User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-d

d. {art} :: abbreviation of den (as used in dates)
da. {adj} :: abbreviation of dansk
da {adv} :: surely
da {adv} :: then
da {conj} :: when (referring to finished events)
da {conj} :: as, at the same time as
da {conj} :: because
dåb {noun} :: baptism (christian sacrament with water)
dacit {c} :: dacite
dåd {noun} :: feat, deed; an impressive, heroic or otherwise laudable act
dadel {c} :: date (fruit)
dadel {c} [dated] :: chastisement, rebuke
dadel {c} [slang, chiefly plural] :: testicle
dæk {noun} :: tyre (UK), tire (US)
dæk {noun} [nautical] :: a deck
dække {v} :: cover
dække {v} :: veil
dække {v} :: set
dækket direkte tale {noun} :: free indirect speech
dæmon {noun} :: demon (evil spirit)
dæmon {noun} :: instinct, urge
dæmon {noun} :: daemon, demon (a spirit or lesser divinity)
dæmpe {v} :: to curb
dæmpe {v} :: to damp, to dampen, to moderate, to mitigate
dæmpe {v} :: to dim
dæmpe {v} :: to muffle, to deaden
dæmpe {v} :: to lower
dæmpe {v} :: to tone down
dæmpet {v} :: past participle of dæmpe
dær {adv} :: obsolete spelling of der
Daesh {prop} :: Daesh
dag {noun} :: day
dagbog {noun} :: diary
daggry {noun} :: dawn
daglig {adj} :: daily
dagligliv {noun} :: daily life, everyday life
dagligstue {noun} :: living room, sitting room [the common room in a private home]
dagligstue {noun} :: dayroom [for patients in a hospital]
dagligt {adv} :: daily, every day, on a daily basis
dagligvare {noun} :: basic commodity, grocery
dagligvarebutik {noun} :: grocery store
Dagmar {prop} :: given name
Dagny {prop} :: given name
dagpenge {noun} :: unemployment insurance; money paid by an a-kasse to its unemployed members
daguerreotypi {noun} :: daguerreotypy
daguerreotypi {noun} :: daguerreotype
daguerreotypist {noun} :: daguerreotypist
Dahl {prop} :: surname
daktyl {noun} [poetry] :: dactyl
daktylisk {adj} [poetry] :: dactylic
dal {noun} :: dale, valley (elongated depression between hills or mountains)
dale {v} :: fall
dale {v} :: descend
dale {v} :: go down
dale {v} :: sink
dale {v} :: decrease
dale {v} :: fall off
dale {v} :: subside
dale {v} :: decline
daler {noun} :: taler (Germanic unit of currency used between the 15th and 19th centuries)
daler {noun} [slang] :: two kroner
dalet {v} :: past participle of dale
Dalmatien {prop} :: Dalmatien (region)
Dalsgaard {prop} :: surname
dam {noun} :: pond
dam {noun} :: corf, livewell (for storage of live fish under water)
dam {c} {n} :: draughts, checkers
dam {noun} :: king (superior piece in draughts)
Dam {prop} :: surname
damask {noun} :: damask
Damaskus {prop} :: Damaskus (capital)
dame {noun} [polite] :: lady, woman [adult female]
dame {noun} :: lady [adult female with a cultivated appearance]
dame {noun} [colloquial] :: girlfriend
dame {noun} [card games] :: queen
damebesøg {noun} [euphemistic] :: a visit from a female of a sexual and/or romantic nature
damp {noun} :: steam
dampe {v} :: steam
dampe {v} :: puff (to emit smoke, gas, etc., in puffs)
damper {noun} :: steamer, steamboat, steamship
dampet {v} :: past participle of dampe
dampskib {noun} :: steamboat, steamship, steamer
Dan {prop} [biblical character] :: Dan
Dan {prop} :: given name derived from Old Norse Danr
danablu {noun} :: Danish blue
danablue {noun} :: alternative spelling of danablu
danbo {noun} :: Danbo
Danbo {noun} :: Danbo
dandere {v} :: to dander (wander about)
danderende {v} :: present participle of dandere
danderet {v} :: past participle of dandere
dands {noun} :: obsolete spelling of dans
dandse {v} :: obsolete spelling of danse
dandser {noun} :: obsolete spelling of danser
dandserinde {noun} :: obsolete spelling of danserinde
dane {noun} [historical] :: Dane (historical tribe)
dane {noun} [poetic] :: Dane (inhabitant of Denmark)
dåne {v} [dated] :: to faint, to swoon
danefæ {noun} :: unearthed artifacts of cultural-historical value
danegæld {noun} [history] :: Danegeld (a tax raised to pay tribute to Viking raiders)
Danelagen {prop} :: The Danelaw
daner {cp} [historical] :: Danes [Germanic tribe]
dånet {v} :: past participle of dåne
danglish {n} :: Danglish
Daniel {prop} [biblical character] :: Daniel
Daniel {prop} :: Daniel (book of the Bible)
Daniel {prop} :: given name
Daniella {prop} :: given name derived from Daniel
Danielle {prop} :: given name borrowed from French
Danielsen {prop} :: surname
danisere {v} :: to Danicize
Danmark {prop} :: Denmark
Danmark-Norge {prop} :: Denmark-Norway
Danmarks {prop} :: genitive of Danmark
danmarkshistorie {noun} :: history of Denmark
dannebrog {noun} :: Dannebrog (the Danish national flag)
dannelse {noun} :: coming into being, formation
dannelse {noun} :: culturedness, cultivatedness
dannelsesrejse {noun} :: a trip taken, usually by a young person, to acquire a well-rounded knowledge and understanding of various cultures, with their art, language, social structures etc
dannelsesroman {noun} :: bildungsroman
Dannemark {prop} :: obsolete form of Danmark
Dannevang {prop} [poetic] :: Denmark
Danni {prop} :: given name
Danny {prop} :: given name borrowed from English
dans {noun} :: a dance
danse {v} :: to dance
danse efter nogens pibe {v} :: dance to someone's tune
danser {noun} :: a dancer
danserinde {noun} :: dancer (a female dancer)
dansk {adj} :: Danish [of or pertaining to Denmark]
dansk {n} :: the Danish language
dansk {noun} [primarily in the plural] :: Dane
dansk {noun} [archaic or with (often ironic) nationalist overtones] :: the Danish people
dansker {noun} :: Dane (person from Denmark or of Danish descent)
Dansk Folkeparti {prop} :: A populist political party in Denmark generally characterized as rightist
dansk-norsk {adj} :: Dano-Norwegian (referring to Denmark and/or Norway, and especially to Denmark-Norway)
danskvand {noun} :: mineral water (uncountable)
danskvand {noun} :: mineral water (countable, a bottle or a glass of mineral water)
