
  • Page 1 Abchaz: Replacing <# male Abkhaz> with <# Abkhaz>
  • Page 2 Abchazka: Replacing <# Abkhaz {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Abchaz|t=[[Abkhaz]]}}>
  • Page 3 abecadlarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} beginner female student> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|abecadlarz|t=[[beginner]] [[student]]}}>
  • Page 3 abecadlarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated|or|derogatory}} female teacher> with <# {{lb|pl|dated|or|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|abecadlarz|t=[[teacher]]}}>
  • Page 4 abiturient: Replacing <# {{l|en|A male student that will take, is taking, or has just passed the {{l|pl|matura}} exam {{gl|formally {{l|pl|egzamin dojrzałości}}}} at the end of {{l|pl|liceum}} {{gl|high school}}.}}> with <# {{l|en|A student that will take, is taking, or has just passed the {{l|pl|matura}} exam {{gl|formally {{l|pl|egzamin dojrzałości}}}} at the end of {{l|pl|liceum}} {{gl|high school}}.}}>
  • Page 5 abnegat: Replacing <# male sloven> with <# sloven>
  • Page 6 abnegatka: Replacing <# female sloven> with <# {{femeq|pl|abnegat|t=[[sloven]]}}>
  • Page 7 abolicjonistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female abolitionist {{gl|someone in favor of lifting a law}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|abolicjonista|t=[[abolitionist]]}} {{gl|someone in favor of lifting a law}}>
  • Page 7 abolicjonistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} female abolitionist {{gl|someone in favor of lifting slavery}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|abolicjonista|t=[[abolitionist]]}} {{gl|someone in favor of lifting slavery}}>
  • Page 8 abonent: Replacing <# male subscriber> with <# subscriber>
  • Page 9 abonentka: Replacing <# female subscriber> with <# {{femeq|pl|abonent|t=[[subscriber]]}}>
  • Page 10 aborcjonista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} male proabortionist, pro-choice activist> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} proabortionist, pro-choice activist>
  • Page 10 aborcjonista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} male abortionist, someone who performs an abortion> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} abortionist, someone who performs an abortion>
  • Page 11 aborcjonistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female proabortionist, pro-choice activist> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|aborcjonista|t=[[proabortionist]], [[pro-choice]] activist}}>
  • Page 11 aborcjonistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female abortionist, someone who performs an abortion> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|aborcjonista|t=[[abortionist]], someone who performs an [[abortion]]}}>
  • Page 12 absenteista: Replacing <# male absentee {{gl|someone who avoids fulfilling his societal obligations}}> with <# absentee {{gl|someone who avoids fulfilling his societal obligations}}>
  • Page 13 absenteistka: Replacing <# female absentee {{gl|someone who avoids fulfilling her societal obligations}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|absenteista|t=[[absentee]]}} {{gl|someone who avoids fulfilling her societal obligations}}>
  • Page 14 absolutysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} male absolutist {{gl|one who is in favor of an absolute or autocratic government}}> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} absolutist {{gl|one who is in favor of an absolute or autocratic government}}>
  • Page 14 absolutysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|metaphysics}} male absolutist {{gl|one who believes that it is possible to realize a cognition or concept of the Absolute}}> with <# {{lb|pl|metaphysics}} absolutist {{gl|one who believes that it is possible to realize a cognition or concept of the Absolute}}>
  • Page 15 absolutystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female absolutist {{gl|one who is in favor of an absolute or autocratic government}}> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|absolutysta|t=[[absolutist]]}} {{gl|one who is in favor of an absolute or autocratic government}}>
  • Page 15 absolutystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|metaphysics}} female absolutist {{gl|one who believes that it is possible to realize a cognition or concept of the Absolute}}> with <# {{lb|pl|metaphysics}} {{femeq|pl|absolutysta|t=[[absolutist]]}} {{gl|one who believes that it is possible to realize a cognition or concept of the Absolute}}>
  • Page 16 absolwent: Replacing <# male graduate> with <# graduate>
  • Page 17 absolwentka: Replacing <# female graduate> with <# {{femeq|pl|absolwent|t=[[graduate]]}}>
  • Page 18 abstrakcjonista: Replacing <# male abstractionist> with <# abstractionist>
  • Page 18 abstrakcjonista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} male abstractionist> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} abstractionist>
  • Page 19 abstrakcjonistka: Replacing <# female abstractionist> with <# {{femeq|pl|abstrakcjonista|t=[[abstractionist]]}}>
  • Page 19 abstrakcjonistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} female abstractionist> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} {{femeq|pl|abstrakcjonista|t=[[abstractionist]]}}>
  • Page 20 abstynent: Replacing <# male teetotaler {{gl|someone who does not drink alcohol}}> with <# teetotaler {{gl|someone who does not drink alcohol}}>
  • Page 20 abstynent: Replacing <# male abstainer {{gl|someone who refrains from something}}> with <# abstainer {{gl|someone who refrains from something}}>
  • Page 21 abstynentka: Replacing <# female teetotaler {{gl|someone who does not drink alcohol}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|abstynent|t=[[teetotaler]]}} {{gl|someone who does not drink alcohol}}>
  • Page 21 abstynentka: Replacing <# female abstainer {{gl|someone who refrains from something}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|abstynent|t=[[abstainer]]}} {{gl|someone who refrains from something}}>
  • Page 22 abuliczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|psychiatry}} female person afflicted with abulia> with <# {{lb|pl|psychiatry}} {{femeq|pl|abulik|t=person afflicted with [[abulia]]}}>
  • Page 23 abulik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|psychiatry}} male person afflicted with abulia> with <# {{lb|pl|psychiatry}} person afflicted with abulia>
  • Page 24 adaptator: Replacing <# male adapter {{gl|a person who adapts something to better suit an environment}}> with <# adapter {{gl|a person who adapts something to better suit an environment}}>
  • Page 24 adaptator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} male adapter {{gl|a person who adapts a work of art}}> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} adapter {{gl|a person who adapts a work of art}}>
  • Page 25 adaptatorka: Replacing <# female adapter {{gl|a person who adapts something to better suit an environment}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|adaptator|t=[[adapter]]}} {{gl|a person who adapts something to better suit an environment}}>
  • Page 25 adaptatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} female adapter {{gl|a person who adapts a work of art}}> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} {{femeq|pl|adaptator|t=[[adapter]]}} {{gl|a person who adapts a work of art}}>
  • Page 26 adept: Replacing <# male trainee {{gl|a person training in a given field}}> with <# trainee {{gl|a person training in a given field}}>
  • Page 26 adept: Replacing <# male novice {{gl|a person new in a given field}}> with <# novice {{gl|a person new in a given field}}>
  • Page 26 adept: Replacing <# male {{l|en|adept}} {{gl|a person with secret information}}> with <# {{l|en|adept}} {{gl|a person with secret information}}>
  • Page 27 adeptka: Replacing <# female trainee {{gl|a person training in a given field}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|adept|t=[[trainee]]}} {{gl|a person training in a given field}}>
  • Page 27 adeptka: Replacing <# female novice {{gl|a person new in a given field}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|adept|t=[[novice]]}} {{gl|a person new in a given field}}>
  • Page 27 adeptka: Replacing <# female adept {{gl|a person with secret information}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|adept|t=[[adept]]}} {{gl|a person with secret information}}>
  • Page 28 adherent: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} male {{l|en|adherent}}, henchman, supporter> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{l|en|adherent}}, henchman, supporter>
  • Page 29 adiustator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|printing}} male copy editor> with <# {{lb|pl|printing}} copy editor>
  • Page 30 adiustatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|printing}} female copy editor> with <# {{lb|pl|printing}} {{femeq|pl|adiustator|t=[[copy editor]]}}>
  • Page 31 adiutant: Replacing <# male adjutant> with <# adjutant>
  • Page 31 adiutant: Replacing <# male aide-de-camp> with <# aide-de-camp>
  • Page 32 adiutantka: Replacing <# female adjutant> with <# {{femeq|pl|adiutant|t=[[adjutant]]}}>
  • Page 32 adiutantka: Replacing <# female aide-de-camp> with <# {{femeq|pl|adiutant|t=[[aide-de-camp]]}}>
  • Page 33 administrator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|government|technology}} male {{l|en|administrator}}> with <# {{lb|pl|government|technology}} {{l|en|administrator}}>
  • Page 34 administratorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|government|technology}} female administrator> with <# {{lb|pl|government|technology}} {{femeq|pl|administrator|t=[[administrator]]}}>
  • Page 35 admirator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} male admirer, lover {{gl|a person who admires something}}> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} admirer, lover {{gl|a person who admires something}}>
  • Page 36 admiratorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female admirer, lover {{gl|a person who admires something}}> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|admirator|t=[[admirer]], [[lover]]}} {{gl|a person who admires something}}>
  • Page 37 adorator: Replacing <# male adorer, admirer> with <# adorer, admirer>
  • Page 38 adoratorka: Replacing <# female adorer, admirer> with <# {{femeq|pl|adorator|t=[[adorer]], [[admirer]]}}>
  • Page 39 adresant: Replacing <# male sender> with <# sender>
  • Page 40 adresantka: Replacing <# female sender> with <# {{femeq|pl|adresant|t=[[sender]]}}>
  • Page 41 adresat: Replacing <# male addressee {{gl|a person to whom a package is directed}}> with <# addressee {{gl|a person to whom a package is directed}}>
  • Page 41 adresat: Replacing <# male addressee {{gl|a person to whom a statement is directed}}> with <# addressee {{gl|a person to whom a statement is directed}}>
  • Page 42 adresatka: Replacing <# female addressee {{gl|a person to whom a package is directed}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|adresat|t=[[addressee]]}} {{gl|a person to whom a package is directed}}>
  • Page 42 adresatka: Replacing <# female addressee {{gl|a person to whom a statement is directed}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|adresat|t=[[addressee]]}} {{gl|a person to whom a statement is directed}}>
  • Page 43 adwentysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} male Adventist> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} Adventist>
  • Page 44 adwentystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} female Adventist> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} {{femeq|pl|adwentysta|t=[[Adventist]]}}>
  • Page 45 adwersarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female adversary, opponent> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|adwersarz|t=[[adversary]], [[opponent]]}}>
  • Page 46 adwersarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} male adversary, opponent> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} adversary, opponent>
  • Page 47 adwokatka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female barrister, advocate, solicitor> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|adwokat|t=[[barrister]], [[advocate]], [[solicitor]]}}>
  • Page 48 aeronauta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|aviation|dated}} male aeronaut> with <# {{lb|pl|aviation|dated}} aeronaut>
  • Page 49 aeronautka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|aviation|dated}} female aeronaut> with <# {{lb|pl|aviation|dated}} {{femeq|pl|aeronauta|t=[[aeronaut]]}}>
  • Page 50 afatyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|pathology}} female aphasic {{gl|one who is afflicted by symptoms of aphasia}}> with <# {{lb|pl|pathology}} {{femeq|pl|afatyk|t=[[aphasic]]}} {{gl|one who is afflicted by symptoms of aphasia}}>
  • Page 51 afatyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|pathology}} male aphasic {{gl|one who is afflicted by symptoms of aphasia}}> with <# {{lb|pl|pathology}} aphasic {{gl|one who is afflicted by symptoms of aphasia}}>
  • Page 52 aferzysta: Replacing <# male grifter, charlatan, schemer {{gl|a person involved in criminal affairs}}> with <# grifter, charlatan, schemer {{gl|a person involved in criminal affairs}}>
  • Page 53 aferzystka: Replacing <# female grifter, charlatan, schemer {{gl|a person involved in criminal affairs}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|aferzysta|t=[[grifter]], [[charlatan]], [[schemer]]}} {{gl|a person involved in criminal affairs}}>
  • Page 54 aforysta: Replacing <# male aphorist> with <# aphorist>
  • Page 55 aforystka: Replacing <# female aphorist> with <# {{femeq|pl|aforysta|t=[[aphorist]]}}>
  • Page 56 Afrykanka: Replacing <# African {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Afrykanin}}, {{femeq|pl|Afrykańczyk|t=[[African]]}}>
  • Page 57 agent: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|espionage}} male {{l|en|agent}} {{gl|someone who works for an intelligence agency}}> with <# {{lb|pl|espionage}} {{l|en|agent}} {{gl|someone who works for an intelligence agency}}>
  • Page 57 agent: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} male commission agent {{gl|agent entrusted with the possession of goods to be sold in the agent's name}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} commission agent {{gl|agent entrusted with the possession of goods to be sold in the agent's name}}>
  • Page 57 agent: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|business}} male representative {{gl|company agent}}> with <# {{lb|pl|business}} representative {{gl|company agent}}>
  • Page 57 agent: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|acting|literature}} male impresario, literary agent> with <# {{lb|pl|acting|literature}} impresario, literary agent>
  • Page 57 agent: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|espionage}} male officer, peeper, secret agent> with <# {{lb|pl|espionage}} officer, peeper, secret agent>
  • Page 58 agentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|espionage}} female agent {{gl|someone who works for an intelligence agency}}> with <# {{lb|pl|espionage}} {{femeq|pl|agent|t=[[agent]]}} {{gl|someone who works for an intelligence agency}}>
  • Page 58 agentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female commission agent {{gl|agent entrusted with the possession of goods to be sold in the agent's name}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|agent|t=[[commission agent]]}} {{gl|agent entrusted with the possession of goods to be sold in the agent's name}}>
  • Page 58 agentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|business}} female representative {{gl|company agent}}> with <# {{lb|pl|business}} {{femeq|pl|agent|t=[[representative]]}} {{gl|company agent}}>
  • Page 58 agentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|acting|literature}} female impresario, literary agent> with <# {{lb|pl|acting|literature}} {{femeq|pl|agent|t=[[impresario]], [[literary agent]]}}>
  • Page 58 agentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|espionage}} female officer, peeper, secret agent> with <# {{lb|pl|espionage}} {{femeq|pl|agent|t=[[officer]], [[peeper]], [[secret agent]]}}>
  • Page 59 agitator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|politics}} male {{l|en|agitator}} {{gl|one who tries to gather supporters for a political ideal}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|politics}} {{l|en|agitator}} {{gl|one who tries to gather supporters for a political ideal}}>
  • Page 60 agitatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|politics}} female agitator {{gl|one who tries to gather supporters for a political ideal}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|politics}} {{femeq|pl|agitator|t=[[agitator]]}} {{gl|one who tries to gather supporters for a political ideal}}>
  • Page 61 agnat: Replacing <# male agnate> with <# agnate>
  • Page 61 agnat: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Ancient Rome}} male agnate> with <# {{lb|pl|Ancient Rome}} agnate>
  • Page 62 agnatka: Replacing <# female agnate> with <# {{femeq|pl|agnat|t=[[agnate]]}}>
  • Page 62 agnatka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Ancient Rome}} female agnate> with <# {{lb|pl|Ancient Rome}} {{femeq|pl|agnat|t=[[agnate]]}}>
  • Page 63 agnostyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|philosophy|religion}} female agnostic> with <# {{lb|pl|philosophy|religion}} {{femeq|pl|agnostyk|t=[[agnostic]]}}>
  • Page 64 agnostyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|philosophy|religion}} male agnostic> with <# {{lb|pl|philosophy|religion}} agnostic>
  • Page 65 agronom: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|agriculture}} male agronomist> with <# {{lb|pl|agriculture}} agronomist>
  • Page 66 agronomka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|agriculture}} female agronomist> with <# {{lb|pl|agriculture}} {{femeq|pl|agronom|t=[[agronomist]]}}>
  • Page 67 agroturysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|agriculture|tourism}} male agrotourist> with <# {{lb|pl|agriculture|tourism}} agrotourist>
  • Page 68 agroturystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|agriculture|tourism}} female agrotourist> with <# {{lb|pl|agriculture|tourism}} {{femeq|pl|agroturysta|t=[[agrotourist]]}}>
  • Page 69 ajent: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} male commission agent {{gl|agent entrusted with the possession of goods to be sold in the agent's name}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} commission agent {{gl|agent entrusted with the possession of goods to be sold in the agent's name}}>
  • Page 70 ajentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female commission agent {{gl|agent entrusted with the possession of goods to be sold in the agent's name}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|ajent|t=[[commission agent]]}} {{gl|agent entrusted with the possession of goods to be sold in the agent's name}}>
  • Page 71 akademiczka: Replacing <# female academic, member of an academy {{gl|a member of an institution or building for the study of higher learning}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|akademik|t=[[academic]], member of an [[academy]]}} {{gl|a member of an institution or building for the study of higher learning}}>
  • Page 71 akademiczka: Replacing <# female academic, member of an academy {{gl|a scientist at an academy}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|akademik|t=[[academic]], member of an [[academy]]}} {{gl|a scientist at an academy}}>
  • Page 71 akademiczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female academic, member of an academy {{gl|a student}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|akademik|t=[[academic]], member of an [[academy]]}} {{gl|a student}}>
  • Page 71 akademiczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female academic, member of an academy {{gl|a member of an academy's sport club}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|akademik|t=[[academic]], member of an [[academy]]}} {{gl|a member of an academy's sport club}}>
  • Page 71 akademiczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} female academic, member of an academy {{gl|a person representing academic or traditional ideals}}> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} {{femeq|pl|akademik|t=[[academic]], member of an [[academy]]}} {{gl|a person representing academic or traditional ideals}}>
  • Page 72 akademik: Replacing <# male academic, member of an academy {{gl|a member of an institution or building for the study of higher learning}}> with <# academic, member of an academy {{gl|a member of an institution or building for the study of higher learning}}>
  • Page 72 akademik: Replacing <# male academic, member of an academy {{gl|a scientist at an academy}}> with <# academic, member of an academy {{gl|a scientist at an academy}}>
  • Page 72 akademik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male academic, member of an academy {{gl|a student}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} academic, member of an academy {{gl|a student}}>
  • Page 72 akademik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male academic, member of an academy {{gl|a member of an academy's sport club}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} academic, member of an academy {{gl|a member of an academy's sport club}}>
  • Page 72 akademik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} male academic, member of an academy {{gl|a person representing academic or traditional ideals}}> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} academic, member of an academy {{gl|a person representing academic or traditional ideals}}>
  • Page 73 akademista: Replacing <# male academic, member of an academy {{gl|a member of an institution or building for the study of higher learning}}> with <# academic, member of an academy {{gl|a member of an institution or building for the study of higher learning}}>
  • Page 73 akademista: Replacing <# male academic, member of an academy {{gl|a scientist at an academy}}> with <# academic, member of an academy {{gl|a scientist at an academy}}>
  • Page 73 akademista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male academic, member of an academy {{gl|a student}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} academic, member of an academy {{gl|a student}}>
  • Page 73 akademista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male academic, member of an academy {{gl|a member of an academy's sport club}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} academic, member of an academy {{gl|a member of an academy's sport club}}>
  • Page 73 akademista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} male academic, member of an academy {{gl|a person representing academic or traditional ideals}}> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} academic, member of an academy {{gl|a person representing academic or traditional ideals}}>
  • Page 74 akcjonariusz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|business}} male shareholder> with <# {{lb|pl|business}} shareholder>
  • Page 75 akcjonariuszka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|business}} female shareholder> with <# {{lb|pl|business}} {{femeq|pl|akcjonariusz|t=[[shareholder]]}}>
  • Page 76 akmeista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|poetry}} male Acmeist> with <# {{lb|pl|poetry}} Acmeist>
  • Page 77 akmeistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|poetry}} female Acmeist> with <# {{lb|pl|poetry}} {{femeq|pl|akmeista|t=[[Acmeist]]}}>
  • Page 78 akolita: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} male acolyte> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} acolyte>
  • Page 78 akolita: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|formal}} male acolyte {{gl|attendant, assistant or follower}}> with <# {{lb|pl|formal}} acolyte {{gl|attendant, assistant or follower}}>
  • Page 79 akolitka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} female acolyte> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} {{femeq|pl|akolita|t=[[acolyte]]}}>
  • Page 79 akolitka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|formal}} female acolyte {{gl|attendant, assistant or follower}}> with <# {{lb|pl|formal}} {{femeq|pl|akolita|t=[[acolyte]]}} {{gl|attendant, assistant or follower}}>
  • Page 80 akompaniator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} male accompanist {{gl|the performer in music who takes the accompanying part}}> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} accompanist {{gl|the performer in music who takes the accompanying part}}>
  • Page 81 akompaniatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} female accompanist {{gl|the performer in music who takes the accompanying part}}> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} {{femeq|pl|akompaniator|t=[[accompanist]]}} {{gl|the performer in music who takes the accompanying part}}>
  • Page 82 akordeonista: Replacing <# male accordionist> with <# accordionist>
  • Page 83 akordeonistka: Replacing <# female accordionist> with <# {{femeq|pl|akordeonista|t=[[accordionist]]}}>
  • Page 84 akrobata: Replacing <# male acrobat> with <# acrobat>
  • Page 85 akrobatka: Replacing <# female acrobat> with <# {{femeq|pl|akrobata|t=[[acrobat]]}}>
  • Page 86 aktor: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|film|television|theater}} male actor {{gl|person who performs in a theatrical play or film}}> with <# {{lb|pl|film|television|theater}} actor {{gl|person who performs in a theatrical play or film}}>
  • Page 86 aktor: Replacing <# male actor {{gl|one who takes part in a situation}}> with <# actor {{gl|one who takes part in a situation}}>
  • Page 86 aktor: Replacing <# male actor {{gl|one who pretends}}> with <# actor {{gl|one who pretends}}>
  • Page 87 aktorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|film|television|theater}} female actor {{gl|person who performs in a theatrical play or film}}> with <# {{lb|pl|film|television|theater}} {{femeq|pl|aktor|t=[[actor]]}} {{gl|person who performs in a theatrical play or film}}>
  • Page 87 aktorka: Replacing <# female actor {{gl|one who takes part in a situation}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|aktor|t=[[actor]]}} {{gl|one who takes part in a situation}}>
  • Page 87 aktorka: Replacing <# female actor {{gl|one who pretends}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|aktor|t=[[actor]]}} {{gl|one who pretends}}>
  • Page 88 aktuariusz: Replacing <# male actuary> with <# actuary>
  • Page 89 aktuariuszka: Replacing <# female actuary> with <# {{femeq|pl|aktuariusz|t=[[actuary]]}}>
  • Page 90 aktywista: Replacing <# male activist {{gl|active member of an organization}}> with <# activist {{gl|active member of an organization}}>
  • Page 91 aktywistka: Replacing <# female activist {{gl|active member of an organization}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|aktywista|t=[[activist]]}} {{gl|active member of an organization}}>
  • Page 92 akupunkturzysta: Replacing <# male acupuncturist> with <# acupuncturist>
  • Page 93 akupunkturzystka: Replacing <# female acupuncturist> with <# {{femeq|pl|akupunkturzysta|t=[[acupuncturist]]}}>
  • Page 94 akuszer: Replacing <# male accoucheur, man-midwife, midhusband> with <# accoucheur, man-midwife, midhusband>
  • Page 94 akuszer: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male initiator, instigator {{gl|a person or phenomenon that somehow causes a state of affairs}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} initiator, instigator {{gl|a person or phenomenon that somehow causes a state of affairs}}>
  • Page 95 akuszerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female initiator, instigator {{gl|a person or phenomenon that somehow causes a state of affairs}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|akuszer|t=[[initiator]], [[instigator]]}} {{gl|a person or phenomenon that somehow causes a state of affairs}}>
  • Page 96 akwaforcista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} male aquafortist, male etcher> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} aquafortist, etcher>
  • Page 97 akwaforcistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} female aquafortist, female etcher> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} {{femeq|pl|akwaforcista|t=[[aquafortist]], [[etcher]]}}>
  • Page 98 akwanauta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|underwater diving}} male aquanaut> with <# {{lb|pl|underwater diving}} aquanaut>
  • Page 99 akwanautka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|underwater diving}} female aquanaut> with <# {{lb|pl|underwater diving}} {{femeq|pl|akwanauta|t=[[aquanaut]]}}>
  • Page 100 akwarelista: Replacing <# male watercolourist> with <# watercolourist>
  • Page 101 akwarelistka: Replacing <# female watercolourist> with <# {{femeq|pl|akwarelista|t=[[watercolourist]]}}>
  • Page 102 akwarysta: Replacing <# male aquarist> with <# aquarist>
  • Page 103 akwarystka: Replacing <# female aquarist> with <# {{femeq|pl|akwarysta|t=[[aquarist]]}}>
  • Page 104 akwizytor: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|business}} male sales representative, solicitor> with <# {{lb|pl|business}} sales representative, solicitor>
  • Page 105 akwizytorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|business}} female sales representative, solicitor> with <# {{lb|pl|business}} {{femeq|pl|akwizytor|t=[[sales representative]], [[solicitor]]}}>
  • Page 106 Albanka: Replacing <# Albanian {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Albańczyk|t=[[Albanian]]}}>
  • Page 107 albinoska: Replacing <# albino {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|albinos|t=[[albino]]}}>
  • Page 108 alcista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music|colloquial}} male alto saxophonist> with <# {{lb|pl|music|colloquial}} alto saxophonist>
  • Page 108 alcista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} male violist> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} violist>
  • Page 108 alcista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} male alto {{gl|person with an alto voice}}> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} alto {{gl|person with an alto voice}}>
  • Page 109 alcistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music|colloquial}} female alto saxophonist> with <# {{lb|pl|music|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|alcista|t=[[alto saxophonist]]}}>
  • Page 109 alcistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} female alto {{gl|person with an alto voice}}> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} {{femeq|pl|alcista|t=[[alto]]}} {{gl|person with an alto voice}}>
  • Page 110 alergiczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|immunology}} female allergic, female allergic person {{gl|person who suffers from allergies}}> with <# {{lb|pl|immunology}} {{femeq|pl|alergik|t=[[allergic]], [[allergic]] [[person]]}} {{gl|person who suffers from allergies}}>
  • Page 111 alergik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|immunology}} male allergic, male allergic person {{gl|person who suffers from allergies}}> with <# {{lb|pl|immunology}} allergic, allergic person {{gl|person who suffers from allergies}}>
  • Page 112 algebraiczka: Replacing <# female algebraist> with <# {{femeq|pl|algebraik|t=[[algebraist]]}}>
  • Page 113 algebraik: Replacing <# male algebraist> with <# algebraist>
  • Page 114 Algierczyk: Replacing <# male Algerian {{gl|a person from [[Algeria]] or of Algerian descent}}> with <# Algerian {{gl|a person from [[Algeria]] or of Algerian descent}}>
  • Page 115 algierczyk: Replacing <# a male inhabitant of Algiers {{gl|capital of [[Algeria]]}}> with <# inhabitant of Algiers {{gl|capital of [[Algeria]]}}>
  • Page 116 Algierka: Replacing <# Algerian {{gl|female}} {{gl|a woman or girl from [[Algeria]] or of Algerian descent}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Algierczyk|t=[[Algerian]]}} {{gl|a woman or girl from [[Algeria]] or of Algerian descent}}>
  • Page 117 aliant: Replacing <# male ally> with <# ally>
  • Page 117 aliant: Replacing <# male ally {{gl|a representative of the military faction of World War Two}}> with <# ally {{gl|a representative of the military faction of World War Two}}>
  • Page 118 aliantka: Replacing <# female ally> with <# {{femeq|pl|aliant|t=[[ally]]}}>
  • Page 118 aliantka: Replacing <# female ally {{gl|a representative of the military faction of World War Two}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|aliant|t=[[ally]]}} {{gl|a representative of the military faction of World War Two}}>
  • Page 119 alkoholiczka: Replacing <# female alcoholic {{gl|person addicted to alcohol}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|alkoholik|t=[[alcoholic]]}} {{gl|person addicted to alcohol}}>
  • Page 120 alkoholik: Replacing <# male alcoholic {{gl|person addicted to alcohol}}> with <# alcoholic {{gl|person addicted to alcohol}}>
  • Page 121 alopata: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|alternative medicine}} male allopathist, male allopath> with <# {{lb|pl|alternative medicine}} allopathist, allopath>
  • Page 122 alopatka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|alternative medicine}} female allopathist, female allopath> with <# {{lb|pl|alternative medicine}} {{femeq|pl|alopata|t=[[allopathist]], [[allopath]]}}>
  • Page 123 alpinistka: Replacing <# female mountaineer, female alpinist, female mountain climber> with <# {{femeq|pl|alpinista|t=[[mountaineer]], [[alpinist]], [[mountain climber]]}}>
  • Page 124 alterglobalista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} male alter-globalist> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} alter-globalist>
  • Page 125 alterglobalistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female alter-globalist> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|alterglobalista|t=[[alter-globalist]]}}>
  • Page 127 altowiolinista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} male violist> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} violist>
  • Page 128 altowiolinistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} female violist> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} {{femeq|pl|altowiolinista|t=[[violist]]}}>
  • Page 129 altowiolista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} male violist> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} violist>
  • Page 130 altowiolistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} female violist> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} {{femeq|pl|altowiolista|t=[[violist]]}}>
  • Page 131 altruista: Replacing <# male altruist> with <# altruist>
  • Page 132 altruistka: Replacing <# female altruist> with <# {{femeq|pl|altruista|t=[[altruist]]}}>
  • Page 133 altysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music|colloquial}} male alto saxophonist> with <# {{lb|pl|music|colloquial}} alto saxophonist>
  • Page 133 altysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} male violist> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} violist>
  • Page 133 altysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} male alto {{gl|person with an alto voice}}> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} alto {{gl|person with an alto voice}}>
  • Page 134 altystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music|colloquial}} female alto saxophonist> with <# {{lb|pl|music|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|altysta|t=[[alto saxophonist]]}}>
  • Page 134 altystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} female violist> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} {{femeq|pl|altysta|t=[[violist]]}}>
  • Page 134 altystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} female alto {{gl|person with an alto voice}}> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} {{femeq|pl|altysta|t=[[alto]]}} {{gl|person with an alto voice}}>
  • Page 135 amantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|humorous}} female lover> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|humorous}} {{femeq|pl|amant|t=[[lover]]}}>
  • Page 136 amator: Replacing <# male aficionado, lover> with <# aficionado, lover>
  • Page 136 amator: Replacing <# male amateur, dilettante, hobbyist> with <# amateur, dilettante, hobbyist>
  • Page 137 amatorka: Replacing <# female aficionado, lover> with <# {{femeq|pl|amator|t=[[aficionado]], [[lover]]}}>
  • Page 137 amatorka: Replacing <# female amateur, dilettante, hobbyist> with <# {{femeq|pl|amator|t=[[amateur]], [[dilettante]], [[hobbyist]]}}>
  • Page 138 ambasador: Replacing <# male ambassador {{gl|a diplomat}}> with <# ambassador {{gl|a diplomat}}>
  • Page 138 ambasador: Replacing <# male ambassador, spokesman {{gl|an official messenger and representative}}> with <# ambassador, spokesman {{gl|an official messenger and representative}}>
  • Page 139 ambasadorka: Replacing <# female ambassador {{gl|a diplomat}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|ambasador|t=[[ambassador]]}} {{gl|a diplomat}}>
  • Page 140 Amerykanka: Replacing <# American {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Amerykanin|t=[[American]]}}>
  • Page 141 amfetaminista: Replacing <# male amphetamine addict> with <# amphetamine addict>
  • Page 142 amfetaministka: Replacing <# female amphetamine addict> with <# {{femeq|pl|amfetaminista|t=[[amphetamine]] addict}}>
  • Page 143 amnestionowana: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|relational|law}} amnestied, a female amnestied party> with <# {{lb|pl|relational|law}} {{femeq|pl|amnestionowany|t=[[amnestied]], a [[amnestied]] party}}>
  • Page 144 amnestionowany: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|relational|law}} amnestied, a male amnestied party> with <# {{lb|pl|relational|law}} amnestied, a amnestied party>
