User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-j

J {letter} :: The tenth letter of the German alphabet
J {symbol} [chemistry] :: The chemical symbol of iodine
J {symbol} [cards] :: A jack, also called Junge
ja {adv} :: yes; yea, yeah, aye
ja {adv} [intensifier] :: obviously; certainly; of course; really; just; as you know; as is generally known (indicates and emphasises that one is expressing a known fact)
ja {interj} :: yes
Ja {n} :: a yes
Jabing {prop} {n} :: Jabing (municipality)
Jacht {f} :: yacht
Jacke {f} :: jacket
Jackett {n} :: jacket
Jacke wie Hose {phrase} [idiomatic] :: six of one, half a dozen of the other
Jackpot {m} :: jackpot
Jacob {prop} :: given name
Jacqueline {prop} {f} :: given name
Jade {mf} [uncountable] :: jade (gem)
Jade {mf} [countable] :: an artifact made of jade
jadegrün {adj} :: jade green
Jadeit {m} [mineral] :: jadeite
jaden {adj} [attributive] :: jade, jaden
Jagd {f} :: hunt, hunting
jagdbar {adj} :: Able to be legally hunted
jagdberechtigt {adj} :: allowed to hunt
jagdbesessen {adj} :: obsessed with hunting
Jagdbeute {f} :: prey that is hunted
Jagdbomber {m} :: fighter-bomber
Jagdflieger {m} :: fighter pilot
jagdgerecht {adj} :: hunting-friendly
Jagdgeschwader {noun} [obsolete, WWI aviation] :: fighter squadron
Jagdgeschwader {noun} [obsolete, WWII aviation] :: fighter wing
Jagdgeschwader {noun} [military aviation] :: fighter group
Jagdgrund {m} :: hunting ground
Jagdhorn {noun} :: hunting horn
Jagdhund {m} :: hound, hunting dog
Jagdleopard {m} :: synonym of Gepard
jagdlich {adj} :: hunting (attributive)
Jagdpanzer {m} [military] :: a heavily armored tank destroyer
jagdrechtlich {adj} :: hunting law (attributive)
jagen {v} :: to hunt
Jäger {m} :: hunter [male or of unspecified sex]
Jäger {m} :: fighter
Jäger {m} :: light infantry
Jäger {prop} {mf} :: surname
Jagerberg {prop} {n} :: Jagerberg (municipality)
Jägerei {f} :: hunting
Jägerei {f} :: huntsmanship
jägergrün {adj} :: hunter green
Jägerin {f} :: feminine noun of Jäger: female hunter, huntress
Jägermeister {m} :: master of the hunt
Jägerschnitzel {n} :: A dish consisting of schnitzel (fried veal or pork cutlet) with a mushroom sauce
jägersprachlich {adj} :: Relating to the language and jargon of hunters
Jaguar {m} :: jaguar [Panthera onca]
Jaguarundi {m} :: jaguarundi [animal]
jäh {adj} :: abrupt, sudden
jäh {adj} :: steep, sheer
jäh {adj} :: precipitous, hasty
jähe {adj} [rare] :: alternative form of jäh
jählings {adv} [formal] :: abruptly, suddenly
Jahn {prop} :: surname
Jahr {n} :: year (solar year, the time it takes the Earth to complete one revolution of the Sun)
Jahr {n} :: year (time it takes for any astronomical object to directly orbit its star)
Jahr {n} :: year (period between set dates that mark a year)
Jahr {n} :: year (level or grade in school or college)
jahraus, jahrein {adv} [idiom] :: year in, year out
Jahrbuch {n} :: yearbook
Jährchen {n} :: diminutive of Jahr
jahrelang {adj} :: longstanding
jahrelang {adj} :: yearslong; lasting for years
jahrelang {adv} :: for years, in years
jähren {vr} :: to become one year old(er); to complete a year (or a specified number of years)
Jahresbedarf {m} :: annual requirement(s)
Jahresbeginn {m} :: beginning of the year
Jahresbericht {m} :: annual report
Jahresende {n} :: year's end; end of the year
Jahresendflügelfigur {f} [jocular] :: a figurine of an angel
Jahrespacht {f} :: annual rental, annual rent
Jahresproduktion {f} :: annual output / production
Jahresring {m} :: growth ring, tree ring, annual ring
Jahresrückblick {m} :: year in review
Jahrestag {m} :: anniversary (day an exact number of years since an event)
Jahresüberschuss {m} :: annual surplus or net profit
Jahresüberschuß {noun} :: obsolete spelling of Jahresüberschuss (Pre 1996)
Jahresumsatz {m} :: annual sales, yearly turnover
Jahresversammlung {f} :: annual meeting
Jahreswechsel {m} :: turn of the year
Jahresweltverbrauch {m} :: annual world consumption
Jahreszahl {f} :: date (of the year)
Jahreszeit {f} :: season, time of year
Jahrgang {m} :: vintage; year (all of a kind that were born or produced in the same year, or who are in the same year of a multi-annual programme, e.g. school)
Jahrh. {noun} :: abbreviation of Jahrhundert
Jahrhundert {n} :: A century (period of 100 years)
jahrhundertealt {adj} :: centuries-old
jahrhundertelang {adj} :: over several centuries; for centuries
Jahrhundertende {n} :: end of the century
Jahrhundertmitte {f} :: middle of the century
Jahrhundertwende {f} :: turn of the century, fin de siècle
-jährig {suffix} :: years old
-jährig {suffix} :: years lasting
jährig {adj} [archaic] :: one-year-old
