
A | B | C | D | D2 | E | F | F2 | F3 | G | G2 | H | I | I2 | J | K | L | M | M2 | N | N2 | O | P | P2 | Q | R | R2 | S | S2 | S3 | T | T2 | U | V | V2 | W | X | Y | Z



This language has translations in 26082 of 205754 (12.68%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item

skin (Noun: outer protective layer of the body of a person or animal)
* Galician: {{tt+|gl|pel|f}}, {{tt|gl||m}}

List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 2 items

cheap (Adjective: low and/or reduced in price)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|barato}}, {{t|gl|barateiro}} {{q|low}}; {{t|gl|rebaixado|m}} {{q|reduced}}
plum (Noun: fruit of Prunus domestica)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|ameixa|f}}, {{t+|gl|cirola|f}}; {{t+|gl|fatón|m}}, {{t|gl|ambruíña|f}}, {{t+|gl|abruño|m}}, {{t+|gl|agruño|m}}, {{t+|gl|cerollo|m}}

No translation template: 3 items

material (Adjective: worldly)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|material|f}}, {{g|m}}
square centimeter (Noun: unit of area)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|centímetro cadrado}}, {{qualifier|symbol}} cm<sup>2</sup>
waterfall (Noun: flow of water over the edge of a cliff)
* Galician: [[fervenza]] {{g|f}} [[cadoiro]] {{g|m}} [[cachoeira]] {{g|f}}, {{t|gl|freixa}}, {{t+|gl|seimeira|f}}, {{t|gl|cenza|f}}

Wrong language code: 5 items Expected language code is gl

alatern (Noun: Rhamnus alaternus)
* Galician: {{t|ga|aderno|m}}
aseity (Noun: divine attribute of self-existence)
* Galician: {{t|ga|aseidade|f}}
hortative (Adjective: of a mood or class of imperative subjunctive moods of a verb for giving strong encouragement)
* Galician: {{t|es|hortativo}}
trigger (Verb: to spark a response, especially a negative emotional response, in (someone))
* Galician: {{t+|es|alterar}}
worst (Adverb: in the worst way)
* Galician: {{t+|ca|peor}}

Unexpected template: 6 items

battery (Noun: device storing electricity)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|pila|f}} {{gloss|cylindrical, disposable}}, {{t+|gl|batería|f}} {{gloss|rectangular, rechargeable}}
cold (Adjective: of a person)
* Galician: {{sense|to be cold}}{{t|gl|[[ter]] [[frío]]}}
hot (Adjective: of the weather)
* Galician: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|gl|[[facer]] [[calor]]}}
hot (Adjective: feeling the sensation of heat)
* Galician: {{sense|to be hot}} {{tt|gl|[[ter]] [[calor]]}}
hungry (Adjective: affected by hunger; desirous of food)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|famento|m}}, {{t|gl|esfameado|m}}, {{sense|to be hungry}} {{t|gl|ter fame}}
thirsty (Adjective: needing to drink)
* Galician: {{s|be thirsty}} {{t|gl|[[ter]] [[sede]]}}

Multiple t-templates: 7 items

bully (Noun: a person who is intentionally cruel to others)
* Galician: {{t|gl|bragoleán|m}}, {{t|gl|bravoeiro|m}}, {{t|gl|cacheteiro|m}}, {{t|gl|rifón|m}}, {{t+|gl|matón|m}} {{t|gl|tasqueirón|m}}, {{t|gl|tarapuxeiro|m}}
daily (Adjective: that occurs every day)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|diario|m}} {{t|gl|diaria|f}}, {{t+|gl|cotián|m}}
email (Verb: (transitive) to send (something) through email)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|enviar}} {{t+|gl|a}} {{t+|gl|través}} {{t+|gl|do}} {{t|gl|correo electrónico}}
email (Verb: (transitive) to send (something) through email)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|enviar}} {{t+|gl|a}} {{t+|gl|través}} {{t+|gl|do}} {{t|gl|correo electrónico}}
email (Verb: (transitive) to send (something) through email)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|enviar}} {{t+|gl|a}} {{t+|gl|través}} {{t+|gl|do}} {{t|gl|correo electrónico}}
email (Verb: (transitive) to send (something) through email)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|enviar}} {{t+|gl|a}} {{t+|gl|través}} {{t+|gl|do}} {{t|gl|correo electrónico}}
how about that (Phrase: expression of perplexity or surprise)
* Galician: {{t|gl|como te quedas?}} {{t|gl|que che parece?}}

Entry HTML comment: 8 items

ambiguous (Adjective: )
* Galician: {{t-check|gl|ambiguo}} <!-- Was under non-surviving sense "vague and unclear" -->
gentleman (Noun: )
* Galician: {{t+check|gl|home|m-p|alt=homes}}, {{t+check|gl|cabaleiro|m-p|alt=cabaleiros}} <!-- Was under "toilets intended for use by men" -->
interference (Noun: )
* Galician: {{t+check|gl|inxerencia|f}} <!-- Was under: "intrusion into the scope of protection of a guaranteed right" -->
memory card (Noun: )
* Galician: {{t-check|gl|tarxeta de memoria|f}} <!-- if this is for a "memory card" as in "flashcard", move there -->
shape (Noun: )
* Galician: {{t+check|gl|forma|f}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->
treat (Verb: )
* Galician: {{t+check|gl|agasallar}} <!-- Was under "to celebrate or reward with a present" -->
two (Numeral: )
* Galician: {{t+check|gl|par}} <!-- Was under "describing set or group with two components". This appears to be noun for "set or group with two components". -->
way too (Adverb: )
* Galician: {{t+check|gl|moi}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->

text_outside_template: 9 items

Telugu (Proper noun: Dravidian language of India)
* Galician: lingua {{t|gl|telugúa}}
apple (Noun: )
* Galician: {{t+check|gl|maceira|f}} (1), {{t+check|gl|mazá|f}} (2)
day after (Noun: next day)
* Galician: {{t|gl|día seguinte|m}}, {{t|gl|día despois|m}}, {{t|gl|día posterior|m}}, {{t|gl|seguinte día|m}}, {{t|gl|outro día|m}}, {{t|gl|día que vén|m}}, {{t|gl|ó outro día}} (adv.), {{t|gl|ensoutro día}} (adv.), {{t|gl|de noutro día}} (adv.), {{t|gl|de alí a un día}} (adv.)
hot (Adjective: )
* Galician: {{t+check|gl|quente|m|f}} (1, 2)
leave someone holding the bag (Verb: leave somebody holding the responsibility or blame)
* Galician: {{t|gl|botar a culpa}} (lit., "blame the fault"), {{t|gl|botar as culpas}} (lit., "blame the faults")
reef (Noun: rocks at or near surface of the water)
* Galician: {{t|gl|recife|m}}, {{t|gl|sirte|m}}, {{t|gl|pedrido|m}}, {{t+|gl|restinga|f}}, {{t|gl|cón|m}}, {{t|gl|farallón|m}}, {{t|gl|bortoa|f}}, {{t|gl|brica|f}} (sand), {{t|gl|camouco|m}}
reservoir (Noun: place where anything is kept in store)
* Galician: {{t+|gl|depósito|m}}, {{t|gl|banzado|m}}, {{t|gl|vouga|f}} (generic), {{t|gl|cisterna|f}} (closed and for liquid), {{t+|gl|tanque|m}} (open/closed and for liquid), {{t|gl|canfurna|f}}, {{t+|gl|alxibe|m}} (underground and for water), {{t|gl|encalco|m}}, {{t|gl|tosta|f}} (artificial/natural in a river), {{t+|gl|encoro|m}} (artificial/natural in a river), {{t+|gl|presa|f}} (artificial river dam), {{t|gl|represa|f}}, {{t|gl|preseira|f}} (artificial river dam), {{t|gl|vaira|f}} (artificial river dam)
trough (Noun: a long, narrow, open container for feeding animals)
* Galician: {{t|gl|barcal|m}}, {{t|gl|manxadoiro|m}}, {{t|gl|pexegueira|f}}, {{t|gl|presel|m}}, {{t+|gl|cambeleira|f}} (for food), {{t+|gl|bebedoiro|m}}, {{t+|gl|augadoiro|m}} (for drinking), {{t+|gl|pía|f}}, {{t+|gl|baño|m}}
whose (Determiner: of whom (relative))
* Galician: de {{t+|gl|quen}}, {{t+|gl|cuxo|m}}



This language has translations in 93 of 205754 (0.05%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item Expected language code is roa-gal

Fougères (Proper noun: a city in Ille-et-Vilaine, France)
* Gallo: {{t|br|Foujerr}}



This language has translations in 204 of 205754 (0.10%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item

mouse (Noun: )
* Gallurese: {{tt-check|sdn|sórighe|m}}

Unexpected template: 1 item

mouse (Noun: )
* Gallurese: {{tt-check|sdn|sórighe|m}}

This language has translations in 148 of 205754 (0.07%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

Gan (Proper noun: variety of Chinese)
*: Gan: {{t-check|gan|贛語|tr=gon ua}}<!--does 語/语 have this reading or is it 話/话 -->, {{t|gan|江西話|tr=kong si ua}}



This language has translations in 143 of 205754 (0.07%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 3 items

breastplate (Noun: horse tack)
* Ge'ez: {{t|gez|መጉላዕ}} <!-- ex Leslau Comp. p. 332 -->, {{t|gez|ሕንባል}}
myrtle (Noun: evergreen shrub)
* Ge'ez: {{t|gez|አደስ}}, {{t|gez|ምርስኔ|tr=mərsəne}}, {{t|gez|መርሳኒ}}, {{t|gez|ሚርስንስ|tr=mirsəns}}, {{t|gez|ሚርሰንስ}}, {{t|gez|ሚረሲንስ}}, {{t|gez|ሜርሴንስ}}, {{t|gez|ምርስኔን|tr=mərsənen}}, {{t|gez|መርሲኔ}}, {{t|gez|መርሲኔን}}, {{t|gez|ብርስኖት|tr=bərəsnot}}, {{t|gez|ብርስዩን|tr=bərsəyun}}, {{t|gez|ብርስዮን|tr=bərsəyon}} <!-- Amharisms not yet on the web. Only from Leslau. μυρσίνη forms also from Dillmann. -->, {{t|gez|እልኣስ}}
vinegar (Noun: condiment)
* Ge'ez: {{t|gez|ብሒእ|?}}, {{t|gez|መፃፃ|?}}, {{t|gez|መጻጻ|?}}<!-- this one with Amharic consonantism -->, {{t|gez|ከል|?|tr=käll}}<!--from Amharic, which in turn from Arabic -->

text_outside_template: 7 items

eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ሰማንቱ|m|sc=Ethi}}, {{tt|gez|ሰማኒ|f|sc=Ethi}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፰}})
five (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ኀምስቱ|m}}, {{tt|gez|ኀምስ|f}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፭}})
four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|አርባዕቱ|m}}, {{tt|gez|አርባዕ|f}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፬}})
nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ተስዐቱ|m}}, {{tt|gez|ትስዑ|f}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፱}})
six (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ስድስቱ|m}}, {{tt|gez|ስሱ|f}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፮}})
three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ሠለስቱ|m|sc=Ethi}}, {{tt|gez|ሠላስ|f|sc=Ethi}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፫}})
two (Numeral: numerical value)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ክልኤቱ|m|sc=Ethi}}, {{tt|gez|ክልኤቲ|f|sc=Ethi}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፪}})

Multiple t-templates: 8 items

eight (Numeral: cardinal number 8)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ሰማንቱ|m|sc=Ethi}}, {{tt|gez|ሰማኒ|f|sc=Ethi}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፰}})
five (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ኀምስቱ|m}}, {{tt|gez|ኀምስ|f}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፭}})
four (Numeral: the cardinal number 4)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|አርባዕቱ|m}}, {{tt|gez|አርባዕ|f}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፬}})
nine (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ተስዐቱ|m}}, {{tt|gez|ትስዑ|f}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፱}})
six (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ስድስቱ|m}}, {{tt|gez|ስሱ|f}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፮}})
three (Numeral: cardinal number 3)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ሠለስቱ|m|sc=Ethi}}, {{tt|gez|ሠላስ|f|sc=Ethi}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፫}})
two (Numeral: numerical value)
* Ge'ez: {{tt|gez|ክልኤቱ|m|sc=Ethi}}, {{tt|gez|ክልኤቲ|f|sc=Ethi}} (numeral: {{tt|gez|፪}})
wick (Noun: the porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning)
* Ge'ez: {{t|gez|ፍትል|m}}, {{t|gez|ፈትል|m}} {{t|gez|ሡዕ|m}}



This language has translations in 22926 of 205754 (11.14%) translation tables
Uses l-template instead of t-template: 1 item

city (Noun: large settlement)
* Georgian: {{l|ka|დიდი}} {{t+|ka|ქალაქი}}

Wrong language code: 1 item Expected language code is ka

multilingual (Adjective: pertaining to multiple languages)
* Georgian: {{t|ka|მრავალენობრივი}}, {{t|oge|მრავალენოვანი}}

No translation target: 3 items

CD (Noun: abbreviation of compact disc)
* Georgian: {{t|ka||alt=CD|tr=-}}
Terence (Proper noun: male given name)
* Georgian: {{t|ka|tr=Terenti}}
mandarin orange (Noun: tree)
* Georgian: {{t|ka|tr=mandarini}}

Unexpected template: 3 items

queen (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{tt+check|ka|დედოფალი}}
ring (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{tt-check|ka|წრე}}, {{tt-check|ka|რგოლი}}
rock (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{tt+check|ka|კლდე}}, {{tt+check|ka|ქვა}}, {{tt-check|ka|ქარაფი}}

No translation template: 4 items

queen (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{tt+check|ka|დედოფალი}}
ring (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{tt-check|ka|წრე}}, {{tt-check|ka|რგოლი}}
rock (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{tt+check|ka|კლდე}}, {{tt+check|ka|ქვა}}, {{tt-check|ka|ქარაფი}}
sunscreen (Noun: cream that protects the skin from the sun)
* Georgian: მზისგან დამცავი კრემი

Multiple t-templates: 6 items

city (Noun: large settlement)
* Georgian: {{l|ka|დიდი}} {{t+|ka|ქალაქი}}
copy (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{t+check|ka|ასლი}}, {{t-check|ka|კოპიო}} {{t+check|ka|პირი}}
count on (Verb: to rely on, trust, or expect)
* Georgian: {{t|ka|იმედი|sc=Geor}} ({{l|ka|იმედი|sc=Geor}})
deign (Verb: to condescend)
* Georgian: {{t|ka|ღირსად ჩათვალა|sc=Geor}} {{t|ka|აღირსა|sc=Geor}}, {{t|ka|ინება}}, {{t|ka|იკადრა}}
duke (Noun: male ruler of a duchy)
* Georgian: {{t|ka|ჰერცოგი}} {{t|ka|ერისთავი}}
hospitable (Adjective: cordial and generous towards guests)
* Georgian: {{t|ka|სტუმართმოყვარე}} {{t|ka|სტუმართმოყვარული}}

text_outside_template: 6 items

I love you (Phrase: affirmation of romantic feeling)
* Georgian: {{t-check|ka|მე შენ მიყვარხარ}}, {{t-check|ka|მე თქვენ მიყვარხართ}} (plural), {{t|ka|მიყვარხარ}}, {{t|ka|მიყვარხართ}}
even (Adjective: arithmetic: divisible by two)
* Georgian: {{t|ka|ლუწი}} (luci)
fabled (Adjective: fictitious)
* Georgian: {{t|ka|ზღაპრული|sc=Geor}} ('zgha'pru'li)
jubilarian (Noun: person celebrating a jubilee)
* Georgian: {{t+|ka|იუბილარი}} (iubilari)
morality (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{t+|ka|ა}} (morali)
quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
* Georgian: {{t+|ka|ბრჭყალი}} {{qualifier|singular}}, {{t+|ka|ბრჭყალები}} {{qualifier|plural}} [„◌“], {{t+|ka|წინწკლები}}

Entry HTML comment: 9 items

Roma (Proper noun: the Romani people)
* Georgian: {{t|ka|ბოშა}}<!--not sure is this should be moved-->
gentleman (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{t-check|ka|კაცის საპირფარეშო}} <!-- Was under "toilets intended for use by men" -->
ledger (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{t-check|ka|დავთარი}} <!-- Was under "book for keeping notes" but looks that it may rather be "book for keeping accounting records"-->
reciprocal (Adjective: done, given, felt, or owed in return)
* Georgian: {{t|ka|საპასუხო}}, {{t|ka|ნაცვალგების}}<!--, {{t|ka|შესატყვისი}}, {{t|ka|სათანადო}}, {{t|ka|შესაბამისი}}, {{t|ka|ანალოგიური}}-->
shape (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{t-check|ka|ფორმა}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->, {{t|ka|ფიგურა}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->
skirt (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{t-check|ka|ქვედაკაბა}} <!-- probably for definition 1 -->
tyrant (Noun: )
* Georgian: {{t-check|ka|ტირანი}} <!-- Was under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
way too (Adverb: )
* Georgian: {{t-check|ka|ძალიან|sc=Geor}}, {{t-check|ka|ძლიერ|sc=Geor}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
when (Conjunction: )
* Georgian: {{t-check|ka|როდესაც}} <!-- Was under non-existing definition "at a time in the past" -->



This language has translations in 90127 of 205754 (43.80%) translation tables

Genders outside t-template

2 items
extended periodic table (Noun: periodic table extended by chemical elements beyond those currently known and proven)
* German: {{t|de|erweitertes Periodensystem}} {{g|n}}
periodic table (Noun: tabular chart of the chemical elements)
* German: {{t+|de|Periodensystem}} (der Elemente) {{g|n}}

Genders in t-template and g-template

7 items
Soyuz (Noun: a Soviet/Russian spacecraft)
* German: {{t|de|Sojus|f}} (''rarely'' {{g|m}}, {{g|n}})
Soyuz (Noun: a Soviet/Russian spacecraft)
* German: {{t|de|Sojus|f}} (''rarely'' {{g|m}}, {{g|n}})
Soyuz (Noun: a Soviet/Russian spacecraft)
* German: {{t|de|Sojus|f}} (''rarely'' {{g|m}}, {{g|n}})
háček (Noun: háček diacritic)
* German: {{t+|de|Hatschek|m}} or {{g|n}}; {{q|technical}} {{t|de|Caron|n}}; {{q|informal}} {{t|de|Krönchen|n}}
háček (Noun: háček diacritic)
* German: {{t+|de|Hatschek|m}} or {{g|n}}; {{q|technical}} {{t|de|Caron|n}}; {{q|informal}} {{t|de|Krönchen|n}}
pajamas (Noun: clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in)
* German: {{t+|de|Pyjama|m}} {{q|Germany, Austria}} {{g|n}} {{q|Switzerland}}, {{t+|de|Schlafanzug|m}}, {{t+|de|Pölter|m}} {{qualifier|Westphalia, less common}}
pajamas (Noun: clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in)
* German: {{t+|de|Pyjama|m}} {{q|Germany, Austria}} {{g|n}} {{q|Switzerland}}, {{t+|de|Schlafanzug|m}}, {{t+|de|Pölter|m}} {{qualifier|Westphalia, less common}}

Multiple qualifiers

15 items
-ectomy (Suffix: surgical removal of)
* German: {{t|de|[[Entfernung|-entfernung]]|f}}; {{q|of an outer organ, e.g. breasts, also}} {{t|de|[[Amputation|-amputation]]|f}} {{q|chiefly specialist}} {{t|de|-ektomie|f}}
Chortitza (Proper noun: Chortitza)
* German: {{t|de|Chortiza}} {{q|newer transliteration}}, {{t|de|Chortitza}} {{q|older transliteration}} {{q|both German [[transliteration]]s are from Russian}}
French disease (Noun: syphilis)
* German: {{t+|de|Franzosenkrankheit|f}} {{q|French disease}} {{q|dated}}
e.g. (Adverb: initialism used to introduce an illustrative example or short list of examples)
* German: {{t+|de|z. B.}} {{qualifier|[[zum Beispiel]]}} (dated: {{t|de|z. E.}} {{qualifier|[[zum Exempel]]}}), {{t+|de|bspw.}} {{qualifier|[[beispielsweise]]}}
hoist (Verb: transitive: to raise; to lift; to elevate)
* German: {{t+|de|hochziehen}}, {{t+|de|hissen}} {{qualifier|sail}}{{t+|de|hieven}} {{qualifier|heavy weight}}, {{t+|de|aufziehen}}, {{t+|de|aufhissen}}, {{t|de|aufheißen}}, {{t+|de|heben}}, {{t+|de|anheben}}, {{t+|de|hochheben}}, {{t|de|aufwinden}}, {{t+|de|fördern}}, {{t|de|hochwinden}}, {{t+|de|lichten}} {{qualifier|ancor}}
mass grave (Noun: a grave containing many corpses)
* German: {{qualifier|in a war or any other zone of conflict (corpses are anonymous and not put in a coffin}} {{t+|de|Massengrab|n}}; {{qualifier|natural disaster, war, etc. (corpses are put in a coffin and totally or partially identified)}} {{t|de|Sammelgrab|n}}
mill (Noun: manufacturing plant)
* German: {{tt+|de|Fabrik|f}} {{qualifier|general}}, {{tt+|de|Werk|n}} {{qualifier|general}} {{tt+|de|Papiermühle|f}} {{qualifier|for paper}}
mop (Noun: implement for washing floors)
* German: {{i|for dry mopping}} {{t+|de|Mopp|m}}; {{i|for wet mopping}} {{t+|de|Wischmopp|m}}; {{i|with fibres}} {{t+|de|Schrubber|m}}; {{i|with a cloth}} {{t+|de|Aufnehmer|m}} {{i|regional}}
of one's choice (Prepositional phrase: that one has chosen, or wishes to choose)
* German: {{qualifier|of a male}} {{t+|de|seiner}} {{t+|de|Wahl}} / {{qualifier|of a female; plural: of males, of females, of males and females}} {{t+|de|ihrer}} {{t+|de|Wahl}} — The usage example would be: ''Er gelangte an die Universität '''seiner Wahl'''.''
out loud (Adverb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|laut}}, {{qualifier|see: to "read aloud"}} {{t+check|de|vorlesen}} {{qualifier|verb}}
pajamas (Noun: clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in)
* German: {{t+|de|Pyjama|m}} {{q|Germany, Austria}} {{g|n}} {{q|Switzerland}}, {{t+|de|Schlafanzug|m}}, {{t+|de|Pölter|m}} {{qualifier|Westphalia, less common}}
prosecution (Noun: the institution of legal proceedings against a person)
* German: {{t+|de|Verfolgung|f}} {{q|what they do}}, {{t+|de|Strafverfolgung|f}} {{q|criminal prosecution}} {{t|de|[[strafrechtlich]]e Verfolgung|f}} {{q|criminal prosecution}}
pussy-cat (Noun: affectionate term for a cat)
* German: {{t+|de|Miezekatze|f}}, {{t|de|Schmusekatze|f}}, {{t|de|Miezekätzchen|n}} {{q|diminutive}} {{q|diminutive}}, {{t|de|Schmusekätzchen|n}} {{q|diminutive}}, {{t+|de|Muschi|f}} {{q|child's language}}, {{t|de|Pantoffeltiger|m}} {{q|humorous}}
rat (Noun: rodent)
* German: {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{tt+|de|Ratte|f}}, {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{tt+|de|Ratz|m}} {{qualifier|regional}}, {{qualifier|♂♀}} {{tt+|de|Ratze|f}} {{qualifier|regional, colloquial}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{tt|de|Rättin|f}}, {{qualifier|♂}} {{tt|de|Rattenmännchen|n}}, {{qualifier|♀}} {{tt|de|Rattenweibchen|n}}
spring (Noun: season between winter and summer in temperate climates)
* German: {{tt+|de|Frühling|m}}, {{tt+|de|Frühjahr|n}}, {{qualifier|dated}}/{{qualifier|poetic}} {{tt+|de|Lenz|m}}, {{tt+|de|Frühlingszeit|f}}, {{tt|de|Frühjahrszeit|f}}

Wrong language code

19 items

Expected language code is de

Anaxarete (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t|fr|Anaxarete|f}}
Atreid (Noun: progeny of Atreus)
* German: {{t|nl|Atreide|m}}
Kim Liên (Proper noun: ward of Đống Đa district, Hanoi, Vietnam)
* German: {{t|vi|Kim Lien|n}}
Kim Liên (Proper noun: rural commune of Kim Thành district, Hải Dương, Vietnam)
* German: {{t|vi|Kim Lien|n}}
Kim Liên (Proper noun: village and rural commune of Nam Đàn district, Nghệ An, Vietnam)
* German: {{t|vi|Kim Lien|n}}
artistry (Noun: significant artistic skill)
* German: {{t|de|Kunstfertigkeit|f}}, {{t|vi|Artistik|f}}
century of humiliation (Noun: period of wars)
* German: {{t|fi|Jahrhundert der Demütigung|n}}
cleft sentence (Noun: complex sentence stressing a particular constituent)
* German: {{t|fr|Spaltsatz|m}}
co-responsible (Adjective: )
* German: {{t|pt|mitverantwortlich}}
dump (Noun: a place where waste or garbage is left)
* German: {{t+|de|Kippe|f}}, {{t+|de|Müllkippe|f}}, {{t|cs|Deponie|f}}
ebb and flow (Noun: flowing out and in of the tide)
* German: {{t|nl|Ebbe und Flut}}
fine words butter no parsnips (Proverb: talking about doing something does not get it done)
* German: {{t|nl|Von schönen Worten kann man sich nichts kaufen.|lit=from nice words you can not buy anything.}}
huff (Noun: condition of anger, annoyance, disgust etc.)
* German: {{t|ga|Verärgerung|f}}
methanoic acid (Noun: formic acid)
* German: {{t|cy|Methansäure|f}}
priority road (Noun: )
* German: {{t|nl|Vorfahrtsstraße|f}}
shoot first and ask questions later (Verb: To take hasty, immediate action with serious consequences)
* German: {{t|nl|erst schießen, dann fragen}}
social fascism (Noun: derogatory Communist term for social democracy)
* German: {{t|nl|Sozialfaschismus|m}}
stay-at-home (Adjective: of a parent: not employed)
* German: {{t|fr|[[nicht]] [[berufstätig]]}}, {{t|fr|nichtberufstätig}}
time signal (Noun: signal used as a reference to determine the time of day)
* German: {{t|da|Zeitzeichen|n}}

