User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-f

Fabian {prop} {m} :: given name
fabryka {f} :: factory, plant
fabrykant {m pers} [dated] :: manufacturer
fabrykantka {f} [dated] :: female manufacturer
fabuła {f} :: plot; the course of a story
Facebook {prop} {m inan} :: Facebook
facet {m pers} [colloquial] :: guy, fellow, chap
fach {m inan} [colloquial] :: trade (skilled practice of an occupation)
fag {m anim} :: phage
fagot {m inan} [musical instruments] :: bassoon
fair {adj} :: fair (just, equitable)
fair {adv} :: fairly (in a fair manner)
fajans {m inan} :: faience (type of tin-glazed earthenware ceramic)
fajans {m inan} [colloquial] :: tripes (something valueless)
fajek {m anim} [slang] :: cigarette, fag (UK sense)
fajerwerk {m inan} :: firework
fajka {f} :: pipe (smoking tool)
fajka {f} [slang, usually plural] :: cigarette, fag (UK sense)
fajnie {adv} :: great
fajniej {adv} :: comparative of fajnie
fajniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of fajny
fajno {adv} :: great
fajny {adj} [colloquial] :: cool, nice, great
fajrant {m inan} [colloquial] :: knock-off time, quitting time, hometime
fajrantowy {adj} [relational] :: knock-off time, quitting time, hometime
fakir {m pers} [Islam] :: fakir (faqir, owning no personal property and usually living solely off alms)
fakir {m pers} [Hinduism] :: fakir (ascetic mendicant)
faks {m inan} :: fax
faks {m inan} :: fax machine
fakt {m inan} :: fact
fakt dokonany {m} [idiom] :: fait accompli; an action that has already been performed without usual prior approval
faktura {f} :: invoice
faktycznie {adv} :: actually
fakultatywny {adj} :: elective, facultative, non-compulsory
fala {f} :: wave
falafel {m inan} :: falafel
falanga {f} :: phalanx
falbana {f} :: ruffle, furbelow, frill
falbaneczka {f} :: diminutive of falbanka
falbanka {f} :: diminutive of falbana
Falklandy {prop} {p} :: Falkland Islands (group of islands in the South Atlantic)
falklandzki {adj} :: Falkland Islands
falochron {m inan} :: breakwater (construction designed to break the force of the sea)
falować {v impf} :: to undulate, to wave
falset {m inan} :: falsetto
falsyfikat {m inan} :: fake, forgery, counterfeit
falujący {adj} :: undulating, waving, swaying
fałd {m inan} :: wrinkle, crease
fałda {f} :: fold, pleat, crease
fałdować {vt impf} :: to crease, to wrinkle, to fold
fałdować {vr impf} :: to become creased, to become wrinkled, to bunch up
fałdowiec {m anim} :: rorqual, balaenopterid
fałsz {m inan} :: deceitfulness, phoniness
fałsz {m inan} [logic] :: falsehood, falsity
fałszerstwo {n} :: forgery
fałszerz {m pers} :: forger, counterfeiter
fałszować {v impf} :: to forge, to counterfeit, to falsify
fałszować {v impf} :: to sing off-key
fałszywka {f} [colloquial] :: counterfeit item, especially a piece of money (bill or coin)
fałszywy {adj} :: false (untrue, not factual, wrong)
fałszywy alarm {m inan} :: false alarm (trigger of an unfounded response)
fałszywy alarm {m inan} :: false positive (a result of a test that shows as present something that is absent)
fałszywy przyjaciel {idiom} :: false friend
fama {f} :: renown, rumour
familia {f} [dated] :: family
familiant {m pers} [dated] :: family member
familiantka {f} [dated] :: female family member
fan {m pers} :: fan
fanatyczka {f} [pejorative] :: female fanatic
fanatyczny {adj} :: fanatical
fanatyk {m pers} [pejorative] :: fanatic
fanka {f} :: feminine noun of fan
fant {m inan} [colloquial] :: security, deposit (item temporarily relinquished to guarantee something)
fant {m inan} [colloquial] :: thingy, widget, gizmo (unspecified object)
fantasmagoria {f} [literary] :: phantasmagoria (dreamlike state where real and imagined elements are blurred together)
fantastycznie {adv} :: fantastically
fantastycznonaukowy {adj} [relational] :: science fiction
fantastyczny {adj} :: fantastic
fantastyka {f} [literature] :: speculative fiction
fantastyka naukowa {f} [literature] :: science fiction (genre of fiction)
fantasy {n} [literature] :: fantasy (genre)
fantasy {adj} :: fantastical (of or pertaining to fantasy)