jährlich {adj} :: annual, yearly
jährlich {adv} :: annually
Jahrmarkt {m} :: fair, funfair
Jahrtausend {n} :: millennium
jahrtausendealt {adj} :: thousands of years old
jahrtausendelang {adj} :: millennium-long
Jahrtausendwende {f} :: turn (end) of the millennium
Jahrzehnt {n} :: decade
jahrzehntelang {adj} :: lasting for decades, decadeslong
Jahwe {prop} :: Yahweh (personal name of God)
Jahweh {prop} :: alternative spelling of Jahwe, personal name of the God of the New Testament (see Yahweh)
Jähzorn {m} :: irascibility, violent temper
jähzornig {adj} :: quick-tempered
Jaidhof {prop} {n} :: Jaidhof (municipality)
Jainismus {m} :: Jainism
Jak {m} {n} :: alternative spelling of Yak
Jakbutter {f} :: alternative spelling of Yakbutter
Jakob {prop} {m} [biblical] :: Jacob (Old Testament personality)
Jakob {prop} {m} [chiefly outside of Bible translation] :: alternative form of Jakobus
Jakob {prop} {m} :: given name
jakobinisch {adj} :: Jacobin
Jakobsmuschel {f} :: scallop, Pecten jacobaeus (mollusc)
Jakobus {prop} {m} [biblical] :: James (one of several New Testament personalities, especially the apostle James the Greater)
Jakute {m} :: Yakut (man from Yakutia or of Yakut origin)
Jakutien {prop} {n} :: Yakutia
Jakutin {f} :: Yakut (woman from Yakutia or of Yakut origin)
jakutisch {adj} :: Yakut (pertaining to the Yakut people or their language)
Jakutisch {n} :: Yakut (the Yakut language)
Jalousie {f} :: roller blind, window blind, Venetian blind (indoor blind consisting of parallel stripes or slats)
Jamaika {prop} {n} :: Jamaika (island/and/country)
Jamaika {n} :: short for Jamaika-Koalition
Jamaika-Koalition {f} [German politics] :: A coalition in the German parliament consisting of the CDU, FDP, and the Green Party
Jamaikaner {m} :: Jamaican
Jamaikanerin {f} :: Jamaican (female person of Jamaican descent)
jamaikanisch {adj} :: Jamaican (of, from, or pertaining to Jamaica, the Jamaican people or the Jamaican language)
jambisch {adj} :: iambic (consisting of iambs or characterized by their predominance)
Jambus {m} :: jambus, iambus, iamb
Jammer {m} :: misery
Jammerlappen {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: sissy (timid, cowardly person)
jämmerlich {adj} :: pitiable, miserable
jämmerlicher {adj} :: comparative of jämmerlich
Jämmerlichkeit {f} :: pitifulness
jämmerlichsten {adj} :: superlative of jämmerlich
jammern {v} :: to wail, whine, moan, lament, whinge
jammerschade {adj} [predicative] :: a terrible pity, a real shame
Jammertal {n} :: vale of tears (a symbolic valley of tears)
Jan. {prop} :: abbreviation of Januar
Jan {prop} :: given name
Jana {prop} :: given name
Jander {prop} :: surname
Janik {prop} :: given name
Janina {prop} :: given name
Janine {prop} {f} :: given name
Janitschar {noun} :: janissary
Janitschariat {noun} :: janissaryship
Janker {m} [Austria, South Germany] :: traditional jacket
Jänner {m} [Austria, South Tyrol, Switzerland, Southern Germany] :: synonym of Januar
Jannick {prop} :: given name
Jannik {prop} :: given name of modern German usage, a variant of Jan, variously described as Low German, West Frisian, Breton, Czech, or Slovak
Januar {m} :: January
Janusgesicht {n} :: Janus face [as symbol of ambiguity or contradiction]
Januskopf {m} :: Janus face [as symbol of ambiguity or contradiction]
janusköpfig {adj} :: Janus-headed
janusköpfig {adj} :: ambiguous
janusköpfig {adj} :: contradictory
jap {interj} [colloquial] :: yep; yup; yop
Jap. {n} :: abbreviation of Japanisch
Japan {prop} {n} :: Japan
Japaner {m} :: Japanese (person)
Japanerin {f} :: feminine noun of Japaner
japanisch {adj} :: Japanese (of or relating to Japan, the Japanese people, or the Japanese language)
Japanisch {prop} {n} :: the Japanese language
Japanologie {f} :: Japanese studies, Japanology
Japons {prop} {n} :: Japons (municipality)
jappen {v} :: to gasp for air
japsen {v} :: to be out of breath, short of breath
japsen {v} :: to gasp for air
Jaqueline {prop} {f} :: given name, an alternative spelling of Jacqueline
Jar {n} :: obsolete spelling of Jahr
Jargon {m} :: jargon
Jargon {m} :: (East) Yiddish
Jarl {noun} :: jarl (noble man)
Jarmulke {f} :: yarmulke (Jewish head-covering)
Jasager {m} :: yes man (yes-man), yeasayer (yea-sayer), apple-shiner (male or of unspecified sex)
Jasmin {m} :: jasmine
Jasmin {prop} {f} :: given name
Jaspis {m} [mineral] :: jasper
Jass {m} [card games] :: jass
jäten {v} :: to weed
Jauche {f} :: liquid manure
Jauche {f} :: plant-based slurry used as fertilizer
jauchzen {v} :: to cheer, exult
jaulen {v} :: to yelp, to howl, to yowl (sound of a canine or a similar sound)
Jause {f} [chiefly Austria] :: snack
