User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-l

label {n} (small ticket or sign giving information) :: लेबल {m}
labor {n} (labor) SEE: labour ::
labor {v} (labor) SEE: labour ::
laborious {adj} (industrious) SEE: industrious ::
labor union {n} (labor union) SEE: trade union ::
labour {n} (work) :: श्रम {m}, काम {m}
labour {v} (to work) :: काम करना
labyrinth {n} (maze) :: भूलभुलैयाँ {m}
labyrinth {n} (anything complicated or confusing) :: भूलभुलैयाँ {m}, उलझन {f}
labyrinthal {adj} (like a labyrinth) SEE: labyrinthine ::
labyrinthian {adj} (mazelike) SEE: labyrinthine ::
labyrinthiform {adj} (having the form of a labyrinth) SEE: labyrinthine ::
labyrinthine {adj} (twisting, convoluted, baffling) :: पेचीदा
lac {n} (lakh) SEE: lakh ::
lack {n} (deficiency, need) :: कमी {f}
lacking {n} (absence of something) SEE: lack ::
lactose {n} (disaccharide sugar of milk and dairy products) :: दुग्धधु
Lada {prop} (a Russian car) :: लाडा, लादा
Ladakh {prop} (region) :: लद्दाख़, लद्दाख {m}
ladder {n} (climbing tool) :: सीढ़ी {f}
laddu {n} :: लड्डू {m}
ladle {n} (deep-bowled spoon with a long, usually curved, handle) :: कलछी {f}, डोई {f}
lady {n} (polite term referring a woman) :: महिला {f}
ladybird {n} (member of Coccinellidae) :: सोनपाखरा, सोनपंखी, सुररखी
ladybug {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird ::
ladyfinger {n} (okra) SEE: okra ::
lagoon {n} (shallow body of water) :: झील
lahara {n} (melody) :: लहरा
Lahore {prop} (Lahore) :: लाहौर
lake {n} (body of water) :: झील {f}, सरोवर {m}
lakh {num} (one hundred thousand) :: लाख {m}
Lakshadweep {prop} (union territory of India) :: लक्षद्वीप
Lakshmana {prop} (brother of Rama) :: लक्ष्मण
Lakshmi {prop} (Hindu goddess of wealth) :: लक्ष्मी
Lalita {prop} (Hindu goddess) :: ललित {f}
lama {n} (master of Tibetan Buddhism) :: लामा {m}
lamb {n} (young sheep) :: बर्रा {f}, मेमना {f}
Lamb of God {prop} (Jesus, symbolized as a sacrifice) :: ख़ुदा का मेमना {m}, ख़ुदा की बर्रा {m}
lame {adj} (unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs) :: लंग, अपंग, पंगु
lame {adj} :: अपंग
lamella {n} (gill of a mushroom) SEE: gill ::
Lamentations {prop} (book of the Bible) :: विलापगीत
lamp {n} (device producing light) :: चिराग़ {m}, लैंप {m}
lamp {n} (oil device producing light) :: बत्ती {f}, चिराग़ {m}
lamp {n} :: दिया {m}, दीप {m}, दीपक {m}, चिराग़ {m}
lampshade {n} (cover over a lamp) :: दीपछत्र
land {n} (part of Earth that is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water) :: भूमि {f}, ज़मीन {f}
land {n} (country or region) :: देश {m}, मुल्क {m}
land {v} (to deliver) SEE: deliver ::
-land {suffix} (territory, country or region (suffix)) :: -स्तान {m} [connected with diacritic -i- after consonants], -देश {m}, प्रदेश {m}
lander {n} (space probe) :: लैंडर {m}
-landia {suffix} (territory, country or region (suffix)) SEE: -land ::
landlouper {n} (vagabond) SEE: vagabond ::
Land of the Rising Sun {prop} (Japan) :: उगते सूरज का देश {m}, उदयवर्ष {m} /udayvarṣ/
landowner {n} (a person who owns land) :: ज़मींदार {m}, जमींदार {m}
landslide {n} (natural disaster) :: भूस्खलन {m}
lane {n} (passageway) :: गली {f}
language {n} (body of words used as a form of communication) :: भाषा {f}, ज़बान {f}, बोली, लिसान {f}, लुगत {m}, जुबान {f}, जबान {f}, भाखा {f}, भासा {f}, भाष {f}, वाणी {f}
language {n} (vocabulary of a particular field) :: लुगात {m}, अक्षरमाला {f}
language {n} (computer language, see also: computer language) :: ज़बान {f}
