User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sh-r

Ra {prop} (Egyptian god of the Sun) :: Ра {m}; {m}
rabbi {n} (Jewish scholar or teacher) :: рабин {m}; rabin {m}
rabbit {n} (mammal) :: зец {m}, кунӣћ {m}; zȇc {m}, kùnīć {m}
rabbit {n} (fur) :: зечевина {f}; zečevina {f}
rabble {n} :: олош {m}, руља {f}; ȍloš {m}, rulja {f}
rabid {adj} (furious; raging; extremely violent) :: bijesan
rabies {n} (viral disease) :: беснило {n}, бесноћа {f}; bèsnilo {n}, besnoća {f}
raccoon {n} (nocturnal omnivore living in North America, Procyon lotor) :: ракун {m}; rakun {m}
race {n} (contest) :: трка {f}, гонка {f} [rare]; tȑka {f}, gonka {f} [rare]
race {n} (a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of a common heritage) :: раса {f}; rȁsa {f}
racialism {n} (racism) SEE: racism ::
racism {n} (racial prejudice or discrimination) :: расизам {m}; rasizam {m}
racist {n} (person who believes a particular race is superior to others.) :: расист {m}; ràsist {m}
racist {adj} (relating to racism) :: расѝстичкӣ; rasìstičkī
rack and pinion {n} (mechanism converting rotational motion into linear) :: zupčani prijenos s ozubnicom {m}
racket {n} (fraud) :: reket {m}
racoon {n} (raccoon) SEE: raccoon ::
rada {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet ::
radiate {v} (to extend from a center) :: zráčiti
radiate {v} (to emit rays or waves) :: zráčiti
radiate {v} (to come out or proceed in rays) :: zráčiti
radiate {v} (to illuminate) :: osvijétliti
radiate {v} (to expose to ionizing radiation) :: ozráčiti
radiation {n} (shooting forth of anything from a point or surface) :: radijácija {f}, zráčēnje {n}
radiation {n} (process of radiating waves or particles) :: radijácija {f}, zráčēnje {n}
radiation {n} (transfer of energy via radiation) :: radijácija {f}, zráčēnje {n}
radiation {n} (radioactive energy) :: radijácija {f}
radicalism {n} (social or political movements that aim at fundamental change in the structure of society) :: radikalizam {m}
radio {n} (technology) :: радио {m}; rȃdio {m}
radio {n} (receiver) :: радиопријемнӣк {m}, радио {m}; radiopríjēmnīk {m}, rȃdio {m}
radio {n} (transmitter) :: радиоодашиљач {m}, радио {m}; radioodašiljač {m}, rȃdio {m}
radioactive {adj} (exhibiting radioactivity) :: радиоактивни; radioaktivni
radioactive fallout {n} (material from a radioactive plume) :: nuklearne padaline {f-p}, radioaktivne padaline {f-p}; нуклеарне падавине; nuklearne padavine
radioactive waste {n} (type of waste) :: радиоактивни отпад {m}; radioaktivni otpad {m}
radio telescope {n} (astronomical device) :: радио-телескоп {m}; radio-teleskop {m}
radish {n} (plant Raphanus sativus var. sativus) :: ротква {f}, ротквица {f}; rȍtkva {f}, rȍtkvica {f}
radish {n} (edible root) :: ротква {f}, ротквица {f}; rȍtkva {f}, rȍtkvica {f}
radium {n} (chemical element with an atomic number of 88) :: радӣј {m}; rȃdīj {m}
radius {n} (bone (human)) :: žbica {f}, palčana kost {f}
radius {n} (line segment) :: полупречник {m}; poluprečnik {m}
radius {n} (length of this line segment) :: полупречник {m}; poluprečnik {m}
radix {n} (biology: root) SEE: root ::
radon {n} (chemical element) :: радон {m}; radon {m}
raft {n} (flat, floating structure) :: сплав {m}; splȃv {m}
raft {n} (inflatable floating craft) :: гумењак; gumènjāk {m}
rag {n} (piece of cloth) :: крпа {f}; krpa {f}
rag {n} (mean or tattered attire) :: prnje {f-p}, прње {f-p}
rag {n} :: prnje/прње {f-p}
rage {n} (a violent anger) :: ljutost, goropadnost, goropad, jarost, bes, besnost, bijes {m}
Ragnarok {prop} (the final battle in Norse mythology) :: Рагнарек {m}, Рагнарок {m}; Ragnarek {m}, Ragnarok {m}
Ragusa {prop} (Dubrovnik) SEE: Dubrovnik ::
rail {n} (means of transportation) SEE: railway ::
rail {n} (metal bar) :: tračnica {f}, šina {f}
rail {n} :: [1] grdnja {m}, [2] šina {f}, [3] pruga {f}, [4] prečaga {f}
railroad {n} (permanent road consisting of fixed metal rails) SEE: railway ::
railroad {n} (transportation system) SEE: railway ::
railroad station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station ::
railway {n} (track, consisting of parallel rails) :: железница {f}, жељезница {f}; železnica {f}, željeznica {f}
railway {n} (transport system using these rails) :: железница {f}, жељезница {f}; žèleznica {f}, žèljeznica {f}
railway station {n} (place where trains stop) :: железничка станица {f}, жељезничка станица {f}, železnička stanica {f}, željeznička stanica {f}, станица {f}, stanica {f}
railway station {n} (an urban terminal for a number of trains) :: kolodvor {m}
rain {n} (condensed water from a cloud) :: киша {f}, дажд {m}; kiša {f}, dažd {m}
rain {n} (any matter falling) :: киша {f}; kiša {f}
rain {v} (of rain: to fall from the sky) :: kíšiti
rain {v} (to fall in large quantities) :: pljúštati
rainbow {n} (multicoloured arch in the sky) :: дуга {f}; dúga {f}
raincoat {n} (waterproof coat) :: кабаница {f}; kabànica {f}
rainforest {n} (type of forest) :: pràšuma {f}
rainy {adj} (abounding with rain) :: кишан; kišan
raise {v} (to cause to rise) :: podici
raisin {n} (dried grape) :: суво грожђе {n}; suvo grožđe {n}, grožđice {p}
Rajab {prop} (month) :: реџеп {m}; redžep {m}
rajah {n} (Hindu prince) :: раџа {m}; rȁdža {m}
Rajasthani {prop} (Rajasthani language) :: раџастански {m}; radžastanski {m}
rake {n} (garden tool) :: грабуље {f-p}, грабље {f-p}; grȁbulje {f-p}, grȁblje {f-p}
raki {n} (liqueur flavored with anise) :: ракија {f}; ràkija {f}
rakija {n} (strong alcoholic drink) :: ракија {f}; ràkija {f}
rally {n} (demonstration) SEE: demonstration ::
ram {n} (male sheep) :: ован {m}, баран {m} [regional]; ovan {m}, baran {m} [regional]
Ramadan {prop} (holy ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar) :: рамазан {m}; ramazan {m}
ramble {n} (stroll) SEE: stroll ::
ramson {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons ::
ramsons {n} (Allium ursinum) :: сремуш {m}, сријемуш {m}; srȇmuš {m}, srȉjemuš {m}
ranch {n} (large plot of land) :: ранч {m}; ranč {m}
ranch {n} (small farm that cultivates vegetables or livestock) :: ранч {m}; ranč {m}
ranch {n} (house or property on a ranch land) :: ранч {m}; ranč {m}
rancid {adj} (rancid) SEE: offensive ::
random {adj} (all outcomes being unpredictable) :: nasumice, proizvoljno
random number {n} (number allotted randomly using a suitable generator) :: случајни број {m}; slučajni broj {m}
range {v} (to classify) SEE: classify ::
ranger {n} :: ренџер {m} /rendžer/
rank {n} (chess: one of the horizontal lines of squares) :: ред {m}; red {m}
rankle {v} (to cause irritation) :: mučiti
rankle {v} (to fester) :: gnjiliti
ransom {n} (money paid for the freeing of a hostage) :: откупнина {f}; otkupnina {f}
ransom {v} (to pay a price to set someone free) :: откупити; otkupiti
ransomware {n} (malware) :: уцењивачки софтвер {m} / уцјењивачки софтвер {m}, ренсомвер {m}; ucenjivački softver {m} / ucjenjivački softver {m}, rensomver {m}
rant {n} (criticism) :: deklamacija
rant {n} (incoherent and emotional articulation) :: deklamacija
rantistirion {n} (ritual sprinkler used in some Christian rites) :: škropilo {n}
rapacious {adj} (avaricious) :: gramziv, pohlepan, lakom
rapacious {adj} (which subsists off live prey) :: grabežljiv
rape {n} (act of forcing sexual activity) :: силовање {n}; sȉlovānje {n}
rape {v} (force sexual intercourse) :: силовати {impf} {pf}; silovati {impf} {pf}
raping {n} (rape) SEE: rape ::
rapist {n} (someone who rapes someone else) :: насилник {m}, силоватељ {m}, силеџија {m}; nasilnik {m}, silovatelj {m}, siledžija {m}
rapport {n} (A relationship of mutual trust and respect) :: dobri odnosi, prisnost {f}
raptor {n} (bird of prey) SEE: bird of prey ::
rare {adj} (very uncommon) :: редак, риједак; rédak, rijédak
rareness {n} (property of being rare) :: ријеткост {f}; rijétkōst {f}
rarity {n} (measure of the scarcity of an object) :: ријеткост {f}, рарѝтет {m}; rijétkōst {f}, rarìtēt {m}
rarity {n} (rare object) :: ријеткост {f}, рарѝтет {m}; rijétkōst {f}, rarìtēt {m}
rascal {n} (cheeky person) :: лупеж {m}; lúpež {m}
rashly {adv} (in a rash manner) :: нагло; nȃglo
raspberry {n} (plant) :: малина {f}; malina {f}
raspberry {n} (fruit) :: малина {f}; malina {f}
raspy {adj} (rough, raw) :: promukao {m}
rat {n} (rodent) :: пацов {m} [usually Serbia], штакор {m} [usually Croatia]; pacov {m} [usually Serbia], štakor {m} [usually Croatia]
rate {n} (speed) SEE: speed ::
rate {v} (berate) SEE: berate ::
ratel {n} (Mellivora capensis) SEE: honey badger ::
rather {adv} (preferably) :: radije
rating {n} (mark that refers to the ability of something) :: rejting {m}
rational {adj} (capable of reasoning) :: рационалан, разуман; racionalan, razuman
