User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-g

ж. {m inan} [grammar] :: abbreviation of женский род
ж {particle} :: apocopic form of же
ж {m inan} [grammar] :: abbreviation of женский род
ж {f inan} :: abbreviation of женская уборная
Ж {f inan} :: abbreviation of женская уборная: ladies' room, women's toilet
жаба {noun} :: toad
жаба {noun} [regional or archaic] :: frog
жаба {noun} [disease] :: tonsillitis, quinsy
жаба {noun} [slang, computing] :: Java (programming language)
жаба {noun} [slang, computing] :: Adobe Photoshop
жаба {noun} [slang, computing] :: a photoshopped image, a shoop
жабо {n inan} :: jabot, ruff
жабра {noun} :: gill
жабры {noun} :: gill, gills
жаворонок {noun} :: lark, skylark
жаворонок {noun} :: early bird, morning person
жадать {v impf} :: [obsolete] to thirst (for), to crave (for)
жадина {m anim} {f anim} :: cheapskate, greedy guts, hog (someone who doesn't give freely)
жадно {adv} :: greedily, avidly
жадность {noun} :: greed, avarice
жадный {adj} :: greedy
жадный {adj} :: avaricious, covetous [на + accusative or до + genitive or к + dative]
жадный {adj} :: selfish
жажда {noun} :: thirst
жажда {noun} :: craving
жаждать {v impf} [also figurative] :: to thirst (for), to crave (for), to hunger (for)
жаждущий {adj} :: thirsty, avid, desirous, ambitious
жакет {noun} :: jacket
жалейка {noun} :: zhaleika (Russian wind instrument)
жалеть {v impf} :: to feel sorry, to be sorry, to be sad (about something), to regret
жалеть {v impf} :: to pity, to commiserate
жалеть {v impf} :: to save, to spare (e.g. time, energy)
жалея {noun} [dialectal] :: big zhaleika
жалить {v impf} [of insects] :: to sting
жалить {v impf} [of snakes] :: to bite
жалкий {adj} :: pitiable
жалкий {adj} :: miserable, pitiful, wretched
жалкий {adj} :: pathetic
жалко {adv} :: pitiably, miserably, wretchedly
жалко {adv} :: negligibly
жалко {adv} :: plaintively
жалко {interj} :: sorry, it is a pity
жалко {interj} :: unfortunately
жалко {noun} :: little stinger, sting
жало {noun} :: stinger
жало {noun} [colloquial] :: forked tongue (of a venomous snake)
жалоба {noun} :: complaint
жалобно {adv} :: plaintively, dolefully, sorrowfully
жалобный {adj} :: plaintive, doleful, sorrowful
жалование {noun} :: remuneration, salary
жалованье {noun} [dated] :: pay, salary; wages; stipend
жаловать {v impf} :: to grant, to bestow, to confer, to reward, to award [stilted style]
жаловать {v impf} :: to favour, to regard with favour; to like
жаловать {v impf} [dated] :: to visit, to come to see [stilted style or jocular]
жаловаться {v impf} :: to complain, to lament
жалостливый {adj} :: compassionate
жалостливый {adj} :: sad, touching, pitiful
жалостный {adj} :: pitiful
жалостный {adj} :: pathetic
жалость {noun} :: compassion
жалость {noun} :: pity
жаль {pred} :: it's a pity
жаль {pred} :: [with the subject in the dative] pities, is sorry
жалюзи {n inanp} :: blind, jalousie
жандарм {noun} :: gendarme
жандармский {adj} [relational] :: gendarme
Жанна {prop} :: given name
жанр {noun} :: genre
жанровый {adj} [relational] :: genre
жар {noun} :: heat
жар {noun} :: ardour
жар {noun} :: fever, high temperature
жар {noun} :: embers
жара {noun} :: heat, hot weather, hot spell
жаргон {noun} :: jargon
жаргон {noun} :: slang, cant
жарение {noun} :: frying
жарение {noun} :: roasting
жареный {adj} :: fried, roasted (cooked by frying or roasting)
жаренье {noun} :: frying
жаренье {noun} :: roasting
жарить {v impf} :: to roast, to fry, to broil, to grill
жарить {v impf} :: to burn, to scorch [of the sun]
жарить {v impf} :: to do something intensively
жариться {vi impf} :: to fry, to roast
жариться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sunbathe, to bask in the sun
жариться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to swelter, to be in a hot place
жаркий {adj} :: hot, make one feel hot (such as of the surrounding air or the sun)
жаркий {adj} :: having a hot climate, southern, tropical
жаркий {adj} :: fervent, warm, passionate
жарко {adv} :: hotly
жарко {pred} :: it is hot
жаркое {noun} :: roast (meat), bubble and squeak; stew; stir-fry
жаровня {noun} :: brazier (a portable heater)
жарок {noun} :: diminutive of жар
жар-птица {noun} [colloquial] :: tempting, hard-to-achieve desire
жарче {adv} :: comparative of жаркий
жарче {adv} :: comparative of жарко
жасмин {noun} [botany] :: jasmine (genus Jasminum)
жасмин {noun} [collective] :: jasmine flowers (esp. used for tea, etc.)