language exchange {n} (language exchange) :: भाषा विनिमय
language family {n} (set of languages) :: भाषा-परिवार {m}
language swap {n} (language exchange) SEE: language exchange ::
langur {n} (group in the subfamily Colobinae) :: लंगूर {m}
lantern {n} (case of transparent material made to protect a flame, or light) :: लालटेन {f}, फ़ानूस {m}, फानूस {m}
lanthanum {n} (metallic element) :: सुजारला
Lao {n} (person) :: लाओशियन
Lao {n} (language) :: लाओशियन
Laos {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: लाओस
Laotian {n} (Laotian person) SEE: Lao ::
Laotian {prop} (language) :: लाओशियन
La Paz {prop} (capital city of Bolivia) :: ला पाज़
lap dog {n} (small dog suited to resting in its master's lap) :: छोटा कुत्ता {m}
lapis lazuli {n} (precious blue stone) :: लाजवर्द {m}, रावटी {f}, वैडूर्य {m}, वैदूर्य {m}
larboard {n} (port) SEE: port ::
lard {n} (bacon) SEE: bacon ::
larva {n} (a stage of growth) :: डिंभ {m}, लार्वा
laryngoscope {n} (endoscope used for viewing the interior of the larynx) :: कंठदर्शी
larynx {n} (organ involved in breath control, protection of the trachea, and sound production) :: स्वरग्रंथि {f}, स्वरयंत्र
laser {n} (device producing beam of light) :: लेज़र, लेसर, लाजार
lash {n} (eyelash; hair growing from the eyelid) SEE: eyelash ::
lassi {n} (beverage) :: लस्सी
last {adj} (final) :: आखिरी, अंतिम
last {adj} (most recent) :: पिछला
last {adv} (after everything else) :: सब के अंत में
last {v} (to hold out) :: टिकना, बना रहना
last {n} (tool) :: जूते बनाने का फर्म
last name {n} (surname) SEE: surname ::
last night {adv} (during the night before today) :: कल रात
last time {n} (the previous occurrence) :: पिछली बार
last year {adv} (year before this one, see also: yesteryear) :: पिछले साल
late {adj} (near the end of a period of time) :: देर
late {adj} (euphemism for dead) :: स्वर्गीय
late {adv} (proximate in time) :: देर से
later {adv} (more late) :: बाद में
lathe {n} (machine tool used to shape a piece of material) :: खराद {m}
Latin {adj} (Roman Catholic) SEE: Roman Catholic ::
Latin {adj} (of the language) :: लातिन, लातीनी, लातिनी
Latin {prop} (language of the ancient Romans) :: लैटिन, लातिन, लातिन भाषा {f}, लातीनी {f}, लातिनी {f}
Latin alphabet {n} (the 26-letter alphabet) :: रोमन लिपि {f}
Latin America {prop} (parts of the Americas which speak Spanish or Portuguese) :: लैटिन अमेरिका {f}
Latium {prop} (region of central Italy) :: लैटियम
lattice {n} :: झिलमिली, जालक, झंझरी, लकड़ी या लोहे की जाली
Latvia {prop} (country) :: लातविया, लाटविया
Latvian {n} (Baltic language of Latvia) :: लातवियाई {f}
laudable {adj} (worthy of being lauded) :: प्रशंसनीय
laugh {v} (show mirth by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face and emission of sounds) :: हँसना, हंसना
laughable {adj} (fitted to exite laughter) :: हास्यस्पद
laughter {n} (sound (as) of laughing) :: हंसी {f}
launder {n} (washerwoman) SEE: washerwoman ::
laundryman {n} (man in the business of laundering) :: धोबी {m}
lava {n} (molten rock) :: लावा {m}
lavatory {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
law {n} (any rule that must or should be obeyed) :: क़ानून {m}, नियम {m}
law {n} (mathematics: statement that is true under specified conditions) :: नियम {m}
lawman {n} (lawyer) SEE: lawyer ::
lawyer {n} (professional person authorized to practice law) :: वकील {m}
laxative {n} (substance with a laxative effect) :: रेचक
layer {n} (single thickness of some material covering a surface) :: परत {f}, तह {f}
