User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-u

х {letter} :: The twenty-third letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is ха and it has the sound of Scottish or German ch in Loch. It is preceded by Ф and followed by Ц
ха {n inan} :: The Cyrillic letter Х, х
ха {n inan} :: The Roman letter H, h, more often called аш
ха {n inan} :: The German letter H, h
хаб {noun} [computing, transportation] :: hub
Хабаровск {prop} :: Хабаровск (city/administrative center)
хабаровский {adj} [relational] :: Khabarovsk (city in Russia)
Хабаровский край {prop} :: Хабаровский край (krai)
Хабомаи {prop} {m inan} :: Хабомаи (island)
Хава {prop} :: given name
хавать {v impf} [slang, rude] :: to eat
хавать {v impf} [slang, rude] :: to accept, to enjoy, to believe
хадж {noun} :: hajj
хадис {noun} [Islam] :: hadith
хаживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to go somewhere, to visit [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of ходить
хаза {noun} [slang] :: hideout
хазар {noun} :: Khazar
хазарин {noun} :: Khazar [male]
хайда {m inan} :: Haida (indigenous nation)
хайда {m inan} :: Haida (indigenous language)
Хайдарабад {prop} :: Хайдарабад (capital city)
хайку {n inan} :: haiku
Хайнань {prop} :: Хайнань (island/and/province)
Хакасия {prop} :: Хакасия (republic)
хакасский {adj} :: Khakas
хакер {noun} [computing] :: hacker
хакка {m inan} :: Hakka (people)
хакка {m inan} :: Hakka (language)
Хакодате {prop} {m inan} :: Хакодате (capital city)
хала {noun} :: challah, twist
халат {noun} :: dressing gown, bathrobe (for men or women)
халат {noun} :: dress (any kind that is knee-length to full and that opens down the front)
халат {noun} :: smock
халат {noun} :: surgical gown
халат {noun} :: oriental robe
халатик {noun} :: diminutive of халат
халатно {adv} :: negligently, carelessly
халатность {noun} :: carelessness, unconcern, negligence
халатный {adj} [relational] :: bathrobe
халатный {adj} :: negligent, careless
халва {noun} :: halva
халиф {noun} :: caliph
Халкедон {prop} :: Chalcedon
халлуми {m inan} :: halloumi, hellim
халтура {noun} [regional, now largely unknown] :: funeral banquet, extra-treats in connection to someone being interred
халтура {noun} [colloquial, slang] :: yields acquired or work performed irregularly, job of imperfect compliance
халтура {noun} :: undeclared work, black market job, supplementary contract, moonlighting, participation in informal economy; khaltura
халтура {noun} :: shoddy work (something intentionally done badly), botched job, bungled job; hack; a botch; a pot boiler; khaltura
халтурить {v impf} :: to intentionally do something badly or poorly
халтурить {v impf} :: to moonlight
халтурщик {noun} :: one who does shoddy work, bungler
халява {noun} :: (old use) bootleg, top of the boot
халява {noun} [slang] :: freebie
халявный {adj} [slang] :: free, freebie
халяльный {adj} [Islam] :: halal
хам {noun} :: boor, cad (сrass, impudent, ill-bred man), asshole
Хам {prop} :: Ham (a son of Noah and the brother of Japheth and Shem)
Хама {prop} :: Hama
Хамас {prop} :: Hamas (Palestinian Islamic fundamentalist movement)
хамелеон {noun} :: chameleon (reptile)
хамить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be rude (to)
хаммам {noun} :: hammam, Turkish bath (a public bath in various Islamic countries)
хамон {noun} :: jamon (thigh of a hog cured for food, Spanish style)
хамса {noun} :: European anchovy, Azov anchovy (small saltwater fish)
хамский {adj} :: rude, impudent
хамство {noun} :: boorishness, rudeness, loutishness; chutzpah
хан {noun} :: khan
хана {pred} [slang, impersonal] :: it is doomed, it is hopeless, it's the end
хангыль {noun} :: hangeul (Korean phonetic spelling)
хандра {noun} :: melancholy, blues
ханжа {m anim} {f anim} :: bigot
ханжа {m anim} {f anim} :: hypocrite
ханжа {m anim} {f anim} :: Pharisee
ханжеский {adj} :: hypocritical
ханжество {noun} :: hypocrisy, sanctimony, sanctimoniousness
Ханой {prop} :: Ханой (capital city)
ханство {noun} :: khanate
хантыйский {adj} :: Khanty
Ханты-Мансийск {prop} :: Ханты-Мансийск (town/administrative center)
ханты-мансийский {adj} [relational] :: Khanty-Mansi (relating to the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in Russia)
ханты-мансийский {adj} [relational] :: Khany-Mansiysk (town in Russia)
Ханты-Мансия {prop} :: Ханты-Мансия (autonomous okrug)
Ханука {noun} :: Hanukkah
Ханчжоу {prop} {m inan} :: Ханчжоу (capital city)
хань {m inan} {f anim} :: The Han, the Chinese ethnicity (autonym)
ханьский {adj} :: (ethnic) Chinese, Han
ханьцзы {m inan} :: Hanzi, Chinese character
ханьцы {noun} [collective, rare] :: Han Chinese (ethnic Chinese people)
хаос {noun} :: chaos
хаос {noun} :: mess
хаотически {adv} :: chaotically (in a chaotic manner)
хаотический {adj} :: chaotic
хаотичный {adj} :: chaotic
хапать {v impf} [colloquial, rude] :: to grab (quickly); to steal; to take (from someone unlawfully)
хапать {v impf} [colloquial, rude] :: to take bribes
харакири {n inan} :: hara-kiri
характер {noun} :: character, temper, disposition
характер {noun} :: type
характер {noun} :: nature
характер {noun} [in the plural] :: principles
характеризовать {v both} :: to characterize
характеризовать {v both} :: to describe
характеризовать {v both} :: to be typical of
характеризоваться {v impf} :: to be characterized (by), to be defined (by) (+ instrumental case)