Nested templates

36 items
HC (Noun: {{l)
* German: {{t+|de|EK}} {{gloss|{{l|de|Eishockey Klub}}}}
Mecklenburgish (Proper noun: Low German variety)
* German: {{t|de|[[mecklenburgisch]]e [[Mundart]]|f}}, {{t|de|Mecklenburgisch|n}} {{q|note: often the broader term {{m|de|Mecklenburgisch-Vorpommersch}} is used}}
Pyrrhic (Adjective: achieved at excessive cost)
* German: {{t|de|[[Pyrrhus]]-}} {{q|as in {{m|de|Pyrrhussieg}}}}, {{t|de|pyrrhisch}}
anecdotal evidence (Noun: examples)
* German: {{t|de|{{l|de|anekdotisch|anekdotische}} {{l|de|Beleg|Belege}}|m-p}}, {{t|de|[[vereinzelte ]] [[Belege]]|f-p}}, {{t|de|[[sporadische]] [[Hinweise]]}}
apple core (Noun: the central portion of an apple)
* German: {{t+|de|Griebs|m}} {{q|literary and regional German German}}, {{t|de|Apfelkerngehäuse|n}} {{q|stilted or when no picture of apples has been made yet, without that {{t+|de|Kerngehäuse|n}} “core” clearly refers to a fruit already}}, {{t+|de|Apfelkern|m}}
argot (Noun: secret language of thieves, tramps and vagabonds)
* German: {{t+|de|Argot}} {{qual|for argot in France}}, {{t+|de|Rotwelsch}} {{qual|for argot in Germany or {{m|en|Rotwelsch}}}}
bald (Adjective: having no hair)
* German: {{t+|de|kahl}}, {{t+|de|glatzköpfig}}; {{q|but usually expressed with the noun {{m|de|Glatze}}: mit Glatze, hat eine Glatze, etc.}}
bear with (Verb: be patient with)
* German: {{t|de|[[Geduld]] [[haben]] [[mit]]}}, {{t|de|[[Nachsicht]] [[üben]]}} {{q|{{m|de||ich bitte um Nachsicht}} ≈ please bear with me}}
benefit of the doubt (Noun: a favorable judgement given in the absence of full evidence)
* German: {{not used|de}} {{qualifier|perhaps circumscribed {{m|de|nicht das [[schlimm|Schlimmste]] [[annehmen]]}}, somewhat similar {{m|de|Vertrauensvorschuss}}, {{m|de|Vertrauensbonus}}}}
bolster (Noun: large cushion or pillow)
* German: {{t+|de|Polster|n}} {{qualifier|Austria {{g|m}}}}, {{t|de|Nackenrolle|f}}
bureaucratese (Noun: pejorative term for language typically used by bureaucrats)
* German: {{q|languages in general}} {{t|de|Bürokratensprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Behördensprache|f}}, {{t|de|Verwaltungsjargon|m}}; {{q|for German more often}} {{t+|de|Amtsdeutsch|n}}, {{t+|de|Behördendeutsch|n}}, {{t+|de|Beamtendeutsch|n}}; {{q|the same terms can also be formed with other languages e.g. {{m|de|Amtsenglisch|g=n||English bureaucratese}}}}
cider (Noun: non-alcoholic still beverage)
* German: {{t+|de|Apfelsaft|m}} {{q|may be specified as {{m|de|[[trüb]]er Apfelsaft}}}}, {{t+|de|Apfelmost|m}} {{q|rarer}}
columbiform (Noun: columbiform (noun))
* German: {{t|de|Taubenvogel|m}} {{q|see die {{w|Taubenvögel|lang=de}} / {{w|Columbiformes}}}}, {{t|de|Columbiforme|f}} {{q|a [[nominalize]]d adjective; die [[Columbiformen]], die Columbiformes}}, {{t|de|Kolumbiforme|f}} {{q|a nominalized adjective; die [[Kolumbiformen]]}}
extramural (Adjective: describing teaching of students who are not resident at such an institution)
* German: {{n-g|compound with {{m|de|fern|Fern-}}, {{m|de|Heim|Heim-}} …}} {{q|note that German students live separately from their colleges}}
eyes right (Interjection: )
* German: {{t|de|Augen rechts}} {{q|distinguished from {{m|de|die Augen links}} with the article}}
frivolous (Adjective: silly; especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner)
* German: {{t+|de|albern}}; {{t+|de|leichtfertig}}; {{t+|de|flatterhaft}}; {{q|note that {{m|de|frivol}} has a sexual connotation}}
in absentia (Prepositional phrase: while not present)
* German: {{t|de|in [[Abwesenheit]]}}, {{t|de|in [[absentia#Latin|absentia]]}} {{q|does not exist in the [[criminal procedure]] of the [[FRG]], but exists in [[Switzerland]] and the [[Republic of Austria]]; for [[civil procedure]] it is not idiomatic but should be circumscribed in the FRG with “es erging ein {{m|de|Versäumnisurteil}}” etc., see [[w:de:Kontumazentscheidung]]}}
maroon (Noun: runaway slave)
* German: {{t|de|Maroon}} {{q|{{t|de|Maroons|p}}, from English}}, {{t|de|Maroon-Männer|m-p}}, {{t|de|Maroon-Frauen|f-p}}
measure up (Verb: To meet expectations; to be as good as)
* German: {{t+|de|gleichziehen}} {{q|often used with {{m|de|[[mit]] (etwas, jemandem)}}}}, {{t+|de|gleichkommen}} {{q|with dative case}}, {{t|de|[[ein]] [[Vergleich]] [[sein]]}} {{q|chiefly in the negative|often used with {{m|de|[[zu]] (etwas, jemandem)}}}}, {{t|de|[[auf]] der [[Höhe]] [[sein]]}}
mitten (Noun: type of glove)
* German: {{t+|de|Fäustling|m}}, {{t+|de|Fausthandschuh|m}} {{q|both chiefly used to specify, otherwise simply {{t+|de|Handschuh}}}}
nip in the bud (Verb: to prevent at an early stage)
* German: {{t|de|den Anfängen wehren}}, {{t|de|im Keim ersticken}}, {{t|de|{{l|de|etwas}} {{l|de|nicht}} {{l|de|etwas einreißen lassen|einreißen lassen}}}}
odour of sanctity (Noun: idiomatic, of a person: state of holiness)
* German: {{t|de|Geruch der Heiligkeit|m}} {{q|preceded by {{m|de|im}}}}
out of hand (Adjective: not under control, out of control)
* German: {{t|de|außer Kontrolle}} {{q|verb: {{l|de|geraten}}}}, {{t+|de|überhand}} {{q|now only used in {{l|de|überhandnehmen}}}}, {{t|de|aus dem Ruder}} {{q|now only used in {{l|de|aus dem Ruder laufen}}}}, {{t+|de|ausufern}} {{q|for: “get out of hand”}}
prior to (Preposition: before (formal))
* German: {{t|de|[[im Vorfeld]] (von)}} {{q|but rarer and more formal than "prior", generally use {{m|de|vor}}}}
prune (Verb: trim a tree or shrub)
* German: {{t+|de|stutzen}} {{qualifier|also: {{m|de|zurecht-}}, {{m|de|zurück-}}}}, {{t+|de|schneiden}} {{qualifier|also: {{m|de|be-}}, {{m|de|zurück-}}}}
she (Pronoun: person)
* German: {{t+|de|sie}}, {{t+|de|es}} {{q|in reference to some neuter common nouns like {{m|de|Mädchen}}}}
she (Pronoun: ship)
* German: {{t+|de|es}} {{q|in reference to {{m|de|Schiff}}, {{m|de|Boot}}}}, {{t+|de|sie}} {{q|in reference to proper nouns of ships like {{m|de|Titanic}}}}
spudger (Noun: aforementioned tool in any of the functions)
* German: {{t+|de|Spatel|m}} {{q|scilicet {{m|de|antistatisch|antistatischer}} Spatel}}
stack up (Verb: accumulate)
* German: {{t+|de|läppern}} {{q|reflexive}}, {{t+|de|ansammeln}} {{q|reflexive|often impersonal with subject {{m|de|etwas}}, and with the topic and/or the adverb {{m|de|da}} as an adverbial}}
stack up (Verb: to compare with something)
* German: {{t+|de|gleichziehen}} {{q|often used with {{m|de|[[mit]] (etwas, jemandem)}}}}, {{t|de|[[ein]] [[Vergleich]] [[sein]]}} {{q|chiefly in the negative|often used with {{m|de|[[zu]] (etwas, jemandem)}}}}, {{t|de|[[im]] [[Vergleich]] [[dastehen]]}} {{q|often used with {{m|de|[[zu]] (etwas, jemandem)}}}}
sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof (Proverb: there is no need to worry about the future; the present provides enough to worry about)
* German: {{t|de|es ist genug, dass ein jeglicher Tag seine eigene Plage habe}} {{qualifier|based on {{w|Martin Luther}}’s translation of Matthew 6:34}}
the night before last (Adverb: during the night before last night)
* German: {{t|de|[[vorgestern]] [[Nacht]]}} {{q|compare {{m|de|[[vorgestern]] [[Abend]]}}}}
tomboy (Noun: girl who acts as a typical boy would)
* German: {{t+|de|burschikos}}, {{t+|de|jungenhaft}} {{q|both adjectives; if necessary, nominalize or construe with {{m|de|Mädchen}}}}; {{t|de|[[an]] [[ihr]] [[ist]] [[ein]] [[Junge]] [[verloren gehen|verloren gegangen]]|lit=a boy has been lost on her}}; {{t+|de|Wildfang|m}} {{q|bubbly, rambunctious, wild}}; {{t+|de|Mannsweib|n}} {{q|pejorative; rarely of children}}; {{t|de|tomboy}}
turnip (Noun: white root of Brassica rapa)
* German: {{t|de|Speiserübe|f}}; {{t|de|Mairübe|f}}, {{t|de|Teltower Rübchen|n}}, {{t|de|Herbstrübe|f}}, {{t|de|Wasserrübe|f}}, {{t|de|Stoppelrübe|f}}, {{t|de|Weiße Rübe|f}}, {{t|de|Bayrische Rübe|f}} {{q|specific varieties of turnip}}; {{t+|de|Rübsen|m}}, {{t|de|Rübsamen|m}} {{q|all varieties of {{taxfmt|Brassica rapa|species}}}}
worry (Verb: to be troubled)
* German: {{t|de|[[besorgt]] sein}}, {{t|de|sich Sorgen machen}} {{qualifier|{{m|de|sich}} is in the dative case, e.g. "mach {{l|de|dir}} keine Sorgen"}}
zzz (Interjection: )
* German: {{t+|de|schnarch}}; {{t|de|chrrr}} {{qualifier|representing {{IPAchar|[χː]}}, the usual onomatopoeia, but less common as a spelling; English ''zzz'' may also be understood by some}}

Uses l-template instead of t-template

57 items
abscond (Verb: to flee, often secretly)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|davonmachen}}, {{t+|de|türmen}}, {{t+|de|davonstehlen}}
abscond (Verb: to withdraw from)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|zurückziehen}}
abscond (Verb: to hide)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|verstecken}}
bandwagon (Noun: (figuratively) Current movement that attracts wide support)
* German: {{l|de|erfolgreiche}} {{t+|de|Partei|f}}, {{l|de|erfolgreiche}} {{t+|de|Seite|f}}
bankrupt (Verb: force into bankruptcy)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|den}} {{l|de|Konkurs}} {{t+|de|treiben}}
bissextile (Adjective: having an extra day)
* German: ''compound with {{l|de|schalten|Schalt-}}''
cavern (Noun: large cave)
* German: {{l|de|große}} {{t+|de|Höhle|f}}, {{t+|de|Grotte|f}}
consist (Verb: to be composed (of))
* German: (of: {{l|de|aus}}) {{t+|de|bestehen}}
conundrum (Noun: difficult question or riddle)
* German: {{t+|de|Rätsel|n}}, {{t|de|Scherzfrage|f}}, {{l|de|schwierige}} {{t+|de|Frage|f}}, {{t|de|Vexierfrage|f}}, {{t|de|Rätselfrage|f}}, {{t|de|Kopfzerbrecher|m}}
count on (Verb: to rely on, trust, or expect)
* German: ({{l|de|auf}}) jemanden/etwas {{t+|de|zählen}}
crank (Noun: slang: strange person)
* German: {{t+|de|Sonderling|m}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t+|de|Spinner|m}}, {{l|de|wunderlicher}} {{t+|de|Kauz|m}}
cup (Verb: form into the shape of a cup)
* German: {{q|cup a hand and hold the opening upward}} {{tt|de|die Hand aufhalten}}; ''otherwise only the noun phrase'' {{l|de|hohle Hand|t=cupped hand}}
deal with (Verb: take action with respect to (someone or something))
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|auseinandersetzen}} {{l|de|mit}}
defunct (Adjective: no longer in use)
* German: {{t+|de|erloschen}}, {{t+|de|gelöscht}}, {{l|de|nicht}} {{l|de|mehr}} {{t+|de|existierend}}, {{t+|de|tot}}
demonstrative adjective (Noun: type of adjective)
* German: ''see'' {{l|de|[[adjektivisch]]es [[Demonstrativpronomen]]}}
determinator (Noun: determining factor)
* German: {{l|de|bestimmender}} {{t+|de|Faktor|m}}
elated (Adjective: extremely happy and excited)
* German: {{t+|de|beschwingt}}, {{t+|de|ermutigt}}, {{l|de|freudig}} {{t+|de|erregt}}
flurry (Noun: brief snowfall)
* German: ({{l|de|leichter}}) {{t+|de|Schneefall|m}}, ({{l|de|kurzer}}) {{t+|de|Schneeschauer|m}}
fortitude (Noun: mental or emotional strength)
* German: {{l|de|innere}} {{t+|de|Kraft|f}}, {{l|de|innere}} {{t+|de|Stärke|f}}, {{t+|de|Standhaftigkeit|f}}
get the hang of (Verb: to learn to handle with some skill)
* German: {{l|de|etwas}} {{t+|de|kapieren}}, {{t|de|die Kurve heraushaben}}, {{l|de|mit}} {{l|de|etwas}} {{t|de|umgehen lernen}}, {{l|de|etwas}} {{l|de|in den Griff bekommen}}, {{l|de|etwas}} {{l|de|in den Griff kriegen}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
glaring (Adjective: reflecting with glare)
* German: {{l|de|grell}} {{t+|de|leuchtend}}, {{l|de|hell}} {{t+|de|strahlend}}
go for it (Verb: to put maximum effort into something)
* German: {{t|de|alles geben}}, ({{l|de|richtig}}) {{t+|de|reinhauen}}
harvest moon (Noun: first full moon of autumn)
* German: {{l|de|erster}} {{t+|de|Vollmond|m}} {{l|de|im }} {{l|de|Herbst}}, {{t|de|Herbstvollmond|m}}
hold out (Verb: to wait for something better)
* German: {{t+|de|abwarten}}, {{t+|de|ausharren}}, ({{l|de|beharrlich}}) {{t+|de|warten}}, ({{l|de|unbeirrbar}}) {{t+|de|warten}}
in order to (Phrase: as a means of achieving the specified aim)
* German: {{l|de|um}} {{t+|de|zu}}, {{t+|de|damit}}, {{t+|de|behufs}}
intercalary (Adjective: of a time period, inserted between others)
* German: ''compound with {{l|de|schalten|Schalt-}}''
it (Noun: The person who chases others in the game of tag)
* German: {{t+|de|Fänger|m}}, ''but mostly expressed with the verb'' {{l|de|sein|t=to be}}, '' e.g.'' Wer ist? – Du bist!
klutz (Noun: a clumsy or stupid person)
* German: ({{l|de|ungehobelter}}) {{t+|de|Klotz|m}}, {{t|de|Trampel|m}}, {{t+|de|Tollpatsch|m}}, {{t+|de|Trottel|m}}
let's (Verb: let us; forming first-person plural imperative)
* German: {{t+|de|lassen|alt=lass/lasst uns}}, {{qualifier|expressed with the first-person plural of the verb}} + {{l|de|wir}}, {{t|de|[[wollen]] [[wir]]}} {{qualifier|plus infinitive}}
longevity (Noun: the quality of being long-lasting, especially of life)
* German: {{t+|de|Langlebigkeit|f}}, {{l|de|lange}} {{t+|de|Lebensdauer|f}}
lovesick (Adjective: having an aching desire for one's beloved)
* German: {{t+|de|liebeskrank}}; ''but preferably use a construction with the noun'' {{l|de|Liebeskummer}}
memorialize (Verb: to commemorate)
* German: {{l|de|eine}} {{l|de|Denkschrift}} {{t+|de|einreichen}}, {{l|de|eine}} {{l|de|Gedenkfeier}} {{t+|de|abhalten}} ({{l|de|für}} {{l|de|jemand}})
multicolumn (Adjective: )
* German: {{l|de|mit}} {{l|de|mehreren}} {{t+|de|Spalten}}, {{t|de|mehrspaltig}}
on the fly (Adverb: spontaneously or extemporaneously)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{t+|de|Eile}}, {{t+|de|spontan}}, {{t+|de|unvorbereitet}}, {{t|de|ohne Vorbereitung}}, {{t+|de|fliegend}}, {{t+|de|auf die Schnelle}}, {{t+|de|improvisiert}}
orbit (Verb: place an object into an orbit)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|Umlaufbahn}} {{t+|de|bringen}}
overhaul (Noun: a major repair, remake, renovation, or revision)
* German: {{t|de|Überholung|f}}, {{t+|de|Aufarbeitung|f}}, {{t|de|Grundinstandsetzung|f}}, {{l|de|gründlich|gründliche}} {{t+|de|Überprüfung|f}}, {{t+|de|Revision|f}}, {{t|de|Tuning|n}}, {{t+|de|Erneuerung|f}}
proprietary (Adjective: created or manufactured exclusively by the IPR owner)
* German: {{t+|de|proprietär}}, {{l|de|urheberrechtlich}} {{t+|de|geschützt}}, {{t+|de|geschützt}}
recompilation (Noun: act or process of recompiling)
* German: {{l|de|erneute}} {{t+|de|Übersetzung|f}}
report (Verb: to appear or present oneself)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|melden}}
row (Verb: intransitive: argue noisily)
* German: ''any of the translations above for "noisy argument" followed by'' {{l|de|machen}} ''or by'' {{l|de|veranstalten}} ''or by'' {{l|de|verursachen}}
schnitzel (Noun: a meat dish)
* German: ({{l|de|paniertes}}) {{t+|de|Schnitzel|n}}
scurry away (Verb: to run away with quick light steps)
* German: {{t|de|davonhasten}}, {{t|de|davonhuschen}}, {{l|de|hastig}} {{t+|de|weglaufen}}
set up (Verb: to ready something for use)
* German: {{t+|de|aufbauen}}, {{l|de|für}} {{l|de|den}} {{l|de|Einsatz}} {{t+|de|vorbereiten}}, {{t+|de|einrichten}}, {{t+|de|installieren}}
squabble (Verb: participate in a minor fight or argument)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|kabbeln}}, ({{l|de|sich}}) {{t+|de|zanken}}
stand in (Verb: to substitute for)
* German: {{l|de|Ersatzmann}} {{t+|de|sein}} {{qualifier|male person}}, {{l|de|Ersatzfrau}} {{t+|de|sein}} {{qualifier|female person}}, {{l|de|für}} {{l|de|jemanden}} die {{l|de|Vertretung}} {{t+|de|haben}}, {{qualifier|film}} den {{l|de|Platz}} {{t+|de|übernehmen}}
sweltering (Adjective: hot and humid)
* German: {{l|de|drückend}} {{t+|de|heiß}}, {{l|de|glühend}} {{t+|de|heiß}}, {{t+|de|verschmachtend}}
take it easy (Verb: relax)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|entspannen}}
third-party (Adjective: )
* German: {{l|de|von}} {{t+|de|Dritten}}
thrill (Verb: feel a sudden excitement)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|Spannung}} {{t+|de|versetzen}}
tillage (Noun: land cultivated in this way)
* German: {{l|de|bestellt|bestelltes}} {{t+|de|Land|n}}
tout (Verb: To flaunt, to publicize/publicise; to boast or brag; to promote)
* German: {{l|de|aufdringlich}} {{t+|de|ankündigen}}, {{t+|de|werben}} {{l|de|für}}
waddle (Noun: swaying gait)
* German: {{l|de|watschelnder}} {{t+|de|Gang|m}}, {{t|de|Watscheln|n}}
whirl (Verb: to make something whirl around)
* German: {{t+|de|wirbeln}}, {{l|de|schnell}} {{t+|de|drehen}}, {{t|de|im Kreise drehen}}
whitewash (Verb: to paint over with a lime and water mixture so as to brighten up a wall or fence)
* German: {{l|de|etwas}} {{l|de|weiß}} {{t+|de|anstreichen}}, {{t+|de|weißen}}, {{t+|de|weißeln}}
whitewash (Verb: to cover over errors or bad actions)
* German: {{qualifier|sb.}} {{l|de|jemanden}} {{t+|de|reinwaschen}}, {{qualifier|sth.}} {{l|de|etwas}} {{t+|de|schönfärben}}, {{qualifier|sth.}} {{l|de|etwas}} {{t+|de|beschönigen}}, {{t+|de|schönreden}}
wire (Verb: informal: to send a message or a money value to another person through a telecommunications system)
* German: {{l|de|Geld}} {{t+|de|überweisen}}
wow (Verb: to amaze or awe)
* German: {{t+|de|begeistern}}, {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|Begeisterung}} {{t+|de|versetzen}}, {{l|de|tief}} {{t+|de|beeindrucken}}

Entry HTML comment

124 items
Big Brother (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Großer Bruder|m}} <!-- Was: character in Nineteen Eighty-Four -->
I love you (Phrase: affirmation of romantic feeling)
* German: {{t+|de|ich liebe dich}}, {{t|de|ich habe dich gern}}, {{t|de|ich habe dich lieb}}, {{qualifier|plural}} {{t|de|ich liebe euch}}, {{qualifier|plural}} {{t|de|ich habe euch gern}}, {{qualifier|plural}} {{t|de|ich habe euch lieb}}, {{qualifier|formal, sg and pl}} {{t|de|ich liebe Sie}}, {{t|de|ich habe Sie gern}}, {{t|de|ich habe Sie lieb}}<!-- the subsections may need to be dealt with -->
Indo-Europeanist (Noun: person specialised in Indo-European studies)
* German: {{t+|de|Indogermanist|m}}, {{t+|de|Indogermanistin|f}}<!-- traditionally, these studies are called "Indogermanistik" in Germany -->
Laurel and Hardy (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Dick und Doof}} <!-- This is the translation for the characters "Laurel and Hardy", not necessarily for "any humorous duo" -->
Luke (Proper noun: gospel of Luke)
* German: {{t-check|de|das [[Evangelium]] nach [[Lukas]]}} <!-- was "Das [[Evangelium]] nach [[Lukas]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|de|Lk}}
Tuareg (Noun: member of the Tuareg people)
* German: {{t+|de|Targi|m}}, {{t|de|Targia|f}}, {{t|de|Targiya|f}}, {{t+|de|Tuareg|m|f}}, {{t+|de|Tuareg|p}}, {{t+|de|Tuaregs|p}} <!--these are plural; please change to singular-->
abate (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|verlieren}}<!--Was under "to be defeated"-->
abate (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|verringern}}, {{t+check|de|mindern}}, {{t-check|de|abmindern}}, {{t+check|de|vermindern}}<!--Was under: "to bring down or reduce to a lower state"-->
alternating (Adjective: such that it alternates)
* German: {{t+check|de|Wechsel|alt=Wechsel-}} <!-- was "[[Wechsel]]-" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|de|abwechselnd}}, {{t+check|de|alternierend}}
ambiguous (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|unklar}}, {{t+check|de|vage}} <!-- Were under non-surviving sense "vague and unclear" -->
ambush (Noun: )
* German: {{t+|de|Hinterhalt|m}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->
amicable number (Noun: number theory)
* German: [[befreundete Zahlen]] <!--gender?-->
apparatus (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Apparat|m}} <!-- Was under: given system of procedures -->
automatic (Noun: A car with automatic transmission)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[Auto]] [[mit]] [[Automatikgetriebe]]|n}} <!-- was "[[Auto]] [[mit]] [[Automatikgetriebe]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
baked beans (Noun: food)
* German: ''[[Baked Beans]]'' <!--gender?-->
baldmoney (Noun: Meum athamanticum)
* German: {{t+|de|Bärwurz|f}}<!-- Bärenfenchel is Meum muttelina = Mutellina adonidifolia-->
binge (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Fressattacke|f}} <!-- Was under: "rapid and excessive consumption" -->
birds and bees (Noun: euphemistic: sexual activity)
* German: {{t|de|die Bienchen und Blümchen|n-p|lit=the little bees and flowers}}, {{t|de|Tatsachen des Lebens|f-p|lit=facts of life}}<!-- should maybe be lemmatized at [[die Tatsachen des Lebens]] instead -->
boy (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Kerl|m}} <!-- Was under "adult male found attractive" -->
cadastre (Noun: register)
* German: {{t+check|de|Katasteramt|n}} <!-- "Amt" means "office" so it looks like the translation of "land registry (office)", cf. also -->
capital ship (Noun: warship)
* German: [1] {{t|de|Großkampfschiff|n}}, {{t|de|Kapitalschiff|n}}, {{t+|de|Kriegsschiff|n}}, {{t+|de|Schlachtschiff|n}}; <!-- zudem wörtlicher/ursprünglicher -->[1b] {{t+|de|Hauptschiff|n}}, {{t+|de|Flaggschiff|n}}, {{t|de|Führungsschiff|n}}
carbon dioxide (Noun: CO₂)
* German: {{t+|de|Kohlenstoffdioxid|n}}, {{t+|de|Kohlendioxyd|n}} {{qualifier|colloquial}} <! says that [[Kohlendioxyd]] is obsolete but it remains colloquially the dominant variant-->, {{t+|de|Kohlendioxid|n}}
cardia (Noun: section of the esophagus that connects to the stomach)
* German: {{t|de|Magenmund|m}}<!--{{t|de|Magenmundkrampf}} deleted: Krampf means "cramp"-->
civil engineer (Noun: engineer specialised in civil engineering)
* German: {{t+|de|Bauingenieurin|f}}, {{t+|de|Bauingenieur|m}}<!-- Zivilingenieur/in is something different! -->
compensate (Verb: to pay or reward someone in exchange for work done or some other consideration)
* German: {{t|de|[[eine]] [[Kompensation]] [[zahlen]]}} <!-- was "[[eine]] [[Kompensation]] [[zahlen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, use {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+|de|vergüten}}, {{t+|de|entgelten}}
country (Noun: the country, rural area, as opposed to the town or city)
* German: {{tt+|de|Land|n}}; {{tt+|de|Landschaft|f}}<!-- move plural to [[Landschaft]]: [[Landschaften]] {{p}}-->; {{tt+|de|Region|f}}
course (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Lauf|m}} <!-- Was under "onward movement" (sense does not exist) -->
crisp (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|forsch}} <!-- Was under "brisk; crackling; cheerful, lively" -->
curb (Verb: )
* German: {{t+|de|zurückhalten}}, {{t+|de|hemmen}}, {{t+|de|mäßigen}}, {{t+|de|bändigen}}, {{t+|de|einschränken}}, {{t+|de|beherrschen}}, {{t+|de|wenden}} <!-- Was: "to restrain, rein in" -->
cytula (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Cytula}}, {{t+check|de|Stammzelle}} <!-- both by Ernst Haeckel - attestable (3 quotations)? -->
debenture (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Obligation|f}} <!-- Which type of bond? -->
depreciate (Verb: )
* German: {{t+|de|abwerten}}, {{t+|de|entwerten}} <!-- Was under "to reduce in value over time" (unclear whether transitive, intransitive or both) -->
desolate (Adjective: barren / lifeless)
* German: {{t+check|de|verlassen}} <!-- this the adjective, and also the verb for ''to make desolate'' + a few other senses it has -->
dilettante (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Kunstliebhaber|m}} <!-- Was under non-existent sense: person who enjoys the arts, regardless of expertise -->
discipline (Verb: to punish someone in order to (re)gain control)
* German: {{t+check|de|disziplinieren}}, {{t-check|de|[[disziplinarisch]] [[bestrafen]]}} <!-- was "[[disziplinarisch]] [[bestrafen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
dispense (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|abgeben}} <!-- Was under: "to eliminate or do without" -->
doubletree (Noun: device that connects two horses to a wagon)
* German: {{t|de|Klippschwengel|m}}, {{t|de|Wagenschwengel|m}}, {{t+|de|Waage|f}}<!--{{t|de|Ortscheit|n}}, {{t|de|Zugscheit|n}} appears to be singletree contra Wikipedia-->
down the track (Prepositional phrase: further along, in terms of time or progress)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[am]] [[Ende]]}}, {{t-check|de|[[in]] [[der]] [[Zukunft]]}} <!-- was "[[in]] [[der]] [[Zukunft]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|de|[[später]] [[einmal]]}}, {{t|de|in der weiteren Entwicklung}}, {{t|de|im weiteren Verlauf}}, {{t|de|in der Folge}}, {{t+|de|später}}
droop (Verb: )
* German: {{t-check|de|herunterhängen}} <!-- was "1. [[herunterhängen]]" -->, {{t+check|de|erschlaffen}} <!-- was "2. [[erschlaffen]]" -->
dun-bar (Noun: species of moth)
* German: {{t-check|de|Trapezeule}} <!--also Trapez-Eule?-->
electric current (Noun: measurement of the rate of flow of electric charge)
* German: {{t|de|elektrischer Strom|m}} <!-- {{t+|de|Stromstärke|f}} - strength -->, {{t+|de|Strom|m}}
excise tax (Noun: any of various taxes levied on the production or sale of certain goods, especially on luxuries, tobacco, alcohol etc.)
* German: {{t+|de|Verbrauchssteuer|f}}, {{t+|de|Verbrauchsteuer|f}}<!-- both are correct, cf. -->
extrusion (Noun: manufacturing process)
* German: {{t|de|Extrusion|f}}, {{t|de|Formdrücken|n}} (durch eine [<nowiki/>[[Formdüse|Form-]]][[Düse]]), {{t|de|Formpressen|n}}<!-- ebenso durch eine Düse (oder auch [das Herausdrücken/-pressen/-zwingen/-zwängen durch] eine andere formgebende Öffnung) -->, {{t|de|Strangpressen|n}}
foxtail millet (Noun: Setaria italica)
* German: {{t|de|Kolbenhirse|f}}, {{t|de|Mohar|m}}, {{t|de|Pfennich|m}} {{q|Steiermark}}, {{t|de|Mauchert|m}} / {{t|de|Mäuchert|m}} {{q|Siebenbürgen}}<!--from Hungarian-->
frail (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|zerbrechlich}} <!-- Was under "mentally or physically fragile"; the senses have been separated since -->
goad (Verb: )
* German: {{t+|de|anstacheln}}, {{t+|de|antreiben}} <!-- Was under "to prod with a goad; to encourage, stimulate, incite or provoke" -->
grace note (Noun: musical note played to ornament the melody)
* German: {{t|de|Vorschlagsnote|f}}<!--removed {{t|de|Anmutanmerkung|f}} User:Atitarev-->
grate (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|reiben}} <!-- Was under deleted sense "to rub against" -->
happy (Adjective: content (to do something); having no objection (to something))
* German: {{t-check|de|[[mit]] ([[etwas]]) [[einverstanden]] [[sein]]}}<!-- {{t}} if [[WT:IDIOM]] -->
hard-pressed (Adjective: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Probleme haben}}, {{t-check|de|Schwierigkeiten haben}}, {{t-check|de|in Not}} <!-- These are not adjectivess: need editing -->
head (Verb: to move in a specified direction)
* German: {{t|de|[[gehen]] ([[nach]]/[[in]] [[Richtung]])}}, {{t|de|[[fahren]] ([[nach]]/[[in]] [[Richtung]])}}, {{t|de|[[sich]] [[bewegen]] ([[nach]]/[[in]] [[Richtung]])}}, {{t|de|[[ziehen]] ([[nach]]/[[in]] [[Richtung]])}}, {{t-check|de|auf etwas zusteuern}} <!-- use {{t-SOP}} if non-idiomatic -->
heel (Noun: end-piece of a loaf of bread)
* German: {{tt+|de|Kanten|m}} {{q|regional}}, {{t-check|de|Knapp|m}}, {{tt+|de|Knust|m}} {{q|Northern Germany}}, {{t-check|de|Ranft|m}}, {{tt+|de|Scherzl|n}} {{q|Austria|Bavaria}}, ''technical terms in bakery trade:'' {{t-check|de|Anschnitt|m}}, {{t+check|de|Abschnitt|m}} <!-- for more synonyms (~40) see [[w:de:Kanten]] -->
his (Pronoun: that which belongs to him)
* German: <!--{{t+check|de|seine|alt=sein}} << was "der [[seine]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] --> {{t+|de|seiner|f}}, {{t+|de|seine|f|p}}, {{t+|de|seines|n}}, {{t+|de|sein|m|f|n}}, {{t|de|der Seine|m}}, {{t|de|die Seine|f}}, {{t|de|das Seine|n}}, {{t|de|die Seinen|p}}, {{t+|de|seins|n}}
hominin (Noun: member of the tribe Hominini)
* German: <!--the singular form doesn't seem to be used often enough to meet CFI: {{t|de|Hominini}}, -->{{t|de|Hominini|p}}
hunting whip (Noun: whip with a hooked horn handle)
* German: {{t-check|de|Hetzpeitsche|alt=die Hetzpeitsche}} <!-- was "die [[Hetzpeitsche]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
ibid. (Adverb: abbreviation of ibidem)
* German: {{t+|de|ebd.}}<!-- [[ebenda]] = at the same place -->, {{t+|de|ibid.}}, {{t|de|ib.}}, {{t|de|ibd.}}
identify (Verb: to associate oneself with some group)
* German: {{t+check|de|identifizieren|alt=sich identifizieren mit}} <!-- was "sich [[identifizieren]] mit" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
infer (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|schließen}}, {{t+check|de|schlussfolgern}} <!-- Was under: "(intransitive) to draw a conclusion (by reasoning)" -->
inflection (Noun: )
* German: {{t+|de|Wendepunkt|m}} <!-- Was translation for "change in curvature" but appears to incicate "point of inflection". i.e. the point in which the change takes place-->
inner core (Noun: innermost part of the Earth)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[inner|innerer]] [[Erdkern]]|m}} <!-- was "[[inner|innerer]] [[Erdkern]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
interference (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Eingriff|m}} <!-- Was under: "intrusion into the scope of protection of a guaranteed right" -->
interrupt (Verb: to assert an exceptional condition)
* German: {{t+check|de|Interrupt|n}}<!-- this is a noun, as shown by the capital letter, but we're under the verb sense: either a verb was derived from it, or a verb should be added to transform this noun into a verb or verb phrase -->
intractable (Adjective: medicine: difficult to treat)
* German: {{t|de|schwierig zu behandeln}} <!-- unbehandelbar means impossible to treat -->
juxtapose (Verb: to place side by side)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[nebeneinander]] [[stellen]]}} <!-- was "[[nebeneinander]] [[stellen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove links to words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
kick in the pants (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Tritt in den Hintern}} <!--is this idiomatic?-->
land ahoy (Interjection: interjection shouted by the ship's watch)
* German: {{t|de|[[Land]] in [[Sicht]]}} <!-- was "[[Land]] in [[Sicht]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
ledger (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Buch|n}}, {{t+check|de|Kassenbuch|n}}, {{t+check|de|Register|n}}, {{t-check|de|Wirtschaftsbuch|n}}, {{t-check|de|Bestandsbuch|n}} <!-- Was under "book for keeping notes" but looks that it may rather be "book for keeping accounting records"-->
level (Adjective: at the same height as some reference)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[auf]] [[gleicher]] [[Höhe]]}} <!-- was "[[auf]] [[gleicher]] [[Höhe]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|de|[[auf]] [[gleichem]] [[Niveau]]}} <!-- was "[[auf]] [[gleichem]] [[Niveau]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t-check|de|[[auf]] [[gleicher]] [[Stufe]]}} <!-- was "[[auf]] [[gleicher]] [[Stufe]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
line up (Verb: get into a line)
* German: {{t+check|de|eingliedern|alt=sich eingliedern}} <!-- was "sich [[eingliedern]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|de|aufreihen|alt=sich aufreihen}} <!-- was "sich [[aufreihen]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
madden (Verb: make angry)
* German: {{t|de|[[rasend]] [[machen]]}} <!-- was "[[rasend]] [[machen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+|de|ärgern}}, {{t+|de|fuchsen}}, {{t|de|auf die Palme bringen}}
madden (Verb: make insane)
* German: {{t|de|[[wahnsinnig]] [[machen]]}} <!-- was "[[wahnsinnig]] [[machen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t|de|um den Verstand bringen}}, {{t|de|verrückt machen}}
meander (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|mäandern}} <!-- Was under non-existing sense "to wander idly" -->
meerkat (Noun: small carnivorous mammal)
* German: {{t+|de|Erdmännchen|n}} <!-- Meerkatze = long-tailed monkey-->
memory card (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Speicherkarte|f}} <!-- if this is for a "memory card" as in "flashcard", move there -->
milk (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|durchkauen}} <!-- Was under: "to talk or write at length" -->
mouse (Noun: shy person)
* German: {{t-check|de|graue Maus|f}} {{gloss|plain Jane}} <!-- was "graue [[Maus]]" - I think this is an idiom. -->
net (Verb: catch by means of a net)
* German: {{t-check|de|mit einem [[Netz]] [[fangen]]}} <!-- was "mit einem [[Netz]] [[fangen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
network (Verb: interact socially)
* German: {{t+check|de|vernetzen|alt=sich vernetzen}} <!-- was "sich [[vernetzen]]" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
p.m. (Adverb: after noon)
* German: {{t+|de|nachmittags}}, {{t|de|[[am]] [[Nachmittag]]}}<!-- not idiomatic -->
patron (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Stammkunde|m}} <!-- Was under "customer of certain establishment". -->
phony (Adjective: fraudulent; fake)
* German: {{t+|de|falsch}}, {{t+|de|unecht}}, {{t+|de|gefälscht}}, <!--[[unecht]], [[falsch]], [[Schein-]]-->, {{t+|de|verlogen}}
price (Verb: determine or put a price on something)
* German: {{t+check|de|schätzen}}, {{t-check|de|[[den]] [[Preis]] [[festsetzen]]}} <!-- was "[[den]] [[Preis]] [[festsetzen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
private (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|privat}} <!-- Was under "not done in the view of others" -->
quarantine (Verb: to enter into or remain in quarantine)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[unter]] [[Quarantäne]] [[stellen]]}} <!-- was "[[unter]] [[Quarantäne]] [[stellen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
quick-and-dirty (Adjective: hasty, approximate, temporarily adequate)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[schnell]] [[und]] [[schmutzig]]}} <!-- was "[[schnell]] [[und]] [[schmutzig]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
rank (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Platz|m}}, {{t+|de|Reihe|f}} <!-- Was under: "lines or rows of people in an organization" -->
reciprocate (Verb: to mutually give and take something; to interchange)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[etwas]] [[austauschen]]}} <!-- was "[[etwas]] [[austauschen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
relax (Verb: to become loose)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[locker]] [[werden]]}} <!-- was "[[locker]] [[werden]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
relax (Verb: to become less severe or tense)
* German: {{t+check|de|entspannen}}, {{t-check|de|[[locker]] [[werden]]}} <!-- was "[[locker]] [[werden]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
relax (Verb: to become more lenient)
* German: {{t+check|de|entspannen}}, {{t-check|de|[[locker]] [[werden]]}} <!-- was "[[locker]] [[werden]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
right now (Adverb: at this precise moment)
* German: {{t|de|gerade jetzt}}, {{t|de|genau jetzt}} <!-- "sofort" probably belongs to the "immediately" meaning -->
run (Noun: )
* German: {{tt+|de|Etappe|f}} {{qualifier|distance}}, {{tt+|de|Streckenabschnitt|m}} {{qualifier|distance}}, {{tt+|de|Phase|f}} {{qualifier|time}} <!-- were under definition "interval of distance or time" -->
sally (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Weidengerte}} <!-- Was under "willow rod" -->
scowl (Verb: to wrinkle the brows)
* German: {{t-check|de|die [[Stirn]] [[runzeln]]}} <!-- was "die [[Stirn]] [[runzeln]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
shape (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Form|f}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->
shoot (Verb: to hit with a shot)
* German: {{qualifier|not killing}} {{t+|de|anschießen}}, {{qualifier|killing}} {{t+|de|erschießen}}<!-- was {{gloss}} instead of {{qualifier}}, but it seems wrong here… -->
skin (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Fell|n}} <!-- Was under the non-existing sense "the outer protective layer of any plant or animal" -->
skirt (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Rock|m}}, {{t+check|de|Schurz|m}} <!-- Was under "something resembling a skirt" -->
sling (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Schleuder|f}} <!--(Verified! See here: [ ''Schleuder''])-->
small pica (Noun: size of type)
* German: {{t+|de|Brevier}},<!--sic--> {{t+|de|Rheinländer}}, {{t|de|Maintzer}},<!--sic--> {{t|de|Descendiain}}, {{t|de|Descendian}}
spikenard (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|indische Narde|f}}; {{t+check|de|Narde|f}} <!-- Was under "plant" -->
spring (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Festmacherleine|f}} <!-- Was: rope on a boat -->
spud (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Jätmesser|n}}, {{t-check|de|kleine Knolle|f}}, {{t-check|de|Lotkrampe|f}} <!-- Was under: tool used for digging out weeds (but seems unlikely) -->
stock market (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Börse|f}} <!-- Stock exchange? -->
stone (Verb: to intoxicate, especially with narcotics)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[sich]] [[berauschen]]}} <!-- was "[[sich]] [[berauschen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, use {{t}} instead of {{t-SOP}}. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
strong verb (Noun: verb type)
* German: {{t+|de|starkes Verb|n}}, {{t|de|starkes Verbum}}<!-- both meanings -->; {{t|de|[[ablautend]]es [[Verb]]}}, {{t|de|[[ablautend]]es [[Verbum]]}}, {{t|de|[[ablautend]]es [[Zeitwort]]}} {{qual|verb with ablaut}}
sweat (Verb: informal: to worry)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[sich]] [[sorgen]]}}<!--is this informal? ... No.-->
talk (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Gespräch|n}} <!-- Was under "what is being said" -->
tan (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Bräune|f}} <!--, no one uses [[Bräunung]], and [[Lohe]] is an archaic word for "fire" (which may still be used in leather making)-->
taper (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|verjüngen}} <!-- Was listed under "make thinner or narrower", but such sense does not exist. -->
telecommuting (Noun: practice of using telecommunications technology to work from a remote location)
* German: {{t+|de|Telearbeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Homeoffice|n}} <!--Also used for the practice, not just the place-->, {{t|de|Heimarbeit|f}}
tenuous (Adjective: thin in substance or consistency)
* German: {{t-check|de|[[nicht]] [[stichhaltig]]}} <!-- was "[[nicht]] [[stichhaltig]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+|de|dünn}}, {{t+|de|prekär}}, {{t+|de|heikel}}, {{t+|de|dürftig}}, {{t+|de|fein}}, {{t+|de|zart}}, {{t+|de|schlank}}, {{t+|de|klein}}, {{t+|de|spärlich}}, {{t+|de|unsicher}}, {{t+|de|verdünnt}}
tidal (Adjective: relating to tides)
* German: [[Gezeiten-]]<!-- a prefix used in compounds -->
tin ear (Noun: inability to appreciate the elements of performed music)
* German: ''to have a tin ear:'' kein musikalisches Gehör haben <!-- it is more a glossing-over than a common expression. There is no substantival equivalent for "tin ear". so one has to use glossing-overs such as the one given. -->
trash (Verb: to make into a mess)
* German: {{t-check|de|in [[Unordnung]] [[bringen]]}} <!-- was "in [[Unordnung]] [[bringen]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
tread (Noun: )
* German: {{t+|de|Profil|n}}, {{t|de|Laufsohle|f}} <!-- Was under: bottom of a sneaker (refers to a deleted sense) -->
trip (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Abschalter|m}}, {{t-check|de|Sicherungsautomat|m}} <!-- Was under: engineering: mechanical or electrical cutout device -->
tungstic acid (Noun: solid hydrated tungsten oxide)
* German: [[Wolframsäure]] {{g|f}}<!--Sources: Wikipedia,>
tyrant (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Tyrann|m}}, {{t+check|de|Tyrannin|f}} <!-- Were under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
up against the wall (Adjective: )
* German: {{t|de|in die Ecke}} <!--treiben-->
way too (Adverb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|sehr}}, {{t+check|de|ganz}}, {{t+check|de|wahrlich}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
when Hell freezes over (Adverb: never)
* German: {{t|de|wenn die Hölle zufriert}}<!-- “when Hell freezes over” -->, {{t+|de|alle Jubeljahre}}, {{t+|de|wenn Ostern und Pfingsten auf einen Tag fallen}}<!-- "when Easter and Pentecost fall on the same day" -->, {{t|de|an Sankt Nimmerlein}}<!-- “on St. Never's Day” -->
worm (Noun: contemptible being)
* German: {{t-check|de|elender Wurm|m}}<!-- is it idiomatic? if not, use {{t-SOP}} -->
zelkova (Noun: kind of tree in the elm family)
* German: {{t|de|Zelkove}}, {{t|de|Zelkowe}}, {{t|de|Zelkoua}}, {{t|de|Zelkowa}} <!-- not sure which are considered correct but all are found -->