  • Page 145 amoralista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} male amoralist> with <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} amoralist>
  • Page 146 amoralistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} female amoralist> with <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} {{femeq|pl|amoralista|t=[[amoralist]]}}>
  • Page 147 anabaptysta: Replacing <# male Anabaptist> with <# Anabaptist>
  • Page 148 anabaptystka: Replacing <# female Anabaptist> with <# {{femeq|pl|anabaptysta|t=[[Anabaptist]]}}>
  • Page 149 analfabeta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|education}} male illiterate, male illiterate person> with <# {{lb|pl|education}} illiterate, illiterate person>
  • Page 150 analfabetka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|education}} female illiterate, female illiterate person> with <# {{lb|pl|education}} {{femeq|pl|analfabeta|t=[[illiterate]], [[illiterate]] person}}>
  • Page 151 analityczka: Replacing <# female analyst {{gl|scientist who analyses}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|analityk|t=[[analyst]]}} {{gl|scientist who analyses}}>
  • Page 151 analityczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|chemistry|computing}} female analyst> with <# {{lb|pl|chemistry|computing}} {{femeq|pl|analityk|t=[[analyst]]}}>
  • Page 152 analityk: Replacing <# male analyst {{gl|scientist who analyses}}> with <# analyst {{gl|scientist who analyses}}>
  • Page 152 analityk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|chemistry|computing}} male analyst> with <# {{lb|pl|chemistry|computing}} analyst>
  • Page 153 analizator: Replacing <# male analyst, male analyzer {{gl|scientist who analyses}}> with <# analyst, analyzer {{gl|scientist who analyses}}>
  • Page 153 analizator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|chemistry|computing}} male analyst, male analyzer> with <# {{lb|pl|chemistry|computing}} analyst, analyzer>
  • Page 154 anarchista: Replacing <# male anarchist {{gl|one who believes in or advocates anarchy}}> with <# anarchist {{gl|one who believes in or advocates anarchy}}>
  • Page 154 anarchista: Replacing <# male anarchist {{gl|one who disregards laws and social norms as a form of rebellion against authority}}> with <# anarchist {{gl|one who disregards laws and social norms as a form of rebellion against authority}}>
  • Page 155 anarchistka: Replacing <# female anarchist {{gl|one who believes in or advocates anarchy}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|anarchista|t=[[anarchist]]}} {{gl|one who believes in or advocates anarchy}}>
  • Page 155 anarchistka: Replacing <# female anarchist {{gl|one who disregards laws and social norms as a form of rebellion against authority}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|anarchista|t=[[anarchist]]}} {{gl|one who disregards laws and social norms as a form of rebellion against authority}}>
  • Page 156 anatom: Replacing <# male anatomist> with <# anatomist>
  • Page 156 anatom: Replacing <# female anatomist> with <# {{femeq|pl|anatom|t=[[anatomist]]}}>
  • Page 157 Andorczyk: Replacing <# male Andorran {{gl|a [[citizen]] of the [[country]] of [[Andorra]]}}> with <# Andorran {{gl|a [[citizen]] of the [[country]] of [[Andorra]]}}>
  • Page 158 andorczyk: Replacing <# male Andorran {{gl|an [[inhabitant]] of [[Andorra la Vella]], the [[capital city]] of the [[country]] of [[Andorra]]}}> with <# Andorran {{gl|an [[inhabitant]] of [[Andorra la Vella]], the [[capital city]] of the [[country]] of [[Andorra]]}}>
  • Page 159 Andorka: Replacing <# Andorran {{gl|female}} {{gl|a [[citizen]] of the [[country]] of [[Andorra]]}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Andorczyk|t=[[Andorran]]}} {{gl|a [[citizen]] of the [[country]] of [[Andorra]]}}>
  • Page 160 andorka: Replacing <# Andorran {{gl|female}} {{gl|an [[inhabitant]] {{gl|female}} of [[Andorra la Vella]], the [[capital city]] of the [[country]] of [[Andorra]]}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|andorczyk|t=[[Andorran]]}} {{gl|an [[inhabitant]]of [[Andorra la Vella]], the [[capital city]] of the [[country]] of [[Andorra]]}}>
  • Page 161 anemiczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} female anemic> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|anemik|t=[[anemic]]}}>
  • Page 162 anemik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} male anemic> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} anemic>
  • Page 163 anglikanin: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Anglicanism}} male Anglican> with <# {{lb|pl|Anglicanism}} Anglican>
  • Page 164 anglikanka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Anglicanism}} female Anglican> with <# {{lb|pl|Anglicanism}} {{femeq|pl|anglikanin|t=[[Anglican]]}}>
  • Page 165 anglista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|humanities}} male Anglicist> with <# {{lb|pl|humanities}} Anglicist>
  • Page 166 anglistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|humanities}} female Anglicist> with <# {{lb|pl|humanities}} {{femeq|pl|anglista|t=[[Anglicist]]}}>
  • Page 167 anielica: Replacing <# female angel {{gl|an angel in the form of a woman}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|anioł|t=[[angel]]}} {{gl|an angel in the form of a woman}}>
  • Page 167 anielica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|jocular}} female angel {{gl|a woman who resembles an angel}}> with <# {{lb|pl|jocular}} {{femeq|pl|anioł|t=[[angel]]}} {{gl|a woman who resembles an angel}}>
  • Page 168 animalista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} male animalist, male animalier {{gl|one who depicts animals in art}}> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} animalist, animalier {{gl|one who depicts animals in art}}>
  • Page 169 animalistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} female animalist, female animalier {{gl|one who depicts animals in art}}> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} {{femeq|pl|animalista|t=[[animalist]], [[animalier]]}} {{gl|one who depicts animals in art}}>
  • Page 170 animator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|film}} male {{l|en|animator}} {{gl|a person who makes animated films}}> with <# {{lb|pl|film}} {{l|en|animator}} {{gl|a person who makes animated films}}>
  • Page 170 animator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|theater}} male puppeteer {{gl|a person who moves puppets during a puppet show}}> with <# {{lb|pl|theater}} puppeteer {{gl|a person who moves puppets during a puppet show}}>
  • Page 170 animator: Replacing <# male {{l|en|animator}} {{gl|a person who motivates others to action}}> with <# {{l|en|animator}} {{gl|a person who motivates others to action}}>
  • Page 170 animator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|tourism}} male {{l|en|animator}} {{gl|a person who organizes activities for a group of people}}> with <# {{lb|pl|tourism}} {{l|en|animator}} {{gl|a person who organizes activities for a group of people}}>
  • Page 171 animatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|film}} female animator {{gl|a person who makes animated films}}> with <# {{lb|pl|film}} {{femeq|pl|animator|t=[[animator]]}} {{gl|a person who makes animated films}}>
  • Page 171 animatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|theater}} female puppeteer {{gl|a person who moves puppets during a puppet show}}> with <# {{lb|pl|theater}} {{femeq|pl|animator|t=[[puppeteer]]}} {{gl|a person who moves puppets during a puppet show}}>
  • Page 171 animatorka: Replacing <# female animator {{gl|a person who motivates others to action}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|animator|t=[[animator]]}} {{gl|a person who motivates others to action}}>
  • Page 171 animatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|tourism}} female animator {{gl|a person who organizes activities for a group of people}}> with <# {{lb|pl|tourism}} {{femeq|pl|animator|t=[[animator]]}} {{gl|a person who organizes activities for a group of people}}>
  • Page 172 animista: Replacing <# male animist> with <# animist>
  • Page 173 animistka: Replacing <# female animist> with <# {{femeq|pl|animista|t=[[animist]]}}>
  • Page 174 ankieter: Replacing <# male pollster, interviewer> with <# pollster, interviewer>
  • Page 175 ankieterka: Replacing <# female pollster, interviewer> with <# {{femeq|pl|ankieter|t=[[pollster]], [[interviewer]]}}>
  • Page 176 ankietowana: Replacing <# female person who has been polled; surveyee, interviewee> with <# {{femeq|pl|ankietowany|t=person who has been [[poll]]ed; [[surveyee]], [[interviewee]]}}>
  • Page 177 ankietowany: Replacing <# male person who has been polled; surveyee, interviewee> with <# person who has been polled; surveyee, interviewee>
  • Page 178 anorektyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} female anorectic, female anorexic {{gl|a person suffering from anorexia nervosa}}> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|anorektyk|t=[[anorectic]], [[anorexic]]}} {{gl|a person suffering from anorexia nervosa}}>
  • Page 179 anorektyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} male anorectic, male anorexic {{gl|a person suffering from anorexia nervosa}}> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} anorectic, anorexic {{gl|a person suffering from anorexia nervosa}}>
  • Page 180 antagonista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male antagonist {{gl|someone who acts against someone else}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} antagonist {{gl|someone who acts against someone else}}>
  • Page 180 antagonista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|film|literature|theater}} male antagonist {{gl|main opponent}}> with <# {{lb|pl|film|literature|theater}} antagonist {{gl|main opponent}}>
  • Page 181 antenat: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male ancestor, forefather> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} ancestor, forefather>
  • Page 182 antenatka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} ancestress, female ancestor, foremother> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|antenat|t=[[ancestress]], [[ancestor]], [[foremother]]}}>
  • Page 183 antropolog: Replacing <# male anthropologist> with <# anthropologist>
  • Page 183 antropolog: Replacing <# female anthropologist> with <# {{femeq|pl|antropolog|t=[[anthropologist]]}}>
  • Page 184 antropolożka: Replacing <# female anthropologist> with <# {{femeq|pl|antropolog|t=[[anthropologist]]}}>
  • Page 185 antybohater: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|film|literature}} male antihero> with <# {{lb|pl|film|literature}} antihero>
  • Page 186 antyfaszysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} male antifascist> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} antifascist>
  • Page 187 antyfaszystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female antifascist> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|antyfaszysta|t=[[antifascist]]}}>
  • Page 188 antyfeminista: Replacing <# male antifeminist {{gl|a person who is antagonistic to feminism}}> with <# antifeminist {{gl|a person who is antagonistic to feminism}}>
  • Page 188 antyfeminista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} male antifeminist {{gl|an advocate of antifeminism}}> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} antifeminist {{gl|an advocate of antifeminism}}>
  • Page 189 antyfeministka: Replacing <# female antifeminist {{gl|a person who is antagonistic to feminism}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|antyfeminista|t=[[antifeminist]]}} {{gl|a person who is antagonistic to feminism}}>
  • Page 189 antyfeministka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female antifeminist {{gl|an advocate of antifeminism}}> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|antyfeminista|t=[[antifeminist]]}} {{gl|an advocate of antifeminism}}>
  • Page 190 antyglobalistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female antiglobalist> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|antyglobalista|t=[[antiglobalist]]}}>
  • Page 191 antykomunista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} male anticommunist> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} anticommunist>
  • Page 192 antykomunistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female anticommunist> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|antykomunista|t=[[anticommunist]]}}>
  • Page 193 antysemita: Replacing <# male anti-Semite> with <# anti-Semite>
  • Page 194 antysemitka: Replacing <# female anti-Semite> with <# {{femeq|pl|antysemita|t=[[anti-Semite]]}}>
  • Page 195 aplikant: Replacing <# male articled clerk, legal apprentice> with <# articled clerk, legal apprentice>
  • Page 196 apologeta: Replacing <# male apologist {{gl|one who speaks or writes in defense of an idea or a person}}> with <# apologist {{gl|one who speaks or writes in defense of an idea or a person}}>
  • Page 196 apologeta: Replacing <# male apologist {{gl|one who speaks or writes in defense of a faith}}> with <# apologist {{gl|one who speaks or writes in defense of a faith}}>
  • Page 197 apologetka: Replacing <# female apologist {{gl|one who speaks or writes in defense of an idea or a person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|apologeta|t=[[apologist]]}} {{gl|one who speaks or writes in defense of an idea or a person}}>
  • Page 197 apologetka: Replacing <# female apologist {{gl|one who speaks or writes in defense of a faith}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|apologeta|t=[[apologist]]}} {{gl|one who speaks or writes in defense of a faith}}>
  • Page 198 apoplektyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medical}} female apoplectic> with <# {{lb|pl|medical}} {{femeq|pl|apoplektyk|t=[[apoplectic]]}}>
  • Page 199 apoplektyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medical}} male apoplectic> with <# {{lb|pl|medical}} apoplectic>
  • Page 200 apostata: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion|politics|literary}} male apostate> with <# {{lb|pl|religion|politics|literary}} apostate>
  • Page 201 apostatka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion|politics|literary}} female apostate> with <# {{lb|pl|religion|politics|literary}} {{femeq|pl|apostata|t=[[apostate]]}}>
  • Page 202 apostoł: Replacing <# male apostle {{gl|a pioneer or early advocate of a particular cause, prophet of a belief}}> with <# apostle {{gl|a pioneer or early advocate of a particular cause, prophet of a belief}}>
  • Page 202 apostoł: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} male apostle {{gl|a missionary, or leader of a religious mission, especially one in the early Christian Church}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} apostle {{gl|a missionary, or leader of a religious mission, especially one in the early Christian Church}}>
  • Page 203 apostołka: Replacing <# female apostle {{gl|a pioneer or early advocate of a particular cause, prophet of a belief}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|apostoł|t=[[apostle]]}} {{gl|a pioneer or early advocate of a particular cause, prophet of a belief}}>
  • Page 203 apostołka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} female apostle {{gl|a missionary, or leader of a religious mission, especially one in the early Christian Church}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} {{femeq|pl|apostoł|t=[[apostle]]}} {{gl|a missionary, or leader of a religious mission, especially one in the early Christian Church}}>
  • Page 204 aptekarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} female pharmacist, druggist, apothecary, chemist {{gl|a person who works at a pharmacy dispensing medicine}}> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|aptekarz|t=[[pharmacist]], [[druggist]], [[apothecary]], [[chemist]]}} {{gl|a person who works at a pharmacy dispensing medicine}}>
  • Page 205 aptekarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} male pharmacist, druggist, apothecary, chemist {{gl|a person who works at a pharmacy dispensing medicine}}> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} pharmacist, druggist, apothecary, chemist {{gl|a person who works at a pharmacy dispensing medicine}}>
  • Page 206 aranżer: Replacing <# male arranger {{gl|a person who arranges music, a meeting, or a room}}> with <# arranger {{gl|a person who arranges music, a meeting, or a room}}>
  • Page 207 aranżerka: Replacing <# female arranger {{gl|a person who arranges music, a meeting, or a room}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|aranżer|t=[[arranger]]}} {{gl|a person who arranges music, a meeting, or a room}}>
  • Page 208 archeolog: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaeology}} male archaeologist> with <# {{lb|pl|archaeology}} archaeologist>
  • Page 209 archeolożka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|neologism|archaeology}} female archaeologist> with <# {{lb|pl|neologism|archaeology}} {{femeq|pl|archeolog|t=[[archaeologist]]}}>
  • Page 210 architekt: Replacing <# male architect {{gl|a professional who designs buildings or other structures, or who prepares plans and superintends construction}}> with <# architect {{gl|a professional who designs buildings or other structures, or who prepares plans and superintends construction}}>
  • Page 210 architekt: Replacing <# male architect {{gl|a person who plans, devises or contrives the achievement of a desired result}}> with <# architect {{gl|a person who plans, devises or contrives the achievement of a desired result}}>
  • Page 211 architektka: Replacing <# female architect {{gl|a professional who designs buildings or other structures, or who prepares plans and superintends construction}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|architekt|t=[[architect]]}} {{gl|a professional who designs buildings or other structures, or who prepares plans and superintends construction}}>
  • Page 211 architektka: Replacing <# female architect {{gl|a person who plans, devises or contrives the achievement of a desired result}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|architekt|t=[[architect]]}} {{gl|a person who plans, devises or contrives the achievement of a desired result}}>
  • Page 212 archiwariusz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} male archivist> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} archivist>
  • Page 213 archiwariuszka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female archivist> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|archiwariusz|t=[[archivist]]}}>
  • Page 214 archiwista: Replacing <# male archivist> with <# archivist>
  • Page 215 archiwistka: Replacing <# female archivist> with <# {{femeq|pl|archiwista|t=[[archivist]]}}>
  • Page 216 arcymistrz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|chess}} male Grandmaster> with <# {{lb|pl|chess}} Grandmaster>
  • Page 216 arcymistrz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|metaphorically}} male grandmaster {{gl|someone who is highly skilled at something}}> with <# {{lb|pl|metaphorically}} grandmaster {{gl|someone who is highly skilled at something}}>
  • Page 217 arcymistrzyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|chess}} female Grandmaster> with <# {{lb|pl|chess}} {{femeq|pl|arcymistrz|t=[[Grandmaster]]}}>
  • Page 217 arcymistrzyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|metaphorically}} female grandmaster {{gl|someone who is highly skilled at something}}> with <# {{lb|pl|metaphorically}} {{femeq|pl|arcymistrz|t=[[grandmaster]]}} {{gl|someone who is highly skilled at something}}>
  • Page 218 arendarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic|property law}} female lessor> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic|property law}} {{femeq|pl|arendarz|t=[[lessor]]}}>
  • Page 219 arendarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic|property law}} male lessor> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic|property law}} lessor>
  • Page 220 aresztant: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} male arrestee> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} arrestee>
  • Page 221 aresztantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female arrestee> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|aresztant|t=[[arrestee]]}}>
  • Page 222 aresztowana: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female arrestee> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|aresztowany|t=[[arrestee]]}}>
  • Page 223 aresztowany: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} male arrestee> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} arrestee>
  • Page 224 Argentynka: Replacing <# Argentine {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Argentyńczyk|t=[[Argentine]]}}>
  • Page 225 Argentyńczyk: Replacing <# male Argentine> with <# Argentine>
  • Page 226 arianin: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} male Arian {{gl|a disciple of the Cyrenaic monk Arius}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} Arian {{gl|a disciple of the Cyrenaic monk Arius}}>
  • Page 226 arianin: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} male Socinian> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} Socinian>
  • Page 227 arianka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} female Arian {{gl|a disciple of the Cyrenaic monk Arius}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} {{femeq|pl|arianin|t=[[Arian]]}} {{gl|a disciple of the Cyrenaic monk Arius}}>
  • Page 227 arianka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} female Socinian> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} {{femeq|pl|arianin|t=[[Socinian]]}}>
  • Page 228 arogant: Replacing <# male arrogant {{gl|person}}> with <# arrogant {{gl|person}}>
  • Page 229 arogantka: Replacing <# female arrogant {{gl|person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|arogant|t=[[arrogant]]}} {{gl|person}}>
  • Page 230 aromaterapeuta: Replacing <# male aromatherapist> with <# aromatherapist>
  • Page 231 aromaterapeutka: Replacing <# female aromatherapist> with <# {{femeq|pl|aromaterapeuta|t=[[aromatherapist]]}}>
  • Page 232 artretyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} female arthritic> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|artretyk|t=[[arthritic]]}}>
  • Page 233 artretyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} male arthritic> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} arthritic>
  • Page 234 artylerzysta: Replacing <# artilleryman, male artillerist> with <# artilleryman, artillerist>
  • Page 235 artysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} male artist {{gl|someone who creates art}}> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} artist {{gl|someone who creates art}}>
  • Page 235 artysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|by extension}} male artist {{gl|a person who is skilled at some activity}}> with <# {{lb|pl|by extension}} artist {{gl|a person who is skilled at some activity}}>
  • Page 235 artysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male ruffian {{gl|a person who acts in a difficult way}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} ruffian {{gl|a person who acts in a difficult way}}>
  • Page 236 artystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} female artist {{gl|someone who creates art}}> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} {{femeq|pl|artysta|t=[[artist]]}} {{gl|someone who creates art}}>
  • Page 236 artystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|by extension}} female artist {{gl|a person who is skilled at some activity}}> with <# {{lb|pl|by extension}} {{femeq|pl|artysta|t=[[artist]]}} {{gl|a person who is skilled at some activity}}>
  • Page 236 artystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female ruffian {{gl|a person who acts in a difficult way}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|artysta|t=[[ruffian]]}} {{gl|a person who acts in a difficult way}}>
  • Page 237 arystokrata: Replacing <# male aristocrat {{gl|one of the aristocracy}}> with <# aristocrat {{gl|one of the aristocracy}}>
  • Page 237 arystokrata: Replacing <# male aristocrat {{gl|a member of a group considered elite}}> with <# aristocrat {{gl|a member of a group considered elite}}>
  • Page 238 arystokratka: Replacing <# female aristocrat {{gl|one of the aristocracy}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|arystokrata|t=[[aristocrat]]}} {{gl|one of the aristocracy}}>
  • Page 238 arystokratka: Replacing <# female aristocrat {{gl|a member of a group considered elite}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|arystokrata|t=[[aristocrat]]}} {{gl|a member of a group considered elite}}>
  • Page 239 arywista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|pejorative}} male careerist> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|pejorative}} careerist>
  • Page 240 arywistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|pejorative}} female careerist> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|pejorative}} {{femeq|pl|arywista|t=[[careerist]]}}>
  • Page 241 asceta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} male ascetic> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} ascetic>
  • Page 241 asceta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male ascetic {{gl|a person who practices rigorous self-denial or self-discipline}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} ascetic {{gl|a person who practices rigorous self-denial or self-discipline}}>
  • Page 242 ascetka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} female ascetic> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} {{femeq|pl|asceta|t=[[ascetic]]}}>
  • Page 242 ascetka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female ascetic {{gl|a person who practices rigorous self-denial or self-discipline}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|asceta|t=[[ascetic]]}} {{gl|a person who practices rigorous self-denial or self-discipline}}>
  • Page 243 aseksualista: Replacing <# male asexual> with <# asexual>
  • Page 244 aseksualistka: Replacing <# female asexual> with <# {{femeq|pl|aseksualista|t=[[asexual]]}}>
  • Page 245 asekurant: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|pejorative}} male overcautious person> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|pejorative}} overcautious person>
  • Page 245 asekurant: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|weightlifting|gymnastics|climbing|literary}} male spotter> with <# {{lb|pl|weightlifting|gymnastics|climbing|literary}} spotter>
  • Page 246 asekurantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|pejorative}} female overcautious person> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|pejorative}} {{femeq|pl|asekurant|t=[[overcautious]] person}}>
  • Page 246 asekurantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|weightlifting|gymnastics|climbing|literary}} female spotter> with <# {{lb|pl|weightlifting|gymnastics|climbing|literary}} {{femeq|pl|asekurant|t=[[spotter]]}}>
  • Page 247 asekurator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|weightlifting|gymnastics|climbing}} male spotter> with <# {{lb|pl|weightlifting|gymnastics|climbing}} spotter>
  • Page 248 asekuratorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|weightlifting|gymnastics|climbing}} female spotter> with <# {{lb|pl|weightlifting|gymnastics|climbing}} {{femeq|pl|asekurator|t=[[spotter]]}}>
  • Page 249 aspirant: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male {{l|en|aspirant}}, candidate> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{l|en|aspirant}}, candidate>
  • Page 249 aspirant: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law enforcement}} male warrant officer {{gl|in the police}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law enforcement}} warrant officer {{gl|in the police}}>
  • Page 249 aspirant: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} male {{w|Candidate of Sciences}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{w|Candidate of Sciences}}>
  • Page 250 aspirantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female aspirant, candidate> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|aspirant|t=[[aspirant]], [[candidate]]}}>
  • Page 250 aspirantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law enforcement}} female warrant officer {{gl|in the police}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law enforcement}} {{femeq|pl|aspirant|t=[[warrant officer]]}} {{gl|in the police}}>
  • Page 251 asteniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|psychology|medicine}} female asthenic> with <# {{lb|pl|psychology|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|astenik|t=[[asthenic]]}}>
  • Page 252 astenik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|psychology|medicine}} male asthenic> with <# {{lb|pl|psychology|medicine}} asthenic>
  • Page 253 astmatyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|pathology}} female asthmatic> with <# {{lb|pl|pathology}} {{femeq|pl|astmatyk|t=[[asthmatic]]}}>
  • Page 254 astmatyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|pathology}} male asthmatic> with <# {{lb|pl|pathology}} asthmatic>
  • Page 255 astronauta: Replacing <# male astronaut, cosmonaut; spacewoman> with <# astronaut, cosmonaut; spacewoman>
  • Page 256 astronom: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|astronomy}} male astronomer> with <# {{lb|pl|astronomy}} astronomer>
  • Page 256 astronom: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|astronomy}} female astronomer> with <# {{lb|pl|astronomy}} {{femeq|pl|astronom|t=[[astronomer]]}}>
  • Page 257 astronomka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|astronomy}} female astronomer> with <# {{lb|pl|astronomy}} {{femeq|pl|astronom|t=[[astronomer]]}}>
  • Page 258 astygmatyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|optics|pathology}} female astigmatic> with <# {{lb|pl|optics|pathology}} {{femeq|pl|astygmatyk|t=[[astigmatic]]}}>
  • Page 259 astygmatyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|optics|pathology}} male astigmatic> with <# {{lb|pl|optics|pathology}} astigmatic>
  • Page 260 asymilator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|sociology}} male assimilationist> with <# {{lb|pl|sociology}} assimilationist>
  • Page 261 asymilatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|sociology}} female assimilationist> with <# {{lb|pl|sociology}} {{femeq|pl|asymilator|t=[[assimilationist]]}}>
  • Page 262 asystent: Replacing <# male assistant> with <# assistant>
  • Page 262 asystent: Replacing <# female assistant> with <# {{femeq|pl|asystent|t=[[assistant]]}}>
  • Page 263 asystentka: Replacing <# female assistant> with <# {{femeq|pl|asystent|t=[[assistant]]}}>
  • Page 264 ataman: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} male {{l|en|ataman}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{l|en|ataman}}>
  • Page 265 atamanka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} female ataman> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|ataman|t=[[ataman]]}}>
  • Page 266 ateista: Replacing <# male atheist {{gl|person who does not believe in any deities}}> with <# atheist {{gl|person who does not believe in any deities}}>
  • Page 267 ateistka: Replacing <# female atheist {{gl|person who does not believe in any deities}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|ateista|t=[[atheist]]}} {{gl|person who does not believe in any deities}}>
  • Page 268 ateusz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} male atheist> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} atheist>
  • Page 269 ateuszka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female atheist> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|ateusz|t=[[atheist]]}}>
  • Page 270 atleta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} male athlete {{gl|sportsman practising strength disciplines such as weightlifting or boxing}}> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} athlete {{gl|sportsman practising strength disciplines such as weightlifting or boxing}}>
  • Page 271 atletka: Replacing <# female athlete {{gl|participant in track and field sports}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|atleta|t=[[athlete]]}} {{gl|participant in track and field sports}}>
  • Page 272 atonalista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} male atonalist> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} atonalist>
  • Page 273 atonalistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} female atonalist> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} {{femeq|pl|atonalista|t=[[atonalist]]}}>
  • Page 274 audytor: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} male auditor {{gl|one who listens}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} auditor {{gl|one who listens}}>
  • Page 275 audytorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female auditor {{gl|one who listens}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|audytor|t=[[auditor]]}} {{gl|one who listens}}>
  • Page 276 aukcjonariusz: Replacing <# male bidder {{gl|a person who takes part in an auction}}> with <# bidder {{gl|a person who takes part in an auction}}>
  • Page 277 aukcjonariuszka: Replacing <# female bidder {{gl|a person who takes part in an auction}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|aukcjonariusz|t=[[bidder]]}} {{gl|a person who takes part in an auction}}>
  • Page 278 Australijka: Replacing <# Australian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Australijczyk|t=[[Australian]]}}>
  • Page 279 autobiograf: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literature}} male autobiographer> with <# {{lb|pl|literature}} autobiographer>
  • Page 280 autobiografka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literature}} female autobiographer> with <# {{lb|pl|literature}} {{femeq|pl|autobiograf|t=[[autobiographer]]}}>
  • Page 281 autochton: Replacing <# male autochthon {{gl|earliest inhabitant}}> with <# autochthon {{gl|earliest inhabitant}}>
  • Page 282 autochtonka: Replacing <# female autochthon {{gl|earliest inhabitant}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|autochton|t=[[autochthon]]}} {{gl|earliest inhabitant}}>
  • Page 283 autokrata: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|politics}} male autocrat {{gl|an absolute ruler with infinite power}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|politics}} autocrat {{gl|an absolute ruler with infinite power}}>
  • Page 283 autokrata: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male tyrant {{gl|a person showing absolute power in a situation}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} tyrant {{gl|a person showing absolute power in a situation}}>
  • Page 284 autokratka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|politics}} female autocrat {{gl|an absolute ruler with infinite power}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|politics}} {{femeq|pl|autokrata|t=[[autocrat]]}} {{gl|an absolute ruler with infinite power}}>
  • Page 284 autokratka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female autocrat {{gl|a person showing absolute power in a situation}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|autokrata|t=[[autocrat]]}} {{gl|a person showing absolute power in a situation}}>
  • Page 285 automaniaczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|jocular}} female automaniac {{gl|person obsessed with cars}}> with <# {{lb|pl|jocular}} {{femeq|pl|automaniak|t=[[automaniac]]}} {{gl|person obsessed with cars}}>
  • Page 286 automaniak: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|jocular}} male automaniac {{gl|person obsessed with cars}}> with <# {{lb|pl|jocular}} automaniac {{gl|person obsessed with cars}}>
  • Page 287 automobilista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|motor racing}} male racing driver> with <# {{lb|pl|motor racing}} racing driver>
  • Page 287 automobilista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} male driver {{gl|person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} driver {{gl|person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus}}>
  • Page 288 automobilistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|motor racing}} female racing driver> with <# {{lb|pl|motor racing}} {{femeq|pl|automobilista|t=[[racing driver]]}}>
  • Page 288 automobilistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female driver {{gl|person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|automobilista|t=[[driver]]}} {{gl|person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus}}>
  • Page 289 autonomista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male autonomist> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} autonomist>
  • Page 290 autonomistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female autonomist> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|autonomista|t=[[autonomist]]}}>
  • Page 291 autor: Replacing <# male author {{gl|originator or creator of a work}}> with <# author {{gl|originator or creator of a work}}>
  • Page 291 autor: Replacing <# male originator {{gl|originator of some actions}}> with <# originator {{gl|originator of some actions}}>
  • Page 292 autorka: Replacing <# female author {{gl|originator or creator of a work}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|autor|t=[[author]]}} {{gl|originator or creator of a work}}>
  • Page 292 autorka: Replacing <# female originator {{gl|originator of some actions}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|autor|t=[[originator]]}} {{gl|originator of some actions}}>
  • Page 293 autostopowicz: Replacing <# male hitchhiker> with <# hitchhiker>
  • Page 294 autostopowiczka: Replacing <# female hitchhiker> with <# {{femeq|pl|autostopowicz|t=[[hitchhiker]]}}>
  • Page 295 autyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|clinical psychology}} female autist> with <# {{lb|pl|clinical psychology}} {{femeq|pl|autystyk}}, {{femeq|pl|autyk|t=[[autist]]}}>
