User:JeffDoozan/lists/translations/by error/header has posttext

Table header has post-text

1214 items
-s:Suffix:regular plurals of nouns
1992:Proper noun:nineteen ninety-two (in words)
<!-- this translation is to demonstrate how years are expressed in other languages -->
AIDS:Noun:acquired immune deficiency syndrome
<!--Only acronyms belong in this table! The long forms belong at acquired immune deficiency syndrome.-->
AKA:Preposition:also known as
<!--Add ABBREVIATIONS here where these exist, rather than full forms-->
Afghanistan:Proper noun:country
<!-- Some of these terms may actually refer to Afrikaner -->
Akita:Proper noun:was: Akita, Japan
<!--what sense is this?-->
Albania:Proper noun:country in south-eastern Europe
Almodóvarian:Adjective:of, pertaining to{{,
or characteristic of Pedro Almodóvar}}
Andorra:Proper noun:country
Appian:Adjective:of or pertaining to Appius Claudius Caecus (ca. 340 {{BC
–273 {{BC}})}}
Argentina:Proper noun:Argentine Republic
Armenia:Proper noun:ancient kingdom and country
Asia:Proper noun:the continent of Asia
Asia:Proper noun:province of Roman empire
Aussie:Noun:colloquial: an Australian
<!--colloquial forms only!-->
Australia:Proper noun:Commonwealth of Australia
Australia:Proper noun:continent of Australia
Austria:Proper noun:country in Central Europe
<!--language, or people?-->
Belarus:Proper noun:country
Bharat:Proper noun:an alternative name of India
<!-- DO NOT add merely cognates of this term, which in many
C:Proper noun:programming language
Canada:Proper noun:country in North America
Common Slavic:Proper noun:
<!-- Anything that means "Proto-Slavic" should be moved to [[Proto-Slavic#Translations]] -->
Constantinople:Proper noun:Name of present-day Istanbul from 330–1930 {{C.E.
. Previously known as Byzantium}}
Cuba:Proper noun:country and largest island in Caribbean
Cyprus:Proper noun:island or country
<!--qualify if there is ever difference-->
D-mark:Noun:short for Deutsche Mark
<!-- abbreviations only -->
E:Noun:slang: ecstasy
E:Proper noun:ancient nation
Egypt:Proper noun:country in North Africa
English:Adjective:of or pertaining to England
English:Adjective:of or pertaining to the English language
English:Proper noun:the English language
Estonia:Proper noun:country
Farmer:Proper noun:Equivalent surnames of "{{l
" in other languages}}
February strike:Proper noun:
Fisher:Proper noun:Equivalent surnames of "{{l
" in other languages}}
French:Adjective:of or relating to France
French:Adjective:of or relating to the French people
French:Adjective:of or relating to the French language
French:Noun:people of France, collectively
French:Proper noun:principal language of France and other related countries
French:Proper noun:vulgar language
Gagarin:Proper noun:Russian surname
<!-- Slavic surnames may have gender in Slavic languages -->
German:Adjective:of or relating to the country of Germany
German:Noun:native or inhabitant of Germany; person of German citizenship or nationality
German:Proper noun:the German language
God:Noun:an omnipotent being
God:Proper noun:single deity of monotheism
HVAC:Noun:heating, ventilation{{,
and air conditioning}}
I am English:Phrase:I am English
<!-- translations here should be specifically for "English", not "British" -->
IED:Noun:initialism of improvised explosive device
<!--abbreviations only please; full forms at improvised explosive device-->
India:Proper noun:the country
Iran:Proper noun:country in Western Asia
<!-- most translations in ‘people collectively’ only mention one person, which would be a translation of [[Irishman]] or [[Irishwoman]], not of "the Irish"-->
Israel:Proper noun:the state
Jack:Proper noun:anglicized form of Jacques
James:Proper noun:male given name (the standard form)
Java:Proper noun:programming language
<!-- Trade marks are international. Therefore, make an entry only, if the word is NOT spelled Java in the language concerned or there's a gender to be applied-->
Jesus:Proper noun:the Christian Messiah
Jesus:Verb:to moralize
Joanna:Proper noun:
<!-- move to Jane if appropriate-->
Joseph:Proper noun:male given name
Jupiter:Proper noun:planet
Malta:Proper noun:republic
Maltese:Noun:Maltese people collectively: plural
<!-- include here only terms that refer to the people collectively-->
Mars:Proper noun:planet
Mars:Proper noun:brand of chocolate bar
Mexico:Proper noun:country
Moby-Dick:Proper noun:An 1851 novel by {{w
, originally titled ''The Whale'', a highly [[symbolic]] story about a [[whaling]] [[ship]] led by Captain Ahab.}}
O:Particle:a vocative particle
OK:Adjective:all right, permitted
OK:Adverb:satisfactorily, sufficiently well
OK:Interjection:acknowledgement or acceptance
OK:Noun:endorsement; approval
OK:Verb:to approve
Olympiad:Noun:celebration of the ancient or modern Olympic Games
<!--Add only translations similar in form to “Olympiad”; add other translation to [[Olympic Games]]-->
Orchies:Proper noun:commune in Nord, Hauts-de-France, France
Paralympiad:Noun:occurrence of the Paralympic Games
<!--Add only translations similar in form to "Paralympiad"; add other translations to [[Paralympic Games]]-->
Q:Noun:playing card
Raj:Proper noun:period of colonial rule of the Indian subcontinent by the British Empire
<!--Place only translations of "Raj" here; place translations of "British Raj" at [[British Raj]]-->
Rasputin:Proper noun:Russian surname
<!-- Slavic surnames may have gender in Slavic languages -->
Rome:Proper noun:city, capital of Italy
Russian:Adjective:of or pertaining to Russia
Russian:Verb:ethnic Russian
Sverdlov:Proper noun:Russian surname
<!-- Slavic surnames may have gender in Slavic languages -->
Tetragrammaton:Noun:the four Hebrew letters {{lang
, used as the ineffable name of God}}
<!-- These are translations of the name of the fictional character. Do not move them to the translations list unless they really mean "overly enthusiastic or energetic person". -->
U:Proper noun:a language belonging to the Austroasiatic language family
Upper Volta:Proper noun:former name of Burkina Faso
<!-- Only former names of Burkina Faso -->
<!--may be singular? unsure-->
Vietnam:Proper noun:country in Southeast Asia
Waitangi:Proper noun:locality in New Zealand
Welsh:Noun:collectively, people of Wales
<!-- use only a collective term here, not for the singular Welshman or Welshwoman-->
William:Proper noun:male given name
<!--DON'T ADD PET FORMS - put them in the translated article-->
X:Numeral:unknown quantity or unknown value
Yeltsin:Proper noun:Russian surname
<!-- Slavic surnames may have gender in Slavic languages -->
<!-- meaning (1) or meaning (2)? -->
act:Verb:to respond to information
<!-- which sense above is this supposed to match? please clarify or improve -->
aeviternity:Noun:temporal mode of existence between time and eternity, said to be experienced by angels, saints, and celestial bodies
<!--Add only translations cognate with "aeviternity"; add other translation to "aevum"-->
<!-- Was "in the direction one is facing or moving" but it is unclear how this differs from "to the front" -->
album:Noun:white tablet used in Ancient Rome
alexipyretic:Adjective:having the effect of reducing fever
<!--Add only translations cognate with "alexipyretic"; other terms should be added to [[antipyretic]]-->
align:Verb:to align DNA, RNA{{,
or protein sequences}}
all:Determiner:every individual of the given class
all:Noun:everything possible
amicable number:Noun:number theory
<!--Note: other than Italian, these are translations of the PLURAL FORM. Please fix!-->
<!-- was "fully sufficient; abundant"; translations need checking as to whether they are determiners or adjectives or both -->
an:Conjunction:if; so long as
an:Preposition:in each; to or for each; per
angel:Noun:messenger from a deity
anhelation:Noun:breathing difficulty
<!--Add only translations cognate with "anhelation"; add other translations to [[shortness of breath]]-->
answer:Verb:to make a reply or response to
are you OK:Phrase:
<!-- If the term can be used in both familiar as well as polite settings, please copy it to both boxes; otherwise, please move it to the appropriate box and supply the familiar/polite counterpart to the other box. -->
are you allergic to any medications:Phrase:
<!-- If the term can be used in both familiar as well as polite settings, please copy it to both boxes; otherwise, please move it to the appropriate box and supply the familiar/polite counterpart to the other box. -->
are you doing anything tomorrow:Phrase:
<!-- If the term can be used in both familiar as well as polite settings, please copy it to both boxes; otherwise, please move it to the appropriate box and supply the familiar/polite counterpart to the other box. -->
