Appendix:Nanjing Mandarin Swadesh list

This is a Swadesh list of words in Nanjingnese, compared with that of English.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.



This list uses Langjin Pinin and IPA

南京話南京话 (Nánjīnghuà)
edit (207)
1I (1sg) (o3)o²¹²
2you (2sg) (li3)li²¹²
3he, she, it (3sg) (ta1)tʰa³¹
4we (1pl)我們我们 (o3 men2)o²¹² məŋ⁰
5you (2pl)你們你们 (li3 men2)li²¹² məŋ⁰
6they (3pl)他們他们 (ta1 men2)tʰa²¹² məŋ⁰
7this這個这个 (zhe4 go4)tʂe⁴⁴ ko⁴⁴
8that那個那个 (la4 go4)laʔ⁵ ko⁴⁴
9here這塊这块 (zhe4 kuä4)tʂe⁴⁴ kʰuɛ⁰
10there那塊那块 (la4 kuä4)la⁴⁴ kʰuɛ⁰
11who哪個哪个 (la3 go4)la²¹² ko⁰
12what什麼什么 (shen2 mo3)ʂəŋ²⁴ mo⁰
13where哪裏哪里 (la3 li3), 哪塊哪块 (la3 kuä4)la²¹² li⁰, la²¹² kʰuɛ⁰
14when多咱 (do1 zang3), 什麼時候什么时候 (shen2 mo3 shr2 hou4), 幾時几时 (ji1 shr2)to³¹ tsã²¹², ʂəŋ²⁴ mo⁰ ʂʅ²⁴ xəɯ⁴⁴, tɕi³¹ ʂʅ²⁴
15how怎麼怎么 (zen3 mo3)tsəŋ²¹² mo⁰
16not (bu5)puʔ⁵
17all全部 (cüän2 bu4)tsyɛn²⁴ pu⁴⁴
18many (do1)to³¹
19some幾個几个 (ji1 go4)tɕi³¹ ko⁰
20few (shao3)ʂɔ²¹²
21other旁的 (pang2 di5), 別的别的 (bie5 di5)pʰã³¹ tiʔ⁰, pieʔ⁵ tiʔ⁰
22one (i5)iʔ⁵
23two (er4)er⁴⁴
24three (sang1)sã³¹
25four (sy4)sɿ⁴⁴
26five (u3)u²¹²
27big (da4)ta⁴⁴
28long (chang2)tʂʰã²⁴
29wide (kuang1)kʰuã³¹
30thick (hou4)xəɯ⁴⁴
31heavy (zhong4)tʂoŋ⁴⁴
32small (siao3)siɔ²¹²
33short (duang3)tuã²¹²
34narrow (zä5)tsɛʔ⁵
35thin (bo5), 𣻏 (xao1)poʔ⁵, ɕɔ³¹
36woman女的 (lü3 di5), 女人 (lü3 ren2)ly²¹² tiʔ⁰, ly²¹² ʐəŋ²⁴
37man (adult male)男的 (lang2 di5), 男人 (lang2 ren2)lã²⁴ tiʔ⁰, lã²⁴ ʐəŋ²⁴
38man (human being) (ren2)ʐəŋ²⁴
39child小娃兒小娃儿 (siao3 ua1 er2)siɔ²¹² uar²⁴
40wife家裏家里 (ja1 li3), 老婆 (lao3 po2), 內人内人 (luei4 ren2)tɕia³¹ li⁰, lɔ²¹² pʰo²⁴, luəi⁴⁴ ʐəŋ²⁴
41husband當家的当家的 (dang1 ja1 di5), 男人 (lang2 ren2), 丈夫 (zhang4 fu1)tã³¹ tɕia³¹ ti⁰, lã²⁴ ʐəŋ²⁴, tʂã⁴⁴ fu⁰
42mother (ma1)ma³¹
43father (die1)tie³¹
44animal動物动物 (dong4 u5)toŋ⁴⁴ uʔ⁵
45fish (ü2)y²⁴
46bird (liao3)liɔ²¹²
47dog (gou3)kəɯ²¹²
48louse蝨子虱子 (sä5 zy3)sɛʔ⁵ tsɿ⁰
49snake蛇兒蛇儿 (she2 er2)ʂər²⁴
50worm (chong2)tʂʰoŋ²⁴
51tree (shu4)ʂu⁴⁴
52forest樹林子树林子 (shu4 lin2 zy3)ʂu⁴⁴ lin²⁴ tsɿ⁰
53stick樹枝树枝 (shu4 zhr1)ʂu⁴⁴ tʂʅ²¹²
54fruit水果 (shuei3 go3)ʂuəi²¹² ko²¹²
55seed種子种子 (zhong3 zy3)tʂoŋ²¹² tsɿ⁰
56leaf樹葉兒树叶儿 (shu4 ie5 er2)ʂu⁴⁴ ier⁴⁴
57root樹根树根 (shu4 gen1)ʂu⁴⁴ kəŋ³¹