dåre {noun} :: fool
dåre {v} :: captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate
dåret {v} :: past participle of dåre
dårlig {adj} :: bad, unwell, poor
dårlig {adv} :: alternative form of dårligt
dårligt {adv} :: bad, badly, poorly
darmstadtium {noun} :: darmstadtium
darwinistisk {adj} :: Darwinistic
das {noun} [colloquial] :: privy, outhouse
dåse {noun} :: can, tin
dåse {noun} :: box, canister, caddy (container)
dåse {noun} :: [rare, vulgar, slang] pussy (vagina, vulva)
dåse {noun} :: [rare, vulgar, offensive, derogatory, slang] cunt (woman)
dåseøl {n} {c} :: [the substance] {n} canned beer
dåseøl {n} {c} :: [a serving] {c} can of beer
data {noun} :: datum, data
data {noun} :: curriculum vitae, résumé
database {noun} :: database
datalogi {noun} :: datalogy, computer science
datamat {noun} :: computer
datapunkt {noun} :: data point (datum)
datapunkt {noun} :: data point (point in chart or graph)
datasæt {noun} [sciences] :: data set
date {noun} :: a date (meeting with a lover or potential lover)
date {v} :: to date (someone)
datende {v} :: present participle of date
datere {v} :: to date
datid {noun} :: that time, (of) the time
datid {noun} [grammar] :: past tense, preterite, simple past
dato {noun} :: date (a given point of time)
datolinje {noun} :: the Date Line (International Date Line)
datter {noun} :: daughter
datterkerne {noun} [nuclear physics] :: daughter nuclide
dav {interj} [colloquial] :: hello
daværende {adj} :: then, of that time, that existed or were effective at that time
David {prop} [biblical character] :: David
David {prop} :: given name
Davidsen {prop} :: surname
davre {c} [archaic] :: breakfast
d'damer {pron} [formal] :: Used to address two or more females
DDO {prop} [initialism] :: Den Danske Ordbog
DDR {prop} :: synonym of Østtyskland
de {art} :: plural definite article
de {pron} :: they (third-person plural nominative pronoun)
de {pron} :: those (plural demonstrative pronoun)
De {pron} [personal, formal] :: The formal counterpart to du, you
debat {noun} :: debate
debattør {noun} :: debater
debil {adj} :: moronic
debitor {noun} :: debtor
debut {noun} :: debut
december {c} :: December (the twelfth and last month of the Gregorian calendar)
decennium {n} :: decade; a period of ten years
decentralisering {noun} :: decentralization
deci- {prefix} :: deci-
decimeter {noun} :: decimetre
ded {pron} [dialectal] :: pronunciation spelling of det
de damer {pron} [formal] :: Used to address two or more females
de der {phrase} :: those, those ones
deducere {v} :: to deduce
deepthroate {vt} :: to receive fellatio from or perform irrumatio on such that the penis is fully engulfed in the mouth of the partner
de evige jagtmarker {prop} [humorous or solemn] :: death
defaitisme {noun} :: defeatism
defaitist {noun} :: defeatist
defaitistisk {adj} :: defeatist
defekt {adj} :: defective
defekt {noun} :: an undesirable quality; a defect
definere {v} :: to define
definerlig {adj} :: definable
definitionsmængde {noun} [mathematics] :: domain
definitorisk {adj} :: definitional
de fleste selvmord i danmark begås med kniv og gaffel {proverb} [idiom] :: eat healthy, otherwise you might die early
deflorere {vt} :: To take the virginity of (somebody), especially a woman or girl; to deflower
deflorere {vt} [figurative] :: To use for the first time
De Forenede Nationer {prop} :: United Nations
deformere {v} :: to deform
degenerere {v} :: to degenerate
de gustibus non disputandum est {proverb} :: alternative form of de gustibus non est disputandum
de gustibus non est disputandum {proverb} :: there's no accounting for taste
de her {phrase} :: these, these ones
de herrer {pron} [formal] :: Used to address two or more males
dehydrere {v} :: to dehydrate
deilig {adj} :: obsolete spelling of dejlig
deisme {noun} :: deism
dej {noun} :: dough (mix of flour and water)
dej {noun} :: paste (flour, fat, or similar ingredients used in making pastry)
dej {noun} :: batter (a beaten mixture of flour and liquid, usually egg and milk, used for baking)
dejlig {adj} :: delightful
dejlig {adj} :: lovely
dejlig {adj} :: beautiful
dejlig {adj} :: delicious
dejlig {adj} :: [ironic] fine, nice
dejlig {adj} :: [adverbial] delightfully, beautifully
dekade {noun} :: decade
dekadent {adj} :: decadent
dekagram {noun} :: decagram
dekan {noun} :: dean (head of a faculty)
dekan {noun} [organic chemistry] :: alternative spelling of decan
dekantere {v} :: to decant
dekanteret {v} :: past participle of dekantere
dekonstruktion {noun} :: deconstruction
dekoration {noun} :: decoration [act of adorning]
dekorativ {adj} :: decorative
dekret {noun} :: decree
del {noun} :: part, portion
del {noun} :: proportion
del {noun} :: share, portion
del {noun} :: section
delagtig {adj} :: involved in
delagtig {adj} :: part of / to
Delaware {prop} :: Delaware (state)
Delawares {prop} :: genitive of Delaware
dele {v} :: divide
dele {v} :: share
dele {v} :: split
delegat {noun} :: delegate
delegere {v} :: delegate
dele kagen {v} [idiomatic] :: share economic outcome
delelig {adj} :: divisible, able to be divided
delelig {adj} [arithmetics] :: divisible
dele sol og vind lige {noun} [idiomatic] :: share and share alike
dele vandene {v} :: to induce debate; to be the object of opposite opinions
delfin {noun} :: dolphin
delgraf {noun} [graph theory] :: subgraph
delikat {adj} :: exquisite
delikat {adj} :: delicate
delmængde {noun} [set theory] :: subset
dels {adv} :: partly
delstat {noun} :: a member state in a confederational nation, such as a German Bundesland or a Usonian state
delstatsparlament {noun} [government] :: state parliament; the parliament of a state
delstatsregering {noun} :: A state government, a government of a member state
delt {v} :: past participle of dele
delta {noun} :: a river delta
delta {noun} :: delta (the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, Δ, δ.)
