine dative singular of hard adjectives
-ej {suffix} [inflectional suffix, dialect] :: feminine locative singular of hard adjectives
ejakulace {f} :: ejaculation (ejection of semen)
ejakulát {m} :: ejaculate
ejakulovat {v} :: to ejaculate
ejhle {interj} [dated] :: lo
-ejší {suffix} :: from adjectives forms comparative adjectives
-ejší {suffix} :: from adverbs forms of-or-relating adjectives
-ek {suffix} :: forms masculine diminutive nouns
ekchymóza {f} :: ecchymosis
eklekticismus {m} :: eclecticism
eklektický {adj} :: eclectic
eklektik {m} :: eclectic
eklektismus {m} :: eclecticism
eklektus {m anim} :: eclectus parrot
eklesiastický {adj} :: ecclesiastical (of or pertaining to the church)
eklesiologie {f} :: ecclesiology
ekleziologie {f} :: ecclesiology
ekliptika {noun} [astronomy] :: ecliptic
ekolog {m} :: ecologist
ekologický {adj} :: ecologic, ecological
ekologie {f} :: ecology
ekoložka {f} :: a female ecologist
ekonom {m} :: economist
ekonom {m} :: steward, treasurer
ekonometr {m} :: econometrician
ekonometrie {f} :: econometrics
ekonomický {adj} :: economic
ekonomie {f} :: economy
ekonomie {f} :: economics
ekonomika {f} :: economy
ekosystém {m} :: ecosystem
ektoparazit {m} :: ectoparasite
ekumenický {adj} :: ecumenical
Ekvádor {prop} {m inan} :: Ekvádor (country)
Ekvádorec {m anim} :: Ecuadorian
ekvádorský {adj} :: Ecuadorian
ekvátor {m} :: equator
ekvatoriální {adj} :: equatorial
ekvilibrium {n} :: equilibrium
ekvinokce {f} :: equinox
ekvinokcium {n} :: equinox
ekvivalence {f} [logic] :: equivalence
ekvivalentní {adj} :: equivalent
ekvivokace {f} :: equivocation
ekzém {m} :: eczema
-el {suffix} :: forms nouns
el {n} :: letter: l
elán {m} :: zeal, zest
elastan {m} :: elastane
elasticky {adv} :: elastically
elastický {adj} :: elastic
elativ {m} [grammar] :: elative (in Finno-Ugric languages, one of the locative cases)
Eldorádo {prop} {n} :: El Dorado (a legendary lost city of gold)
elegance {f} :: elegance
elegantně {adv} :: gracefully
elegantní {adj} :: elegant, graceful
elegie {f} :: elegy (mournful or plaintive poem or song)
elektivní {adj} :: elective
elektorát {m} :: electorate
Elektra {prop} {f} :: Electra (mythical woman)
elektrárna {f} :: power station
elektrická kytara {f} :: electric guitar (guitar which requires electronic amplification)
elektrické inženýrství {n} :: electrical engineering
elektrický {adj} :: electric, electrical
elektrický potenciál {m} :: electric potential
elektrifikace {f} :: electrification
elektrifikovat {vt both} :: to electrify
elektrika {f} [colloquial] :: electricity
elektrika {f} [colloquial] :: tram, trolley, streetcar
elektrikář {m} :: electrician
elektrizovat {v both} :: to electrify
elektro- {prefix} :: electro-
elektroda {f} :: electrode
elektroencefalografie {f} :: electroencephalography
elektroencefalogram {m} :: electroencephalogram
elektroinženýrství {n} :: electrical engineering
elektrokardiograf {m} :: electrocardiograph
elektrokardiogram {m} :: electrocardiogram
elektrokonvulzivní {adj} :: electroconvulsive
elektrokonvulzivní terapie {f} :: electroconvulsive therapy
elektrolytický {adj} :: electrolytic
elektrolýza {f} [chemistry] :: electrolysis (the chemical change produced by passing an electric current through a conducting solution or a molten salt)
elektromagnet {m} :: electromagnet
elektromagnetická interakce {f} [physics] :: electromagnetic interaction
elektromagnetické záření {n} :: electromagnetic radiation
elektromagnetický {adj} :: electromagnetic
elektromagnetismus {m} :: electromagnetism
elektromechanický {adj} :: electromechanical
elektroměr {m} :: electricity meter, energy meter
elektromotor {m} :: electric motor
elektromyografie {f} :: electromyography
elektromyogram {m} :: electromyogram
elektron {m} [physics] :: electron (elementary particle)