are you feeling better:Phrase:
<!-- If the term can be used in both familiar as well as polite settings, please copy it to both boxes; otherwise, please move it to the appropriate box and supply the familiar/polite counterpart to the other box. -->
are you married:Phrase:
<!-- If the term can be used in both familiar as well as polite settings, please copy it to both boxes; otherwise, please move it to the appropriate box and supply the familiar/polite counterpart to the other box. -->
are you religious:Phrase:
<!-- If the term can be used in both familiar as well as polite settings, please copy it to both boxes; otherwise, please move it to the appropriate box and supply the familiar/polite counterpart to the other box. -->
are you single:Phrase:
<!-- If the term can be used in both familiar as well as polite settings, please copy it to both boxes; otherwise, please move it to the appropriate box and supply the familiar/polite counterpart to the other box. -->
are you taking any medications:Phrase:
<!-- If the term can be used in both familiar as well as polite settings, please copy it to both boxes; otherwise, please move it to the appropriate box and supply the familiar/polite counterpart to the other box. -->
arm:Verb:to supply with armour or weapons
art:Noun:human effort
ascendant:Noun:degree of the zodiac or point of the ecliptic which rises in an eastern direction above the horizon at a particular moment (especially the moment of a person’s birth)
<!--Add only cognate terms; add other terms to [[ancestor]]-->
<!--Add only cognate terms; add other terms to [[ancestor]]-->
ash:Noun:solid remains of a fire
ash:Verb:to reduce to a residue of ash
a pass that is decisive in scoring a goal}}
at:Preposition:in or very near a particular place
<!-- Previously listed under the heading "to release", which does not correspond to any English definition, and is a stretch to interpret as adverbial anyway. -->
<!-- Previously listed under the heading "absent; gone; at a distance", but "absent" and "gone" are not adverbial, and it is unclear which English definition "at a distance" is supposed to refer to, as distinct from "at a distance in time or space" above -->
baba:Noun:flavoured sponge cake
babbitt:Noun:soft white alloy of variable composition
<!--Add only translations meaning "babbitt"; add translations meaning "babbitt metal" at [[babbitt metal]].-->
babbitt metal:Noun:soft white alloy of variable composition
<!--Add only translations meaning "babbitt metal"; add translations meaning "babbitt" at [[babbitt]].-->
back:Adjective:near the rear
back:Adverb:to or in a previous condition or place
back:Noun:the rear of body
back:Verb:to go in the reverse direction
bad:Adjective:unfavorable; negative
ball:Noun:solid or hollow sphere
ball:Noun:formal dance
ball:Verb:vulgar slang: have sexual intercourse with
bank:Noun:edge of river or lake
bank:Noun:row or panel of items
bank:Verb:to deal with a bank or financial institution
bank:Verb:to incline laterally in order to turn
bash the bishop:Verb:slang for masturbate (male)
<!--Remember slang only: no formal or literal translations--->
bashlyk:Noun:protective cone-shaped hood
<!-->Note that this term in most Turkic languages has a more generic meaning of "headgear, headwear"<-->
bat around:Verb:to discuss
<!--could do with trans-see to a more common informal synonym, can anyone think of one?-->
be gathered to one's fathers:Verb:to be buried together with one's forebears
<!--Please add only biblical or literary translations; ordinary translations of “to die” should be added to [[die]]-->
bean:Noun:plant of Fabaceae that produces edible seeds or pods
beard:Noun:facial hair
beard:Verb:to grow hair on the chin and jaw
bee:Noun:name of the letter B, b
<!-- Previously listed under "overdue", but this sense has been moved to Adjective -->
<!-- Previously listed under "slow; of a watch or clock", but this sense has been moved to Adjective -->
<!--for (1) unless stated-->
berserk:Noun:Norse warrior who fought in a frenzy
<!--Add only terms similar to "berserk"; add terms similar to "berserker" at [[berserker]]-->
bible:Noun:comprehensive manual
{{attention|en|some of these belong at [[Bible]]}}
bird:Noun:vulgar hand gesture
bisulfite:Noun:univalent group -HSO{{sub
, or any salt containing it}}
bit:Noun:coin worth about {{frac
cents; sum of {{frac|12|1|2}} cents}}
blind:Adjective:unable to see
blind:Adverb:without seeing
blind:Noun:covering for a window
blind:Verb:make temporarily or permanently blind
bloke:Noun:(Britain, informal) fellow, man
<!--Add only informal terms-->
blow:Verb:to produce an air current
blow:Verb:to propel by an air current
blow:Verb:to be propelled by an air current
blow:Verb:to create or shape by blowing
blow:Verb:to blow a musical instrument to make it give a sound
blow:Verb:to make a sound as if being blown
blow:Verb:(of a cetacean) exhale visibly through the spout the seawater
blow:Verb:to explode
blow:Verb:to cause to explode
blow:Verb:to cause sudden destruction
blow:Verb:to fail suddenly destructively
blow:Verb:be very undesirable
blow:Verb:to squander
blow:Verb:to fellate
blow:Verb:to leave
<!--intransitive meanings-->
blue:Verb:to make blue
body:Noun:physical structure of a human or animal
boffin:Noun:(informal) engineer or scientist
<!--Add only informal terms-->
boride:Noun:the B{{sup
bot:Noun:larva of a botfly
bot:Noun:a piece of software for doing repetitive tasks
bottle:Verb:seal (a liquid) into a bottle for later consumption
bow:Noun:weapon used for shooting arrows
bow:Noun:bend in a rod or planar surface
bow:Noun:rod used for playing stringed instruments
bow:Noun:type of knot with two loops
bow:Noun:gesture made by bending forward at the waist
bow:Noun:front of a boat or ship
bow:Verb:to play music on an instrument using a bow
bow:Verb:to become bent
bow:Verb:to bend a thing
bow:Verb:to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference
box:Noun:cuboid space; container
box:Noun:(slang) television
<!--only slang terms for television; other translations should be added at "television"-->
box:Noun:(slang, vulgar) the vagina
<!--only translations using the "box" imagery; other translations should be added at "vagina"-->
box:Noun:shrub or tree of the genus Buxus
box:Noun:blow with the fist
box:Verb:to place inside a box
box:Verb:to strike with the fists
bracket:Noun:generically any of “(”, “)”, “[”, “]”, “{”, “
”, “⟨”, “⟩”, “<”, “>”, etc.}}
brain:Verb:to strike on the head
branch:Noun:woody part of a tree arising from the trunk
branch:Verb:to arise from the trunk or a larger branch of a tree
<!--please include only derogatory terms here, not just any word for "heterosexual"-->
brick:Adjective:made of brick(s)
brick:Noun:hardened block used for building
brick:Verb:build with bricks
bridge:Noun:construction or natural feature that spans a divide
bridge:Noun:(anatomy) bony ridge of the nose
bridge:Noun:(dentistry) replacement for teeth
bridge:Noun:(nautical) platform above the upper deck
bridge:Noun:(music, lutherie) piece on string instruments
bridge:Noun:(wrestling) defensive position
bridge:Noun:(computing) device which connects computer buses
bridge:Noun:(chemistry) intermolecular valence bond
bridge:Noun:(graph theory) edge
broom:Noun:domestic utensil
broom:Verb:to sweep
bumbershoot:Noun:(slang, humorous) umbrella
<!--Add only slang and humorous translations here. Add ordinary translations at “[[umbrella]]”.-->
<!--imported from table at alt. spelling burocracy-->
burn:Noun:physical injury
<!--We don't have translations of inflected forms. Does the word fit the adjective senses?-->
bush clover:Noun:{{taxfmt
bust:Verb:alteration of {{italic
butter:Noun:soft foodstuff made from milk
butter:Verb:to spread butter on
button:Noun:slang: clitoris
<!-- Only slang expressions related to "button here", please! Other terms for clitoris go to the appropriate entry directly -->
camel:Noun:beast of burden
can:Noun:a more or less cylindrical vessel for liquids
can:Noun:non-offensive slang for toilet
<!--Kindly DO NOT place generic or offensive terms here. Those belong at [[toilet]] and [[bog]], respectively.-->
<!--toilet terms need to be checked for their slang and non-offensive status-->
can:Verb:to be able to
can:Verb:to preserve
cap:Noun:head covering
cap:Noun:informal: uppercase letter
<!-- Informal expressions only -->{{multitrans|data=
cap:Verb:to cover or seal with a cap
cardinal number:Noun:
<!--word that expresses a countable quantity-->
cardinalitial:Adjective:of, relating to{{,
or characteristic of a cardinal}}
<!--the following translations were written for def. 1 before the others were added-->
cat got someone's tongue:Phrase:why are you not saying anything?
