User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pl-n

n00b {n} (beginner) SEE: newbie ::
n/a {adj} (not applicable) :: nie dotyczy (n/d, nd.)
n/a {adj} (not available) :: niedostępny {m}
Nablus {prop} (Nablus) :: Nablus {m}
NaCl {n} (sodium chloride) SEE: sodium chloride ::
NaCl {n} (table salt) SEE: table salt ::
nacre {n} (pearly substance on the interior of shells) SEE: mother-of-pearl ::
nada {pron} (nothing) SEE: nothing ::
Nadia {prop} (female given name) :: Nadia {f}
nadir {n} (point of the sky) :: nadir {m}
naevus {n} (abnormal area on skin) SEE: mole ::
NAFLD {n} (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) :: niealkoholowa stłuszczeniowa choroba wątroby {f}
nag {n} (old useless horse) :: rosynant {m}
Nagorno-Karabakh {prop} (region in South Caucasus) :: Górski Karabach {m}
Nagorny Karabakh {prop} (Nagorno-Karabakh) SEE: Nagorno-Karabakh ::
Nagoya {prop} (a city of Japan) :: Nagoja {f}
Nagy {prop} :: Nagy
Nahuatl {prop} (language) :: nahuatl, aztecki {m}, meksykański {m} [rare]
Nahum {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Księga Nahuma
naiad {n} (female deity) :: najada {f}
nail {n} (on fingers and toes) :: paznokieć {m}
nail {n} (spike-shaped metal fastener used for joining wood or similar materials) :: gwóźdź {m}
nail {v} (employ a nail as a fastener) :: wbijać gwóźdź
nail clipper {n} (nail trimmer) :: cążki do paznokci {p}
nail cutter {n} (nail clipper) SEE: nail clipper ::
nail gun {n} (gun which drives nails) :: gwoździarka {f}
nail polish {n} (cosmetic lacquer) :: lakier do paznokci {m}
nail polish remover {n} (solvent used to remove nail polish) :: zmywacz do paznokci {m}
nail trimmer {n} (nail clipper) SEE: nail clipper ::
Naissaar {prop} (island in northern Estonia) :: Naissaar
naive {adj} (lacking experience, wisdom, or judgement) :: naiwny
naivety {n} (naïveté) SEE: naïveté ::
naked {adj} (not wearing any clothes) :: nagi, goły
naked eye {n} (unaided eyesight) :: gołe oko
nakedhood {n} (nakedness) SEE: nakedness ::
nakedness {n} (state of being naked) :: nagość {f}
Nakhodka {prop} (city in Russia) :: Nachodka {f}
Nalchik {prop} (city in Russia) :: Nalczyk {m}
naled {n} (ice) :: naledź {f}
nalivka {n} (a Slavic sweet fruit or berry liqueur) :: nalewka {f}
NAM {prop} (Non-Aligned Movement) :: Ruch Państw Niezaangażowanych
namaste {n} (a greeting) :: namaste
namaz {n} (prayer) SEE: prayer ::
name {n} (word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing) :: imię {n}, nazwa {f}
name {n} (reputation, see also: reputation) :: reputacja {f}, sława {f}
name {v} (to give a name to) :: nazywać, nazwać {pf}
name {v} (to mention, specify) :: wybierać, wybrać
name {v} (to identify, define, specify) :: określać, określić
name {v} (to publicly implicate) :: identyfikować, wskazać
name {v} (to designate for a role) :: wyznaczyć, mianować
name card {n} (business card) SEE: business card ::
name day {n} (feast day of a saint) :: imieniny {p}
namefellow {n} (someone with whom one shares a name) :: imiennik {m}, imienniczka {f}
nameless {adj} (having no name) :: bezimienny
namely {adv} (specifically) :: mianowicie, to znaczy
namesake {n} (person with the same name as another) :: imiennik {m}
namespace {n} (conceptual space) :: przestrzeń nazw {f}
Namibia {prop} (Republic of Namibia) :: Namibia {f}
Namibian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Namibia) :: namibijski
Namibian {n} (a person from Namibia or of Namibian descent) :: Namibijczyk {m}, Namibijka {f}
Namur {prop} (province) :: Namur {m}
Namur {prop} (city) :: Namur {m}
nancy {n} ((derogatory slang) effeminate male homosexual) SEE: fairy ::
nanny {n} (child's nurse) :: niania {f}
nano- {prefix} (10-9) :: nano-
nanocluster {n} (cluster) :: nanoklaster {m}
nanometer {n} (nanometre) SEE: nanometre ::
nanometre {n} (subunit of length) :: nanometr {m}
nanoparticle {n} (microscopic particle) :: nanocząstka {f}
nanopowder {n} (agglomerate) :: nanoproszek {m}
nanoscale {n} (scale of nanotechnology) :: nanoskala {f}
nanosecond {n} (measure of time) :: nanosekunda {f}
nanotechnology {n} (science and technology of creating nanoparticles) :: nanotechnologia {f}
nanotube {n} (A carbon molecule, in the shape of a tube) :: nanorurka {f}
nanowire {n} (wire whose width is of the order of nanometers) :: nanodrut {m}
Naomi {prop} (Biblical character) :: Noemi {f}
nap {n} :: drzemka {f}
nap {v} (to have a nap) :: drzemać
nape {n} (back part of the neck) :: kark {m}
nape of the neck {n} (nape of the neck) :: kark
napkin {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper ::
napkin {n} (sanitary napkin) SEE: sanitary napkin ::
napkin {n} (serviette) :: serwetka {f}
Naples {prop} (province in Italy) :: Neapol {m}
Naples {prop} (city in Italy) :: Neapol {m}
Napoleon {prop} (Napoleon Bonaparte) :: Napoleon {m}
Napoleon {prop} (male given name) :: Napoleon {m}
nappy {n} (diaper) SEE: diaper ::
narcissism {n} (excessive love of oneself) :: narcyzm {m}
narcissistic {adj} (having an inflated idea of one's own importance) :: narcystyczny {m}
narcissistic {adj} (obsessed with one's image and ego) :: narcystyczny {m}
narcissistically {adv} (characteristic of narcissism) :: narcystycznie
narcissus {n} (any of several bulbous flowering plants, of the genus Narcissus) :: narcyz {m}
narcolepsy {n} (sleeping disorder) :: narkolepsja
Narew {prop} (river) :: Narew {f}
narghile {n} (tobacoo pipe) SEE: hookah ::
Narnia {prop} (a fictional land) :: Narnia
narrate {v} (to relate a story) :: opowiadać {impf}, opowiedzieć {pf}
narration {n} (orderly recital of the particulars of a transaction or event) :: narracja {f}, opowiadanie {n}
narrative {n} (systematic recitation of an event) :: narracja {f}
narrow {adj} (having small width) :: wąski {m}, cienki
narrow {v} (to reduce in width or extent) :: zawężać, zwężać
narrow {v} (to get narrower) :: zwężać się
narrow gauge {n} (a railway gauge that is less than the standard gauge) :: kolej wąskotorowa
narrowly {adv} (by a narrow margin; closely) :: wąsko
narthex {n} (vestibule leading to the nave) :: narteks {m}
Narva {prop} (City in Estonia) :: Narwa {f}, Narva {f}
narwhal {n} (Arctic cetacean) :: narwal {m}, jednorożec {m}
Naryan-Mar {prop} (city in Russia) :: Narjan-Mar
NASA {prop} (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) :: NASA {n}
nasal {adj} (pertaining to the nose) :: nosowy {m}
nasal {adj} (having a quality imparted by means of the nose) :: nosowy {m}
nasal cavity {n} (air-filled space behind nose) :: jama nosowa
nasalization {n} (articulation such that air flows through the nose and mouth) :: nazalizacja {f}
nasal septum {n} (septum in the nose) :: przegroda nosowa
nasal vowel {n} (nasal vowel) :: nosówka {f}, samogłoska nosowa {f}
nascent {adj} (emerging; just coming into existence) :: powstający {m}, rodzący się {m}
nastoyka {n} (a Slavic liqueur containing an infusion of herbs and/or fruits in brandy or similar spirit) :: nalewka {f}
Natalia {prop} (female given name) SEE: Natalie ::
Natalie {prop} (female given name) :: Natalia {f}
Nataraja {prop} (dancing posture of the Hindu god Shiva) :: Nataradźa
Natasha {prop} (female given name) :: Natasza {f}
nation {n} (community of people) :: naród {m}, nacja {f}
nation {n} (sovereign state) :: stan {m}, nacja {f}
national {adj} (of or having to do with a nation) :: narodowy
national anthem {n} (official song of a nation or country) :: hymn narodowy {m}
national emblem {n} (official emblem of a nation or country) :: godło państwowe {n}, godło {n}
nationalism {n} (idea of supporting one's country and culture) :: nacjonalizm {m}
nationalist {adj} (of or relating to nationalism) :: nacjonalistyczny
nationalist {n} (advocate of nationalism) :: nacjonalista {m}, nacjonalistka {f}
nationalistic {adj} (of, relating to, or advocating nationalism) SEE: nationalist ::
nationality {n} (membership of a nation or state) :: narodowość {f}
nationality {n} (nationalism) SEE: nationalism ::
national park {n} (national park) :: park narodowy {m}
nation-state {n} (nation state or nation-state) :: państwo narodowe {n}
native {adj} (belonging to one by birth) :: rodzimy {m}, ojczysty {m}
native {adj} (characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning) :: rdzenny {m}, tubylczy
native {n} (person who is native to a place) :: tubylec {m}, autochton {m}
native {n} (native speaker) SEE: native speaker ::
Native American {adj} (of the American Indians) SEE: Indian ::
native language {n} (one's first language learned in childhood) SEE: mother tongue ::
native speaker {n} (person who grew up with a particular language as their mother tongue) :: native speaker {m}, native speakerka {f}, rodzimy użytkownik języka {m}, rodzima użytkowniczka języka {f}, nosiciel języka {m} [rare, Russianism], rodowity użytkownik języka {m}, rodowita użytkowniczka języka {f}