elektron {m} :: electron (alloy of magnesium and aluminum)
elektronická pošta {f} :: electronic mail
elektronický {adj} :: electronic
elektronika {f} :: electronics
elektronka {f} :: vacuum tube
elektronová konfigurace {f} :: electron configuration
elektronový {adj} :: electronic (related to electrons)
elektronvolt {m} [physics] :: electron volt
elektrostatický {adj} :: electrostatic (of, relating to, or producted by electrostatics or static electricity)
elektrostatika {f} :: electrostatics
elektrotechnický {adj} :: electrotechnical
elektrotechnika {f} :: electrical engineering
elektřina {f} :: electricity
elementární {adj} :: basic, elementary
elementární částice {f} :: elementary particle (a subatomic particles that does not consist of smaller particles)
Elena {prop} {f} :: given name
Eleonora {prop} {f} :: given name
elf {m} :: elf
elfí {adj} [relational] :: elf, elf's, elvish
eliminace {f} :: elimination (the act of eliminating)
eliminovat {v both} :: to eliminate (to completely destroy something so that it no longer exists)
elipsa {f} :: ellipse (curve resulting from stretching a circle along a particular dimension)
elipsa {f} [grammar] :: ellipsis
elipsoid {m} :: ellipsoid
eliptický {adj} :: elliptical, elliptic
Eliška {prop} {f} :: given name, related to Elisa
elita {f} :: elite
elitář {m} :: elitist
elitářský {adj} :: elitist
elitářství {n} :: elitism
elixír {m} :: elixir
elixír života {m} [alchemy] :: the elixir of life
elpíčko {n} :: LP (vinyl record)
Elsa {prop} {f} :: given name
Elvíra {prop} {f} :: given name
elysejský {adj} :: Élysée
em {n} :: letter: m
Ema {prop} {f} :: given name
e-mail {m} :: e-mail
email {m} :: enamel
email {m} [colloquial] :: email (electronic communication)
Eman {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Emanuel
emancipace {f} :: emancipation (the act of setting free from the power of another, from slavery, subjection, dependence, or controlling influence)
emancipační {adj} :: emancipatory
emancipovat {v both} :: to emancipate oneself
Emánek {prop} {m anim} :: given name, a pet form of Emanuel
Emanuel {prop} {m} :: given name
embargo {n} :: embargo (an order by the government prohibiting ships from leaving port)
embargo {n} :: embargo (a ban on trade with another country)
emblém {m} :: emblem
embolie {f} :: embolism (an obstruction or occlusion of an artery by a blood clot, air bubble or other matter)
embolus {m} :: embolus (an obstruction causing an embolism)
embryo {n} :: embryo
embryonální {adj} :: embryonic
ementál {m} :: Emmentaler (Swiss cheese with many holes)
Emesa {prop} :: Emesa
emeský {adj} :: Emesene
emfaticky {adv} :: emphatically
emfatický {adj} [literary, uncommon] :: emphatic (characterized by emphasis; stated with conviction)
emfyzém {m} [pathology] :: emphysema
emigrace {f} :: emigration
emigrační {adj} [relational] :: emigration
emigrant {m anim} :: emigrant
emigrantka {f} :: female emigrant
emigrovat {v p-i} :: to emigrate
Emil {prop} {m} :: given name
Emílie {prop} {f} :: given name
emír {m} :: emir
emirát {m} :: emirate
emise {f} [finance] :: emission
emisní {adj} [relational] :: emission
emitent {m} [finance] :: issuer
emoce {f} :: emotion
emocionální {adj} :: emotional (of or relating to the emotions)
emocionální {adj} :: emotional (determined by emotion rather than reason)
emocionální {adj} :: emotional (appealing to or arousing emotion)
emocionální {adj} :: emotional (readily displaying emotion)
emoční {adj} :: emotional
emoční inteligence {f} :: emotional intelligence
emotivní {adj} :: emotional
empatický {adj} :: empathic, empathetic
empatie {f} :: empathy
empír {m} :: Empire style
empirický {adj} :: empirical
empirický výzkum {m} :: empirical research
empirický vzorec {m} :: empirical formula
empirismus {m} :: empiricism
emu {m} :: emu (large flightless bird native to Australia)