laze {v} (be lazy, waste time) :: मक्खियाँ मारना (kill flies)
Lazio {prop} (Italian region) :: लात्सियो
lazurite {n} (lapis lazuli) SEE: lapis lazuli ::
lazy {adj} (unwilling to work) :: आलसी, सुस्त
lazy eye {n} (amblyopia) SEE: amblyopia ::
lead {n} (chemical element) :: सीसा {m}
leader {n} (one having authority) :: नेता {m}, लीडर {m}, रईस {m}, सरदार {m}
lead oxide {n} (yellow oxide of lead) :: सीसा जारकिक
lead someone up the garden path {v} (to deceive, hoodwink, mislead, or seduce someone) SEE: deceive ::
leaf {n} (part of a plant) :: पत्ता {m}, पत्ती {f}
League of Nations {prop} (international organization) :: राष्ट्र संघ
Leaning Tower of Pisa {prop} (the leaning bell tower in the Italian town of Pisa) :: पीसा की मीनार {m}
leap {v} :: कूदना
leap year {n} (366-day year in the Gregorian calendar) :: अधिवर्ष, लीप वर्ष
learn {v} (to acquire knowledge or ability) :: सीखना
learner {n} (one that is learning) :: शिक्षार्थी {m}
leather {n} (material produced by tanning animal skin) :: चमड़ा {f}
leave {v} (to cause to remain as available, not take away, refrain from depleting) :: छोड़ना
leave of absence {n} (absence from work) SEE: leave ::
Lebanon {prop} (Lebanese Republic) :: लेबनान, लेबनॉन
lechery {n} (Inordinate indulgence in sexual activity) :: ऐयाशी {f}, वासना {f}
lecithin {n} (lecithin) :: अंडपीति
lecture {n} (a spoken lesson) :: लेक्चर
lecturer {n} (person who gives lectures) :: प्राध्यापक {m}
ledger {n} (book for keeping notes) :: खाता-बही {f}, बही {f}
ledger {n} (collection of accounting entries) :: बही {f}
leech {n} (annelid) :: जोंक, जोँक {f}, जलूका {f}
leech {n} (person who derives profit from others) :: जोंक {f}, जोँक {f}
leech {n} (physician) SEE: physician ::
Leeds {prop} (city in England) :: लीड्स
leek {n} (vegetable) :: गंदना
left {adj} (the west side of the body when one is facing north) :: बायां
left {adv} (towards the left side) :: बायें
left {v} (remaining) :: बाक़ी
left-handed {n} (preferring the left hand over the right) :: बयां हत्थे का
leg {n} (lower limb from groin to ankle) :: पांव {m}, पैर {m}, पाया {m}, टांग {f}, टाँग {f}, पाँव {m}, कदम {m}, पग {m}, पगु {m}, क़दम {m}, पाद {m}, पद {m}, लात {m}, पा {m}, पाँ {m}, पय {m}, पाय {m}
legend {n} (story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events) :: किंवदंती {f}, अफ़्साना {m}
legendary {adj} (of or pertaining to a legend) :: पौराणिक
legion {n} (the major unit or division of the Roman army) :: लीजन
Lego {n} (toy brick) :: लेगो {m}
Leicester {prop} (city in England) :: लेस्टर
Leila {prop} (given name) :: लैला {f}
leishmaniasis {n} (pathology) :: काला अजार
leisure {n} (time free) :: अवकाश {m}, फ़ुर्सत {f}
lemma {n} (linguistics: lexeme) SEE: lexeme ::
lemon {n} (citrus fruit) :: नींबू {m}, नीबू {m}
lemur {n} (strepsirrhine primate of the infraorder Lemuriformes, superfamily Lemuroidea) :: लीमर {m}
Lena {prop} (Lena River) :: लेना, लेना नदी
lend {v} ((proscribed) to borrow) SEE: borrow ::
length {n} (distance along the longest dimension) :: लंबाई {f}
Lenin {prop} (a Russian revolutionary and politician) :: लेनिन {m}
Leningrad {prop} (name of Saint Petersburg, 1924-1991) :: लेनिनग्राद
Leninism {n} (the political philosophy named after Vladimir Lenin) :: लेनिनवाद {m}
lens {n} (object focusing or defocusing the light passing through it) :: लेंस {m}
lentil {n} (plant Lens culinaris) :: मसूर {m}, दाल {f}
lentil {n} (seed used as food) :: दाल {f}, मसूर {m}
lentil {n} :: दाल {f}