жатва {noun} :: harvest (process of harvesting, gathering the ripened crop, harvest yield)
жать {v impf} :: to press, to squeeze
жать {v impf} [sport] :: to benchpress, to lift
жать {v impf} :: to pinch, to hurt, to be tight
жать {v impf} :: to press out, to squeeze out
жать {v impf} :: to oppress, to draw near
жать {v impf} :: to reap, to crop
жаться {v impf} :: to huddle up
жаться {v impf} :: to draw close (to), to huddle up (to), to cuddle up (to), to nestle up (to)
жаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to crowd together
жаться {v impf} :: to shrink (up)
жаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be stingy, to stint, to pinch and save
жбан {noun} :: (a large) can; pitcher
жвачка {noun} :: rumination, chewing
жвачка {noun} :: cud
жвачка {noun} [colloquial] :: chewing-gum
жгут {noun} :: plait, braid, wisp
жгут {noun} :: tourniquet (a tightly compressed bandage used to stop bleeding)
жгучий {adj} :: burning, smarting
ж. д. {f inan} :: abbreviation of железная дорога
ж. д. {adj} :: abbreviation of железнодорожный
ждать {v impf} :: to wait, to wait for (+ genitive case)
ждать {v impf} :: to expect, to await
-жды {suffix} :: times
же {conj} [contrasting] :: and, but
же {conj} :: on the other hand, whereas, as for, as to
же {particle} :: Emphasises identity: very, same
же {particle} :: With expressions of time and order: emphasises promptitude: very, right, immediately, without delay
же {particle} :: Marks an objection by pointing to the rationale behind said objection: after all, but
же {particle} :: Especially in questions: expresses consequence of or reaction to what was said before: then, so
же {particle} :: In questions and imperatives: imparts a note of insistence and urgency: ever, on earth, for goodness' sake
же {n inan} :: zhe: The name of the Cyrillic-script letter Ж
же {n inan} :: gee: The name of the Latin-script letter G
жевательная резинка {noun} :: chewing gum (flavoured preparation for chewing)
жевательный {adj} :: chewing; masticatory, manducatory
жевать {v impf} :: to chew, to munch
жевать {v impf} :: to ruminate, to masticate
жевать {v impf} :: to repeat with tiresome monotony, to repeat something monotonously
жевачка {noun} :: chewing gum
жевело {noun} :: a device for the ignition of gunpowder in hunting cartridges
жезл {noun} :: staff, rod, wand
желаемое {noun} :: something desirable, something one would like to have
желаемый {adj} :: desired, wished for
желание {noun} :: wish, desire
желанный {adj} :: desired, desirable, welcome, sought-after
желательно {pred} [literary] :: it is advisable, it is useful, it is good [+ infinitive or чтобы]
желательно {pred} [low colloquial] :: one wants [+ dative of agent]
желательный {adj} :: desirable (suitable to be desired)
желатин {noun} :: gelatine (edible jelly)
желать {v impf} :: to wish, to desire
желать {v impf} :: to covet
желать {v impf} :: to wish
желающий {noun} :: one who wishes, one who desires
желвак {noun} :: jaw muscle
желвак {noun} :: tumour
желвь {noun} [obsolete] :: tortoise; turtle
желвь {noun} [rare] :: a kind of earth tortoises with a thick shell
желе {n inan} :: jelly
желе {n inan} :: stock or fish broth brought to a gelatinous condition
железа {noun} [anatomy] :: gland
железистый {adj} :: ferrous (containing iron)
железистый {adj} [relational] :: gland; glandular
железка {noun} [colloquial] :: a piece of iron or unidentified metal
железка {noun} :: glandule, glandula
железка {noun} [colloquial] :: railway
железка {noun} [card games] :: chemin de fer
железная дорога {noun} [railroads] :: railway, railroad (track or system)
Железногорск {prop} :: Zheleznogorsk