deltage {v} :: participate
deltagelse {noun} :: participation
deltagelse {noun} :: attendance
deltagelse {noun} :: sympathy
deltagelsesdemokrati {noun} :: participatory democracy
dem {pron} :: them [3rd person plural, objective case]
Dem {pron} [personal, formal] :: you [object pronoun: the person being addressed]
demarkation {noun} :: the area along a demarcation line (demarcation)
dementere {v} :: to deny
demivand {noun} [colloquial] :: demineralized water
demobånd {n} :: demo tape
demokrati {n} :: democracy
demokratisk {adj} :: democratic
demonisere {v} :: to demonise
demonstrant {noun} :: protester, demonstrator, participant in a demonstration
demonstration {noun} :: demonstration
demonstrativ {adj} [grammar] :: demonstrative
demonstrativ {adj} :: ostentatious, unsubtly expressing an opinion without actually articulating it
demonstrere {v} :: to demonstrate
demontere {v} :: to dismantle
demontere {v} :: to defuse
demontere {v} :: to disassemble
demonteret {v} :: past participle of demontere
demoralisere {v} :: to demoralize
demotivation {noun} :: demotivation
demotivere {v} :: demotivate
den {art} [definite] :: the [used before an adjective preceding a noun]
den {pron} [demonstrative] :: that, the
den {pron} [personal] :: it
den dag i dag {adv} :: to this very day (emphatic way of saying "still, even now [much time having elapsed]")
den dame {pron} [formal] :: Used to address a female
den der {phrase} :: that, that one
den, der graver en grav for andre, falder tit selv i den {proverb} :: Karma sees to all evildoers and the same fate they work to achieve for others will befall them
den, der kommer først til mølle, får først malet {proverb} [idiom] :: first come, first served
den der ler sidst, ler bedst {proverb} :: he who laughs last laughs best
den der sladrer til dig sladrer også om dig {proverb} [idiom] :: those who go behind the back of others do the same to you
den der tier samtykker {proverb} [idiom] :: those who keep quiet agree
dendrit {noun} :: dendrite
dendrokronologi {noun} :: dendrochronology
den ene hånd vasker den anden {proverb} :: you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
den enes død, den andens brød {proverb} :: the misfortune of one person may be fortunate for someone else
den er god nok {phrase} :: it's true
den gregorianske kalender {c} :: the Gregorian calendar
den her {phrase} :: this, this one
den herre {pron} [formal] :: Used to address a male
den må du længere ud på landet med {interj} :: I don't believe you
denne {pron} [demonstrative] :: this; this one
denne {pron} :: the latter, the lastly mentioned
dennelunde {adv} [archaic] :: thus, on this wise
dennem {pron} :: obsolete form of dem
dennesides {prep} :: on this side of
Dennis {prop} :: given name
denotation {noun} :: denotation
dens {pron} :: its, possessive form of den
den sidste idiot er ikke født endnu {proverb} [idiom] :: the last idiot is unborn yet
densitet {noun} [physics] :: density
De Økonomiske Råd {prop} :: An institution tasked with examining Denmark's economic situation
dependensgrammatik {c} [grammar] :: dependency grammar
depilation {noun} :: epilation, depilation, removal of hair
depilere {v} :: depilate, epilate
deponering {noun} :: the act of depositing (especially waste/garbage/trash)
deponering {noun} :: landfill, dumpsite
deponeringsplads {noun} :: landfill, dumpsite
deponi {noun} :: landfill, dumpsite
deportere {v} :: to deport
der {adv} :: there [in or at that place]
der {pron} [dummy pronoun] :: there [expletive word put in the subject field when the subject is postponed to the predicate field, typically with indefinite subjects or subjectless passive voice]
der {pron} [relative] :: who, which, that [introduces relative clause, only when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence]
der {pron} :: added to interrogative pronouns functioning as the subject of interrogative dependent clause or exclamative independent clause
der {particle} [deictic particle] :: that [put after a definite noun phrase]
dér {adv} :: der, with emphasis
deraf {adv} :: hence
derefter {adv} :: after that, thereafter, afterwards
der er ensomt på toppen {proverb} :: being in a position of power is lonely
der er ikke rust på et nyttigt redskab {proverb} [idiom] :: no rust on useful tools
deres {pron} :: their [3rd person plural, possessive]
Deres {pron} [formal] :: second-person singular possessive pronoun; your, yours
derfor {adv} :: therefore
derfor {adv} [formal] :: for this, for that, for it
derfra {adv} :: from there, thence
derhen {adv} :: there; thither; to that place
derhenne {adv} :: There, at that position
derhjemme {adv} :: at home
deri {adv} :: therein, in there
derimod {adv} :: however
derimod {adv} [archaic] :: in opposition hereto
derinde {adv} :: in there (der + inde)
derivat {noun} [chemistry] :: derivative
derivere {v} :: to derive
dermatolog {noun} :: dermatologist
dermatologi {noun} :: dermatology
derned {adv} :: down there, down to that location
dernede {adv} :: down there, down in that location
derop {adv} :: up to there, up to that place
deroppe {adv} :: up there, up in that location
derover {adv} :: over there
derpå {adv} :: thereafter, thereupon
dertilhørende {adj} :: which belongs to or is associated with that which has just been mentioned
derude {adv} :: out there
derunder {adv} :: under there (der + under)
der var engang {phrase} [used at the beginnings of fairytales] :: once upon a time
derved {adv} :: thereby, thus
der vil noget {adj} [postpositive] :: ambitious or wilful about doing something; having a mission
der vil noget {adj} [postpositive, colloquial] :: immense, spectacular
des {conj} :: the
Des {adj} [largely, historical] :: in a relationship that would warrant use of the formal De, as opposed to the informal du
desarmere {v} :: to disarm
desårsag {adv} [dated] :: therefore, for that reason
desavouere {v} :: to overrule
