User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-u

-u {suffix} [diminutive suffix] :: Added to a noun or a proper noun to form a diminutive
u. {n} :: abbreviation of utca st
u {letter} :: letter: u
U {letter} :: letter: u
{suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] :: Added to a noun to form an adjective denoting possession
ú {interj} [dialectal] :: oh! ouch! ugh! gee! (expression of pain or being horrified, occasionally expression of surprise)
ú {letter} :: letter: ú
Ú {letter} :: letter: ú
ua. {pron} :: abbreviation of ugyanaz
uborka {n} :: cucumber
uborka {n} :: pickle made from cucumber
úd {n} :: oud
udvar {n} :: courtyard, yard (area around the house)
udvar {n} :: court (of a king)
udvarhölgy {n} :: maid of honour, lady-in-waiting
udvari {adj} :: court-, belonging to the court
udvarias {adj} :: polite (well-mannered), courteous
udvariasabb {adj} :: comparative of udvarias
udvariasság {n} :: courtesy
udvariatlan {adj} :: impolite, discourteous (not of polished manners)
udvariatlanabb {adj} :: comparative of udvariatlan
udvariatlanság {n} :: impoliteness, discourtesy, unmannerliness, rudeness
udvari bolond {n} :: court jester, jester
udvarlás {n} :: courtship
udvarol {v} :: to woo, to court (to endeavor to gain someone's affection)
udvaronc {n} :: courtier (attendant at a royal court)
UEFA {prop} :: UEFA (Union of European Football Associations)
Uganda {prop} :: Uganda (country)
ugar {n} :: fallow land
ugat {vit} [of a dog] :: to bark
ugat {vit} [of a person, offensive] :: to speak
ugatás {n} :: bark (short, loud, explosive utterance)
ugor {adj} :: Ugric
ugor {n} :: Ugric (person)
ugor {n} [singular only] :: Ugric (language)
ugrál {vi} :: to bounce, leap, jump around (to keep jumping up and down repeatedly)
ugrál {vi} [figuratively, of a body part] :: to jump, bounce, leap (to move quickly, unnaturally, as in excitement or exhaustion)
ugrál {vi} [figuratively, derogatory, colloquial] :: to show off
ugráló {adj} :: jumping
ugráló szám {n} [typography] :: oldstyle figure (one of a set of numerals that have varying heights and thus resemble lowercase letters)
ugrálóvár {n} :: bouncy castle, bouncing castle, jumping castle
ugrás {n} :: jump
ugrat {vt} :: to jump (with a horse, bicycle, motorcycle or a car on a ramp)
ugrat {vt} [colloquial] :: to pull someone's leg, to tease, to kid
ugrik {vi} :: to jump, leap, spring
ugró {adj} :: jumping
ugró {n} :: jumper, leaper, springer
ugrócsont {n} [anatomy] :: anklebone, talus, astragalus (the bone of the ankle)
ugróiskola {n} :: hopscotch
ugrókötél {n} :: skipping rope, jump rope, skip rope (a rope for exercise)
ugrószekrény {n} :: vaulting box
úgy {adv} :: So (in that manner, in such a way)
úgy-ahogy {adv} :: so-so, more or less, after a fashion, in a way, sort of, kind of, somewhat (rather bad than good)
ugyan- {prefix} :: the same (person/thing/way/kind/place/size/amount/etc.) as…
ugyan {adv} :: I wonder…, oh and
ugyan {adv} :: at all, by chance
ugyan {adv} :: for sure (mainly in negative sentences)
ugyan {conj} :: although, albeit
ugyan {interj} :: hell no, no way, not at all (discarding a possibility)
ugyan {interj} :: hey
ugyanakkor {adv} :: at the same time (as that time), simultaneously
ugyanakkor {adv} :: at the same time, whereas, on the other hand
ugyanakkora {pron} :: (exactly) the same size (as that one)
ugyanannyi {determiner} :: just as much / many (as that one), as much as (exactly the same quantity/amount as…)
ugyanannyi {pron} :: the same amount (as that one)
ugyanaz {pron} :: the same (as that one)
ugyancsak {adv} :: also, too (as well)
ugyancsak {adv} :: thoroughly, to the full
ugyanekkor {adv} :: at the same time (as this time), simultaneously
ugyanekkora {pron} :: (exactly) the same size (as this one)
ugyanennyi {pron} :: just as much / many (as this one), as much as (exactly the same quantity/amount as…)
ugyanez {pron} :: the same (as this one)
ugyanezen {determiner} [dated or formal] :: the same (as this one)
ugyanide {adv} :: to the same place, exactly to this place (pointing to a place close to the speaker)
ugyanígy {adv} :: similarly, likewise, in the same way (as this one), just the same (way)
ugyanily {pron} [literary, archaic] :: synonym of ugyanilyen
ugyanilyen {pron} :: similar, identical (exactly the same [type] as this one)
ugyanis {conj} :: as, because (usually if wanting to draw attention to the cause, e.g. because it is surprising)
ugyanitt {adv} :: here, right here (at this same place)
ugyanoda {adv} :: to the same place, exactly to that place (pointing to a place farther from the speaker)
ugyanolyan {pron} :: identical (exactly the same [type] as that one)
ugyanott {adv} :: in the same place, at the same place (as that one), same location
ugyanúgy {adv} :: similarly, likewise, in the same way (as that one), just the same (way)
ugye {adv} [tag question] :: right? isn't it so? is it? didn't you? (etc.)