nativity {n} (birth) :: narodzenie {n}
nativity {n} (Nativity) SEE: Nativity ::
Nativity {prop} (birth of Jesus) :: narodzenie {n}
nativity play {n} (the production/performance) :: jasełka {n-p}, szopka {f}
nativity scene {n} (nativity scene) :: betlejka {f}, szopka {f}, stajenka {f}, żłóbek {m}
NATO {prop} (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) :: NATO
natural {adj} (relating to nature) :: naturalny
natural {adj} (without additives) :: naturalny
natural {adj} (as expected) :: naturalny {m}, oczywisty {m}
natural disaster {n} (natural phenomenon) :: klęska żywiołowa {f}, katastrofa naturalna {f}, kataklizm {m}
natural disaster {n} (emergency situation) :: stan klęski żywiołowej {m}
natural gas {n} (mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons associated with petroleum deposits) :: gaz ziemny {m-in}
naturalism {n} (a state of nature; conformity to nature) :: naturalizm {m}
naturalization {n} (act of granting (or getting granted) citizenship) :: naturalizacja {f}
natural language {n} (human language developed naturally) :: język naturalny {m}
naturally {adv} (in a natural manner) :: naturalnie
naturally {adv} (inherently or by nature) :: naturalnie
naturally {adv} (surely) :: naturalnie
natural person {n} (human being) :: osoba fizyczna {f}
natural preserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve ::
natural reserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve ::
natural selection {n} (natural selection) :: dobór naturalny {m}, selekcja naturalna {f}
nature {n} (the natural world) :: natura {f}, przyroda {f}
nature {n} (essential characteristics) :: natura {f}, charakter {m}, specyfika {f}
nature {n} (primitive state of being) :: natura {f}, przyroda {f}
nature {n} (everything related to biological and geographical states) :: natura {f}, przyroda {f}
nature preserve {n} (nature reserve) SEE: nature reserve ::
nature reserve {n} (area managed to conserve natural features) :: rezerwat przyrody {m}
nature's scythe {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
naughty {adj} (bad; tending to misbehave or act badly) :: niegrzeczny {m}
Nauru {prop} (Republic of Nauru) :: Nauru
Nauruan {prop} (language of Nauru) :: nauruański {m}
nausea {n} (feeling of physical unwellness, usually with the desire to vomit) :: mdłości {p}, nudności {p}
nausea {n} (strong dislike or disgust) :: obrzydzenie {n}, wstręt {m}
nausea {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
nautical {adj} (relating to ships, shipping, navigation, and seamen) :: morski, żeglarski
Navajo {n} (person) :: Nawaho
Navajo {prop} (language) :: Nawaho
Navarre {prop} (autonomous community of Spain) :: Nawarra {f}
nave {n} (the middle or body of a church) :: nawa główna {f}, nawa {f}
nave {n} (hub of a wheel) :: piasta {f}
navel {n} (remnant of umbilical cord) :: pępek {m}
naïveté {n} (lack of sophistication, experience, judgement or worldliness; artlessness; gullibility; credulity) :: naiwność {f}
navigability {n} (state of being navigable) :: żeglowność {f}, spławność {f}
navigable {adj} (for a body of water: sea, river etc.) :: żeglowny
navigatable {adj} (navigable) SEE: navigable ::
navigation {n} (canal) SEE: canal ::
navy {n} (sea force) :: marynarka {f}
navy {n} (department) :: marynarka wojenna {f}
navy {n} (navy blue colour) :: granat {m-in}
navy {adj} (having a navy (dark blue) colour, see also: light blue; blue) :: granatowy {m}
navy blue {n} (a dark blue color) :: granat {m}
Naypyidaw {prop} (capital of Burma) :: Naypyidaw {m}
Nay Pyi Taw {prop} (Naypyidaw) SEE: Naypyidaw ::
Nazarene {adj} (Of or pertaining to Nazareth or its people) :: nazaretański
Nazarene {n} (A person from Nazareth) :: nazaretańczyk {m}, nazaretanka {f}, nazarejczyk {m}
Nazarene {prop} (epithet of Jesus Christ) :: Nazarejczyk {m}
Nazareth {prop} (a city in northern Israel) :: Nazaret {m}
nazi {adj} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi ::
nazi {n} (Nazi) SEE: Nazi ::
Nazi {n} (member of the Nazi party) :: nazista
Nazi {adj} (pertaining to the Nazi Party or Nazism) :: nazistowski
Nazism {prop} (the ideology of Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP) :: nazizm {m}
-nd {suffix} (second) :: -gi {m}
n-dimensional {adj} (having arbitrary number of dimensions) :: n-wymiarowy
N'Djamena {prop} (capital city of Chad) :: Ndżamena {f}
née {adj} (used to indicate maiden name of a woman) :: z domu
Neanderthal {adj} (of or pertaining to Homines neanderthalenses) :: neandertalski
Neanderthal {n} (a Homo neanderthalensis specimen) :: neandertalczyk {m}
Neanderthal {n} (a primitive person) :: neandertalczyk {m}
Neapolitan {n} (inhabitant or resident of Naples) :: neapolitańczyk {m}, neapolitanka {f}
Neapolitan {prop} (language of Naples, Italy) :: neapolitański {m}
near {adj} (physically close) :: bliski
near {adv} (at or towards a position close in space or time) :: blisko
near {prep} (in close proximity to) :: blisko
near {adj} (stingy) SEE: stingy ::
near {adv} (nearly) SEE: nearly ::
nearby {adv} (close to) :: blisko
Near East {prop} (region in Asia) :: Bliski Wschód
nearly {adv} (almost, but not quite) :: prawie
nearness {n} (proximity) SEE: proximity ::
nearsightedness {n} (property of being nearsighted) :: krótkowzroczność {f}
neat {n} (cattle) SEE: cattle ::
neat {adj} (colloquial: good, excellent, desirable) :: fajny {m}
Nebraska {prop} (US state) :: Nebraska {f}
nebula {n} (a space cloud) :: mgławica {f}
nebulosity {n} (cloudiness) SEE: cloudiness ::
nebulous {adj} (relating to nebulae) :: mgławicowy {m}
nebulously {adv} (in a manner like that of a cloud or haze) :: mgliście
nebulously {adv} (as if viewed through a cloud or haze) :: mgliście
nebulously {adv} (vaguely) :: mgliście
necessarily {adv} (of necessity) :: koniecznie
necessary {adj} (needed, required) :: potrzebny
necessitate {v} (to make necessary; require something to be brought about) :: wymagać
necessity {n} (quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite) :: potrzeba {f}
necessity is the mother of innovation {proverb} (necessity is the mother of invention) SEE: necessity is the mother of invention ::
necessity is the mother of invention {proverb} (a person in need will find a way) :: potrzeba jest matką wynalazków
neck {n} (part of body connecting the head and the trunk) :: szyja {f}, kark {m}
neck {n} (part of a shirt, dress etc.) :: kołnierz {m}
neck {n} (tapered part of a bottle) :: szyjka {f}
neck {n} (extension of stringed instrument) :: gryf {m}
neck and neck {adj} (very close in progress) :: łeb w łeb
necklace {n} (jewelry) :: naszyjnik {m}
neckless {adj} (without a neck) :: bezszyjny
necklet {n} (necklace) SEE: necklace ::
necktie {n} (strip of cloth worn around the neck and tied in the front) :: krawat {m}
necromancer {n} (person who practices necromancy) :: nekromanta {m}
necromancy {n} (divination involving the dead) :: nekromancja
necrophagous {adj} (that eats dead or decaying flesh) :: padlinożerny, trupożerny
necropolis {n} (cemetery) :: nekropolia {f}, nekropola {f}
necrosis {n} (localized death of cells or tissue) :: martwica {f}, nekroza {f}
nectar {n} (drink of the gods) :: nektar {m}
nectar {n} (sweet liquid secreted by flowers) :: nektar {m}
nectar {n} (any delicious drink) :: nektar {m}
nectarine {n} (fruit) :: nektaryna {f}
neddy {n} (a donkey or ass) :: osioł {m}
neddy {n} (a horse, especially a racehorse) :: koń wyścigowy {m}, koń {m}
neddy {n} (an idiot; a stupid or contemptible person) :: głupek {m}, dureń {m}
need {n} (something required) :: potrzeba {f}
need {v} (to have an absolute requirement for) :: potrzebować
needle {n} (implement for sewing etc.) :: igła {f}, drut
needle {n} (indicating device) :: wskazówka {f}
needle {n} (sensor phonograph stylus) :: igła {f}
needle {n} (leaf of conifer) :: igła {f}
needle {v} (to tease in order to provoke) :: drażnić
needle gun {n} (a firearm that has a needle-like firing pin) :: karabin iglicowy {m}, iglicowy karabin {m}
needle in a haystack {n} (idiomatic) :: igła w stogu siana {f}
needless {adj} (not needed) :: niepotrzebny, zbyteczny {m}
needs {adv} (necessarily) SEE: necessarily ::
needy {adj} (in need, poor) :: potrzebujący, biedujący
ne'er-do-well {n} (good-for-nothing) SEE: good-for-nothing ::
Nefertiti {prop} (a queen of Ancient Egypt) :: Nefretete {f}, Neferetiti {f}, Nefertiti {f}
negate {v} (negate) :: negować {impf}, zaprzeczać {impf}, zanegować {pf}, zaprzeczyć {pf}
negation {n} (act of negating something) :: zaprzeczenie {n}, zaprzeczanie {n}, negacja {f}, negowanie {n}
negation {n} (denial or contradiction) :: odmowa {f}