железнодорожная станция {noun} :: railway station (place where trains stop)
железнодорожник {noun} :: railwayman; railroadman
железнодорожный {adj} [relational] :: railroad, railway, rail
железнодорожный вокзал {noun} :: train station, railroad station, railway station, depot
железный {adj} [relational, literal and figurative] :: iron
железный {adj} [chemistry] :: ferrous
железный {adj} [chemistry] :: ferric
железо {noun} :: iron
железо {noun} :: any iron-like metal
железо {noun} [computer slang] :: hardware
железобетон {noun} :: reinforced concrete
железобетонный {adj} [relational] :: reinforced concrete, ferroconcrete
железобетонный {adj} [colloquial, jocular] :: iron-hard
железяка {noun} [colloquial] :: a piece of iron or another metal
желна {noun} :: black woodpecker
желтеть {v impf} :: to become yellow
желтеть {v impf} :: to show yellow, to be seen, to be visible
желтизна {noun} :: yellowness
желтобрюхий {adj} :: yellow-bellied
желтоватый {adj} :: yellowish
желтоватый {adj} :: sallow
желтогрудая куница {noun} :: synonym of харза
желтогрудый {adj} :: yellow-throated
желток {noun} :: yolk, vitellus
желторотый {adj} :: yellowmouth
желторотый {adj} [figuratively, colloquial] :: yellow-beaked, immature, inexperienced
желтуха {noun} :: jaundice
желтяк {noun} :: turmeric (herb)
желудок {noun} [anatomy] :: stomach (alimentary organ)
желудочно-кишечный {adj} :: gastrointestinal
желудочный {adj} [relational] :: stomach, gastric, stomachic
желчный {adj} [relational] :: gall; bilious
желчный {adj} :: acrimonious (sharp and harsh)
желчь {noun} :: bile
желчь {noun} :: gall
жемайтский {adj} :: Samogitian
жемчуг {noun} :: pearl
жемчужина {noun} :: pearl (individual)
жемчужина {noun} [figuratively] :: gem, pearl
жемчужный {adj} [relational] :: pearl
жемчужный {adj} :: pearly
жена {noun} :: wife
жена {noun} [obsolete] :: woman
женатый {adj} [of a man] :: married, having a wife
женатый {adj} [by extension, of both man and woman together, of a couple] :: married, having a spouse
Женева {prop} :: Женева (capital)
Женева {prop} :: Женева (canton)
женевский {adj} [relational] :: Geneva; Genevan
женин {adj} :: wife's
женить {v both} :: to marry off (to arrange the marriage of someone (typically of a male relative))
женитьба {noun} :: marriage (especially from a man's perspective)
жениться {v both} :: to get married, to marry, to take a wife [of men] (imperfective and perfective)
жениться {v both} :: to get married, to marry [as a couple] (imperfective only)
жених {noun} :: bridegroom; fiancé
женоненавистник {noun} :: misogynist (hater of women)
женоненавистничество {noun} :: misogyny (hatred or contempt for women)
женоподобный {adj} :: womanlike, effeminate
женский {adj} :: female
женский {adj} :: woman's, women's
женский {adj} [grammar] :: feminine
женский род {noun} [grammar] :: feminine gender
женственность {noun} :: femininity
женственный {adj} :: womanly, feminine (having the characteristics of a woman)
женщина {noun} :: woman
женьшень {noun} :: ginseng
Женя {prop} {m anim} {f anim} :: given name
Женя {prop} {m anim} {f anim} :: given name
жердь {noun} :: perch; pole; ricker
жеребей {noun} [rare] :: a piece of metal
жеребец {noun} :: stallion, stud horse
жеребец {noun} :: stud (sexually active and attractive man)
жеребёнок {noun} :: foal, colt
жеребьёвка {noun} :: draw, drawing, sortition (procedure by which the result of a lottery is determined)
жеребьёвка {noun} :: toss-up, toss
жерело {noun} :: alternative form of жерло
жерех {noun} [fish] :: asp
жерло {noun} [geology] :: crater, orifice, vent
жерло {noun} :: narrow and deep aperture
жерло {noun} [military] :: muzzle