emulgátor {m} :: emulsifier
emulze {f} :: emulsion
en {n} :: letter: n
-eň {suffix} :: from verbs forms nouns
{n} :: letter: ň
-ena {suffix} :: forms feminine nouns from adjectives
encefalitida {f} :: encephalitis
encefalograf {m} :: encephalograph
encefalomyelitida {f} :: encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord)
encyklika {f} :: encyclical (papal letter)
encyklopedický {adj} :: encyclopedic
encyklopedie {f} :: encyclopedia
encyklopedista {m} :: encyclopedist
endo- {prefix} :: endo-
endogamie {f} :: endogamy (the practice of marrying or requiring to marry within one’s own ethnic, religious, or social group)
endogamní {adj} :: endogamous
endokard {m} :: endocardium
endokarditida {f} :: endocarditis (inflammation of the endocardium)
endokrinní {adj} :: endocrine
endokrinní žláza {f} [anatomy] :: endocrine gland
endokrinologie {f} :: endocrinology
endonukleáza {f} :: endonuclease
endorfin {m} :: endorphin
endoskelet {m} :: endoskeleton
endoskop {m} :: endoscope
endoskopie {f} :: endoscopy
energetická účinnost {f} :: energy efficiency
energetický {adj} [relational] :: energy
energie {f} :: energy
-ení {suffix} :: from verbs forms nouns denoting the process or result of an activity
-enka {suffix} :: a nominal suffix
enolog {m} :: enologist
enologický {adj} :: enological
enologie {f} :: enology (the scientific study of wines and winemaking)
en passant {phrase} [chess] :: en passant
enteritida {f} :: enteritis (inflammation of the intestines)
entita {f} :: entity
entomolog {m} :: entomologist
entomologický {adj} :: entomological
entomologie {f} :: entomology
entomoložka {f} :: female entomologist
entropie {f} :: entropy
entuziasmus {m} :: enthusiasm (intensity of feeling; excited interest or eagerness)
enuréza {f} :: enuresis
environmentalista {m} :: environmentalist
environmentalistika {f} :: environmental science
enzym {m} :: enzyme (catalytic protein)
enzymatický {adj} :: enzymatic
eocén {m} :: Eocene
eosinofil {m} [cytology] :: eosinophil
eozinofil {m} :: eosinophil
epicentrum {n} :: epicenter (US), epicentre (UK) (the point on the land or water surface directly above the focus of an earthquake)
epický {adj} :: epic, epical
epicykl {m} :: epicycle (a small circle whose centre is on the circumference of a larger circle)
epicykloida {f} :: epicycloid (locus)
epidemický {adj} :: epidemic
epidemie {f} :: epidemic
epidemiolog {m anim} :: epidemiologist
epidemiologie {f} :: epidemiology
epidurální {adj} [medicine] :: epidural
epifýza {f} :: pineal gland, epiphysis (small, pinecone-shaped endocrine gland found near the centre of the brain that produces melatonin)
epifýza {f} :: epiphysis (rounded end of any long bone)
epigon {noun} :: epigone
epigrafický {adj} :: epigraphic, epigraphical
epigrafik {m} :: epigraphist, epigrapher
epigrafika {f} :: epigraphy (the study or decipherment of inscriptions, especially of ancient ones)
epigram {m} :: epigram
epikureismus {m} :: Epicureanism
epikurejec {m} :: Epicurean
epikurejský {adj} :: Epicurean
epikurejství {n} :: Epicureanism
Epikúros {prop} {m} :: Epicurus
epikurovec {m} :: Epicurean
epilepsie {f} [pathology] :: epilepsy
epileptický {adj} :: epileptic
epileptický záchvat {m} [medicine] :: epileptic seizure
epileptik {m} :: epileptic
epilog {m} :: epilog, epilogue
Epir {prop} :: Epirus
Epirus {prop} {m} :: Epirus (region)
epistemologie {f} :: epistemology
epitaf {m} :: epitaph
epitel {m} :: epithelium
epitelový {adj} :: epithelial
epizoda {f} :: episode (one part of a media series)
epocha {f} :: epoch
eponymum {n} :: eponym
epopej {f} :: epic (extended narrative poem)
epos {m} :: epic (extended narrative poem)
epoxid {m} :: epoxide (any of a class of organic compounds, cyclic ethers, having a three-membered ring)
epoxidový {adj} :: epoxy
epsilon {n} :: epsilon
er {n} :: letter: r