Unexpected template

169 items
-st (Suffix: first)
* German: ''-st-'' (e.g. {{m|de|1ste}} = {{m|de|erste}})
-st (Suffix: first)
* German: ''-st-'' (e.g. {{m|de|1ste}} = {{m|de|erste}})
FRG (Proper noun: West Germany)
* German: {{t+|de|BRD}} {{gloss|[[Bundesrepublik Deutschland]]}}
Ponzi scheme (Noun: illicit money-making scheme)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t+|de|Schneeballsystem|n}}, {{t|de|Ponzi-System|n}} {{q|rare}}
Q (Noun: playing card)
* German: {{tt+|de|D}} {{q-lite|Dame}}
SPG (Noun: self-propelled gun)
* German: {{t+|de|StuK}} {{gloss|Sturmkanone}}
Santa Claus (Proper noun: fictional figure)
* German: {{t+|de|Weihnachtsmann|m}} {{gloss|Christmas}}, {{t+|de|Christkind|n}} {{gloss|Christmas; different figure with same role}}, {{t+|de|Nikolaus|m}} {{gloss|6 December}}, {{t|de|Samichlaus|m}} {{qualifier|Switzerland}}
Tutankhamun (Proper noun: Egyptian pharaoh)
* German: {{t|de|Tutenchamun|m}} {{q|usual}}, {{t+|de|Tutanchamun|m}} {{a|en|scientific}}
Velcro (Proper noun: fastener)
* German: {{gloss|two strips collectively, the mechanism}} {{t+|de|Klettverschluss|m}}; {{gloss|each of the two strips}} {{t|de|Klettband|n}}
abate (Verb: to lessen (something) in force or intensity)
* German: {{t+|de|nachlassen}}, {{t+|de|legen|alt=sich legen}} {{gloss|storm}}, {{t+|de|schwächen}}, {{t+|de|abschwächen}}, {{t+|de|vermindern}}, {{t+|de|verringern}}
absolutely (Adverb: in an absolute manner)
* German: {{t+|de|absolut}}, {{t+|de|durchaus}}, {{t+|de|total}}, {{t+|de|unbedingt}}, {{sense|with negatives}} {{t+|de|gar}}, {{t+|de|überhaupt}}
abstinent (Adjective: refraining from indulgence)
* German: {{t+|de|abstinent}} {{gloss|mostly when referring to alcohol or smoking}}, {{t+|de|enthaltsam}} {{gloss|sexually abstinent, celibate}}
administrator (Noun: one who administers affairs)
* German: {{t+|de|Verwalter|m}}, {{t+|de|Verwalterin|f}}, {{t|de|Verwaltungsleiter|m}}, {{t+|de|Sachbearbeiter|m}}, {{t+|de|Administrator|m}} {{gloss|Computer}}
age (Verb: transitive: cause to grow old)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[altern]] [[lassen]]}}, {{t|de|[[alt]] [[machen]]}}
ambit claim (Noun: )
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[übertrieben]]e [[Forderung]]|f}}, {{t|de|[[extrem]]es [[Startangebot]]|n}}
amicable (Adjective: showing friendliness or goodwill)
* German: {{t+|de|einvernehmlich}} {{gloss|agreement}}, {{t+|de|freundlich}} {{gloss|person}}, {{t+|de|freundschaftlich}} {{gloss|agreement, discussion, gesture}}, {{t+|de|gütlich}} {{gloss|settlement}}, {{t+|de|liebenswürdig}} {{gloss|person}}
amplify (Verb: render larger etc.)
* German: [[verstärken]] {{gloss|more intense}}; [[vergrößern]] {{gloss|larger}}
at all (Adverb: to the slightest degree, in any way)
* German: {{t+|de|überhaupt}}, {{sense|with negatives}} {{t+|de|gar}}
at sixes and sevens (Prepositional phrase: in a state of dispute or disagreement)
* German: {{t+|de|sich in den Haaren liegen}} {{gloss|be at sixes and sevens}}, {{t|de|[[völlig]] [[uneins]] [[sein]]}} {{qualifier|be at sixes and sevens}}, {{t|de|über Kreuz sein}} {{qualifier|be at sixes and sevens}}
audition (Noun: performance by an aspiring performer)
* German: {{t|de|Vorsingen|n}} {{gloss|singing audition}}, {{t+|de|Casting|n}}, {{t+|de|Vorspielen|n}}, {{t|de|Probesingen|n}}, {{t|de|Probevorführung|f}}, {{t+|de|Probespiel|n}}
back (Verb: to go in the reverse direction)
* German: {{gloss|vehicle}} {{tt+|de|zurücksetzen}}
battery (Noun: device storing electricity)
* German: {{t+|de|Batterie|f}} {{gloss|cylindrical, disposable}}, {{t+|de|Akku|m}} {{gloss|rectangular, rechargeable}}
beating (Noun: a heavy defeat or setback)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[vernichtende]] [[Niederlage]]|f}} {{q|crushing defeat}}
beebrush (Noun: plant of the genus Aloysia)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de|noend=1}} ''but the names of {{m|en|lemon verbena}} may be generalized, and other species may bear the name of {{m|de|Verbene}} for any plant within the family''
beebrush (Noun: plant of the genus Aloysia)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de|noend=1}} ''but the names of {{m|en|lemon verbena}} may be generalized, and other species may bear the name of {{m|de|Verbene}} for any plant within the family''
big mouth (Noun: person who has such a "big mouth")
* German: {{t+|de|Großmaul|n}} {{gloss|making exaggerated claims}}, {{t|de|Plappermaul|n}} {{gloss|talking too much}}, {{t|de|Schnacker|m}} {{qualifier|regional}}
binge (Noun: short period of excessive consumption, especially of alcohol)
* German: {{t+|de|Gelage|n}}, {{t+|de|Trinkgelage|n}}, {{t+|de|Saufgelage|n}}, {{t+|de|Besäufnis|n}} {{gloss|alcohol}}
blind (Noun: covering for a window)
* German: {{tt+|de|Jalousie|f}} {{gloss|slats}}, {{tt+|de|Rouleau|n}}, {{tt+|de|Rollo}}, {{tt+|de|Rollladen|f}} {{gloss|outside}}
brush (Noun: implement)
* German: {{t+|de|Bürste|f}}; {{gloss|paint-}} {{t+|de|Pinsel|m}}
bug (Noun: a colloquial name for insect)
* German: {{t+|de|Wanze|f}}, {{t|de|Krabbeltier|n}}, {{t+|de|Ungeziefer|n}} {{gloss|pest}}
case insensitive (Adjective: treating upper- and lowercase letters as being the same)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[unterscheidet]]/[[beachtet]] ([[die]]) [[Großschreibung|Groß-]] [[und]] [[Kleinschreibung]] [[nicht]]}} {{q|verb; periphrase}}
case sensitive (Adjective: distinguishing upper- and lower-case letters)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[unterscheidet]]/[[beachtet]] ([[die]]) [[Großschreibung|Groß-]] [[und]] [[Kleinschreibung]]}} {{q|verb; periphrase}}
chained (Adjective: bound with chains)
* German: {{t+|de|angekettet}} {{gloss|chained to something}}, {{t+|de|gekettet}}, [[mit]] [[Ketten]] [[gefesselt]]
claim (Noun: demand of ownership for previously unowned land)
* German: {{t+|de|Anspruch|m}}, {{t+|de|Mutung|f}} {{gloss|mining}}
click (Verb: intransitive: click the left button of a mouse)
* German: {{t+|de|klicken}}, {{gloss|click on}} [[anklicken]]
clingy (Adjective: having a tendency to cling)
* German: {{t+|de|anhänglich}} {{gloss|person or aninmal}}, {{t+|de|anhaftend}} {{gloss|object}}
common (Adjective: mutual)
* German: {{t+|de|gemeinsam}}, {{t|de|Gemein-}}, {{t+|de|gemeinschaftlich}} {{gloss|property}}
common hill myna (Noun: Gracula religiosa)
* German: {{t|de|Bergbeo}} {{rfgender|de}}
count one's blessings (Verb: count one's blessings)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|lieber seinen Blick auf die guten Seiten richten}}, {{t|de|lieber auf das Gute im Leben schauen}}, {{t|de|lieber die rosigen Dinge in seinem Leben betrachten}}, {{t|de|zufrieden mit sich sein}}, {{t|de|sich glücklich schätzen}}
cross (Verb: contradict or frustrate the plans of)
* German: {{t+|de|kreuzen}} {{gloss|plan}}, {{t+|de|konterkarieren}}, {{t+|de|hintergehen}} {{gloss|person}}
cunted (Adjective: having a vulva of a specified kind)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[mit]] (...) [[Fotze]]}} {{q|vulgar}}
dead of night (Noun: middle of the night)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|mitten in der Nacht}}
decamp (Verb: break up camp and move on)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[das]] [[Lager]] [[abbrechen]]}} {{q|to deconstruct the camp}}, {{t+|de|aufbrechen}} {{q|to depart}}
detoxification (Noun: detoxification)
* German: {{t+|de|Entgiftung|f}}, {{t+|de|Entschlackung|f}} {{gloss|purification, purging}}
detoxify (Verb: remove harmful substances)
* German: {{t+|de|entgiften}}, {{gloss|to purge}} [[entschlacken]]
dick (Noun: detective)
* German: {{qualifier|colloquial, pejorative}} {{t+|de|Schnüffler|m}} {{gloss|sniffer}}
diversify (Verb: to make diverse)
* German: {{qualifier|economy}} {{t+|de|diversifizieren}}, {{t+|de|variieren}}, {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[vielfältig]] [[machen]]}}
doughnut (Noun: deep-fried piece of dough or batter)
* German: {{t+|de|Krapfen|f}} {{gloss|ellipsoidal}}, {{t+|de|Donut|m}}, {{t+|de|Berliner|m}}, {{t+|de|Pfannkuchen|m}}
elbow (Verb: to push with the elbow)
* German: {{t+|de|ellbögeln}} {{q|Switzerland}}, {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[mit]] [[dem]] [[Ellbogen]] [[stoßen]]}}
enshrine (Verb: to enclose (a sacred relic etc.) in a shrine or chest)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|in einem [[Schrein]] [[bewahren]]}}
everything but the kitchen sink (Noun: Almost everything, whether needed or not)
* German: {{t+|de|mit Sack und Pack}}, {{t+|de|mit Kind und Kegel}} {{gloss|both only similar}}, {{t|de|alles, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist}}
excite (Verb: to arouse or bring out (e.g. feelings); to stimulate)
* German: {{t+|de|erregen}}, [[anregen]] {{gloss|nerves}}
excuse me (Phrase: sorry, as apology)
* German: {{t+|de|Entschuldigung}}, {{t|de|entschuldigen Sie}} {{qualifier|more formal}}, {{t|de|es tut mir leid}} {{gloss|implies speaker is to blame}}
fan (Verb: to blow air on by means of an electric fan)
* German: {{tt+|de|ventilieren}}, {{tt+|de|belüften}}, {{tt+|de|anfachen}} {{gloss|fire, embers}}, {{tt|de|anwehen}}, {{tt|de|zufächern}}
fan (Verb: move or spread in multiple directions from one point)
* German: {{tt+|de|fächern}} {{gloss|fan}}, {{tt|de|auffächern}} {{gloss|fan out}}, {{tt+|de|verteilen}}
fear (Verb: to regret)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{tt|de|leider}}
fidelity (Noun: the degree to which an electronic system accurately reproduces a given sound or image)
* German: {{t-check|de|Wiedergabetreue|f}}, {{t-check|de|Klangtreue|f}} {{gloss|sound}}
field (Noun: geology: region containing a particular mineral)
* German: {{tt+|de|Lagerstätte|f}}, {{tt+|de|Feld|n}} {{gloss|particularly oil or gas}}, {{tt|de|Förderstätte|f}}, {{tt|de|Förderfeld|n}}, {{tt|de|Fördergrube|f}} {{gloss|if it is dug}}
firestarter (Noun: person who starts fires)
* German: {{t+|de|Anzünder|m}}, {{t+|de|Brandstifter|m}} {{gloss|arsonist}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t+|de|Zündler|m}} {{gloss|arsonist}}
firestarter (Noun: tool used to start a fire)
* German: {{t+|de|Anzünder|m}}, {{t|de|Grillanzünder|m}} {{gloss|barbecue firestarter}}
fix (Noun: a single dose of an addictive drug)
* German: {{t+|de|Schuss|m}} {{gloss|only when injected}}
fly (Verb: to cause to travel through the air)
* German: {{tt+|de|fahren}} {{gloss|zeppelin, balloon}}, {{tt+|de|fliegen}} {{gloss|airplane}}, {{tt|de|fliegen lassen}} {{gloss|toys etc.}}
fly on the wall (Noun: quiet, non-participating or unseen observer)
* German: {{t+|de|Mäuschen}} {{gloss|little mouse}}
follow-up (Noun: action)
* German: ''compounds beginning with {{m|de|Folge}}''; ''in legal administration {{m|de|Wiedervorlage}}''
fond (Adjective: affectionate)
* German: {{t+|de|lieb haben}}, {{t|de|[[gern]] [[haben]]}} {{gloss|be fond of}}
foot-in-mouth disease (Noun: tendency)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[von]] [[einem]] [[Fettnäpfchen]] [[ins]] [[Nächste]] [[treten]]}} {{q|verb}}
foxtail (Noun: foxtail grass)
* German: {{t+|de|Fuchsschwanz|m}} ({{taxfmt|Alopecurus|genus}}), {{t|de|Borstenhirse|f}} ({{taxfmt|Setaria|genus}})
frenulum (Noun: small fold of tissue)
* German: {{t|de|Frenulum|n}}, {{w|lang=de|Frenulum|some}} of them are also called {{t+|de|Bändchen|n}}, most of them have specific compounds
frustum (Noun: truncated cone or pyramid)
* German: {{qualifier|mathematics}} {{gloss|cone}} {{t+|de|Kegelstumpf|m}}, {{qualifier|mathematics}} {{t+|de|Stumpf|m}}, {{qualifier|computing, mathematics}} {{gloss|pyramid}} {{t+|de|Pyramidenstumpf|m}}
fuck you (Phrase: fuck you)
* German: {{t|de|verfick dich}} {{gloss|fuck off}}, {{t|de|verpiss dich}} {{gloss|piss off}}, {{t|de|fick dich}} {{q|sexual}}
gaseous (Adjective: of a liquid containing bubbles: gassy)
* German: {{t+|de|gashaltig}}, {{t+|de|kohlensäurehaltig}} {{gloss|of carbonated beverages}}
generalisation (Noun: )
* German: {{sense|linguistics}} {{t+check|de|Bedeutungserweiterung}}, {{t-check|de|Bedeutungsverallgemeinerung}}
generalization (Noun: )
* German: {{sense|linguistics}} {{t+check|de|Bedeutungserweiterung}}, {{t-check|de|Bedeutungsverallgemeinerung}}
go the way of the dodo (Verb: to go extinct or become obsolete; to fall out of common practice or use)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t+|de|aussterben}}
goodbye (Interjection: farewell)
* German: {{t+|de|auf Wiedersehen}}, {{t|de|auf Wiederschauen}} {{qualifier|Austria}}, {{t|de|auf Wiederhören}} {{qualifier|on telephone}}, {{t+|de|tschüss}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t+|de|tschau}} {{gloss|ciao}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t|de|Gott befohlen}} {{qualifier|dated}}, {{t+|de|adieu}} {{qualifier|dated}}, {{t|de|lebe wohl}} {{qualifier|goodbye for ever}}
greenhorn (Noun: inexperienced person)
* German: {{t+|de|Grünschnabel|m}} {{gloss|green beak}}, {{t|de|Gelbschnabel}} {{gloss|yellow beak}}
grenade (Verb: to use grenades)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[Granaten]] [[verwenden]]}}
has-been (Noun: person declining in popularity or effectiveness)
* German: {{t+|de|ehemalig}}, {{q|more negative, but less frequent}} {{t+|de|gewesen}} (in nominal use combine with some noun like {{m|de|Berühmtheit}}, {{m|de|Größe}}, {{m|de|Star}})
has-been (Noun: person declining in popularity or effectiveness)
* German: {{t+|de|ehemalig}}, {{q|more negative, but less frequent}} {{t+|de|gewesen}} (in nominal use combine with some noun like {{m|de|Berühmtheit}}, {{m|de|Größe}}, {{m|de|Star}})
has-been (Noun: person declining in popularity or effectiveness)
* German: {{t+|de|ehemalig}}, {{q|more negative, but less frequent}} {{t+|de|gewesen}} (in nominal use combine with some noun like {{m|de|Berühmtheit}}, {{m|de|Größe}}, {{m|de|Star}})
hit (Noun: murder for criminal or political purposes)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{tt+|de|Mord|m}} {{q|murder}}, {{tt+|de|Ermordung|f}} {{q|murder}}, {{tt+|de|Auftragsmord|m}} {{q|contract kill}}
horn (Noun: any of several musical wind instruments)
* German: {{tt|de|Waldhorn|n}} {{gloss|French horn}}, {{tt+|de|Horn|n}}
horn (Noun: instrument used to signal others)
* German: {{tt+|de|Jagdhorn|n}} {{gloss|hunting horn}}, {{tt+|de|Horn|n}}
hungry (Adjective: affected by hunger; desirous of food)
* German: {{t+|de|hungrig}}; {{sense|to be hungry}} {{t|de|[[Hunger]] [[haben]]}}
immiserate (Verb: impoverish)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[verarmen]] [[lassen]]}}
impair (Verb: have a diminishing effect on)
* German: {{qualifier|1}} {{t+|de|beeinträchtigen}}, {{t+|de|schädigen}} {{gloss|reputation}}, {{t+|de|beschädigen}}, {{t+|de|schwächen}}, {{t+|de|vermindern}}, {{t+|de|verschlechtern}}, {{t+|de|schmälern}}
in heat (Prepositional phrase: in estrus)
* German: {{t+|de|brünstig}} {{gloss|bucks}}, {{t+|de|läufig}} {{gloss|dogs}}, {{t+|de|rollig}} {{gloss|cats}}
in-kind (Adjective: consisting of goods or commodities)
* German: ''compose with {{m|de|Sache}}, e. g. {{m|de|Sacheinlage}}''
jar (Noun: small, approximately cylindrical container)
* German: {{t+|de|Glas|n}} {{gloss|glass jar only}}, {{t+|de|Gefäß|n}}
jaywalker (Noun: one who jaywalks)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[unachtsam]]er [[Fußgänger]]|m}}, {{t|de|[[unachtsam]]e [[Fußgängerin]]|f}}, {{t|de|[[die]] [[Verkehrsregel]]n [[missachtend|missachtender]] [[Fußgänger]]|m}}, {{t|de|[[die]] [[Verkehrsregel]]n [[missachtend]]e [[Fußgänger]]in|f}}
jilt (Verb: to jilt)
* German: {{t+|de|den Laufpass geben}} {{gloss|lover}}, {{t+|de|verlassen}}, {{t|de|fallen lassen}}, {{t|de|sitzen lassen}}, {{t|de|einen Korb geben}}, {{t+|de|verladen}}
justice delayed is justice denied (Proverb: if a wrong is not redressed within a reasonable time, it is as though the wrong were not redressed at all)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|verzögerte Gerechtigkeit ist vorenthaltene Gerechtigkeit}} {{qualifier|lit.}}
kebab (Noun: dish)
* German: {{t+|de|Kebab|m}}, {{t+|de|Kebap|m}}, {{t+|de|Fleischspieß|m}} {{gloss|skewered meat}}, {{t+|de|Döner|m}} {{gloss|doner kebab}}
lacking (Adjective: missing or not having enough of something)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t+|de|-los}} {{q|-less}}, {{t+|de|mangeln}} {{q|verb}}, {{t+|de|mangelhaft}} {{q|insufficient}}
lecture (Noun: a spoken lesson)
* German: {{t+|de|Vorlesung|f}} {{gloss|educational lecture at a university}}, {{t+|de|Vortrag|m}} {{gloss|talk}}
lip (Noun: fleshy protrusion framing the mouth)
* German: {{tt+|de|Lippe|f}} {{gloss|human's lip}}, {{tt+|de|Lefze|f}} {{gloss|animal's lip}}, {{tt+|de|Schnauze|f}}
lizard (Noun: reptile)
* German: {{t+|de|Eidechse|f}} {{gloss|small}}, {{t+|de|Echse|f}}
lockstep (Noun: step whereby the toe of one man is brought very close to the heel of the man in front)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t+|de|Gleichschritt|m}} {{q|not necessarily very close but in unison}}
lose (Verb: shed (weight))
* German: {{t+|de|verlieren}}, {{t+|de|abnehmen}} {{gloss|body weight}}
maiden (Noun: unmarried young female)
* German: {{t+|de|Jungfrau|f}} {{gloss|virgin}}, {{t+|de|Mädchen|n}}, {{t+|de|Maid|f}} {{qualifier|dated or poetic}}
merge (Verb: (transitive) to combine into a whole)
* German: {{t+|de|zusammenlegen}}, {{t+|de|zusammenfügen}}, {{t+|de|zusammenführen}}, {{t+|de|vereinen}}, {{t+|de|fusionieren}} {{gloss|companies, departments}}
microwave (Verb: cook in a microwave oven)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[in]] [[der]] [[Mikrowelle]] [[aufwärmen]]}}
midwinter (Noun: the middle of winter)
* German: {{ngd|only circumlocutions, e.g.}} {{t|de|[[tief]]ster [[Winter]]}}, {{t|de|[[Mitte]] [[des]] [[Winter]]s}}
mine (Noun: excavation from which ore is extracted)
* German: {{tt+|de|Grube|f}}, {{tt+|de|Mine|f}}, {{tt+|de|Bergwerk|n}}, {{tt+|de|Zeche|f}}, {{tt+|de|Tagebau|m}} {{gloss|opencast mine}}, {{tt+|de|Abbaustelle|f}}, {{tt|de|Schachtgrube|f}}, {{tt|de|Grub|f}}, {{tt+|de|Pütt|f}}, {{tt|de|Schachtanlage|f}}
more (Adverb: word to form a comparative)
* German: (''uses the suffix'' {{m|de|-er}})
moult (Verb: to shed hair, feathers, skin, horns etc., as an animal)
* German: {{t+|de|mausern}} {{gloss|feathers}}, {{t+|de|häuten}} {{gloss|skin}}
non-fungible token (Noun: cryptocurrency token)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|nicht ersetzbares digital geschütztes Objekt|n}}
onside (Adjective: (football) not in an offside position)
* German: {{t|de|[[nicht]] [[abseits]]}}, {{t|de|[[nicht]] [[im]] [[Abseits]]}} {{gloss|not offside}}
open-plan (Adjective: having large rooms)
* German: {{t|de|Großraum-}} (in compounds like {{m|de|Großraumbüro}})
pastry (Noun: food group)
* German: {{t+|de|Backwerk|n}} {{gloss|pastry and bread}}, {{t+|de|Gebäck|n}} {{gloss|pastry and bread}}, {{t+|de|Feingebäck|n}}
penalty shootout (Noun: a series of penalty kicks)
* German: {{t+|de|Elfmeterschießen|n}} {{gloss|soccer}}, {{t|de|Penaltyschiessen|n}} {{qualifier|Switzerland}}
pencil (Noun: graphite writing-instrument)
* German: {{gloss|non-colored}} {{t+|de|Bleistift|m}}, {{gloss|colored}} {{t+|de|Buntstift|m}}
pension (Verb: to force to retire)
* German: [[pensionieren]] {{gloss|public service}}, {{t|de|in den Ruhestand versetzen}}
pepper (Noun: fruit of the capsicum)
* German: {{gloss|spicy}} [[Chili#German|Chili]], {{gloss|mild}} [[Paprika#German|Paprika]], {{t+|de|Paprikaschote|f}}
perish (Verb: to decay and disappear; to waste away to nothing)
* German: {{t+|de|verderben}}, {{t|de|schlecht werden}} {{gloss|food}}
perish (Verb: to die, to pass away)
* German: {{t+|de|umkommen}}, {{t+|de|ums Leben kommen}}, {{t+|de|verenden}}{{gloss|animals}}, {{t+|de|verderben}} {{qualifier|archaic}}
perishable (Adjective: liable to perish)
* German: {{t+|de|verderblich}}, {{t|de|leichtverderblich}} {{gloss|especially food}}, {{t+|de|vergänglich}}, {{t+|de|kurzlebig}}, {{t|de|begrenzt haltbar}}
pie (Noun: type of pastry)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t+|de|Kuchen|m}} {{qualifier|sweet filling}}, {{t+|de|Torte|f}} {{qualifier|multilayered cream filling}}, {{t+|de|Pastete|f}} {{qualifier|savory filling}}
plan (Noun: )
* German: {{tt+check|de|Grundriss|m}}, {{tt+check|de|Plan|m}}, {{tt+check|de|Schema|n}}
posit (Verb: to suggest)
* German: {{t+|de|postulieren}}, [[aufstellen]] {{gloss|theory}}
positive (Adjective: optimistic)
* German: {{not used|de}}, ''but for expressions like'' stay positive ''{{m|de|locker}} and {{m|de|gelassen}} are options, used in the same contexts with different implication''
positive (Adjective: optimistic)
* German: {{not used|de}}, ''but for expressions like'' stay positive ''{{m|de|locker}} and {{m|de|gelassen}} are options, used in the same contexts with different implication''
potion (Noun: small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical)
* German: {{t+|de|Trank|m}}, {{t+|de|Zaubertrank|m}} {{gloss|magical}}, {{t|de|Wundertrank|m}} {{gloss|miraculous}}, {{t|de|Gifttrank|m}} {{gloss|poisonous}}, {{t+|de|Heiltrank|m}} {{gloss|medicinal}}, {{t+|de|Elixier|n}}
principal (Noun: legal: primary participant in a crime)
* German: {{t|de|Haupttäter|m}} or simply {{t+|de|Täter|m}} (which is according to the Criminal Code’s wording, where the hypernym to accomplices, abettors and principals is {{m|de|Beteiligter}})
proper (Adjective: grammar: designating a particular person, place or thing)
* German: {{t+|de|Eigenname|m}} {{gloss|proper noun}}
puppet (Verb: movable model of a person or animal)
* German: {{t+|de|Handpuppe|f}} {{gloss|in glove form}}, {{t+|de|Marionette|f}} {{gloss|moved with strings}}
racer (Noun: something used for racing)
* German: {{t+|de|Rennwagen|m}} {{gloss|car}}, {{t|de|Rennjacht|f}} {{gloss|yacht}}, {{t+|de|Rennrad}} {{gloss|bicycle}}
ramshackle (Adjective: in disrepair or disorder)
* German: {{t+|de|baufällig}} {{gloss|buildings}}, {{t+|de|klapprig}}, {{t+|de|marode}}
reed (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Zunge|f}}, {{t-check|de|Kontaktzunge|f}} {{gloss|metall reed, e.g. in reed switches}}
report (Verb: to relate details of)
* German: {{t+|de|berichten}}, {{t+|de|melden}}, {{t+|de|anzeigen}} {{gloss|to report someone for something [to the police]}}, {{t+|de|verzeigen}} {{qualifier|Switzerland, Liechtenstein}}
ring (Noun: )
* German: {{tt+check|de|Klang|m}}
room (Noun: division in a building)
* German: {{t+|de|Raum|m}}, {{t+|de|Zimmer|n}}, {{t+|de|Kammer}} {{gloss|especially a storeroom or bedroom}}, {{t+|de|Gemach|n}} {{qualifier|dated or high}}
roomy (Adjective: spacious)
* German: [[geräumig]] {{gloss|rooms}}, [[weit]] {{gloss|clothing}}
schoolchild (Noun: young person attending school or of an age to attend school)
* German: {{t+|de|Schulkind|n}}, {{gloss|boy, or unspecified sex}} {{t+|de|Schüler|m}}, {{gloss|girl}} {{t+|de|Schülerin|f}}
secluded (Adjective: in seclusion, isolated, remote)
* German: {{t+|de|abgeschieden}}, {{t+|de|abgesondert}}, {{t+|de|abgelegen}} {{gloss|location}}, {{t+|de|einsam}} {{gloss|e.g. house}}
selection (Noun: something selected)
* German: {{t+|de|Auslese|f}}, {{t+|de|Auswahl|f}}, {{qualifier|computing}} {{t+|de|Markierung|f}}, {{qualifier|sports}} {{t+|de|Nominierung|f}}, {{qualifier|sports}} {{t+|de|Sichtung|f}} {{gloss|talents}}
selection (Noun: variety of items taken from a larger collection)
* German: {{t+|de|Auslese|f}}, {{t+|de|Auswahl|f}}, {{qualifier|computing}} {{t+|de|Markierung|f}}, {{qualifier|sports}} {{t+|de|Nominierung|f}}, {{qualifier|sports}} {{t+|de|Sichtung|f}} {{gloss|talents}}
sickly (Adjective: lacking intensity or vigour)
* German: {{t+|de|schwächlich}}, {{gloss|smile}} {{t+|de|fahl}}, {{t+|de|schwach}}, {{t+|de|matt}}, {{t+|de|blass}}, {{t+|de|ungesund}}
sir (Noun: address to any male, especially if his name or proper address is unknown)
* German: {{t+|de|Herr|m}}, {{t|de|mein Herr|m}} {{gloss|"my lord"}}
six (Noun: )
* German: {{tt+check|de|Sechs|f}}
smell (Verb: to have a particular smell, whether good or bad; if descriptive, followed by "like" or "of")
* German: {{tt+|de|riechen}}, {{tt+|de|stinken}} {{gloss|unpleasant smell}}
snail (Noun: any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell)
* German: {{t+|de|Schnecke|f}} {{gloss|any animal of the class Gastropoda, also without shell}}, {{t|de|Gehäuseschnecke|f}}
snot (Noun: mucus)
* German: {{t+|de|Rotz|m}}, {{t|de|Rotze|f}}, {{t+|de|Schnodder|m}}, {{t+|de|Nasenschleim|m}} {{gloss|from nose only}}
sober (Adjective: dull)
* German: {{t+|de|gedeckt}} {{gloss|of colours}}
socket (Noun: mechanical opening)
* German: {{t+|de|Steckdose|f}}, {{t+|de|Buchse|f}}, {{t+|de|Fassung|f}} {{gloss|light bulb}}, {{t+|de|Sockel|m}} {{gloss|chip}}
sodomy (Noun: sex held to be unnatural)
* German: {{t+|de|Sodomie|f}} {{gloss|bestiality}}
stale (Adjective: no longer new or interesting)
* German: {{t+|de|veraltet}}, {{t+check|de|abgedroschen}} {{gloss|joke}}, {{t+|de|ausgelutscht}}
staminiferous (Adjective: having stamens)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|([[nur]]) [[Staubblätter]] [[tragend]]/[[habend]]/[[besitzend]]/...}}
standard language (Noun: standard variety)
* German: {{t+|de|Standardsprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Ausbausprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Schriftsprache|f}} {{gloss|especially written}}, {{t+|de|Einheitssprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Hochsprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Gemeinsprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Literatursprache|f}}
studying (Noun: the action of the verb to study)
* German: {{t+|de|Studium|n}}, {{t+|de|Forschung|f}} {{gloss|research}}
stuff (Verb: to fill by crowding into)
* German: {{t+|de|ausstopfen}}, {{t+|de|füllen}} {{gloss|food}}
subject (Noun: main topic)
* German: {{t+|de|Thema|n}}, {{t+|de|Gegenstand|m}}, {{t+|de|Sache|f}}, {{t+|de|Sujet|n}}, {{t+|de|Betreff|m}} {{gloss|email}}
supply (Verb: to provide, make available for use)
* German: {{t|de|zur Verfügung stellen}}, {{t+|de|bereitstellen}}, {{t+|de|liefern}}, {{t+|de|versorgen|alt=versorgen mit}} {{gloss|to supply someone with something}}
take off (Verb: to remove)
* German: {{t+|de|ausziehen}} {{gloss|clothing}}, {{t+|de|loslösen}}, {{t+|de|abziehen}}, {{t+|de|ablegen}}, {{t+|de|abnehmen}}
tale (Noun: type of story)
* German: {{t+|de|Märchen|n}} {{gloss|fairy tale}}, {{t+|de|Sage|f}}, {{t+|de|Geschichte|f}}, {{t+|de|Erzählung|f}}
taste of one's own medicine (Noun: harsh treatment)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|mit gleicher Münze}}, {{t|de|am eigenen Leib spüren}}, {{t|de|am eigenen Leib erfahren}}
timetable (Noun: a structured schedule of events)
* German: {{t+|de|Zeitplan|m}}, {{t+|de|Fahrplan|m}} {{gloss|for transport}}, {{t+|de|Stundenplan|m}} {{gloss|in schools, etc.}}
timing belt (Noun: a part of an internal combustion engine)
* German: {{t|de|Zahnriemen|m}} {{gloss|belt}}, {{t|de|Synchronriemen|m}} {{gloss|belt}}, {{t|de|Steuerriemen|m}} {{gloss|belt}}
tortious interference (Noun: business relationship damage which gives rise to torts)
* German: Under the regime of the {{w|Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch|BGB}}, ''damaging contractual relations between other parties is (without prejudice to specific regulations concerning particular matters) not tortious and does not give rise to claims if it is not''
underperform (Verb: underachieve; to fail to reach standards or expectations)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|[[hinter]] [[den]] [[Erwartungen]] [[zurückbleiben]]}} {{q|to lag behind expectations}}, {{t|de|[[die]] [[Erwartungen]] [[enttäuschen]]}} {{q|to belie expectations}}, {{t|de|[[unterdurchschnittlich]] [[abschneiden]]}} {{q|to perform below the average}}
virginity (Noun: state or characteristic of being a virgin)
* German: {{t+|de|Jungfräulichkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Virginität|f}} {{gloss|applies to either gender}}, {{t+|de|Unschuld|f}} {{gloss|applies to women}}
washer (Noun: something that washes)
* German: {{t+|de|Waschmaschine|f}} {{gloss|washing machine}}, {{t+|de|Spülmaschine|f}} {{gloss|dishwasher}}
wax (Verb: apply wax to)
* German: {{t+|de|wichsen}} {{gloss|shoes}}, {{t+|de|bohnern}} {{gloss|floor}} {{t+|de|wachsen}}
wear out (Verb: to deteriorate or become unusable or ineffective due to continued use, exposure, or strain)
* German: {{t+|de|ausleiern}} {{gloss|to get wider}}, {{t+|de|verschleißen}}, {{t|de|sich abnutzen}}
wet behind the ears (Adjective: inexperienced, not seasoned)
* German: {{t|de|grün hinter den Ohren}} {{gloss|green behind the ears}}, {{t+|de|noch grün hinter den Ohren sein}} {{gloss|still being green behind the ears}}, {{t|de|nicht trocken hinter den Ohren}} {{gloss|not dry behind the ears}}, {{t|de|noch nicht trocken hinter den Ohren}} {{gloss|not yet dry behind the ears}}, {{t|de|feucht hinter den Ohren}} {{gloss|wet behind the ears}}, {{t|de|noch feucht hinter den Ohren}} {{gloss|still wet behind the ears}}
wild-goose chase (Noun: fruitless, futile pursuit)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|sinnloses Unterfangen|n}}, {{t|de|fruchtloses Unterfangen|n}}
wildfire (Noun: rapidly spreading fire)
* German: {{t+|de|Lauffeuer|n}}, {{t+|de|Waldbrand|m}} {{gloss|forest fire}}
wrapping paper (Noun: paper used for wrapping parcels or presents)
* German: {{t+|de|Packpapier|n}} {{gloss|not decorative}}, {{t+|de|Geschenkpapier|n}} {{gloss|decorative}}
wrist-slap (Noun: overly mild punishment)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de}} {{t|de|zu milde Strafe}}

