User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-mk-b

baa {n} (bleating of sheep) :: блеење {n}
Baba Yaga {prop} (hag who flies through the air in a mortar) :: Баба Рога {f}
babby {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (baby or infant) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (darling) SEE: baby ::
babushka {n} (matryoshka) SEE: Russian doll ::
baby {n} (very young human being) :: бебе {n}, детенце {n}, мало {n}
baby {n} (young animal) :: младо {n}
baby {n} (immature or infantile person) :: бебе {n}, дете {n}
baby {adj} (intended for babies) :: бебешки {m}
baby bottle {n} (bottle with a teat) :: шише со цуцла {n}
babysitter {n} (baby or child caretaker) :: дадилка {f}
baby tooth {n} (tooth which will be replaced) SEE: milk tooth ::
baby walker {n} (baby walker, see also: walking frame) :: дубак {m}
Bach {prop} (German composer) :: Бах
bachelor {n} (unmarried man) :: ерген {m}, беќар {m}
bachelordom {n} (bachelorhood) SEE: bachelorhood ::
bachelorette {n} (unmarried woman) :: мома {f}
bachelorette party {n} (bachelorette party) :: моминска вечер {f}, девојчешка вечер {f}
bachelorhood {n} (the condition of being a bachelor) :: ергенство {n}, беќарство {n}
Bachelor of Arts {n} (collegiate degree) :: диплома {f}
bachelor party {n} (party) :: ергечска вечер {f}, момчешка вечер {f}
bachelorship {n} (bachelorhood) SEE: bachelorhood ::
bacillus {n} (any bacteria in the genus Bacillus) :: бацил {m}
back {adj} (near the rear) :: заден
back {adj} (not current) :: стар
back {adj} (far from the main area) :: спореден
back {adj} (phonetics: produced in the back of the mouth) :: заден
back {adv} (to or in a previous condition or place) :: назад
back {adv} (away from the front or from an edge) :: назад
back {n} (the rear of body) :: грб
back {n} (the reverse side) :: задна страна {f}, опачина {f}
back {n} (that which is farthest away from the front) :: задница {f}, заднина {f}
back {n} (the part of something that goes last) :: заднина {f}
back {n} (the backrest, the part of a piece of furniture which receives the human back) :: наслон {m}
back {n} (a position behind most players on the team) :: одбрана {f}
back {v} (to support) :: поддржува
backbone {n} (series of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord) :: ’рбет {m}, кичма {f}
backbone {n} (any fundamental support, structure, or infrastructure) :: потпора {f}
backbone {n} (backbone) SEE: spine ::
backgammon {n} (board game) :: табла {f}
background {n} (part of picture) :: позадина {f}
backpack {n} (worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking) :: ранец {m}
backup {n} (copy of file or record) :: резервна копија {f}, сигурносна копија {f}
bacon {n} (cut of meat) :: сланина {f}
bacteria {n} (bacteria) :: бактерија {f}
bacterium {n} (single celled organism with no nucleus or organelles) :: бактерија {f}
bad {adj} (unfavorable; negative) :: лош, зол
Baden-Württemberg {prop} (state of Germany) :: Баден-Виртемберг {m}
badge {n} (distinctive mark) :: значка {f}
badger {v} (fart) SEE: fart ::
badger {n} (mammal) :: јазовец {m}
badger {n} (native or resident of Wisconsin) SEE: Wisconsinite ::
badminton {n} (a racquet sport) :: бадминтон {m}
badware {n} (malware) SEE: malware ::
bag {n} (suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
bag {n} (backpack) SEE: backpack ::
bagel {n} (toroidal bread roll that is boiled and then baked) :: ѓеврек {m}
baggage {n} (luggage) SEE: luggage ::
Baghdad {prop} (city) :: Багдад {m}
bagpipe {n} (bagpipes) SEE: bagpipes ::
bagpiper {n} (one who plays the bagpipes) :: гајдар {m}, гајдаџија {m}
bagpipes {n} (musical wind instrument) :: гајда {f}
baguette {n} (a variety of bread that is long and narrow in shape) :: Багет
Bahamas {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Бахами {p}, Бахамски Острови {p}
Bahrain {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Бахреин {m}
Baikal {prop} (a large lake in Russia) :: Бајкал {m}
bait {n} (substance used in catching fish) :: мамец {m}
Baja California {prop} (mountainous peninsula) :: Долна Калифорнија {f}
Baja California {prop} (state of Mexico) :: Долна Калифорнија {f}
bake {v} (to cook in an oven) :: пече {impf}
baker {n} (person who bakes and sells bread, etc) :: пекар {m}, фурнаџија {m}
baker's {n} (bakery) SEE: bakery ::
baker's dozen {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin ::
baker's dozen {n} (group of thirteen) :: пекарска дузина {f}
bakery {n} (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) :: пекарница {f}, фурна {f}, лебарница {f}
baklava {n} (sweet pastry) :: баклава {f}
baksheesh {n} (bribe or tip) :: бакшиш {m}
Baku {prop} (the capital city of Azerbaijan) :: Баку {n}
balalaika {n} (Russian instrument) :: балалајка {f}
balance {n} (equilibrium) :: рамнотежа {f}
balance {n} (scales) :: вага {f}, терезија {f}, кантар {m}
balance {n} (awareness of both viewpoints) :: врамнотеженост {f}
balance {n} (accounting: list of credits and debits) :: биланс {m}, салдо {n}
balance {v} (to have matching credits and debits) :: измирува
balance {n} (astrology: Libra) SEE: Libra ::
balcony {n} (structure extending from a building) :: балкон {m}, тераса {f}
balcony {n} (structure overlooking a stage) :: балкон {m}
bald {adj} (having no hair) :: ќелав {m}
bald {adj} ((of tyre) whose surface is worn away) :: излижана {f}
baldness {n} (condition or state of being (or becoming) bald) :: ќелавост {f}
Balkan {adj} (of or relating to the Balkan Peninsula) :: балкански
Balkanian {adj} (Balkan) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanic {adj} (of or relating to Balkan peninsula) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanism {n} (word, phrase or other linguistic or cultural feature) :: балканизам {m}
Balkanization {n} (fragmentation of a region into several small states) :: балканизација {f}
Balkan Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in southeastern Europe, see also: Balkans) :: Балкански Полуостров {m}
Balkans {prop} (geographical region in the southeast of Europe, see also: Balkan Peninsula) :: Балкан {m}
ball {n} (solid or hollow sphere) :: топка {f}, сфера {f}
ball {n} (object, generally spherical, used for playing games) :: топка {f} [large], топче {n} [small]
ball {n} (quantity of string, thread, etc., wound into a spherical shape) :: клопче {n}
ball {n} (ballistics: a solid nonexplosive missile) :: ѓуле {n}
ball {n} (mathematics: set of points in a metric space lying within a given distance of a given point) :: сфера {f}
ball {n} (testicle) :: јајце {n}, маде {n}, ташак {m}
ball {n} (in plural - mildly vulgar slang - nonsense) :: топки {f-p}
ball {n} (in plural — slang — courage) :: мадиња {n-p}
ball {n} (anatomy: ball of a foot) :: јаболко {n}
ball {n} (formal dance) :: бал {m}
ballad {n} (narrative poem) :: балада {f}
ballet {n} (form of dance) :: балет {m}
balloon {n} (slang: woman’s breast) SEE: boob ::
balloon {n} (inflatable and buoyant object) :: балон {m}
ball pen {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
ballpoint pen {n} (pen) :: хемиско пенкало {n}
balls {n} (follow the translations in the entry "ball") SEE: ball ::
Baltic {prop} (Baltic Sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
Baltic Sea {prop} (a sea) :: Балтичко Море {n}
bamboo {n} (plant) :: бамбус {m}
bamboo {n} (wood) :: бамбус {m}
bamboo {adj} (made of bamboo) :: бамбусов {m}
ban {n} (prohibition) :: забрана {f}
banana {n} (fruit) :: банана {f}
banana {n} (plant) :: банана {f}
banana republic {n} (country) :: банана република {f}, банана-држава
bandage {n} (medical binding) :: завој {m}
Bandar Seri Begawan {prop} (capital of Brunei) :: Бандар Сери Бегаван {m}
bandit {n} (one who robs others) :: разбојник {m}
bandwidth {n} (width of a frequency band) :: ширина на опсег {f}
bandwidth {n} (width of the smallest frequency band within which the signal can fit) :: ширина на опсег {f}
bandwidth {n} (measure of data flow rate in digital networks) :: појасна ширина {f}, ширина на опсег {f}
bane {v} (to (kill by) poison) SEE: poison ::
bane {n} (killer) SEE: killer ::
banger {n} (woman's breast) SEE: breast ::
Bangkok {prop} (the capital of Thailand) :: Бангкок {m}
Bangla {prop} (Bengali) SEE: Bengali ::
Bangladesh {prop} (country) :: Бангладеш {m}
bangs {n} (hair that hangs down over the forehead) :: шишка {f}
banjo {n} (a musical instrument) :: бенџо {n}
bank {n} (institution) :: банка {f}
bank {n} (branch office) :: банка {f}
bank {n} (storage for important goods) :: банка {f}
bank {n} (edge of river or lake) :: брег {m}
bankable {adj} (reliable) SEE: reliable ::
bank account {n} (fund deposited by a customer for safekeeping in a bank) :: банковна сметка {f}
banker {n} (one who conducts the business of banking) :: банкар {m}
bank machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
banknote {n} (paper currency) :: банкнота {f}
bank statement {n} :: извештај {m}
banner {n} (flag) :: бајрак {m}, знаме {n}
banner {n} (large sign) :: транспарент {m}
banner {n} (large piece of cloth with a slogan or emblem carried in a demonstration or other procession) :: транспарент {m}
banner {n} (principal standard of a knight) :: знаме {n}, бајрак {m}, штандарта {f}
banquet {n} (a large celebratory meal; a feast) :: банкет {m}
Baotou {prop} (a prefecture-level city in northern China) :: Баотоу {n}
baptism {n} (Christian sacrament) :: крштевање {n}
baptismal font {n} (a basin used for baptism) :: крстилница {f}, купел {f}
bar {n} (vertical bar mark) SEE: pipe ::
bar {n} (music: section of a staff) SEE: measure ::
bar {prep} (with the exception of) SEE: except ::
bar {n} (business licensed to sell intoxicating beverages) :: бар {m}, пивница {f}, крчма {f}, паб {m}
bar {n} (counter of such a premises) :: шанк {m}
Barack {prop} (male given name) :: Барак {m}
barb {n} (bit for a horse) SEE: bit ::
