User:Matthias Buchmeier/uk-en-b

баба {noun} :: grandmother, granny, old woman (in some cases maternal grandmother only)
баба {noun} :: a fortune teller or witch, practising the art of віск зливати (wax pouring)
баба {noun} [historical] :: (any) woman; countrywoman
баба {noun} [colloquial, slang, pejorative] :: woman, female, broad
баба {noun} :: baba, babka (a special, delicate ritual bread that is blessed by a priest at Easter)
баба {noun} :: baba (a name given to сніп at Christmas, a sheaf of grain (wheat or rye), brought into the home for Christmas Eve supper свята́ вече́ря, placed in a corner of the room and later fed to livestock or cattle)
бабисько {noun} [pejorative] :: augmentative of ба́ба
бабище {noun} :: pejorative of ба́ба: (nasty old) grandmother
бабка {noun} :: small anvil, mandrel
бабка {noun} [Canada] :: name of a special, delicate ritual bread that is blessed by priest at Easter (also called баба, baba), Equivalent to Austrian Gugelhupf, Polish baba wielkanocna, and Russian кулич. Sometimes conflated with paska
бабуся {noun} :: grandmother (mother of someone’s parent)
Багамські Острови {prop} :: Багамські Острови (country)
багатий {adj} :: rich, wealthy
багатий {adj} :: plentiful, abundant
багатий {adj} [figuratively] :: valuable, precious
багато {adv} :: many, a lot
багато {adv} :: richly, in a rich manner
багатолюдний {adj} :: crowded
багатолюдний {adj} :: populous
багатоповерховий {adj} :: multi-storey
багатство {noun} :: wealth
багаття {noun} :: bonfire
багаття {noun} [dialectal] :: fire
багнистий {adj} :: boggy, marshy, swampy
багнистий {adj} :: muddy, squashy (resembling a bog underfoot)
багно {noun} :: bog, swamp, marsh
багно {noun} :: (only sg.) mud, mire (spongy earth)
багно {noun} [botany] :: wild rosemary, northern Labrador tea
багряний {adj} :: red
баддя {noun} [rare] :: large bucket
баддя {noun} [rare, mining] :: bucket, tub for extracting ore or earth
бажання {noun} :: desire, wish
бажати {v} :: to desire, to want, to wish
бажати {v} :: to be anxious, to be willing
база {noun} :: base, basis, foundation
база даних {noun} [computing] :: database
байрак {noun} :: forested ravine
байт {noun} :: byte
баклажан {noun} :: aubergine (fruit of the plant)
балкон {noun} :: balcony
банан {noun} :: banana (tree or fruit)
Бангладеш {prop} :: Бангладеш (country)
банк {noun} :: bank (financial institution)
банкнота {noun} :: banknote, bill
баня {noun} :: bath
баня {noun} :: bathhouse
баня {noun} :: Turkish bath, steam bath
баня {noun} :: dome, cupola
баран {noun} :: ram (male domestic sheep)
барва {noun} :: color, colour
барвінок {noun} [botany] :: periwinkle
барвник {noun} :: dye, colourant, pigment
барза {noun} [rare] :: stork
барліг {noun} :: bear's lair, bear den
барліг {noun} [figuratively, pejorative] :: dirty, messy housing
барліг {noun} [figuratively] :: mess
барліг {noun} :: muddy puddle
баскетбол {noun} [uncountable] :: basketball (the sport)
батальйон {noun} :: battalion
батіг {noun} :: whip
батіг {noun} :: the stem of a round or creeping plant
батьківщина {noun} :: motherland, fatherland, homeland
батьківщина {noun} :: heritage, legacy
батько {noun} :: father (male parent)
батько {noun} [plural only] :: parents
батяр {noun} [Western Ukraine] :: tramp, vagabond, ruffian
батяри {noun} [Lviv] :: Keeping bad company; going out on the town; especially in phrases like ходи́ти на батя́ри (to go on ruffians)
батярка {noun} [Western Ukraine] :: feminine noun of ба́тяр
батярка {noun} [Lviv] :: Keeping bad company; going out on the town; especially in phrases like ходи́ти на батя́рку
батярувати {v} [Lviv, pejorative] :: to keep the company of ruffians
