
A | B | C | D | D2 | E | F | F2 | F3 | G | G2 | H | I | I2 | J | K | L | M | M2 | N | N2 | O | P | P2 | Q | R | R2 | S | S2 | S3 | T | T2 | U | V | V2 | W | X | Y | Z



This language has translations in 771 of 205754 (0.37%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item

Mexican hand tree (Noun: )
* Nahuatl: [[macpalxochitl|mācpalxōchitl]]

Unexpected template: 1 item

conjunction (Noun: astronomy: alignment of two bodies in the solar system such that they have the same longitude when seen from Earth)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nah|metztli imiquiz}} {{gloss|lunar conjunction}}

Wrong language code: 46 items Expected language code is nah

anoint (Verb: to smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ohza}}
answer (Verb: to make a reply or response to)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|nanquilia}}
arrive (Verb: to reach)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ahci}}, {{t|nci|ehco}}
artificial (Adjective: man-made)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|tlachihualli}}, {{t|nci|tlacachihualli}}
ascend (Verb: to go up)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|tlehco}}
chew (Verb: to crush food with teeth prior to swallowing)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|tlanchoa}}
choose (Verb: to pick)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|pehpena}}
cut (Verb: to perform an incision)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|tequi}}, {{tt|nci|cotōna}}
diarrhea (Noun: medical condition)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|amintli}}
drizzle (Verb: to rain lightly)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|tlapayahui}}
end (Verb: intransitive: be finished, be terminated)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|tlami}}
end (Verb: transitive: finish, terminate (something))
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|tlamia}}
exist (Verb: to be)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|oncah}}, {{t|nci|cah}}
forget (Verb: to lose remembrance of)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ilcahua}}
hail (Noun: balls of ice)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|tecihuitl}}
hail (Verb: to fall from the sky, of hail)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|tecihui}}
help (Verb: transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something))
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|palehuia}}
household (Noun: those living in the same residence)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|cemithualtin}}, {{t|nci|techan tlacah}}
how (Adverb: in what manner)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|quen}}, {{tt|nci|quenin}}
melt (Verb: intransitive: (of a solid) to become a liquid)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|pati}}
melt (Verb: transitive: to change something from a solid to a liquid)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|patla}}
mist (Noun: water or other liquid finely suspended in air)
* Nahuatl: {{t+|nah|apoctli}}, {{t|nci|ayahuitl}}
penguin (Noun: flightless sea bird)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nhn|michtototl}}
pick (Verb: to grasp and pull with fingers)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|pehpena}}
pluck (Verb: to pull something sharply; to pull something out)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|huihuitla}}
remember (Verb: to recall from one's memory)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ilnamiqui}}
respond (Verb: to say something in return)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|nanquilia}}
return (Verb: to come or go back)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|iloti}}
scold (Verb: rebuke)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ahhua}}
separate (Verb: to disunite, disconnect)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|caltechoa}}, {{t|mi|xeloa}}
shave (Verb: to remove hair from)
* Nahuatl:{{t|nci|xima}}
smell (Verb: sense with nose)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|ihnecui}}
snow (Noun: precipitation)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|cepayahuitl}}
stone (Verb: To pelt with stones)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|motla}}, {{tt|nci|tehuia}}
stretch (Verb: to lengthen by pulling)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|titītza}}
stretch (Verb: to extend one’s limbs or body in order to stretch the muscles)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|tititza}}, {{t|nci|catzana}}
tapir (Noun: large odd-toed ungulate with a long prehensile upper lip of the family Tapiridae)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|tlācaxōlōtl}}
tie (Verb: to attach or fasten with string)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ilpia}}
want (Verb: to desire)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|nequi}}
weave (Verb: to form something by passing strands of material over and under one another)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|ihquiti}}
weed (Verb: to remove weeds from)
* Nahuatl: {{t|nci|huihuitla}}
where (Adverb: at what place; to what place; from what place)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|can}}
where (Adverb: at or in what place)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|can}}
where (Adverb: to what place)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|campa}}
where (Adverb: )
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|campa}}
yes (Particle: word used to indicate agreement or acceptance)
* Nahuatl: {{tt|nci|quemah}}



This language has translations in 425 of 205754 (0.21%) translation tables
Unexpected template: 1 item

lip (Noun: fleshy protrusion framing the mouth)
* Nanai: {{tt|gld|пэмун|tr=pemun}} {{gloss|lower lip}}

This language has translations in 4320 of 205754 (2.10%) translation tables
Nested templates: 1 item

bee balm (Noun: Monarda didyma)
* Navajo: {{t|nv|azeeʼ ndootʼeezhí}}{{gloss|{{taxlink|Monarda punctata|species}}}}

Entry HTML comment: 2 items

two-spirit (Noun: gender-variant Native American)
* Navajo: {{t|nv|nádleeh}}, {{t|nv|nádleehé}} {{qualifier|lit. "one that reverts or becomes"<!--; applicable to male-bodied, female-bodied, or intersex people-->}}
way too (Adverb: )
* Navajo: {{t-check|nv|ayóo}}, {{t-check|nv|tʼóó báhádzigo}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->

text_outside_template: 3 items

Comanche (Noun: member of the Comanche people)
* Navajo: {{t|nv|Naałání}} (plural)
lie (Verb: be in horizontal position)
* Navajo: {{tt|nv|sitą́}} (a slender stiff object lies)
many (Determiner: an indefinite large number of)
* Navajo: {{t|nv|ląʼí}}, {{t|nv|łą́}}, {{t|nv|łání}}, {{t|nv|tʼóó ahayóí}}, {{t|nv|ahoniiʼyóí}} (be many)



This language has translations in 807 of 205754 (0.39%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

way too (Adverb: )
* Neapolitan: {{t-check|nap|assai}}, {{t-check|nap|nu sacco}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->

No translation template: 2 items

Chickasaw (Noun: member of the tribe)
* Neapolitan: [[chickasaw#Neapolitan|chickasaw]]
Chickasaw (Proper noun: the language)
* Neapolitan: [[chickasaw#Neapolitan|chickasaw]]

text_outside_template: 3 items

cylinder (Noun: )
* Neapolitan: {{t-check|nap|celéntra}} (1), {{t-check|nap|cìlìndro}} (1)
flat (Noun: )
* Neapolitan: (2): {{t-check|nap|quartìno|m}}
villain (Noun: )
* Neapolitan: {{t-check|nap|'nfame}} (1,2,3)



This language has translations in 20 of 205754 (0.01%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item

lip (Noun: fleshy protrusion framing the mouth)
* Negidal: {{tt|neg|tr=hemun}}



This language has translations in 1977 of 205754 (0.96%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

flood (Noun: overflow of water)
* Nepali: {{t+|ne|बाढी}} <!-- badhi -->

List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item

corpse (Noun: dead body)
* Nepali: {{tt|ne|मुर्दा}}, {{tt|ne|मुदार्}}, {{tt|ne|लाश}}; {{tt|ne|लास}} {{q|human}}

Multiple t-templates: 2 items

hi (Interjection: friendly, informal greeting)
* Nepali: {{tt+|ne|हाइ}} {{tt+|ne|नमस्कार}}, {{tt+|ne|नमस्ते}}
science (Noun: collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method)
* Nepali: {{tt+|ne|विज्ञान}} {{tt|ne|बिज्ञान}}

No translation template: 3 items

dollar (Noun: designation for specific currency)
* Nepali: {{ne-l|<डलर>}}
have (Verb: to possess)
* Nepali: {{t|ne|...[[सँग]] [[हुनु]]}}, {{ne-l|राख्नु}}
like (Verb: to enjoy)
* Nepali: {{ne-l|<मन> पराउनु}}, {{ne-l|राम्रो लाग्नु}}

No translation target: 3 items

book of condolence (Noun: book)
* Nepali: {{t|ne|tr=Shuvachintak|sc=Deva}}
closure (Noun: event signifying an ending)
* Nepali: {{t|ne|tr=banda}}
efficiency (Noun: extent to which time is well used)
* Nepali: {{t|ne|tr=sashakta|sc=Deva}}

Unexpected template: 3 items

dollar (Noun: designation for specific currency)
* Nepali: {{ne-l|<डलर>}}
have (Verb: to possess)
* Nepali: {{t|ne|...[[सँग]] [[हुनु]]}}, {{ne-l|राख्नु}}
like (Verb: to enjoy)
* Nepali: {{ne-l|<मन> पराउनु}}, {{ne-l|राम्रो लाग्नु}}

Wrong language code: 3 items Expected language code is ne

honorary (Adjective: given as an honor)
* Nepali: {{t+|hi|अवैतनिक}}
honorary (Adjective: describes the holder of a position)
* Nepali: {{t+|hi|अवैतनिक}}
kurta (Noun: Indian shirt)
* Nepali : {{t+|hi|कुर्ता}}

text_outside_template: 4 items

I love you (Phrase: affirmation of affection or deep caring)
* Nepali: {{t|ne|मलाई तिम्रो माया लाग्छ}} (I care for you), {{qualifier|I like you}} {{t|ne|मलाई तिमी मन पर्छ}}
eleven (Numeral: the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve)
* Nepali: {{t+|ne|एघार|tr=eghāra}} (numeral: [[११]])
four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
* Nepali: {{tt+|ne|चार}} (numeral: [[४]])
two (Numeral: numerical value)
* Nepali: {{tt+|ne|दुई}} (numeral: [[२]])



This language has translations in 9 of 205754 (0.00%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item

snake (Noun: legless reptile)
* Ngadjuri: arkubi (tiger), mudlu (carpet), Akaru (Rainbow Serpent), bubu'lara, wiparu

text_outside_template: 2 items

goanna (Noun: various monitor lizards native to Australia)
* Ngadjuri: {{t|jui|budna}}, {{t|jui|inawala}} (''large'')
wallaby (Noun: any of several species of marsupial)
* Ngadjuri: {{t|jui|wadla}} (scrub wallaby), {{t|jui|gandu}} (rock wallaby), {{t|jui|gunda}} (small wallaby)



This language has translations in 117 of 205754 (0.06%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 2 items

fly (Noun: insect of the family Muscidae)
* Ngarrindjeri: {{t|nay|tjilhi}}, {{t|nay|tampali}} (''March fly'')
goanna (Noun: various monitor lizards native to Australia)
* Ngarrindjeri: {{t|nay|thuyuni}} (''large''), {{t|nay|tiyungi}}

Ngazidja Comorian


This language has translations in 996 of 205754 (0.48%) translation tables
Unexpected template: 1 item

take off (Verb: to remove)
* Ngazidja Comorian: {{t|zdj|tsua|alt=utsua}} {{gloss|clothing}}

Entry HTML comment: 2 items

overcome (Verb: )
* Ngazidja Comorian: {{t-check|zdj|djalilia|alt=udjalilia}} <!-- Was under: "to overwhelm with emotions, tiredness etc." -->
way too (Adverb: )
* Ngazidja Comorian: {{t-check|zdj|halisi}}, {{t-check|zdj|ha kuu}}, {{t-check|zdj|kabisa|alt=kaɓisa}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->

No translation template: 2 items

on (Preposition: some time during the day of)
* Ngazidja Comorian: ''not used in Ngazigja Comorian''
this (Determiner: the (thing) here)
* Ngazidja Comorian: {{tt|zdj|nu|alt=-nu}} {{qualifier|classes 2–11, 16–18}}, {{tt|zdj|oyi}}, {{qualifier|class 1}}

text_outside_template: 8 items

by (Preposition: indicates a means)
* Ngazidja Comorian: {{tt|zdj|ha}} (+ infinitive)
knock (Verb: to rap one's knuckles against something)
* Ngazidja Comorian: {{t|zdj|rema|alt=urema}} ''(transitive)''
light (Verb: to start (a fire))
* Ngazidja Comorian: {{tt|zdj|patsa|alt=upatsa}}, {{tt|zdj|vuza|alt=uvuza}} ''(in order to cook)''
mat (Noun: foot wiping device or floor covering)
* Ngazidja Comorian: ''foot wiping device:'' {{t|zdj|tapi}}, ''floor covering:'' {{t|zdj|mkeka|c3|c4}}, {{t|zdj|ɗao|c5|c6}}
receive (Verb: to take what is offered, accept from another)
* Ngazidja Comorian: ''which has been sent:'' {{t|zdj|erewa|alt=hwerewa}}, ''which is offered:'' {{t|zdj|hundra|alt=uhundra}}
so that (Conjunction: in order to)
* Ngazidja Comorian: {{t|zdj|ili}} (+ subjunctive)
wash (Verb: to clean with water)
* Ngazidja Comorian: {{tt|zdj|yela|alt=uyela}} (''one's face'')
write (Verb: to form letters, etc.)
* Ngazidja Comorian: {{tt|zdj|andziha|alt=hwandziha}}, ''≈ for (s.o.)'' {{tt|zdj|andzishia|alt=hwandzishia}}



This language has translations in 22 of 205754 (0.01%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 1 item

tsunami (Noun: large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean)
* Nias: {{t|nia|oloro}}/{{t|nia|galoro}}

text_outside_template: 1 item

tsunami (Noun: large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean)
* Nias: {{t|nia|oloro}}/{{t|nia|galoro}}



This language has translations in 6 of 205754 (0.00%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item

Nile (Proper noun: river)
* Nobiin: {{t|fia|Aman dawū}} (ⲁⲙⲁⲛ ⲇⲁⳣⲟ̅ⲩ̅, امان داوو)



This language has translations in 302 of 205754 (0.15%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

dzhigit (Noun: )
* Nogai: {{t-check|nog||tr=cigit}} <!-- needs Cyrillic -->



This language has translations in 45 of 205754 (0.02%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item Expected language code is nuk

earth (Noun: the ground, land)
* Nootka: {{tt|str|nism̓a}}



This language has translations in 5668 of 205754 (2.75%) translation tables
No translation template: 2 items

fin (Noun: )
* Norman: {{tt-check|nrf|râlîngue|f}}
rock (Noun: )
* Norman: {{tt-check|nrf|greune|f}} {{qualifier|Jersey}}

Multiple qualifiers: 2 items

magpie (Noun: bird of genus Pica)
* Norman: {{qualifier|female}} {{t|nrf|pie|f}} {{qualifier|Jersey}}, {{qualifier|female}} {{t|nrf|mèrgot|f}} {{qualifier|Jersey}}, {{qualifier|male}} {{t|nrf|piêté|m}} {{qualifier|Jersey}}
sorrel (Noun: plant of genus Rumex)
* Norman: {{qualifier|Rumex acetosa}} {{t|nrf|grand' suthelle|f}} {{qualifier|Jersey}}

text_outside_template: 2 items

Auregnais (Proper noun: extinct Norman dialect)
* Norman: {{t|nrf|aoeur'gnais}}, {{t|nrf|auregnais}} (Auregnais)
quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
* Norman: {{t|nrf|mèrques dé convèrsâtion|f-p}} [“◌”]

Unexpected template: 2 items

fin (Noun: )
* Norman: {{tt-check|nrf|râlîngue|f}}
rock (Noun: )
* Norman: {{tt-check|nrf|greune|f}} {{qualifier|Jersey}}

Wrong language code: 4 items Expected language code is nrf

Norn (Proper noun: language)
* Norman: {{t|gv|Nornnique}}
Satan (Proper noun: the Devil)
* Norman: {{t|nrm|[[dgiâbl'ye|Lé Dgiâbl'ye]]}}, {{t|nrm|Satan}}
left and right (Adverb: all over the place)
* Norman: {{t|nrm|à dêtre et à s'nêtre}}
licentious (Adjective: lacking restraint, particularly in sexual conduct)
* Norman: {{t|nrm|dêvèrgondé}} {{q|Jersey}}

Entry HTML comment: 7 items

memory card (Noun: )
* Norman: {{t-check|nrf|carte dé mémouaithe|f}} <!-- if this is for a "memory card" as in "flashcard", move there -->
milker (Noun: )
* Norman: {{t-check|nrf|triyeux|m}} <!-- Was under header "person who, or machine which, milks" - unclear which -->
nasturtium (Noun: )
* Norman: {{t|nrf|capuchinne|f}} <!-- Was under "genus" -->
skin (Noun: )
* Norman: {{t-check|nrf|pé|f}} <!-- Was under the non-existing sense "the outer protective layer of any plant or animal" -->
sloe (Noun: )
* Norman: {{t-check|nrf|néthe êpîngne|f}}, {{t-check|nrf|reunellyi|m}}, {{t-check|nrf|preunelle|f}} <!-- Was given under ''Prunus spinosa'' but unclear whether means fruit or tree -->
tyrant (Noun: )
* Norman: {{t-check|nrf|tyran|m}} {{qualifier|Jersey}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
when (Conjunction: )
* Norman: {{t-check|nrf|quaend}} {{qualifier|Guernsey}} <!-- Was under non-existing definition "at a time in the past" -->

North Frisian


This language has translations in 494 of 205754 (0.24%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item

church (Noun: house of worship)
* North Frisian: {{qualifier|Mooring}} {{tt|frr|schörk|f}}, {{qualifier|Föhr-Amrum}} {{tt|frr|sark|f}}, {{qualifier|Sylt}}, {{tt|frr|Sērk|f}}

Multiple t-templates: 1 item

two (Numeral: numerical value)
* North Frisian: {{qualifier|Mooring}} {{tt|frr|twäär|m}} {{tt|frr|tou|f|n}}, {{qualifier|Föhr-Amrum|Helgoland|Sylt}} {{tt|frr|tau}}

List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 6 items

Frisian (Proper noun: the Frisian language group)
* North Frisian: {{qualifier|Mooring}} {{t|frr|frasch}}; {{qualifier|Föhr-Amrum}} {{t|frr|fresk}}; {{t|frr|Freesk}}, {{t|frr|Friisk}}
address (Noun: description of the location of a property; direction for correspondence)
* North Frisian: {{qualifier|Mooring dialect}} {{t|frr|önjschraft|f}}, {{t|frr|adräs|f}}; {{qualifier|Föhr-Amrum}} {{t|frr|uunskraft|f}}, {{t|frr|adres|n}}
bake (Verb: to cook in an oven)
* North Frisian: {{qualifier|Föhr-Amrum dialect}} {{t|frr|baag}}; {{qualifier|Mooring dialect}} {{t|frr|bååge}}; {{qualifier|Sylt dialect}} {{t|frr|baak}}, {{qualifier|Helgoland}} {{t|frr|bak}}
land (Noun: part of Earth that is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water)
* North Frisian: {{qualifier|Mooring}} {{tt|frr|lönj|n}}; {{qualifier|Föhr-Amrum}} {{tt|frr|lun|n}}; {{qualifier|Helgoland}} {{tt|frr|Lun|n}}, {{tt|frr|Lön}} {{qualifier|Sylt}}
ship (Noun: large water craft)
* North Frisian: {{qualifier|Mooring}} {{tt|frr|schap|n}}; {{qualifier|Föhr-Amrum}} {{tt|frr|skap|n}}, {{tt|frr|Skep|n}} {{qualifier|Sylt}}
speak (Verb: to communicate with one's voice using words)
* North Frisian: {{qualifier|Mooring}} {{tt|frr|spreege}}; {{qualifier|Föhr-Amrum}} {{tt|frr|snaake}}, {{tt|frr|spreeg}}

North Levantine Arabic


This language has translations in 183 of 205754 (0.09%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

despite that (Conjunction: )
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|apc|مَع إِنُّو|tr=maʕ ʔinno}} <!-- fossilized set phrase, so it's good being here: مع (maʿ) alone can't mean "despite" -->

Uses l-template instead of t-template: 1 item

boat (Noun: water craft)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{l|ajp|شختورة|tr=šaḵtūra}}

List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 2 items

any (Determiner: at least one (kind))
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|apc|ايا|tr=ayya|sc=Arab}}, {{t|apc|حيلا|tr=ḥayalla|sc=Arab}}; {{t|apc|شي|tr=ši|sc=Arab}} {{q|some}}
good evening (Interjection: greeting said in the evening)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|apc|مسا الخير|tr=masā l-ḵayr}}, {{t|apc|مسا النور|tr=masā n-nūr}} {{qualifier|as a reply}}; {{t|apc|سعيده|tr=sʕīdi}}, {{t|apc|يسعد هالمسا|tr=yisʕud ha-l-masa}} {{qualifier|as a reply}}