характеристика {noun} :: characterization, description (act or process of characterizing)
характеристика {noun} :: testimonial, reference (information about a person)
характеристика {noun} [mathematics] :: characteristic (the integer part of a logarithm)
характерный {adj} :: possessing pronounced, distinctive features
характерный {adj} :: characteristic, particular, typical, specific
характерный {adj} [relational, theater] :: character (expressing a certain psychological type)
характерный {adj} [colloquial] :: strong-willed, having a strong character
харалуг {noun} ::  Damascus steel, or a type of damask steel used in medieval Rus
Хараре {prop} {m inan} :: Хараре (capital city)
харассмент {noun} [neologism] :: harassment
Харбин {prop} :: Харбин (sub-provincial city/capital)
хардбасс {noun} :: hardbass
харей {noun} :: alternative form of хорей
харза {noun} :: yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula)
харизма {noun} :: charisma
Харитон {prop} :: given name
хариус {noun} :: grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
харкать {v impf} :: to expectorate (phlegm or spit), to spit (noisily)
харкнуть {v pf} :: to expectorate (phlegm or spit), to spit (noisily)
хартия {noun} :: charter (ancient manuscript as well as the material on which it was written)
хартия {noun} :: charter, declaration (official document with the declaration of anything)
Хартум {prop} :: Хартум (capital city)
харч {noun} [colloquial, usually, in plural] :: grub, food
харчевня {noun} [dated] :: eating house
харчо {n inan} :: kharcho, a spicy Georgian soup made from meat, rice, and vegetables with grated walnuts and tklapi/tkemali
харчок {noun} [colloquial, inanimate] :: spit, spittle, loogie
харчок {noun} [colloquial, derogatory, animate] :: ditherer, weakling
Харьков {prop} :: Харьков (city)
харьковский {adj} [relational] :: Kharkiv, Kharkov
харьковчанин {noun} :: citizen of Kharkov
харя {noun} [slang] :: (ugly) mug, muzzle, phiz (face)
хасидизм {noun} :: Hasidism
хассий {noun} :: hassium
хата {noun} :: (a peasant's) house, hut
хата {noun} [slang] :: house, joint, a place one can booze or have sex
хата {noun} [Ukraine, South Russia] :: home
хата {noun} [slang] :: prison cell
Хатидзё {prop} {m inan} :: Хатидзё (one of 4 <<subprefectures>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
хаус {noun} :: house music, house
хаус {noun} :: jungle cat, chaus
хауса {m inan} :: Hausa (language)
хафизовский {adj} :: Hafezian
хафизский {adj} :: synonym of хафизовский
ха-ха {interj} :: ha-ha
хахаль {noun} [low colloquial] :: suitor, lover
хахарь {noun} :: alternative form of хахаль
ха-ха-ха {interj} :: ha ha (sound of laughter)
хахаха {interj} :: ха-ха-ха
хач {noun} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: Armenian person
хач {noun} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: commonly of any person native to the Caucasus region (Georgian, Azerbaijani, Chechen, Armenian, etc.)
хачапури {n inan} :: khachapuri
хачик {noun} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: Armenian person
хачик {noun} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: commonly of any person native to the Caucasus region (Georgian, Azerbaijani, Chechen, Armenian, Abkhazian, etc.)
хачкар {noun} :: khachkar
хачмобиль {noun} [slang] :: an old, rusty, awful car, which was extremely manneredly tuned
хачмобиль {noun} [slang, offensive] :: older or poorly maintained car owned or driven by people from the Caucasus region of Russia
хаять {v impf} :: to slander, to backbite, to slag off, to find fault (with), to run down
хвала {noun} :: praise, glory
хвалёный {adj} [ironically] :: (much) vaunted; celebrated
хвалить {v impf} :: to compliment, to praise
хвалиться {v impf} :: to brag, to boast [+ instrumental of thing boasted about]
хвалиться {v impf} :: to take credit for
хвалиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be praised for (something)
хвастать {v impf} :: alternative form of хвастаться
хвастаться {v impf} :: to boast, to brag
хвастливо {adv} :: braggingly (in a bragging manner)
хвастовство {noun} :: boasting, bragging
хвастун {noun} :: boaster, braggart
хватание {noun} :: apprehension (seizure)
хватать {v impf} :: to grasp, to grab, to seize, to snap, to snatch, to catch, to catch hold of
хватать {v impf} [impersonal] :: to suffice, to be enough, to be sufficient, to adequate
хватать {v impf} :: (idiomatic expressions)
хвататься {v impf} :: to snatch (at), to grip, to pluck (at), to catch (at)
хвататься {v impf} :: to take up
хватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to snatch and devour [of animals]
хватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to gulp down (liquid)
хватить {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to get drunk
хватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to finagle
хватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to endure (something unpleasant)
хватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go too far in, to get carried away in (statements or plans)
хватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hit hard, to punch
хватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to break by striking, to shatter
хватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to strike (someone) [of a heart attack, paralysis, etc.]
хватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to strike, to manifest suddenly [of rain, frost, wind, etc.]