58bark (of a tree)樹皮树皮 (shu4 pi2)ʂu⁴⁴ pʰi²⁴
59flower (hua1)xua³¹
60grass (cao3)tsʰɔ²¹²
61rope繩子绳子 (shen2 zy3)ʂəŋ²⁴ tsɿ⁰
62skin皮膚皮肤 (pi2 fu1)pʰi²¹² fu³¹
63meat (rou4)ʐəɯ⁴⁴
64blood (xüe5)ɕyeʔ⁵
65bone骨頭骨头 (gu5 tou2)kuʔ⁵ tʰəɯ⁰
66fat (noun)脂肪 (zhr1 fang1)tʂʅ³¹ fã³¹
67egg (dang4)tã⁴⁴
68horn (go5)koʔ⁵
69tail尾巴 (uei3 ba1)uəi²¹² pa⁰
70feather羽毛 (ü3 mao2)y²¹² mɔ²⁴
71hair頭髮头发 (tou2 fa5)tʰəɯ⁴⁴ faʔ⁵
72head頭兒头儿 (tou2 er2)tʰər²⁴
73ear耳朵 (er3 do3)er²¹² to⁰
74eye眼睛 (iän3 zin1)iɛn²¹² tsin⁰
75nose鼻子 (bi5 zy3)piʔ⁵ tsɿ⁰
76mouth (zuei3)tsuəi²¹²
77tooth (ia2)ia²⁴
78tongue (organ)舌頭舌头 (shä5 tou2)ʂɛʔ⁵ tʰəɯ⁰
79fingernail指甲 (zhr3 ja5)tʂʅ²¹² tɕiaʔ⁰
80foot (jo5)tɕioʔ⁵
81leg (tuei3)tʰuəi²¹²
82knee磕膝頭磕膝头 (ko5 ci5 tou2)kʰoʔ⁵ tsʰiʔ⁵ tʰəɯ²⁴
83hand (shou3)ʂəɯ²¹²
84wing翅膀 (chr4 bang3)tʂʰʅ⁴⁴ pã²¹²
85belly肚子 (du3 zy3)tu⁴⁴ tsɿ⁰
86guts腸子肠子 (chang2 zy3)tʂʰã²⁴ tsɿ⁰
87neck頸子颈子 (jin3 zy3)tɕin²¹² tsɿ⁰
88back脊背 (zi5 bei4)tsiʔ⁵ pəi⁴⁴
89breast胸脯 (xong1 pu2) (chest), 奶兒奶儿 (lä3 er2) (tiddies)ɕioŋ³¹ pʰu⁰, lər²¹²
90heart (sin1)sin³¹
91liver (gang1)kã³¹
92to drink (chr5), (ho5)tʂʅʔ⁵, xoʔ⁵
93to eat (chr5)tʂʅʔ⁵
94to bite (iao3)iɔ²¹²
95to suck (xi5), (sho5)ɕiʔ⁵, ʂoʔ⁵
96to spit (tu3)tʰu²¹²
97to vomit (tu4)tʰu⁴⁴
98to blow (chuei1)tʂʰuəi³¹
99to breathe呼吸 (hu1 xi5)xu³¹ ɕiʔ⁵
100to laugh (siao4)siɔ⁴⁴
101to see (kang4)kʰã⁴⁴
102to hear (tin1)tʰin³¹
103to know曉得晓得 (xao3 dä5), 知道 (zhr1 dao4)ɕiɔ²¹² tɛʔ⁰, tʂʅ³¹ tɔ⁴⁴
104to think (siang3)siã²¹²
105to smell (uen2)uəŋ²⁴
106to fear嚇怕吓怕 (hä5 pa4)xɛʔ⁵ pʰa⁴⁴
107to sleep (shuei4)ʂuei⁴⁴
108to live (ho5)xoʔ⁵
109to die (sy3)sɿ²¹²
110to kill (sha5)ʂaʔ⁵
111to fight打架 (da3 ja4)ta²¹² tɕia⁴⁴
112to hunt打獵打猎 (da3 lie4)ta²¹² lieʔ⁵
113to hit (zou4)tsəɯ⁴⁴
114to cut (cie5)tsʰieʔ⁵
115to split劈開劈开 (pi5 kä1)pʰiʔ⁵ kʰɛ³¹
116to stab (cho5)tʂʰoʔ⁵
117to scratch (gua5)kuaʔ⁵
118to dig (ua5)uaʔ⁵
119to swim划水 (hua2 shuei3), 游泳 (iou2 iong4)xua²⁴ ʂuəi²¹², iəɯ²⁴ ioŋ⁴⁴
120to fly (fei1)fəi³¹
121to walk (zou3)tsəɯ²¹²
122to come (lä2)lɛ²⁴
123to lie (as in a bed) (tang3), (shuei4)tʰã²¹², ʂuəi⁴⁴
124to sit (zo4)tso⁴⁴
125to stand (zhang4)tʂã⁴⁴
126to turn (intransitive) (zhuang4)tʂuã⁴⁴
127to fall (lo5), (diao4)loʔ⁵, tiɔ⁴⁴
128to give (gi3)ki²¹²
129to hold (la2)la²⁴
130to squeeze (zi3)tsi²¹²