Multiple t-templates: 2 items

marble (Noun: spherical ball)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|apc|دحل|tr=daḥal, duḥal, duḥul, duḥl, diḥl, diḥil|m}} / {{t|apc|دحلة|tr=daḥle, duḥle, diḥle|f}} {{q|Lebanon, Damascus metropolitan area}}, {{t|apc|كلة|tr=gulle, guḷḷa, gille|f}} / {{t|apc|كل|tr=gull, guḷḷ, gill, giḷḷ|m}} {{q|most of Syria}}
will (Verb: indicating future action)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|apc|رح|tr=raḥ}} or {{t|apc|ح|alt=حـ|tr=ḥa-}}

text_outside_template: 5 items

marble (Noun: spherical ball)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|apc|دحل|tr=daḥal, duḥal, duḥul, duḥl, diḥl, diḥil|m}} / {{t|apc|دحلة|tr=daḥle, duḥle, diḥle|f}} {{q|Lebanon, Damascus metropolitan area}}, {{t|apc|كلة|tr=gulle, guḷḷa, gille|f}} / {{t|apc|كل|tr=gull, guḷḷ, gill, giḷḷ|m}} {{q|most of Syria}}
not (Adverb: negates meaning of verb)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{tt|apc|مش|tr=miš}} ''(Lebanon)'', {{tt|apc|مو|tr=mū}} ''(Syria)''
tortoise (Noun: land-dwelling reptile)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|apc|زِلْحفِة|f|tr=zílḥefi}} <i>(Lebanon)</i>
turtle (Noun: land or marine reptile with a shell)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|apc|زِلْحفِة|f|tr=zílḥefi}} <i>(Lebanon)</i>
will (Verb: indicating future action)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|apc|رح|tr=raḥ}} or {{t|apc|ح|alt=حـ|tr=ḥa-}}

Wrong language code: 55 items Expected language code is apc

a lot (Pronoun: a large amount)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|acp|كتير|tr=ktīr}}
alone (Adverb: by oneself)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ar|لحال|tr=laḥāl-}}
always (Adverb: at all times)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|دايْماً|tr=dēyman|sc=Arab}}
anyway (Adverb: regardless)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ar|على كل حال|tr=ʕalā kil-ḥāl, ʕa kil-ḥāl}}
anyway (Adverb: used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ar|على كل حال|tr=ʕalā kil-ḥāl, ʕa kil-ḥāl}}
approximately (Adverb: imprecise but close to in quantity or amount)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|تقْريباً|tr=taʔríban}}
because (Adverb: on account)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|arz|لإنو|tr=laʾinno}}, {{t|arz|لأنو|tr=leʾanno}}
boat (Noun: water craft)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{l|ajp|شختورة|tr=šaḵtūra}}
butcher (Noun: person who prepares and sells meat)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|لَحَّام|m|tr=laḥḥām}}
cabbage (Noun: specific cultivar)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|مَلْفُوف|tr=malfūf}}
cabbage (Noun: leaves of this plant eaten as a vegetable)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|مَلْفُوف|tr=malfūf}}
closed (Adjective: not open)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|مسكّر|f|tr=msákkar}}
clothes (Noun: apparel)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|تياب|tr=tyāb}}
dream (Noun: imaginary events seen while sleeping)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{tt|arz|حلم|m|tr=ḥélem}}
entertainment (Noun: activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|تسلية|tr=tisláye}}
faint (Verb: to lose consciousness)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|غمي|tr=ḡimi}}, {{t|ajp|يُغْمى|tr=yuḡma}}, {{t|ajp|أُغْمى|tr=ʔuḡma}}, {{t|ajp|أُغْمِي|tr=ʔuḡmi}}
for free (Prepositional phrase: without paying)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ar|بلاش|tr=balāš}}
free of charge (Adjective: not requiring any payment - adjective)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ar|بلاش|tr=balāš}}
fun (Adjective: enjoyable, amusing)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|arz|بِسلّي|tr=bisálli}}
glove (Noun: item of clothing)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|كفّ|tr=kaff}}, {{t|ajp|كفوف|tr=kfuf}} (plural)
good (Adjective: acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{tt|apc|منيح|tr=mnīḥ}}, {{tt|ajp|ملِيح|tr=mliḥ}}
graveyard (Noun: tract of land in which the dead are buried)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|مقبرة|f|tr=máʔbara}}
gull (Noun: seabird)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|acw|نَوْرَس|tr=náwras}}; plural: {{t|acw|نوارِس|tr=nawēris}}
horse (Noun: members of the species Equus ferus)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{tt|ajp|حْصَان|tr=ḥṣān}}
how much (Determiner: what quantity)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|قديش|tr=ʔaddēš}}, {{t|ajp|قدي|tr=ʔaddē}} <i>(Lebanon)</i>
how much (Determiner: what is the cost/price?)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|قديش|tr=ʔaddēš}}, {{t|ajp|قدي|tr=ʔaddē}} {{q|Lebanon}}
interesting (Adjective: arousing or holding the attention)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|arz|ممتع|tr=múmteʕ}}, {{t|arz|بِسلّي|tr=bisálli}}
lighter (Noun: fire-making device)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ar|قَدَّاحَة|f|tr=ʔaddāḥa}}
look (Verb: to try to see)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{tt|ajp|تطلّع|tr=tṭallaʕ|sc=Arab}}, {{tt|ajp|تفرّج|tr=tfarraj}}, {{tt|arz|شاف|tr=šāf|sc=Arab}}
no one (Pronoun: not even a single person)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|ما حدا|tr=ma ḥada}}
noise (Noun: various sounds, usually unwanted)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|صوت|tr=ṣōt}}
or (Conjunction: conjunction)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{tt+|ar|أَو|tr=ʔaw}}, {{tt|ar|ولا|tr=walla}}
peanut (Noun: a legume resembling a nut)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|فستق|tr=festoʔ}}
physician (Noun: medical doctor)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|حَكِيم|tr=ḥakīm}}
pumpkin (Noun: plant)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|arz|قرعة|f|tr=ʔarʕa}} {{q|[[singulative]]}}
pumpkin (Noun: fruit of this plant)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|arz|قرعة|f|tr=ʔarʕa}} {{q|[[singulative]]}}
really (Adverb: actually)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|عن جد|tr=an jadd}}
relative (Noun: someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption; someone in the same family)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|قريب|m|tr=ʔarīb}}, {{t|ajp|قرايِب|c-p|tr=ʔarāyib}}
rocket (Noun: rocket engine)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|صاروخ|m|tr=ṣarūḵ}}
sad (Adjective: feeling sorrow)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{tt|ajp|زعلان|m|tr=zaʕlān}}
salary (Noun: fixed amount of money paid on monthly or annual basis)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ar|⁧مَعَاش⁩|m}}
salmon (Noun: fish)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|سلمون|m|tr=sálamon}}
screen (Noun: viewing area of electronic output device)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ar|شاشة|f|tr=šeše}}
show (Verb: to display)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|فرجى|tr=farja}}, {{t|ajp|ورجى|tr=warja}}
sometimes (Adverb: on certain occasions, but not always)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ar|أَوْقات|tr=awʔāt}}, {{t|ajp|أحيانا|tr=ʔaḥyēnan}}
spoon (Noun: scooped utensil for eating (or serving))
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{tt|ajp|معلقة|f|tr=maʕlaʔa}}, {{tt|ajp|مِلعَقَة|f|tr=malʕaʔa}}, {{tt|apc|خَاشُوقَة|f|tr=ḵāšūʔa}}
street corner (Noun: corner of a street)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ar|زاوية|f|tr=zāwyi}}
that (Pronoun: which)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|acp|اللي⁩|tr=illi, lli}}, {{t|acp|ياللي⁩|tr=yalli}}
thing (Noun: that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{tt|acp|شي|m|tr=šī}}, {{tt|acp|شغلة|tr=šaḡle}}
thus (Adverb: in this way or manner)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|arz|هيك|tr=hēk}}
too (Adverb: likewise)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|كمان|tr=kamān, kamēn}}
very (Adverb: to a high degree)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|acp|كتير|tr=ktīr}}
wallet (Noun: case for keeping money)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ar|جِزدان|tr=jizdén}}
win (Verb: transitive: achieve victory in)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|ربح|tr=rabaḥ}}, {{t|ajp|فاز|tr=fēz}}
without (Preposition: not having)
*: North Levantine Arabic: {{t|ajp|بلا|tr=bala}}

Northern Altai


This language has translations in 58 of 205754 (0.03%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 3 items

catfish (Noun: type of fish)
* Northern Altai: {{t|atv|чайы́н}} (rare)
heel (Noun: anatomy: part of the foot)
* Northern Altai: {{tt|atv|энджек}}, {{tt|atv|энъчек}} (kumandy in Komdoma district)
hobble (Noun: Short straps tied between the legs of unfenced horses)
* Northern Altai : {{t|atv|тужак}} (for horse)

Northern Khanty


This language has translations in 33 of 205754 (0.02%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item

kayak (Noun: a type of small boat)
* Northern Khanty: {{t-check|kca-nor|кайэк}} a "large boat" {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}

No translation template: 8 items

hammer (Noun: tool)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|кеви}}, {{tt-check|kca-nor|сяк}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
horse (Noun: members of the species Equus ferus)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|лʼов}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
knife (Noun: utensil or tool designed for cutting)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|кеши}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
smile (Noun: a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|нях молаӈ|sc=Cyrl}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
snake (Noun: legless reptile)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|йємәӈ вой}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
steel (Noun: metal produced from iron)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|тарм карты}}, {{tt-check|kca-nor|этап карты}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
thank you (Interjection: an expression of gratitude)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|пумасипа}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
two (Numeral: numerical value)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt|kca-nor|кӑт}}, {{tt-check|kca-nor|кӑтн}} {{q|Kazym}}

Unexpected template: 8 items

hammer (Noun: tool)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|кеви}}, {{tt-check|kca-nor|сяк}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
horse (Noun: members of the species Equus ferus)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|лʼов}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
knife (Noun: utensil or tool designed for cutting)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|кеши}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
smile (Noun: a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|нях молаӈ|sc=Cyrl}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
snake (Noun: legless reptile)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|йємәӈ вой}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
steel (Noun: metal produced from iron)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|тарм карты}}, {{tt-check|kca-nor|этап карты}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
thank you (Interjection: an expression of gratitude)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt-check|kca-nor|пумасипа}} {{attention|kca-nor|check that this is Northern Khanty and not some other variety}}
two (Numeral: numerical value)
* Northern Khanty: {{tt|kca-nor|кӑт}}, {{tt-check|kca-nor|кӑтн}} {{q|Kazym}}

Northern Kurdish


This language has translations in 5141 of 205754 (2.50%) translation tables
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item

tryst (Verb: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{qualifier|intransitive}} {{t+|kmr|jivîn}}, {{t+|kmr|çûn}} / {{t+|kmr|hatin}} {{t+|kmr|jivan}}ê, {{t+|kmr|jivan}} kirin; {{qualifier|transitive}} {{t|kmr|jivandin}}

No translation template: 6 items

ask (Verb: request an answer)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+check|kmr|pirsîn}}, {{tt+|kmr|pirs kirin}}{{tt+|kmr|pirsiyar kirin}}
bag (Noun: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+check|kmr|çewal|m}}, {{tt+check|kmr|tûr|m}}, {{tt+check|kmr|torbe|m}}, {{tt+check|kmr|kîs|m}}, {{tt+check|kmr|telîs|m}}, {{tt+check|kmr|çante|m}}
fast (Adjective: of sleep: deep or sound)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt-check|kmr|(xewa) [[giran]]}}
freedom (Noun: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+check|kmr|azadî|f}}, {{tt+check|kmr|serbestî|f}}, {{tt+check|kmr|rizgarî|f}}, {{tt+check|kmr|xweserî|f}}, {{tt+check|kmr|serxwebûn|f}}
sad (Adjective: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+check|kmr|xemgîn}}
short (Adjective: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+check|kmr|kurt}}, {{tt+check|kmr|kin}}, {{tt+check|kmr|qut}}, {{tt+check|kmr|quse}}

Unexpected template: 6 items

ask (Verb: request an answer)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+check|kmr|pirsîn}}, {{tt+|kmr|pirs kirin}}{{tt+|kmr|pirsiyar kirin}}
bag (Noun: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+check|kmr|çewal|m}}, {{tt+check|kmr|tûr|m}}, {{tt+check|kmr|torbe|m}}, {{tt+check|kmr|kîs|m}}, {{tt+check|kmr|telîs|m}}, {{tt+check|kmr|çante|m}}
fast (Adjective: of sleep: deep or sound)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt-check|kmr|(xewa) [[giran]]}}
freedom (Noun: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+check|kmr|azadî|f}}, {{tt+check|kmr|serbestî|f}}, {{tt+check|kmr|rizgarî|f}}, {{tt+check|kmr|xweserî|f}}, {{tt+check|kmr|serxwebûn|f}}
sad (Adjective: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+check|kmr|xemgîn}}
short (Adjective: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+check|kmr|kurt}}, {{tt+check|kmr|kin}}, {{tt+check|kmr|qut}}, {{tt+check|kmr|quse}}

Multiple t-templates: 8 items

Kurdistan (Proper noun: a region in the Middle East inhabited mostly by the Kurds)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|Kurdistan|f}} ({{t+|kmr|کوردستان|f}})
aorta (Noun: great artery)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t|kmr|şahxwînber|f|}} {{t+|kmr|aort|f|}}
elbow (Noun: joint between upper arm and forearm)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|enîşk}}, {{t+|kmr|aren}} {{t+|kmr|aren}}, {{t+|kmr|enîşk}}
source (Noun: the person, place or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) comes or is acquired)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|kanî}} {{t+|kmr|kanî}}
straw (Noun: a dried stalk of a cereal plant)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|ka}} {{t+|kmr|ka}}
watch (Noun: portable or wearable timepiece)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|demjimêr}} {{t+|kmr|demjimêr}}, {{t+|kmr|saet}}
west (Adjective: towards the west)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt|kmr|([[ber bi]]) [[rojava]](yê)}}, {{tt|kmr|([[ber bi]]) [[xerb]](ê)|f}}, ({{tt+|kmr|berew}}) {{tt+|kmr|rojawa}}, ({{tt+|kmr|berew}}) {{tt+|kmr|xorawa}}
white blood cell (Noun: cytology: a type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t|kmr|xiroka spî|f}} {{t|kmr|lêkosît|f}}

Entry HTML comment: 11 items

destruct (Verb: to cause the destruction of)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+check|kmr|ruxandin}}, {{t+check|kmr|hilweşandin}}, {{t+check|kmr|pûç|alt=pûç kirin}} <!-- was "{{t+|kmr|pûç|alt=pûç kirin}}" -->, {{t+check|kmr|xirab|alt=xirab kirin}} <!-- was "{{t+|kmr|xirab|alt=xirab kirin}}" -->, {{t+check|kmr|xopan|alt=xopan kirin}} <!-- was "{{t+|kmr|xopan}} kirin" -->, {{t+check|kmr|kavil|alt=kavil kirin}} <!-- was "{{t+|kmr|kavil}} kirin" -->, {{t+check|kmr|wêran|alt=wêran kirin}} <!-- was "{{t+|kmr|wêran}} kirin" -->, {{t+check|kmr|îmha|alt=îmha kirin}} <!-- was "{{t+|kmr|îmha}} kirin" - please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
head (Verb: to move in a specified direction)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t-check|kmr|berê xwe dan derekê}}, {{t-check|kmr|ber bi derekê ve çûn}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic -->
incite (Verb: to rouse, stir up or excite)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+check|kmr|arandin}}, {{t+check|kmr|azirandin}}, {{t+check|kmr|cixirandin}}, {{t+check|kmr|sîqilandin}}, {{t+check|kmr|tehrîk kirin}}, {{t+check|kmr|lê sor kirin}}, {{t+check|kmr|teşwîq kirin}}, {{t+check|kmr|engizandin}}, {{t+check|kmr|belişandin}}, {{t+check|kmr|pîj kirin}}, {{t+check|kmr|ajawe kirin}}, {{t+check|kmr|provoke kirin}}, {{t+check|kmr|han dan}}, {{t+check|kmr|fît kirin}}, {{t+check|kmr|xiroşme kirin}}, {{t+check|kmr|cilixandin}} <!-- {{t-SOP}} if non-idiomatic, see [[WT:SOP]]; should be probably cut down a bit -->
juxtapose (Verb: to place side by side)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t|kmr|[[dan]]}}{{t+check|kmr|berhev}}, {{t+check|kmr|berhev|alt=berhev dan}} <!-- was "{{t+|kmr|berhev|alt=berhev dan}}" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
juxtaposition (Noun: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+check|kmr|berhev|alt=berhevdan}} <!-- was "{{t+|kmr|berhev|alt=berhevdan}}" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|kmr|berhev|alt=dan berhev}} <!-- was "dan {{t+|kmr|berhev}}" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
law (Noun: body of rules established in a community by its authorities)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+|kmr|qanûn|f}}, {{tt+|kmr|zagon|f}}, {{tt+|kmr|yasa|f}}<!--{{tt+|kmr|dad|f}}, {{tt+|kmr|hiqûq|f}}, {{tt+|kmr|edalet|f}}-->
light (Verb: to start (a fire))
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t-check|kmr|[[agir]] [[vêxistin]]}} <!-- was "{{tt+|kmr|agir}} {{tt+|kmr|vêxistin}}" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
light (Verb: to illuminate)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t-check|kmr|[[ron]] [[kirin]]}} <!-- was "{{tt+|kmr|ron}} kirin" - remove links if this is an [[WT:IDIOM]] -->
look (Verb: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+check|kmr|nerîn}}, {{t+check|kmr|berê xwe dan|alt=berê xwe danê}} <!-- was "{{tt+|kmr|berê xwe dan}}ê" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|kmr|seh|alt=seh kirin}} <!-- was "{{tt+|kmr|seh|alt=seh kirin}}" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|kmr|fekirin}}, {{t+check|kmr|hêv|alt=hêv kirin}} <!-- was "{{tt+|kmr|hêv|alt=hêv kirin}}" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|kmr|mêze|alt=mêze kirin}} <!-- was "{{tt+|kmr|mêze|alt=mêze kirin}}" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|kmr|mêzandin}}, {{t+check|kmr|mêzîn}}
praise (Verb: to give praise to)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+check|kmr|pesinandin}}, {{t+check|kmr|pesn dan}}, {{t+check|kmr|meth kirin}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in |alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
way too (Adverb: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+check|kmr|gelek}}, {{t+check|kmr|pir}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->

text_outside_template: 16 items

ameliorate (Verb: to make better)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|baş}} kirin, {{t+|kmr|qenc}} kirin, {{t+|kmr|çê}} kirin, {{t+|kmr|çak}} kirin, {{t+|kmr|sax}} kirin
asleep (Adjective: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+check|kmr|nivistî}}, {{t+check|kmr|razayî}}, {{t+check|kmr|raketî}}, di {{t+check|kmr|xew}}
congressman (Noun: member of congress)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|kongrevan}} (mêr), {{t+|kmr|kongresman}}
congresswoman (Noun: female member of congress)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|kongrevan}} (jin)
cucumber (Noun: edible fruit)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|xiyar}}, (rare:) {{t+|kmr|arû}}
escape (Noun: )
* Northern Kurdish: {{t+check|kmr|rev}} (1), {{t+check|kmr|bazdan}} (1), {{t+check|kmr|filitîn}} (2)
extinguish (Verb: )
* Northern Kurdish: {{t+check|kmr|temirandin}} (1), {{t+check|kmr|tefandin}} (1), {{t+check|kmr|vemirandin}} (1,2), {{t+check|kmr|reş kirin}} (1), {{t+check|kmr|vekuştin}} (1,2)
grave (Noun: excavation for burial)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{tt+|kmr|gorr|f}}, {{tt+|kmr|merzel|m}}, {{tt+|kmr|tirb|f}}, {{tt+|kmr|qebir|m}}, {{tt+|kmr|mezar|f}} (shrine), {{tt+|kmr|ziyaret|f}} (shrine)
happy birthday (Interjection: good wishes for a birthday)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|rojbûna te pîroz}} (be)!
laughter (Noun: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+check|kmr|ken|m}} (1 and 2), {{t+check|kmr|kenîn|f}} (1 and 2)
melt (Verb: intransitive: (of a solid) to become a liquid)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|helîn}} (intransitive), {{t+|kmr|helandin}} (transitive)
old (Adjective: former)
*: Northern Kurdish: (ya/yê) {{t+|kmr|berê}}
pregnant (Adjective: carrying developing offspring within the body)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|bihemle}}, {{t+|kmr|ducan}}, {{t+|kmr|dugiyan}}, {{t+|kmr|girane}}, (''for animals'') {{t+|kmr|avis}}
prince (Noun: )
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+check|kmr|mîr|m}} (1), {{t+check|kmr|pismîr|m}} (2), {{t+check|kmr|prens|m}} (2)
total (Verb: to equal after calculation)
*: Northern Kurdish: {{t+|kmr|tev}} bûn
uncle (Noun: brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent)
*: Northern Kurdish: (''paternal'') {{t+|kmr|mam}}, {{t+|kmr|ap}}, (''maternal'') {{t+|kmr|xal}}

Northern Sami


This language has translations in 1604 of 205754 (0.78%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item

they (Pronoun: third-person plural pronoun)
* Northern Sami: {{t-check|se|soai}} ''dual'', {{t-check|se|sii|p}}