<!--are these "you"-forms, or "someone"?-->
cave:Noun:large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground
cave:Noun:figurative: vagina
<!-- Only terms related with term cave or its synonyms-->
cave:Verb:to surrender
cellar:Noun:slang: last place in competition
<!-- Only slang and informal expressions here -->
cellophane noodle:Noun:type of transparent Asian noodle
<!--check that these can refer to the sg-->
chair:Verb:to act as chairperson
<!--check for television-->
cheese:Interjection:said while being photographed
cheese:Noun:dairy product
child:Noun:a minor
<!--Add SLANG terms to this table, where these exist-->
chillax:Verb:calm down
<!--Add SLANG terms to this table, where these exist-->
<!--Add SLANG terms to this table, where these exist-->
chin:Noun:bottom of a face
chopper:Noun:informal: helicopter
<!-- Only informal words here -->
<!--These had been moved to the noun section; presumably they translate the first adjective sense.-->
clean:Adjective:not dirty
clean:Adverb:fully and completely
clean:Noun:removal of dirt
clean:Verb:(transitive) to remove dirt from a place or object
climatic:Adjective:of, relating to{{,
or influenced by climate}}
climber:Noun:someone or something that climbs
<!--place translations of "one that climbs mountains" at [[mountaineer]]-->
clock:Noun:instrument to measure or keep track of time
close, but no cigar:Phrase:used to indicate that one is almost correct or has almost succeeded, but not quite
<!--IMPORTANT NOTE: This phrase is an idiom, and so all translations must be idiomatic in the target languages. Do not give word for word translations.-->
coal:Noun:uncountable: carbon rock
cobbler:Noun:(slang) police officer
<!--add only slang terms for a policeman; add non-slang terms to [[police officer]]-->
cock:Noun:slang: stupid person
<!-- Only words derived from the equivalents of "cock" and gallinaceous terms in other languages -->
cock:Noun:informal: term of address
<!-- Only words derived from the equivalents of "cock" and gallinaceous terms in other languages -->
cold:Adjective:having a low temperature
cold:Noun:low temperature
combination of word occurring more frequently than by chance}}
colonialism:Noun:colonial linguistic expression
<!--too narrow; note sense line has been expanded-->
comb:Noun:toothed implement for grooming the hair
comb:Verb:to groom the hair with a toothed implement
compensate:Verb:to balance the scales, to equalize, to reach equilibrium
{{attn|en| it corresponds to which sense above? should be added if it's justified }}
complementary angles:Noun:
<!-- Are these for a pair of angles or one of the pair of angles? -->
<!-- which of the two definitions? -->
computer:Noun:programmable electronic device
con:Verb:to trick or defraud, usually for personal gain
<!-- The currently given English definitions are poor or incomplete. -->
cook:Noun:person who prepares food
cook:Verb:to prepare food for eating
copper:Adjective:made of copper
copper:Noun:chemical element Cu
copper:Noun:slang: policeman
copper:Verb:sheathe or coat in copper
corgi:Noun:short for Welsh corgi
<!--Place translations of the full term at [[Welsh corgi]]-->
corpse:Noun:dead body
cotton:Adjective:made of cotton
cotton:Noun:any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium
cotton:Verb:have a good relationship
country:Noun:country music
<!-- Only short forms here, full translations to "country music" -->
cousin-in-law:Noun:husband of one's cousin
<!-- 1 -->
cousin-in-law:Noun:wife of one's cousin
<!-- 2 -->
cousin-in-law:Noun:cousin of one's husband
<!-- 3 -->
cousin-in-law:Noun:cousin of one's wife
<!-- 4 -->
crapper:Noun:coarse slang for a device or place to defecate
<!--kindly ONLY place similar constructions here; other terms belong at [[chamber pot]], [[toilet]], &c.-->
cretin:Noun:pejorative: an idiot
<!-- add here only terms that are derived from cretinism and are actually used in pejorative sense -->
crinkle:Noun:wrinkle, fold, crease{{,
or unevenness}}
croak:Verb:slang: to die
<!-- Only slang expresions derived from equivalents of "croak" -->
crow:Noun:any bird of the genus Corvus
crow:Verb:to make the sound of a rooster
crown:Adjective:of, related to, or pertaining to a crown
crown:Noun:royal headdress
crown:Verb:to place a crown on the head of
cry:Noun:shedding of tears
cry:Verb:intransitive: to shed tears
cup:Noun:drinking vessel
curly bracket:Noun:either of the two characters: “{” and “
cut:Adjective:having been cut
cut:Adjective:colloquial: circumcised
<!-- Only colloquial expressions here! Add normal language terms to "circumcised" -->
cut:Noun:act of cutting
cut:Verb:to perform an incision
dal:Noun:a dried husked pulse
dam:Noun:structure placed across a flowing body of water
dam:Noun:female parent
dance:Noun:movements to music
dance:Verb:move rhythmically to music
dark:Adjective:having an absolute or relative lack of light
dark:Noun:a complete or partial absence of light
dearly:Adverb:in a dear manner
<!--which sense?-->
death:Noun:cessation of life
finance: to fail to fulfill a financial obligation}}
dentistry:Noun:translations to be checked
<!--because several were listed as pertaining to operations when in fact they applied more to the science sense-->
dephlogisticated air:Noun:oxygen gas, as originally thought to be air deprived of phlogiston
<!--Add only translations meaning "dephlogisticated air"; add translations of "oxygen" at [[oxygen]]-->
desert:Adjective:abandoned, deserted, or uninhabited
desert:Noun:barren area
desert:Noun:figuratively: any barren place or situation
desert:Noun:that which is deserved or merited; a just punishment or reward
desert:Verb:to abandon
devil:Noun:evil creature
devil:Proper noun:the devil: the chief devil
devil:Verb:annoy or bother
diamond:Adjective:made of, or containing diamond
diamond:Noun:uncountable: mineral
diamond:Verb:to adorn with diamonds
diamond ring:Noun:finger ring on which is mounted a diamond
<!-- What should be done with these translations? -->
<!-- please add SLANG translations only! put formal translations in [[penis]] -->
dick:Noun:highly contemptible person
<!-- Note: put SLANG terms in this table -->
dihydrogen monoxide:Noun:water, H₂O
<!--Add only terms that are a translation of "dihydrogen monoxide". Place terms that are merely a translation of "water" at that entry.-->
ditto:Noun:informal: duplicate
<!-- Informal terms only, please -->
<!-- Are these actually nouns or just adverbs? -->
<!--The definitions have changed since these translations were added. Please place them in their proper locations and *combine the two sets of verb definitions*-->
<!-- 1&2 were nouns, 3-5 are now adj 1-3 -->
door:Noun:portal of entry into a building, room or vehicle
door:Verb:to cause a collision by opening the door of a vehicle in front of an oncoming cyclist or pedestrian
<!-- was "in a lower position", but this does not correspond to an English sense -->
outside the three-point line, or generally far from the basket}}
drag:Noun:slang: women’s clothing worn by men
<!-- Only SLANG here, please -->
dragon:Noun:mythical creature
ounce avoirdupois}}
drizzle:Verb:to urinate
<!-- Slang only -->
drop:Noun:small quantity of liquid, just large enough to hold its own round shape through surface tension
drop:Verb:to fall in drops or droplets
dry:Adjective:free from liquid or moisture
dry:Verb:to become dry
duck:Noun:aquatic bird of the family Anatidae
duck:Noun:cotton fabric
duck:Verb:to quickly lower the head or body (intransitive)
dust:Noun:fine, dry particles
dust:Verb:(intransitive) to clean by removing dust
<!--generic lesbian words should be at [[lesbian]], not here-->
east:Adjective:in or towards the east
east:Adverb:towards the east
east:Noun:compass point
eat:Verb:to ingest
<!--put ABBREVIATIONS here, where these exist-->
<!--put ABBREVIATIONS here, where these exist-->
eeny, meeny, miny, moe:Noun:similar children's counting-out games in other languages
<!--do not translate "eeny, meeny, miny, moe" literally - put an equivalent children's counting-out game in the other language -->
eight:Noun:The digit/figure 8
eight:Noun:Playing card with value 8
eight:Numeral:cardinal number 8
eight:Numeral:set or group with eight components
el:Noun:name of the letter L, l
eligibility:Noun:quality of being eligible
<!-- WARNING for Latin languages: French "éligible", from which "eligible" comes, does not necessarily translate "eligible", since it cannot mean the mere ability to vote. -->
eligible:Adjective:meeting the necessary requirements to participate in or be chosen for something
<!-- WARNING for Latin languages: French "éligible", from which "eligible" comes, does not necessarily translate "eligible", since it cannot mean the mere ability to vote. -->
eluvium:Noun:deposits of soil, dust{{,
and rock particles}}
enemy:Noun:someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else
era:Noun:time period
euro:Noun:currency unit of the European Monetary Union
euro:Noun:Macropus robustus
every time:Adverb:used to express a preference
<!--NOTE: As this phrase is an idiom, translations must be IDIOMATIC rather than LITERAL. Some translations may be best given using examples.-->