barb {n} (beard or something that resembles a beard) SEE: beard ::
Barbados {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Барбадос {m}
barbel {n} (fish) :: мренка {f}, мрена {f}
barber {n} (person whose profession is cutting (usually male) customers' hair and beards) :: бербер {m}
barber {v} (to cut the hair) :: стриже, берберисува
barberry {n} (Berberis) :: жолтика {f}
barcode {n} (set of machine-readable parallel bars) :: баркод
bare {adv} (barely) SEE: barely ::
bareheaded {adj} (having no covering on the head) :: гологлав {m}
barely {adv} (by a small margin) :: одвај, само
Barents Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean) :: Баренцово Море {n}
barf {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barf {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
bark {v} (to make a loud noise (dogs)) :: лае {impf}
bark {v} (to make a clamor) :: вреви
bark {n} (short, loud, explosive utterance) :: лаеж {m}
bark {n} (exterior covering of a tree) :: кора {f}
bark {v} (to strip the bark from, to peel) :: лушти
bark {n} (small sailing vessel) :: барка {f}
bark {n} (poetic term for a boat) :: барка {f}
bark {n} (three-masted vessel, foremast and mainmast square-rigged, mizzenmast schooner-rigged) :: барка {f}
barley {n} (Hordeum vulgare or its grains) :: јачмен {m}
barmaid {n} (woman who serves in a bar) :: шанкерка {f}
barman {n} (bartender) SEE: bartender ::
barn {n} (child) SEE: child ::
barn {n} (building) :: плевна {f}
Barnaul {prop} (city in Russia) :: Барнаул {m}
barn owl {n} (Tyto alba) :: дамчест був {m}
barometer {n} (an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure) :: барометар {m}
baron {n} (male ruler of a barony) :: барон {m}
baroness {n} (female ruler of a barony) :: бароница {f}, баронеса {f}
baronet {n} (hereditary title) :: баронет {m}
Baroque {prop} (period in architecture) :: барок {m}
Baroque {prop} (period in art) :: барок {m}
Baroque {prop} (period in music) :: барок {m}
Baroque guitar {n} (archaic form of guitar from the Baroque era) :: барокна гитара {f}
baroscope {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
barrack {n} (a building for soldiers) :: касарна {f}
barracks {n} (buildings used by military personnel) SEE: barrack ::
barracuda {n} (predatory competitor) SEE: shark ::
barrel {n} (jar) SEE: jar ::
barrel {n} (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop) :: буре {n}
barrel {n} (quantity) :: барел {m}
barrel organ {n} (pipe instrument with air controlled pins in a revolving barrel) :: вергл {m}
barren {adj} (unable to bear children; sterile) :: неплоден, јалов [of soil, also]
barrow {n} (mound of earth and stones raised over a grave) :: могила {f}
bartender {n} (person who works in a bar) :: шанкер {m}, шанкерка {f}
Bartholomew {prop} (the Apostle) :: Вартоломеј {m}
barycenter {n} (physics: center of a mass) :: тежиште {n}
barycentre {n} (barycenter) SEE: barycenter ::
basalt {n} (hard rock) :: базалт {m}
base {n} (permanent structure for housing military) :: база {f}
base {n} (apron) SEE: apron ::
base {n} (housing of a horse) SEE: housing ::
baseball {n} (ball game) :: безбол {m}, бејзбол {m}
based {adj} (founded on) :: основан
basement {n} (floor below ground level) :: подрум {m}, сутерен {m}
Bashkir {prop} (language) :: башкирски јазик {m}
Bashkiria {prop} (Bashkortostan) SEE: Bashkortostan ::
Bashkortostan {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Башкортостан {m}
Bashkortostani {adj} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
Bashkortostani {n} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
basil {n} (plant) :: босилок {m}, босилек {m}
basil {n} (herb) :: босилок {m}, босилек {m}
Basil {prop} (male given name) :: Васил {m}
basilica {n} (Christian church building having a nave) :: базилика {f}
basin {n} (wide bowl for washing) :: мијалник {m}, лавабо {n}
basin {n} (area of land that drains into a common outlet) :: слив {m}
basket {n} (container) :: кошница {f}, корпа {f}, кош {m}
basket {n} (notional place to store items before ordering them online) :: кошница {f}
basket {n} (basketball: hoop from which a net is suspended) :: кош {m}, обрач
basket {n} (basketball: act of putting the ball through the basket) :: кош {m}
basket {n} (wire or plastic container for carrying articles for purchase) SEE: shopping basket ::
basketball {n} (the sport) :: кошарка {f}
basketball {n} (the ball used in the sport) :: кошаркарска топка {f}
Basse-Terre {prop} (capital city of Guadeloupe) :: Бас Тер
bass fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bassoon {n} (musical instrument in the woodwind family) :: фагот {m}
bass viol {n} (musical instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bass violin {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bastard {n} (longsword) SEE: longsword ::
bastard {n} (person born to unmarried parents) :: копиле {n}
bastard {n} (mongrel) :: мелез {m}, лангач {m}
bastard {n} (contemptible etc. person) :: копиле {n}, кучкин син {m}, битанга {f}
bastard {n} (informal: child that does not know his father) :: копиле {n}
bastard {n} (variation that is not genuine) :: шкарт {m}
bastard {n} :: копиле {n}
bastard {adj} (of abnormal, irregular or otherwise inferior qualities (size, shape etc.)) :: шкарт
bastard {adj} (spurious, lacking genuinity of authenticity) :: шкарт
bastille {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
bastille {n} (fortress) SEE: fortress ::
bastille {n} (citadel) SEE: citadel ::
bat {n} (small flying mammal) :: лилјак {m}
bat {n} (club used for striking the ball in sports) :: палка {f}
bat {v} (hit) :: удира
bate {v} (simple past of beat) SEE: beat ::
bate {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate ::
bath {n} (room) :: бања {f}
bathe {v} (to clean oneself with water) :: се капе {impf}
bathe {v} (to sunbathe) SEE: sunbathe ::
bathos {n} (depth) SEE: depth ::
bathrobe {n} (terrycloth robe) :: бањарка {f}
bathroom {n} (a room with a bathtub) :: бања {f}, купатило {n}
bathroom {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet ::
bathtub {n} (large container in which a person may bathe) :: када {f}
batman {n} (servant to an army officer) :: ординарец {m}
baton {n} (military staff of office) :: пендрек {m}, палка {f}
baton {n} (music: conductor's stick) :: палка {f}
baton {n} (sports: object transferred by relay runners) :: штафетна палка {f}, штафета {f}
Bats {prop} (language) :: батски
battering ram {n} (type of siege engine used to smash gates and walls) :: опсаден овен {m}, овен {m}
battery {n} (device storing electricity) :: батерија {f}, акумулатор {m} [for vehicles]
battery {n} (coordinated group of artillery) :: батерија {f}
battle {n} (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat) :: битка {f}, бој {m}
battlement {n} (indented parapet formed by a series of rising members) :: градобран {m}
Battle of Britain {prop} (series of air engagements between the British Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe during World War II) :: Битка за Британија {f}
baud {n} (A rate defined as the number of signalling events per second) :: бод {m}
Bauhaus {prop} (modernist style) :: Баухаус
Bavaria {prop} (state) :: Баварија {f}
bay {n} (shrub) :: лавор {m}
bay {n} (body of water) :: залив {m}
bay {n} (compartment) :: ниша {f}
bay {adj} (of reddish-brown color) :: дорат {m}, дорија {m}
bayan {n} (a Russian accordion) :: бајан {m}
Bay of Bengal {prop} (Large bay in the northeastern Indian Ocean) :: Бенгалски Залив {m}
Bay of Biscay {prop} (gulf) :: Бискајски Залив {m}
bayonet {n} (weapon) :: бајонет {m}
bazaar {n} (marketplace) :: пазар {m}
bazooka {n} (American shoulder fired rocket grenade launcher) :: базука {f}
BCE {adv} (before the common era) :: п.н.е. (пред нашата ера=pred nášata éra)
be {v} (occupy a place) :: е, се наоѓа
be {v} (occur, take place) :: биде, е
be {v} (exist) :: е, постои
be {v} (elliptical form of "be here", or similar) :: е
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject and object are the same) :: е {impf}
be {v} (used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same) :: е еднакво на
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal) :: е
be {v} (used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it) :: е
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase) :: е
be {v} (used to form the passive voice) :: е
be {v} (used to form the continuous forms of various tenses) :: [use imperfective verb form of the appropriate tense]
be {v} ((archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs) :: е
be {v} (used to form future tenses, especially the future subjunctive) :: Not used in Macedonian
be {v} (used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like) :: е
be able to {v} (have ability to) :: може {impf}
beach {n} (sandy shore) :: плажа {f}
bead {n} (rosary ball) :: монисто {n}
beak {n} (structure projecting from a bird's face) :: клун {m}
beak {n} (similar structure in an octopus) :: клун {m}
beak {n} (metal point fixed on the bows of a war galley, used as a ram) :: клун
bean {n} (seed) :: грав {m}, боб {m}
bean {n} (pod) :: мешунка {f}
bean curd {n} (tofu) SEE: tofu ::
bear {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth ::
bear {n} (large mammal of family Ursidae) :: мечка {f}
bear cub {n} (young bear) :: мече {n}
beard {n} (facial hair) :: брада {f}
bear garlic {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons ::
beast {n} (non-human animal) :: ѕвер {m}
beast of burden {n} (animal that carries or pulls a load) :: товарно животно {n}
beat {v} (to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike) :: бие {impf}
Beatles {prop} (rock music quartet) :: Битлси {p}
beatnik {n} (beatnik) :: битник {m}
beau {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
beautiful {adj} (possessing charm and attractive) :: убав, прекрасен
beautiful {adj} (of weather: pleasant, clear) :: убаво {n}