Java {prop} {n} :: Java (island)
Java {prop} {n} :: Java (programming language)
Java-Nashorn {n} :: Javan rhinoceros
Javaner {m} :: Javanese (man from the island of Java)
Javanerin {f} :: Javanese (woman from the island of Java)
javanisch {adj} :: Javanese (related to the island of Java, its people or its language)
Javanisch {n} :: Javanese (the Javanese language)
Java-Tiger {m} :: Javan tiger [Panthera tigris sondaica]
jawohl {interj} [respectful, emphatic] :: yes; [military] yessir
Jazz {m} :: jazz (musical art form)
jazzig {adj} :: jazzy
jazzoid {adj} :: synonym of jazzig
je {adv} :: ever
je {adv} :: per
je {adv} [with “desto”, “umso” or (dated) “je”] :: the
Jeans {f} :: A pair of jeans, denim trousers
jeansfarben {adj} :: Having the colour of blue jeans
jeck {adj} [colloquial, regional, Rhineland] :: crazy, mad
Jeck {m} [regional] :: carnival reveler (participant in a carnival event or party)
Jeck {m} [regional, colloquial, in the Rhineland] :: madman, fool
jeckisch {adj} :: Yekkish
jede {pron} :: (indefinite, inflected form) feminine of jeder
jede {pron} :: (indefinite, inflected form) feminine accusative of jeder
jedefrau {pron} :: everyone
jedem das Seine {proverb} :: to each his own; each person gets what he deserves
jede Menge {pron} :: a lot of
jedem Tierchen sein Pläsierchen {proverb} :: different strokes for different folks
jedenfalls {adv} :: in any case
Jedenspeigen {prop} {n} :: Jedenspeigen (municipality)
jeder {pron} :: each
jeder {adj} :: each, every
jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied {proverb} :: every man is the architect of his own fortune
jedermann {pron} :: everyone
jedermanns Freund ist jedermanns Narr {proverb} :: "Everybody’s friend is everybody’s fool"; Being objective and conciliatory with people with whom one has nothing in common is a form of cowardice and a way of avoiding responsibility
jeder Vögel singt, wie ihm der Schnabel gewachsen ist {proverb} :: "Each bird can only sing according to how his beak grew"
jederzeit {adv} :: anytime
jedes Böhnchen gibt ein Tönchen {proverb} [jocular] :: commentary about the capacity for beans to contribute to flatulence
jedesmal {adv} :: obsolete spelling of jedes Mal
jedes Wort auf die Goldwaage legen {v} [idiom] :: to think carefully about one's wording
jedes Wort auf die Goldwaage legen {v} [idiom] :: to take words too literally
Jediismus {m} :: Jediism
jedoch {adv} :: however, yet, nevertheless, but
jedweder {pron} :: each, every possible; emphatic synonym of jeder
jedweder {adj} :: any, all, every possible; emphatic synonym of jeder
jedwederer {pron} [Upper German] :: alternative form of jedweder
Jeep {m} :: jeep
Jeging {prop} {n} :: Jeging (municipality)
jeglicher {determiner} :: any, each, every
jeher {adv} :: always
Jehova {prop} {m} :: Jehovah
Jehudit {prop} [biblical character] :: Judith, the wife of Esau
jein {adv} [chiefly humorous] :: yes and no; yes, but
Jein {n} [also humorous] :: yes and no
Jekaterinburg {prop} {n} :: Jekaterinburg (city/administrative center)
jekaterinisch {adj} :: of or pertaining to Yekaterinburg
Jelängerjelieber {n} :: Italian honeysuckle
Jelena {prop} {f} :: A transliteration of the Russian female given name Еле́на (Helen)
Jelzin {prop} :: Yeltsin
jemals {adv} :: ever
jemand {pron} [indefinite] :: someone, somebody
jemandem auf den Keks gehen {v} [idiom] :: to get on someone's nerves
jemandem auf den Leim gehen {v} [idiom] :: to be fooled by someone
jemandem auf den Wecker gehen {v} [idiom] :: to get on someone's nerves
jemandem das Fell gerben {phrase} [idiom] :: to tan someone's hide
jemandem das Fell über die Ohren ziehen {phrase} [idiom] :: to pull the wool over someone's eyes
jemandem den Hof machen {v} [idiom] :: to court somebody
jemandem den Schwarzen Peter zuschieben {phrase} [idiom] :: to pass the buck
jemandem die Haare vom Kopf fressen {v} [idiom] :: to eat somebody out of house and home
jemandem die Hölle heißmachen {v} [idiom] :: to give somebody hell
jemandem die Leviten lesen {v} [idiom] :: to read someone the riot act, to reprimand someone
jemandem die Stange halten {phrase} [idiom] :: to remain loyal to someone, to stand by someone
jemandem die Stiefel lecken {v} [idiom] :: to bootlick
jemandem die Stirn bieten {v} [idiomatic] :: to stand up to someone
jemandem die Suppe versalzen {v} [idiom] :: to cook someone's goose
jemandem durch die Lappen gehen {v} [idiom] :: to slip through one's fingers
jemandem ein Dorn im Auge sein {v} [idiom] :: to be a thorn in someone's side
jemandem einen Strich durch die Rechnung machen {v} [idiom] :: to thwart someone's plans