No translation template

245 items
-st (Suffix: first)
* German: ''-st-'' (e.g. {{m|de|1ste}} = {{m|de|erste}})
3rd (Adjective: abbreviation of third)
* German: {{t+|de|3.}}, {{t|de|3te}}, 3<sup>te</sup>
Abruka (Proper noun: Estonian island located in the Gulf of Riga)
* German: Abruka ([[Abro]])
Bagarius (Proper noun: genus)
* German: [[Teufelswels]]e
Baldrs draumar (Proper noun: eleventh book of the Poetic Edda)
* German: [[#German|Baldrs draumar]], {{t|de|Balders Träume}}
Chuvash (Proper noun: Chuvash language)
* German: [[tschuwaschisch]]e [[Sprache]], {{t+|de|Tschuwaschisch|n}}
Davy Jones's locker (Proper noun: the ocean as a grave for sailors)
* German: [[Grab]] in [[Meerestiefe]] {{g|n}}
Maltese cross (Noun: plant)
* German: [[Brennende]] [[Liebe]] {{g|f}}
Mexican wave (Noun: A phenomenon at sports events)
* German: {{t|de|La Ola|f}}, (colloquial) [[La-Ola-Welle]] {{g|f}}
Mike (Proper noun: diminutive of Michael)
* German: (Mike,) Maik, Meik
Muhu (Proper noun: island)
* German: Muhu, (old names: [[Moon]], [[Mohn]])
North Korean (Adjective: pertaining to North Korea)
* German: {{t+|de|nordkoreanisch}}, officially: [[der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea]]
PLL (Noun: phase-locked loop)
* German: [[Phasenregelkreis]], [[phasengekoppelter Regelkreis]].
Prangli (Proper noun: island)
* German: Prangli ([[Wrangelsholm]])
Rakvere (Proper noun: Town in Estonia)
* German: Rakvere, (old names: [[Wesenberg]], [[Wesenbergh]])
Saaremaa (Proper noun: island and county)
* German: [[#German|Saaremaa]], {{t+|de|Ösel}}
Seven Sages (Proper noun: seven Ancient Greeks)
* German: ([[die]]) [[sieben]] [[Weise]]n [[von]] [[Griechenland]] {{g|m-p}}
Triangulum (Proper noun: constellation)
* German: das [[Dreieck]] {{g|n}}
Vormsi (Proper noun: fourth largest island in Estonia)
* German: Vormsi, (old name: [[Worms]])
airmail (Verb: to send mail by air)
* German: [[per]] [[Luftpost]] [[schicken]]
all-purpose (Adjective: for all purposes)
* German: [[Allzweck]]- {{qualifier|in compound words}}
ambivalent (Adjective: experiencing or expressing opposing feelings)
* German: [[ambivalent#German|ambivalent]], {{t|de|doppelwertig}}, {{t+|de|zwiespältig}}
amplify (Verb: render larger etc.)
* German: [[verstärken]] {{gloss|more intense}}; [[vergrößern]] {{gloss|larger}}
annotate (Verb: to add annotation)
* German: mit Anmerkungen versehen, {{t+|de|kommentieren}}, {{t+|de|beschriften}}, {{t+|de|annotieren}}
aroused (Adjective: )
* German: (sexuell) [[erregt]], {{t+|de|geil}}
articulated (Adjective: Having one or more pivoted joints)
* German: [[Gelenk]]-
articulated (Adjective: Describing a vehicle with such joints)
* German: [[Gelenk]]-
attaboy (Interjection: Used to show encouragement or approval to a boy or a man)
* German: {{t|de|gut gemacht}}, {{t|de|guter Junge|m}}, Das ist mein Mann! (pronounced with stress on "Das")
attrition bias (Noun: type of selection bias)
* German: ''suggestion: *Teilnehmerverlustverzerrung''
barber (Verb: to cut the hair)
* German: {{t+|de|frisieren}}, [[Haare]] [[schneiden]]
beat it (Verb: to go away)
* German: [[sich]] [[packen]], {{t+|de|verschwinden}}, {{t+|de|weggehen}}
beebrush (Noun: plant of the genus Aloysia)
* German: {{no equivalent translation|de|noend=1}} ''but the names of {{m|en|lemon verbena}} may be generalized, and other species may bear the name of {{m|de|Verbene}} for any plant within the family''
beer mat (Noun: mat, often with an advertisement for a brewery on it, to rest one's glass)
* German: {{t+|de|Bierdeckel|m}}, {{t+|de|Bierfilz|m}}, [[Bierteller]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|Switzerland}}
belie (Verb: to contradict or show to be false)
* German: [[hinwegtäuschen]] [[über]]
belong (Verb: be the property of)
* German: [[gehören]] [[zu]], {{t+|de|gehören}}
bimonthly (Adverb: once every two months)
* German: alle zwei Monate
blatherer (Noun: one who blathers)
* German: dummer [[Schwätzer]], Dummschwätzer
blow off (Verb: pass gas)
* German: ([[Gas]]) [[ablassen]]
bottle (Verb: seal (a liquid) into a bottle for later consumption)
* German: [[in Flaschen]] [[abfüllen]]
boy (Interjection: surprise or pleasure)
* German: [[Junge, Junge]]!
bugloss (Noun: any of several plants in the borage family)
* German: {{q|none, use more specific designations for particular genera}}
buoy up (Verb: uplift)
* German: [[flott]] [[halten]]; [[Auftrieb]] [[geben]]; [[aufrechterhalten]]; [[beleben]]
burn the midnight oil (Verb: work through the night)
* German: [[bis]] [[spät]] [[in]] [[die]] [[Nacht]] [[arbeiten]], [[die#German|die]] [[Nacht#German|Nacht]] [[zum#German|zum]] [[Tage#German|Tage]] [[machen#German|machen]]
calculate (Verb: (intransitive) plan)
* German: {{t+|de|kalkulieren}}, sich etwas [[ausrechnen]]
canoeist (Noun: person who travels by canoe)
* German: [[Kanufahrer]] {{g|m}}; [[Kanute]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|sports}}
click (Verb: intransitive: click the left button of a mouse)
* German: {{t+|de|klicken}}, {{gloss|click on}} [[anklicken]]
clod (Noun: lump of something, especially of earth or clay)
* German: {{t+|de|Klumpen|m}}, [[Erdklumpen]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|earth}}
cognate (Adjective: descended from the same attested source lexeme of an ancestor language)
* German: {{t+|de|verwandt}}, etymologisch verwandt, {{t|de|stammverwandt}}, {{t+|de|urverwandt}}, {{t+|de|wurzelverwandt}}
commemorate (Verb: to serve as memorial to someone or something)
* German: [[erinnern]] an
compromise (Verb: to bind by mutual agreement)
* German: [[einen]] [[Kompromiss]] [[schließen]], {{t|de|sich einigen}}, {{t|de|eine Abmachung machen}}
compromise (Verb: to adjust and settle by mutual concessions)
* German: [[einen]] [[Kompromiss]] [[finden]], {{t+|de|vermitteln}}
con artist (Noun: scam operator, conman)
* German: {{t+|de|Abzocker|m}}, {t+|de|Scharlatan|m}}, {{t+|de|Hochstapler|m}},{{t|de|Trickbetrüger|m}}, {{t|de|Trickbetrügerin|f}}, {{t+|de|Hochstapler|m}}, {{t+|de|Hochstaplerin|f}}, {{t+|de|Schwindler|m}}, {{t+|de|Schwindlerin|f}}
conclusion (Noun: of a syllogism)
* German: [[logische]] [[Schlussfolgerung]] {{g|f}}, {{t|de|Vernunftschluss|m}}, {{t+|de|Folgerung|f}}
congregation (Noun: corporate body)
* German: [[versammelt]]e [[Gemeinde]] {{g|f}}, {{t+|de|Gemeinde|f}}, {{t+|de|Gemeinschaft|f}}
constructio ad sensum (Noun: )
* German: Konstruktion nach dem Sinn, Constructio ad sensum, Konstruktion kata synesin, {{t+|de|Synesis|f}}
contingent (Adjective: dependent on something unknown, that may or may not occur)
* German: [[abhängig]] ([[von]])
criticize (Verb: to find fault)
* German: {{t+|de|kritisieren}}, [[Kritik]] [[üben]]
cross-examine (Verb: to subject a person to a cross examination)
* German: [[ins#German|ins]] [[Kreuzverhör]] [[nehmen]]
dead heat (Noun: close race)
* German: [[unentschieden]]es [[Rennen]]
deadbeat (Adjective: exhausted, dead tired)
* German: fix und fertig, völlig erschöpft
default (Noun: selection made in the absence of an alternative)
* German: einzige Wahl
deftly (Adverb: in a deft manner)
* German: [[sicher]] und [[geschickt]], {{t+|de|gewandt}}, {{t+|de|flink}}
deify (Verb: to make into a god)
* German: [[als]] [[Gott]] [[verehren]], {{t+|de|vergöttern}}
denture (Noun: complete replacement of all teeth in a mouth)
* German: {{t+|de|Zahnersatz|m}}, {{t|de|die dritten Zähne}}, [[künstliche]] [[Gebiss]] {{g|n}}
depose (Verb: to remove (a leader) from office)
* German: [[absetzen]]; {{t+|de|entthronen}} (monarch only)
derail (Verb: to cause to deviate from a set course or direction)
* German: [[zum]] [[Entgleisen]] [[bringen]]
detoxify (Verb: remove harmful substances)
* German: {{t+|de|entgiften}}, {{gloss|to purge}} [[entschlacken]]
devoid (Adjective: empty, completely without)
* German: [[frei]] (von) ''adj.'': [[leer]]
dissatisfied (Adjective: not satisfied (with the quality of something))
* German: [[nicht]] [[zufrieden]]
disyllable (Noun: a word comprising two syllables)
* German: zweisilbiges Wort, {{t+|de|Zweisilber}}, {{t|de|Zweisilbler}}, {{t|de|Disyllabum}}, {{t|de|Dissyllabum}}
double bridle (Noun: bridle)
* German: Kandarenzaum, Stangenzaum
epyllion (Noun: little epic poem)
* German: [[Epyllion#German|Epyllion]]
excavation (Noun: act of excavating, or of making hollow)
* German: {{t+|de|Grabung|f}}, [[Ausgrabung]] {{g|f}} {{qualifier|archaeology}}
excite (Verb: to arouse or bring out (e.g. feelings); to stimulate)
* German: {{t+|de|erregen}}, [[anregen]] {{gloss|nerves}}
fancy (Verb: To imagine)
* German: [[sich]] [[vorstellen]]
fanslation (Noun: unofficial translation of a media product)
* German: nicht offizielle Übersetzung, {{gloss|emulation}} Nacheifererübersetzung
firstborn (Noun: the first child in a family)
* German: {{t+|de|Erstgeborene|f}}, {{g|m}}
fish out of water (Noun: a person in unfamiliar, and often uncomfortable, surroundings)
* German: {{t|de|wie ein Fisch auf dem Trockenen|lit=like a fish on dry ground}}, ''but less common, more usually'' {{t|de|[[sich]] [[fremd]] [[fühlen]]|lit=to feel foreign, strange}}, {{t|de|[[sich]] [[nicht]] [[zu Hause]] [[fühlen]]|lit=not to feel at home}}
flaunt (Verb: to parade, display with ostentation)
* German: ([[etwas]]) [[zur Schau stellen]], {{t+|de|herumstolzieren}}, {{t+|de|stolzieren}}, {{t+|de|paradieren}}, {{t|de|(etwas) zur Schau tragen}}, {{t|de|offen zeigen}}
flaunt (Verb: to show off)
* German: [[mit]] ([[etwas]]) [[prunken]], {{t+|de|protzen}}, {{t+|de|prangen}}
flick off (Verb: to insult someone)
* German: [[den]] [[Stinkefinger]] [[zeigen]]
flip off (Verb: to make a rude or obscene gesture)
* German: [[den]] [[Stinkefinger]] [[zeigen]]
flourish (Verb: to be in a period of greatest influence)
* German: {{t+|de|aufblühen}}, [[eine]] [[Blütezeit]] [[haben]], {{t|de|einen Höhepunkt erreichen}}, {{t+|de|kulminieren}}, {{t|de|großen Erfolg haben}}
follow-up (Noun: action)
* German: ''compounds beginning with {{m|de|Folge}}''; ''in legal administration {{m|de|Wiedervorlage}}''
forgo (Verb: to do without)
* German: [[verzichten]] ([[auf]]), {{t+|de|entsagen}}
fortnightly (Adverb: once in a fortnight)
* German: alle [[vierzehn]] [[Tage]], alle [[zwei]] [[Wochen]]
frenetic (Adjective: fast, frantic, harried, or frenzied)
* German: {{t+|de|frenetisch}}, [[phrenetisch]] {{qualifier|obsolete}}
frore (Adjective: extremely cold; frozen)
* German: {{t+|de|bitterkalt}}, {{t+|de|eiskalt}}, [[klirrend]] [[kalt]]
full-time (Adjective: Involving a full amount of time spent on some activity)
* German: [[Vollzeit]]- {{qualifier|in compound words}}
gauge (Verb: to chip to standard shape)
* German: zurichten
gaydar (Noun: supposed ability to detect whether or not a person is gay)
* German: {{t+|de|Gaydar|m}}, {{g|n}}
general-purpose (Adjective: all-purpose)
* German: [[Allzweck]]- {{qualifier|in compound words}}
gesture (Verb: to express something by a gesture)
* German: ([[jemandem]] [[etwas]]) [[bedeuten]]
get (Verb: to become)
* German: {{t+|de|werden}}, ''in some cases:'' [[gehen]] (sometimes translated by a reflexive verb: get drunk = ''sich [[betrinken]]'')
give the finger (Verb: make an obscene gesture)
* German: [[den]] [[Stinkefinger]] [[zeigen]]
gross (Adjective: including all associated amounts)
* German: {{t+|de|brutto}}, [[brutto|Brutto]]-
gross (Adjective: causing disgust)
* German: {{t+|de|ekelhaft}}, [[Ekel]] [[erregen]]d
gush (Verb: to flow forth suddenly)
* German: [[sich]] [[ergießen]], {{t+|de|strömen}}, {{t|de|herausquellen}}
hackney (Noun: ordinary horse)
* German: Gaul, Klepper
hackney (Noun: horse used to ride or drive)
* German: to haul a wagon: Karrengaul
his (Determiner: attributive: belonging to him)
* German: {{t+|de|sein|m}}, {{g|n}}, {{t+|de|seine|f}}, {{t+|de|seine|p}}
histrionics (Noun: exaggerated, overemotional behaviour)
* German: [[theatralisch]]es [[Getue]] {{g|n}}
hung parliament (Noun: parliament in which no single political party has an outright majority)
* German: ''no native term exists; the English term may be used in political science''
in the doghouse (Prepositional phrase: Experiencing someone's anger or disapproval)
* German: in [[Ungnade]]
in-kind (Adjective: consisting of goods or commodities)
* German: ''compose with {{m|de|Sache}}, e. g. {{m|de|Sacheinlage}}''
inch (Verb: to move very slowly)
* German: [[sich]] [[zentimeterweise]] [[fortbewegen]]
indicate (Verb: to show or manifest by symptoms)
* German: {{t+|de|anzeigen}}, {{t+|de|andeuten}}, auf etwas [[deuten]]
indicate (Verb: to signal in a vehicle the desire to turn right or left)
* German: den [[Blinker]] setzen, {{t+|de|blinken}}
inflame (Verb: to put in a state of inflammation)
* German: sich [[entzünden]]
inpatient (Noun: patient whose treatment needs at least one night's residence in a hospital)
* German: [[stationär|stationärer]] [[Patient]] {{g|m}}
insecure (Adjective: not secure)
* German: [[nicht]] [[sicher]]
intersect (Verb: to cross each other; to cut each other)
* German: sich [[schneiden]]
intersect (Verb: in mathematics)
* German: sich [[schneiden]]
is it going to rain (Phrase: is it going to rain)
* German: [[wird es regnen]]?
joke (Verb: do for amusement)
* German: {{t+|de|scherzen}}, [[Witz]]e machen, [[Spaß]] machen, {{t+|de|witzeln}}
judge (Verb: to sit in judgment on, pass sentence on)
* German: {{t+|de|richten}}, [[ein]] [[Urteil]] [[fällen]] [[über]]
judge (Verb: to sit in judgment on, act as judge)
* German: {{t+|de|urteilen}}, [[eine]] [[Verhandlung]] [[führen]]
judge (Verb: to have as an opinion, consider, suppose)
* German: {{t+|de|finden}}, [[einschätzen]] [[als]] , {{t|de|[[für]] [[etwas]] [[halten]]}}
judicial relief (Noun: )
* German: [[Rechtsmittel]]
judicial remedy (Noun: )
* German: [[Rechtsmittel]]
ladyship (Noun: Term of respect)
* German: [[die#German|Die]] [[Herrin]] {{g|f}}
legal remedy (Noun: )
* German: [[Rechtsmittel]]
maize (Noun: corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays)
* German: {{t+|de|Mais|m}}, {{qualifier|Germany (East Central German), Austria}} {{t+|de|Kukuruz|m}}, {{qualifier|southeastern and western Austria, Liechtenstein}} {{t+|de|Türken|m}}, {{qualifier|regional}} {{t|de|Türkenkorn|n}}, {{t|de|Türkisch Korn|n}}, {{t|de|Türkischer Weizen|m}}, {{t+|de|Welschkorn|n}}, {{qualifier|Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina)}} {{t+|de|Milje|m}}, {{g|n}}, {{t|de|Welschkann}} {{qualifier|Pennsylvania}}
mammy (Noun: child's name for mother)
* German: Mami, Mama.
mangle (Verb: to change, mutilate or disfigure)
* German: {{t+|de|verstümmeln}}, {{t+|de|zerfleischen}}, {{qualifier|figuratively}} [[durch die Mangel drehen]], {{t+|de|kalandrieren}}, {{t+|de|zurichten}}
materialize (Verb: to take physical form or to appear seemingly from nowhere)
* German: sich [[materialisieren]]
maul (Verb: handle in a rough way)
* German: [[rücksichtslos]] [[anfassen]], {{t+|de|misshandeln}}
maul (Verb: savage)
* German: {{t+|de|zerfleischen}}, [[übel]] [[zurichten]]
may (Verb: subjunctive)
* German: {{t+|de|mögen}}, {{t+|de|sollen}}, ''Konkinktiv I (verb)''
mercy (Noun: instance of forebearance or forgiveness)
* German: Akt der Gnade, {{t|de|Gnadenakt|m}}, {{t|de|Gnadenerweis|m}}
mill (Noun: building housing a manufacturing plant)
* German: {{tt+|de|Fabrik|f}} {{qualifier|general}}, {{tt+|de|Werk|n}} {{qualifier|general}}, [[Papiermühle]] {{g|f}} {{qualifier|for paper}}
misstep (Verb: to step badly or incorrectly)
* German: [[einen]] [[Fehltritt]] [[machen]]
misstep (Verb: to make an error or mistake)
* German: [[einen]] [[Fehltritt]] [[machen]]
moot (Noun: to bring up as a subject for debate, to propose)
* German: [[zur]] [[Debatte]] [[stellen]], {{t|de|zur Diskussion stellen}}, {{t+|de|infrage stellen}}, {{t|de|in Frage stellen}}
more (Adverb: word to form a comparative)
* German: (''uses the suffix'' {{m|de|-er}})
multimedia (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+|de|multimedial}}, [[Multimedia]]- {{qualifier|in compound words}}
nail one's colours to the mast (Verb: to clearly show one's support)
* German: {{t+|de|Farbe bekennen}}, [[hartnäckig]] [[aushalten]], nicht [[kapitulieren]]
neighbour (Verb: to be adjacent to)
* German: [[benachbart]] sein
neoterize (Verb: to modernise)
* German: neue [[Wortschöpfungen]] [[einführen]]
neutral (Noun: nonaligned state)
* German: [[#German|neutral]]er [[Staat]] {{g|m}}
next (Noun: the one that follows after this one (in languages with a definite article that is generally required in this sense))
* German: der/die [[Nächste]]
next of kin (Noun: closest blood relative, often heir to inheritance)
* German: {{t+|de|Angehöriger|m}}, usually plural: Angehörige (m+f)
nitrogenous (Adjective: of nitrogen)
* German: [[Stickstoff]]-
non-player character (Noun: character in a role-playing game or computer game)
* German: [[Nicht-Spieler-Charakter]] ([[NSC]] or [[NPC#German|NPC]])
of (Preposition: possessive genitive: belonging to)
* German: ''genitive case'', {{t+|de|von}}
oh my Goddess (Interjection: interjection said in excitement)
* German: [[meine]] [[Göttin]]!
oil (Verb: to grease with oil for cooking)
* German: [[mit]] [[Öl]] [[bestreichen]]
osmotic pressure (Noun: hydrostatic pressure)
* German: [[osmotisch]]er [[Druck]], {{g|m}}
out of the box (Prepositional phrase: )
* German: [1] jenseits alter Denkmuster
outlawed (Adjective: )
* German: [1] [[rechtlos]], [2] [[vogelfrei]], {{t+|de|geächtet}}
outpatient (Noun: patient)
* German: [[ambulant#German|ambulanter]] [[Patient]] {{g|m}}
pale (Verb: to become pale)
* German: [[blass]] [[werden]], [[erblassen]]
papal infallibility (Noun: Catholic concept of an infallible Pope)
* German: ([[päpstliche]]) [[Unfehlbarkeit]] {{g|f}}
pardon (Interjection: interjection, request to repeat)
* German: [[pardon]]?, [[was]]? {{qualifier|colloquial}}, [[wie]]? {{qualifier|colloquial}}, [[wie bitte]]?
peasant (Noun: member of the agriculture low class)
* German: Landleute (plural), Landvolk (plural), Landmann. ({{t+|de|arm|alt=armer}}) {{t+|de|Bauer|m}}, ({{t+|de|arm|alt=arme}}) {{t+|de|Bäuerin|f}}, ({{t+|de|arm|alt=arme}}) {{t|de|Bauernschaft|f}} {{qualifier|collective}}, {{t+|de|Bauerntum|n}} {{qualifier|class}}, {{t+|de|Kleinbauer|m}}, {{t+|de|Kleinbäuerin|f}}
pension (Verb: to force to retire)
* German: [[pensionieren]] {{gloss|public service}}, {{t|de|in den Ruhestand versetzen}}
pepper (Noun: fruit of the capsicum)
* German: {{gloss|spicy}} [[Chili#German|Chili]], {{gloss|mild}} [[Paprika#German|Paprika]], {{t+|de|Paprikaschote|f}}
perform (Verb: to do (something))
* German: [[durchführen]] {{qual|experiment}}, [[ausführen]] {{qual|task}}, {{t+|de|verrichten}}, {{t+|de|vollführen}} {{qualifier|body movement}}, {{t+|de|vollbringen}} {{qualifier|miracle}}
plan (Noun: )
* German: {{tt+check|de|Grundriss|m}}, {{tt+check|de|Plan|m}}, {{tt+check|de|Schema|n}}
playwright (Noun: writer of plays for the theatre)
* German: {{t+|de|Bühnenautor|m}}, {{t+|de|Bühnenautorin|f}}, {{t+|de|Dramatiker|m}}, {{t+|de|Dramatikerin|f}}, [[Schauspieldichter]], [[Stückeschreiber]],
pleasure (Noun: one's preference)
* German: [[Vergnügen]] [[bereiten]] (being pleased)
plural (Adjective: more than one)
* German: Plural-, {{t+|de|pluralisch}}, {{t+|de|plural}}, {{t+|de|mehrfach}}, {{t|de|Mehrzahl-}}
point of no return (Noun: the point when it is no longer possible to stop the process)
* German: ''no direct translation (see [[Zurück]])''
posit (Verb: to suggest)
* German: {{t+|de|postulieren}}, [[aufstellen]] {{gloss|theory}}
positive (Adjective: optimistic)
* German: {{not used|de}}, ''but for expressions like'' stay positive ''{{m|de|locker}} and {{m|de|gelassen}} are options, used in the same contexts with different implication''
power (Noun: maths: product of equal factors)
* German: {{t+|de|Potenz|f}}, {{qualifier|x hoch n}}
prejudiced (Adjective: having prejudices)
* German: [[befangen]] {{qualifier|law}}, {{t+|de|voreingenommen}}, {{t+|de|vorurteilsbehaftet}}
preoccupied (Adjective: concerned with something else, distracted)
* German: {{t+|de|gedankenverloren}}, [[in]] [[Gedanken]] [[woanders]], [[tief]] [[beschäftigt]]
prevail (Verb: To be superior in strength, dominance, influence or frequency; to have or gain the advantage over others; to have the upper hand)
* German: die [[Vorherrschaft]] [[erringen]] (''over'' über), sich [[durchsetzen]] (''against'' gegen)
proofread (Verb: to check for errors in spelling and grammar)
* German: [[Korrektur]] [[lesen]]
prosecute (Verb: To start civil or criminal proceedings against)
* German: [[strafrechtlich]] [[verfolgen]] {{qualifier|law}}, {{t+|de|gerichtlich}} [[belangen]] {{qualifier|law}}, {{t+|de|belangen}}
prude (Noun: A person who is or tries to be excessively proper)
* German: [[prüde]] [[Person]] {{g|f}}, {{t|de|Prüder|m}}, {{t|de|Prüde|f}}
puffery (Noun: fulsome public praise)
* German: {{t|de|Schmeichlerei|f}}, {{t+|de|Anpreisung|f}}, {{t|de|Marktschreierei|f}}, [[marktschreierisch]]es [[Gehabe]] {{g|n}}, {{t|de|marktschreierisches Anpreisen|n}}, {{t+|de|Lobhudelei|f}}, {{t|de|überschwängliches Lob|n}}, {{t+|de|Lobeshymne|f}}
pull a fast one (Verb: to deceive or trick)
* German: {{qualifier|colloquial}} [[jemanden]] [[reinlegen]], {{t+|de|jemanden über den Löffel barbieren}}, {{t|de|jemanden übers Ohr hauen}}
pupate (Verb: to become a pupa)
* German: sich [[verpuppen]]
quibble (Verb: to complain or argue in a trivial or petty manner)
* German: {{t+|de|herumstreiten}}, [[kleinlich]] [[sein]]
rapport (Noun: relationship of mutual trust and respect)
* German: [[gut|gutes]] [[Verhältnis]] {{g|n}}, {{t|de|enges Verhältnis|n}}, {{t|de|harmonisches Verhältnis|n}}
rax (Verb: to stretch after sleep)
* German: sich recken
rebel (Verb: to resist or become defiant towards)
* German: {{t+|de|rebellieren}}, sich [[auflehnen]], {{t+|de|aufbegehren}}
relay race (Noun: sports contest)
* German: [[Staffelwettbewerb]] {{g|m}} {{q|general}}, [[Staffellauf]] {{g|m}} {{q|running}}, [[Staffelschwimmen]] {{g|n}} {{q|swimming}}
rendezvous (Verb: meet at an agreed time and place)
* German: sich [[treffen]]
resole (Verb: to replace or reattach the sole of an article of footwear)
* German: [[neu#German|neu]] [[besohlen]]
rim (Noun: edge around something)
* German: {{t+|de|Rand|m}}, {{t+|de|Kante|f}}, [[Felge]] {{qualifier|of a wheel}}
ring (Noun: )
* German: {{tt+check|de|Klang|m}}
risible (Adjective: pertaining to laughter)
* German: [[Lach-]] ''(in composite words)''
roomy (Adjective: spacious)
* German: [[geräumig]] {{gloss|rooms}}, [[weit]] {{gloss|clothing}}
sally (Verb: to make a sudden attack)
* German: einen Ausfall machen, {{t|de|herausstürmen}}, {{t|de|hinausstürmen}}, {{t+|de|hervorbrechen}}, {{t+|de|anstürmen}}, {{t+|de|attackieren}}, {{t+|de|stürmen}}, {{t+|de|aufspringen}}
saunter (Verb: stroll or walk at a leisurely pace)
* German: müßig umher[[schlendern]], [[bummeln]] (to saunter about)
score (Verb: to earn points in a game)
* German: {{t+|de|treffen}}, {{t+|de|erzielen}}, (einen [[Treffer]]) [[landen]], (ein [[Tor]]) [[schießen]], (einen [[Punkt]]) [[machen]]
scorer (Noun: one who scores)
* German: [[Torschütze]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|goal scorer}}
screw cap (Noun: cap of a bottle or jar which screws onto the threaded lip of the container)
* German: [[Schraubverschluss]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|bottle}}; [[Schraubdeckel]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|jar}}
shine (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Glanz|m}}, {{t+check|de|Schein}}, {{g|m}}
shingle (Verb: to cover with shingles (building material))
* German: [[mit]] [[Schindel|Schindeln]] [[decken]]
shoplift (Verb: intransitive: to steal)
* German: [[Ladendiebstahl]] [[begehen]]
six (Noun: )
* German: {{tt+check|de|Sechs|f}}
skid (Verb: to slide in an uncontrolled manner)
* German: (weg-)[[rutschen]], [[schleudern]] (in case of a car)
skydive (Verb: be in freefall)
* German: [[Fallschirm]] [[springen]]
slack (Verb: to refuse to exert effort)
* German: (anstrengende) [[Arbeit scheuen]]
slant (Verb: to bias or skew)
* German: [[einseitig]] [[ausrichten]]
snub (Verb: to slight, ignore, behave coldly toward)
* German: {{t+|de|brüskieren}}, [[jemanden]] [[vor den Kopf stoßen]]
snub (Verb: to turn down, dismiss)
* German: {{t+|de|ablehnen}}, {{t+|de|abtun}}, [[ausschlagen]] {{qualifier|offer}}
solely (Adverb: exclusively)
* German: {{t+|de|nur}}, [[einzig]] [[und]] [[allein]], {{t+|de|ausschließlich}}, {{t+|de|exklusiv}}, {{t+|de|allein}}, {{t+|de|alleinig}}
solicitor (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Solicitor|m}}, {{t+check|de|Rechtsanwalt|m}}, der nicht vor höheren Gerichten auftritt
soy (Noun: soy beans)
* German: {{t+|de|Soja|n}}, [[Sojabohne]]n {{g|f-p}}
speculate (Verb: (obsolete in English) to meditate)
* German: {{t+|de|spekulieren}}, [[Vermutung]]en [[anstellen]]
spill (Verb: intransitive: to spread out or fall out)
* German: sich [[ergießen]] {{qualifier|liquid}}
spur (Verb: to prod)
* German: die [[Spore]]n geben
spur (Verb: to put spurs on)
* German: [[mit]] [[Spore]]n [[versehen]]
square (Adjective: used in the names of units)
* German: [[Quadrat]]- {{qualifier|used as a prefix to form compound words}}
squeal (Verb: to rat on someone)
* German: [[singen]] {{qualifier|criminal, slang}}, [[petzen]] {{qualifier|colloquial}}
stand in for (Verb: replace)
* German: sich [[ersetzen]]
strengthen (Verb: to grow strong or stronger)
* German: [[stark#German|stärker]] [[werden]]
styptic pencil (Noun: short medicated stick used to stop bleeding)
* German: {{t|de|Alaunstift|m}}, {{t|de|Blutstillstift|m}}, [[blutstillend]]er [[Stift]] {{g|m}}, [[blutstillend]]er [[Rasierstift]] {{g|m}}, {{t|de|Rasierstift|m}}
succeed (Verb: To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended; to have a prosperous issue or termination; to be successful)
* German: [[erfolgreich]] [[sein]], [[Erfolg]] [[haben]], {{t+|de|gelingen}}, {{t+|de|geraten}}
sully (Verb: to soil or stain)
* German: {{t+|de|besudeln}}, [[schmutzig]] [[machen]]
surcharge (Verb: to apply a surcharge)
* German: [[mit]] [[ein]]em [[Aufpreis]] [[versehen]]
sweepings (Noun: material that is swept up)
* German: das [[Zusammengefegte]], der [[Kehricht]]
take a bow (Verb: to accept applause at the end of a performance)
* German: sich verbeugen; Applaus am ende einer Vorstellung {{t+|de|akzeptieren}}
take effect (Verb: to become active; to become effective)
* German: {{t+|de|wirken}}, [[wirksam]] [[werden]]
take it out on (Verb: unleash one's anger)
* German: seinen Ärger auslassen an (jemandem oder etwas);
take to heart (Verb: to take something seriously)
* German: sich [[zu Herzen nehmen]]
tan (Verb: to become tan due to exposure to sun)
* German: [[bräunen]]; in der Sonne [[baden]]
tap (Verb: to furnish (a container, etc.) with a tap so that liquid can be drawn)
* German: {{t+|de|anzapfen}}, [[mit]] einem [[Abfluss]] [[versehen]]
tax-deductible (Adjective: exempt from payment of income tax)
* German: [[steuerlich]] [[absetzbar]]
tayberry (Noun: cross between the blackberry and raspberry)
* German: {{t|de|Taybeere|f}}, (colloq.) [[Brimbeere]] {{g|f}}
to (Preposition: used to indicate the indirect object)
* German: {{qualifier|uses [[dative case]]}}
to (Preposition: )
* German: (devote) ''uses the dative case''; (drink) {{tt+|de|auf}}
tonight (Noun: nighttime today)
* German: [[heute]] [[Abend]] {{g|m}}, [[heute]] [[Nacht]] {{g|f}}
tortious interference (Noun: business relationship damage which gives rise to torts)
* German: Under the regime of the {{w|Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch|BGB}}, ''damaging contractual relations between other parties is (without prejudice to specific regulations concerning particular matters) not tortious and does not give rise to claims if it is not''
undress (Verb: (intransitive) remove one's clothing)
* German: sich [[ausziehen]]
vaginal flatulence (Noun: emission or expulsion of air from the vagina)
* German: {{t|de|Scheidenwind|m}}, {{qualifier|vulgar}} [[Muschipups]], {{t|de|Mösenfurz}}, {{t|de|Scheidenfurz}}, {{t|de|Futschas}}
water down (Verb: to dilute)
* German: [[mit]] [[Wasser]] [[verdünnen]]
wee small hours (Noun: very early morning)
* German: [[früh]]er [[Morgen]] {{g|m}}, {{t+|de|Morgengrauen|n}}
whiten (Verb: to become white or whiter; to bleach or blanch)
* German: [[weiß]] [[werden]]
widen (Verb: to become wider)
* German: sich [[weiten]]
widow-maker (Noun: something which or someone who takes the lives of men)
* German: [[Witwen]][[Macher|macher]]
will (Verb: indicating future action)
* German: {{t+|de|werden}}, ''present tense form is often used''
witness (Verb: (transitive) to see or gain knowledge of through experience)
* German: [[Zeuge]] [[sein]]
would (Verb: indicating an action or state that is conditional on another)
* German: ''Use the subjunctive mood or "würde + infinitive''
would (Verb: indicating a possible (but not definite) future action or state)
* German: ''Use the subjunctive mood''
would (Verb: indicating an action in the past that was planned or intended)
* German: ''Use either the Subjunctive I or II form of the verb, or würde + infinitive''
would (Verb: indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly)
* German: ''Use the preterite tense and ''immer'' for emphasis on the repetitive nature''
would (Verb: used to express a polite request)
* German: ''Use the conditional paraphrase employing ''würden
yaw (Verb: )
* German: 1. [[schwanken]]
zero (Verb: to set to zero)
* German: {{tt+|de|nullen}}, auf Null [[stellen]]

