User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-is-r

rabbi {n} (Jewish scholar or teacher) :: rabbíni {m}
rabbit {n} (mammal) :: kanína
raccoon {n} (nocturnal omnivore living in North America, Procyon lotor) :: þvottabjörn {m}
race {n} (a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of common, physical characteristics) :: kynþáttur {m}
raceme {n} (type of inflorescence) :: klasi {m}
Rachel {prop} (younger daughter of Laban) :: Rakel
Rachel {prop} (female given name) :: Rakel
racialism {n} (racism) SEE: racism ::
racism {n} (racial prejudice or discrimination) :: kynþáttafordómar {m-p}, rasismi {m}, kynþáttahyggja {f}, kynþáttastefna {f}, kynþáttarembingur {m}, kynþáttahatur {n}, kynþáttahroki {m}
racist {n} (person who believes a particular race is superior to others.) :: rasisti {m}, kynþáttahatari {m}, [man filled with racism] maður fullur kynþáttahroka {m}
racist {adj} (relating to racism) :: [based on racism] sem byggist á kynþáttafordómum, [showing racism] sem sýnir kynþáttahyggju, [showing racism] sem sýnir kynþáttafordóma, [showing racism] sem sýnir kynþáttahatur, rasista-, kynþáttahaturs-, kynþáttahroka-
rack one's brain {v} (struggle to think of something) :: brjóta heilann
racoon {n} (raccoon) SEE: raccoon ::
rada {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet ::
radar {n} (method of detecting distant objects) :: ratsjá
radiation sickness {n} (illness produced by ionizing radiation) :: geislaveiki {f}
radiator {n} (device that lowers engine coolant temperature by conducting heat to the air) :: vatnskassi {m}
radicand {n} (number or expression whose square root or other root is being considered) :: rótarstofn {m}
radio {n} (technology) :: útvarp {n}
radio {n} (receiver) :: útvarpstæki {n}
radioactive {adj} (exhibiting radioactivity) :: geislavirkur
radioactivity {n} (emission of ionizing radiation) :: geislavirkni {f}
radiogram {n} (radiograph) SEE: radiograph ::
radiograph {n} (image produced by radiation) :: röntgenmynd {f}
radiography {n} (the process of making radiographs, and the science of analyzing them) :: röntgenljósmyndun {f}
radiologist {n} (practitioner of radiology) :: geislalæknir {m}
radiology {n} (the use of radiation in diagnosis) :: geislalækningar {f-p}, geislunarfræði {f}
radio telescope {n} (astronomical device) :: útvarpssjónauki {m}
radish {n} (edible root) :: hreðka {f}, radísa {f}
radius {n} (line segment) :: radíus {m}, geisli {m}
radius {n} (length of this line segment) :: radíus {m}, geisli {m}
radix {n} (biology: root) SEE: root ::
radix complement {n} (number which added to a given n-digit number in radix r results in r^n) :: grunnfyllitala {f}, stofnfyllitala {f}, grunnfylling {f}, stofnfylling {f}
radon {n} (chemical element) :: radon {n}
raft {n} (flat, floating structure) :: fleki {m}
Ragnarok {prop} (the final battle in Norse mythology) :: Ragnarök
rail {n} (means of transportation) SEE: railway ::
railroad {n} (permanent road consisting of fixed metal rails) SEE: railway ::
railroad {n} (transportation system) SEE: railway ::
railroad station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station ::
railway {n} (track, consisting of parallel rails) :: járnbraut {f}, lestarspor {n}, járnbani {m}, járngata
railway {n} (transport system using these rails) :: járnbraut {f}
railway station {n} (place where trains stop) :: lestarstöð {f}, brautarstöð {f}, sporgarður {m}, járnbrautarstöð {f}
raiment {n} ((archaic) clothing) :: voð {f}
rain {n} (condensed water from a cloud) :: rigning, regn {n}
rainbow {n} (multicoloured arch in the sky) :: regnbogi {m}, friðarbogi {m}, [during night] njólubaugur {m}
rainbow trout {n} :: regnbogasilungur, urriöi
rain buckets {v} (to rain heavily) SEE: rain cats and dogs ::
rain cats and dogs {v} (to rain very heavily) :: vera mígandi rigning, rigna eldi og brennisteini
rain cloud {n} (cloud from which rain is falling) :: regnský {n}, úrkomuský {n}, regnþykkni {n}
raincoat {n} (waterproof coat) :: regnkápa {f}
raindrop {n} (droplet of rainwater) :: regndropi
rainforest {n} (type of forest) :: regnskógur {m}
rain pitchforks {v} (rain cats and dogs) SEE: rain cats and dogs ::
rainwater {n} (water sourced from rain) :: regnvatn {n}
raise {v} (to cause to rise) :: hækka
raise {n} (increase in wages) :: launahækkun {f}
raisin {n} (dried grape) :: rúsína {f}
ram {n} (male sheep) :: hrútur {m}
ram {n} (battering ram) SEE: battering ram ::
ramble {n} (stroll) SEE: stroll ::
ramification {n} (branching process) :: kvíslun {f}, greining {f}
ramify {v} (to divide into branches) :: kvíslast, greinast
rancid {adj} (being rank in taste or smell) :: þrár, þræsinn
randiness {n} (state of being randy) :: gredda {f}
random access {n} (ability to access any element of a sequence without having to seek) :: beinn aðgangur {m}, rakleið {f}
random access memory {n} (computer memory that dynamically stores program and data values during operation and in which each byte of memory may be directly accessed) :: skyndiminni {n}
