User:Matthias Buchmeier/uk-en-j

кабінет {noun} :: cabinet
кабінет {noun} :: office, room
кабінет {noun} :: study
кава {noun} [uncountable] :: coffee (beverage)
кавун {noun} :: watermelon
кав'ярня {noun} :: café
кажан {noun} :: bat (small flying mammal)
казан {noun} :: cauldron, kazan
казан {noun} [figurative, jocular] :: human head
казан {noun} [engineering] :: boiler (closed vessel for generating steam or heating water)
казан {noun} [military] :: pocket (encirclement of the enemy)
казати {vt} :: to say, to tell
казати {vt} :: to command, to order
казати {vt} [figuratively] :: to indicate
Казахстан {prop} :: Казахстан (country)
казахський {adj} :: Kazakh
казка {noun} :: fairy tale
кайман {noun} :: caiman
календарний {adj} :: calendric, calendrical
калина {noun} [uncountable] :: guelder rose, snowball tree, viburnum
калитка {noun} :: purse
калитка {noun} :: (tobacco) pouch
калитка {noun} [anatomy] :: scrotum
калій {noun} [uncountable] :: potassium
калька {noun} :: tracing paper
калька {noun} :: tracing (a reproduction on such paper)
калька {noun} [linguistics] :: calque
калюжа {noun} :: pool, puddle (of water)
Камбоджа {prop} :: Камбоджа (country)
камінь {noun} [uncountable] :: stone, pebble (material)
камінь {noun} :: stone (object)
кампанія {noun} :: campaign
канава {noun} :: ditch
Канада {prop} :: Канада (country)
канадець {noun} :: Canadian (male person from Canada)
канадієць {noun} :: Canadian (male person from Canada)
канадійський {adj} :: Canadian
канадський {adj} :: Canadian
канал {noun} :: channel (artificial waterway)
кандидат {noun} :: candidate, applicant
капелюх {noun} :: hat
капітал {noun} :: capital
капітал {noun} :: fund
каплиця {noun} :: chapel
капуста {noun} [botany, usually, uncountable] :: cabbage
кар {noun} [geology] :: A cirque — a half-open steep-sided hollow at the head of a valley or on a mountainside, formed by glacial erosion
кара {noun} :: penalty, punishment, retribution
карась {noun} :: crucian carp
карат {noun} :: carat, karat
карати {vt} :: to punish
карати {vt} :: to torment
карбованець {noun} :: karbovanets, ruble
карлик {noun} :: dwarf (various senses), midget, gnome, pygmy, manikin, elf
карт {noun} [sports] :: go-cart
карта {noun} :: map (visual representation of an area)
карта {noun} :: card
карта {noun} :: playing card
картина {noun} :: picture (representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc.)
картина {noun} :: painting, canvas
картка {noun} :: card
картопля {noun} [uncountable] :: potato
каса {noun} :: pay desk, cash desk, checkout
каса {noun} :: ticket window, box office
каса {noun} :: cash
каса {noun} :: bank, fund
каса {noun} :: cash register
каска {noun} :: helmet
касувати {v} :: to abolish, to cancel, to abrogate, to annul, to reverse (a decision)
кат {noun} :: executioner
кат {noun} [figurative] :: a ruthless killer, a butcher
категорія {noun} :: category
Катерина {prop} :: given name
кафедра {noun} :: department/school/college in a university or institute; chair
кафедра {noun} :: pulpit, rostrum, dais
кацап {noun} [slang, pejorative, ethnic slur] :: katsap, a Russian person, Russian, Russki
кацапка {noun} [slang, pejorative] :: a Russian woman, a Moscow woman
кацапський {adj} [slang, pejorative] :: Russian
качка {noun} :: duck
каша {noun} :: gruel, oatmeal, porridge
каштан {noun} :: chestnut
каштан {noun} :: chestnut tree
каштановий {adj} [relational] :: chestnut
квадрат {noun} :: square
квадратний {adj} :: square
кварк {noun} [physics] :: quark
квартира {noun} :: apartment, flat
квітень {noun} :: April
квітка {noun} :: flower
КДБ {prop} [historical] :: initialism of Коміте́т держа́вної безпе́ки: KGB (the former Soviet State Security Committee)
КДБ {prop} :: initialism of Коміте́т держа́вної безпе́ки: KGB (the current Belarusian security service)
Кенія {prop} :: Kenya