negation {n} (negation in logic) :: negacja {f}
negative {adj} (not positive or neutral) :: ujemny, negatywny
negative {n} (photography) :: negatyw {m}
Negev {prop} (a desert in southern Israel) :: Negew {f}
neglect {v} (disregard) :: zaniedbywać {impf}, zaniedbać {pf}
neglect {v} (fail to care for) :: zaniedbać {pf}, zaniedbywać {impf}
neglectful {adj} (tending to neglect) :: niedbały
negligent {adj} (careless) SEE: careless ::
negligible {adj} (able to be ignored or excluded) :: nieistotny {m}
negotiable {adj} (open to negotiation or bargaining) :: negocjowalny
negotiate {v} (confer to reach an agreement (intransitive)) :: negocjować {impf}
negotiate {v} (arrange a mutual agreement (transitive)) :: uzgodnić {pf}, wynegocjować {pf}
negotiate {v} (coping with, getting over) :: pokonywać {impf}, pokonać {pf}
negotiation {n} (process of achieving agreement) :: negocjacja {f}
negress {n} (A black female) :: murzynka {f}
negro {n} (Negro) SEE: Negro ::
Negro {n} (person with dark skin) :: murzyn {m}, murzynka {f}
negroni {n} (cocktail made from gin, Campari and vermouth) :: negroni {m}
negus {n} (supreme Ethiopian ruler) :: negus {m}
Nehemiah {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Księga Nehemiasza {f}
Nehemiah {prop} (male given name) :: Nehemiasz {m}
neigh {n} (the cry of a horse) :: rżenie
neigh {v} ((of a horse) to make its cry) :: rżeć
neigh {v} (to make a sound similar to a horses' cry) :: rżeć
neighborhood {n} (nearby area) :: sąsiedztwo {n}
neighbour {n} (a person living on adjacent or nearby land) :: sąsiad {m}, sąsiadka {f}
neighbour {v} (to be adjacent to) :: sąsiadować
Nei Mongol {prop} (Inner Mongolia) SEE: Inner Mongolia ::
neither {determiner} (not one of two; not either) :: żaden {m}
neither {pron} (not either one) :: żaden
neither {conj} (not either (used with nor): neither X nor Y) :: ani X, ani Y
neither {conj} :: też nie
neither {adv} (similarly not) :: też nie
neither fish, flesh, nor good red herring {phrase} (unsuitable for anything or anybody) :: ni pies, ni wydra
neither fish nor fowl {n} (something or someone not easily categorized; something that does not fit in a group or situation) :: ni pies, ni wydra lit.: neither dog nor otter
neither … nor {conj} (used for showing that something is not true of two or more people, things, actions, qualities, or ideas) :: aniani
Neman {prop} (river to the Baltic Sea) :: Niemen {m}
nematode {n} (small invertebrate animal) :: nicień {m}, glista {f}
Nemean Lion {prop} (mythical lion of Nemea) :: Lew Nemejski
Nemesis {prop} (Greek goddess of retribution) :: Nemezis {f}
nene {n} (Branta sandvicensis) :: bernikla hawajska, gęś hawajska {f}, ne-ne
Nenets {n} (person) :: nieniec
Nenets {prop} (language) :: język nieniecki {m}
neodymium {n} (chemical element) :: neodym {m}
Neogene {adj} (of a period from 26 million years ago to present) :: neogeński, neogeniczny
Neogene {prop} (Neogene period) :: neogen {m-in}
neogothic {adj} :: neogotycki
neoliberalism {n} (political ideology) :: neoliberalizm {m}
Neolithic {adj} (of or relating to the New Stone Age) :: neolityczny {m}
Neolithic {prop} (the New Stone Age) :: neolit {m}
neologism {n} (recently coined word) :: neologizm {m}
neon {n} (element) :: neon {m}
neonate {n} (newborn infant) SEE: newborn ::
neo-Nazi {n} (person who believes in a Nazi ideology) :: neonazista {m}, neonazistka {f}
neo-Nazism {n} (the ideology held by neo-Nazis) :: neonazizm {m}
neontology {n} (the study of organisms living in the current era) :: neontologia {f}
Neoplatonic {adj} (of or pertaining to Neoplatonism) :: neoplatoński
neoteny {n} (retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult) :: neotenia {f}
neoteny {n} (sexual maturity of an organism still in its larval stage) :: neotenia {f}
neo-testamentary {adj} :: nowotestamentowy
Nepal {prop} (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal) :: Nepal {m-in}
Nepalese {adj} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali ::
Nepalese {n} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali ::
Nepalese {prop} (Nepali) SEE: Nepali ::
Nepali {adj} (pertaining to Nepal) :: nepalski {m}
Nepali {n} (person) :: Nepalczyk {m}, Nepalka {f}
Nepali {prop} (language) :: nepalski {m}
nephew {n} (fraternal or sororal nephew, see also: fraternal nephew; sororal nephew) :: [fraternal] bratanek {m}, [sororal] siostrzeniec {m}
nephrectomy {n} (the surgical removal of a kidney) :: nefrektomia {f}
nephric {adj} (relating to or connected with a kidney) :: nerkowy {m}, nefryczny {n}
nephrolith {n} (kidney stone) SEE: kidney stone ::
nepotism {n} (favoring of relatives or personal friends) :: nepotyzm {m}
Neptune {prop} (eighth planet of the solar system) :: Neptun {m}
Neptune {prop} (Roman god of the ocean) :: Neptun {m}
neptunium {n} (chemical element) :: neptun {m}
nerd {n} (intellectual, skillful person, generally introverted) :: nerd {m}
neritic {adj} :: nerytyczny
nerve {n} (bundle of neurons) :: nerw {m}
nerve {n} ((botany) vein; grain in wood) :: żyłka {f}
nerve {n} (courage) :: odwaga {f}
nerve {n} (audacity) :: czelność {f}, tupet {m}, zuchwalstwo {n}, bezczelność {f}, czelność {f}
nerve {n} (agitation caused by a negative emotion) :: nerwy {p}
nerve {v} (strengthen) SEE: strengthen ::
nerve {v} (encourage) SEE: encourage ::
nerve fibre {n} (axon) SEE: axon ::
nervous {adj} (relating to the nerves) :: nerwowy {m}
nervously {adv} (in a nervous manner) :: nerwowo
nervous system {n} (system which coordinates the activity of the body) :: układ nerwowy {m}
-ness {suffix} (appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being...") :: -ość, -stwo
ness {n} (a promontory; a cape or headland) :: cypel {m}, przylądek {m}
Nessie {prop} (female given name) :: Aga {f}
nest {n} (bird-built structure) :: gniazdo {n}
nest {n} (place for depositing eggs) :: gniazdo {n}
nest {n} (snug residence) :: gniazdko {n}
nest {n} (hideout) :: kryjówka {f}
nest {v} (to build or settle into a nest) :: gnieździć
nest {v} (to settle into a home) :: znaleźć schronienie
nest {v} (to place in a nest) :: zagnieździć
nest {v} (to successively place inside another) :: zagnieździć
nest egg {n} (egg placed in a bird's nest) :: zbuk {m}
nesting {n} (The process by which a bird nests.) :: gniazdowanie
nestle {v} (to settle oneself comfortably and snugly) :: zagnieździć się {pf}
nestle {v} (to press oneself against another affectionately) :: przytulić się {pf}
nestling {n} (small, young bird that is still confined to the nest) :: pisklę {n}
Nestorian {adj} (related to the teachings of Nestorius) :: nestoriański
Nestorian {n} (A member of a "Nestorian" church) :: nestorianin {m}, nestorianka {f}
net {n} (mesh of string, cord or rope) :: sieć {f}, siatka {f}
net {n} (device for catching fish, butterflies etc.) :: sieć {f}
net {n} (device for trapping something) :: sieć {f}
net {n} (anything that has the appearance of a net) :: sieć {f}, siatka {f}
net {n} (figurative: trap) :: sieć {f}
net {n} (geometry: set of joined polygons) :: siatka wielościanu {f}
net {n} (interconnecting system) :: sieć {f}
net {adj} (remaining after expenses or deductions) :: netto {n}
net curtain {n} (thin curtain) :: firanka {f}, firanki {f-p}
nether {adj} (lower) :: dolny
nether {adj} (beneath the earth's surface) :: podziemny
Netherlandic {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch ::
Netherlandish {prop} (Dutch) SEE: Dutch ::
Netherlands {prop} (country in northwestern Europe, see also: Holland) :: Holandia {f}, Niderlandy {p} [rare]
Netherlands {adj} (pertaining to the Netherlands) :: holenderski, niderlandzki
Netherlands Antilles {prop} (former autonomous territory) :: Antyle Holenderskie
net income {n} (gross profit minus operating expenses and taxes) :: dochód
netizen {n} (member of Internet community) :: internauta {f}
nettle {n} (stinging herb of genus Urtica) :: pokrzywa {f}
nettle {n} (deadnettle) SEE: deadnettle ::
network {n} (fabric or structure of fibrous elements) :: sieć {f}
network {n} (interconnected group or system) :: sieć {f}, układ {m-in}
network {n} (directory of people) :: układy {p}
network {n} (multiple computers and other devices connected together) :: sieć {f}
network interface card {n} (computer hardware component) :: karta sieciowa {f}
neuralgia {n} (nerve pain) :: nerwoból {m}, newralgia {f}, neuralgia {f}
neuroglia {n} (cytology: glial cell) :: glej {m}, komórka glejowa {f}
neurolinguistics {n} (science) :: neurolingwistyka {f}
neurologist {n} (doctor or scientist who practices or specializes in neurology) :: neurolog
neurology {n} (branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system and its disorders) :: neurologia {f}