beautiful {adj} (well executed) :: убав
beautiful {adj} (ironic: how unfortunate) :: убав
beauty {n} (quality of pleasing appearance) :: убавина {f}, красота {f}, убост {f}
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: male) :: убавец {m}
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: female) :: убавица {f}
beauty spot {n} (birthmark) SEE: mole ::
beaver {n} (semiaquatic rodent) :: дабар {m}
be awake {v} (awake) SEE: awake ::
be awake {v} (wake up) SEE: wake up ::
be born {v} (to come into existence through birth) :: се роди {pf}
be called {v} (to have a specific name) :: се вика {impf}
because {adv} (on account) :: поради
because {conj} (by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that) :: затоа што, бидејќи
because {conj} (as known because; as inferred because; as determined because) :: бидејќи
become {v} (to begin to be) :: стане {impf}
bed {n} (shaped piece of timber to hold a cask clear) SEE: pallet ::
bed {n} (piece of furniture) :: кревет {m}, постела {f}
bed {n} (garden plot) :: ледина {f}
bedclothes {n} (sheets, blankets, quilts or other coverings used on a bed) :: постелнина {f}
bedding {n} (bedlinen) :: постелнина {f}
bedding {n} (material for animals to lie on) :: простирка {f}
bedroom {n} (room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping) :: спална соба {f}, спална {f}
bedsheet {n} (a sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: чаршав
bee {n} (insect) :: пчела {f}
beech {n} (tree of genus Fagus) :: бука {f}
beef {n} (meat) :: говедско {n}, телешко {n}, јунешко {n}
beef {n} (cow, bull) SEE: cow ::
beefsteak {n} (steak) :: бифтек {m}
beehive {n} (home of bees) :: кошница {f}
beekeeper {n} (someone who keeps bees) :: пчелар {m}, пчеларка {f}
beekeeping {n} (raising bees) :: пчеларство {n}
Beelzebub {prop} (a Semitic deity, another name for the Devil) :: Велзевул {m}
beer {n} (alcoholic drink made of malt) :: пиво {n}
beet {n} (Beta vulgaris) :: репка {f}
Beethoven {prop} (German surname) :: Бетовен
beetle {n} (insect) :: бумбар {m}
beetroot {n} (normally deep red coloured root vegetable) :: цвекло {n}
befall {v} (happen to) :: западне
before {prep} (earlier than) :: пред
before {prep} (in front of in space) :: пред
before long {prep} (soon) SEE: soon ::
beggar {n} (person who begs) :: питач {m}, просјак {m}
beggar {n} (person suffering poverty) :: питач {m}, просјак {m}
begin {v} (to start, to initiate or take the first step into something.) :: започне, почне
beginner {n} (someone who just recently started) :: почетник {m}
beginning {n} (act of doing that which begins anything) :: почеток {m}
behave {v} (to act in a specific manner) :: се однесува
behave oneself {v} (to act in a polite or proper way) SEE: behave ::
behavior {n} (way an animal or human behaves or acts) :: однесување {n}
behaviour {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
behead {v} (to remove the head) :: обезглавува
beheadal {n} (beheading) SEE: beheading ::
beheading {n} (an instance of beheading) :: обезглавување {n}
behest {n} (vow) SEE: vow ::
behest {n} (promise) SEE: promise ::
behind {prep} (at the back of) :: зад
behind {adv} (at the back part; in the rear) :: позади
behold {v} (to see, to look at) :: гледа, следи
beige {n} (colour) :: беж {f}
Beijing {prop} (capital of China) :: Пекинг {m}
Beijinger {n} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
Beijingese {n} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
Beijingese {adj} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
being {n} (a living creature) :: суштество {n}
being {n} (the state or fact of existence) :: битие {n}, постоење {n}
bejewel {v} (decorate with jewels) :: опточува
bel {n} (measure of relative power) :: бел {m}
Belarus {prop} (country) :: Белорусија {f}, Беларус {f}
Belarusian {adj} (pertaining to Belarus) :: белоруски
Belarusian {n} (language) :: белоруски {m} [јазик]
Belarusian {n} (person from Belarus or of Belarusian descent) :: Белорус {m}, Белорусинка {f}
belch {v} (expel gas from the stomach through the mouth) :: ждрига {impf}, подригнува {impf}
Belfast {prop} (capital of Northern Ireland) :: Белфаст {m}
Belgian {n} (Belgian, person from Belgium) :: Белгиец {m}, Белгијка {f}
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgium) :: белгиски
Belgian Sheepdog {n} (Umbrella term for the four Belgian sheepdog variants) :: белгиски овчар {m}
Belgium {prop} (country in Europe) :: Белгија {f}
Belgorod {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Белгород {m}
Belgrade {prop} (capital of Serbia) :: Белград {m}
belief {n} (mental acceptance of a claim as truth) :: вера {f}
believable {adj} (capable of being believed; credible) :: уверлив
believe {v} (to accept that someone is telling the truth (object: person)) :: верува {impf}
believer {n} (person who believes) :: верник {m}, верничка {f}
belittle {v} (to knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is) :: омаловажува
belittlement {n} (An act of belittling) :: омаловажување {n}
Belize {prop} (country) :: Белиз {m}
bell {n} (percussive instrument) :: ѕвоно {n} (big), ѕвонче {n} (small)
bell {n} (signal at a school) :: ѕвонче {n}
bellboy {n} (A male worker, usually at a hotel, who carries luggage and runs errands) :: портир {m}
belle {n} (beautiful woman) :: убавица {f}
bellgirl {n} (a female bellhop) :: портирка {f}
bellows {n} (air blower) :: мев {m}
belly {n} (abdomen) :: мев {m}, стомак {m}
bellybutton {n} (the navel or umbilicus) SEE: navel ::
belly dance {n} (form of dance) :: стомачен танц {m}
belong {v} (have its proper place) :: припаѓа {impf}
belong {v} (be the property of) :: припаѓа {impf}
below {prep} (lower in spatial position than) :: под
below {prep} (lower in value than) :: под
below {prep} (downstream of) :: подолу
below {prep} (south of) :: јужно од
below {adv} (farther down) :: подолу
below {adv} (of a temperature: below zero) :: под
belt {n} (band worn around the waist) :: појас {m}, ремен {m}
beltway {n} (a freeway that encircles a city) SEE: ring road ::
bench {n} (long seat) :: клупа {f}
bench {n} (sports: where players sit when not playing) :: клупа {f}
bench {v} (remove a player from play) :: испраќа на клупа
bench {v} (lift) :: крева, дига
bench {n} (workbench) SEE: workbench ::
benchlet {n} (stool) SEE: stool ::
beneficial {adj} (helpful or good to something or someone) :: добротворен
benevolent {adj} (having a disposition to do good) :: добронамерен
Bengali {n} (language) :: бенгалски јазик {m}, бенгалски {m}
Bengal tiger {n} (Panthera tigris tigris) :: бенгалски тигар {m}
Benin {prop} (country) :: Бенин {m}
Ben Nevis {prop} (the mountain) :: Бен Невис {m}
benzene {n} (aromatic compound C6H6) :: бензен {m}
benzine {n} (benzene) SEE: benzene ::
Beograd {prop} (Belgrade) SEE: Belgrade ::
be prepared {phrase} (motto) :: биди подготвен
be quiet {interj} (remain silent) SEE: silence ::
Bering Sea {prop} (sea) :: Берингово Море {n}
Bering Strait {prop} (strait between Russia and Alaska) :: Берингов Проток {m}
berkelium {n} (transuranic chemical element) :: беркелиум {m}
Berlin {prop} (capital city of Germany) :: Берлин {m}
Berlin Wall {prop} (wall that parted Berlin) :: Берлински ѕид {m}
Berlusconi {prop} (surname) :: Берлускони
Bermuda {prop} (island group) :: Бермуди {f-p}, Бермуда {f}
Bermuda shorts {n} (a type of knee-high shorts) :: бермуди {f-p}
Bern {prop} (city) :: Берн {m}
Berovo {prop} (a town in the Republic of Macedonia) :: Берово {n}
berry {n} (small fruit) :: бобинка {f}
beryllium {n} (chemical element) :: берилиум {m}
be sick {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
be silent {v} (refrain from speaking) :: молчи {impf}, ќути {impf}
best {adj} (superlative of the adjective good) :: најдобар
best {adv} (superlative of the adverb well) :: најдобар
best man {n} (primary attendant to the groom) :: старосват {m}, девер {m}, кум {m}
best regards {n} (polite closing of a letter) :: срдечни поздрави
bet {n} (a wager) :: облог {m}
Bethlehem {prop} (City) :: Витлеем {m}
betray {v} (to deliver into the hands of an enemy) :: предава {impf}
betrayal {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
better {adj} (comparative of the adjectives good or well) :: подобар
between {prep} (in the position or interval that separates two things) :: меѓу, измеѓу
between {prep} (shared in confidence by) :: меѓу, помеѓу
between {prep} (in transit from one to the other) :: помеѓу
between {prep} (combined by effort or ownership) :: заедно
between {prep} (one of, representing a choice) :: помеѓу
beverage {n} (drink) :: пијалок {m}
bey {n} (governor of a Turkish dominion) :: бег {m}
beyond {n} (unknown) SEE: unknown ::
beyond {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife ::
Bharat {prop} (India) SEE: India ::
Bhutan {prop} (Himalayan country) :: Бутан {m}
biased {adj} (exhibiting bias; prejudiced) :: пристрасен
bib {n} (item of clothing for protecting other clothes while eating) :: лигавче {n}, портикла {f}
bib {n} (upper part of an apron or overalls) :: лигавче {n}, портикла {f}
Bible {prop} (Christian holy book) :: Библија {f}, Свето Писмо {n}
biblical {adj} (of or relating to the Bible) :: библиски
bibliophage {n} (person who loves books) SEE: bookworm ::
bibliophile {n} (person who loves books) :: книгољубец {m}, библиофил {m}
Bicol Region {prop} (Bicol Region) :: Бикол
bicycle {n} (vehicle) :: велосипед {m}, [colloquial] точак {m}
bidet {n} (low-mounted plumbing fixture for cleaning the genitalia and anus) :: биде {n}
big {adj} (of a great size, see also: large) :: голем
big {adj} (adult) :: голем {m}, возрасен {m}
bigamy {n} (state of having two spouses simultaneously) :: двобрачност {f}, двоженство {n}, бигамија {f}
Big Bang {prop} (cosmic event) :: Големата експлозија {f}, Биг Бенг {m}
Big Ben {prop} (the hour bell in London) :: Биг Бен {m}
big deal {interj} (so what) :: голема работа!