No translation template: 2 items

short (Adjective: )
* Northern Sami: {{tt-check|se|oatni}}
toilet (Noun: fixture used for urination and defecation)
* Northern Sami: {{tt-check|se|hivsset}} {{attention|se|language was named as "Saami", but the template had "se"}}

Unexpected template: 3 items

none of your beeswax (Phrase: A riposte to badgering questioning)
* Northern Sami: {{t|se|ii leat du ášši}} {{gloss|it's not your business}}
short (Adjective: )
* Northern Sami: {{tt-check|se|oatni}}
toilet (Noun: fixture used for urination and defecation)
* Northern Sami: {{tt-check|se|hivsset}} {{attention|se|language was named as "Saami", but the template had "se"}}

Entry HTML comment: 4 items

European polecat (Noun: Mustela putorius)
* Northern Sami: {{t-check|se|čáhppesbuoidda}}<!--was labeled simply Sami, I assume it's Northern-->
peacock (Noun: pheasant of one of the genera Pavo and Afropavo)
* Northern Sami: {{t-check|se|pávvuonccis}}<!--was labeled simply "Sami"; I assume it's Northern-->
quail (Noun: any of several small game birds)
* Northern Sami: {{t-check|se|goaktil}}<!--Was labeled simply "Sami"; I assume it's Northern-->
vulture (Noun: bird)
* Northern Sami: {{t|se|goaskin}}, {{t-check|se|čuonjáráhtogoaskin}}<!--was labeled simply "Sami"; I assume it's Northern-->

Northern Sotho


This language has translations in 85 of 205754 (0.04%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 2 items Expected language code is nso

broom (Noun: domestic utensil)
* Northern Sotho: {{tt|nso|lefsiêlô}}, {{tt|st|leswiêlô}}
corpse (Noun: dead body)
* Northern Sotho: {{tt|st|setopo}}, {{tt|st|nkhu}}

Northern Thai


This language has translations in 272 of 205754 (0.13%) translation tables
text_outside_template: 1 item

speak (Verb: to communicate with one's voice using words)
* Northern Thai: {{tt|nod|ᩋᩪ᩶}} (u)



This language has translations in 30989 of 205754 (15.06%) translation tables

List items separated by both comma and semicolon

1 item
however (Adverb: )
* Norwegian: {{t|no|på den måten}}, {{t|no|på hvilken måte}}; {{t|no|uansett hvor}}, {{t|no|hvor mye}}

Genders in t-template and g-template

4 items
pan (Noun: flat vessel used for cooking)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|panne|m}} and {{g|f}}
pan (Noun: flat vessel used for cooking)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|panne|m}} and {{g|f}}
snivel (Noun: nasal mucus; snot)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|snørr|f}} or {{g|n}}
snivel (Noun: nasal mucus; snot)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|snørr|f}} or {{g|n}}

Uses l-template instead of t-template

5 items
burlap (Noun: strong cloth)
* Norwegian: {{l|no|grovt}} {{t|no|lerret|n}}, {{t|no|pakklerret|n}}, {{t|no|sekkestrie|c}}
ithyphallic (Adjective: of or pertaining to the erect phallus)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|bakkantisk}}, {{l|no|med}} {{l|no|erigert}} {{l|no|penis}}
painstakingly (Adverb: in a painstaking manner; very slowly and carefully)
* Norwegian: {{l|no|med}} {{l|no|pinlig}} {{t+|no|nøyaktighet}}
perturb (Verb: to disturb; to bother or unsettle)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|forurolige}}, {{l|no|vekke}} {{t+|no|uro|m}}, {{l|no|gjøre}} {{l|no|forstyrret}}, {{t|no|skake}} ({{l|no|opp}}), {{t+|no|ryste}}
supernal (Adjective: pertaining to heaven or to the sky)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|hinsides}}, {{t|no|overjordisk}}, {{l|no|som}} {{l|no|kommer}} {{l|no|fra}} {{l|no|det}} {{l|no|høye}}, {{t+|no|guddommelig}}, {{t|no|himmelsk}}

Unexpected template

7 items
abate (Verb: (obsolete) to bring down (someone) mentally or physically)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|slå ned}} {{gloss|physically}}, {{t+|no|ydmyke}} {{gloss|mentally}}
add fuel to the fire (Verb: worsen a conflict)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|helle bensin på bålet}}, {{gloss|to blow in the fire}} {{t|no|puste til ilden}}
dungarees (Noun: heavy denim pants or overalls)
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|dongeribukse|m|f}} {{sense|pants}}
ring (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{tt+check|no|klang|m}}
sad (Adjective: )
* Norwegian: {{tt-check|no|trist}} (1,2), {{tt-check|no|rørende}} (3)
topping (Noun: food on top)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|pålegg|n}} {{gloss|on a sandwich/piece of bread}}
washer (Noun: something that washes)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|vaskemaskin|m}}, {{gloss|dishwasher}} {{t+|no|oppvaskmaskin|m}}

No translation template

16 items
Norse (Noun: speakers of any North Germanic language)
* Norwegian: [[Norrøn]]s {{g|m-p}}
blond (Noun: fair-haired person)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|lys(håret)}}, blond, {{t+|no|blondine}}
bluster (Noun: pompous, officious talk)
* Norwegian: [[uforskammet]] [[mas#Norwegian|mas]], {{t|no|tomme trusler}}
bluster (Verb: to speak or protest loudly)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|bråke}}, {{t|no|bruke seg}}, [[opptre]] [[uforskammet]]
contentious (Adjective: marked by controversy)
* Norwegian: [[omstridt]] / [[kontroversiell]]
fuck off (Verb: to go to hell, disappear, screw oneself)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|dra til helvete}}, [[drite og dra]]
nightfall (Noun: the close of the day; the coming of night)
* Norwegian: [[mørkets]] [[frambrudd]], {{t+|no|skumring|m}}
overcharge (Verb: to charge more than correct amount)
* Norwegian: [[ta]] [[for]] [[mye]] [[betalt]]
ring (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{tt+check|no|klang|m}}
rudderless (Adjective: without a rudder, unsteerable, without guidance)
* Norwegian: [[uten#Norwegian|uten]] [[ror#Norwegian|ror]]
sad (Adjective: )
* Norwegian: {{tt-check|no|trist}} (1,2), {{tt-check|no|rørende}} (3)
solid (Adjective: strong, unyielding (as of foundations etc))
* Norwegian: solid, {{t|no|kraftig}}
triplet (Noun: one of a group of three)
* Norwegian: en av tre
undercharge (Verb: charge less than the correct amount)
* Norwegian: [[ta]] [[for]] [[lite]] [[betalt]]
uninspiring (Adjective: not inspiring)
* Norwegian: [[lite]] [[inspirerende]], {{t|no|uinspirerende}}
uninviting (Adjective: Not inviting)
* Norwegian: [[lite]] [[innbydende]]

Entry HTML comment

22 items
Kadiivka (Proper noun: city in Kadiivka, Alchevsk, Luhansk, Ukraine)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|Kadijivka|f}}<!-- Bokmål and Nynorsk are identical. -->
Luke (Proper noun: gospel of Luke)
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|Lukas|alt=Evangeliet etter Lukas}} <!-- was "Evangeliet etter [[Lukas]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|no|Luk}}
abate (Verb: )
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|forringe}}<!--Was under: "to bring down or reduce to a lower state"-->
ambiguous (Adjective: )
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|vag}}, {{t+check|no|uklar}} <!-- Were under non-surviving sense "vague and unclear" -->
boy (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|mann}}, {{t+check|no|kar}}, {{t+check|no|fyr|m}} <!-- Were under "adult male found attractive" -->
cf. (Verb: compare)
* Norwegian: ''{{t+|no|jf.}}'' <!--{{t+|no|jamfør}}-->
chase (Verb: to pursue, to follow at speed)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|løpe}}, <!--* why star?-->{{t|no|jage etter}}, {{t+|no|forfølge}}
course (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|kurs|c}}, {{t+|no|retning}} <!-- Was under "onward movement" (sense does not exist) -->
decline (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|nedgang}} <!-- Was under: "Period before the end" -->
email (Verb: (intransitive) to send, or compose and send, an email or emails)
* Norwegian: <!--{{t+check|no|skrive}} ("write") and--> {{t-check|no|[[sende]] [[epost]]}}
gentleman (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|herrer|m-p}}, {{t-check|no|herretoalett|n}} <!-- Was under "toilets intended for use by men" -->
mad (Adjective: wanting intensely)
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|[[gal]] [[etter]]}} <!-- was "gal etter" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
perfect number (Noun: a number that is the sum of all of its divisors except itself)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|perfekt tall}} <!--gender?-->
place (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|sted|n}} <!-- Was under "group of houses" -->
print (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|trykk|n}} <!-- Was under "result of printing process" -->
razor wire (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|piggtråd|m}} <!-- "piggtråd" means ordinary barbed wire -->
sloe (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|slåpetorn}} <!-- Was given under ''Prunus spinosa'' but unclear whether means fruit or tree -->
solitude (Noun: state of being alone)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|ensomhet|c}}<!-- but m or f? -->
talk (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|prat|n}}, {{t+check|no|snakk|n}} <!-- Was under "what is being said" -->
vocal (Adjective: characterized by voice or tone produced in the larynx)
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|vokale|f}}<!--this is an adjective sense-->
when (Conjunction: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|da}} <!-- Was under non-existing definition "at a time in the past" -->
when Hell freezes over (Adverb: never)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|når helvetet fryser}}<!-- “when Hell freezes over” -->

Multiple t-templates

39 items
Chinese (Noun: Chinese food)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|kinamat}} {{t+|no|kinesisk}}
Latin (Proper noun: language of the ancient Romans)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|latin}} {{t|no|latinsk}}
adulation (Noun: Flattery; fulsome praise)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|grov}} {{t|no|smiger}},, {{t|no|smisking|c}}
baculum (Noun: bone found in the penis of some mammals)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|penisbein}} {{t|no|penisben}}
bear (Verb: to produce or yield)
* Norwegian: {{tt+|no|bære}} {{tt+|no|fram}}
bear (Verb: to be in a specific direction)
* Norwegian: {{tt+|no|bære}} {{tt+|no|mot}}
burlap (Noun: strong cloth)
* Norwegian: {{l|no|grovt}} {{t|no|lerret|n}}, {{t|no|pakklerret|n}}, {{t|no|sekkestrie|c}}
clean (Verb: (transitive) to remove dirt from a place or object)
* Norwegian: {{tt+|no|gjøre}} {{tt|no|rent}}
come out of the closet (Verb: to tell others about a secret belief or preference)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|komme}} {{t+|no|ut}} {{t+|no|av}} [[skap|skapet]]
come out of the closet (Verb: to tell others about a secret belief or preference)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|komme}} {{t+|no|ut}} {{t+|no|av}} [[skap|skapet]]
conniption (Noun: fit of laughing)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|latterkrampe|f}}, {{t+|no|lattis}}/{{t+|no|lættis|m}} (slang)
denial (Noun: refusal to comply with a request)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|nekting|m|f}} {{t|no|nekt|m}}
despair (Verb: to despair of)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|fortvile}} {{t+|no|over}}
extensive (Adjective: wide)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|omfattende}} / {{t+|no|omfangsrik}}
fuck (Interjection: expression of dismay or discontent)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|dritt}}, {{t+|no|drit}}, {{t|no|skit}}, {{t|no|skitt}}, {{t+|no|shit}} {{t+|no|faen}}, {{t+|no|fan}}, {{t+|no|satan}} {{t+|no|helvete}}, {{t|no|satan i helvete}} {{t|no|søren}}, {{t|no|filleren}}, {{t+|no|fitte}}
ithyphallic (Adjective: of or pertaining to the erect phallus)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|bakkantisk}}, {{l|no|med}} {{l|no|erigert}} {{l|no|penis}}
ithyphallic (Adjective: of or pertaining to the erect phallus)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|bakkantisk}}, {{l|no|med}} {{l|no|erigert}} {{l|no|penis}}
knot (Verb: form wrinkles in forehead)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|rynke}} {{t|no|rynker}} {{t|no|bekymringsrynker}}
knot (Verb: form wrinkles in forehead)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|rynke}} {{t|no|rynker}} {{t|no|bekymringsrynker}}
muzzle (Verb: to apply a muzzle)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|sette}} {{t|no|munnkurv}} {{t+|no|på}}
muzzle (Verb: to apply a muzzle)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|sette}} {{t|no|munnkurv}} {{t+|no|på}}
muzzle (Verb: to restrain from speaking or acting)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|gi}}, {{t+|no|få}} {{t|no|munnkurv}}
painstakingly (Adverb: in a painstaking manner; very slowly and carefully)
* Norwegian: {{l|no|med}} {{l|no|pinlig}} {{t+|no|nøyaktighet}}
painstakingly (Adverb: in a painstaking manner; very slowly and carefully)
* Norwegian: {{l|no|med}} {{l|no|pinlig}} {{t+|no|nøyaktighet}}
perturb (Verb: to disturb; to bother or unsettle)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|forurolige}}, {{l|no|vekke}} {{t+|no|uro|m}}, {{l|no|gjøre}} {{l|no|forstyrret}}, {{t|no|skake}} ({{l|no|opp}}), {{t+|no|ryste}}
pod (Noun: small vehicle)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|kapsel|m}}* Italian: {{t+|it|capsula|f}},
reason (Verb: to converse; to compare opinions)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|diskutere}} {{t+|no|fornuftig}}
scrawny (Adjective: thin, malnourished and weak)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|tynn}}, {{t|no|radmager}}, {{t|no|skrinn}}/{{t|no|skrant}}, {{t|no|skranglet}}
scrump (Verb: to steal fruit, especially apples, from a garden or orchard)
* Norwegian: gå på {{t+|no|slang}}/{{t|no|epleslang}}
struggle (Verb: to strive, to labour in difficulty, to fight)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|slåss}}, {{t+|no|kjempe}}, {{t+|no|slite}} {{t+|no|streve}}
supernal (Adjective: pertaining to heaven or to the sky)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|hinsides}}, {{t|no|overjordisk}}, {{l|no|som}} {{l|no|kommer}} {{l|no|fra}} {{l|no|det}} {{l|no|høye}}, {{t+|no|guddommelig}}, {{t|no|himmelsk}}
supernal (Adjective: pertaining to heaven or to the sky)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|hinsides}}, {{t|no|overjordisk}}, {{l|no|som}} {{l|no|kommer}} {{l|no|fra}} {{l|no|det}} {{l|no|høye}}, {{t+|no|guddommelig}}, {{t|no|himmelsk}}
supernal (Adjective: pertaining to heaven or to the sky)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|hinsides}}, {{t|no|overjordisk}}, {{l|no|som}} {{l|no|kommer}} {{l|no|fra}} {{l|no|det}} {{l|no|høye}}, {{t+|no|guddommelig}}, {{t|no|himmelsk}}
supernal (Adjective: pertaining to heaven or to the sky)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|hinsides}}, {{t|no|overjordisk}}, {{l|no|som}} {{l|no|kommer}} {{l|no|fra}} {{l|no|det}} {{l|no|høye}}, {{t+|no|guddommelig}}, {{t|no|himmelsk}}
tonight (Noun: nighttime today)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|i}} {{t+|no|kveld}} {{qualifier|early night, late evening}}, {{t+|no|i}} {{t+|no|natt}} {{qualifier|night}}
tool (Verb: to equip with tools)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|utstyre}} {{t|no|utruste}}
trumpet (Verb: play the instrument)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|trompetere}} {{t+|no|spille}}
twaddle (Noun: Empty or silly idle talk or writing)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|pjatt|n}}, {{t|no|tomprat|m}}, {{t|no|tullprat|m}}, {{t|no|løst}} {{t+|no|prat}}
up (Adjective: facing upwards)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|med}} ... {{t+|no|opp}}


55 items
-'s (Suffix: possessive marker)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|-s}}, {{t+|no|til}} (''after the thing owned and before the owner, [[his genitive]]'')
acceptor (Noun: one who accepts)
* Norwegian: ''comm'' {{t|no|akseptant|c}}
adjacent (Adjective: just before, after, or facing)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|foregående}}, {{t|no|forutgående}} (both signifying previous), {{t|no|etterfølgende}}, {{t+|no|følgende}}, {{t+|no|påfølgende}}, {{t+|no|neste}} (all signifying next), {{t+|no|motsatt}} (facing)
ballast (Noun: material laid to form a bed for a road)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|ballast|m}} ''(for railroads)'', {{t|no|fundament|n}}
brat (Noun: a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child)
* Norwegian: (bortskjemt) {{t|no|drittunge|n}}, {{t|no|snørrunge|m}}
campfire (Noun: fire at a campground)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|bål|n}}, {{t|no|leirbål|n}} ''(campfire)''
chick (Noun: young woman)
* Norwegian: ''(depending on age of speaker)'' +40 yrs: {{t+|no|rype}}; 20 - 40 yrs: {{t+|no|dame}}; <20: {{t|no|spa kæbe}} ''(used widely in inner east Oslo, derived from urdu)''
come out of the closet (Verb: to tell others about a secret belief or preference)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|komme}} {{t+|no|ut}} {{t+|no|av}} [[skap|skapet]]
conniption (Noun: fit of laughing)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|latterkrampe|f}}, {{t+|no|lattis}}/{{t+|no|lættis|m}} (slang) (/ (slang))
elbow (Verb: to push with the elbow)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|albue}} seg
employed (Adjective: )
* Norwegian: {{t|no|anvendt}} (1), {{t+|no|ansatt}} (2)
extensive (Adjective: wide)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|omfattende}} / {{t+|no|omfangsrik}}
fealty (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|troskapsed|m}} (2)
grout (Noun: coarse meal)
* Norwegian: (''sediments'') {{t|no|bunnfall|n}}, (''malt'') {{t|no|gryn|n}}, {{t+|no|grøpp|n}}
handful (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|knyttneve|m}} (breadth of hand)
hold my beer (Phrase: I am about to start a fight)
* Norwegian: {{t|nn|hoill brillan}} (dialectal)
imposition (Noun: that which is imposed, levied, or enjoined)
* Norwegian: ([[pålagt]]) {{t|no|byrde|m}}
in on (Preposition: Part of or privy to)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|med på}} (''part of''), {{t|no|gjøre kjent med}} (''privy to'')
infer (Verb: )
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|utlede}}, {{t+check|no|konkludere}}, {{t+check|no|slutte}} (1), {{t+check|no|anta}}, {{t+check|no|tenke}}, {{t-check|no|spekulere}} (2)
ingratiate (Verb: get someone's favor, especially through flattery)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|innynde}} seg, {{t|no|smiske}}
jack (Verb: use a jack)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|jekke}} (1)
jet machine (Noun: device that uses a jet of water to clean something)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|høytrykkspyler}} (water), {{t|no|sandblåsemaskin}} (sand)
knee-jerk (Adjective: reacting unthinkingly or spontaneously in an expected manner)
* Norwegian: [[forventet#Norwegian|forventet]] or [[forutsigelig#Norwegian|forutsigelig]] or [[forutsigbar#Norwegian|forutsigbar]] {{t|no|spontanreaksjon|m}}
leverage (Verb: use, exploit, take full advantage of)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|dra fordel av}}, {{t|no|profittere}} , {{t|no|utnytte}}
light (Adjective: low in fat, calories, alcohol, salt, etc.)
* Norwegian: {{tt+|no|lett}}-
may (Verb: possibly, but not certainly)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|kan være}}, also expressed with adv. {{t+|no|kanskje}}
minesweeper (Noun: vehicle, device or person for the removal of mines)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|minesveipar}} (1, 2)
necessity is the mother of invention (Proverb: a person in need will find a way)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|nød lærer naken kvinne å spinne}} (''need teaches (a) naked woman how to spin'')
on (Preposition: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|av}} (7)
pamper (Verb: to treat with excessive care, to indulge)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|dulle}} med
pan (Noun: flat vessel used for cooking)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|panne|m}} and {{g|f}}
pantograph (Noun: rail transport: device that collects electric current from overhead lines)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|strømavtaker}} ''(Bokmål)''
per (Preposition: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|per}} (abbreviated ''pr.'') (1,2)
placard (Verb: to affix a placard to)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|plakatklistring}} (noun/present participle)
plug (Noun: electric connecting device)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|plugg|m}} (signal), {{t+|no|støpsel|n}} (power)
pod (Noun: small vehicle)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|kapsel|m}}* Italian: {{t+|it|capsula|f}},
rail (Noun: horizontal piece of wood in a door or window)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|sprosse}} (i vindu), {{t+|no|slå}} (for dør)
railcar (Noun: self-propelled railway vehicle similar to a bus)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|skinnebuss}} ''(bokmål)'', {{t|nn|skjenebuss}} ''(nynorsk)''
salvage (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|berging|f}} (1,2,4,5), {{t-check|no|bergingslønn|f}} (3)
sample (Noun: part taken for inspection)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|prøve|m}} (1), {{t|no|sample|n}} (2), {{t+|no|eksempel|n}} (3)
satisfaction (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|tilfredsstillelse|m}} (1,2,3), {{t-check|no|oppreisning}} (4,5)
scrawny (Adjective: thin, malnourished and weak)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|tynn}}, {{t|no|radmager}}, {{t|no|skrinn}}/{{t|no|skrant}}, {{t|no|skranglet}}
scrump (Verb: to steal fruit, especially apples, from a garden or orchard)
* Norwegian: gå på {{t+|no|slang}}/{{t|no|epleslang}} (gå på /))
shoddy (Adjective: of poor quality)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|slurvet}}, {{t|no|slurvete}} (not about objects)
shudder (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t-check|no|skrekkblandet fryd}} (2)
slag off (Verb: to talk insultingly to or about someone or something)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|slenge dritt}} [[til#Norwegian|til]]/[[om#Norwegian|om]]
snivel (Noun: nasal mucus; snot)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|snørr|f}} or {{g|n}}
some (Determiner: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|noe}} (uncountable), {{t+check|no|noen}} (countable)
spend (Verb: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|bruke}}, {{t-check|no|tilbringe}} (''only time'')
sprig (Noun: small shoot or twig)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|kvist|m}}, {{t+|no|dusk|m}} (of parsely), {{l|no|liten}} {{t+|no|grein|c}}, {{t|no|bukett|m}} (single part of a cauliflower)
tart (Noun: woman with loose sexual morals)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|hore}}, {{t+|no|tøs}} (slang)
thorough (Adjective: utter; complete; absolute)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|grundig}} (1-5), {{t+|no|nøyaktig}} (1-5), {{t|no|nøye}} (1)
truism (Noun: self-evident or obvious truth)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|truisme|m}}, ([[banal#Norwegian|banal]], [[forslitt#Norwegian|forslitt]], [[selvinnlysende]]) {{t+|no|sannhet|c}}
try (Verb: )
* Norwegian: {{t+check|no|prøve}} (1,2,3,5), {{t+check|no|tiltale}} (4)
turn (Noun: chance to use (something) shared in sequence with others)
* Norwegian: (verb +) {{t|no|etter tur}}