neuron {n} (a cell of the nervous system) :: neuron {m}, komórka nerwowa {f}
neuropteran {n} (insect of the order Neuroptera) :: sieciarka {f}
neurosis {n} (mental disorder) :: nerwica {f}
neurotic {adj} (overanxious) :: neurotyczny {m}
neurotic {n} (person who has a neurosis) :: neurotyk {m}
neuter {adj} (grammar: having a form which is not masculine nor feminine) :: nijaki
neuter {adj} (grammar: intransitive, see also: intransitive) :: nieprzechodni
neuter {n} (the neuter gender (grammar)) :: rodzaj nijaki {m-in}
neutral {adj} (not taking sides in a conflict) :: neutralny, bezstronny
neutrality {n} (state of being neutral; taking no part on either side) :: neutralność {f}
neutralize {v} (to make even, inactive or ineffective) :: neutralizować
neutrino {n} (en elementary particle with extremely small mass and no electric charge) :: neutrino {n}
neutron {n} (subatomic particle) :: neutron {m}
Neva {prop} (river) :: Newa {f}
Nevada {prop} (US state) :: Nevada {f}
never {adv} (at no time) :: nigdy
never again {adv} (at no time in the future) :: nigdy więcej
never mind {v} (it is not important) :: nieważne
never mind {v} (let alone; much less) SEE: let alone ::
nevermore {adv} (never again) SEE: never again ::
never say die {interj} (do not despair) :: nie rozpaczaj
nevertheless {adv} (in spite of what preceded) :: niemniej jednak, jednakże, jednakowoż
nevus {n} (benign lesion on skin) SEE: mole ::
new {adj} (recently made or created) :: nowy
new {adj} (additional, recently discovered) :: nowy
new {adj} (current or later) :: nowy
new {adj} (distinguishing something established more recently) :: nowy
new {adj} (in original condition, pristine) :: nowy
new {adj} (refreshed, reinvigorated) :: nowy
new {adj} (newborn) :: młody
new {adj} (recently arrived or appeared) :: nowy
new {adj} (inexperienced, unaccustomed) :: nowy
newb {n} (newbie) SEE: newbie ::
newbie {n} (new (inexperienced) user or participant) :: nowicjusz {m}, nowicjuszka {f}
newborn {adj} (reborn) SEE: reborn ::
newborn {n} (recently born baby) :: noworodek {m}
new broom {n} (new leader or management) :: nowa miotła
New Brunswick {prop} (province in eastern Canada) :: Nowy Brunszwik
New Caledonia {prop} (overseas territory of France) :: Nowa Kaledonia {f}
New Caledonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to New Caledonia) :: nowokaledoński
Newcastle {prop} (city) :: Newcastle {n} [indeclinable]
newcomer {n} (one who has recently arrived in a community) :: przybysz {m}
New Delhi {prop} (capital of India) :: Nowe Delhi {n}
newel {n} (central pillar of staircase) :: słupek balustrady schodowej
New England {prop} (six states of the United States) :: Nowa Anglia {f}
newer {adj} (More recent) :: nowszy
Newfoundland {prop} (Island off the coast of Eastern Canada) :: Nowa Fundlandia {f}
New Guinea {prop} (large island) :: Nowa Gwinea {f}
New Hampshire {prop} (US state) :: New Hampshire {m}
New Jersey {prop} (a northeast state of the United States of America) :: New Jersey
Newman {prop} (surname meaning "new man") :: Nowak
New Mexico {prop} (US State) :: Nowy Meksyk {m}
new moon {n} (phase of moon when in conjunction with sun) :: nów {m}
newness {n} (novelty) :: nowość {f}
New Orleanian {adj} (of, or relating to New Orleans) :: nowoorleański {m}
New Orleans {prop} (city) :: Nowy Orlean {m}
news {n} (new information of interest) :: nowości {f-p}
news {n} (reports of current events) :: wiadomości {p}, wiadomość {f}
news agency {n} (organisation that gathers and distributes news) :: agencja prasowa {f}
newsagent {n} (person) :: kioskarz {m}, kioskarka {f}
news channel {n} (a television channel dedicated to news) :: kanał informacyjny {m}, program informacyjny {m}, stacja informacyjna {f}
news conference {n} (press conference) SEE: press conference ::
New South Wales {prop} (one state of Australia) :: Nowa Południowa Walia {f}
New Spain {prop} (historical colony) :: Nowa Hiszpania {f}
newspaper {n} (publication) :: gazeta {f}
newspeak {n} (use of ambiguous words to deceive listeners) :: nowomowa {f}
Newspeak {prop} (fictional language) :: nowomowa {f}
Newspeak {n} (newspeak) SEE: newspeak ::
newsroom {n} (the office of a news organisation) :: newsroom {m}
New Stone Age {prop} (Neolithic) SEE: Neolithic ::
newt {n} (type of salamander) :: traszka {f}
New Testament {prop} (second half of the Christian Bible) :: Nowy Testament {m}
newton {n} (derived unit of force) :: niuton {m}
New World {prop} (the Americas and Oceania) :: Nowy Świat
New World Order {prop} (vision for the world) :: Nowy porządek świata {m}
New Year {n} (the first few days of a calendar year) :: Nowy Rok {m}
New Year {n} (January 1 in the Julian and Gregorian calendar and the days following) :: Nowy rok {m}, Nowy Rok {m}
New Year's Day {n} (holiday occurring on January 1st) :: Nowy Rok {m}
New Year's Eve {prop} (holiday on December 31st) :: sylwester {m}
New York {prop} (state) :: Nowy Jork {m}
New York {prop} (city) SEE: New York City ::
New York City {prop} (large city in the USA) :: Nowy Jork {m}
New Yorker {n} (a native or resident of New York City) :: nowojorczyk {m}, nowojorczanka {f}
New Yorker {n} (a native or resident of the state of New York) :: Nowojorczyk {m}, Nowojorczanka {f}
New Zealand {prop} (country in Oceania) :: Nowa Zelandia {f}
New Zealand {prop} (attributive form - relating to New Zealand) :: nowozelandzki
New Zealander {n} (a person from New Zealand or of New Zealand descent) :: Nowozelandczyk {m}, Nowozelandka {f}
New Zealandress {n} (female New Zealander) :: Nowozelandka {f}
next {adj} (following in a sequence) :: następny, przyszły
next {adv} (In a time, place or sequence closest or following) :: następnie
next {adv} (On the first subsequent occasion) :: dalej
next {prep} (next to) SEE: next to ::
nextly {adv} (next) SEE: next ::
next of kin {n} (closest blood relative, often heir to inheritance) :: najbliższy krewny {m}
next to {prep} (beside; alongside) :: obok
next to last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate ::
next to nothing {pron} (very little) :: prawie nic
next year {adv} (year after this one) :: w przyszłym roku
nexus {n} (connection) :: związek {m}, ogniwo {n}
nexus {n} (connected group) :: grupa {f}, zespół {m}
ney {n} (a type of flute) :: nej {m}
négligée {n} (nightgown) :: negliż {m}
Niamey {prop} (capital of Niger) :: Niamej {m}
nib {n} (tip of a pen) :: stalówka {f}
Nicaragua {prop} (a country in Central America) :: Nikaragua
Nicaraguan {adj} (pertaining to Nicaragua) :: nikaraguański
nice {adj} (pleasant) :: miły, przyjemny, fajny, dobry
nice {adj} (having a pleasant taste or aroma) :: miły
Nice {prop} (city in France) :: Nicea {f}
nice-looking {adj} (attractive) SEE: attractive ::
nicely {adv} (pleasantly) :: miło
Nicene Creed {prop} (official creed of the early Christian church stating tenets of the Christian faith) :: Nicejskie wyznanie wiary {m}
nice to meet you {phrase} (pleased to meet you) SEE: pleased to meet you ::
niche {n} (cavity, hollow, or recess) :: nisza {f}
niche {adj} (pertaining to a market niche) :: niszowy
Nicholas {prop} (male given name) :: Mikołaj {m}
Nicholson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Nicholas") :: Mikołajewicz
nickel {n} (element) :: nikiel {m-in}
nickname {n} (familiar, invented given name) :: przezwisko {n}, ksywa {f}, ksywka {f}, przydomek {m}
nickname {n} (byname) :: przezwisko {n}
Nicosia {prop} (capital of Cyprus) :: Nikozja {f}
Nicosian {adj} (from Nicosia) :: nikozyjski {m}
Nicosian {n} (someone from Nicosia) :: nikozyjczyk {m}, nikozyjka {f}
nicotine {n} (addictive alkaloid derived from tobacco) :: nikotyna {f}
nictitating membrane {n} (transparent protective fold of skin) :: migotka {f}
nidify {v} (to make a nest) :: gniazdować, wić gniazdo
niece {n} (fraternal or sororal niece, see also: fraternal niece; sororal niece) :: [fraternal] bratanica {f}, [sororal] siostrzenica {f}
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's husband) SEE: niece ::
niece-in-law {n} (niece of someone's wife) SEE: niece ::
nief {n} (fist) SEE: fist ::
Nietzschean {adj} (pertaining to Nietzsche or his writings) :: nietzscheański
Nietzschean {n} (a supporter of Nietzsche's ideas) :: nietzscheanista {m}, nietzscheanistka {f}
Nietzscheanism {n} (philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche) :: nietzscheanizm {m}
nigella {n} (plant of the genus Nigella) :: czarnuszka {f}
nigella {n} (spice) SEE: black caraway ::
Niger {prop} (country) :: Niger
Nigeria {prop} (a country in Western Africa) :: Nigeria {f}
Nigerian {n} (person) :: Nigeryjczyk {m}, Nigeryjka {f}
Nigerian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Nigeria, the Nigerian people or culture) :: nigeryjski {m}