Leo {prop} (constellation) :: सिंह {m}
Leo {prop} (astrological sign) :: सिंह {m}
Leo {n} (Someone with a Leo star sign) :: सिंह {m}
leopard {n} (a large wild cat with a spotted coat, Panthera pardus) :: तेंदुआ {m}, तेंदुई {f}, तेँदुआ {m}
leprosy {n} (infectious disease caused by infection by Mycobacterium leprae) :: कुष्ठ, कोढ़ {m}, कुष्ठरोग {m}
lesbian {n} (homosexual woman) :: लेस्बियन {f}
Lesbian {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
Lesbian {adj} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
lesbo {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
Lesotho {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: लेसोथो
less {adv} (to a smaller extent or degree) :: न्यून, अल्प
-less {suffix} (lacking) :: काटा दिया
lesson {n} (section of learning or teaching) :: पाठ {m}, सबक़ {m}
lesson {n} (learning task assigned to a student) :: पाठ {m}
less-than-stellar {adj} (not very good) SEE: poor ::
let's {v} (let us; forming first-person plural imperative) :: [infinitive of the verb] हमको ... दो
let's go {phrase} (hortative of go) :: [casual] चलो
letter {n} (a symbol in an alphabet) :: अक्षर {m}, लिपि {f}, वर्ण {m}, हरफ़ {m}, हर्फ़ {m}, हरफ {m}, हर्फ, आखर {m}, अखर {m}
letter {n} (written message) :: ख़त {m}, पत्र {m}, चिट्ठी {f}, लेख {m}, नामा {m}, मकतूब {m}, खत {m}, उत्तर {m}, जाब {m}, पत्रिका {f}
letterbox {adj} (transferred to home video formats) :: लेटरबॉक्स {m}
letterbox {n} (collection point for mail) :: लेटरबॉक्स {m}, पत्र पेटिका {f}
letterbox {n} (delivery point for mail) :: लेटरबॉक्स {m}, पत्र पेटिका {f}
Lettic {adj} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian ::
Lettish {adj} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian ::
Lettish {n} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian ::
lettuce {n} (an edible plant, Lactuca) :: लेटिष, सलाद पत्ता
leukocyte {n} (a white blood cell) :: श्वेताणु
Levant {prop} (the countries bordering the eastern Mediterranean Sea) :: शाम
level {n} (degree or amount) :: स्तर {m}, लेवल {m}
lever {n} (rigid piece) :: उत्तोलक
Leviticus {prop} (the book of the Bible and Torah) :: लैव्यव्यवस्था
lexeme {n} (unit of vocabulary, the different forms of the same lemma) :: शब्दिम
LGBT {n} (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transexual) :: एल जी बी टी
Lhasa {prop} (Capital of Xizang (Tibet)) :: ल्हासा
liar {n} (one who tells lies) :: झूठा
libation {n} (act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice) :: मदिरा
libation {n} (alcoholic beverage) :: मदिरा
liberalism {n} (political movement) :: उदारतावाद {m}
liberate {v} (to free) :: मुक्त करना, आज़ाद करना, रिहा करना
liberation {n} (act of liberating or the state of being liberated) :: मुक्ति {f}, आज़ादी {f}, रिहाई {f}, मोक्ष {m}
liberator {n} (person who frees or liberates) :: मसीहा {m}
Liberia {prop} (country in Western Africa) :: लाइबेरिया
liberty {n} (condition of being free) :: आज़ादी
Libra {prop} (constellation) :: तुला {f}, तराज़ू {m}, मीज़ान {m}, मीजान {m}
Libra {prop} (astrological sign) :: तुला {f}, तराज़ू {m}, मीज़ान {m}, मीजान {m}
library {n} (institution which holds books etc.) :: पुस्तकालय {m}, लाइब्रेरी {f}
Libya {prop} (country in Northern Africa) :: लीबिया {m}
licence {n} (license) SEE: license ::
licence {v} (license) SEE: license ::
license {n} (legal document giving official permission to do something) :: लाइसेंस {m}, अनुज्ञा
lichen {n} (something which spreads across something else, causing damage) SEE: cancer ::