Wrong language code

84 items

Expected language code is no

-wise (Suffix: in the manner of)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|-vis}}
@ (Preposition: at a rate of)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|à}}
Pentecostal (Noun: a member of a Pentecostal church)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|pinsevenn}}
abominate (Verb: to feel disgust towards, to hate in the highest degree)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|føle avsky}}, {{t+|nb|avsky}}
ale (Noun: beer produced by warm fermentation)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|ale}}, {{t|nn|ale}}
alloy (Verb: mix or combine)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|legere}}
backwater (Noun: a remote place; somewhere that remains unaffected by new events, progresses, ideas, etc.)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|avkrok|m}}
bark (Verb: to make a loud noise (dogs))
* Norwegian: {{tt+|nb|gjø}}, {{tt|nn|gjøde}}, {{tt|nn|gjøda}}
be right (Verb: be correct in one's judgement or statement about something)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|[[ha]] [[rett]]}}
be wrong (Verb: have an incorrect belief, be mistaken)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|[[ta]] [[feil]]}}
better dead than red (Proverb: anti-Communist slogan)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|heller død enn rød}}, {{t|nb|bedre død enn rød}}
box van (Noun: truck with enclosed cuboid-shaped cargo area)
*Norwegian: {{t|no|skapbil}}, {{t|nn|skåpbil}} {{qualifier|only Nynorsk}}
charger (Noun: a large platter under the dinner plate in a formal dinner setting)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|dekketallerken|m}}
cootie (Noun: childish: germ or contaminant)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|guttelus}} {{qual|boys}}, {{t|nb|jentelus}} {{qual|girls}}
corpsepaint (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|liksminke|m}}
credibility (Noun: reputation impacting one's ability to be believed)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|troverdighet|m}}
damp (Noun: moisture)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|fuktighet|m}}
dare (Verb: to have courage)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|våge}}, {{t+|nb|tore}}
date (Verb: to take (someone) on a series of dates)
* Norwegian: {{tt|nb|begynne med}}
deflation (Noun: decrease in the general price level)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|Deflasjon}}
detest (Verb: to dislike intensely)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|avsky}}
devout (Adjective: devoted to religion or to religious feelings and duties)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|from}}
diaper cake (Noun: type of gift)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|bleiekake}}
disguise (Verb: to change the appearance)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|forkle}}, {{t|nb|maskere}}
enormous (Adjective: extremely large)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|enorm}}, {{t+|nb|diger}}, {{t+|nb|kjempestor}}, {{t|nb|gigantisk}}
envoy (Noun: representative)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|sendebud|n}}
erase (Verb: to remove markings or information)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|slette}}, {{t+|nb|fjerne}}, {{t|nb|radere}}, {{t|nb|radere ut}}, {{t|nb|radere bort}}, {{t|nb|radere vekk}}, {{t+|nb|viske}}
ever (Adverb: always)
* Norwegian: {{t|nn|støtt}}, {{t|nn|stadig}}
fare (Verb: to travel)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|fare}}, {{t+|nb|reise}}
ford (Noun: crossing)
* Norwegian: {{t|no|vadeplass|m}}, {{t|nb|vadested|n}}
forsake (Verb: to abandon, to give up, to leave (permanently), to renounce (someone or something))
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|forlate}},{{t+|nb|forsake}}
fowl (Noun: bird of the order Galliformes)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|fjærfe|n}}
fry (Verb: to cook (something) in hot fat or oil)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|steke}}
hag (Noun: witch, sorceress, enchantress)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|utyske|n}}
hark (Verb: to listen attentively)
* Norwegian: {{t|nn|lyda}}
heave (Verb: to lift)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|lufte}}, {{t+|nb|heve}}
heave (Verb: to throw)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|hive}}
hex (Noun: a witch)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|heks|f}}
hold my beer (Phrase: I am about to start a fight)
* Norwegian: {{t|nn|hoill brillan}} (dialectal)
hone (Verb: to sharpen with a hone)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|hone}}
husk (Noun: exterior of certain vegetables or fruits)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|skall|n}}
immense (Adjective: huge, gigantic, very large)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|gigantisk}}
impalement (Noun: act of torturing)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|spidding|f}}
impolite (Adjective: not polite)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|uhøflig}}
impoverish (Verb: to make poor)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|utarme}}
incline (Verb: bend (something) out of a given plane or direction)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|inklinere}}
isotropic (Adjective: having properties which are equivalent in all directions)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|isotropisk}}, {{t|nb|isotrop}}
kinsman (Noun: male relative)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|forfader|m}}, {{t|nn|ætting|m}}, {{t|nn|ættfar|m}}
lay (Noun: sung poem)
* Norwegian: {{t|nn|kvede|n}}
light rail (Noun: type of passenger railway)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|lettbane}}
loathe (Verb: to detest, hate, revile)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|avsky}}
malleus (Noun: the small hammer-shaped bone of the middle ear)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|Hammer|m}}
marshal (Noun: military officer of the highest rank)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|marskalk|m}}
omen (Noun: something which portends or is perceived to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future; an augury or foreboding)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|omen|n}}
outclass (Verb: To surpass something)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|utklasse}}
pain (Verb: to hurt; to put to bodily uneasiness or anguish)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|såre}}
pain (Verb: to render uneasy in mind, to grieve)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|smerte}}
penniless (Adjective: utterly without money)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|pengelens}}
pine (Verb: to inflict pain upon; to torment; to torture; to afflict)
* Norwegian: {{tt+|nb|pine}}
policy rate (Noun: )
* Norwegian: {{tt|nb|styringsrente}}
pornlike (Adjective: resembling pornography; pornographic)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|pornoaktig}}
relish (Noun: pleasing taste)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|nytelse}}
relish (Verb: to taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|nyte}}
rigid (Adjective: fixed)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|rigid}}
rigour (Noun: harshness)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|vigor|m}}
saturated (Adjective: full; unable to hold or contain any more)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|mettet}}
saturated (Adjective: soaked or drenched with moisture)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|mettet}}
saturated (Adjective: of a solution: containing all the solute that can normally be dissolved)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|mettet}}
saturated (Adjective: chemistry: having all available valence bonds filled)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|mettet}}
scent (Noun: distinctive odour or smell)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|duft}}
sedentary (Adjective: not moving, not migratory)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|stillesittende}}
serve (Verb: sports: to lead off with first delivery (of the ball))
* Norwegian: {{t|nn|serve}}, {{t|nn|sørve}}
some (Determiner: unspecified amount of)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|litt}}
some (Pronoun: indefinite amount, part)
* Norwegian: {{t|nn|som|m}}, {{t+|nb|litt}}
somehow (Adverb: in one way or another; in some way not yet known or designated)
* Norwegian: {{t|nn|eikorleis}}
sometimes (Adverb: on certain occasions, but not always)
* Norwegian: {{t|nn|stundom}}, {{t+|no|av og til}}, {{t|no|tidvis}}
stark (Adjective: severe; violent; fierce (now usually in describing the weather))
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|sterk}}
stiffen (Verb: to make stiff)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|stivne}}
stiffen (Verb: to become stiff)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|stivne}}
stiffener (Noun: something that stiffens)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|stivner|m}}
weld (Verb: to join materials (especially metals) by applying heat)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|sveise}}
which (Determiner: (interrogative) what, of those mentioned or implied)
* Norwegian: {{t+|nb|hvilken}}, {{t+|nb|hvilket}}, {{t+|nb|hvilke}}
which (Determiner: (relative) designating the one(s) mentioned)
* Norwegian: {{t+|no|som}}, {{t+|nb|hvilken}}, {{t+|nb|hvilket}}, {{t+|nb|hvilke}}
wizardry (Noun: art of a wizard; sorcery)
* Norwegian: {{t|nb|trylldom|m}}

Norwegian Bokmål


This language has translations in 21546 of 205754 (10.47%) translation tables

Multiple qualifiers

1 item
up-to-date (Adjective: informed of the latest news)
*: Bokmål: {{qualifier|up to date}} {{t+|no|à jour}} {{qualifier|adverb}}, {{t|no|up-to-date}}

Nested templates

2 items
e.g. (Adverb: initialism used to introduce an illustrative example or short list of examples)
* Norwegian Bokmål: {{t+|no|f.eks.}} {{qualifier|{{t+|no|for eksempel}}}}, {{t+|no|t.d.}} {{qualifier|{{t+|no|til dømes}}}}
everyone else (Pronoun: all other persons)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|alle andre}} {{q|see {{m|nb|andre}}}}

Unexpected template

2 items
AD (Adverb: anno Domini)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|AD}}, {{t|nb|a.D.}} {{gloss|anno Domini}}
passage (Noun: section of text or music)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|passasje|m}}, {{t|nb|passus|m}} {{gloss|text}}

No translation template

4 items
-ly (Suffix: used to form adverbs from adjectives)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{qualifier|normal adverbs are the same in form as the respective adjectives}}
addition (Noun: act of adding)
*: Bokmål: [[legge]] [[til]], {{t|nb|tilføye}}
cement mixer (Noun: device to make concrete)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|betongblander|m}}, {{t|nb|betongblandemaskin|m}}, {{t|nb|sementblander|m}}, {{q|vehicle}}, {{t|nb|betongbil}}
dithyramb (Noun: a poem or oration in the same style)
*: Bokmål: [[høystemt]] [[lovsang]]

Entry HTML comment

5 items
Virgin Mary (Proper noun: Mary, mother of Jesus)
*: Bokmål: {{t-check|nb|jomfru Maria|m|f}}<!--m or f?-->
private (Adjective: )
*: Bokmål: {{t-check|nb|privat}} <!-- Was under "not done in the view of others" -->
skin (Noun: )
*: Bokmål: {{t+check|nb|skinn|n}} <!-- Was under the non-existing sense "the outer protective layer of any plant or animal" -->
tyrant (Noun: )
*: Bokmål: {{t-check|nb|tyrann|m}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
way too (Adverb: )
*: Bokmål: {{t+check|nb|veldig}}, {{t+check|nb|meget}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->

List items separated by both comma and semicolon

8 items
Dutch (Noun: people (or person) from the Netherlands)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|nederlendere|m-p}}, {{t|nb|nederlendinger|m-p}}; {{t+|nb|nederlender|m-s}}, {{t|nb|nederlending|m-s}}
belittle (Verb: to knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|nedvurdere}}, {{t|nb|fornedre}}; {{t+|nb|bagatellisere}}
bus driver (Noun: person employed to drive buses)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|bussjåfør|m}}, {{t|nb|buss-sjåfør|m}}; {{t|nb|turbussjåfør|m}}
duplicitous (Adjective: given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|tvetydig}}, {{t|nb|ekvivokk}}; {{t+|nb|falsk}}, {{t|nb|hyklerisk}}
evidence (Noun: anything admitted by a court as proof)
*: Bokmål: {{q|spoken}} {{t|nb|vitneutsagn|n}}, {{t|nb|vitneforklaring|c}}; {{qualifier|artifacts}} {{t|nb|bevismateriale|n}}
namesake (Noun: person with the same name as another)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|navnebror|m}} {{qual|male}}; {{t+|nb|navnesøster|m|f}}, {{qual|female}}; {{t|nb|navne|m}}
pregnant (Adjective: carrying developing offspring within the body)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|gravid}}, {{t|nb|svanger}} {{qualifier|of humans}}, {{t+|nb|drektig}} {{qualifier|of animals}}; {{qualifier|heavily pregnant}} {{t|nb|høygravid}}, {{t|nb|høggravid}}
skip (Verb: omit or disregard intermediate items or stages)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|hoppe}} {{t+|nb|over}}, {{t|nb|droppe}}; {{t|nb|utelate}}

Multiple t-templates

40 items
Elector (Noun: German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kurfyrste|m}} ({{t|nb|kurfyrstinne|f}} {{qualifier|Elector's wife}})
Lord (Proper noun: God)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|Herre|m}} ({{t|nb|Herren|m}})
Lord (Proper noun: Jesus)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|Herre|m}} ({{t|nb|Herren|m}})
approach (Verb: (figuratively) to draw near (to someone or something); to make advances; to approximate or become almost equal)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|tilnærme}} {{t+|nb|seg}}
arrear (Noun: unpaid debt)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|utestående}}, {{t|nb|betalingsetterskudd}}, {{t|nb|ubetalt}} {{t|nb|gjeld|m|f}}
bacon (Noun: cut of meat)
*: Bokmål: ({{t|nb|røykt}}) {{t|nb|flesk|n}}, {{t+|nb|bacon|n}}
biodiversity (Noun: diversity of flora and fauna)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|biodiversitet|m}}, {{t|nb|biomangfold|n}} {{t|nb|biologisk mangfold|n}}
budget (Noun: the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|budsjett|n}} {{q|government}} {{t|nb|statsbudsjett|n}}
child (Noun: a minor)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|nb|barn|n}} {{tt+|nb|mindreårig|m}}
cryptic crossword (Noun: type of crossword)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|kryptisk}} {{t+|nb|kryssord|n}}
grocer (Noun: person selling foodstuffs and household items)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|kolonialhandler|m}}, {{t+|nb|kjøpmann|m}} (cf. {{t|nb|grosserer|m}})
knife (Verb: to use a knife to injure or kill)
*: Bokmål: {{tt|nb|hugge}} (med {{tt+|nb|kniv}})
last week (Adverb: week before this one)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|i}} {{t|nb|forrige}} {{t+|nb|uke}}
last week (Adverb: week before this one)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|i}} {{t|nb|forrige}} {{t+|nb|uke}}
lend itself to (Verb: be suitable for)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|egne}} {{t+|nb|seg}} {{t+|nb|til}}
lend itself to (Verb: be suitable for)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|egne}} {{t+|nb|seg}} {{t+|nb|til}}
little girl (Noun: a female child)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|småjente|m|f}}, {{t|nb|lita}} / {{t+|nb|liten}} {{t+|nb|jente|m|f}} / {{t+|nb|pike|m|f}}
little girl (Noun: a female child)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|småjente|m|f}}, {{t|nb|lita}} / {{t+|nb|liten}} {{t+|nb|jente|m|f}} / {{t+|nb|pike|m|f}}
little girl (Noun: a female child)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|småjente|m|f}}, {{t|nb|lita}} / {{t+|nb|liten}} {{t+|nb|jente|m|f}} / {{t+|nb|pike|m|f}}
lovebird (Noun: affectionate couple (or a person thereof))
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|turtelduer|m-p|f-p}} ({{t|nb|turteldue|m|f}})
marry (Verb: to take a husband or wife)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|gifte seg}} (see: {{l|nb|gifte}} {{l|nb|seg}})
marry (Verb: to take a husband or wife)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|gifte seg}} (see: {{l|nb|gifte}} {{l|nb|seg}})
mood (Noun: bad mood)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|dårlig}} {{t|nb|humør|n}}
o'clock (Adverb: indication of time (the translations below are of "one o’clock"))
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|klokka}} / {{t+|nb|klokken}} {{t+|nb|ett}}
o'clock (Adverb: indication of time (the translations below are of "one o’clock"))
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|klokka}} / {{t+|nb|klokken}} {{t+|nb|ett}}
o'clock (Adverb: the translations below are of "at one o’clock")
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|klokka}} / {{t+|nb|klokken}} {{t+|nb|ett}}
o'clock (Adverb: the translations below are of "at one o’clock")
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|klokka}} / {{t+|nb|klokken}} {{t+|nb|ett}}
one too many (Noun: (idiomatic) one or more servings too many of alcohol)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|et}} {{t+|nb|glass}} {{t+|nb|for}} {{t+|nb|mye}}
one too many (Noun: (idiomatic) one or more servings too many of alcohol)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|et}} {{t+|nb|glass}} {{t+|nb|for}} {{t+|nb|mye}}
one too many (Noun: (idiomatic) one or more servings too many of alcohol)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|et}} {{t+|nb|glass}} {{t+|nb|for}} {{t+|nb|mye}}
pinch of salt (Noun: small amount of salt)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|klype|m|f}} {{l|nb|salt}}
pinch of salt (Noun: caution (as in take with a pinch of salt))
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|klype|m|f}} {{l|nb|salt}}
postwoman (Noun: woman who delivers the post or mail)
*: Bokmål: ({{t+|nb|kvinnelig}}) {{t+|nb|postbud|n}}
red carpet (Noun: a strip of red carpet laid for a VIP)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|[[rød]] [[løper]]}} ({{t|nb|[[den]] [[røde]] [[løperen]]}})
remarry (Verb: To marry a second or subsequent time)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|gifte}} {{t+|nb|seg}} {{t+|nb|på}} {{t+|nb|nytt}}
remarry (Verb: To marry a second or subsequent time)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|gifte}} {{t+|nb|seg}} {{t+|nb|på}} {{t+|nb|nytt}}
remarry (Verb: To marry a second or subsequent time)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|gifte}} {{t+|nb|seg}} {{t+|nb|på}} {{t+|nb|nytt}}
remote control (Noun: doing something from a distance)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|fjernkontroll|m}} {{t|nb|fjernstyring|m|f}}
shallow (Adjective: having little depth and significantly less deep than wide)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|flat}}, {{t+|nb|lav}}, {{t+|nb|låg}} {{t+|nb|grunn}}
their (Determiner: belonging to them (plural))
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|deres}}, {{t+|nb|sin}} {{t|nb|dems}} {{qualifier|nonstandard}}