жертва {noun} [historical] :: sacrifice
жертва {noun} :: victim
жертва {noun} :: casualty
жертвенник {noun} :: altar
жертвенник {noun} :: credenza, credence table
жертвенник {noun} :: prothesis (liturgy)
Жертвенник {prop} :: Ara (constellation)
жертвенность {noun} :: self-sacrifice, sacrifice
жертвенный {adj} :: sacrificial
жертвовать {v impf} :: to donate
жертвовать {v impf} :: to sacrifice, to give, to offer
жертвоприношение {noun} :: offering, sacrifice, oblation
жест {noun} :: gesture (communicative motion of the limbs or body)
жестикулировать {v impf} :: to gesticulate
жестикуляция {noun} :: gesticulation
жестокий {adj} :: cruel
жестокий {adj} :: brutal, savage
жестоко {adv} :: hard, harshly, sorely, violently, foully, sore, sharply
жестокость {noun} :: brutality
жестокость {noun} :: cruelty
жесть {noun} :: tin (plate), sheet metal
жесть {noun} :: frozen soil
жесть {interj} :: Used in surprise, or denoting something horrific
жестянка {noun} :: tin, can (airtight container)
жестяной {adj} [relational] :: tin
жетон {noun} :: token; coin (e.g. in a casino), chip
жечь {v impf} :: to burn
жечь {v impf} :: to torment
жёлоб {noun} :: trough, trench
жёлоб {noun} :: gutter, chute
Жёлтая река {prop} :: Yellow River (China's Huang He River)
Жёлтое море {prop} :: Yellow Sea
жёлтый {adj} :: yellow
жёлтый свет {noun} :: yellow light (traffic light between the green light and the red light)
жёлудь {noun} :: acorn
жёлчь {noun} :: bile
жёрнов {noun} :: millstone
жёсткий {adj} :: hard, stiff, tough, rigid
жёсткий диск {noun} :: hard drive
жёстко {adv} :: stiffly, rigidly
жёсткость {noun} :: rigidity, inflexibility
жёсткость {noun} :: hardness
жёсткость {noun} :: inclemency
жёсткость {noun} :: acerbity
жёсткость {noun} :: harshness, asperity
жёстче {adv} :: comparative of жёсткий
жёстче {adv} :: comparative of жёстко
жжение {noun} :: burning
жжение {noun} :: burning sensation
ж-ж-ж {interj} [onomatopoeia, imitative] :: buzz, bzz (sound a bee or fly makes)
жи {n inan} :: The Roman letter J, j
живее {adv} :: comparative of живой
живее {adv} :: comparative of живо
живей {adv} :: alternative form of живее
живительный {adj} :: invigorating, strengthening life forces
живить {v impf} [literary, poetic] :: to invigorate, to enliven, to revitalize
живица {noun} :: sap, galipot
живица {noun} :: sapwood
живность {noun} [colloquial] :: small living creatures collectively
живность {noun} [colloquial] :: poultry
живность {noun} [colloquial] :: small cattle; sheep and goats
живо {adv} :: vividly, strikingly, keenly
живо {adv} :: with animation
живо {adv} :: quickly, promptly
живодёрня {noun} :: knackery
живой {adj} :: living, live, alive
живой {adj} :: lively, vivid, vivacious, animated
живой {adj} :: quick, nimble, brisk
живописать {v impf} :: to picture, to describe vividly, to paint a vivid picture (of)
живописец {noun} :: painter
живописно {adv} :: in a picturesque manner
живописно {adv} :: vividly
живописный {adj} :: picturesque, scenic
живописный {adj} :: vivid
живопись {noun} :: painting
живопись {noun} :: pictures, paintings
живородящий {adj} :: viviparous (giving birth to live babies (as opposed to by laying eggs))
живорождение {noun} :: vivipary
живость {noun} :: vivacity, liveliness, animation, vividness, alacrity, sprightliness
живот {noun} :: belly, stomach
живот {noun} [archaic, poetic] :: life
животик {noun} :: diminutive of живот
животновод {noun} :: stockbreeder, livestock breeder
животноводство {noun} :: cattle breeding, animal husbandry, stock-raising
животное {noun} :: animal
животное {noun} [figurative] :: animal, brute, beast
животный {adj} :: animal
животный {adj} [figuratively] :: brutal, bestial