кентавр {noun} [mythology] :: centaur (a mythical creature, half man, half horse)
керівник {noun} :: head, chief
керівник {noun} :: manager, director
керівник {noun} :: leader
керівник {noun} :: conductor
керівник {noun} :: guide
керівник {noun} :: instructor
керівництво {noun} :: instruction, guide, manual
керівництво {noun} :: authorities, government
керівництво {noun} :: head, boss
керівництво {noun} :: leadership, guidance
кефір {noun} [uncountable] :: kefir
кидати {v} :: to throw, to cast, to fling
Київ {prop} :: Київ (capital city)
Київська область {prop} :: Київська область (obl)
Київська Русь {prop} [history] :: Kievan Rus (medieval principality)
київський {adj} [relational] :: KievKievan, Kyivite
кий {noun} :: stick
килим {noun} :: rug, carpet
кинджал {noun} :: dagger, poniard
Киргизія {prop} :: Kyrgyzstan
Киргизстан {prop} :: Киргизстан (country)
кирилиця {noun} :: Cyrillic
кисень {noun} [uncountable] :: oxygen (chemical element)
кислий {adj} :: sour
кисть {noun} :: hand
кит {noun} :: whale
китаєць {noun} :: male Chinese person
Китай {prop} :: Китай (region/and/country)
Китайська Народна Республіка {prop} :: Китайська Народна Республіка (country)
китайський {adj} :: Chinese
китаянка {noun} :: female Chinese person
китоголов {noun} :: shoebill
кишеня {noun} :: pocket
Кишинів {prop} :: Кишинів (capital city)
кишка {noun} [anatomy] :: gut, intestine, bowel
киянин {noun} :: Kievan (resident of Kiev/Kyiv)
кібець {noun} :: red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus)
кібець {noun} :: European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
кіготь {noun} :: claw
кіло- {prefix} :: kilo-
кілограм {noun} :: kilogram
кілометр {noun} :: kilometer, kilometre
кілька {adv} :: several, a few, some
кількісний {adj} :: quantitative
кількість {noun} :: quantity, number, amount
кілько {pron} [dialectal] :: how much, how many
кільце {noun} :: ring
кільце {noun} :: hoop
кімната {noun} :: room (division in a building)
кімоно {noun} :: kimono
кінець {noun} :: end
кіно {noun} :: movie, motion picture, film
кіно {noun} :: movies, cinema, the pictures
кінчик {noun} :: tip, point (end)
кінь {noun} :: horse (animal)
кінь {noun} [chess] :: knight
Кіпр {prop} :: Cyprus (island and country)
кір {noun} [uncountable] :: measles
Кіровоград {prop} :: Кіровоград (city)
кістка {noun} :: bone
кість {noun} :: bone
кіт {noun} :: tomcat (domestic feline; member of Felidae family)
кіш {noun} :: basket
кішка {noun} :: female cat (domestic species)
кішка {noun} :: cat (animal of the family Felidae)
Клавдія {prop} :: given name
кладовище {noun} :: cemetery, graveyard
клас {noun} :: class (set of objects that have the same features, quality, rank etc.)
клас {noun} :: class (social)
класифікація {noun} :: classification
класовий {adj} [relational] :: class [as a social category]
класти {vt} :: to put, to place, to lay
кликати {v} :: to call
кличний {adj} :: calling (which includes a call)
кличний {adj} [grammar] :: vocative
клітина {noun} [biology] :: cell
клітина {noun} :: square (cell in a grid or in a checkered pattern)
клітка {noun} :: cage, coop, cell
клітка {noun} :: square, check (checkered pattern)
клітка {noun} [biology] :: cell
клоччя {noun} [uncountable] :: tow
клуатр {noun} :: cloister (a covered walk with an open colonnade on one side)
ключ {noun} :: key
ключ {noun} :: wrench, spanner, screw wrench
ключ {noun} :: clue, key
ключ {noun} [music] :: clef, key
ключ {noun} :: radical [in Chinese characters]
клятьба {noun} [uncountable] :: curse
кнайпа {noun} :: saloon, bar, pub
книга {noun} :: book
книжка {noun} :: book
княгиня {noun} :: princess (a prince's consort), duchess
князь {noun} :: prince
коала {noun} :: koala
КОАТУУ {prop} :: KOATUU (Classification of objects of the administrative-territorial system of Ukraine)
кобза {noun} :: kobza (old Ukrainian music instrument, a kind of lute)