List items separated by both comma and semicolon

308 items
-ly (Suffix: used to form adverbs from adjectives)
* German: {{qualifier|normal adverbs are the same in form as the respective adjectives}}; {{t|de|-erweise}} {{qualifier|forms adverbs that modify phrases or sentences}}, {{t+|de|-lich}}
AD (Adverb: anno Domini)
* German: {{t+|de|n. Chr.}} ({{t|de|nach Christus}}, {{t|de|nach Christo}}); {{t|de|n. Chr. Geb.}}, {{t|de|n. Chr. G.}} {{gloss|nach Christi Geburt}}
Afrikaner (Noun: member of ethnic group)
* German: {{t+|de|Bure|m}}, {{t|de|Kapholländer|m}}; {{q|rare}} {{t+|de|Afrikaander|m}}, {{t|de|Weißafrikaner|m}}
Albanian (Noun: person from Albania)
* German: {{t+|de|Albaner|m}}, {{t+|de|Albanerin|f}}; {{i|obsolete}} {{t+|de|Albanier|m}}, {{t+|de|Albanierin|f}}
Belarusian (Adjective: pertaining to Belarus)
* German: {{t+|de|weißrussisch}}, {{t|de|weißruthenisch}}; {{t+|de|belarusisch}}, {{t+|de|belarussisch}}, {{t|de|belorussisch}} {{qualifier|East Germany}}
Belarusian (Noun: person from Belarus or of Belarusian descent)
* German: {{t+|de|Weißrusse|m}}, {{t+|de|Weißrussin|f}}; {{t+|de|Belarusse|m}}, {{t+|de|Belarussin|f}}
Belarusian (Noun: language)
* German: {{t+|de|Weißrussisch|n}}, {{t+|de|Weißruthenisch|n}}; {{t|de|Belarussisch|n}}, {{t+|de|Belarusisch|n}}, {{t|de|Belorussisch|n}} {{qualifier|East Germany}}
Berliner (Noun: doughnut (donut) with a sweet filling)
* German: {{t+|de|Berliner|m}}, {{t+|de|Pfannkuchen|m}}, {{t|de|Berliner Pfannkuchen|m}}; {{t|de|Fannkuchen}} {{q|Berlinese}}
Berlinese (Noun: )
* German: {{t+|de|Berlinisch|n}}, {{t+|de|Berlinerisch|n}}; {{t|de|Berlin-Brandenburgisch|n}} {{q|uncommon}}, {{t|de|Berlinisch-Brandenburgisch|n}} {{q|rare}}
CE (Proper noun: Common/Current/Christian Era)
* German: {{t+|de|n. Chr.}} (''[[nach Christus]], [[nach Christo]]''), {{t|de|n. Chr. Geb.}}, {{t|de|n. Chr. G.}} {{qualifier|nach Christi Geburt}}; {{t+|de|n. d. Z.}} (''[[nach]] [[der]] [[Zeitrechnung]]''), {{t+|de|n. u. Z.}}, {{t+|de|u. Z.}} (''([[nach]]) [[unserer]] [[Zeitrechnung]]'')
Ceylon (Proper noun: old name for Sri Lanka)
* German: {{t+|de|Ceylon|n}}; ''also:'' {{t|de|Zeylon|n}}, {{t|de|Ceylan|n}}
Cypriot (Noun: Person from Cyprus)
* German: {{t+|de|Zyprer|m}}, {{t+|de|Zyprier|m}}, {{t+|de|Zypriot|m}}; {{t+|de|Zyprerin|f}}, {{t+|de|Zypriotin|f}}
Dutch (Noun: people (or person) from the Netherlands)
* German: {{t+|de|Niederländer|m-p}}, {{t+|de|Holländer|m-p}}; {{t+|de|Niederländer|m-s}}, {{t+|de|Niederländerin|f-s}}, {{t+|de|Holländer|m-s}}, {{t+|de|Holländerin|f-s}}
Edo (Proper noun: former name of Tokyo)
* German: {{t|de|Edo}} {{q|nowadays and hence anachronistic}}; {{t|de|Jedo}}, {{t|de|Jeddo}} {{q|contemporary in the 19th century}}
French leave (Noun: departure taken quietly and unnoticed)
* German: {{q|dated, may not be understood}} {{t|de|französischer Abschied|m|lit=French farewell}}; {{q|unidiomatic, but now preferable}} {{t|de|[[grußlos]]er [[Abschied]], [[heimlich]]e [[Abfahrt]]}} ''etc.'', {{t|de|einen Polnischen machen}}
Indo-European (Noun: member of Proto-Indo-European ethnolinguistic group)
* German: {{t+|de|Indogermane|m}}, {{t|de|Indoeuropäer|m}}; {{qual|female}} {{t|de|Indogermanin|f}}, {{t|de|Indoeuropäerin|f}}
MP (Noun: Member of Parliament)
* German: {{q|general}}: {{t+|de|Abgeordneter|m}}; {{q|German national parliament}} {{t+|de|Bundestagsabgeordneter|m}}, {{t|de|Mitglied des Bundestags|n}}, {{t+|de|MdB}}; {{q|German federal parliaments}} {{t+|de|Landtagsabgeordneter|m}}, {{t|de|Mitglied des Landtags|n}}, {{t+|de|MdL}}
Maltese (Noun: inhabitant of Malta)
* German: {{t+|de|Malteser|m}}, {{t+|de|Maltese|m}}; {{t+|de|Malteserin|f}} {{qual|female}}
Moldova (Proper noun: country)
* German: {{t+|de|Moldawien|n}}; {{q|officialese}} {{t+|de|Moldau|f}}, {{t+|de|Moldova|n}}
Muslim (Noun: believer of Islam)
* German: {{t+|de|Muslim|m}}, {{t+|de|Moslem|m}} {{i|both common}}; {{t+|de|Mohammedaner|m}} {{i|dated}}; {{t+|de|Muselmane|m}} {{i|archaic}}; {{t+|de|Muslimin|f}}, {{t+|de|Muslima|f}}, {{t+|de|Moslemin}} {{i|all common}}; {{t+|de|Mohammedanerin|f}} {{i|dated}}; {{t+|de|Muselmanin|f}} {{i|archaic}}
New English (Proper noun: form of the English language spoken since the Great Vowel Shift, completed in roughly 1550)
* German: {{t|de|Neuenglisch|n}}, {{t|de|modernes Englisch|n}}; {{qualifier|adjective}} {{t+|de|neuenglisch}}
Old English (Proper noun: ancestor language of modern English)
* German: {{t+|de|Angelsächsisch|n}}, {{t|de|[[angelsächsisch]]e [[Sprache]]|f}}; {{t+|de|Altenglisch|n}}, {{t|de|[[altenglisch]]e [[Sprache]]|f}}
Old Latin (Proper noun: Old Latin)
* German: {{t+|de|Altlatein|n}}, {{t+|de|Altlateinisch|n}} {{q|often only used for later or younger Old Latin}}; {{t+|de|Frühlatein}} {{q|often only used for earlier or older Old Latin}}
Rom (Noun: a member of the Romani people)
* German: {{t+|de|Zigeuner|m}}, {{t+|de|Zigeunerin|f}} {{qualifier|female}}; {{t+|de|Rom|m}}, {{t|de|[[Rom]]a|m-p}} {{qualifier|in plural}}, {{t+|de|Romni|f}} {{qualifier|female}}; {{t|de|Sinti und Roma|p}} {{qualifier|in plural}}, {{t|de|Roma und Sinti|p}} {{qualifier|in plural}}
Tartu (Proper noun: second-largest city in Estonia)
* German: {{t|de|Tartu}}; {{t+|de|Dorpat}}, {{t|de|Dörpt}} {{qualifier|historical}}
Turkish Van (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Türkisch Van|f}}; {{t|de|Schwimmkatze|f}}, {{t|de|Türkische Katze|f}}, {{t|de|Vankatze|f}}
adhesive tape (Noun: adhesive tape generally)
* German: {{q|more formal}} {{t+|de|Klebeband|n}}; {{q|more informal}} {{t|de|Klebefilm|m}} {{t+|de|Tesafilm|m}}, {{g|n}}, {{t|de|Tesa|n}},
adjectival (Adjective: functioning as an adjective)
* German: {{t|de|beiwörtlich}}, {{t|de|eigenschaftswörtlich}}; {{t+|de|adjektivisch}}, {{t+|de|Adjektiv|alt=Adjektiv-}}
adjourn (Verb: to move from one place to another)
* German: {{t+|de|begeben|alt=sich begeben}}, {{t+|de|zurückziehen|alt=sich zurückziehen}} {{qualifier|participants}}; {{t+|de|verlegen}} {{qualifier|venue}}
agree (Verb: grammar: to correspond in gender, number, case, person, etc.)
* German: {{t|de|kongruieren}}, {{t+|de|übereinstimmen}}; {{q|uncommon}} {{t+|de|nachfolgen}}
alcove (Noun: small recessed area)
* German: {{t+|de|Alkoven|m}}; {{t|de|Alkov|m}} {{qualifier|dated}}, {{t|de|Alkove|m|f}} {{qualifier|dated}}
angle grinder (Noun: power tool that grinds)
* German: {{t+|de|Winkelschleifer|m}}, {{t|de|Flex|f}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t|de|Schleifhexe|f}}; {{gloss|180-400 mm}} {{t+|de|Trennschleifer|m}}, {{t|de|Trennschneider|m}}, {{t|de|Trennjäger|m}}
any (Determiner: at least one (kind))
* German: (can be omitted); {{q|interrogative or conditional; singular}} {{t+|de|irgendein}}; {{q|interrogative or conditional; plural}} {{t+|de|irgendwelche}}; {{q|negative}} {{t+|de|kein}}, {{t|de|[[überhaupt]] kein}}
any (Determiner: no matter what kind)
* German: {{q|singular}} {{t+|de|irgendein}}, {{t+|de|jeder}}, {{t+|de|jeglicher}}, {{t|de|jeder [[beliebig]]e}}, {{t|de|jeder [[möglich]]e}}, {{t|de|[[welcher]] [[auch immer]]}}; {{q|informal}} {{t|de|[[egal]] welcher}}; {{q|plural}} {{t+|de|irgendwelche}}, {{t+|de|alle}}
aquiline nose (Noun: human nose with a hooked, bent shape)
* German: {{q|more positive}} {{t+|de|Adlernase|f}}, {{t|de|Römernase|f}}; {{q|more negative}} {{t+|de|Hakennase|f}}, {{t|de|Höckernase|f}}
article (Noun: story, report, or opinion piece)
* German: {{t+|de|Artikel|m}}; {{t+|de|Bericht|m}}, {{t+|de|Meldung|m}} {{qualifier|story or report, excluding opinion piece}}
articulated bus (Noun: articulated bus)
* German: {{t|de|Gelenkbus|m}}; {{q|colloquially also}} {{t|de|Knickbus|m}}, {{t|de|Ziehharmonikabus|m}}
as if (Interjection: interjection)
* German: {{t+|de|als ob}}, {{t|de|von wegen}}, {{t+|de|klar}}; ''all typically preceded by'' {{t+|de|ja}}
ascent (Noun: act of ascending; motion upwards)
* German: [[Anstieg]] {{g|m}}, [[Aufstieg]] {{g|m}}; [[Besteigung]] {{g|f}} {{qualifier|of a mountain}}
aspiration (Noun: hope or ambition)
* German: {{t+|de|Verlangen|n}}, {{t+|de|Sehnsucht|f}}; {{t+|de|Aspiration|f}}
astronomer (Noun: one who studies astronomy)
* German: {{t+|de|Astronom|m}}, {{t|de|Astronomus|m}}, {{t|de|Himmelskundler|m}}, {{t|de|Sternkundiger|m}}; {{qualifier|♀}} {{t+|de|Astronomin|f}}
atheist (Noun: a person who believes with certainty that no deities exist)
* German: {{t+|de|Atheist|m}}, {{t+|de|Atheistin|f}}; {{t|de|Gottesleugner|m}} {{qualifier|pejorative, polemical}}, {{t|de|Gottesleugnerin|f}} {{qualifier|pejorative, polemical}}, {{t|de|Gottloser|m}}, {{t|de|Gottlose|f}}
atheist (Noun: a person who doubts the existence of deities)
* German: {{t+|de|Atheist|m}}, {{t+|de|Atheistin|f}}; {{t|de|Nichtglaubender|m}}, {{t|de|Nichtglaubende|f}}; {{t+|de|Agnostiker|m}}, {{t+|de|Agnostiker|f}}
audacity (Noun: fearless daring)
* German: {{t+|de|Mut|m}}, {{t+|de|Heldenmut|m}}, {{t+|de|Chuzpe|f}}, {{t+|de|Wagemut|m}}; {{t+|de|Kühnheit|f}}; {{t+|de|Draufgängertum|n}}, {{t+|de|Verwegenheit|f}}
backhanded compliment (Noun: insult disguised as a compliment)
* German: {{t|de|vergiftetes Kompliment|n}}; {{t|de|zweifelhaftes Kompliment|n}}, {{t|de|zweideutiges Kompliment|n}}
backpacker (Noun: a traveler)
* German: {{t|de|Rucksacktourist|m}}, {{t|de|Rucksackreisender|m}}; {{q|specific sense of “usually young, hostel-dwelling traveller” also}} {{t+|de|Backpacker|m}}
balaclava (Noun: headgear)
* German: {{t+|de|Sturmhaube|f}}, {{t+|de|Sturmmaske|f}}, {{t|de|Skimaske|f}} {{q|all common}}; {{t|de|Biwakmütze|f}}, {{t|de|Balaklava|f}} {{q|both less common}}
bandstand (Noun: platform for bands to play on)
* German: {{t+|de|Pavillon|m}}; {{q|specifically for bands also}} {{t|de|Musikpavillon|m}}, {{t|de|Freiluftbühne|f}}
be my guest (Verb: do as you wish)
* German: {{qualifier|formal}} {{t+|de|bedienen|alt=bedienen Sie sich}}, {{t+|de|zugreifen|alt=greifen Sie zu}}; {{qualifier|informal}} {{t+|de|bedienen|alt=bedien dich}}, {{t+|de|zugreifen|alt=greif zu}}
be-all and end-all (Noun: Something considered to be of the utmost importance)
* German: {{t+|de|A und O|n}}, {{t|de|Wichtigste|n}}, {{t+|de|Daseinsgrund|m}}, {{t|de|Maß aller Dinge|n}}; negative: {{t|de|das ist auch nicht alles}}
bearing (Noun: architecture)
* German: {{t+|de|Auflager|n}}; {{t+|de|Spannweite|f}}, {{t+|de|Tragweite|f}}
beauty parlor (Noun: salon with hairdressers and beauticians)
* German: {{t|de|Schönheitssalon|m}} {{q|usually with hairdresser included}}; {{t|de|Kosmetikstudio|n}}, {{t+|de|Kosmetiksalon|m}} {{q|usually not included}}
bee (Noun: insect)
* German: {{tt+|de|Biene|f}}; {{tt+|de|Imme|f}} {{qualifier|poetic}}, {{tt|de|Beivogl|m}} {{qualifier|Styrian}}
belly flop (Noun: style of diving)
* German: {{t+|de|Bauchklatscher|m}}; {{t|de|Bauchplatscher|m}}, {{t|de|Bauchfleck|m}}
bilingualism (Noun: condition of being bilingual)
* German: {{t+|de|Zweisprachigkeit|f}}; {{t+|de|Bilingualität|f}}, {{t+|de|Bilingualismus|m}}, {{t+|de|Bilinguität|f}}, {{t+|de|Bilinguismus|m}}
birdling (Noun: small bird; birdie; nestling (young bird, baby bird))
* German: {{t+|de|Piepmatz|m}} {{q|colloquial}}, {{t+|de|Vögelchen|n}}, {{t+|de|Vögelein|n}}, {{t+|de|Vöglein|n}}, {{t|de|Vogerl|n}} {{q|South German, Austrian, colloquial}}; {{t+|de|Jungvogel|m}}, {{t|de|Vogeljunges|n}}
biting (Adjective: tending to bite)
* German: {{t+|de|bissig}}, {{t+|de|beißend}}; {{t+|de|stechend}} {{qual|piercing insects}}
blancmange (Noun: dessert)
* German: {{t|de|Blancmanger|n}}, {{t|de|Mandelsulz|f}}; similar is also {{t|de|Weinsulz|f}}
blasphemer (Noun: One who commits blasphemy)
* German: {{t|de|Gotteslästerer|m}}, {{t|de|Blasphemist|m}}; {{t|de|Gotteslästerin|f}}, {{t|de|Blasphemistin|f}}
blessing in disguise (Noun: A seeming misfortune that turns out to be for the best)
* German: {{t|de|[[im Nachhinein]] ([[betrachten|betrachtet]]) ein [[Glück]]}}, {{t|de|[[letztlich]] ein Glück}}, {{t|de|... ein [[Segen]]}}; [[Glück im Unglück]] {{q|but the last may have quite a different sense, see the lemma}}
blowjob (Noun: the act of fellatio)
* German: {{q|common terms, but uncountable}} {{t+|de|Blasen|n}}, {{t+|de|Französisch|n}}; {{q|countable}} {{t+|de|Blowjob|m}}; {{t|de|[[Runde]] Blasen}}, {{t|de|[[Runde]] Französisch}}
bream (Noun: Abramis brama)
* German: {{t+|de|Brasse|f}}; {{q|chiefly southern}} {{t+|de|Brachse|f}}, {{t+|de|Brachsen|m}}; {{q|dialectal also}} {{t+|de|Blei|m}}, {{t|de|Brachsme|f}}, {{t|de|Brachsmen|m}}, {{t|de|Bresen|m}}
broad bean (Noun: Vicia faba)
* German: {{q|especially biology}} {{t|de|Ackerbohne|f}}; {{q|especially cuisine}} {{t|de|dicke Bohne|f}}, {{t|de|große Bohne|f}}, {{t+|de|Puffbohne|f}}, {{t|de|Favabohne|f}}; {{q|regional; southern}} {{t+|de|Saubohne|f}}
builder (Noun: a person who builds or constructs things)
* German: (''= construction worker'') {{t+|de|Bauarbeiter|m}}, {{t+|de|Bauarbeiterin|f}}; (''= master builder'') {{t+|de|Baumeister|m}}, {{t+|de|Baumeisterin|f}}, {{t|de|Erbauer|m}}, {{t|de|Erbauerin|f}}
buoy (Verb: keep afloat or aloft)
* German: {{qualifier|afloat}} {{t|de|aufbojen}}, {{t|de|[[flott]] [[erhalten]]}}, {{t|de|auf der [[Wasseroberfläche]] [[halten]]}}, {{t|de|über [[Wasser]] [[halten]]}}; {{qualifier|aloft}} {{t+|de|tragen}},
bureaucratese (Noun: pejorative term for language resembling that used by bureaucrats)
* German: {{t+|de|Behördensprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Kanzleistil}}; {{q|for German more often}} {{t+|de|Beamtendeutsch|n}}, {{t+|de|Amtsdeutsch|n}}, {{t+|de|Papierdeutsch|n}}
burner (Noun: element on a kitchen stove)
* German: {{t+|de|Kochplatte|f}}, {{t+|de|Herdplatte|f}}, {{t|de|Heizplatte|f}}, {{t|de|Heizspirale|f}} {{q|electric}}; {{t+|de|Flamme|f}} {{q|gas}}, {{t+|de|Kochfeld|n}}
busybody (Noun: someone who interferes with others)
* German: {{q|who wants to influence or be in charge}} {{t+|de|Wichtigtuer|m}}, {{t+|de|Wichtigtuerin|f}}; {{q|who gives unwanted advice}} {{t+|de|Kiebitz|m}}; {{q|who is nosy about his neighbours, etc.}} {{t+|de|Schnüffler|m}}
canopy (Noun: highest foliage and branches of a forest)
* German: {{t|de|Kronendach|n}}, {{t+|de|Blätterdach|n}};
canvas (Noun: type of coarse cloth)
* German: {{t+|de|Leinen|n}}, {{t+|de|Segeltuch|n}}; {{q|specialist also}} {{t|de|Canvas|m}}
chaperone (Noun: older person who accompanies younger people to ensure good behaviour)
* German: {{t+|de|Anstandsdame|f}} {{q|female}}, {{t+|de|Anstandswauwau|m}} {{q|colloquial}}; {{t+|de|Aufsichtsperson|f}}, {{t|de|Begleitperson|f}}, {{t+|de|Begleitung|f}}, {{t+|de|Aufpasser|m}}
characteristic (Noun: distinguishing feature)
* German: {{t+|de|Merkmal|n}}, {{t+|de|Eigenschaft|f}}, {{t+|de|Charakteristik|f}}, {{t+|de|Eigenart|f}}; ''in grammar, of words:'' {{t|de|Charakterbuchstabe}}
chimpanzee (Noun: any hominid of the genus Pan)
* German: {{t+|de|Schimpanse|m}}; {{q|♂}} {{t|de|Schimpansenmännchen|n}}, {{t|de|Schimpansen-Männchen|n}}; {{q|♀}} {{t+|de|Schimpansin|f}}, {{t|de|Schimpansenweibchen|n}}, {{t|de|Schimpansen-Weibchen|n}}
chisel (Noun: tool consisting of a slim oblong block of metal)
* German: {{qualifier|for stone, metal, etc.}} {{t+|de|Meißel|m}}; {{qualifier|for wood}} {{t+|de|Stemmeisen|n}}, {{t+|de|Beitel|m}}, {{t+|de|Stechbeitel|m}}
circumstantial (Adjective: suggesting guilty but not proving it)
* German: circumstantial evidence: {{t+|de|Indizien|p|n}}, {{t+|de|Indiz|n}}, {{t+|de|Indizienbeweis|m}}; circumstantial: {{t|de|auf [[Indizienbeweis]]en beruhend}}, {{t|de|anscheinsmäßig}}
clavicle (Noun: collar bone)
* German: {{t+|de|Schlüsselbein|n}}; {{q|medicine also}} {{t|de|Klavikula|f}}, {{t|de|Klavikel|n}} {{qualifier|dated}}
clothes (Noun: apparel)
* German: {{t+|de|Kleider|n-p}}, {{t+|de|Kleidung|f}} {{i|both rather formal}}; {{t+|de|Anziehsachen|f-p}}, {{t+|de|Klamotten|f-p}} {{qualifier|both informal}}
cock-and-bull story (Noun: far-fetched and fanciful story or tale of highly dubious validity)
* German: {{t+|de|Lügengeschichte|f}}, {{t|de|Münchhausengeschichte|f}}; {{t|de|(jemandem was) [[vom Pferd erzählen]]}} {{qualifier|to tell someone a cock-and-bull story}}
colostrum (Noun: a form of milk)
* German: {{t+|de|Kolostrum|n}}; {{q|in humans also}} {{t|de|Vormilch|f}}, {{t|de|Erstmilch|f}}; {{q|in dairy animals also}} {{t|de|Biestmilch|f}}, {{t+|de|Biest|m}}
comparable (Adjective: able to be compared)
* German: {{t+|de|vergleichbar}}; {{qual|in grammar}} {{t+|de|steigerbar}}, {{t+|de|komparabel}}, {{t|de|komparierbar}}, {{t|de|graduierbar}}
compensation neurosis (Noun: Rejection of gainful activity after an injury because of vice)
* German: {{t|de|Begehrensneurose|f}}, {{t|de|Rentenneurose|f}}; {{t|de|Tendenzneurose|f}} {{q|rare}}, {{t|de|Rechtsneurose|f}} {{q|dated}}, {{t|de|Entschädigungsneurose|f}} {{q|less common}}; {{t|de|Unfallneurose}} {{q|uncommon and misleading, since this has also meant any neurosis following causally from an accident, but only the described one excludes liability for the ensuing losses}}
condom (Noun: flexible sleeve worn on the penis)
* German: {{t+|de|Präservativ|n}}, {{t+|de|Kondom|n}}, {{t+|de|Präser|m}}, {{t+|de|Pariser|m}}, {{t+|de|Gummi|n}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}, {{t|de|Fuffzicher|m}} {{qualifier|East German|colloquial}}; {{t|de|Verhüterli|n}} {{qualifier|Switzerland|colloquial}}, {{t|de|Ficktüte|f}} {{qualifier|vulgar}}, {{t|de|Nahkampfsocke|f}} {{qualifier|slang}}, {{t+|de|Überzieher|m}}
contaminate (Verb: To introduce impurities or foreign matter)
* German: {{t+|de|verunreinigen}}; {{t+|de|verseuchen}}, {{t+|de|kontaminieren}} {{qualifier|poison or pathogen}}
contamination (Noun: the act or process of contaminating)
* German: {{t+|de|Verunreinigung|f}}; {{t|de|Verseuchung|f}}, {{t+|de|Kontamination|f}} {{qualifier|poison or pathogen}}
contiguous (Adjective: connected, touching, abutting)
* German: {{t+|de|angrenzend}}; {{t+|de|zusammen}}; {{t+|de|verbunden}}, {{t+|de|durchgehend}}
core (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Kerngehäuse|n}}, {{t+check|de|Kern|m}}; {{qualifier|figuratively}} {{t+check|de|Innerste|n}}, {{t+check|de|Mark|n}}, {{t+check|de|Herz|n}}, {{t+check|de|Seele|f}}
crew cut (Noun: a haircut)
* German: {{t|de|Bürstenschnitt|m}}; {{q|with very short sides also}} {{t|de|G.I.-Schnitt|m}}, {{t|de|Igelschnitt|m}}
custard (Noun: sauce)
* German: {{q|when poured}} {{t+|de|Vanillesoße|f}} {{q|usually does but need not contain vanilla}}; {{q|when thick}} {{t+|de|Pudding|m}}, {{t+|de|Creme|f}}, {{t|de|Puddingcreme|f}}, {{t|de|Eiercreme|f}}
deadline (Noun: date on or before which something must be completed)
* German: {{t+|de|Stichtag|m}}, {{t+|de|Frist|f}}, {{t+|de|Termin|m}}; {{q|university and business also}} {{t+|de|Deadline|f}}
debauched (Adjective: corrupted, immoral)
* German: {{t+|de|verderbt}} {{qual|of a person}}; {{t+|de|zügellos}}, {{t+|de|ausschweifend}}, {{t+|de|verkommen}} {{qual|of a life}}, {{t+|de|genusssüchtig}}, {{t+|de|genußsüchtig}}
debeak (Verb: remove part of a beak)
* German: den [[Schnabel]] [[stutzen]]; den Schnabel [[kupieren]], [[entschnabeln]]
deciduous (Adjective: of or pertaining to trees which lose their leaves in winter or the dry season)
* German: {{t|de|Laub-}} {{q|as in [[Laubbaum]] (deciduous tree) or [[Laubwald]] (deciduous forest)}}; {{q|as an adjective}} {{t+|de|laubabwerfend}}, {{t+|de|sommergrün}}
decompose (Verb: to separate)
* German: [[zerlegen]], [[zerteilen]] {{qualifier|transitiv}}; [[zerlegen]], [[teilen]] {{qualifier|reflexiv}}; [[desintegrieren]], {{t+|de|dekomponieren}}
default (Noun: electronics, computing: original settings)
* German: Werkseinstellung, Originaleinstellungen, Standardeinstellung, Standardeinstellungen, {{t|de|Voreinstellung|f}}; {{t+|de|Grundzustand|m}}
deport (Verb: to evict, especially from a country)
* German: {{q|remove foreign national}} {{t+|de|abschieben}}, {{t+|de|ausweisen}}; {{q|banish, send to a camp etc.}} {{t+|de|deportieren}}
deportation (Noun: act of deporting or exiling)
* German: {{q|removal of foreign national}} {{t+|de|Abschiebung|f}}, {{t+|de|Ausweisung|f}}; {{q|banishment, transport to a camp etc.}} {{t+|de|Deportation|f}}
dialogue (Verb: discuss)
* German: {{t+|de|diskutieren}}, sich {{t+|de|unterhalten}}, sich {{t+|de|aussprechen}}, sich {{t+|de|austauschen}}, {{t+|de|verhandeln}}, {{t|de|eine [[offene]] [[Aussprache]] führen}}, {{t|de|einen [[Dialog]] führen}}; with oneself or someone not present: {{t|de|[[Zwiesprache]] [[halten]]}}
dish towel (Noun: towel for wiping dishes)
* German: {{q|for washing}} {{t|de|Spüllappen}}, {{t|de|Spültuch}}; {{q|for drying}} {{t+|de|Geschirrtuch|n}}; {{t|de|Trockentuch|n}}
dislodge (Verb: To remove or force out from a position or dwelling previously occupied)
* German: {{t|de|herauslösen}}; {{t|de|außer Position bringen}}, {{t|de|([[gewaltsam]]) [[entfernen]]}}, {{t+|de|wegreißen}}, {{t+|de|herausreißen}}, {{t+|de|verschieben}}, {{t|de|aus seiner Lage bringen}}
donkey (Noun: a domestic animal)
* German: {{t+|de|Esel|m}}; {{t+|de|Grauchen|n}} {{qualifier|diminutive, pet form}}, {{t|de|Grautier|n}} {{qualifier|humorous}}
double standard (Noun: the situation of groups one of which is excused from following a standard)
* German: {{t+|de|Doppelmoral|f|lit=double moral}}; {{t|de|Messen mit zweierlei Maß|lit=measuring with two kinds of measures|n}}, {{t|de|zweierlei Maß|n}}
dowry (Noun: property or payment given at time of marriage)
* German: {{t+|de|Aussteuer|f}}; {{t+|de|Mitgift|f}}, {{t|de|Brautschatz|m}}
dugong (Noun: Dugong dugon)
* German: {{q|strictly}} {{t|de|Gabelschwanzseekuh|f}}, {{t+|de|Dugong|m}}; ''usually simply called'' {{t+|de|Seekuh|f}}
duvet (Noun: quilt)
* German: {{q|most common, but ambiguous}} {{t+|de|Bettdecke|f}}; {{q|specifically}} {{t+|de|Steppdecke|f}}, {{t+|de|Federbett|n}}, {{t+|de|Plumeau|n}}, {{t|de|Plümo|n}}; {{q|with down also}} {{t+|de|Daunendecke|f}}
e-scooter (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|E-Scooter|m}}, {{t|de|E-Roller|m}}, {{t|de|E-Tretroller|m}}, {{t|de|Elektrotretroller|m}}, {{t|de|Elektro-Tretroller|m}}; {{q|Switzerland}} {{t|de|E-Trottinett|n}}, {{t|de|E-Trotti|n}}
earthworm (Noun: worm (animal))