<!--to examine or investigate something systematically-->
<!--|without preparation}} -->
factory farming:Noun:type of intensive agriculture to maximize production and minimize costs
<!-- I'm not so sure how many of these are SOP and should therefore have individual links for each constituent word. -->
fall:Noun:act of moving in gas or vacuum under the effect of gravity from a point to a lower point
fall:Verb:move to a lower position under the effect of gravity
fan:Noun:hand-held device
fan:Verb:to blow air on by means of an electric fan
far:Adverb:at a great distance
fat:Adjective:carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body
fat:Noun:specialized animal tissue
fat:Verb:to make fat; to fatten
fax:Noun:document transmitted by telephone
fax:Verb:send document
fay:Verb:to fadge
<!-- maybe a trans-see here? -->
fay:Verb:to cleanse, clean out
<!-- maybe a trans-see? -->
fellow:Noun:(informal) male person; used as a familiar term of address to a man
<!--Add only informal terms-->
felt-tip:Noun:felt-tip pen (short form)
<!--short forms only-->
field:Noun:land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country
field:Verb:intercept or catch
file system:Noun:{{sense
method of organizing blocks}}
file system:Noun:{{sense
set of organized blocks}}
film:Noun:thin layer
film:Verb:to record a motion picture
fin:Noun:appendage of a fish
first:Adjective:numeral first
first:Adverb:before anything else
first:Noun:person or thing in the first position
five:Numeral:cardinal number
flammable:Adjective:easily set on fire
<!---was "volatile"...was the "subject to easy ignition" sense intended instead?--->
fly:Noun:insect of the order Diptera
fly:Noun:insect of the family Muscidae
fly:Noun:fishing lure
fly:Noun:strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants
fly:Verb:to travel through air
fly:Verb:to flee
fly:Verb:to cause to travel through the air
focus:Verb:(intransitive) to concentrate one's attention
<!-- NOTE: this box was created for translations of "to focus" used bare, without "on"/"upon", e.g. "I can't focus."-->
focus:Verb:(intransitive) to concentrate one's attention on something
<!-- NOTE: this box was created to accommodate translations of the sense "to focus on (one's work, etc.)". Give translations for "on" and "upon" too -->
foot:Noun:part of human body
foot:Noun:part of animal’s body
foot:Noun:bottom of anything
foot:Noun:projection on equipment
foot:Noun:unit of measure
foot:Noun:bottom edge of a sail
footer:Noun:slang: soccer
<!-- Slang expressions only -->
footer:Verb:slang: to meddle
<!-- Slang only -->
forest:Noun:dense collection of trees
forest:Verb:to cover an area with trees
fork:Noun:pronged tool
fork:Verb:to divide into two or more branches
four:Noun:digit or figure 4
four:Numeral:the cardinal number 4
having four [[running line]]s}}
provision of four running lines}}
<!--Add here only translations which are a short form of "refrigerator". Add translations of the full word at [[refrigerator]].-->
friend with benefits:Noun:friend with whom one has a casual sexual relationship
<!--note: add vulgar terms to fuck buddy, and non-vulgar ones here-->
To behave [[frivolously]]}}
frog:Noun:French person
frog:Noun:a loop used to attach a scabbard etc. to a belt
fruit:Noun:offensive slang: homosexual or effeminate man
<!--Note: put OFFENSIVE SLANG terms in this table, where these exist-->
fuck around:Verb:to fool around; joking; bugging
<!-- there may be some sense confusion in this section. marked for checking. -->
fuck buddy:Noun:vulgar term for a sex partner without emotional attachment
<!-- Someone requested on [[friend with benefits]] that we should add vulgar terms here, and non-vulgar terms there. Not sure I agree with such splittings-up, but whatever.-->
full:Adjective:containing the maximum possible amount
full:Noun:utmost measure or extent
full:Verb:to make cloth denser
furibund:Adjective:having a propensity to be furious
<!--Add only translations similar in form to "furibund"; add others meaning "angry; furious" to [[angry]] or [[furious]]-->
game:Adjective:willing to participate
game:Noun:playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime
game:Verb:to play games
game-theoretical:Adjective:of, relating to{{,
or defined in terms of game theory}}
gas:Noun:(uncountable, chemistry) state of matter
gas:Verb:to kill with poisonous gas
gas:Verb:give a vehicle more fuel in order to accelerate
gas law:Noun:any law which relates the pressure, volume, temperature{{,
and amount of gas}}
gay:Adjective:happy, joyful and lively
get someone's goat:Verb:to annoy or infuriate someone
<!--Add only phrases here; add single words to "annoy" or "infuriate"-->
ghost:Noun:spirit appearing after death
ghost:Verb:literary: to imbue with a ghost-like hue or effect
gift:Noun:something given to another voluntarily, without charge
gift:Verb:(transitive) to give as a gift
girl:Noun:young female person
give:Verb:transfer the possession of something to someone else
give head:Verb:slang: to perform oral sex on another person
<!--Note: include SLANG terms in this table, where these exist-->
give up:Verb:stop, quit, desist
<!-- NOTE: Some of the translations for this sense may actually be inappropriate. This sense is transitive but "desist" is intransitive and was dropped from the definition after clean-up of above senses on Apr-25-2014) -->
glaive:Noun:(loosely or poetic) sword
<!--Add only POETIC words for "sword" here-->
glass:Verb:to furnish with glass
gliding:Noun:hobby, sport{{,
or act of flying a glider}}
glow:Noun:light given off by a glowing object
<!-- 1 -->
glow:Noun:the condition of being passionate or having warm feelings
<!-- 2 -->
glow:Noun:the brilliance or warmth of color in an environment or on a person
<!-- 3 -->
glow:Verb:to give off light from heat or to emit light as if heated
<!-- 1 -->
glow:Verb:to radiate some emotional quality like light
<!-- 2 -->
glow:Verb:to gaze, especially passionately at something
<!-- 3 -->
glow:Verb:to radiate thermal heat
<!-- 4 -->
glow:Verb:to shine brightly and steadily
<!-- 5 -->
glow:Verb:to make hot
<!-- 6 -->
glow:Verb:to feel hot; to have a burning sensation
<!-- 7 -->
go:Noun:turn at something
go:Noun:board game
go:Verb:to move through space (especially from one place to another)
golden touch:Noun:ability to achieve success easily and consistently
<!--Please add terms that refer to Midas at "Midas touch"-->
gradation:Noun:a sequence of gradual, successive stages; a systematic progression
<!-- 1 -->
gradation:Noun:a passing by small degrees from one tone or shade, as of color, to another
<!-- 2 -->
gradation:Noun:the act of gradating or arranging in grades
<!-- 3 -->
gradation:Noun:a calibration marking
<!-- 4 -->
gradation:Noun:in music: A gradual change within one parameter, or an overlapping of two blocks of sound
<!-- 5 -->
graft:Noun:slang: cut of the take
<!-- Only slang expressions -->
carat as measure of gold purity}}
grave:Adjective:having a sense of seriousness
grave:Noun:excavation for burial
grave:Verb:to carve letters or similar
gravel:Noun:archaic: kidney stone
<!---should contain archaic/dated terms only--->
greenheart:Noun:A type of tree ({{taxlink
) native to [[Guyana]].}}
ground:Noun:reason, justification, cause
<!--Note: some translations belong at [[guts]] rather than here-->
guy:Noun:male, man
<!--Add INFORMAL, COLLOQUIAL or SLANG translations to this table, where these exist-->
guy:Noun:in plural: people
<!--Add INFORMAL, COLLOQUIAL or SLANG translations to this table, where these exist-->
ha:Interjection:a representation of laughter
<!-- with exclamation mark to highlight it's not a noun but an interjection -->
halonium ion:Noun:any cation of the general formula R{{sub
X{{sup|+}}, where X is any halogen}}
hang:Verb:to be or remain suspended
hardened:Adjective:firmly established or unlikely to change
; [[inveterate]].
hash:Noun:clipped form of hashish
<!-- Only clipped terms here, please. Standard terms go under hashish. -->
hat:Noun:a head covering
hat:Noun:a role or capacity
hats off:Interjection:used to express approval or praise
<!--Add only terms relating to removing one’s hat; add other translations to ''congratulations'' or ''well done''-->
have it:Verb:
<!-- was "to have died", but this sense has been moved to "have had it" -->
have it:Verb:
<!-- was "to be beyond repair", but this sense has been moved to "have had it" -->
<!-- At least some of these appear to be translations for fog -->
A [[rope]] at the [[bow]]s of a [[ship]] used to [[fasten]] it to a [[wharf]]}}
<!-- straight plurals should be removed only categorising those translations for the last two noun senses -->
heavy:Adjective:slang: good
<!-- Only slang expressions derived from words having the meaning heavy -->
heel:Noun:anatomy: part of the foot
heel:Verb:To follow at somebody's heels
heffalump:Noun:child's name for an elephant
<!--Place translations of "elephant" at [[elephant]].-->
heliotrope:Noun:synonym of bloodstone
<!--Add only translations cognate with “heliotrope”; add other translations to [[bloodstone]]-->
hell:Proper noun:abode for the condemned
hello:Interjection:when answering the telephone
hello:Interjection:is anyone there?