  • Page 296 autyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|clinical psychology}} male autist> with <# {{lb|pl|clinical psychology}} autist>
  • Page 297 autysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|clinical psychology}} male autist> with <# {{lb|pl|clinical psychology}} autist>
  • Page 298 autystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|clinical psychology}} female autist> with <# {{lb|pl|clinical psychology}} {{femeq|pl|autysta|t=[[autist]]}}>
  • Page 299 autystyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|clinical psychology}} male autist> with <# {{lb|pl|clinical psychology}} autist>
  • Page 300 awangardzista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} male avantgardist> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} avantgardist>
  • Page 301 awangardzistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art}} female avantgardist> with <# {{lb|pl|art}} {{femeq|pl|awangardzista|t=[[avantgardist]]}}>
  • Page 302 awanturnica: Replacing <# female drama queen, female provocateur> with <# {{femeq|pl|awanturnik|t=[[drama queen]], [[provocateur]]}}>
  • Page 302 awanturnica: Replacing <# female troublemaker, female hellraiser> with <# {{femeq|pl|awanturnik|t=[[troublemaker]], [[hellraiser]]}}>
  • Page 302 awanturnica: Replacing <# female risktaker, female daredevil, female gambler> with <# {{femeq|pl|awanturnik|t=[[risktaker]], [[daredevil]], [[gambler]]}}>
  • Page 303 Azerbejdżanin: Replacing <# a male Azerbaijani> with <# Azerbaijani>
  • Page 304 Azerbejdżanka: Replacing <# a female Azerbaijani> with <# {{femeq|pl|Azerbejdżanin|t=[[Azerbaijani]]}}>
  • Page 305 Azjatka: Replacing <# Asian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Azjata|t=[[Asian]]}}>
  • Page 306 Azteczka: Replacing <# Aztec {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Aztek|t=[[Aztec]]}}>
  • Page 307 azylant: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics|law}} male asylum seeker> with <# {{lb|pl|politics|law}} asylum seeker>
  • Page 308 azylantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics|law}} female asylum seeker> with <# {{lb|pl|politics|law}} {{femeq|pl|azylant|t=[[asylum seeker]]}}>
  • Page 309 bachant: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} male Bacchanalian> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} Bacchanalian>
  • Page 310 bachantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female Bacchanalian> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|bachant|t=[[Bacchanalian]]}}>
  • Page 311 bachrocz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Cieszyn Silesia}} An overweight male person; fatty; fatso> with <# {{lb|pl|Cieszyn Silesia}} An overweight person; fatty; fatso>
  • Page 311 bachrocz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Cieszyn Silesia}} A wealthy male person; moneybags> with <# {{lb|pl|Cieszyn Silesia}} wealthy person; moneybags>
  • Page 312 badacz: Replacing <# male researcher> with <# researcher>
  • Page 312 badacz: Replacing <# male explorer> with <# explorer>
  • Page 313 badaczka: Replacing <# female researcher> with <# {{femeq|pl|badacz|t=[[researcher]]}}>
  • Page 313 badaczka: Replacing <# female explorer> with <# {{femeq|pl|badacz|t=[[explorer]]}}>
  • Page 314 badana: Replacing <# female researchee {{gl|a person under examination}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|badany|t=[[researchee]]}} {{gl|a person under examination}}>
  • Page 315 badany: Replacing <# male researchee {{gl|a person under examination}}> with <# researchee {{gl|a person under examination}}>
  • Page 316 badmintonista: Replacing <# male badminton player> with <# badminton player>
  • Page 317 badmintonistka: Replacing <# female badminton player> with <# {{femeq|pl|badmintonista|t=[[badminton player]]}}>
  • Page 318 badylarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} female gardener> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|badylarz|t=[[gardener]]}}>
  • Page 318 badylarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Łódź}} female florist {{gl|a person who cultivates flowers as a profession}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Łódź}} {{femeq|pl|badylarz|t=[[florist]]}} {{gl|a person who cultivates flowers as a profession}}>
  • Page 318 badylarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Łódź}} A female wealthy, private entrepreneur> with <# {{lb|pl|Łódź}} {{femeq|pl|badylarz|t=[[wealthy]], [[private]] [[entrepreneur]]}}>
  • Page 319 badylarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} male gardener> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} gardener>
  • Page 319 badylarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Łódź}} male florist {{gl|a person who cultivates flowers as a profession}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Łódź}} florist {{gl|a person who cultivates flowers as a profession}}>
  • Page 319 badylarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Łódź}} A male wealthy, private entrepreneur> with <# {{lb|pl|Łódź}} wealthy, private entrepreneur>
  • Page 320 bajacz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} male storyteller> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} storyteller>
  • Page 321 bajaczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female storyteller> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|bajacz|t=[[storyteller]]}}>
  • Page 322 bajarka: Replacing <# female storyteller> with <# {{femeq|pl|bajarz|t=[[storyteller]]}}>
  • Page 323 bajarz: Replacing <# male storyteller {{gl|one who tells stories, real or not}}> with <# storyteller {{gl|one who tells stories, real or not}}>
  • Page 324 bajczarka: Replacing <# female gossiper, chatter {{gl|one who chats or gossips}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|bajczarz|t=[[gossiper]], [[chatter]]}} {{gl|one who chats or gossips}}>
  • Page 325 bajczarz: Replacing <# male gossiper, chatter {{gl|one who chats or gossips}}> with <# gossiper, chatter {{gl|one who chats or gossips}}>
  • Page 326 bajerantka: Replacing <# female blagger, smooth operator, smooth talker> with <# {{femeq|pl|bajerant|t=[[blagger]], [[smooth operator]], [[smooth talk]]er}}>
  • Page 327 bajronista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literature}} male Byronist> with <# {{lb|pl|literature}} Byronist>
  • Page 328 bajronistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literature}} female Byronist> with <# {{lb|pl|literature}} {{femeq|pl|bajronista|t=[[Byronist]]}}>
  • Page 329 bakteriolog: Replacing <# male bacteriologist> with <# bacteriologist>
  • Page 329 bakteriolog: Replacing <# female bacteriologist> with <# {{femeq|pl|bakteriolog|t=[[bacteriologist]]}}>
  • Page 330 balangowicz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male reveller, carouser, party animal> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} reveller, carouser, party animal>
  • Page 331 balangowiczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female reveller, carouser, party animal> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|balangowicz|t=[[reveller]], [[carouser]], [[party animal]]}}>
  • Page 332 baletmistrz: Replacing <# male ballet master> with <# ballet master>
  • Page 333 baletmistrzyni: Replacing <# female ballet master> with <# {{femeq|pl|baletmistrz|t=[[ballet master]]}}>
  • Page 334 balladzista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music|poetry}} male balladist, male ballader> with <# {{lb|pl|music|poetry}} balladist, ballader>
  • Page 335 balladzistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music|poetry}} female balladist, female ballader> with <# {{lb|pl|music|poetry}} {{femeq|pl|balladzista|t=[[balladist]], [[ballader]]}}>
  • Page 336 balowicz: Replacing <# male ball attendee {{gl|a person who attends balls, formal dances}}> with <# ball attendee {{gl|a person who attends balls, formal dances}}>
  • Page 336 balowicz: Replacing <# male partier {{gl|one who lives a loose lifestyle}}> with <# partier {{gl|one who lives a loose lifestyle}}>
  • Page 337 balowiczka: Replacing <# female ball attendee {{gl|a person who attends balls, formal dances}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|balowicz|t=[[ball]] [[attendee]]}} {{gl|a person who attends balls, formal dances}}>
  • Page 337 balowiczka: Replacing <# female partier {{gl|one who lives a loose lifestyle}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|balowicz|t=[[partier]]}} {{gl|one who lives a loose lifestyle}}>
  • Page 338 balownica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female ball attendee {{gl|a person who attends balls, formal dances}}> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|balownik|t=[[ball]] [[attendee]]}} {{gl|a person who attends balls, formal dances}}>
  • Page 339 balownik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} male ball attendee {{gl|a person who attends balls, formal dances}}> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} ball attendee {{gl|a person who attends balls, formal dances}}>
  • Page 340 bałaganiara: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female slob {{gl|messy person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|bałaganiarz|t=[[slob]]}} {{gl|messy person}}>
  • Page 341 bałaganiarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female slob {{gl|messy person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|bałaganiarz|t=[[slob]]}} {{gl|messy person}}>
  • Page 342 bałaganiarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male slob {{gl|messy person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} slob {{gl|messy person}}>
  • Page 343 bałwan: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} male galoot, blockhead, moron, idiot> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} galoot, blockhead, moron, idiot>
  • Page 344 bałwanica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} female galoot, blockhead, moron, idiot> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|bałwan|t=[[galoot]], [[blockhead]], [[moron]], [[idiot]]}}>
  • Page 345 bałwochwalca: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male idolater> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} idolater>
  • Page 346 bananówka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|slang}} female nouveau riche, rich kid, spoiled kid {{gl|a young person who has rich parents and brags about it}}> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|slang}} {{femeq|pl|banan}}, {{femeq|pl|bananowiec|t=[[nouveau riche]], [[rich kid]], [[spoiled kid]]}} {{gl|a young person who has rich parents and brags about it}}>
  • Page 347 banderowiec: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} male Banderite> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} Banderite>
  • Page 348 banderówka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female Banderite> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|banderowiec|t=[[Banderite]]}}>
  • Page 349 bandos: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} male seasonal travelling farmhand> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} seasonal travelling farmhand>
  • Page 350 bandoska: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} female seasonal travelling farmhand> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|bandos|t=[[seasonal]] [[travelling]] [[farmhand]]}}>
  • Page 351 bandurzysta: Replacing <# male bandurist> with <# bandurist>
  • Page 352 bandurzystka: Replacing <# female bandurist> with <# {{femeq|pl|bandurzysta|t=[[bandurist]]}}>
  • Page 353 bandyta: Replacing <# male bandit, highwayman> with <# bandit, highwayman>
  • Page 353 bandyta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|pejorative}} male thug {{gl|someone with an intimidating and unseemly appearance and mannerisms}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|pejorative}} thug {{gl|someone with an intimidating and unseemly appearance and mannerisms}}>
  • Page 354 bandytka: Replacing <# female bandit, highwayman> with <# {{femeq|pl|bandyta|t=[[bandit]], [[highwayman]]}}>
  • Page 354 bandytka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|pejorative}} female thug {{gl|someone with an intimidating and unseemly appearance and mannerisms}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|pejorative}} {{femeq|pl|bandyta|t=[[thug]]}} {{gl|someone with an intimidating and unseemly appearance and mannerisms}}>
  • Page 355 banita: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historic}} male banishee, male exile {{gl|someone banished from their home country}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historic}} banishee, exile {{gl|someone banished from their home country}}>
  • Page 355 banita: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male excludee {{gl|someone not included in a group}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} excludee {{gl|someone not included in a group}}>
  • Page 356 banitka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historic}} female banishee, efmale exile {{gl|someone banished from their home country}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historic}} {{femeq|pl|banita|t=[[banishee]], efmale [[exile]]}} {{gl|someone banished from their home country}}>
  • Page 356 banitka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female excludee {{gl|someone not included in a group}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|banita|t=[[excludee]]}} {{gl|someone not included in a group}}>
  • Page 357 bankier: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|banking}} male banker {{gl|one who conducts the business of banking}}> with <# {{lb|pl|banking}} banker {{gl|one who conducts the business of banking}}>
  • Page 357 bankier: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|gambling}} male banker {{gl|dealer in a casino, or one who keeps the bank in a banking game}}> with <# {{lb|pl|gambling}} banker {{gl|dealer in a casino, or one who keeps the bank in a banking game}}>
  • Page 358 bankierka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|banking}} female banker {{gl|one who conducts the business of banking}}> with <# {{lb|pl|banking}} {{femeq|pl|bankier|t=[[banker]]}} {{gl|one who conducts the business of banking}}>
  • Page 358 bankierka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|gambling}} female banker {{gl|dealer in a casino, or one who keeps the bank in a banking game}}> with <# {{lb|pl|gambling}} {{femeq|pl|bankier|t=[[banker]]}} {{gl|dealer in a casino, or one who keeps the bank in a banking game}}>
  • Page 359 bankietowicz: Replacing <# male banqueteer, banqueter {{gl|one who attends a banquet}}> with <# banqueteer, banqueter {{gl|one who attends a banquet}}>
  • Page 360 bankietowiczka: Replacing <# female banqueteer, banqueter {{gl|one who attends a banquet}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|bankietowicz|t=[[banqueteer]], [[banqueter]]}} {{gl|one who attends a banquet}}>
  • Page 361 bankrut: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|finance}} male bankrupt, insolvent {{gl|a bankrupt person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|finance}} bankrupt, insolvent {{gl|a bankrupt person}}>
  • Page 361 bankrut: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|figuratively}} male bankrupt, insolvent {{gl|a person who has lost influence somewhere}}> with <# {{lb|pl|figuratively}} bankrupt, insolvent {{gl|a person who has lost influence somewhere}}>
  • Page 362 bankrutka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|finance}} female bankrupt, insolvent {{gl|a bankrupt person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|finance}} {{femeq|pl|bankrut|t=[[bankrupt]], [[insolvent]]}} {{gl|a bankrupt person}}>
  • Page 362 bankrutka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|figuratively}} female bankrupt, insolvent {{gl|a person who has lost influence somewhere}}> with <# {{lb|pl|figuratively}} {{femeq|pl|bankrut|t=[[bankrupt]], [[insolvent]]}} {{gl|a person who has lost influence somewhere}}>
  • Page 363 baptysta: Replacing <# male Baptist> with <# Baptist>
  • Page 364 baptystka: Replacing <# female Baptist> with <# {{femeq|pl|baptysta|t=[[Baptist]]}}>
  • Page 365 barbarzynka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical|rare}} female barbarian {{gl|a non-Greek or a non-Roman}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical|rare}} {{femeq|pl|barbarzyńca|t=[[barbarian]]}} {{gl|a non-Greek or a non-Roman}}>
  • Page 366 barbarzyńca: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} male barbarian {{gl|a non-Greek or a non-Roman}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} barbarian {{gl|a non-Greek or a non-Roman}}>
  • Page 367 barber: Replacing <# male {{l|en|barber}} {{gl|person whose profession is cutting male customers' hair and beards}}> with <# {{l|en|barber}} {{gl|person whose profession is cutting male customers' hair and beards}}>
  • Page 368 barista: Replacing <# male {{l|en|barista}}> with <# {{l|en|barista}}>
  • Page 369 baristka: Replacing <# female barista> with <# {{femeq|pl|barista|t=[[barista]]}}>
  • Page 370 barman: Replacing <# {{l|en|barman}}, male bartender> with <# {{l|en|barman}}, bartender>
  • Page 371 baronessa: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} baroness {{gl|the female ruler of a barony}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|baron|t=[[baroness]]}} {{gl|the female ruler of a barony}}>
  • Page 372 barwiarka: Replacing <# female dyer> with <# {{femeq|pl|barwiarz|t=[[dyer]]}}>
  • Page 373 barwiarz: Replacing <# male dyer> with <# dyer>
  • Page 374 basiora: Replacing <# bitch, she-wolf {{gl|female wolf}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|basior|t=[[bitch]], [[she-wolf]]}} {{gl|female wolf}}>
  • Page 375 basista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|somewhat|colloquial}} male bassist {{gl|a musician especially the bass guitar}}> with <# {{lb|pl|somewhat|colloquial}} bassist {{gl|a musician especially the bass guitar}}>
  • Page 376 Baskijka: Replacing <# Basque {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Bask|t=[[Basque]]}}>
  • Page 377 Baszkir: Replacing <# A male Bashkir {{gl|member of the Bashkir [[Turkic]] people}}> with <# Bashkir {{gl|member of the Bashkir [[Turkic]] people}}>
  • Page 377 Baszkir: Replacing <# A male Bashkirian {{gl|native or inhabitant of [[Bashkortostan]]}}> with <# Bashkirian {{gl|native or inhabitant of [[Bashkortostan]]}}>
  • Page 378 Baszkirka: Replacing <# A female Bashkir {{gl|member of the Bashkir [[Turkic]] people}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Baszkir|t=[[Bashkir]]}} {{gl|member of the Bashkir [[Turkic]] people}}>
  • Page 378 Baszkirka: Replacing <# A female Bashkirian {{gl|native or inhabitant of [[Bashkortostan]]}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Baszkir|t=[[Bashkirian]]}} {{gl|native or inhabitant of [[Bashkortostan]]}}>
  • Page 379 Bawarczyk: Replacing <# a male Bavarian> with <# Bavarian>
  • Page 380 Bawarka: Replacing <# a female Bavarian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Bawarczyk|t=[[Bavarian]]}}>
  • Page 381 bawolica: Replacing <# female buffalo> with <# {{femeq|pl|bawół|t=[[buffalo]]}}>
  • Page 382 bawół: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} A clumsy or inept person; an oaf; a blunderer {{gl|male}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} clumsy or inept person; an oaf; a blunderer {{gl|male}}>
  • Page 383 bazarowicz: Replacing <# male bazaar goer {{gl|a person who is at a bazaar}}> with <# bazaar goer {{gl|a person who is at a bazaar}}>
  • Page 383 bazarowicz: Replacing <# male bazaar seller {{gl|a person who sells items at a bazaar}}> with <# bazaar seller {{gl|a person who sells items at a bazaar}}>
  • Page 384 bazarowiczka: Replacing <# female bazaar goer {{gl|a person who is at a bazaar}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|bazarowicz|t=[[bazaar]] [[goer]]}} {{gl|a person who is at a bazaar}}>
  • Page 384 bazarowiczka: Replacing <# female bazaar seller {{gl|a person who sells items at a bazaar}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|bazarowicz|t=[[bazaar]] [[seller]]}} {{gl|a person who sells items at a bazaar}}>
  • Page 385 bazgrała: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male doodler> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} doodler>
  • Page 385 bazgrała: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female doodler> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|bazgrała|t=[[doodler]]}}>
  • Page 386 beduin: Replacing <# male bedouin> with <# bedouin>
  • Page 387 beduinka: Replacing <# female bedouin> with <# {{femeq|pl|beduin|t=[[bedouin]]}}>
  • Page 388 beletrysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|literature}} male belletrist, fiction writer> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|literature}} belletrist, fiction writer>
  • Page 389 beletrystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|literature}} female belletrist, fiction writer> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|literature}} {{femeq|pl|beletrysta|t=[[belletrist]], [[fiction]] writer}}>
  • Page 390 belfer: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} teach, male teacher> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} teach, teacher>
  • Page 391 belferka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} schoolmarm, female teacher> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|belfer|t=[[schoolmarm]], [[teacher]]}}>
  • Page 392 bełchatowianin: Replacing <# a male inhabitant of Bełchatów> with <# inhabitant of Bełchatów>
  • Page 393 bełchatowianka: Replacing <# a female inhabitant of Bełchatów> with <# {{femeq|pl|bełchatowianin|t=[[inhabitant]] of [[Bełchatów]]}}>
  • Page 394 benedyktyn: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Roman Catholicism}} male Benedictine {{gl|a monk belonging to the order founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Roman Catholicism}} Benedictine {{gl|a monk belonging to the order founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia}}>
  • Page 395 benedyktynka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Roman Catholicism}} female Benedictine {{gl|a nun belonging to the order founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Roman Catholicism}} {{femeq|pl|benedyktyn|t=[[Benedictine]]}} {{gl|a nun belonging to the order founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia}}>
  • Page 396 benefaktor: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} male benefactor {{gl|somebody who gives a gift, often money to a charity}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} benefactor {{gl|somebody who gives a gift, often money to a charity}}>
  • Page 397 benefaktorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female benefactor {{gl|somebody who gives a gift, often money to a charity}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|benefaktor|t=[[benefactor]]}} {{gl|somebody who gives a gift, often money to a charity}}>
  • Page 398 Beninka: Replacing <# A female Beninese> with <# {{femeq|pl|Benińczyk|t=[[Beninese]]}}>
  • Page 399 Benińczyk: Replacing <# A male Beninese> with <# Beninese>
  • Page 400 bezbożnica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female heathen, godless person> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|bezbożnik|t=[[heathen]], [[godless]] person}}>
  • Page 401 bezbożnik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} male heathen, godless person> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} heathen, godless person>
  • Page 402 bezdomna: Replacing <# female homeless person> with <# {{femeq|pl|bezdomny|t=[[homeless]] person}}>
  • Page 403 bezdomny: Replacing <# male homeless person> with <# homeless person>
  • Page 404 bezpartyjna: Replacing <# female nonpartisan> with <# {{femeq|pl|bezpartyjny|t=[[nonpartisan]]}}>
  • Page 405 bezpartyjny: Replacing <# male nonpartisan> with <# nonpartisan>
  • Page 406 bezwstydnica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female profligate, ribald> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|bezwstydnik|t=[[profligate]], [[ribald]]}}>
  • Page 407 bezwstydnik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male profligate, ribald> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} profligate, ribald>
  • Page 408 Bhutanka: Replacing <# Bhutanese {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Bhutańczyk|t=[[Bhutanese]]}}>
  • Page 409 Białostocczanin: Replacing <# male person from {{l|pl|Białostocczyzna}}> with <# person from {{l|pl|Białostocczyzna}}>
  • Page 410 białostoczanin: Replacing <# male person from {{l|pl|Białystok}}> with <# person from {{l|pl|Białystok}}>
  • Page 411 biathlonista: Replacing <# male biathlete, male biathloner> with <# biathlete, biathloner>
  • Page 412 biathlonistka: Replacing <# female biathlete, female biathloner> with <# {{femeq|pl|biathlonista|t=[[biathlete]], [[biathloner]]}}>
  • Page 413 bibliograf: Replacing <# male bibliographer> with <# bibliographer>
  • Page 414 bibliografka: Replacing <# female bibliographer> with <# {{femeq|pl|bibliograf|t=[[bibliographer]]}}>
  • Page 415 biblioman: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male bibliomaniac> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} bibliomaniac>
  • Page 416 bibliotekarka: Replacing <# female librarian> with <# {{femeq|pl|bibliotekarz|t=[[librarian]]}}>
  • Page 417 bibliotekarz: Replacing <# male librarian> with <# librarian>
  • Page 418 biblista: Replacing <# male biblist {{gl|a Biblical scholar}}> with <# biblist {{gl|a Biblical scholar}}>
  • Page 419 biblistka: Replacing <# female biblicist, Bible scholar> with <# {{femeq|pl|biblista|t=[[biblicist]], [[Bible]] [[scholar]]}}>
  • Page 420 biedniaczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} female peasant of the poorest group> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|biedniak|t=[[peasant]] of the [[poor]]est group}}>
  • Page 421 biedniak: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} male peasant of the poorest group> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} peasant of the poorest group>
  • Page 422 biegaczka: Replacing <# female runner {{gl|athlete}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|biegacz|t=[[runner]]}} {{gl|athlete}}>
  • Page 423 biegła: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female expert witness> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|biegły|t=[[expert witness]]}}>
  • Page 424 biegły: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} male expert witness> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} expert witness>
  • Page 425 bielszczanin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of {{l|pl|Bielsko-Biała}}> with <# resident or native of {{l|pl|Bielsko-Biała}}>
  • Page 425 bielszczanin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of {{l|pl|Bielsko}}> with <# resident or native of {{l|pl|Bielsko}}>
  • Page 425 bielszczanin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of {{l|pl|Bielsk Podlaski}}> with <# resident or native of {{l|pl|Bielsk Podlaski}}>
  • Page 425 bielszczanin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of {{l|pl|Bielsk}}> with <# resident or native of {{l|pl|Bielsk}}>
  • Page 426 biesiadniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female banqueteer, feaster> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|biesiadnik|t=[[banqueteer]], [[feaster]]}}>
  • Page 427 biesiadnik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male banqueteer, feaster> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} banqueteer, feaster>
  • Page 428 bigamista: Replacing <# male bigamist> with <# bigamist>
  • Page 429 bigamistka: Replacing <# female bigamist> with <# {{femeq|pl|bigamista|t=[[bigamist]]}}>
  • Page 430 bigot: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} male {{l|en|bigot}}, religious fanatic, sanctimonious person> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} {{l|en|bigot}}, religious fanatic, sanctimonious person>
  • Page 431 bigotka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} female bigot, religious fanatic, sanctimonious person> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} {{femeq|pl|bigot|t=[[bigot]], [[religious]] [[fanatic]], [[sanctimonious]] person}}>
  • Page 432 bikiniara: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} female stilyaga> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|bikiniarz|t=[[stilyaga]]}}>
  • Page 433 bikiniarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} male stilyaga> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} stilyaga>
  • Page 434 bileter: Replacing <# male ticket collector, usher, attendant, doorman {{gl|employee who checks tickets at the entrance of something}}> with <# ticket collector, usher, attendant, doorman {{gl|employee who checks tickets at the entrance of something}}>
  • Page 435 bileterka: Replacing <# female ticket collector, usher, attendant, doorman {{gl|employee who checks tickets at the entrance of something}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|bileter|t=[[ticket collector]], [[usher]], [[attendant]], [[doorman]]}} {{gl|employee who checks tickets at the entrance of something}}>
  • Page 436 bimbrowniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female moonshiner> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|bimbrownik|t=[[moonshiner]]}}>
  • Page 437 bimbrownik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male moonshiner> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} moonshiner>
  • Page 438 Birmanka: Replacing <# a female Burmese> with <# {{femeq|pl|Birmańczyk|t=[[Burmese]]}}>
  • Page 439 Birmańczyk: Replacing <# a male Burmese> with <# Burmese>
  • Page 440 blogerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Internet}} female blogger> with <# {{lb|pl|Internet}} {{femeq|pl|bloger|t=[[blogger]]}}>
  • Page 441 blondynka: Replacing <# blonde {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|blondyn|t=[[blonde]]}}>
  • Page 442 bogacz: Replacing <# male rich person; nabob {{gl|someone of great wealth}}> with <# rich person; nabob {{gl|someone of great wealth}}>
  • Page 443 bogaczka: Replacing <# female rich person; nabob {{gl|someone of great wealth}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|bogacz|t=[[rich]] [[person]]; [[nabob]]}} {{gl|someone of great wealth}}>
  • Page 444 bogdan: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} male beloved> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} beloved>
  • Page 445 bogdanka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female beloved> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|bogdan|t=[[beloved]]}}>
  • Page 446 bogini: Replacing <# goddess {{gl|female deity}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|bóg|t=[[goddess]]}} {{gl|female deity}}>
  • Page 447 bojowiec: Replacing <# A male member of a combat organization> with <# member of a combat organization>
  • Page 448 bojowniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|military}} female guerilla fighter> with <# {{lb|pl|military}} {{femeq|pl|bojownik|t=[[guerilla]] [[fighter]]}}>
  • Page 449 Boliwijka: Replacing <# Bolivian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Boliwijczyk|t=[[Bolivian]]}}>
  • Page 450 borsuczyca: Replacing <# female badger> with <# {{femeq|pl|borsuk|t=[[badger]]}}>
  • Page 451 Botswanka: Replacing <# a female Botswanan> with <# {{femeq|pl|Botswańczyk|t=[[Botswanan]]}}>
  • Page 452 Botswańczyk: Replacing <# a male Botswanan> with <# Botswanan>
  • Page 453 brach: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} a male comrade or friend; bro> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} comrade or friend; bro>
  • Page 454 bratobójczyni: Replacing <# fratricide {{gl|female person who commits fratricide}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|bratobójca|t=[[fratricide]]}} {{gl|female person who commits fratricide}}>
  • Page 455 Brazylijka: Replacing <# Brazilian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Brazylijczyk|t=[[Brazilian]]}}>
  • Page 456 brudas: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} male scruff, male scuzz, male slob {{gl|slovenly, sloppy, and untidy person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} scruff, scuzz, slob {{gl|slovenly, sloppy, and untidy person}}>
  • Page 456 brudas: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|ethnic slur}} male coon, male nigger, male tar baby> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|ethnic slur}} coon, nigger, tar baby>
  • Page 456 brudas: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|slang}} male metalhead or male punk {{gl|member of metal or punk music subcultures}}> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|slang}} metalhead or punk {{gl|member of metal or punk music subcultures}}>
  • Page 457 brudaska: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female scruff, female scuzz, female slob {{gl|slovenly, sloppy, and untidy person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|brudas|t=[[scruff]], [[scuzz]], [[slob]]}} {{gl|slovenly, sloppy, and untidy person}}>
  • Page 457 brudaska: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|ethnic slur}} female coon, female nigger, female tar baby> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|ethnic slur}} {{femeq|pl|brudas|t=[[coon]], [[nigger]], [[tar baby]]}}>
  • Page 457 brudaska: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|slang}} female metalhead or female punk {{gl|member of metal or punk music subcultures}}> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|slang}} {{femeq|pl|brudas|t=[[metalhead]] or [[punk]]}} {{gl|member of metal or punk music subcultures}}>
  • Page 458 Brunejczyk: Replacing <# a male Bruneian> with <# Bruneian>
  • Page 459 Brunejka: Replacing <# a female Bruneian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Brunejczyk|t=[[Bruneian]]}}>
  • Page 460 Brytyjka: Replacing <# Briton {{gl|female inhabitant of Great Britain}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Brytyjczyk|t=[[Briton]]}} {{gl|female inhabitant of Great Britain}}>
  • Page 461 bumelantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female shirker, layabout> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|bumelant|t=[[shirker]], [[layabout]]}}>
  • Page 462 buntowniczka: Replacing <# female rebel, female rogue> with <# {{femeq|pl|buntownik|t=[[rebel]], [[rogue]]}}>
  • Page 463 burmistrzyni: Replacing <# female mayor> with <# {{femeq|pl|burmistrz|t=[[mayor]]}}>
  • Page 464 Burundyjczyk: Replacing <# A male Burundian> with <# Burundian>
  • Page 465 Burundyjka: Replacing <# A female Burundian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Burundyjczyk|t=[[Burundian]]}}>
  • Page 466 centrysta: Replacing <# A male centrist> with <# centrist>
  • Page 467 chamka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} an arrogant, ill-mannered female person> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|cham|t=an [[arrogant]], [[ill-mannered]] person}}>
  • Page 468 chemiczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|neologism}} female chemist> with <# {{lb|pl|neologism}} {{femeq|pl|chemik|t=[[chemist]]}}>
  • Page 469 Chilijka: Replacing <# Chilean {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Chilijczyk|t=[[Chilean]]}}>
  • Page 470 Chinka: Replacing <# Chinese {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Chińczyk|t=[[Chinese]]}}>
  • Page 471 chlebodawczyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female employer> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|chlebodawca|t=[[employer]]}}>
  • Page 472 chłopka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} female peasant> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|chłop|t=[[peasant]]}}>
  • Page 473 choczanin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of Chocz> with <# resident or native of Chocz>
  • Page 474 choczanka: Replacing <# A female resident or native of Chocz> with <# {{femeq|pl|choczanin|t=[[resident]] or [[native]] of [[Chocz]]}}>
  • Page 475 choleryczka: Replacing <# female choleric {{gl|person with a choleric or irascible temperament}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|choleryk|t=[[choleric]]}} {{gl|person with a choleric or irascible temperament}}>
  • Page 475 choleryczka: Replacing <# female choleric {{gl|person suffering from cholera}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|choleryk|t=[[choleric]]}} {{gl|person suffering from cholera}}>
  • Page 476 chorzowianin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of Chorzów> with <# resident or native of Chorzów>
  • Page 477 chorzowianka: Replacing <# A female resident or native of Chorzów> with <# {{femeq|pl|chorzowianin|t=[[resident]] or [[native]] of [[Chorzów]]}}>
  • Page 478 chrześcijanka: Replacing <# Christian {{gl|female practitioner of Christianity}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|chrześcijanin|t=[[Christian]]}} {{gl|female practitioner of Christianity}}>
  • Page 479 chytrus: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} A cunning, deceitful male person> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} cunning, deceitful person>
  • Page 479 chytrus: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} A greedy, miserly male person> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} greedy, miserly person>
  • Page 480 ciamajda: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} A male person who is clumsy, incompetent, or slow> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} person who is clumsy, incompetent, or slow>
  • Page 481 cierpiętnica: Replacing <# female martyr {{gl|one who sacrifices their life for an important cause}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|cierpiętnik|t=[[martyr]]}} {{gl|one who sacrifices their life for an important cause}}>
  • Page 482 cieszynianin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of Cieszyn> with <# resident or native of Cieszyn>