farad {m inan} :: farad
faraon {m pers} :: pharaoh (supreme ruler in Ancient Egypt)
farba {f} :: paint
farba {f} :: blood of a game animal
farerski {adj} :: Faroese
farfocel {m anim} [colloquial] :: scrap (a small piece, fragment; junk)
farma {f} :: farm
farmaceuta {m pers} :: pharmacist
farmaceutka {f} :: pharmacist
farmaceutyczny {adj} :: pharmaceutical
farmakologia {f} :: pharmacology
farmakologiczny {adj} :: pharmacological, pharmacologic
farmazon {m inan} [slang or Warsaw regionalism, usually plural] :: bullshit, nonsense, lie
farsa {f} [theater] :: farce
farsa {f} :: farce (situation)
farsz {m inan} [cooking] :: stuffing, filling
fart {m inan} [colloquial] :: luck
fart {m inan} [colloquial] :: fluke; stroke of luck
fartuch {m inan} :: apron
fartuch {m inan} :: lab coat
fartuszek {prop} {m inan} :: diminutive of fartuch
faryna {f} [Kujawy] :: sugar
faryzeusz {m pers} :: Pharisee
fasada {f} :: facade
faseta {f} :: facet
fasola {f} :: bean (seed)
fason {m inan} :: cut (manner or style a garment etc. is fashioned in)
fason {m inan} [colloquial] :: way of being, demeanor
fast food {m inan} :: snack bar
fast food {m inan} :: fast food (type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly)
fastfoodowy {adj} [relational] :: snack bar
fastfoodowy {adj} [relational] :: fast food
faszysta {m pers} :: fascist (proponent of fascism)
faszystka {f} :: female fascist
faszystowski {adj} :: fascist
faszyzm {m inan} :: fascism
fatalista {m pers} :: fatalist
fater {m pers} [regional] :: father
fatum {n} :: destiny, fate, doom, jinx
fatwa {f} [Islam] :: fatwa (legal opinion issued by a mufti)
fatyga {f} :: trouble, effort, toil
fatyga {f} :: fatigue
fatygować {vt impf} :: to trouble, to bother, to expose to trouble
fatygować {vr impf} :: to take the trouble, to bother
faul {m inan} [sports] :: foul
faulować {vt impf} [sports] :: to foul
fauna {f} :: fauna
faux pas {n} :: faux pas, blunder
fax {m inan} :: fax
faza {f} :: phase, stage
faza {f} [electricity] :: phase
faza {f} [slang] :: mood; craving; devotion to some pursuit or hobby which is not expected to last
faza {f} [slang] :: high; state of intoxication
faza {f} [slang] :: energetic, playful mood
fazan {m anim} [Upper Silesia] :: pheasant
fechtunek {m inan} [archaic] :: fencing
fechtunek {m inan} [archaic] :: swordsmanship
Federacja Rosyjska {prop} {f} :: Russian Federation
fejsbuk {m inan} [colloquial] :: Facebook
felga {f} :: rim (of a wheel)
felieton {m inan} :: opinion piece
feminazista {m pers} [neologism, offensive, pejorative] :: feminazi
feminazistka {f} [neologism, offensive, pejorative] :: female feminazi
feminista {m pers} :: feminist
feministka {f} :: female feminist
feministycznie {adv} :: feministically; in a feministic manner
feministyczny {adj} :: feminist (relating to or in accordance with feminism)
feminizm {m inan} :: feminism
fenek {m anim} :: fennec, Vulpes zerda (small fox)
Fenicja {prop} {f} :: Phoenicia
Fenicjanin {m pers} :: Phoenician (a man from Phoenicia)
Fenicjanka {f} :: Phoenician (a woman from Phoenicia)
fenicki {adj} :: Phoenician
feniks {m anim} [mythology] :: phoenix
fenol {m inan} [organic compound] :: phenol (organic compound)
fenol {m inan} [organic chemistry] :: compound derived from phenol
fenologia {f} [biology] :: phenology
fenomenologia {f} [philosophy] :: phenomenology
fenyloalanina {f} :: phenylalanine
ferajna {f} [colloquial] :: gang (company of persons)
ferie {nv} :: winter vacation
ferie {nv} :: winter school break
ferm {m inan} :: fermium
ferma {f} :: farm (location used for an industrial purpose, having many similar structures)
fermion {m inan} [physics] :: fermion
fermionowy {adj} :: fermionic
fermowy {adj} [relational] :: farm
ferszalunek {m inan} [Kraków] :: protective clothing
ferwor {m inan} :: heat, fervour (period of intensity, particularly of emotion)
ferwor {m inan} [colloquial] :: mess, disorder, confusion
fest {adv} [Upper Silesia] :: firmly, strongly
festiwal {m inan} :: festival
festyn {m inan} :: festival, festivity