42 items
Arctic Circle (Proper noun: one of the five major circles of latitude)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|polarsirkel}}en, {{t|nb|den nordlige polarsirkelen}}
BC (Adverb: before Christ)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|f.Kr.}} (''før Kristi fødsel'')
UN Security Council (Proper noun: international organ)
*: Bokmål: FNs {{t|nb|sikkerhetsråd|n}}
about to (Phrase: indicating imminence)
*: Bokmål: være {{t|nb|i ferd med å}} {{qualifier|+ inf.}}
antler (Noun: bony structure on the head of deer, moose and elk)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|gevir|n}} (''pair of antlers'')
aspersion (Noun: a sprinkling of holy water)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|bestenkning|c}} (med [[vievann]])
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth (Adjective: born rich or in a wealthy family)
*: Bokmål: å være {{t|nb|født med sølvskje i munnen}}
confuse (Verb: to embarrass)
*: Bokmål: bringe noen i {{t+|no|forlegenhet|m|f}}
crew (Noun: non-officer nautical personnel)
*: Bokmål: (''including officers'') {{t|nb|besetning|m|f}}
desirable (Adjective: suitable to be desired)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|ønskelig}} (also: ''desired'')
disabled (Noun: the disabled collectively)
*: Bokmål: (de) {{t|nb|uføre}}
elderly (Noun: elderly as group)
*: Bokmål: de {{t+|nb|eldre}}
even (Adverb: implying extreme example)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|til og med}}, {{t+|nb|selv}}, {{t+|nb|sågar}} (''obsolete'', ''poetic'')
game (Noun: playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|nb|spill|n}} (''a game with a winner''), {{tt+|nb|lek|m}} (''a game without a winner'')
grocer (Noun: person selling foodstuffs and household items)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|kolonialhandler|m}}, {{t+|nb|kjøpmann|m}} (cf. {{t|nb|grosserer|m}})
half (Adverb: in two equal parts or to an equal degree)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|halv}}-
half-timbered (Adjective: constructed using a load-bearing timber frame with the spaces between the timbers filled with bricks, etc.)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|bindingsverk}}s-, {{t|nb|[[i]] [[bindingsverk]]}}
how do you do (Phrase: Phrase: how do you do)
*: Bokmål: formal: {{t|no|gleder meg|lit=I am pleased (to meet you)}}, more informal: {{t|no|hyggelig å møte deg}}, {{t|no|hvordan har du det}}
jam (Noun: difficult situation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|vanskelighet}}, {{t|nb|trøbbel}}, {{t+|nb|knipe}} ´
knife (Verb: to use a knife to injure or kill)
*: Bokmål: {{tt|nb|hugge}} (med {{tt+|nb|kniv}})
leaf (Noun: part of a plant)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|nb|blad|n}}, {{tt+|nb|løv|n}} (dead)
little girl (Noun: a female child)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|småjente|m|f}}, {{t|nb|lita}} / {{t+|nb|liten}} {{t+|nb|jente|m|f}} / {{t+|nb|pike|m|f}} (/ /))
lover (Noun: sexual partner)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|elsker|m}} (''male''), {{t|nb|elskerinne|m|f}} (''female'')
low-budget (Adjective: Achieved with a relatively small financial outlay)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|lavbudsjett}}-
marry (Verb: to take a husband or wife)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|gifte seg}} (see: {{l|nb|gifte}} {{l|nb|seg}})
miniature (Adjective: smaller than normal)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|miniatyr}}-
naked eye (Noun: unaided eyesight)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|[[det]] [[blotte]] [[øye]]}} (''the naked eye'')
o'clock (Adverb: indication of time (the translations below are of "one o’clock"))
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|klokka}} / {{t+|nb|klokken}} {{t+|nb|ett}}
o'clock (Adverb: the translations below are of "at one o’clock")
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|klokka}} / {{t+|nb|klokken}} {{t+|nb|ett}}
of (Preposition: containing, comprising or made from)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|av}}; {{t+|nb|med}} (''a glass of water'' = ''et glass (med) vann'')
or (Conjunction: conjunction)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|nb|ellers}} ''(otherwise)''
prominence (Noun: being prominent)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|framstående}} (person)
quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|anførselstegn|n}}, {{t|nb|gåseauge|n}} [«◌»] ''or'' [„◌”]
refrain (Verb: to keep oneself from action)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|avholde}} seg
respiratory (Adjective: relating to respiration)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|respiratorisk}}, {{t|nb|respirasjon}}s-
shovel (Verb: to move materials with a shovel)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|skuffe}}, {{t+|nb|måke}} (snow)
snog (Verb: slang: kiss passionately)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|kline}}, {{t+|nb|rote}} (mess (around (with))
teenage (Adjective: of an age between 13 and 19)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|tenårig}}, {{t+|nb|tenåring}}s-
tidal current (Noun: flow of water caused by tide)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|tidevannsstrøm|m}} (etc.)
twilight (Noun: light before rising and after the setting of the Sun)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|skumring|m}} (after setting of sun only), {{t+|nb|tussmørke|n}}
underprivileged (Noun: deprived people)
*: Bokmål: de {{t|nb|underprivilegerte}}
youth hostel (Noun: an inexpensive supervised lodging place, primarily for young people)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|vandrerhjem|n}}, {{t|nb|vandrerheim|m}}, (''dated'') {{t|nb|ungdomsherberge|n}}