  • Page 483 cudzoziemka: Replacing <# female alien, female foreigner> with <# {{femeq|pl|cudzoziemiec|t=[[alien]], [[foreigner]]}}>
  • Page 484 Cygan: Replacing <# A male Gypsy> with <# Gypsy>
  • Page 485 Cyganka: Replacing <# A female Gypsy> with <# {{femeq|pl|Cygan|t=[[Gypsy]]}}>
  • Page 486 cyklistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} cyclist {{gl|female person who rides a cycle}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|cyklista|t=[[cyclist]]}} {{gl|female person who rides a cycle}}>
  • Page 487 cyniczka: Replacing <# female cynic> with <# {{femeq|pl|cynik|t=[[cynic]]}}>
  • Page 488 cyrkówka: Replacing <# female circus artist, female circus performer, female acrobat> with <# {{femeq|pl|cyrkowiec|t=[[circus]] [[artist]], circus [[performer]], [[acrobat]]}}>
  • Page 489 Czadyjczyk: Replacing <# A male Chadian> with <# Chadian>
  • Page 490 Czadyjka: Replacing <# A female Chadian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Czadyjczyk|t=[[Chadian]]}}>
  • Page 491 Czarnogórka: Replacing <# a female Montenegrin> with <# {{femeq|pl|Czarnogórzec|t=[[Montenegrin]]}}>
  • Page 492 Czarnogórzec: Replacing <# a male Montenegrin> with <# Montenegrin>
  • Page 493 czarnoskóra: Replacing <# female African-American> with <# {{femeq|pl|czarnoskóry|t=[[African-American]]}}>
  • Page 494 czarnuch: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|obsolete}} A male person having a swarthy complexion or black hair> with <# {{lb|pl|obsolete}} person having a swarthy complexion or black hair>
  • Page 495 czarodziejka: Replacing <# female wizard> with <# {{femeq|pl|czarodziej|t=[[wizard]]}}>
  • Page 496 czciciel: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} male worshipper> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} worshipper>
  • Page 497 czcicielka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} female worshipper> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} {{femeq|pl|czciciel|t=[[worshipper]]}}>
  • Page 498 Czeczen: Replacing <# A male Chechen {{gl|member of the Chechen [[Nakh]] people}}> with <# Chechen {{gl|member of the Chechen [[Nakh]] people}}>
  • Page 499 Czeczeniec: Replacing <# A male Chechen {{gl|member of the Chechen [[Nakh]] people}}> with <# Chechen {{gl|member of the Chechen [[Nakh]] people}}>
  • Page 500 Czeczenka: Replacing <# A female Chechen {{gl|member of the Chechen [[Nakh]] people}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Czeczen}}, {{femeq|pl|Czeczeniec|t=[[Chechen]]}} {{gl|member of the Chechen [[Nakh]] people}}>
  • Page 501 czempionka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|sports}} female champion {{gl|someone who has been winner in a contest}}> with <# {{lb|pl|sports}} {{femeq|pl|czempion|t=[[champion]]}} {{gl|someone who has been winner in a contest}}>
  • Page 502 Czeszka: Replacing <# Czech {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Czech|t=[[Czech]]}}>
  • Page 503 członkini: Replacing <# female member {{gl|one who officially belongs to a group}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|członek|t=[[member]]}} {{gl|one who officially belongs to a group}}>
  • Page 504 czołgista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|military}} male tanker {{gl|member of a tank crew}}> with <# {{lb|pl|military}} tanker {{gl|member of a tank crew}}>
  • Page 505 czołgistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|military}} female tanker {{gl|member of a tank crew}}> with <# {{lb|pl|military}} {{femeq|pl|czołgista|t=[[tanker]]}} {{gl|member of a tank crew}}>
  • Page 506 czternastolatka: Replacing <# fourteen-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|czternastolatek|t=[[fourteen]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 507 czterolatka: Replacing <# four-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|czterolatek|t=[[four]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 508 czyścicielka: Replacing <# female cleaner {{gl|person who cleans}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|czyściciel|t=[[cleaner]]}} {{gl|person who cleans}}>
  • Page 509 czyścioch: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male neat freak> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} neat freak>
  • Page 510 czyściocha: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female neat freak> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|czyścioch|t=[[neat freak]]}}>
  • Page 511 czytelniczka: Replacing <# reader {{gl|female person who reads a publication}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|czytelnik|t=[[reader]]}} {{gl|female person who reads a publication}}>
  • Page 512 ćpunka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} female druggie, female junkie> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|ćpun|t=[[druggie]], [[junkie]]}}>
  • Page 513 darwinistka: Replacing <# female Darwinist> with <# {{femeq|pl|darwinista|t=[[Darwinist]]}}>
  • Page 514 debiutantka: Replacing <# debutante, female novice> with <# {{femeq|pl|debiutant|t=[[debutante]], [[novice]]}}>
  • Page 515 deblistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|badminton|tennis|table tennis}} female doubles player> with <# {{lb|pl|badminton|tennis|table tennis}} {{femeq|pl|deblista|t=[[doubles]] player}}>
  • Page 516 decydentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female policymaker> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|decydent|t=[[policymaker]]}}>
  • Page 517 defetysta: Replacing <# male defeatist {{gl|one with a defeatist attitude}}> with <# defeatist {{gl|one with a defeatist attitude}}>
  • Page 518 defetystka: Replacing <# female defeatist {{gl|one with a defeatist attitude}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|defetysta|t=[[defeatist]]}} {{gl|one with a defeatist attitude}}>
  • Page 519 defraudantka: Replacing <# female embezzler> with <# {{femeq|pl|defraudant|t=[[embezzler]]}}>
  • Page 520 degustator: Replacing <# male tester, taster {{gl|person who tastes something, especially food, wine, etc., for quality}}> with <# tester, taster {{gl|person who tastes something, especially food, wine, etc., for quality}}>
  • Page 520 degustator: Replacing <# male tester {{gl|participant of a testing}}> with <# tester {{gl|participant of a testing}}>
  • Page 521 degustatorka: Replacing <# female tester, taster {{gl|person who tastes something, especially food, wine, etc., for quality}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|degustator|t=[[tester]], [[taster]]}} {{gl|person who tastes something, especially food, wine, etc., for quality}}>
  • Page 521 degustatorka: Replacing <# female tester {{gl|participant of a testing}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|degustator|t=[[tester]]}} {{gl|participant of a testing}}>
  • Page 522 dekabrysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} male Decembrist> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} Decembrist>
  • Page 523 dekabrystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} female Decembrist> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|dekabrysta|t=[[Decembrist]]}}>
  • Page 524 deklamator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male reciter, declaimer> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} reciter, declaimer>
  • Page 525 deklamatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female reciter, declaimer> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|deklamator|t=[[reciter]], [[declaimer]]}}>
  • Page 526 delikwentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} culprit {{gl|female person at fault for a problem or crime}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|delikwent|t=[[culprit]]}} {{gl|female person at fault for a problem or crime}}>
  • Page 526 delikwentka: Replacing <# client {{gl|female person who receives help or advice from a professional person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|delikwent|t=[[client]]}} {{gl|female person who receives help or advice from a professional person}}>
  • Page 527 demonstrantka: Replacing <# female demonstrator> with <# {{femeq|pl|demonstrant|t=[[demonstrator]]}}>
  • Page 528 denat: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} deceased male person> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} deceased person>
  • Page 529 denatka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} deceased female person> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|denat|t=[[deceased]] person}}>
  • Page 529 denatka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female drunkard> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|denat|t=[[drunkard]]}}>
  • Page 529 denatka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female wreck {{gl|very tired person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|denat|t=[[wreck]]}} {{gl|very tired person}}>
  • Page 530 deputowana: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female representative, female Member of Parliament> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|deputowany|t=[[representative]], [[Member of Parliament]]}}>
  • Page 531 desperatka: Replacing <# female despairer> with <# {{femeq|pl|desperat|t=[[despairer]]}}>
  • Page 532 dezerterka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|military}} female deserter> with <# {{lb|pl|military}} {{femeq|pl|dezerter|t=[[deserter]]}}>
  • Page 533 didżejka: Replacing <# female DJ, disk jockey, deejay> with <# {{femeq|pl|didżej|t=[[DJ]], [[disk jockey]], [[deejay]]}}>
  • Page 534 dłużniczka: Replacing <# female debtor> with <# {{femeq|pl|dłużnik|t=[[debtor]]}}>
  • Page 535 dobrodziejka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} benefactor {{gl|beneficent female person; someone who helps others}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|dobrodziej|t=[[benefactor]]}} {{gl|beneficent female person; someone who helps others}}>
  • Page 536 doktor: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|medicine}} male physician, male medical doctor> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|medicine}} physician, medical doctor>
  • Page 536 doktor: Replacing <# male doctor {{gl|person holding a doctorate {{gl|Ph.D., M.D.}}}}> with <# doctor {{gl|person holding a doctorate {{gl|Ph.D., M.D.}}}}>
  • Page 537 doktorek: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory|medicine}} male physician, male medical doctor> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory|medicine}} physician, medical doctor>
  • Page 537 doktorek: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} male doctor {{gl|person holding a doctorate {{gl|Ph.D., M.D.}}}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} doctor {{gl|person holding a doctorate {{gl|Ph.D., M.D.}}}}>
  • Page 538 doktorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|medicine}} female physician, female medical doctor> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|doktor|t=[[physician]], [[medical doctor]]}}>
  • Page 538 doktorka: Replacing <# female doctor {{gl|person holding a doctorate {{gl|Ph.D., M.D.}}}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|doktor|t=[[doctor]]}} {{gl|person holding a doctorate {{gl|Ph.D., M.D.}}}}>
  • Page 539 donatorka: Replacing <# female donor> with <# {{femeq|pl|donator|t=[[donor]]}}>
  • Page 540 doradczyni: Replacing <# female advisor> with <# {{femeq|pl|doradca|t=[[advisor]]}}>
  • Page 541 dostojniczka: Replacing <# female dignitary> with <# {{femeq|pl|dostojnik|t=[[dignitary]]}}>
  • Page 542 dozorczyni: Replacing <# female caretaker, keeper> with <# {{femeq|pl|dozorca|t=[[caretaker]], [[keeper]]}}>
  • Page 543 drapieżnica: Replacing <# female predator> with <# {{femeq|pl|drapieżnik|t=[[predator]]}}>
  • Page 544 dręczycielka: Replacing <# tormentor {{gl|female person who torments}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dręczyciel|t=[[tormentor]]}} {{gl|female person who torments}}>
  • Page 545 drobnomieszczanka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} female petit bourgeois {{gl|member of the lower middle class}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|drobnomieszczanin|t=[[petit bourgeois]]}} {{gl|member of the lower middle class}}>
  • Page 545 drobnomieszczanka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female babbitt, female philistine> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|drobnomieszczanin|t=[[babbitt]], [[philistine]]}}>
  • Page 546 druidka: Replacing <# female druid> with <# {{femeq|pl|druid|t=[[druid]]}}>
  • Page 547 dublerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|film|television}} female double, stunt double, body double, understudy> with <# {{lb|pl|film|television}} {{femeq|pl|dubler|t=[[double]], [[stunt double]], [[body double]], [[understudy]]}}>
  • Page 548 Dunka: Replacing <# Dane {{gl|female person from Denmark or of Danish descent}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Duńczyk|t=[[Dane]]}} {{gl|female person from Denmark or of Danish descent}}>
  • Page 549 dworka: Replacing <# female courtier> with <# {{femeq|pl|dworzanin|t=[[courtier]]}}>
  • Page 550 dworzanin: Replacing <# male courtier> with <# courtier>
  • Page 551 dwudziestolatka: Replacing <# female vicenarian> with <# {{femeq|pl|dwudziestolatek|t=[[vicenarian]]}}>
  • Page 552 dwulatka: Replacing <# two-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dwulatek|t=[[two]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 553 dwunastolatka: Replacing <# twelve-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dwunastolatek|t=[[twelve]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 554 dyktator: Replacing <# male dictator {{gl|totalitarian leader of a dictatorship}}> with <# dictator {{gl|totalitarian leader of a dictatorship}}>
  • Page 555 dyktatorka: Replacing <# female dictator {{gl|totalitarian leader of a dictatorship}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dyktator|t=[[dictator]]}} {{gl|totalitarian leader of a dictatorship}}>
  • Page 556 dyletantka: Replacing <# female dilettante, dabbler, amateur> with <# {{femeq|pl|dyletant|t=[[dilettante]], [[dabbler]], [[amateur]]}}>
  • Page 557 dyplomatka: Replacing <# diplomat {{gl|female person who is accredited to represent a government}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dyplomata|t=[[diplomat]]}} {{gl|female person who is accredited to represent a government}}>
  • Page 557 dyplomatka: Replacing <# diplomat {{gl|female person who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dyplomata|t=[[diplomat]]}} {{gl|female person who uses skill and tact in dealing with other people}}>
  • Page 558 dyrektor: Replacing <# male head, principal, headmaster> with <# head, principal, headmaster>
  • Page 558 dyrektor: Replacing <# male director, supervisor, manager> with <# director, supervisor, manager>
  • Page 558 dyrektor: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} male conductor {{gl|person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} conductor {{gl|person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble}}>
  • Page 559 dyrektorka: Replacing <# female head, principal, headmaster> with <# {{femeq|pl|dyrektor|t=[[head]], [[principal]], [[headmaster]]}}>
  • Page 559 dyrektorka: Replacing <# female director, supervisor, manager> with <# {{femeq|pl|dyrektor|t=[[director]], [[supervisor]], [[manager]]}}>
  • Page 559 dyrektorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female conductor {{gl|person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|dyrektor|t=[[conductor]]}} {{gl|person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble}}>
  • Page 560 dyrygentka: Replacing <# conductor {{gl|female person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dyrygent|t=[[conductor]]}} {{gl|female person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble}}>
  • Page 561 dysponent: Replacing <# male dispenser, male holder {{gl|person or institution having the right to dispose of something}}> with <# dispenser, holder {{gl|person or institution having the right to dispose of something}}>
  • Page 562 dysponentka: Replacing <# female dispenser, female holder {{gl|person or institution having the right to dispose of something}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dysponent|t=[[dispenser]], [[holder]]}} {{gl|person or institution having the right to dispose of something}}>
  • Page 563 dystrybutorka: Replacing <# female retailer, distributor> with <# {{femeq|pl|dystrybutor|t=[[retailer]], [[distributor]]}}>
  • Page 564 dysydentka: Replacing <# dissident, nonconformist {{gl|female person who opposes the current political structure, group or laws}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dysydent|t=[[dissident]], [[nonconformist]]}} {{gl|female person who opposes the current political structure, group or laws}}>
  • Page 564 dysydentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity|dated}} dissident {{gl|female person who professes a Christian religion other than Catholicism}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity|dated}} {{femeq|pl|dysydent|t=[[dissident]]}} {{gl|female person who professes a Christian religion other than Catholicism}}>
  • Page 565 działaczka: Replacing <# female activist> with <# {{femeq|pl|działacz|t=[[activist]]}}>
  • Page 566 dzieciobójczyni: Replacing <# infanticide {{gl|female person who commits infanticide}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dzieciobójca|t=[[infanticide]]}} {{gl|female person who commits infanticide}}>
  • Page 566 dzieciobójczyni: Replacing <# filicide {{gl|female person who commits filicide}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dzieciobójca|t=[[filicide]]}} {{gl|female person who commits filicide}}>
  • Page 567 dziedziczka: Replacing <# female heir, inheritor, successor> with <# {{femeq|pl|dziedzic|t=[[heir]], [[inheritor]], [[successor]]}}>
  • Page 567 dziedziczka: Replacing <# landlady, female laird, squire> with <# {{femeq|pl|dziedzic|t=[[landlady]], [[laird]], [[squire]]}}>
  • Page 568 dziennikarka: Replacing <# journalist {{gl|female reporter}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dziennikarz|t=[[journalist]]}} {{gl|female reporter}}>
  • Page 569 dziesięciolatka: Replacing <# ten-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dziesięciolatek|t=[[ten]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 570 dziewięciolatka: Replacing <# nine-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dziewięciolatek|t=[[nine]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 571 dziewiętnastolatka: Replacing <# nineteen-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|dziewiętnastolatek|t=[[nineteen]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 572 dżihadystka: Replacing <# female jihadist> with <# {{femeq|pl|dżihadysta|t=[[jihadist]]}}>
  • Page 573 dżudoczka: Replacing <# female judoka> with <# {{femeq|pl|dżudoka|t=[[judoka]]}}>
  • Page 574 egocentryczka: Replacing <# female egocentric, egocentrist> with <# {{femeq|pl|egocentryk|t=[[egocentric]], [[egocentrist]]}}>
  • Page 575 egoistka: Replacing <# female egoist> with <# {{femeq|pl|egoista|t=[[egoist]]}}>
  • Page 576 ekscentryczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|psychology}} female eccentric> with <# {{lb|pl|psychology}} {{femeq|pl|ekscentryk|t=[[eccentric]]}}>
  • Page 577 ekshibicjonistka: Replacing <# female exhibitionist> with <# {{femeq|pl|ekshibicjonista|t=[[exhibitionist]]}}>
  • Page 578 ekspedientka: Replacing <# female shop assistant, shopkeeper> with <# {{femeq|pl|ekspedient|t=[[shop assistant]], [[shopkeeper]]}}>
  • Page 579 Ekwadorka: Replacing <# Ecuadorian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Ekwadorczyk|t=[[Ecuadorian]]}}>
  • Page 580 emancypantka: Replacing <# female emancipator; emancipatrix> with <# {{femeq|pl|emancypant|t=[[emancipator]]; [[emancipatrix]]}}>
  • Page 581 emerytka: Replacing <# female pensioner> with <# {{femeq|pl|emeryt|t=[[pensioner]]}}>
  • Page 582 emigrantka: Replacing <# female emigrant> with <# {{femeq|pl|emigrant|t=[[emigrant]]}}>
  • Page 583 energetyk: Replacing <# male power engineer> with <# power engineer>
  • Page 584 entuzjastka: Replacing <# female enthusiast> with <# {{femeq|pl|entuzjasta|t=[[enthusiast]]}}>
  • Page 585 epidemiolog: Replacing <# female epidemiologist> with <# {{femeq|pl|epidemiolog|t=[[epidemiologist]]}}>
  • Page 586 epuzerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female suitor {{gl|marriage candidate}}> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|epuzer|t=[[suitor]]}} {{gl|marriage candidate}}>
  • Page 587 Erytrejczyk: Replacing <# a male Eritrean> with <# Eritrean>
  • Page 588 Erytrejka: Replacing <# a female Eritrean> with <# {{femeq|pl|Erytrejczyk|t=[[Eritrean]]}}>
  • Page 589 esperantystka: Replacing <# female Esperantist {{gl|specialist or speaker of Esperanto}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|esperantysta|t=[[Esperantist]]}} {{gl|specialist or speaker of Esperanto}}>
  • Page 590 estetka: Replacing <# female aesthete> with <# {{femeq|pl|esteta|t=[[aesthete]]}}>
  • Page 591 Estonka: Replacing <# Estonian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Estończyk|t=[[Estonian]]}}>
  • Page 592 Etiopczyk: Replacing <# a male Ethiopian> with <# Ethiopian>
  • Page 593 Etiopka: Replacing <# a female Ethiopian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Etiopczyk|t=[[Ethiopian]]}}>
  • Page 594 eurodeputowana: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} MEP {{gl|female Member of the European Parliament}}> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|eurodeputowany|t=[[MEP]]}} {{gl|female Member of the European Parliament}}>
  • Page 595 europarlamentarzystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} MEP {{gl|female Member of the European Parliament}}> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|europarlamentarzysta|t=[[MEP]]}} {{gl|female Member of the European Parliament}}>
  • Page 596 Europejka: Replacing <# European {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Europejczyk|t=[[European]]}}>
  • Page 597 europosłanka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} MEP {{gl|female Member of the European Parliament}}> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|europoseł|t=[[MEP]]}} {{gl|female Member of the European Parliament}}>
  • Page 598 ewangeliczka: Replacing <# female evangelical> with <# {{femeq|pl|ewangelik|t=[[evangelical]]}}>
  • Page 599 fabrykantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female manufacturer> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|fabrykant|t=[[manufacturer]]}}>
  • Page 600 facetka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|slang}} female teacher> with <# {{lb|pl|slang}} {{femeq|pl|facet|t=[[teacher]]}}>
  • Page 601 fajtłapa: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} male inept person, bungler> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} inept person, bungler>
  • Page 602 familiantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female family member> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|familiant|t=[[family member]]}}>
  • Page 603 fanatyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|pejorative}} female fanatic, female zealot, female crank> with <# {{lb|pl|pejorative}} {{femeq|pl|fanatyk|t=[[fanatic]], [[zealot]], [[crank]]}}>
  • Page 603 fanatyczka: Replacing <# female enthusiast, female fan, female nerd> with <# {{femeq|pl|fanatyk|t=[[enthusiast]], [[fan]], [[nerd]]}}>
  • Page 604 farmerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|agriculture}} farmer {{gl|female person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock}}> with <# {{lb|pl|agriculture}} {{femeq|pl|farmer|t=[[farmer]]}} {{gl|female person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock}}>
  • Page 605 faszystka: Replacing <# female fascist> with <# {{femeq|pl|faszysta|t=[[fascist]]}}>
  • Page 606 felietonistka: Replacing <# female feuilletonist, female columnist> with <# {{femeq|pl|felietonista|t=[[feuilletonist]], [[columnist]]}}>
  • Page 607 feminazistka: Replacing <# {{label|pl|neologism|offensive|pejorative}} female feminazi> with <# {{label|pl|neologism|offensive|pejorative}} {{femeq|pl|feminazista|t=[[feminazi]]}}>
  • Page 608 feministka: Replacing <# female feminist> with <# {{femeq|pl|feminista|t=[[feminist]]}}>
  • Page 609 figlarka: Replacing <# female prankster, trickster, mischief-maker> with <# {{femeq|pl|figlarz|t=[[prankster]], [[trickster]], [[mischief-maker]]}}>
  • Page 609 figlarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female swindler> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|figlarz|t=[[swindler]]}}>
  • Page 610 figurantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female figurehead, female puppet, female stooge {{gl|person in a nominal position of leadership but with no actual power}}> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|figurant|t=[[figurehead]], [[puppet]], [[stooge]]}} {{gl|person in a nominal position of leadership but with no actual power}}>
  • Page 610 figurantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|theatre}} female bit player, female extra> with <# {{lb|pl|theatre}} {{femeq|pl|figurant|t=[[bit player]], [[extra]]}}>
  • Page 611 filantropka: Replacing <# female philanthropist> with <# {{femeq|pl|filantrop|t=[[philanthropist]]}}>
  • Page 612 Filipinka: Replacing <# Filipina {{gl|female citizen of the Philippines}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Filipińczyk|t=[[Filipina]]}} {{gl|female citizen of the Philippines}}>
  • Page 613 finalistka: Replacing <# finalist {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|finalista|t=[[finalist]]}}>
  • Page 614 finansistka: Replacing <# female financier> with <# {{femeq|pl|finansista|t=[[financier]]}}>
  • Page 615 fizyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|neologism}} female physicist> with <# {{lb|pl|neologism}} {{femeq|pl|fizyk|t=[[physicist]]}}>
  • Page 616 flecistka: Replacing <# female flautist> with <# {{femeq|pl|flecista|t=[[flautist]]}}>
  • Page 617 flirciarka: Replacing <# female flirt, tease> with <# {{femeq|pl|flirciarz|t=[[flirt]], [[tease]]}}>
  • Page 618 fonetyczka: Replacing <# female phonetician> with <# {{femeq|pl|fonetyk|t=[[phonetician]]}}>
  • Page 619 fordanserka: Replacing <# female taxi dancer {{gl|hired escort or dancing partner}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|fordanser|t=[[taxi dancer]]}} {{gl|hired escort or dancing partner}}>
  • Page 620 formalistka: Replacing <# female formalist {{gl|overly formal person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|formalista|t=[[formalist]]}} {{gl|overly formal person}}>
  • Page 620 formalistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literature}} formalist {{gl|female advocate of formalism}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literature}} {{femeq|pl|formalista|t=[[formalist]]}} {{gl|female advocate of formalism}}>
  • Page 621 fotografka: Replacing <# female photographer> with <# {{femeq|pl|fotograf|t=[[photographer]]}}>
  • Page 622 frajerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female sucker, mug> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|frajer|t=[[sucker]], [[mug]]}}>
  • Page 623 freelancerka: Replacing <# female freelancer> with <# {{femeq|pl|freelancer|t=[[freelancer]]}}>
  • Page 624 freudystka: Replacing <# Freudian {{gl|female follower of Sigmund Freud}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|freudysta|t=[[Freudian]]}} {{gl|female follower of Sigmund Freud}}>
  • Page 625 frustratka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} frustrated female person, female loser> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|frustrat|t=[[frustrated]] person, [[loser]]}}>
  • Page 626 fryzjer: Replacing <# male hairdresser, male barber> with <# hairdresser, barber>
  • Page 627 fryzjerka: Replacing <# female hairdresser, female barber> with <# {{femeq|pl|fryzjer|t=[[hairdresser]], [[barber]]}}>
  • Page 628 fundamentalistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|philosophy|religion}} female fundamentalist> with <# {{lb|pl|philosophy|religion}} {{femeq|pl|fundamentalista|t=[[fundamentalist]]}}>
  • Page 629 fundatorka: Replacing <# female founder> with <# {{femeq|pl|fundator|t=[[founder]]}}>
  • Page 629 fundatorka: Replacing <# female donor, backer, sponsor> with <# {{femeq|pl|fundator|t=[[donor]], [[backer]], [[sponsor]]}}>
  • Page 630 funkcjonariuszka: Replacing <# female official, female officer, female agent, female functionary> with <# {{femeq|pl|funkcjonariusz|t=[[official]], [[officer]], [[agent]], [[functionary]]}}>
  • Page 631 furiatka: Replacing <# female hothead> with <# {{femeq|pl|furiat|t=[[hothead]]}}>
  • Page 632 Gabonka: Replacing <# a female Gabonese> with <# {{femeq|pl|Gabończyk|t=[[Gabonese]]}}>
  • Page 633 Gabończyk: Replacing <# a male Gabonese> with <# Gabonese>
  • Page 634 gaduła: Replacing <# A male person who is very or excessively loquacious; a chatterbox; a windbag> with <# person who is very or excessively loquacious; a chatterbox; a windbag>
  • Page 635 Gambijka: Replacing <# Gambian {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Gambijczyk|t=[[Gambian]]}}>
  • Page 636 gdańszczanin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of Gdańsk> with <# resident or native of Gdańsk>
  • Page 637 gdańszczanka: Replacing <# A female resident or native of Gdańsk> with <# {{femeq|pl|gdańszczanin|t=[[resident]] or [[native]] of [[Gdańsk]]}}>
  • Page 638 gestapowiec: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical|Nazism}} male Gestapo officer> with <# {{lb|pl|historical|Nazism}} Gestapo officer>
  • Page 639 gestapówka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical|Nazism}} female Gestapo officer> with <# {{lb|pl|historical|Nazism}} {{femeq|pl|gestapowiec|t=[[Gestapo]] [[officer]]}}>
  • Page 640 gimnazjalista: Replacing <# a male gimnazjum student> with <# gimnazjum student>
  • Page 641 gimnazjalistka: Replacing <# a female gimnazjum student> with <# {{femeq|pl|gimnazjalista|t=''[[gimnazjum]]'' student}}>
  • Page 642 gitarzystka: Replacing <# female guitarist> with <# {{femeq|pl|gitarzysta|t=[[guitarist]]}}>
  • Page 643 globtroterka: Replacing <# female globetrotter> with <# {{femeq|pl|globtroter|t=[[globetrotter]]}}>
  • Page 644 głosiciel: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|formal}} male advocate, male gospeler, male proponent, male supporter> with <# {{lb|pl|formal}} advocate, gospeler, proponent, supporter>
  • Page 645 głosicielka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|formal}} female advocate, female gospeler, female proponent, female supporter> with <# {{lb|pl|formal}} {{femeq|pl|głosiciel|t=[[advocate]], [[gospeler]], [[proponent]], [[supporter]]}}>
  • Page 646 gniada: Replacing <# female bay horse> with <# {{femeq|pl|gniady|t=[[bay]] [[horse]]}}>
  • Page 647 goj: Replacing <# male goy, Gentile> with <# goy, Gentile>
  • Page 648 gołowąs: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} A young, male person> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} young, person>
  • Page 649 gorol: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Upper Silesia}} male non-Silesian Pole> with <# {{lb|pl|Upper Silesia}} non-Silesian Pole>
  • Page 650 gorolka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Upper Silesia}} female non-Silesian Pole> with <# {{lb|pl|Upper Silesia}} {{femeq|pl|gorol|t=non-Silesian [[Pole]]}}>
  • Page 650 gorolka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Cieszyn Silesia}} góral {{gl|female inhabiting a mountainous or hilly terrain, particularly in southern Poland and northern Slovakia}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Cieszyn Silesia}} {{femeq|pl|gorol|t=[[góral]]}} {{gl|female inhabiting a mountainous or hilly terrain, particularly in southern Poland and northern Slovakia}}>
  • Page 651 gorzowianin: Replacing <# A male inhabitant of Gorzów Wielkopolski> with <# inhabitant of Gorzów Wielkopolski>
  • Page 651 gorzowianin: Replacing <# A male inhabitant of Gorzów Śląski> with <# inhabitant of Gorzów Śląski>
  • Page 651 gorzowianin: Replacing <# A male inhabitant of Gorzów> with <# inhabitant of Gorzów>
  • Page 652 gorzowianka: Replacing <# A female inhabitant of Gorzów Wielkopolski> with <# {{femeq|pl|gorzowianin|t=[[inhabitant]] of [[Gorzów Wielkopolski]]}}>
  • Page 652 gorzowianka: Replacing <# A female inhabitant of Gorzów Śląski> with <# {{femeq|pl|gorzowianin|t=[[inhabitant]] of [[Gorzów Śląski]]}}>
  • Page 652 gorzowianka: Replacing <# A female inhabitant of Gorzów> with <# {{femeq|pl|gorzowianin|t=[[inhabitant]] of [[Gorzów]]}}>
  • Page 653 gospodyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|agriculture}} female farmer> with <# {{lb|pl|agriculture}} {{femeq|pl|gospodarz|t=[[farmer]]}}>
  • Page 654 góral: Replacing <# A male inhabiting mountainous or hilly terrain, particularly in southern Poland and northern Slovakia> with <# inhabiting mountainous or hilly terrain, particularly in southern Poland and northern Slovakia>
  • Page 655 góralka: Replacing <# A female inhabiting mountainous or hilly terrain, particularly in southern Poland and northern Slovakia> with <# {{femeq|pl|góral|t=inhabiting [[mountainous]] or [[hilly]] terrain, particularly in southern Poland and northern Slovakia}}>
  • Page 656 gówniara: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|vulgar|offensive}} female shithead, brat; immature youth> with <# {{lb|pl|vulgar|offensive}} {{femeq|pl|gówniarz|t=[[shithead]], [[brat]]; [[immature]] [[youth]]}}>
  • Page 657 Grenlandczyk: Replacing <# A male Greenlander> with <# Greenlander>
  • Page 658 Grenlandka: Replacing <# A female Greenlander> with <# {{femeq|pl|Grenlandczyk|t=[[Greenlander]]}}>
  • Page 659 grubaska: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} fatso {{gl|obese female person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|grubas|t=[[fatso]]}} {{gl|obese female person}}>
  • Page 660 grubianka: Replacing <# female boor {{gl|uncultured person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|grubianin|t=[[boor]]}} {{gl|uncultured person}}>
  • Page 661 grzebuła: Replacing <# male slowpoke> with <# slowpoke>
  • Page 662 grzesznica: Replacing <# female sinner> with <# {{femeq|pl|grzesznik|t=[[sinner]]}}>
  • Page 663 Gujanka: Replacing <# Guyanese {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Gujańczyk|t=[[Guyanese]]}}>
  • Page 664 guzdrała: Replacing <# male slowpoke> with <# slowpoke>
  • Page 665 Gwatemalczyk: Replacing <# a male Guatemalan {{gl|citizen of the country}}> with <# Guatemalan {{gl|citizen of the country}}>
  • Page 666 gwatemalczyk: Replacing <# a male inhabitant of Guatemala City {{gl|capital of Guatemala}}> with <# inhabitant of Guatemala City {{gl|capital of Guatemala}}>
  • Page 667 Gwatemalka: Replacing <# a female Guatemalan {{gl|citizen of the country}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Gwatemalczyk|t=[[Guatemalan]]}} {{gl|citizen of the country}}>
  • Page 668 gwatemalka: Replacing <# a female inhabitant of Guatemala City {{gl|capital of Guatemala}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|gwatemalczyk|t=[[inhabitant]] of [[Guatemala City]]}} {{gl|capital of Guatemala}}>
  • Page 669 Haitanka: Replacing <# Haitian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Haitańczyk|t=[[Haitian]]}}>
  • Page 670 haktywistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|computing}} female hacktivist {{gl|a person who engages in hacktivism}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|computing}} {{femeq|pl|haktywista|t=[[hacktivist]]}} {{gl|a person who engages in hacktivism}}>
  • Page 671 hanys: Replacing <# male resident of Upper Silesia> with <# resident of Upper Silesia>
  • Page 672 hanyska: Replacing <# female resident of Upper Silesia> with <# {{femeq|pl|hanys|t=[[resident]] of [[Upper Silesia]]}}>
  • Page 673 harcerka: Replacing <# female scout> with <# {{femeq|pl|harcerz|t=[[scout]]}}>
  • Page 674 harfistka: Replacing <# female harpist> with <# {{femeq|pl|harfista|t=[[harpist]]}}>
  • Page 675 hierarchini: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|rare}} high ranking female member of the clergy> with <# {{lb|pl|rare}} {{femeq|pl|hierarcha|t=high ranking member of the [[clergy]]}}>
  • Page 676 hipokrytka: Replacing <# female hypocrite> with <# {{femeq|pl|hipokryta|t=[[hypocrite]]}}>
  • Page 677 hipsterka: Replacing <# hipster {{gl|female person interested in the latest trends}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|hipster|t=[[hipster]]}} {{gl|female person interested in the latest trends}}>
  • Page 677 hipsterka: Replacing <# hipster {{gl|female aficionado of jazz who considers himself or herself to be hip}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|hipster|t=[[hipster]]}} {{gl|female aficionado of jazz who considers himself or herself to be hip}}>
  • Page 678 historyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female historian> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|historyk|t=[[historian]]}}>
  • Page 678 historyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female history teacher> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|historyk|t=[[history]] [[teacher]]}}>
  • Page 679 Hiszpanka: Replacing <# Spaniard {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Hiszpan|t=[[Spaniard]]}}>
  • Page 680 hitlerówka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|Nazism}} female Hitlerian> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|Nazism}} {{femeq|pl|hitlerowiec|t=[[Hitlerian]]}}>
  • Page 681 hobbitka: Replacing <# female hobbit {{gl|fictional small humanoid creature}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|hobbit|t=[[hobbit]]}} {{gl|fictional small humanoid creature}}>
  • Page 682 hobbystka: Replacing <# female hobbyist> with <# {{femeq|pl|hobbysta|t=[[hobbyist]]}}>
  • Page 683 hochsztaplerka: Replacing <# female grifter, mountebank> with <# {{femeq|pl|hochsztapler|t=[[grifter]], [[mountebank]]}}>