rational {adj} (reasonable; not absurd) :: рационалан, разуман, разборит; racionalan, razuman, razborit
rational {adj} (arithmetic: of a number) :: рационалан; racionalan
rational {adj} (arithmetic: of an algebraic expression) :: рационалан; racionalan
rational {n} (rational number) SEE: rational number ::
rationale {n} (explanation of the basis or fundamental reasons) :: razlog, opravdanje
rationalism {n} (philosophical theory) :: racionalizam {m}
rational number {n} (quotient of integers) :: рaционaлни број {m}; racionalni broj {m}
rat out {v} (to inform authorities (about someone)) :: цинкати /cinkati/, цинкарити /cinkariti/, откуцати / otkucati/; cinkati, cinkariti, otkucati
rat race {n} (activity which is hectic, tedious, and congested with participants) :: trčanje u kotaču
rattle {n} (sound) :: клопотац {m}, чегртаљка {f}, звечка {f}, клепет {m}, клопот {m}, хропац {m}, ропац {m}; klopòtac {m}, čegrtāljka {f}, zvȅčka {f}, klȅpēt {m}, klȍpōt {m}, hròpac {m}, ropac {m}
rattle {n} (baby’s toy) :: звечка {f}; zvȅčka {f}
rattle {n} (death rattle) SEE: death rattle ::
rattler {n} (rattlesnake) SEE: rattlesnake ::
rattlesnake {n} (venomous snake) :: звечарка {f}; zvečarka {f}, čegrtuša {f}
raven {n} (bird) :: гавран {f}; gȁvrān {f}
ravine {n} (a deep narrow valley) :: jaruga {f}
ravish {v} (rape) SEE: rape ::
raw {adj} (uncooked) :: сѝров; sìrov
raw material {n} (material in its unprocessed, natural state) :: сировина {f}, sirovina {f}
raw material {n} :: sirovina {f}
ray {n} (beam of light or radiation) :: зрака {f}, зрак {m}; zrȁka {f}, zrȃk {m}
ray {n} (mathematics: line extending indefinitely in one direction from a point) :: полуправац {m}; pȍlupravac {m}
ray {v} (to emit something as if in rays, to radiate as if in rays) :: zráčiti
ray {n} (marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail) :: ража {f}; raža {f}
Raymond {prop} (male given name) :: Rajmund {m}
raze {v} (to demolish) :: sravniti
razor {n} (shaving knife) :: бријач {m}, бритва {f}; brijač {m}, britva {f}
razor blade {n} (razor blade) :: жилет {m}; žilet {m}
reach {v} (to extend, to thrust out) :: {pf} doseći, {impf} dosezati
reach {v} (to deliver by stretching out, to hand over) :: dokučiti
reach for the sky {interj} (surrender) SEE: hands up ::
reactant {n} (participant at the start of a chemical reaction) :: reaktant {m}
reaction {n} (action in response to an event) :: реакција {f}; reàkcija {f}
read {v} (look at and interpret letters or other information) :: чѝтати {impf}; čìtati {impf}
read {v} (speak aloud words or other information that is written) :: чѝтати {impf}; čìtati {impf}
read between the lines {v} (infer a meaning that is not stated explicitly) :: чѝтати између редова; čìtati ȉzmeđu rȅdōvā
reader {n} (person who reads a publication) :: чѝтатељ {m}, чѝталац {m}, читатељица {f}; čìtatelj {m}, čìtalac {m}, čitatèljica {f}
reader {n} (any device that reads something) :: чѝтач {m}; čìtāč {m}
readership {n} (collected readers of a publication) :: čitatéljstvo {n}
reading {n} (process of interpreting written language) :: читање {n}; čìtānje {n}
reading {n} (process of interpreting a symbol) :: читање {n}; čìtānje {n}
reading {n} (event at which material is read aloud) :: читање {n}; čìtānje {n}
reading room {n} (space set aside for reading) :: Ronan: čitaónica {f}
ready {n} (cash) SEE: cash ::
ready {adj} (prepared for immediate action or use) :: спреман, готов; spreman, gotov
ready {adj} :: spreman, gotov
ready, aim, fire {interj} (sequence of commands) :: спреми се, нишани, пали; spremi se, nišani, pali
ready, set, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go ::
ready, steady, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go ::
real {adj} (true, genuine, not merely nominal) :: стваран, реалан; stvȃran, rȅālan
real {adj} (genuine, not artificial, counterfeit or fake) :: pravi
real {adj} (genuine, unfeigned, sincere) :: правӣ; prȃvī
real {adj} (that has physical existence) :: правӣ; prȃvī
real {adj} (law: relating to immovable tangible property) :: nekretnina {f}
real {adj} (absolute, complete, utter) :: правӣ; prȃvī
real {adj} (signifying meritorious qualities or actions) :: furam svoj fazon [slang: "I'm following my own ethics"]
real {n} (mathematics: a real number) SEE: real number ::
real {adv} (really) SEE: really ::
real estate {n} (property that cannot easily be moved) :: nekretnine {f-p}
realism {n} (concern for fact or reality) :: realizam {m}
realist {n} (one who sees things as they are) :: realist {m}
realist {n} (advocate of artistic realism) :: realist {m}
reality {n} (state of being actual or real) :: стварност {f}, реалност {f}, јава {f}; stvarnost {f}, realnost {f}, java {f}
reality {n} :: стварност {f}, реалност {f}, јава {f}; stvarnost {f}, realnost {f}, java {f}
realization {n} :: остварење {n} /ostvarenje/
realize {v} (to make real) :: ostvariti
really {adv} (actually) :: stvarno, uistinu, doista, zbilja
really {adv} (informally, as an intensifier; very, very much) :: baš, fakat
real number {n} (limit of a convergent sequence of rational numbers) :: реaлни брой {m}; realni broj {m}
real property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate ::
realtime {adj} (computer term) :: u stvarnom vremenu
reap {v} (to cut with a sickle) :: жети {impf}; žeti {impf}
reaper {n} (the Grim Reaper) SEE: Grim Reaper ::
reap hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle ::
reaping hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle ::
rear-view mirror {n} (mirror inside a vehicle giving view of the traffic behind) :: ретровӣзор {m}; retròvīzor {m}
reason {n} (that which causes: a cause) :: разлог {m}, узрок {m}; razlog {m}, ùzrok {m}
reason {n} ((the capacity of the human mind for) rational thinking) :: разум {m}; rȁzūm {m}
reason {n} :: rázlog {m}
reassure {v} (to assure anew; to restore confidence to; to free from fear or self-doubt) :: obodriti
rebel {n} (person who resists an established authority) :: побуњенӣк {m}, побуњеница {f}; pobunjènīk {m}, pobunjènica {f}
rebel {v} (to resist or become defiant towards) :: búniti, pobúniti
rebellion {n} (armed resistance) :: буна {f}, побуна {f}, устанак {f}; búna {f}, pȍbuna {f}, ùstanak {f}
rebellion {n} (defiance) :: буна {f}, побуна {f}; búna {f}, pȍbuna {f}
rebirth {n} (revival, reinvigoration) :: preporod {m}
rebirth {n} (spiritual renewal) :: preporod {m}
reboot {n} (instance of rebooting) :: ponovno pokretanje {n}
reboot {v} (To execute a computer's boot process and reload the operating system) :: ponovno pokrenuti
rebut {v} (deny the truth of something) :: оповргнути {pf}, оповргавати {impf}; opòvrgnuti {pf}, opovrgávati {impf}
receive {v} (take what is offered, accept from another) :: примити; primiti
receiver {n} (person appointed to settle financial affairs) :: стечајни управитељ {m}; stečajni upravitelj {m}
recension {n} (critical revision of a text) :: recenzija, рецензија
recent {adj} (having happened a short while ago) :: недавни, нов; nedavni, nov
recently {adv} (in the recent past) :: nedavno
reception {n} (act of receiving) :: prijem, doček
reception {n} (electronics: act or ability to receive signals) :: prijem
reception {n} (social engagement) :: prijem, doček
reception {n} (front desk) :: recepcija {f}
reciprocal {adj} (done by each of two people towards the other) :: узајаман; uzajaman
recital {n} (a formal explanation of the reasons on which the transaction is founded) :: úvodna ȉzjava {f}
recital {n} (narration) SEE: narration ::
recite {v} (to recite) SEE: say ::
reckon {v} (to count; to enumerate; to number; also, to compute; to calculate) :: izračunati
reckoning {n} (the action of calculating or estimating something) :: obračun {m}
reclaim {v} (to tame or domesticate a wild animal) SEE: tame ::
reclusive {adj} (preferring privacy) :: повучен, дѝскретан; povùčen, dìskretan
recognizably {adv} (in a recognizable manner) :: разговијетно, разговетно; rȁzgovijētno, rȁzgovētno
recoil {v} (to pull back, especially in disgust, horror or astonishment) :: устукнути /ustuknuti/
recommendation {n} :: prȅporuka {f}
reconnoitre {v} (perform a reconnaissance) :: izviđati
reconnoitre {n} (instance of reconnoitring) :: izvidnica {f}
record {n} (information put into a lasting physical medium) :: zapis {m}, snimka {f}, snimak {m}
record {n} (computing: set of data relating to a single individual or item) :: zapis , slog {m}
record {n} (most extreme known value of some achievement) :: рекорд {m}; rekord {m}
recovery {n} (return to normal health) :: oporav {m}, oporava {f}, oporavak {m}, ozdravljenje {n}
recovery {n} (economics: renewed growth after a slump) :: oporavak {m}