feta {f} :: celebration; feast; party
feta {f} [singular only] :: feta cheese
feta {f} [slang] :: amphetamine
fetor {m inan} :: fetor
fetysz {m inan} :: fetish (something believed to possess spiritual or magical powers)
fetysz {m inan} :: fetish (something nonsexual which arouses sexual desire)
ficzer {m inan} [neologism, slang] :: feature; a trait that exists by design, as opposed to coincidence or oversight
fideista {m pers} :: fideist
fideizm {m inan} :: fideism
Fidżi {prop} {n} :: Fiji
fiesta {f} [in Spanish speaking countries] :: fiesta
FIFA {prop} {f} :: FIFA
figa {f} [colloquial] :: common fig, Ficus carica (tree, shrub, or fruit)
figa {f} [colloquial] :: nothing, nil, zilch
figa {f} :: fig sign
figi {nv} :: women's panties (UK: knickers)
figiel {m inan} :: trick, prank, joke, fooling around
figlarka {f} :: female prankster, trickster, mischief-maker
figlarka {f} [archaic] :: A type of entertainer
figlarka {f} [archaic] :: female swindler
figlarz {m pers} :: prankster, trickster, mischief-maker
figlarz {m pers} [archaic] :: A type of entertainer
figlarz {m pers} [archaic] :: swindler
figlarz {m anim} :: Alectrurus
figlarz {m inan} :: Mimulus, monkey flower
figowiec {m inan} :: fig (any member of the genus Ficus)
figura {f} :: shape
figura {f} :: figure (human figure; shape of human body)
figurowy {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a figure
fikcja {f} :: fiction
fikcja {f} :: figment
fikcyjny {adj} :: fictional (invented, as opposed to real), fictitious
fiksatuar {m inan} [archaic] :: fixature
filantrop {m pers} :: philanthropist
filantropia {f} :: philanthropy
filantropka {f} :: female philanthropist
filar {m inan} :: pillar
filatelistyka {f} :: philately (stamp collecting)
filc {m inan} :: felt (cloth made of matted fibres of wool)
Filip {prop} {m} :: given name
Filipinka {f} :: Filipina (female citizen of the Philippines)
Filipiny {prop} {fp} :: the Philippines
Filipińczyk {m pers} :: Filipino (male citizen of the Philippines)
filipiński {adj} :: Filipino
filipiński {m inan} :: Filipino (language)
filiżaneczka {f} :: diminutive of filiżanka
filiżanka {f} :: teacup, cup (vessel for drinking)
film {m inan} :: film, movie, motion picture
film {m inan} :: film (medium used to capture images in a camera)
film przyrodniczy {m inan} :: See: pl film przyrodniczy nature film
film przyrodniczy {m inan} [humorous, euphemism] :: adult film; pornography
filmik {m inan} :: diminutive of film
filmografia {f} :: filmography
filmograficzny {adj} :: filmographic
filmologia {f} :: film studies, filmology
filmoteka {f} :: film library, film archive
filmować {v impf} :: to film
filmowanie {n} :: verbal noun of filmować
filmowiec {m pers} :: filmmaker (person who makes films)
filmowy {adj} :: of or pertaining to a film
filmoznawca {m pers} :: One who studies film studies or a person skilled in film studies
filmoznawczy {adj} [relational] :: film studies, filmology
filmoznawstwo {n} :: film studies, filmology
filolog {m pers} :: philologist
filolog {f} :: female philologist
filologia {f} :: study of language, literature and culture of a particular nation; philology
filozof {m pers} :: philosopher
filozofia {f} :: philosophy (academic discipline)
filozoficzny {adj} :: philosophical
filtr {m inan} :: filter (device which separates a suspended, dissolved, or particulate matter from a fluid, solution, or other substance)
filtr {m inan} :: filter (electronics or software that separates unwanted signals (for example noise) from wanted signals or that attenuates selected frequencies)
filtr {m inan} :: UV filter
filtr {m inan} [mathematics, order theory] :: filter (non-empty upper set (of a partially ordered set) which is closed under binary infima (a.k.a. meets))
filtracja {f} :: filtration
filtracyjny {adj} [relational] :: filtration
filtrować {vt impf} :: to filter
Fin {m pers} :: Finn
finalista {m pers} :: finalist (male)
finalistka {f} :: finalist (female)
finał {m inan} :: final
finisz {m inan} [sports] :: home straight, finish (last part of a race, etc.)