  • Page 684 hokeistka: Replacing <# female hockey player> with <# {{femeq|pl|hokeista|t=[[hockey]] [[player]]}}>
  • Page 685 Honduranka: Replacing <# Honduran {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Honduranin|t=[[Honduran]]}}>
  • Page 686 Hucułka: Replacing <# female Hutsul {{gl|female member of the Hutsul ethnic group}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Hucuł|t=[[Hutsul]]}} {{gl|female member of the Hutsul ethnic group}}>
  • Page 687 humanistka: Replacing <# female humanist> with <# {{femeq|pl|humanista|t=[[humanist]]}}>
  • Page 688 husytka: Replacing <# female Hussite> with <# {{femeq|pl|husyta|t=[[Hussite]]}}>
  • Page 689 ichtiolog: Replacing <# female ichthyologist> with <# {{femeq|pl|ichtiolog|t=[[ichthyologist]]}}>
  • Page 690 idealista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} male idealist {{gl|one who adheres to idealism}}> with <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} idealist {{gl|one who adheres to idealism}}>
  • Page 690 idealista: Replacing <# male idealist {{gl|someone whose conduct stems from idealism rather than from practicality}}> with <# idealist {{gl|someone whose conduct stems from idealism rather than from practicality}}>
  • Page 690 idealista: Replacing <# male idealist {{gl|unrealistic or impractical visionary}}> with <# idealist {{gl|unrealistic or impractical visionary}}>
  • Page 691 idealistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} female idealist {{gl|one who adheres to idealism}}> with <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} {{femeq|pl|idealista|t=[[idealist]]}} {{gl|one who adheres to idealism}}>
  • Page 691 idealistka: Replacing <# female idealist {{gl|someone whose conduct stems from idealism rather than from practicality}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|idealista|t=[[idealist]]}} {{gl|someone whose conduct stems from idealism rather than from practicality}}>
  • Page 691 idealistka: Replacing <# female idealist {{gl|unrealistic or impractical visionary}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|idealista|t=[[idealist]]}} {{gl|unrealistic or impractical visionary}}>
  • Page 692 ignorantka: Replacing <# female ignorant> with <# {{femeq|pl|ignorant|t=[[ignorant]]}}>
  • Page 693 ilustratorka: Replacing <# female illustrator> with <# {{femeq|pl|ilustrator|t=[[illustrator]]}}>
  • Page 694 iluzjonistka: Replacing <# female illusionist> with <# {{femeq|pl|iluzjonista|t=[[illusionist]]}}>
  • Page 695 iłżanin: Replacing <# A male inhabitant of Iłża> with <# inhabitant of Iłża>
  • Page 696 iłżanka: Replacing <# A female inhabitant of Iłża> with <# {{femeq|pl|iłżanin|t=[[inhabitant]] of [[Iłża]]}}>
  • Page 697 imienniczka: Replacing <# namesake, namefellow {{gl|female person having the same last name as another woman who is unrelated to her}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|imiennik|t=[[namesake]], [[namefellow]]}} {{gl|female person having the same last name as another woman who is unrelated to her}}>
  • Page 698 imigrantka: Replacing <# female immigrant> with <# {{femeq|pl|imigrant|t=[[immigrant]]}}>
  • Page 699 immoralista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} male amoralist, male immoralist> with <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} amoralist, immoralist>
  • Page 700 immoralistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} female amoralist, female immoralist> with <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} {{femeq|pl|immoralista|t=[[amoralist]], [[immoralist]]}}>
  • Page 701 imprezowicz: Replacing <# a male party animal, reveller> with <# party animal, reveller>
  • Page 702 imprezowiczka: Replacing <# a female party animal, reveller> with <# {{femeq|pl|imprezowicz|t=[[party animal]], [[reveller]]}}>
  • Page 703 Indonezyjczyk: Replacing <# male Indonesian> with <# Indonesian>
  • Page 704 Indonezyjka: Replacing <# female Indonesian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Indonezyjczyk|t=[[Indonesian]]}}>
  • Page 705 indyczka: Replacing <# female turkey {{gl|bird}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|indyk|t=[[turkey]]}} {{gl|bird}}>
  • Page 706 inicjatorka: Replacing <# female initiator, female instigator> with <# {{femeq|pl|inicjator|t=[[initiator]], [[instigator]]}}>
  • Page 707 inspektorka: Replacing <# female inspector {{gl|person employed to inspect something}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|inspektor|t=[[inspector]]}} {{gl|person employed to inspect something}}>
  • Page 707 inspektorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law enforcement}} female inspector {{gl|police officer ranking below superintendent}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law enforcement}} {{femeq|pl|inspektor|t=[[inspector]]}} {{gl|police officer ranking below superintendent}}>
  • Page 708 instruktorka: Replacing <# female instructor> with <# {{femeq|pl|instruktor|t=[[instructor]]}}>
  • Page 709 instrumentalistka: Replacing <# female instrumentalist> with <# {{femeq|pl|instrumentalista|t=[[instrumentalist]]}}>
  • Page 710 intelektualistka: Replacing <# female intellectual, female thinker> with <# {{femeq|pl|intelektualista|t=[[intellectual]], [[thinker]]}}>
  • Page 710 intelektualistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} female intellectualist> with <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} {{femeq|pl|intelektualista|t=[[intellectualist]]}}>
  • Page 711 interesantka: Replacing <# client {{gl|female person who receives help or advice from a professional person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|interesant|t=[[client]]}} {{gl|female person who receives help or advice from a professional person}}>
  • Page 712 interlokutor: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male interlocutor {{gl|person who takes part in dialogue or conversation}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} interlocutor {{gl|person who takes part in dialogue or conversation}}>
  • Page 713 interlokutorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female interlocutor {{gl|person who takes part in dialogue or conversation}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|interlokutor|t=[[interlocutor]]}} {{gl|person who takes part in dialogue or conversation}}>
  • Page 714 intrygantka: Replacing <# female plotter, female schemer, female machinator> with <# {{femeq|pl|intrygant|t=[[plotter]], [[schemer]], [[machinator]]}}>
  • Page 715 Iranka: Replacing <# a female Iranian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Irańczyk|t=[[Iranian]]}}>
  • Page 716 Irańczyk: Replacing <# a male Iranian> with <# Iranian>
  • Page 717 Irokezka: Replacing <# Iroquois {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Irokez|t=[[Iroquois]]}}>
  • Page 718 Islandka: Replacing <# Icelander {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Islandczyk|t=[[Icelander]]}}>
  • Page 719 Iworyjka: Replacing <# Ivorian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Iworyjczyk|t=[[Ivorian]]}}>
  • Page 720 Izraelka: Replacing <# Israeli {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Izraelczyk|t=[[Israeli]]}}>
  • Page 721 jakobin: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical|politics}} male Jacobin {{gl|member of a radical French political club founded (at an old Jacobin convent) in 1789 and one of the driving forces of the French Revolution}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical|politics}} Jacobin {{gl|member of a radical French political club founded (at an old Jacobin convent) in 1789 and one of the driving forces of the French Revolution}}>
  • Page 721 jakobin: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical|politics}} male Jacobin {{gl|member of a group of radical patriotic activists during the Kościuszko Uprising}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical|politics}} Jacobin {{gl|member of a group of radical patriotic activists during the Kościuszko Uprising}}>
  • Page 721 jakobin: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|by extension|dated|politics}} male Jacobin {{gl|political radical}}> with <# {{lb|pl|by extension|dated|politics}} Jacobin {{gl|political radical}}>
  • Page 722 jakobinka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical|politics}} female Jacobin {{gl|member of a radical French political club founded (at an old Jacobin convent) in 1789 and one of the driving forces of the French Revolution}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical|politics}} {{femeq|pl|jakobin|t=[[Jacobin]]}} {{gl|member of a radical French political club founded (at an old Jacobin convent) in 1789 and one of the driving forces of the French Revolution}}>
  • Page 722 jakobinka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical|politics}} female Jacobin {{gl|member of a group of radical patriotic activists during the Kościuszko Uprising}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical|politics}} {{femeq|pl|jakobin|t=[[Jacobin]]}} {{gl|member of a group of radical patriotic activists during the Kościuszko Uprising}}>
  • Page 722 jakobinka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|by extension|dated|politics}} female Jacobin {{gl|political radical}}> with <# {{lb|pl|by extension|dated|politics}} {{femeq|pl|jakobin|t=[[Jacobin]]}} {{gl|political radical}}>
  • Page 723 Jamajczyk: Replacing <# a male Jamaican> with <# Jamaican>
  • Page 724 jankeska: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} Yankee {{gl|female native or inhabitant of the USA}}> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|jankes|t=[[Yankee]]}} {{gl|female native or inhabitant of the USA}}>
  • Page 725 Jankeska: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} Yankee {{gl|female native or inhabitant of the Northern USA}}> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|Jankes|t=[[Yankee]]}} {{gl|female native or inhabitant of the Northern USA}}>
  • Page 726 jaroszka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} A vegetarian {{gl|female person who does not eat meat}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|jarosz|t=[[vegetarian]]}} {{gl|female person who does not eat meat}}>
  • Page 727 Jawajka: Replacing <# Javanese {{gl|female person from Java or of Javanese descent}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Jawajczyk|t=[[Javanese]]}} {{gl|female person from Java or of Javanese descent}}>
  • Page 728 jedenastolatka: Replacing <# eleven-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|jedenastolatek|t=[[eleven]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 729 jerozolimczyk: Replacing <# A male resident or native of Jerusalem> with <# resident or native of Jerusalem>
  • Page 730 jerozolimka: Replacing <# A female resident or native of Jerusalem> with <# {{femeq|pl|jerozolimczyk|t=[[resident]] or [[native]] of [[Jerusalem]]}}>
  • Page 731 jeźdźczyni: Replacing <# female horseman, rider; person who rides a mount> with <# {{femeq|pl|jeździec|t=[[horseman]], [[rider]]; person who [[ride]]s a [[mount]]}}>
  • Page 732 joginka: Replacing <# female yogi> with <# {{femeq|pl|jogin|t=[[yogi]]}}>
  • Page 733 jubilat: Replacing <# A male person celebrating their birthday or anniversary> with <# person celebrating their birthday or anniversary>
  • Page 734 jubilatka: Replacing <# A female person celebrating their birthday or anniversary> with <# {{femeq|pl|jubilat|t=person celebrating their [[birthday]] or [[anniversary]]}}>
  • Page 735 jubilerka: Replacing <# female jeweler, jeweller> with <# {{femeq|pl|jubiler|t=[[jeweler]], [[jeweller]]}}>
  • Page 736 judoczka: Replacing <# female judoka> with <# {{femeq|pl|judoka|t=[[judoka]]}}>
  • Page 737 judok: Replacing <# male judoka> with <# judoka>
  • Page 738 kabotynka: Replacing <# female buffoon> with <# {{femeq|pl|kabotyn|t=[[buffoon]]}}>
  • Page 739 kacap: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|ethnic slur}} male Russki> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|ethnic slur}} Russki>
  • Page 739 kacap: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} narrow-minded male person> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} narrow-minded person>
  • Page 740 kacapka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|ethnic slur}} female Russki> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|ethnic slur}} {{femeq|pl|kacap|t=[[Russki]]}}>
  • Page 740 kacapka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} narrow-minded female person> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|kacap|t=[[narrow-minded]] person}}>
  • Page 741 kadetka: Replacing <# cadet {{gl|female student at a military school}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|kadet|t=[[cadet]]}} {{gl|female student at a military school}}>
  • Page 741 kadetka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} cadet {{gl|female member of the Constitutional Democratic Party in the Russian Empire}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|kadet|t=[[cadet]]}} {{gl|female member of the Constitutional Democratic Party in the Russian Empire}}>
  • Page 742 kajakarka: Replacing <# female canoeist, female kayaker> with <# {{femeq|pl|kajakarz|t=[[canoeist]], [[kayaker]]}}>
  • Page 743 Kalifornijka: Replacing <# Californian {{gl|a female native or resident of the state of California, USA}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Kalifornijczyk|t=[[Californian]]}} {{gl|a female native or resident of the state of California, USA}}>
  • Page 744 kaliszanin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of Kalisz> with <# resident or native of Kalisz>
  • Page 745 kaliszanka: Replacing <# A female resident or native of Kalisz> with <# {{femeq|pl|kaliszanin|t=[[resident]] or [[native]] of [[Kalisz]]}}>
  • Page 746 kalwinistka: Replacing <# female Calvinist> with <# {{femeq|pl|kalwinista|t=[[Calvinist]]}}>
  • Page 747 Kambodżanin: Replacing <# a male Cambodian> with <# Cambodian>
  • Page 748 Kambodżanka: Replacing <# a female Cambodian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Kambodżanin|t=[[Cambodian]]}}>
  • Page 749 Kamerunka: Replacing <# a female Cameroonian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Kameruńczyk|t=[[Cameroonian]]}}>
  • Page 750 Kameruńczyk: Replacing <# a male Cameroonian> with <# Cameroonian>
  • Page 751 kamienicznica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|rare}} female tenement house owner> with <# {{lb|pl|rare}} {{femeq|pl|kamienicznik|t=[[tenement]] [[house]] [[owner]]}}>
  • Page 752 kamieniczniczka: Replacing <# female tenement house owner> with <# {{femeq|pl|kamienicznik|t=[[tenement]] [[house]] [[owner]]}}>
  • Page 753 kamienicznik: Replacing <# male tenement house owner> with <# tenement house owner>
  • Page 754 kamratka: Replacing <# female comrade, mate, companion> with <# {{femeq|pl|kamrat|t=[[comrade]], [[mate]], [[companion]]}}>
  • Page 755 Kanadyjczyk: Replacing <# male Canadian {{gl|person from [[Canada]]}}> with <# Canadian {{gl|person from [[Canada]]}}>
  • Page 756 Kanadyjka: Replacing <# Canadian {{gl|female}} {{gl|a woman or girl from [[Canada]]}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Kanadyjczyk|t=[[Canadian]]}} {{gl|a woman or girl from [[Canada]]}}>
  • Page 757 kandydatka: Replacing <# female candidate> with <# {{femeq|pl|kandydat|t=[[candidate]]}}>
  • Page 758 kapitalistka: Replacing <# female capitalist> with <# {{femeq|pl|kapitalista|t=[[capitalist]]}}>
  • Page 759 kapłanka: Replacing <# female priest> with <# {{femeq|pl|kapłan|t=[[priest]]}}>
  • Page 760 karczmarka: Replacing <# female innkeeper, publican> with <# {{femeq|pl|karczmarz|t=[[innkeeper]], [[publican]]}}>
  • Page 761 karierowicz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} male arriviste, male careerist, male social climber, male upstart> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} arriviste, careerist, social climber, upstart>
  • Page 762 karierowiczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female arriviste, female careerist, female social climber, female upstart> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|karierowicz|t=[[arriviste]], [[careerist]], [[social climber]], [[upstart]]}}>
  • Page 763 kasjerka: Replacing <# female cashier> with <# {{femeq|pl|kasjer|t=[[cashier]]}}>
  • Page 764 Kaszub: Replacing <# A male member of the Kashubian people> with <# member of the Kashubian people>
  • Page 765 Kaszuba: Replacing <# A male member of the Kashubian people> with <# member of the Kashubian people>
  • Page 766 Kaszubka: Replacing <# A female member of the Kashubian people> with <# {{femeq|pl|[[Kaszuba]], [[Kaszub]]|t=member of the [[Kashubian]] people}}>
  • Page 767 Katarczyk: Replacing <# A male Qatari> with <# Qatari>
  • Page 768 Katarka: Replacing <# A female Qatari> with <# {{femeq|pl|Katarczyk|t=[[Qatari]]}}>
  • Page 769 katoliczka: Replacing <# female Catholic> with <# {{femeq|pl|katolik|t=[[Catholic]]}}>
  • Page 770 kawalarka: Replacing <# practical joker {{gl|female person who makes practical jokes}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|kawalarz|t=[[practical joker]]}} {{gl|female person who makes practical jokes}}>
  • Page 770 kawalarka: Replacing <# female prankster> with <# {{femeq|pl|kawalarz|t=[[prankster]]}}>
  • Page 771 kawiara: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female coffee enthusiast> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|kawiarz|t=[[coffee]] [[enthusiast]]}}>
  • Page 772 kawiarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male coffee enthusiast> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} coffee enthusiast>
  • Page 773 kawosz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male coffee enthusiast> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} coffee enthusiast>
  • Page 774 kawoszka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female coffee enthusiast> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|kawosz|t=[[coffee]] [[enthusiast]]}}>
  • Page 775 Kazach: Replacing <# male Kazakh> with <# Kazakh>
  • Page 776 Kazaszka: Replacing <# female Kazakh> with <# {{femeq|pl|Kazach|t=[[Kazakh]]}}>
  • Page 777 keyboardzistka: Replacing <# female keyboardist> with <# {{femeq|pl|keyboardzista|t=[[keyboardist]]}}>
  • Page 778 kielczanin: Replacing <# male inhabitant of Kielce> with <# inhabitant of Kielce>
  • Page 779 kielczanka: Replacing <# female inhabitant of Kielce> with <# {{femeq|pl|kielczanin|t=inhabitant of [[Kielce]]}}>
  • Page 780 kinomanka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|film}} female cinephile> with <# {{lb|pl|film}} {{femeq|pl|kinoman|t=[[cinephile]]}}>
  • Page 781 kioskarka: Replacing <# newsagent {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|kioskarz|t=[[newsagent]]}}>
  • Page 782 Kirgiz: Replacing <# A male Kyrgyz or Kyrgyzstani> with <# Kyrgyz or Kyrgyzstani>
  • Page 783 Kirgizka: Replacing <# A female Kyrgyz or Kyrgyzstani> with <# {{femeq|pl|Kirgiz|t=[[Kyrgyz]] or [[Kyrgyzstani]]}}>
  • Page 784 klacz: Replacing <# mare {{gl|female horse}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|ogier|t=[[mare]]}} {{gl|female horse}}>
  • Page 785 klientka: Replacing <# female client, customer {{gl|one who purchases or receives a product or service}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|klient|t=[[client]], [[customer]]}} {{gl|one who purchases or receives a product or service}}>
  • Page 786 klucznica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} female keyholder {{gl|one who holds the key to a building}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|klucznik|t=[[keyholder]]}} {{gl|one who holds the key to a building}}>
  • Page 787 kłótnica: Replacing <# female quarreler, female brawler, female wrangler> with <# {{femeq|pl|kłótnik|t=[[quarreler]], [[brawler]], [[wrangler]]}}>
  • Page 788 kochanieńka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|familiar}} dear {{gl|female person close to someone}}> with <# {{lb|pl|familiar}} {{femeq|pl|kochanieńki|t=[[dear]]}} {{gl|female person close to someone}}>
  • Page 789 kochaniutka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|familiar}} dear {{gl|female person close to someone}}> with <# {{lb|pl|familiar}} {{femeq|pl|kochaniutki|t=[[dear]]}} {{gl|female person close to someone}}>
  • Page 790 kocica: Replacing <# a female cat> with <# {{femeq|pl|kocur|t=[[cat]]}}>
  • Page 791 kolaborant: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} male collaborator, male quisling> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} collaborator, quisling>
  • Page 792 kolaborantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} female collaborator, female quisling> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} {{femeq|pl|kolaborant|t=[[collaborator]], [[quisling]]}}>
  • Page 793 kolega: Replacing <# male friend, buddy> with <# friend, buddy>
  • Page 794 koleżanka: Replacing <# female friend, buddy> with <# {{femeq|pl|kolega|t=[[friend]], [[buddy]]}}>
  • Page 794 koleżanka: Replacing <# female colleague> with <# {{femeq|pl|kolega|t=[[colleague]]}}>
  • Page 795 kolędniczka: Replacing <# female caroler, female carol singer> with <# {{femeq|pl|kolędnik|t=[[caroler]], [[carol singer]]}}>
  • Page 796 kolędnik: Replacing <# male caroler, male carol singer> with <# caroler, carol singer>
  • Page 797 Kolumbijka: Replacing <# Colombian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Kolumbijczyk|t=[[Colombian]]}}>
  • Page 798 kombatantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|military}} female combatant {{gl|person engaged in combat, often armed}}> with <# {{lb|pl|military}} {{femeq|pl|kombatant|t=[[combatant]]}} {{gl|person engaged in combat, often armed}}>
  • Page 799 kombinatorka: Replacing <# female schemer, female operator> with <# {{femeq|pl|kombinator|t=[[schemer]], [[operator]]}}>
  • Page 800 komediantka: Replacing <# comedian {{gl|any female person who is humorous or amusing, either characteristically or on a particular occasion}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|komediant|t=[[comedian]]}} {{gl|any female person who is humorous or amusing, either characteristically or on a particular occasion}}>
  • Page 800 komediantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} actress {{gl|female person who performs in a theatrical play or film}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|komediant|t=[[actress]]}} {{gl|female person who performs in a theatrical play or film}}>
  • Page 801 komornik: Replacing <# male bailiff {{gl|officer concerned with debt collection}}> with <# bailiff {{gl|officer concerned with debt collection}}>
  • Page 802 kompanka: Replacing <# female companion, mate, comrade> with <# {{femeq|pl|kompan|t=[[companion]], [[mate]], [[comrade]]}}>
  • Page 803 komsomolec: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|communism|historical}} male member of the Komsomol> with <# {{lb|pl|communism|historical}} member of the Komsomol>
  • Page 804 komsomołka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|communism|historical}} female member of the Komsomol> with <# {{lb|pl|communism|historical}} {{femeq|pl|komsomolec|t=[[member]] of the [[Komsomol]]}}>
  • Page 805 komunistka: Replacing <# female communist> with <# {{femeq|pl|komunista|t=[[communist]]}}>
  • Page 806 komuszka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|politics}} female commie> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|politics}} {{femeq|pl|komuch|t=[[commie]]}}>
  • Page 807 konecczanin: Replacing <# male inhabitant of Końskie> with <# inhabitant of Końskie>
  • Page 808 konecczanka: Replacing <# female inhabitant of Końskie> with <# {{femeq|pl|konecczanin|t=inhabitant of [[Końskie]]}}>
  • Page 809 koneserka: Replacing <# female connoisseur> with <# {{femeq|pl|koneser|t=[[connoisseur]]}}>
  • Page 810 konfidentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female confidant> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|konfident|t=[[confidant]]}}>
  • Page 810 konfidentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female informant, secret agent> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|konfident|t=[[informant]], [[secret agent]]}}>
  • Page 811 Kongijczyk: Replacing <# a male Congolese {{gl|all senses}}> with <# Congolese {{gl|all senses}}>
  • Page 812 Kongijka: Replacing <# a female Congolese {{gl|all senses}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Kongijczyk|t=[[Congolese]]}} {{gl|all senses}}>
  • Page 813 konkurentka: Replacing <# female challenger, female competitor> with <# {{femeq|pl|konkurent|t=[[challenger]], [[competitor]]}}>
  • Page 813 konkurentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female admirer, female wooer> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|konkurent|t=[[admirer]], [[wooer]]}}>
  • Page 814 konserwatorka: Replacing <# conservator {{gl|female professional who works on the conservation and restoration of objects}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|konserwator|t=[[conservator]]}} {{gl|female professional who works on the conservation and restoration of objects}}>
  • Page 815 konserwatystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female conservative> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|konserwatysta|t=[[conservative]]}}>
  • Page 816 konsjerżka: Replacing <# female concierge> with <# {{femeq|pl|konsjerż|t=[[concierge]]}}>
  • Page 817 konspirator: Replacing <# male conspirator> with <# conspirator>
  • Page 818 konspiratorka: Replacing <# female conspirator> with <# {{femeq|pl|konspirator|t=[[conspirator]]}}>
  • Page 819 konsultantka: Replacing <# consultant {{gl|female person whose occupation is to be consulted for their expertise}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|konsultant|t=[[consultant]]}} {{gl|female person whose occupation is to be consulted for their expertise}}>
  • Page 820 konsumentka: Replacing <# female consumer> with <# {{femeq|pl|konsument|t=[[consumer]]}}>
  • Page 821 kontrahentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|finance|law|insurance}} female counterparty {{gl|other party to a financial transaction}}> with <# {{lb|pl|finance|law|insurance}} {{femeq|pl|kontrahent|t=[[counterparty]]}} {{gl|other party to a financial transaction}}>
  • Page 822 konwertytka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} convert {{gl|female person who has converted religion}}> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} {{femeq|pl|konwertyta|t=[[convert]]}} {{gl|female person who has converted religion}}>
  • Page 823 kooperantka: Replacing <# female cooperator, collaborator> with <# {{femeq|pl|kooperant|t=[[cooperator]], [[collaborator]]}}>
  • Page 823 kooperantka: Replacing <# female supplier> with <# {{femeq|pl|kooperant|t=[[supplier]]}}>
  • Page 824 koordynatorka: Replacing <# female coordinator> with <# {{femeq|pl|koordynator|t=[[coordinator]]}}>
  • Page 825 korespondentka: Replacing <# female correspondent {{gl|one who communicates by writing}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|korespondent|t=[[correspondent]]}} {{gl|one who communicates by writing}}>
  • Page 825 korespondentka: Replacing <# female correspondent {{gl|journalist who sends reports from a distant or overseas location}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|korespondent|t=[[correspondent]]}} {{gl|journalist who sends reports from a distant or overseas location}}>
  • Page 826 Kosowianin: Replacing <# a male Kosovan, inhabitant of Kosovo> with <# Kosovan, inhabitant of Kosovo>
  • Page 827 Kosowianka: Replacing <# a female Kosovan, inhabitant of Kosovo> with <# {{femeq|pl|Kosowianin|t=[[Kosovan]], inhabitant of [[Kosovo]]}}>
  • Page 828 kościelna: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Roman Catholicism}} female sacristan, verger> with <# {{lb|pl|Roman Catholicism}} {{femeq|pl|kościelny|t=[[sacristan]], [[verger]]}}>
  • Page 829 krakowianin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of Kraków> with <# resident or native of Kraków>
  • Page 830 krakowianka: Replacing <# A female resident or native of Kraków> with <# {{femeq|pl|krakowianin|t=[[resident]] or [[native]] of [[Kraków]]}}>
  • Page 831 krawczyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Lwów}} tailoress {{gl|female tailor}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Lwów}} {{femeq|pl|krawiec|t=[[tailoress]]}} {{gl|female tailor}}>
  • Page 832 kretynka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} cretin {{gl|female fool, idiot}}> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|kretyn|t=[[cretin]]}} {{gl|female fool, idiot}}>
  • Page 832 kretynka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|obsolete|pathology}} cretin {{gl|female person who fails to develop due to congenital hypothyroidism}}> with <# {{lb|pl|obsolete|pathology}} {{femeq|pl|kretyn|t=[[cretin]]}} {{gl|female person who fails to develop due to congenital hypothyroidism}}>
  • Page 833 królica: Replacing <# female rabbit {{gl|mammal}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|królik|t=[[rabbit]]}} {{gl|mammal}}>
  • Page 834 krytyczka: Replacing <# female critic> with <# {{femeq|pl|krytyk|t=[[critic]]}}>
  • Page 835 krytykantka: Replacing <# female nitpicker, female faultfinder> with <# {{femeq|pl|krytykant|t=[[nitpicker]], [[faultfinder]]}}>
  • Page 836 krzykaczka: Replacing <# female bellower, blusterer, crier, heckler, loudmouth, screamer> with <# {{femeq|pl|krzykacz|t=[[bellower]], [[blusterer]], [[crier]], [[heckler]], [[loudmouth]], [[screamer]]}}>
  • Page 837 księgowa: Replacing <# female accountant> with <# {{femeq|pl|księgowy|t=[[accountant]]}}>
  • Page 838 Kubanka: Replacing <# A female Cuban> with <# {{femeq|pl|Kubańczyk|t=[[Cuban]]}}>
  • Page 839 Kubańczyk: Replacing <# A male Cuban> with <# Cuban>
  • Page 840 kucharka: Replacing <# female cook> with <# {{femeq|pl|kucharz|t=[[cook]]}}>
  • Page 841 kujonka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female spod> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|kujon|t=[[spod]]}}>
  • Page 842 kuplerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female pimp, procurer> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|kupler|t=[[pimp]], [[procurer]]}}>
  • Page 843 kuratorka: Replacing <# female curator> with <# {{femeq|pl|kurator|t=[[curator]]}}>
  • Page 844 kurierka: Replacing <# courier {{gl|female person who delivers messages}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|kurier|t=[[courier]]}} {{gl|female person who delivers messages}}>
  • Page 845 kursantka: Replacing <# female participant on a course; trainee, learner> with <# {{femeq|pl|kursant|t=[[participant]] on a [[course]]; [[trainee]], [[learner]]}}>
  • Page 846 kutwa: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male penny pincher, skinflint, scrooge, tightwad> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} penny pincher, skinflint, scrooge, tightwad>
  • Page 847 kwakier: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} A male Quaker> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} Quaker>
  • Page 848 kwakierka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} A female Quaker> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} {{femeq|pl|kwakier|t=[[Quaker]]}}>
  • Page 849 kwiaciarka: Replacing <# female florist {{gl|person who sells flowers}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|kwiaciarz|t=[[florist]]}} {{gl|person who sells flowers}}>
  • Page 849 kwiaciarka: Replacing <# female florist {{gl|person who cultivates flowers}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|kwiaciarz|t=[[florist]]}} {{gl|person who cultivates flowers}}>
  • Page 850 kwiaciarz: Replacing <# male florist {{gl|person who sells flowers}}> with <# florist {{gl|person who sells flowers}}>
  • Page 850 kwiaciarz: Replacing <# male florist {{gl|person who cultivates flowers}}> with <# florist {{gl|person who cultivates flowers}}>
  • Page 850 kwiaciarz: Replacing <# male person who manufactures artificial flowers> with <# person who manufactures artificial flowers>
  • Page 851 Lach: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic|or|poetic}} A male Pole> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic|or|poetic}} Pole>
  • Page 851 Lach: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Góral}} A male lowlander> with <# {{lb|pl|Góral}} lowlander>
  • Page 851 Lach: Replacing <# A male member of various {{w|ethnographic group}}s in southern Poland> with <# member of various {{w|ethnographic group}}s in southern Poland>
  • Page 852 Lankijczyk: Replacing <# a male Sri Lankan> with <# Sri Lankan>
  • Page 853 Lankijka: Replacing <# a female Sri Lankan> with <# {{femeq|pl|Lankijczyk|t=[[Sri Lankan]]}}>
  • Page 854 Laotanka: Replacing <# a female Lao> with <# {{femeq|pl|Laotańczyk|t=[[Lao]]}}>
  • Page 855 Laotańczyk: Replacing <# a male Lao> with <# Lao>
  • Page 856 latawiec: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} A male person who enjoys spending time outside the home> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} person who enjoys spending time outside the home>
  • Page 857 Latynoska: Replacing <# Latino {{gl|female person from Latin America}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Latynos|t=[[Latino]]}} {{gl|female person from Latin America}}>
  • Page 858 laureatka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female laureate {{gl|one crowned with laurel}}> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|laureat|t=[[laureate]]}} {{gl|one crowned with laurel}}>
  • Page 858 laureatka: Replacing <# female laureate, prizewinner> with <# {{femeq|pl|laureat|t=[[laureate]], [[prizewinner]]}}>
  • Page 859 lebiega: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} male clumsy or inept person; an oaf; a blunderer> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} clumsy or inept person; an oaf; a blunderer>
  • Page 860 Lechita: Replacing <# {{tlb|pl|archaic}} male Pole> with <# {{tlb|pl|archaic}} Pole>
  • Page 861 legalistka: Replacing <# female legalist> with <# {{femeq|pl|legalista|t=[[legalist]]}}>
  • Page 862 legitymistka: Replacing <# female legitimist> with <# {{femeq|pl|legitymista|t=[[legitimist]]}}>
  • Page 863 lekarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} female physician, female medical doctor> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|lekarz|t=[[physician]], [[medical doctor]]}}>
  • Page 864 lekarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} male physician, male medical doctor> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} physician, medical doctor>
  • Page 865 lekkoatletka: Replacing <# female athlete {{gl|participant in a group of sporting activities which includes track and field}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|lekkoatleta|t=[[athlete]]}} {{gl|participant in a group of sporting activities which includes track and field}}>
  • Page 866 leserka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female idler, layabout, wastrel> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|leser|t=[[idler]], [[layabout]], [[wastrel]]}}>
  • Page 867 Lesotyjczyk: Replacing <# a male Lesothan> with <# Lesothan>
  • Page 868 Lesotyjka: Replacing <# a female Lesothan> with <# {{femeq|pl|Lesotyjczyk}}, {{femeq|pl|Sotyjczyk|t=[[Lesothan]]}}>
  • Page 869 letniczka: Replacing <# female holidaymaker, vacationer, vacationist> with <# {{femeq|pl|letnik|t=[[holidaymaker]], [[vacationer]], [[vacationist]]}}>
  • Page 870 Lezginka: Replacing <# Lezgi {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Lezgin|t=[[Lezgi]]}}>
  • Page 871 Libijczyk: Replacing <# a male Libyan> with <# Libyan>
  • Page 872 Libijka: Replacing <# a female Libyan> with <# {{femeq|pl|Libijczyk|t=[[Libyan]]}}>
  • Page 873 licealista: Replacing <# a male liceum student> with <# liceum student>
  • Page 874 licealistka: Replacing <# a female liceum student> with <# {{femeq|pl|licealista|t=''[[liceum]]'' student}}>
  • Page 875 lichwiarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|pejorative}} female usurer> with <# {{lb|pl|pejorative}} {{femeq|pl|lichwiarz|t=[[usurer]]}}>
  • Page 876 liczykrupa: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} male penny pincher, miser> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} penny pincher, miser>
  • Page 877 lingwistka: Replacing <# linguist {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|lingwista|t=[[linguist]]}}>
  • Page 878 Litwinka: Replacing <# Lithuanian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Litwin|t=[[Lithuanian]]}}>
  • Page 879 lojalistka: Replacing <# female loyalist> with <# {{femeq|pl|lojalista|t=[[loyalist]]}}>
  • Page 880 lokatorka: Replacing <# female dweller; female tenant; female inhabitant of a building or flat who does not own it> with <# {{femeq|pl|lokator|t=[[dweller]]; [[tenant]]; [[inhabitant]] of a [[building]] or [[flat]] who does not own it}}>
  • Page 881 lotniczka: Replacing <# female flyer, aviator> with <# {{femeq|pl|lotnik|t=[[flyer]], [[aviator]]}}>
  • Page 882 ludobójczyni: Replacing <# genocidist {{gl|female person who commits genocide}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|ludobójca|t=[[genocidist]]}} {{gl|female person who commits genocide}}>
  • Page 883 Luksemburka: Replacing <# Luxembourger {{gl|female person from Luxembourg or of Luxembourgish descent}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Luksemburczyk|t=[[Luxembourger]]}} {{gl|female person from Luxembourg or of Luxembourgish descent}}>
  • Page 884 luksemburka: Replacing <# Luxembourger {{gl|female inhabitant of the city of [[Luxembourg]]}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|luksemburczyk|t=[[Luxembourger]]}} {{gl|female inhabitant of the city of [[Luxembourg]]}}>
  • Page 885 lunatyczka: Replacing <# female sleepwalker> with <# {{femeq|pl|lunatyk|t=[[sleepwalker]]}}>
  • Page 886 lustratorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female person who undertakes lustration; female inspector, female auditor> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|lustrator|t=person who undertakes [[lustration]]; [[inspector]], [[auditor]]}}>