Nigerian scam {n} (attempt to defraud) :: nigeryjski przekręt {m}, nigeryjski szwindel {m}
nigger {n} (Negro person, black person (pejorative)) :: czarnuch {m-pr}, bambus {m-pr}, asfalt {m-pr}
nigh {adj} (near, close by) :: bliski {m}
nigh {adv} (almost; nearly) :: blisko
night {n} (period between sunset and sunrise) :: noc {f}
nightcap {n} (warm cap worn at night) :: szlafmyca {f}
nightclub {n} (establishment that is open late at night) :: klub nocny {m}
nightdress {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) SEE: nightgown ::
nightfall {n} (the close of the day; the coming of night) :: zmrok {m}, zmierzch {m}
nightgown {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) :: koszula nocna {f}
nighthawk {n} (night owl) SEE: night owl ::
night heron {n} (species of heron) :: ślepowron {m}
nightie {n} (sleeping garment worn by women) SEE: nightgown ::
nightingale {n} (bird) :: słowik rdzawy {m}, słowik {m}
nightjar {n} (nocturnal bird of the family Caprimulgidae) :: lelek {m}
nightlife {n} (Selection of nocturnal activities) :: nocne życie {n}
nightmare {n} (dream) :: koszmar {m}
nightmare {n} (experience) :: koszmar {m}
nightmarish {adj} (resembling a nightmare) :: koszmarny {m}
night owl {n} (one who is awake at night) :: nocny marek
night person {n} (night-active person) :: sowa {f}, nocny marek {m}
nightshade {n} (deadly nightshade) SEE: deadly nightshade ::
nightshade {n} (plant of genus Solanum) :: psianka {f}
night shift {n} (period) :: nocna zmiana {f}, nocka {f}
night shift {n} (group of workers) :: nocna zmiana {f}
nightshirt {n} (shirt-like garment) SEE: nightgown ::
nihilism {n} (rejection of, or opposition to, religious beliefs, moral principles, legal rules, etc.) :: nihilizm {m}
nihilism {n} (doctrine grounded on the negation of one or more meaningful aspects of life) :: nihilizm {m}
nihilism {n} (alternative letter-case form of Nihilism) SEE: Nihilism ::
Nihilism {prop} (movement that rejected all authority and promoted the use of violence for political change) :: nihilizm {m}
Nihongo {n} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese ::
nihonium {n} :: nihon {m-in}
Nijmegen {prop} (city in the Netherlands) :: Nijmegen {n}
Nike {prop} (Greek goddess of victory) :: Nike {f}
Nikolayev {prop} (Mykolaiv) SEE: Mykolaiv ::
Nikolayevsk {prop} (former name of Nikolayevsk-on-Amur) :: Nikołajewsk {m}
Nikolayevsk-on-Amur {prop} (city) :: Nikołajewsk nad Amurem {m}
nil {n} (nothing) :: zero
Nile {prop} (river) :: Nil {m}
Nina {prop} (female given name) :: Nina
nincompoop {n} (foolish or silly person) :: głupiec
nine {num} (cardinal number) :: dziewięć, [collective] dziewięcioro
nine {n} (the digit or figure 9) :: dziewiątka {f}
nine {n} (card with nine pips) :: dziewiątka {f}
nine hundred {num} (cardinal number 900) :: dziewięćset
nineteen {num} (cardinal number) :: dziewiętnaście, [collective] dziewiętnaścioro
nineteenth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number nineteen, see also: 19th) :: dziewiętnasty
nine thousand {num} (9000) :: dziewięć tysięcy
nineties {n} (the decade of the 1990s) :: lata dziewięćdziesiąte {p}; lata 90. {p}
ninetieth {adj} (ordinal form of ninety) :: dziewięćdziesiąty, 90.
ninety {num} (90) :: dziewięćdziesiąt
ninety-eight {num} (98) :: dziewięćdziesiąt osiem
ninety-five {num} (95) :: dziewięćdziesiąt pięć
ninety-four {num} (94) :: dziewięćdziesiąt cztery {p}
ninety-nine {num} (cardinal number 99) :: dziewięćdziesiąt dziewięć
ninety-one {num} (cardinal number ninety-one) :: dziewięćdziesiąt jeden
ninety-seven {num} (97) :: dziewięćdziesiąt siedem
ninety-six {num} (96) :: dziewięćdziesiąt sześć
ninetysomething {n} (nonagenarian) SEE: nonagenarian ::
ninety-three {num} (93) :: dziewięćdziesiąt trzy
ninety-two {num} (92) :: dziewięćdziesiąt dwa
Nineveh {prop} (capital of Assyria) :: Niniwa {f}
ninhydrin {n} (organic compound: 2,2-dihydroxyindane-1,3-dione) :: ninhydryna {f}
Nintendo {n} (Nintendo Entertainment System, or other video game system made by Nintendo) :: Nintendo
ninth {adj} (ordinal form of nine, see also: 9th) :: dziewiąty
niobium {n} (chemical element) :: niob {m}
nip in the bud {v} (to prevent at an early stage) :: zniszczyć w zarodku
nipple {n} (projection of mammary gland) :: brodawka sutkowa {f}
nipplewort {n} (Lapsana communis) :: łoczyga {f}
Nippon {prop} (a country in East Asia) SEE: Japan ::
Nipponese {adj} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese ::
Nipponese {prop} (Japanese) SEE: Japanese ::
nirvana {n} (Buddhism: cessation of suffering) :: nirwana {f}
nirvana {n} (state of bliss) :: nirwana {f}
nit {n} (egg of a louse) :: gnida {f}
nithing {n} (coward, dastard) SEE: coward ::
nithing {adj} (cowardly, dastardly) SEE: cowardly ::
nitpicky {adj} (overly critical) :: drobiazgowy {m}
nitrate {n} (any salt or ester of nitric acid) :: azotan {m}
nitric {adj} (pertaining to nitrogen) :: azotowy {m}
nitric acid {n} (HNO3) :: kwas azotowy {m}
nitride {n} (compound of nitrogen) :: azotek {m}
nitriding {n} (method of hardening steel) :: azotowanie {n}
nitro {n} (nitroglycerin as medication) :: nitrogliceryna {f}
nitrogen {n} (chemical element) :: azot {m}
nitrogenic {adj} (nitrogenous) SEE: nitrogenous ::
nitrogenous {adj} (of nitrogen) :: azotowy
nitroglycerine {n} (the compound glyceryl-tri-nitrate) :: nitrogliceryna {f}
nitro-hydrochloric acid {n} (aqua regia) SEE: aqua regia ::
nitrous acid {n} (weak acid, HNO2) :: kwas azotawy {m}
nitrous oxide {n} (nitrous oxide) :: podtlenek azotu {m}, tlenek diazotu {m}
nitty {adj} (foolish, inane) SEE: foolish ::
nitty {adj} (fastidious, fussy, nit-picky) SEE: fastidious ::
nitty {n} (dope fiend, druggie) SEE: drug addict ::
nitwit {n} (scatterbrained or stupid person) :: głupek {m}
Niue {prop} (island of Niue) :: Niue {n}
Nivkh {prop} (language) :: niwchijski
Nivôse {prop} (the fourth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: nivôse {m}
Nizhny Novgorod {prop} (large city in Russia) :: Niżny Nowogród {m}
no {determiner} (not any) :: żaden {m}
no {determiner} (used to show an activity is forbidden) :: [followed by an infinitive] nie wolno
no {particle} (used to show disagreement or negation) :: nie
no {particle} (used to show agreement with a negative question (in some languages this response is the usual word for "yes")) :: nie
no {n} (a negating expression) :: nie {n}
no {n} (a vote not in favor) :: przeciw {n}
No. {n} (abbreviation of "number") :: nr (abbr. of numer)
Noah {prop} (biblical character) :: Noe {m}
Noah {prop} (male given name) :: Noe {m}
Noah's ark {prop} (the vessel built by Noah under God's instructions, as described in Genesis) :: arka Noego {f}
nobelium {n} (chemical element) :: nobel {m}
Nobel laureate {n} (person who has been awarded a Nobel Prize) :: noblista {m}, noblistka {f}
nobility {n} (noble or privileged social class) :: szlachta
noble {n} (aristocrat) :: arystokrata {m}, arystokratka {f}, arystokratka {m}, szlachcianka {f}
noble {adj} (having honorable qualities) :: szlachetny
noble {adj} (of or relating to the nobility; distinguished from the masses by birth) :: szlachetny
noble gas {n} (element of group 18 of the periodic table) :: gaz szlachetny {m}
nobleman {n} (man of noble rank, title, or status; peer; aristocrat) :: szlachcic {m}
noble metal {n} (metal resistant to corrosion) :: metal szlachetny {m}
noble savage {n} :: szlachetny dzikus {m}
noblewoman {n} (a woman of noble rank) :: szlachcianka {m}
nobody {pron} (not any person; the logical negation of somebody) SEE: no one ::
nobody's {determiner} (belonging to nobody (possessive form of nobody)) :: niczyj
nocebo {n} (pharmacologically inactive substance experienced as harmful) :: nocebo
no comment {phrase} ("official" refusal to relay any further information) :: bez komentarza
no comment {phrase} (refusal to say the obvious impolite retort) :: bez komentarza
noctule {n} (bat of the genus Nyctalus) :: borowiec {m}
nocturnal {adj} (primarily active during the night) :: nocny
nocturnal {adj} (taking place at night) :: nocny
nocturne {n} (a dreamlike or pensive composition) :: nokturn {m}
nod {v} (incline the head up and down) :: kiwać {impf}, kiwnąć {pf}
node {n} (vertex of a graph of a network) :: węzeł {m}
no doubt {adv} (without a doubt) :: niewątpliwie
no entry {phrase} (entry is forbidden) :: zakaz wstępu
no fear {interj} (no way) SEE: no way ::
Nogai {prop} (language) :: nogajski {m}
Nogai {n} (person) :: Nogaj {m}, Nogajka {f}
Nogai {adj} (of or pertaining to the Nogai language or people) :: nogajski {m}
no holds barred {adj} (idiomatic: having absolutely no reserve or restrictions in lengths; in an especially ruthless or vicious manner) :: wszystkie chwyty dozwolone