хватить {v pf} [colloquial, impersonal] :: to damage
хватить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to break into (a song or dance), to suddenly start singing (a song) or dancing (a dance)
хватить {v pf} [impersonal] :: to suffice, to be sufficient / enough; to last out
хватиться {v pf} :: to snatch (at), to grip, to pluck (at), to catch (at)
хватиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to miss, to notice the absence (of), to find that smb/smth is missing
хватиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to remember
хватка {noun} :: grip, grasp, clutch
хватка {noun} [figurative] :: grip, tenacity
хвоепад {noun} :: process in which coniferous trees shed their leaves (needles)
хвойный {adj} :: coniferous
хворать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be sick, to be ill
хвороба {noun} [colloquial or regional, South Russia, Ukraine] :: illness; disease
хворост {noun} :: brushwood
хворост {noun} [cooking] :: straws, twiglets (pastry)
хворый {adj} :: sick, ill
хворь {noun} [colloquial] :: illness
хвост {noun} :: tail
хвост {noun} :: queue
хвост {noun} :: arrears (academic)
хвостатый {adj} :: tailed, caudate (having a tail)
хвостик {noun} :: diminutive of хвост: (small) tail
хвостик {noun} [colloquial] :: an additional amount
хвостик {noun} :: squiggle (in writing), tail, end, hook (e.g. of the comma)
хвостик {noun} :: pigtail, ponytail
хвостовой {adj} [relational] :: tail [of an animal, airplane, etc.]; caudal
хвощ {noun} [botany] :: horsetail, mare's-tail (Equisetum)
хвоя {noun} :: needles of conifer trees as pine and fir
хеджирование {noun} :: hedging
хедхантер {noun} [neologism] :: headhunter (recruiter)
хезать {v impf} [slang] :: to defecate, to evacuate
хезать {v impf} [slang, rare] :: to be chicken, to be timid
Хезбалла {noun} :: Hezbollah
Хезболла {noun} :: Hezbollah
Хезболлах {prop} {m inan} :: Hezbollah
хек {noun} :: hake (fish)
хеллоуин {noun} :: alternative spelling of Хеллоуин
Хеллоуин {prop} :: Halloween (31st of October)
Хельсинки {prop} {m inan} :: Хельсинки (capital city)
хентай {noun} [pornography] :: hentai
хер {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: dick, cock
хер {noun} [vulgar, slang, pejorative] :: dick, contemptible person
хер {noun} [archaic, historical] :: the name of the letter Х, х
херачить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to go or move somewhere disagreeable, or objectionable in any way manner or time
херачить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to do something in a very intense fashion, often for a long time
херес {noun} :: sherry (fortified wine)
хересный {adj} [relational] :: sherry
херить {v impf} [dated] :: to cross out, to X out
херить {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to destroy, to kill off, to put an end to
херить {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to neglect, to forget about
херня {noun} [vulgar] :: something loathsome or worthless; crud, pants, stuff
херово {adv} [vulgar] :: lousily, wretchedly, crappily, shittily
херовый {adj} [vulgar] :: lousy, wretched, worthless, crappy
Херсон {prop} :: Херсон (city/administrative center)
херувим {noun} :: cherub (winged creature represented in the Bible as attending on God)
хештег {noun} [Internet] :: hashtag
хз {phrase} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: Russian internet slang term roughly equivalent to "I don't know"
хиатус {noun} [linguistics] :: hiatus (syllable break between two vowels)
хибакуся {m anim} {f anim} :: hibakusha, a survivor of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
хибара {noun} :: hovel, shack
хибру {m inan} [colloquial] :: The Hebrew language
хиджаб {noun} [Islam] :: hijab (headscarf)
хижина {noun} :: cabin, hut, shack (small wooden shed)
хилый {adj} :: sickly, puny
хилый {adj} :: stunted, undergrown [of plants]
химера {noun} [Greek mythology] :: chimera (mythical monster)
химера {noun} [genetics] :: chimera
химера {noun} :: chimaera (fish)
химерообразные {noun} :: Chimaeriformes (a biological order that includes ghost sharks)
химик {noun} [chemistry] :: chemist (person working in chemistry)
химик {noun} [colloquial] :: chemistry student
химикалии {noun} [plural only] :: chemicals
химикат {noun} :: chemical
химиотерапия {noun} :: chemotherapy
химический {adj} :: chemical
химический элемент {noun} :: chemical element
химия {noun} :: chemistry
химия {noun} [colloquial] :: perm (hairstyle, short for химическая завивка)
химия {noun} [colloquial] :: chemicals
химия {noun} [colloquial] :: machinations, tricks
химчистка {noun} :: acronym of химическая чистка: dry cleaning
хинди {m inan} :: Hindi; one of the official languages of India
Хино {prop} {m inan} :: Хино (city)
хиппи {m anim} :: hippie (1960s nonconformist)
хипстер {noun} :: hipster
хип-хоп {noun} :: hip-hop
хирагана {noun} :: hiragana
Хирадо {prop} {m inan} :: Хирадо (city)
хиреть {v impf} :: to weaken, to grow sickly
хиреть {v impf} :: to fall into decay
хиромантия {noun} :: chiromancy, palmistry
Хиросаки {prop} {m inan} :: Хиросаки (city)
Хиросима {prop} :: Хиросима (prefecture)
Хиросима {prop} :: Хиросима (capital city)
хирург {noun} [medicine, formal] :: surgeon, not therapist, not hospital nurse
хирургический {adj} :: surgical
хирургия {noun} :: surgery (field of study)
хит {noun} :: hit (popular song)
-хитить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with various meanings, e.g. "to steal" or "to lift"
хитрец {noun} :: sly person; crafty fellow, dodger, slyboots
хитрить {v impf} :: to be sly/cunning/crafty, to try to fool
хитро {adv} :: slyly, cunningly
хитро {adv} :: intricately, with cunning
хитро {adv} :: adroitly
хитросплетение {noun} [usually plural] :: intricacy
хитросплетение {noun} [usually plural, figurative] :: intrigue, scheme, plot
хитрость {noun} :: craftiness, craft (shrewdness)
хитрость {noun} :: ruse
хитрость {noun} :: stratagem
хитроумный {adj} :: cunning, resourceful, crafty, artful
хитроумный {adj} :: intricate, sophisticated
хитроумный {adj} :: ingenious, smart
хитрый {adj} :: sly, cunning, artful
хитрый {adj} :: intricate, involved
хитрый {adj} :: skilful, resourceful
хихикать {v impf} :: to giggle, to chuckle, to snigger, to titter (laugh)
хихикнуть {v pf} :: to giggle, to chuckle, to snigger, to titter (laugh)
хищение {noun} :: embezzlement, theft; misappropriation
хищник {noun} :: predator (any animal or other organism)
хищничество {noun} :: predation (the preying of one animal on others)
хищный {adj} :: predatory
Хияма {prop} {f inan} :: Хияма (subprefecture)
хлад {noun} [literary, folk poetic, archaic] :: cold
хладнокровие {noun} :: sang-froid, composure (coolness in trying circumstances)
хладнокровно {adv} :: coolly, cold-bloodedly, in cold blood
хладнокровный {adj} :: calm, cool
хладнокровный {adj} [figurative] :: cold-blooded [act, etc.]