ugyebár {interj} [literary] :: isn't it? aren't you? (used in questions expecting agreement or understanding)
ugyebár {interj} [literary] :: you know (used to fill out a sentence)
úgyhogy {conj} :: so
úgyis {conj} :: anyway, in any case, one way or another, whatever happens, regardless of any action
úgyis {conj} :: after all, by the way, for sure, anyway
úgymond {adv} :: so to speak
úgynevezett {adj} :: so-called (what is called, in exact terms)
úgynevezett {adj} :: so-called (alleged, assumed; so named; called by such a name, with a very strong connotation that the item is not worthy of that name)
úgyse {conj} :: alternative form of úgysem
úgysem {conj} :: not …… by any means, not …… anyway
úgy szép az élet, ha zajlik {phrase} [idiomatic, humorous] :: variety is the spice of life
úgyszintén {conj} [somewhat, literary] :: likewise, the same, too
úgyszólván {adv} :: practically (speaking), virtually, so to speak
uhu {n} :: Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo)
ui. {conj} :: abbreviation of ugyanis
ui {interj} :: oink (representing the sound made by a piglet)
új {adj} :: new
újabb {adj} :: comparative of új
újabban {adv} :: recently, lately
újbeszél {n} :: Newspeak (fictional language)
újból {adv} :: again, once again, anew, afresh, re-
Újdelhi {prop} :: Újdelhi (capital city)
Új-Dél-Wales {prop} :: Új-Dél-Wales (state)
újdondász {n} [archaic or humorous] :: reporter
újdonság {n} :: novelty (the state of being new)
újév {n} :: New Year, New Year's Day (January 1st and the holiday on this day)
újfajta {adj} :: new, novel (of a new kind or type)
újfent {adv} [archaic, literary] :: again
Új-Guinea {prop} :: Új-Guinea (large Oceanian)
új-guineai {adj} :: New Guinean (of, from, or relating to New Guinea)
újhold {n} :: new moon
újít {vt} :: to innovate
újítás {n} :: innovation
ujj {n} :: finger, toe, digit
ujj {n} :: sleeve
újjá- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: anew, re-
újjáalakít {vt} [of clothing, building] :: to reshape, remodel, restore (to give a new form, shape to something)
újjáalakít {vt} [figuratively, of an organization, social order] :: to reorganize, restructure
újjáalakul {vi} :: to appear in a new shape/form, to become revived/renewed
újjáalakul {vi} [of an organization] :: to become remodelled/reformed
újjáépít {vt} :: to rebuild, reconstruct
újjáépítés {n} :: reconstruction
újjászületés {n} :: rebirth, revival
újjászületett {adj} :: reborn
újjászületik {vi} :: to be reborn, to be born again
ujjat húz {v} [idiomatic] :: to pick a fight (with someone: val)
ujjatlan {adj} :: sleeveless
ujjatlan {adj} :: fingerless, toeless
ujjatlan kesztyű {n} :: fingerless glove (a glove with the style of having the fingerholes exposed)
ujjbegy {n} :: finger pad
ujjé {interj} :: yippee, whoopee, yay (a spontaneous expression of delight or joy)
ujjhegy {n} :: fingertip
ujjong {vi} :: to cheer, to rejoice
ujjonjáró {adj} [zoology] :: digitigrade
ujjonjáró {n} [zoology] :: digitigrade
ujjperc {n} [anatomy] :: phalanx (one of the bones of the finger or toe)
ujjú {adj} :: -fingered, with a …… finger or fingers (having a specific number of finger[s] or a specific kind of finger[s])
ujjú {adj} :: -sleeved, with …… sleeves (having a specific kind of sleeves)
Új-Kaledónia {prop} :: Új-Kaledónia (territory)
újkor {n} :: modern era (the era after the Middle Ages)
újkori {adj} :: of, or relating to the modern era (era after the middle ages)
újonc {n} :: recruit
újonc {n} :: beginner, novice
újonnan {adv} :: newly, recently
Újpest {prop} :: The 4th District in Budapest, Hungary
újra- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: re-, again, anew
újra {adv} :: again (having already happened before)
újraegyesítés {n} :: reunification
újraél {vt} :: to relive (to experience something again; to live over again)