noise {n} (various sounds, usually unwanted) :: hałas {m}, szum {m}
noise {n} (sound or signal generated by random fluctuations) :: szum {m}
noise {n} (technical: unwanted part of a signal) :: szum {m}
noisy {adj} (making a noise) :: hałaśliwy, głośny, huczny
nolens volens {adv} (willing or unwilling) SEE: willy-nilly ::
no longer {adv} (not any more) :: już nie, nie jest już
nomad {n} (a member of society or class who wander with their herds) :: nomada {m}, koczownik {m}
nomad {n} (a wanderer) SEE: wanderer ::
nomadic {adj} (of or relating to any habitually wandering person) :: koczowniczy {m}, nomadyczny {m}
nomarch {n} (head of a nome) :: nomarcha {m}
nomarchy {n} (department, county) SEE: nome ::
nom de guerre {n} (pseudonym) SEE: pseudonym ::
nom de plume {n} (pseudonym) SEE: pseudonym ::
nome {n} (territorial division of ancient Egypt) :: nom {m}
nomenclature {n} (set of names or terms) :: nazewnictwo {n}, nomenklatura {f}
nomenklatura {n} (list of posts in Soviet Union) :: nomenklatura {f}
nominative {n} (the nominative case) SEE: nominative case ::
nominative {adj} (being in the nominative case) :: mianujący, mianowanie {n}
nominative case {n} (case used to indicate the subject) :: mianownik {m-in}
nominee {n} (a person named or designated to any office, duty or position) :: kandydat {m}
non- {prefix} (not) :: nie-
nonagenarian {n} (one who is between the ages of 90 and 99) :: dziewięćdziesięciolatek {m}, dziewięćdziesięciolatka {f}
nonagon {n} (A polygon with nine sides and nine angles) :: dziewięciokąt {m}
nonalcoholic {adj} (containing at most trace amounts of alcohol) :: bezalkoholowy {m}
non-binary {adj} (not binary) :: niebinarny
non-binary {adj} (outside the gender binary, see also: genderqueer) :: niebinarny
nonce {n} (a nonce word) SEE: nonce word ::
nonce word {n} (word invented for the occasion) :: okazjonalizm {m}
noncommissioned officer {n} (non-commissioned officer) SEE: non-commissioned officer ::
non-commissioned officer {n} (person of authority in the military who has not received a commission) :: podoficer
noncommittal {adj} (tending to avoid commitment) :: niezdecydowany {m}, wymijający {m}
nonconformist {n} (someone who does not conform to accepted beliefs, customs or practices) :: nonkonformista {m}
nonconformity {n} (rejection of or the failure to conform, especially to standards, rules, or laws) :: nonkonformizm {m}
none {pron} (not any person) :: żaden {m}
none {pron} (not any thing) :: żaden {m}
nonentity {n} (nonexistence) SEE: nonexistence ::
nones {n} (midday) SEE: noon ::
nones {n} (midday meal) SEE: lunch ::
nonetheless {adv} (nevertheless) :: niemniej jednak, jednakże, jednakowoż
no news is good news {proverb} (lack of information suggests nothing bad) :: brak wiadomości to dobra wiadomość
nonexistence {n} (The state of not existing) :: nieistnienie {n}
nonexistent {adj} (not existent) :: nieistniejący
nonfiction {n} (written works intended to give facts) :: literatura faktu {f}
nonfree {adj} (not free of charge) :: płatny
non-governmental {adj} (not belonging to a particular government) :: pozarządowy
non-governmental organization {n} (organization with no government participation) :: organizacja pozarządowa {f}
nonkilling {n} (A precept or worldview) :: niezabijanie {n}
nonlawful {adj} (unlawful) SEE: unlawful ::
nonmetal {n} (element that does not have the properties of a metal) :: niemetal {m}
non-native speaker {n} (someone who has another native tongue then the language being used) :: nierodzimy użytkownik języka {m}, nierodzima użytkowniczka języka {f}
non-negative {adj} :: nieujemny
nonnegative {adj} (either zero or positive) :: nieujemny
non-player character {n} (character in a role-playing game or computer game) :: bohater niezależny {m} (BN)
nonplussed {adj} (bewildered) :: skonsternowany {m}
nonpolar {adj} (non-polar) :: niepolarny
nonprofessional {adj} (not professional) :: amatorski {m}
nonpyrogenic {adj} (not pyrogenic) :: niepirogenny, niepirogeniczny
nonrepudiation {n} (assurance of digital sending or receipt) :: niezaprzeczalność
nonsense {n} (meaningless words) :: nonsens {m-in}, niedorzeczność, absurd, bezsens, bzdura {f}
non sequitur {n} (invalid argument) :: błąd wnioskowania {m}
non-smoker {n} (somebody who does not smoke tobacco) :: niepalący {m}, niepaląca {f}
nonstandard {adj} (not conforming to the standard variety) :: nieliteracki, niestandardowy, nienormatywny, substandardowy
nonstop {adj} (without stopping) :: nieprzerwany, bezpośredni {m}
nonstop {adv} (without stopping) :: nieprzerwanie, cały czas
nontrinitarianism {n} (antitrinitarianism) SEE: antitrinitarianism ::
nonuniform {adj} (not uniform) :: niejednostajny {m}
nonzero {adj} (not equal to zero) :: niezerowy {m}
noob {n} (newbie) :: nowicjusz {m}
noobish {adj} (like a noob; naive or foolish) :: noobowski
noodle {n} (fool) SEE: fool ::
noodle {n} (string or strip of pasta) :: makaron {m}, kluski {f-p}
nook {n} (small corner formed by two walls) :: wnęka {f}
nook {n} (hidden or secluded spot) :: zakątek {m}, zakamarek {m}
noon {n} (midnight) SEE: midnight ::
noon {n} (midday) :: południe {n}
no one {pron} (not even a single person) :: nikt
noose {n} (adjustable loop or rope) :: pętla {f}, stryczek {m}
no pain, no gain {proverb} (discomfort is necessary to achieve goals) :: bez pracy nie ma kołaczy [without work there are no kalaches], bez zachodu nie ma miodu [no west, no honey], bez pracy nie ma macy [no work, no power], pieczone gołąbki nie lecą same do gąbki [roasted pigeons do not fly in the mouth by themselves], kto ma ręce do pracy, ten się naje kołaczy [who has the hands to work, eats cakes], żeby mieć kołaczy, trzeba użyć pracy [to make cakes, you need to work], kto nie ryzykuje, ten nie zyska [who does not take risks will not gain]
no parking {phrase} (no parking) :: zakaz parkowania
no problem {interj} (it does not pose a problem) :: nie ma sprawy, żaden problem {m}, żadna sprawa {f}, nie ma problemu
no problem {interj} (no thanks or apology is necessary) :: nie ma za co, (nic) nie szkodzi, nie ma sprawy
nor {conj} (nor) :: ani
Nordic combined {n} (cross-country skiing and ski jumping) :: kombinacja norweska
Nordic countries {n} (the Nordic countries collectively) :: kraje nordyckie {m-p}
Norfolk Island {prop} (external territory of Australia) :: Norfolk
norm {n} (that which is normal) :: norma {f}
norm {n} (math: function that maps vectors to non-negative scalars) :: norma {f}
Norma {prop} (constellation) :: Węgielnica {f}
normal {adj} (according to norms or rules) :: normalny
normal {adj} (usual, ordinary) :: normalny, zwykły, zwyczajny
normalcy {n} (state of being normal) :: normalność {f}
normal distribution {n} (probability distribution) :: rozkład normalny {m}
normal form {n} (math: standard way of presenting an object) SEE: canonical form ::
normality {n} (state of being normal) :: normalność {f}
normality {n} ((chemistry) concentration of a solution) :: normalność {f}
normalization {n} (any process that makes something more normal or regular) :: normalizacja {f}
normal saline {n} (solution) :: sól fizjologiczna {f}
normal subgroup {n} (subgroup that is invariant under conjugation) :: podgrupa normalna {f}
normal time {n} :: regulaminowy czas {m}
Normandy {prop} (region of France) :: Normandia {f}
normation {n} (establishment of a norm) :: normotwórstwo {n}, normalizacja {f}, unormowanie {n}, normowanie {n}
normative {adj} (of, pertaining to, or using a norm or standard) :: normatywny
normative {adj} (attempting to establish or prescribe a norm) :: normatywny, normotwórczy, dyrektywalny
normativization {n} :: normatywizacja {f}
north {n} (compass point) :: północ {f}
north {adj} (of or pertaining to the north) :: północny
north {adj} (toward the north) :: północny
north {adj} (meteorology: of wind, from the north) :: północny
North African {adj} (of or pertaining to North Africa) :: północnoafrykański {m}
North America {prop} (continent) :: Ameryka Północna {f}
North American {adj} (relating to North America) :: północnoamerykański
North Atlantic Treaty Organization {prop} (intergovernmental military alliance) :: Organizacja Traktatu Północnoatlantyckiego {f}
North Brabant {prop} (province) :: Brabancja Północna {f}
North Carolina {prop} (state of the United States) :: Karolina Północna {f}
North Dakota {prop} (state of the United States of America) :: Dakota Północna {f}
northeast {n} (compass point) :: północny wschód {m-in}
northeast {adj} (northeastern) :: północno-wschodni
northern {adj} (facing, situated in or related to the north) :: północny {m}
northern {adj} (of wind) :: północny {m}
Northern Europe {prop} (sociopolitical region of Europe) :: Europa Północna {f}