recreation {n} (activity that diverts, amuses or stimulates) :: рекреација {f}; rekreacija {f}
rectangle {n} (quadrilateral) :: правоугаоник {m}, правокутник {m}; pravougaonik {m}, pravokutnik {m}
rectangular {adj} (having a shape like a rectangle) :: u obliku pravougaonika, pravougaoni
rectify {v} (to heal) SEE: heal ::
rector {n} (cleric in charge of a parish) :: жупнӣк; žȗpnīk
rector {n} (headmaster) :: ректор; rȅktor {m}
recursive {adj} (computing: of a set whose characteristic function is recursive) :: rekurzivan
recursive {adj} :: rekurzivan
recyclable {adj} (able to be recycled) :: рециклабилан, обновљив; reciklabilan, obnovljiv
recycling {n} (the practice of sorting and collecting waste materials for new use) :: рециклирање {n}; recikliranje {n}
red {n} (colour) :: црвена {f}; crvena {f}
red {adj} (having red as its colour) :: црвена {f}, црвен; crvena {f}, crven
Red Army {prop} (name of the Soviet army) :: Црвена армија {f}; Crvenā àrmija {f}
red beet {n} (beetroot) SEE: beetroot ::
redbud {n} (Judas tree) SEE: Judas tree ::
Red Crescent {prop} (branch of the Red Cross) :: Црвени полумесец {m}, Црвени полумјесец {m}; Crveni polumesec {m}, Crveni polumjesec {m}
Red Cross {prop} (Red Cross) :: Црвени криж {m}, Црвени крст {m}; Crveni križ {m}, Crveni krst {m}
red deer {n} (Cervus elaphus) :: јелен; jelen
red dwarf {n} (small star) :: црвени патуљак {m}, crveni patuljak {m}
red-eye {n} (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) :: crvenperka {f}
red-eye {n} (redness in the eye(s) of someone in a colour photograph) :: crvena zjenica {f}
red giant {n} (large red star) :: црвени џин {m} /crveni džin/
red-haired {adj} (having red hair) SEE: redheaded ::
redheaded {adj} (having red hair) :: riđokos {m}
red hot {n} (hot dog) SEE: hot dog ::
redolent {adj} (fragrant or aromatic) :: mirisan
redolent {adj} (having a smell) :: mirisan
redolent {adj} (suggestive or reminiscent) :: koji miriše na
red scarf {n} (young pioneer) SEE: young pioneer ::
Red Sea {prop} (sea between Africa and Arabia) :: Црвено море {n}; Crveno more {n}
redshift {n} (change in wavelength) :: crveni pomak {m}
Red Square {prop} (Moscow square) :: Црвени трг {m}; Crveni trg {m}
redstart {n} (ground-feeding bird) :: црвенрепка {f}; crvènrepka {f}
reducible {adj} (capable of being reduced) :: сводљив; svòdljiv
redundancy {n} (state of being redundant) :: redundantnost {f}, zalihosnost {f}, suvišnost
redundant {adj} (superfluous) :: сувӣшан, излишан, редундантан; sȕvīšan, ȉzlišan, redundàntan, zalihosan
red wine {n} (red coloured wine) :: црвено вино {n}; crveno vino {n}
reed {n} (grass-like plant) :: trska {f}
reed {n} :: trska {f}, rogoz {m}
reef {n} (rocks at or near surface of the water) :: greben {m}, гребен {m}
reef {n} (reef knot) SEE: reef knot ::
reefer {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
reef knot {n} (type of knot) :: мушки чвор, амбулантни чвор; muški čvor (male knot), ambulantni čvor (ambulatory knot)
reek {n} (unpleasant smell) :: смрад {m}, воњ {m}; smrad {m}, vonj {m}
refection {n} (mental or spiritual refreshment) :: ȍkrepa {f}
refection {n} (physical refreshment, especially with food or drink) :: zákuska {f}
referee {n} (sport: umpire, judge of a game) :: судија {m}, судац {m}, суткиња {f}; sudija {m}, súdac {m}, sȕtkinja {f}
referee {n} (person who settles a dispute) :: судија {m}, судац {m}, суткиња {f}; sudija {m}, súdac {m}, sȕtkinja {f}
referee {n} (expert who judges a manuscript) :: рецензент {m}, рецензентица {f}; recènzent {m}, recènzentica {f}
reference {n} (information about a person) :: preporuka {f}
referendum {n} (direct popular vote) :: референдум {m}; referendum {m}
referral {n} (act or process of transferring) :: upućivanje
reflection {n} (act of reflecting; the state of being reflected) :: odbles {m}, ȍdsjāj {m}, odblesak {m}, ȍdrāz {m}
reflexive {adj} (in grammar) :: повратан; povratan
reflexive {n} (reflexive pronoun) SEE: reflexive pronoun ::
reflexive {n} (reflexive verb) SEE: reflexive verb ::
reflexive pronoun {n} (a part of speech) :: повратна заменица {f}; povratna zamenica {f}
reflexive verb {n} (verb with equivalent subject and direct object) :: povratni glagol {m}
reform {n} (amendment) :: реформа {f}; rèfōrma {f}
reform {v} (to put into a new and improved form or condition) :: реформирaти; reformírati
reform {v} (to return to a good state) :: реформирaти; reformírati
refractive index {n} (ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to another medium) :: indeks prelamanja {m}, индекс преламања {m}
refractory {adj} (obstinate; strongly opposed) :: refrakteran, tvrdokoran
refractory {adj} (not affected by great heat) :: refrakteran, vatrootporan
refractory {adj} (medicine: difficult to heal) :: refrakteran, tvrdokoran
refractory {adj} (biology: incapable of registering a reaction or stimulus) :: refrakteran
refrigerator {n} (appliance) :: хладњак {m}, фрижѝдер {m}; hlȃdnjāk {m}, frižìdēr {m}
refuge {n} (state of safety, protection or shelter) :: prib(j)ežište {n}; уточиште {n}; utočište {n}
refuge {n} (place providing safety, protection or shelter) :: prib(j)ežište {n}
refuge {n} (something or someone turned to for safety or assistance) :: zbjeg {m}
refugee {n} (person seeking political asylum) :: избеглица {m}, избjеглица {m}; izbeglica {m}, izbjeglica {m}
refusal {n} (the act of refusing) :: одбијање {n}; odbíjānje {n}
refuse {v} ((transitive) decline (request, demand)) :: одбити {pf}; òdbiti {pf}
refutation {n} (an act of refuting) :: refutacija {f}, pobijanje {n}, opovrgavanje {n}
refute {v} (to prove (something) to be false or incorrect) :: opovrgnuti
regent {n} (one who rules in place of the monarch) :: регент {m}; regent {m}
reggae {n} (music genre) :: реге {m} /rege/
regicide {n} (the killing of a king) :: регѝцӣд {m}; regìcīd {m}, kraljoubistvo {m}, careubistvo {m}
regicide {n} (one who kills a king) :: kraljoubica, careubica
regime {n} (form of government) :: режим {m}; režim {m}
regiment {n} (army unit) :: пуковнија {f}, пук {m}; pukovnija {f}, puk {m}
region {n} (any considerable and connected part of a space or surface) :: област {f}, предео {m}; ȍblāst {f}, prédeo {m}
region {n} (an administrative subdivision) :: област {f}; ȍblāst {f}
region {n} (the inhabitants of a region) :: крајишнӣк; kràjišnīk {m}
register {n} (cash register) SEE: cash register ::
registration {n} (the act of signing up or registering for something) :: registrácija {f}, регистрација {f}
registration {n} (that which registers or makes something official) :: registrácija {f}
regression {n} (return to a previous state) :: регресија {f}, regresija {f}, nazadovanje {n}
regression {n} (statistics: analytic method) :: регресија {f}, regresija {f} /Latn/
regret {v} (feel sorry about some past thing) :: жалити {impf}; žȁliti {impf}, zažaliti {impf}
regulation {n} (EU: self-effecting legislative act) :: uredba
Reich {n} (a German empire or nation) :: Рајх {m}, Царство {n}, Империја {f}; Rajh {m}, Carstvo {n}, Imperija {f}
reign of terror {n} (period of brutal intimidation by those in power) :: страховлада {f}; strahovláda {f}
rein {n} (strap or rope) :: узда {f}, дизгин {m}; uzda {f}, dizgin {m}
reincarnation {n} (rebirth of a mental capacity in a physical life form) :: реинкарнација {f}, препорађање {n}; reinkarnacija {f}, preporađanje {n}
reindeer {n} (Rangifer tarandus) :: ирвас {m}, соб {m}, северни јелен {m}, сјеверни јелен {m}; ȉrvās {m}, sȍb {m}, severni jelen {m}, sjeverni jelen {m}
reinvent the wheel {v} (do work unnecessarily) :: открити топлу воду {pf}, откривати топлу воду {impf}, ѝзмислити топлу воду {pf}, измишљати топлу воду {impf}; òtkriti tȍplū vòdu {pf}, otkrívati tȍplū vòdu {impf}, ìzmisliti tȍplū vòdu {pf}, izmíšljati tȍplū vòdu {impf}
rejoice {v} (be happy) :: радовати се {impf}, веселити се {impf}, ликовати {impf}; radovati se {impf}, veseliti se {impf}, likovati {impf}
rejoice {v} (make happy) :: радовати {impf}, веселити {impf}; radovati {impf}, veseliti {impf}
rejoinder {n} (defendant's answer) :: replika {f}
rejoinder {n} (reply) :: replika {f}, odgovor {m}
relate {v} (to narrate) SEE: narrate ::
relate {v} (to interact) SEE: interact ::
relational {adj} (relative) SEE: relative ::
relational database {n} (relational database) :: relacijska baza podataka {f}
relational model {n} (database model) :: relacioni model {m}
relative {n} (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption) :: род {m}, сродник; rȏd {m}, srodnik {m}
relatively {adv} (somewhat) SEE: somewhat ::
relativism {n} (theory that truth and moral values are relative) :: relativizam {m}, релативизам {m}