újraéleszt {vt} [of a human] :: to revive, resuscitate (to bring back to life)
újraértelmez {vt} :: to reinterpret
újrafelhasznál {v} :: to reuse
újragondol {vt} :: to rethink
újrahasznosítás {n} :: recycling
újraír {vt} :: to rewrite
újrakezd {vt} :: to restart, resume, pick up, recommence, renew (to start something again that has been stopped)
újraparticionál {vt} [computing] :: to repartition
újratemetés {n} :: reburial, reinterment
újraválaszt {vt} :: to reelect (to elect for a second or subsequent time)
újság {n} [rare] :: newness, novelty
újság {n} :: news (fresh information)
újság {n} :: newspaper
újságárus {n} :: newsvendor, newsdealer, newsboy, newsagent (a person who sells newspapers)
újságcikk {n} :: article (story, report, or opinion piece)
újságírás {n} :: journalism (the production and distribution of reports on current or past events)
újságíró {n} :: journalist
új seprű jól seper {proverb} :: a new broom sweeps clean
újszerű {adj} :: novel, innovative
Újszövetség {prop} :: New Testament
újszülött {n} :: newborn (a recently born baby)
újszülött {adj} :: newborn (recently born)
Újtestamentum {prop} :: New Testament
újul {v} :: to be renewed
Újvilág {prop} :: New World
Új-Zéland {prop} :: Új-Zéland (country)
-uk {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: their (third-person plural, single possession)
ukáz {n} :: ukase
Ukrajna {prop} :: Ukrajna (country)
ukrán {adj} :: Ukrainian (of, from, or relating to Ukraine, its people or language)
ukrán {n} :: Ukrainian (person)
ukrán {n} [singular only] :: Ukrainian (language)
Ukránia {prop} [archaic] :: Ukraine
-ul {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Appended to a word to form an intransitive verb with a passive meaning
-ul {suffix} [case suffix] :: Appended to an adjective to form an adverb (the modal sense of the essive-modal case)
-ul {suffix} [case suffix] :: as, with the intention of (the essive sense of the essive-modal case)
Ulánbátor {prop} :: Ulánbátor (capital city)
ulti {n} :: Hungary's national trick taking card game for three players
ulti {n} :: The achievement of winning the last trick with the seven of trumps in the game of ulti
ultimátum {n} :: ultimatum
ultizik {vi} :: to play the card game of ulti
ultrahang {n} :: ultrasound
-um {suffix} :: A distinguishable foreign word-ending in nouns of Latin origin. It is not considered an independent Hungarian suffix
un {vt} :: to be bored of, to be fed up with, to be tired of
ún. {adj} :: abbreviation of úgynevezett
unalmas {adj} :: boring, tedious
unalmasabb {adj} :: comparative of unalmas
unalom {n} :: boredom
unatkozik {vi} :: to be bored
uncsi {adj} [slang] :: boring
uncsitesó {n} [slang] :: cousin
undok {adj} :: nasty
undokabb {adj} :: comparative of undok
undor {n} :: disgust, loathing, abhorrence
undorít {vt} :: to disgust (to cause an intense dislike for something)
undorító {adj} :: disgusting
undorodik {vi} :: to have an aversion (for/to/towards), be disgusted (at/by/with: tól)
Ungvár {prop} :: Ungvár (city)
unikális {adj} :: unique
unikális {adj} :: unique (existing in a single copy)
unikornis {n} :: unicorn (mythical beast)
unió {n} :: union
uniós {adj} :: (of) union
uniós {n} :: union member (a person or country belonging to a union)
univerzális {adj} :: universal
univerzum {n} :: universe
-unk {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-unk {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: our (first-person plural, single possession)
unoka {n} :: grandchild
unokahúg {n} :: niece
unokaöcs {n} :: nephew
unokatesó {n} [colloquial] :: cousin
unokatestvér {n} :: cousin (son or daughter of a person’s uncle or aunt)
unszol {vt} :: to urge (to press, push, drive)
untat {vt} :: to bore (inspire boredom)
uo. {adv} :: abbreviation of ugyanott
úr {n} :: lord
úr {n} :: master
úr {n} :: gentleman
úr {n} :: Mr, Mr.