хладный {adj} [archaic, poetic] :: cold
хладобойня {noun} :: slaughterhouse with refrigerators
хлам {noun} :: trash, rubbish
хлам {noun} :: cruft, junk
хлеб {noun} :: bread
хлеб {noun} :: loaf
хлеб {noun} [Saint Petersburg] :: black bread, rye bread
хлеб {noun} [usually plural] :: grain
хлеб {noun} [figurative] :: living
хлебать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to eat (liquid food with a spoon), to slurp
хлебать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to gulp down, to drink
хлебец {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of хлеб: small loaf of bread
хлебец {noun} :: type of pastry [especially a buttery croissant]
хлебница {noun} :: bread box, bread bin (a container for storing bread)
хлебное вино {noun} [archaic] :: vodka (literally, grain wine)
хлебнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take/swallow a mouthful (of)
хлебный {adj} [relational] :: grain [US], corn [UK], cereal
хлебный {adj} [relational] :: bread
хлебный {adj} :: baker's
хлебный {adj} [colloquial] :: profitable
хлебопекарня {noun} :: bakery
хлебопёк {noun} :: baker
хлебушек {noun} :: endearing diminutive of хлеб
хлев {noun} :: stable, stall, cowshed
хлев {noun} :: sheep cote
хлев {noun} :: pigsty, pigpen
хлестать {v impf} :: to lash, to switch, to whip
хлестать {v impf} :: to beat down (on), to lash (against)
хлестать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to gush
хлестать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to guzzle (down), to glug
хлестнуть {v pf} :: to lash, to switch, to whip
хлестче {adv} :: comparative of хлёсткий
хлестче {adv} :: comparative of хлёстко
хлёсткий {adj} :: biting [wind]
хлёсткий {adj} [colloquial] :: trenchant, scathing
хлёстче {adv} :: comparative of хлёсткий
хлёстче {adv} :: comparative of хлёстко
хлипкий {adj} [low colloquial] :: weak, fragile, flimsy
хлипкий {adj} [colloquial, figurative] :: frail, sickly, puny
хлипкий {adj} [low colloquial] :: shaky, unsteady
хлипкий {adj} [low colloquial] :: weak-willed, spineless
хлипкий {adj} [low colloquial] :: watery, diluted
хлопанье {noun} :: clapping
хлопанье {noun} :: flapping
хлопанье {noun} :: slapping, smacking
хлопанье {noun} :: cracking [of a whip]
хлопанье {noun} :: tapping
хлопанье {noun} :: slamming [of a door]
хлопанье {noun} :: banging, popping
хлопать {v impf} :: to clap
хлопать {v impf} :: to flap
хлопать {v impf} :: to slap, to smack; to crack (a whip)
хлопать {v impf} :: to tap
хлопать {v impf} :: to slam (a door)
хлопать {v impf} :: to bang, to pop
хлопать ушами {v impf} :: to tune out, to let something gloss over oneself, to get one's brain fried
хлопать ушами {v impf} :: to rubberneck, to gawk
хлопец {noun} [colloquial] :: lad, boy
хлопнуть {v pf} :: to flap, to clap
хлопнуть {v pf} :: to slam (door)
хлопок {noun} :: cotton (plant or material)
хлопок {noun} :: cotton (cloth)
хлопок {noun} :: crack, snap, pop (dull sound of impact, explosion or dramatically expanding gases)
хлопотать {v impf} :: to bustle about, to diligently do things
хлопотать {v impf} :: to hustle, to fuss
хлопотать {v impf} :: to try to achieve
хлопотать {v impf} :: to try to help, to intercede (for), to plead (for) [usually with the authorities]
хлопотливо {adv} :: with much ado
хлопотливо {adv} :: busily, eagerly, with alacrity
хлопотливый {adj} :: troublesome, bothersome
хлопотливый {adj} :: bustling, fussy
хлопотный {adj} :: troublesome
хлопотун {noun} [colloquial] :: busybody, bustler
хлопоты {noun} :: trouble, efforts
хлопоты {noun} :: care (of someone)
хлопушка {noun} :: plopper, pop gun, flapper
хлопушка {noun} :: flyflap
хлопушка {noun} :: clapperboard
хлопчатобумажный {adj} [relational] :: cotton
хлопчатый {adj} [relational] :: cotton
хлопья {noun} :: cereal, flakes, snowflakes (thin chiplike layer)
хлопья {noun} :: crops
хлор {noun} :: chlorine
хлорка {noun} [colloquial, chemistry] :: bleach
хлорный {adj} :: chloric
хлоропласт {noun} :: chloroplast (photosynthetic organelle)
хлорофилл {noun} :: chlorophyll (green pigment)
хлороформ {noun} [chemistry] :: chloroform (an anesthetic)
хлынуть {v pf} :: to gush out, to spout
хлынуть {v pf} :: to pour, to flood
хлыст {noun} :: whip, switch (thin rod used as a whip)
хлыст {noun} [religion] :: Khlyst (a member of an underground sect from late 17th to early 20th century that split off from the Russian Orthodox Church)
хлыщ {noun} [derogatory] :: fop; coxcomb; dandy; snob
хлюпать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to squelch
хлюпать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to flounder, to squelch
хлюпать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sniffle, to snuffle
хлюпать {v impf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to snivel
хлюпик {noun} [colloquial, derogatory] :: weakling, wimp, sissy, milksop, pansy
хлястик {noun} :: strap; long narrow strip of cloth or leather used to hold something like a piece of clothing or headwear, or a part of some equipment or furniture
хм {interj} :: hmm, hum
хмелеть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to become intoxicated, to drunk, to tipsy or high
хмелеть {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to become exhilarated
хмели-сунели {f inan} {n inan} :: khmeli suneli (a traditional Georgian spicy herbs mixture)
хмель {noun} :: hop (plant)
хмель {noun} :: hops (seeds)
хмель {noun} :: drunkenness, intoxication
хмельной {adj} :: intoxicating, heady
хмельной {adj} :: intoxicated, light-headed, tipsy
хмельный {adj} [relational] :: hops, hop [plant]
хмельный {adj} [folk poetic] :: alternative form of хмельной
хмурить {v impf} :: to frown
хмуриться {v impf} :: to frown
хмуриться {v impf} :: to gloom, to lour (of rain clouds)
хмуро {adv} :: gloomily, somberly, dismally
хмурый {adj} :: gloomy, sullen (affected with, or expressing, gloom; melancholy)
хмурый {adj} :: cloudy, overcast, dull
хмыкать {v impf} :: to hem, to say hmm (Russian хм) out of hesitation
хмыкнуть {v pf} :: to hem, to say hmm (Russian хм) out of hesitation
хна {noun} [botany] :: henna (Lawsonia inermis)
хна {noun} :: henna coloring
хныкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to whine, to whimper
хныкать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to complain tearfully, to sob
хо {interj} :: ha (expressing laughter)
хо {interj} :: expressing surprise, irony, regret, or admiration
Хобарт {prop} :: Хобарт (capital city)
хобби {n inan} :: hobby (activity done for enjoyment in spare time)
хоббит {noun} :: hobbit
хобот {noun} :: trunk (extended nasal organ of an elephant)
хоботок {noun} :: diminutive of хобот: (small) trunk (of an elephant)
хоботок {noun} :: proboscis (elongated tube from the head or connected to the mouth, of an animal)
ховеркрафт {noun} [nautical] :: hovercraft (a vehicle supported on a cushion of air)
ход {noun} :: motion, movement, travel, progress, locomotion, headway
ход {noun} :: course, path, way, run
ход {noun} :: speed, rate, gait, pace
ход {noun} :: stroke (of a piston)
ход {noun} :: functioning, working, process, action
ход {noun} :: gear, thread, pitch
ход {noun} :: shape, trend, dependence (of a curve)
ход {noun} :: range (of a magnet)
ход {noun} :: entrance, entry
ход {noun} :: passage
ход {noun} [games] :: move, turn, lead
ход {noun} :: axle with wheels
ходатай {noun} [dated] :: solicitor (on certain matters), mediator
ходатайство {noun} :: intercession
ходатайство {noun} :: petition, application (a verbal or written request)
ходатайство {noun} :: motion
ходатайство {noun} :: solicitation, soliciting
ходатайство {noun} :: pleading
ходатайство {noun} :: suit
ходатайствовать {v impf} :: to solicit (for), to apply (for), to intercede (for)
ходжа {m anim} [Islam] :: hodja (a Muslim schoolmaster)
ходики {noun} :: simple pendulum clock
ходить {v impf} :: to go, to walk
ходить {v impf} :: to wear something [imperfective only]
ходить {v impf} :: to go (to), to attend, to visit
ходить {v impf} :: to run (of trains, ships, etc.)