* German: {{q|usual}} {{t+|de|Regenwurm|m}}; {{q|other names}} {{t|de|Aalwurm|m}}, {{t|de|Erdwurm|m}}, {{t|de|Tauwurm|m}}; {{q|biology}} {{t|de|Gemeiner Regenwurm|m}}
eighties (Noun: the decade of the 1980s)
* German: {{t|de|achtziger Jahre|n-p}}, {{t+|de|Achtzigerjahre|n-p}}, {{t|de|Achtziger|p}}; {{t|de|neunzehnhundertachtziger Jahre|n-p}}, {{t|de|1980er}}
eke out (Verb: to obtain with difficulty)
* German: {{t+|de|ergattern}}, {{t+|de|erringen}}, {{t+|de|erhaschen}}, {{t+|de|abtrotzen}}, {{t+|de|herausholen}}, {{t+|de|abgewinnen}}, {{t+|de|zusammenkratzen}}; {{qualifier|to eke out a living / an existence}}: {{t|de|sich (mühsam / mehr schlecht als recht / recht und schlecht) durchschlagen / durchkämpfen / durchboxen}}, {{t|de|sich durchs Leben schlagen / kämpfen / boxen}}, {{t+|de|über die Runden kommen}}
elf (Noun: mythical, supernatural being)
* German: {{t+|de|Elfe|m}}, {{t+|de|Elf|m}}, {{t+|de|Elb|m}}, {{t+|de|Elbe|m}}, {{t+|de|Alb|m}}, {{t+|de|Alp|m}}; {{qual|female}} {{t+|de|Elbin|f}}, {{t+|de|Elfe|f}}, {{t+|de|Elfin|f}}
encyclopedia (Noun: comprehensive with on a range of topics)
* German: {{t+|de|Enzyklopädie|f}}, {{t+|de|Lexikon|n}}, {{t+|de|Konversationslexikon|n}}; {{t|de|Realencyclopädie|f}}, {{t|de|Realwörterbuch|n}} {{q|archaic}}
energetic (Adjective: possessing, exerting, or displaying energy)
* German: {{t+|de|energisch}}, {{t|de|energiegeladen}} {{gloss|person}}; {{t|de|[[Energie]] [[besitzend]]}} {{gloss|possessing energy}}
entryphone (Noun: an electronic communication system)
* German: {{q|commonest}} {{t+|de|Gegensprechanlage|f}}; {{q|also}} {{t|de|Türsprechanlage|f}}, {{t|de|Türsprecher|m}}, {{t+|de|Sprechanlage|f}}
epenthesis (Noun: insertion of a phoneme or letter into a word)
* German: {{t+|de|Epenthesis|f}}, {{t+|de|Epenthese|f}}; {{t+|de|Fugenelement|n}}, {{t|de|Fugenzeichen|n}}, {{t+|de|Fugenlaut|m}} {{q|in case of compounds}}
epitaph (Noun: commemorative poem or other text)
* German: {{q|in prose}} {{t+|de|Nachruf}}, {{t|de|Gedenkschrift|f}}; {{q|in verse}} {{t+|de|Elegie|f}}, {{t|de|Gedenkgedicht|n}}, {{t|de|Trauergedicht|n}}
esp. (Adverb: )
* German: {{t+|de|bes.}}, {{t+|de|bsd.}}; {{t+|de|insb.}}, {{t+|de|insbes.}}
ethnic (Adjective: belonging to a foreign culture)
* German: {{t+|de|exotisch}}, {{t+|de|ausländisch}}, {{t+|de|international}}; (''the cognate'' {{t+|de|ethnisch}} ''does <u>not</u> have this sense'')
exonym (Noun: name used by foreigners)
* German: {{t+|de|Fremdbezeichnung}}; {{q|specialist also}} {{t+|de|Exonym}}, {{t|de|Exonymon|n}}
faint (Verb: to lose consciousness)
* German: {{t|de|ohnmächtig werden}}, {{t|de|in Ohnmacht fallen}};
fair (Adjective: adequate, reasonable, decent)
* German: [[den Umständen entsprechend]]; [[angebracht]]; [[erträglich]], [[ganz ordentlich]] (colloquial)
fallen (Adjective: killed in battle)
* German: {{t+|de|gefallen}}; {{q|also}} {{t|de|[[im]] [[Kampf]] gefallen}}, {{t|de|[[im Feld bleiben|im Feld geblieben]]}}
false positive (Noun: result of a test that shows as present something that is absent)
* German: {{q|science}} {{t|de|[[falsch positiv|falsch positives]] [[Ergebnis]]|n}}; {{q|otherwise}} {{t|de|Fehlalarm|m}}, {{t+|de|Falschmeldung|f}}
fantasist (Noun: one who creates fantasies)
* German: {{t+|de|Fantast|m}}, {{t+|de|Fantastin|f}}; {{t+|de|Phantast|m}}, {{t|de|Phantastin|f}}
fantasist (Noun: one living in a fantasy world)
* German: {{t+|de|Fantast|m}}, {{t+|de|Fantastin|f}}; {{t+|de|Phantast|m}}, {{t|de|Phantastin|f}}
farmer (Noun: person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock)
* German: {{t+|de|Landwirt|m}}, {{t+|de|Landwirtin|f}}; {{qualifier|crops}} {{t+|de|Bauer|m}}, {{t+|de|Bäuerin|f}}; {{t+|de|Farmer|m}}, {{t+|de|Farmerin|f}}; {{qualifier|livestock|plants}} {{t+|de|Züchter|m}}, {{t+|de|Züchterin|f}}, {{t+|de|Landmann|m}}, {{t+|de|Landfrau|f}}
fawn (Noun: colour)
* German: {{t+|de|hellbraun}}, {{t|de|beigebraun}}; {{q|of hair also}} {{t+|de|dunkelblond}}
feel (Noun: quality)
* German: ''expressed verbally with'' {{t+|de|anfühlen}}; {{q|formal, specialist}} {{t|de|Oberflächenbeschaffenheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Haptik|f}}
felony (Noun: a serious criminal offense)
* German: {{t+|de|Verbrechen|n}} {{q|defined similarly to “felony”}}; {{t|de|schwere Straftat|f}} {{q|informal synonym}}; {{t+|de|Schwerverbrechen|n}}, {{t|de|Schwerstverbrechen|n}}, {{t+|de|Kapitalverbrechen|n}} {{q|informal augmentations}}
fence (Verb: to enclose by building a fence)
* German: {{qualifier|depending on the exact context}} {{t+|de|befrieden}}, {{t+|de|einfrieden}}, {{t+|de|einfriedigen}}, {{t+|de|einhegen}}, {{t+|de|einzäunen}}, {{t+|de|umfrieden}}, {{t+|de|umfriedigen}}, {{t+|de|umzäunen}}, {{t+|de|zäunen}}; {{qualifier|Switzerland}} {{t|de|einhagen}}; {{qualifier|regional, especially North America, South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal)}} {{t+|de|fenzen}}
fetter (Noun: object used to bind a person or animal by its legs)
* German: {{t+|de|Fessel|f}}; {{q|on feet specifically}} {{t+|de|Fußfessel|f}}, {{t|de|Fußschelle|f}}
fighter pilot (Noun: a pilot trained in using and assigned to pilot a fighter plane)
* German: {{t+|de|Jagdflieger|m}}; {{t+|de|Kampfpilot|m}}, {{t+|de|Kampfflieger|m}}
flaky (Adjective: Consisting of flakes; lying, or cleaving off, in flakes; flakelike)
* German: {{t|de|flockig}}; {{t+|de|blättrig}}, {{t+|de|schuppig}}, {{t|de|aus Schichten bestehend}}, {{t+|de|exzentrisch}}
fledgling (Noun: young bird)
* German: {{t+|de|Küken|n}}; {{q|Austria also}} {{t+|de|Kücken|n}} {{t|de|flügges Küken|n}}, {{q|Austria also}} {{t|de|flügges Kücken|n}},{{t+|de|Küken|n}}, {{t|de|flügger Vogel|m}}, {{t|de|eben flügge gewordener Vogel|m}}, {{t+|de|Jungvogel|m}}
flint (Noun: hard fine-grained quartz which generates sparks when struck)
* German: {{q|normal}} {{t+|de|Feuerstein|m}}; {{q|dated|regional}} {{t+|de|Flintstein|m}}, {{t+|de|Flint|m}}; {{q|scientific|unusual}} {{t|de|Silex|m}}
flog a dead horse (Verb: to attempt to get more out of something that cannot give more)
* German: auf etwas [[herumreiten]]; seine [[Zeit]] [[verschwenden]], sich [[vergeblich]] [[bemühen]]
folding screen (Noun: furniture)
* German: {{t|de|spanische Wand|f}}, {{t+|de|Wandschirm|m}}; {{q|less common also}} {{t|de|Faltschirm|m}}, {{t+|de|Paravent|m}}, {{t|de|Sichtschutzwand|f}}, {{t+|de|Stellwand|f}}
for the time being (Adverb: temporarily; until later)
* German: {{t+|de|fürs Erste}}; {{t+|de|vorerst}}, {{t+|de|einstweilen}}, {{t+|de|vorläufig}}, {{t|de|zunächst einmal}}, {{t+|de|bis auf Weiteres}}
for what it's worth (Prepositional phrase: considering what limited worth this advice may have)
* German: {{t+|de|übrigens}}, {{t|de|nur nebenbei bemerkt}}, {{t|de|falls es Sie interessiert}} {{i|the former are common, but do not express the humble tone of the English phrase}}; {{t|de|ich möchte mich nicht aufdrängen, aber}}..., {{t|de|Sie haben mich nicht nach meinem Rat gefragt, aber}}..., {{t|de|es mag keine weitere Bewandtnis haben, aber}}... {{i|these are less common, but do express humility}}
fortuitous (Adjective: happening by a lucky chance)
* German: {{t+|de|glücklich}}, {{t+|de|glücklicherweise}}; {{t|de|[[durch]] ([[einen]]) [[glücklichen]] [[Zufall]]}}
freewheeling (Adjective: unbounded by rules or conventions)
* German: {{t|de|frei und ungebunden}}, {{t+|de|sorglos}}, {{t+|de|unbekümmert}}; {{t+|de|freilaufend}}, {{t|de|Freilauf-}}
fun (Adjective: enjoyable, amusing)
* German: {{t+|de|lustig}}, {{t+|de|spaßig}}; to be fun: {{t+|de|Spaß}} {{l|de|machen}}
garbage can (Noun: waste receptacle)
* German: {{q|outdoors, movable}} {{t+|de|Mülltonne|f}}; {{q|indoors or fixed outdoors}} {{t+|de|Mülleimer|m}}, {{t+|de|Abfalleimer|m}}; {{q|indoors, for paper and dry rubbish}} {{t+|de|Papierkorb|m}}, {{t+|de|Abfallbehälter|m}}
garbage collector (Noun: worker)
* German: {{t+|de|Müllmann|m}} {{qualifier|normal}}; {{t+|de|Müllwerker|m}} {{qualifier|officialese}}; {{t+|de|Müllfrau|f}}, {{t+|de|Müllwerkerin|f}}
gastroenteritis (Noun: inflammation)
* German: {{q|medical}} {{t|de|Gastroenteritis|f}}; {{q|common}} {{t|de|Margen-Darm-Grippe|f}}, {{t+|de|Brechdurchfall|m}}
gazebo (Noun: roofed structure)
* German: {{q|general}} {{t+|de|Pavillon|m}}; {{q|Austria also}} {{t+|de|Salettl|n}}; {{q|in a private garden also}} {{t+|de|Laube|f}}, {{t+|de|Gartenlaube|f}}
gender studies (Noun: academic field)
* German: {{t|de|Geschlechterforschung|f}}, {{t|de|Genderstudies|f-p}} {{q|both common}}; {{t|de|Genderforschung|f}}, {{t|de|Genderstudien|n-p}}, {{t|de|Geschlechterstudien|n-p}}, {{t|de|Frauen-, Männer- und Geschlechterforschung|f}} {{q|all less common}}
genericized trademark (Noun: brand name that has come into general use)
* German: ''one says instead'' {{t+|de|Gattungsbezeichnung|f}}, {{t|de|Gattungsbegriff|m}}, ''just meaning {{m|en|generic name}}''; however pursuant to [ § 49 II Nr. 1] {{w|lang=de|Markengesetz|MarkenG}}, where {{m|de|gebräuchliche Bezeichnung}}, for forfeiture of the trademark the naming must be in commercial [[Verkehr|intercourse]]; the same requirements are set down for {{w|European Union trade mark|European Union trade marks}} in [ Art. 58 I b)] Regulation (EU) 2017/1001.
gloss (Noun: brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or complex expression)
* German: {{t+|de|Glosse|f}}, {{t+|de|Glossem|n}}; {{t+|de|Erläuterung|f}} {{qual|a hypernymic term}}, {{t+|de|Randbemerkung|f}} {{qual|a hyponymic term}}, {{t|de|Randnotiz|f}}, {{t+|de|Fußnote|f}}
good riddance (Interjection: used to indicate that a departure or loss is welcome)
* German: {{t+|de|auf Nimmerwiedersehen|lit=till we never meet again}}, {{t|de|wurde auch Zeit|lit=was about time}}; ''otherwise no real idiomatic saying, but commonly something like'' {{t|de|[[gut]], [[dass]] [[wir]] den/das/die [[los]] [[sind]]|lit=good that we're rid of them}}
grammatical (Adjective: acceptable as determined by the rules of the grammar)
* German: {{t+|de|grammatisch}}, {{t+|de|grammatikalisch}}; (''but usually'' {{t+|de|grammatisch}} {{t+|de|korrekt}} / {{t+|de|richtig}})
grandfather (Noun: grandfather (from either side))
* German: {{t+|de|Großvater|m}}, {{t+|de|Grossvater|m}} {{q|Switzerland and Liechtenstein}}, {{t+|de|Opa|m}}, {{t+|de|Opi|m}}; {{t|de|[[Großvater]] [[väterlicherseits]]|m}} {{q|paternal}}, {{t|de|[[Großvater]] [[mütterlicherseits]]|m}} {{q|maternal}}
graphic designer (Noun: artist)
* German: {{t+|de|Grafiker|m}}, {{t+|de|Grafikerin|f}}; ''alternate spellings:'' {{t+|de|Graphiker|m}}, {{t+|de|Graphikerin|f}}
happy New Year (Phrase: Happy New Year)
* German: {{t|de|ein gutes neues Jahr}}, {{t|de|gutes neues Jahr}}, {{t|de|fröhliches neues Jahr}}, {{t+|de|frohes neues Jahr}}, {{t|de|prosit Neujahr}}; {{t+|de|guten Rutsch}} {{q|before the start}}, {{t+|de|guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr}} {{q|before the start}}
here below (Adverb: )
* German: {{t|de|im Diesseits}}; {{t|de|in diesem Leben}}; {{t|de|in dieser Welt}}, {{t+|de|hienieden}}
hermaphrodite (Noun: organism having both male and female gonads)
* German: {{t+|de|Zwitter}}; {{q|formal also}} {{t+|de|Hermaphrodit|m}}, {{t|de|Hermaphroditin|f}}; {{q|rarely also}} {{t|de|Zweigeschlecht|n}}
highbrow (Adjective: highly cultured)
* German: {{q|of a person or thing; positive}} {{t+|de|intellektuell}}; {{q|of a person or thing; more negative}} {{t|de|hochintellektuell}}, {{t+|de|vergeistigt}}; {{q|of a thing also; positive}} {{t+|de|anspruchsvoll}}, {{t+|de|geistreich}}, {{t+|de|geistvoll}}; {{q|of a thing also; more negative}} {{t|de|hochgeistig}}, {{t|de|hochgestochen}}, {{t+|de|hochtrabend}}; {{q|negative of a person, in particular German context}} {{t|de|bildungsbürgerlich}}
hob (Noun: cooking surface)
* German: {{q|cooktop}} {{t+|de|Herdplatte|f}}; {{q|hotplate}} {{t+|de|Kochfeld|n}}, {{t+|de|Kochplatte|f}}
hot dog (Noun: frankfurter in a bun)
* German: {{q|German style}} {{t|de|[[Bratwurst]] [[im]] [[Brötchen]]|n}}; {{q|American style}} {{t+|de|Hotdog|m|n}}, {{t+|de|Hot Dog|m|n}}
hot tub (Noun: large tub)
* German: {{q|jacuzzi}} {{t+|de|Whirlpool|m}}; {{q|other large bath tub}} {{t|de|Gemeinschaftswanne|f}}, {{t+|de|Badezuber|m}}
hung jury (Noun: jury that is unable to reach a verdict)
* German: ''no idiomatic term; one can say'' {{t|de|[[uneinige]] [[Jury]]|f}}; ''if possible, express verbally like'' {{t|de|[[die]] [[Geschworener|Geschworenen]] [[wurden]] [[sich]] [[nicht]] [[einig]] / [[können|konnten]] [[kein]] [[gemeinsam]]es [[Urteil]] [[fällen]]}}
hybrid (Noun: word derived from different languages)
* German: {{t+|de|Bastardwort|n}}, {{t|de|Hybridwort|n}}, {{t|de|[[hybrid]]es [[Wort]]|n}}, {{t|de|Mischwort|n}}, {{t|de|Zwitterwort|n}}; {{t|de|Vox hybrida|f}}, {{t|de|vox hybrida|f}} {{qual|often printed in antiqua when using fraktur or printed in italics when using antiqua}}
hygienist (Noun: person skilled in hygienics)
* German: {{t|de|Hygieniker|m}}, {{t|de|Hygienikerin|f}}; {{t|de|Zahnhygieniker|m}}, {{t|de|Zahnhygienikerin|f}} {{q|dental assitant}}
ice cream parlor (Noun: business)
* German: {{t+|de|Eisdiele|f}}; {{t+|de|Eissalon|m}} {{qualifier|Austria}}, {{t+|de|Eiscafé|n}}
ignoramus (Noun: totally ignorant person)
* German: {{t+|de|Ignorant|m}}, {{t|de|Nichtswisser|m}}, {{t|de|unwissender Mensch|m}}, {{t|de|unwissende Person|f}}, {{t+|de|Dummkopf|m}} {{qualifier|pejorative}}; {{qualifier|for female persons only}} {{t+|de|Ignorantin|f}}, {{t|de|Nichtswisserin|f}},
in memoriam (Adverb: in memory of)
* German: {{t|de|[[im]] [[Andenken]] ([[an]])}}, {{t|de|[[zum]] [[Gedächtnis]] ([[an]] ''or'' + genitive)}}, {{t|de|[[zur]] [[Erinnerung]] ([[an]] ''or'' + genitive)}}, {{t|de|[[im]] [[Gedenken]] ([[an]])}}; {{t|de|in memoriam}} or {{t|de|in Memoriam}} {{qualifier|+ genitive}}
in-law (Noun: parent-in-law of one's child)
* German: ''no word; use constructions like'' {{l|de|[[Mutter]] [[meines]] [[Schwiegersohns]]}} ''or'' {{l|de|[[Schwiegermutter]] [[meiner]] [[Tochter]]}}, ''etc.''
indicator (Noun: turn signal)
* German: {{q|informal}} {{t+|de|Blinker|m}}; {{q|slightly formal}} {{t|de|Blinklicht|n}}; {{q|technical|official}} {{t|de|Fahrtrichtungsanzeiger|m}}, {{t|de|Blinkleuchte|f}}
indoors (Adverb: in or into a building)
* German: {{t+|de|drinnen}} {{qualifier|in}}; {{t+|de|hinein}}, {{t+|de|herein}}, {{t+|de|rein}} {{qualifier|into}}
ingrained (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|angeboren}}, {{t+check|de|eingefleischt}} (1); {{t+check|de|eingewurzelt}} (2)
inhalation (Noun: the act of inhaling)
* German: {{t|de|Inhalieren|n}}, {{t+|de|Inhalation|f}} {{q|medical treatment}}; {{t+|de|Einatmen|n}}, {{t|de|Einschnaufen|n}}, {{t+|de|Einatmung|f}} {{q|inspiration}}
insect hotel (Noun: man-made structure to house insects)
* German: {{t+|de|Insektenhotel|n}}, {{t|de|Insektenhaus|n}}; {{t|de|Nützlingshotel|n}} {{q|Austria}}
insider (Noun: person who has special knowledge)
* German: {{t+|de|Insider|m}}; {{t+|de|Eingeweihter|m}}, {{t+|de|Eingeweihte|f}}
insightful (Adjective: possessing insight)
* German: {{t+|de|einfühlsam}}, {{t+|de|verständnisvoll}}; {{t+|de|scharfsinnig}}; {{t+|de|aufschlussreich}}, {{t|de|erkenntnisreich}}
inter- (Prefix: among, between)
* German: {{t+|de|inter-}} {{q|only with Latinate stems}}; {{t+|de|durch-}}, {{t+|de|unter-}}, {{t+|de|ver-}}, {{t+|de|zwischen-}} {{q|depending on sense}}
itinerant (Adjective: travelling from place to place)
* German: {{t+|de|fahrend}}, {{t+|de|reisend}}, {{t+|de|fliegend}}; {{q|in compounds}} {{t|de|Wander-}}
jack of all trades (Noun: one competent in many endeavors)
* German: {{t|de|Alleskönner|m}}, {{t+|de|Mädchen für alles}}; {{q|with a tone of adventurousness}} {{t+|de|Hans Dampf in allen Gassen|m}}, {{t+|de|Tausendsassa|m}}
jalopy (Noun: old, dilapidated car)
* German: {{t|de|[[alte]] [[Kiste]]|f}}; {{t|de|Klapperkiste|f}}; {{t|de|Schrottkiste|f}}, {{t|de|Schrottmühle|f}}, {{t+|de|Rostlaube|f}}
jet plane (Noun: an airplane that is powered by a jet engine)
* German: {{t|de|Strahlflugzeug}} {{q|technical|formal}}; {{t+|de|Düsenflugzeug}} {{q|common}}; {{t+|de|Jet|m}}, {{t|de|Düsenjet|m}} {{q|informal}}
kennel (Noun: shelter)
* German: {{q|small cabin}} {{t+|de|Hundehütte|m}}; {{q|cage}} {{t+|de|Zwinger|m}}, {{t|de|Hundezwinger|m}}
kennel (Noun: facility)
* German: {{q|shelter for unwanted dogs}} {{t|de|Hundeasyl|n}}, {{t|de|Hundeheim|n}}; {{q|rearing facility}} {{t|de|Hundezucht|f}}, {{t+|de|Zwinger|m}}, {{t|de|Hundezwinger|m}}
lapel (Noun: each of the two triangular pieces of cloth on a jacket or coat)
* German: {{t+|de|Revers|n}}; {{t+|de|Klappe|f}}; {{t+|de|Aufschlag|m}}, {{t|de|Jackenaufschlag|m}}, {{t|de|Mantelaufschlag|m}}, {{t+|de|Rockaufschlag|m}}
last night (Adverb: during the night before today)
* German: {{t|de|gestern Abend}} {{qualifier|before midnight}}; {{t|de|heute Nacht}} {{qualifier|after midnight; can also mean the coming night, depending on tense}}; {{t|de|gestern Nacht}}, {{t|de|letzte Nacht}} {{qualifier|after midnight; both less common}}
last night (Noun: previous evening or night)
* German: {{t|de|gestern Abend}} {{qualifier|before midnight}}; {{t|de|heute Nacht}} {{qualifier|after midnight; can also mean the coming night, depending on tense}}; {{t|de|gestern Nacht}}, {{t|de|letzte Nacht}} {{qualifier|after midnight; both less common}}
laughing stock (Noun: object of ridicule)
* German: {{t+|de|Lachnummer|f}}; {{t+|de|Witzfigur|f}}, {{t+|de|Gespött|n}}
laundry (Noun: place or room where laundering is done)
* German: {{q|room}} {{t+|de|Waschküche|f}}, {{t+|de|Waschraum|m}}; {{q|shop or facility}} {{t+|de|Wäscherei|f}}, {{t+|de|Waschsalon|m}}
ledge (Noun: shelf)
* German: {{q|shelf fixed to a wall}} {{t+|de|Bord|n}}, {{t+|de|Regalbrett|n}}; {{q|part of a wall that forms a shelf}} {{t+|de|Sims|n}}; {{q|protruding part of a façade}} {{t+|de|Sims|n}}, {{t+|de|Mauervorsprung|m}}, {{t|de|Mauerabsatz|m}}
leopard (Noun: a large wild cat with a spotted coat, Panthera pardus)
* German: {{t+|de|Leopard|m}}; {{qualifier|archaic}} {{t+|de|Pard|m}}, {{t+|de|Pardel|m}}, {{t+|de|Parder|m}}
lettuce (Noun: an edible plant, Lactuca)
* German: {{q|cultivated}} {{t|de|Gartensalat|m}}, {{t+|de|Salat|m}}; {{q|wild}} {{t+|de|Lattich|m}}
liable (Adjective: legally responsible)
* German: {{qualifier|Switzerland}} {{t+|de|fehlbar}}; {{qualifier|Germany, Austria}} {{t+|de|haftbar}}, {{t+|de|haftend}}, {{t|de|haftpflichtig}}
lip balm (Noun: substance topically applied to the lips of the mouth)
* German: {{q|general}} {{t|de|Lippenpflegestift|m}}; {{q|informal often}} {{t|de|Labello|m}}; {{q|specifically the substance also}} {{t|de|Lippenbalsam|m}}, {{t|de|Lippencreme|f}}
literate (Adjective: able to read, having literacy)
* German: {{t|de|schriftkundig}}, {{t|de|schreibkundig}}, {{t|de|lese- und schreibkundig}}, {{t|de|des Lesens und Schreibens mächtig}}, {{t+|de|alphabetisiert}}; {{qualifier|of cultures also}} {{t+|de|literal}}
long s (Noun: the character ſ)
* German: ſ; ''in antiqua:'' {{t+|de|langes s|n}}, {{t|de|Lang-s|n}}, {{t|de|s longa|f}}
look down on (Verb: to regard or treat as inferior)
* German: {{q|general}} {{t|de|[[von oben herab]] [[behandeln]]}}; {{q|from perspective of superior also}} {{t|de|[[hinabsehen]] [[auf]]}}, {{t|de|[[hinabschauen]] auf}}; {{q|from perspective of inferior also}} {{t|de|[[herabsehen]] auf}}, {{t|de|[[herabschauen]] auf}}
mallet (Noun: small maul)
* German: {{q|of wood}} {{t|de|Holzhammer|m}}, {{t|de|Klopfholz|n}}; {{q|of rubber}} {{t+|de|Gummihammer|m}}
manatee (Noun: any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae)
* German: {{q|strictly}} {{t|de|Rundschwanzseekuh|f}}, {{t|de|Manati|m}}; ''usually simply called'' {{t+|de|Seekuh|f}}
marina (Noun: harbour)
* German: {{t+|de|Jachthafen|m}}, {{t+|de|Bootshafen|m}}; {{q|specialist, not generally understood also}} {{t+|de|Marina|f}}, {{t|de|Wasserwanderrastplatz|m}} {{qualifier|short-stay}}
maroon (Adjective: color)
* German: {{q|general}} {{t+|de|rotbraun}}; {{q|more brownish tones}} {{t+|de|kastanienbraun}}; {{q|more reddish tones}} {{t+|de|weinrot}}, {{t+|de|bordeauxrot}}
maroon (Noun: dark red, somewhat brownish colour)
* German: {{q|general}} {{t|de|Rotbaun|n}}; {{q|more brownish tones}} {{t|de|Kastanienbraun|n}}; {{q|more reddish tones}} {{t|de|Weinrot|n}}, {{t+|de|Bordeaux|n}}
mascara (Noun: eyelash cosmetic)
* German: {{t+|de|Wimperntusche|f}}; {{q|neologism also}} {{t+|de|Mascara}}, {{t|de|Maskara|f|m}}
masculine (Noun: (grammar) the masculine gender)
* German: {{t+|de|Maskulinum|n}}; {{t|de|[[maskulin]]es [[Genus]]|n}}, {{t|de|[[männlich]]es [[Geschlecht]]|n}}
material noun (Noun: a noun that refers to a substance)
* German: {{t+|de|Stoffname}}; {{t|de|Nomen materiale}}, {{t|de|Materiale}}
mauve (Noun: colour)
* German: {{t+|de|fliederfarben}}; {{t|de|blasslila}}; {{q|fairly uncommon also}} {{t+|de|mauve}}, {{t|de|malvenfarben}}, {{t|de|malvenfarbig}}
mesmerize (Verb: to exercise mesmerism on)
* German: {{t+|de|faszinieren}}, {{t+|de|fesseln}} {{qualifier|figuratively}}; {{t|de|mesmerisieren}} {{qualifier|medicine, historical}}
midget (Noun: attributively: that is the small version of something)
* German: {{t|de|Zwerg-}}; {{t+|de|mini-}}, {{t|de|Mini-}}
military (Noun: armed forces)
* German: {{t+|de|Streitkräfte|f-p}}; {{t+|de|Militär|n}}; {{t+|de|Armee|f}}, {{t+|de|Militärwesen|n}}
morning wood (Noun: morning erection)
* German: {{t+|de|Morgenlatte|f}}; {{q|less common}} {{t|de|Morgenständer|m}}, {{t|de|Morgenständchen|n}}, {{t|de|morgendliche Pisslatte|f}}, {{t|de|Mopila|f}}, {{t|de|Morgenwasserlatte|f}},
multilingual (Adjective: pertaining to multiple languages)
* German: {{t+|de|vielsprachig}}, {{t+|de|mehrsprachig}}; {{t+|de|multilingual}}, {{t+|de|polyglott}}, {{t|de|polyglottisch}}
multiplication table (Noun: in arithmetic)
* German: {{t+|de|Einmaleins|n|lit=one-times-one}}; {{t|de|kleines Einmaleins|n}} {{q|from 1x1 to 10x10}}; {{t|de|großes Einmaleins|n}} {{q|from 1x1 to 20x20}}, {{t|de|Multipliziertafel|f}}, {{t|de|Einmaleinstabelle|f}}, {{t|de|Multiplikationstabelle|f}}
music (Noun: sound, organized in time in a melodious way)
* German: {{qualifier|sound, composition}} {{tt+|de|Musikstück}}, {{tt+|de|Musik}}; {{qualifier|art}} {{tt+|de|Musik|f}}, {{tt+|de|Tonkunst|f}}