батярувати {v} [Lviv, slang] :: to go out with friends for entertainment
бацяр {noun} [Western Ukraine] :: Variant of ба́тяр (tramp, vagabond, ruffian)
бачення {noun} :: vision
бачити {v} :: to see (perceive with the eyes)
бачити {v} :: to have the faculty of eyesight
бджілка {noun} :: bee
бджільництво {noun} [uncountable] :: apiculture, beekeeping
бджола {noun} :: bee
бджолосім'я {noun} :: bee colony
бегемот {noun} :: hippopotamus
бегемот {noun} [mythology] :: behemoth
без {prep} :: without (not having)
безбородий {adj} :: beardless
безглуздий {adj} :: foolish, silly, senseless
безглуздість {noun} :: foolishness
бездоганно {adv} :: perfectly, with perfection
безіменний {adj} :: anonymous
безкоштовний {adj} :: free of charge, free
безкраїй {adj} :: boundless, unlimited, endless, infinite
безкраїсть {noun} :: infiniteness, limitlessness
безліч {noun} :: a lot of, multitude, countless number
безматок {noun} :: hive without a queen
безмін {noun} :: stilyard
безособовий {adj} :: impersonal
безпека {noun} :: safety (condition or feeling of being safe)
безпека {noun} :: security
безпечний {adj} :: safe, secure
безсторонній {adj} :: impartial
Белград {prop} :: Белград (capital city)
Белґрад {prop} :: alternative form of Белгра́д
Беліз {prop} :: Беліз (country)
Беліз {prop} :: Беліз (the largest <<city>> in <<c/Belize>>)
бельгійський {adj} :: Belgian
Бельгія {prop} :: Бельгія (country)
бензовоз {noun} :: petrol / gasoline tanker
Бенін {prop} :: Бенін (country)
Бенін {prop} :: Benin City
бервено {noun} :: log, beam
берег {noun} :: bank, shore, coast, beach
берегти {v} :: to guard, to take care of, to keep safe
береза {noun} :: birch (tree)
береза {noun} :: a hard wood taken from the birch tree
береза {noun} [obsolete] :: leader at any activities (parties, choir, caroling etc.)
березень {noun} :: March
березовий {adj} [relational] :: birch
бересклет {noun} [dialectal] :: spindle tree (Euonymus gen. et spp.)
Бересть {prop} :: Бересть (city)
Берестя {prop} :: Берестя (city)
беріг {m} :: bank, shore, coast
беркут {noun} :: golden eagle
Берлін {prop} :: Берлін (caplc)
бесіда {noun} :: talk, conversation
бесіда {noun} :: discussion
бета {noun} :: beta, the Greek letter, Β, β
бетономішалка {noun} :: concrete mixer
бетяр {noun} [Western Ukraine] :: Variant of ба́тяр (tramp, vagabond, ruffian)
бидло {noun} [collective] :: cattle
бидло {noun} [colloquial, offensive, collective] :: rabble; uncultured or stupid people
бик {noun} :: bull
бистрий {adj} :: fast, quick
битва {noun} :: battle
бити {vt} :: to beat, to hit, to strike
битися {v} :: to fight, to struggle
битися {v} :: to hit (against), to knock (against), to strike
битися {v} [of heart] :: to beat, to pulsate
битися {v} :: to writhe, to toss about
битися {v} :: to exercise oneself, to drudge, to toil
битися {v} :: to break, to smash
бібліоманія {noun} [uncountable] :: bibliomania
бібліотека {noun} :: library
бібліотекар {noun} :: librarian
бібліотекарка {noun} :: librarian (female)
бібліофіл {noun} :: bibliophile
Біблія {prop} :: Bible (Christian holy book)
бігати {v} :: to run
Біг Мак {noun} :: Big Mac
бігти {v} :: to run
біда {noun} :: misfortune, trouble
бідний {adj} :: poor, pauper
біднота {noun} :: poverty, indigence, penury, poorness, barrenness
бізнес {noun} :: business (commercial activity; enterprise)
бізон {noun} :: American bison, Bison bison
бік {noun} :: side, flank
білий {adj} :: white
білка {noun} :: squirrel
білолиций {adj} :: white-faced
білорус {noun} :: male Belarusian person
білоруска {noun} :: female Belarusian (native of Belarus)
Білорусь {prop} :: Білорусь (country)