ходить {v impf} :: to work, to run (of clocks)
ходить {v impf} :: to lead, to play, to move (in games)
ходить {v impf} :: to tend, to take care (of), to nurse [imperfective only]
ходить {v impf} :: to be good (about money)
ходить вокруг да около {idiom} :: to beat around the bush
ход конём {noun} :: An unexpected crafty action made by someone in a difficult situation
ходовой {adj} [relational] :: motion, run
ходовой {adj} :: salable, marketable, best-selling, highly demanded [of goods]
ходовой {adj} :: common, commonly used [of a word]
ходок {noun} :: walker, goer
ходок {noun} [historical] :: (foot) messenger, petitioner
ходуля {noun} :: stilt
ходуном {adv} [colloquial] :: shaking heavily, being unstable
ходьба {noun} :: walking, pacing
ходячий {adj} :: walking
ходячий {adj} :: current
ходячий {adj} [figurative] :: walking, personified, incarnate
хождение {noun} :: walking, pacing
хождение {noun} :: circulation
хозрасчёт {noun} :: cost accounting, self-financing
хозяин {noun} :: owner, proprietor
хозяин {noun} :: landlord, head of household
хозяин {noun} :: boss, master, chief, principal, manager, employer, hirer
хозяин {noun} :: man, husband
хозяин {noun} [computing] :: host, master
хозяин {noun} [biology] :: host
хозяйка {noun} :: owner, proprietor [female]
хозяйка {noun} :: hostess
хозяйка {noun} [colloquial] :: wife
хозяйничать {v impf} :: to keep house, to manage a household
хозяйничать {v impf} :: to do household chores
хозяйничать {v impf} :: to boss it, to play the master, to lord it
хозяйский {adj} :: owner, landlord, master, boss
хозяйский {adj} :: lordly
хозяйский {adj} [botany] :: host
хозяйственник {noun} :: business manager
хозяйственник {noun} :: an economic/thrifty man
хозяйственник {noun} :: handyman, someone who is good with his hands and managing a property
хозяйственный {adj} :: economic (relating to the economy)
хозяйственный {adj} [relational] :: household
хозяйственный {adj} :: thrifty, economical
хозяйственный {adj} :: practical (having skills or knowledge that are practical)
хозяйство {noun} :: economy
хозяйство {noun} :: household, household effects, household articles, stuff, things
хозяйство {noun} :: enterprise, farm
хозяйство {noun} [euphemistic, colloquial] :: manhood, package (male genitalia)
хозяйствование {noun} :: management, managing
хозяйствовать {v impf} :: to keep house
хозяйствовать {v impf} :: to manage
Хоккайдо {prop} {m inan} :: Хоккайдо (island)
Хоккайдо {prop} {m inan} :: Хоккайдо (prefecture)
хоккеист {noun} :: hockey player
хоккеистка {noun} :: hockey player (fem)
ice hockey player (fem)
хоккей {noun} [sports] :: hockey
хоккейный {adj} [relational] :: hockey, ice-hockey
Хокуто {prop} {m inan} :: Хокуто (city)
холдинг {noun} :: holding company
холеный {adj} :: well-groomed
холера {noun} [disease] :: cholera
холестерин {noun} [biology] :: cholesterol (an essential component of mammalian cell membranes)
холить {v impf} :: to tend, to care for
холка {noun} [anatomy] :: withers (part of the back of a draft animal)
холл {noun} :: lobby, foyer, hall
холл {noun} :: large vestibule
холм {noun} :: hill
холмик {noun} :: diminutive of холм: (small) hill, hillock, knoll
холод {noun} :: cold (low temperature)
холодать {v impf} :: (weather) to grow cold
холодеть {v impf} :: to grow cold
холодец {noun} :: aspic (dish)
холодильник {noun} :: fridge, refrigerator
холодильный {adj} [relational] :: refrigeration; refrigerating
холодить {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to cool, to make cold
холодить {vi impf} [also impersonal] :: to cause a feeling of coolness
холодная {noun} :: detention cell, cooler, lockup, calaboose, jail, prison, brig
холодная война {noun} :: cold war (a period of hostile relations)
холодно {adv} :: coldly
холодно {pred} :: one is cold
холодность {noun} :: coldness, frigidity
холодный {adj} :: cold
холодный фронт {noun} [meteorology] :: cold front
холодоадаптированный {adj} :: cold-adapted
холодок {noun} :: diminutive of холод
холодок {noun} [colloquial] :: chill
холодок {noun} [colloquial] :: coolness, chill
холодостойкость {noun} [botany] :: cold hardiness
холодрыга {noun} :: extreme cold, extremely cold weather
холок {noun} [slang, derogatory, ethnic slur] :: Chechen
холок {noun} [traditional] :: loyal farm servitude
холокост {prop} :: the Holocaust
холоп {noun} [historical] :: serf, bondman, kholop
холостой {adj} :: single (not married)
холостой {adj} :: idle (not working)
холостой {adj} [technical] :: idle, free-running
холостой {adj} [ballistics] :: blank
холостой {noun} :: unmarried person, single person, bachelor
холостой {noun} :: blank (bullet)
холостяк {noun} :: bachelor (unmarried man)
холостяцкий {adj} [relational] :: bachelor