desertation {noun} :: desertion
desertion {noun} :: desertion
desertør {noun} :: deserter
desformedelst {adv} :: [dated] for that reason, therefore
desformedelst {adv} :: desformedelst atalong of, because of
desillusion {noun} :: disillusion
desinformation {noun} :: disinformation
deskription {noun} :: description
desperado {noun} :: desperado (outlaw)
desperat {adj} :: desperate
desperation {noun} :: desperation
despot {noun} :: despot
despoti {noun} :: despotism (government by a singular authority)
despoti {noun} :: despotate (an area ruled by a despot or tyrant)
despotisk {adj} :: despotic
dessert {noun} :: dessert
destabilisere {v} :: destabilise
destillere {v} :: distill
desto {conj} :: the
destruere {v} :: to destroy
destruktiv {adj} :: destructive (causing destruction; damaging)
desuagtet {adv} [dated, formal] :: nonetheless, even so
desuden {adv} :: furthermore, moreover
desværre {adv} :: regrettably, unfortunately
det' {contraction} :: contraction of det er
det {art} [definite] :: the (used before an adjective preceding a noun)
det {pron} [demonstrative] :: that
det {pron} [personal] :: it
detalje {noun} :: a detail, a circumlocution, a specific
det der {phrase} :: that, that one
det, der kommer let, går let {proverb} [idiom] :: easy come easy go
detektere {v} :: to detect
detektor {noun} :: detector
detente {noun} :: détente
detention {noun} :: detention
det er aldrig for sent at give op {proverb} :: It doesn't pay to be stubborn; change is good
detergent {noun} :: detonation
det er hård kost at æde sine egne ord {proverb} [idiom] :: things you say can come back to hit you
det er ikke alt guld som glimrer {proverb} :: all that glitters is not gold
det er ikke alt guld, som glimrer {proverb} :: all that glitters is not gold
determinant {noun} [linear algebra] :: determinant
determination {noun} :: determination
determinativ {noun} [grammar] :: determiner
determinist {noun} :: determinist
det er sundt at leve sjovt, men det er ikke sjovt at leve sundt {proverb} [idiom] :: it is good to have fun living but it is not fun to live healthy
det giver en kort varme at tisse i bukserne {proverb} [idiom] :: easy, hasty solutions in the end are often not solutions at all
det gyldne snit {noun} :: the golden ratio
det her {phrase} :: this, this one
det må guderne vide {interj} :: God knows; I have no idea
det med småt {n} [idiomatic] :: The fine print
detonation {noun} :: detonation
detonator {noun} :: A detonator
detonere {v} :: detonate, explode
dets {pron} :: its, possessive form of det
det sagde hun også i går {interj} :: that's what she said
det skal gøre ondt, før det gør godt {proverb} :: Things get worse before they get better
det smukke køn {prop} :: the fair sex; the female sex
dette {pron} :: neuter singular of denne
det tror fanden {interj} :: no wonder; I should think so; that is utterly unsurprising
det tynde øl {adv} [idiomatic] :: inessential or subordinate person or things
det udvidede tekstbegreb {noun} :: a generalization of the concept of text that includes pictures, music, architecture, film etc
det var så lidt {interj} :: you’re welcome
det var så lidt {interj} :: not at all
det var så lidt {interj} :: don’t mention it
det vil sige {adv} :: i.e., that is, that is to say
de værste sår er de, der ikke bløder {proverb} [idiom] :: the worst wounds are those that do not bleed
devaluere {v} :: to devalue
developer {noun} :: developer
deviere {v} :: to deviate, to stray
Dexit {prop} [politics] :: The hypothetical withdrawal of Denmark from the European Union
DF {prop} :: abbreviation of Dansk Folkeparti
DF'er {noun} [politics] :: a supporter of DF
d'herrer {pron} [formal] :: Used to address two or more males
di- {prefix} :: two
diabetiker {noun} :: a diabetic [person suffering from diabetes]
diadem {noun} :: diadem, tiara
diæt {noun} :: diet [controlled regimen of food and drink]
diagnose {noun} :: diagnosis
diagnosticere {v} :: to diagnose
diagnosticering {c} :: diagnosis
diagonal {adj} :: diagonal
diagonal {noun} :: diagonal
diagonalmatrix {noun} [linear algebra] :: diagonal matrix
diagram {noun} :: diagram
diakritisk {adj} :: diacritical (of, pertaining to, or serving as a diacritical mark)
diakritisk tegn {n} :: diacritical mark
dialekt {noun} :: dialect [local variety of language]
diamant {noun} :: diamond (mineral)
diamentral {adj} :: misspelling of diametral
diameter {noun} :: a diameter
Diana {prop} [Roman god] :: Diana
Diana {prop} :: given name
dianetik {c} :: Dianetics
diarré {noun} :: diarrhea
dibrom {noun} :: dibromine
dickpic {noun} :: dickpic
did {adv} [archaic] :: thither, to there, towards that place
didym {noun} [historical] :: didymium
didymium {noun} :: alternative form of didym
die {c} :: breast milk, mother's milk, when sucked from the breast
die {v} :: to suck (being nursed)
dieselmotor {c} :: a diesel engine (internal combustion engine which runs on diesel fuel)
differenskvotient {noun} [analysis] :: difference quotient
differensrække {noun} [analysis] :: arithmetic progression
differentiabel {adj} [math] :: differentiable
differentialkvotient {noun} [analysis] :: derivative
differentialligning {noun} :: differential equation
diftong {noun} :: diphthong
dig {pron} [personal] :: you [2nd person singular object pronoun]
dige {noun} :: dike (barrier of stone or earth)
diger {adj} :: bulky, fat
diger {adj} [rare] :: stout
digt {noun} :: poem
digt {noun} :: fiction (invention)
digte {v} :: write poetry
digte {v} :: compose or write a song or a story
digte {v} :: invent, fabricate
digter {noun} :: poet
digter {noun} :: author, writer
digtet {v} :: past participle of digte
diktatur {noun} :: dictatorship
dildo {m} :: dildo
dille {noun} :: popular interest of many people in a short timespan; fad
diller {noun} [colloquial] :: penis
dillermand {noun} :: penis
diminutiv {adj} :: diminutive
diminutiv {noun} :: diminutive
dims {c} :: Placeholder word, "thingamabob."