bigger {adj} (comparative of big) :: поголем
Big Mac {n} (burger) :: Биг Мек {m}
bikini {n} (bathing suit) :: бикини {n}
bile {n} (secretion produced by the liver) :: жолчка {f}
bilingual {adj} (speaking two languages) :: двојазичен {m}
bilingual {adj} (written in two languages) :: двојазичен {m}
bilingualism {n} (condition of being bilingual) :: двојазичност {f}
bill {n} (bird's beak) :: клун {m}
bill {n} (draft of a law) :: нацрт-закон {m}, законски проект {m}
bill {n} (invoice) :: сметка {f}
bill {n} (bill of exchange) :: меница {f}
bill {n} (piece of paper money) SEE: banknote ::
billet-doux {n} (love letter) SEE: love letter ::
billfold {n} (wallet) SEE: wallet ::
billhook {n} (agricultural implement) :: сор {m}
billiards {n} (a cue sport) :: билијард {m}, билјард {m}
billion {n} (a thousand million; 1,000,000,000; a milliard) :: милијарда {f}
billionaire {n} (wealth exceeding one billion (109)) :: милијардер {m}
Billy {prop} (William) SEE: William ::
billy goat {n} (male goat) :: јарец {m}, прч {m}
binky {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
binoculars {n} (hand-held device for looking at a distance) :: двоглед {m}
biochemistry {n} (the chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that occur in their metabolism and catabolism) :: биохемија {f}
biodiesel {n} (fuel) :: биодизел {m}
biodiversity {n} (diversity of flora and fauna) :: биолошката разновидност
biofuel {n} (biofuel) :: биогориво {n}
biographer {n} (the writer of a biography) :: биограф {m}, животописец {m}
biographic {adj} (biographical) SEE: biographical ::
biographical {adj} (relating to an account of a person's life) :: биографски {m}
biography {n} (personal life story) :: биографија {f}, животопис {m}
biologic {adj} (biological) SEE: biological ::
biological {n} (of biology) :: биолошки
biological {n} (consanguine) :: роден, крвен, биолошки
biologist {n} (student of biology; one versed in the science of biology) :: биолог {m}
bipolar disorder {n} (psychiatric diagnostic category) :: биполарно растројство {n}
birch {n} (tree) :: бреза {f}
bird {n} (animal) :: птица {f}
bird flu {n} (avian influenza) SEE: avian influenza ::
birdie {n} (badminton: shuttlecock) SEE: shuttlecock ::
birdie {n} (bird, birdling) :: птиченце {n}
birdlime {n} (serving of a prison sentence) SEE: time ::
bird of prey {n} (carnivorous bird) :: птица-грабливка {f}, граблива птица {f}
Birmingham {prop} :: Бирмингем {m}
biro {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
birth {n} (process of childbearing; beginning of life) :: породување {n}, раѓање {n}
birth {n} (instance of childbirth) :: породување {n}, раѓање {n}
birth {n} (beginning or start; a point of origin) :: раѓање {n}, зародиш {m}
birth {n} (circumstances of one's background) :: потекло {n}, род {m}
birth {v} (to give birth (to)) :: раѓа
birthdate {n} (date of birth) SEE: date of birth ::
birthday {n} (anniversary) :: роденден {m}
birthday {n} (date of birth) :: датум на раѓање {m}
birthmark {n} (a mark on the skin formed before birth) :: бенка {f}
Biscay {prop} (Bay of Biscay) SEE: Bay of Biscay ::
biscuit {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: cookie; cracker) :: кекс {m}, бисквит {m}
Bishkek {prop} (capital of Kyrgyzstan) :: Бишкек {m}
bishop {n} (church official, supervisor of priests and congregations) :: епископ {m}, бискуп {m}, владика {m}
bishop {n} (chess piece) :: ловец {m}
bishopric {n} (diocese) :: епархија {f}
bishopric {n} (function of being bishop) :: епископство {n}, бискупство {n}
bismuth {n} (chemical element) :: бисмут {m}
bison {n} (wild ox, Bison bonasus) :: бизон {m}
bissextile {n} (leap year) SEE: leap year ::
bissextile year {n} (year with an extra day) SEE: leap year ::
bit {n} (metal in horse's mouth) :: ѓем {m}, џем {m}
bit {n} (rotary cutting tool) :: сврдел {m}
bit {n} (small amount of something, see also: a little) :: парче {n}, парченце {n}, трошка {f}
bit {n} (portion) :: парче {n}
bit {n} (math: binary digit) :: бит {m}
bit {n} (computing smallest unit of storage) :: бит {m}
bit {n} (datum that may take on one of exactly two values) :: бит {m}
bit {n} (coin of a specified value) SEE: coin ::
bitch {n} (female canine) :: кучка {f}
bitch {n} (disagreeable, aggressive person, usually female) :: кучка {f}
bitch {n} (complaint) SEE: complaint ::
bitch {n} (playful variation on dog (sense "man")) SEE: dog ::
bitch out {v} (to complain) SEE: bitch ::
bitcoin {n} (cryptocurrency) :: биткоин {m}
bite {v} (to cut into by clamping the teeth) :: одгризува, гризе
bite {v} (to hold something by clamping one’s teeth) :: загризува, гризе
bite {v} (to attack with the teeth) :: каса, гризе
bite {v} (to bite a baited hook or other lure) :: гризе, загризува
bite {v} (to fall for a deception) :: паѓа, наседнува
bite {v} (to sting) :: каса, боде
bite {n} (act of biting) :: гриз {m}, гризење {n}
bite {n} (wound left behind after having been bitten) :: гриз {m}
bite {n} (swelling of one's skin caused by an insect's mouthparts or sting) :: гриз {m}
bite {n} (mouthful) :: залак {m}
Bitola {prop} (city) :: Битола {f}
bitter {adj} (having an acrid taste) :: горчлив
bitterness {n} (quality of feeling bitter) :: горчина {f}
bitter orange {n} :: турунка {f}
bittersweet {adj} (both bitter and sweet) :: горко-сладок {m}
bittersweet {adj} (expressing contrasting emotions of pain and pleasure) :: горко-сладок {m}
black {adj} (absorbing all light) :: црн
black {adj} (without light) :: црн, темен
black {adj} (relating to people with dark skin) :: црн
black {adj} (bad; evil) :: црн
black {adj} (illegitimate, illegal or disgraced) :: црн
black {adj} (of coffee or tea, without milk or other whitener) :: црн
black {adj} (chess, checkers etc.: color opposing "white") :: црн
black {n} (colour/color) :: црна {f}
black {n} (dark-skinned person) :: црнец {m}, црнка {f}
blackberry {n} (shrub) :: капина {f}
blackberry {n} (fruit) :: капина {f}
blackbird {n} (Turdus merula: blackbird) :: кос {m}
blackboard {n} (a surface that can be written upon with chalk) :: табла {f}
black box {n} (recorders in an aircraft) :: црна кутија {f}
black caraway {n} (Nigella sativa, see also: nigella) :: црно семе {n}
black caraway {n} (spice) :: црно семе {n}
black-crowned night heron {n} (Nycticorax nycticorax) :: ноќна чапја {f}, драјка {f}
black currant {n} (shrub) :: црна рибизла {f}
black currant {n} (berry) :: црна рибизла {f}
black elder {n} (Sambucus nigra) SEE: elder ::
Black Forest {prop} (German forest and mountain range) :: Шварцвалд {m}
black grouse {n} (Lyrurus tetrix) :: мал тетреб {m}
black-haired {adj} (having black hair) :: црнокос, калеш
black-headed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) :: езерски галеб {m}, речен галеб {m}
black hole {n} (celestial body) :: црна дупка {f}
black horse {n} :: вранец {m}
black locust {n} (Robinia pseudoacacia) :: багрем {m}
blackmail {n} (extortion of money by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure) :: уцена {f}
blackmail {v} (to extort money) :: уценува
black pepper {n} (spice) :: црн пипер {m}
Blackpool {prop} (town) :: Блекпул
black rhinoceros {n} (Diceros bicornis) :: црн носорог
Black Sea {prop} (an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor) :: Црно Море {n}
blackshirt {n} (member of a fascist party) SEE: fascist ::
blacksmith {n} (iron forger, see also: smith) :: ковач {m}
black swan {n} (Cygnus atratus) :: црн лебед {m}
blackthorn {n} (Prunus spinosa) :: трнинка {f}, трнка {f}, црн трн {m}
black woodpecker {n} (Dryocopus martius) :: црн клукајдрвец
bladder {n} (urinary bladder) SEE: urinary bladder ::
Blagoevgrad {prop} (town in Bulgaria) :: Благоевград {m}
Blagoveshchensk {prop} (city in Siberia) :: Благовешченск {m}
Blaise {prop} (male given name) :: Власиј {m}
blame {v} (place blame upon) :: обвинува {impf}, обвини {pf}
blame {n} (responsibility) SEE: responsibility ::
blanket {n} (fabric) :: ќебе {n}
blaspheme {v} (to speak against God or religious doctrine) :: богохулење
blazer {n} (a jacket) :: блејзер {m}
blazon {n} (a description of a coat of arms) :: блазон {m}, блазонирање {n}
blazon {v} (to describe of a coat of arms) :: блазонира
blemish {n} (small flaw which spoils the appearance of something) :: недостаток
bless {v} (confer blessing on) :: благословува {impf}, благослови {pf}
blessing {n} (divine or supernatural aid or reward) :: благослов {m}
blessing {n} (prayer before a meal) SEE: grace ::
bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed) :: на здравје
bless you {interj} (short for "God bless you") SEE: God bless you ::
blind {adj} (unable to see) :: слеп
blind man's buff {n} (game where someone is blindfolded and tries to catch the others) :: слепа баба {f}
blindness {n} (condition of being blind) :: слепило {n}
blink {v} (to close and reopen both eyes quickly) :: трепкам
blink {v} (to flash headlights) :: блиндирам
bliss {n} (perfect happiness) :: блаженство {n}
blizzard {n} (severe snowstorm) :: снежна бура {f}
blog {n} (a personal or corporate website) :: блог {m}
Blois {prop} (city in Centre Region, France) :: Блоа {m}
blond {adj} (of a pale golden colour) :: рус {f}, плав {f}
blond {adj} (having blond hair) :: светол {m}, белолик {m}, светла {f}, белолика {f}
blond {n} (fair-haired person) :: русокос {m}, плав {m}, русокоса {f}, плава {f}
blonde {n} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blonde {adj} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blood {n} (vital liquid flowing in animal bodies) :: крв {f}