холст {noun} :: canvas
холст {noun} :: sackcloth, burlap
холуй {noun} [pejorative] :: lackey, groveller
холщовый {adj} [relational] :: canvas
Хомс {prop} :: Хомс (city)
хомсец {noun} :: Homsi (inhabitant of Homs)
хомсский {adj} :: Homsi (related to the city of Homs, Syria)
хомут {noun} :: horse collar
хомут {noun} [technology] :: yoke, clamp
хомяк {noun} :: hamster (small, short-tailed European rodent)
хомяк {noun} [computing, slang] :: homepage
хомяк {noun} [internet slang, derogatory] :: someone's fanboy; narrow-minded follower (usually of a blogger or a virtual community)
хомячок {noun} :: diminutive of хомяк
Хонда {prop} {m anim} {f anim} :: A Japanese automotive manufacturer
Хониара {prop} :: Хониара (capital city)
Хонсю {prop} {m inan} :: Honshu
хор {noun} :: chorus, choir
хора {noun} :: hora (type of dance)
хора {noun} [historical] :: territory used by the citizens of the ancient polis for farming
хора {noun} [dialectal] :: a kind of fox
хора {m anim} [dialectal] :: a male deer
хорват {noun} :: Croat, Croatian
Хорватия {prop} :: Хорватия (country)
хорватка {noun} :: Croat girl, Croatian woman
хорватский {noun} :: Croatian language
хорватский {adj} :: Croatian
хорда {noun} [geometry] :: chord, span (of arc, a line segment joining two points on a curve)
хорда {noun} [biology] :: spinal column, notochord (primary skeletal axis of vertebrates and man)
хорей {noun} :: trochee
хорей {noun} :: [dialectal] sharp pole for driving on reindeer
хореограф {noun} :: choreographer (male or female)
хореографический {adj} :: choreographic
хореография {noun} :: choreography
хорёк {noun} :: polecat, ferret (mammal)
хормейстер {noun} :: choirmaster
хоробрый {adj} [obsolete or dialectal] :: brave, courageous
хоровод {noun} :: khorovod (a Slavic dance)
хоровой {adj} [relational] :: choir; choral
хоромы {noun} [historical] :: mansion
хоромы {noun} [colloquial] :: palace
хоронить {v impf} :: to bury, to inter
хоронить {v impf} [colloquial, obsolete] :: to hide, to conceal, to lay away
хорошее начало полдела откачало {proverb} :: a good beginning makes a good ending (good beginnings promise a good end); well begun is half done (much depends on the beginning of an endeavour)
хорошенький {adj} :: pretty, comely, pin-up
хорошенький {adj} :: adorable (befitting of being adored)
хорошенько {adv} [colloquial] :: very well, thoroughly, properly
хорошеть {v impf} :: to become more beautiful, to grow prettier
хороший {adj} :: good
хороший {adj} :: fine, nice
хороший {adj} :: pretty, good-looking, handsome
хорошо {adv} :: well, right
хорошо {adv} :: all right!, nice!
хорошо {adv} :: okay!
хорошо {adv} :: good!
хорошо {adv} :: (school marks) good, B
хоругвь {noun} [religion] :: gonfalon
хоругвь {noun} [antiquated] :: banner
хорь {noun} :: ferret, polecat
хосомаки {n inan} :: hosomaki
хост {noun} [computing] :: host (computer attached to a network)
хостинг {noun} [computing] :: hosting
хот-дог {noun} :: hot dog
хотение {noun} [now, colloquial] :: wish, desire, want, lust
хотенье {noun} :: alternative form of хотение
хотеть {v impf} :: to want, to desire
хотеться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to want, to desire
хоть {conj} :: although
хоть {conj} :: even if
хоть {particle} :: at least, if only
хоть {particle} :: for example, even, you may, might as well
хоть убей {idiom} :: for the life of me (literally, even if you kill me; you might as well kill me)
хотя {conj} :: although, though [contrasting two clauses]
хотя бы {conj} :: though, even if, even though
хотя бы {conj} :: if only
хохлосрач {noun} [vulgar] :: discussion of a political situation in Ukraine, or of relationships between Russia and Ukraine,
хохма {noun} [colloquial] :: joke
хохол {noun} [inanimate] :: (birds) crest, (human hair) topknot, tuft of hair
хохол {noun} [animate, pejorative] :: a Ukrainian, khokhol
хохолок {noun} :: diminutive of хохол
хохот {noun} :: laughter, roar, guffaw
хохотать {v impf} :: to laugh loudly, to laugh heartily, to roar with laughter, to guffaw
хохотнуть {v pf} :: to laugh loudly, to laugh heartily, to roar with laughter, to guffaw (semelfactive)
Хошимин {prop} :: Хошимин (the largest <<city>> in <<c/Vietnam>>)
храбрец {noun} :: brave man
храбро {adv} :: gamely, bravely, courageously, boldly
храбрость {noun} :: bravery; courage, valour
храбрый {adj} :: brave, courageous (strong in the face of fear)
храм {noun} :: temple, shrine
храм {noun} [Christianity] :: church, cathedral (a place of Christian worship that has an altar)
храм {noun} [also, figuratively, poetic] :: shrine
храм Артемиды в Эфесе {prop} :: Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
храмовый {adj} [relational] :: temple