random number {n} (number allotted randomly using a suitable generator) :: slembitala {f}, hendingartala {f}
random number generator {n} (algorithm that generates numbers selected at random) :: slembitalnagjafi {m}
random variable {n} (measurable function from a sample space) :: hending {f}, slembibreyta {f}, slembistærð {f}, slemba {f}
randy {adj} (sexually aroused) :: graður {m}, lostafullur {m}, lostafenginn {m}
randy {adj} (rude or coarse) :: grófur {m}, ruddalegur {m}, dónalegur {m}, illa siðaður {m}
range {n} (step of a ladder) SEE: rung ::
range {n} (math: set of values of a function) :: myndmengi {n}, mynd {f}
ransom {n} (money paid for the freeing of a hostage) :: lausnargjald {n}, lausnarfé {n}
ranunculus {n} (buttercup) SEE: buttercup ::
rape {n} (act of forcing sexual activity) :: nauðgun {f}
rape {v} (force sexual intercourse) :: nauðga
rape {v} (cause damage, destruction to a countryside, nature etc) :: valda spjöllum á, spilla
rapeseed {n} (rapeseed seed) :: repjufræ {n}
rapid {adj} (Very swift or quick) :: fljótur
rapid eye movement {n} (rapid movement of the eyes) :: svefnblik {n}, augnblik {n}
raping {n} (rape) SEE: rape ::
rapist {n} (someone who rapes someone else) :: nauðgari {m}
rapper {n} (performer of rap music, or one who raps) :: rappari {m}
rapport {n} (A relationship of mutual trust and respect) :: samband {n}, tengsl {n-p}
raspberry {n} (plant) :: hindber {n}
raspberry {n} (fruit) :: hindber {n}
Rastafarian {n} (an adherent of Rastafarianism) :: rastafari {m}
rat {n} (rodent) :: rotta {f}
rate {n} (speed) SEE: speed ::
ratel {n} (Mellivora capensis) SEE: honey badger ::
rather {adv} (preferably) :: fremur
ratification {n} :: staðfesting {f}
ratify {v} (give formal consent to) :: staðfesta
rating {n} (evaluation of status) :: einkunn {f}
ratio {n} (number representing comparison) :: hlutfallstala {f}, hlutfall {n}, hlutfall milli tveggja stærða {n}
rational {adj} (arithmetic: of a number) :: ræður {m}
rational {adj} (arithmetic: of an algebraic expression) :: ræður {m}
rational {n} (rational number) SEE: rational number ::
rational number {n} (quotient of integers) :: ræð tala {f}
raucous {adj} :: hás {m}{f}, hást {n}; rámur
raven {n} (bird) :: hrafn {m}, krummi {m}
ravenous {adj} :: banhungraður {m}, soltinn {m}, glorhungraður {m}
ravish {v} (rape) SEE: rape ::
raw {adj} (uncooked) :: hrár, óunninn
rawhide {n} (untanned hide) :: hráskinn
raw material {n} (material in its unprocessed, natural state) :: hráefni {n}
ray {n} (beam of light or radiation) :: geisli {m}
ray {n} (marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail) :: skata {f}
ray gun {n} (a science fiction energy weapon) :: geislabyssa {f}
raze {v} (to demolish) :: rífa niður, leggja í rúst, jafna við jörðu
razor {n} (shaving knife) :: rakvél {f}
re- {prefix} (again) :: endur-
reach {v} ::
reach for the sky {interj} (surrender) SEE: hands up ::
reaction {n} (chemical transformation) :: hvörf {n-p}, hvarf {n}
reactionary {adj} (opposed to change) :: afturhaldssamur {m}
reactionary {n} (such a person) :: afturhaldsseggur {m}
read {v} (look at and interpret letters or other information) :: lesa
read {v} (speak aloud words or other information that is written) :: lesa
read {n} (a reading or an act of reading) :: lesning {f}
readable {adj} (legible) SEE: legible ::
read between the lines {v} (infer a meaning that is not stated explicitly) :: lesa á milli línanna
reader {n} (person who reads a publication) :: lesandi {m}
reader {n} (lecturer) SEE: lecturer ::
reader {n} (proofreader) SEE: proofreader ::
reading {n} (process of interpreting written language) :: lestur {m}
read-only {adj} (capable of being read but not written) :: [reading] les-, [write-protected] ritvarinn {m}, skrifvarinn {m}
read-only access {n} (permission where the user cannot make changes) :: lesaðgangur {m}
read-only memory {n} (memory chip that stores values but doesn't allow updates) :: lesminni {n}
ready {n} (cash) SEE: cash ::
ready {adj} (prepared for immediate action or use) :: tilbúinn {m}, undirbúinn {m}
ready {adj} (inclined, apt to happen) :: tilbúinn {m}
ready, set, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go ::
ready, steady, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go ::
real {adj} (true, genuine, not merely nominal) :: satt {n}
real {n} (mathematics: a real number) SEE: real number ::
real {adv} (really) SEE: really ::
real analysis {n} (mathematics: a branch dealing with the real numbers and related structures) :: raunfallagreining {f}, raungreining {f}
real estate {n} (property that cannot easily be moved) :: fasteign {f}
reality {n} (state of being actual or real) :: veruleiki {m}
realize {v} (to make real) :: framkvæma, koma í framkvæmd
realize {v} (to become aware of) :: gera sér grein fyrir, gera sér ljóst, komast að raun um, átta sig á, fatta [informal]
really {adv} (actually) :: sannarlega, virkilega, raunar, raunverulega
really {adv} (informally, as an intensifier; very, very much) :: virkilega
really {interj} (indicating surprise at, or requesting confirmation of, some new information) :: virkilega?