  • Page 887 luteranka: Replacing <# female Lutheran> with <# {{femeq|pl|luteranin|t=[[Lutheran]]}}>
  • Page 888 łachmaniarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female ragamuffin, tatterdemalion> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|łachmaniarz|t=[[ragamuffin]], [[tatterdemalion]]}}>
  • Page 889 łajza: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} male inept person, bungler> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} inept person, bungler>
  • Page 890 łamaga: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} male clumsy or inept person; an oaf; a blunderer> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} clumsy or inept person; an oaf; a blunderer>
  • Page 891 łodzianin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of Łódź> with <# resident or native of Łódź>
  • Page 892 łodzianka: Replacing <# A female resident or native of Łódź> with <# {{femeq|pl|łodzianin|t=[[resident]] or [[native]] of [[Łódź]]}}>
  • Page 893 łotr: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} male villain, male scoundrel> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} villain, scoundrel>
  • Page 894 łotrzyca: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} villainess, female scoundrel> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|łotr|t=[[villainess]], [[scoundrel]]}}>
  • Page 895 łyżwiarka: Replacing <# A female ice skater> with <# {{femeq|pl|łyżwiarz|t=[[ice skater]]}}>
  • Page 896 łyżwiarka figurowa: Replacing <# A female figure skater> with <# {{femeq|pl|łyżwiarz figurowy|t=[[figure skater]]}}>
  • Page 897 łyżwiarz: Replacing <# A male ice skater> with <# ice skater>
  • Page 898 łyżwiarz figurowy: Replacing <# A male figure skater> with <# figure skater>
  • Page 899 Madziarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|informal|dated|or|derogatory}} female Magyar, female Hungarian {{gl|inhabitant of [[Hungary]]}}> with <# {{lb|pl|informal|dated|or|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|Madziar|t=[[Magyar]], [[Hungarian]]}} {{gl|inhabitant of [[Hungary]]}}>
  • Page 900 magiczka: Replacing <# female magician, illusionist> with <# {{femeq|pl|magik|t=[[magician]], [[illusionist]]}}>
  • Page 901 magnatka: Replacing <# female tycoon, female mogul, female magnate {{gl|powerful industrialist}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|magnat|t=[[tycoon]], [[mogul]], [[magnate]]}} {{gl|powerful industrialist}}>
  • Page 902 makijażystka: Replacing <# female make-up artist> with <# {{femeq|pl|makijażysta|t=[[make-up artist]]}}>
  • Page 903 Malawijczyk: Replacing <# a male Malawian> with <# Malawian>
  • Page 904 Malawijka: Replacing <# a female Malawian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Malawijczyk|t=[[Malawian]]}}>
  • Page 905 Malediwczyk: Replacing <# a male Maldivian> with <# Maldivian>
  • Page 906 Malediwka: Replacing <# a female Maldivian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Malediwczyk|t=[[Maldivian]]}}>
  • Page 907 Malezyjczyk: Replacing <# a male Malaysian> with <# Malaysian>
  • Page 908 Malezyjka: Replacing <# a female Malaysian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Malezyjczyk|t=[[Malaysian]]}}>
  • Page 909 Malijczyk: Replacing <# a male Malian> with <# Malian>
  • Page 910 Malijka: Replacing <# a female Malian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Malijczyk|t=[[Malian]]}}>
  • Page 911 malkontentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female wet blanket> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|malkontent|t=[[wet blanket]]}}>
  • Page 912 malwersantka: Replacing <# female embezzler> with <# {{femeq|pl|malwersant|t=[[embezzler]]}}>
  • Page 913 manifestantka: Replacing <# female protester, female demonstrator> with <# {{femeq|pl|manifestant|t=[[protester]], [[demonstrator]]}}>
  • Page 914 manilczyk: Replacing <# male Manileño> with <# Manileño>
  • Page 915 manilka: Replacing <# female Manileño> with <# {{femeq|pl|manilczyk|t=[[Manileño]]}}>
  • Page 916 maoistka: Replacing <# female Maoist> with <# {{femeq|pl|maoista|t=[[Maoist]]}}>
  • Page 917 mariawita: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Catholicism}} male Mariavite {{gl|follower or member of the Mariavite Church}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Catholicism}} Mariavite {{gl|follower or member of the Mariavite Church}}>
  • Page 918 mariawitka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Catholicism}} female Mariavite {{gl|follower or member of the Mariavite Church}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Catholicism}} {{femeq|pl|mariawita|t=[[Mariavite]]}} {{gl|follower or member of the Mariavite Church}}>
  • Page 919 marksistka: Replacing <# female Marxist> with <# {{femeq|pl|marksista|t=[[Marxist]]}}>
  • Page 920 Marokanka: Replacing <# a female Moroccan> with <# {{femeq|pl|Marokańczyk|t=[[Moroccan]]}}>
  • Page 921 Marokańczyk: Replacing <# a male Moroccan> with <# Moroccan>
  • Page 922 Marsjanka: Replacing <# female Martian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Marsjanin|t=[[Martian]]}}>
  • Page 923 maruda: Replacing <# male complainer; whiner> with <# complainer; whiner>
  • Page 923 maruda: Replacing <# male sluggish or tardy person> with <# sluggish or tardy person>
  • Page 924 marzycielka: Replacing <# female dreamer, daydreamer {{gl|someone whose beliefs are far from realistic}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|marzyciel|t=[[dreamer]], [[daydreamer]]}} {{gl|someone whose beliefs are far from realistic}}>
  • Page 924 marzycielka: Replacing <# female dreamer, daydreamer {{gl|one who wastes time daydreaming}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|marzyciel|t=[[dreamer]], [[daydreamer]]}} {{gl|one who wastes time daydreaming}}>
  • Page 925 masochistka: Replacing <# female masochist> with <# {{femeq|pl|masochista|t=[[masochist]]}}>
  • Page 926 masturbant: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|rare}} male onanist, masturbator {{gl|a person who masturbates}}> with <# {{lb|pl|rare}} onanist, masturbator {{gl|a person who masturbates}}>
  • Page 927 maszynistka: Replacing <# female engineer, engine driver> with <# {{femeq|pl|maszynista|t=[[engineer]], [[engine driver]]}}>
  • Page 928 matematyczka: Replacing <# female mathematician> with <# {{femeq|pl|matematyk|t=[[mathematician]]}}>
  • Page 929 matkobójczyni: Replacing <# matricide {{gl|female person who commits matricide}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|matkobójca|t=[[matricide]]}} {{gl|female person who commits matricide}}>
  • Page 930 maturzysta: Replacing <# A male person who takes a {{l|pl|matura}} exam in a given school year> with <# person who takes a {{l|pl|matura}} exam in a given school year>
  • Page 931 Mauretanka: Replacing <# A female Mauritanian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Mauretańczyk|t=[[Mauritanian]]}}>
  • Page 932 Mauretańczyk: Replacing <# A male Mauritanian> with <# Mauritanian>
  • Page 933 Maurytyjczyk: Replacing <# A male Mauritian> with <# Mauritian>
  • Page 934 Maurytyjka: Replacing <# A female Mauritian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Maurytyjczyk|t=[[Mauritian]]}}>
  • Page 935 mącicielka: Replacing <# female troublemaker, female stirrer> with <# {{femeq|pl|mąciciel|t=[[troublemaker]], [[stirrer]]}}>
  • Page 936 mąciwoda: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male troublemaker> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} troublemaker>
  • Page 937 medalistka: Replacing <# medalist {{gl|female person who has received a medal}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|medalista|t=[[medalist]]}} {{gl|female person who has received a medal}}>
  • Page 938 mediator: Replacing <# male {{l|en|mediator}} {{gl|one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement}}> with <# {{l|en|mediator}} {{gl|one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement}}>
  • Page 938 mediator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} male {{l|en|mediator}} {{gl|person who professionally listens to the conflicting parties and tries to reach a settlement, which sometimes helps avoid a court case}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{l|en|mediator}} {{gl|person who professionally listens to the conflicting parties and tries to reach a settlement, which sometimes helps avoid a court case}}>
  • Page 939 mediatorka: Replacing <# female mediator {{gl|one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|mediator|t=[[mediator]]}} {{gl|one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement}}>
  • Page 939 mediatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female mediator {{gl|person who professionally listens to the conflicting parties and tries to reach a settlement, which sometimes helps avoid a court case}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|mediator|t=[[mediator]]}} {{gl|person who professionally listens to the conflicting parties and tries to reach a settlement, which sometimes helps avoid a court case}}>
  • Page 940 mediewistka: Replacing <# female medievalist> with <# {{femeq|pl|mediewista|t=[[medievalist]]}}>
  • Page 941 medyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|medicine}} female medical student> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|medyk|t=[[medical student]]}}>
  • Page 941 medyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated|medicine}} female physician, female medical doctor> with <# {{lb|pl|dated|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|medyk|t=[[physician]], [[medical doctor]]}}>
  • Page 942 medyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|medicine}} male medical student> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|medicine}} medical student>
  • Page 942 medyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated|medicine}} male physician, male medical doctor> with <# {{lb|pl|dated|medicine}} physician, medical doctor>
  • Page 943 megalomanka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} female megalomaniac> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} {{femeq|pl|megaloman|t=[[megalomaniac]]}}>
  • Page 944 Meksykanin: Replacing <# A male Mexican {{gl|person from Mexico or of Mexican descent}}> with <# Mexican {{gl|person from Mexico or of Mexican descent}}>
  • Page 945 meksykanin: Replacing <# A male inhabitant of Mexico City> with <# inhabitant of Mexico City>
  • Page 946 Meksykanka: Replacing <# A female Mexican {{gl|person from Mexico or of Mexican descent}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Meksykanin|t=[[Mexican]]}} {{gl|person from Mexico or of Mexican descent}}>
  • Page 947 meksykanka: Replacing <# A female inhabitant of Mexico City> with <# {{femeq|pl|meksykanin|t=inhabitant of [[Mexico City]]}}>
  • Page 948 melancholiczka: Replacing <# female melancholic> with <# {{femeq|pl|melancholik|t=[[melancholic]]}}>
  • Page 949 menedżerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|management}} female manager {{gl|person whose job is to manage something}}> with <# {{lb|pl|management}} {{femeq|pl|menedżer|t=[[manager]]}} {{gl|person whose job is to manage something}}>
  • Page 949 menedżerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} female manager {{gl|administrator, for a singer or group}}> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} {{femeq|pl|menedżer|t=[[manager]]}} {{gl|administrator, for a singer or group}}>
  • Page 950 metodystka: Replacing <# female Methodist> with <# {{femeq|pl|metodysta|t=[[Methodist]]}}>
  • Page 951 męczennica: Replacing <# female martyr> with <# {{femeq|pl|męczennik|t=[[martyr]]}}>
  • Page 952 mieszczanka: Replacing <# female burgher> with <# {{femeq|pl|mieszczanin|t=[[burgher]]}}>
  • Page 952 mieszczanka: Replacing <# female townsman> with <# {{femeq|pl|mieszczanin|t=[[townsman]]}}>
  • Page 953 migrantka: Replacing <# migrant {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|migrant|t=[[migrant]]}}>
  • Page 954 miłośniczka: Replacing <# female admirer, enthusiast> with <# {{femeq|pl|miłośnik|t=[[admirer]], [[enthusiast]]}}>
  • Page 955 miotaczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|sports}} female thrower, female pitcher> with <# {{lb|pl|sports}} {{femeq|pl|miotacz|t=[[thrower]], [[pitcher]]}}>
  • Page 956 mister: Replacing <# winner of a male beauty pageant> with <# winner of a beauty pageant>
  • Page 957 mizantropka: Replacing <# female misanthrope> with <# {{femeq|pl|mizantrop|t=[[misanthrope]]}}>
  • Page 958 moczygęba: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|jocular}} male drunkard, drunk> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|jocular}} drunkard, drunk>
  • Page 959 moczymorda: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|jocular}} male drunkard, drunk> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|jocular}} drunkard, drunk>
  • Page 960 modelka: Replacing <# model {{gl|female person who serves as a subject for artwork}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|model|t=[[model]]}} {{gl|female person who serves as a subject for artwork}}>
  • Page 960 modelka: Replacing <# model {{gl|female person who serves as a subject for fashion}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|model|t=[[model]]}} {{gl|female person who serves as a subject for fashion}}>
  • Page 961 modernistka: Replacing <# female modernist> with <# {{femeq|pl|modernista|t=[[modernist]]}}>
  • Page 962 Monakijczyk: Replacing <# a male Monégasque {{gl|citizen of Monaco}}> with <# Monégasque {{gl|citizen of Monaco}}>
  • Page 963 Monakijka: Replacing <# a female Monégasque {{gl|citizen of Monaco}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Monakijczyk|t=[[Monégasque]]}} {{gl|citizen of Monaco}}>
  • Page 964 monarchini: Replacing <# monarch {{gl|female ruler}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|monarcha|t=[[monarch]]}} {{gl|female ruler}}>
  • Page 965 Mongoł: Replacing <# a male Mongolian> with <# Mongolian>
  • Page 966 Mongołka: Replacing <# a female Mongolian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Mongoł|t=[[Mongolian]]}}>
  • Page 967 monogamistka: Replacing <# female monogamist> with <# {{femeq|pl|monogamista|t=[[monogamist]]}}>
  • Page 968 montażystka: Replacing <# female editor {{gl|someone who manipulates video footage and assembles it into the correct order}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|montażysta|t=[[editor]]}} {{gl|someone who manipulates video footage and assembles it into the correct order}}>
  • Page 969 moralista: Replacing <# male moralist> with <# moralist>
  • Page 970 moralistka: Replacing <# female moralist> with <# {{femeq|pl|moralista|t=[[moralist]]}}>
  • Page 971 motocyklistka: Replacing <# female motorcyclist> with <# {{femeq|pl|motocyklista|t=[[motorcyclist]]}}>
  • Page 972 Mozambijka: Replacing <# Mozambican {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Mozambijczyk|t=[[Mozambican]]}}>
  • Page 973 mówczyni: Replacing <# female speaker, female orator> with <# {{femeq|pl|mówca|t=[[speaker]], [[orator]]}}>
  • Page 974 mściciel: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male avenger> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} avenger>
  • Page 975 mścicielka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female avenger> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|mściciel|t=[[avenger]]}}>
  • Page 976 mulica: Replacing <# female mule> with <# {{femeq|pl|muł|t=[[mule]]}}>
  • Page 977 multiinstrumentalistka: Replacing <# female multi-instrumentalist> with <# {{femeq|pl|multiinstrumentalista|t=[[multi-instrumentalist]]}}>
  • Page 978 muzyczka: Replacing <# female musician> with <# {{femeq|pl|muzyk|t=[[musician]]}}>
  • Page 979 myślicielka: Replacing <# female thinker, female philosopher> with <# {{femeq|pl|myśliciel|t=[[thinker]], [[philosopher]]}}>
  • Page 980 nacjonalistka: Replacing <# female nationalist> with <# {{femeq|pl|nacjonalista|t=[[nationalist]]}}>
  • Page 981 nadwzroczna: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|ophthalmology|pathology}} female hypermetropic {{gl|an individual who has hypermetropia}}> with <# {{lb|pl|ophthalmology|pathology}} {{femeq|pl|nadwzroczny|t=[[hypermetropic]]}} {{gl|an individual who has hypermetropia}}>
  • Page 982 nadwzroczny: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|ophthalmology|pathology}} male hypermetropic {{gl|an individual who has hypermetropia}}> with <# {{lb|pl|ophthalmology|pathology}} hypermetropic {{gl|an individual who has hypermetropia}}>
  • Page 983 nałęczowianin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of Nałęczów> with <# resident or native of Nałęczów>
  • Page 984 nałęczowianka: Replacing <# A female resident or native of Nałęczów> with <# {{femeq|pl|nałęczowianin|t=[[resident]] or [[native]] of [[Nałęczów]]}}>
  • Page 985 Namibijczyk: Replacing <# a male Namibian> with <# Namibian>
  • Page 986 Namibijka: Replacing <# a female Namibian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Namibijczyk|t=[[Namibian]]}}>
  • Page 987 napastnica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|obsolete}} A female attacker or assailant> with <# {{lb|pl|obsolete}} {{femeq|pl|napastnik|t=[[attacker]] or [[assailant]]}}>
  • Page 988 napastniczka: Replacing <# A female attacker or assailant> with <# {{femeq|pl|napastnik|t=[[attacker]] or [[assailant]]}}>
  • Page 989 napastnik: Replacing <# A male attacker or assailant> with <# attacker or assailant>
  • Page 990 narkoleptyczka: Replacing <# female narcoleptic> with <# {{femeq|pl|narkoleptyk|t=[[narcoleptic]]}}>
  • Page 991 narkomanka: Replacing <# female drug addict> with <# {{femeq|pl|narkoman|t=[[drug addict]]}}>
  • Page 992 narratorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|narratology}} female narrator {{gl|in story}}> with <# {{lb|pl|narratology}} {{femeq|pl|narrator|t=[[narrator]]}} {{gl|in story}}>
  • Page 992 narratorka: Replacing <# female narrator {{gl|one who narrates or tells stories}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|narrator|t=[[narrator]]}} {{gl|one who narrates or tells stories}}>
  • Page 993 następczyni: Replacing <# female successor> with <# {{femeq|pl|następca|t=[[successor]]}}>
  • Page 993 następczyni: Replacing <# female heir> with <# {{femeq|pl|następca|t=[[heir]]}}>
  • Page 994 nastolatek: Replacing <# male teenager> with <# teenager>
  • Page 995 nastolatka: Replacing <# female teenager> with <# {{femeq|pl|nastolatek|t=[[teenager]]}}>
  • Page 996 nauczycielka: Replacing <# teacher {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|nauczyciel|t=[[teacher]]}}>
  • Page 997 nazistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} Nazi {{gl|female member of the Nazi Party}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|nazista|t=[[Nazi]]}} {{gl|female member of the Nazi Party}}>
  • Page 998 neapolitanka: Replacing <# female Neapolitan> with <# {{femeq|pl|neapolitańczyk|t=[[Neapolitan]]}}>
  • Page 999 neapolitańczyk: Replacing <# male Neapolitan> with <# Neapolitan>
  • Page 1000 nekromantka: Replacing <# female necromancer> with <# {{femeq|pl|nekromanta|t=[[necromancer]]}}>
  • Page 1001 neofita: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|humorous}} male neophyte, beginner {{gl|a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief}}> with <# {{lb|pl|humorous}} neophyte, beginner {{gl|a person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief}}>
  • Page 1002 neofitka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} female neophyte {{gl|a woman who has recently acquired new religion}}> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} {{femeq|pl|neofita|t=[[neophyte]]}} {{gl|a woman who has recently acquired new religion}}>
  • Page 1002 neofitka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|figuratively}} female neophyte {{gl|a woman who is a new, ardent follower of some doctrine, science or ideology}}> with <# {{lb|pl|figuratively}} {{femeq|pl|neofita|t=[[neophyte]]}} {{gl|a woman who is a new, ardent follower of some doctrine, science or ideology}}>
  • Page 1002 neofitka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|humorous}} female neophyte, beginner {{gl|a woman who is new to a subject, skill, or belief}}> with <# {{lb|pl|humorous}} {{femeq|pl|neofita|t=[[neophyte]], [[beginner]]}} {{gl|a woman who is new to a subject, skill, or belief}}>
  • Page 1003 neomarksista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Marxism}} male neo-Marxist> with <# {{lb|pl|Marxism}} neo-Marxist>
  • Page 1004 neomarksistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Marxism}} female neo-Marxist> with <# {{lb|pl|Marxism}} {{femeq|pl|neomarksista|t=[[neo-Marxist]]}}>
  • Page 1005 neonazistka: Replacing <# female neo-Nazi> with <# {{femeq|pl|neonazista|t=[[neo-Nazi]]}}>
  • Page 1006 Nepalczyk: Replacing <# A male Nepali> with <# Nepali>
  • Page 1007 Nepalka: Replacing <# A female Nepali> with <# {{femeq|pl|Nepalczyk|t=[[Nepali]]}}>
  • Page 1008 niedojda: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} male clumsy or inept person; an oaf; a blunderer> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} clumsy or inept person; an oaf; a blunderer>
  • Page 1009 niedorajda: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} male inept person, bungler> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} inept person, bungler>
  • Page 1010 niedźwiedzica: Replacing <# female bear> with <# {{femeq|pl|niedźwiedź|t=[[bear]]}}>
  • Page 1011 niejeden: Replacing <# more than one male person> with <# more than one person>
  • Page 1012 Niemiaszek: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|informal|derogatory}} A male German> with <# {{lb|pl|informal|derogatory}} German>
  • Page 1013 Niemka: Replacing <# German {{gl|female German person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Niemiec|t=[[German]]}} {{gl|female German person}}>
  • Page 1014 nienawistnica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female hater {{gl|someone who hates}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|nienawistnik|t=[[hater]]}} {{gl|someone who hates}}>
  • Page 1015 nieudacznica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female lame duck, loser, failure> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|nieudacznik|t=[[lame duck]], [[loser]], [[failure]]}}>
  • Page 1016 niewierząca: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion|theology}} female nonbeliever, female atheist> with <# {{lb|pl|religion|theology}} {{femeq|pl|niewierzący|t=[[nonbeliever]], [[atheist]]}}>
  • Page 1017 nieznajoma: Replacing <# female stranger> with <# {{femeq|pl|nieznajomy|t=[[stranger]]}}>
  • Page 1018 nihilistka: Replacing <# female nihilist> with <# {{femeq|pl|nihilista|t=[[nihilist]]}}>
  • Page 1019 noblistka: Replacing <# Nobel laureate {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|noblista|t=[[Nobel laureate]]}}>
  • Page 1020 Norweżka: Replacing <# Norwegian {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Norweg|t=[[Norwegian]]}}>
  • Page 1021 nowicjuszka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} novice {{gl|new female member of a religious order}}> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} {{femeq|pl|nowicjusz|t=[[novice]]}} {{gl|new female member of a religious order}}>
  • Page 1022 numerantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female hoaxer> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|numerant|t=[[hoaxer]]}}>
  • Page 1023 oberżystka: Replacing <# female innkeeper, publican> with <# {{femeq|pl|oberżysta|t=[[innkeeper]], [[publican]]}}>
  • Page 1024 obłudnica: Replacing <# female hypocrite> with <# {{femeq|pl|obłudnik|t=[[hypocrite]]}}>
  • Page 1025 obrońca: Replacing <# male defender {{gl|someone who defends people or property; someone who seeks to repel an attack}}> with <# defender {{gl|someone who defends people or property; someone who seeks to repel an attack}}>
  • Page 1025 obrońca: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} male defender {{gl|someone who represents a defendant}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} defender {{gl|someone who represents a defendant}}>
  • Page 1026 obrończyni: Replacing <# female defender {{gl|someone who defends people or property; someone who seeks to repel an attack}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|obrońca|t=[[defender]]}} {{gl|someone who defends people or property; someone who seeks to repel an attack}}>
  • Page 1026 obrończyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female defender {{gl|someone who represents a defendant}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|obrońca|t=[[defender]]}} {{gl|someone who represents a defendant}}>
  • Page 1027 obrzępała: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} A male person who is scruffy or slovenly> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} person who is scruffy or slovenly>
  • Page 1028 obywatelka: Replacing <# female citizen> with <# {{femeq|pl|obywatel|t=[[citizen]]}}>
  • Page 1029 ochotniczka: Replacing <# female volunteer> with <# {{femeq|pl|ochotnik|t=[[volunteer]]}}>
  • Page 1030 odkrywczyni: Replacing <# explorer {{gl|female person who by expedition seeks new information}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|odkrywca|t=[[explorer]]}} {{gl|female person who by expedition seeks new information}}>
  • Page 1031 odnowiciel: Replacing <# male restorer> with <# restorer>
  • Page 1032 odnowicielka: Replacing <# female restorer> with <# {{femeq|pl|odnowiciel|t=[[restorer]]}}>
  • Page 1033 odpowiedniczka: Replacing <# equivalent, counterpart, analogue {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|odpowiednik|t=[[equivalent]], [[counterpart]], [[analogue]]}}>
  • Page 1034 odtwórczyni: Replacing <# female reproducer, recreator> with <# {{femeq|pl|odtwórca|t=[[reproducer]], [[recreator]]}}>
  • Page 1034 odtwórczyni: Replacing <# female performer, player, actor> with <# {{femeq|pl|odtwórca|t=[[performer]], [[player]], [[actor]]}}>
  • Page 1035 ofiarodawczyni: Replacing <# female donor, female contributor, female benefactor> with <# {{femeq|pl|ofiarodawca|t=[[donor]], [[contributor]], [[benefactor]]}}>
  • Page 1036 ogrodniczka: Replacing <# female gardener> with <# {{femeq|pl|ogrodnik|t=[[gardener]]}}>
  • Page 1037 ojciec: Replacing <# father, male parent> with <# father, parent>
  • Page 1038 ojcobójczyni: Replacing <# patricide {{gl|female person who commits patricide}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|ojcobójca|t=[[patricide]]}} {{gl|female person who commits patricide}}>
  • Page 1039 okupant: Replacing <# male occupier> with <# occupier>
  • Page 1040 oligarchini: Replacing <# female oligarch> with <# {{femeq|pl|oligarcha|t=[[oligarch]]}}>
  • Page 1041 onanistka: Replacing <# female onanist {{gl|one who masturbates}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|onanista|t=[[onanist]]}} {{gl|one who masturbates}}>
  • Page 1042 operatorka: Replacing <# female machinist, operator> with <# {{femeq|pl|operator|t=[[machinist]], [[operator]]}}>
  • Page 1042 operatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} female surgeon> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|operator|t=[[surgeon]]}}>
  • Page 1043 oponentka: Replacing <# female opponent, adversary> with <# {{femeq|pl|oponent|t=[[opponent]], [[adversary]]}}>
  • Page 1044 optymistka: Replacing <# female optimist> with <# {{femeq|pl|optymista|t=[[optimist]]}}>
  • Page 1045 orędowniczka: Replacing <# female proponent, female advocate> with <# {{femeq|pl|orędownik|t=[[proponent]], [[advocate]]}}>
  • Page 1046 organistka: Replacing <# organist {{gl|female musician who plays the organ}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|organista|t=[[organist]]}} {{gl|female musician who plays the organ}}>
  • Page 1047 orientalistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|humanities}} female orientalist> with <# {{lb|pl|humanities}} {{femeq|pl|orientalista|t=[[orientalist]]}}>
  • Page 1048 Ormianka: Replacing <# female Armenian person> with <# {{femeq|pl|Ormianin|t=[[Armenian]] person}}>
  • Page 1049 ortodontka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dentistry}} female orthodontist> with <# {{lb|pl|dentistry}} {{femeq|pl|ortodonta|t=[[orthodontist]]}}>
  • Page 1050 osiemnastolatka: Replacing <# eighteen-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|osiemnastolatek|t=[[eighteen]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 1051 oswobodzicielka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female liberator> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|oswobodziciel|t=[[liberator]]}}>
  • Page 1052 oszustka: Replacing <# female fraud {{gl|one who performs fraud}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|oszust|t=[[fraud]]}} {{gl|one who performs fraud}}>
  • Page 1053 ośmiolatka: Replacing <# eight-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|ośmiolatek|t=[[eight]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 1054 outsiderka: Replacing <# female outsider {{gl|someone excluded}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|outsider|t=[[outsider]]}} {{gl|someone excluded}}>
  • Page 1055 owieczka: Replacing <# female lamb> with <# {{femeq|pl|baranek|t=[[lamb]]}}>
  • Page 1056 pacyfistka: Replacing <# female pacifist> with <# {{femeq|pl|pacyfista|t=[[pacifist]]}}>
  • Page 1057 Pakistanka: Replacing <# a female Pakistani> with <# {{femeq|pl|Pakistańczyk|t=[[Pakistani]]}}>
  • Page 1058 Pakistańczyk: Replacing <# a male Pakistani> with <# Pakistani>
  • Page 1059 pakowaczka: Replacing <# female packer {{gl|person whose business is to pack things}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|pakowacz|t=[[packer]]}} {{gl|person whose business is to pack things}}>
  • Page 1060 Panamczyk: Replacing <# A male Panamanian {{gl|person from Panama or of Panamanian descent}}> with <# Panamanian {{gl|person from Panama or of Panamanian descent}}>
  • Page 1061 Panamka: Replacing <# A female Panamanian {{gl|person from Panama or of Panamanian descent}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Panamczyk|t=[[Panamanian]]}} {{gl|person from Panama or of Panamanian descent}}>
  • Page 1062 papieżyca: Replacing <# popess {{gl|hypothetical female pope}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|papież|t=[[popess]]}} {{gl|hypothetical female pope}}>
  • Page 1063 Paragwajka: Replacing <# Paraguayan {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Paragwajczyk|t=[[Paraguayan]]}}>
  • Page 1064 paralityczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|medicine}} female paralytic {{gl|a person affected by paralysis}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|paralityk|t=[[paralytic]]}} {{gl|a person affected by paralysis}}>
  • Page 1064 paralityczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|pejorative}} female klutz, oaf {{gl|a clumsy person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|pejorative}} {{femeq|pl|paralityk|t=[[klutz]], [[oaf]]}} {{gl|a clumsy person}}>
  • Page 1065 paralityk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary|medicine}} male paralytic {{gl|a person affected by paralysis}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary|medicine}} paralytic {{gl|a person affected by paralysis}}>
  • Page 1065 paralityk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|pejorative}} male klutz, oaf {{gl|a clumsy person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|pejorative}} klutz, oaf {{gl|a clumsy person}}>
  • Page 1066 parlamentarzystka: Replacing <# female Member of Parliament> with <# {{femeq|pl|parlamentarzysta|t=[[Member of Parliament]]}}>
  • Page 1067 partnerka: Replacing <## female partner {{gl|someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest}}> with <## {{femeq|pl|partner|t=[[partner]]}} {{gl|someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest}}>
  • Page 1067 partnerka: Replacing <## female partner {{gl|spouse, domestic, or romantic partner}}> with <## {{femeq|pl|partner|t=[[partner]]}} {{gl|spouse, domestic, or romantic partner}}>
  • Page 1067 partnerka: Replacing <## female equal {{gl|someone of equal status to others}}> with <## {{femeq|pl|partner|t=[[equal]]}} {{gl|someone of equal status to others}}>
  • Page 1068 partyjniak: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|politics}} male Communist Party member> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|politics}} Communist Party member>
  • Page 1069 partyzantka: Replacing <# female partisan, female guerrilla> with <# {{femeq|pl|partyzant|t=[[partisan]], [[guerrilla]]}}>
  • Page 1070 parweniuszka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|dated}} parvenu, nouveau riche {{gl|wealthy female person whose fortune is newly acquired, and who is therefore perceived to lack the refinement of those who were raised wealthy}}> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|dated}} {{femeq|pl|parweniusz|t=[[parvenu]], [[nouveau riche]]}} {{gl|wealthy female person whose fortune is newly acquired, and who is therefore perceived to lack the refinement of those who were raised wealthy}}>
  • Page 1071 paryżanin: Replacing <# male Parisian> with <# Parisian>
  • Page 1072 paryżanka: Replacing <# female Parisian> with <# {{femeq|pl|paryżanin|t=[[Parisian]]}}>
  • Page 1073 pasażerka: Replacing <# female passenger> with <# {{femeq|pl|pasażer|t=[[passenger]]}}>
  • Page 1074 pasjonatka: Replacing <# female enthusiast, female fanatic, female admirer> with <# {{femeq|pl|pasjonat|t=[[enthusiast]], [[fanatic]], [[admirer]]}}>
  • Page 1074 pasjonatka: Replacing <# female hothead, female spitfire> with <# {{femeq|pl|pasjonat|t=[[hothead]], [[spitfire]]}}>
  • Page 1075 patron: Replacing <# male {{l|en|patron}}, sponsor> with <# {{l|en|patron}}, sponsor>
  • Page 1075 patron: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} male patron saint> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} patron saint>
  • Page 1075 patron: Replacing <# male guardian, protector> with <# guardian, protector>
  • Page 1076 patronka: Replacing <# female patron, female sponsor> with <# {{femeq|pl|patron|t=[[patron]], [[sponsor]]}}>
  • Page 1076 patronka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} female patron saint> with <# {{lb|pl|Christianity}} {{femeq|pl|patron|t=[[patron saint]]}}>
  • Page 1076 patronka: Replacing <# female guardian, female protector> with <# {{femeq|pl|patron|t=[[guardian]], [[protector]]}}>
  • Page 1077 pawica: Replacing <# peahen, female peacock> with <# {{femeq|pl|paw|t=[[peahen]], [[peacock]]}}>
  • Page 1078 pedantka: Replacing <# female neat freak, out-and-outer, pedant, prig, stickler> with <# {{femeq|pl|pedant|t=[[neat freak]], [[out-and-outer]], [[pedant]], [[prig]], [[stickler]]}}>
  • Page 1079 pejzażystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|painting}} female landscaper> with <# {{lb|pl|painting}} {{femeq|pl|pejzażysta|t=[[landscaper]]}}>
  • Page 1079 pejzażystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female writer who describes nature> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|pejzażysta|t=[[writer]] who describes nature}}>
  • Page 1080 pensjonariuszka: Replacing <# female boarder, guest> with <# {{femeq|pl|pensjonariusz|t=[[boarder]], [[guest]]}}>
  • Page 1080 pensjonariuszka: Replacing <# female inmate> with <# {{femeq|pl|pensjonariusz|t=[[inmate]]}}>
  • Page 1081 perfekcjonista: Replacing <# male perfectionist> with <# perfectionist>
  • Page 1082 perfekcjonistka: Replacing <# female perfectionist> with <# {{femeq|pl|perfekcjonista|t=[[perfectionist]]}}>
  • Page 1083 perkusista: Replacing <# male percussionist> with <# percussionist>
  • Page 1084 perkusistka: Replacing <# female drummer> with <# {{femeq|pl|perkusista|t=[[drummer]]}}>
  • Page 1085 Peruwianka: Replacing <# Peruvian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Peruwiańczyk|t=[[Peruvian]]}}>
  • Page 1086 pesymistka: Replacing <# female pessimist> with <# {{femeq|pl|pesymista|t=[[pessimist]]}}>
  • Page 1088 pianistka: Replacing <# female pianist> with <# {{femeq|pl|pianista|t=[[pianist]]}}>
  • Page 1089 piekielnica: Replacing <# female hothead, female spitfire {{gl|short-tempered, quarrelsome person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|piekielnik|t=[[hothead]], [[spitfire]]}} {{gl|short-tempered, quarrelsome person}}>
  • Page 1090 pieśniarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female songster> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|pieśniarz|t=[[songster]]}}>
  • Page 1090 pieśniarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female singer-songwriter> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|pieśniarz|t=[[singer-songwriter]]}}>
  • Page 1091 pięciolatka: Replacing <# five-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|pięciolatek|t=[[five]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 1092 piętnastolatka: Replacing <# fifteen-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|piętnastolatek|t=[[fifteen]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 1093 pijaczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female drunkard, drunk> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|pijak|t=[[drunkard]], [[drunk]]}}>
  • Page 1094 piłkarka: Replacing <# A female footballer> with <# {{femeq|pl|piłkarz|t=[[footballer]]}}>
  • Page 1094 piłkarka: Replacing <# A female handballer> with <# {{femeq|pl|piłkarz|t=[[handballer]]}}>
  • Page 1094 piłkarka: Replacing <# A female volleyballer> with <# {{femeq|pl|piłkarz|t=[[volleyballer]]}}>
  • Page 1095 piłkarka nożna: Replacing <# A female footballer; a female soccer player> with <# {{femeq|pl|piłkarz nożny|t=[[footballer]]; a [[soccer player]]}}>
  • Page 1096 piłkarka ręczna: Replacing <# A female handballer> with <# {{femeq|pl|piłkarz ręczny|t=[[handballer]]}}>
  • Page 1097 piłkarz: Replacing <# A male footballer> with <# footballer>
  • Page 1097 piłkarz: Replacing <# A male handballer> with <# handballer>
  • Page 1097 piłkarz: Replacing <# A male volleyballer> with <# volleyballer>
  • Page 1098 piłkarz nożny: Replacing <# A male footballer; a male soccer player> with <# footballer; a soccer player>