relativity {n} (the state of being relative) :: релативност; relativnost {f}
relay {n} (electrical actuator) :: релеј {m}; rèlēj {m}
relay {n} (athletics discipline) :: штафета {f}; štaféta {f}
relevance {n} (property or state of being relevant, pertinency) :: relevantnost, važnost, umjesnost
relevancy {n} (relevance) SEE: relevance ::
reliable {adj} (fit to be relied on) :: pouzdan
reliably {adv} (in a reliable manner) :: поуздано, pouzdano
relief {n} (type of artwork) :: рељеф {m}; reljef {m}
relief {n} (difference of elevations on a surface) :: reljef {m}
relieved {adj} (alleviated) :: [+ dative] laknuti
religion {n} (system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) :: релӣгија {f}, вера {f} (Ekavian), вјера {f} (Ijekavian), вероѝсповест {f} (Ekavian), вјероѝсповијест {f} (Ijekavian); rèlīgija {f}, vȅra {f} (Ekavian), vjȅra {f} (Ijekavian), veroìspovēst {f} (Ekavian), vjeroìspovijēst {f} (Ijekavian)
religious {adj} (concerning religion) :: rèlīgījskī, vjèrskī
religious {adj} (committed to the practice of religion) :: rèlīgījskī, vjèrskī
relinquish {v} (to give up, abandon) :: prepustiti, odstupiti
relinquish {v} (to surrender, yield control or possession) :: odstupiti, ustupiti, prepustiti
rely on {v} (to be confident in) :: osloniti se na
remain {n} (That which is left; relic; remainder) :: ostatak
remain {v} (to stay behind while others withdraw) :: остати {pf}; òstati {pf}
remainder {n} (what remains after some has been removed) :: остатак {m}; ostatak {m}
remainder {n} (mathematics: amount left over after repeatedly subtracting the divisor) :: ostatak {m}
remainder {n} (mathematics: number left over after a simple subtraction) :: ostatak {m}
remains {n} (remains) SEE: wreck ::
remake {n} (new version of film) :: римејк {m}; rimejk {m}, remake {m}
remember {v} (to recall from one's memory) :: сећати се {impf}, сјећати се {impf}; sećati se {impf}, sjećati se {impf}
remember {v} :: setiti se, zapamtiti, upamtiti
reminder {n} (something that reminds) :: podsjetnik {m}
remote {adj} (at a distance) :: далек; dàlek
remote control {n} (device used to operate an appliance or mechanical toy from a short distance away) :: даљински управљач {m}; daljinski upravljač {m}
remote sensing {n} (remote viewing) SEE: remote viewing ::
remote viewing {n} (paranormal ability to gather information from great distances) :: gledanje na daljinu, telepercepcija
remove {v} (to remove) SEE: delete ::
ren {n} (a kidney) SEE: kidney ::
renege {v} (break a promise or commitment) :: прекршити ријеч; prekŕšiti rijȇč
renege {v} (deny, renounce) :: отказати; otkázati
rennet {n} (An enzyme) :: сирило {n}; sȉrilo {n}
rennet stomach {n} (abomasum) SEE: abomasum ::
renounce {v} (give up) :: odustati
renounce {v} (decline association with) :: otkazati
renounce {v} (abandon, forsake an action) :: napustiti, dići ruke
renounce {v} (surrender a right or trust) :: odustati, predati se
rent {n} (payment made by a tenant) :: кѝрија {f}, станарина {f}; kìrija {f}, stanàrina {f}
rent {n} (payment made for the use of equipment or a service) :: најамнѝна {f}; najamnìna {f}
renunciation {n} (the act of rejecting or renouncing something as invalid) :: odbacivanje, otkazivanje, odricanje
renunciation {n} (the resignation of an ecclesiastical office) :: odrješenje
rep {n} (reputation) SEE: reputation ::
rep {n} (representative) SEE: representative ::
rep {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition ::
repair {v} (to restore to good working order) :: popraviti
repartee {n} (swift witty retort) :: prepucavanje
repeat {v} (do or say again) :: поновити {pf}; ponòviti {pf}
repent {v} (to feel sorrow or regret for what one has done or omitted to do) :: кајати се, покајати се, kajati se, pokajati se
repent {v} (theology: to be sorry for sin as morally evil, and to seek forgiveness) :: кајати се, покајати се, kajati se, pokajati se
repent {v} (to feel sorry for, to regret) :: кајати се, покајати се, kajati se, pokajati se
repentance {n} (feeling of regret or remorse) :: покајање {n}; pokajánje {n}
repetition {n} (act or an instance of repeating or being repeated) :: понављање {n}; ponavljanje {n}
replace {v} (to substitute) :: zamijeniti
replacement {n} (a person or thing that takes the place of another; a substitute) :: nadomjestak, supstitut, zamjena
replete {adj} (abounding) :: idašan, obilan, izobilan, snabdjeven
replete {adj} (filled to bursting) :: prepunjen
report {v} (to notify formally) :: izvijestiti, prijaviti, raportirati, očitovati se
report {n} (information describing events) :: извештај {m}; ȉzveštāj {m}
reportedly {adv} (according to reports or rumors) :: navodno
reporter {n} (journalist) :: reporter {m}
repository {n} :: stovariste, spremiste, skloniste, nosilac, skladiste, repozitorijum
representative {n} (one who speaks for another) :: представнӣк {m}; prédstāvnīk {m}
representative {n} (member of the House of Representatives) :: poslanik {m}
repression {n} (act of repressing) :: репресија {f}; reprèsija {f}
reprise {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition ::
reprivatization {n} (returning to private ownership) :: реприватизација {f}; reprivatizácija {f}
reproach {n} (mild rebuke, or an implied criticism) :: prekor {m}, prijekor {m}, zamjerka {f}, prigovor {m}, zamerka {f}
reproach {n} (disgrace or shame) :: sramota, blamaža
reproductive system {n} (reproductive system) :: репродуктивни систем {m}, reproduktivni sistem {m}
reptile {n} (a cold-blooded vertebrate) :: гмаз {m}, гмизавац {m}, рептил {m}; gmaz {m}, gmizavac {m}, reptil {m}
republic {n} (a type of state) :: република {f}; repùblika {f}
republic {n} (one of the kinds of parts constituting Russia) :: република {f}; repùblika {f}
republicanism {n} (republicanism as a form of government) :: republikanìzam {m}, republikánstvo {n}
Republic of Armenia {prop} (official name of Armenia) :: Република Јерменија {f}, Република Арменија {f}; Republika Jermenija {f}, Republika Armenija {f}
Republic of Austria {prop} (official name of Austria) :: Република Аустрија {f}; Republika Austrija {f}
Republic of Azerbaijan {prop} (official name of Azerbaijan) :: Република Азербејџан {f}; Republika Azerbejdžan {f}
Republic of Belarus {prop} (official name of Belarus) :: Република Белорусија {f}; Republika Bjelorusija {f}
Republic of Bulgaria {prop} (official name of Bulgaria) :: Република Бугарска {f}; Republika Bugarska {f}
Republic of Croatia {prop} (official name of Croatia) :: Република Хрватска {f}; Republika Hrvatska {f}
Republic of Cyprus {prop} (official name of Cyprus) :: Република Кипар {f} [Serbia, Bosnia], Република Ципар {f} [Croatia]; Republika Kipar {f} [Serbia, Bosnia], Republika Cipar {f} [Croatia]
Republic of Estonia {prop} (official name of Estonia) :: Република Естонија {f}; Republika Estonija {f}
Republic of Finland {prop} (official full name of Finland) :: Финска Република {f}, Република Финска {f}; Finska Republika {f}, Republika Finska {f}
Republic of Hungary {prop} (former official name of Hungary) :: Република Мађарска {f}; Republika Mađarska {f}
Republic of Iceland {prop} (conventional descriptive name of Iceland) :: Република Ислан {f}; Republika Island {f}
Republic of India {prop} (official name of India) :: Република Индија {f}; Republika Indija {f}
Republic of Indonesia {prop} (official name of Indonesia) :: Република Индонезија {f}; Republika Indonezija {f}
Republic of Iraq {prop} (official name of Iraq) :: Република Ирак {f}; Republika Irak {f}
Republic of Ireland {prop} (country) :: Република Ирска {f}; Republika Irska {f}
Republic of Korea {prop} (country) :: Република Кореја {f}; Republika Koreja {f}
Republic of Kosovo {prop} (official name of Kosovo) :: Република Косово {f}; Republika Kosovo {f}
Republic of Latvia {prop} (Official name of Latvia) :: Летонска Република {f} [Serbia], Република Латвија {f} [Bosnia, Croatia]; Letonska Republika {f} [Serbia], Republika Latvija {f} [Bosnia, Croatia]
Republic of Lithuania {prop} (Official name of Lithuania) :: Литванска Република {f} [Bosnia, Serbia], Република Литва {f} [Croatia] ; Litvanska Republika {f} [Bosnia, Serbia], Republika Litva {f} [Croatia]
Republic of Macedonia {prop} (Republic of Macedonia, see also: Macedonia) :: Македонија {f}, Република Македонија {f}; Makedonija {f}, Republika Makedonija {f}
Republic of Malta {prop} (official name of Malta) :: Република Малта {f}; Republika Malta {f}
Republic of North Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: North Macedonia) :: Република Северна Македонија {f}; Republika Severna Makedonija {f}
Republic of Poland {prop} (official name of Poland) :: Република Пољска {f}; Republika Poljska {f}