hello:Interjection:sarcastic: that was foolish
hello:Interjection:expression of puzzlement
hello girl:Noun:(informal) female telephone operator
<!--Add only informal terms here; add formal terms to "telephone girl"-->
high:Adjective:elevated; tall
high:Adverb:in or at an elevated position
high:Noun:elevated place
hoity-toity:Noun:young woman regarded as flighty, giddy, or silly
<!--Is there a more common word that this could redirect to?-->
hold:Noun:cargo area
hold:Verb:to grasp
hole:Noun:hollow in some surface
hole:Noun:a through opening
hole:Noun:weakness, flaw
hole:Noun:lack of an electron
hole:Noun:security vulnerability
hole:Noun:orifice (see anus etc. for specific body cavities)
hole:Noun:place where a prisoner is kept
hole:Noun:undesirable place
hole:Noun:portion of a game of golf
hole:Verb:make holes
hole:Verb:go into a hole
hole:Verb:drive into a hole
hole:Verb:cut, dig, or bore a hole or holes
home fry:Noun:potato dish {{qualifier
home fry:Noun:potato piece {{qualifier
honey:Adjective:involving or resembling honey
honey:Noun:sweet substance produced by bees
hoof:Noun:slang: human foot
<!-- Only words derived from equivalents of hoof here -->
hoops:Noun:slang: basketball
<!-- Only slang expressions here -->
horn:Noun:growth on the heads of certain animals
hospital:Noun:large medical facility
hot:Adjective:having a high temperature
hotel:Noun:establishment providing accommodation
<!-- was originally "in whatever way or manner", but this potentially fits examples for two distinct English senses, and it is now not clear which these translations apply to. -->
hundred:Noun:hundred-dollar (-euro, etc.) bill
hundred:Numeral:cardinal number 100
hurt:Adjective:wounded, injured
hurt:Noun:An emotional or psychological pain or bad experience
hurt:Verb:to be painful, to ache
husband:Noun:male partner in marriage
husband:Verb:to economise
improvised explosive device:Noun:explosive weapon
<!--initialism to go at IED please-->
in the arms of Morpheus:Prepositional phrase:asleep, sleeping
<!--Add only translations similar to ‘in the arms of Morpheus’; add other words meaning ‘asleep’ to [[asleep]].-->
in the same vein:Prepositional phrase:of similar kind
<!--similar, not the same-->
inclusive or:Noun:
<!--Of noun referring to the conjunction or of conjunction itself (which may not be in use in English-->
infield:Noun:baseball: {{qualifier
Of an event, happening in the infield.}}
inflammatory:Adjective:relating to, causing{{,
or caused by inflammation}}
insufficient:Adjective:Not sufficient
<!-- Translations need checking to determine whether they are determiners, adjectives, or both -->
<!-- These are not verbs but verb forms provided as translations to "to be inserted btw parts or things" -->
iroko:Noun:Milicia excelsa (syn. {{taxlink
it:Noun:The person who chases others in the game of tag
it:Pronoun:subject — inanimate thing
ithyphallic:Adjective:lascivious, obscene
<!--if possible, include only terms that are similar in form to "ithyphallic"; place other terms at "lascivious" or "obscene"-->
jordan:Noun:Alchemical device and chamber pot
<!--Kindly only place translations of this word here and generic terms for chamber pot at its entry-->
juice:Noun:slang: electricity
<!-- Only slang expressions -->
kashkaval:Noun:a group of various traditional yellow cheeses from Turkey and the Balkans
<!-- the terms to be verified are from ; those given at "caciocavallo" were left without marking "to be checked" -->
kill:Noun:act of killing
kill:Verb:to put to death
kite:Noun:bird of prey of the family Accipitridae
kite:Noun:measure of weight
kite:Verb:to cause (something) to move upwards rapidly
knife:Noun:utensil or tool designed for cutting
knife:Verb:to use a knife to cut
know:Verb:be certain or sure about (something)
know:Verb:be acquainted or familiar with
komi:Noun:bonus points
lakh:Numeral:one hundred thousand
<!--Add only terms which are cognate with "lakh"; add other terms to [[one hundred thousand]]-->
lama:Noun:master of Tibetan Buddhism
land:Verb:to descend to a surface, especially from the air
law:Noun:body of rules established in a community by its authorities
leaf:Noun:part of a plant
leave:Verb:be left over, remain
<!-- This translation sense seems to belong at the adj or past participle "[[left]]". -->
left:Adjective:west side of the body when one is facing north
left:Adverb:on the left side
left:Noun:the left side
lie:Noun:golf term
lie:Noun:intentionally false statement
lie:Verb:be in horizontal position
lie:Verb:tell an intentional untruth
lift:Noun:act of lifting or raising
lift:Verb:to raise or rise
like:Particle:colloquial: mild intensifier
<!--needs t-check-->
limited liability:Noun:{{lb
The liability of an [[owner]] or a [[partner]] of a [[company]] for no more [[capital]] than they have [[invested]]}}
lion:Noun:big cat Panthera leo
lip:Noun:fleshy protrusion framing the mouth
lip:Noun:slang: backtalk, verbal impertinence
<!--Add SLANG terms to this table, where these exist-->
lip:Verb:to kiss
lippy:Noun:(colloquial) lip gloss
<!--Add only colloquial translations here-->
lippy:Noun:(colloquial) lipstick
<!--Add only colloquial translations here-->
list:Noun:strip of fabric
list:Noun:nautical: tilting or careening to one side
list:Verb:to create or recite a list
list:Verb:to listen
list:Verb:to be pleasing to
list:Verb:to tilt to one side
listen:Verb:to pay attention to a sound
listen:Verb:to expect or wait for a sound
listen:Verb:to accept advice or obey instruction
listen:Verb:to hear (something)
listenership:Noun:(linguistics) the act of paying attention to a conversation or speech
<!--Add only terms with a linguistic sense; add other terms to "[[listening]]"-->
little:Adjective:small in size
little:Adverb:not much
little:Determiner:small amount
little house:Noun:outhouse
<!--Kindly place only similar constructions here and generic outhouse translations at [[outhouse]]-->
live:Adjective:having life
live:Adverb:as it happens
live:Verb:be alive
liver:Noun:organ of the body
liver:Noun:one who lives
Any component that draws current or power from an electrical circuit}}
look:Interjection:interjection to attract attention
look:Noun:action of looking
look:Verb:to try to see
losing streak:Noun:slang: menstruation
<!-- Only slang -->
lung:Noun:organ that extracts oxygen from the air
mahoosive:Adjective:(slang) massive; huge
<!--Add only slang terms-->
a maiden over}}
main:Noun:short for mainsail
<!-- Only short forms here, where they exist -->
malarkey:Noun:nonsense; rubbish
<!--NOTE: Please add only informal terms; formal terms should be at [[nonsense]].-->
male:Adjective:belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or the gender typically associated with it
male:Noun:human of masculine sex or gender
mango:Noun:tropical fruit tree Mangifera indica
mare:Noun:female horse
mare:Noun:evil spirit
mare:Noun:planetology: dark circular plain
meat:Noun:animal flesh used as food
meat:Noun:type of meat
meat:Noun:any sort of flesh
meat:Noun:solid edible part of a plant
metal:Noun:atomic element or material made of such atoms
metal:Noun:certain category of rock music
mil:Noun:angular mil
mill:Noun:grinding apparatus
mill:Verb:grind or process using a mill or other machine
mine:Noun:excavation from which ore is extracted
mine:Pronoun:that which belongs to me
mine:Verb:to remove ore from the ground
minister:Noun:person who is trained to perform religious ceremonies at a Protestant church
mint:Adjective:of condition, as new
mint:Noun:money-producing building or institution
mint:Verb:to reproduce coins
minute:Adjective:very small
minute:Noun:unit of time
minute:Verb:to write the minutes of
mirror:Noun:smooth reflecting surface
mirror:Verb:of an event, activity, behaviour; to be identical to, be a copy of, to reflect
<!-- only colloquial expressions -->
mole:Noun:dark spot on the skin
mole:Noun:burrowing insectivore
mole:Noun:massive structure used as a pier or breakwater
mole:Noun:unit of amount
mole:Noun:hemorrhagic mass of tissue in the uterus
money:Noun:means of exchange and measure of value
morning:Noun:part of the day between dawn and midday
mountain range:Noun:line of mountains
<!-- example: Pyrenees -->
muddy:Adjective:(euphemistic) soiled with feces
<!--Add only euphemistic translations; add non-euphemistic translations to [[feculent]]-->
music:Noun:sound, organized in time in a melodious way
my:Determiner:belonging to me
n-dimensional space:Noun:a vector space having {{noitalic
vectors as its basis}}
nail:Noun:on fingers and toes
nail:Verb:employ a nail as a fastener
namby-pamby:Noun:one who is insipid, sentimental{{,
or weak}}
nature:Noun:the natural world and its order
neither here nor there:Adjective:having no influence or significance on the issue at hand
<!--add only idiomatic phrases in other languages-->
net:Adjective:remaining after expenses or deductions
net:Adverb:after expenses or deductions
net:Noun:mesh of string, cord or rope
net:Noun:The amount remaining after expenses are deducted, profit
net:Verb:catch by means of a net
net:Verb:receive as profit
nibling:Noun:gender-neutral term for child of one's sibling or sibling-in-law
<!--Add only gender-neutral translations. Place translations of “nephew” or “niece” at [[nephew]] or [[niece]].-->