really {interj} :: [lit. "[are you talking] in real?"] í alvöru , virkilega
realm {n} (sphere or influence) :: ríki {n}, veldi {n}
realm {n} (territory or state) :: ríki {n}
real number {n} (limit of a convergent sequence of rational numbers) :: rauntala {f}
real number {n} (floating-point number) SEE: floating-point number ::
realpolitik {n} (pragmatic international government policy) :: raunsæisstjórnmál {n-p}
real property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate ::
reaper {n} (the Grim Reaper) SEE: Grim Reaper ::
reap hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle ::
reaping hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle ::
rear-view mirror {n} (mirror inside a vehicle giving view of the traffic behind) :: baksýnisspegill {m}
reason {n} (that which causes: a cause) :: ástæða {f}
reason {n} (math: ratio, proportion) SEE: ratio ::
reata {n} (lasso) SEE: lasso ::
rebar {n} (steel reinforcing bar for concrete) :: kambstál {n}, steypustyrktarstál {n}
rebellion {n} (armed resistance) :: uppreisn {f}
rebuke {v} (to criticise harshly; to reprove) :: átelja
recalcitrant {adj} (marked by a stubborn unwillingness to obey figures of authority) :: þverúðarfullur
recalcitrant {adj} (hard to deal with or operate) :: þrjóskur
recant {v} (to withdraw or repudiate formally and publicly) :: taka aftur, draga til baka
receipt {n} (written acknowledgement) :: kvittun {f}
receive {v} (take what is offered, accept from another) ::
recent {adj} (having happened a short while ago) :: nýlegur
recently {adv} (in the recent past) :: nýlega
receptacle {n} (container) :: geymsla {f}, hirsla {f}
reciprocal {n} (in mathematics) :: umhverfa {f}, margföldunarumhverfa {f}, margföldunarandhverfa {f}
recite {v} (to recite) SEE: say ::
reclaim {v} (to recycle) SEE: recycle ::
reclaim {v} (to tame or domesticate a wild animal) SEE: tame ::
recompense {n} (that which compensates for a harm done) :: bætur {f-p}, þóknun {f}
recompense {v} (to give compensation) :: launa, borga bætur
record {n} (information put into a lasting physical medium) :: skrá {f}, skýrsla {f}, heimild {f}, menjar {f}
record {n} (phonograph record) :: plata {f}, hljómplata {f}
record {n} (computing: set of data relating to a single individual or item) :: færsla {f}
record {n} (most extreme known value of some achievement) :: met {n}
recorder {n} (musical instrument) :: flauta {f}, blokkflauta {f}
recrimination {n} (act of recriminating) :: gagnásökun {f}, gagnsök {f}
rectangle {n} (quadrilateral) :: rétthyrningur {m}
rectocele {n} (hernia of the rectum into the vagina) :: endaþarmshaull {m}
recyclable {adj} (able to be recycled) :: endurvinnanlegur
recycle {v} (to break down and reuse component materials) :: endurvinna
recycle {v} (to reuse as a whole) :: endurnota, endurnýta
red {n} (colour) :: rauður
red {adj} (having red as its colour) :: rauður
red {adj} (of hair: orange-brown) :: rauður
red beet {n} (beetroot) SEE: beetroot ::
red blood cell {n} (haemoglobin-carrying blood cell in vertebrates) :: rautt blóðkorn {n}, rauðkorn {n}, rauð blóðfruma {f}, rauðfruma {f}
red cabbage {n} (a variety of cabbage having red leaves) :: rauðkál {n}
red card {n} (sports: card) :: rautt spjald {n}
Red Crescent {prop} (branch of the Red Cross) :: Rauði Hálfmáninn {m}
Red Cross {prop} (Red Cross) :: Rauði krossinn {m}
red currant {n} (plant) :: rifs {n}, rifsberjarunni {m}
red currant {n} (fruit) :: rifsber {n}, rautt rifsber {n}
red deer {n} (Cervus elaphus) :: krónhjörtur
reddish {adj} (resembling the colour red) :: rauðleitur
red fescue {n} (Festuca rubra) :: rauðvingull {m}
red-haired {adj} (having red hair) SEE: redheaded ::
redheaded {adj} (having red hair) :: rauðhærður
red hot {n} (hot dog) SEE: hot dog ::
red-hot {adj} (Heated to the point that it glows with a visible red color.) :: [glowing red] rauðglóandi {m}, [figurative, flaming hot] eldheitur {m}
red-hot {adj} (Emotionally charged, especially with anger or enthusiasm.) :: blossandi {m}, eldheitur {m}
red kite {n} (Milvus milvus) :: svölugleða {f}
red knot {n} (the bird Calidris canutus) :: rauðbrystingur
red-light district {n} (area of prostitution) :: vændishúshverfi {n}
redneck {n} (uneducated, unsophisticated person) :: jói
red-necked stint {n} (Calidris ruficollis) :: roðatíta
red onion {n} (a type of onion with reddish purplish skin) :: rauðlaukur {m}
red phalarope {n} (Phalaropus fulicarius) :: þórshani
Red Sea {prop} (sea between Africa and Arabia) :: Rauðahaf
Red Square {prop} (Moscow square) :: Rauða torgið {m}
red-throated diver {n} (loon) :: lómur {m}
reductio ad absurdum {n} (proof by contradiction) SEE: proof by contradiction ::
reductionism {n} (approach of studying complex systems) :: smættarhyggja {f}, smættarkenning {f}, smættunarkenning {f}
red wine {n} (red coloured wine) :: rauðvín {n}
redwing {n} (Turdus iliacus) :: skógarþröstur {m}
reed {n} (grass-like plant) :: sef {n}, reyr {m}
reed {n} (music: part of mouthpiece) :: blað {n}
reed {n} (weaving) :: hræll {m}
reef {n} (rocks at or near surface of the water) :: rif {n}
referendum {n} (direct popular vote) :: þjóðaratkvæðagreiðsla {f}, þjóðaratkvæði {n}
reflexive {adj} (in grammar) :: afturbeygður
reflexive {adj} (in mathematics) :: sjálfhverfur, spegilvirkur
reflexive {n} (reflexive pronoun) SEE: reflexive pronoun ::
reflexive {n} (reflexive verb) SEE: reflexive verb ::
reflexive possessive pronoun {n} (a type of pronoun) :: afturbeygt eignarfornafn {n}
reflexive pronoun {n} (a part of speech) :: afturbeygt fornafn {n}