животный мир {noun} :: fauna, animal world (animals considered as a group)
живучесть {noun} :: vitality, survivability, viability, survival capability
живучесть {noun} :: durability
живучий {adj} :: viable, of great vitality, tenacious [in life]
живучий {adj} :: enduring, lasting
живьём {adv} [colloquial] :: live (as it happens)
живьём {adv} [colloquial] :: alive
-жигать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of жечь (to burn)
жиголо {m anim} :: gigolo
жигулёвский {adj} [relational] :: Zhiguli, Lada (type of car)
жигулёнок {noun} :: endearing diminutive of жигули
жигули {noun} :: Zhiguli-brand car (internal Russian name of the Lada)
Жигули {prop} :: mountains on the right bank of the Volga
Жигули {prop} :: name of various villages in Russia
жид {noun} [offensive, taboo] :: Jew, yid, kike
жид {noun} [colloquial] :: niggard; miser
-жидать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of ждать (to wait)
жиденький {adj} :: diminutive of жидкий
жидкий {adj} :: liquid, fluid (existing in the physical state of a liquid)
жидкий {adj} :: watery, weak, thin
жидкий {adj} :: sparse, scanty
жидкость {noun} :: liquid, fluid
жидовщина {noun} [now, derogatory, collective] :: Jewry
жидок {noun} [slang, offensive] :: kike, Jew
жидок {noun} [slang, by extension] :: niggard, miser; greedy person
жидомасонский {adj} [offensive] :: Judeo-Masonic
жижа {noun} :: broth, liquid part of a soup
жижа {noun} :: slush
жизнедеятельность {noun} [biology] :: vital activity
жизнедеятельность {noun} [dated] :: life activity
жизнедеятельный {adj} :: active, lively, energetic
жизнедеятельный {adj} [biology] :: vital
жизнелюбие {noun} :: love of life
жизнелюбие {noun} [figurative] :: sensuality, love of carnal pleasures
жизненно {adv} :: authentically, realistically, truthfully, in a lifelike way
жизненно {adv} :: vitally
жизненность {noun} :: vitality, vital power
жизненность {noun} :: authenticity, credibility, truthfulness
жизненный {adj} :: vital (relating to or characteristic of life), life
жизненный {adj} :: true to life, lifelike
жизненный {adj} :: credible, authentic
жизненный эликсир {noun} :: elixir of life
жизнеобеспечение {noun} :: life support
жизнеописание {noun} :: biography, (description of) life
жизнерадостный {adj} :: cheerful, buoyant
жизнеспособность {noun} :: viability; vital capacity, vitality; survival
жизнеспособный {adj} :: viable
жизнь {noun} :: life
жизнь {noun} :: practice
жизнь — копейка, судьба — злодейка {proverb} :: life's a bitch and then you die (expect the worst)
жила {noun} [anatomy] :: sinew, tendon
жила {noun} [anatomy] :: vein
жила {noun} [geology] :: vein
жила {noun} :: strand
жила {m anim} {f anim} [pejorative] :: miser, niggard, skinflint
жилет {noun} :: vest, waistcoat
жилетка {noun} [colloquial] :: vest
жилец {noun} :: lodger, tenant, roomer; inmate
жилистый {adj} :: sinewy, stringy
жилистый {adj} :: sinewy
жилить {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to appropriate, to welch, to snatch [to claim or use something as property especially when it belongs to someone else]
жилище {noun} :: dwelling, lodging, lodgings
жилищно-коммунальный {adj} :: housing and communal
жилищный {adj} [relational] :: housing
жилка {noun} :: (diminutive) veinlet
жилка {noun} :: (leaf, wing, marble & figurative) vein
жилой {adj} :: residential (relating to a place of personal residence)
жилой {adj} :: habitable
жилплощадь {noun} :: floor space; dwelling / living space
жилплощадь {noun} [by extension] :: housing
жильё {noun} :: habitation, dwelling, domicile
-жимать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of жать (to squeeze, to press)