éra {f} :: era, age
erární {adj} :: provided by the government or state
erb {m} :: coat of arms
erbium {n} :: erbium (metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 68)
erekce {f} :: erection (of penis)
erektilní {adj} :: erectile
ergonomická židle {f} :: office chair, desk chair
ergonomický {adj} :: ergonomic
ergonomie {f} :: ergonomics
Eridin {adj} :: Eris' (belonging to or connected with Eris)
Eridino jablko {n} [idiom, rare] :: apple of discord, something which causes argument, rivalry, or strife
Eridu {prop} {n} :: Eridu (<<ancient>> Sumerian <<city>> in modern <<c/Iraq>>)
Erik {prop} {m} :: given name
Erika {prop} {f} :: given name
Eris {prop} {f} :: [Greek god] Eris, the goddess of discord, confusion, and strife
Eris {prop} {f} :: [astronomy, indeclinable] Eris, a dwarf planet and a large Kuiper belt object
Eritrea {prop} {f} :: Eritrea
Eritrejec {m anim} :: Eritrean (person)
eritrejský {adj} :: Eritrean
erodovat {v p-i} :: to erode
Erós {prop} {m} :: Eros
erotický {adj} :: erotic
erotika {f} :: erotica (erotic literature, art, decoration or other such work)
erotismus {m} :: eroticism
erotogenní {adj} :: erogenous
eroze {f} :: erosion (carrying away or displacement of solids)
erozívní {adj} :: erosive
erozivnost {f} :: erosiveness
erozní {adj} :: erosion (attributive usage)
errata {np} :: errata (added page listing the errors which were discovered after printing)
erudice {f} :: expertise, erudition
erudovaný {adj} :: knowledgeable (having knowledge, especially of a particular subject)
eruptivní {adj} :: eruptive
eruptivnost {f} :: eruptiveness, eruptivity
erytém {m} :: erythema
erytro- {prefix} :: erythro-
erytroblast {m} :: erythroblast
erytrocyt {m} :: erythrocyte
Erža {prop} {f} :: A pet form of female given name Eržika
Eržika {prop} {f} :: given name
{n} :: letter: ř
-éř {suffix} :: A noun producing suffix
es {n} :: letter: s
Esbjerg {prop} {m} :: Esbjerg (port city/seat)
Esbjerg {prop} {m} :: Esbjerg (municipality)
escitalopram {m} :: escitalopram
esej {mf} :: essay
esejec {m anim} :: Essene
esejista {m} :: essayist
esemeska {f} :: text message, text (brief electronic message sent using the SMS service for cell phones)
esence {f} :: essence
esence {f} :: extract (preparation obtained by evaporating a solution of a drug)
esencialismus {m} :: essentialism
esenciální {adj} :: essential
esenciální {adj} [medicine] :: essential, idiopathic, primary
esenciální aminokyselina {f} :: essential amino acid
esenciální olej {m} :: essential oil
eseróčko {n} [colloquial] :: LLC, Ltd.
esesák {m} [historical] :: A member of the Schutzstaffel (SS)
Eset {prop} {f} :: Isis
eschatologie {f} :: eschatology
eskalace {f} :: escalation
eskalátor {m} :: escalator
eskalovat {v both} :: to escalate
eskapáda {f} [literary] :: escape, flight, breakout
eskapáda {f} :: escapade
eskymácký {adj} :: Eskimo
Eskymák {m} :: Eskimo
eso {n} [card games] :: ace (highest ranking card)
eso {n} [tennis] :: ace (a serve won without the opponent hitting the ball)
eso {n} [volleyball] :: ace (a point won directly from a serve)
eso {n} [golf] :: hole in one
eso {n} [military, aviation] :: flying ace (a fighter pilot credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft)
esoforie {f} :: esophoria
esoterický {adj} :: esoteric
esoterismus {m} :: esoterism
esovitý tračník {m} :: sigmoid colon
esperantista {m} :: Esperantist
esperanto {n} :: Esperanto
espézetka {f} [colloquial] :: license plate (an identifying plate attached to a vehicle)
espresso {n} :: espresso
esprit {m} :: esprit
essexský {adj} [relational] :: Essex
ester {m} :: ester
Ester {prop} {f} :: Esther [biblical character]
Ester {prop} {f} :: the book of Esther
Ester {prop} {f} :: given name
esteráza {f} :: esterase
Esterka {prop} {f} :: given name
estét {m} :: aesthete
estetický {adj} :: aesthetic