Republic of Serbia {prop} (official name of Serbia) :: Република Србија {f}; Republika Srbija {f}
Republic of Singapore {prop} (official name of Singapore) :: Република Сингапур {f}; Republika Singapur {f}
Republic of Slovenia {prop} (official name of Slovenia) :: Република Словенија {f}; Republika Slovenija {f}
Republic of South Africa {prop} (official name of South Africa) :: Јужноафричка Република {f}, Република Јужна Африка {f}; Južnoafrička Republika {f}, Republika Južna Afrika {f}
Republic of the Congo {prop} (country) :: Република Конго {f}; Republika Kongo {f}
Republic of the Philippines {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Република Филипини {f}; Republika Filipini {f}
Republic of Turkey {prop} (official name of the country of Turkey) :: Republika Turska, Република Турска
Republika Srpska {prop} (Entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina) :: Република Српска {f}; Republika Srpska {f}
reputation {n} (what somebody is known for) :: reputacija {f}, renome {m}
request {n} (act of requesting) :: молба {f}; mòlba {f}
requiem {n} (mass to honor and remember a dead person) :: opelo
require {v} (ask) SEE: ask ::
rescue {n} (act of rescuing, saving) :: спашавање {n}; spašávānje {n}
rescue {n} (liberation) SEE: liberation ::
research {n} (inquiry or examination) :: истраживање {n}; istražívānje {n}
research {n} :: истраживање {n}; istraživanje {n}
research {v} (to examine with continued care) :: истраживати {impf}; istražívati {impf}
reseda {n} (plant of the genus Reseda) :: резеда
resemble {v} (compare) SEE: compare ::
resemble {v} (to be like or similar to something else) :: sličiti
resentment {n} (anger or displeasure felt out of belief that others have engaged in wrongdoing or mistreatment; indignation.) :: ресантиман, ресентиман, индигнација, негодовање; resantiman, resentiman, indignacija, negodovanje
reserve {v} (to reserve) SEE: hold ::
reserve {n} :: rezerva {f}
reserve bank {n} (reserve bank as a central bank) SEE: central bank ::
reside {v} (to dwell permanently or for a considerable time) :: stanovati
residence {n} (place where one lives) :: obitavalište, boravište, stan, prebivalište, stanište
resident {n} (person living at a location or an area) :: становнӣк {m}, становница {f}, житељ {m}, житељка {f}, житељица {f}; stanòvnīk {m}, stanòvnica {f}, žítelj {m}, žiteljka {f}, žíteljica {f}
resin {n} (secretion of plants) :: смола {f}; smòla {f}
resistance {n} (act of resisting) :: отпор {m}; otpor {m}
resistor {n} (an electric component that transmits current in direct proportion to the voltage across it) :: отпорник {m}, otpornik {m}
resolution {n} (computing, photography: degree of fineness of image) :: rezolucija {f}, razlučivost {f}
resolution {n} (computing: number of pixels in an image as stored or displayed) :: rezolucija {f}, razlučivost {f}
resolution {n} (formal statement adopted by an assembly) :: rezolucija {f}
resource {n} (something that one uses to achieve an objective) :: средство {n}, ресурс {m}; sredstvo {n}, resurs {m}
respect {n} (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit) :: поштовање {n}; poštovánje {n}
respect {v} (to have respect for) :: уважавати {impf}; uvažávati {impf}
respirator {n} (device to allow breathing) :: респѝратор {m}; respìrātor {m}
respite {n} (brief interval of rest or relief) :: predah
respite {n} ((law) reprieve, especially from a sentence of death) :: odgoda
respond {v} (to say in reply, to respond) SEE: return ::
responsibility {n} (the state of being responsible) :: одговорност {f}; odgovórnōst {f}
ressentiment {n} (obsolete: resentment) SEE: resentment ::
rest {n} (relief afforded by sleeping; sleep) :: одмор {m}; òdmor {m}
rest {n} (relief from exertion; state of quiet and recreation) :: одмор {m}; òdmor {m}
rest {n} (peace, freedom from trouble, tranquility) :: мир {m}; mȋr {m}
rest {n} (repose afforded by death) :: починак; pòčinak {m}
rest {n} (pause of a specified length in a piece of music) :: станка {f}; stȃnka {f}
rest {n} (physics: absence of motion) :: мировање {?}; mirovanje {?}
rest {n} (stick used to support the cue in snooker) :: подстава {f}; pȍdstava {f}
rest {n} (object designed to be used to support something else) :: сталак {m}; stálak {m}
rest {v} (intransitive: take repose) :: одморити, почивати; odmòriti, počívati
rest {v} (put into state of rest) :: одморити, пустити; odmòriti, pùstiti
rest {v} (stop working, become inactive) :: стати; stȁti
rest {v} (stay, remain, be situated) :: остати; òstati
rest {v} (transitive: lean or lay (something)) :: положити; polòžiti
rest {v} (intransitive: lie or lean or be supported) :: уздржавати; uzdržávati
rest {n} (remainder) :: остатак; ostátak
rest {v} (to remain) SEE: remain ::
restart {n} (act of restarting) :: ponovno pokretanje {n}
restaurant {n} (an eating establishment in which diners are served food) :: ресторан {m}, здрављак [dairy restaurant], гостионица {f}, гостиона {f}; restoran {m}, zdravljak {m} [dairy restaurant], gostionica {f}, gostiona {f}
resting place {n} (place where one rests or may rest) :: odmorište {n}
resting-place {n} (place where one can rest) SEE: resting place ::
rest in peace {v} (blessing or expression of hope) :: počivaj u miru
restlessness {n} (state or condition of being restless) :: nespokoj {m}; немӣр {m}; nȅmīr {m}
rest on one's laurels {v} (rely on a past success instead of trying to improve oneself further) :: спавати на ловорикама; spávati na lovòrikama
restrictive {adj} (confining; limiting) :: рестриктиван; restriktivan
result {n} (that which results) :: резултат {m}; rezùltāt {m}
result {n} :: rezultat
resume {n} (curriculum vitae) SEE: curriculum vitae ::
resume {v} (start something again that has been stopped or paused) :: nastaviti
resurrection {n} (the act of arising from the dead) :: васкрсење {n}, ускрснуће {n}; vaskrsenje {n}, uskrsnuće {n}
Resurrection {prop} (resurrection of Jesus) :: васкрсење {n}, ускрснуће {n}; vaskrsenje {n}, uskrsnuće {n}
retch {v} (to make an effort to vomit) :: напињати се на повраћање; nàpinjati se na povraćanje
reticence {n} (avoidance of saying or reluctance to say too much) :: шутљивост {f}; ćutljivost {f}, šutljivost {f}
reticence {n} (silent and reserved nature) :: повученост {f}; povučenost {f}
reticent {adj} (reserved) :: šutljiv, ćutljiv, povučen
reticulum {n} (the second stomach of a ruminant) :: капура {m}; kàpura {m}
retina {n} (thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball) :: ретина {f}, мрежница {f}, мрежњача {f}; retina, mrežnica {f}, mrežnjača {f}
retinue {n} (group of servants) :: svita
retirement {n} (act of retiring, or the state of being retired) :: пензионисање, пензија; penzionisanje, penzija
retort {v} (to retort; to throw back) SEE: return ::
retort {n} (flask used for distillation) :: retorta
retreat {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
retreat {v} (retreat) SEE: withdraw ::
retreat {n} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return ::
return {n} (answer) SEE: answer ::
return {v} :: vratiti
return {n} :: povratak {m}
return {v} (to take something back to a retailer for a refund) SEE: take back ::
reunification {n} (the unification of something that was previously divided; used especially of a country) :: поновно састајање {n}, окупљање {n}; ponovno sastajanje {n}, okupljanje {n}
reunion {n} (reunification) SEE: reunification ::
revanchist {n} (avenger) SEE: avenger ::
reveal {v} (to uncover) :: открити, otkriti
Revelation {prop} (book of Bible) :: Откровење Јованово {n}; Otkrovenje Jovanovo {n}
revenge {n} (retaliatory action) :: освета {f}, одмазда {f}; ȍsveta {f}, òdmazda {f}
revenge {v} (to take revenge for an action) :: osvetiti se
revenue {n} (total income from a given source) :: prihod {m}
revere {v} (to regard someone or something with great awe or devotion) :: поштовати {impf} {pf}; poštòvati {impf} {pf}
reverence {n} :: страхопоштовање {n}; strahopoštovanje {n}
reverend {n} (member of the Christian clergy) :: velečasni {m}, велечасни {m}
Reverend {n} (minister) SEE: reverend ::
reverie {n} (state of dreaming while awake) :: sanjarenje
reverse dowry {n} (bride price) SEE: bride price ::
review {n} :: pregled, prikaz, spis, pis
revive {v} (to return to life, to recover life or strength) :: oživeti, oživjeti, revitalizirati
revocation {n} (action of revoking) :: opoziv
revoke {v} (to cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversing) :: opozvati
revolt {v} (to rebel) :: бунити, побунити; búniti, pobúniti
revolt {n} (act of revolting) :: револт {m}, побуна {f}; rèvolt {m}, pȍbuna {f}
revolution {n} (political upheaval) :: револуција {f}; revolucija {f}