blood {n} (family relationship due to birth, e.g. between siblings) :: крв {f}, род {m}
blood {n} (blood test or blood sample) :: крв {f}
blood brother {n} (unrelated male friend confirmed by a ceremonial mingling of blood) :: побратим {m}
blood money {n} (money paid to the family of someone killed) SEE: wergeld ::
blood pressure {n} (pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries and veins) :: крвен притисок {m}
blood pudding {n} (blood sausage) SEE: blood sausage ::
blood sausage {n} (type of sausage) :: крвавица {f}
bloodsucker {n} (vampire) SEE: vampire ::
bloodsucker {n} (parasite) SEE: parasite ::
bloodthirsty {adj} (thirsty for blood) :: крволочен, крвожеден
blood vessel {n} (component of the circulatory system that carries blood) :: крвен сад {m}
bloom {n} (flower) SEE: flower ::
bloom {n} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
bloom {v} (open its blooms) SEE: blossom ::
blossom {n} (flowers on trees) :: цвет {m}
blossom {v} (have or open into blossoms) :: цути {impf}
blotto {adj} ((very) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
blouse {n} (an outer garment, usually loose, that is similar to a shirt) :: блуза {f}
blow {v} (to produce an air current) :: дува {impf}
blow {v} (to be propelled by an air current) :: се вее
blow {v} (to create or shape by blowing) :: дува
blow {v} (to explode) :: се распрснува
blow {v} (to fellate) :: пуши, дудла
blow {n} (strong wind) :: виор {m}
blow {n} (chance to catch one’s breath) :: здив {m}
blow {n} (act of striking or hitting) :: удар {m}
blow {n} (damaging occurrence) :: удар {m}
blow {n} (cocaine) SEE: snow ::
blow {v} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
blow-dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer ::
blower {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone ::
blowfly {n} (flies of the family Calliphoridae) :: мува месарка {f}
blowjob {n} (the act of fellatio) :: пушење, дудлање {n}
blue {adj} (blue-colored, see also: dark blue; light blue) :: син, плав, модар
blue {n} (colour) :: сина, син
blue {n} (sky, literally or figuratively) SEE: sky ::
blueberry {n} (fruit) :: боровинка {f}
Blue Mountains {prop} (mountains) :: Сини Планини {f-p}
blue screen of death {n} (screen indicating a system error) :: син екран на смртта {m}
blueshift {n} (change in wavelength) :: сино поместување {n}
bluestone {n} (basalt) SEE: basalt ::
Bluetooth {prop} (personal area wireless network) :: бљутут {m}, блутут {m}
blunt {adj} (having a thick edge or point, not sharp) :: тап
blunt {adj} (dull in understanding; slow of discernment) :: тап
blunt {v} (to dull the edge or point of, by making it thicker) :: тапи
boa {n} (snake) :: боа {f}, змиски цар {m}, удав {m}
boar {n} (wild boar) SEE: wild boar ::
board {n} (long, wide and thin piece of wood or other material) :: даска {f}
boarding {n} (embarkation) :: бординг {m}
boat {n} (water craft) :: чамец {m}, кајче {n}, чун {m}
boatyard {n} (shipyard) SEE: shipyard ::
Bob's your uncle {phrase} (desirable conclusion is reached) :: кој како тебе?
bocce {n} (A game similar to bowls or pétanque) :: боќање {n}
Boche {n} (German) SEE: German ::
bodily {adj} (relating to the body) :: телесен
bodkin {n} (dagger) SEE: dagger ::
body {n} (physical structure of a human or animal) :: тело {n}
bodybuilder {n} (a person who uses diet and exercise to build an aesthetically muscular physique) :: телоградител {m}, бодибилдер {m}, билдер {m}, развиотка {m} [slang]
bodybuilding {n} (sport of muscle development) :: телоградба {f}, бодибилдинг {m}
body corporate {n} (corporation) SEE: corporation ::
Boeing {prop} (An American aerospace company) :: Боинг {m}
bogatyr {n} (medieval Russian heroic warrior, see also: bahadur) :: богатир {m}
Bogdanci {prop} (a town in the Republic of Macedonia) :: Богданци {m-p}
bogie {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
bogie {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
Bohemia {prop} (The region of the Czech Republic) :: Бохемија {f}
bohemian {n} (unconventional person) :: боем {m}
bohemium {n} (rhenium) SEE: rhenium ::
bohrium {n} (chemical element) :: бориум {m}
boiled {adj} (angry) SEE: angry ::
boiled {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
boilerplate {n} (sheet of steel used in the construction of a boiler) :: котларски лим {m}
Bolivia {prop} (country in South America) :: Боливија {f}
bollocks {n} (nonsense or information deliberately intended to mislead) :: тикви со расол
Bolshevik {n} (a member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917) :: болшевик {m}
bolt {n} (metal fastener) :: завртка {f}, шраф {m}
Bolton {prop} (town) :: Болтон {m}
bomb {n} (device filled with explosives) :: бомба {f}
bomb {n} (success) SEE: success ::
bomber {n} (aircraft) :: бомбардер {m}
bomber {n} (bomb setter) :: бомбаш {m}
Bonaire {prop} (island) :: Бонер
bone {v} (to remove bones) :: вади коски
bone {n} (material) :: коска {f}
bone {n} (fishbone) :: коска {f}
bone {n} (corset part) :: жица {f}
bone {n} (colour) :: коскена {f}
bone marrow {n} (bone marrow) :: коскена срж {f}
boner {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) SEE: erection ::
bonfire {n} (large, outdoor controlled fire) :: логорски оган {m}
bonjour {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
Bonn {prop} (a city in Germany) :: Бон {m}
bon voyage {interj} (wish of good journey) :: среќен пат
boob {n} (breast (colloquial)) :: цицка {f}
book {n} (ebook) SEE: e-book ::
book {n} (collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material) :: книга {f}
book {n} (convenient collection of small paper items, such as stamps) :: албум {m}
book {n} (major division of a published work, larger than a chapter) :: книга {f}, том {m}
book {v} (to reserve) :: резервира, закажува
book {v} (to write down, register, record) :: внесува, запишува, заведува
bookbinder {n} (person whose profession is binding books) :: книговезец {m}, книгоподвезник {m}
bookbindery {n} :: книговезница {f}, книгоподвезница {f}
bookbinding {n} (art, craft or process of binding books) :: книговезништво {n}, книгоподвезништво {n}
bookcase {n} (furniture displaying books) :: библиотека {f}
bookmark {n} (strip used to mark a place in a book) :: обележувач {m}
bookmark {n} (record of the address of a file or page) :: обележувач {m}
bookshop {n} (shop that sells books) :: книжарница {f}
bookstore {n} (bookshop) SEE: bookshop ::
bookworm {n} (insect) :: книжен молец {m}
bookworm {n} (avid reader) :: книжен молец {m}, книгољубец {m}
Boolean {adj} (logic: pertaining to data items that have values “true” and “false”) :: булов {m}
Boolean algebra {n} (algebraic structure) :: Булова алгебра {f}
Boolean function {n} (function based on AND, OR and NOT operations) :: Булова функција {f}
Boolean logic {n} (system of symbolic logic) :: Булова логика {f}
Boolean variable {n} (variable from the domain of Boolean algebra) :: Булова променлива {f}
boot {n} (heavy shoe that covers part of the leg) :: чизма {f}
boot {n} (torture device) :: чизма {f}
boot {v} (kick) :: клоца
boot {n} (kick) SEE: kick ::
boot {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) SEE: trunk ::
booth {n} (A small stall for the display and sale of goods) :: бутка {f}
bootstrap {v} (to load the operating system) SEE: boot ::
boot up {v} (to start computer by bootstrap procedure) SEE: boot ::
booze {n} (any alcoholic beverage) :: пијачка {f}
bordello {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
border {n} (the outer edge of something) :: граница {f}, раб {m}
border {n} (the line or frontier area separating regions) :: граница {f}
border {v} ((transitive) to put a border on something) :: ограничува, ограничи
border {v} ((transitive) to lie on, or adjacent to a border) :: граничи
border collie {n} (border collie) :: пограничен коли {n}
Border Collie {n} (Border Collie) SEE: border collie ::
bordure {n} (contrasting border round a shield) :: обраб {m}
boredom {n} (state of being bored) :: досада {f}
born {v} (be born) SEE: be born ::
boro {v} (borrow) SEE: borrow ::
boron {n} (chemical element) :: бор
borrow {v} (receive temporarily) :: позајмува {impf}, позајми {pf}
borrowing {n} (loanword) SEE: loanword ::
borscht {n} (beetroot soup) :: боршч {m}
bosa {n} (fermented drink) :: боза {f}
Bosnia {prop} (northern part of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a geographic and historical entity) :: Босна {f}
Bosnia {prop} (short for 'Bosnia and Herzegovina') :: Босна
Bosnia and Herzegovina {prop} (country on the Balkan peninsula) :: Босна и Херцеговина
Bosnian {adj} (of or pertaining to Bosnia) :: босански
Bosnian {n} (the people) :: Босанец {m}, Босанка {f}
Bosnian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: босански {m}, бошњачки {m}
bosom {n} (chest, breast) :: града {f}, гради {p}
boson {n} (particle) :: бозон {m}
Bosphorus {prop} (a strait that passes through Istanbul) :: Босфор {m}
boss {n} (supervisor) :: шеф {m}, шефица {f}, раководител {m}
boss {n} (person in charge) :: раководител {m}
boss {n} (leader, head of an organised team) :: раководител {m}
boss {n} (head of a political party) :: лидер {m}
boss {n} (term of address to a man) :: шефе [vocative]
boss {n} (enemy in video game) :: кралица {f}
bot {n} (robot) SEE: robot ::
botanist {n} (a person engaged in botany) :: ботаничар {m}
botany {n} (scientific study of plants) :: ботаника {f}
both {determiner} (each of two; one and the other) :: обата {m}, двата {m}
both {conj} (both...and...) :: и... и...