estetik {m} :: aesthetician
estetika {f} :: aesthetics
Estonec {m anim} :: Estonian (person)
Estonka {f} :: female Estonian
Estonsko {prop} {n} :: Estonia
estonský {adj} :: Estonian
estonština {f} :: Estonian (language)
estrogen {m} :: estrogen
{n} :: letter: š
-ět {suffix} :: from adjectives forms verbs
éta {n} :: eta (Greek letter)
etambutol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: ethambutol
etan {m} [organic compound] :: ethane (C2H6)
etanol {m} :: ethanol (simple aliphatic alcohol: CH3-CH2-OH)
etatismus {m} :: statism, etatism
etáž {f} :: floor
etáž {f} :: stage
ethan {m} :: alternative spelling of etan, but the only correct spelling in the Czech chemical nomenclature
ethanol {m} :: ethanol (simple aliphatic alcohol: CH3-CH2-OH)
ethylalkohol {m} :: ethanol (simple aliphatic alcohol: CH3-CH2-OH)
ethylen {m} :: ethylene (C2H4)
etický {adj} :: ethical (of or relating to ethics)
etický {adj} :: ethical (morally approvable, morally good)
etik {m} :: ethicist
etika {f} :: ethics
etiketa {f} :: etiquette
etiketa {f} :: label (small ticket or sign informing on a thing to which it is to be attached)
etiologie {f} [medicine] :: aetiology, etiology
Etiop {m anim} :: Ethiopian
Etiopan {m anim} :: Ethiopian
Etiopanka {f} :: female Ethiopian
Etiopie {prop} {f} :: Ethiopia
etiopský {adj} :: Ethiopian
etnická čistka {f} :: ethnic cleansing
etnický {adj} :: ethnic
etnocentrismus {m} :: ethnocentrism (the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own culture)
etnograf {m} :: ethnographer
etnografický {adj} :: ethnographic, ethnographical
etnografie {f} :: ethnography
etnolog {m} :: ethnologist
etnologicky {adv} :: ethnologically
etnologický {adj} :: ethnologic, ethnological
etnologie {f} :: ethnology
etnoložka {f} :: female ethnologist
etolog {m} :: ethologist
etologický {adj} :: ethologic, ethological
etologie {f} :: ethology
etoložka {f} :: female ethologist
Etrurie {prop} {f} :: Etruria (an ancient country located in modern day Tuscany in Western Italy)
etruský {adj} :: Etruscan (pertaining to the region and culture of Etruria)
etruština {prop} {f} :: Etruscan (extinct language of Etruria)
etylen {m} :: ethylene, ethene (C2H4)
etylenglykol {m} :: ethylene glycol (organic compound HO-CH2-CH2-OH)
etymolog {m} :: etymologist
etymologicky {adv} :: etymologically
etymologický {adj} :: etymological
etymologie {f} :: etymology
etymoložka {f} :: female etymologist
eufemismus {m} [figure of speech] :: euphemism
euforicky {adv} :: euphorically
euforický {adj} :: euphoric
euforie {f} :: euphoria
Eufrat {prop} {m} :: the Euphrates
eugenika {f} :: eugenics
eukalyptus {m} :: eucalyptus
eukaryotický {adj} :: eukaryotic
Eukleidés {prop} {m} :: Euclid
Euklides {prop} {m} :: Euclid
euklidovská geometrie {f} :: Euclidean geometry
Euklidovská metrika {f} [analysis] :: Euclidean metric
euklidovský {adj} :: Euclidean
euklidovský prostor {m} :: Euclidean space
Euklidův algoritmus {m} :: Euclidean algorithm
Eulerovo číslo {n} :: Euler's number
eulerovský {adj} :: Eulerian
eunuch {m} :: eunuch
euráč {m} [colloquial] :: euro (currency unit of the European Monetary Union)
Eurasie {prop} {f} :: Eurasia (supercontinent)
euro- {prefix} :: Euro-
euro {n} :: euro (currency)
eurofil {m} :: Europhile
eurofobie {f} :: Europhobia (reservations toward European Union)
eurokomisař {m} :: European Commissioner
euromince {f} :: euro coin
europoslanec {m anim} :: MEP, Eurodeputy, Member of the European Parliament
europoslankyně {f} :: female MEP, Eurodeputy, Member of the European Parliament
euroregion {m} :: Euroregion
euroskepticismus {m} :: Euroscepticism
euroskeptický {adj} :: Eurosceptic
euroskeptik {m} :: Eurosceptic
eurozatykač {m} :: European arrest warrant
eurozóna {f} :: Eurozone (those European Union member states whose official currency is the euro)