jemandem ein Kuckucksei ins Nest legen {v} [idiom] :: to hurt someone such in a way that it only becomes apparent later
jemandem etwas in die Schuhe schieben {v} :: to lay something at the feet of someone
jemandem etwas zur Last legen {v} [idiom] :: to accuse, blame [someone for something]
jemandem fällt ein Stein vom Herzen {phrase} [idiom] :: it is a weight off one's shoulders
jemandem fehlen die Worte {v} [idiom] :: words fail someone
jemandem geht der Arsch auf Grundeis {phrase} [idiom] :: someone is shitting bricks
jemandem in den Kram passen {v} [idiom] :: to suit somebody
jemandem in die Suppe spucken {v} [idiom] :: to rain on someone's parade
jemandem in Fleisch und Blut übergehen {v} [idiom] :: to become second nature
jemandem ist eine Laus über die Leber gelaufen {phrase} [idiom] :: someone has gotten out of bed on the wrong side
jemandem nicht das Wasser reichen können {v} [idiom] :: to not hold a candle to
jemandem Rede und Antwort stehen {v} [idiom] :: to answer to someone
jemandem Sand in die Augen streuen {phrase} [idiomatic] :: to pull the wool over someone's eyes
jemandem über den Weg laufen {v} :: to cross someone's path, to run into someone
jemandem zu nahe treten {v} [idiom] :: to offend someone
jemandem zur Seite stehen {v} [idiom] :: to stand by someone [i.e. to support]
jemandem zu schaffen machen {v} :: to trouble
jemanden an der Nase herumführen {v} [idiom] :: to deceive
jemanden auf den Arm nehmen {v} [idiom] :: to pull someone's leg
jemanden aufs Korn nehmen {v} [idiom] :: to satirize somebody
jemanden auf Trab halten {v} [idiom] :: to keep somebody on the run
jemanden den Wölfen zum Fraß vorwerfen {phrase} [idiomatic] :: to throw somebody to the wolves
jemanden ins Bild setzen {v} [idiom] :: to inform someone, to fill someone in
jemanden kreuzweise können {v} [idiomatic, mildly, vulgar] :: expression of disdain
jemanden mundtot machen {v} [idiom] :: to silence someone
jemanden vom rechten Weg abbringen {v} [idiom] :: to lead astray
jemanden vor den Kopf stoßen {v} [idiom] :: to offend someone
jemanden zum Narren halten {v} [idiom] :: to fool someone
jemanden zum Teufel schicken {v} [idiom] :: to send someone packing
jemanden zur Strecke bringen {v} [idiom] :: to hunt down
je mehr, desto besser {proverb} :: the more the merrier
Jemen {prop} {m} {n} :: Yemen
Jemenit {m} :: Yemeni (A [male or female] person from Yemen or of Yemeni descent)
Jemenitin {f} :: Yemeni (A female person from Yemen or of Yemeni descent)
jemenitisch {adj} :: Yemeni (Of, from, or pertaining to Yemen, or the Yemeni people)
je nach {prep} :: depending on; varying by
je nachdem {adv} :: as the case may be
Jenbach {prop} {n} :: Jenbach (municipality)
jener {pron} [formal] :: that, that one
Jenesien {prop} {n} :: Jenesien (municipality)
jenisch {adj} :: Yenish
Jennersdorf {prop} {n} :: Jennersdorf (municipality)
Jennifer {prop} :: given name
Jens {prop} :: given name, a Low German and Danish form of Johannes (=John)
jenseits {prep} :: beyond, on the other side of
Jenseits {n} :: metaphysical: the beyond, the hereafter, the afterlife
Jenseits {prop} :: a district of the German town of Tübingen
jep {interj} [colloquial] :: yep or yup
Jeremia {prop} [biblical character] :: Jeremiah. Given name form: Jeremias
Jeremias {prop} :: given name
Jericho {prop} {n} :: Jericho (city)
Jerusalem {prop} {n} :: Jerusalem (the claimed (and de-facto) <<capital city>> of <<c/Israel>>)
Jerzens {prop} {n} :: Jerzens (municipality)
Jesaja {prop} {m} :: Isaiah (a prophet in the Bible, sometimes thought to have been two historical persons)
Jesaja {prop} {m} :: Isaiah (book of the Bible)
je später der Abend, desto schöner die Gäste {phrase} :: Used to welcome and compliment guests who arrive significantly later than the begin of a party or gathering
je später der Abend, desto schöner die Gäste {phrase} [less common] :: The longer a party lasts, the more fun it becomes
Jessica {prop} :: given name borrowed from English, popular in the end of the 20th century
je strenger die Gesetze, desto schlechter die Menschen {proverb} :: "The stricter the laws, the worse are the people"
Jesuit {m} :: Jesuit
jesuitisch {adj} :: Jesuitic
Jesus {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Jesus
JEsus {prop} {m} [obsolete] :: alternative case form of Jesus
Jesus Christus {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Jesus Christ, a religious figure
Jesus Christus {prop} {m} :: Jesus Christ, used as an exclamation of displeasure, shock or disbelief
Jet {m} [aircraft, slightly, colloquial] :: jet plane
Jeton {m} :: chip, token
jetten {v} :: to jet (To travel on a jet aircraft.)