  • Page 1099 piłkarz ręczny: Replacing <# A male handballer> with <# handballer>
  • Page 1100 piłkarz wodny: Replacing <# male water polo player> with <# water polo player>
  • Page 1101 piosenkarka: Replacing <# female singer> with <# {{femeq|pl|piosenkarz|t=[[singer]]}}>
  • Page 1102 pisarka: Replacing <# writer {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|pisarz|t=[[writer]]}}>
  • Page 1103 piwosz: Replacing <# male beer lover, male beer enthusiast, male beer connoisseur> with <# beer lover, beer enthusiast, beer connoisseur>
  • Page 1104 piwoszka: Replacing <# female beer lover, female beer enthusiast, female beer connoisseur> with <# {{femeq|pl|piwosz|t=[[beer]] [[lover]], beer [[enthusiast]], beer [[connoisseur]]}}>
  • Page 1105 plagiator: Replacing <# male plagiarist> with <# plagiarist>
  • Page 1106 planistka: Replacing <# planner {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|planista|t=[[planner]]}}>
  • Page 1106 planistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|computing}} female scheduler> with <# {{lb|pl|computing}} {{femeq|pl|planista|t=[[scheduler]]}}>
  • Page 1107 plażowicz: Replacing <# A male person who sunbathes on a beach> with <# person who sunbathes on a beach>
  • Page 1108 plażowiczka: Replacing <# A female person who sunbathes on a beach> with <# {{femeq|pl|plażowicz|t=person who [[sunbathes]] on a [[beach]]}}>
  • Page 1109 plenipotentka: Replacing <# female agent, attorney-in-fact> with <# {{femeq|pl|plenipotent|t=[[agent]], [[attorney-in-fact]]}}>
  • Page 1110 plotkarka: Replacing <# female gossip, female rumourmonger> with <# {{femeq|pl|plotkarz|t=[[gossip]], [[rumourmonger]]}}>
  • Page 1111 płotkarka: Replacing <# female hurdler> with <# {{femeq|pl|płotkarz|t=[[hurdler]]}}>
  • Page 1112 pływaczka: Replacing <# female swimmer> with <# {{femeq|pl|pływak|t=[[swimmer]]}}>
  • Page 1113 pochlebczyni: Replacing <# female flatterer, sycophant> with <# {{femeq|pl|pochlebca|t=[[flatterer]], [[sycophant]]}}>
  • Page 1114 pocieszyciel: Replacing <# male comforter, male consoler> with <# comforter, consoler>
  • Page 1115 pocieszycielka: Replacing <# female comforter, female consoler> with <# {{femeq|pl|pocieszyciel|t=[[comforter]], [[consoler]]}}>
  • Page 1116 podejrzana: Replacing <# female suspect> with <# {{femeq|pl|podejrzany|t=[[suspect]]}}>
  • Page 1117 podróżniczka: Replacing <# female traveller> with <# {{femeq|pl|podróżnik|t=[[traveller]]}}>
  • Page 1118 podrywacz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male flirt, male pickup artist, male seducer, womanizer> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} flirt, pickup artist, seducer, womanizer>
  • Page 1119 podrywaczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female flirt, female pickup artist, female seducer> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|podrywacz|t=[[flirt]], [[pickup artist]], [[seducer]]}}>
  • Page 1120 podwójna agentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|espionage}} female double agent {{gl|a spy who pretends to work for one side, when they are actually working for or passing information to the other}}> with <# {{lb|pl|espionage}} {{femeq|pl|podwójny agent|t=[[double agent]]}} {{gl|a spy who pretends to work for one side, when they are actually working for or passing information to the other}}>
  • Page 1121 poetka: Replacing <# female poet; poetess> with <# {{femeq|pl|poeta|t=[[poet]]; [[poetess]]}}>
  • Page 1122 poganka: Replacing <# pagan, heathen {{gl|female person not adhering to an Abrahamic religion}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|poganin|t=[[pagan]], [[heathen]]}} {{gl|female person not adhering to an Abrahamic religion}}>
  • Page 1123 pokutnica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female penitent {{gl|one who repents of sins or wrongdoings, one undergoing penance}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|pokutnik|t=[[penitent]]}} {{gl|one who repents of sins or wrongdoings, one undergoing penance}}>
  • Page 1124 polemistka: Replacing <# female polemicist, female polemic> with <# {{femeq|pl|polemista|t=[[polemicist]], [[polemic]]}}>
  • Page 1125 poligamistka: Replacing <# female polygamist> with <# {{femeq|pl|poligamista|t=[[polygamist]]}}>
  • Page 1126 polityczka: Replacing <# female politician> with <# {{femeq|pl|polityk|t=[[politician]]}}>
  • Page 1127 polonistka: Replacing <# female Polish teacher> with <# {{femeq|pl|polonista|t=[[Polish]] [[teacher]]}}>
  • Page 1128 Południowoafrykanka: Replacing <# a female South African> with <# {{femeq|pl|Południowoafrykańczyk|t=[[South African]]}}>
  • Page 1129 Południowoafrykańczyk: Replacing <# a male South African> with <# South African>
  • Page 1130 pomysłodawczyni: Replacing <# female instigator, originator, progenitor> with <# {{femeq|pl|pomysłodawca|t=[[instigator]], [[originator]], [[progenitor]]}}>
  • Page 1131 pomywaczka: Replacing <# female potwasher, female dishwasher {{gl|person who washes dishes}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|pomywacz|t=[[potwasher]], [[dishwasher]]}} {{gl|person who washes dishes}}>
  • Page 1132 poprzedniczka: Replacing <# predecessor {{gl|female person who precedes}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|poprzednik|t=[[predecessor]]}} {{gl|female person who precedes}}>
  • Page 1133 popularyzatorka: Replacing <# popularizer {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|popularyzator|t=[[popularizer]]}}>
  • Page 1134 Portugalka: Replacing <# Portuguese {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Portugalczyk|t=[[Portuguese]]}}>
  • Page 1135 porywaczka: Replacing <# female kidnapper, female abductor, female highjacker> with <# {{femeq|pl|porywacz|t=[[kidnapper]], [[abductor]], [[highjacker]]}}>
  • Page 1136 posłanka: Replacing <# female member of the Sejm> with <# {{femeq|pl|poseł|t=member of the [[Sejm]]}}>
  • Page 1136 posłanka: Replacing <# female Member of Parliament> with <# {{femeq|pl|poseł|t=[[Member of Parliament]]}}>
  • Page 1137 postmodernistka: Replacing <# female postmodernist> with <# {{femeq|pl|postmodernista|t=[[postmodernist]]}}>
  • Page 1138 postulantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} female postulant> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} {{femeq|pl|postulant|t=[[postulant]]}}>
  • Page 1139 poszukiwaczka: Replacing <# female forager, female prospector, female searcher, female seeker> with <# {{femeq|pl|poszukiwacz|t=[[forager]], [[prospector]], [[searcher]], [[seeker]]}}>
  • Page 1140 pośredniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|business}} female agent, female broker {{gl|person or company that is an intermediary between the parties entering into a transaction with each other}}> with <# {{lb|pl|business}} {{femeq|pl|pośrednik|t=[[agent]], [[broker]]}} {{gl|person or company that is an intermediary between the parties entering into a transaction with each other}}>
  • Page 1141 pośrednik: Replacing <# male go-between, male intermediary, male mediator, middleman {{gl|person who seeks to bring about an agreement between conflicting or estranged parties}}> with <# go-between, intermediary, mediator, middleman {{gl|person who seeks to bring about an agreement between conflicting or estranged parties}}>
  • Page 1141 pośrednik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|business}} male agent, male broker {{gl|person or company that is an intermediary between the parties entering into a transaction with each other}}> with <# {{lb|pl|business}} agent, broker {{gl|person or company that is an intermediary between the parties entering into a transaction with each other}}>
  • Page 1142 potwora: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female monster, female fiend> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|potwór|t=[[monster]], [[fiend]]}}>
  • Page 1143 powierniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|banking}} female fiduciary, trustee> with <# {{lb|pl|banking}} {{femeq|pl|powiernik|t=[[fiduciary]], [[trustee]]}}>
  • Page 1143 powierniczka: Replacing <# female confidant> with <# {{femeq|pl|powiernik|t=[[confidant]]}}>
  • Page 1144 powieściopisarka: Replacing <# novelist {{gl|female author of novels}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|powieściopisarz|t=[[novelist]]}} {{gl|female author of novels}}>
  • Page 1145 powstanka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female insurgent> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|powstaniec|t=[[insurgent]]}}>
  • Page 1146 poznaniak: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} A male resident or native of Poznań> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} resident or native of Poznań>
  • Page 1147 poznanianin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of Poznań> with <# resident or native of Poznań>
  • Page 1148 poznanianka: Replacing <# A female resident or native of Poznań> with <# {{femeq|pl|poznanianin|t=[[resident]] or [[native]] of [[Poznań]]}}>
  • Page 1149 poznańczyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|rare}} A male resident or native of Poznań> with <# {{lb|pl|rare}} resident or native of Poznań>
  • Page 1150 półbrat: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|obsolete|Pomerania}} male cousin> with <# {{lb|pl|obsolete|Pomerania}} cousin>
  • Page 1151 pracodawczyni: Replacing <# female employer> with <# {{femeq|pl|pracodawca|t=[[employer]]}}>
  • Page 1152 pracownica: Replacing <# female employee, worker> with <# {{femeq|pl|pracownik|t=[[employee]], [[worker]]}}>
  • Page 1153 pracowniczka: Replacing <# female employee, worker> with <# {{femeq|pl|pracownik|t=[[employee]], [[worker]]}}>
  • Page 1154 praktykantka: Replacing <# female apprentice, female trainee> with <# {{femeq|pl|praktykant|t=[[apprentice]], [[trainee]]}}>
  • Page 1155 prawiczek: Replacing <# male virgin> with <# virgin>
  • Page 1156 prawik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male virgin> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} virgin>
  • Page 1157 prekursorka: Replacing <# precursor {{gl|female forerunner, predecessor}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|prekursor|t=[[precursor]]}} {{gl|female forerunner, predecessor}}>
  • Page 1158 prelegentka: Replacing <# female speaker, female lector> with <# {{femeq|pl|prelegent|t=[[speaker]], [[lector]]}}>
  • Page 1159 pretendentka: Replacing <# female claimant, pretendant, pretender> with <# {{femeq|pl|pretendent|t=[[claimant]], [[pretendant]], [[pretender]]}}>
  • Page 1160 prezbiterianka: Replacing <# female Presbyterian> with <# {{femeq|pl|prezbiterianin|t=[[Presbyterian]]}}>
  • Page 1161 probantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} novice {{gl|new female member of a religious order}}> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} {{femeq|pl|probant|t=[[novice]]}} {{gl|new female member of a religious order}}>
  • Page 1162 problemista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|chess}} male problemist {{gl|one who composes chess problems for other players to attempt to solve}}> with <# {{lb|pl|chess}} problemist {{gl|one who composes chess problems for other players to attempt to solve}}>
  • Page 1163 problemistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|chess}} female problemist {{gl|one who composes chess problems for other players to attempt to solve}}> with <# {{lb|pl|chess}} {{femeq|pl|problemista|t=[[problemist]]}} {{gl|one who composes chess problems for other players to attempt to solve}}>
  • Page 1164 profesjonalistka: Replacing <# professional {{gl|female person who earns their living from a specified activity}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|profesjonalista|t=[[professional]]}} {{gl|female person who earns their living from a specified activity}}>
  • Page 1164 profesjonalistka: Replacing <# professional {{gl|female expert}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|profesjonalista|t=[[professional]]}} {{gl|female expert}}>
  • Page 1165 profesorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|education}} professor {{gl|higher ranking for a female teacher or faculty member at a college or university}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|education}} {{femeq|pl|profesor|t=[[professor]]}} {{gl|higher ranking for a female teacher or faculty member at a college or university}}>
  • Page 1166 programistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|computing}} female programmer {{gl|one who writes software}}> with <# {{lb|pl|computing}} {{femeq|pl|programista|t=[[programmer]]}} {{gl|one who writes software}}>
  • Page 1167 proletariuszka: Replacing <# proletarian {{gl|female member of the proletariat}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|proletariusz|t=[[proletarian]]}} {{gl|female member of the proletariat}}>
  • Page 1168 propagandysta: Replacing <# A male propagandist> with <# propagandist>
  • Page 1169 propagandystka: Replacing <# A female propagandist> with <# {{femeq|pl|propagandysta|t=[[propagandist]]}}>
  • Page 1170 propagandzista: Replacing <# A male propagandist> with <# propagandist>
  • Page 1171 propagandzistka: Replacing <# A female propagandist> with <# {{femeq|pl|propagandzista|t=[[propagandist]]}}>
  • Page 1172 protagonistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|film|literature|theater}} protagonist {{gl|main female character}}> with <# {{lb|pl|film|literature|theater}} {{femeq|pl|protagonista|t=[[protagonist]]}} {{gl|main female character}}>
  • Page 1172 protagonistka: Replacing <# female protagonist {{gl|leading person in a contest}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|protagonista|t=[[protagonist]]}} {{gl|leading person in a contest}}>
  • Page 1173 protestantka: Replacing <# female Protestant> with <# {{femeq|pl|protestant|t=[[Protestant]]}}>
  • Page 1174 prowokatorka: Replacing <# female provocateur> with <# {{femeq|pl|prowokator|t=[[provocateur]]}}>
  • Page 1175 prozaiczka: Replacing <# female prosaist> with <# {{femeq|pl|prozaik|t=[[prosaist]]}}>
  • Page 1176 prozelitka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} female proselyte> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} {{femeq|pl|prozelita|t=[[proselyte]]}}>
  • Page 1177 próżniaczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female idler, loafer, layabout, slacker> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|próżniak|t=[[idler]], [[loafer]], [[layabout]], [[slacker]]}}>
  • Page 1178 prymus: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|education}} male valedictorian> with <# {{lb|pl|education}} valedictorian>
  • Page 1179 prymuska: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|education}} female valedictorian> with <# {{lb|pl|education}} {{femeq|pl|prymus|t=[[valedictorian]]}}>
  • Page 1180 przeciwniczka: Replacing <# female adversary, female opponent> with <# {{femeq|pl|przeciwnik|t=[[adversary]], [[opponent]]}}>
  • Page 1181 przeciwnik: Replacing <# male adversary, male opponent> with <# adversary, opponent>
  • Page 1182 przedmówczyni: Replacing <# previous speaker {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|przedmówca|t=[[previous]] [[speaker]]}}>
  • Page 1183 przedsiębiorczyni: Replacing <# female entrepreneur> with <# {{femeq|pl|przedsiębiorca|t=[[entrepreneur]]}}>
  • Page 1184 przedstawicielka: Replacing <# female representative> with <# {{femeq|pl|przedstawiciel|t=[[representative]]}}>
  • Page 1185 przemytniczka: Replacing <# smuggler {{gl|female person who smuggles things}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|przemytnik|t=[[smuggler]]}} {{gl|female person who smuggles things}}>
  • Page 1186 przyrodniczka: Replacing <# female naturalist> with <# {{femeq|pl|przyrodnik|t=[[naturalist]]}}>
  • Page 1187 przywódczyni: Replacing <# female leader {{gl|one having authority}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|przywódca|t=[[leader]]}} {{gl|one having authority}}>
  • Page 1188 psorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|education|slang}} professor {{gl|higher ranking for a female teacher or faculty member at a college or university}}> with <# {{lb|pl|education|slang}} {{femeq|pl|psor|t=[[professor]]}} {{gl|higher ranking for a female teacher or faculty member at a college or university}}>
  • Page 1189 psychoanalityczka: Replacing <# female psychoanalyst> with <# {{femeq|pl|psychoanalityk|t=[[psychoanalyst]]}}>
  • Page 1190 psycholog: Replacing <# female psychologist> with <# {{femeq|pl|psycholog|t=[[psychologist]]}}>
  • Page 1191 psycholożka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|neologism}} female psychologist> with <# {{lb|pl|neologism}} {{femeq|pl|psycholog|t=[[psychologist]]}}>
  • Page 1192 psychopatka: Replacing <# female psychopath> with <# {{femeq|pl|psychopata|t=[[psychopath]]}}>
  • Page 1193 psychoterapeutka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|psychotherapy}} female psychotherapist> with <# {{lb|pl|psychotherapy}} {{femeq|pl|psychoterapeuta|t=[[psychotherapist]]}}>
  • Page 1194 publicystka: Replacing <# female publicist> with <# {{femeq|pl|publicysta|t=[[publicist]]}}>
  • Page 1195 pupilka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} pupil {{gl|female learner}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|pupil|t=[[pupil]]}} {{gl|female learner}}>
  • Page 1196 pustelnica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} female anchorite, female eremite, female hermit {{gl|religious recluse; someone who lives alone for religious reasons}}> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} {{femeq|pl|pustelnik|t=[[anchorite]], [[eremite]], [[hermit]]}} {{gl|religious recluse; someone who lives alone for religious reasons}}>
  • Page 1196 pustelnica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|figuratively}} female hermit, female recluse {{gl|someone who likes solitude and shies away from people}}> with <# {{lb|pl|figuratively}} {{femeq|pl|pustelnik|t=[[hermit]], [[recluse]]}} {{gl|someone who likes solitude and shies away from people}}>
  • Page 1197 pustelniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated|religion}} female anchorite, female eremite, female hermit {{gl|religious recluse; someone who lives alone for religious reasons}}> with <# {{lb|pl|dated|religion}} {{femeq|pl|pustelnik|t=[[anchorite]], [[eremite]], [[hermit]]}} {{gl|religious recluse; someone who lives alone for religious reasons}}>
  • Page 1197 pustelniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated|figuratively}} female hermit, female recluse {{gl|someone who likes solitude and shies away from people}}> with <# {{lb|pl|dated|figuratively}} {{femeq|pl|pustelnik|t=[[hermit]], [[recluse]]}} {{gl|someone who likes solitude and shies away from people}}>
  • Page 1198 pustelnik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} male anchorite, male eremite, male hermit {{gl|religious recluse; someone who lives alone for religious reasons}}> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} anchorite, eremite, hermit {{gl|religious recluse; someone who lives alone for religious reasons}}>
  • Page 1198 pustelnik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|figuratively}} male hermit, male recluse {{gl|someone who likes solitude and shies away from people}}> with <# {{lb|pl|figuratively}} hermit, recluse {{gl|someone who likes solitude and shies away from people}}>
  • Page 1199 radykalistka: Replacing <# female radical> with <# {{femeq|pl|radykalista|t=[[radical]]}}>
  • Page 1200 rajfurka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female pimp, procurer> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|rajfur|t=[[pimp]], [[procurer]]}}>
  • Page 1201 randkowicz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} male date {{gl|potential lover}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} date {{gl|potential lover}}>
  • Page 1202 randkowiczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female date {{gl|potential lover}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|randkowicz|t=[[date]]}} {{gl|potential lover}}>
  • Page 1203 raperka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music}} female rapper> with <# {{lb|pl|music}} {{femeq|pl|raper|t=[[rapper]]}}>
  • Page 1204 rasistka: Replacing <# female racist> with <# {{femeq|pl|rasista|t=[[racist]]}}>
  • Page 1205 rastaman: Replacing <# male Rastafarian> with <# Rastafarian>
  • Page 1206 rastamanka: Replacing <# female Rastafarian> with <# {{femeq|pl|rastaman|t=[[Rastafarian]]}}>
  • Page 1207 ratowniczka: Replacing <# female lifeguard> with <# {{femeq|pl|ratownik|t=[[lifeguard]]}}>
  • Page 1207 ratowniczka: Replacing <# female rescuer, life saver> with <# {{femeq|pl|ratownik|t=[[rescuer]], life saver}}>
  • Page 1207 ratowniczka: Replacing <# female paramedic> with <# {{femeq|pl|ratownik|t=[[paramedic]]}}>
  • Page 1208 rebeliantka: Replacing <# female insurgent, female rebel> with <# {{femeq|pl|rebeliant|t=[[insurgent]], [[rebel]]}}>
  • Page 1209 recenzentka: Replacing <# female reviewer> with <# {{femeq|pl|recenzent|t=[[reviewer]]}}>
  • Page 1210 recydywistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female recidivist, lag> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|recydywista|t=[[recidivist]], [[lag]]}}>
  • Page 1211 recytator: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} male reciter> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} reciter>
  • Page 1212 recytatorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female reciter> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|recytator|t=[[reciter]]}}>
  • Page 1213 redaktorka: Replacing <# female editor> with <# {{femeq|pl|redaktor|t=[[editor]]}}>
  • Page 1214 reemigrantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female remigrant> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|reemigrant|t=[[remigrant]]}}>
  • Page 1215 regentka: Replacing <# regent {{gl|female person who rules in place of the monarch}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|regent|t=[[regent]]}} {{gl|female person who rules in place of the monarch}}>
  • Page 1216 rekordzista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|sports}} male record-holder> with <# {{lb|pl|sports}} record-holder>
  • Page 1217 rekordzistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|sports}} female record-holder> with <# {{lb|pl|sports}} {{femeq|pl|rekordzista|t=[[record-holder]]}}>
  • Page 1218 rekrutka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|military}} recruit {{gl|newly enlisted female soldier}}> with <# {{lb|pl|military}} {{femeq|pl|rekrut|t=[[recruit]]}} {{gl|newly enlisted female soldier}}>
  • Page 1219 repatriantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female repatriate> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|repatriant|t=[[repatriate]]}}>
  • Page 1220 reportażystka: Replacing <# female reporter {{gl|journalist who investigates, edits and reports news stories for newspapers}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|reportażysta|t=[[reporter]]}} {{gl|journalist who investigates, edits and reports news stories for newspapers}}>
  • Page 1221 reporterka: Replacing <# female reporter> with <# {{femeq|pl|reporter|t=[[reporter]]}}>
  • Page 1222 reprezentantka: Replacing <# female representative {{gl|one who speaks for another}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|reprezentant|t=[[representative]]}} {{gl|one who speaks for another}}>
  • Page 1223 restauratorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|cooking}} female restaurateur> with <# {{lb|pl|cooking}} {{femeq|pl|restaurator|t=[[restaurateur]]}}>
  • Page 1223 restauratorka: Replacing <# conservator {{gl|female professional who works on the conservation and restoration of objects}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|restaurator|t=[[conservator]]}} {{gl|female professional who works on the conservation and restoration of objects}}>
  • Page 1223 restauratorka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female restorer> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|restaurator|t=[[restorer]]}}>
  • Page 1224 rewidentka: Replacing <# female auditor, female inspector> with <# {{femeq|pl|rewident|t=[[auditor]], [[inspector]]}}>
  • Page 1225 rezerwistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|military}} female reservist> with <# {{lb|pl|military}} {{femeq|pl|rezerwista|t=[[reservist]]}}>
  • Page 1226 rezydentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} resident {{gl|legal permanent female resident, someone who maintains residency}}> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|rezydent|t=[[resident]]}} {{gl|legal permanent female resident, someone who maintains residency}}>
  • Page 1226 rezydentka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} resident {{gl|female person engaged in postgraduate training}}> with <# {{lb|pl|medicine}} {{femeq|pl|rezydent|t=[[resident]]}} {{gl|female person engaged in postgraduate training}}>
  • Page 1227 reżyserka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|film}} female film director> with <# {{lb|pl|film}} {{femeq|pl|reżyser|t=[[film director]]}}>
  • Page 1227 reżyserka: Replacing <# female director, female manager {{gl|person who prepares an event and takes care of it}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|reżyser|t=[[director]], [[manager]]}} {{gl|person who prepares an event and takes care of it}}>
  • Page 1228 rolniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|agriculture}} farmer {{gl|female person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock}}> with <# {{lb|pl|agriculture}} {{femeq|pl|rolnik|t=[[farmer]]}} {{gl|female person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock}}>
  • Page 1229 Rom: Replacing <# A male Romani> with <# Romani>
  • Page 1230 romantyczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art|literature|music}} female Romantic {{gl|representative of Romanticism}}> with <# {{lb|pl|art|literature|music}} {{femeq|pl|romantyk|t=[[Romantic]]}} {{gl|representative of Romanticism}}>
  • Page 1230 romantyczka: Replacing <# female romantic {{gl|person with romantic character}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|romantyk|t=[[romantic]]}} {{gl|person with romantic character}}>
  • Page 1231 romantyk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|art|literature|music}} male Romantic {{gl|representative of Romanticism}}> with <# {{lb|pl|art|literature|music}} Romantic {{gl|representative of Romanticism}}>
  • Page 1231 romantyk: Replacing <# male romantic {{gl|person with romantic character}}> with <# romantic {{gl|person with romantic character}}>
  • Page 1232 Romka: Replacing <# A female Romani> with <# {{femeq|pl|Rom|t=[[Romani]]}}>
  • Page 1233 Rosjanka: Replacing <# Russian {{gl|a female person from Russia}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Rosjanin|t=[[Russian]]}} {{gl|a female person from Russia}}>
  • Page 1234 rowerzystka: Replacing <# female cyclist> with <# {{femeq|pl|rowerzysta|t=[[cyclist]]}}>
  • Page 1235 rozmówczyni: Replacing <# female interlocutor> with <# {{femeq|pl|rozmówca|t=[[interlocutor]]}}>
  • Page 1236 rozpustnica: Replacing <# female debauchee, libertine> with <# {{femeq|pl|rozpustnik|t=[[debauchee]], [[libertine]]}}>
  • Page 1237 Ruska: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|ethnic slur}} female Russki> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|ethnic slur}} {{femeq|pl|Ruski|t=[[Russki]]}}>
  • Page 1238 rywal: Replacing <# A male rival, competitor> with <# rival, competitor>
  • Page 1239 rywalka: Replacing <# A female rival, competitor> with <# {{femeq|pl|rywal|t=[[rival]], [[competitor]]}}>
  • Page 1240 ryzykantka: Replacing <# female risktaker, female daredevil> with <# {{femeq|pl|ryzykant|t=[[risktaker]], [[daredevil]]}}>
  • Page 1241 rzemieślniczka: Replacing <# female artisan> with <# {{femeq|pl|rzemieślnik|t=[[artisan]]}}>
  • Page 1242 sabotażysta: Replacing <# A male saboteur> with <# saboteur>
  • Page 1243 sadystka: Replacing <# female sadist> with <# {{femeq|pl|sadysta|t=[[sadist]]}}>
  • Page 1244 sajgonka: Replacing <# female Saigonese> with <# {{femeq|pl|sajgończyk|t=[[Saigonese]]}}>
  • Page 1245 saksofonistka: Replacing <# female saxophonist> with <# {{femeq|pl|saksofonista|t=[[saxophonist]]}}>
  • Page 1246 samobójczyni: Replacing <# suicide {{gl|female person who commits suicide}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|samobójca|t=[[suicide]]}} {{gl|female person who commits suicide}}>
  • Page 1247 sanitariuszka: Replacing <# EMT {{gl|female [[emergency medical technician]]}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|sanitariusz|t=[[EMT]]}} {{gl|female [[emergency medical technician]]}}>
  • Page 1248 Sanmarynka: Replacing <# a female Sammarinese {{gl|citizen of the country}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Sanmaryńczyk|t=[[Sammarinese]]}} {{gl|citizen of the country}}>
  • Page 1249 Sanmaryńczyk: Replacing <# a male Sammarinese {{gl|citizen of the country}}> with <# Sammarinese {{gl|citizen of the country}}>
  • Page 1250 scenarzysta: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|cinematography}} male screenwriter> with <# {{lb|pl|cinematography}} screenwriter>
  • Page 1251 scenarzystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|cinematography}} female screenwriter> with <# {{lb|pl|cinematography}} {{femeq|pl|scenarzysta|t=[[screenwriter]]}}>
  • Page 1252 sceptyczka: Replacing <# female skeptic {{gl|someone who habitually doubts beliefs and claims}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|sceptyk|t=[[skeptic]]}} {{gl|someone who habitually doubts beliefs and claims}}>
  • Page 1253 schizolka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} female schizo> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|schizol|t=[[schizo]]}}>
  • Page 1254 seksistka: Replacing <# female sexist> with <# {{femeq|pl|seksista|t=[[sexist]]}}>
  • Page 1255 senatorka: Replacing <# senator {{gl|female member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|senator|t=[[senator]]}} {{gl|female member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate}}>
  • Page 1256 Senegalczyk: Replacing <# a male Senegalese> with <# Senegalese>
  • Page 1257 Senegalka: Replacing <# a female Senegalese> with <# {{femeq|pl|Senegalczyk|t=[[Senegalese]]}}>
  • Page 1258 seulczyk: Replacing <# male Seoulite> with <# Seoulite>
  • Page 1259 seulka: Replacing <# female Seoulite> with <# {{femeq|pl|seulczyk|t=[[Seoulite]]}}>
  • Page 1260 sędzina: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|law|proscribed}} female judge> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|law|proscribed}} {{femeq|pl|sędzia|t=[[judge]]}}>
  • Page 1261 siatkarka: Replacing <# A female volleyballer> with <# {{femeq|pl|siatkarz|t=[[volleyballer]]}}>
  • Page 1262 siedemnastolatka: Replacing <# seventeen-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|siedemnastolatek|t=[[seventeen]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 1263 siedmiolatka: Replacing <# seven-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|siedmiolatek|t=[[seven]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 1264 Singapurczyk: Replacing <# A male Singaporean {{gl|person from Singapore or of Singaporean descent}}> with <# Singaporean {{gl|person from Singapore or of Singaporean descent}}>
  • Page 1265 singapurczyk: Replacing <# A male Singaporean {{gl|inhabitant of the city of [[Singapore]]}}> with <# Singaporean {{gl|inhabitant of the city of [[Singapore]]}}>
  • Page 1266 Singapurka: Replacing <# A female Singaporean {{gl|person from Singapore or of Singaporean descent}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Singapurczyk|t=[[Singaporean]]}} {{gl|person from Singapore or of Singaporean descent}}>
  • Page 1267 singapurka: Replacing <# A female Singaporean {{gl|inhabitant of the city of [[Singapore]]}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|singapurczyk|t=[[Singaporean]]}} {{gl|inhabitant of the city of [[Singapore]]}}>
  • Page 1268 Skandynawka: Replacing <# Scandinavian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Skandynaw|t=[[Scandinavian]]}}>
  • Page 1269 skarżypyta: Replacing <# male tattletale {{gl|one who tattles}}> with <# tattletale {{gl|one who tattles}}>
  • Page 1270 skautka: Replacing <# Girl Scout {{gl|female member of the scout movement}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|skaut|t=[[Girl Scout]]}} {{gl|female member of the scout movement}}>
  • Page 1271 skazana: Replacing <# female convict> with <# {{femeq|pl|skazany|t=[[convict]]}}>
  • Page 1272 skrytobójczyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female assassin> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|skrytobójca|t=[[assassin]]}}>
  • Page 1273 skrzypaczka: Replacing <# female violinist> with <# {{femeq|pl|skrzypek|t=[[violinist]]}}>
  • Page 1274 slawistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|humanities}} female slavist> with <# {{lb|pl|humanities}} {{femeq|pl|slawista|t=[[slavist]]}}>
  • Page 1275 Słowaczka: Replacing <# Slovak {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Słowak|t=[[Slovak]]}}>
  • Page 1276 Słowenka: Replacing <# Slovene, Slovenian {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Słoweniec|t=[[Slovene]], [[Slovenian]]}}>
  • Page 1277 Słowianin: Replacing <# A male Slav> with <# Slav>
  • Page 1278 Słowianka: Replacing <# A female Slav> with <# {{femeq|pl|Słowianin|t=[[Slav]]}}>
  • Page 1279 słuchaczka: Replacing <# female listener> with <# {{femeq|pl|słuchacz|t=[[listener]]}}>
  • Page 1280 służbistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female stickler {{gl|someone who insistently advocates for something}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|służbista|t=[[stickler]]}} {{gl|someone who insistently advocates for something}}>
  • Page 1281 służebnica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female servant> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|służebnik|t=[[servant]]}}>
  • Page 1282 smakoszka: Replacing <# female epicure, foodie, gourmet> with <# {{femeq|pl|smakosz|t=[[epicure]], [[foodie]], [[gourmet]]}}>
  • Page 1283 smoczyca: Replacing <# female dragon> with <# {{femeq|pl|smok|t=[[dragon]]}}>
  • Page 1284 snobka: Replacing <# female snob> with <# {{femeq|pl|snob|t=[[snob]]}}>
  • Page 1285 socjaldemokratka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female social democrat> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|socjaldemokrata|t=[[social democrat]]}}>
  • Page 1286 socjalistka: Replacing <# female socialist> with <# {{femeq|pl|socjalista|t=[[socialist]]}}>
  • Page 1287 socjolog: Replacing <# female sociologist> with <# {{femeq|pl|socjolog|t=[[sociologist]]}}>
  • Page 1288 socjolożka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|neologism}} female sociologist> with <# {{lb|pl|neologism}} {{femeq|pl|socjolog|t=[[sociologist]]}}>
  • Page 1289 socjopatka: Replacing <# female sociopath> with <# {{femeq|pl|socjopata|t=[[sociopath]]}}>
  • Page 1290 sojuszniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|politics}} female ally {{gl|one united to another by treaty or league}}> with <# {{lb|pl|politics}} {{femeq|pl|sojusznik|t=[[ally]]}} {{gl|one united to another by treaty or league}}>
  • Page 1291 solistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|music|sports}} female soloist> with <# {{lb|pl|music|sports}} {{femeq|pl|solista|t=[[soloist]]}}>
  • Page 1292 Somalijczyk: Replacing <# a male Somali> with <# Somali>
  • Page 1293 Somalijka: Replacing <# a female Somali> with <# {{femeq|pl|Somalijczyk|t=[[Somali]]}}>
  • Page 1294 somnambuliczka: Replacing <# female sleepwalker> with <# {{femeq|pl|somnambulik|t=[[sleepwalker]]}}>
  • Page 1295 Sotyjczyk: Replacing <# a male Lesothan> with <# Lesothan>
  • Page 1296 Sotyjka: Replacing <# a female Lesothan> with <# {{femeq|pl|Sotyjczyk}}, {{femeq|pl|Lesotyjczyk|t=[[Lesothan]]}}>
  • Page 1297 Sowietka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} Soviet {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|Sowiet|t=[[Soviet]]}}>
  • Page 1298 spadkobierczyni: Replacing <# heiress, inheritress, female successor> with <# {{femeq|pl|spadkobierca|t=[[heiress]], [[inheritress]], [[successor]]}}>
  • Page 1299 spadkodawczyni: Replacing <# female testator, female legator> with <# {{femeq|pl|spadkodawca|t=[[testator]], [[legator]]}}>
  • Page 1300 specjalistka: Replacing <# female specialist> with <# {{femeq|pl|specjalista|t=[[specialist]]}}>
  • Page 1301 spekulantka: Replacing <# female speculator {{gl|one who speculates; an observer; a contemplator}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|spekulant|t=[[speculator]]}} {{gl|one who speculates; an observer; a contemplator}}>
  • Page 1301 spekulantka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|finance}} female financial speculator> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|finance}} {{femeq|pl|spekulant|t=financial [[speculator]]}}>
  • Page 1302 spirytystka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} female Spiritist> with <# {{lb|pl|philosophy}} {{femeq|pl|spirytysta|t=[[Spiritist]]}}>
  • Page 1303 społeczniczka: Replacing <# female community worker> with <# {{femeq|pl|społecznik|t=[[community]] [[worker]]}}>
  • Page 1304 sprawczyni: Replacing <# female creator {{gl|one who creates}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|sprawca|t=[[creator]]}} {{gl|one who creates}}>
  • Page 1304 sprawczyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female perpetrator> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|sprawca|t=[[perpetrator]]}}>
  • Page 1305 sprawozdawczyni: Replacing <# female reporter, female commentator, female correspondant> with <# {{femeq|pl|sprawozdawca|t=[[reporter]], [[commentator]], [[correspondant]]}}>
  • Page 1306 sprinterka: Replacing <# sprinter {{gl|female person who sprints}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|sprinter|t=[[sprinter]]}} {{gl|female person who sprints}}>
  • Page 1307 stalinistka: Replacing <# female Stalinist> with <# {{femeq|pl|stalinista|t=[[Stalinist]]}}>