finisz {m inan} :: finish, end
finiszować {vi impf} :: to spurt, to sprint (as at the end of a race, etc.)
finiszować {vi impf} :: to finish, to end
Finlandia {prop} {f} :: Finland
fiń. {adj} :: abbreviation of fiński
fiński {adj} :: Finnish
fiński {m inan} :: Finnish (language)
fiolet {m inan} :: violet
fioletowawy {adj} :: purplish
fioletoworóżowy {adj} :: mauve
fioletowy {adj} :: violet
fiolka {f} :: vial
fioł {m inan} :: augmentative of fiołek
fioł {m inan} [colloquial] :: craze
fioł {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: weirdo, eccentric
fiołek {m inan} :: violet, any plant of the genus Viola
fiord {m inan} :: fjord
fiord {m inan} :: Fjord horse
fiordowy {adj} [relational] :: fjord
firana {f} :: curtain (piece of cloth covering a window)
firaneczka {f} :: diminutive of firanka
firanka {f} :: curtain (piece of cloth covering a window)
firma {f} :: company (in legal context, a corporation)
firma krzak {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: no-name; obscure company of unknown brand and reputation, potentially untrustworthy or producing goods of inferior quality
firmament {m inan} :: celestial sphere, heaven, sky
firmament {m inan} [archaic] :: foundation
fistaszek {m anim} [usually plural, colloquial] :: peanut
fiszka {f} :: flashcard (card used to aid rote memorization)
fiszka {f} :: card (in a file)
fitness {m inan} :: aerobics or similar physical exercises
fitochemia {f} :: phytochemistry
fitopatologia {f} :: phytopathology
fiut {m anim} [vulgar] :: cock, penis
fizjologia {f} :: physiology
fizjonomia {f} :: physiognomy
fizjoterapeuta {m pers} :: physiotherapist
fizol {m anim} [derogatory] :: a physical laborer, blue-collar
fizyczka {f} [neologism] :: female physicist
fizycznie {adv} :: physically
fizyczny {adj} :: physical, related to physics
fizyczny {adj} :: physical, related the human body
fizyk {m pers} :: physicist
fizyk {f} :: female physicist
fizyka {f} :: physics
fizykochemia {f} :: physical chemistry
fizykochemiczny {adj} :: physicochemical
fizykochemik {m pers} :: physical chemist
flacha {f} :: augmentative of flaszka
flaga {f} :: flag
flak {m inan} :: sausage casing made from animal intestine
flak {m inan} [colloquial] :: flat tire
flak {m inan} [colloquial] :: innard, entrail
flaki {nv} :: traditional tripe soup, made from the stomach of a cow (occasionally also deer)
flaki {nv} [colloquial] :: entrails
flakon {m inan} :: vial, flacon
flakon {m inan} :: flower vase
flamandzki {adj} :: Flemish
flamaster {m inan} :: felt-tip pen, marker pen
flamenco {n} :: flamenco (genre of folk music and dance native to Andalusia, Spain)
flamenco {n} :: flamenco (song or a dance in such a style)
flaming {m anim} :: flamingo
Flandria {prop} {f} :: Flanders
Flandria Wschodnia {prop} {f} :: East Flanders