north:Adjective:of or pertaining to the north
north:Adverb:towards the north
north:Noun:compass point
not:Adverb:negates meaning of verb
not:Conjunction:And not
not:Noun:unary negation function
noumenon:Noun:thing as it is independent of any conceptualization
<!-- place here translations from Greek-->
nuke:Noun:(colloquial) nuclear weapon
<!--Add only colloquial terms-->
nuke:Noun:(colloquial) something that destroys or negates
<!--Add only colloquial terms-->
nuke:Noun:(colloquial) nuclear power station
<!--Add only colloquial terms-->
nuke:Noun:(colloquial) vessel running on nuclear power
<!--Add only colloquial terms-->
nuke:Noun:(colloquial) microwave oven
<!--Add only colloquial terms-->
nuke:Verb:(colloquial) to use a nuclear weapon on a target
<!--Add only colloquial terms-->
nuke:Verb:(colloquial) to destroy or erase completely
<!--Add only colloquial terms-->
nuke:Verb:(colloquial) to expose to some form of radiation
<!--Add only colloquial terms-->
nuke:Verb:(colloquial) to cook in a microwave oven
<!--Add only colloquial terms-->
number:Noun:abstract entity used to describe quantity
obtainment:Noun:that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept
octillion:Numeral:a thousand trillion trillion, 10{{sup
octillion:Numeral:a trillion quintillion, 10{{sup
oil:Noun:liquid fat
oil:Noun:petroleum-based liquid
on high:Prepositional phrase:(humorous) in authority, influence or power
<!--Add only humorous terms-->
one-armed bandit:Noun:gaming machine having a long arm-like handle at one side that a player pulls down to make reels spin
<!--Add only translations of this specific type of machine, and not of "slot machine" in general; add those to [[slot machine]]-->
onion:Noun:Allium cepa
open:Adjective:not closed
open:Noun:open space
open:Verb:to make something accessible
open house:Noun:{{qualifier
time when a house for sale is open for inspection}}
open house:Noun:{{qualifier
casual school event to which the school invites parents or guardians}}
opera:Noun:theatrical work
opera house:Noun:theatre for opera
<!--sense 3-->
or:Adjective:of yellow or gold tincture on a coat of arms
or:Noun:gold or yellow tincture
<!--Remove this section once all of the translations below have been moved into the tables above.-->
out of:Preposition:
<!-- the following translations were previously listed under the heading "not part of", but this does not obviously correspond to any English definition. -->
out there:Prepositional phrase:outside of one's comfort zone
<!-- which sense above is this box meant to correspond to? -->
<!--Add only translations similar to "ovine"; add other terms to "[[sheep]]"-->
package:Noun:male genitalia
<!-- Only expressions derived from "package" or its translations here, please -->
page:Noun:one side of a leaf of a book
page:Noun:serving boy
page:Verb:mark the pages of
page:Verb:attend as a page
pain:Noun:ache or bodily suffering
a friend}}
pallid:Adjective:appearing weak, pale{{,
or wan}}
panda:Noun:Ailuropoda melanoleuca
<!--Place translations meaning "giant panda" at [[giant panda]].-->
part:Noun:fraction of a whole
part:Verb:to leave the company of
part:Verb:to separate from each other as combatants
<!-- is this meant to be the same as the sense above? it's not listed among the definitions... -->
pass:Verb:to go past
{{attn|en| it should be possibly merged with the translation box above; this sense is not distinct in the definitions above}}
pass:Verb:to move beyond the range of the senses or of knowledge
<!-- is this the same as the one directly above? it's not listed in the definitions -->
pay:Adjective:operable or accessible on deposit of coins
pay:Noun:money given in return for work
pay:Verb:to give money in exchange for goods or services
pay:Verb:to cover with a waterproof substance
payload:Noun:that part of a rocket, missile{{,
or torpedo that is not concerned with propulsion or guidance}}
peace:Noun:tranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence
sexual feeling or desire by adults or older adolescents towards prepubescent children}}
pelt:Noun:(humorous, informal) human skin, especially when bare
<!--Add only humorous or informal terms for the (bare) human skin-->
pelt:Noun:(humorous, informal) person’s hair
<!--Add only humorous or informal terms for a person’s hair-->
pen:Noun:enclosure (enclosed area) for animals
pen:Noun:writing tool
pen:Noun:female swan
pen:Verb:to enclose
pen:Verb:to write
penis:Noun:male organ for copulation and urination
people:Noun:a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons
people:Verb:to fill with people
to act in accordance with}}
to fulfill contractually agreed-to terms}}
to behave in accordance with}}
to behave in ways that carry meaning}}
pet carrier:Noun:
phat:Adjective:slang: sexy
<!--add SLANG terms to this table, where these exist-->
phosphine sulfide:Noun:any compound having the general formula R3P{{=
S <{{=}}> R<sub>3</sub>P<sup>+</sup>S<sup>-</sup>}}
pickle:Noun:difficult situation
<!-- food connotations only-->
pickle:Noun:affectionate term for a loved one
<!-- food/taste connotations only)-->
pickle:Noun:slang: penis
<!-- Only slang terms that are related to "pickle" and other taste-associations. Others go to the entry "penis" -->
<br>''NOTE: New definitions have been added since these translations were added, so the numbering is incorrect in many cases.''
pine:Noun:tree of the genus Pinus
pine:Noun:painful longing
pine:Verb:to languish, to droop
pipe:Noun:slang: penis
<!--Add only terms similar to "pipe"-->
piss:Verb:(vulgar) to urinate
<!--vulgar terms only; neutral register terms go at [[urinate#Translations]]-->
pizza:Noun:baked Italian dish
play:Noun:playful activity
play:Verb:feign, pretend
<! "play" does not mean "feign, pretend", it means "pretend to be". -->
<!-- was listed as "deal with a situation in a diplomatic manner", but play" in itself does not mean this, it means "deal with (a situation) in the manner specified", often carefully/cautiously/diplomatically, but also possibly e.g. clumsily or badly. -->
plethorically:Adverb:in a plethoric manner
<!--Add only terms cognate to "plethorically"; add translations of "excessively" to [[excessively]]-->
plume:Noun:short for mantle plume
<!--place here translations similar to "plume"; place others at [[mantle plume]]-->
point:Noun:peninsula or promontory
<!-- only "peninsula" was shown here, so earlier translations may be limited -->
poison:Noun:substance harmful to a living organism
poison:Verb:to use poison to kill or paralyse
poisoned:Adjective:killed, paralysed{{,
or harmed by receiving a dose of poison}}
<!-- preferably give slang translations here -->
poliomyelitic:Adjective:of, pertaining to{{,
or afflicted with poliomyelitis}}
polyposic:Adjective:of, pertaining to{{,
or afflicted with polyposis}}
poppy:Noun:(endearing) one's father or grandfather
<!--Add only terms used as terms of endearment-->
porridge:Noun:breakfast cereal dish
<!--These translations should reflect porridge in general, NOT oatmeal porridge specifically-->
post:Adverb:with the post, on post horses; express, with speed
post:Noun:long dowel or plank protruding from the ground
post:Noun:station, outpost
post:Noun:assigned station
post:Verb:hang a notice in a conspicuous manner
post:Verb:send mail
post:Verb:assign to a station
post-traumatic stress disorder:Noun:condition that develops following some stressful situation
<!--abbreviations to go at PTSD please-->
pot:Noun:vessel for cooking or storing food etc.
pot:Verb:put (something) into a pot
potato skin:Noun:one of many potato skins (in a dish)
<!-- 1 -->
potato skins:Noun:a dish made of potato skins
<!-- 1 -->
prayer:Noun:practice of communicating with one's God
prayer:Noun:one who prays
prithee:Interjection:(archaic) please
<!--please list only archaic forms here, not just ordinary words for "please"-->
psychrometry:Noun:synonym of psychrometrics
<!--Add only cognate translations here; add other translations to "[[psychrometrics]]"-->
purge:Verb:religion: to free from sin, guilt, or the burden or responsibility of misdeeds
<!-- is it really different from the next sense, "to remove by cleansing; to wash away", as supplied above? -->
purpureal:Adjective:(literary, poetic) of a purple colour
<!--Add only literary or poetic terms here; add general terms meaning “purple” at [[purple]]-->
pus:Noun:fluid found in regions of infection
pussy:Noun:informal: affectionate term for a cat
<!--Note: add colloquial or slang words for "cat" here, if possible-->
pussy:Noun:slang: female genitalia
<!--Note: add taboo slang terms for "female genitalia" here, if possible-->
putt:Noun:slang: motorcycle
<!-- Only slang expressions derived from the sound of motorcycle here. Other translations to motorcycle entry -->
putt:Verb:slang: to ride one's motorcycle
<!-- Only slang expressions derived from the sound of motorcycle here. -->
question:Noun:sentence, phrase or word
question:Verb:ask questions of
radiogram:Noun:message, like a telegram, transmitted by wireless telegraphy
<!--Add only terms cognate with "radiogram"; add other terms to "radiotelegram"-->
rainbow:Noun:multicoloured arch in the sky
rainbow:Verb:To pattern with many colours, like a rainbow.