білоруська {noun} [colloquial] :: the Belarusian language, short for білору́ська мо́ва
білоруський {adj} :: Belarusian
Білосніжка {prop} :: Snow White
білосніжний {adj} :: snow-white
біль {noun} :: ache, pain
більше {adv} :: comparative of бага́то
більшість {noun} [uncountable] :: majority
біля {prep} :: near, next to
біологія {noun} [uncountable] :: biology
біомаса {noun} [uncountable] :: biomass
біоматеріал {noun} :: biomaterial
біомедицина {noun} [uncountable] :: biomedicine
біометрія {noun} [uncountable] :: biometrics, biometry
біомеханіка {noun} [uncountable] :: biomechanics
біомолекула {noun} :: biomolecule
бірюзовий {adj} [relational] :: turquoise
бірюзовий {adj} :: turquoise [color]
біс {noun} :: evil spirit, demon
Бішкек {prop} :: Бішкек (capital)
благо {noun} :: goodness, happiness
благо {noun} [pluralonly] :: wealth, benefits
благо {interj} :: good, fine
блакитний {adj} :: blue
блакить {noun} :: blue
близнюк {noun} :: male twin
близнята {noun} [plurale tantum] :: twins
близький {adj} :: close, near
близький {adj} :: familiar
блискавка {noun} :: lightning
блискавка {noun} :: zipper, zip, zip fastener
блискавка {noun} :: express telegram
блоха {noun} :: flea
блювати {v} [colloquial, vulgar] :: to puke, to vomit
блювотний {adj} :: emetic
блювотний {adj} :: vomitous
бо {conj} :: because
бобер {noun} :: beaver
бобер {noun} :: beaver pelt
бог {noun} :: god
богатир {noun} [historical] :: bogatyr, a medieval heroic warrior in Kievan Rus
богатир {noun} :: strongly built man, hero
Богдан {prop} :: given name
Богдана {prop} :: given name
богиня {noun} :: goddess
богомаз {noun} :: icon painter
боєць {noun} :: fighter (person who fights)
божевільний {adj} :: lunatic, crazy, insane, retarded
Болгарія {prop} :: Болгарія (country)
болгарський {adj} :: Bulgarian
Болівія {prop} :: Болівія (country)
боліти {vi} :: to be sick, to be ill, to be ailing
боліти {v} :: to be anxious, to be apprehensive
боліти {v} :: to cheer, to root for
боліти {vi} :: to ache, to hurt
болниця {noun} :: hospital
болото {noun} :: swamp, marsh, bog
бомба {noun} :: bomb
борг {noun} :: debt
борг {noun} :: arrears
Борис {prop} :: given name
борода {noun} :: beard
борода {noun} :: chin
бородавка {noun} [pathology] :: wart (type of growth occurring on the skin)
бородатий {adj} :: bearded
борозна {noun} :: furrow
борона {noun} :: harrow
боротися {v} :: to fight, to wrestle, to struggle, to strive
боротьба {noun} [uncountable] :: fight, struggle
борошно {noun} [uncountable] :: flour
борсук {noun} :: badger (mammal)
борщ {noun} :: borscht, beet soup
борщ {noun} :: hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium
босий {adj} :: barefoot, barefooted
боснійський {adj} :: Bosnian
Боснія {prop} :: Боснія (country)
Боснія і Герцеговина {prop} :: Боснія і Герцеговина (country)
Боснія і Герцеґовина {prop} :: alternative form of Бо́снія і Герцегови́на
босняцький {adj} :: Bosnian
босоніж {adv} :: barefoot
босоногий {adj} :: barefoot, barefooted
боягузливий {adj} :: cowardly
боятися {v} :: to fear, to be afraid
бразилець {noun} :: Brazilian
Бразилія {prop} :: Brazil (country)
брак {noun} :: lack, scarcity
брак {noun} :: defect
брак {v} :: lack of, there is/are no (+ genitive)
брама {noun} :: gate
брат {noun} :: brother (biological sibling)
брат {noun} :: brother (member of the Christian brotherhood)
брат {noun} :: pal, mate
брати {vt} :: to take, to grab
брати {vt} :: to gather, to pick up
брати {vt} :: to fetch (liquid)
брати {vt} :: to pick (mushrooms, berries, etc.)
брати {vt} :: to pull out (plants, etc.)
брати {vt} :: to retrieve
брати {vt} :: to obtain for use
брати {vt} :: to charge (fine, tax, etc.)