revolver {n} (a handgun with revolving chambers) :: револвер {m}; revolver {m}
revolving door {n} (rotating door) :: окретна врата {f}; okretna vrata {f}
reward {n} (something of value given in return for an act) :: награда {f}; nȃgrada {f}
reward {n} (prize promised for a certain deed or catch) :: nagrada {f}
reward {v} (give a reward to) :: награђивати {impf}, наградити {pf}; nagrađívati {impf}, nagráditi {pf}
rewarding {adj} (giving satisfaction) :: vrijedan, nagrađujući, isplativ
rewind {v} (to wind again) :: premotati
Reykjavik {prop} (capital of Iceland) :: Рејкјавик {m}; Reykjavík {m}
rhenium {n} (chemical element) :: ренијум {m}, рениј {m}; renijum {m}, renij {m}
rhetoric {n} (art of using language for persuasion) :: retòrika {f}, gòvōrnīštvo {n}
rhetoric {n} (meaningless language) :: retòrika {f}
rheumatology {n} (branch of medicine) :: реуматологија {f}; reumatològija {f}
Rhine {prop} (river that flows through Europe) :: Рајна {f}; Rajna {f}
Rhineland {prop} (land on both sides of the river Rhine) :: Порајње {n}; Pòrājnje {n}
rhinoceros {n} (herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s)) :: носорог {m}; nosorog {m}
Rhodes {prop} (island) :: Родос {m}; Rodos {m}
rhodium {n} (chemical element) :: родиј {m}, родијум {m}; rodij {m}, rodijum {m}
rhododendron {n} (flowering shrub in the genus Rhododendron) :: рододендрон {m}, пјенишник {m}; rododendron {m}, pjenišnik {m}
rhombus {n} (A parallelogram having all sides of equal length) :: ромб {m}; rȍmb {m}
rhyme {n} (word that rhymes with another) :: слик {m}, срок {m}, рима {f}; slik {m}, srok {m}, rima {f}
rhyme {n} (rhyming; sameness of sound of some parts of words, as ‘the poem exhibits rhyme’) :: slik {m}, srok {m}
rhyme {v} (transitive, to rhyme with) :: slikovati, srokovati
rhyme {v} (reciprocal) :: slikovati, srokovati
rhythm {n} (variation of strong and weak elements of sounds over time) :: ритам {m}; ritam {m}
rib {n} (curved bone) :: ребро {n}; rebro {n}
ribald {adj} (coarse, lewd, vulgar) :: скаредан {m}, вулгаран {m}; skaredan {m}, vulgaran {m}
ribald {n} (individual who is filthy or vulgar) :: хулник {m}; hulnik {m}
ribbed {adj} (having ribs) :: ребраст; rȅbrast
ribbit {n} (the sound made by a frog or toad) SEE: croak ::
ribbit {v} (make the sound of a frog or toad) SEE: croak ::
ribbon {n} (long, narrow strip of material) :: врпца {f}, трака {f}; vrpca {f}, trȁka {f}
ribbon {n} (inked ribbon) :: пантљика {f}; pàntljika {f}
ribbonlike {adj} (having the characteristics of ribbons) :: врпчаст; vȑpčast
riboflavin {n} (the vitamin B2, riboflavin) :: рибофлавӣн {m}; riboflàvīn {m}
rice {n} (plants) :: рижа {f}, пиринач {m}; riža {f}, pirinač {m}
rice {n} (seeds used as food) :: рижа {f}, пиринач {m}; riža {f}, pirinač {m}
ricefield {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy ::
rice paddy {n} (field immersed in water dedicated for the cultivation of rice) SEE: paddy ::
rich {adj} (having wealth) :: богат, имућан; bogat, imućan
Richard {prop} (male given name) :: Рикард {m}; Rikard {m}
rich kid {n} (child or young adult from a wealthy family) :: zlatni mladić {m}, tatin sin {m}
Richter scale {prop} (logarithmic scale) :: Рихтерова скала {f}, Рихтерова љествица {f}; Richterova skala {f}, Richterova ljestvica {f}
riddle {n} (sieve) SEE: sieve ::
riddle {n} (verbal puzzle) :: загонетка {f}, енигма {f}; zȁgonētka {f}, enigma {f}
ride {v} (to transport oneself by sitting on and directing a horse, bicycle etc.) :: jahati
rider {n} (robber) SEE: robber ::
ridge {n} (highest point on a roof) :: hrbat {m}
ridiculously {adv} (in a ridiculous manner) :: смешно, смијешно; sméšno, smijéšno
Riemann space {n} (subset of Euclidean space) :: Riemannov prostor {m}
riffraff {n} (the rabble) :: raja {f}, šljam {m}; олош {m}; ȍloš {m}
rifle {n} (firearm with a rifled barrel) :: пушка {f}; pȕška {f}
rift {n} (shallow place in a stream) SEE: ford ::
Riga {prop} (capital of Latvia) :: Рига {f}; Riga {f}
right {adj} (straight, not bent) :: prav, ravan
right {adj} (of an angle, 90 degrees) :: okomit
right {adj} (geometry: incorporating a right angle between edges, faces, axes, etc.) :: исправан, точан; ispravan, točan
right {adj} (of direction, opposite of left) :: десни; desni
right {adj} (politics: conservative) :: desničarski
right {adv} (towards the right side) :: надесно, nȁdesno
right {n} (legal or moral entitlement) :: право {n}; pravo {n}
right {n} (right, not left, side) :: desno {n}, desna strana
right {n} (right-wing politicians and parties) :: desnica {f}
right {v} (to correct) :: ispraviti
right {v} (to set upright) :: uspraviti
right angle {n} (angle of 90 degrees) :: прави кут {m}, прави угао {m}; pravi kut {m}, pravi ugao {m}
right-angled triangle {n} (right-angled triangle) SEE: right triangle ::
right ascension {n} (angular distance) :: rektascenzija {f}
righteousness {n} (quality or state of being righteous) :: праведност {f}; pràvednōst {f}
right-hand man {n} (trusted assistant) :: desna ruka {f}
right-hand woman {n} (trusted female assistant) :: desna ruka {f}
right now {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately ::
right now {adv} (at this precise moment) :: управо сада, upravo sada
right triangle {n} (a triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles) :: правокутни трокут {m}; pravokutni trokut {m}
rigour {n} :: rigor {m}
Rijeka {prop} (coastal city in Croatia) :: Ријека {f}; Rijéka {f}
rill {n} (very small brook) :: поточић {m}; pòtočić {m}
rim {n} (edge around something) :: rub, ivica, obod, naplatak {m} [of wheel], gobela {f} [of wheel]
ring {n} (circumscribing object) :: круг {m}; krȗg {m}
ring {n} (round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger) :: прстен {m}; pȑstēn {m}
ring {n} (place where some sports take place) :: ринг {m}; rȉng {m}
ring {v} ((intr.) to produce a resonant sound) :: звонити {impf}; zvoniti {impf}
ring {n} (burner (e.g. of a stove)) SEE: burner ::
ring down the curtain {v} (stop) SEE: stop ::
ring finger {n} (finger between the middle finger and little finger) :: прстењак {m}, домали прст {m}; prstènjāk {m}, domali prst {m}
ring up the curtain {v} (start) SEE: start ::
Rio de Janeiro {prop} (municipality) :: Рио де Жанеиро {m}; Rio de Žaneiro {m}
riot {n} (tumultuous disturbance of public peace) :: немӣр {m}, бунт {m}; nȅmīr {m}, bùnt {m}
rip {v} (to fart) SEE: fart ::
rip {n} (tear) SEE: tear ::
rip {v} (to mock) SEE: mock ::
rip {n} (type of tide or current) SEE: rip current ::
rip current {n} (strong water flow) :: isis {m}, povratna struja {f}
ripe {adj} (ready for reaping or gathering, of fruits and seeds) :: зрео; zrȅo
ripe {adj} :: зрео; zrȅo
ripen {v} (to grow ripe) :: зрети {impf}; zreti {impf}
ripple {n} (sound similar to that of undulating water) :: bućkanje {n}
riptide {n} (rip current) SEE: rip current ::
Ripuarian {prop} :: Ripuarska narječja
Risan {prop} (town) :: Risan, Рисан /Risan/
risk {n} (possible, usually negative, outcome) :: rìzik {m}
risk {n} (likelihood of a negative outcome) :: rìzik {m}, opasnost
risk {n} (potential (conventionally negative) impact of an event) :: rìzik {m}, opasnost
risky {adj} (dangerous, involving risks) :: ризичан {m}; rȉzičan {m}
rite {n} (ritual) :: обред {m}, ритуал {m}; obred {m}, ritual {m}
ritual {n} (rite) :: обред {m}, ритуал {m}; obred {m}, ritual {m}
river {n} (large stream which drains a landmass) :: река {f}, ријека {f}; réka {f}, rijéka {f}
river {n} :: река {f}, ријека {f}; réka {f}, rijéka {f}
river horse {n} (hippopotamus) SEE: hippopotamus ::
Riyadh {prop} (capital of Saudi Arabia) :: Ријад {m}; Rijad {m}
röntgen {n} (unit of exposure to ionizing radiation) :: рендген {m}, rendgen {m}
roach {n} (US: cockroach) SEE: cockroach ::
roach {n} (Rutilus rutilus) :: bodorka {f}
road {n} (a way for travel) :: пут {m}, друм {m}, цеста {f}, улица {f}; put {m}, drum {m}, cesta {f}, ulica {f}
road game {n} (athletic contest played in the opposing team's turf) SEE: away game ::
road map {n} (plan of action) :: акцӣјскӣ план {m}; àkcījskī plȃn {m}
road rash {n} (injury caused by abrasion with road surfaces) :: oguljotina od asfalta {f}
roadway {n} (main or central portion of a road used by the vehicles) :: kolnik {m}
roar {v} (of animals, to make a loud deep noise) :: рикати; rikati
roast {v} (to cook food by heating in an oven or fire) :: пећи; peći
robber {n} (one who robs) :: разбојнӣк {m}; rázbōjnīk {m}
robber baron {n} (a feudal lord who charged exorbitant fees on travellers) :: витез отѝмач {m}; vȉtēz otìmāč {m}
robbery {n} (act or practice of robbing) :: пљачка {f}; pljȁčka {f}
robbery {n} :: грабеж {m}; grabež {m}