жимолость {noun} :: honeysuckle
-жинать {affix} :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of жать (to reap, to harvest)
жир {noun} :: fat or oil from the body of an animal
жир {noun} :: grease
жираф {noun} :: giraffe
Жираф {prop} [astronomy] :: the Giraffe, Camelopardalis (a northern constellation)
жирафа {noun} [dated, colloquial] :: giraffe
жиреть {v impf} :: to become fat
жирно {adv} [colloquial, slang] :: much, a lot of, plenty of
жирный {adj} :: fat
жирный {adj} [relational] :: grease
жирный {adj} :: greasy
жирный {adj} [botany] :: fleshy
жирный {adj} [figuratively] :: rich
жирный {adj} [typography] :: bold
жировой {adj} [relational] :: fat; fatty, adipose
жировой плавник {noun} :: adipose fin (a soft, fleshy fin found on the back of a fish)
жирок {noun} [colloquial] :: diminutive of жир: small fat deposit in a tissue
жирок {noun} [colloquial] :: reserve, stock, surplus
Жиронда {prop} :: Жиронда (department)
Жиронда {prop} :: Жиронда (estuary)
жирондист {noun} :: Girondist
жиртрест {noun} [offensive, pejorative] :: fat or obese person; fatso
житейский {adj} :: worldly, of life
житейский {adj} :: not unusual, everyday, ordinary
житель {noun} :: inhabitant, resident, occupant, dweller
жительница {noun} :: female inhabitant, resident, occupant, dweller
жительство {noun} :: residence
житие {noun} [philosophy, ecclesiastic, dated] :: life, existence
житие {noun} [philosophy, ecclesiastic] :: life, biography
житница {noun} :: granary (storage facility)
житница {noun} :: breadbasket, food bowl
жито {noun} :: grain (any unground grain, such as rye, wheat, buckwheat, millet, barley, maize, oats)
жито {noun} [dated or regional, Belarus or Ukraine] :: rye
Житомир {prop} :: Житомир (city)
жить {v impf} :: to live
жить {v impf} :: to reside
житьё {noun} [colloquial] :: life
житьё {noun} [colloquial] :: existence
житьё-бытьё {noun} [colloquial] :: life
ЖКХ {prop} {n inan} :: initialism of жилищно коммунальное хозяйство
жлоб {noun} [slang] :: schlub
жлоб {noun} [slang] :: greedy, avaricious person
жменя {noun} [regional, colloquial, Ukraine] :: the palm with the fingers bent so that they could scoop up, grab or hold something
жменя {noun} :: handful
жмурить {v impf} :: to squint, to narrow one's eyes
жмуриться {v impf} :: to screw up one's eye(s), to narrow one's eyes, to blink (e.g. under the bright sunlight)
жмуриться {v impf} :: to shut one's eyes tightly (especially in the perfective form)
жмых {noun} [also plural] :: oil cake
жмых {noun} [colloquial, also plural] :: pomace (pulpy residue after juice has been squeezed from fruit)
жнец {noun} :: reaper, harvester, harvest-man
жнивьё {noun} :: field of wheat, rye or other grains
жнивьё {noun} [regional] :: stubble (short stalks left in a field after a harvest)
жнивьё {noun} :: eddish (aftergrowth of grass after mowing)
жнивьё {noun} [regional] :: harvest, reaping crops
жнивьё {noun} :: harvest time
жнитво {noun} [dialectal] :: stubble
жнитво {noun} [dialectal] :: the act of harvesting, reaping
жнитво {noun} [dialectal] :: the time of harvest
жнитво {noun} [dialectal] :: the result of harvest, crop
Жозефина {prop} :: given name
жокей {noun} :: jockey (one who rides racehorses competitively)
жокейский {adj} [relational] :: jockey
жонглёр {noun} :: juggler
жонглировать {v impf} :: to juggle
жопа {noun} [vulgar] :: ass, arse (the buttocks of a person or animal)
жопа {noun} [vulgar, figurative] :: middle of nowhere, Bumfuck
жопа {noun} [vulgar, figurative] :: shit (a difficult situation)
жопастый {adj} [colloquial] :: Having a big ass
жополиз {noun} [vulgar] :: asslicker
жополиз {noun} [vulgar] :: sycophant