Botswana {prop} (Republic of Botswana) :: Боцвана {f}
bottle {n} (container) :: шише {n}, флаша {f}
bottle {n} (contents of such a container) :: шише {n}, флаша {f}
bottle {n} :: шише
bottle {v} (seal (a liquid) into a bottle for later consumption) :: флашира {impf} {pf}
bottle {n} (container with a rubber nipple) SEE: baby bottle ::
bottle opener {n} (device to open bottles) :: отворач {m}
bottom {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
bottom {n} (lowest part) :: дно {n}
bottom {n} (euphemistic: buttocks or anus) :: задник {m}, газ {m}
bottom {n} (gay sexual slang: penetrated partner in sex) :: буљаш {m}
bough {n} (tree branch) :: гранка {f}
bouncer {n} (member of security personnel) :: вратар {m}, исфрлувач {m}
bouquet {n} (bunch of flowers) :: букет {m}, китка {f}
bourdon {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee ::
bourgeois {n} (the middle class) :: буржоазија {f}
bourgeois {n} (individual member of the middle class) :: буржуј {m}
bourgeoisie {n} (class) :: буржуазија {f}
bourse {n} (stock exchange) SEE: stock exchange ::
bow {n} (weapon used for shooting arrows) :: лак {m}
bow {n} (bend in a rod or planar surface) :: свиок {m}
bow {n} (rod used for playing stringed instruments) :: гудало {n}
bow {n} (type of knot with two loops) :: панделка {f}
bow {v} (to play music on an instrument using a bow) :: гуди
bow {v} (to become bent) :: се свиткува
bow {v} (to bend a thing) :: свиткува
bow {v} (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference) :: се поклонува, се клања
bow {n} (gesture made by bending forward at the waist) :: поклон {m}
bowhead {n} (Balaena mysticetus) :: гренландски кит
bowhead whale {n} (a whale, Balaena mysticetus) SEE: bowhead ::
bowl {n} (container for food) :: чинија {f}, здела {f}, сад {m}
bowl {n} (lawn bowls) SEE: bowls ::
bowler {n} (bowler hat) SEE: bowler hat ::
bowler hat {n} (hard round black felt hat) :: полуцилиндер {m}
bowling {n} (a game played by rolling a ball down an alley) :: куглање {n}
bowling {n} (action of the verb “to bowl”) :: куглање {n}
bowls {n} (precision sport) :: боќање {n}
bowman {n} (archer) SEE: archer ::
bowstring {n} (string of an archer's bow) :: тетива {f}
bowtie {n} (necktie shaped like a bow) :: пеперушка {f}, кравата-пеперутка {f}
bowtie {adj} (shaped like a bow-tie) :: пеперушковиден {m}
box {n} (cuboid space; container) :: кутија {f}, сандак {m}
box {n} (as much as fills a box) :: кутија {f}, сандак {m}
box {n} (compartment of an item of furniture) :: преграда {f}
box {n} (compartment to sit inside) :: ложа {f}
box {n} (driver’s seat on a coach) :: кабина {f}
box {n} (small rectangular shelter) :: бутка {f}, кабина {f}
box {n} ((slang, vulgar) the vagina) :: дунда {f}
box {n} ((engineering) cylindrical casing) :: куќиште
box {n} (rectangular border around an image, text, etc.) :: кутија {f}, квадрат {m}
box {n} (small area on a document for a tick mark) :: кутивче {n}, квадратче
box {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Buxus) :: шимшир {m}
box {v} (to strike with the fists) :: боксува
box {v} (to participate in boxing) :: боксува
box {n} (input field on an electronic display) SEE: text box ::
boxing {n} (the sport of boxing) :: бокс {m}
box office {n} (ticket office) :: билетарница {f}
boxthorn {n} (plant of the genus Lycium) SEE: wolfberry ::
boy {n} (young male) :: момче {n}
boyar {n} (rank of aristocracy) :: болјарин {m}
boyfriend {n} (male partner in a romantic relationship) :: момче {n}, дечко {m}, пријател {m}
Boyne {prop} (river) :: Бојн {m}
bra {n} (brassiere) :: градник {m}, прслук {m}
brace {n} (system to correct crooked teeth) SEE: braces ::
bracelet {n} (a band or chain worn around the wrist as jewelry or an ornament) :: нараквица {f}
braces {n} (handcuffs) SEE: handcuffs ::
braces {n} (device for straightening teeth) :: протеза {f}
bracket {n} (item attached to a wall to hold up a shelf) :: држач {m}, потпирач {m}
bracket {n} (generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">") :: заграда {f}
bracket {n} (square bracket) SEE: square bracket ::
bracket {n} (round bracket) SEE: round bracket ::
brackish {adj} (repulsive) SEE: repulsive ::
bract {n} (leaf or leaf-like structure) :: прицветник {m}, плодна лушпа {f} [conifers]
Bradford {prop} (town in West Yorkshire) :: Брадфорд {m}
braggadocio {n} (braggart) SEE: braggart ::
braggart {n} (one who constantly brags or boasts) :: фалбаџија {m}
braid {v} (to intertwine) :: испреплетува, плете {impf}
braid {n} (weave of three or more strands) :: плетенка {f}, плетеница {f}
braid {n} (hairstyle) :: плетенка {f}
brain {n} (organ) :: мозок {m}
brainpower {n} (mental ability) SEE: intelligence ::
brain-washing {n} (form of indoctrination) :: миење мозок {n}
brake {n} (device used to slow or stop a vehicle) :: кочница {f}
bramble {n} (diverse Rubus shrubs) SEE: blackberry ::
brambling {n} (bird) :: планинска ѕвингалка {f}
bran {n} (outside layer of a grain) :: трици {p}
branch {n} (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk) :: гранка {n}
Brandenburg {prop} (state) :: Бранденбург {m}
Brandenburg {prop} (city) :: Бранденбург {m}
brandy {n} (liquor) :: бренди {n}
brandy {n} (variety of brandy) :: бренди {n}
brandy {n} (glass of brandy) :: бренди {n}
Brasília {prop} (The capital of Brazil) :: Бразилија {f}
brass {n} (alloy of copper and zinc) :: месинг {m}
brassiere {n} (bra) SEE: bra ::
brass instrument {n} (musical instrument) :: лимен дувачки инструмент {m}
Bratislava {prop} (The capital of Slovakia) :: Братислава {f}
brave {adj} (strong in the face of fear) :: храбар
bravery {n} (being brave) :: храброст {f}, смелост {f}
brazen {adj} (pertaining to, made of, or resembling brass) :: месинган {m}
brazen bull {n} (ancient torture device consisting of a hollow brass bull where victims were imprisoned and burned to death) :: бронзен бик {m}, сицилиски бик {m}
Brazil {prop} (Portuguese-speaking country in South America) :: Бразил {m}
brazil nut {n} (nut) :: бразилски орев {m}
brazilwood {n} (timber tree) :: варзило {n}
bread {n} (baked dough made from cereals) :: леб {m}
bread {n} (countable: any variety of bread) :: леб {m}
breadbasket {n} (stomach) SEE: stomach ::
breadmaker {n} (baker) SEE: baker ::
breadth {n} (width) SEE: width ::
break {v} (transitive: to separate into (to cause to end up in) two or more pieces) :: крши
breakable {adj} (fragile) SEE: fragile ::
breakfast {n} (first meal of the day) :: појадок, доручек {m}
breakfast {v} (to eat the morning meal) :: појадува, доручкува
breaking news {n} (news that just happened or is happening) :: ударна вест {f}, ударни вести {p}
breakwater {n} (construction in or around a harbour) :: насип {m}
break wind {v} (to fart) :: пува
breast {n} (milk-producing organ) :: града {f}, дојка {f}
breast {n} (chest) :: гради {f-p}
breast {n} (seat of emotions) :: гради {f-p}
breast {n} (animal's thorax) :: гради {f-p}
breast {n} (choice cut of meat from poultry or other animals) :: гради {f-p}
breastfeed {v} (feed a baby milk via the breasts) :: дои {impf}
breastpin {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
breath {n} (act or process of breathing) :: дишење {n}
breath {n} (single act of breathing in and out) :: здив {m}
breath {n} (air expelled from the lungs) :: здив {m}
breath {n} (rest or pause) :: оддишка {f}
breathe {v} (to draw air in and out) :: дише {impf}
breathing {n} (act of respiration) :: дишење {n}
breeding {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse ::
breezefly {n} (horsefly) SEE: horsefly ::
Bremen {prop} (state) :: Бремен {m}
Bremen {prop} (city) :: Бремен {m}
Brendan {prop} (male given name) :: Брендан
Brest {prop} (a city in Belarus) :: Брест {m}
Breton {n} (person from Brittany) :: Бретонец {m}, Бретонка {f}
Breton {n} (the language) :: бретонски {m}
Breton {adj} (pertaining to Brittany) :: бретонски {m}
brew {n} (beer) SEE: beer ::
brew {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
brew {n} (cup of tea) SEE: cup of tea ::
bribe {n} (inducement to dishonesty) :: поткуп {m}, мито {n}