reflexive verb {n} (verb with equivalent subject and direct object) :: afturbeygð sögn {f}
reflexivity {n} (The condition or state of being reflexive) :: afturbeyging {f}
reflux {n} (backwards flow of any fluid) :: bakflæði {n}
reform {n} (amendment) :: endurbót {f}
refraction {n} (bending of any wave) :: ljósbrot {n}
refractory period {n} (recovery phase) :: tornæmistími {m}, hleðslutími {m}
refrigerate {v} (freeze) SEE: freeze ::
refrigerator {n} (appliance) :: kæliskápur {m}, ísskápur {m}
refugee {n} (person seeking political asylum) :: flóttamaður {m}
reggae {n} (music genre) :: reggí {n}
region {n} (any considerable and connected part of a space or surface) :: hérað {n}
region {n} (an administrative subdivision) :: hérað {n}
register {n} (computing: part of the central processing unit used to store and manipulate numbers) :: gisti {n}
register {n} (cash register) SEE: cash register ::
regression {n} (statistics: analytic method) :: aðhvarf {n}
regret {v} (feel sorry about some past thing) :: sjá eftir
regret {v} (to feel sorry about anything) :: harma
regret {n} (instance of such an emotion) :: eftirsjá {f}
regular expression {n} (computing: a concise description of a pattern to be matched) :: regluleg segð {f}
regulation {n} (law or administrative rule) :: reglugerð {f}
Reichstag {prop} (the lower chamber of the federal parliament of Germany until 1945) :: Ríkisdagur {m}
reign {v} (exercise sovereign power) :: ríkja
reign {v} (be the winner of the most recent iteration of a competition) :: halda titli(num)
reign {v} (be a dominant quality of a place or situation) :: ríkja
reindeer {n} (Rangifer tarandus) :: hreindýr {n}
reindeer moss {n} (Cladonia rangiferina) :: hreindýramosi {m}
reiterate {v} (to say or do repeatedly) :: margítreka, margendurtaka
reject {v} (refuse to accept) :: hafna
related {adj} (standing in relation or connection) :: skyldur, tengdur
related {adj} (being a relative of) :: skyldur {m}
relational {adj} (relative) SEE: relative ::
relative {n} (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption) :: ættingi {m}, frændi {m}, frænka {f}
relative clause {n} (type of subordinate clause) :: tilvísunarsetning {f}
relative complement {n} (set of elements contained in one set but not another) :: mengjamunur {m}, mengjamismunur {m}
relative pronoun {n} (pronoun that introduces a relative clause) :: tilvísunarfornafn {n}
re-lay {v} (to lay again) :: endurleggja
relay {n} (electrical actuator) :: liði {m}, rafliði {m}
relay {n} (athletics discipline) :: boðhlaup {n}
release {n} (event of setting free) :: láta lausan, útskrifa
relic {n} (part of a body or an object of religious significance) :: helgur dómur
relief {n} (type of artwork) :: lágmynd {f}
religion {n} (system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) :: trúarbrögð {n-p}
reliquary {n} (container for religious relics) :: helgiskrín {n}
relish {v} (to taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of) :: njóta
relocatable {adj} (computing: that functions identically at any address in memory) :: færanlegur {m}
remain {v} (to stay behind while others withdraw) :: dvelja
remainder {n} (what remains after some has been removed) :: afgangur {m}, eftirstöðvar {f-p}, rest {f} [informal], restar {f-p} [informal], leifar {f-p}
remainder {n} (mathematics: amount left over after repeatedly subtracting the divisor) :: afgangur {m}
remainder {n} (mathematics: number left over after a simple subtraction) :: afgangur {m}
remember {v} (to recall from one's memory) :: muna
remit {v} (to postpone) SEE: postpone ::
remote {adj} (at a distance) :: afskekktur
remote control {n} (device used to operate an appliance or mechanical toy from a short distance away) :: fjarstýring {f}
remoulade {n} (condiment) :: remúlaði {n}
REM sleep {n} (stage of sleep during which most brain activity and dreams occur, characterised by rapid eye movement) :: bliksvefn {m}, kviksvefn {m}, hrjúfur svefn {m}
ren {n} (a kidney) SEE: kidney ::
renaissance {n} (Renaissance) SEE: Renaissance ::
Renaissance {prop} (14th-century revival) :: endurreisnarstefna {f}
Renaissance {prop} (the period) :: endurreisn {f}
renewable {adj} (Able to be renewed) :: endurnýjanlegur {m}
rennet stomach {n} (abomasum) SEE: abomasum ::
rent {n} (payment made by a tenant) :: leiga {f}
rent {v} (to occupy premises in exchange for rent) :: leigja
rep {n} (representative) SEE: representative ::
repeat {v} (do or say again) :: endurtaka
repercussion {n} (consequence, result of action) :: eftirmál {n-p}, eftirköst {n-p}
rephrase {v} (find a different way to say something) :: umorða
replica {n} (exact copy) :: eftirmynd {f}, eftirlíking {f}
reported speech {n} (a form of speech used to express what another has said) :: óbein ræða {f}
reprehensible {adj} (blameworthy) :: ámælisverður
representative {n} (one who speaks for another) :: fulltrúi {m}
reprimand {v} (to reprove in a formal or official way) :: ávíta
reprivatization {n} (returning to private ownership) :: endureinkavæðing {f}
reproductive organ {n} (organ for sexual reproduction) :: kynfæri {n}
reproof {n} (act or instance of reproving; a rebuke) :: ávítur {n-p}
reptile {n} (a cold-blooded vertebrate) :: skriðdýr {n}
republic {n} (a type of state) :: lýðveldi {n}
republic {n} (one of the kinds of parts constituting Russia) :: lýðveldi {n}
Republic of Albania {prop} (Official name of Albania) :: Albanskt Lýðveldið, Lýðveldið Albanía
Republic of Armenia {prop} (official name of Armenia) :: Lýðveldið Armenía