din {determiner} :: your, thy (singular; one owner)
din {determiner} :: yours, thine (singular; one owner)
dine {pron} [possessive] :: plural of din
Dines {prop} :: given name
dingeling {interj} :: trying to get someones attention
dingeling {interj} :: imitation of the sound of old telephones
dingeling {interj} :: sexual organ
dinosaurus {noun} :: dinosaur
diode {noun} [electronics] :: diode
Dionysos {prop} [Greek god] :: Dionysos
dioxygen {noun} :: dioxygen, O₂
diplom {noun} :: a diploma
diplomat {noun} :: diplomat
diplomati {noun} :: diplomacy
direkte {adj} :: direct
direkte {adj} :: immediate
direkte {adj} :: straightforward, no-nonsense
direkte {adj} :: outright, downright
direkte {adj} :: live [broadcasting]
direkte {adj} :: lineal
direkte {adv} :: direct, straight
direkte {adv} :: directly
direkte {adv} :: outright, point-blank
direkte {adv} :: positively, downright
direkte {adv} :: live [broadcasting]
direkte tale {noun} :: direct speech
direkte virkning {noun} :: See: da direkte virkning
direkte virkning {noun} [EU law] :: the property of being effective immediately in all member nations
direktør {noun} :: a director
dirigent {noun} [music] :: a conductor
dirre {v} :: quiver, tremble
discipel {noun} :: disciple
disciplin {noun} :: discipline
diskontere {noun} [economics] :: use delayed discounting
diskotek {noun} :: discotheque
diskrepans {noun} :: discrepancy, inconsistency
diskret {adj} :: discreet
diskret {adj} [mathematics] :: discrete
diskriminant {noun} [algebra] :: discriminant
diskurs {noun} :: discourse
diskursanalyse {noun} :: discourse analysis
diskursiv {adj} :: discursive
diskussion {noun} :: an argument, a discussion
diskussionsforum {n} [internet] :: discussion forum; a forum for general discussion
diskussionsside {noun} [WMF] :: talk page
diskussionsside {noun} [internet] :: A discussion page of any kind; a web page or any section of a web site used for discussion
diskutere {v} :: to discuss
diskuteret {v} :: past participle of diskutere
disponent {noun} :: manager
dispositionsmængde {noun} [mathematics] :: codomain
disse {c} :: only in ikke en disse
disse {v} :: dis, diss
disse {pron} :: plural of denne
disset {v} :: past participle of disse
Dissing {prop} :: surname
distance {noun} :: distance
distance {noun} :: detachment
distinkt {adj} :: distinct, not equal
distinkt {adj} :: distinctive
distræt {adj} :: absent-minded
distrahere {v} :: to distract
distributiv {adj} [math] :: distributive
distributivitet {noun} [math] :: distributivity
distrikt {noun} :: district
Ditlev {prop} :: given name
Ditte {prop} :: given name
diurese {noun} [medicine] :: diuresis (excessive urination)
diverse {adj} :: various, sundry, miscellaneous, incidental
diverse {adj} :: Capable of various forms; multiform
dividere {v} [arithmetic] :: to divide
divisor {noun} [number theory] :: divisor
djærv {adj} :: frank, forthright; brave, cocky
djævel {noun} :: devil, fiend
djævelsk {adj} :: devilish, diabolical, fiendish
djævelsk {adj} :: [adverbial] devilishly, diabolically, fiendishly
Djævleøen {prop} [jocular] :: Zealand (Danish island)
Djøf {prop} :: Danish Association of Lawyers and Economists
djøf'er {noun} :: a member of Djøf
DK {prop} :: abbreviation of Danmark
Dm {symbol} [mathematics] :: The domain of a specified function
D-mark {noun} :: Deutschmark, Deutsche Mark (currency of Germany 1948 – 2002)
{v} :: die
dobbelt {adj} :: double, twofold
dobbelt {adj} :: dual
dobbelt {adj} :: [adverbial] double, twice
dobbeltbinding {noun} [chemistry] :: double bond
dobbeltfejl {c} [tennis] :: a double fault
dobbeltgænger {noun} :: double, lookalike
dobbeltgænger {noun} :: doppelganger
dobbeltkonfekt {c} :: pleonasm (phrase involving pleonasm)
dobbeltmoral {noun} :: double standard (the situation of groups one of whom is excused from following a standard)
dobbeltseng {noun} :: a double bed
dobbeltuddannelse {noun} :: act of taking two different educations
døbe {v} :: to baptize
døbe {v} :: to name
døber {noun} [Christianity] :: baptist
docent {noun} :: reader
docere {v} :: to lecture
død- {prefix} [colloquial] :: very
død {adj} :: dead, inanimate
død {adj} :: slack (en død periode - a slack time)
død {noun} :: death, decease, demise
død {noun} :: departure
død {v} :: past participle of
døddrukken {adj} :: extremely drunk
Døde Hav {prop} [geography] :: Døde Hav (lake)
dodekaeder {noun} [geometry] :: dodecahedron
dødelig {adj} [uncomparable] :: mortal, liable to die
dødelig {adj} :: lethal, capable of inflicting death
dødelighed {noun} :: mortality
dødelighed {noun} :: death rate
dødemandsknap {noun} :: dead man's switch
dødfødsel {noun} :: stillbirth
dødfødt {adj} :: stillborn
dødforelsket {adj} [colloquial] :: very in love
dødkedelig {adj} :: really boring
dødlækker {adj} [colloquial] :: very attractive, smoking hot
dødning {noun} :: dead person