Flandria Zachodnia {prop} {f} :: West Flanders
flasza {f} :: augmentative of flaszka
flaszeczka {f} :: diminutive of flaszka
flaszka {f} :: bottle
flaszka {f} :: cruet
flauta {f} [nautical] :: windless weather, calm
flądra {f} :: flounder (a variety of flatfish)
flądra {f} [derogatory] :: skank, slut
flecista {m pers} :: flautist
flecistka {f} :: female flautist
flegmatyczny {adj} :: phlegmatic
flejtuch {m pers} [colloquial] :: slob, grub, soap dodger
flet {m inan} :: flute (woodwind instrument)
flet piccolo {m inan} [musical instruments] :: piccolo
Flevoland {prop} {m} :: Flevoland, a province of the Netherlands
flinta {f} :: flintlock rifle
flirt {m inan} :: flirting
flirt {m inan} :: hanky-panky (debaucherous act)
flis {m inan} [dated] :: raftsman, rafter
flis {m inan} [dated] :: timber rafting
flisacki {adj} [relational] :: raftsman, rafter
flisactwo {n} :: timber rafting
flisaczy {adj} [relational] :: raftsman, rafter
flisak {m pers} :: raftsman, rafter
floks {m inan} :: phlox (any plant of the genus Phlox)
flora {f} :: flora
florecista {m pers} :: fencer
florecistka {f} :: female fencer
Florencja {prop} {f} :: Florencja (city)
florencki {adj} :: Florentine; pertaining to Florence
floret {m inan} [fencing] :: foil
floretowy {adj} [relational, fencing] :: foil
Floryda {prop} {f} :: Floryda (state)
Floryda {prop} {f} :: Floryda (peninsula)
flota {f} :: naval fleet
flota {f} [slang, jocular] :: money
fluor {m inan} :: fluorine
fluorescencja {f} [physics] :: fluorescence
fobia {f} :: phobia
fok {m inan} [nautical] :: foremast
foka {f} :: seal (pinniped)
fokstrot {m anim} :: foxtrot (a ballroom dance)
folder {m inan} [computing] :: folder
folia {f} :: plastic film, especially the kinds used to make plastic bags and food packaging
folia {f} :: foil
folijka {f} :: diminutive of folia
folklor {m inan} :: folklore
folwark {m inan} :: grange
fonem {m inan} :: phoneme
fonetyczka {f} :: female phonetician
fonetycznie {adv} :: phonetically
fonetyczny {adj} :: phonetic
fonetyk {m pers} :: phonetician
fonetyka {f} :: phonetics
fonologia {f} :: phonology
fonon {m inan} [physics] :: phonon
fons {m inan} [Upper Silesia] :: alternative form of wąs
fontanna {f} :: fountain
fordanser {m pers} :: taxi dancer, gigolo (hired escort or dancing partner)
fordanserka {f} :: female taxi dancer (hired escort or dancing partner)
foremny {adj} [geometry] :: regular (having all sides of equal length)
forint {m anim} :: forint
forma {f} :: form
formalista {m pers} :: formalist (overly formal person)
formalista {m pers} [literature] :: formalist (advocate of formalism)
formalistka {f} :: female formalist (overly formal person)
formalistka {f} [literature] :: formalist (female advocate of formalism)
formalizm {m inan} :: formalism (strict adherence to a given form of conduct, practice, etc.)