Eustachova trubice {f} :: Eustachian tube
eutanazie {f} :: euthanasia
eutanázie {f} :: euthanasia
Eva {prop} {f} :: Eve [wife of Adam]
Eva {prop} {f} :: given name
evakuace {f} :: evacuation
evakuovat {v both} :: to evacuate (to move out of an unsafe location into safety)
evangelický {adj} :: evangelical
evangelista {m} :: Evangelist (a writer of a gospel, especially the four New Testament Gospels)
evangelium {n} :: gospel (an account of the life, death, resurrection, and teachings of Jesus)
Evča {prop} {f} :: A pet form of the female given names Eva
Evelína {prop} {f} :: given name
Evelínka {prop} {f} :: given name
eventuálně {adv} :: possibly, if applicable, if needed
eventuální {adj} :: possible, any, any arising, if any
Evička {prop} {f} :: given name
evidence {f} :: records
evidentně {adv} :: evidently, obviously, clearly
evidentní {adj} :: evident
Evinka {prop} {f} :: given name
Evka {prop} {f} :: given name
evokovaný potenciál {m} :: evoked potential
evokovat {v both} :: to evoke
evoluce {f} [biology] :: evolution
evoluční {adj} :: evolutionary
evoluční algoritmus {m} :: evolutionary algorithm
evoluční genetika {f} :: evolutionary genetics
evoluční psychologie {f} :: evolutionary psychology
Evropa {prop} {f} :: Europe
Evropa {prop} {f} [figuratively] :: European Union
Evropan {m} :: European
Evropanka {f} :: female European
Evropská komise {f} :: European Commission
Evropská unie {f} :: European Union
evropský {adj} :: European
evropský komisař {m} :: European Commissioner
Evulka {prop} {f} :: given name
Evuška {prop} {f} :: given name
Evža {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Evžen
Evža {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the female given name Evženie
Evžen {prop} {m} :: given name
Evženek {prop} {m} :: given name
Evženie {prop} {f} :: given name
ex- {prefix} :: ex- (former)
exa- {prefix} :: exa- (1018)
exabajt {m} :: exabyte
exabyte {m} :: exabyte
exajoule {m} :: exajoule (1018 joule)
excelentní {adj} :: excellent
excentrický {adj} :: eccentric
excentrik {m} :: eccentric (person)
excísař {m} :: former emperor
excitace {f} :: excitation
excitační {adj} [relational] :: excitation
excitovaný {adj} [physics] :: excited
excitovat {v p-i} :: to excite
exdiktátor {m} :: former dictator
exekutivní {adj} :: executive
exekutor {m} :: debt collector
exemplární {adj} :: exemplary
exemplář {m} :: specimen
exgenerál {m} :: former general
exhibicionismus {m} :: exhibitionism
exhibicionista {m} :: exhibitionist (he who draws attention to himself)
exhibicionista {m} :: exhibitionist (he who exposes genitalia)
exhibicionistka {f} :: female exhibitionist
exhibicionizmus {m} :: exhibitionism
exhumace {f} :: exhumation
existence {f} :: existence
existencialismus {m} :: existentialism
existencialista {m} :: existentialist
existencialistický {adj} :: existentialist
existenciální {adj} :: existential
existencionalismus {m} :: alternative form of existencialismus
existencionalista {m} :: alternative form of existencialista
existenční {adj} :: existential
existenční kvantifikátor {m} :: existential quantifier
existovat {v impf} :: to exist (to be out there)
existující {adj} :: existing
exjezuita {m} :: former Jesuit
exkapitán {m} :: former captain
exkapucín {m} :: former Capuchin
exkavátor {m} :: excavator, digger (vehicle)
exkomunikace {f} :: excommunication
exkomunikovat {v both} :: to excommunicate
exkomunista {m} :: former Communist
exkrál {m} :: former king
exkrement {m} :: excrement
exkurz {m} :: excursus, digression
exkurze {f} :: field trip
exmanžel {m} :: ex-husband
exmanželka {f} :: ex-wife
exmilenec {m} :: ex-lover, exlover
exmilenka {f} :: ex-lover, exlover
exministr {m} :: ex-minister
exo- {prefix} :: exo-
exoforie {f} :: exophoria
exoftalmus {m} [pathology] :: exophthalmos
exogamie {f} :: exogamy