Wrong language code

872 items

Expected language code is nb

-ive (Suffix: adjectival suffix: of the nature of; tending to)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|-iv}}
Afghan (Noun: Afghan hound)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|afghaner|m}}
Anglo-Saxon (Adjective: related to the Anglo-Saxon peoples or language)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|angelsaksisk}}
Antarctic Peninsula (Proper noun: the northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Antarktishalvøya|f}}
Azores (Proper noun: an archipelago and an autonomous region)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|Asorene}}, {{qualifier|Riksmål}} {{t|no|Azorene}}
Bardilo (Proper noun: male given name)
* Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|Bardyllis}}
Borduria (Proper noun: )
* Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|Borduria}}
Cartesian coordinates (Noun: coordinates of a point)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kartesiske koordinater}}
Cecilia (Proper noun: female given name)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nn|Cecilie|f}}
Christmas Day (Noun: the 25th of December)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nn|første juledag|m}}, {{l|nb|juledagen}}
Cockaigne (Proper noun: mythical land)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|slaraffenland}}
Commonwealth of Independent States (Proper noun: alliance of former Soviet republics)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Samveldet av uavhengige stater|n}}, {{t|no|SUS|n}}
DRM (Noun: )
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|DRA|m}}, {{t|no|DRM|m}}
Draco (Proper noun: constellation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Dragen}}
Elector (Noun: German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kurfyrste|m}} ({{t|nb|kurfyrstinne|f}} {{qualifier|Elector's wife}})
Ethiopian (Noun: person)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|etiopier|m}}
Fehmarn Belt (Proper noun: )
* Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|Fehmarnbelt}}; Aftenposten uses {{t|no|Fehmarn Belt}} and {{t|no|Femern-belt}}(et)
Finno-Ugric (Adjective: of or relating to Finno-Ugric)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|finsk-ugrisk}}
Flemish (Adjective: of or relating to Flanders)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|flamsk}}
Flying Fortress (Proper noun: B-17 bomber)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|[[flygende|Flygende]] [[festning|Festning]]}}
Godspeed (Interjection: used, especially at a parting, to express the wish that the outcome of the actions of a person (typically someone about to start a journey or a daring endeavour) is positive for them)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Gud være med deg}}, {{t|no|lykke til}}
Greek Orthodox Church (Proper noun: group of Eastern Orthodox churches)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Den gresk ortodokse kirke|f}}
Gulf of Riga (Proper noun: inland body of water that is part of the Baltic Sea in eastern Europe and is near Latvia and Estonia)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Rigabukten|m}}
Hydra (Proper noun: one of Pluto's moons)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Hydra}}
I came, I saw, I conquered (Phrase: used to indicate a total swift victory)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|jeg kom, jeg så, jeg erobret}}
I don't speak English (Phrase: I don't speak English (specifically English))
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|jeg snakker ikke engelsk}}
I don't speak English (Phrase: I don't speak (fill with the name of the current foreign language))
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|jeg snakker ikke norsk}}
I hate you (Phrase: expression of intense dislike)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|jeg hater deg}} {{qualifier|singular}}, {{t|no|jeg hater dere}} {{qualifier|plural}}
I have AIDS (Phrase: I have AIDS)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|jeg har aids}}
I have no money (Phrase: I have no money)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|jeg har ingen penger}}
I like you (Phrase: I like you)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|jeg liker deg}}
I'm allergic to penicillin (Phrase: I'm allergic to penicillin)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|jeg er allergisk mot penicillin}}
I'm blind (Phrase: I'm blind)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|jeg er blind}}
I'm looking for a job (Phrase: I'm looking for a job)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|jeg er på utkikk etter jobb}}, {{t|no|jeg ser etter jobb}}, {{t|no|jeg ser etter arbeid}}, {{t|no|jeg søker arbeid}}
I'm not religious (Phrase: I'm not religious)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|jeg er ikke religiøs}}
Iranian (Noun: person from Iran or of Iranian descent)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|iraner|m}}
Jack Frost (Proper noun: personification of winter)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Kong Vinter}}
Japanese (Noun: person of Japan)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|japaner|m}}
Jewish Autonomous Oblast (Proper noun: Jewish autonomous oblast in Russia)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Den jødiske autonome oblasten|?}}
Korean (Noun: person)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|koreaner|m}}
Kremlinologist (Noun: person involved in Kremlinology)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kremlolog|m}}
Kremlinology (Noun: study of Soviet / Russian politics)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kremlologi|m}}
LARP (Noun: live-action role-play)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|laiv|m}}
Lagopus lagopus (Proper noun: a small grouse, Lagopus lagopus)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|lirype|f|m}}, {{t|no|skogsrype|f|m}}
Lagopus leucura (Proper noun: a small grouse, Lagopus leucura)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kvithalerype|f|m}}
Lagopus muta (Proper noun: a small grouse, Lagopus muta)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|fjellrype|f|m}}
Last Supper (Proper noun: last meal Jesus ate with disciples)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Det siste måltid}}
Leo (Proper noun: constellation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Løven|m|f}}
Leo (Proper noun: astrological sign)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Løven|m|f}}
Libra (Proper noun: constellation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Vekten|m}}, {{t|no|Vekta|f}}
Libra (Proper noun: astrological sign)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Vekten|m}}, {{t|no|Vekta|f}}
Lord's Prayer (Proper noun: the prayer taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Fader vår}}
Manx cat (Noun: mammal)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Manx katt}}
Martian (Noun: inhabitant of the planet Mars)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|marsboer|m}}, {{t|no|marsbuer|m}}
Mary (Proper noun: Mary, mother of Jesus)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Maria}}
Modern Greek (Proper noun: Modern Greek)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|nygresk|m}}
Modern Standard Arabic (Proper noun: Modern Standard Arabic)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Moderne Standard Arabisk|m}}
Monday (Noun: day of the week)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nn|mandag|m}}
Mosotho (Noun: a citizen of Lesotho)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|lesothoer|m}}
New High German (Proper noun: modern German language)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|nyhøgtysk|m}}, {{t|no|nyhøytysk|m}}
Norwegian (Adjective: of or pertaining to the Norwegian language)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|norsk}}
Oresund (Proper noun: strait)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Øresund}}
Othniel (Proper noun: the first of the biblical judges)
** Bokmål: {{t|no|Otniel}}
Parkinson's disease (Noun: Parkinson's disease)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Parkinsons sykdom|m}}
Pisces (Proper noun: constellation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Fiskene|m-p}}
Pisces (Proper noun: astrological sign)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Fiskene|m-p}}
Republic of Finland (Proper noun: long form of Finland)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Republikken Finland|m}}
Republic of Latvia (Proper noun: Official name of Latvia)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Republikken Latvia}}
Republic of Lithuania (Proper noun: Official name of Lithuania)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Republikken Litauen}}
Republic of the Congo (Proper noun: country)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Republikken Kongo|m}}
Revelation (Proper noun: book of Bible)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Johannes' åpenbaring}}
Romanoff (Proper noun: imperial dynasty)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Romanov}}
Russian (Adjective: of or pertaining to Russia)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|russisk}}
Sculptor (Proper noun: constellation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Billedhuggeren}}
Snow Queen (Proper noun: fairy tale character with power over snow and ice)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Snedronninga|f}}, {{t|no|Snedronningen|m}}, {{t|nb|Snødronninga|f}}, {{t|nb|Snødronningen|f}}
Son of Man (Proper noun: Jesus Christ)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Menneskesønnen|m}} {{qualifier|definite form}}
Southern Sami (Proper noun: language)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sørsamisk|m}}, {{t|nb|sydsamisk|m}}
Swede (Noun: person from Sweden or of Swedish descent)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|svenske|m}}
Swiss cheese (Noun: cheese with holes)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sveitserost|m}}
Swiss franc (Noun: currency of Switzerland)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sveitserfranc|m}}, {{t|no|sveitsisk franc|m}}
Swiss roll (Noun: type of sponge cake roll)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|rullekake|m|f}}
Syldavia (Proper noun: )
* Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|Syldavia}}
Tainan (Proper noun: a city in Taiwan)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Tainan}}
Throwendish (Adjective: of or pertaining to Throwends)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nn|trøndersk}}
United Kingdom (Proper noun: sovereign state in Europe)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Det forente kongerike Storbritannia og Nord-Irland|n}} {{qualifier|definite}}
United Kingdom of Great Britain (Proper noun: United Kingdom of Great Britain)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Det forente kongerike Storbritannia|n}}
United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway (Proper noun: Former country on the Scandinavian Peninsula)
* Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|De forenede Kongeriger Norge og Sverige}}
Ural owl (Noun: Strix uralensis)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|slagugle|c}}, {{t|no|uralugle|c}}
Venus (Proper noun: planet)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|Venus}}
Virgo (Proper noun: constellation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Jomfruen|m|f}}
Virgo (Proper noun: astrological sign)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|Jomfruen|m|f}}
Volapük (Proper noun: language)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|volapyk|m}}
Walpurgis night (Noun: feast of witchcraft in German folklore)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Valborgsnatten|m}}, {{t|no|Valborgsnatta|f}}
Wednesday (Noun: day of the week)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|onsdag|m}}
Western Europe (Proper noun: Western Europe)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Vest-Europa|n}}
Western European (Adjective: Western European)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|vesteuropeisk}}
Wolfgang (Proper noun: male given name)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Wolfgang}}
World Trade Organization (Proper noun: World Trade Organization)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Verdens handelsorganisasjon|m}}
Wrocław (Proper noun: a city in southwestern Poland)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|Wrocław|n}}, {{t|no|Breslau|n}} {{qualifier|historical}}
abbreviate (Verb: to make shorter)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|abbreviere}}, {{t|no|forkorte}}
abdicate (Verb: to disclaim and expel from family)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|fornekte}}
abdicate (Verb: to reject, cast off, discard)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|avvise}}
abdicate (Verb: to surrender or relinquish as sovereign power; to withdraw from filling or exercising)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|frasi seg}}, {{t+|nb|abdisere}}
abdicate (Verb: to renounce a throne or other high office)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|abdisere}}
abdominal cavity (Noun: hollow portion of the torso, containing abdominal organs)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|bukhole|f|m}}, {{t|no|bukhule|f|m}}
abnormity (Noun: departure from the ordinary type)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|abnormitet|m}}
abroad (Adverb: in foreign countries)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|utenlands}}, {{t|no|utlandet|alt=i utlandet}}
absinthe (Noun: herb Artemisia absinthium)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|malurt|m}}
absinthe (Noun: liquor)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|absint|m}}
absolute (Adjective: pure; unmixed)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|absolutt}}
absolutism (Noun: political science: absolute or arbitrary government; despotism)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|absolutisme|m}}, {{t+|nb|enevelde|n}}
accident (Noun: unexpected event with negative consequences)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ulykke|m|f}}, {{t+|no|uhell|n}}, {{t|no|ulykkestilfelle|n}}
accuse (Verb: attribute blame to someone)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|beskylde}}
acoustic (Adjective: pertaining to hearing or the science of sounds)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|akustisk}}
acoustic (Adjective: producing or produced without electrical amplification)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|akustisk}}
adjective (Noun: (grammar) a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|adjektiv|n}}, {{t|nb|eigenskapsord|n}}, {{t|nb|tilleggsord|n}}
admit (Verb: to concede as true)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|innrømme}}, {{t+|no|tilstå}}
air-conditioned (Adjective: equipped with air-conditioning)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|klimatisert}}, {{t|no|luftkondisjonert}}
airhead (Noun: area of hostile territory seized for use as an airbase)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|brohode}}
airplane (Noun: powered aircraft)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|fly|n}}
airworthiness (Noun: the state of being airworthy)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|flydyktighet|c}}, {{t|no|flygedyktighet|c}}, {{t|no|flyvedyktighet|c}}
albatross (Noun: seabird)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|albatross|m}}
albino (Adjective: congenitally lacking melanin)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|albino}}
albino (Noun: one congenitally lacking melanin)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|albino}}
allspice (Noun: spice)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|allehånde|m}}
alphabetical order (Noun: the sequence of a collection of items)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|alfabetisk rekkefølge|m}}
alphanumeric (Adjective: consisting of letters and numbers)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|alfanumerisk}}
amateur radio (Noun: hobby)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|amatørradio|m}}
amphitheatre (Noun: an open, outdoor theatre)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|amfiteater|n}}
and so forth (Phrase: indicates that a list continues in a similar manner)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|og så videre}}, {{t+|no|osv.}}
ankle (Noun: joint between foot and leg)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ankel|m}}
anonymity (Noun: the quality or state of being anonymous)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|anonymitet|m}}
aphotic (Adjective: having no light, especially no sunlight)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|afotisk}}
appendicitis (Noun: inflammation of the vermiform appendix)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|appendisitt|m}}, {{t|no|blindtarmsbetennelse|m}}
apple sauce (Noun: a culinary dish)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|eplemos|m}}
apron (Noun: clothing)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|forkle|n}}
archeopteryx (Noun: ancient bird)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|urfugl|m}}, {{t|no|archaeopteryx}}
art gallery (Noun: space where works of art are placed on display)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kunstgalleri|n}}
ask (Verb: request an answer)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|spørre}}
aspersion (Noun: an attack on somebody's reputation or good name)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|baktalelse|m}}, {{t+|no|bakvaskelse|m}}
aspersion (Noun: a sprinkling of holy water)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|bestenkning|c}} (med [[vievann]])
assent (Noun: agreement, act of agreeing)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t+|no|samtykke|n}}
assent (Verb: to agree, give approval)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t+|no|samtykke}}
asseverate (Verb: declare earnestly)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t+|no|bedyre}}, {{t|no|([[høytidelig]]) [[forsikre]]}}
at last (Prepositional phrase: after a long time; eventually)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|endelig}}
audism (Noun: discrimination against deaf people)
** Bokmål: {{t|no|audisme}}
aureola (Noun: luminous cloud)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|glorie|m}}
autistic (Adjective: having or pertaining to autism)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|autistisk}}
auxiliary language (Noun: auxiliary language)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hjelpespråk|n}}
awake (Adjective: conscious)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|våken}}
bachelor party (Noun: party)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|utdrikninglag|n}}, {{t|no|utdrikkingslag|n}}
bachelorette party (Noun: bachelorette party)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|utdrikkingslag|n}}, {{t|no|utdrikningslag}}
back (Verb: to go in the reverse direction)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|rygge}}
balustrade (Noun: row of balusters)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|balustrade}}
band-aid (Noun: adhesive bandage)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|plaster|n}}
baptismal font (Noun: a basin used for baptism)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|døpefont}}
bardo (Noun: state of existence between death and subsequent reincarnation)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|bardo}}
bathrobe (Noun: terrycloth robe)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|badekåpe|m|f}}
because of (Preposition: on account of, by reason of, for the purpose of)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|på grunn av}}, {{t+|no|for}}, {{t|no|i kraft av}}, {{t|nn|for skuld}}, {{t|no|som følge av}}
belly dance (Noun: form of dance)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|magedans|m}}, {{t|nb|mavedans|m}}, {{t|no|orientalsk dans|m}}
bidet (Noun: low-mounted plumbing fixture for cleaning the genitalia and anus)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|bidet|n}}
bilingual (Adjective: speaking two languages)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|bilingv}}, {{t|no|bilingval}}, {{t+|no|tospråklig}}
bit by bit (Adverb: a small amount at a time)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|litt etter litt}}, {{t|no|litt etter hvert}}, {{t|no|pø om pø}}
bludgeon (Noun: short heavy club)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|klubbe|m|f}}
bludgeon (Verb: to club, hit with a bludgeon)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|klubbe}}, {{t|no|klubbe ned}}
blue blood (Noun: noble or aristocratic ancestry)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|blått blod|n}}
blue cheese (Noun: kind of cheese with bluish mold)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|blåost|m}}, {{t|nb|blåmuggost|m}}
blueberry (Noun: plant)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|blåbærplante|c}}, {{t|nb|blåbær|n}}
bombastic (Adjective: inflated, overfilled)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|bombastisk}}, {{t|no|svulstig}}
bone china (Noun: type of porcelain)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|benporselen|n}}
bootlicker (Noun: person who behaves in a servile or obsequious manner)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|spyttslikker|m}}
botanist (Noun: a person engaged in botany)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|botaniker|m}}
boy (Noun: male of any age, used as a friendly diminutive)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|gutt|m}}
breadwinner (Noun: primary income-earner in a household)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|familieforsørger|m}}, {{t|no|forsørger|m}}
breakfast (Noun: first meal of the day)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|frokost|m}}
breast milk (Noun: milk produced by humans)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|brystmelk|c}}, {{t|no|brystmjølk|c}}, {{t|no|morsmelk|c}}, {{t|no|morsmjølk|c}}
bulb (Noun: bulb-shaped underground portion of a plant)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|løk|m}}
bulk (Noun: volume)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|masse|m}}
bulk (Noun: major part of something)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|masse|m}}
bull elephant (Noun: bull elephant, male elephant)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|elefantokse|m}}, {{t|no|elefanthann|m}}, {{t|no|hannelefant|m}}
bullfight (Noun: public spectacle)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|tyrefekting|m|f}}, {{t|nn|tyrefektning|m|f}}
bumblebee (Noun: genus of bee)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|humle|m|f}}
burdensome (Adjective: of or like a burden; arduous or demanding)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|byrdefull}}
burglary (Noun: the crime of breaking into)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|innbrudd|n}}
bus stop (Noun: a stop for public transport buses)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|bussholdeplass|m}}, {{t+|no|busstopp|m|n}}, {{t+|no|buss-stopp|m|n}}
button (Noun: knob or small disc serving as a fastener)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|knapp|m}}
cadence (Noun: (cycling) number of revolutions per minute)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|pedaltakt|m|f}}, {{t|nn|tråkkfrekvens|m}}
cake (Noun: type of sweet dessert)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kake|m}}
calculator (Noun: electronic device that performs mathematical calculations)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kalkulator|m}}
calends (Noun: first day of a month of the Roman calendar)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kalendae}}
canonize (Verb: to declare as a saint)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kanonisere}}
caravanserai (Noun: roadside inn usually having a central courtyard where caravans can rest)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|karavaneserai}}, {{t|nn|karavane-serai}}
caravel (Noun: light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|karavell}}
carol (Noun: song of joy)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|carol}}
cast (Verb: to make by pouring into a mould)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|støpe}}, {{t|no|støype}}
cataphract (Noun: soldier covered with a cataphract)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|katafrakt}}
catch (Noun: that which is captured or caught)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|fangst|m}}
cellulose (Noun: the polysaccharide cellulose)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|cellulose|m}}, {{t|no|sellulose|m}}
census (Noun: official count of members of a population)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|folketelling|m|f}}
centimetre (Noun: one-hundredth of a metre)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|centimeter|m}}
centrifugal force (Noun: force)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sentrifugalkraft|m|f}}
certificate (Noun: document containing a certified statement)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sertifikat|n}}
challenger (Noun: one who challenges)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|utfordrer}}
charisma (Noun: personal charm or magnetism)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|karisma|m}}
chasma (Noun: long, narrow, steep-sided depression)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|chasma}}
chat (Noun: informal conversation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|samtale|m}}
cherub (Noun: (biblical) winged creature attending on God)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kjerub|m}}
choke (Verb: be unable to breathe because of obstruction of the windpipe)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t+|no|kvele}}
coast (Noun: edge of land meeting ocean, sea, gulf, bay)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|kyst|m}}, {{t+|no|strand|m|f}}
cold war (Noun: a period of hostile relations)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kald krig|m}}
combover (Noun: a manner of combing hair to conceal a bald spot)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|hentesveis|m}}
comet (Noun: a celestial body, generally with a tail)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|komet|m}}
commitment (Noun: act or instance of committing, putting in charge, keeping, or trust)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|overlatelse|m}}
commitment (Noun: promise or agreement to do something in the future)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|forpliktelse|m}}
commitment (Noun: state of being pledged or engaged)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|forpliktelse|m}}
commitment (Noun: trait of sincerity and focused purpose)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|engasjement|n}}, {{t+|no|forpliktelse|m}}
commitment (Noun: act of being locked away)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tvangsinnleggelse|m}}, {{t|no|tvangsinnlegging|c}} (in a mental hospital)
communiqué (Noun: official announcement)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|kommuniké|n}}, {{t|nn|kommunike|n}}
confession (Noun: open admittance)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tilståelse|m}}
confetti (Noun: small pieces of colored paper generally thrown about at festive occasions)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|konfetti|m}}
confuse (Verb: to embarrass)
*: Bokmål: bringe noen i {{t+|no|forlegenhet|m|f}}
conjecture (Noun: unproven statement; guess)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|gjetning|c}}, {{t|no|gjetting|c}}, {{t|no|gjettverk|n}}, {{t|no|antakelse|m}}, {{t|no|formodning|c}}
conjecture (Noun: statement likely to be true based on available evidence, but which has not been formally proven)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|konjektur|m}}
consistency (Noun: degree of viscosity of something)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|konsistens|m}}
conspiracy theory (Noun: hypothetical speculation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|konspirasjonsteori|m}}
constellation (Noun: arbitrary formation of stars perceived as a figure or pattern, or a division of the sky including it)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|konstellasjon|m}}, {{t+|nb|stjernebilde|n}}
constituent (Adjective: being a part, or component of a whole)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|konstituerende}}
conventicle (Noun: secret, unauthorized, or illegal religious meeting)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|konventikkel}}
cooperative (Adjective: ready to work with another)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|samarbeidsvillig}}
coral island (Noun: coral island)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|koralløy|f|m}}
cortex (Noun: outer layer of an internal organ or body structure)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|bark|m}}
cosmic ray (Noun: energetic particle)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kosmisk stråling}}
cosplay (Noun: subculture centered on dressing as characters)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|cosplay|n}}
cosy (Adjective: affording comfort and warmth)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|koselig}}, {{t+|no|hyggelig}}
council (Noun: committee that leads or governs)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|råd|n}}
countryman (Noun: country dweller)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nn|landbu|m}}, {{t|nn|landbefolkning|m}} {{q|collective}}
cow elephant (Noun: female elephant)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|elefantku|f}}, {{t|no|elefanthunn|f}}, {{t|no|hunnelefant|f}}
cow's milk (Noun: white liquid produced by the mammary glands of a cow)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kumelk|m|f}}, {{t|no|kumjølk|f|m}}
cowbane (Noun: plant of the genus Cicuta)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|nn|selsnepe|c}}
cowl (Noun: monk's hood or robe)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kutte|c}}, {{t|no|munkekutte|c}}
creationist (Adjective: of or relating to creationism)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kreasjonistisk}}
creationistic (Adjective: of or pertaining to creationism)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kreasjonistisk}}
cremate (Verb: incinerate a body)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kremere}}
crony (Noun: close friend)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kompanjong|m}}, {{t|nb|kumpan|m}}
cronyism (Noun: favouritism to friends without regard for their qualifications)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|kameraderi|n}}, {{t|nb|klikkvesen|n}}, {{t|no|nepotisme|m}}
crop (Noun: part of bird's or other animal's alimentary tract)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kro|m}}
cross-border (Adjective: taking place across a border)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|grenseoverskridende}}
cross-party (Adjective: pertaining to two or more political parties)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tverrpolitisk}}
crossroads (Noun: intersection)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gatekryss|n}}, {{t+|no|veikryss|n}}, {{t+|no|vegkryss|n}}
cruise missile (Noun: winged missile)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|krysserrakett|m}}, {{t|no|kryssermissil|n}}
cruiser (Noun: class of warships)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|krysser|m}}
crystal set (Noun: an early kind of radio receiver)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|krystallapparat|n}}, {{t|no|krystallmottaker|m}}
cuckoo (Noun: the bird)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|gjøk|m}}, {{t|nb|gauk|m}}
cuisine (Noun: characteristic style of preparing food)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kjøkken|n}}
cupbearer (Noun: one who ceremonially fills and hands out the cups in which a drink is served)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|munnskjenk|m}}
current (Noun: part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|strøm|m}}
current (Noun: time rate of flow of electric charge)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|strøm|m}}, {{t|no|strømstyrke|m}}
cuticle (Noun: strip of hardened skin at the base of the finger and toenail)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|neglebånd|n}}, {{t|no|negleband|n}}
cwm (Noun: valley head created through glacial erosion)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|botn|m}}
damson (Noun: fruit)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sviske|m|f}}
dance (Verb: move rhythmically to music)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|danse}}
dawn (Noun: time)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|morgengry|n}}, {{t|nn|morgonstund|m|f}}
day after tomorrow (Adverb: on the day after tomorrow; in two days)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|i overmorgen}}
day after tomorrow (Noun: day after tomorrow)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|overmorgen|m}}, {{t|nb|overimorgen|m}}
deaf (Adjective: unable to hear)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|døv}}
decide (Verb: to resolve or settle)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|beslutte}}
deduction (Noun: conclusion)
*: Bokmål: {{qualifier|literally}} {{t+|no|konklusjon|m}}
define (Verb: state meaning of)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|definere}}
definite article (Noun: article introducing a noun and specifying it as the particular noun considered)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|bestemt artikkel|m}}
demonstrative (Adjective: (grammar) that specifies the thing or person referred to)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|påpekende}}
desirable (Adjective: suitable to be desired)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|ønskelig}} (also: ''desired'')
desk (Noun: table for writing and reading)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|pult|m}}, {{t+|no|skrivebord|n}}
desperation (Noun: the act of despairing or becoming desperate; a giving up of hope)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|desperasjon|m}}
desperation (Noun: a state of despair, or utter hopelessness)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|desperasjon|m}}
detached (Adjective: of a house: not joined to another house on either side)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|frittstående}}
detritivore (Noun: organism that feeds on detritus)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|detrivore|?}}
development (Noun: process of developing)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|utvikling|m|f}}, {{t|nb|framvekst|m}}
differential equation (Noun: equation involving the derivatives of a function)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|differensialligning|f|m}}, {{t|no|differensiallikning|f|m}}
digital rights management (Noun: )
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|digital rettighetsadministrasjon|m}}
diplomacy (Noun: art of conducting international relations)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|diplomati|n}}
diplomacy (Noun: tact and subtle skill in dealing with people)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|diplomati|n}}
disappear (Verb: to vanish)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|forsvinne}}
disdain (Noun: feeling of contempt or scorn)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|forakt|m}}
disgust (Noun: an intense dislike or repugnance)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|avsky|m}}, {{t|no|vemmelse|m}}
