Appendix:Sinitic Swadesh lists/Part 2

This is a Swadesh list of Sinitic languages, specifically Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, Hokkien, Eastern Min, Wu and Xiang, compared with that of English. Sinitic languages are alternatively known as Chinese dialects.


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.


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The following varieties that are referenced are listed below. Please refer to their respective pages for more information.

普通話普通话 (pǔtōnghuà)
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四川話四川话 (Sìchuānhuà)
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南京話南京话 (Nánjīnghuà)
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廣州話广州话 (gwong2 zau1 waa6-2)
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Eastern Min
閩東語闽东语 (mìng-dĕ̤ng-ngṳ̄)
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92to drink () (ho1) (chr5), (ho5) (jam2) (lîm) (lim) (haq7), (chiq7) (haeq7), (chiq7)
93to eat (chī) (ci2) (chr5) (sik6) (sṳ̍t) (chia̍h) (chiq7) (chiq7)
94to bite (yǎo) (ngao3) (iao3) (ngaau5) (ngâu) () (ngau6) (ngau6)
95to suck ()*, (chuò)*, 吮吸 (shǔnxī)*[[#Mandarin|]] (xi5), (sho5) (kap1), (zyut3) (chhiôn) (khip)*, (empty) (chi̍p)*, (suh)*, (soq7), (shiq7) (soq7),
96to spit ()*, 吐口水 (tǔ kǒushuǐ)*, 吐痰 (tǔtán)* (tu3) (tu3)𦧲 (loe1), (tou3, tu1)𠯟 (lién) (phùi)*, 呸瀾呸澜 (phùi-nōa)*, 呸嘴瀾呸嘴澜 (phùi-chhùi-nōa)*, 呸痰 (phùi-thâm)*, (thu5) (thou3)
97to vomit (ǒu)*, ()*, 嘔吐呕吐 (ǒutù)* (tu3) (tu4) (au2) (éu), (phôn) (áu)*, (thò͘)*, 嘔吐呕吐 (áu-thò͘)* (áe̤h→é̤h) (eu5) (eu3)
98to blow (chuī) (cui1) (chuei1) (ceoi1) (chhôi), 𬅫 (pùn) (chhe), 𬅫 (pûn) (chuŏi), (tshy1) (tshyu1)
99to breathe呼吸 (hūxī)呼吸 (fu1 xi1)呼吸 (hu1 xi5)敨氣敨气 (tau2 hei3), 呼吸 (fu1 kap1)敨氣敨气 (théu-hì)呼吸 (ho͘-khip)*, 喘氣喘气 (chhóan-khùi)呼吸 (hù-ngék)呼吸 (hu1 shiq7)呼吸 (hou1 shiq7)[[#Xiang|]]
100to laugh (xiào) (xiao4) (siao4) (siu3) (seu) (chhiò) (chiéu) (shiau5) (siau5) (siau4)
101to see (kàn) (kan4) (kang4) (gin3), (tai2) (khon) (khòaⁿ) (ché̤ṳ) (khoe5) (khoe5)
102to hear (tīng) (tin1) (tin1) (teng1) (thâng) (thiaⁿ) (thin1) (thin3) (tin1)
103to know知道 (zhīdào), 曉得晓得 (xiǎode), 認識认识 (rènshi)*知道 (zi1 dao4), 曉得晓得 (xiao3 de2)曉得晓得 (xao3 dä5), 知道 (zhr1 dao4) (zi1), 知道 (zi1 dou3) (), 知得 (tî tet) (chai), 知影 (chai-iáⁿ), (pat)* (báik)曉得晓得 (shiau5 teq7)曉得晓得 (shiau3 teq7)曉得晓得 (xiau3 de)
104to think (xiǎng) (xiang3) (siang3) (nam2) (sióng) (siūⁿ) (siōng) (shian5) (sian3) (sian3)