  • Page 1308 stara: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|slang}} female boss> with <# {{lb|pl|slang}} {{femeq|pl|stary|t=[[boss]]}}>
  • Page 1308 stara: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|slang}} female friend, dudette> with <# {{lb|pl|slang}} {{femeq|pl|stary|t=[[friend]], [[dudette]]}}>
  • Page 1309 starokatoliczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Catholicism}} female Old Catholic {{gl|member of an Old Catholic church}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Catholicism}} {{femeq|pl|starokatolik|t=[[Old Catholic]]}} {{gl|member of an Old Catholic church}}>
  • Page 1310 starokatolik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Catholicism}} male Old Catholic {{gl|member of an Old Catholic church}}> with <# {{lb|pl|Catholicism}} Old Catholic {{gl|member of an Old Catholic church}}>
  • Page 1311 stary: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|slang}} male boss> with <# {{lb|pl|slang}} boss>
  • Page 1311 stary: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|slang}} male friend, dude> with <# {{lb|pl|slang}} friend, dude>
  • Page 1312 stażystka: Replacing <# female intern, female trainee> with <# {{femeq|pl|stażysta|t=[[intern]], [[trainee]]}}>
  • Page 1313 stewardesa: Replacing <# stewardess, female flight attendant> with <# {{femeq|pl|steward|t=[[stewardess]], [[flight attendant]]}}>
  • Page 1314 stręczycielka: Replacing <# female pimp, procurer> with <# {{femeq|pl|stręczyciel|t=[[pimp]], [[procurer]]}}>
  • Page 1315 stulatek: Replacing <# A centenarian {{gl|male person who is at least 100 years old}}> with <# centenarian {{gl|male person who is at least 100 years old}}>
  • Page 1316 stulatka: Replacing <# A centenarian {{gl|female person who is at least 100 years old}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|stulatek|t=[[centenarian]]}} {{gl|female person who is at least 100 years old}}>
  • Page 1317 stworzycielka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female creator, maker> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|stworzyciel|t=[[creator]], [[maker]]}}>
  • Page 1318 stylistka: Replacing <# stylist {{gl|female designer}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|stylista|t=[[stylist]]}} {{gl|female designer}}>
  • Page 1318 stylistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} stylist {{gl|female writer or speaker distinguished for excellence or individuality of style}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|stylista|t=[[stylist]]}} {{gl|female writer or speaker distinguished for excellence or individuality of style}}>
  • Page 1319 sublokator: Replacing <# A male paying guest> with <# paying guest>
  • Page 1320 sublokatorka: Replacing <# A female paying guest> with <# {{femeq|pl|sublokator|t=[[paying guest]]}}>
  • Page 1321 sukcesorka: Replacing <# female successor, inheritress> with <# {{femeq|pl|sukcesor|t=[[successor]], [[inheritress]]}}>
  • Page 1322 surferka: Replacing <# surfer {{gl|female person who rides a surfboard}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|surfer|t=[[surfer]]}} {{gl|female person who rides a surfboard}}>
  • Page 1323 Surinamka: Replacing <# Surinamese {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Surinamczyk|t=[[Surinamese]]}}>
  • Page 1324 surrealistka: Replacing <# female surrealist> with <# {{femeq|pl|surrealista|t=[[surrealist]]}}>
  • Page 1325 syfiara: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} female scruff, female scuzz, female slob {{gl|slovenly, sloppy, and untidy person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|syfiarz|t=[[scruff]], [[scuzz]], [[slob]]}} {{gl|slovenly, sloppy, and untidy person}}>
  • Page 1325 syfiara: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory|ethnic slur}} female coon, female nigger, female tar baby> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory|ethnic slur}} {{femeq|pl|syfiarz|t=[[coon]], [[nigger]], [[tar baby]]}}>
  • Page 1326 syfiarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} male scruff, male scuzz, male slob {{gl|slovenly, sloppy, and untidy person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} scruff, scuzz, slob {{gl|slovenly, sloppy, and untidy person}}>
  • Page 1326 syfiarz: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory|ethnic slur}} male coon, male nigger, male tar baby> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory|ethnic slur}} coon, nigger, tar baby>
  • Page 1327 symultanistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|chess}} female simul player {{gl|player who competes in simul chess simultaneous exhibition}}> with <# {{lb|pl|chess}} {{femeq|pl|symultanista|t=[[simul]] [[player]]}} {{gl|player who competes in simul chess simultaneous exhibition}}>
  • Page 1328 Syryjczyk: Replacing <# a male Syrian> with <# Syrian>
  • Page 1329 Syryjka: Replacing <# a female Syrian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Syryjczyk|t=[[Syrian]]}}>
  • Page 1330 szachrajka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female fraud {{gl|one who performs fraud}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|szachraj|t=[[fraud]]}} {{gl|one who performs fraud}}>
  • Page 1331 szafarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female dispenser> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|szafarz|t=[[dispenser]]}}>
  • Page 1331 szafarka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|religion}} female minister> with <# {{lb|pl|religion}} {{femeq|pl|szafarz|t=[[minister]]}}>
  • Page 1332 szajbuska: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female crank, wacko, weirdo> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|szajbus|t=[[crank]], [[wacko]], [[weirdo]]}}>
  • Page 1333 szalony: Replacing <# male lunatic, madman> with <# lunatic, madman>
  • Page 1334 szamanka: Replacing <# female shaman> with <# {{femeq|pl|szaman|t=[[shaman]]}}>
  • Page 1335 szansonistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female cabaret singer> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|szansonista|t=[[cabaret]] [[singer]]}}>
  • Page 1336 szantażystka: Replacing <# female blackmailer {{gl|one who extorts money from by exciting fears of injury other than bodily harm}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|szantażysta|t=[[blackmailer]]}} {{gl|one who extorts money from by exciting fears of injury other than bodily harm}}>
  • Page 1337 szarlatanka: Replacing <# female charlatan, quack> with <# {{femeq|pl|szarlatan|t=[[charlatan]], [[quack]]}}>
  • Page 1337 szarlatanka: Replacing <# female trickster, fraud> with <# {{femeq|pl|szarlatan|t=[[trickster]], [[fraud]]}}>
  • Page 1338 szatniarka: Replacing <# female cloakroom attendant> with <# {{femeq|pl|szatniarz|t=[[cloakroom]] [[attendant]]}}>
  • Page 1339 szczurzyca: Replacing <# female rat {{gl|rodent}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|szczur|t=[[rat]]}} {{gl|rodent}}>
  • Page 1340 szczypiornistka: Replacing <# A female handballer> with <# {{femeq|pl|szczypiornista|t=[[handballer]]}}>
  • Page 1341 szefowa: Replacing <# boss {{gl|female person in charge}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|szef|t=[[boss]]}} {{gl|female person in charge}}>
  • Page 1342 szesnastolatka: Replacing <# sixteen-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|szesnastolatek|t=[[sixteen]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 1343 sześciolatka: Replacing <# six-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|sześciolatek|t=[[six]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 1344 szmuglerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} smuggler {{gl|female person who smuggles things}}> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|szmugler|t=[[smuggler]]}} {{gl|female person who smuggles things}}>
  • Page 1345 sznaucerka: Replacing <# female schnauzer> with <# {{femeq|pl|sznaucer|t=[[schnauzer]]}}>
  • Page 1346 sztangistka: Replacing <# female weightlifter> with <# {{femeq|pl|sztangista|t=[[weightlifter]]}}>
  • Page 1347 szwabka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory|ethnic slur}} female German, female Boche, female Fritz, female Jerry, female Kraut> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory|ethnic slur}} {{femeq|pl|szwab|t=[[German]], [[Boche]], [[Fritz]], [[Jerry]], [[Kraut]]}}>
  • Page 1348 Szwajcar: Replacing <# a male Swiss> with <# Swiss>
  • Page 1349 Szwajcarka: Replacing <# a female Swiss> with <# {{femeq|pl|Szwajcar|t=[[Swiss]]}}>
  • Page 1350 Szwedka: Replacing <# Swede {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Szwed|t=[[Swede]]}}>
  • Page 1351 Ślązaczka: Replacing <# a female Silesian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Ślązak|t=[[Silesian]]}}>
  • Page 1352 śpiewaczka: Replacing <# female singer> with <# {{femeq|pl|śpiewak|t=[[singer]]}}>
  • Page 1353 świętoszek: Replacing <# male prude> with <# prude>
  • Page 1353 świętoszek: Replacing <# male goody-goody> with <# goody-goody>
  • Page 1354 świętoszka: Replacing <# female prude> with <# {{femeq|pl|świętoszek|t=[[prude]]}}>
  • Page 1354 świętoszka: Replacing <# female goody-goody> with <# {{femeq|pl|świętoszek|t=[[goody-goody]]}}>
  • Page 1355 Tadżyjka: Replacing <# a female Tajik, Tajikistani> with <# {{femeq|pl|Tadżyk|t=[[Tajik]], [[Tajikistani]]}}>
  • Page 1356 Tadżyk: Replacing <# a male Tajik, Tajikistani> with <# Tajik, Tajikistani>
  • Page 1357 Tahitanka: Replacing <# a female Tahitian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Tahitańczyk|t=[[Tahitian]]}}>
  • Page 1358 Tahitańczyk: Replacing <# a male Tahitian> with <# Tahitian>
  • Page 1359 Tanzanka: Replacing <# A female Tanzanian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Tanzańczyk|t=[[Tanzanian]]}}>
  • Page 1360 Tanzańczyk: Replacing <# A male Tanzanian> with <# Tanzanian>
  • Page 1361 Tatar: Replacing <# A male {{l|en|Tatar}} {{gl|a member of one of several [[Turkic]] ethnic groups}}> with <# {{l|en|Tatar}} {{gl|a member of one of several [[Turkic]] ethnic groups}}>
  • Page 1361 Tatar: Replacing <# A male inhabitant of Tatarstan> with <# inhabitant of Tatarstan>
  • Page 1362 taterniczka: Replacing <# female alpinist> with <# {{femeq|pl|taternik|t=[[alpinist]]}}>
  • Page 1362 taterniczka: Replacing <# female mountain climber or guide in the Tatra Mountains> with <# {{femeq|pl|taternik|t=[[mountain]] [[climber]] or [[guide]] in the [[Tatra Mountains]]}}>
  • Page 1363 tatuatorka: Replacing <# female tattoo artist, tattooist, tattooer> with <# {{femeq|pl|tatuator|t=[[tattoo artist]], [[tattooist]], [[tattooer]]}}>
  • Page 1364 tatuażystka: Replacing <# female tattoo artist, tattooist, tattooer> with <# {{femeq|pl|tatuażysta|t=[[tattoo artist]], [[tattooist]], [[tattooer]]}}>
  • Page 1365 telefonistka: Replacing <# female telephonist, telephone operator> with <# {{femeq|pl|telefonista|t=[[telephonist]], [[telephone operator]]}}>
  • Page 1366 tenisistka: Replacing <# female tennis player> with <# {{femeq|pl|tenisista|t=[[tennis player]]}}>
  • Page 1367 teoretyczka: Replacing <# female theoretician> with <# {{femeq|pl|teoretyk|t=[[theoretician]]}}>
  • Page 1368 terapeutka: Replacing <# female therapist> with <# {{femeq|pl|terapeuta|t=[[therapist]]}}>
  • Page 1369 testatorka: Replacing <# testatrix {{gl|female testator}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|testator|t=[[testatrix]]}} {{gl|female testator}}>
  • Page 1370 tetryczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} grump {{gl|elderly female person who is grumpy and often complains}}> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory|literary}} {{femeq|pl|tetryk|t=[[grump]]}} {{gl|elderly female person who is grumpy and often complains}}>
  • Page 1371 tępaczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} female dimwit, blockhead, dunce, dullard> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|tępak|t=[[dimwit]], [[blockhead]], [[dunce]], [[dullard]]}}>
  • Page 1372 tłuścioch: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} An obese male person; a fatso> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} An obese person; a fatso>
  • Page 1373 tłuściocha: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} An obese female person; a fatso> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|tłuścioch|t=An [[obese]] person; a [[fatso]]}}>
  • Page 1374 tłuścioszka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} An obese female person; a fatso> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|tłuścioch|t=An [[obese]] person; a [[fatso]]}}>
  • Page 1375 Togijczyk: Replacing <# A male Togolese> with <# Togolese>
  • Page 1376 Togijka: Replacing <# A female Togolese> with <# {{femeq|pl|Togijczyk|t=[[Togolese]]}}>
  • Page 1377 Tongijczyk: Replacing <# A male Tongan> with <# Tongan>
  • Page 1378 Tongijka: Replacing <# A female Tongan> with <# {{femeq|pl|Tongijczyk|t=[[Tongan]]}}>
  • Page 1379 topielec: Replacing <# The corpse of a male drowning victim> with <# The corpse of a drowning victim>
  • Page 1379 topielec: Replacing <# A male person saved from drowning> with <# person saved from drowning>
  • Page 1380 topielica: Replacing <# The corpse of a female drowning victim> with <# {{femeq|pl|topielec|t=The [[corpse]] of a [[drowning]] victim}}>
  • Page 1381 towarzyszka: Replacing <# female companion> with <# {{femeq|pl|towarzysz|t=[[companion]]}}>
  • Page 1381 towarzyszka: Replacing <# female comrade> with <# {{femeq|pl|towarzysz|t=[[comrade]]}}>
  • Page 1382 traktorzystka: Replacing <# female tractor driver> with <# {{femeq|pl|traktorzysta|t=[[tractor driver]]}}>
  • Page 1383 trenerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|sports}} coach, trainer {{gl|female person who trains another}}> with <# {{lb|pl|sports}} {{femeq|pl|trener|t=[[coach]], [[trainer]]}} {{gl|female person who trains another}}>
  • Page 1383 trenerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|psychology}} female coach, instructor> with <# {{lb|pl|psychology}} {{femeq|pl|trener|t=[[coach]], [[instructor]]}}>
  • Page 1384 treser: Replacing <# a male animal trainer> with <# animal trainer>
  • Page 1385 treserka: Replacing <# a female animal trainer> with <# {{femeq|pl|treser|t=animal [[trainer]]}}>
  • Page 1386 trębaczka: Replacing <# female trumpeter> with <# {{femeq|pl|trębacz|t=[[trumpeter]]}}>
  • Page 1387 trucicielka: Replacing <# female poisoner {{gl|one who poisons}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|truciciel|t=[[poisoner]]}} {{gl|one who poisons}}>
  • Page 1388 trzydziestolatka: Replacing <# female tricenarian> with <# {{femeq|pl|trzydziestolatek|t=[[tricenarian]]}}>
  • Page 1389 trzylatka: Replacing <# three-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|trzylatek|t=[[three]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 1390 trzynastolatka: Replacing <# thirteen-year-old {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|trzynastolatek|t=[[thirteen]]-[[year-old]]}} {{gl|female person or animal/plant of feminine gender}}>
  • Page 1391 Tunguzka: Replacing <# Tungus {{gl|a female member of any [[Tungusic]] people}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Tunguz|t=[[Tungus]]}} {{gl|a female member of any [[Tungusic]] people}}>
  • Page 1392 Turczynka: Replacing <# Turk {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Turek|t=[[Turk]]}}>
  • Page 1393 turystka: Replacing <# female tourist> with <# {{femeq|pl|turysta|t=[[tourist]]}}>
  • Page 1394 twórczyni: Replacing <# female creator; creatress> with <# {{femeq|pl|twórca|t=[[creator]]; [[creatress]]}}>
  • Page 1395 tyranka: Replacing <# tyrant {{gl|oppressive and harsh female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|tyran|t=[[tyrant]]}} {{gl|oppressive and harsh female person}}>
  • Page 1396 uchodźczyni: Replacing <# female refugee {{gl|person seeking asylum in another country}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|uchodźca|t=[[refugee]]}} {{gl|person seeking asylum in another country}}>
  • Page 1397 uczennica: Replacing <# female student, pupil> with <# {{femeq|pl|uczeń|t=[[student]], [[pupil]]}}>
  • Page 1398 uczestniczka: Replacing <# female participant> with <# {{femeq|pl|uczestnik|t=[[participant]]}}>
  • Page 1399 Ugandyjczyk: Replacing <# a male Ugandan> with <# Ugandan>
  • Page 1400 Ugandyjka: Replacing <# a female Ugandan> with <# {{femeq|pl|Ugandyjczyk|t=[[Ugandan]]}}>
  • Page 1401 ukochana: Replacing <# beloved {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|ukochany|t=[[beloved]]}}>
  • Page 1402 Ukrainiec: Replacing <# male Ukrainian> with <# Ukrainian>
  • Page 1403 Ukrainka: Replacing <# female Ukrainian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Ukrainiec|t=[[Ukrainian]]}}>
  • Page 1404 ulicznica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated|derogatory}} prostitute {{gl|female person having sex for profit}}> with <# {{lb|pl|dated|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|ulicznik|t=[[prostitute]]}} {{gl|female person having sex for profit}}>
  • Page 1405 ulubieniec: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|of a male person}} A favorite> with <# {{lb|pl|of a male person}} favorite>
  • Page 1406 umarła: Replacing <# deceased, departed, decedent {{gl|female dead person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|umarły|t=[[deceased]], [[departed]], [[decedent]]}} {{gl|female dead person}}>
  • Page 1407 urlopowiczka: Replacing <# female holidaymaker, female vacationer> with <# {{femeq|pl|urlopowicz|t=[[holidaymaker]], [[vacationer]]}}>
  • Page 1408 Urugwajka: Replacing <# Uruguayan {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Urugwajczyk|t=[[Uruguayan]]}}>
  • Page 1409 urzędniczka: Replacing <# female government clerk; female official; female employee of an administrative unit of government> with <# {{femeq|pl|urzędnik|t=[[government]] [[clerk]]; [[official]]; employee of an administrative unit of government}}>
  • Page 1410 utracjuszka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} spendthrift, squanderer {{gl|wasteful female person}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|utracjusz|t=[[spendthrift]], [[squanderer]]}} {{gl|wasteful female person}}>
  • Page 1411 uzurpatorka: Replacing <# female usurper> with <# {{femeq|pl|uzurpator|t=[[usurper]]}}>
  • Page 1412 użytkowniczka: Replacing <# female user> with <# {{femeq|pl|użytkownik|t=[[user]]}}>
  • Page 1413 vlogerka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Internet}} female vlogger> with <# {{lb|pl|Internet}} {{femeq|pl|vloger|t=[[vlogger]]}}>
  • Page 1414 wagarowicz: Replacing <# male truant> with <# truant>
  • Page 1415 wagarowiczka: Replacing <# female truant> with <# {{femeq|pl|wagarowicz|t=[[truant]]}}>
  • Page 1416 wampirzyca: Replacing <# vampiress {{gl|female vampire}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|wampir|t=[[vampiress]]}} {{gl|female vampire}}>
  • Page 1417 warcabista: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|board games}} male draughts player> with <# {{lb|pl|board games}} draughts player>
  • Page 1418 warcabistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|board games}} female draughts player> with <# {{lb|pl|board games}} {{femeq|pl|warcabista|t=[[draughts]] [[player]]}}>
  • Page 1419 warszawianka: Replacing <# Varsovian {{gl|female inhabitant of [[Warsaw]]}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|warszawiak|t=[[Varsovian]]}} {{gl|female inhabitant of [[Warsaw]]}}>
  • Page 1420 wczasowiczka: Replacing <# female holidaymaker, female vacationer> with <# {{femeq|pl|wczasowicz|t=[[holidaymaker]], [[vacationer]]}}>
  • Page 1421 weganka: Replacing <# female vegan {{gl|person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|weganin|t=[[vegan]]}} {{gl|person}}>
  • Page 1422 wegetarianka: Replacing <# female vegetarian {{gl|person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|wegetarianin|t=[[vegetarian]]}} {{gl|person}}>
  • Page 1423 wenecjanin: Replacing <# male Venetian> with <# Venetian>
  • Page 1424 Wenezuelka: Replacing <# Venezuelan {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Wenezuelczyk|t=[[Venezuelan]]}}>
  • Page 1425 weselnica: Replacing <# female wedding guest> with <# {{femeq|pl|weselnik|t=[[wedding]] [[guest]]}}>
  • Page 1426 weteranka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|military}} female veteran {{gl|old soldier}}> with <# {{lb|pl|military}} {{femeq|pl|weteran|t=[[veteran]]}} {{gl|old soldier}}>
  • Page 1426 weteranka: Replacing <# female veteran {{gl|person with long experience}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|weteran|t=[[veteran]]}} {{gl|person with long experience}}>
  • Page 1427 weterynarz: Replacing <# male veterinary, veterinary surgeon, vet {{gl|animal doctor}}> with <# veterinary, veterinary surgeon, vet {{gl|animal doctor}}>
  • Page 1428 wędrowniczka: Replacing <# female wanderer> with <# {{femeq|pl|wędrownik|t=[[wanderer]]}}>
  • Page 1429 wicedyrektorka: Replacing <# female vice director> with <# {{femeq|pl|wicedyrektor|t=[[vice director]]}}>
  • Page 1430 wielbicielka: Replacing <# female admirer> with <# {{femeq|pl|wielbiciel|t=[[admirer]]}}>
  • Page 1430 wielbicielka: Replacing <# female adorer, admirer> with <# {{femeq|pl|wielbiciel|t=[[adorer]], [[admirer]]}}>
  • Page 1431 wierzycielka: Replacing <# female creditor> with <# {{femeq|pl|wierzyciel|t=[[creditor]]}}>
  • Page 1432 wieszczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|poetry}} inspired female poet> with <# {{lb|pl|poetry}} {{femeq|pl|wieszcz|t=[[inspired]] [[poet]]}}>
  • Page 1433 wieśniaczka: Replacing <# female villager> with <# {{femeq|pl|wieśniak|t=[[villager]]}}>
  • Page 1433 wieśniaczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} female yokel; rustic; uncultured person> with <# {{lb|pl|derogatory}} {{femeq|pl|wieśniak|t=[[yokel]]; [[rustic]]; [[uncultured]] person}}>
  • Page 1434 Wietnamczyk: Replacing <# a male Vietnamese> with <# Vietnamese>
  • Page 1435 Wietnamka: Replacing <# a female Vietnamese> with <# {{femeq|pl|Wietnamczyk|t=[[Vietnamese]]}}>
  • Page 1436 więźniarka: Replacing <# female prisoner> with <# {{femeq|pl|więzień|t=[[prisoner]]}}>
  • Page 1437 wikipedystka: Replacing <# Wikipedian {{gl|female person who uses, edits, or contributes to Wikipedia}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|wikipedysta|t=[[Wikipedian]]}} {{gl|female person who uses, edits, or contributes to Wikipedia}}>
  • Page 1438 wikisłownikarka: Replacing <# female Wiktionarian> with <# {{femeq|pl|wikisłownik|t=[[Wiktionarian]]}}>
  • Page 1439 wikisłownikarz: Replacing <# male Wiktionarian> with <# Wiktionarian>
  • Page 1440 wilczyca: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female German Shepherd> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|wilk|t=[[German Shepherd]]}}>
  • Page 1441 wilniuk: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Kresy}} A Polish male resident or native of Vilnius> with <# {{lb|pl|Kresy}} Polish resident or native of Vilnius>
  • Page 1442 winowajczyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female culprit, wrongdoer, guilty party> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|winowajca|t=[[culprit]], [[wrongdoer]], [[guilty party]]}}>
  • Page 1443 wiolonczelistka: Replacing <# female cellist> with <# {{femeq|pl|wiolonczelista|t=[[cellist]]}}>
  • Page 1444 wirtuozka: Replacing <# virtuoso {{gl|female person with masterly ability, technique or style}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|wirtuoz|t=[[virtuoso]]}} {{gl|female person with masterly ability, technique or style}}>
  • Page 1445 wizażystka: Replacing <# female visagiste> with <# {{femeq|pl|wizażysta|t=[[visagiste]]}}>
  • Page 1446 władczyni: Replacing <# female ruler {{gl|person who rules}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|władca|t=[[ruler]]}} {{gl|person who rules}}>
  • Page 1447 właścicielka: Replacing <# female owner, proprietor> with <# {{femeq|pl|właściciel|t=[[owner]], [[proprietor]]}}>
  • Page 1448 Włoszka: Replacing <# Italian {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Włoch|t=[[Italian]]}}>
  • Page 1449 włościanka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} peasant {{gl|female farmer}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|włościanin|t=[[peasant]]}} {{gl|female farmer}}>
  • Page 1450 wojowniczka: Replacing <# female warrior> with <# {{femeq|pl|wojownik|t=[[warrior]]}}>
  • Page 1451 wokalistka: Replacing <# female vocalist> with <# {{femeq|pl|wokalista|t=[[vocalist]]}}>
  • Page 1452 wolontariuszka: Replacing <# female volunteer> with <# {{femeq|pl|wolontariusz|t=[[volunteer]]}}>
  • Page 1453 Wołoszka: Replacing <# Vlach {{gl|female person from Wallachia or of Wallachian descent}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Wołoch|t=[[Vlach]]}} {{gl|female person from Wallachia or of Wallachian descent}}>
  • Page 1454 Wołynianka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} Volhynian {{gl|female member of a historical Slavic tribe}}> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|Wołynianin|t=[[Volhynian]]}} {{gl|female member of a historical Slavic tribe}}>
  • Page 1454 Wołynianka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|historical}} a female inhabitant of Volhynia> with <# {{lb|pl|historical}} {{femeq|pl|Wołynianin|t=[[inhabitant]] of [[Volhynia]]}}>
  • Page 1455 wróblica: Replacing <# female sparrow {{gl|member of ''[[Passer]]'', ''[[Gymnoris]]'', ''[[Carpospiza]]'', or ''[[Petronia]]''}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|wróbel|t=[[sparrow]]}} {{gl|member of ''[[Passer]]'', ''[[Gymnoris]]'', ''[[Carpospiza]]'', or ''[[Petronia]]''}}>
  • Page 1456 wróbliczka: Replacing <# female sparrow {{gl|member of ''[[Passer]]'', ''[[Gymnoris]]'', ''[[Carpospiza]]'', or ''[[Petronia]]''}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|wróbel|t=[[sparrow]]}} {{gl|member of ''[[Passer]]'', ''[[Gymnoris]]'', ''[[Carpospiza]]'', or ''[[Petronia]]''}}>
  • Page 1457 wróżbitka: Replacing <# female foreteller, augur {{gl|one who foretells the future}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|wróżbita|t=[[foreteller]], [[augur]]}} {{gl|one who foretells the future}}>
  • Page 1458 wspólniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|business}} associate, partner {{gl|female person united with another or others in an act, enterprise, or business}}> with <# {{lb|pl|business}} {{femeq|pl|wspólnik|t=[[associate]], [[partner]]}} {{gl|female person united with another or others in an act, enterprise, or business}}>
  • Page 1459 współlokator: Replacing <# A male roommate> with <# roommate>
  • Page 1460 współlokatorka: Replacing <# A female roommate> with <# {{femeq|pl|współlokator|t=[[roommate]]}}>
  • Page 1461 współobywatel: Replacing <# male fellow citizen> with <# fellow citizen>
  • Page 1462 współobywatelka: Replacing <# female fellow citizen> with <# {{femeq|pl|współobywatel|t=[[fellow citizen]]}}>
  • Page 1463 współpracowniczka: Replacing <# female associate, female collaborator {{gl|person who works with others towards a common goal}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|współpracownik|t=[[associate]], [[collaborator]]}} {{gl|person who works with others towards a common goal}}>
  • Page 1464 współpracownik: Replacing <# male associate, male collaborator {{gl|person who works with others towards a common goal}}> with <# associate, collaborator {{gl|person who works with others towards a common goal}}>
  • Page 1465 współwięźniarka: Replacing <# female cellmate> with <# {{femeq|pl|współwięzień|t=[[cellmate]]}}>
  • Page 1466 współzałożycielka: Replacing <# female cofounder> with <# {{femeq|pl|współzałożyciel|t=[[cofounder]]}}>
  • Page 1467 współzawodniczka: Replacing <# competitor {{gl|female person against whom one is competing}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|współzawodnik|t=[[competitor]]}} {{gl|female person against whom one is competing}}>
  • Page 1468 wybawczyni: Replacing <# female saviour> with <# {{femeq|pl|wybawca|t=[[saviour]]}}>
  • Page 1469 wybawicielka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} savior {{gl|female person who saves someone, rescues another from harm}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|wybawiciel|t=[[savior]]}} {{gl|female person who saves someone, rescues another from harm}}>
  • Page 1470 wyborczyni: Replacing <# constituent, elector {{gl|female person eligible to vote in an election}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|wyborca|t=[[constituent]], [[elector]]}} {{gl|female person eligible to vote in an election}}>
  • Page 1471 wybranka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} female bashert> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|wybranek|t=[[bashert]]}}>
  • Page 1472 wychowawczyni: Replacing <# female educator, pedagogue, didact> with <# {{femeq|pl|wychowawca|t=[[educator]], [[pedagogue]], [[didact]]}}>
  • Page 1473 wydawczyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|publishing}} female publisher {{gl|one who publishes, especially books}}> with <# {{lb|pl|publishing}} {{femeq|pl|wydawca|t=[[publisher]]}} {{gl|one who publishes, especially books}}>
  • Page 1474 wygnanka: Replacing <# female exile, female expatriate> with <# {{femeq|pl|wygnaniec|t=[[exile]], [[expatriate]]}}>
  • Page 1475 wyjadaczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female old hand, old sweat> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|wyjadacz|t=[[old hand]], [[old sweat]]}}>
  • Page 1476 wykładowczyni: Replacing <# female lecturer {{gl|person who gives lectures}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|wykładowca|t=[[lecturer]]}} {{gl|person who gives lectures}}>
  • Page 1476 wykładowczyni: Replacing <# female lecturer {{gl|member of university or college}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|wykładowca|t=[[lecturer]]}} {{gl|member of university or college}}>
  • Page 1477 wykonawczyni: Replacing <# female contractor> with <# {{femeq|pl|wykonawca|t=[[contractor]]}}>
  • Page 1477 wykonawczyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|law}} female executor> with <# {{lb|pl|law}} {{femeq|pl|wykonawca|t=[[executor]]}}>
  • Page 1477 wykonawczyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dance|music}} female performer> with <# {{lb|pl|dance|music}} {{femeq|pl|wykonawca|t=[[performer]]}}>
  • Page 1478 wynalazczyni: Replacing <# female inventor> with <# {{femeq|pl|wynalazca|t=[[inventor]]}}>
  • Page 1479 wysłannica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} female messenger, envoy> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|wysłaniec|t=[[messenger]], [[envoy]]}}>
  • Page 1480 wysłanniczka: Replacing <# female messenger, envoy> with <# {{femeq|pl|wysłannik|t=[[messenger]], [[envoy]]}}>
  • Page 1481 wyznawczyni: Replacing <# female believer, adherent; female member of a religion> with <# {{femeq|pl|wyznawca|t=[[believer]], [[adherent]]; member of a religion}}>
  • Page 1482 zaawansowana: Replacing <# A female experienced person> with <# {{femeq|pl|zaawansowany|t=[[experienced]] person}}>
  • Page 1483 zaawansowany: Replacing <# A male experienced person> with <# experienced person>
  • Page 1484 zabójczyni: Replacing <# female killer, female murderer> with <# {{femeq|pl|zabójca|t=[[killer]], [[murderer]]}}>
  • Page 1485 zakładniczka: Replacing <# female hostage> with <# {{femeq|pl|zakładnik|t=[[hostage]]}}>
  • Page 1486 zakrystianka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|Roman Catholicism}} female sacristan, verger> with <# {{lb|pl|Roman Catholicism}} {{femeq|pl|zakrystian|t=[[sacristan]], [[verger]]}}>
  • Page 1487 zalotnica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|dated}} female wooer, female suitor> with <# {{lb|pl|dated}} {{femeq|pl|zalotnik|t=[[wooer]], [[suitor]]}}>
  • Page 1488 założyciel: Replacing <# male founder> with <# founder>
  • Page 1489 założycielka: Replacing <# female founder> with <# {{femeq|pl|założyciel|t=[[founder]]}}>
  • Page 1490 Zambijczyk: Replacing <# A male Zambian> with <# Zambian>
  • Page 1491 Zambijka: Replacing <# A female Zambian> with <# {{femeq|pl|Zambijczyk|t=[[Zambian]]}}>
  • Page 1492 zapaśniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|sports}} a female wrestler> with <# {{lb|pl|sports}} {{femeq|pl|zapaśnik|t=[[wrestler]]}}>
  • Page 1493 zapaśnik: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|sports}} a male wrestler> with <# {{lb|pl|sports}} wrestler>
  • Page 1494 zarządczyni: Replacing <# female director, administrator> with <# {{femeq|pl|zarządca|t=[[director]], [[administrator]]}}>
  • Page 1495 zastępczyni: Replacing <# female deputy, female stand-in> with <# {{femeq|pl|zastępca|t=[[deputy]], [[stand-in]]}}>
  • Page 1496 zawodniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|sports}} competitor, player, contender, contestant {{gl|female participant in a competition}}> with <# {{lb|pl|sports}} {{femeq|pl|zawodnik|t=[[competitor]], [[player]], [[contender]], [[contestant]]}} {{gl|female participant in a competition}}>
  • Page 1496 zawodniczka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|obsolete}} competitor {{gl|female person against whom one is competing}}> with <# {{lb|pl|obsolete}} {{femeq|pl|zawodnik|t=[[competitor]]}} {{gl|female person against whom one is competing}}>
  • Page 1497 zbawczyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female saviour> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|zbawca|t=[[saviour]]}}>
  • Page 1498 zbawicielka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} savior {{gl|female person who saves someone, rescues another from harm}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|zbawiciel|t=[[savior]]}} {{gl|female person who saves someone, rescues another from harm}}>
  • Page 1499 zbir: Replacing <# male bandit, highwayman> with <# bandit, highwayman>
  • Page 1500 zdrajczyni: Replacing <# traitress, female turncoat {{gl|one who violates allegiance and betrays one's country}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|zdrajca|t=[[traitress]], [[turncoat]]}} {{gl|one who violates allegiance and betrays one's country}}>
  • Page 1500 zdrajczyni: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|of ideals, values}} female betrayer, traitress> with <# {{lb|pl|of ideals, values}} {{femeq|pl|zdrajca|t=[[betrayer]], [[traitress]]}}>
  • Page 1500 zdrajczyni: Replacing <# female fraud {{gl|one who performs fraud}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|zdrajca|t=[[fraud]]}} {{gl|one who performs fraud}}>
  • Page 1501 zecerka: Replacing <# female compositor, female typesetter> with <# {{femeq|pl|zecer|t=[[compositor]], [[typesetter]]}}>
  • Page 1502 zgrywuska: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} female kidder> with <# {{lb|pl|colloquial}} {{femeq|pl|zgrywus|t=[[kidder]]}}>
  • Page 1503 ziemianka: Replacing <# female landowner> with <# {{femeq|pl|ziemianin|t=[[landowner]]}}>
  • Page 1504 Ziemianka: Replacing <# Earthling, Terran {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|Ziemianin|t=[[Earthling]], [[Terran]]}}>
  • Page 1505 złodziejka: Replacing <# thief {{gl|female one who carries out theft}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|złodziej|t=[[thief]]}} {{gl|female one who carries out theft}}>
  • Page 1506 zmarła: Replacing <# deceased, departed, decedent {{gl|female dead person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|zmarły|t=[[deceased]], [[departed]], [[decedent]]}} {{gl|female dead person}}>
  • Page 1507 zmywaczka: Replacing <# washer, dishwasher {{gl|female person who washes}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|zmywacz|t=[[washer]], [[dishwasher]]}} {{gl|female person who washes}}>
  • Page 1508 znajoma: Replacing <# acquaintance {{gl|female person}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|znajomy|t=[[acquaintance]]}}>
  • Page 1509 zrzęda: Replacing <# A male person who complains and criticizes in a tiresome manner; a grouch; a grump> with <# person who complains and criticizes in a tiresome manner; a grouch; a grump>
  • Page 1510 zwierzchniczka: Replacing <# female superior, suzerain> with <# {{femeq|pl|zwierzchnik|t=[[superior]], [[suzerain]]}}>
  • Page 1511 zwolenniczka: Replacing <# female supporter, female follower, female partisan> with <# {{femeq|pl|zwolennik|t=[[supporter]], [[follower]], [[partisan]]}}>
  • Page 1511 zwolenniczka: Replacing <# female proponent, female advocate> with <# {{femeq|pl|zwolennik|t=[[proponent]], [[advocate]]}}>
  • Page 1512 zwyciężczyni: Replacing <# female winner> with <# {{femeq|pl|zwycięzca|t=[[winner]]}}>
  • Page 1513 źrebica: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} filly {{gl|young female horse}}> with <# {{lb|pl|archaic}} {{femeq|pl|źrebiec|t=[[filly]]}} {{gl|young female horse}}>
  • Page 1514 żartownisia: Replacing <# joker {{gl|female person who makes jokes}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|żartowniś|t=[[joker]]}} {{gl|female person who makes jokes}}>
  • Page 1515 żebraczka: Replacing <# female beggar> with <# {{femeq|pl|żebrak|t=[[beggar]]}}>
  • Page 1516 żeglarka: Replacing <# female sailor> with <# {{femeq|pl|żeglarz|t=[[sailor]]}}>
  • Page 1517 żniwiarka: Replacing <# harvester {{gl|female person who gathers the harvest}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|żniwiarz|t=[[harvester]]}} {{gl|female person who gathers the harvest}}>
  • Page 1518 żołnierka: Replacing <# soldier {{gl|female}}> with <# {{femeq|pl|żołnierz|t=[[soldier]]}}>
  • Page 1519 żółwica: Replacing <# female tortoise, female turtle> with <# {{femeq|pl|żółw|t=[[tortoise]], [[turtle]]}}>
  • Page 1520 żurnalistka: Replacing <# {{lb|pl|literary}} journalist {{gl|female reporter}}> with <# {{lb|pl|literary}} {{femeq|pl|żurnalista|t=[[journalist]]}} {{gl|female reporter}}>
  • Page 1521 żywczanin: Replacing <# A male resident or native of Żywiec> with <# resident or native of Żywiec>
  • Page 1522 żywczanka: Replacing <# A female resident or native of Żywiec in Poland> with <# {{femeq|pl|żywczanin|t=[[resident]] or [[native]] of [[Żywiec]] in [[Poland]]}}>