Northern European {adj} (Northern European) :: północnoeuropejski
northern gannet {n} (Morus bassanus) :: głuptak {m}
northern goshawk {n} (Accipiter gentilis) :: jastrząb zwyczajny {m}
Northern Ireland {prop} (Northern Ireland) :: Irlandia Północna {f}
northern lights {n} (the aurora of the northern hemisphere) :: zorza polarna {f}
Northern Macedonia {prop} (country) SEE: North Macedonia ::
Northern Mariana Islands {prop} (archipelago) :: Mariany Północne {f-p}
Northern Marianas {prop} (Northern Marianas) :: Mariany Północne
northern raccoon {n} (Procyon lotor) SEE: raccoon ::
Northern Territory {prop} (Territory in northern Australia) :: Terytorium Północne
northern wheatear {n} (Oenanthe oenanthe) :: białorzytka {f}
North Frisian {prop} (Frisian language) :: północnofryzyjski {m}
North Holland {prop} (province of the Netherlands) :: Holandia Północna {f}
North Korea {prop} (North Korea) :: Korea Północna {f}
North Korean {n} (person from North Korea) :: Północnokoreańczyk {m}, Północnokoreanka {f}
North Korean {adj} (pertaining to North Korea) :: północnokoreański
North Macedonia {prop} (country in Europe) :: Macedonia Północna {f}
North Macedonian {adj} (of, or relating to North Macedonia) :: północnomacedoński
North Ossetia {prop} (North Ossetia-Alania) SEE: North Ossetia-Alania ::
North Ossetia-Alania {prop} (a federal subject of Russia) :: Osetia Północna {f}
north pole {n} (northernmost point on celestial bodies) :: biegun północny {m}
north pole {n} (positive pole of a magnetic dipole) :: biegun północny {m}
North Pole {prop} (northernmost point on Earth) :: biegun północny {m}
North Rhine-Westphalia {prop} (state) :: Nadrenia Północna-Westfalia
North Sea {prop} (a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean between Britain, Scandinavia and Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France) :: Morze Północne {n}
Northumbria {prop} (An Anglo-Saxon kingdom in the Northeast of England.) :: Nortumbria {f}
Northumbrian {adj} (An Adjective.) :: nortumbryjski
northwest {n} (compass point) :: północny zachód {m}
northwest {adj} (towards the northwest) :: północno-zachodni
Northwest Territories {prop} (Territory in northern Canada) :: Terytoria Północno-Zachodnie
Norway {prop} (Scandinavian country) :: Norwegia {f}
Norway maple {n} (Acer platanoides) :: klon zwyczajny
Norwegian {n} (native of Norway) :: Norweg {m-pr}, Norweżka {f}
Norwegian {n} (language of Norway) :: język norweski {m-in}
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Norway) :: norweski
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to Norwegians) :: norweski
Norwegian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Norwegian language) :: norweski
Norwegian Bokmål {n} (Bokmål) SEE: Bokmål ::
Norwegian Nynorsk {n} (Nynorsk) SEE: Nynorsk ::
nose {v} (to snoop) :: wścibiać nos {impf}
nose {v} (to detect) :: węszyć {impf}
nose {n} (protuberance on the face) :: nos {m}
nose {n} (tip of an object) :: nos {m}
noseband {n} (part of a bridle or halter) :: nachrapnik {m}
nosedive {n} (A headfirst fall or jump) :: skok na główkę {m}
nosedive {n} (A rapid fall in price or value) :: skoczyć na główkę
nosegay {n} (aroma, scent) SEE: aroma ::
nose-picking {n} (insertion of a finger into one's nostril, especially to remove mucus.) :: dłubanie w nosie {n}
nosey parker {n} (prying person) :: ciekawski {m}
nosh {n} (blowjob) SEE: blowjob ::
nosh {v} (to perform fellatio (on)) SEE: blow ::
nosh {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub ::
nosh {n} (snack) SEE: snack ::
nosh {v} (snack) SEE: snack ::
no smoke without fire {proverb} (gossip and accusations are often substantiated by fact) :: nie ma dymu bez ognia
no smoking {phrase} (phrase used in notices indicating that the smoking of cigarettes is not permitted) :: zakaz palenia
nosology {n} (the systematic investigation or classification of disease) :: nozologia {f}
nostalgia {n} (bittersweet yearning for the things of the past) :: nostalgia {f}
nostalgia {n} (longing for home or familiar surroundings) SEE: homesickness ::
nostalgic {adj} (pertaining to nostalgia) :: nostalgiczny
nostalgically {adv} (in a melancholic manner) :: nostalgicznie
nostrification {n} (granting recognition to a degree from a foreign university) :: nostryfikacja {f}
nostril {n} (either of the two orifices located on the nose) :: nozdrze {n}
nostrum {n} (medicine or remedy which has not been proven to have any desirable medical effects) :: lekarstwo na wszystko, nostrum {m}, panaceum {n}
not {adv} (negates meaning of verb) :: nie
not {conj} (And not) :: nie
not anymore {adv} (no longer) SEE: no longer ::
notary {n} (notary public) :: notariusz {m}
not at all {adv} (not) :: wcale nie
not at all {interj} (conventional reply to expression of gratitude) :: proszę, nie ma za co
notch {n} (V-shaped cut) :: karb {m}, nacięcie {n}, wręb {m}
notch {n} (such a cut, used for keeping a record) :: narzaz {m}, nacięcie {n}
notch {v} (to cut a notch) :: karbować {impf}, nacinać {impf}, naciąć {pf}, narzynać {impf}, narżnąć {pf}, wrębiać {impf}, wrębić {pf}
note {n} (marginal comment or explanation) :: wzmianka {f}
note {n} (memorandum) :: notatka {f}, notka {f}
note {n} (short informal letter) :: notatka {f}, notka {f}
note {n} (diplomatic missive or written communication) :: nota {f}
note {n} (character indicating the length and pitch of a tone) :: nuta {f}
note {n} (musical sound) :: nuta {f}
note {n} (observation) :: uwaga {f}
note {n} (reputation; distinction) :: renoma {f}
note {v} (to notice with care) :: zauważyć, zauważać
note {n} (banknote) SEE: banknote ::
Noteć {prop} (river) :: Noteć {f}
notebook {n} (empty book able to be used for notes) :: notes {m}, zeszyt {m}, kajet {m}
notepad {n} (bound pad of paper) :: notatnik {m}
not guilty {adj} (legally innocent of a crime of which one has been accused in a court of law) :: niewinny
no, thanks {interj} (no, thanks) :: nie, dziękuję
no thank you {interj} (polite way of saying no) :: Nie, dziękuję
nothing {pron} (not any thing) :: nic
nothingness {n} (state of nonexistence; the condition of being nothing) :: nicość {f}
nothing ventured, nothing gained {proverb} (if one takes no risks, one will not gain any benefits) SEE: no pain, no gain ::
notice {v} (to remark upon) :: zauważyć
noticeable {adj} (capable of being seen or noticed) :: zauważalny
notify {v} ((transitive) to give (someone) notice of (something)) :: notyfikować
notion {n} (mental apprehension of whatever may be known or imagined; an idea; a conception) :: pojęcie {n}
not know which end is up {v} (to have no common sense) :: nie wiedzieć gdzie góra, a gdzie dół
notochord {n} :: struna grzbietowa {f}
not only … but also {conj} :: nie tylkoale też, nie tylkolecz także
notorious {adj} (known widely and infamously) :: notoryczny
notwithstanding {adv} (never the less) SEE: nevertheless ::
not yet {adv} (not for the moment, though expected later) :: jeszcze nie
Nouakchott {prop} (capital of Mauritania) :: Nawakszut
noughts and crosses {n} (game) SEE: tic-tac-toe ::
noumenal {adj} (of or pertaining to the noumenon) :: noumenalny
noumenon {n} (thing as it is independent of any conceptualization, see also: thing-in-itself) :: noumen {m}
noun {n} (grammatical category (narrow sense)) :: rzeczownik {m-in}
noun {n} (grammatical category (broad sense)) :: imię {n}
noun numeral {n} (a noun that represents a number) :: imię liczbowe
noun phrase {n} (phrase that can serve as the subject or the object of a verb) :: fraza rzeczownikowa {f}
noun substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun ::
nourishing {adj} (that provides nourishment) :: pożywny
nourishment {n} (something that nourishes; food) :: pożywienie {n}
nouveau riche {n} (new money: wealthy persons whose fortunes are newly acquired, and who are therefore perceived to lack the refinement of those who were raised wealthy) :: nowobogacki {m}, nuworysz {m}, nowobogacz, dorobkiewicz {m}, parweniusz {m}
Nova Scotia {prop} (province in eastern Canada) :: Nowa Szkocja {f}
Novaya Zemlya {prop} (archipelago in Russia) :: Nowa Ziemia {f}
novel {adj} (new, original, especially in an interesting way) :: nowy {m}
novel {n} (work of prose fiction) :: powieść {f}
novelist {n} (author of novels) :: powieściopisarz {m}, powieściopisarka {f}
November {prop} (eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar) :: listopad {m-in}
novena {n} (a recitation of prayers for nine days) :: nowenna {f}
Novgorod {prop} (city) :: Nowgorod {m}
novice {n} (beginner) :: nowicjusz, debiutant
novice {n} (new member of a religious order) :: nowicjusz {m}, nowicjuszka {f}
Novi Sad {prop} (largest city of the Serbian province of Vojvodina) :: Nowy Sad {m}
Novokuznetsk {prop} (city) :: Nowokuźnieck {m}