jetzig {adj} :: present (pertaining to the current time)
jetzo {adv} [dated] :: now
jetzt {adv} :: now (at the moment, in the present)
jetzt {adv} :: now, then (expressing a logical or temporal consequence)
jetzt {adv} :: now (unstressed and expletive, used for minor emphasis)
Jetzt {n} :: the present; now
jetzt schlägt's dreizehn {phrase} [idiom] :: enough is enough!
jetzt schlägts dreizehn {phrase} :: alternative form of jetzt schlägt's dreizehn
Jetztzeit {f} :: present time
Jever {prop} :: Jever (city)
jeweilig {adj} :: respective
jeweilig {adv} :: in each case, at a time, respectively
jeweils {adv} :: in each case
jeweils {adv} :: each
jez {adv} [internet and text-message slang] :: alternative spelling of jetzt
Jg. {noun} :: abbreviation of Jahrgang
JGA {noun} :: abbreviation of Junggesellenabschied or Junggesellinnenabschied; a stag party or hen party
Jh. {noun} :: abbreviation of Jahrhundert
jhnen {pron} :: obsolete spelling of ihnen
jiddeln {v} :: to speak Yiddish
jiddisch {adj} :: Yiddish (of or pertaining to the Yiddish language)
Jiddisch {prop} {n} :: Yiddish (language)
jiddischistisch {adj} :: Yiddishist
Jiddistik {f} :: Yiddish studies
Jihad {m} :: alternative spelling of Dschihad
jihadistisch {adj} :: jihadist; alternative form of dschihadistisch
JKU {prop} [education] :: initialism of w:Johannes Kepler University (in Linz, Austria)
jmd. {pron} :: abbreviation of jemand
jmds. {pron} :: abbreviation of jemandes
jo {interj} [colloquial, dialectal] :: yes, yeah, well; expresses agreement in a hesitant or ponderous manner
jo {interj} [colloquial] :: yes; expresses firm agreement
Jo {prop} {m} [biblical, rare] :: abbreviation of Johannes (Gospel of John): Joh.
Joachim {prop} :: given name
Job {m} :: a task, an assignment
Job {m} :: employment
Jobanwärter {m} :: job candidate
Jobaussicht {f} [colloquial] :: job prospect
jobben {v} :: to have a job, to work (especially in a temporary or minor position)
Jobeljahr {n} :: alternative form of Jubeljahr
Jobmühle {f} :: job mill
Joch {n} [agriculture] :: yoke
Joch {n} [figuratively] :: yoke (oppression, bond)
Joch {n} [geography] :: ridge, mountain pass, col
Jochbein {n} :: cheekbone
Jochen {prop} {m} :: given name derived from Joachim
Jockey {m} :: jockey (one who rides racehorses competitively)
Jod {n} :: iodine
Jod {n} :: yod, yodh (Semitic letter)
jodeln {v} :: to yodel
Jodeln {n} :: yodeling
jodhaltig {adj} :: iodiferous
Jodid {n} [chemistry] :: iodide
jodidhaltig {adj} :: iodide-containing; iodized
Jodler {m} :: yodeler
Joel {prop} [biblical character] :: Joel
Joel {prop} :: given name of biblical origin
joggen {v} :: to jog
Jogginganzug {m} :: a sweatsuit; a kit consisting of a fairly thick (often cotton) sweatshirt and equivalent sweatpants
Jogginghose {f} :: sweatpants; jogging bottoms (casual trousers made of cotton or a similar fairly thick fabric)
Joghurt {mf} {n} :: yogurt (yoghurt)
Jogurt {m} {n} {f} :: alternative spelling of Joghurt
Johann {prop} :: given name (a shortened form of Johannes)
Johanna {prop} :: given name
Johanna {prop} [biblical character] :: Joanna
Johanne {prop} :: given name
Johannes {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: John
Johannes {prop} {m} :: given name
Johannes {m} [colloquial] :: penis; cock
Johannisbeere {f} :: currant (Ribes gen. et spp., chiefly the fruits)
Johannisbrot {n} :: carob, locust bean, St. John's bread
Johannisbrotbaum {m} :: carob (tree, Ceratonia siliqua)
Johannisbrotgewächs {n} :: any plant of the Caesalpinioideae subfamily
Joint {m} :: marijuana cigarette; joint
Joint Venture {n} :: joint venture (a cooperative business partnership)
Jois {prop} {n} :: Jois (municipality)
Joker {m} [card games] :: joker
Jolle {f} :: dinghy (small boat)
Jom Kippur {prop} {m} :: Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
Jona {prop} :: Jonah (biblical book and character)
Jonas {prop} [biblical character] :: Jonah
Jonas {prop} :: given name of biblical origin
Jonathan {prop} :: Jonathan (Biblical character)
Jonathan {prop} :: given name
Jonglage {f} :: juggling
Jongleur {m} :: juggler (male or of unspecified sex)
Jongleurin {m} :: juggler (female)
