User:Matthias Buchmeier/uk-en-r

та {conj} :: and, also, even
табір {noun} :: camp
таблиця {noun} :: table (a grid of data arranged in rows and columns)
Таджикистан {prop} :: Таджикистан (country)
таємниця {noun} :: secret
таємниця {noun} :: mystery
Таїланд {prop} :: Таїланд (country)
Таїсія {prop} :: given name
так {adv} :: so, thus
так {interj} :: yes
так би мовити {adv} :: as it were, so to speak
такий {determiner} :: such, suchlike
також {adv} :: also, too, as well, likewise
так само {adv} :: also (in addition; besides; as well; further; too)
таксі {noun} :: taxi; cab
талія {noun} :: waist
там {adv} :: there
тамада {noun} :: tamada, toastmaster
танець {noun} :: dance
танцювати {vit} :: to dance
танцювати {vi} :: to perform in a ballet
танцювати {vi} [figurative] :: to jump up
танцювати {vi} [figurative] :: to tremble
Тарас {prop} :: given name
тарган {noun} :: cockroach
тарілка {noun} :: plate
тарілка {noun} [musical instruments] :: cymbals
татко {noun} :: diminutive of та́то
татко {noun} :: endearing form of та́то
тато {noun} :: dad
татусь {noun} :: endearing form of та́то
татусь {noun} :: endearing form of та́тко
таця {noun} :: tray
твар {noun} [archaic] :: animal, creature
твар {noun} [archaic, collective] :: animals
твар {noun} [archaic, pejorative] :: beast, vile person
твар {noun} [archaic] :: face, visage
тварина {noun} :: animal
тварина {noun} :: beast
тварина {noun} [uncountable, collectively] :: animals, livestock
твердий {adj} :: hard
твердий {adj} [phonology] :: hard, unpalatalized
тверезий {adj} :: sober
твій {pron} [possessive pronoun] :: your, yours, thy, thine (2nd-person familiar, singular only)
твір {noun} :: work, writing, composition
творити {vt} :: to create, make, produce
театр {noun} :: theater
теж {adv} :: also, too, as well, likewise
текст {noun} :: text
текст {noun} :: wording
текст {noun} :: lyrics (of a song)
текти {v} :: to flow, to run, to stream, to move
текти {v} :: to leak
телебачення {noun} :: television (medium)
телевізор {noun} :: TV, TV set
телескоп {noun} :: telescope
телефон {noun} :: telephone
телефонувати {v} :: to phone, call
телугу {noun} :: Telugu (Dravidian people of India)
телугу {noun} :: Telugu (Dravidian language of India)
телугу {noun} :: Telugu (Dravidian script of India)
теля {noun} :: calf (young cow or bull)
тема {noun} :: theme, subject, topic
темний {adj} :: dark
темниця {noun} [dated, poetic] :: dungeon, gaol, prison
темрява {noun} [uncountable] :: darkness
тенденція {noun} :: tendency
тенденція {noun} :: trend
тенденція {noun} :: inclination, proclivity
теорія {noun} :: theory
тепер {adv} :: now
тепер {adv} :: nowadays, at present
теперішній {adj} :: present, actual
теплий {adj} :: warm
терапевтичний {adj} :: therapeutic
терем {noun} :: tower, tower-room; a living area in a building or upper part of a building in the shape of a tower, especially in ancient Rus
терен {noun} :: sloe, blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)
терен {noun} :: terrain
територія {noun} :: territory
термін {noun} :: term (word)
термін {noun} :: term, date, time
терміт {noun} :: termite
термітник {noun} :: termitarium
Тернопіль {prop} :: Тернопіль (city)
тероризм {noun} [politics] :: terrorism
терпіти {vt} :: to endure, to suffer, to tolerate, to stand
терпіти {vt} :: to undergo (a change, especially a negative one)
терти {v} :: to rub, to grind
терти {v} :: to scrub
тесля {noun} :: carpenter
тесля {noun} [rare] :: joiner
тесть {noun} :: wife's father, father-in-law
тетеря {noun} :: black grouse Lyrurus tetrix
тетеря {noun} :: stupid, clumsy person; oaf
тетеря {noun} :: [[teterya], ryabko (Ukrainian Cossack dish of cooked millet and buckwheat flour)
тетеря {noun} :: # teterya {{gloss|Ukrainian Cossack dish of crackers or bread with water, salt, onion and oil
тетеря {noun} :: young black grouse
Тетяна {prop} :: given name
технологія {noun} :: technology
течія {noun} :: flow
течія {noun} [figurative] :: flow [of sounds, words, language]
течія {noun} [rare] :: course, passage [of time]
течія {noun} :: current (movement of water or air)
течія {noun} [figurative] :: current (movement of people, politics, art, etc.)