кобила {noun} :: mare
ковадло {noun} :: anvil
ковбаса {noun} :: sausage
ковзкий {adj} :: slippery
ковтати {v} :: to swallow
ковтун {noun} :: matted hair or wool
ковтун {noun} [historical, medicine] :: plica polonica
кодекс {noun} :: code, codex
кожний {adj} :: every, each
кожному своє {phrase} :: to each his own
кожух {noun} :: sheepskin coat
кожух {noun} :: shell, casing, housing, jacket [e.g. of a gun]
коза {noun} :: goat
коза {noun} :: booger
козак {noun} :: Cossack
козирок {noun} :: visor (of a cap)
козирок {noun} [colloquial] :: awning (rooflike cover)
кокос {noun} :: coconut
колгосп {noun} [historical, Soviet Union] :: kolkhoz
колега {noun} :: colleague
колектив {noun} :: group, collective
колесо {noun} :: wheel
коли {adv} :: when
коли {adv} :: as
коли {conj} :: when
колись {pron} :: at one time, formerly, once
колись {pron} :: sometime, someday, one day
коліно {noun} :: knee
колір {noun} :: color
коло {noun} :: circle
коло {noun} :: circle-shaped object
коло {noun} [electricity] :: circuit
коло {noun} :: wheel [in a mill or other machine]
коло {noun} :: round dance
коло {prep} [relational, g(genitive)] :: around (surrounding)
коло {prep} [relational, g(genitive)] :: around (near)
коло {prep} [relational, g(genitive)] :: around, about, approximately
коловодниця {noun} :: soldier fly
колода {noun} :: block, log
колода {noun} :: trough
колода {noun} :: pack, deck
колодязь {noun} :: well (hole sunk in the ground and used as a source of water)
колоти {v} :: to prick, to pierce
колоти {v} :: to stab
колоти {v} :: to slaughter (pigs) with a knife
колоти {v} :: to chop (wood)
колоти {v} [figurative] :: to reproach caustically
Колумбія {prop} :: Colombia (country)
колядування {noun} :: Koledari, caroling in the Eastern European style
команда {noun} :: command, order
команда {noun} :: team, crew, party
команда {noun} [military] :: detachment
команда {noun} [nautical] :: crew, ship's company
команда {noun} [sports] :: team
комар {noun} :: mosquito
комаха {noun} :: insect
комедія {noun} :: comedy
комісія {noun} :: commission
комісія {noun} :: committee
комітет {noun} :: committee
комора {noun} [architecture] :: pantry, larder, storeroom, cellar (room in a house used to store produce)
комора {noun} :: granary, barn, storehouse (separate building near a house used to store produce)
Коморські Острови {prop} :: The Comoros
компанія {noun} :: company, firm
компанія {noun} :: partnership
компанія {noun} :: party, crew
комплекс {noun} :: complex
композиція {noun} :: composition
комп'ютер {noun} :: computer (a programmable device)
комунізм {noun} [uncountable] :: Communism
комуністичний {adj} :: Communist
конгрес {noun} :: congress
конґрес {noun} :: alternative form of конгре́с
коник {noun} :: diminutive of кінь: (little) horse, horsy
коник {noun} :: horse (toy)
коник {noun} :: grasshopper (insect)
коник {noun} :: hobby, fad, soapbox, favourite subject
конкурс {noun} :: competition
конкурс {noun} :: contest
коноплі {noun} [plurale tantum] :: hemp
конституція {noun} :: constitution (basic law)
конституція {noun} :: constitution (of an organism)
континент {noun} [geology] :: continent, mainland (large expanse of land)
контроль {noun} :: control
контроль {noun} :: checkup, checking, inspection, monitoring, supervision, verification
конференція {noun} :: conference
конфлікт {noun} :: conflict
конформізм {noun} [uncountable] :: conformism
концепція {noun} :: concept, conception
копати {v} :: to dig
копил {noun} :: shoe last
копил {noun} :: stanchion on a sled
копил {noun} :: bastard
копито {noun} :: hoof
кора {noun} [uncountable] :: bark (of a tree)
кора {noun} :: crust
корабел {noun} :: shipbuilder
корабель {noun} :: ship (large vessel)
кордон {noun} :: border
корейський {adj} :: Korean
Корея {prop} :: Корея (two <<countries>> in <<r/East Asia>>, North Korea and South Korea)