raincoat:Noun:slang: condom
<!-- Add a translation here only, if a term derived from the term "raincoat" is in use -->
raven:Adjective:of the color of the raven; jet-black
raven:Noun:rapine; rapacity
real:Adjective:signifying meritorious qualities or actions
<!--Note: add SLANG or INFORMAL translations here, where these exist-->
reason:Noun:that which causes: a cause
<!--the reason this tree fell-->
reason:Noun:motive for an action or determination
<!--the reason I robbed the bank-->
reason:Noun:excuse, explanation: thought or consideration offered in support of a determination
<!--the reason he gave for not travelling by air-->
reason:Noun:translations to be checked: "due exercise of the reasoning faculty"
<!--this is not a sense the English word is currently said to have...-->
reason:Noun:basic meaning "cause"
<!--this is impossibly imprecise-->
reniform:Adjective:synonym of kidney-shaped
<!--Add only translations cognate with "reniform"-->
repast:Noun:(archaic or literary) meal
<!--Add only archaic or literary words for "meal", or words cognate to "repast"; add modern uses at [[meal]]-->
rhino:Noun:short form of rhinoceros
rice:Noun:seeds used as food
right:Adjective:straight, not bent
right:Adverb:on the right side
right:Interjection:yes, that is correct; I agree
right:Noun:which complies with justice, law or reason
right:Verb:to correct
roaming:Noun:registering a PC and a cycle of {uploading, editing and downloading
from any networked PC}}
robot:Noun:intelligent mechanical being
rock:Noun:natural mineral aggregate
rock:Noun:precious stone or gem
<!-- Only informal expressions, please -->
rock:Noun:act of rocking
rock:Noun:style of music
rock:Noun:flax or wool on a distaff
rock:Verb:move gently back and forth
rock:Verb:to play, perform, or enjoy rock music
roll one's eyes:Verb:turn one's eyes upwards
<!--If the implication of this body language is different in the target language, please indicate in italics-->
root:Noun:part of a plant
root:Noun:of a tooth
root:Noun:part of a hair under the skin
root:Noun:part of a hair near the skin
root:Noun:primary source
root:Noun:arithmetic: number or expression which when raised to a power gives the specified number or expression
root:Noun:analysis: zero of a function
root:Noun:graph theory: node in a tree that has no parent
root:Noun:linguistic morphology: primary lexical unit of a word
root:Noun:philology: word from which another word or words are derived
root:Noun:computing: user account at the root of the directory structure
root:Noun:person who manages accounts on a UNIX system
root:Noun:computing: highest directory of a directory structure
roughage:Noun:substances which are undigested when eaten by humans, and which therefore help the passage of food and waste through the alimentary tract
<!--Add only translations cognate to "roughage"; add other terms to [[dietary fibre]]-->
roundel:Noun:anything having a round form
<!-- 1 -->
roundel:Noun:music: a roundelay or rondelay
<!-- 2 -->
roundel:Noun:a small circular shield, sometimes not more than a foot in diameter
<!-- 3 -->
roundel:Noun:heraldry: a circular spot; a charge in the form of a small coloured circle
<!-- 4 -->
roundel:Noun:aviation: a circular insignia painted on an aircraft to identify its nationality or service
<!-- 5 -->
roundel:Noun:a bastion of a circular form
<!-- 6 -->
run:Noun:act of running
run:Verb:to move quickly on two feet
running line:Noun:{{lb
railway line}}
saddle:Verb:(transitive) to put a saddle on (an animal)
<!-- It appears that there has been a sense for Saint as title, but it has been made its own entry. Some translations have been left here, and some of these may be translations to sense nr. 3 above. -->
say cheese:Verb:
<!--Pronouncing the second word should force whoever says the word to smile. The Spanish especially doesn't look right.-->
scab:Verb:slang: to beg or bum
<!-- Please add only slang expressions here!! -->
<!-- Only words related to "scalp" -->
scathe:Noun:damage; harm; hurt; injury
<!--add translations etymologically cognate with "scathe"; add general translation of "damage", "harm", etc., to those entries-->
scathe:Verb:to harm or injure (someone or something) physically
<!--add translations etymologically cognate with "scathe"; add general translation of "harm", "injure", etc., to those entries-->
schnozzle:Noun:slang: human nose, especially large one
<!--Note: add SLANG translations to this table, where these exist-->
science:Noun:collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method
scratch:Verb:remove, ignore{{,
or delete}}
a tightly packed group of reporters surrounding a spokesperson}}
scuttlebutt:Verb:(intransitive, slang) to spread rumours
<!--Add only slang terms-->
seasonal:Adjective:of, related to{{,
or reliant on a season}}
see:Interjection:interjection to attract attention
seed:Noun:botany: fertilized and ripened ovule
seed:Verb:to plant or sow seeds
semelfactive aspect:Noun:grammar aspect
<!-- these terms may be non-idiomatic, although doubtfully so -->
sexy:Adjective:slang: very attractive or appealing
<!--Add SLANG terms to this table, where these exist-->
shadow:Noun:dark image projected onto a surface
shadow:Verb:to block light or radio transmission
shaft:Verb:slang: to engage in a malicious act
<!-- slang only, please -->
shaft:Verb:slang: to have sexual intercourse
<!-- only slang expressions derived from shaft or similar objects, please -->
shampoo:Noun:instance of washing the hair with shampoo
<!--Note: put translations relating to WASHING HAIR here; put translations for washing OTHER FIBRES in the table below-->
shampoo:Noun:instance of washing other fibres with shampoo
<!--Note: put translations relating to OTHER FIBRES here; put translations for washing WASHING HAIR in the table above-->
shanti:Noun:peace, tranquility
<!--add only translations cognate to this term; add other translations to [[peace]] or [[tranquility]]-->
<!--Add only informal terms-->
shell:Noun:hard outside covering, as of a fruit or an animal
<!-- Looks that there has been a sense with this definition but it has been split into three separate definitions. The translations should be split as well -->
shemale:Noun:translations to be checked
<!--these are added at a time when the definition wrongly read "a female-to-male trans person", and so need to be checked-->
shield:Noun:anything that protects or defends
shield:Noun:figuratively, one who protects or defends
shield:Noun:sci fi: a field of energy that protects or defends
shield:Verb:to protect, to defend
ship:Noun:large water craft
ship:Noun:fictional relationship
ship:Verb:to send a parcel or container
ship:Verb:to support fictional relationship
outhouse, lavatory}}
shitter:Noun:coarse slang for toilet
<!--Note: place only COARSE SLANG terms here and standard toilet terms at Toilet-->
shitty:Adjective:of low quality or standard
<!-- only expressions somehow related to shit, please -->
shopman:Noun:proprietor, manager{{,
or operator of a small store}}
slave:Noun:person owned by another
slave:Verb:work hard
small:Adjective:not large
smell:Verb:sense with nose
snake:Noun:legless reptile
solid:Adjective:lacking errors or inconsistencies
<!-- to which sense above is this section meant to correspond? please clarify the description if you can -->
something is rotten in the state of Denmark:Phrase:Hamlet quotation, used in other contexts to mean "something is not right"
<!-- Please only add the translation of this term if it is actually used to mean "something is not right," do not add it if it does not go past the Hamlet text. Thank you. -->
sophistry:Noun:actions of a sophist
<!-- 3 -->
sophistry:Noun:plausible yet fallacious argumentations or reasoning
<!-- 2 -->
sophistry:Noun:an argument that seems plausible, but is fallacious or misleading
<!-- 1 -->
soul:Noun:the spirit or essence of a person that is often believed to live on after the person's death
south pole:Noun:
<!--don't give the translation for the South Pole!-->
spark:Noun:figurative: small amount of something, which has the potential to become something greater
<!--Add slang terms to this table, if these exist-->
spark:Noun:informal: ship's radio operator
<!--Add informal terms to this table, if these exist-->
speak:Verb:to communicate with one's voice using words
split infinitive:Noun:an infinitive with one or more modifiers inserted between the {{m
and the [[verb]]}}
spook:Noun:spirit returning to haunt a place
<!--please merge with ghost translations below; same thing-->
spoon:Noun:scooped utensil for eating (or serving)
spoon:Verb:to serve using a spoon
spoon:Verb:sailing terminology
sport:Noun:any athletic activity that uses physical skills
sport:Verb:amuse oneself
sprightly:Adjective:animated, gay{{,
or vivacious|lively}}
stamp:Noun:any small piece of paper bearing a design on one side and adhesive on the other
<!-- Note: not a postage stamp -->
stand:Noun:act of standing
stand:Verb:to support oneself on the feet in an erect position
state:Noun:a State, a sovereign polity, the government of a country or city-state
state:Verb:declare to be a fact
status:Noun:person’s position or standing
steam:Noun:water vapor
steam:Verb:cooking: to cook with steam
steel:Adjective:made of steel
steel:Noun:metal produced from iron
steel:Verb:To harden or strengthen; to nerve or to fortify against, to brace oneself.