dødningehoved {noun} :: a human skull, isolated from the rest of the body, especially in art, where it typically symbolizes death, and signs and stickers, where it conveys lethality
dødsannonce {noun} :: obituary
dødsår {noun} :: year of death; year in which someone dies
dødsårsag {noun} :: cause of death
dødsattest {noun} :: death certificate
dødsdom {noun} :: death sentence
dødsdømme {v} :: sentence to death
dødsdømt {adj} :: sentenced to death
dødsengel {noun} :: angel of death
dødsens {adj} :: imminently deceased
dødsfjende {noun} :: mortal enemy
dødsfødsel {noun} :: alternative spelling of dødfødsel
dødsforagt {noun} :: contempt for death
dødsfrygt {noun} :: fear of death
dødshjælp {noun} :: assisted suicide
dødsleje {noun} :: deathbed
dødsmetal {noun} :: death metal (music)
død som en sild {phrase} [simile] :: dead as a doornail, dead as a dodo (unquestionably dead)
dødsønske {noun} :: death wish
dødsrige {noun} [mythology] :: a location in which people reside after death
dødsstraf {c} [law] :: capital punishment, death penalty
dødssyg {adj} :: fatally ill; sick to a fatal extent; sick to the point where one could likely die
dødssyg {adj} [colloquial] :: extremely boring, unusually boring
dødstraf {noun} :: misspelling of dødsstraf
dødstrussel {noun} :: death threat
dødtræt {adj} [colloquial] :: very tired
dødtræt {adj} [colloquial] :: exasperated
dødvægt {noun} [also figuratively] :: dead weight, useless ballast
dødvande {noun} :: deadlock, impasse
dødvande {noun} :: stagnation, backwater
dødvande {noun} :: [rare] back water
dog {adv} :: however
dog {adv} :: Conveying impressedness, emotional affectation, bewilderment
dog {conj} :: though
døgenigt {noun} :: lazy person
dogme {noun} :: dogma
døgn {noun} :: day - the 24 hour period stretching from midnight to midnight
døgn {noun} :: day - a measurement of time, equaling 24 hours
døje {v} :: endure
doktor {noun} :: doctor [a physician]
doktor {noun} :: doctor [a person who has attained a doctorate]
dokument {noun} :: document
Dolberg {prop} :: surname
dølge {v} [archaic] :: to conceal, keep as a secret
dolk {noun} :: dagger (a stabbing weapon)
dolke {v} :: stab
dollar {c} :: a dollar [monetary unit]
-dom {suffix} :: Indicates a condition, situation or period
-dom {suffix} :: Indicates a religion, teaching or similar
dom {noun} :: sentence
dom {noun} :: conviction
dom {noun} :: judgement
dom {noun} :: verdict
dom {noun} [logic] :: proposition
dom {noun} :: decision
dom {noun} :: damnation, doom
dom {noun} :: a cathedral
domænetab {noun} :: the phenomenon that a language ceases to be spoken in some particular area, like science, poetry or administration
Dominikanske Republik {prop} :: Dominikanske Republik (country)
dominoeffekt {noun} :: domino effect
domkirke {noun} :: cathedral
-dømme {suffix} :: forms nouns indicating the domain of a person
dømme {v} :: judge (in a court)
dømme {v} :: judge (form a negative opinion of)
dommedag {prop} [religion] :: doomsday, judgement day
dommedag {prop} [by extension] :: a tremendously destructive event
dømmekraft {noun} :: judgment, wisdom; the ability to recognize good and bad decisions
dømmende magt {c} [government, usually, uncountable and usually therefore used with den] :: judicial branch
dommer {noun} :: judge
dommer {noun} :: magistrate
dommer {noun} :: justice
dommer {noun} :: referee
dommer {noun} :: umpire
dompap {noun} :: bullfinch
domstol {c} :: a court, court of law (place where justice is administered)
Donau {prop} :: Danube
donere {v} :: to donate
dont {noun} :: a (piece of) work, a deed
doorstep {noun} [journalism, ] :: A short and informal press briefing
dopamin {c} {n} [neurotransmitter] :: dopamine
dør {noun} :: door
Dora {prop} :: given name
Doris {prop} :: given name borrowed from English usage, popular in the 1920s and the 1930s
Dorit {prop} :: given name, variant of Dorthea ( =Dorothy)
dørklokke {noun} :: doorbell
dørløs {adj} :: doorless
dørmand {noun} :: doorman, bouncer
dørmåtte {noun} :: doormat (mat in doorway)
dørmåtte {noun} [figurative] :: (overly submissive person)
Dorothea {prop} :: given name, a Latinate variant of Dorthea
Dorrit {prop} :: given name, variant of Dorthea ( =Dorothy)
dørtærskel {noun} :: doorsill, doorstep
Dorte {prop} :: given name
Dorthe {prop} :: given name, a variant of Dorthea ( =Dorothy) popular in the 1960s and the 1970s
Dorthea {prop} :: given name
Dortmund {prop} :: Dortmund (major city)
døv {adj} :: deaf, not able to hear
doven {adj} :: lazy (unwilling to work)
doven {adj} :: stale (of beverages)
dovenskab {noun} :: laziness (quality of being lazy)
dovenskab {noun} :: idleness
døvhed {c} :: deafness
do-while-løkke {noun} [programming] :: do-while loop
downloade {v} :: download
dr. {particle} [title] :: abbreviation of doktor
drab {noun} [crime] :: homicide
drabantby {noun} :: satellite town
dråbe {noun} :: drop
drabsmand {noun} :: perpetrator of homicide
dræbe {v} :: to kill