Jongleuse {f} :: (female) juggler
jonglieren {v} :: to juggle
Jonglieren {n} :: juggling
Joppe {f} :: a type of jacket
Jordan {prop} {m} :: Jordan (river)
Jordanien {prop} {n} :: Jordan (country)
Jordanier {m} :: Jordanian ([male or female] person from Jordan)
Jordanierin {f} :: Jordanian (female person from Jordan)
jordanisch {adj} :: Jordanian (Of, from, or pertaining to Jordan or the Jordanian people)
Jörg {prop} :: given name
Jörn {prop} :: given name borrowed from Danish Jørn ( =George)
Joscha {prop} {m} :: Joseph (a given name for a male individual)
Joscha {prop} {m} :: Joshah (a given name for a male individual)
Joschka {prop} {m} :: given name
Josef {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Joseph
Josef {prop} {m} :: given name
Josefine {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Josef, derived from French Joséphine
Josefskraut {n} :: hyssop
Joseph {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Josef
Josephine {prop} {f} :: given name of French origin
Josephinismus {m} :: Josephinism
Jostabeere {f} :: a jostaberry, a fruit made by crossing currants (Johannisbeere) and gooseberries (Stachelbeere)
Josua {prop} [biblical character] :: Joshua
Josua {prop} :: [rare] given name of biblical origin
Josua {prop} :: Joshua: Book of Joshua, book of the Bible
Jot {n} :: The letter J in the Latin and German alphabet
Jota {n} :: iota
Joule {n} :: joule
Journaille {f} [pejorative, often collective] :: sensationalist press, journalists of the gutter press
Journal {n} [magazine] :: journal
Journalismus {m} :: journalism
Journalist {m} :: journalist (male or of unspecified sex)
Journalistin {f} :: journalist (female)
journalistisch {adj} :: journalistic
jovial {adj} :: jovial
JPz {m} :: abbreviation of Jagdpanzer (tank destroyer)
Jubel {m} :: jubilation, exultation, rejoicing
Jubeljahr {n} :: Jubilee
jubeln {vi} :: to cheer
Jubiläum {n} :: an anniversary, a jubilee
jubilieren {vi} :: to cheer, to gloat
juchten {adj} :: Russia leather (attributive)
jucken {v} :: to itch
jucken {v} [slang] :: to bother
Jucken {n} :: itching
Juckpulver {m} :: itching powder
Juckreiz {m} :: itch
Juda {prop} {m} :: Judah (first son of Jacob)
Judäa {prop} {n} [historical] :: Judaea, Judea
Judaismus {m} :: judaism
Judaist {m} :: A specialist in Jewish studies. (male or of unspecified sex)
Judaistik {f} :: Jewish studies (academic study of Jewish cultures)
judaistisch {adj} :: Jewish studies (attributive)
Judapest {prop} {n} [derogatory, dated] :: Budapest
Judas {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Judas
Judas {m} :: Judas; traitor
Judaskuss {m} :: Judas kiss
Judaslohn {m} [figurative] :: thirty pieces of silver
Jude {m} :: a Jew
jüdeln {v} :: to speak Yiddish
Judenausrottung {noun} :: The extermination of Jews
Judenburg {prop} {n} :: Judenburg (municipality)
judenchristlich {adj} :: Judeo-Christian
Judendeutsch {n} [dated] :: Yiddish
judenfeindlich {adj} :: anti-Semitic
Judenfrage {f} :: Jewish Question
judenfrei {adj} [Nazism, of an, area] :: Jew-free; from which Jews have been removed, usually through deportation or murder
Judenfreund {noun} :: In Nazi Germany, a non-Jew who sympathized with Jews
Judengenosse {m} :: proselyte to Judaism
Judenhass {m} :: hatred against Jews; hateful, emotional anti-Semitism
Judenhaß {m} :: obsolete spelling of Judenhass
Judenhaus {n} [historical] :: tenement building where Jews were housed during the Second World War
Judenleim {noun} [obsolete, now possibly offensive] :: asphalt
Judenrat {m} [historical] :: Jewish council; especially an administrative body in German-occupied territory during World War II
Judenrath {m} :: obsolete spelling of Judenrat
judenrein {adj} [Nazism, euphemism, of an, area] :: "Clean of Jews", i.e. having no Jewish inhabitants (e.g. because they have been deported or killed)
Judensau {f} [derogatory] :: Judensau; an image of Jews in obscene contact with a large sow
Judensau {f} [offensive] :: kike [insult against Jews]
Judenschaft {f} :: Jewish community
Judenschaft {f} [pejorative] :: Jewry
Judenstern {m} :: yellow badge
judenteutsch {adj} :: pertaining to an early form of Yiddish still linguistically very close to German