BRIC {prop} (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) :: БРИК {m}
brick {n} (hardened block used for building) :: цигла {f}, тула {f}
brick {n} (a building material) :: цигла {f}, тула {f}
brick {v} (build with bricks) :: ѕида
bricklayer {n} (craftsman) :: ѕидар {m}
BRICS {prop} (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) :: БРИКС {m}
bride {n} (woman in the context of her own wedding) :: невеста {f}
bridegroom {n} (bridegroom, groom) :: младоженец {m}
bridesmaid {n} (woman who attends the bride at a wedding ceremony) :: деверица {f}
bridge {n} (construction or natural feature that spans a divide) :: мост {m}
bridge {n} (replacement for teeth) :: мост {m}
bridge {n} (chemistry) :: мост {m}
bridge {n} (piece on string instruments) :: кобилица {f}
bridge {v} (to span as if with a bridge) :: премостува
bridge {v} (computing, communication: to connect with a bridge) :: премостува
bridge {n} (card game) :: бриџ {m}
bridgehead {n} (area of ground on the enemy's side of an obstacle) :: мостобран {m}
bridle {n} (headgear for horse) :: узда {f}
brie {n} (mild French cheese) :: бри {n}
brief {adj} (of short duration) :: краток {m}, кус {m}
brief {adj} (concise) :: краток {m}, содржаен {m}
briefcase {n} (case used for carrying documents) :: актовка {f}, чанта {f}, ташна {f}
brigadier general {n} (an officer commanding a brigade) :: бригаден генерал {m}
bright {adj} (visually dazzling, luminous, radiant) :: светол
Brighton {prop} (town in East Sussex) :: Брајтон (Brájton) {m}
brimstone {n} (sulfur) SEE: sulfur ::
brine {n} (salt water) :: расолница {f}, саламура {f}
bring {v} (to transport toward somebody/somewhere) :: донесува {impf}, донесе {pf} [bring by carrying], доведува {impf}, доведе {pf} [accompanying]
brinjal {n} (an aubergine) SEE: eggplant ::
briny {n} (sea) SEE: sea ::
Brisbane {prop} (Capital of Queensland, Australia) :: Бризбејн {m}
bristle {n} (stiff or coarse hair) :: четина {f}
Bristol {prop} (city in south-west England) :: Бристол {m}
Britain {prop} (United Kingdom) SEE: United Kingdom ::
Britain {prop} (island, see also: Great Britain; British Isles) :: Британија {f}
Britain {prop} (Brittany) SEE: Brittany ::
britches {n} (pants) SEE: pants ::
British {prop} (citizens or inhabitants of Britain) :: Британци {p}
British {prop} (the citizens or inhabitants of the UK) :: Британци {p}
British {prop} (the British English language) :: британски англиски {m}
British {adj} (of Britain) :: британски
British {adj} (colloquial: of the UK) :: британски
British Columbia {prop} (province of Canada) :: Британска Колумбија {f}
British Empire {prop} (empire) :: Британска империја {f}
British Indian Ocean Territory {prop} (UK overseas territory) :: Британска Индоокеанска Територија {f}
British Isles {prop} (group of islands) :: Британски Острови {m-p}
British Virgin Islands {prop} (British overseas territory) :: Британски Девствени Острови {m-p}
Brittany {prop} (region of North West France) :: Бретања {f}
brittleness {n} (property) :: кршливост {f}
brittleness {n} (state) :: кршливост {f}
bro {n} (a male sibling) SEE: brother ::
broach {n} (spit) SEE: spit ::
broach {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
broad {adj} (wide) SEE: wide ::
broad {adj} (having a specified width) :: широк {m}
broad {n} (whore) SEE: whore ::
broadband {n} (high-capacity internet connection) :: широкопојасна врска {f}, широкопојасна линија {f}
broad bean {n} (Vicia faba) :: бакла {f}
broadcaster {n} (organisation) :: емитувач {m}, радиодифузер {m}
broadcaster {n} (person) :: емитувач {m}, радиодифузер {m}
broadcasting {n} (business or profession of radio and television) :: емитување {n}, радиодифузија {f}
broadcloth {n} (fine smooth-faced woolen cloth) :: сукно {n}
broccoli {n} (plant Brassica oleracea var. italica) :: брокола {f}, броколи {p}
brochure {n} (booklet of printed informational matter) :: брошура {f}
broken {adj} (fragmented) :: скршен
broker {n} (mediator between a buyer and seller) :: брокер {m}, посредник {m}
bromatology {n} (study of food) :: броматологија {f}
bromine {n} (nonmetallic chemical element) :: бром {m}
Bronx cheer {n} (synonym of raspberry) SEE: raspberry ::
bronze {n} (alloy) :: бронза {f}, туч {m} [archaic]
Bronze Age {prop} (archaeology) :: бронзено време {n}
brooch {n} (jewellery with pin) :: брош {m}, брошка {f}
brood {n} (the young of certain animals) :: пиле {n}
brood {v} (to keep an egg warm) :: квачи
brook {n} (a small stream) :: поток {m}
brook {v} (tolerate) SEE: tolerate ::
broom {n} (domestic utensil) :: метла {f}
broom {v} (to sweep) :: мете
broth {n} (water in which food (meat or vegetable etc) has been boiled) :: бујон {m}
broth {n} (soup made from broth) :: супа {f}
brothel {n} (house of prostitution) :: јавна куќа {f}, бордел {m}, куплерај {m}
brother {n} (male sibling) :: брат {m}
brother {n} (male having parents in common) :: брат {m}
brother {n} (male fellow member of a religious community) :: брат {m}
brotherhood {n} (state of being brothers or a brother) :: братство {n}
brotherhood {n} (an association of any purpose, a fraternity) :: братство {n}
brother-in-law {n} (one's husband's brother) :: девер {m}
brother-in-law {n} (one's wife's brother) :: шура {m}
brother-in-law {n} (one's sister's husband) :: зет {m}
brother-in-law {n} (one's wife's sister's husband) :: баџанак {m}, баџо {m}
brow {n} (forehead) SEE: forehead ::
brow {n} (eyebrow) SEE: eyebrow ::
brown {adj} (having a brown colour) :: кафен
brownnose {v} (fawn) SEE: fawn ::
browser {n} (web browser) SEE: web browser ::
Bruges {prop} (city in Belgium) :: Бриж {m}
bruise {n} (medical: mark on the skin) :: модринка {f}, модрица {f}
Brunei {prop} (a country in Southeast Asia) :: Брунеј {m}
brunette {n} (a person, especially female, with brown or black hair) :: калеша {f}, бринета {f}
brunette {n} (a person, especially female, with dark eyes and darkish or olive skin) :: калеша {f}
brush {n} (implement) :: четка {f}
Brussels {prop} (capital of Belgium) :: Брисел
Brussels sprout {n} (vegetable) :: прокељ {m}, бриселско зелје {n}, бриселски зелкички {f-p}
brute {adj} (of humans: senseless, unreasoning) :: скот {m}
Bryansk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Брјанск {m}
bryology {n} (The study of bryophytes) :: бриологија {f}
bubble {n} (Greek) SEE: Greek ::
bubble {n} (spherically contained volume of air or other gas) :: меур {m}
bubble {n} (small spherical cavity in a solid) :: меурче {n}
bubble {n} (anything resembling a hollow sphere) :: меур {m}
bubble {v} (to cry, weep) SEE: weep ::
bubble {v} (to cheat, delude) SEE: cheat ::
bubblegum {n} (chewing gum) :: гума за џвакање {f}, мастика {f}
Bucharest {prop} (The capital of Romania) :: Букурешт {m}
buck {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
bucket {n} (container) :: кофа {f}
Buckingham Palace {prop} (the official London residence of the British monarch) :: Бакингемска палата {f}
buckle {n} (belt clasp) :: тока {f}
buckle {v} (to fasten) :: закопчува
buckshot {n} (lead shot used in shotgun cartridges) :: сачма {f}
buck's party {n} (bachelor party) SEE: bachelor party ::
buckwheat {n} (fruit of this plant as cereal) :: елда {f}
bud {n} (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded) :: пупка {f}
Budapest {prop} (the capital city of Hungary) :: Будимпешта {f}
buddha {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
Buddha {prop} (spiritual and philosophical teacher) :: Буда {m}
Buddhism {n} (religion and philosophy) :: будизам {m}
Buddhist {adj} (of, relating to, or practicing Buddhism) :: будистички
Buddhist {n} (practitioner of Buddhism) :: будист {m}, будистка {f}
Buddhist {n} (follower of Buddha) :: будист {m}, будистка {f}
budget {n} (the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame) :: буџет {m}
buffalo {n} (Old World mammals) :: бивол {m}
Buffalo {prop} (a city in New York State) :: Бафало
bug {n} (problem that needs fixing (especially in computing)) :: грешка {f}
buggy {n} (shopping cart) SEE: shopping cart ::