dræber {noun} :: killer (a person or a thing causing death)
dræbt {v} :: past participle of dræbe
drægtig {adj} [of non-humans] :: pregnant, gestating
drage {noun} :: dragon (legendary creature)
drage {noun} :: drake (a small type of wingless dragon)
drage {noun} :: kite
drage {noun} :: hang glider (unpowered aircraft)
drage {noun} :: dragon keelboat
drage {noun} :: Viking longship
drage {v c} :: draw
drage {v c} :: attract, allure
drage {v c} :: go, march, travel
drage {noun} :: dragée
dragé {noun} :: dragée
drager {noun} :: porter
dragon {noun} :: a dragoon (soldier of the mounted infantry)
dragon {noun} ::  tarragon
dragt {noun} :: dress
dram {noun} :: dram (a small quantity of an alcoholic drink)
dranker {c} :: a drunk
drej {noun} :: turn
dreje {v} :: turn (both transitive and intreansitive)
dreje {v} :: twist, twirl
dreje {v} :: revolve, rotate, pivot
dreje {v} :: dial
dreje {vr} :: be a matter (of)
drejet {v} :: past participle of dreje
dreng {noun} :: boy, lad
drengekæreste {noun} :: boyfriend
drengelus {noun} [childish or ironic, plural only] :: boy cooties
drengerøv {noun} :: a bro, a lad; a young man adhering to a culture revolving of partying, seeking out sexual encounters, displays of masculinity etc
drenk {v} [Fjolde] :: to drink
dressere {v} :: train (an animal)
drev {noun} [computing] :: drive [a mass-storage device]
drev {noun} [engineering] :: pinion [a gear in a gear drive train]
drev {noun} [obsolete] :: drove [driven animals]
drev {noun} [obsolete] :: battue [a form of hunting]
dreven {adj} :: skilled, experienced, practised
dreven {adj} :: shrewd, sly
drift {noun} [uncountable] :: operation, running [of a company, a service or a mashine]
drift {noun} [uncountable] :: service [of public transport]
drift {noun} [psychology] :: drive, urge, desire
drift {noun} [uncountable] :: drift [slow movement in the water or the air]
drift {noun} :: drove [driven animals]
drikke {v n c} :: drink
drikke {v n c} :: have [to partake of a drink]
drikke {noun} [rare] :: drink
drikkepenge [pluralonly] :: tip, gratuity
drikke sig i hegnet {v} :: get drunk
drikkevare {noun} :: a beverage; anything that is drinkable
drikoffer {n} [religion] :: libation
dril {noun} :: drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus)
dril {n} {c} :: banter, kidding, teasing
drille {v} :: to tease
drille {v} :: to kid
drille {v} :: to banter
drille {v} :: to be tricky
drillet {v} :: past participle of drille
drink {noun} :: drink; a (mixed) alcoholic beverage
drive {vt} :: to force, drive, impel [to put in motion]
drive {vt} :: to run [a business]
drive {vt} :: to engage in, carry on [an activity or an interest]
drive {vt} :: to power [to give power to]
drive {vi} :: to drift, float [to move slowly]
drive {noun} :: drift [a pile of snow]
drive {noun} [psychology] :: drive [desire or interest, self-motivation]
drive {noun} [golf] :: drive [stroke made with a driver]
drivhus {noun} :: a greenhouse [a house of glass or plastic for cultivating plants]
drivhusgas {noun} :: greenhouse gas
drivvåd {adj} :: soaking wet
drøbel {noun} :: uvula
drøfte {v} :: discuss, talk about
drog {noun} :: layabout
droge {noun} :: drug, medicine [substance which promotes healing]
drøm {noun} :: dream
drømme {v} :: to dream [to see imaginary events while sleeping]
drømme {v} :: to dream [to hope, to wish]
drømme {v} :: to dream [to daydream]
drømmekage {noun} :: A cake topped with an icing consisting of dessicated coconut and brown sugar
drømmeverden {noun} :: dreamworld
drømt {v} :: past participle of drømme
drøn- {prefix} [colloquial] :: very
drøn {noun} :: boom, roar
drøn {noun} :: clang
drøn {noun} :: gulp, drag
drøne {v} :: to boom, to roar
drøne {v} :: to race, to tear [move at excessive speed]
drønet {v} :: past participle of drøne
drøngod {adj} [colloquial] :: very good
drønkedelig {adj} [colloquial] :: very boring
drønlækker {adj} [colloquial] :: very hot, very attractive
dronning {noun} :: [en, queen] [a female monarch]
dronning {noun} :: [en, queen] [the wife or widow of a king]
dronning {noun} [metaphorically] :: queen [a person who is leading in a certain area]
dronning {noun} [zoology] :: [en, queen] [the reproductive female in social insect species]
dronning {noun} [chess] :: [en, queen]
drønspændende {adj} [colloquial] :: very exciting
drossel {noun} :: thrush
drot {noun} [archaic] :: king
drøv {n} :: cud
drue {noun} :: grape (fruit)
drue {noun} [formal, jocular] :: wine
druesukker {noun} [chemistry] :: glucose
druesukker {noun} [chemistry] :: dextrose
drukken {adj} :: drunk
drukket {v} :: past participle of drikke
druknedød {noun} :: death by drowning
drukspil {noun} :: drinking game
dryp {noun} :: drip, plop
dryppe {v} :: to drip
drys {noun} :: sprinkling, sprinkle
drys {noun} :: drip, slowcoach, slowpoke
d.s.s. {phrase} :: det samme som ("the same as")
du {pron} :: thou, you [2nd person singular subject pronoun, informal]