Republic of Austria {prop} (official name of Austria) :: Lýðveldið Austurríki
Republic of Azerbaijan {prop} (official name of Azerbaijan) :: Lýðveldið Aserbaídsjan
Republic of Belarus {prop} (official name of Belarus) :: Lýðveldið Hvíta-Rússland
Republic of Bulgaria {prop} (official name of Bulgaria) :: Lýðveldið Búlgaría
Republic of Croatia {prop} (official name of Croatia) :: Lýðveldið Króatía
Republic of Cyprus {prop} (official name of Cyprus) :: Lýðveldið Kýpur
Republic of Estonia {prop} (official name of Estonia) :: Lýðveldið Eistland {n}
Republic of Finland {prop} (official full name of Finland) :: Lýðveldið Finnland {n}
Republic of Hungary {prop} (former official name of Hungary) :: Lýðveldið Ungverjaland
Republic of Iceland {prop} (conventional descriptive name of Iceland) :: Lýðveldið Ísland {n}
Republic of India {prop} (official name of India) :: Lýðveldið Indland
Republic of Indonesia {prop} (official name of Indonesia) :: Lýðveldið Indónesía
Republic of Iraq {prop} (official name of Iraq) :: Lýðveldið Írak
Republic of Ireland {prop} (country) :: Írska lýðveldið
Republic of Korea {prop} (country) :: Lýðveldið Kórea
Republic of Latvia {prop} (Official name of Latvia) :: Lýðveldið Lettland {n}
Republic of Lithuania {prop} (Official name of Lithuania) :: Lýðveldið Litháen {n}
Republic of Malta {prop} (official name of Malta) :: Lýðveldið Malta
Republic of North Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: North Macedonia) :: Lýðveldið Norður-Makedónía
Republic of Poland {prop} (official name of Poland) :: Lýðveldið Pólland
Republic of Serbia {prop} (official name of Serbia) :: Lýðveldið Serbía
Republic of Singapore {prop} (official name of Singapore) :: Lýðveldið Singapúr
Republic of Slovenia {prop} (official name of Slovenia) :: Lýðveldið Slóvenía
Republic of South Africa {prop} (official name of South Africa) :: Lýðveldið Suður-Afríka {f}
Republic of the Congo {prop} (country) :: Vestur-Kongó, Kongó-Brazzaville
Republic of the Philippines {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Lýðveldið Filippseyjar
Republic of Turkey {prop} (official name of the country of Turkey) :: Lýðveldið Tyrkland
repudiation {n} (refusing) :: neitun {f}, höfnun {f}
request {v} (to express the need or desire for) :: biðja
request {v} (to ask somebody to do something) :: biðja
requiem {n} (mass to honor and remember a dead person) :: sálumessa {f}
requiem {n} (musical composition composed for such a mass) :: sálumessa {f}
require {v} (ask) SEE: ask ::
rescind {v} (repeal, annul, or declare void) :: rifta, ógilda, nema úr gildi, fella úr gildi
research {n} (inquiry or examination) :: rannsókn {f}
resemble {v} (compare) SEE: compare ::
resent {v} (to express displeasure or indignation at) :: taka einhverju illa, taka eitthvað óstinnt upp, gremjast eitthvað, vera misboðið með einhverju
resentment {n} (anger or displeasure felt out of belief that others have engaged in wrongdoing or mistreatment; indignation.) :: gremja {f}, gremjublandin vanþóknun, biturð {f}
reserve {v} (to reserve) SEE: hold ::
reserve bank {n} (reserve bank as a central bank) SEE: central bank ::
reside {v} (to dwell permanently or for a considerable time) :: búa
residence {n} (place where one lives) :: bústaður {m}
resign {v} (to give something up or relinquish) :: gefa upp, gefa upp á bátinn, falla frá, afsala sér, láta, láta af hendi
resign {v} (quit a job or position) :: segja upp, segja af sér, láta af, draga sig í hlé [imprecise, somewhat euphemistic]
resignation {n} (act of resigning) :: uppsögn {f}
resignation {n} (declaration that one resigns) :: uppsagnarbréf {n} (letter of resignation), tilkynning um uppsögn (oral or written)
resistance {n} (shortened form of electrical resistance) :: viðnám {n}, mótstaða {f}
resistor {n} (an electric component that transmits current in direct proportion to the voltage across it) :: viðnám {n}, viðnámstæki {n}, mótstaða {f}
respect {n} (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit) :: virðing {f}
respect {n} (polite greetings) :: virðing {f}
respect {n} (particular aspect of something) :: leyti {n}
respect {v} (to have respect for) :: virða, bera virðingu fyrir
respect {v} (to have regard for the rights of others) :: virða
respect {v} (to abide by an agreement) :: virða
respond {v} (to say in reply, to respond) SEE: return ::
responsibility {n} (the state of being responsible) :: ábyrgð {f}
ressentiment {n} (obsolete: resentment) SEE: resentment ::
rest {n} (relief afforded by sleeping; sleep) :: hvíld {f}
rest {n} (relief from exertion; state of quiet and recreation) :: hvíld {f}
rest {n} (pause of a specified length in a piece of music) :: þögn {f}
rest {v} (intransitive: take repose) :: hvílast, hvíla sig
rest {v} (put into state of rest) :: hvíla
rest {v} (stay, remain, be situated) :: hvíla
rest {n} (remainder) :: afgangur {m}, rest {f}
rest {v} (to remain) SEE: remain ::
restate {v} (rephrase) SEE: rephrase ::
restaurant {n} (an eating establishment in which diners are served food) :: veitingastaður {m}, veitingahús {n}, matsölustaður {m}, veitingasalur {m}
restlessness {n} (state or condition of being restless) :: órói {m}, óró {f}
restraining order {n} (An order issued by a court of law or other legal authority for a specified timeframe forbidding the restrained party from contacting and close proximity to the protected party and other restrictions) :: nálgunarbann {n}
resume {n} (curriculum vitae) SEE: curriculum vitae ::
resurrection {n} (the act of arising from the dead) :: upprisa {f}