105to smell (xiù), (wén) (wen2) (uen2) (man4) (phi) (phīⁿ) () (men6) (men2)
106to fear () (pa4)嚇怕吓怕 (hä5 pa4) (geng1), (paa3) (kiâng) (kiaⁿ) (pho5), (haq7) (pho5), (haeq7)畏怯 (uei4 qie6), (pa4)
107to sleep (shuì), 睡覺睡觉 (shuìjiào)睡瞌睡 (sui4 ko2 sui4) (shuei4)𰥛 (fan3), 瞓覺𰥛觉 (fan3 gaau3)睡目 (soi-muk) (khùn) (káung) (khuen5) (khuen5)睏覺困觉 (kun4 gau4), (kun4)
108to live (huó) (ho2) (ho5) (saang1) (sâng) (o̍ah) (weq8) (weq8) (ho6)
109to die () (si3) (sy3) (sei2) () () (shi5) (si3) (sr3)
110to kill (shā) (sa2) (sha5) (saat3) (chhṳ̀) (thâi) (tài) (saq7) (saeq7) (sa6)
111to fight吵架 (chǎojià)*, 打架 (dǎjià)*, 打仗 (dǎzhàng)*吵架 (cao3 jia4), 角逆 (go2 nyie2)打架 (da3 ja4) (zaang1)相打 (siông-tá)冤家 (oan-ke)*, 相拍 (sio-phah)*, 相刣 (sio-thâi)*相拍 (siŏng-*páh)打相打 (tan5 shian1 tan5)相打 (sian1 tan3), 打相打 (tan3 sian1 tan3)扯皮 (che3 bi2)
112to hunt打獵打猎 (dǎliè)[[#Mandarin|]]打獵打猎 (da3 lie4)打獵打猎 (daa2 lip6)打獵打猎 (tá-lia̍p)拍獵拍猎 (phah-la̍h) (tō̤)打獵打猎 (tan5 laq8)打獵打猎 (tan3 laeq8)趕山赶山 (gan3 san1)
113to hit () (da3) (zou4) (daa2) () (phah) (páh) (tan5)*, (khau1)* (tan3), (khau1) (da3)
114to cut ()*, (qiē)*, (jiǎn)*[[#Mandarin|]] (cie5) (cit3), (zin2) (kot) (koah)*, (chhiat)*, (ka)*, (siók)𭄛 (tse1), (chiq7), (ci5)* (tse1), (tsie3)*
115to split劈開劈开 (pīkāi)*, 裂開裂开 (lièkāi)*, 分開分开 (fēnkāi)*[[#Mandarin|]]劈開劈开 (pi5 kä1)分開分开 (fan1 hoi1)擘開擘开 (pak-khôi)破開破开, 剖開剖开 (phòa-khui)*, 裂開裂开 (liʔ²¹ kʰui⁵⁵)*, 分開分开 (hun-khui)* (fen1) (fen1)
116to stab ()[[#Mandarin|]] (cho5) (caap3), (tung2) (chhiuk) (chhì), 𰄞 (chân), (tu̍h) (tshoq7), (zoq8) (tshoq7)[[#Xiang|]]
117to scratch (sāo), (zhuā) (kou1) (gua5) (gwaat3), 𢯎 (ngaau1), (we2) (yet) () () (tsau1) (tsau1)[[#Xiang|]]
118to dig (), (jué) (wa1) (ua5) (gwat6) (yet) (ó͘, óe, iah), (liú), (ku̍t) () (uaq7) (uaeq7)
119to swim游泳 (yóuyǒng)游泳 (you2 yun4)划水 (hua2 shuei3), 游泳 (iou2 iong4)游水 (jau4 seoi2)泅水 (tsiù-súi)泅水 (siû-chúi) (siù)游泳 (yeu6 ion5)游泳 (yeu2 ion3)玩水 (uan2 xyei3)
120to fly (fēi) (fei1) (fei1) (fei1) () (pe) (fi1) (fi1)[[#Xiang|]]
121to walk (zǒu)*, 走路 (zǒulù)*, 步行 (bùxíng)* (zou3) (zou3) (haang4) (hàng) (kiâⁿ)*, 行路 (kiâⁿ-lō͘)*, 步行 (pō͘-hêng)*, 步行 (pō͘-kiâⁿ)*, 步輦步辇 (pō͘-lián)* (tseu5) (tseu3) (zou3), (pau3)
122to come (lái) (nai2) (lä2) (lai4) (loi2) (lâi) (le6) (le2) (lai2)
123to lie (as in a bed) (tǎng) (tang3) (tang3), (shuei4)𰥛 (fan3) (soi4) ()* (khuen5), (thaon5) (thaon3), (wan2) (kun4)
124to sit (zuò) (zo4) (zo4) (co5) (chhô) (chē) (zu6) (zou6)