lichen {n} (symbiotic association of algae and fungi) :: लाइकेन, शैवाल {m}, काई {f}, शैक {m}
lick {v} (to stroke with the tongue) :: चाटना
lid {n} (top or cover) :: ढक्कन {m}
lie {v} (be in horizontal position) :: [inanimate] पड़ना, पड़ा होना, [animate] लेटना, लेटा होना
lie {v} (tell an intentional untruth) :: झूठ बोलना
lie {n} (intentionally false statement) :: झूठ {m}, मिथ्या, अबद्ध {m}, असत्य {m}
Liechtenstein {prop} (Principality of Liechtenstein) :: लिख्टेंश्टाइन
lie down {v} (assume a reclining position) :: लेटना
life {n} (the state of being alive) :: ज़िंदगी {f}, जीवन {m}, हयात {f}, जी {m}, प्राण {f}, जीना, लाइफ {m}, जीव {m}, जीवित {m}, जान {f}, उमर {f}
life {n} (the essence of the manifestation and the foundation of the being) :: जीवन {m}, जान {f}, प्राण {f}, लाइफ {m}, हयात {f}
life {n} (the subjective and inner manifestation of the individual) :: जीवन {m}, जान {f}, प्राण {f}
life {n} (a worthwhile existence) :: ज़िन्दगी, ज़िंदगी, जिंदगी {f}
life {n} (something inherently part of a person's existence) :: ज़िंदगी {f}, जिंदगी {f}
life {n} (life sentence) :: उमर {f}
life {n} (duration) :: कालावधि {f}
life expectancy {n} (the amount of time one is expected to live) :: जीवन प्रत्याशा {f}
lifetime {n} (duration of the life of someone or something) :: ज़िंदगी {f}, जिंदगी {f}, उमर {f}, लाइफ {m}
lift {n} (mechanical device for vertically transporting goods or people) :: लिफ़्ट, लिफ्ट, उत्थापक, उच्चालित्र
lift {n} (thief) SEE: thief ::
ligament {n} (band of strong tissue that holds the bones of an animal in position) :: स्नायु {m}, लिगामेन्ट
ligature {n} (typography: character that combines multiple letters) :: संयुक्ताक्षर
light {v} :: (jalana)
light {adj} (pale in colour) :: हलका
light {adj} (of low weight) :: हलका
light {n} (electromagnetic waves) :: प्रकाश {m}, रौशनी {f}
light {n} (source of illumination) :: रोशनी {f}, प्रकाश {m}, लाइट {f}, चमक, चिराग
lighter {n} (fire making device) :: लाइटर {m}
lighthouse {n} (building containing a light to warn or guide ships) :: रोशनीघर {m}, दीपगृह
lightning {n} (flash of light) :: तड़ित {?}, विद्युत {f}, बिजली {f}
lightning bug {n} (firefly) SEE: firefly ::
light year {n} (astronomical distance) :: प्रकाश-वर्ष
lignite {n} (coal) :: लिग्नाइट
like {v} (enjoy) :: पसंद करना [+ ...ने]
like {v} (find attractive) :: पसंद होना [intransitive]
like {prep} (similar to) :: ... की तरह, ... तरह
like {prep} (such as) :: के जैसा
likewise {adv} (also; moreover; too) SEE: too ::
lilac {n} (shrub) :: बकायन {f}
lilac {n} (flower) :: बकायन {f}
Lille {prop} (city in France) :: लील {f}
lily {n} (flower in the genus Lilium) :: कुमुदिनी
Lima {prop} (the capital city of Peru) :: लीमा
limb {n} (major appendage of human or animal) :: अंग {m}
limber {adj} (flexible) SEE: flexible ::
limit {n} (boundary) :: सीमा {f}
limitless {adj} (without limits; boundless) :: aseem
limnology {n} (science of lakes) :: सरोवरविज्ञान
limo {n} (limousine) SEE: limousine ::
limousine {n} (luxury sedan/saloon car) :: लिमोसिन
line {n} (path through two or more points, threadlike mark) :: रेखा {f}, लाइन {f}
line {n} (geometry: infinite one-dimensional figure) :: रेखा {f}
line {n} (straight sequence of people, queue) :: पंक्ति {f}
lingam {n} :: शिवलिङ्ग
Lingayat {n} (adherent of Lingayatism) :: लिंगायत
Lingayatism {prop} (a branch of Hinduism focusing on the worship of Shiva's linga) :: लिंगायत धर्म {m}
lingual {adj} (related to language) SEE: linguistic ::