131to rub (rou2)rəɯ²⁴
132to wash (si3)si²¹²
133to wipe (ma5), (ca5), (kä1)maʔ⁵, tsʰaʔ⁵, kʰɛ³¹
134to pull (la1)la³¹
135to push (tuei1)tʰuəi³¹
136to throw (diao4)tiɔ⁴⁴
137to tie (bang3)pã²¹²
138to sew (fen2)fəŋ²⁴
139to count (su3)su²¹²
140to say (sho5), (jang3)ʂoʔ⁵, tɕiã²¹²
141to sing (chang4)tʂʰã⁴⁴
142to play (uang2)uã²⁴
143to float (fu2)fu²⁴
144to flow (liou2)liəɯ²⁴
145to freeze上凍上冻 (shang4 dong4), 結冰结冰 (je5 bin1), 凍冰冻冰 (dong4 bin1)ʂã⁴⁴ toŋ⁴⁴, tɕieʔ⁵ pin³¹, toŋ⁴⁴ pin³¹
146to swell (zhang4)tʂã⁴⁴
147sun太陽太阳 (tä4 iang2)tʰɛ⁴⁴ iã²⁴
148moon月亮 (üe5 liang4)yeʔ⁵ liã⁴⁴
149star星星 (sin1 sin1)sin³¹ sin⁰
150water (shuei3)ʂuei²¹²
151rain (ü4)y⁴⁴
152river (ho2)xo²⁴
153lake (hu2)xu²⁴
154sea (hä3)xɛ²¹²
155salt (iän2)iɛn²⁴
156stone石頭石头 (shr5 tou2)ʂʅʔ⁵ tʰəɯ²⁴
157sand沙子 (sha1 zy3)ʂa³¹ tsɿ⁰
158dust (huei1)xuəi³¹
159earth (tu3)tʰu²¹²
160cloud (üin2)yn²⁴
161fog (u4)u⁴⁴
162sky (tiän1)tʰiɛn³¹
163wind (fen4)fəŋ⁴⁴
164snow (süe5)syeʔ⁵
165ice (bin1)pin³¹
166smoke (iän1)iɛn³¹
167fire (ho3)xo²¹²
168ash (huei1)xuəi³¹
169to burn (shao1)ʂɔ³¹
170road (lu4)lu⁴⁴
171mountain (shang1)ʂã³¹
172red (hong2)xoŋ²⁴
173green绿 (lu5)luʔ⁵
174yellow (huang2)xuã²⁴
175white (bä5)pɛʔ⁵
176black (hä5)xɛʔ⁵
177night晚上 (uang3 shang4)uã²¹² ʂã⁰
178day白天 (bä5 tiän1)pɛʔ⁵ tʰiɛn³¹
179year (liän2)liɛn²⁴
180warm暖和 (luang3 ho2)luã²¹² xo⁰
181cold (len3)ləŋ²¹²
182full滿 (mang3)mã²¹²
183new (sin1)sin³¹
184old (lao3) (of high age), (jou4) (of high age)lɔ²¹², tɕəɯ⁴⁴
185good (hao3)xɔ²¹²
186bad (huä4), (lä4), (lao1)xuɛ⁴⁴, lɛ⁴⁴, lɔ³¹
187rotten (lang4)lã⁴⁴
188dirty (zang1)tsã³¹
189straight (zhr5)tʂʅʔ⁵
190round (üän2)yɛn²⁴
191sharp (as a knife) (kuä4)kʰuɛ⁴⁴
192dull (as a knife) (duen4)tuəŋ⁴⁴
193smooth (hua5)xuaʔ⁵
194wet (chao2)ʈʂʰɔ²⁴
195dry (gang1)kã³¹
196correct (duei4)tuəi⁴⁴
197near (jin4)tɕin⁴⁴
198far (üän3)yɛn²¹²
199right (iou4)iəɯ⁴⁴
200left (zo3)tso²¹²
201at (zä4)tsɛ⁴⁴
202in (zä4)tsɛ⁴⁴
203with (gao4), (gen1)kɔ⁴⁴, kən³¹
204and (gao4), (gen1)kɔ⁴⁴, kən³¹
205if假如 (ja3 ru2)tɕia²¹² ʐu²⁴
206because因爲因为 (in1 uei2)in³¹ uəi²⁴
207name名字 (min2 zy4)min²⁴ tsɿ⁰


  • 劉丹青 南京方言詞典

See also

Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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