disgust (Verb: to cause an intense dislike for something)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gi avsky}}, {{t|no|gi vemmelse}}, {{t|nb|få til å vemmes}}
dismantle (Verb: take apart)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|demontere}}
disparaging (Adjective: insulting)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|nedsettende}}
disregard (Verb: to ignore)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|avfeie}}, {{t|nb|se bort fra}}
doctorate (Noun: highest degree awarded by a university faculty)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|doktorgrad|m}}, {{t|no|doktortittel|m}}
documentation (Noun: documents that explain the operation of a particular machine or software program)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|dokumentasjon}}
dog meat (Noun: dog eaten as meat)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hundekjøtt|n}}
doorbell (Noun: device on or adjacent to an outer door for announcing one's presence)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|dørklokke|m|f}}
doormat (Noun: coarse mat that appears at the entrance to a house)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|dørmatte|m|f}}
doormat (Noun: someone that is over-submissive to other's wishes)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|dørmatte|m|f}}
dope (Verb: slang: affect with drugs)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|dope}}
dope (Verb: electronics: add a dopant to)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|dope}}
dope (Verb: slang: use drugs)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|dope}}
doubtful (Adjective: experiencing or showing doubt)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|tvilende}}
drilling (Noun: act of drilling)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|boring|m|f}}
drinking horn (Noun: drinking vessel fashioned from an animal's horn)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|drikkehorn|n}}
drive (Verb: to operate (a wheeled motorized vehicle))
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kjøre}}
drizzle (Noun: (physics, weather) numerous small and uniformly dispersed water drops)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|yr|n}}
dulse (Noun: reddish brown seaweed that is eaten)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|søl|n}}
dwarf birch (Noun: dwarf birch)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|dvergbjørk|m|f}}, {{t|no|dvergbjerk|m|f}}
dysfunctional (Adjective: functioning incorrectly or abnormally)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|dysfunksjonell}}
each other (Pronoun: to one another; one to the other)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|hverandre}}
easel (Noun: upright frame for displaying or supporting something)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|staffeli|n}}
east (Noun: compass point)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|nb|øst|m}}, {{tt+|no|aust|m}}
ecological (Adjective: relating to ecology)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|økologisk}}
ego (Noun: the self)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ego|n}}, {{t+|no|jeg|n}}
eigenvector (Noun: vector not rotated by linear transformation)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|egenvektor|m}}
element (Noun: chemistry: simplest chemical substance)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|grunnstoff|n}}
empire (Noun: political unit, having numerous or extensive territories)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|imperium|n}}, {{t+|nb|rike|n}}
engraving (Noun: the practice of incising a design onto a hard, flat surface)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gravering|m|f}}
engraving (Noun: an engraved image)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gravering|m|f}}
entomologist (Noun: scientist who studies insects)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|entomolog|m}}
entomology (Noun: study of insects)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|entomologi|m}}
entrance (Noun: right to go in)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|adgang|m}}, {{t|no|tilgang|m}}, {{t+|no|entré|m}}
epilepsy (Noun: medical condition)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|epilepsi|m}}
equivalent (Noun: anything that is virtually equal to something else)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ekvivalent|m}}
escape velocity (Noun: minimum velocity)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|unnslipningshastighet}}, {{t|no|parabolsk hastighet}}
etc. (Phrase: and so on)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|et cetera}}, {{t+|no|etc.}}
ethnic (Adjective: of or relating to a group of people)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|etnisk}}
evergreen (Adjective: of plants, that do not shed their leaves)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|eviggrønn}}
evolutionism (Noun: any evolutionary theory or belief system)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|evolusjonisme|m}}
evolutionistic (Adjective: of or pertaining to evolutionism)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|evolusjonistisk}}
existent (Adjective: existing; having life or being, current; occurring now)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|eksisterende}}
exosphere (Noun: the uppermost layer of a planet's atmosphere)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|eksosfære|m}}
expressway (Noun: NZ: high speed road, not built to freeway standards)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|motortrafikkvei}}
eyeservant (Noun: one who can only be relied upon while watched)
* Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|øyenskalk||m}}, {{t|no|øyentjener||m}}
faculty (Noun: ability, skill, or power)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|evne|m|f}}
famine (Noun: extreme shortage of food in a region)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hungersnød|m|f}}
fan (Noun: admirer)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|tilhenger|m}}, {{tt+|nb|fan|m}}
farrow (Noun: litter of piglets)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kull|n}}, {{t|no|kull grisunger|n}}
farrow (Verb: give birth to (a litter of piglets))
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|grise}}, {{t|no|få grisunger}}
fascist (Adjective: of or relating to fascism)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|fascistisk}}, {{t|no|fasistisk}}
fascist (Adjective: supporting the principles of fascism)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|fascistisk}}, {{t|no|fasistisk}}
feather (Noun: branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|fjær|m|f}}, {{t+|nb|fjør|m|f}}
fencepost (Noun: post holding up a fence)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|gjerdepåle|m}}, {{t|nn|gjerdestolpe|m}}
ferret (Noun: the mammal Mustela putorius furo)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|ilder|m}}, {{t|no|frett}}, ''(domesticated)''
fibre (Noun: single elongated piece of material)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|fiber|m}}
figure out (Verb: come to understand)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|finne ut}}
file size (Noun: length of a file)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|filstørrelse|m}}
filial (Adjective: pertaining to a son or daughter)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|nb|sønnlig}} {{qualifier|sonly}}, {{t|no|datterlig}} {{qualifier|daughterly}}
fishhook (Noun: barbed hook for fishing)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|angel}}, {{t+|no|fiskekrok}}
flat-chested (Adjective: having small breasts)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|flatbrystet}}, {{t|no|flatbrysta}}
flatter (Verb: to compliment someone)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|smigre}}
floorball (Noun: hockey-like ball game)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|innebandy}}
flour (Noun: ground cereal grains or other foodstuff)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|mel|n}}
flow (Noun: the movement of a fluid)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|flom|m}}, {{t+|no|strøm|m}}
fly (Noun: insect of the order Diptera)
*: Bokmål: {{tt|no|toving|f|m}}, {{tt|no|tovinge|m}}
fly (Noun: insect of the family Muscidae)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|flue|f|m}}
fly (Noun: fishing lure)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|flue|f|m}}
forehead (Noun: part of face above eyebrows)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|panne|m|f}}
forget (Verb: to lose remembrance of)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|glemme}}, {{t|nb|glømme}}
forget (Verb: to cease remembering)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|glemme}}, {{t|nb|glømme}}
fourhorn sculpin (Noun: a species of fish)
*: Bokmål: {{t-check|no|hornulke}}
fragrance (Noun: pleasant smell or odour)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|duft|m}}, {{t+|no|aroma}}, {{t|no|godlukt}}
freestanding (Adjective: standing or set apart)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|frittstående}}
fruitless (Adjective: unproductive; useless)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|verdiløs}}, {{t|no|verdilaus}}
functionalism (Noun: architecture)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|funksjonalisme|m}}
functionalist (Adjective: relating to functionalism)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|funksjonalistisk}}
funny (Adjective: amusing; comical)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|morsom}}, {{t+|no|gøy}}
fursuit (Noun: animal outfit in the furry subculture)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|fursuit}}
gait (Noun: manner of walking)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gange|c}}, {{t|nb|ganglag|n}}
gamma ray (Noun: very high frequency electromagnetic radiation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|gammastråle|m}}
garlic (Noun: plant)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|hvitløk|m}}
gathering (Noun: get-together, social function)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sammenkomst|m}}
gentrification (Noun: process of renewal accompanying an influx of relatively affluent people)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gentrifisering|m|f}}
geochemistry (Noun: branch of chemistry)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|geokjemi|m}}
geoglyph (Noun: large-scale drawing on the ground)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|geoglyf}}
geophysics (Noun: branch of earth science)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|geofysikk|m}}
gesture (Noun: motion of the limbs or body)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gest|m}}
gesture (Noun: act or remark)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gest|m}}
get-together (Adjective: )
*: Bokmål: {{t-check|no|sammenkomst|m}}
glamorous (Adjective: Having glamour; stylish)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|glamorøs}}
glib (Adjective: having a ready flow of words but lacking thought or understanding)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|glatt}}, [[litt#Norwegian|litt]] [[for#Norwegian|for]] [[veltalende#Norwegian|veltalende]], {{t|no|rappmunnet}}, {{t|no|rapptunget}}
glibness (Noun: the condition of being glib)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|rappmunnethet|m}}
glider (Noun: aircraft)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|seilfly|n}}, {{t|nn|seglfly|n}}, {{t|nb|glidefly|n}}
gnash (Verb: to grind one's teeth in pain or in anger)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|skjære|alt=skjære tenner}}
goat (Noun: animal)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|geit|f|m}}
good evening (Interjection: greeting said in the evening)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|god kveld}}, {{t|no|god aften}}
good morning (Interjection: when seeing someone for the first time in the morning)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|god morgen}}, {{t+|no|morn}}
graft (Verb: to insert a graft in another tree)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|pode}}
graft (Verb: to insert scions)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|pode}}
grandmother (Noun: mother of someone's parent)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|bestemor|m|f}}, {{t+|no|mormor|m|f}} {{q|maternal}}, {{t+|no|farmor|m|f}} {{q|paternal}}
grapevine (Noun: the plant on which grapes grow)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|vinranke|m}}, {{t+|no|vindrue|m|f}}
greedy (Adjective: having greed; consumed by selfish desires)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|grådig}}
green tea (Noun: drink)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nn|grønn te|m}}
gross domestic product (Noun: economic production of a particular territory)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|bruttonasjonalprodukt|n}}, {{t|nn|BNP|n}}
guard dog (Noun: dog used to protect a property or its owner)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nn|vakthund|m}}
gudgeon (Noun: Gobio gobio)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|grundling}}, {{t|no|sandkryper}}
haggis (Noun: traditional Scottish dish)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|haggis}}
hairbrush (Noun: a brush used in hair care)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hårbørste|m}}
hairline (Noun: the line along one's forehead where hair starts growing)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hårfeste|n}}
halibut (Noun: fish of genus Hippoglossus)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kveite|m|f}}, {{t|no|hellefisk|m}}
hallow (Noun: holy person)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|helgen|m}}
hallow (Verb: to sanctify)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hellige}}, {{t|no|gjøre hellig}}
halo (Noun: atmospheric phenomenon)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|halo|m}}
halo (Noun: luminous disc around the heads of saints)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|glorie|m}}
halter (Noun: animal's headgear)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|grime|m|f}}
hammer and sickle (Noun: symbol of communism)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hammer och sigd}}
handcuff (Noun: ring of a locking fetter for the hand)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|håndjern|n}}, {{t|no|handjern|n}}
handpicked (Adjective: selected with great care)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|håndplukket}}, {{t|nb|håndplukka}}, {{t|nb|handplukket}}, {{t|no|handplukka}}
hangover (Noun: negative effects caused by heavy drinking)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|bakrus|m}}, {{t|no|fyllesyke|m}}, {{t|no|fyllesjuke|m}}
harquebus (Noun: obsolete matchlock firearm)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|arkebuse|m}}
hazel (Noun: tree / shrub)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hassel|m}}
hazelnut (Noun: fruit)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hasselnøtt|m|f}}
he-ass (Noun: he-ass, male ass, male donkey)
*: Bokmål: {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|no|esel|n}}, {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{t+|no|asen|n}}, {{t|no|hannesel|n}}, {{t|no|eselhingst|m}}
head of state (Noun: the chief public representative of a nation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|statsoverhode|n}}
heartwood (Noun: wood)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|kjerneved|m}}, {{t+|nb|kjerne|m}}, {{t|nb|alved|m}}
heaven (Noun: sky)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nn|himmel|m}}, {{t|nn|sky|f}}
heavy metal (Noun: type of metal)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tungmetall|n}}
heel (Verb: incline)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|krenge}}
henotheism (Noun: belief or worship)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|henoteisme}}
highwayman (Noun: person who robbed travelers on roads)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|landeveisrøver|m}}, {{t|no|stratenrøver|m}}
hip (Noun: the fruit of a rose)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|nype|m|f}}
hit (Noun: attack on a location)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|anslag|n}}
hogshead (Noun: measure of capacity for liquids)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|oksehode}}
hogshead (Noun: large barrel or cask)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|oksehode}}
hole (Noun: a through opening)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|hull|n}}
home (Adverb: at home)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|hjemme}}, {{tt+|no|heime}}
home (Adverb: homewards)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|hjem}}, {{tt+|no|heim}}, {{tt|no|hjemover}}, {{tt|no|heimover}}
hood (Noun: covering for the head attached to a larger garment such as a jacket or cloak)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|hette|m|f}}
hooded (Adjective: wearing a hood)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|[[med]] [[hette]] [[over]] [[hodet]]}}
hooded (Adjective: (garment) fitted with a hood)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|[[med]] [[hette]]}}
hopeless (Adjective: destitute of hope; having no expectation of good; despairing)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|håpløs}}, {{t|no|håplaus}}, {{t|no|vonløs}}, {{t|no|vonlaus}}
hot potato (Noun: awkward or delicate problem)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|[[varm]] [[potet]]|m}}
housekey (Noun: key to a house)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|husnøkkel|m}}
how (Adverb: used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|så}}
how do you do (Phrase: Phrase: how do you do)
*: Bokmål: formal: {{t|no|gleder meg|lit=I am pleased (to meet you)}}, more informal: {{t|no|hyggelig å møte deg}}, {{t|no|hvordan har du det}}
how old are you (Phrase: what is your age in years)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hvor gammel er du?}}, {{t|no|hvor gammel er De?}} {{qualifier|very formal}}
hunger (Noun: need for food)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sult|m}}, {{t+|nb|hunger|m}}
hunger (Verb: need food)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sulte}}
hydrogen (Noun: chemical element)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|hydrogen|n}}, {{t|no|vanntoff|n}}, {{t|no|vass-stoff|n}}, {{t|no|vasstoff|n}}
hypernova (Noun: the gravitational collapse of a massive star to form a black hole)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hypernova}}
identify (Verb: to establish the identity of someone or something)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|identifisere}}
identify (Verb: to associate oneself with some group)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|identifisere seg}}
idiosyncratic (Adjective: peculiar to a specific individual)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|idiosynkratisk}}
ill-mannered (Adjective: of or pertaining to having bad manners)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|uoppdragen}}
impatience (Noun: quality of being impatient)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|utålmodighet|m|f}}
imperialism (Noun: the policy of extending power, by force)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|imperialisme|m}}
in a jiffy (Prepositional phrase: very quickly; without delay)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nn|om nokre få straksar}}, {{t|nn|om to straksar}}
in a jiffy (Prepositional phrase: very quickly; without delay)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|om noen få strakser}}, {{t|no|om to strakser}}
in- (Prefix: reversal of meaning)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ikke|alt=ikke-}}, {{t+|no|u-}}, {{t+|no|van-}}, {{t|no|mis-}}
inappropriate (Adjective: not appropriate or suitable)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|upassende}}, {{t+|nb|uheldig}}, {{t|nb|malplassert}}, {{t|no|uskikket}}
indole (Noun: organic compound)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|indol|?}}
infant formula (Noun: food simulating human milk)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|morsmelkerstatning|c}}, {{t|no|morsmjølkerstatning|c}}
infrared (Noun: radiation of a wavelength between 700 nm and 1 mm)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|infrarød stråling|c}}
inspiration (Noun: stimulating influence upon the intellect or emotions)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|inspirasjon|m}}
intake (Noun: place where fluid is taken in)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|inntak|n}}
intake (Noun: quantity taken in)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|inntak|n}}
intake (Noun: people taken in at a particular time)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|inntak|n}}
interest (Noun: great attention and concern from someone)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|interesse|m}}
interest (Noun: attention that is given to or received from someone or something)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|interesse|m}}
interest (Verb: to attract attention or concern)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|interessere}}
intramuscular (Adjective: inside a muscle)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|intramuskulær}}
intravenously (Adverb: in an intravenous manner)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|intravenøst}}
introduction (Noun: means of presenting one person to another)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|anbefaling|c}}
introit (Noun: part of a psalm or other portion of the Bible read or sung at Mass immediately after the priest ascends to the altar)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|introitus}}
irascible (Adjective: prone to anger)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|oppfarende}}, {{t|no|bråsint}}
iron fist (Noun: ruthless control)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|jernhånd|m|f}}
irrational (Adjective: mathematics: of a number)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|irrasjonal}}
jay (Noun: bird)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|nøtteskrike|m|f}} {{qualifier|Eurasian jay}}
journalistic (Adjective: related to journalism or journalists)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|journalistisk}}
joy (Noun: feeling of happiness)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|fryd|m}}, {{t+|no|glede|c}}
juggler (Noun: person who practices juggling)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sjonglør|m}}
juxtapose (Verb: to place side by side)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sammenligne}}, {{t|nb|sidestille}}
kicksled (Noun: type of small sled)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sparkstøtting|c}}, {{t|no|spark}}
kill two birds with one stone (Verb: solve two problems at once)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|slå to fluer i en smekk|lit=to hit two flies in one slap}}
know-it-all (Noun: someone who obnoxiously claims to be knowledgeable on a subject)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|bedreviter|m}}, {{t|no|viktigper|m}}, {{t+|nb|forståsegpåer|m}}, {{t|nb|besserwisser|m}}
lagoon (Noun: shallow body of water)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|lagune|m}}, {{t|no|strandsjø|m}}
lammergeier (Noun: Gypaetus barbatus)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|lammegribb}}
last but not least (Adverb: An expression to start the last item of a list)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sist, men ikke minst}}
launch (Verb: cause to move or slide from the land into the water)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sjøsette}}
launching (Noun: act by which something is launched)
*: Bokmål: {{qualifier|nautical}} {{t+|no|sjøsetting|m|f}}, {{t|no|sjøsetning|m|f}}
lawless (Adjective: not governed by the law)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|lovløs}}, {{t|no|lovlaus}}
lawless (Adjective: not restrained by the law)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|lovløs}}, {{t|no|lovlaus}}
leap year (Noun: year in the Julian or Gregorian calendars with an intercalary day added to February)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|skottår|n}}, {{t|no|skuddår|n}}
left wing (Noun: politics)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|venstreside|m|f}}
lesson (Noun: section of learning or teaching)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|undervisningstime|m}}
libre (Adjective: (software) with very few limitations on distribution or improvement)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|fri}}
lightning rod (Noun: metallic conductor that protects from lightning)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|lynavleder|m}}
lignite (Noun: coal)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|brunkull|n}}, {{t|no|brunkol|n}}
lily (Noun: flower in the genus Lilium)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|lilje|m|f}}
lingonberry (Noun: berry)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|tyttebær|n}}
literary (Adjective: relating to writers, or the profession of literature)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|litterær}}
lithosphere (Noun: the outer layer of the Earth)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|litosfære|m}}
lumbago (Noun: backache of the lumbar region)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|lumbago}}
lunar eclipse (Noun: when the Earth casts its shadow over the Moon)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|måneformørkelse|m}}
magic wand (Noun: wand used to perform magic)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tryllestav|m}}
make sense (Verb: to be coherent)
*:: Bokmål: {{t|nn|gi mening}}
mammal (Noun: animal of the class Mammalia)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|pattedyr|n}}
mandola (Noun: musical instrument)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|mandola}}
manipulate (Verb: influence or manage)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|manipulere}}
mantelpiece (Noun: shelf)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|peishylle|m|f}}
mare (Noun: female horse)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|hoppe|m|f}}, {{tt+|no|merr|m|f}}, {{tt|no|hunnhest|m}}
marine (Adjective: of or pertaining to the sea)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|marin}}
mat (Noun: foot wiping device or floor covering)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|matte|m|f}}
material (Noun: cloth)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|stoff|n}}, {{t+|no|tøy|n}}
mathematical (Adjective: of, or relating to mathematics)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|matematisk}}
maths (Noun: short form of mathematics)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|matte|m}}
mead (Noun: alcoholic drink)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|mjød|m}}
mediterranean sea (Noun: mostly enclosed sea)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|middelhav|n}}
megawatt (Noun: one million watts)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|megawatt|m}}
megawatt-hour (Noun: unit of energy)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|megawattime|m}}
melancholia (Noun: )
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|melankoli|m}}, {{t|no|tungsinn|n}}, {{t|no|svartsyn|n}}, {{t|no|vemod|n}}
melancholy (Noun: Sadness or depression)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|melankoli|m}}, {{t|no|tungsinn|n}}, {{t|no|svartsyn|n}}, {{t|no|vemod|n}}
memorable (Adjective: worthy of being remembered)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|minneverdig}}, {{t|no|minnerik}}
mesentery (Noun: the membrane that attaches the intestines to the wall of the abdomen)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|krøs|n}}, {{t|no|mesenterium|n}}
metastasis (Noun: transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|metastase|m}}
metre (Noun: unit of length)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|meter|m}}
military parade (Noun: A show of troops, especially for regular inspection)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|eksersis}}, {{t+|no|drill}}
milk replacer (Noun: liquid nutrition that is given to young animals)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|melkeerstatning|c}}, {{t|no|mjølkeerstatning|c}}
milk substitute (Noun: liquid that replaces milk in a diet or recipe)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|melkeerstatning|c}}, {{t|no|mjølkeerstatning|c}}
mill (Noun: grinding apparatus)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|mølle|m|f}}
mill (Noun: building housing a grinding apparatus)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|mølle|m|f}}
mill (Noun: manufacturing plant)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|mølle|m|f}}
milligram (Noun: milligram)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|milligram|n}}
minidress (Noun: woman's short dress)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|minikjole|m}}
mirror (Verb: of an event, activity, behaviour; to be identical to, be a copy of, to reflect)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|speile}}
miss (Verb: to fail to notice, to overlook)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|overse}}
missile (Noun: self-propelled, guidable projectile)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|missil|n}}
mistake (Noun: an error)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|feil|m}}, {{t|no|tabbe|m}}, {{t|nb|feilgrep|n}}
moment (Noun: very brief period of time)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|øyeblikk|n}}
moment (Noun: moment in time)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tidspunkt|n}}, {{t+|no|øyeblikk|n}}
monarchy (Noun: form of government with a hereditary head of state)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|monarki|n}}, {{t+|no|kongedømme|n}}
monolith (Noun: large, single block of stone)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|monolitt|m}}
more (Adverb: comparative of much)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|mer}}
more (Adverb: word to form a comparative)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|mer}}
more (Determiner: comparative of many)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|flere}}
more (Determiner: comparative of much)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|mer}}
morning gift (Noun: gift given by husband to wife upon first morning of marriage)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|morgengave|f|m}}
narrator (Noun: in story)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|forteller|m}}
narrator (Noun: in film and television)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|forteller|m}}, {{t+|no|stemme|m}}
natural selection (Noun: natural selection)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|naturlig seleksjon|m}}, {{t|no|naturlig utvalg|n}}
nebula (Noun: a space cloud)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|stjernetåke|m|f}}
necklace (Noun: jewelry)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|halsbånd|n}}, {{t|nb|halskjede|m|n}}
necropolis (Noun: cemetery)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|nekropolis}}
neither (Determiner: not either (used with nor): neither X nor Y)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|hverken}}, {{t+|no|verken}} X [[eller#Norwegian|eller]] Y
nene (Noun: Branta sandvicensis)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|Hawaiigås|m|f}}
neoclassicism (Noun: movement)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|nyklassisisme|m}}
neologism (Noun: recently coined word)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|neologisme|m}}, {{t|no|nyord|n}}
nest (Noun: place for depositing eggs)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|nb|rede|n}}, {{tt|nn|reir|n}}
neutral (Adjective: not taking sides in a conflict)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|nøytral}}
neutral (Adjective: having no obvious colour)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|nøytral}}
neutral (Adjective: physics: possessing no charge)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|nøytral}}
neutral (Adjective: chemistry: neither acidic nor alkaline)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|nøytral}}
neutrality (Noun: state of being neutral; taking no part on either side)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|nøytralitet|f}}
new potato (Noun: less mature potato)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|nypotet|m}}
news (Noun: reports of current events)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|nyheter|m-p|f-p}}
nickel (Noun: element)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|nikkel|m|n}}
nicotine (Noun: addictive alkaloid derived from tobacco)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|nikotin|m|n}}
nihilism (Noun: doctrine grounded on the negation of one or more meaningful aspects of life)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|nihilisme|m}}
nitric acid (Noun: HNO3)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|salpetersyre|m|f}}
no one (Pronoun: not even a single person)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ingen}}
noise (Noun: various sounds, usually unwanted)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|støy|m}}, {{t|nn|larm|m}}
nonpolitical (Adjective: not political)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|upolitisk}}
not (Adverb: negates meaning of verb)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|ikke}}, {{tt+|no|ei}}
not guilty (Noun: )
*: Bokmål: {{t-check|no|ikke skyldig}}
nucleus (Noun: core, central part of something)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kjerne|m}}
nucleus (Noun: physics: massive, positively charged core of an atom)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kjerne|m}}
nucleus (Noun: cytology: large organelle found in cells)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kjerne|m}}, {{t+|nb|cellekjerne|m}}
numb (Adjective: physically unable to feel)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|nummen}}
number (Noun: numeral)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|tall|n}}
number (Noun: mathematics: number)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|tall|n}}
nurse (Noun: person trained to provide care for the sick)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|sykepleier|m}}, {{t|nb|sykesøster|f}}, {{t+|no|søster|f}}, {{t+|nb|pleier|m}}, {{t|nb|pleierske|m}}, {{t|nb|sykepleierske|m|f}} {{q|dated, female}}
nutcracker (Noun: implement for cracking nuts)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|nøtteknekker|m}}
occultation (Noun: astronomical event)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|okkultasjon}}
occur (Verb: be present or found)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|forekomme}}
octet (Noun: group of eight musicians performing together)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|oktett|m}}
octet (Noun: composition for such a group)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|oktett|m}}
of course (Adverb: naturally)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nn|sjølvsagt}}
offspring (Noun: singular offspring (male, female or sex unspecified))
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|etterkommer|m}}, {{t|nb|avkom|n}}, {{t|nb|ætling|m}}, {{t|nb|ætting|m}}, {{t+|no|barn|n}}
on one's last legs (Prepositional phrase: about to die)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|synge på siste vers|lit=to be singing the final verse}}, {{t+|no|synge sin svanesang}}
one day (Adverb: at unspecified time in the future)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|en gang}}, {{t|no|en dag}}
only (Adjective: alone in a category)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|eneste}}
only (Adverb: )