linguist {n} (one who studies linguistics) :: भाषाविद {m}
linguistic {adj} (of or relating to language) :: भाषाई
linguistics {n} (scientific study of language) :: भाषाविज्ञान {m}, लिसानियात {f}
Linux {prop} (operating system) :: लिनुक्स, लिनक्स
lion {n} (big cat Panthera leo) :: सिंह {m}, शेर {m}, सिंघ {m}, बबर {m}, बबर-शेर {m}, केहर {m}
lion {n} (person with strength and courage) :: शेरदिल {m}
lioness {n} (female lion) :: शेरनी
lip {n} (fleshy protrusion framing the mouth) :: होंठ {m}, लब {m}
lip bear {n} (Melursus ursinus) SEE: sloth bear ::
Lipetsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: लिपेत्स्क
lipless {adj} (not having lips) :: होठहीन
lipstick {n} (make-up for the lips) :: लिपस्टिक {f}
liquid {n} (substance that is liquid) :: द्रव {m}, तरल
Lisbon {prop} (capital of Portugal) :: लिस्बन
lisp {n} (The habit or an act of lisping.) :: लिस्प
list {n} (enumeration or compilation of items) :: लिस्ट {f}, तालिका {f}, फहरिस्त {f}, फेहरिस्त {f}, सूची {f}, जाबिता {m}, फ़ेहरिस्त {f}
list {n} (computing: codified representation of a list) :: फहरिस्त {f}, फेहरिस्त {f}, फ़ेहरिस्त {f}, लिस्ट {f}, सूची {f}
listen {v} (to pay attention to a sound) :: सुनना
listen {v} (to expect or wait for a sound) :: सुनना
listen {v} (to accept advice or obey instruction) :: सुनना
listen {v} (to hear (something)) :: सुनना, कान लगाना
litchi {n} (lychee) SEE: lychee ::
liter {n} (cubic decimeter) SEE: litre ::
literary {adj} (relating to literature) :: आदाबी
literate {adj} (able to read, having literacy) :: शिक्षित, पढ़ा लिखा
literature {n} (body of all written works) :: साहित्य, अदब {m}
lithium {n} (chemical element) :: लघ्वातु
lithium {n} (treatment for mental disorders) :: लघ्वातु
lithium hydride {n} (chemical compound, LiH) :: लघ्वातु उदजारेय
lithium nitride {n} (Li3N) :: लघ्वातु भुयातिक
lithium oxide {n} (white powdered alkali) :: लघ्वातु जारेय
Lithuania {prop} (country) :: लिथुआनिया
litre {n} (unit of fluid measure) :: लीटर {m}
little {adj} (small in size) :: छोटा
little {adj} ((of a sibling) younger) :: छोटा
little {adv} (not much) :: कम
little {determiner} (small amount) :: थोड़ा
little finger {n} (outermost and smallest finger of the hand) :: कानी उँगली {f}, कानी {f}, छिगुनी {f}, कनिष्ठिका {f}, कनिष्ठा {f}
little one {n} (term of endearment) :: छोटू {m}, छोटी {f}
Little Red Riding Hood {prop} (a folktale) :: लिटिल रेड राईडिंग हूड
live {v} (be alive) :: जीना
live {v} (have permanent residence) :: रहना, निवास करना
live {adj} (having life) :: जीवित, सजीव, जीवंत
live {adj} ((broadcasting) seen or heard from a broadcast, as it happens) :: सीधा प्रसारण
live-in son-in-law {n} (live-in son-in-law, man who marries and lives with his wife's family) :: घर जमाई {m}
liver {n} (organ of the body) :: कलेजा {m}, जिगर {m}
Liverpool {prop} (Liverpool, England) :: लिवरपूल, लिवर्पूल
living {adj} (having life) :: जीवित, ज़िंदा, जीवी
living fossil {n} (species believed extinct but later found living) :: जीवित जीवाश्म
living room {n} (room in a private house) :: बैठकख़ाना
lizard {n} (reptile) :: छिपकली {f}
lizard {n} (coward) SEE: coward ::
llama {n} (South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama) :: लामा
loath {adj} (angry, hostile) SEE: angry ::
lobster {n} (crustacean) :: झींगा मछली, लॉब्स्टर
local {adj} (of a nearby location) :: स्थानीय
lock {n} (something used for fastening) :: ताला {m}
lockdown {n} (confinement of people as a security measure) :: तालाबंदी
locker {n} (storage compartment) :: लाकर {m}, कपाट {m}