Judentum {prop} {n} :: Judaism (religion)
Judentum {prop} {n} :: Jewry (Jews collectively)
Judentum {prop} {n} :: Jewishness, Jewdom (cf. Christendom)
Judikative {f} [politics] :: judiciary, judicial system
Jüdin {f} :: female Jew, Jewess
jüdisch {adj} :: Jewish
Judith {prop} :: given name
judiziös {adj} :: judicial
Jüdlein {n} [derogatory] :: diminutive of Jude: little Jew
Judo {n} :: judo
Judoka {m} :: judoka
Jugend {f} :: youth (quality or state of being young; part of life following childhood)
Jugendamt {m} :: youth welfare agency
Jugendarbeit {f} :: youth employment
Jugendarbeit {f} :: juvenile labour
Jugendarbeitslosigkeit {f} :: youth unemployment
Jugendbewegung {f} :: youth movement
Jugendbrigade {f} :: ~ "youth brigade", a "work collective" of people under 25 years of age in the German Democratic Republic
jugendfrei {adj} :: appropriate for children
Jugendgästehaus {n} :: youth hostel
jugendgefährdend {adj} :: X-rated, adult, harmful to minors, youth endangering, youth-inappropriate (of adult content)
Jugendherberge {f} :: youth hostel (a supervised, inexpensive lodging place, primarily for young people)
jugendlich {adj} :: youthful
Jugendliche {f} :: youth, teenager, adolescent (female) [up to 17–19 years of age]
Jugendlicher {m} :: youth, teenager, adolescent (male or of unspecified sex)
jugendsprachlich {adj} :: juvenile-language (attributive)
Jugendstil {m} :: art nouveau
Jugendwahn {m} :: obsession with remaining youthful
Jugendzentrum {n} :: youth center
Jugoslawien {prop} {n} :: Yugoslavia
jugoslawisch {adj} :: Yugoslav, Yugoslavian
Jugoslawische Volksarmee {prop} :: Yugoslav People's Army
juhu {interj} :: yay; yahoo; woohoo (expression of joy)
Jukebox {f} :: jukebox
Jul {n} :: Yule
Julbach {prop} {n} :: Julbach (municipality)
Julbach {prop} {n} :: Julbach (municipality)
Jule {prop} :: given name
Julei {m} :: alternative form of Juli
Julfest {n} :: Yule, Yulefest
Juli {m} :: July
Julia {prop} :: given name of Latin origin
Julia {prop} :: Juliet, the lover of Romeo
Julian {prop} {m} :: given name derived from Latin Julianus
Juliane {prop} :: given name derived from Latin Iuliana
julianisch {adj} :: Julian
Jülich {prop} :: Jülich (town)
Julimonarchie {prop} :: July Monarchy
Julius {prop} {m} :: given name
Julmond {m} [archaic, poetic] :: The German name for the month of December. Jul is also the old-Germanic celebration of the winter solstice, also known as Yule
Jumbojet {m} :: jumbo jet (large jetplane, especially the Boeing 747)
Jumpsuit {m} [clothing] :: jumpsuit
Jun. {prop} :: abbreviation of Juni
jung {adj} :: young
Jung {m} [regional, colloquial] :: alternative form of Junge
Jung {interj} [colloquial] :: man! come on!
Jung {prop} :: surname
Junge {m} :: boy
Junge {m} [card games] :: jack
jungenhaft {adj} :: boyish
jünger {adj} :: comparative of jung
Jünger {m} :: disciple (male or of unspecified sex)
Jüngerin {f} :: feminine noun of Jünger
Junges {n} :: nominalization of junges: The immature young of an animal species other than humans
junges Gemüse {phrase} [literally] :: fresh vegetable
junges Gemüse {phrase} [colloquial, also, collective] :: small fry, greenhorn
Jungfer {f} [archaic] :: maid, maiden; virgin
Jungfer {f} :: unmarried woman; (old) maid, spinster
Jungfer {f} [printing, archaic] :: Petit, a size of type between Kolonel and Bourgeois, standardized as 8 point
Jungfer im Grünen {f} :: love-in-a-mist, Nigella damascena
Jungfernfahrt {f} [chiefly nautical] :: maiden voyage
Jungfernflug {m} [aviation] :: maiden flight
Jungfernhäutchen {n} :: hymen (membrane which occludes the vagina)
Jungfrau {f} :: virgin (person who has never had sexual intercourse)
Jungfrau {f} [archaic] :: maiden (young woman)
Jungfrau {f} [zodiac constellations, astrology] :: Virgo (a constellation and an astrological sign)
Jungfrauengeburt {f} :: virgin birth
jungfräulich {adj} :: virginal
Jungfräulichkeit {f} :: virginity
Jungfrauschaft {f} :: virginity
Junggeselle {m} :: bachelor (unmarried man)
Junggeselle {m} :: journeyman (Prior to the 16 century, a person who has completed an apprenticeship, and travels practicing his trade.)