robe {n} (long, loose outer garment) :: одора {f}, одежда; odora {f}, odežda {f}
Robert {prop} (given name) :: Robert
Roberta {prop} (female given name) :: Roberta {f}
robin {n} (Erithacus rubecula) :: crvendać
robin {n} :: црвендаћ, crvendać
robinsonade {n} (genre of adventure fiction) :: робинзонада {f}; robinzonada {f}
robot {n} (intelligent mechanical being) :: робот {m}; robot {m}
robot {n} (traffic light) SEE: traffic light ::
robotics {n} (The science and technology of robots) :: роботика {f}; robòtika {f}
rock {n} (natural mineral aggregate) :: stena, kamen, kamenica, skala, stijena {f}
rock {n} (mass of projecting rock) :: stijena {f}
rock {n} (large stone or boulder) :: стена {f}, stena {f}, stijena {f}
rock {n} (hill or island without vegetation) :: стена; stena
rock {v} (move gently back and forth) :: ljuljati, klackati
rock {v} (cause to shake or sway violently) :: drmati, uzdrmati
rock {v} (sway or tilt violently back and forth) :: drmati
rock {v} (disturb the mental or emotional equilibrium) :: potresti
rock {n} (style of music) :: rok {m}
rock {n} (distaff) SEE: distaff ::
rock bottom {n} (the very lowest possible level) :: дно дна {f} /dno dna/
rock dove {n} (Columba livia) :: pèčinār, pèćinār {m}
rocket {n} (rocket engine) :: ракета {f}; raketa {f}
rocking chair {n} (chair with a curved base which can be gently rocked) :: столица за љуљање, ljuljača {f}; stolica za ljuljanje
rock lobster {n} (spiny lobster) SEE: spiny lobster ::
rockmelon {n} (Cucumis melo reticulatus) SEE: cantaloupe ::
rock pigeon {n} (rock dove, Columba livia) SEE: rock dove ::
rock samphire {prop} (Crithmum maritimum) :: mȍtar {m}, šćulac {m}
rod {n} (straight round stick, shaft, or bar) :: палица {f}, шипка {f}; pȁlica {f}, šȉpka {f}
rod {n} (fishing rod or pole) :: пецаљка {f}, удица {f}; pȅcāljka {f}, ȕdica {f}
rod {n} (stick or bundle used for punishment) :: прут {m}, штап {m}, розга {f}, шиба {f}, батина {f}; prȗt {m}, štȃp {m}, ròzga {f}, šȉba {f}, bàtina {f}
rod {n} (stick to measure length) :: штап {m}, мотка {f}; štȃp {m}, mȍtka {f}
rod {n} (connector, part of a machine) :: шипка {f}; šȉpka {f}
rod {n} (slang: pistol) SEE: pistol ::
rodent {n} (mammal of the order Rodentia) :: глодар {m}, глодавац {m}; glòdār {m}, glodavac {m}
Rodinia {prop} (ancient world supercontinent) :: Родинија {f}
roe {n} (roe deer) SEE: roe deer ::
roe {n} (eggs of fish) :: икра {f}, мрест {m} {f}; ikra {f}, mrest {m} {f}
roebuck {n} (male roe deer) :: срндаћ {m}; srndać {m}
roe deer {n} (small deer species, Capreolus capreolus) :: срна {f}, срндаћ {m}; sŕna {f}, srndāć {m}
roentgenium {n} (chemical element) :: roentgenij; рентгенијум {m}, рендгениј {m}; rentgenijum {m}, rendgenij {m}
Roger {prop} (male given name) :: Руђер {m}
role {n} (character or part) :: улога {f}, рола {f}; uloga {f}, rola {f}
role {n} (the expected behavior of an individual in a society) :: улога {f}; uloga {f}
role {n} (the function or position of something) :: улога {f}; uloga {f}
role model {n} (a person who serves as an example) :: узор {m}; úzor {m}
roller {n} (bird of the family Coraciidae) :: zlatovrana {f}
rollercoaster {n} (amusement ride) :: влак смрти {m}; vlak smrti {m}
roller skate {n} (a boot having small wheels) :: koturaljka {f}
rolling pin {n} (food preparation utensil) :: оклагија {f}; oklàgija {f}
rolling stone {n} (womanizer) SEE: womanizer ::
roll up one's sleeves {v} (roll one's sleeves up) :: zasuču rukavi
Rom {n} (a member of the Romani people) :: Ром {m}, Ромкиња {f}; Циган {m}, Циганка {f}; Rom {m}, Romkinja {f}; Cigan {m}, Ciganka {f}
Rom {prop} (language) SEE: Romani ::
Rom {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {prop} (the Romani macrolanguage) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {n} (member of the Roma/Romani people) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {prop} (the Romani people) :: Роми; Romi
romaji {n} (romanization of Japanese) :: ромаџи {n}; romaji {n}, romadži {n}
Roman {adj} (of or from Rome) :: римскӣ; rȋmskī
Roman {n} (the Roman script) :: латѝница {f}; latìnica {f}
Roman alphabet {n} (Latin alphabet) SEE: Latin alphabet ::
Roman Catholic {n} (person) :: rimokatolik {m}
Roman Catholic Church {prop} (Catholic Church) :: Римокатоличка црква {f}; Rimokatolička Cȓkva {f}
Roman Empire {prop} (ancient Latin empire) :: Римско царство {n}; Rimsko carstvo {n}
Romani {n} (member of the Roma people) SEE: Rom ::
Romani {prop} (language) :: ромски {m}; цигански {m}; romski {m}; ciganski {m}
Romani {adj} (of or belonging to the Roma people) :: ромски {m}; цигански {m}; romski {m}; ciganski {m}
Romani {n} (nomadic people) SEE: Roma ::
Romania {prop} (South-Eastern European country) :: Румунија {f} [Bosnia, Serbia], Румуњска {f} [usually Croatia]; Rùmūnija {f} [Bosnia, Serbia], Rùmūnjskā {f} [usually Croatia]
Romanian {adj} (of or relating to Romania, its people, or language) :: румунски; rumunski
Romanian {n} (native of Romania) :: Rumunj {m}, Rumunjka {f}
Romanian {n} (official language of Romania) :: румунски {m}, румуњски {m}; rumunski {m}, rumunjski {m}
Romanization {n} (putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet) :: латинизациjа {f}; latinizacija {f}
Roman nose {n} (aquiline nose) SEE: aquiline nose ::
romanticism {n} (romantic quality, spirit or action) :: romantičnost {f}
Romanticism {prop} (artistic and intellectual movement) :: романтизам {m}; romantizam {m}
Rome {prop} (city) :: Рим {m}; Rim {m}
Romeo {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
Romeo and Juliet {prop} (the tragedy) :: Romeo i Julija, Ромео и Јулија
Rome wasn't built in a day {proverb} (it takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive) :: Rim nije sagrađen u jednom danu
roof {n} (the cover at the top of a building) :: кров {m}; krov {m}
roof {n} (the upper part of a cavity) :: непце {n}; nepce {n}
rook {n} (bird) :: гакуша {f}; gakuša {f}
rook {n} (chesspiece) :: топ {m}, кула {f}; top {m}, kula {f}
rook {n} (fortification) :: тврђава {f}, кула {f}; tvrđava {f}, kula {f}
rookie {adj} (amateur) SEE: amateur ::
room {n} (space) :: простор {m}; próstor {m}
room {n} (division in a building) :: соба {f}, просторија {f}, одаја {f}; soba {f}, prostorija {f}, odaja {f}
roomy {adj} (spacious) :: pròstran
roost {n} (place for sleeping birds) :: кокошињац {m}, kokošinjac {m}
rooster {n} (flower) SEE: violet ::
rooster {n} (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) :: петао {m} / пијетао {m}, певац {m} / пијевац {m}, хороз {m}; petao {m} / pijetao {m}, pevac {m} / pijevac {m}, horoz {m}
root {n} (part of a plant) :: корен {m}, коријен {m}; kȍrēn {m}, kȍrijēn {m}
root {n} (of a tooth) :: корен {m}, коријен {m}; kȍrēn {m}, kȍrijēn {m}
root {n} (part of a hair under the skin) :: корен {m}, коријен {m}; kȍrēn {m}, kȍrijēn {m}
root {n} (primary source) :: корен {m}, коријен {m}; kȍrēn {m}, kȍrijēn {m}
root {n} (arithmetic: number or expression which when raised to a power gives the specified number or expression) :: корен {m}, коријен {m}; kȍrēn {m}, kȍrijēn {m}
root mean square {n} (type of average) :: kvadratna sredina {f}
rope {n} (thick, strong string) :: уже {n}; ȕže {n}
rosary {n} (Catholic prayer beads) :: круница {f}; krȕnica {f}
rose {n} (shrub) :: ружа {f}; ruža {f}
rose {n} (flower) :: ружа {f}; ruža {f}
rose chafer {n} (Cetonia aurata) :: бубазлата {f}; bubazlata {f}
rose-colored glasses {n} (overly optimistic perception of something) :: svijetla strana medalje {f-p}
rosehip {n} (the fruit of a rose plant) :: шипак {m}; šípak {m}
rosemary {n} (shrub) :: рузмарин {m}, ружмарин {m}; ruzmarin {m}, ružmarin {m}
Rosetta Stone {prop} (large inscribed stone) :: Kamen iz Rosette {m}
rosette {n} (ornamental imitation of a rose) :: розета {f}
rosette {n} (architectural ornament) :: розета {f}
rosette {n} (A red color) :: ружичаста
rosette {n} (botany: one or more whorls of leaves) :: розета {f}
rosette {n} (botany: type of plant growth) :: розета
rosette {n} (zoology: structure having a flowerlike form) :: розета {f}
rosin {n} (liquid resin) SEE: resin ::
rosin {n} (solid form of resin) :: колофонӣј {m}; kolòfōnīj {m}
Rostov {prop} (Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl oblast, Russia) :: Ростов {m}; Rostov {m}
rostrum {n} (zoology: beak) SEE: beak ::
rosé wine {n} (pink coloured wine) :: ружичасто вино {n}, розе вино {n}; ružičasto vino {n}, roze vino {n}
rot {v} ((intransitive) to suffer decomposition) :: трулити {impf}; truliti {impf}
rotor {n} (a rotating part of a mechanical device) :: ротор {m}; rotor {m}
rotten {adj} (decayed, gone bad) :: гњио, труо; gnjȉo, trȕo
rotunda {n} (roundabout) SEE: roundabout ::
rouge {n} (blush) SEE: blush ::