du {v} :: be good
du {v} :: be fit
dualis {adj} :: dual
dualist {noun} :: dualist
dubiøs {adj} :: doubtful, dubious
dubnium {noun} :: dubnium
duc d'albe {c} :: dolphin (maritime semi submerged man-made structure)
due {noun} :: pigeon
due {noun} :: dove
duel {noun} :: duel
duellere {v} :: duel
duelleret {v} :: past participle of duellere
du er hvad du spiser {proverb} :: you are what you eat
duft {noun} :: a scent, fragrance
duft {noun} :: a smell [nice, pleasant smell]
dufte {v} :: to smell nice [to emit a nice smell]
dufte {v} [proscribed] :: to smell something nice [to detect a nice smell]
dug {noun} :: dew
dug {noun} :: tablecloth [a cloth used to cover and protect a table, especially for a dining table]
dug {noun} :: a piece of canvas or cloth
dug {noun} :: a piece of bunting [material from which flags are made]
du gamle {pron} [familiar] :: Used to address a close friend
dukke {noun} :: doll
dukke {v} :: to dive, to duck
dukke {v} [with the adverb op] :: see dukke op
dukke op {v} :: to emerge, pop up
dulgt {adj} :: hidden, arcane
dulle {noun} :: bimbo, floozy, floozie
dulle sig op {vr} [chiefly of females] :: to try to make oneself beautiful, e.g. by putting on makeup and clothes and styling one's hair
dum {adj} :: stupid, dense, dumb, thick, dim
dum {adj} :: foolish, silly, daft
du må have spist søm {phrase} :: you must be crazy
dumhed {noun} [uncountable] :: stupidity
dumhed {noun} [countable] :: stupidity, something stupid done or said
dummefejl {noun} :: a mistake due to e.g. absentmindedness, tiredness or sloppiness rather than underlying weakness or ignorance
dummerik {noun} [colloquial] :: dumbass
dumpe {vi} :: To receive a non-passing grade; to fail
dumpe {vt} :: To dispense a non-passing grade
dumpe {vt} :: To discontinue a romantic relationship with; to dump
dun {noun} :: down (soft, immature feathers)
dunkel {adj} :: dark (with connotations of sinisterness)
dur {noun} [music] :: major
durian {n} :: durian
dus {adj} [largely historical] :: in a relationship that would warrant use of the informal du, as opposed to the formal De
dus {adj} [by extension] :: familiar with
dus {adv} :: in the phrase drikke dus, "to introduce an informal relationship"
dusin {noun} :: dozen (twelve)
dværg {noun} :: midget, dwarf
dvs. {adv} :: abbreviation of det vil sige
dy {vr} :: to restrain oneself, to help oneself
dyb {adj} :: deep
dyb {adj} :: profound
dyb {noun} :: deep, depth
dyb {noun} :: abyss
dybde {noun} :: depth
dybhav {noun} :: deep sea
dybsindig {adj} :: profound, deep, insightful
dybt {adv} :: deeply, deep, extremely
dybt godnat {phrase} :: stupid
dyd {noun} :: virtue
dyd {noun} :: chastity
dyd {noun} :: virginity
dyden i midten {proverb} :: one should preferentially seek out moderate ways rather than extremes
dyden i midten, sagde Fanden; han satte sig mellem to advokater {proverb} [rare] :: lawyers are evil
-dygtig {suffix} :: forms adjectives meaning "capable, able"
dygtig {adj} :: skilled
dynamit {noun} :: dynamite
dynasti {noun} :: dynasty
dyne {noun} :: continental quilt, duvet
dynejakke {noun} :: a jacket made of air-filled pads, typically quite insulating
dyøn {v} [Fjolde] :: to smell
dyppe {v} :: dip, lower into liquid
dyr {noun} :: animal, beast [as opposed to human beings, or of human beings acting brutally]
dyr {noun} [zoology] :: animal [a biological organism that produces energy from the consumption of other organisms]
dyr {noun} [hunting] :: deer [a mammal of the family Cervidae]
dyr {adj} :: expensive
dyr {adj} :: dear
dyrebestand {noun} :: animal population
dyrenes konge {phrase} [idiomatic] :: king of beasts (a male lion)
dyrisk {adj} :: bestial
dyrisk {adj} :: animal (of animals)
dyrisk {adv} :: bestially, brutishly
dyrke {v} :: to engage in (to enter into (an activity), to participate)
dyrke {v} :: to practice (repetition of an activity to improve skill)
dyrke {v} :: to study (acquire knowledge)
dyrke {v} :: to cultivate, to till
dyrke {v} :: to grow (to cause something to become bigger)
dyrke {v} :: to raise (to grow)
dyrke {v} :: to culture (to maintain in an environment suitable for growth)
dyrke {v} :: to worship
dyrke {v} [colloquial, chiefly imperative] :: check out, get a load of
dyrskue {n} :: livestock show
dyse {noun} :: nozzle
dyse {noun} :: jet (spout or nozzle)
dysfori {noun} [psychiatry, medicine] :: dysphoria
dysleksi {noun} :: dyslexia
dysprosium {noun} :: dysprosium
dysse {noun} :: dolmen
dysse {v} :: lull, calm
dysset {v} :: past participle of dysse
dyst {noun} :: fight, struggle
dyste {v} :: to fight
dyste {v} :: to compete
dyste {v} :: to joust, to tilt
dyster {adj} :: gloomy, sombre, sepulchral
dystet {v} :: past participle of dyste
dyt {noun} :: Used in the expression ikke en dyt.
dyt {noun} [automotive] :: The sound of a car horn
dyt {noun} [colloquial] :: Car
dyt i bamsen {n} [slang, idiomatic] :: sex