formalizm {m inan} [literature] :: formalism (structural approach to interpretation)
formalnie {adv} :: formally
formalny {adj} :: formal
formować {vt impf} :: to form, to shape, to mold
formułować {v impf} :: to formulate, to express
formułowanie {n} :: verbal noun of formułować
forsa {f} [colloquial] :: dough, money
forsować {vt impf} :: to thrust (to make an advance with force)
forsować {vr impf} :: to overextend oneself
forsowny {adj} :: strenuous, exhausting
fort {m inan} :: fortress (fortified place)
forteca {f} :: fortress
fortel {m inan} :: clever deception, deceit, trick, ploy
fortepian {m inan} :: grand piano
forum {n} :: forum (all senses)
forumowicz {m pers} [Internet] :: User of an Internet forum, forumite
foryś {m pers} :: assistant coachman
fosa {f} :: moat
fosfor {m inan} :: phosphorus (chemical element, symbol P)
fosforan {m inan} :: phosphate (salt or ester of phosphoric acid)
fosforescencja {f} [physics] :: phosphorescence
fosforowy {adj} :: phosphoric (of, containing, or pertaining to phosphorus)
fotel {m inan} :: armchair
fotelik {m inan} :: diminutive of fotel
fotka {f} [colloquial] :: photo
fotogeniczny {adj} :: photogenic
fotograf {m pers} :: photographer
fotografia {f} :: photograph
fotografia {f} :: photography
fotograficzny {adj} :: photographic
fotografka {f} :: female photographer
fotoluminescencja {f} [physics] :: photoluminescence
fotomontaż {m inan} :: photomontage
foton {m inan} :: photon
fotosynteza {f} [biology] :: photosynthesis
fowizm {m inan} [painting] :: fauvism
foyer {n} :: foyer (lobby, corridor, or waiting room)
fracht {m inan} [transport] :: freight, cargo (payment for transportation)
fracht {m inan} [transport] :: freight, cargo (transport of goods; goods or items in transport)
fraczek {m inan} :: diminutive of frak
fragment {m inan} :: fragment
frajda {f} :: joy, delight
frajer {m pers} :: sucker, mug
frak {m inan} :: tailcoat
frakowy {adj} :: tailcoaty
fraktal {m inan} [mathematics] :: fractal
framuga {f} :: niche, window frame
framuga {f} :: casing (trim around a door or window)
framużka {f} :: diminutive of framuga
franc. {adj} :: abbreviation of francuski
Franciszek {prop} {m} :: given name
Franciszka {prop} {f} :: given name
franciszkanin {m pers} :: Franciscan friar
franciszkański {adj} :: Franciscan
Francja {prop} {f} :: France
francuski {adj} :: French
francuski {m inan} :: French (language)
francuskojęzyczny {adj} :: French-speaking
francuskojęzyczny {adj} :: written, spoken or created in the French language
Francuz {m pers} :: Frenchman
Francuzka {f} :: Frenchwoman
franczyza {f} [business] :: franchising
Franek {prop} {m pers} {f} :: diminutive of Franciszek
frank {m anim} :: franc
frankfurcki {adj} :: Frankfurt-am-Main (of, from or pertaining to Frankfurt-am-Main in Germany)
frankfurcki {adj} :: Frankfurt-an-der-Oder (of, from or pertaining to Frankfurt-an-der-Oder in Germany)
frankowicz {m pers} [neologism] :: person that has a mortgage denominated in the Swiss franc
frans {m inan} :: francium (chemical element, Fr, atomic number 87)
frapujący {adj} :: compelling, enthralling
fraszka {f} :: trifle, vanityinanity, something minor and insignificant only fit for pastime
fraternizacja {f} :: fraternization
frazeologiczny {adj} [linguistics] :: phraseological
freelancer {m pers} :: freelancer
fregata {f} :: frigate
fregata {f} :: frigatebird
frekwencja {f} :: turnout, attendance
frenologia {f} [medicine, biology] :: phrenology
fresk {m inan} :: fresco
fretka {f} :: ferret (Mustela putorius furo)
frezarka {f} :: milling machine
frezer {m pers} :: machinist miller
frezja {f} :: freesia (any flowering plant of the genus Freesia)
frezjowy {adj} [relational] :: freesia
frędzel {m inan} :: fringe, tassel
frędzelek {m inan} :: diminutive of frędzel
frisbee {n} :: Frisbee (sport)
frisbee {n} :: Frisbee (disk)
fristajlować {v impf} :: To ad-lib in rap music
fristajlowiec {m pers} [colloquial] :: freestyle sport competitor
fristajlowiec {m pers} [colloquial] :: rapper who freestyles
friulski {adj} :: Friulian
friulski {m inan} :: Friulian (language)
fronton {m inan} [architecture] :: pediment
fronton {m inan} [bookishly] :: facade