Resurrection {prop} (resurrection of Jesus) :: [often with definite article] upprisa {f}
retaliate {v} (do something harmful to get revenge) :: svara í sömu mynt, hefna sín, gjalda líku líkt
reticle {n} (a gridwork or lattice of lines set into the eyepiece of optical instruments) :: þráðkross {m}, sjónkvarði {m}, hárkross {m}
reticule {n} (reticle) SEE: reticle ::
retire {v} (to stop working on a permanent basis) :: setjast í helgan stein
retire {v} (to retreat from action or danger) :: draga sig í hlé
retirement home {n} (multi-residence housing facility intended for the elderly) :: elliheimili
retort {v} (to retort; to throw back) SEE: return ::
retreat {v} (to withdraw military forces) :: hörfa
retreat {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
retreat {n} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return ::
retronym {n} (A new coinage for an old concept) :: afturvirkt orð {n}
retroposon {n} (fragment of DNA) :: víxlstökkull {m}, retróstökkull {m}
retrovirus {n} (virus with a genome consisting of RNA) :: víxlveira {f}, retróveira {f}
return {n} (answer) SEE: answer ::
return {v} (to come or go back) :: skila
return {v} (to give something back to its original holder or owner) :: skila
return ticket {n} (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place and back again) :: fram og til baka [farmiði], báðar leiðir [farmiði]
rev counter {n} (rev counter) SEE: tachometer ::
reveal {v} (to uncover) :: afhjúpa
revelation {n} (the act of revealing or disclosing) :: opinberun {f}
revelation {n} (manifestation of divine truth) :: opinberun {f}
Revelation {prop} (book of Bible) :: Opinberunarbók Jóhannesar
revenge {n} (retaliatory action) :: hefnd {f}
revolution {n} (political upheaval) :: bylting {f}
revolver {n} (a handgun with revolving chambers) :: marghleypt skammbyssa {f}
reward {v} (recompense) SEE: recompense ::
rewind {v} (wind back) SEE: wind back ::
reword {v} (rephrase) SEE: rephrase ::
Reykjavik {prop} (capital of Iceland) :: Reykjavík {f}
Reynold {prop} (male given name) :: Rögnvaldur
rhenium {n} (chemical element) :: renín {n}, reníum {n}
rheology {n} (physics of the deformation and flow of matter) :: flotfræði {f}
rhetorical question {n} (question posed for dramatic or persuasive effect) :: retorísk spurning {f}, ræðuspurning {f}
Rhine {prop} (river that flows through Europe) :: Rín {f}
Rhineland {prop} (land on both sides of the river Rhine) :: Rínarland {n}
rhinoceros {n} (herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s)) :: nashyrningur {m}
rhinoplasty {n} (plastic surgery used to improve a person's nose) :: neflögun {f}
rhinovirus {n} (virus) :: kvefveira {f}
rhodium {n} (chemical element) :: ródín
rhombus {n} (A parallelogram having all sides of equal length) :: tígull {m}, tigull {m}
rhubarb {n} (any plant of the genus Rheum) :: rabarbari {m}
rhyme {n} (verse, poetry) :: rím
rhyme {n} (word that rhymes with another) :: rím {n}
rhyolite {n} (igneous rock) :: líparít {n}
rhythm {n} (variation of strong and weak elements of sounds over time) :: taktur {m}
ribbon {n} (long, narrow strip of material) :: borði {m}
ribonuclease {n} (enzyme catalyzing the hydrolysis of ribonucleic acid) :: ríbónúkleasi {m}
ribonucleic acid {n} (derivative of DNA, used in the transcription of genetic material) :: ríbósakjarnsýra {f}
ribonucleotide {n} (nucleotide having ribose as its sugar) :: ríbónúkleótíð {n}
ribosome {n} (organelle) :: netkorn
rice {n} (plants) :: hrís {n}
rice {n} (seeds used as food) :: hrísgrjón {n-p}
rice cooker {n} (kitchen appliance designed to cook rice) :: hrísgrjónapottur {m}
ricefield {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy ::
rice paddy {n} (field immersed in water dedicated for the cultivation of rice) SEE: paddy ::
rice pudding {n} (milk pudding made from rice, milk, sugar and nutmeg) :: hrísgrjónagrautur {m}, grjónagrautur {m}
rich {adj} (having wealth) :: ríkur {m}
Richard {prop} (male given name) :: Ríkharður {m}
ricochet {n} (an instance of ricocheting) :: endurkast {n}, skopp {n}
ricochet {v} (To rebound) :: endurkastast, kastast frá, skoppa, fleyta kerlingar
riddle {n} (sieve) SEE: sieve ::
riddle {n} (verbal puzzle) :: gáta
rider {n} (robber) SEE: robber ::
rider {n} (politics: additional provision annexed to a bill) :: viðauki við samning {m}
ride roughshod over {v} (treat roughly or without care; act in a bullying manner) :: [to treat like a dog] fara með eins og hund, [trample on] traðka á, troða á, [to let knee follow the stomach] láta kné fylgja kviði
riding crop {n} (horsewhip) :: peyi
riffraff {n} (the rabble) :: pakk {n}, skríll {m}, illþýði {n}
rifle {n} (firearm with a rifled barrel) :: riffill {m}
rift {n} (shallow place in a stream) SEE: ford ::
Riga {prop} (capital of Latvia) :: Ríga {f}
right {adj} (straight, not bent) :: beint {n}, beinn {m}, bein {f}
right {adj} (of an angle, 90 degrees) :: rétt horn
right {adj} (geometry: incorporating a right angle between edges, faces, axes, etc.) :: rétt {f} {n}, réttur {m}
right {adj} (of direction, opposite of left) :: hægri
right {adj} (politics: conservative) :: hægri
right {n} (legal or moral entitlement) :: réttindi {n-p}
right {adj} (all right, not requiring assistance) SEE: all right ::
right-angled {adj} (having a right angle) :: rétthyrndur
right now {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately ::
rim {n} (edge around something) :: barmur {m}, brún {f}, rönd {f}, kantur {m}
rim {n} (wheel rim) :: felga {f} [automotive], gjörð {f} [cycling, etc.]