úr {n} :: husband (only in the possessive)
-úra {suffix} :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It cannot be considered an independent Hungarian suffix
ural {vt} :: to rule (to regulate, to be in charge of, to make decisions for, to reign over)
uralg {vi} [archaic] :: synonym of uralkodik
uralkodik {vi} :: to reign, rule
uralkodik {v} [figuratively] :: to dominate
uralkodó {adj} :: ruling, reigning
uralkodó {adj} :: prevailing, predominant
uralkodó {n} :: ruler, monarch, sovereign
uralkodóbb {adj} :: comparative of uralkodó
uralkodócsalád {n} :: dynasty (a series of rulers or dynasts from one family)
uralkodóház {n} :: dynasty (a series of rulers or dynasts from one family)
uralom {n} :: rule, domination, reign (the exercise of sovereign power)
uram {n} :: sir (a polite form of address for a man)
urán {n} :: uranium (chemical element)
Uránia {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Urania (the Muse of astronomy and astrology)
Uránusz {prop} :: Uranus
urbanizáció {n} :: urbanization, urbanisation (the process of the formation and growth of cities)
urbanizáció {n} :: urbanization, urbanisation (the migration of population from rural to urban areas)
urbanizál {vt} :: to urbanize
urbánus {adj} :: urban
urbánus {n} :: urbanite (someone who lives in a city or similar urban area)
urbánusabb {adj} :: comparative of urbánus
úri {adj} :: gentlemanly, gentlemanlike
úriember {n} :: gentleman (polite term for a man)
úrnő {n} :: lady, mistress
urológia {n} :: urology
urológiai {adj} :: urologic, urological (of or relating to urology)
Uruguay {prop} :: Uruguay (country)
-us {suffix} [diminutive suffix] :: Added to a proper noun or other nouns to create a diminutive noun
-us {suffix} :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It cannot be considered as an independent Hungarian suffix
USA {prop} :: USA (country)
usánka {n} :: ushanka
uszály {n} [fashion] :: train (the elongated back portion of a dress, such as a wedding gown or evening gown)
uszály {n} [figuratively, literary] :: trail, tail (of a bird, such as a peacock)
uszály {n} [nautical] :: barge (a large flat-bottomed towed boat)
úszás {n} :: swimming
úszásnem {n} [swimming] :: stroke
úszik {vi} :: to swim
úszik {vi} :: to float
uszít {vt} :: to incite, to instigate (with: ra)
uszít {vt} :: to set someone against someone else (with: ellen)
úszkál {v} :: to swim about (casually, with little effort)
úszó {adj} :: swimming (living being), floating (dead body, object)
úszó {n} :: swimmer (person)
úszó {n} :: fin (animal)
úszó {n} :: bob, bobber
uszoda {n} :: swimming pool (a place where a pool can be found)
úszógumi {n} :: swim ring (an inflatable ring worn around the user's torso in water)
úszógumi {n} [colloquial] :: spare tyre [UK], spare tire [US], love handle (a protruding area of fat on the side of the body)
úszóhártya {n} :: web (on animal feet)
úszómedence {n} :: swimming pool (a pool used for swimming)
uszony {n} :: flipper
úszósapka {n} :: swim cap
út {n} :: way
út {n} :: road
út {n} :: trip
út {n} :: path
utal {vi} :: to refer to something (ra)
utal {vt} :: to refer someone to some institution (ba)
utal {vi} :: to hint at something, to allude to something (ra)
utal {vt} :: to transfer (money)
utál {vt} :: to hate
utalás {n} :: reference (to something ra), cross-reference, allusion, citation, hint, indication
utálatos {adj} :: disgusting, abominable, detestable
utálatosabb {adj} :: comparative of utálatos
utállak {phrase} [colloquial] :: I hate you
utalvány {n} :: voucher, bill, order
után {postp} :: after (following or subsequently to; in space)
után {postp} :: after (in time)
utána- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: It can have the following meanings:
utána- {prefix} :: after someone or something
utána- {prefix} :: re-, to do something subsequently, afterwards
utána- {prefix} :: to imitate someone or something
utána- {prefix} :: to repeat something in order to verify it
utána- {prefix} :: to do something in order to fix or settle it
utána {pron} [in place] :: after him/her/it
utána {adv} [in time] :: afterwards, after something
utánanéz {vi} :: to see about something or someone, to check, to try to find out more about something
utánégető {n} :: afterburner
utáni {adj} :: after