lockup {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
locomotive {n} (self-propelled vehicle that runs on rails) :: लोकोमोटिव
locust {n} (type of grasshopper) :: टिड्डी {f}
Lode Star {prop} (Polaris) SEE: Polaris ::
lodge {n} (inn) SEE: inn ::
lodging {n} (place to live or lodge) :: आवास {m}
loftiness {n} (arrogance) SEE: arrogance ::
log {n} (trunk of dead tree, cleared of branches) :: कुंदा {m}, लट्ठा {m}
log {n} (very dumb person) SEE: blockhead ::
logarithm {n} (The power to which a given base number must be raised in order to obtain a given number) :: लघुगणक
logic {n} (method of human thought) :: तर्क
Logos {prop} ((Christianity) the word of God as incarnate) :: शब्द {m}
-logy {suffix} (branch of learning) :: -ज्ञान {m}
Lojban {prop} (artificial logical language based on Loglan) :: लोज़बान, लोजबान
lokun {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor ::
lolcat {n} (image macro of a kitten or cat with a humurous caption) :: लॉलकैट {m}
lollipop {n} (confectionery on a stick) :: लॉलीपॉप {m}
lolly {n} (money) SEE: money ::
lolly {n} (lollipop) SEE: lollipop ::
Lollywood {prop} (Pakistani film industry) :: लॉलीवुड {m}
London {prop} (in the United Kingdom) :: लंदन {m}
loneliness {n} (condition of being lonely) :: अकेलापन {m}, तनहाई {f}
long {adj} (having much distance from one point to another) :: लम्बा, लंबा
long {adj} (having great duration) :: लम्बा, लंबा
long {adj} (not short) SEE: tall ::
long corner {n} (field hockey: type of free hit) :: लंबा कोना {m}
long corner {n} (soccer: type of corner kick) :: लंबा कोना {m}
long live {v} (prosper) :: ... चिरंजीव, ज़िन्दाबाद, जय
long pepper {n} (Piper longum, or its fruit) :: पिप्पली
long time no see {interj} (idiomatic: I (or we) have not seen you for a long time) :: बहुत समय से देखा नहीं
longyi {n} (a sarong-like garment worn around the waist) :: लुंगी {f}
loo {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
loofah {n} (tropical vine) :: तुरई {f}
look {v} (to try to see) :: देखना, निगाह करना
look after {v} (to watch, to protect) :: ध्यान रखना, पालना, पालनपोषण करना
lookalike {n} (person physically resembling another person) :: हमशक्ल {m}
look for {v} (search; seek) :: ढूँढ़ना, ढूँढना, खोजना
looking-glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror ::
loom {n} (weaving frame) :: करघा {m}
loony {adj} (very silly) SEE: silly ::
loot {n} (the proceeds of theft, robbery etc., swag, contraband) :: लूट {f}
loot {v} (to steal from) :: लूटना
loquat {n} (fruit) :: लोकाट, जापानी फल
lord {n} (master of a household) :: मालिक {m}, साहिब {m}, साहब {m}
lord {n} (property owner) :: लार्ड {m}
lord {n} (ruler, one having mastery over others) :: लार्ड {m}, सरवर {m}, प्रभु {m}, खुदा {m}
lord {n} (aristocrat) :: लार्ड {m}, खुदावंद {m}
lord {n} (titled nobleman) :: लार्ड {m}
Lord {prop} (God) :: प्रभु {m}
Lord {n} (British aristocratic title) :: लार्ड {m}
Lord's Prayer {prop} (the prayer taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples) :: परमात्मा की प्रार्थना {f}
lorry {n} (motor vehicle) SEE: truck ::
Los Angeles {prop} (largest city in California) :: लॉस ऐन्जेलिस
lose {v} (cause (something) to cease to be in one's possession or capability) :: खोना
lose {v} ((transitive) fail to win) :: खोना, हारना
lose one's way {v} (get lost) SEE: get lost ::
lot {n} (large quantity or number) SEE: a lot ::
Lot {prop} (nephew of Abraham) :: लूत {m}
lota {n} (a pot used in India) :: लोटा {f}