Novorossiya {prop} (an area north of the Black Sea) :: Noworosja {f}
Novorossiysk {prop} (city) :: Noworosyjsk {m}
Novosibirsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Nowosybirsk {m}
now {adv} (at the present time) :: teraz, aktualnie, obecnie, nynie [archaic], w tej chwili, w tym momencie
now {interj} (signal to begin) :: już
nowadays {adv} (at the present time) :: teraz, obecnie
nowadays {adv} (in the current era) :: współcześnie
no way {interj} (absolutely not) :: nie ma mowy
no way {interj} (indicates astonished disbelief) :: nie może być, niemożliwe
nowhere {adv} (in no place) :: nigdzie
nowhere {adv} (to no place) :: donikąd
nowheres {adv} (nowhere) SEE: nowhere ::
nowhither {adv} (to no place) SEE: nowhere ::
no worries {interj} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
now you mention it {adv} (now that I think about it) SEE: come to think of it ::
noxious {adj} (harmful) :: szkodliwy, niezdrowy
nozzle {n} (short tube) :: dysza {f}
nozzle {n} (inlet or outlet pipe) :: króciec {m}
nth {adj} (occurring at position n) :: enty, n-ty
nu {n} (name for the letter of the Greek alphabet: Ν and ν) :: ni {n}
nuance {n} (minor distinction) :: niuans {m}
nuance {n} (subtlety or fine detail) :: niuans {m}, subtelność {f}
Nubia {prop} (ancient kingdom) :: Nubia {f}
nuclear {adj} (pertaining to the nucleus of a cell) :: jądrowy {m}
nuclear {adj} (involving nuclear energy) :: jądrowy
nuclear {adj} (of a weapon: deriving its force from nuclear energy) :: jądrowy
nuclear energy {n} (energy released by a nuclear reaction) :: energetyka jądrowa {f}
nuclear family {n} (a family unit consisting of a father, mother and children) :: rodzina nuklearna {f}
nuclear fission {n} (atom-splitting nuclear reaction) :: rozszczepienie {n}
nuclear fusion {n} (the combining of the nuclei of small atoms to form the nuclei of larger ones) :: fuzja jądrowa {f}
nuclear physicist {n} :: jądrowiec
nuclear power plant {n} (type of power plant) :: elektrownia jądrowa {f}, elektrownia atomowa {f}
nuclear power station {n} (type of power station) SEE: nuclear power plant ::
nuclear reactor {n} (device) :: reaktor jądrowy {m}
nuclear war {n} (war fought using nuclear weapons) :: wojna atomowa {f}, wojna jądrowa {f}, wojna nuklearna {f}
nuclear waste {n} (type of waste) SEE: radioactive waste ::
nuclear weapon {n} (explosive device) :: broń jądrowa {f}, broń atomowa {f}
nucleic acid {n} (acidic chainlike biological macromolecule) :: kwasy nukleinowe
nucleolus {n} (part of nucleus of a cell) :: jąderko
nucleon {n} (a proton or a neutron) :: nukleon {m}
nucleus {n} (core, central part of something) :: jądro {n}
nucleus {n} (initial part which will receive additions) :: rdzeń {m}
nucleus {n} (physics: massive, positively charged core of an atom) :: jądro {n}
nucleus {n} (cytology: large organelle found in cells) :: jądro {n}
nucleus {n} (linguistics: centre of a syllable) :: jądro {n}
nude {adj} (without clothing or other covering) :: nagi {m}, goły
nude {n} (image depicting a human in a state of undress) :: akt {m}
nudism {n} (the belief in or practice of social, non-sexual nudity) :: nudyzm {m}
nudity {n} (the state of being without clothing on the body) :: nagość {f}
nudiustertian {adj} (Of or relating to the day before yesterday) :: przedwczorajszy {m}
nugget {n} (small chunk or clump) :: bryłka
nuisance {n} (minor annoyance or inconvenience) :: niedogodność {f}, uciążliwość {f}
nuisance {n} (person or thing causing annoyance of inconvenience) :: utrapieniec {m-pr}, utrapienie {n}
nuisance {n} (law: anything harmful or offensive to the community or to a member of it) :: zakłócenie porządku {n}
null set {n} (empty set) SEE: empty set ::
null set {n} (negligible set) :: zbiór miary zero {m}
numb {adj} (physically unable to feel) :: odrętwiały {m}
numbat {n} (small marsupial) :: mrówkożer workowaty {m}
number {n} (abstract entity) :: liczba {f}
number {n} (numeral) :: cyfra {f}
number {n} (mathematics: number) :: liczba {f}
number {n} (used to show the rank of something in a list or sequence) :: numer {m-in}
number {n} (quantity) :: liczba {f}, ilość {f}
number {n} (sequence of digits and letters used to register people, automobiles, etc.) :: numer {m}
number {n} (informal: telephone number) :: numer {m}
number {n} (grammar: state of being singular, dual or plural) :: liczba {f}
number {n} (performance) :: numer {m}
number {n} (issue of a periodical publication) :: numer {m}
number {v} (label with numbers; assign numbers to) :: numerować
numberful {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous ::
number plate {n} (license plate) SEE: license plate ::
Numbers {prop} (fourth book of the Bible) :: Księga Liczb {f}
number sign {n} (hash) SEE: hash ::
numbersome {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous ::
number theory {n} (branch of pure mathematics) :: teoria liczb {f}
numbness {n} (absent or reduced sensitivity to cutaneous stimulation) :: odrętwienie {n}
numerable {adj} (numerous) SEE: numerous ::
numeral {n} (word or symbol representing a number, see also: noun numeral) :: liczebnik {m-in}
numerator {n} (number or expression written above the line in a fraction) :: licznik {m}
numeric {adj} (of, or relating to numbers) SEE: numerical ::
numerical {adj} (of or pertaining to numbers) :: numeryczny {m}
numerous {adj} (Indefinitely large numerically) :: liczny
Numidia {prop} (region in northern Africa) :: Numidia {f}
Numidian {adj} (pertaining to Numidia) :: numidyjski
numismatics {n} (study of coins) :: numizmatyka {f}
numismatist {n} (one who collects coins and/or currencies) :: numizmatyk {m}
nun {n} (member of a Christian religious community of women) :: zakonnica, mniszka {f}, siostra zakonna {f}, siostra {f}
nun {n} (member of a non-Christian religious community of women) :: mniszka {f}
nun {n} (Semitic letter) :: nun
nunatak {n} (mountaintop surrounded by glacial ice) :: nunatak {m}
nunchaku {n} (weapon) :: nunczako {n}, nunczaku
nuncheon {n} (afternoon snack) :: podwieczorek {m}
nuncio {n} (one who bears a message) SEE: messenger ::
nuncio {n} (title used for Catholic clerics) :: nuncjusz {m}
nunnery {n} (residence for nuns) :: klasztor (żeński)
nunnery {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
nuptial {adj} (pertaining to wedding and marriage) :: ślubny, weselny, małżeński
nuptials {n} (wedding ceremony, see also: wedding) :: zaślubiny {p}, ślub {m}, wesele {n}
Nuremberg {prop} (city in Germany) :: Norymberga {f}
nurse {n} (person who takes care of other people's young) :: opiekunka {f}
nurse {n} (person trained to provide care for the sick) :: pielęgniarka {f}, siostra {f}
nurse {v} (to care for the sick) :: pielęgnować
nurse {v} (to treat kindly and with extra care) :: pielęgnować, opiekować się
nurse {n} (wet nurse) SEE: wet nurse ::
nursing {n} (caring for patients) :: pielęgniarstwo
nursing {n} (breastfeeding) SEE: breastfeeding ::
Nur-Sultan {prop} (Astana) SEE: Astana ::
Nur-Sultan {prop} (Almaty) SEE: Almaty ::
Nur-Sultan {prop} (the official name of the capital of Kazakhstan) :: Nur-Sułtan {m}
nut {n} (hard-shelled fruit) :: orzech {m}
nut {n} (that fits on a bolt) :: nakrętka {f}
nut {n} (slang: insane person) :: świr {m}
nut {n} (slang: the head) :: łeb {m}
nutcracker {n} (implement for cracking nuts) :: dziadek do orzechów {m}
nutcracker {n} (bird of the genus Nucifraga) :: orzechówka {f}
nutfarm {n} (informal term for lunatic asylum) SEE: madhouse ::
nuthatch {n} (passerine bird from the family Sittidae) :: kowalik {m}, bargiel {m}
nuthouse {n} (informal term for lunatic asylum) SEE: madhouse ::
nut job {n} (someone who is insane) :: świr {m}
nutlet {n} (small nut) :: orzeszek {m}
nutmeg {n} (seed) :: gałka muszkatołowa {f}
nutmeg {n} (soccer/football sense) :: siatka {f}, rybka {f}
nutria {n} (coypu) SEE: coypu ::
nutrient {n} (substance that provides nourishment) :: składnik pokarmowy {m}
nutrition {n} (nutrition) :: żywienie {n}, pożywienie {n}, odżywianie {n}
nutritionist {n} :: dietetyk {m}, dietetyczka {f}
nutritive {adj} (nourishing, nutritional) :: spożywczy
nuts {n} (nut) SEE: nut ::
nutty {adj} (containing nuts) :: orzechowy {m}
nutty {adj} (barmy, crazy, mad) :: pomylony {m}, zwariowany {m}
nylon {n} (substance) :: nylon {m}
nymph {n} (insect larva) :: nimfa {f}
nymph {n} (mythology: water, forest or mountain spirit) :: nimfa {f}
nymphomaniac {n} (woman with excessive sexual desire) :: nimfomanka {f}
nymphomaniacal {adj} (nymphomaniac) SEE: nymphomaniac ::
Nynorsk {n} (one of the two major Norwegian (written) languages) :: nynorsk {m}
nystagmus {n} (rapid involuntary eye movement) :: oczopląs {m}
Nyx {prop} (the primordial goddess of night) :: Nyks {f}