*: Bokmål: {{t+check|no|bare}}, {{t+check|no|kun}}, {{t-check|no|utelukkende}}
only child (Noun: person who has no siblings)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|enebarn|n}}
oology (Noun: study of birds' eggs)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|oologi|m}}
optimist (Noun: a small centre-board sailing dinghy)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|optimistjolle|m|f}}
orchestral (Adjective: relating to an orchestra)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|orkestral}}
ordain (Verb: admit into the ministry of a religion)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|ordinere}}
ordination (Noun: act of ordaining)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|ordinasjon|m}}
ordination (Noun: ceremony)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|ordinasjon|m}}
oriental dance (Noun: form of dance)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|orientalsk dans|m}}
ornithology (Noun: scientific study of birds)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ornitologi|m}}
ornithosis (Noun: infection)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|ornitose|m}}, {{t|no|fuglesyke|m}}, {{t|no|fuglesjuke|m}}, {{t|no|aviær klamydiose|m}}
outer space (Noun: region)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|verdensrom|n}}, {{t|no|ytre rom|m}}
outlier (Noun: value outside pattern in a statistical sample)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|utligger|m}}
overlook (Verb: to fail to notice; to look over and beyond (anything) without seeing it)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|overse}}
overlook (Verb: to pretend not to have noticed; to pass over without censure or punishment)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|overse}}
overtake (Verb: to pass a more slowly moving object)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kjøre forbi}}
oxalis (Noun: any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Oxalis)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gjøkesyre}}, {{t|no|kløversyre|f}}, {{t|no|siris|m}}, {{t|no|skogsyre|f}}, {{t|no|syreblad|n}}, {{t|no|søtsyre|f}}, {{t|no|vaffelhjerte|n}} (and more)
oxygen (Noun: chemical element)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|oksygen|n}}, {{t+|no|surstoff|n}}
pack (Noun: full set of playing cards)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|stokk|m}}, {{t+|no|kortstokk|m}}, {{t+|nb|kortleik|m}}
paperless (Adjective: using information without paper)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|papirløs}}, {{t|no|papirlaus}}
paperless (Adjective: without documentation of identity)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|papirløs}}, {{t|no|papirlaus}}
particle board (Noun: structural material manufactured from wood particles)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sponplate|m|f}}
partridge (Noun: any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|rapphøne|m|f}}
peat (Noun: soil)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|torv|m|f}}
pen (Noun: female swan)
*: Bokmål: {{tt|no|hunnsvane|f|m}}
people (Noun: a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|folk|n}}
peritoneum (Noun: serous membrane in mammals)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|bukhinne|m|f}}
pheromone (Noun: chemical)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|feromon|n}}
pickpocket (Noun: one who steals from the pocket of a passerby)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|lommetyv|m}}, {{t|nb|lommetjuv|m}}
pigeon (Noun: bird of the dove and pigeon family Columbidae)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|due|f|m}}, {{t|no|hanndue|f|m}} {{q|male}}, {{t|no|duestegg|m}} {{q|male}}, {{t|no|hunndue|f|m}} {{q|female}}
pine (Noun: tree of the genus Pinus)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|furu|m|f}}
pirouette (Noun: whirling or turning on the toes)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|piruett|m}}
pirouette (Noun: the whirling about of a horse)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|piruett|m}}
pithy (Adjective: )
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t-check|no|fyndig}}, {{t-check|no|margfull}}
plain (Noun: an expanse of land with relatively low relief)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|slette|m|f}}
play (Noun: playful activity)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|spill|n}}
pleasing fungus beetle (Noun: beetle of the family Erotylidae)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kjukebiller}}
plethora (Noun: excess, abundance)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|overflod|m}}
ploughshare (Noun: cutting edge of a plow)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|plogskjær|n}}
plowshare (Noun: cutting edge of a plow)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|plogskjær|n}}
poacher (Noun: a person who trespasses in order to take game illegally)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|krypskytter|m}}
police state (Noun: nation whose government controls people by police)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|politistat|m}}
policy (Noun: law: insurance document)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|polise|m}}
political (Adjective: concerning or relating to politics)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|politisk}}
poop deck (Noun: stern deck on top of the cabin(s))
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|poopdekk|n}}
popularise (Verb: to make popular)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|popularisere}}
porn (Noun: pornography)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|porno|m}}
portage (Noun: route used for portage)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|båtdrag|n}}
postalveolar (Adjective: articulated with the tongue near or touching the back of the alveolar ridge)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|postalveolar}}
pot calling the kettle black (Noun: situation in which somebody accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kaste sten i glasshus|lit=throw stones in a glass house}}
prank (Noun: practical joke or mischievous trick)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|ablegøyer|m-p}}
precipitation (Noun: weather: water falling from the atmosphere)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|nedbør|m}}, {{t|no|presipitasjon|m}}
precise (Adjective: exact)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|presis}}, {{t+|no|nøyaktig}}
precisely (Adverb: in a precise manner)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|presist}}, {{t+|no|nøyaktig}}
prepare (Verb: to make ready for eating or drinking)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tilberede}}
prescription (Noun: written order for the administration of a medicine)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|resept|m}} {{q|for medicine}}; {{t|no|brilleseddel|m}} {{q|for lenses}}
president (Noun: the head of state of a republic)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|president|m}}
press release (Noun: official written media statement)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|presseskriv|n}}, {{t+|nb|pressemelding|m|f}}
previous (Adjective: prior)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|forrige}}, {{t|no|foregående}}
prickteaser (Noun: Showstopper)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|luremus|m|f}}, {{t+|no|narrefitte|m|f}}
prime minister (Noun: chief member of the cabinet and head of the government)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|statsminister|m}}
primrose (Noun: plant of the genus Primula)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|nøkleblom|m}}, {{t|no|nøkleblomst|m}}, {{t|no|primula|m}}
primrose (Noun: Primula acaulis)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kusymre|c}}
primrose (Noun: flower of a primrose)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|nøkleblom|m}}, {{t|no|nøkleblomst|m}}, {{t|no|primula|m}}
private detective (Noun: any agent hired by a private party for the purpose of investigation or evidence gathering)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|privatetterforsker|c}}
probable (Adjective: likely to be true)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sannsynlig}}
probable (Adjective: likely to happen)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sannsynlig}}
proclaim (Verb: to announce or declare)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|proklamere}}, {{t+|nb|kunngjøre}}
prominence (Noun: being prominent)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|framstående}} (person)
pronunciation dictionary (Noun: dictionary that provides pronunciations of words)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|uttaleordbok|m|f}}
proxy (Noun: authority to act for another, especially when written)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|fullmakt|c}}
proxy (Noun: (software) an interface for a service)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|mellomtjener|m}}, {{t|no|proxy|m}}, {{t|no|proxytjener|m}}
ptarmigan (Noun: a small grouse, Lagopus)
*: Bokmål: {{qualifier|Lagopus}} {{t+|no|rype|f|m}}
public law (Noun: law)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|offentlig rett}}
pun (Noun: joke or type of wordplay)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ordspill|n}}
pure (Adjective: free of foreign material or pollutants)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ren}}, {{t+|no|rein}}, {{t-check|nb|ublandet}}
putting green (Noun: area on a golf course)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|green|m}}
quacksalver (Noun: one falsely claiming to possess medical or other skills)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kvakksalver|m}}
quench (Verb: to satisfy thirst)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|lekke}}
quench (Verb: to extinguish or put out)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|slukke}}
quiz (Noun: competition in the answering of questions)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gjettekonkurranse}}, {{t|no|spørrelek}}, {{t|no|kviss}}
rabbi (Noun: Jewish scholar or teacher)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|rabbiner|m}}
ram (Noun: male sheep)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|vær|m}}, {{t|no|saubukk|m}}, {{t|no|sauebukk|m}}
raspberry (Noun: plant)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|bringebærbusk|m}}, {{t|nb|bringebær|n}}
rationality (Noun: quality or state of being rational)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|rasjonalitet|m}}
reality (Noun: entirety of all that is real)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|virkelighet|m|f}}
recite (Verb: to repeat aloud some passage, poem or other text)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|resitere}}
recite (Verb: to deliver a recitation)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|resitere}}
rectangle (Noun: quadrilateral)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|rektangel|n}}
red-eye (Noun: Scardinius erythrophthalmus)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sørv}}
reinforced concrete (Noun: building material)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|[[armert]] [[betong]]}}
relative (Adjective: conditional; depending on something else)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|relativ}}
relative (Noun: someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption; someone in the same family)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|slektning|m}}, {{t+|nb|frende|m}}, {{t|nb|frenke|m|f}}, {{t|nb|frendekone|m|f}}, {{t+|nb|pårørende|m|f}}
relieve (Verb: military: to free someone from their post)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|avløse}}, {{t|no|avløyse}}
repertoire (Noun: list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|repertoar|n}}
repertoire (Noun: set of skills possessed by a person; collection of items)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|repertoar|n}}
resemblance (Noun: state of resembling)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|likhet|m|f}}
resemblance (Noun: that which resembles)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|likhet|m|f}}
resin (Noun: viscous liquid of plant origin)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|kvae|m}}
respectively (Adverb: in a relative manner)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|henholdsvis}}
retroflex (Adjective: of pronunciation in which the tongue underside approaches/touches the palate)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|[[sub-apikal]] [[prepalatal]]}}, {{t|no|[[sub-apikal]] [[palatal]]}}
retroflex (Adjective: of pronunciation in which the tongue tip approaches/touches the back of the alveolar ridge)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|[[apikal]] [[postalveolar]]}}
retroflex (Adjective: of pronunciation in which the tongue blade approaches/touches the back of the alveolar ridge)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|[[laminal]] [[postalveolar]]}}
retroflex (Adjective: of any of the retroflex pronunciations)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|retrofleks}}
revolutionary (Adjective: of or pertaining to a revolution in government)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|revolusjonær}}
revolutionary (Noun: a revolutionist; a person who revolts)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|revolusjonær|m}}
rickets (Noun: disorder of infancy)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|rakitis|m}}, {{t|no|rakitt|m}}, {{t|no|engelsk syke|m}}, {{t|no|engelsk sjuke|m}}
ringmaster (Noun: the person who manages the performers in a circus ring)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sirkusdirektør|m}}
road salt (Noun: deicing or anti-icing salt)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|veisalt|n}}, {{t|nn|vegsalt|n}}
rock (Noun: natural mineral aggregate)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|stein|m}}, {{tt+|no|berg|n}}
rococo (Adjective: of or relating to the rococo style)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|rokokko-}}
rococo (Noun: style of baroque architecture etc.)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|rokokko|m}}
rook (Noun: bird)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|kornkråke|m|f}}, {{t|nn|blåkråke|m|f}}
ruff (Noun: circular frill or ruffle on a garment)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|halsekrus}}, {{t|no|møllesteinskrage}}, {{t|no|pipekrage}}, {{t|no|pipekrave}}, {{t|no|prestekrage}}
ruff (Noun: Philomachus pugnax)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|brushane}}
rule (Noun: regulation)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|regel|m}}
ruminant (Adjective: chewing cud)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|drøvtyggende}}
ruminant (Noun: artiodactyl ungulate mammal which chews cud)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|drøvtygger|m}}
ruminate (Verb: to chew cud)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tygge drøv}}, {{t|no|drøvtygge}}
runner (Noun: long, narrow carpet for a high traffic area)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|løper|m}}, {{t+|no|matte|c}}
sack (Noun: bag for commodities or items)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sekk|m}}, {{t+|no|pose|m}}
saint (Noun: person proclaimed as saint)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|helgen|m}}, {{t|no|sankt}}
saint (Noun: (figuratively) a person with positive qualities)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|helgen|m}}
same (Pronoun: something similar, something of the identical type)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|samme}}, {{t|no|lignende}}, {{t|no|liknende}}
sandbank (Noun: ridge of sand)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sandbanke|m}}
satisfactory (Adjective: adequate or sufficient)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tilfredsstillende}}, {{t|no|tilstrekkelig}}, {{t|no|fyllestgjørende}}, {{t|no|fullgod}}
say (Verb: to communicate verbally or in writing)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t+|no|si}}
say (Verb: to indicate in a written form)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t+|no|si}}, {{t+|nb|opplyse}}, {{t+|nb|fortelle|alt=fortelle om}}, {{t+|nb|vise}}
scientificity (Noun: quality or state of being scientific)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|vitenskaplighet|f|m}}
scourge (Noun: whip, often made of leather and having multiple tails)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|svøpe|m}}
scourge (Noun: source of persistent (and often widespread) pain and suffering or trouble)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|svøpe|m}}
scree (Noun: loose stony debris on a slope)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ur|m|f}}, {{t|no|talus}}
sea stack (Noun: pillar of rock that rises from the ocean)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|staur|m}}
seek (Verb: to try to find)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|søke}}, {{t+|no|lete}}
seldom (Adverb: infrequently, rarely)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sjelden}}
serf (Noun: semifree peasant)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|leilending|m}}, {{t|no|livegen}}
several (Determiner: consisting of a number more than two, but not very many)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|flere}}, {{t+|no|fler}}
sex position (Noun: sex position)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|samleiestilling|c}}
sexton (Noun: church official)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|klokker|m}}, {{t|nb|sakristan|m}}
shaming (Noun: the activity of shaming)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|skampåføring|c}}
she- (Prefix: the prefix she- for a female animal or a woman)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|hunn}}, {{t+|no|hun}}, {{t|no|hunn-}}, {{t|no|hun-}}
ship (Noun: large water craft)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|skip|n}}
silencer (Noun: attachment)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|lyddemper|m}}, (''vehicles, boats'') {{t|nb|lydpotte|m|f}}
similarity (Noun: closeness of appearance)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|likhet|m|f}}
simplified (Adjective: made simpler)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|forenklet}}, {{t|no|forenkla}}
singer (Noun: person who sings (male or generic term))
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sanger|m}}
singer (Noun: female person who sings)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sangerinne|f}}
singing voice (Noun: quality of voice when singing)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sangstemme|m}}
single parent (Noun: only parent bringing up a child)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|aleneforelder|m}}, {{t|no|aleineforelder|m}}
skeleton key (Noun: key that opens a range of locks)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|universalnøkkel|m}}
ski (Noun: one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ski|m|f}}
skill (Noun: capacity to do something well)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|dyktighet|m|f}}, {{t+|no|evne|m|f}}, {{t+|no|ferdighet|m|f}}, {{t|no|talent|n}}, {{t|no|dugleik|m}}
sleeping bag (Noun: padded or insulated bag)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sovepose|m}}
sleet (Noun: precipitation of rain–snow mixture)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sludd|n}}
sleuth (Noun: bloodhound)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|blodhund|m}}
sliding door (Noun: door)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|skyvedør|m|f}}
sloth (Noun: mammal)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|dovendyr|n}}
slush (Noun: half-melted snow)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sørpe|m|f}}
small talk (Noun: idle conversation)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|småprat|m|n}}
snow (Noun: precipitation)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|snø|m}}, {{tt+|no|sne|m}}
snow (Verb: have snow fall from the sky)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|snø}}
soap dish (Noun: a container for soap)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|såpeskål|m|f}}
soft porn (Noun: soft-core pornography)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|mykporno|m}}
solar system (Noun: any collection of heavenly bodies orbiting a star)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|solsystem|n}}
sooner or later (Adverb: set phrase; eventually)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|før eller senere}}, {{t|no|før eller seinere}}, {{t|no|før eller siden}}
soufflé (Noun: baked dish)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sufflé|m}}
sound wave (Noun: longitudinal wave of pressure transmitted through any plastic material)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|lydbølge|m|f}}
space (Noun: physical extent in two or three dimensions)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|rom|n}}
spawner (Noun: female fish)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hunnfisk|m}}
speak (Verb: to communicate or converse by some means other than orally)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|kommunisere}}
sphere (Noun: mathematics: regular three-dimensional object)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sfære|m}}, {{t+|no|kule|m|f}}
sphere (Noun: spherical physical object)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sfære|m}}, {{t+|no|kule|m|f}}
sphere (Noun: region in which something or someone is active)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sfære|m}}
sprachbund (Noun: group of languages sharing areal features primarily due to language contact)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|språkbunt|m|f}}, {{t+|no|språkknippe}}
squabble (Noun: minor fight or argument)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|kjekling|c}}
squacco (Noun: Ardeola ralloides)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|topphegre}}
stanza (Noun: a unit of a poem)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|strofe|m}}
start (Noun: sudden involuntary movement)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|rykk|n}}
start (Noun: beginning point of a race)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|opphav|n}}
steppe (Noun: the grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|steppe|m}}
still (Adverb: to an even greater degree)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|enda}}
still life (Noun: work of art)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|stilleben|n}}
storeroom (Noun: room used for storage)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|bod|m}}, {{t+|no|bu|m|f}}, {{t|nb|lagerrom|n}}
stuffed animal (Noun: soft toy in the form of an animal)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|bamse|m}}, {{t|no|kosedyr|n}}, {{t|no|tøydyr|n}}
stymie (Verb: to thwart or stump)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|dekke}}, [[sette#Norwegian|sette]] [[i#Norwegian|i]] [[en#Norwegian|en]] [[vanskelig#Norwegian|vanskelig]] [[stilling#Norwegian|stilling]]
subculture (Noun: portion of a culture distinguished by its customs or other features)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|subkultur|m}}, {{t|no|delkultur|m}}
subcutaneous (Adjective: pertaining to the fatty layer under the skin)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|subkutan}}
subscribe (Verb: to sign up to receive a publication)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|abonnere}}
subscribe (Verb: to sign as token of consent or attestation)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|underskrive}}, {{t|no|undertegne}}
subscription (Noun: access to a resource for a period of time)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|abonnement|n}}
subtitle (Noun: textual versions of the dialog in films)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|undertekst|m|f}}
successful (Adjective: resulting in success)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|vellykket}}
sugar-free (Adjective: not containing sugar)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sukkerfri}}
suicide (Noun: instance of killing oneself)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|selvmord|n}}
sumac (Noun: shrub or small tree of the genus Rhus, etc.)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sumakslekta}}
sunshine (Noun: location on which the sun's rays fall)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|sol|m}}, {{t+|no|solskinn|n}}
superconductor (Noun: a substance)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|superleder|m}}, {{t|no|supraleder|m}}
sura (Noun: chapter of the Qur'an)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sura}}
swimming trunks (Noun: a pair of shorts or briefs worn for swimming or bathing)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|badebukser|m-p|f-p}}
sword (Noun: weapon)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|sverd|n}}
syncytium (Noun: a mass of cytoplasm containing many nuclei)
*Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|syncytium}}
synthesizer (Noun: music: an electronic keyboard instrument)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|fjøl|m|f}},
taffeta (Noun: woven fabric)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|taft|m|n}}
tailor (Noun: person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|skredder|m}}, {{t|no|skredderske|f}}
tarn (Noun: small mountain lake)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tjern|m|f|n}}
task (Noun: piece of work done as part of one’s duties)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|oppgave|f}}
taxi (Noun: vehicle)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|taxi|m}}, {{t+|no|drosje|m|f}}
teal (Noun: duck)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|krikkand|m|f}}
teapot (Noun: vessel for tea)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tekanne|m|f}}
thank (Verb: to express gratitude or appreciation to someone)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|takke}}
theologian (Noun: one who studies theology)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|teolog|m}}
theoretician (Noun: expert in the theory of a science or art)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|teoretiker|m}}
theorist (Noun: someone who constructs theories)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|teoretiker|m}}
third rail (Noun: the electrified rail that runs beside or between train tracks to power electric trains)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|strømskinne|c}}
thirty (Numeral: cardinal number)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tredve}}, {{t+|no|tretti}}
threesome (Noun: a sexual activity involving three people)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|trekant|m}}
threnody (Noun: a song or poem of lamentation)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|klagesang|m}}
tigress (Noun: female tiger)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nb|hunntiger|m}}, {{t|no|tigerhunn|m}}
traditional (Adjective: of or pertaining to tradition)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|tradisjonell}}
traditionally (Adverb: traditional manner)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tradisjonelt}}
trait (Noun: an identifying characteristic, habit or trend)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|egenskap|m}}
transit (Noun: astronomy: passage of a celestial body)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|passasje|m}}
transvestite (Noun: cross-dresser)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|transvestitt|m}}
treble (Verb: to multiply by three)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tredoble}}
treeless (Adjective: having no trees)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|treløs}}
trilby (Noun: type of hat)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|trilby}}
trip (Noun: journey)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|reise|m}}
troublemaker (Noun: one who causes trouble, especially deliberately)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|bråkmaker|m}}
tui (Noun: Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tuihonningeter}}
twenty-eight (Numeral: number)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tjueåtte}}
twenty-four (Numeral: cardinal number)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tjuefire}}
twenty-nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tjueni}}
twenty-one (Numeral: cardinal number)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tjueen}}, {{t|no|tjueén}}
twenty-seven (Numeral: twenty-seven)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tjuesyv}}, {{t|no|tjuesju}}
twenty-six (Numeral: cardinal number)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tjueseks}}
twenty-three (Numeral: twenty-three)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tjuetre}}
twenty-two (Numeral: twenty-two)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|tjueto}}
twin (Noun: either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|tvilling|m}}
type II error (Noun: accepting the null hypothesis when false)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|type-II-feil|m}}
ultrasound (Noun: sound)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ultralyd|n}}
unborn (Adjective: not born)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ufødt}}
unborn (Adjective: still in mother's womb)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|ufødt}}
underage (Adjective: below legal age)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|mindreårig}}, {{t|nb|umyndig}}
underage (Adjective: still a minor)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|mindreårig}}
underestimate (Verb: to perceive as having lower value)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|undervurdere}}
unethical (Adjective: )
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|uetisk}}
ungodly (Adjective: lacking reverence for God; not in accordance with God's will or religious teachings)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gudløs}}, {{t+|no|ugudelig}}
untrue (Adjective: false)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|usann}}
untruth (Noun: lie or falsehood)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|usannhet|m|f}}
up-to-date (Adjective: current; recent)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|oppdatert}}, {{qualifier|up to date}} {{t+|no|à jour}} {{qualifier|adverb}}
up-to-date (Adjective: informed of the latest news)
*: Bokmål: {{qualifier|up to date}} {{t+|no|à jour}} {{qualifier|adverb}}, {{t|no|up-to-date}}
use (Noun: act of using)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|bruk|m|n}}, {{t+|no|anvendelse|m}}
vagrant (Noun: person who wanders from place to place)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|reisende}}
velour (Noun: a knit fabric similar to velvet, but usually somewhat coarser)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|velur|m|n}}
vendace (Noun: Coregonus albula)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|lagesild|f}}, {{t|no|vemme}}
vest (Noun: garment worn under a shirt)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|trøye|m|f}}
viceroy (Noun: governor of a country)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|visekonge|m}}
violent (Adjective: involving physical conflict)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|voldelig}}
vituperative (Adjective: marked by harsh spoken or written abuse; abusive, often with ranting or railing)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|dadlende}}, {{t|no|klandrende}}, {{t|no|kritiserende}}, {{t|no|lastende}}, {{t|no|skjellende}}
vociferous (Adjective: making a noisy outcry)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|høyrøstet}}
vote (Noun: formalised choice)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|avstemning|m|f}}, {{t+|nb|stemme|m}}
vowel harmony (Noun: phonological process)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|vokalharmoni|m}}
war game (Noun: military simulation)
*: Norwegian Bokmål: {{t|no|militærøvelse|m}}, {{t|no|militærøving|c}}
washing-up (Noun: washing of dishes etc.)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|oppvask|m}}
watering can (Noun: utensil for watering plants)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|vannkanne|m|f}}
wave (Verb: to move back and forth repeatedly)
*: Bokmål: {{t|nn|vaie}}
way (Noun: road, direction, path)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|vei|m}}
we (Pronoun: generic we (the speaker and at least one other person, regardless of whether it's the person being addressed))
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|vi}}
wedding dress (Noun: the clothing worn by a bride during a wedding ceremony)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|brudekjole|m}}
welder (Noun: one who welds)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sveiser|m}}
welder (Noun: item of equipment)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sveiseapparat|n}}
what (Pronoun: what? (interrogative pronoun))
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|hva}}
where are you from (Phrase: in which country or region were you born or raised)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hvor kommer du fra?}}, {{t|no|hvor er du fra?}}
while (Conjunction: during the same time that)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|mens}}
whipping cream (Noun: cream suitable for whipping)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|nb|kremfløte|m}}, {{t|nn|kremfløyte|m}}
whisper (Noun: act of speaking in a quiet voice)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hvisking|m|f}}
whisper (Verb: talk in a quiet voice)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|hviske}}, {{t|nb|kviskre}}
white clover (Noun: Trifolium repens)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|hvitkløver|m}}
who (Pronoun: who? (interrogative pronoun))
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|hvem}}
widow (Noun: woman whose spouse has died)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|enke|m|f}}
willow grouse (Noun: Lagopus lagopus)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|lirype|f|m}}, {{t|no|skogsrype|f|m}}
windproof (Adjective: providing protection from the wind)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|vindtett}}
wireless (Adjective: not having any wires)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|trådlaus}}, {{t+|nb|trådløs}}
witness box (Noun: place where a witness gives evidence in a courtroom)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|vitneboks|m}}
wolffish (Noun: fish)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|steinbit|m}}
wonderful (Adjective: excellent, extremely impressive)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|vidunderlig}}
wood sorrel (Noun: Oxalis acetosella)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gjøkesyre}}, {{t|no|kløversyre|f}}, {{t|no|siris|m}}, {{t|no|skogsyre|f}}, {{t|no|syreblad|n}}, {{t|no|søtsyre|f}}, {{t|no|vaffelhjerte|n}} {{q|and more}}
world war (Noun: a war involving the major nations of the world)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|verdenskrig|m}}
world-weary (Adjective: tired of the ways of the world)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|verdenstrett}}
wormwood (Noun: Artemisia absinthium)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|malurt|m}}
worthless (Adjective: not having worth and use; without value)
*: Bokmål: {{t+|no|verdiløs}}, {{t|no|verdilaus}}, {{t|nb|ubrukelig}}
xebec (Noun: transport ship)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|sjebek}}
yardstick (Noun: standard to which other measurements or comparisons are judged)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|målestokk|m}}
yeast extract (Noun: yeast product)
*: Bokmål: {{t|no|gjærekstrakt|m}}
zero (Noun: digit zero)
*: Bokmål: {{tt+|no|null|m|n}}