lotion {n} (ointment that one rubs on the skin) :: लोशन
lots {n} (lots) SEE: a lot ::
lottery {n} (scheme for the distribution of prizes by lot or chance) :: लॉटरी {f}, लाटरी {f}
lotus {n} (plant of the genus Nelumbo) :: कमल {m}, पद्म {m}
loudly {adv} (in a loud manner) :: ज़ोर से
loudspeaker {n} (transducer) :: लाउडस्पीकर {m}
Louisiana {prop} (US state) :: लुईज़ियाना, लूसियाना
louse {n} (insect) :: जूँ {f}
lout {n} (troublemaker) :: गुंडा {m}
love {n} (strong affection) :: प्यार {m}, प्रेम {m}, इश्क़ {m}, मुहब्बत {f}, सम्मोह {m}, स्नेह {m}, अनुराग {m}, प्रीति {f}, इष्ट
love {n} (object of one's romantic feelings; darling or sweetheart) :: हबीब {m}, प्रिय {m}, प्रेमपात्र {m}, माशूक {m}, माशूका {f}, प्रियतम {m}, जान {f}, कामुक {m}, कामुकी {f}, दिलबर, अज़ीज़ {m}, अजीज {m}
love {v} (have a strong affection for) :: प्यार करना /pyār karnā/, प्रेम करना /prem karnā/, इश्क़ करना, मुहब्बत करना
love {v} (to need, thrive on) :: बहुत चाहना /bahut cāhnā/
love letter {n} (letter about the author's love) :: प्रेम पत्र {m}
lover {n} (one who loves another person) :: प्रेमी {m}, प्रेमिका {f}
low {adj} (in a position comparatively close to the ground) :: नीचा
low {n} (flame) SEE: flame ::
loyal {adj} (firm in allegiance to a person or institution) :: निष्ठावान
loyalness {n} (loyalty) SEE: loyalty ::
loyalty {n} (the state of being loyal; fidelity) :: निष्ठा {f}
Lua {prop} (a programming language (transliterations)) :: लुआ
Lucas {prop} (male given name) SEE: Luke ::
luck {n} (something that happens to someone by chance) :: भाग्य {m}, क़िस्मत {f}, तक़दीर {f}
Lucknow {prop} (capital of Uttar Pradesh, India) :: लखनऊ
lucky {adj} (of people, having good fortune) :: भाग्यशाली, ख़ुशक़िस्मत
lucky {adj} (being good by chance) :: भाग्यशाली
Ludhiana {prop} (city in India) :: लुधियाना
Lufthansa {prop} (German airline) :: लुफ़्थान्सा
luggage {n} (traveller's containers) :: सामान {m}
Lukas {prop} (given name) SEE: Luke ::
Luke {prop} (gospel of Luke) :: लूका
lullaby {n} (a soothing song to lull children to sleep) :: लोरी {f}
Luna {prop} (Earth's moon) SEE: Moon ::
lunar eclipse {n} (when the Earth casts its shadow over the Moon) :: चन्द्र ग्रहण
Lunar New Year {n} (Lunar new year) SEE: Chinese New Year ::
lunatic asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
lunch {n} (meal around midday) :: लंच {m}, दोपहर का खाना {m}, नहार
luncheon {n} (a formal term for lunch) SEE: lunch ::
lung {n} (organ that extracts oxygen from the air) :: फेफड़ा {m}, फुफ्फुस
lungi {n} (garment) :: लुंगी
Lupus {prop} (summer constellation of the northern sky) :: भेड़िया {m}, वृक {m}
lush {n} (alcoholic) :: शराबी {m}
lust {n} (strong desire, especially of a sexual nature) :: वासना {f}, राग {m}, काम {m}
luster {n} (a shine, polish or sparkle) :: नूर {m}, प्रकाश {m}
luster {n} (brilliance, attractiveness or splendor) :: नूर {m}, प्रकाश {m}
lustre {n} (luster) SEE: luster ::
lustre {v} (luster) SEE: luster ::
lute {n} (stringed instrument) :: वीणा
lutetium {n} (chemical element with atomic number of 71) :: निर्वर्णला
Luxembourg {prop} (country) :: लक्ज़मबर्ग, लक्समबर्ग
lycanthrope {n} (werewolf) SEE: werewolf ::
lychee {n} (tree) :: लीची {f}
lychee {n} (fruit) :: लीची
lymphocyte {n} (type of white blood cell) :: लसीकाणु {m}
lynx {n} (wild cat) :: लिंक्स, बनबिलाव {m}
Lyon {prop} (city in France) :: ल्यों
lyric {n} (words of a song) SEE: lyrics ::
lyrics {n} (the words to a song) :: लिरिक्रस, गीत {m}, गीतिकाव्य
lysosome {n} (digestive organelle) :: लयनकाय