корзина {noun} :: basket
корити {vt} :: to scold, to reprimand, to criticize
корито {noun} :: trough, tray
кориця {noun} :: cinnamon
коричневий {adj} :: brown (color)
коріння {noun} [uncountable, collective noun] :: roots (of plants, hair; origins)
корінь {noun} [botany, anatomy, linguistics, figuratively] :: root
корінь {noun} [mathematics, arithmetic] :: root, radical
коробка {noun} :: box, case
коробка {noun} [automotive] :: gearbox
корова {noun} :: cow
короїд {noun} :: bark beetle
королева {noun} :: queen
королевич {noun} :: prince
королів {adj} [relational] :: king; king's
королівство {noun} :: kingdom
король {noun} :: king
король {noun} [chess] :: king
король {noun} [cards] :: king
короп {noun} :: carp (fish)
короткий {adj} :: short
короткий {adj} :: brief, short, concise
корупція {noun} [uncountable] :: corruption
корчма {noun} [dated] :: tavern, inn where spirits are sold (in Ukraine or Belarus before the Russian Revolution)
коса {noun} :: braided hair
коса {noun} :: scythe
коса {noun} [dialectal] :: spleen, pancreas
коса {noun} [dialectal] :: tendon
косити {v} :: to scythe, to reap, to mow
космічний {adj} :: cosmic
космонавт {noun} :: cosmonaut (the Soviet equivalent of an astronaut)
космос {noun} [uncountable] :: space, cosmos
Косово {prop} :: Косово (partly-recognized <<country>> in <<r/Southeast Europe>>)
Коста-Рика {prop} :: Коста-Рика (country)
костьол {noun} :: (Roman Catholic) church
Костянтин {prop} :: given name
Кот-д'Івуар {prop} :: Кот-д'Івуар (country)
котел {noun} :: cauldron, kazan
котел {noun} [engineering] :: boiler (closed vessel for generating steam or heating water)
котинги {noun} [zoology] :: cotingas, Cotingidae (a family of passerine Central American birds)
котрий {pron} [interrogative] :: which?
котрий {pron} [relative pronoun] :: which, that, who
коханий {v} :: participle of коха́ти
коханий {adj} :: beloved
коханий {noun} :: beloved, love
кохання {noun} [uncountable] :: love (strong affection)
кохання {noun} [uncountable] :: affection
кохання {noun} [uncountable] :: (love affair) amours, amour
кохання {noun} [countable] :: lover
кохання {noun} [countable] :: (darling) baby, sweetie, sweetheart, darling, my love, pet, honey, love bird
кохати {vt} :: to love, to have a strong affection for (someone or something)
кохати {vt} [rarely] :: to be strongly inclined towards something
кохати {vt} :: to care, to cherish, to nurture (about kids, pets, plants etc.)
кочерга {noun} :: poker (metal rod for adjusting burning logs or coals in a fire)
кочерга {noun} [pluralonly] :: tools used in conjunction with a fireplace or stove: poker, shovel, tongs, etc
кочерга {noun} [pluralonly] :: the place where these tools are kept
кошик {noun} :: diminutive of кіш
кошт {noun} :: cost, expense
коштовний {adj} :: expensive
коштувати {vi} :: to cost
кошуля {noun} :: shirt
КПРС {prop} :: abbreviation of Комуністи́чна па́ртія Радя́нського Сою́зу
краб {noun} :: crab
краватка {noun} :: necktie, tie
краєвид {noun} :: landscape; scenery
країна {noun} :: country, land
країна {noun} :: region
край {noun} :: country
край {noun} :: place
край {noun} :: end
край {noun} :: edge
край {noun} :: krai (administrative unit)
крайня плоть {noun} [anatomy] :: foreskin
Краків {prop} :: Краків (city)
крамниця {noun} :: shop, store (establishment that sells goods)
крапля {noun} :: drop (a small mass of liquid)
красивий {adj} :: beautiful, handsome
красний {adj} [folk poetic] :: beautiful
красти {vt} :: to steal
кредит {noun} :: credit account
кредит {noun} :: loan, credit
кредитна картка {prop} :: credit card
крейда {noun} :: chalk
кремінь {noun} :: flint
креслення {noun} :: drawing
креслення {noun} :: sketch
кречет {noun} :: gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus)
крива {noun} [mathematics] :: curve
кривий {adj} :: curved, crooked