build {v} ((transitive) to form by combining materials or parts) :: гради {impf}
builder {n} (a person who builds or constructs things) :: градител {m}
builder {n} (a bodybuilder) SEE: bodybuilder ::
building {n} (act or process of building) :: изградба {f}, градење {n}
building {n} (closed structure with walls and a roof) :: зграда {f}, здание {n}, куќа {f}, дом {m}
bulb {n} (bulb-shaped root) :: луковица {f}
bulb {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb ::
Bulgaria {prop} (country) :: Бугарија {f}
Bulgarian {adj} (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language) :: бугарски
Bulgarian {n} (native of Bulgaria) :: Бугарин {m}, Бугарка {f}
Bulgarian {n} (language) :: бугарски {m}
bulk {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre ::
bull {n} (uncastrated adult male bovine) :: бик {m}
bull {n} (large, strong man) :: бик {m}, збиток {m}, стропјак {m}
bull {n} (finance: investor who buys in anticipation of a rise in prices) :: берзански шпекулант {m}
bull {v} (polish boots to a high shine) :: светнува, гланца
bullcrap {n} (bullshit) SEE: bullshit ::
bulldozer {n} (tractor) :: булдожер {m}
bullet {n} (projectile) :: куршум {m}
bulletin board {n} (a board) :: огласна табла {f}
bull fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bullshit {n} (deceitful statements, etc) :: срање {n}
bullshit {interj} (expression of disbelief) :: не сери
bully {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp ::
bully {n} (person who is cruel to others) :: силеџија {m}, насилник {m}
bully {v} (to intimidate) :: заплашува, застрашува
bully {v} (act aggressively towards) :: тиранизира
bullying {n} (act of intimidating a person) :: застрашување {n}
bullying {n} (persistent acts intended to make life unpleasant) :: задевање {n}
bulwark {n} (defense or safeguard) :: насип {m}
bulwark {n} (breakwater) SEE: breakwater ::
bumblebee {n} (genus of bee) :: бумбар {m}
bumfodder {n} (toilet paper) SEE: toilet paper ::
bun {n} (newbie) SEE: newbie ::
bun {n} (A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced) :: земичка {f}
bun {n} (A tight roll of hair worn at the back of the head) :: пунџа {f}
bung {n} (bribe) SEE: bribe ::
bunny {n} (young rabbit) :: зајаче {n}
burden {n} (responsibility, onus) :: бреме {n}
burdock {n} (any of the species of biennial thistles in the genus Arctium) :: чичок {m}
bureau {n} (office (room)) :: канцеларија {f}
bureaucracy {n} (system of administration) :: бирократија {f}
bureaucracy {n} (excessive red tape) :: бирократија {f}
bureaucrat {n} (An official in a bureaucracy) :: бирократ {m}, чиновник {m}
bureaucratic {adj} (of or pertaining to bureaucracy) :: бирократски
Burgas {prop} (city in Bulgaria) :: Бургас
burial {n} (interment) :: закоп {m}, погреб {m}
burka {n} (female garment that covers the whole body) :: бурка {f}, фереџе
Burkina Faso {prop} (country) :: Буркина Фасо {f}
Burma {prop} (Southeast Asian country (former name), see also: Myanmar) :: Бурма {f}
burn {v} (to cause to be consumed by fire) :: изгорува {impf}, изгори {pf}, гори {impf}
burn {v} (to be consumed by fire) :: гори {impf}
burn {v} (to sunburn) SEE: sunburn ::
burning bush {n} (Euonymus in general) SEE: spindle ::
burocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to bureaucracy) :: бирократски
burp {n} (a softer belch) :: ждригање {n}
burp {v} (to emit a burp) :: ждрига {impf}, подригнува {impf}
burqa {n} (burka) SEE: burka ::
burrow {n} (a tunnel or hole) :: дупка {f}, дупка в земјата {f}
burst into tears {v} (suddenly start crying) :: се расплаче
Burundi {prop} (a country in Eastern Africa) :: Бурунди {n}
Buryatia {prop} (Buryatia, Russia) :: Бурјатија {f}
bus {n} (medical slang: ambulance) SEE: ambulance ::
bus {n} (vehicle) :: автобус {m}
bus {n} (electrical conductor) :: магистрала {f}
Busan {prop} (Busan, South Korea) :: Бусан {m}
bush {n} (category of woody plant) :: грмушка {f}, џбун {m}
Bush {prop} (surname) :: Буш
bushel {n} (dry measure) :: бушел {m}
bushel {n} (vessel of capacity of a bushel) :: бушел {m}
business {n} (commercial enterprise or establishment) :: дејност {f}, бизнис {m}
business {n} (occupation, work or trade of a person) :: занимање {n}, работа {f}
business {n} (volume or amount of commercial trade) :: промет {m}
business {n} (something involving one personally) :: работа {f}
businessman {n} (a man in business, one who works at a commercial institution) :: бизнисмен {m}
bus station {n} (major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes) :: автобуска станица {f}
bus stop {n} (a stop for public transport buses) :: постојка, станица {f}
busy {adj} (doing a great deal) :: зафатен
busybody {n} (someone who interferes with others) :: душкало {n}
but {conj} (rather) :: но, туку
but {conj} (although) :: но, ама
but {conj} (except) :: освен
butcher {n} (a person who prepares and sells meat) :: месар {m}, касап {m}
butcher {n} (a brutal or indiscriminate killer) :: колач {m}, касап {m}
butcher {v} (To slaughter animals and prepare meat for market) :: касапи, коле
butcher {v} (to kill brutally) :: коле, касапи
butcher's {n} (butcher’s shop) :: месарница {f}
butchershop {n} (a butcher's shop) :: месарница {f}
butchery {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir ::
butler {n} (manservant having charge of wines and liquors) :: батлер {m}
butler {n} (chief male servant) :: батлер {m}
butt {n} (larger or thicker end of anything; blunt end) :: кундак {m}
butt {n} (buttocks) :: газ {m}, задник {m}
butt {n} (remnant of a smoked cigarette or cigar) :: отпушок {m}, пикавец {m}
butter {n} (soft foodstuff made from milk) :: путер {m}
butterbur {n} (herb) :: лопур {m}
buttercup {n} (flower of the genus Narcissus) SEE: daffodil ::
butterfly {n} (insect) :: пеперутка {f}, пеперуга {f}
buttermilk {n} (traditional buttermilk) :: матеница
buttermilk {n} (cultured buttermilk) :: матеница {f}
butthole {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
butt-naked {adj} (naked) SEE: naked ::
buttock {n} (each of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body) :: бут {m}, задник {m}
button {n} (knob or small disc serving as a fastener) :: копче {n}
button {n} (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger) :: копче {n}
button {n} (in computer software, an on-screen control that can be selected) :: копче {n}
button {n} (a badge worn on clothes) :: значка {f}
button {n} (botany: a bud) :: пупка {f}
button {v} (to fasten with a button) :: закопчува
butt plug {n} (A sex toy for the anus and rectum) :: анална затка {f}
buy {v} (to obtain something with money) :: купува {impf}
buzz {n} (continuous humming noise) :: брмчење {n}, зуење {n}
buzz {v} (to make a low, continuous, humming or sibilant sound) :: брмчи, зуи
buzz {n} (whisper) SEE: whisper ::
buzzard {n} (bird of the genus Buteo) :: јастреб глувчар {m}
buzzard {n} (scavenging bird) SEE: vulture ::
buzzing {n} (The action of the verb to buzz) :: брмчи, зуи
buzzing {n} (The sound produced by something that buzzes) :: брмечење {n}, зуење {n}
by {prep} (near, or next to) :: до, кај
by all means {prep} (emphatically yes, definitely) :: секако
by and by {adv} (soon) SEE: soon ::
by chance {prep} (unexpected(ly); accidental(ly)) :: случајно
Bydgoszcz {prop} (a city in Poland) :: Бидгошч {m}
by foot {adv} (on foot) SEE: on foot ::
bygone {adj} (in the far past) :: дамнешен {m}
by heart {prep} (knowing completely) :: напамет, наизуст
by no means {prep} (certainly not) :: во никој случај
byte {n} (8-bit unit) :: бајт {m}
by the by {prep} (by the way) SEE: by the way ::
by the Grace of God {prep} (By divine right) :: по милост Божја, по Божја Милост
by the time {prep} (when) SEE: when ::
by the way {prep} (incidentally) :: патем, патем речено
Byzantine {adj} (of or pertaining to Byzantium) :: византиски
Byzantine {adj} (belonging to the civilisation of the Eastern-Roman empire) :: Византиец
Byzantine {adj} (overly complex or intricate) :: византиски {m}
Byzantine {n} (native of Byzantine Empire) :: Византиец {m}, Византијка {f}
Byzantium {prop} (ancient Greek city) :: Византија {f}