брати {vt} :: to loan
брати {vt} :: to capture
брати {vt} :: to perceive
брати {vt} :: to bring
брати {vt} :: to hire, to employ
брати {vt} :: to arrest
брати {vt} [dated] :: to marry
брати {vt} [dialectal] :: to deliver, to assist in the birth of
брати {vi} [colloquial] :: to eat bait (about fish)
брати {vit} :: to execute an action (about machine, instrument)
брати {vt} :: to overcome a difficult area, obstacle
брати {vi} [colloquial] :: to change direction of movement
брати {vt} :: to fill, to use up (time), to exhauste
брати {vt} :: to assume control of something (about a feeling, physical condition)
брати {vt} [obsolete] :: to wear
брати {vi} :: used before a verb to emphasize imperative mood, or to indicate the beginning of action
брати до серця {v} :: to take to heart (to take something seriously)
Братислава {prop} :: Братислава (caplc)
братів {adj} [relational] :: brother; brother's
Брест {prop} :: Брест (city)
Брест {prop} :: Брест (city)
брехати {vi} :: to lie
брехати {vi} [colloquial] :: to bark
брехло {noun} [derogatory] :: liar, bullshitter
брехун {noun} :: liar
бридкий {adj} :: disgusting
бридкий {adj} :: ugly
брижа {noun} :: ripple
брижа {noun} :: fold, wrinkle
брижа {noun} [anatomy] :: mesentery
Британія {prop} :: Британія (island)]
Британія {prop} :: Британія (country)]
брити {v} :: to shave
брід {noun} :: ford
брова {noun} :: eyebrow
брудний {adj} :: dirty
брусниця {noun} :: lingonberry (plant and fruit)
бубна {noun} :: diamonds (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♦)
бувати {v} :: to be
бувати {v} [usually, imperative] :: clipping of бува́ти здоро́в
бувати {v} :: to occur, to happen
бувати {v} :: to be at, to visit, to stay with
бугай {noun} :: bull (uncastrated male of cattle)
бугай {noun} :: bittern (nocturnal marsh wader of the heron family)
бугай {noun} [pejorative, figurative] :: large, strong man
Будапешт {prop} :: Будапешт (capital city)
Будда {prop} :: Buddha
будинок {noun} :: house
будинок {noun} :: building
будівник {noun} :: builder, constructor
будівник {noun} :: construction worker
будівництво {noun} :: construction site
будівництво {noun} [uncountable] :: construction, building
будування {noun} [uncountable] :: construction, building
будувати {v} :: to build, to construct
будь ласка {phrase} :: please
будь ласка {phrase} :: you're welcome
будь ласка {phrase} :: here you are
будьмо {interj} :: cheers (toast)
будь-хто {pron} :: anyone, anybody
будяк {noun} :: thistle
бузина {noun} [uncountable] :: elder (tree)
бузина {noun} [uncountable] :: elderberry
бузок {noun} :: lilac (Syringa gen. et spp.)
буй {noun} :: buoy
буйний {adj} :: stormy
буква {noun} :: letter (a symbol in an alphabet)
букініст {noun} :: bookseller (seller of used or old books), second-hand bookseller, antiquarian bookseller
буковинець сипав воду а галичан виллів {phrase} [Canada, dated] :: a Bukovynian and a Galician both pour water, but each calls it by another name
булава {noun} :: mace (heavy fighting club)
бульба {noun} [botany] :: tuber
бульба {noun} :: bubble
бульба {noun} [colloquial, dialectal] :: potato
бульба {noun} [dance] :: bulba
бурдей {noun} :: hovel, hut
бурдей {noun} [Canada] :: a Ukrainian-Canadian vernacular dwelling roughly equivalent to an Anglo-Canadian sod house or log cabin or a French-Canadian caveau
Буркіна-Фасо {prop} :: Буркіна-Фасо (country)
бурлак {noun} [historical] :: burlak (in old Russia, a man employed in dragging ships upstream)
бурлак {noun} [rare, dated] :: person without a permanent job or residence; homeless man
бурмило {noun} [figurative, colloquial] :: clumsy person, klutz, oaf
бурмило {noun} :: (jocular) nickname for a bear
бурулька {noun} :: icicle
Бурунді {prop} :: Burundi
буря {noun} [meteorology] :: storm, tempest
буряк {noun} [botany] :: beet (Beta vulgaris)
буряк {noun} :: beetroot
бур'ян {noun} :: weed
Бутан {prop} :: Бутан (country)
бути {v} :: to be
Бухарест {prop} :: Бухарест (caplc)
бюджет {noun} :: budget
бюро {noun} :: office, bureau, agency