rough {adj} (not smooth) :: груб; grub
roughly {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
round {n} (circular object) :: круг {m}; krug {m}
roundabout {n} (road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island) :: kružni tok, kružno raskršće, krugotok {m}
round bracket {n} (parenthesis, bracket) :: заграда {f}; zȃgrada {f}
Round Table {prop} (King Arthur's table) :: округли стол {m}; okrugli stol {m}
router {n} (device that connects local area networks to form a larger internet) :: рутер {m}; ruter {m}
Rovinj {prop} (city in Croatia) :: Rovinj, Ровињ
row {n} (line of objects) :: ред {m}; red {m}
row {n} (in a table) :: ред {m}, редац {m}; red {m}, redac {m}
rowan {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) :: jarebika {f}
rowan {n} :: oskoruša {f}
Roxana {prop} (the wife of Alexander the Great) :: Роксана {f}; Roksana {f}
Roxana {prop} (female given name) :: Роксана {f}; Roksana {f}
Roxanne {prop} (female given name) SEE: Roxana ::
royal {adj} (of or relating to a monarch or their family) :: краљевски; kraljevski
royal {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic ::
royal family {n} (family of the ruling sovereign of a country or state) :: краловска обитељ {f}, краловска породица {f}; kralovska obitelj {f}, kralovska porodica {f}
royal jelly {n} (substance secreted by bees) :: матична млеч {f}, матична млијеч {f}, матичнӣ млеч {m}, матичнӣ млијеч {m}; mȁtična mlȇč {f}, mȁtična mlijȇč {f}, mȁtičnī mlȇč {m}, mȁtičnī mlijȇč {m}
RSS feed {n} :: RSS sažetak sadržaja {m}, RSS kanal {m}, RSS izvor {m}
RTFM {phrase} (Abbreviation of Read the fucking manual) :: PJR (Procitaj jebeni recnik)
rub {v} (to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area) :: рибати {impf}, трљати {impf}; ribati {impf}, trljati {impf}
rub {v} :: trljati, ribati, očešati, trti, tare
rubber {n} (pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree) :: гума {f}; guma {f}
rubber {n} (eraser) SEE: eraser ::
rubberneck {n} (tourist) SEE: tourist ::
rubbish {n} (garbage) SEE: garbage ::
rubbish {n} (items of low quality) :: smeće {n}
rubbish {n} (nonsense) :: smeće {n}
rubbish {n} (debris or ruins of buildings) :: šuta {f}
rubbish bin {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can ::
rubidium {n} (element with atomic number 37) :: рубидиjум {m}, рубидиј; rubidijum {m}, rubidij
ruble {n} (Russian monetary unit) :: рубља {f}; rublja {f}
ruby {n} (type of gem) :: рубӣн {m}; rùbīn {m}
ruby {n} (5½-point type) SEE: agate ::
ruchnik {n} (traditional East Slavic towel/cloth) SEE: rushnyk ::
Rudd {prop} (surname) :: Рад, Rudd
rudder {n} (underwater vane used to steer a vessel) :: кормило {n}; kormilo {n}
rude {adj} (bad-mannered) :: дрзак, непристојан; dȑzak, nȅpristōjan
rudely {adv} (in a rude manner) :: просто, неуљудно, осорно, непристојно, грубо; prȍsto, nȅuljudno, ȍsōrno, neprístōjno, grȗbo
rue {n} (any of various perennial shrubs) :: rutvica {f}
ruff {v} (play a trump card) SEE: trump ::
ruffian {n} (scoundrel, rascal) :: грубѝјан {m}, силеџија {m}; grubìjān {m}, silèdžija {m}
ruffle {v} (to curl or flute) :: promrsiti, razmrsiti
rug {n} (wig) SEE: wig ::
rug {n} (partial floor covering) :: тепих {m}, ћилим {m}; tepih {m}, ćilim {m}
rug {n} (covering for a horse) :: покрѝвач {m}; pokrìvāč {m}
rugby {n} (a sport where players can hold or kick an ovoid ball) :: рагби {m}; ragbi {m}, rugby {m}
ruin {n} (remains of destroyed construction) :: ruševina {f}, podor {m}, podorina {f}, razvalina {f}, provalina {f}, razval {m}, razvala {f}
ruin {v} (to spoil) :: упропастити, upropastiti
ruin {v} (to ruin) SEE: wreck ::
ruinously {adv} (in a way that will cause ruin) :: убитачно, рушилачки; ȕbitačno, rùšilački
Ruism {n} (Confucianism) SEE: Confucianism ::
rule {n} (regulation) :: правило {n}, регула {f}; pravilo, regula
rule {n} :: upravljač
rule {v} (to regulate, be in charge of, make decisions for, reign over) :: upravljati, vladati, regulirati
rule {n} (straight-edge) SEE: ruler ::
rulebook {n} (a book containing rules) :: pravilnik {m}
ruler {n} (measuring or drawing device) :: цртало {n}, равнало {n}; crtalo {n}, ravnalo {n}
ruler {n} (person who rules or governs) :: владар {m}; vlàdār {m}
ruler {n} (a female person who rules or governs) :: вођа {f}; vođa {f}
ruler {n} :: upravljač
rum {n} (distilled spirit) :: рум {m}; rum {m}
rumen {n} (first stomach of ruminants) :: bùrāg {m}; бураг {m}
ruminant {n} (artiodactyl ungulate mammal which chews cud) :: преживар {m}, preživar {m}
rummy {n} (card game) :: реми {m}; rèmi {m}
rumor {n} (statement or claim from no known reliable source) :: glasina
run {v} (to move quickly on two feet) :: трчати {impf}; trčati {impf}
run {v} (to flow) :: proticati, strujati
run {n} (the act of running) :: трчати; trčati
run {v} (to smuggle illegal goods) SEE: smuggle ::
run aground {v} (to be immobilized by shallow water) :: nasukati se
run away with {v} (to overwhelm) SEE: overwhelm ::
Réunion {prop} (Overseas department of France) :: Реунион {m}, Реинион {m}; Reunion {m}, Reinion {m}
runner {n} (somebody who runs, who moves at a fast pace) :: тркач {m}; trkāč {m}
running {n} (the action of the verb to run) :: трчање {n}; trčanje {n}
running board {n} (step under the car door) :: ногоступ {m}; nogostup {m}
run out {v} (to use up) :: ponestati, понестати
runt {n} (the smallest or the weakest animal of a litter or a pack) :: kržljavac {m}, kržljavica {f}
runt {n} (undersized or stunted plant, animal or person) :: кржљавац {m}; kȑžljavac {m}
runway {n} (walkway extending from a stage) :: писта {f}, pista {f}
runway {n} ((aviation) strip for airplanes to land on or take off from) :: писта {f}, pista {f}
rupee {n} (monetary currency) :: рупија, rupija {f}
rural {adj} (pertaining to non-urban areas) :: сеоскӣ, руралан; sèoskī, rùrālan
Rus {prop} (people) :: Русија {f}; Rusija {f}
rusalka {n} (female water spirit that leads handsome men to their deaths) :: русалка {f}; rusalka {f}
ruse {n} (action intended to deceive, see also: trick) :: lȕkāvstvo {n}, лукавство {n}, smȉcalica {f}, смицалица {f}, ujdùrma {f}, ујдурма {f}, vȃrka {f}, варка
rush {n} (plant) :: сит {m}; sȋt {m}
rushnik {n} (traditional East Slavic towel/cloth) SEE: rushnyk ::
rushnyk {n} (traditional East Slavic towel/cloth) :: ручнӣк {m}; rùčnīk {m}
Russia {prop} (country in Asia and Europe) :: Русија {f}; Rusija {f}
Russian {adj} (of or pertaining to Russia) :: рускӣ; rȕskī
Russian {n} (person from Russia) :: Рус {m}, Рускиња {f}; Rȕs {m}, Rȕskinja {f}
Russian {n} (ethnic Russian) :: Рус {m}, Рускиња {f}; Rȕs {m}, Rȕskinja {f}
Russian {n} (Russian (language)) :: рускӣ {m}, рускӣ језик {m}; rȕskī {m}, rȕskī jèzik {m}
Russian doll {n} (wooden doll) :: матрјошка {f}, бабушка {f}; matrjoška {f}, bàbuška {f}
Russian Empire {prop} (state) :: Руско Царство {n}, Руска Империја {f}; Rusko Carstvo {n}, Ruska Imperija {f}
Russian Federation {prop} (alternative formal name of Russia) :: Руска Федерација {f}; Ruska Federacija {f}
Russian Orthodox Church {prop} (one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches) :: Руска православна црква {f}; Ruska pravoslavna crkva {f}
Russian roulette {prop} (deadly game with revolver and random spinning) :: ruski rulet {m}
Russian salad {n} (Olivier salad) SEE: Olivier salad ::
rust {n} (result of oxidation) :: рђа {f}; rđa {f}
rustle {n} (soft crackling sound) :: шушкање {n}; šuškanje {n}
rustle {v} (to move (something) with a soft crackling sound) :: шуштање, шушкање {n}; šuštanje, šuškanje {n}
rusty {adj} (affected by rust) :: hrđav, rđav
Rusyn {n} (member of a people) :: rusin {m}
Rusyn {prop} (East Slavic language) :: rusinski
rut {n} (sexual desire or oestrus) :: estrus {m}
rut {v} (To be in the annual rut) :: tjerati se, goniti se
rutabaga {n} (plant) :: репа; repa
rutabaga {n} (edible root) :: репа; repa
Ruth {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Ruta {f}
Ruth {prop} (female given name) :: Ruta {f}
ruthenium {n} (chemical element) :: рутениjум {m} рутениј {m}; rutenijum {m}, rutenij {m}
rutherfordium {n} (chemical element) :: ратерфордиjум {m}, рутхерфордиј; raterfordijum {m}, rutherfordij
Rwanda {prop} (country) :: Руанда {f}; Ruanda {f}
Ryan {prop} (male given name) :: Рајан
rye {n} (the grass Secale cereale or its grains as food) :: раж {m}; rȃž {m}
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Poland) SEE: Poland ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (republic) SEE: republic ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Republic of Poland) SEE: Republic of Poland ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth) :: Речпосполита {f}; Rečpospolita {f}