Appendix:Celtic Swadesh lists/92-146

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
1-91 92-146 147-207


English Proto-Celtic Proto-Brythonic Breton Cornish Welsh Old Irish Irish Scottish Gaelic Manx
92 to drink *ɸibeti *ɨβɨd evañ, evet eva yfed ibid ól òl iu
93 to eat *ed-o-, *ɸiteti debriñ, boueta dybri bwyta ithid ith ith ee
94 to bite *knā-yo- dantañ, krogiñ densel brathu, cnoi benaid, greimm bain greim as bìd greim
95 to suck *di-na- sunañ, denañ sugna, dena sugno dinid, súigid dúil, súigh sùigh jiole, soo
96 to spit skopat berya, trewa poeri do·beir saile caith seile tilg smugaid ceau shelley, tilg shelley
97 to vomit *skeyeti c'hwedañ, dislonkañ, reucheutiñ hwyja chwydu sceïd aisig sgeith skeeah
98 to blow (as wind) *swizd-o- *hwɨθɨd c'hwezhañ hwytha chwythu do·infet, séitid séid sèid sheid
99 to breathe *ana- alanat, analañ anella anadlu do·beir anál análaigh tarraing anail tayrn ennal
100 to laugh *swar-yo- c'hoarzhin hwerthin chwerthin gáirid, tibid déan gáire gàir gear
101 to see *wel-o- gwelet gweles gweld ad·cí feic faic faik
102 to hear *klew-o- *klüwid klevet klywes clywed ro·cluinethar clois, cluin cluinn clasht, cluin
103 to know (a fact) *wi-n-d-o *gwɨbod gouzout godhvos gwybod at·tá a ḟis oc, ro·fitir a fhios a bheith agat bi fhios aig fys ec
104 to think *ambi-rād-ī- prederiañ, soñjal prederi meddwl, tybio imm·rádi, smúainid smaoinigh smaoinich smooinee
105 to smell (sense odor) klevet blasa, klywes aroglu, clywed aroglau boltaigidir bolaigh feuch fàileadh soar
106 to fear *obno- aoniñ, kaout aon perthi own bod ag ofn, ofni ad·ágathar, eclaigid, gaibid ecla(with subject and object reversed), is ómun la(with subject as the object of) eagla a bheith ort gabh eagal gow aggle roish
107 to sleep *kuɸ-sko- *kuskɨd kousket koska cysgu con·tuili codail bi ann do chadal caddil
108 to live *biwo- bevañ bywa byw ar·beir biuth, at·tá beó, maraid bí beo, mair bi beò bee bio, bee er mayrn
109 to die *ba-yo- *marwọd mervel merwel marw at·baill, baïd, fo·gaib bás, téit bás faigh bás bàsaich fow baase
110 to kill *gʷaneti *gwėnɨd lazhañ ladha lladd marbaid, oirgid marbhaigh marbh marr
111 to fight *wiketi gouren, stourm omladh brwydro, ymladd cathaigid, fichid troid còmhraig cagg
112 to hunt (transitive) *selgā hemolc'hiñ, chaseal helghya hela ad·claid, do·seinn seilg sealg shelg
113 to hit *binati skoiñ gweskel, skwatya bwrw, taro benaid, bongaid, búailid, slaidid, sligid buail buail bwoaill
114 to cut *skiy-o- troc'hañ treghi torri do·esc, gerraid, snaidid gearr geàrr giar
115 to split *dlo-n-g-o faoutañ folsa hollti dlongid scoilt sgoilt scolt, skeilt
116 to stab (or stick) gwanañ gwana, pyghya gwanu, trywanu cailgid, tollaid rop sàth seiy
117 to scratch (an itch) *razd-o- kravat, skrabat kravas cosi scrípaid, tochasaid tochais sgròb screeb
118 to dig *kladyeti *klėðɨd kleuzañ palas cloddio, palu claidid claidh, tochail cladhaich cleigh, reuyr
119 to swim *snā- neuñviñ neuvya nofio snáïd snámh snàmh snaue
120 to fly *ɸet-o- nijal neyja hedfan fo·luathar eitil itealaich etlee, ettyl
121 to walk [Term?] kerzhet, bale kerdhes cerdded siblaid, teít siúil coisich, siubhail shooyl
122 to come dont dos dod do·icc, do·tét tar thig tar
123 to lie (as on one's side) *leg-o- gourvez gorwedhes gorwedd laigid luigh laigh lhie
124 to sit *sed-o- azezañ esedha eistedd saidid suigh suidh soie
125 to stand *sistā- sevel sevel sefyll do·airissedar seas seas shass
126 to turn (change direction) *suweti treiñ treylya troi imm·soí, sóïd cas till cass
127 to fall (as in drop) *ki-yo kouezhañ koedha cwympo, disgyn, syrthio do·tuit tit tuit tuitt
128 to give *dāti *rroðọd reiñ ry rhoi do·beir tabhair tabhair cur, toyr
129 to hold (in one's hand) *delg-o- dalc'hen, derc'hel dalghenna, synsi dal, dala gaibid coinnigh cùm cum
130 to squeeze gwaskañ, stardañ gwaska, gwrynya, strotha gwasgu fáiscid, tendaid, timsaigid fáisc teannaich çhionn, craisht, faast
131 to rub taravat, frotañ rutya rhwtio, rhwbio con·meil cuimil suath rub
132 to wash *nig-yo- golc'hiñ, gwalc'hiñ golghi golchi folcaid, fothraicid, ind·aim, Middle Irish nigid nigh nigh niee
133 to wipe sec'hañ, torchañ sygha sychu [Term?] cuimil suath glen, rub
134 to pull sachañ, tennañ tenna tynnu do·srenga, srengaid tarraing tarraing tayrn
135 to push bountañ herdhya, pokya gwthio ad·aig brúigh brùth broo
136 to throw *kat-yo- teurel, chetañ tewlel taflu caithid, do·léci, fo·ceird, sneidid, sréïd caith tilg ceau, tilg
137 to tie *wed-o- koulmañ, eren kelmi clymu, rhwymo cenglaid, con·rig, sníid ceangail ceangail kiangle
138 to sew *nē-yo- gwriat gwrias, sewya gwnïo úaigid fuaigh fuaigh fuaill, whaal
139 to count *rimā niveriñ, kontañ akontya, amontya, nivera rhifo rímid cuntais, ríomh cùnnt coont
140 to say *labar-o- lavaret leverel dweud as·beir, labraithir, ráidid abair abair abbyr
141 to sing *kaneti *kėnɨd kanañ, kana kana canu canaid can seinn gow arrane, kiaulley
142 to play *kon-rig-o-, *uɸo-rig-o- c'hoari gwari chwarae cluichigidir, imm·beir imir cluich cloie
143 to float flotañ, neuviñ neuvella nofio snáïd snámh bi a' fleòdradh snaue
144 to flow *liy-o- deverañ bera, dinewi llifo bruinnid, dolin, silid, snigid snigh ruith freayney (of sea), gleashaghey (of people), sheel, shiauilley (on surface), thooill
145 to freeze reviñ, skornañ rewi rhewi reódaid, téchtaid reoigh reòdh rio
146 to swell *swēd-o- c'hwezañ hwythfi chwyddo attaid, bolgaid at at att
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
1-91 92-146 147-207
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