utánoz {vt} :: to imitate, copy
utánozhatatlan {adj} :: inimitable, matchless (beyond imitation, surpassing all others)
utánpótlás {n} :: supply (a fresh supply of something)
utánpótlás {n} [military] :: reinforcements, recruits (additional troops or material sent to support a military action)
utánpótlás {n} [sports] :: recruits (new members of a sport organization)
utas {n} :: passenger
utasít {vt} :: to instruct, to direct, to order, to command
utasítás {n} :: command, directive, instruction, order
utaskísérő {n} :: steward (an attendant on an airplane)
utazás {n} :: travelling, travel (the act of travelling)
utazás {n} :: journey, trip, voyage
utazási {adj} :: travel
utazási csekk {n} :: traveller's cheque
utazási iroda {n} :: travel agency (a company that arranges travel and accommodation for travellers)
utazik {vi} :: to travel
utazó {adj} :: travelling (UK), traveling (US)
utazó {n} :: traveller (UK), traveler (US)
utazómagasság {n} :: cruising altitude
utazósebesség {n} :: cruising speed
útban van {v} [idiom] :: to be in the way, get in the way, to get under one's feet (to obstruct, block, or hinder)
útban van {v} [idiom] :: to be on the way (to come, approach)
útban van {v} [idiom, of an unborn child] :: to be on the way
útburkolat {n} :: pavement (the paved exterior surface of a road)
utca {n} :: street
utcai {adj} :: street
utcalámpa {n} :: streetlight
utcalány {n} :: streetwalker, prostitute
utcaseprő {n} :: street sweeper, street cleaner
úthálózat {n} :: road network
úthenger {n} :: road roller
úti {adj} :: travel (of or relating to traveling or objects used during traveling)
úti {adj} :: road, street (found next to a road or street)
úti cél {n} :: destination (endpoint of a journey)
útikalauz {n} :: guide book, guidebook, travel guide (a book or other work designed to give tourists and other visitors information about a particular country or area)
útikalauz {n} :: tour guide (a person who provides assistance and information to people on organised tours)
útikönyv {n} :: travel guide, guide book
útján {postp} :: via, through, by, by means of
útközben {adv} :: en route
útlevél {n} :: passport (an official document normally used for international journeys, which proves the identity and nationality of the person for whom it was issued)
útlevélkép {n} :: passport photo
útmutató {n} :: guide, guide book
útnak indul {v} [idomatic] :: to set off, leave (to begin a journey or trip)
utó {n} :: end (the last part of something; mostly used as a first element of compound words, occasionally as a second element)
utóbb {adv} [literary] :: later
utóbb {adv} [folksy] :: ultimately, in the end (assuming an unpleasant outcome)
utóbb {adv} [slightly, dated, postposition-like, with val] :: later (after a defined period of time)
utóbbi {adj} :: latter
utód {n} :: offspring, progeny, descendant
utód {n} :: successor, follower
utóirat {n} :: postscript [US], postscriptum [UK], PS, P.S., p.s.
utójáték {n} :: afterplay
utol {n} :: Used only in compounds and derivatives. Its original meaning: the end of something
utólag {adv} :: subsequently, afterwards
utólagos {adj} :: in hindsight, posterior, post-, follow-up
utolér {vt} :: to catch someone up, to catch up with someone
utoljára {adv} :: last time
utolsó {adj} :: last (final)
utolsóbb {adj} :: comparative of utolsó
utolsó negyed {n} :: last quarter (the waxing lunar phase half way between full moon and new moon)
utolsósorban {adv} :: at last (in the last place)
utolsó vacsora {n} [idiomatic] :: Last Supper
utónév {n} :: first name, given name, Christian name, front name
utópia {n} :: utopia
utópisztikus {adj} :: utopian
utópisztikusabb {adj} :: comparative of utópisztikus
utórezgés {n} :: aftershock
útpadka {n} :: shoulder (a part of a road where drivers may stop in an emergency)
útravaló {n} :: supplies, snack, food, provisions (food or nourishment that is needed for a trip)
útravaló {n} :: travel expenses, fare (money received or needed for a voyage)
útravaló {n} [literary, figuratively] :: a piece of advice, sendoff, takeaways (something given to someone before starting a journey, e.g. a piece of advice that may help)
úttörő {n} [literally, figuratively] :: pathfinder, pathbreaker, trailblazer, pioneer (the first to establish a new path or approach)