хранение {noun} :: custody, safekeeping (temporary possession)
хранение {noun} :: storage, storing
хранилище {noun} :: depository, repository, depot, storehouse, warehouse (a location for storage, often for safety or preservation)
хранитель {noun} :: keeper, guardian, custodian
хранитель {noun} :: curator
хранительница {noun} :: female guardian, keeper, custodian
хранительница {noun} :: female curator
хранить {v impf} :: to keep (to maintain possession of), to preserve, to store
хранить {v impf} :: to guard, to save, to protect
храп {noun} :: snore (act and noise of snoring)
храпеть {v impf} :: to snore (breathe during sleep with harsh noises)
храпун {noun} :: snorer
хребет {noun} :: spine, spinal column, backbone [also figuratively]
хребет {noun} :: crest [of a wave or hill], ridge, range (a chain of mountains)
хрен {noun} [inanimate] :: horseradish (plant, condiment)
хрен {noun} [inanimate, euphemistic, colloquial] :: cock, dick (for vulgar idioms and literal uses of хер or хуй)
хрен {noun} [animate, pejorative, colloquial] :: old fart
хреновина {noun} [mildly vulgar] :: thing, object
хреновка {noun} :: hrenovuha, khrenovukha, khrenovka (a horseradish vodka made in Russia and Ukraine)
хреново {adv} [colloquial] :: lousily, wretchedly, crappily
хреновуха {noun} :: hrenovuha, khrenovukha, khrenovka (a horseradish vodka made in Russia and Ukraine)
хреновый {adj} [relational] :: horseradish
хреновый {adj} [colloquial] :: worthless, bad, rotten, lousy, crappy
хренотень {noun} [colloquial] :: thingy, dealy, trifle
хрень {noun} [mildly vulgar] :: thing, object, thingy
хрестоматийный {adj} [relational] :: reader, reading book
хрестоматийный {adj} [figurative] :: proverbial, hackneyed
хрестоматия {noun} :: chrestomathy, anthology, reader, reading book
хризантема {noun} :: chrysanthemum
хрип {noun} :: wheeze (piping or whistling sound caused by difficult respiration)
хрипеть {v impf} :: to wheeze
хрипеть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to speak hoarsely, to croak
хрипеть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to crackle
хрипло {adv} :: hoarsely
хрипловатый {adj} [colloquial] :: somewhat hoarse
хриплый {adj} :: hoarse, husky
хрипнуть {v impf} :: to become hoarse
хрипнуть {vi pf} [low colloquial] :: to wheeze [once]
хрипнуть {vt pf} [low colloquial] :: to say hoarsely
хрипота {noun} :: hoarseness
хрипотца {noun} :: endearing diminutive of хрипота
христадельфианин {noun} :: a Christadelphian [male]
христадельфианский {adj} :: Christadelphian
христианин {noun} :: Christian
христианка {noun} :: female Christian
христианский {adj} :: Christian (of, like or relating to Christianity)
христианство {noun} :: Christianity
Христина {prop} :: given name
христов {adj} [possessive] :: Christ’s, alternative case form of Христов
Христов {adj} [possessive] :: Christ’s
христос {noun} :: the Messiah, the anointed one
христос {noun} :: [among the Khlysts / Spiritual Christians] a righteous man as the embodiment of Christ
Христос {prop} :: Christ
Христос воскрес {phrase} :: (Russian) Happy Easter
христосоваться {v impf} [Christianity, chiefly Eastern Orthodoxy] :: to exchange a triple kiss as an Easter salutation
хром {noun} :: chromium, Cr
хром {noun} :: chrome
хром {noun} :: box calf (a chrome-tanned calf skin)
хромать {v impf} :: to limp, to be lame
хромать {v impf} :: to be poor, to leave much to be desired, to be far from perfect, to not be up to standard
хромировать {v both} :: to formalise (to make formal)
хромовый {adj} [relational] :: chrome, chromium; chromic
хромовый {adj} [relational] :: chromic acid
хромовый {adj} [relational] :: box calf
хромой {adj} :: lame, limping (unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs)
хромой {adj} :: wobbly [of furniture]
хромой {noun} :: lame person
хромосома {noun} :: chromosome (structure in the cell nucleus)
хроника {noun} :: [historical] chronicle
хроника {noun} :: chronicle, news items, current events, newsreel
хронический {adj} :: chronic
хронологический {adj} :: chronological
хронология {noun} :: chronology (determining the order of events)
хронометр {noun} :: chronometer (device for measuring time)
хрупкий {adj} :: fragile (easily broken or destroyed)
хрупкость {noun} :: fragility, frailty
хрупкость {noun} :: delicacy
хруст {noun} :: crunch, crackle
хрусталь {noun} :: crystal (fine glassware, material used to make it)
хрусталь {noun} :: mineral
хрустальный {adj} [relational] :: crystal
хрустальный {adj} :: crystalline
хрустальный {adj} [relational] :: cut-glass
хрустальный {adj} :: crystal-clear
хрустеть {v impf} :: to crunch, to crackle
хрустнуть {v pf} :: to crunch, to crackle
хрущ {noun} :: cockchafer (Phyllophaga spp.)