stomach:Noun:digestive organ
stomach:Verb:to tolerate or accept something
stop:Noun:place to get on and off mass transport
stop:Punctuation mark:telegrams: end of sentence indicator
stop:Verb:to cease moving
storm:Noun:disturbed state of the atmosphere causing destructive or unpleasant weather
storm:Noun:disturbed state of the atmosphere between a severe or strong gale and a hurricane on the modern Beaufort scale
storm:Noun:violent assault on a fortified position or stronghold
storm:Verb:to have strong winds and usually lightning and thunder, and/or hail, rain, or snow
storm:Verb:to violently assault (a fortified position or stronghold, a building, etc.) with the aim of gaining control of it
storm:Verb:to move noisily and quickly like a storm
storm:Verb:to be in a violent temper; to use harsh language
student:Noun:person who studies a subject
<!-- Was "adequate to wants" (adjective), but the usual "adequate"/"enough" sense has been moved to the "determiner" section. Translations need to be checked as to whether they are adjectives, determiners, or both. -->
surprise:Noun:attributively: that is unexpected
<!-- adjectives shouldn’t fit in the attributive section -->
sweat:Noun:fluid that exits the body through pores
sweat:Verb:to emit sweat
tail:Noun:appendage of an animal
tail:Noun:slang for the phallus
<!-- Only slang terms derived rom "tail" or equivalent -->
take:Noun:act of taking
take:Verb:to get into one's hands or control
take:Verb:to accept and follow advice{{,
take:Verb:a photo, film, fingerprints{{,
tamada:Noun:(chiefly Georgia) toastmaster
<!--Place general translations of "toastmaster" at [[toastmaster]]-->
tau:Noun:the letter {{m
in the Greek alphabet}}
-shaped object or sign}}
tau:Noun:crosier with a {{lang
-shaped head}}
teacher:Noun:person who teaches
ten:Noun:set or group with ten elements
terminal:Adjective:resulting in death
terminal:Noun:airport building
thank you:Interjection:an expression of gratitude
thee:Pronoun:Objective case of 'thou'
<!-- Grammar details like the ones below belong in the foreign entries, not English translation tables. -->
they:Pronoun:third-person plural pronoun
they:Pronoun:third-person singular, of unknown, irrelevant{{,
or non-binary gender}}
thick:Adjective:relatively great in extent from one surface to another
thick:Adverb:in a thick manner
thick:Noun:most active or intense part of something
thin:Adjective:having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite
thin:Noun:loss of material
thin:Verb:to make thinner
thing:Noun:that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept
thing-in-itself:Noun:thing as it is independent of any conceptualization
<!-- place here literal translations of the term-->
think:Noun:an act of thinking
think:Verb:to ponder, to go over in one's head
think:Verb:to seem, to appear
this:Adverb:to the degree or extent indicated
this:Determiner:the (thing) here
this:Pronoun:the thing, item, etc. being indicated
thread:Noun:long, thin and flexible form of material
thread:Verb:put thread through
three-piece suit:Noun:suit consisting of matching jacket, trousers{{,
and waistcoat}}
thunder:Noun:sound caused by lightning
thunder:Verb:to make a noise like thunder
tiddlywinks:Noun:(informal) meaningless or unimportant activity
<!--Add only informal terms-->
tiger:Noun:The mammal Panthera tigris
tin:Adjective:made of tin
tin:Adjective:made of galvanized iron
tin:Verb:to place into a tin in order to preserve
<!-- was "particle used to create phrasal verbs", but this does not exist as an English sense -->
to:Preposition:used to indicate the indirect object
toilet:Noun:personal grooming
tooth:Noun:anatomy: tooth
toss off:Verb:to masturbate
<!-- Only vulgar expressions here. Matter-of-fact expressions belong to "masturbate" -entry -->
train:Noun:the elongated back portion of a dress or skirt which drags along the ground
train:Verb:to practice an ability
transcendentalism:Noun:the transcending, or going beyond, empiricism, and ascertaining a priori the fundamental principles of human knowledge
<!-- 1 -->
transcendentalism:Noun:ambitious and imaginative vagueness in thought, imagery, or diction
<!-- 2 -->
transcendentalism:Noun:a philosophy which holds that reasoning is key to understanding reality
<!-- 3 -->
transcendentalism:Noun:a movement of writers and philosophers in New England in the 19th century
<!-- 4 -->
transfuse:Verb:transfuse (all senses)
<!-- I see no reason to diffuse definitions before a need for that has manifested -->
transitory:Adjective:lasting only a short time
<!-- should be merged with transient; this one should be replaced by trans-see -->
<!--Note: some of these translations are verbs and some are nouns-->
tree:Noun:large woody plant
tribrach:Noun:figure {{non-gloss definition
object having three arms {{non-gloss definition|or}} branches}}
<!--TODO: please merge with "genuine" sense, as the sense lines were merged-->
turul:Proper noun:mythological bird
twat:Noun:vulgar slang, vagina
<!--please only add vulgar translations. Neutral terms should be at [[vagina]]-->
two:Noun:digit or figure
two:Noun:two-dollar bill
a text message}}
u:Noun:name of the letter U, u
unattended:Adjective:not attended
<!--which sense?-->
uncollected:Adjective:not collected
<!--which sense?-->
ungodly:Adjective:(informal) extreme; unreasonable
<!--Add only informal translations-->
, {{l|en|shapeless}}}}
<!-- Was "being above and in contact with another". Suggest that we do not replicate here all the translations that would do just as well as translations of "on", but only list translations, if any, that have the same higher-register relationship to a standard "on" in that language as "upon" does to "on" in English. -->
<!-- Was "being directly supported by another". Suggest that we do not replicate here all the translations that would do just as well as translations of "on", but only list translations, if any, that have the same higher-register relationship to a standard "on" in that language as "upon" does to "on" in English. -->
<!-- Was "at a prescribed point in time". Suggest that we do not replicate here all the translations that would do just as well as translations of "on", but only list translations, if any, that have the same higher-register relationship to a standard "on" in that language as "upon" does to "on" in English. -->
to treat with forcible means}}
vagina:Noun:anatomical sense
van:Noun:a covered vehicle
varied:Adjective:diverse or miscellaneous
<!-- does this need to be here at all?-->
<!--this should only be short or informal forms-->
<!--this should only be short or informal forms-->
<!-- These look like nouns, and this is Adjective section -->
vet:Noun:short form of veterinary surgeon
<!--only the short forms -->
vet:Noun:short form of veteran
<!--Provide the short forms used in various languages, where these exist; if they do not, just give the full form-->
video:Noun:television show, movie
virus:Noun:infectious organism
walk:Verb:to move on the feet
walk:Verb:colloquial: to avoid a criminal court case
walk:Verb:colloquial: to be stolen
walk:Verb:to travel a distance by walking
walk:Verb:to take for a walk
walk:Verb:baseball: to allow to advance after four balls
walk:Verb:move something by shifting between two positions
walk:Verb:to full cloth
walk:Verb:to traverse by walking (or analogous gradual movement)
walk:Verb:colloquial: to leave, resign
walk:Verb:to push vehicle alongside oneself
walk:Verb:to behave
walk:Verb:to be stirring
walk:Verb:to be in motion
wall:Noun:defensive rampart
wall:Verb:to enclose by surrounding with walls
want:Noun:desire, wish, longing
want:Verb:to desire
warm:Adjective:having a temperature slightly higher than usual
warm:Verb:to make or keep warm
wash:Noun:process or an instance of washing or being washed by water
wash:Verb:to clean with water
way:Noun:road, direction, path
welcome:Adjective:whose arrival is a cause of joy
welcome:Interjection:greeting given upon someone's arrival
welcome:Noun:act of greeting someone's arrival
welcome:Verb:affirm or greet the arrival of someone
well:Adjective:in good health
well:Adverb:accurately; competently
well:Interjection:used to introduce a statement that may be contrary to expectations
well:Noun:hole sunk into the ground
well:Verb:to issue forth
west:Adjective:towards the west
west:Adverb:towards the west
west:Noun:compass point
western slaty antshrike:Noun:
<!-- Be careful, these translations may actually refer to "bicolored antvireo", dysithamnus occidentalis -->
<!-- was "why", but this does not correspond to any English sense -->
<!-- was "which", but determiner "what" can be used in the sense of "which" both interrogatively and relatively, and it is not clear which sense(s) these translations apply to -->
<!-- was "anything", but this does not correspond to any definition in this section; perhaps these are supposed to go in the "pronoun" section, although they do not necessarily match the existing translations there -->
wheel:Noun:a circular device facilitating movement or transportation
wheel:Verb:To roll along as on wheels
wheeze:Noun:breathing hard
<!-- These seem to be translations to "breathing hard" (as the header indicates), not to the sound produced by it -->
when:Adverb:at what time, as a direct question
when:Conjunction:as soon as, at the time that
when:Interjection:that's enough
when:Noun:the time
when:Pronoun:what time; which time
where:Adverb:at what place; to what place; from what place
<!-- was "from what place", but this does not exist as an English sense -->
where:Noun:the place in which something happens
whether:Conjunction:introducing adverbial clause; no matter whether or not
<!-- This example sentence: He's coming, whether you like it or not. -->
<!-- was "any or either of a group or set that…; no matter which, whether one or another", but it is now unclear which English senses these translations relate to -->
<!-- was "any one or a number of a group; no matter which one" -->
while away:Verb:
<!-- Incorrect intransitive definitions. Anything salvageable? -->
white:Adjective:bright and colourless
who:Pronoun:who? (interrogative pronoun)
whoa:Interjection:slow down
<!-- not used for a horse -->
wifelet:Noun:(affectionate) wife
<!--Please add only affectionate terms-->
<!-- Please move any terms referring to Felis silvestris above. Terms referring generically to undomesticated cats should be moved to [[wild cat]] and those referring to Lynx rufus to [[bobcat]].-->
window:Noun:opening for light and air
wing:Noun:part of an animal
wing:Noun:slang: human arm
<!-- Only slang expressions that have some connection with a wing -->
wing:Verb:to injure slightly
winter:Noun:fourth season, marked by short days and the lowest temperatures
winter:Verb:spend the winter, as in a particular place on holiday
winter:Verb:store over winter
with child:Prepositional phrase:pregnant (euphemistic)
<!-- only put euphemisms for pregnant - not literal translations of "pregnant" -->
wood:Verb:to cover or plant with trees
worship the porcelain god:Verb:(idiomatic, humorous) to vomit into a toilet bowl
<!--Add only idiomatic and/or humorous translations. General translations of "to vomit" should be placed at "[[vomit]]"-->
worthy:Adjective:having worth, merit{{,
or value}}
wrack:Verb:to wreck
<!-- maybe trans-see instead? -->
write:Verb:to form letters, etc.
wrong:Adverb:wrongly, incorrectly
<!-- belonging to you (to be sorted) -->
zebra:Noun:African animal
zero:Adjective:informal: virtually none
zero:Noun:numeric symbol of zero
zero:Numeral:cardinal number before 1, denoting nothing
zero:Verb:to set to zero