Кривий Ріг {prop} :: Кривий Ріг (city)
крига {noun} [uncountable] :: ice
крига {noun} [countable] :: block of ice
криголам {noun} :: icebreaker (ship designed to break through ice)
криж {noun} :: cross
криза {noun} :: crisis
крикнути {vi} :: to cry out, to shout, to scream (semelfactive)
крилатка {noun} [botany] :: samara
крило {noun} :: wing
Крим {prop} :: Crimea (peninsula)
кримський {adj} :: Crimean
Кримський півострів {prop} :: Crimean peninsula
криниця {noun} :: well, spring
крити {v} :: to hide
крихта {noun} :: crumb
кріп {noun} :: dill (Anethum graveolens)
кріпкий {adj} [rare] :: strong, solid
крісло {noun} :: armchair, easy chair
крісло {noun} :: responsible position, post
крісло {noun} [Western Ukraine] :: chair
кріт {noun} :: mole (burrowing insectivore)
кров {noun} [uncountable] :: blood
крок {noun} :: step, pace
крок {noun} :: step, action, act
крокодил {noun} :: crocodile
кролик {noun} :: rabbit (mammal)
кропива {noun} :: Urtica, nettle
круглий {adj} :: round, circular
крук {noun} :: raven
крутий {adj} :: steep
Ксеркс {prop} :: Xerxes
Куала-Лумпур {prop} :: Куала-Лумпур (capital city)
Куала-Лумпур {prop} :: Куала-Лумпур (federal territory)
кувати {vt} :: to forge
кувати {vt} :: to shoe (horses)
кувати {vi} :: to cuckoo (to make a sound of a cuckoo)
куди {adv} :: (to) where?
кудись {adv} :: somewhere (to some direction)
кукіль {noun} :: corncockle (plant of the genus Agrostemma)
кукурудза {noun} :: maize, corn
кукурудза {noun} :: corn (a cereal of the species Zea mays or its grains)
кулак {noun} :: fist
кулак {noun} :: cog
кулак {noun} [historical, usually, pejorative] :: kulak (a prosperous peasant in the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union, who owned land and could hire workers)
кульгавий {adj} :: lame (unable to walk properly)
культ {noun} :: cult
культура {noun} :: culture
культура {noun} :: cultivation
куля {noun} :: ball, sphere
куля {noun} :: bullet (projectile)
кумач {noun} :: kumach (plain-weave cotton cloth, usually dyed bright red)
куниця {noun} :: marten
купа {noun} :: heap, pile
купа {noun} [colloquial] :: group, mass, crowd (large number of people or things)
купець {noun} [historical] :: merchant, tradesman
купити {vt} :: to buy, to purchase
купувати {v} :: to buy, to purchase
купюра {noun} :: banknote, bill
купюра {noun} :: cut, deletion (in a video or audio record, film, etc, especially because of censorship)
курва {noun} [vulgar] :: whore, prostitute
курд {noun} :: Kurd
кур'єр {noun} :: courier
кури {noun} [collective] :: chickens
курка {noun} :: chicken
куркуль {noun} [pejorative, colloquial] :: miser, moneygrubber, penny pincher, cheapskate
куркуль {noun} [pejorative] :: kurkul, kulak
курс {noun} :: course, policy, line, route
курс {noun} :: rate (of exchange)
курс {noun} [school] :: course, year
курча {noun} :: chick, young chicken
курча {noun} [figurative, colloquial] :: naive girl
курчата {noun} [colloquial] :: small cracks in the weathered skin of the feet, hands or face
кусати {v} :: to bite
кусати {v} :: to sting
кут {noun} :: corner
куток {noun} :: angle, corner
куток {noun} [colloquial] :: home, dwelling
кутя {noun} :: a dish of boiled wheat and honey served at Christmas, New Year's, Epiphany, funerals, equivalent to колива/koliva served in the Balkans, but mixed with ground poppyseed like Lithuanian aguonų pienas
кутя {noun} [folklore] :: a holiday meal involving the wheat dish
кухар {noun} :: cook, chef
кухня {noun} :: kitchen
куций {adj} :: too short [of clothing, etc.]
куций {adj} :: dock-tailed
куций {adj} :: short-tailed
куций {adj} :: lasting a short time
куций {adj} [colloquial] :: short [in stature]
куций {adj} [figurative, colloquial] :: limited, insufficient
кучма {noun} :: a tall sheepskin hat
куштувати {v} :: to taste, to try (to sample the flavor of something orally)