хрущ {noun} :: May beetle
хрущёвка {noun} [colloquial] :: Khrushchyovka (an unofficial name of type of low-cost, concrete-paneled or brick three- to five-storied apartment building which was developed in the USSR during the early 1960s, during the time of its namesake Nikita Khrushchev)
хрущёвка {noun} :: apartment in such a building
хрущёвский {adj} [relational] :: Khrushchev (former leader of the Soviet Union)
хрю {interj} :: [imitative] oink (sound a pig makes)
хрюкать {v impf} :: to oink, to grunt
хряк {noun} :: male pig; boar, hog
хряк {noun} :: old fart
хрящ {noun} [anatomy] :: cartilage, gristle
хто {conj} [proscribed, low colloquial, non-standard, Ukraine, Belarus, South Russia] :: who, non-standard form of кто
хто {pron} [proscribed, low colloquial, non-standard, Ukraine, Belarus, South Russia] :: who, non-standard form of кто
Хуанхэ {prop} {f inan} :: Huang He (China’s Yellow River)
хуацяо {m anim} {f anim} :: Huaqiao, overseas Chinese
Хубэй {prop} :: Хубэй (province)
худенький {adj} [colloquial] :: endearing form of худой
худеть {v impf} :: to lose weight, to grow thin, to lose flesh
Худжанд {prop} :: Худжанд (capital)
худи {f inan} [neologism] :: hoodie, hoody (a sweatshirt with an integral hood)
худо {noun} :: evil, harm
худо {adv} :: ill, badly
худо {pred} :: one is unwell
худоба {noun} :: leanness, scragginess
художественно {adv} :: artistically
художественность {noun} :: artistic skills, artistry
художественный {adj} [relational] :: art, arts; artistic
художество {noun} [archaic] :: art
художество {noun} [archaic] :: willful act (an action that had not been approved)
художник {noun} :: artist, painter
художник-мультипликатор {noun} :: animator, cartoonist (one who creates an animation)
художница {noun} :: female artist (person who creates art)
худой {adj} :: thin, lean, skinny
худой {adj} :: bad
худой {adj} :: worn out, torn, holey
худощавый {adj} :: lean, thin
худрук {noun} :: art director (e.g. in a theater)
худу {m inan} [geology] :: hoodoo
худший {adj} :: comparative of плохой: worse (more inferior)
худший {adj} :: comparative of худой: worse (more inferior)
худший {adj} :: superlative of плохой: worst (most inferior)
худший {adj} :: superlative of худой: worst (most inferior)
хуев {adj} [relational, vulgar] :: cock, prick
хуева туча {noun} [vulgar, slang] :: helluva lot; a great many, shitload, fuckload, fuckton
хуесос {noun} [vulgar] :: cocksucker [a man who performs fellatio]
хуесос {noun} [pejorative, vulgar] :: cocksucker; asshole, dickhead, bell-end (UK)
хуесосик {noun} :: diminutive of хуесос; little cocksucker
хуесосить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to have oral sex
хуесосить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to attack, to scorn using vulgar language
хуесосить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to harshly criticize
хуесосить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to punish
хуеть {v impf} [vulgar] :: to become impudent, to become brazen, to become insolent
хуеть {v impf} [vulgar] :: to be shocked, to be very surprised
хуеть {v impf} [vulgar] :: to feel very miserable for some reason, to freeze, (nearly) to die of hunger, to cold, etc
хуец {noun} [vulgar] :: endearing diminutive of хуй: (little) dick, cock, prick
хуец {noun} [vulgar] :: pejorative of хуй: (nasty) dick, cock, prick
хуёвина {noun} [vulgar] :: thing, object, thingy
хуёвина {noun} [vulgar] :: something incomprehensible
хуёво {adv} [vulgar] :: lousily, wretchedly, crappily, shittily
хуёвый {adj} [vulgar] :: lousy, wretched, worthless, crappy, shitty
хуже {adv} :: comparative of плохо
хуже {adv} :: comparative of худо
хуже {adj} :: comparative of плохой
хуже {adj} :: comparative of худой
хуище {noun} [vulgar] :: augmentative of хуй
хуй {noun} [vulgar, taboo slang] :: cock, dick, prick (meaning a penis or a highly contemptible male person)
хуй {noun} [vulgar, taboo slang] :: fuck all, nothing
хуй {noun} [vulgar, taboo slang] :: nobody
хуй {noun} [vulgar, taboo slang] :: somebody (male), a quidam
хуйло {noun} [vulgar, offensive] :: dickhead, dipshit, asshole
хуйня {noun} [obscene] :: shit, crap (A problem or difficult situation)
хуйня {noun} [obscene] :: shit (nonsense, bullshit)
хуйня {noun} [vulgar] :: shit (rubbish; worthless matter)
хуйня {noun} [vulgar] :: shit (stuff, things)
хуйня {noun} [vulgar] :: nothing (not a real problem)
хуйня {noun} [vulgar] :: (unrecognized object)
хуй тебе {interj} [obscene] :: хуй тебе (xuj tebé)
хуй тебе {interj} :: go fuck yourself!
хуй тебе {interj} :: fuck you!
хуй тебе {interj} :: go fly a kite!
хук {noun} [boxing] :: hook
хула {noun} [dated, literary] :: animadversion, reviling, abuse
Хулагу {prop} :: Hulagu
хули {particle} [vulgar, taboo slang] :: (emphatic interrogative particle) why the hell...? why the fuck...? what the hell for...?
хули {particle} [vulgar, taboo slang] :: so what?! so fucking what?! of course! (in reply to a stupid question)
хулиган {noun} :: hooligan
хулиганить {v impf} :: to behave like a hooligan; to engage in hooliganism
хулиганка {noun} :: female hooligan, troublemaker
хулиганский {adj} :: rowdy, rampageous, ruffian-like, ruffianly
хулиганство {noun} :: hooliganism
хулить {v impf} :: to revile, to abuse, to defame, to slander
хумус {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: hummus
хумус {noun} [usually, uncountable, Israel] :: chickpeas
Хунань {prop} :: Хунань (province)
хунвейбин {noun} [historical] :: hongweibing [Red Guards in China, 1966 - 1967]
хунвейбин {noun} [figuratively, pejorative] :: vigilante; titushky
хунвэйбин {noun} [historical] :: hongweibing (Red Guards in China, 1966 - 1967)
хунвэйбин {noun} [figuratively, pejorative] :: vigilante; titushky
хунта {noun} :: junta
хурал {noun} :: khural or hural, national congress (in Mongolia); also in Buryatia, Kalmykia or Tuva (in Russia)
хурма {noun} :: persimmon (fruit)
хустка {noun} [Ukraine, Southern Russia] :: shawl, neckpiece, kerchief
хутор {noun} :: khutor, farm, farmstead
хутор {noun} [Ukraine, Southern Russia] :: hamlet, Cossack settlement
хуторянин {noun} :: farmer
хуушуур {noun} :: alternative form of хушур
Хух-Хото {prop} {m inan} :: Хух-Хото (capital city)
хушур {noun} :: the Mongolian and Buryat dish of khuushuur
хушуур {noun} [nonstandard] :: alternative spelling of хушур
хуя {interj} [vulgar] :: ellipsis of ни хуя (себе): holy shit
хуярить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to do something intensively - to hit, to beat, to strike; to knock; to work (hard), to work one's ass off; to move, to walk (a long distance); to play an instrument; to shake; to fall (of rain or snow) (replaces a number of verbs)
хуясе {interj} [vulgar] :: what the fuck
хуястый {adj} [vulgar] :: having a large cock
хуястый {adj} [vulgar, dated] :: male
хуячить {v impf} [vulgar] :: to do something intensively - to hit, to beat, to strike; to knock; to work (hard), to work one's ass off; to move, to walk (a long distance); to play an instrument; to shake; to fall (of rain or snow) (replaces a number of verbs)
Хэбэй {prop} :: Хэбэй (province)
Хэйлунцзян {prop} :: Хэйлунцзян (province)
Хэллоуин {prop} :: alternative form of Хеллоуин
Хэнань {prop} :: Хэнань (province)
хэш {noun} :: hash (the # symbol; key generated by a hash function)