течія {noun} [colloquial] :: small river, stream
течія {noun} [archaic] :: jet of water
теща {noun} :: wife's mother, mother-in-law
ти {pron} :: you (singular); thou
тигр {noun} :: tiger
тиждень {noun} :: week
тимчасовий {adj} :: temporary
Тирана {prop} :: Тирана (capital city)
тис {noun} :: yew (tree or shrub)
тис {noun} [uncountable] :: yew (wood)
тиск {noun} :: pressure
тиск {noun} :: stress
тиск {noun} :: thrust
тисяча {noun} :: thousand
титар {noun} :: church warden
тихий {adj} :: quiet, peaceful
тиша {noun} :: silence, quietness
тиша {noun} :: calm weather, windlessness
тікати {vi} :: to tick (of a clock)
тікати {vi} :: to run away, to flee
тіло {noun} :: body
тільки {adv} :: only, but
тім'я {noun} :: crown of the head
тінь {noun} :: shadow, shade
тісний {adj} :: tight
тістечко {noun} :: cake
тісто {noun} [uncountable] :: dough
тітка {noun} :: aunt
ткаля {noun} :: female weaver
ткати {vt} :: to weave
тло {noun} [literal] :: background
тло {noun} [figurative] :: environment, surroundings, general conditions
тло {noun} [figurative] :: ground, basis
тлустий {adj} :: greasy
тля {noun} :: aphid
тля {noun} [collective, colloquial] :: insect pests
тля {noun} [figurative, colloquial] :: gnat, insignificant person
тля {noun} [literary] :: decay
тобто {adv} :: that is, that is to say, i.e.
товар {noun} :: commodity, article, product
товариство {noun} :: partnership
товариство {noun} :: association
товариство {noun} :: company
товариство {noun} :: camaraderie
товариш {noun} :: comrade
товаришка {noun} :: comrade (female)
товстий {adj} :: fat
товстий {adj} :: thick
тоді {adv} :: then, at that time
тоді {adv} :: then, in that case
той {determiner} :: that
токар {noun} :: turner (person who shapes objects by turning them on a lathe)
Токіо {prop} :: Токіо (prefecture/capital city)
том {noun} :: tome, volume
тому {adv} :: therefore, because of that, consequently
тонкий {adj} :: thin
тонкий {adj} :: slim, slender
тонна {noun} :: ton
торба {noun} :: travel bag [meant to be worn over the shoulders]
торгівля {noun} [uncountable] :: trade, commerce
торік {adv} :: last year
торкати {v} :: to touch
торкатися {v} :: to touch
торкнути {v} :: to touch
торкнутися {v} :: to touch
торпеда {noun} :: torpedo
точка {noun} :: period, dot, full stop
точка {noun} :: point
точка зору {noun} :: standpoint (point of view)
точний {adj} :: exact, precise, accurate
тощо {adv} :: etcetera, and so on, and so forth
трава {noun} :: grass
трава {noun} :: herb
трава {noun} :: weed
травень {noun} :: May
травлення {noun} [uncountable] :: digestion (process in gastrointestinal tract)
трагедія {noun} :: tragedy
трагічний {adj} :: tragic, tragical
традиція {noun} :: tradition
трактор {noun} [agriculture] :: tractor
трактористка {noun} :: female tractor driver
трамвай {noun} :: tram (passenger vehicle)
треба {noun} :: rite, ceremony (religious)