úttörő {n} [historical] :: pioneer (member of a child organization in the soviet bloc)
úttörő {adj} :: pioneering, groundbreaking, trailblazing
úttörőtábor {n} :: pioneer camp
útvonal {n} :: road, path, route
UV {adj} :: ultraviolet
uzsonna {n} :: snack (light meal served in the afternoon between lunch and dinner, or packed beforehand)
uzsonna {n} :: (afternoon) tea or tea party if guests are invited
uzsonnázik {vi} :: to snack (to have a light meal or tea served in the afternoon between lunch and dinner, or packed beforehand)
uzsora {n} :: usury (exorbitant rate of interest)
uzsorás {n} :: usurer
ü {letter} :: letter: ü
Ü {letter} :: letter: ü
{suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] :: Added to a noun to form an adjective denoting possession
ű {letter} :: letter: ű (a u with a double acute accent)
Ű {letter} :: letter: ű (a U with a double acute accent)
üccsi {n} [slang] :: soft drink (sweet carbonated drink)
ücsörög {v} :: to sit around
üde {adj} [of complexion] :: fresh, youthful, florid
üde {adj} [of plants] :: fresh, green, blooming
üde {adj} :: fresh, sweet, nice
üde {adj} [of water, air, nature] :: fresh, refreshing, cool
üdítő {n} :: soft drink (sweet carbonated drink)
üdítőital {n} :: soft drink (sweet carbonated drink)
üdv {n} [religion, literary] :: salvation
üdv {n} [archaic, literary] :: welfare, benefit
üdv {interj} [colloquial] :: hi, hello
üdv {interj} [colloquial] :: bye, goodbye (in e-mail)
üdvhadsereg {n} :: Salvation Army
üdvösség {n} [Christianity] :: salvation, bliss, beatitude
üdvözít {vt} [religion] :: to save
üdvözít {vt} [religion] :: to beatify
üdvözlégy {n} [Roman Catholicism] :: Hail Mary
üdvözlés {n} :: welcome (act of greeting someone’s arrival), greeting, saluting
üdvözlet {n} :: greeting
üdvözlő {adj} :: greeting-, congratulatory, welcoming
üdvözlő {n} :: A person who comes to greet someone, congratulator
üdvözlőkártya {n} :: greeting card (a card, typically folded in half and available commercially, that is sent to someone as a greeting)
üdvözlőlap {n} :: greeting card
üdvözöl {vt} :: to welcome, greet (to affirm or greet the arrival of someone)
üdvözül {vi} [religion] :: to be saved (after death)
üget {vi} [of a horse] :: to trot (to move at a gait between a walk and a canter)
ügy {n} :: matter, concern, transaction, case
ügy {n} [obsolete] :: river, brook, stream
ügyes {adj} [of a person] :: handy, dexterous, skilful/skillful, crafty
ügyes {adj} [of a person] :: clever, cunning
ügyes {adj} [of an object] :: useful, handy (easy to use; having a practical or beneficial use)
ügyesebb {adj} :: comparative of ügyes
ügyesen {adv} :: skillfully, deftly
ügyesség {n} :: cleverness, skillfulness, skill, dexterity, handiness
ügyész {n} :: prosecutor, prosecuting attorney
ügyészség {n} :: (public) prosecutor's office, office of the public prosecutor, public prosecution service
ügyetlen {adj} :: clumsy
ügyetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of ügyetlen
ügyetlenkedik {vi} :: to fumble (to act clumsily or cack-handedly)
ügyetlenség {n} :: clumsiness
ügyfél {n} :: client
ügyfél {n} :: customer
ügyfélkapcsolat {n} :: customer relationship
ügyfélkapcsolati {adj} :: relating to customer relationship/support
ügyfélkör {n} :: clientele
ügyfélszolgálat {n} :: customer service
ügyfélszolgálati {adj} :: customer service (of, or relating to customer service)
ügyintézés {n} :: administration, management
ügylet {n} [finance] :: transaction, business
ügynök {n} :: agent (one who acts in place of another)
ügynökség {n} :: agency
ügyvéd {n} :: lawyer, attorney, counsel
ügyvédi {adj} :: lawyer's, attorney's, barrister's, of or relating to lawyers, lawyerly, legal
ügyvezető {adj} :: managing, acting
ügyvezető {n} :: manager
ügyviteli {adj} :: management, administrative
-ük {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: their (third-person plural, single possession)
ük {n} :: distant ancestor, great-great (mainly used in compound words such as ükapa (great-great-grandfather))
ükanya {n} :: great-great-grandmother
ükapa {n} :: great-great-grandfather
ükunoka {n} :: great-great-grandchild, great-great-grandson, great-great-granddaughter
-ül {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Appended to an adjective to form an intransitive verb. It is similar to -edik