nasal (Noun: vowel or consonant)
* German: {{t+|de|Nasenlaut}}; {{t+|de|Nasallaut}}, {{t+|de|Nasal|m}}, {{t|de|Nasalis|f}}
neat (Noun: cow, bovine)
* German: [[Hornvieh]]; [[Rindvieh]], {{t+|de|Hausrind|n}}
nevertheless (Adverb: in spite of what preceded)
* German: {{t+|de|nichtsdestoweniger}}, {{t+|de|trotzdem}}, {{l|de|auch wenn}}, {{t+|de|dennoch}}, {{t+|de|unbenommen}}; {{t+|de|nichtsdestotrotz}} {{qualifier|colloquial, humorous}}
notability (Noun: notable person or thing)
* German: {{q|of a person}} {{t+|de|Persönlichkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Bekanntheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Celebrity|f}}, {{t+|de|Prominenz|f}}, {{t|de|Notabler|m}}; {{q|of a thing}} {{t|de|Denkwürdigkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Besonderheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Merkwürdigkeit|f}}
onomatopoeic (Adjective: of or relating to onomatopoeia)
* German: {{t+|de|lautmalerisch}}, {{t|de|lautmalend}}; {{q|uncommon}} {{t+|de|onomatopoetisch}}
onomatopoeic (Adjective: having the property of onomatopoeia)
* German: {{t+|de|lautmalerisch}}, {{t|de|lautmalend}}; {{q|uncommon}} {{t+|de|onomatopoetisch}}
ordinal number (Noun: grammar: word used to denote relative position in a sequence)
* German: {{t+|de|Ordnungszahl|f}}, {{t+|de|Ordnungszahlwort|n}}; {{t|de|Ordinale|n}}, {{t+|de|Ordinalzahl|f}}
outhouse (Noun: outdoor toilet)
* German: {{t+|de|Plumpsklo|n}}, {{t|de|Außenklo|n}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}; {{t+|de|Außentoilette|f}}, {{t+|de|Häuschen|n}} {{qualifier|informal}}
paleographer (Noun: a person skilled in paleography)
* German: {{t|de|Paläograf|m}}, {{t|de|Paläograph|m}}; {{t|de|Paläografin|f}}, {{t|de|Paläographin|f}}
paper towel (Noun: paper used in kitchens)
* German: {{q|kitchen roll}} {{t+|de|Küchenrolle|f}}, {{t|de|Küchenpapier|f}}; {{q|general}} {{t+|de|Papiertuch|n}}
penitent (Adjective: feeling pain or sorrow on account of sins or offenses)
* German: {{t+|de|reumütig}}, {{t+|de|reuig}}; {{t+|de|bußfertig}} {{qualifier|religion}}
perpendicular (Adjective: at or forming a right angle to)
* German: {{t+|de|rechtwinklig}}; {{t+|de|lotrecht}}, {{t+|de|senkrecht}}, {{t+|de|perpendikular}}, {{t+|de|perpendikulär}}
pillow (Noun: soft cushion used to support the head in bed)
* German: {{t+|de|Kopfkissen|n}}, {{t+|de|Kissen|n}}; {{t|de|Ruhekissen|n}} {{qualifier|Austria}}, {{t+|de|Polster|m|n}} {{qualifier|Austria}}
piracy (Noun: unauthorized duplication)
* German: {{t|de|Raubkopieren|n}}; {{t+|de|Raubkopie|f}}, {{t+|de|Raubdruck|m}} {{qualifier|pirated edition}}
pluperfect tense (Noun: tense)
* German: {{t+|de|Plusquamperfekt|n}}; {{t+|de|Vorvergangenheit|f}}, {{t|de|vollendete Vergangenheit|f}}
poet (Noun: person who writes poems)
* German: {{t+|de|Dichter|m}}, {{t+|de|Dichterin|f}}; {{i|formal}} {{t+|de|Poet|m}}, {{t+|de|Poetin|f}}
possessive pronoun (Noun: pronoun which expresses possession)
* German: {{t+|de|besitzanzeigendes Fürwort|n}}; {{t+|de|Possessivpronomen|n}}, {{t+|de|Possessivum|n}}, {{t|de|Possessiv|n}}
powder (Noun: fine particles of any dry substance)
* German: (''cosmetic:'') {{t+|de|Puder|m}}, {{g|n}}; (''otherwise:'') {{t+|de|Pulver|n}}
predator (Noun: animal or organism that hunts)
* German: {{t+|de|Raubtier|n}}; {{q|but with fish usually}} {{t+|de|Raubfisch|m}}, {{t+|de|Beutegreifer|m}} {{qualifier|biology}}, {{t+|de|Prädator|m}} {{qualifier|ecology}}
primitive (Noun: linguistics: word not derived from another)
* German: {{t+|de|Wortstamm}} & {{t+|de|Stamm}}, {{t+|de|Stammwort}}, {{t+|de|Urwort}}, {{t|de|ursprüngliches Wort}}, {{t|de|Wurzelwort}}, {{t+|de|Wortwurzel}} & {{t+|de|Wurzel}}; {{t|de|Primitivum}}, {{t|de|Radicalwort}}, {{t|de|Radix}}
project (Verb: to make plans for; forecast)
* German: {{t+|de|projektieren}}, {{t+|de|planen}}; {{t+|de|hochrechnen}}, {{t+|de|erwarten}}, {{t+|de|vorhersagen}}, {{t+|de|voraussagen}}, {{t+|de|vorausberechnen}}
proverb (Noun: phrase expressing a basic truth)
* German: {{t+|de|Sprichwort|n}}, {{t|de|Denkspruch|m}}, {{t+|de|Redensart|f}}; {{t|de|Proverb|n}} {{qualifier|obsolete}}
pulpit (Noun: raised platform in church)
* German: {{i|with a stairway}} {{t+|de|Kanzel|f}}; {{i|not or just slightly raised}} {{t+|de|Ambo|m}}; {{t+|de|Pult|n}}, {{t|de|Predigtstuhl|m}}
pundit (Noun: an expert)
* German: {{t+|de|Experte|m}}, {{t+|de|Kommentator|m}}; {{q|especially politics also}} {{t+|de|Meinungsführer|m}}, {{t+|de|Meinungsmacher|m}}; {{q|especially arts and media also}} {{t+|de|Kritiker|m}}
radio (Noun: technology)
* German: {{q|broadcasting}} {{tt+|de|Radio|n}}, {{tt+|de|Hörfunk|m}}; {{q|with several transmitters, e.g. police}} {{tt+|de|Funk|m}}
radio amateur (Noun: person who practises the hobby of amateur radio)
* German: {{t+|de|Funkamateur|m}}, {{t+|de|Amateurfunker|m}}; {{t+|de|Funkamateurin|f}}, {{t+|de|Amateurfunkerin|f}}
ramification (Noun: consequence or development complicating a problem)
* German: {{t+|de|Verwicklung|f}}; {{q|also}} {{t+|de|Auswirkung|f}}, {{t+|de|Folge|f}}, {{t+|de|Konsequenz|f}}
rape culture (Noun: rape culture, cultivation of rape, rape cultivation)
* German: {{t|de|Rapsanbau|m}}, {{t|de|Rapsbau|m}}, {{t|de|Rapskultur|f}}, {{q|obsolete spelling}} {{t|de|Rapscultur|f}}; {{q|older spellings, South German}}: {{t|de|Repsanbau|m}}, {{t|de|Repsbau|m}}, {{t|de|Repskultur|f}}, {{t|de|Repscultur|f}}
ray tracing (Noun: computer graphics)
* German: {{t|de|Lichtberechnung}}, {{t|de|Schattenberechnung}}, {{t|de|Verdeckungsberechnung}}; loanword: {{t|de|Raytracing}}
realize (Verb: (transitive) to become aware of or understand (a fact or situation); (intransitive) to become aware of or understand a fact or situation)
* German: {{t+|de|realisieren}}, {{t+|de|erkennen}}; {{t+|de|feststellen}}, {{t|de|sich bewusst werden}}
really (Interjection: sarcastic, typically exaggerated question)
* German: {{l|de|ach nee}}; {{l|de|ach was}}; {{t+|de|sag bloß}}; {{q|informal}} {{t|de|was du nicht sagst}}, {{q|formal}} {{t|de|was Sie nicht sagen}}
recently (Adverb: in the recent past)
* German: {{t+|de|neulich}}, {{t+|de|kürzlich}}, {{t+|de|jüngst}}, {{t+|de|letztens}}, {{t+|de|unlängst}}, {{t+|de|vor Kurzem}}, {{t+|de|vor kurzem}} {{i|all referring to a particular recent event}}; {{t|de|in letzter Zeit}} {{i|referring to the recent time as a whole}}
recriminate (Verb: to accuse in return)
* German: {{t|de|[[im Gegenzug]] [[beschuldigen]]}}, {{t|de|[[Gegenbeschuldigungen]] [[erheben]]}}; {{q|rare also}} {{t|de|gegenbeschuldigen}}; {{q|with a following sub-clause}} {{t+|de|entgegnen}}, {{t+|de|zurückwerfen|alt=zurückwerfen (dass)}}
relish (Noun: pickled sauce)
* German: {{q|specialist use, chiefly for foreign cuisines}} {{t+|de|Chutney|n}}, {{t|de|Relish|n}}; {{q|any liquid-based condiment}} {{t+|de|Soße|f}}; {{q|any fairly dry condiment}} {{t+|de|Würze|f}}; {{q|vegetable-based side dish}} {{t+|de|Gemüse|n}}, {{t|de|Gemüsesalat|m}}
ribald (Adjective: coarse, lewd, vulgar)
* German: {{q|more neutral}} {{t+|de|frivol}}; {{q|more negative}} {{t+|de|zotig}}, {{t+|de|anstößig}}
rider (Noun: one who rides)
* German: {{t+|de|Reiter|m}}, {{t+|de|Reiterin|f}} {{q|on a horse etc.}}; {{t+|de|Fahrradfahrer|m}} {{q|on a bike}}; {{t+|de|Mopedfahrer|m}}, {{t+|de|Mofafahrer|m}}, {{t+|de|Motorradfahrer|m}} {{q|on a motorbike etc.}}
ringworm (Noun: contagious fungal affliction of the skin)
* German: {{t|de|Ringelflechte|f}}, {{t|de|Flechtengrind|m}}; {{qualifier|bovines}} {{t|de|Glatzflechte|f}}
rush (Verb: to hurry)
* German: {{t+|de|hetzen}}, {{t+|de|beeilen|alt=sich beeilen}}, {{t+|de|eilen}}, {{t+|de|flitzen}}; {{t+|de|übereilen}} {{q|to perform with great haste}}
satchel (Noun: bag or case with one or two shoulder straps)
* German: {{q|any bag for school}} {{t+|de|Schultasche|f}}; {{q|rucksack for school}} {{t+|de|Ranzen|m}}, {{t+|de|Schulranzen|m}}, {{t+|de|Tornister|m}}; {{q|bag with one long strap}} {{t+|de|Umhängetasche|f}}
satellite navigation system (Noun: navigation system using artificial satellites as radio signal sources and position references)
* German: {{t+|de|Navigationsgerät|n}}; {{t+|de|Navigationssystem|n}}; {{q|precise, but uncommon}} {{t+|de|Satellitennavigationssystem|n}}, {{t+|de|Navi|n}}
saunter (Noun: a leisurely walk or stroll)
* German: [[Umherschlendern]], gemächliche [[Wanderung]]; [[Schlendergang]]
scab (Noun: incrustation over a wound)
* German: {{t+|de|Schorf|m}}; {{t+|de|Kruste|f}}, {{t|de|Wundschorf|m}}, {{t|de|Wundkruste|f}}
servant (Noun: one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation)
* German: {{t+|de|Diener|m}}, {{t+|de|Dienerin|f}}, {{t+|de|Lakai|m}}, {{t+|de|Kammerdiener|m}}, {{t+|de|Zofe|f}}, {{t+|de|Bediensteter|m}}, {{t|de|Bediener|m}}, {{t+|de|Dienstbote|m}}; {{q|rural}} {{t+|de|Knecht|m}}, {{t+|de|Magd|f}}
shallow (Adjective: having little depth and significantly less deep than wide)
* German: {{t+|de|flach}}; {{q|of bodies of water also}} {{t+|de|seicht}}, {{t|de|untief}}
short s (Noun: the character s)
* German: ''in fraktur:'' s; ''in antiqua:'' {{t|de|rundes s|n}}, {{t|de|Rund-s|n}}, {{t|de|kurzes s|n}}
shotgun wedding (Noun: wedding in which the bride is pregnant)
* German: {{t|de|Mussehe|f}}, {{t|de|Mussheirat|f}}, {{t|de|Musshochzeit|f}}; {{q|more often expressed verbally:}} {{t|de|[[sie]] [[mussten]] [[heiraten]]}}
sickly (Adjective: appearing ill)
* German: ''(persons) depending on the context:'' {{t+|de|blass}}, {{t+|de|fahl}}, {{t+|de|kränklich}}, {{t+|de|unwohl}}; {{gloss|plants}} {{t+|de|welk}}, {{t+|de|ungesund}}, {{t+|de|krankhaft}}, {{t+|de|matt}}, {{t+|de|abgeschlagen}}
silverfish (Noun: Lepisma saccharina)
* German: {{t+|de|Silberfischchen|n}}; {{q|rarer also}} {{t+|de|Fischchen|n}}, {{t+|de|Silberfisch|m}}; {{q|archaic}} {{t|de|Zuckergast|m}}
sink (Noun: basin)
* German: {{q|kitchen sink}} {{t+|de|Spüle|f}}, {{t+|de|Spülbecken|n}}, {{t+|de|Spülstein|m}}; {{qualifier|bathroom washbasin}} {{t+|de|Waschbecken|n}}, {{t+|de|Lavabo|n}} {{qualifier|Switzerland}}
sire (Noun: male animal)
* German: {{t+|de|Männchen|n}}; {{qualifier|of dog}} {{t+|de|Rüde|m}}, {{qualifier|of horse}} {{t+|de|Hengst|m}}, {{qualifier|of cat}} {{t+|de|Kater|m}}, {{qualifier|of rabbit}} {{t+|de|Rammler|m}}
skim (Verb: throw an object so it bounces on water)
* German: {{q|generally understood}} {{t|de|[[springen]] [[lassen]]}}; {{t|de|[[hüpfen]] lassen}}; {{q|northern and central Germany}} {{t+|de|flitschen}}, {{t|de|titschen}}; {{q|Bavaria, Austria}} {{t+|de|flippen}}, {{t|de|platteln}}; {{q|Switzerland}} {{t+|de|schiefern}}
slant (Noun: sloped surface or line)
* German: {{t|de|Schräge|f}}, {{t+|de|Hang|m}}, {{t+|de|Abhang|m}}, {{t+|de|Neigung|f}}, {{t+|de|schiefe Ebene|f}}; {{t|de|schräg verlaufende Linie|f}}
slouch (Noun: hanging down of the head, a drooping posture; limp appearance)
* German: {{t+|de|herumlungern}}, {{t|de|herumhängen}} {{qualifier|drooping posture}};
slow on the uptake (Adjective: slow to comprehend)
* German: {{t|de|schwer von Kapee}}; {{t+|de|begriffsstutzig}}, {{t|de|auf der Leitung stehen}}
snobbish (Adjective: having the property of being a snob)
* German: {{t+|de|dünkelhaft}}, {{t|de|schnöselig}}, {{t+|de|blasiert}}, {{t|de|großtuerisch}}, {{t+|de|hochnäsig}}, {{t+|de|bourgeois}}; {{q|also and of British conditions chiefly}} {{t|de|snobistisch}}, {{t+|de|versnobt}}
snowboarder (Noun: someone who snowboards)
* German: {{t+|de|Snowboarder|m}}, {{t+|de|Snowboarderin|f}}; {{t+|de|Snowboardfahrer|m}}, {{t+|de|Snowboardfahrerin|f}}; {{qualifier|Switzerland}} {{t+|de|Snöber|m}}, {{t+|de|Snöberin|f}}
sod (Noun: stratum of soil)
* German: {{t+|de|Grasnarbe}} {{qualifier|stratum of soil}}; {{t+|de|Sode|f}}, {{t+|de|Grassode|f}}, {{t|de|Rasensode|f}} {{qualifier|cut piece}}; {{t+|de|Wasen|m}}, {{t|de|Plagge|f}} {{qualifier|regional}}; {{t|de|Rasenziegel|m}} {{qualifier|as building material}}
sorry (Interjection: expression of regret or sorrow)
* German: {{t+|de|Entschuldigung}}, {{t+|de|sorry}}; {{qualifier|more formal}} {{t|de|entschuldigen Sie bitte}}, {{t|de|verzeihen Sie bitte}}, {{t|de|es tut mir leid}}, {{t|de|ich bitte um Entschuldigung}}, {{t+|de|Verzeihung}}
space shuttle (Noun: vehicle capable of travelling repeatedly between Earth and outer space)
* German: {{t+|de|Raumfähre|f}}, {{t+|de|Weltraumfähre|f}}; {{q|but the historic NASA Space Shuttle usually}} {{t+|de|Spaceshuttle|n}}
speed bump (Noun: transverse ridge in the road)
* German: {{t|de|Bodenschwelle|f}} {{q|formal}}, {{t+|de|Bremsschwelle|f}} {{q|formal}}, {{t|de|Fahrbahnschwelle|f}} {{q|formal}}; {{t+|de|Hubbel|m}}, {{t|de|Verkehrshubbel|m}} {{q|colloquial|regional}}
spotter (Noun: military: supporting sniper)
* German: {{t+|de|Beobachter|m}}; the same function in the air force is also called {{t|de|Kampfbeobachter|m}}, {{t|de|Waffensystemoffizier|m}}, {{t|de|Kampfbeobachtungsoffizier|m}}; then there is the term {{t|de|Beobachtungsoffizier|m}} in general
stand-in (Noun: person who stands in for an actor during shooting setup)
* German: {{t+|de|Double|n}}, {{t+|de|Ersatz|m}}, {{t|de|Lichtdouble|n}} {{qualifier|film}}; {{qualifier|jobs}}: {{t+|de|Springer|m}}, {{t+|de|Springerin|f}}
stay (Verb: to postpone)
* German: {{t+|de|aufschieben}}; {{qualifier|chiefly law}} {{t+|de|vertagen}}, {{t+|de|aussetzen}}
stroopwafel (Noun: Dutch waffle made from two thin wafers)
* German: {{t|de|Sirupwaffel|f}}, {{t|de|Stroopwafel|f}} {{q|narrow sense}}; {{t|de|Honigwaffel|f}} {{q|loosely; a similar kind of German waffle}}
stubble (Noun: short, coarse hair)
* German: {{t+|de|Stoppel|f}}, {{t+|de|Bartstoppel|f}} {{q|countable}} ; {{t+|de|Stoppeln|f-p}}, {{t+|de|Bartstoppeln|f-p}}, {{t+|de|Dreitagebart|m}} {{q|uncountable}}
student (Noun: person who studies a subject)
* German: {{tt+|de|Student|m}}, {{tt+|de|Studentin|f}}; {{tt+|de|Lernender|m}} {{tt+|de|Lernende|f}}
student (Noun: person enrolled at a university)
* German: {{tt+|de|Student|m}}, {{tt+|de|Studentin|f}}; {{q|officialese now often}} {{tt+|de|Studierender|m}}, {{tt+|de|Studierende|f}}; {{q|rarely}} {{tt+|de|Hochschüler|m}}, {{tt+|de|Hochschülerin|f}}
supplement (Noun: extension to a document or publication)
* German: {{q|generally}} {{t+|de|Nachtrag|m}}; {{q|appendix}} {{t+|de|Anhang|m}}; {{q|additional volume of an already completed opus}} {{t+|de|Supplement|n}}, {{t|de|Supplementband|m}}
teacher's desk (Noun: teacher's desk)
* German: {{t|de|Lehrerpult|n}}, {{t|de|Lehrertisch|m}}; {{t+|de|Katheder|m}} {{q|dated}}
technical term (Noun: word that has a specific meaning within a specific field of expertise according to the context)
* German: {{t+|de|Fachausdruck|m}}, {{t+|de|Fachbegriff|m}}, {{t|de|Fachbezeichnung|f}}, {{t+|de|Fachwort|n}}; {{t+|de|Kunstwort|n}}, {{t|de|Kunstausdruck|m}}; {{t+|de|Terminus technicus|m}}, {{t+|de|Terminus|m}}, {{t+|de|Fachterminus|m}}, {{t|de|technischer Ausdruck|m}}
that's it (Phrase: There is nothing more to the issue)
* German: {{q|that's all I need}} {{t|de|das wär's}}, {{t|de|das ist alles}}; {{q|it's over}} {{t|de|das war's}}, {{t|de|jetzt ist Schluss}}
tow (Verb: pull something using a line)
* German: {{t+|de|ziehen}}, {{t+|de|schleppen}}; {{q|of a car}} {{t+|de|abschleppen}}; {{q|of a ship}} {{t+|de|treideln}}
towpath (Noun: path alongside a canal or river)
* German: {{q|generally}} {{t+|de|Uferweg|m}}, {{t|de|Uferpfad|m}}; {{q|in the context of towing specifically}} {{t+|de|Treidelweg|m}}, {{t+|de|Treidelpfad|m}}, {{t+|de|Leinpfad|m}}; {{q|regionally also}} {{t+|de|Treppelweg|m}}, {{t|de|Reckweg|m}}
traffic light (Noun: signalling device)
* German: {{t+|de|Ampel|f}}, {{t+|de|Verkehrsampel|f}}; {{qualifier|Namibia, South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal)}} {{t+|de|Robot|m}}
translucent (Adjective: allowing light to pass through, but diffusing it)
* German: {{t+|de|lichtdurchlässig}}; {{t+|de|transparent}}, {{t|de|transluzent}}
tub (Noun: broad, flat-bottomed vessel)
* German: {{q|small, e.g. for icecream}} {{t+|de|Dose}}; {{q|large, e.g. for washing or flowers}} {{t+|de|Kübel|m}}, {{t+|de|Bottich|m}}
turn off (Verb: switch off appliance or light)
* German: {{t+|de|ausschalten}}, {{t+|de|abschalten}} {{qualifier|switch off device, appliance or light}}; {{t+|de|abstellen}} {{qualifier|device or appliance}}; {{t+|de|ausmachen}} {{qualifier|light}}
turn out (Verb: to result; end up)
* German: {{t+|de|herausstellen|alt=sich herausstellen}} {{l|de|als}} (+''nominal'')/{{l|de|dass}} (+''clause''); {{t+|de|erweisen|alt=sich erweisen}} als; {{t+|de|entpuppen|alt=sich entpuppen}} als; so {{t+|de|ausgehen}}, dass; {{t+|de|enden}} als
typist (Noun: person who types)
* German: {{t|de|Maschinenschreiber|m}}, {{t|de|Maschinschreiber|m}} {{q|Austrian}}, {{t+|de|Schreibkraft|f}}; {{qual|female}} {{t|de|Maschinenschreiberin|f}}, {{t|de|Maschinschreiberin|f}} {{q|Austrian}}, {{t+|de|Tippse|f}} {{q|colloquial}}, {{t|de|Schreibdame|f}}, {{t|de|Tippfräulein|n}} {{q|colloquial, obsolescent}}, {{t|de|Tippmädchen|n}} {{q|colloquial, obsolete}}, {{t|de|Tippmamsell|f}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{t|de|Dactylo|f}} {{q|Swiss, obsolete}}, {{t|de|Schreibmaschinist|m}}, {{t|de|Schreibmaschinistin|f}}
uncouple (Verb: to disconnect or detach)
* German: {{t+|de|abhängen}}, {{t|de|abkuppeln}} {{q|trailer, wagon}}; {{t+|de|loslösen}}
underscore (Noun: an underline)
* German: [[Unterstreichung]] {{g|f}} {{qualifier|line}}; [[Unterstrich]] {{g|m}} {{qualifier|character}}, {{qualifier|character}} {{t|de|Grundstrich}}
used to (Verb: formerly and habitually or repeatedly)
* German: {{q|formerly, not anymore}} {{t+|de|früher}}, {{t+|de|damals}}, {{t+|de|mal}}; {{q|habitually}} {{t+|de|oft}}, {{t+|de|regelmäßig}}, {{t+|de|ständig}}, ''in formal style also'' {{t|de|[[pflegen|pflegte]] [[zu]] + infinitive}}
utility room (Noun: type of room)
* German: {{q|general}} {{t+|de|Hauswirtschaftsraum|m}}; {{q|when containing a washing mashine also}} {{t+|de|Waschküche|f}}, {{t+|de|Waschraum|m}}
value date (Noun: Date and action on which payments are credited or debited to the customer's imagined but legally real account)
* German: {{t|de|Valutadatum|n}}, {{t|de|Wertstellungsdatum|n}}, {{t|de|Valutatag|m}}, {{t|de|Wertstellungstag|m}}; but one usually distinctly refers to the action itself with {{t+|de|Valuta|f}}, {{t|de|Wertstellung|f}}
vampire (Noun: mythological creature)
* German: {{t+|de|Blutsauger|m}}, {{t+|de|Vampir|m}}, {{t+|de|Vampyr|m}}; {{qual|female}} {{t+|de|Vampirin|f}}
venison (Noun: the meat of a deer)
* German: {{t+|de|Rehfleisch|n}}; {{q|red deer}} {{t+|de|Wildbret|n}}, {{t+|de|Wildfleisch|n}}
ventriloquism (Noun: art of projecting one's voice so that it appears to come from another source)
* German: {{t+|de|Bauchreden|n}}, {{t+|de|Bauchredekunst|f}}, {{t+|de|Bauchrednerei|f}}; {{t|de|Ventriloquismus|m}} {{q|not generally understood}}
ventriloquist (Noun: a person who practices ventriloquism)
* German: {{t+|de|Bauchredner|m}}, {{t+|de|Bauchrednerin|f}}; {{t+|de|Ventriloquist|m}}, {{t+|de|Ventriloquistin|f}} {{q|not generally understood}}
vestibule (Noun: small entrance hall before main hall or lobby)
* German: {{t+|de|Windfang|m}}, {{t+|de|Vorraum|m}}; in large buildings: {{t+|de|Vorhalle|f}}, {{t+|de|Eingangshalle|f}}
visitor pattern (Noun: behavioural design pattern)
* German: {{t|de|Besucher-Muster|n}}; {{t+|de|Besucher|m}}, {{t|de|Visitor|m}}
wallet (Noun: case for keeping money)
* German: {{t+|de|Portemonnaie|n}}, {{t+|de|Portmonee|n}}; {{t+|de|Brieftasche|f}}; {{t+|de|Geldbeutel|m}}; {{t+|de|Geldbörse|f}}, {{t+|de|Börse|f}}
wallow (Verb: )
* German: [[sich wälzen]] (1,2), [[suhlen]] (1,2,3), [[schwelgen]] (1) (to wallow in vice) dem Laster frönen; (to wallow in money) im Geld schwimmen; (to wallow in pleasure) im Vergnügen schwelgen
what goes around comes around (Proverb: actions have consequences)
* German: {{t+|de|wie man in den Wald hineinruft, so schallt es heraus|lit=what you shout into the forest, will echo out again}}; {{t|de|man erntet, was man sät|lit=you reap what you sow}}; {{t|de|wie man sich bettet, so liegt man|lit=as you make your bed, so you must lie in it}}; {{t|de|die Vergangenheit holt einen immer ein|lit=your past always catches up with you}}; {{t+|de|das kommt davon|lit=that comes from that}}; {{t|de|sowas kommt von sowas|lit=such a thing comes from such a thing}}; {{t|de|wie du mir, so ich dir|lit=as you do to me, I do to you}}, {{t|de|alles rächt sich irgendwann}}
wheeze (Verb: breathe hard)
* German: {{t+|de|keuchen}}, {{t+|de|röcheln}}, {{t+|de|schnaufen}}, {{t|de|[[schwer]] [[atmen]]}}, {{t|de|[[pfeifend]] atmen}}; {{q|regional}} {{t|de|giemen}}
whistle past the graveyard (Verb: to try to be cheerful in the face of one's fears)
* German: {{q|semantically close, but less idiomatic}} {{t|de|[[der]] [[Angst]] [[ins]] [[Gesicht]] [[lachen]]|lit=to laugh into the face of fear}}, {{t|de|[[die]] [[Angst]] [[weglachen]]|lit=to laugh away one’s fear}}; {{q|more idiomatic, but usually referring to emotions other than fear}} {{t|de|[[zweckoptimistisch]] [[sein]]|lit=to be practically optimistic}}, {{t|de|gute Mine zum bösen Spiel machen|lit=to keep a good face during the evil play}}
wickerwork (Noun: things made of wicker)
* German: {{q|collectively}} {{t|de|Korbgeflecht|n}}, {{t|de|Korbwaren|f-p}}, {{t|de|Korbflechtware|f}}; {{t+|de|Flechtwerk|n}}; {{q|particular item}} {{t|de|Flecht-}} + ''noun''
windowsill (Noun: the horizontal member protruding from the base of a window frame)
* German: {{t+|de|Fensterbank|f}}; {{t+|de|Fensterbrett|n}}, {{t+|de|Brüstung|f}}, {{t+|de|Sims|m}}, {{t+|de|Fensterbrüstung|f}}
womb (Noun: uterus)
* German: {{q|specific organ}} {{t+|de|Gebärmutter|f}}; {{q|specialist also}} {{t+|de|Uterus|m}}; {{q|pregnant body as the “seat of life”}} {{t+|de|Mutterleib|m}}, {{t+|de|Schoß|m}}
worst (Adjective: most inferior)
* German: {{qualifier|+ der, die, das}} {{t+|de|schlechteste}}, {{t+|de|schlechtester}}; {{qualifier|+ der, die, das}} {{t+|de|schlimmste}}, {{t+|de|schlimmster}}
yeah (Particle: yes)
* German: {{qualifier|yeah}} {{t+|de|jo}}, {{t+|de|joa}}; {{qualifier|yes}} {{t+|de|ja}}