трепанація {noun} :: trepanation
третій {adj} :: third
трефа {noun} :: clubs (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣)
три {num} :: three (3)
тривалий {adj} :: long, continued, extended
тридцятий {adj} :: thirtieth
тридцять {num} :: thirty (30)
тридцять вісім {num} :: thirty-eight (38)
тридцять два {num} :: thirty-two (32)
тридцять дев'ять {num} :: thirty-nine (39)
тридцять один {num} :: thirty-one (31)
тридцять перший {adj} :: thirty-first
тридцять п'ять {num} :: thirty-five (35)
тридцять сім {num} :: thirty-seven (37)
тридцять три {num} :: thirty-three (33)
тридцять чотири {num} :: thirty-four (34)
тридцять шість {num} :: thirty-six (36)
трикутний {adj} :: triangular
трикутник {noun} :: triangle
тримати {vt} :: to hold, to hold on (to)
тримати {vt} :: to keep
тринадцятий {adj} :: thirteenth
тринадцять {num} :: thirteen (13)
триста {num} :: three hundred
тріска {noun} :: chip, splinter
тріска {noun} [uncountable, collectively] :: cod
тріщина {noun} :: crevice, crack, fissure
троє {determiner} :: [collective number] three
трок {noun} [Canada] :: truck (pickup truck or lorry)
трохи {adv} :: a little
троянда {noun} :: rose
труба {noun} :: trumpet
труба {noun} :: pipe, tube
трудівник {noun} :: worker
трудний {adj} :: difficult
труїти {v} :: to poison
труна {noun} :: coffin
труп {noun} :: corpse
трутень {noun} :: drone, male bee
трутень {noun} [figurative] :: drone, idler, sluggard
трясти {vt} :: to shake
трясти {vi} :: to jolt, to shake (of a vehicle, etc.)
трясти {v} [impersonal, imperfective only] :: to be shaking
туалет {noun} [countable] :: toilet, WC, restroom, lavatory
туалет {noun} [dated] :: dress, attire
туалет {noun} [uncountable] :: toilet, grooming (care for one's personal appearance)
тугий {adj} :: tense, tight, taut
туди {adv} :: (to) there, that way
туз {noun} [cards] :: ace (card with a single spot)
туз {noun} [colloquial] :: bigwig
туман {noun} [meteorology] :: fog
Туніс {prop} :: Туніс (country)
Туніс {prop} :: Туніс (capital city)
тупий {adj} :: blunt
тупий {adj} :: thick, obtuse, dull, stupid, silly
тура {noun} [chess] :: rook
турецький {adj} :: Turkish
Туреччина {prop} :: Туреччина (country)
Туркменістан {prop} :: Туркменістан (country)
турнікет {noun} :: turnstile
тут {adv} [location] :: here
тут {noun} :: mulberry
тхір {noun} :: polecat
тхір {noun} :: ferret
тюрма {noun} :: prison, jail
тютюн {noun} [uncountable] :: tobacco (plant and its leaves used for smoking)
тюхтій {noun} [colloquial] :: clumsy person, klutz, oaf
тягати {vt} :: to drag, to pull
тягнути {vt} :: to drag, to pull
тягти {vt} :: to drag, to pull
тяжкий {adj} :: heavy
тяжкий {adj} :: hard, grave, severe
тяти {v} :: to cut, to chop
тяти {v} :: to mow
тяти {v} :: to beat, to hit
тяти {vi} [figurative] :: to play a musical instrument passionately
тяти {vi} :: to signal by beating something
тяти {vti} :: to sting