ring {n} (round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger) :: baugur {m}, hringur {m}
ring {n} (typography: diacritical mark in the shape of a hollow circle) SEE: kroužek ::
ringbearer {n} (carrier of a wedding ring) :: hringaberi {m}
ring-billed gull {n} (Larus delawarensis) :: hringmáfur {m}
ringed seal {n} (Pusa hispida) :: hringanóri
ring finger {n} (finger between the middle finger and little finger) :: baugfingur {m}
ringtone {n} (sound made by a telephone when ringing) :: hringitónn {m}
ring up the curtain {v} (start) SEE: start ::
rip {v} (to fart) SEE: fart ::
rip {n} (tear) SEE: tear ::
rip {n} (type of tide or current) SEE: rip current ::
rip current {n} (strong water flow) :: hlið {n}, útstreymisrenna {f}
riptide {n} (rip current) SEE: rip current ::
rise {v} (to move upwards) :: hækka
rising {adj} (going up) :: rísandi {n}
risk {n} :: áhætta {f}
rite {n} (ritual) :: helgiathöfn {f}, helgisiður {m}
rite of passage {n} (ceremony to celebrate a transition) :: manndómsvígsla {f}
river {n} (large stream which drains a landmass) :: fljót {n}, á {f}, elfur {f}
river {n} (any large flow of a liquid) :: fljót {n}
river horse {n} (hippopotamus) SEE: hippopotamus ::
Riyadh {prop} (capital of Saudi Arabia) :: Ríad
RNA {n} (abbreviation of ribonucleic acid) :: RKS
roach {n} (US: cockroach) SEE: cockroach ::
road {n} (a way for travel) :: vegur {m}, gata {f}, leið {f}
road roller {n} (heavy engineering vehicle used to compact asphalt) :: valtari {m}
robber {n} (one who robs) :: ræningi {m}
Robert {prop} (given name) :: Hróbjartur, Róbert
robin {n} (Turdus migratorius) :: farþröstur {m}
robin {n} :: glóbrystingur
robot {n} (intelligent mechanical being) :: vélmenni {n}, róbóti {m}, þjarki {m}
robot {n} (traffic light) SEE: traffic light ::
robotics {n} (The science and technology of robots) :: þjarkafræði {f}
rock {n} (distaff) SEE: distaff ::
rock dove {n} (Columba livia) :: bjargdúfa {f}
rockery {n} (section of a garden made from decorative rocks) :: steinbeð {n}
rocket {n} (rocket engine) :: eldflaug {f}
rocket {n} (arugula) SEE: arugula ::
rocket salad {n} (rocket, arugula) SEE: arugula ::
rock face {n} (expanse of rock) :: berg {n}, hamar {m}
rock garden {n} (rockery) SEE: rockery ::
Rockies {prop} (Rocky Mountains) SEE: Rocky Mountains ::
rocking chair {n} (chair with a curved base which can be gently rocked) :: ruggustóll
rockmelon {n} (Cucumis melo reticulatus) SEE: cantaloupe ::
rock pigeon {n} (rock dove, Columba livia) SEE: rock dove ::
rock the boat {v} (disturb the status quo) :: valda truflun, valda óróa, setja hlutina úr skorðum, stofna málum í hættu, spilla fyrir
rocky {adj} (full of rocks) :: grýttur, steinóttur, hraunóttur, hrjóstrugur, klettóttur, klungróttur
Rocky Mountains {prop} (mountain range) :: Klettafjöll
rococo {adj} (old-fashioned) SEE: old-fashioned ::
rod {n} (straight round stick, shaft, or bar) :: stöng {f}
rod {n} (slang: pistol) SEE: pistol ::
rode {n} (The line from the vessel to its anchor) :: reið
rodent {n} (mammal of the order Rodentia) :: nagdýr {n}
rodenticide {n} (toxic substance used to kill rodents) :: nagdýraeitur {n}
roe {n} (roe deer) SEE: roe deer ::
roe {n} (eggs of fish) :: hrogn {n}
roe deer {n} (small deer species, Capreolus capreolus) :: rádýr
Roger {prop} (male given name) :: Hróðgeir {m}
role {n} :: hlutverki
roll {v} (to cause to revolve) :: rúlla, velta
rolled oats {n} (oat groats rolled into flat flakes) :: haframjöl {n}
roller {n} (tool for applying paint or ink) :: rúlla {f}
rollerblade {n} (type of roller skate) :: línuskauti {m}
rollercoaster {n} (amusement ride) :: rússíbani {m}
roller skate {n} (a boot having small wheels) :: hjólaskauti {m}
rolling stone {n} (womanizer) SEE: womanizer ::
roll up one's sleeves {v} (roll one's sleeves up) :: bretta upp ermarnar
roll up one's sleeves {v} (prepare to work) :: láta hendur standa fram úr ermum
Rom {n} (a member of the Romani people) :: Rómafólk {p}, Rómanir {p}; Sígauni {m}
Roman Catholic Church {prop} (Catholic Church) :: Rómversk-kaþólska kirkjan {f}
Roman Empire {prop} (ancient Latin empire) :: Rómaveldi {n}, Rómverska heimsveldið {n} [definite form]
Romani {n} (member of the Roma people) SEE: Rom ::
Romania {prop} (South-Eastern European country) :: Rúmenía {f}
Romanian {n} (official language of Romania) :: rúmenska {f}
Roman numeral {n} (numeral represented by letters) :: rómverskir tölustafir {m-p}
Romans {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Rómverjabréfið {f}
Romans {prop} (30th sura of the Qur'an) :: Rómverjabréfið {f}
Rome {prop} (city) :: Róm {f}, Rómaborg {f}
Romeo {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
Romeo and Juliet {prop} (the tragedy) :: Rómeó og Júlía
Rome wasn't built in a day {proverb} (it takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive) :: Róm var ekki byggð á einum degi
roof {n} (the cover at the top of a building) :: þak {n}
rook {n} (bird) :: bláhrafn {m}
rook {n} (chesspiece) :: hrókur
room {n} (space) :: rúm
room {n} (division in a building) :: herbergi {n}
room temperature {n} (normal temperature) :: stofuhiti {m}
rooster {n} (flower) SEE: violet ::
rooster {n} (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) :: hani {m}
root {n} (part of a plant) :: rót {f}
root {n} (of a tooth) :: rót {f}, rætur {p}
root {n} (primary source) :: rót {f}
root {n} (arithmetic: number or expression which when raised to a power gives the specified number or expression) :: rót {f}
root {n} (arithmetic: square root) SEE: square root ::
rope {n} (thick, strong string) :: reipi {n}, tog {n}
rose {n} (flower) :: rós {f}