125to stand (zhàn) (zan4) (zhang4) (kei5) () (chām)*, , (khiā) (kiê) (liq8) (liq8) (ji5)
126to turn (intransitive) (zhuǎn)* (guai3) (zhuang4) (zyun3) (chón) (oat)* (tsoe5) (tsoe5)[[#Xiang|]]
127to fall落下 (luòxià)*, 掉下 (diàoxià)* (diao4) (lo5), (diao4) (dit3) (tiet)落落 (lak-lo̍h)𰺲 (dâung) (loq8) (loq8)
128to give (gěi) (ge1) (gi3) (bei2) (pûn), , (hō͘) (ké̤ṳk), (peq7) (peq7) (ba3)
129to hold (), () (na2) (la2) (zaa1) (khià) (the̍h) (dò̤) (ne1/nau1/no1/no6) (no2)
130to squeeze () (ji1) (zi3) (gep6) (ngién)𢯰 (lu̍t) (tsen5), (ci3) (tsen3)
131to rub (róu)* (rua2) (rou2) (caat3), (zeot1) (chhu̍t) (loán) (lu1) (bu2), (nou2)
132to wash () (xi3) (si3) (sai2) () (sóe) (sā̤) (da6) (da6) (si3)
133to wipe () (ca2), (kai1) (ma5), (ca5), (kä1) (maat3) (chhu̍t) (chhit) (chék) (kha1) (kha1), ,
134to pull () (ce3) (la1) (laai1), (mang1) (pâng) (khiú, giú) (la1) (la1) (che3)
135to push (tuī) (song3) (tuei1) (teoi1), (ung2)𢱤 (súng) (sak) (tiāng) (the1) (the1) (tei1)
136to throw (rēng), (diū) (suai3) (diao4) (dam2), (deu6) (te̍p) (tàn) (gue6) (gue6) (xyai3)
137to tie (bǎng) (bang1), (kun3), (suan1) (bang3) (bong2) (póng) (pa̍k) (buŏh) (boq8) (paon3) (kun3)
138to sew (féng) (fong4) (fen2) (lyun4) (liòn) (pâng), 𮉢 (thīⁿ)𬘜 (tiéng) (von6) (von2)[[#Xiang|]]
139to count (shǔ), (diǎn) (su3) (su3) (sou2) (son) (siàu) (su5) (sou3)算噠算哒
140to say (shuō), (jiǎng) (so2) (sho5), (jang3) (gong2), (waa6) (kóng) (kóŋ) (gōng) (kaon5) (kaon3)
141to sing (chàng) (cang4) (chang4) (coeng3) (chhong) (chhiùⁿ) (chióng) (tshaon5) (tshaon5) (chan4)
142to play (wán) (sua3) (uang2) (waan2) (káu), (liau) (sńg), 跮踱, 𨑨迌 (chhit-thô)*客佻 (káh-dièu)孛相, 白相 (beq8 shian5)孛相, 白相 (beq8 sian5)
143to float () (fu2) (fu2) (fau4) () (phû) (veu6/vu6) (vu2)[[#Xiang|]]
144to flow (liú) (niu2) (liou2) (lau4) (liù) (lâu) (phiau1) (phiau1)[[#Xiang|]]
145to freeze結冰结冰 (jiébīng), 凍結冻结 (dòngjié)結冰结冰 (jie2 bin1)上凍上冻 (shang4 dong4), 結冰结冰 (je5 bin1), 凍冰冻冰 (dong4 bin1)結冰结冰 (git3 bing1)凍結冻结 (tung-kiet)結冰结冰 (kiat-peng)結冰结冰 (ton5) (ton5)構凌 (gou4 lin5), 下凌 (xia5 lin5)
146to swell膨脹膨胀 (péngzhàng)[[#Mandarin|]] (zhang4) (zoeng3) (chúng)膨大 (phòng-tōa) (cṳ̄ng) (tsan5) (tsan5)[[#Xiang|]]
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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See also

Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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