Junggesellenabschied {m} :: stag party, bachelor party (party organized for a husband by his, usually only male, friends)
Junggesellin {f} :: bachelorette
Junggesellinnenabschied {m} :: hen party, bachelorette party (party organized for a bride by her, usually only female, friends)
Junggrammatiker {m} [linguistics] :: Neogrammarian
Jungholz {prop} {n} :: A municipality in Haut-Rhin, Alsace
Jungholz {prop} {n} :: Jungholz (municipality)
Jüngling {m} :: youth, youngling, stripling, sapling (literary)
Jungmann {m} :: young man
Jungmann {m} [Austria, military] :: recruit without a rank
jüngst {adj} :: youngest
jüngst {adj} :: latest
jüngst {adv} :: lately
Jungsteinzeit {f} :: New Stone Age, Neolithic
jungsteinzeitlich {adj} :: Neolithic (relating to the New Stone Age)
jüngsten {adj} :: superlative of jung
Jüngster Tag {m} [Christianity] :: Judgment Day
Jüngstes Gericht {n} [Christianity] :: Last Judgment
jungtürkisch {adj} :: young Turk (attributive)
Jungvogel {m} :: chick (baby bird)
Juni {m} :: June
Junior {m} [name affix or age class in sports or (often jocular) son] :: junior
Junker {m} :: junker
Junkfood {m} :: junk food (food with little or no nutritional value)
Junkie {m} :: junkie
Juno {m} :: alternative form of Juni
Junta {f} :: junta
Jupe {f} {m} {n} [Swiss] :: skirt
Jupiter {prop} {m} :: Jupiter (planet)
Jupiter {prop} {m} :: Jupiter (Roman god)
jupitergroß {adj} :: Jupiter-sized (typically, of an exoplanet)
Jupitermond {m} [astronomy] :: Jovian moon (moon of Jupiter)
Jupp {prop} {m} [regional, western Germany] :: given name
Jura {prop} :: Jura Mountains
Jura {prop} :: Jura (region)
Jura {prop} :: Jura (canton)
Jura {prop} :: Jura (island in the inner Hebrides of Scotland)
Jura {prop} :: the Jurassic
Jura {m} :: law (study)
Jürgen {prop} {m} :: given name
Juri {prop} :: A transliteration of the Russian male given name Ю́рий (George)
Jurisdiktion {f} :: jurisdiction
Jurisprudenz {f} :: jurisprudence
Jurist {m} :: jurist (male or of unspecified sex)
Juristendeutsch {prop} {n} [often pejorative] :: German legalese (the complex, verbose and yet pedantically precise language that is seen as typical of lawyers, judges and other jurists)
Juristin {f} :: jurist (female)
juristisch {adj} :: legal, juridical
Juror {m} :: juror, member of a jury
Jurte {f} :: a sort of tent used by nomadic people in Central and East Asia; yurt
Jury {f} :: jury
Jury {f} :: panel of judges
Jus {mf} {n} [cooking] :: jus
Jus {n} :: [Switzerland, Austria, study of] law
juscht {adv} [Indiana, US] :: just, only
just {adv} [elevated] :: just
justament {adv} :: just, exactly
just for fun {adv} [colloquial] :: just for fun
justieren {v} :: to set, to adjust
Justin {prop} :: given name
Justiz {f} :: judiciary; judicial system; judicial authorities and procedures; justice (in this sense)
Justizausschuss {m} :: justice committee, judiciary committee
Justizausschuß {noun} :: obsolete spelling of Justizausschuss
justiziabel {adj} :: actionable
Justizirrtum {m} :: miscarriage of justice
Justizminister {m} :: justice minister
Justizministerium {n} :: justice ministry
Justizposse {f} :: travesty of justice
Justizvollzugsanstalt {f} [Germany, officialese] :: prison
Justus {prop} :: given name
Jute {f} :: jute
Jüte {m} :: Jute
Jutetasche {f} :: jute bag
Jütin {f} :: feminine noun of Jüte
Jütland {prop} {n} :: Jutland
Jutta {prop} :: given name
Juwel {n} {m} :: gem, jewel (precious stone)
Juwel {n} {m} :: jewel, piece of jewellery
Juwel {n} {m} :: anything very precious
Juwel {n} {m} :: a precious, irreplaceable person
juwelen {adj} [attributive] :: jewel
Juwelier {m} :: jeweler, jeweller (male or of unspecified sex)
Juwelierin {f} :: jeweler, jeweller (female)
Jux {m} :: joke
juxig {adj} :: funny
juxig {adj} :: jocular
juxtarenal {adj} [anatomy] :: juxtarenal
JVA {f} :: abbreviation of Justizvollzugsanstalt (official term for (a type of) prison in Germany)
JVA {prop} {f} :: Jugoslawische Volksarmee "Yugoslav People's Army"