rose garden {n} (garden planted in roses) :: rósagarður {m}
rosehip {n} (the fruit of a rose plant) :: rósaber {n}
rose quartz {n} (pinkish to reddish-colored quartz) :: rósakvars {n}
Ross's gull {n} (Rhodostethia rosea) :: rósamáfur {m}
rostrum {n} (zoology: beak) SEE: beak ::
rotary phone {n} (rotary dial telephone) :: skífusími
rotula {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap ::
rotunda {n} (roundabout) SEE: roundabout ::
Rouen {prop} (a city in France) :: Rúðuborg {f}, Rúða
rouge {n} (blush) SEE: blush ::
roundabout {adj} (circuitous) :: óbeinn {m}, með vífilengjur {f-p}, krókóttur {m}, króka-, ekki beinn {m}
roundabout {n} (road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island) :: hringtorg {n}, umferðarhringur {m}
roundabout {n} (children's play apparatus which rotates around a central axis when pushed) :: hringekja {f}
roundabout {n} (detour) :: krókaleið {f}, krókvegur {m}
round bracket {n} (parenthesis, bracket) :: svigi {m}
roundoff {n} (roundoff, a gymnastics move) :: arabastökk {n}
router {n} (device that directs packets of information) :: beinir {m}
router {n} (device that connects local area networks to form a larger internet) :: beinir {m}
rove {v} (to wander about at random) :: vappa
row {v} (transitive:to propel over water using oars) :: róa, [informal] paddla
rowan {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) :: ilmreynir {m}
rowan {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Sorbus) :: reynir {m}, reynitré {n}, reyniberjatré {n}
rowboat {n} (small boat that is rowed) :: árabátur {m}
rowing {n} (action of the verb "to row") :: róður {m}
rowing boat {n} (rowboat) SEE: rowboat ::
royal {adj} (of or relating to a monarch or their family) :: konunglegur
royal family {n} (family of the ruling sovereign of a country or state) :: konungsfjölskylda {f}
royal flush {n} (ace-high straight flush) :: konungleg litaröð {f}
rozzer {n} ((slang) police officer) :: lögga {f}
rösti {n} (traditional dish in Germanophone Switzerland made from fried potatoes) :: kartöflusáta {f}, rösti {m}
RTOS {n} (realtime operating system) :: rauntímastýrikerfi {n}
rubber {n} (pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree) :: gúmmí
rubber {n} (eraser) SEE: eraser ::
rubberneck {n} (tourist) SEE: tourist ::
rubbish {n} (garbage) SEE: garbage ::
rubble {n} (the broken remains of an object, usually rock or masonry) :: rústir {f-p}
rubidium {n} (element with atomic number 37) :: rúbidín
ruble {n} (Russian monetary unit) :: rúbla {f}
ruby {n} (type of gem) :: rúbín {m}
ruby {n} (colour) :: rúbínrauður {m} [adjective]
ruby {adj} (of a deep red colour) :: rúbínrauður
ruby {n} (5½-point type) SEE: agate ::
ruddy {adj} (reddish) :: rjóður {m}, rauðleitur {m}, roða-, rauður {m}
ruddy {adj} (a mild intensifier) :: bölvaður {m}, fjárans, skrambans, fjári, skrambi, ansi
ruddy turnstone {n} (Arenaria interpres) :: tildra
rudely {adv} (in a rude manner) :: dónalega
rudimentary {adj} :: frumstæður, vanþróaður
Rudolph {prop} (male given name) :: Hrólfur
rue {n} (any of various perennial shrubs) :: rúturunni
ruff {n} (circular frill or ruffle on a garment) :: pípukragi
rug {n} (wig) SEE: wig ::
ruin {n} (remains of destroyed construction) :: rúst
Ruism {n} (Confucianism) SEE: Confucianism ::
rule {n} (regulation) :: regla {f}
rule {v} (to regulate, be in charge of, make decisions for, reign over) :: stjórna, drottna, ráða, ríkja
rule {n} (straight-edge) SEE: ruler ::
rule of thumb {n} (general guideline rather than a strict rule) :: þumalputtaregla {f}
ruler {n} (measuring or drawing device) :: reglustika {f}
rum {n} (distilled spirit) :: romm {n}
ruminant {n} (artiodactyl ungulate mammal which chews cud) :: jórturdýr {n}
ruminate {v} (to chew cud) :: jórtra
run {v} (to move quickly on two feet) :: hlaupa
run {v} (to be in charge of) :: reka, leiða, stýra
rune {n} (letter or character) :: rún {f}
rung {n} (ladder step) :: trappa {f}, þrep {n}
run-of-the-mill {adj} (ordinary) :: venjulegur {m}, hversdagslegur {m}, fábrotinn {m}, miðlungs-
run someone ragged {v} (to exhaust) SEE: exhaust ::
runway {n} ((aviation) strip for airplanes to land on or take off from) :: flugbraut {f}
Russell's paradox {prop} (paradox in set theory) :: Russell-þversögn {f}
Russia {prop} (country in Asia and Europe) :: Rússland {n}
Russian {adj} (of or pertaining to Russia) :: rússneskur
Russian {n} (person from Russia) :: rússki {m}, rússka {f}
Russian {n} (Russian (language)) :: rússneska {f}
Russian Federation {prop} (alternative formal name of Russia) :: Rússneska ríkjasambandið, Rússneska sambandsríkið {n}
Russian Orthodox Church {prop} (one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches) :: Rússneska rétttrúnaðarkirkjan {f}
rust {n} (result of oxidation) :: ryð {n}
rust {v} (to oxidise) :: ryðga
rustle {n} (soft crackling sound) :: skrjáf {n}, þrusk {n}
rustle {v} (to move (something) with a soft crackling sound) :: skrjáfa
rusty {adj} (affected by rust) :: ryðgaður
rutabaga {n} (plant) :: gulrófa {f}, rófa {f}
rutabaga {n} (edible root) :: gulrófa {f}, rófa {f}
Ruth {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Ruth {f}
Ruth {prop} (female given name) :: Ruth {f}
ruthenium {n} (chemical element) :: rúten
rye {n} (the grass Secale cereale or its grains as food) :: rúgur {m}
rye {n} (rye bread) SEE: rye bread ::
rye bread {n} (type of bread) :: rúgbrauð {n}
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Poland) SEE: Poland ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (republic) SEE: republic ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Republic of Poland) SEE: Republic of Poland ::