fruktoza {f} :: fructose
frunąć {v impf} :: to fly
frunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of frunąć
frustracja {f} :: frustration
frustrat {m pers} [pejorative] :: frustrated person, loser
frutarianizm {m inan} :: fruitarianism
fruwać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fly
fruwanie {n} :: verbal noun of fruwać
Frygia {prop} {f} :: Phrygia
frykas {m inan} [cooking] :: rarity, cate, sunket
frykas {m inan} [cooking] :: fricassée
frytek {m inan} :: alternative form of frytka
frytka {f} :: [US] a fry (fried potato), [British] potato chip
frywolny {adj} :: lascivious, wanton, sexually open, unchaste
fryz {m inan} [architecture] :: frieze (space between architrave and cornice)
fryz {m inan} :: frieze (sculptured or richly ornamented band)
fryz {m anim} :: Friesian horse, Frizian
Fryzja {prop} {f} :: Friesland
fryzjer {m pers} :: hairdresser, barber
fryzjerka {f} :: female hairdresser, female barber
fryzjerski {adj} [relational] :: barber, hairdresser
fryzjerstwo {n} :: barbering, hairdressing
fryzowy {adj} [relational] :: frieze
fryzura {f} :: hairstyle, haircut
fryzyjski {adj} :: Frisian
fryzyjski {adj} :: Frisian
fryzyjski {adj} :: Frisian
fryzyjski {m inan} :: Frisian (language)
ftyzjologia {f} :: phthisiology
fuga {f} [music] :: fugue
fuga {f} :: joint, interstice (gap, e.g., between bricks)
fuj {interj} :: yuck, ew
fujara {m} [colloquial] :: butterfingers; a person who is ungraceful or sluggish
fujara {f} :: an unsophisticated, old-fashioned, typically small folk instrument, usually made of fresh willow bark, typically a kind of short folk pipe (modifications of meaning are common in Polish regional dialects)
fujara {f} [slang] :: penis
fuks {m inan} [colloquial] :: an unexpected success, a fluke
fuksja {f} :: fuchsia (plant)
fuksja {f} [singular only] :: fuchsia (color)
ful {m inan} [poker] :: full house
fundacja {f} :: foundation (institution)
fundament {m inan} :: foundation (lowest and supporting part or member of a wall)
fundamentalizm {m inan} :: fundamentalism
funkcja {f} [mathematics] :: function
funkcja {f} [computing] :: function
funkcja {f} [computing] :: feature
funkcja podcałkowa {f} [analysis] :: integrand
funkcjonariusz {m pers} :: officer; agent; functionary
funktor {m inan} [mathematics] :: functor
funpag {m inan} [nonstandard, internet slang, sarcastic] :: Facebook fan page
funt {m anim} :: pound (unit of currency)
funt {m inan} :: pound (unit of weight)
fura {f} :: cart
fura {f} [colloquial] :: a car, especially a fast and expensive one
fura {f} [colloquial] :: a large quantity or excess (of something) - lit. a cartload
furan {m inan} :: furan, C4H4O
furan {m inan} :: any derivative of furan
furgonetka {f} :: van (enclosed railway vehicle for transport of goods)
furia {f} :: fury, rage
Furia {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Fury
furiat {m pers} [derogatory] :: person with an anger management problem
furkot {m inan} :: whirr (sound of something in rapid motion)
furman {m pers} :: carter, wagoner, coachman
furmanka {f} :: a horse-drawn carriage
furora {f} :: furore
furtka {f} :: wicket, small gate in a fence or a larger gate
furtka {f} :: loophole
fus {m inan} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: alternative form of wąs
fus {m anim} [Masovia] :: boar (male pig)
fusek {m inan} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: diminutive of fus
fusy {p} :: grounds, dregs (sediment at the bottom of a liquid)
fuszer {m pers} [pejorative] :: botcher, bungler
futbol {m inan} :: football (sport played on foot in which teams attempt to get a ball into a goal or zone defended by the other team; mainly referring to association football)
futeralik {m inan} :: diminutive of futerał
futerał {m inan} :: case, sheath
futro {n} :: fur (hairy coat of various mammal species)
futro {n} :: fur (hairy skin of an animal processed into clothing for humans)
futryna {f} [colloquial] :: door frame, jamb, architrave
futrzak {m anim} [affectionate] :: critter, pet
futuryzm {m inan} :: futurism
fuzarioza {f} :: Fusarium wilt, a plant disease
fuzja {f} [physics] :: fusion
fuzja {f} [business] :: merger
fuzja {f} [archaic] :: rifle