exogamní {adj} :: exogamous
exokrinní {adj} :: exocrine
exonymum {n} :: exonym
exoplaneta {f} :: exoplanet
exorcismus {m} :: exorcism (the ritual act of driving out supposed evil spirits from persons, places or things who are possessed by them)
exorcista {m} :: exorcist
exoskelet {m} :: exoskeleton
exoterický {adj} :: exoteric
exotický {adj} :: exotic (of animals)
expanze {f} :: expansion
expat {m} [colloquial] :: expat, expatriate (a person who lives outside his or her own country)
expatriace {f} :: expatriation
expatriant {m} :: expatriate (a person who lives outside his or her own country)
expatriovat {v} :: to expatriate
expedice {f} :: expedition
expediční {adj} :: expedition (when used attributively)
expektorancium {n} :: expectorant (an agent or drug used to cause or induce the expulsion of phlegm from the lungs)
experiment {m} :: experiment
experimentální {adj} :: experimental
experimentátor {m} :: experimenter
experimentátorka {f} :: female experimenter
experimentovat {v impf} :: to experiment
expert {m} :: expert (person with extensive knowledge or ability in a given subject)
expertiza {f} :: expertise
expertní systém {m} :: expert system
expirace {f} :: expiration (the act of expiring)
explodovat {v both} :: to explode
exploze {f} :: explosion
exploziva {f} :: plosive
expolicista {m} :: ex-policeman, former policeman
exponenciální {adj} :: exponential
exponenciální funkce {f} [mathematics] :: exponential function
exponenciální rozdělení {f} [statistics] :: exponential distribution
exponent {m} [mathematics] :: exponent (the power to which something is raised)
exponovat {v both} [photography] :: to expose (film or photograph)
export {m inan} :: export
exportér {m} :: exporter
exportní {adj} [relational] :: export
exportovat {v p-i} :: to export
exposlanec {m} :: former Member of Parliament, ex-MP
expozice {f} :: exposure (taking a photograph)
expremiér {m} :: ex-prime minister
expresivní {adj} :: emotive (appealing to one's emotions)
expresivní {adj} :: expressive (effectively conveying thought or feeling)
exprezident {m} :: ex-president
expřítelkyně {f} :: ex-girlfriend
exředitel {f} :: former director
exsenátor {m} :: ex-senator
exspirace {f} [biology] :: expiration, breathing out
exspirace {f} :: expiration, expiry (end of validity)
exšéf {m} :: former boss
extáze {f} :: ecstasy (intense pleasure)
extáze {f} :: ecstasy (recreational drug)
extenze {f} [semantics] :: extension
extenzionální {adj} :: extensional
externí {adj} :: external
extraartikulární {adj} :: extraarticular
extracelulární {adj} :: extracellular
extrahepatální {adj} :: extrahepatic
extrahovat {v p-i} :: to extract
extrakapsulární {adj} :: extracapsular (situated outside a capsule)
extrakce {f} :: extraction
extrakorporální {adj} :: extracorporeal
extrakt {m} :: extract (solution made by drawing out from a substance)
extramedulární {adj} :: extramedullary
extraordinární {adj} [literary] :: extraordinary
extrapolace {f} :: extrapolation, projection
extrapolovat {v p-i} :: To extrapolate
extravagantní {adj} :: extravagant
extravaskulární {adj} :: extravascular (situated or happening outside of the blood vessels)
extrém {m} :: extreme (thing at one of the opposite ends of a range or scale)
extremismus {m} :: extremism
extremista {m} :: extremist
extremistický {adj} :: extremist
extrémně {adv} :: extremely
extrémněji {adv} :: comparative of extrémně
extrémní {adj} :: extreme
extrovert {m} [psychology] :: extrovert
extroverze {f} :: extroversion
extruze {f} :: extrusion
extruzivní {adj} :: extrusive
exučitel {m} :: ex-teacher, exteacher
exulant {m anim} :: exile (person)
exulantka {f} :: female exile (person)
Ezdráš {prop} {m} [religion] :: Esdras
ezofagitida {f} :: esophagitis
Ezop {prop} {m} :: Aesop
ezoterický {adj} :: alternative spelling of esoterický