-ül {suffix} [case suffix] :: Appended to an adjective to form an adverb (the modal sense of the essive-modal case)
-ül {suffix} [case suffix] :: as, with the intention of (the essive sense of the essive-modal case)
ül {vi} :: to sit, to be in a sitting position
ül {vt} [colloquial] :: to serve time
ül {vit} [of a feeling or quality] :: to appear, to be there
ül {vt} [with an explicit object, literary] :: to celebrate, feast
ül {v} [colloquial] :: hit home, strike a chord [to get the desired effect, as of a joke]
ül a babérjain {v} [idiomatic] :: to rest on one's laurels
üldögél {v} :: to sit around, sit about
üldöz {vt} :: to chase (to pursue, to follow at speed)
üldözés {n} :: chase, pursuit, hunt
üldözés {n} [politics] :: persecution
üldözés {n} [legal] :: prosecution (prosecuting or penalizing some behavior)
üldözés {n} [rare] :: harassing, pestering, harassment
ülepedik {vi} :: to settle, to be deposited (as sediment)
ülepszik {vi} :: alternative form of ülepedik
ülés {n} :: sitting (the act of sitting)
ülés {n} :: seat (part of an object or individual directly involved in sitting)
ülés {n} :: session, meeting
üllő {n} :: anvil (block used in blacksmithing)
üllő {n} [anatomy] :: anvil, incus (bone in the middle ear)
ülő {adj} :: sitting, sedentary
ülőcsont {n} [anatomy] :: ischium (the lowest of the three bones that make up each side of the pelvis)
ülőpad {n} :: bench
ülősztrájk {n} :: sit-down strike, sit-in
ültet {vt} :: to seat, sit (to cause or assist to sit down)
ültet {vt} :: to plant (to place a seed or plant in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow)
ültetvény {n} :: plantation
-ünk {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-ünk {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: our (first-person plural, single possession)
ünnep {n} :: feast, holiday
ünnep {n} :: celebration, festival
ünnepel {vt} :: to celebrate
ünnepély {n} :: celebration, festival
ünnepélyes {adj} :: solemn
ünnepélyesebb {adj} :: comparative of ünnepélyes
ünnepi {adj} :: festive, ceremonial, holiday
ünneplő {adj} :: celebrating, festive, festal
ünneplő {n} :: celebrator (a person who celebrates)
ünneplő {n} :: Sunday best (a person's finest clothing)
ünnepnap {n} :: holiday (day on which a festival, etc, is traditionally observed)
ünnepnap {n} :: (on railway timetables) certain public holidays (that have a special railway schedule)
ünnepség {n} :: celebration, festival, ceremony
ünő {n} [dialectal, dated] :: heifer (young female cattle, i.e. young cow)
ünő {n} [hunting] :: hind, doe (young female deer)
üpszilon {n} :: upsilon (Greek letter)
űr {n} :: void, gap (empty space)
űr {n} [astronomy] :: space, outer space (area beyond the atmosphere of planets that consists of a vacuum)
űr {n} :: emptiness
űrállomás {n} :: space station
üreg {n} :: cavity, hole, cave, pit, cavern, sinus
üreges {adj} :: cavernous, hollow
üres {adj} :: empty
üresebb {adj} :: comparative of üres
üresen {adv} :: empty, emptily
üresjárat {n} :: neutral (the position of a set of gears)
üresjárat {n} [by extension] :: idleness, inactivity
üresség {n} :: emptiness
ürge {n} :: suslik, ground squirrel (a small burrowing furry rodent)
ürge {n} [colloquial] :: guy, bloke, dude
űrhajó {n} :: spaceship, space vehicle, spacecraft
űrhajós {n} :: astronaut
űrhajószemélyzet {n} :: spacecraft personnel
ürít {v} :: to empty, to purge
ürít {v} :: to urinate or defecate
űrkutatás {n} :: space exploration, space research
űrlap {n} :: form (a blank document or template to be filled in by the user)
űrlény {n} :: extraterrestrial, alien (a creature of extraterrestrial origin)
ürmös {n} :: vermouth
ürmösbor {n} :: vermouth
üröm {n} :: Artemisia (plant)
üröm {n} [literary] :: bitterness
ürömfajd {n} :: sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus, a large grouse of western North America having mottled gray, black and buff plumage which feeds on the buds of the sagebrush)
űrpálya {n} :: orbit
űrrepülés {n} :: space travel
űrrepülőgép {n} [space] :: space shuttle
űrruha {n} [space, clothing] :: space suit
űrséta {n} [space] :: space walk
űrsikló {n} [space] :: space shuttle
űrszonda {n} [space] :: space probe
űrtartalom {n} :: cubic capacity (internal volume of a container)