жопорожец {noun} [vulgar] :: a person with a very ugly face, ass face
жопорожец {noun} [vulgar] :: a ZAZ-965/ZAZ-968 vehicle (Запорожец)
жопошник {noun} [vulgar, pejorative] :: faggot, bitch boy, a bottom (a male homosexual who takes a passive role in sex)
жопошник {noun} :: [by extension, a general pejorative] asshole, dickhead, shithead
жопошник {noun} :: overly greedy person
жор {noun} :: feeding period (of fish)
жор {noun} [colloquial, jocular] :: voracious appetite, munchies
жратва {noun} [slang] :: food, chow, grub
жрать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to eat
жрать {v impf} [colloquial, of an animal] :: to gobble
жрать {v impf} [figuratively, low colloquial] :: to guzzle (alcohol)
жрать {v impf} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to guzzle (fuel or power)
жрать {v impf} [colloquial, of an insect] :: to sting, to bite
жребий {noun} :: lot
жребий {noun} :: fate, destiny
жрец {noun} :: heathen priest, pagan priest
жрица {noun} :: priestess [in a pagan religion]
жрица любви {noun} [euphemistic] :: prostitute
жувка {noun} [slang] :: chewing gum
жужжание {noun} :: hum; buzz; drone
жужжать {v impf} :: to hum, to buzz, to drone, to whirr
жужжать {v impf} [figurative, often, pejorative] :: to say something
жужжать {v impf} [figurative pejorative] :: to fatigue someone by saying too much or by repetition of the same thing (прожужжать все уши, все уши прожужжал)
жук {noun} :: beetle
жук {noun} [colloquial] :: rogue, crook
жук-носорог {noun} :: rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes nasicornis)
Жуков {prop} :: Жуков (town)
жук-олень {noun} :: stag beetle, Lucanus cervus
жулик {noun} :: petty thief, pilferer, filcher, swindler
жулик {noun} :: cheat, cardsharp
жульничать {v impf} :: to swindle, to cheat
жульничество {noun} :: swindle, fraud, cheating, racket
жупан {noun} :: zhupan (a style of jerkin in Poland and Ukraine)
жупел {noun} [biblical] :: brimstone
жупел {noun} [figurative] :: bogeyman, bête noire (something frightening or unpleasant, or something used to frighten)
журавлёнок {noun} :: baby crane
журавлиный {adj} [relational] :: crane [bird]
журавль {noun} [animate] :: crane (bird)
журавль {noun} [inanimate] :: crane, sweep, lever arm
журить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to scold slightly
журнал {noun} :: magazine, periodical, journal
журнал {noun} :: diary
журнал {noun} :: log, logbook
журналист {noun} :: journalist
журналистика {noun} :: journalism
журналистка {noun} :: female journalist
журналистский {adj} :: journalistic
журнальный {adj} [relational] :: magazine, journal
журнальчик {noun} :: diminutive of журнал
журчание {noun} :: murmur, gurgling, babble (of water)
журчать {v impf} [of water] :: to babble, to purl, to murmur
жутик {noun} [colloquial] :: horror film
жуткий {adj} :: horrifying, horrible, inducing a sense of horror
жуткий {adj} [colloquial] :: horrible, bad, of poor quality
жуткий {adj} [colloquial, figurative] :: extreme
жутко {adv} :: frighteningly
жутко {adv} [colloquial] :: terribly, extremely
жутко {pred} :: one is terrified
жутко {pred} :: it is frightening
жутковатый {adj} [colloquial] :: somewhat horrifying, somewhat creepy
жуть {noun} :: dismay, dread, horror
жучок {noun} [animate] :: diminutive of жук (small) beetle, bug (insect)
жучок {noun} [inanimate] :: home-made electrical fuse
жучок {noun} [inanimate] :: bug, wiretap (an electronic intercept device)
жэ {n inan} :: alternative form of же
жэк {noun} :: alternative case form of ЖЭК
ЖЭК {noun} :: housing maintenance office
жэньминьби {f inan} :: renminbi, Chinese currency
жюри {n inan} :: jury (group of judges in a competition)