űrutazás {n} :: space travel, space flight
ürü {n} :: wether (a castrated ram)
ürü {n} :: mutton (sheep meat)
ürügy {n} :: excuse, plea, pretext
űrügy {n} :: outer space affair/issue
ürül {vi} :: to become empty
ürülék {n} :: excrement
üst {n} :: cauldron
üstdob {n} :: kettledrum, timpani
üstök {n} :: forelock, tuft (of hair)
üstök {n} :: head of hair
üstök {n} :: crest, chaplet
üstök {n} :: tail (of comet)
üstökön ragadja a szerencsét {v} [idiomatic] :: to take time by the forelock (to grasp a favorable opportunity)
üstökös {n} :: comet
üsző {n} :: heifer (a cow that has not yet had a calf)
üsző {n} [dialectal, used as an adjective] :: doe, hind (young female deer)
üt {vt} :: to hit, strike, beat, knock, slap, smack
üt {vi} :: to take after (followed by ra)
ütem {n} [music] :: rhythm, bar, measure, beat, time
ütem {n} [poetry] :: cadence, metre
ütem {n} [physical movement] :: rhythm, pulse, pace, tempo, rate
ütés {n} :: hit, knock
ütés {n} :: punch, strike
ütés {n} :: stroke (time when a clock strikes)
ütés {n} [cards] :: trick
ütközés {n} :: collision (instance of colliding)
ütközet {n} :: battle, fight
ütközik {vi} :: to bump against something, collide, clash (followed by val)
ütközik {vi} :: to coincide
ütköző {n} :: bumper, fender, stop
ütközőzóna {n} :: buffer zone
ütleg {n} [literary] :: blow, hit, whipping, beating, slapping (the act or an instance of a physical strike by hand or a tool such as a whip or rod)
ütő {adj} :: beating, hitting, pulsing
ütő {n} :: hitter, beater (person)
ütő {n} :: mallet (a timpani stick), bat (table tennis), racket (tennis), club (golf)
ütőér {n} [anatomy] :: artery (efferent blood vessel from the heart)
ütőgardon {n} [musical instruments] :: A folk musical instrument played primarily in Transylvania. It is similar in appearance to a cello, but it is played percussively like a drum. Instead of being played with a bow, its strings are plucked and beaten with a stick
ütöttebb-kopottabb {adj} :: comparative of ütött-kopott
ütött-kopott {adj} :: tumbledown, battered, tattered (in disrepair; poorly maintained)
ütött-kopottabb {adj} :: comparative of ütött-kopott
üveg {n} :: glass
üveg {n} :: bottle
üvegcse {n} :: vial (small glass vessel or bottle)
üvegharmonika {n} :: glass harmonica
üvegház {n} :: greenhouse
üvegházhatás {n} [ecology] :: greenhouse effect (the process by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere)
üvegházhatású {adj} :: greenhouse, of or related to greenhouse effect
üvegházhatású gáz {n} :: greenhouse gas
üvegszem {n} :: glass eye
üvölt {vt} :: to howl, to scream, to yell, to roar
üvöltés {n} :: howl, howling, scream, screaming, yell, yelling
üvöltözik {v} :: to yell repeatedly (at someone val)
űz {vt} [literary] :: to chase, to hunt, to pursue, to drive
űz {vt} :: to practice, to pursue (a profession)
üzbég {adj} :: Uzbek (of, or relating to Uzbekistan, its people or language)
üzbég {n} :: Uzbek (person)
üzbég {n} [singular only] :: Uzbek (language)
Üzbegisztán {prop} :: Üzbegisztán (country)
üzem {n} :: plant (factory or industrial facility)
üzem {n} :: functioning, operation
üzemanyag {n} :: fuel
üzemanyagtartály {n} :: fuel tank
üzemel {vi} :: to operate
üzemelés {n} :: run, operation, service, action (the act or process of operating)
üzemeltet {vt} :: to operate, to run
üzemeltetés {n} :: operation (the act or process of operating or functioning)
üzemeltetési {adj} :: operational
üzemeltető {adj} :: operating
üzemeltető {n} :: operator (a firm, company, or a person operating a business)
üzemképes {adj} :: serviceable, operational (in condition for use)
üzemmód {n} :: mode (of operation)
üzen {vt} :: to send a message, to message (someone nak)
üzenet {n} :: message
üzenetrögzítő {n} :: answering machine
üzi {n} [colloquial] :: message, text message
üzlet {n} :: business (commercial activity in general)
üzlet {n} :: deal (a particular instance of buying or selling)
üzlet {n} :: shop, store (establishment that sells goods; especially in urban setting)
üzletág {n} :: branch, business (branch or line of business)
üzletasszony {n} :: businesswoman
üzletel {vi} :: to do business, to deal with someone or something
üzletember {n} :: businessman
üzleti {adj} :: business (related to business)