Multiple t-templates

318 items
-'s (Suffix: possessive marker)
* German: {{t+|de|-s}}, {{t+|de|des|m|n}} {{t+|de|der|f}} {{qualifier|genitive, after the thing owned and before the owner, or before the owner and the thing owned}}, {{t+|de|von}} {{qualifier|after the thing owned and before the owner with dative}}
-ectomy (Suffix: surgical removal of)
* German: {{t|de|[[Entfernung|-entfernung]]|f}}; {{q|of an outer organ, e.g. breasts, also}} {{t|de|[[Amputation|-amputation]]|f}} {{q|chiefly specialist}} {{t|de|-ektomie|f}}
-ee (Suffix: forming words meaning a person to whom or a thing to which an action is done)
* German: {{t+|de|ge-}} {{qualifier|prefix}} + {{t+|de|-er|m}}, {{t+|de|-e|f}}, {{t+|de|-es|n}}, {{t+|de|-en|p}} {{qualifier|strong}}, {{t+|de|-e}} {{qualifier|weak}}
-ess (Suffix: female suffix)
* German: {{t+|de|-in|f}} ({{t+|de|-trix|f}}, {{t|de|-öse|f}})
-ess (Suffix: female suffix)
* German: {{t+|de|-in|f}} ({{t+|de|-trix|f}}, {{t|de|-öse|f}})
AWOL (Noun: military: absence without proper authority)
* German: {{t|de|unerlaubte Entfernung|f}} {{t|de|unerlaubte Entfernung von der Truppe|f}}; {{t|de|unerlaubte Abwesenheit|f}}; {{t|de|unerlaubte Abwesenheit von der Truppe|f}}
American (Noun: person born in, or a citizen of, the U.S.)
* German: {{t+|de|Amerikaner|m}} {{t+|de|Amerikanerin|f}}, {{t+|de|US-Amerikaner|m}} {{t+|de|US-Amerikanerin|f}}, {{t+|de|Ami|m}}
Attila the Hun (Proper noun: king of the tribes of Huns)
* German: {{t|de|[[König]] Attila}}; {{t|de|[[Hunnenkönig]] Attila}}; ''instead of'' {{t+|de|Attila}} ''archaic also'' {{l|de|Etzel}}
BC (Adverb: before Christ)
* German: {{t+|de|v. Chr.}} ({{t|de|vor Christus}}, {{t|de|vor Christo}})
BC (Adverb: before Christ)
* German: {{t+|de|v. Chr.}} ({{t|de|vor Christus}}, {{t|de|vor Christo}})
Comanche (Noun: member of the Comanche people)
* German: {{t+|de|Komantsche|m}} ({{t|de|Komanche}}, {{t+|de|Comanche}})
Comanche (Noun: member of the Comanche people)
* German: {{t+|de|Komantsche|m}} ({{t|de|Komanche}}, {{t+|de|Comanche}})
Confucius (Proper noun: Chinese philosopher)
* German: {{t|de|Konfuzius|m}} ({{t|de|Konfucius}}, {{t|de|Confucius}}), {{t|de|Konfutse|m}}
Confucius (Proper noun: Chinese philosopher)
* German: {{t|de|Konfuzius|m}} ({{t|de|Konfucius}}, {{t|de|Confucius}}), {{t|de|Konfutse|m}}
Crown prosecutor (Noun: state prosecutor)
* German: ≈ {{t+|de|Staatsanwalt|m}} / {{t+|de|Staatsanwältin|f}}
Down syndrome (Noun: genetic disorder caused by a chromosomal excess)
* German: {{t+|de|Downsyndrom|n}} / {{t+|de|Down-Syndrom|n}}, {{t+|de|Trisomie 21|f}}, {{t+|de|Mongolismus|m}} {{q|[[dated]], now [[offensive]]}}
Early New High German (Proper noun: form of German)
* German: {{t+|de|Frühneuhochdeutsch|n}} (as adjective: {{t+|de|frühneuhochdeutsch}})
Elector (Noun: German prince entitled to elect the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire)
* German: {{t+|de|Kurfürst|m}} ({{t+|de|Kurfürstin|f}} {{qualifier|Elector's wife}})
Eteocypriot (Proper noun: the pre-Indo-European language)
* German: {{t|de|Eteokyprisch|n}}, {{t|de|[[eteokyprisch]]e [[Sprache]]|f}} (adjective: {{t|de|eteokyprisch}})
IMO (Prepositional phrase: in my opinion)
* German: {{t+|de|meines Erachtens}} <{{t+|de|m. E.}}>, {{t|de|meiner Meinung nach}}
Indian English (Noun: Indian dialect of English)
* German: {{t|de|indisches Englisch|n}} ({{t|de|Indisches Englisch|n}})
Japanese (Noun: person of Japan)
* German: {{t+|de|Japaner|m}} ({{t+|de|Japanerin|f}}; {{t+|de|Japanese|m}})
Japanese (Noun: person of Japan)
* German: {{t+|de|Japaner|m}} ({{t+|de|Japanerin|f}}; {{t+|de|Japanese|m}})
King James Version (Proper noun: 1611 English translation of the Bible)
* German: {{t|de|King-James-Bibel|f}}, {{t|de|King-James-Version|f}} (proscribed: {{t|de|King James Version|f}})
Kleverlandish (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Kleverländisch|n}} (as adjective: {{t|de|kleverländisch}})
Lantern Festival (Noun: festival marking the end of the Chinese New Year period)
* German: ({{t|de|[[chinesisch|Chinesisches]]}}) {{t|de|Laternenfest|n}}, {{t|de|Yuanxiao-Fest|n}}
Low Franconian (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t+|de|Niederfränkisch|n}} (as adjective: {{t|de|niederfränkisch}})
Mennonite Low German (Proper noun: variety)
* German: {{t|de|Mennonitendeutsch|n}}, {{t|de|Mennonitenplatt|n}}, {{t|de|Mennoniten-Niederdeutsch|n}}/{{t|de|Mennonitenniederdeutsch|n}} {{qualifier|rare}}, {{t|de|Mennonitenplautdietsch|n}} {{qualifier|very rare}}
Middle Low Franconian (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Mittelniederfränkisch|n}} (as adjective: {{t|de|mittelniederfränkisch}})
Mòcheno (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Fersentalerisch|n}} (adjective {{t|de|fersentalerisch}})
Old Low Franconian (Proper noun: language)
* German: {{t|de|Altniederfränkisch|n}} (as adjective: {{t|de|altniederfränkisch}})
RNA (Noun: abbreviation of ribonucleic acid)
* German: {{t+|de|RNS|f}} ({{t+|de|Ribonukleinsäure|f}})
Red Crescent (Proper noun: branch of the Red Cross)
* German: {{t+|de|Roter Halbmond|m}} / {{t|de|der [[Rote Halbmond]]|m}}
Roman Catholic (Noun: person)
* German: {{t+|de|Katholik|m}}, {{t+|de|Katholikin|f}}, {{t|de|Römisch-Katholik|m}} {{qualifier|considered redundant, rare}}, {{t|de|Römisch-Katholikin|f}} {{qualifier|considered redundant, rare}} (compare {{t|de|Alt-Katholik|m}}, {{t|de|Alt-Katholikin|f}}, {{t|de|Altkatholik|m}}, {{t|de|Altkatholikin|f}})
Roman Catholic (Noun: person)
* German: {{t+|de|Katholik|m}}, {{t+|de|Katholikin|f}}, {{t|de|Römisch-Katholik|m}} {{qualifier|considered redundant, rare}}, {{t|de|Römisch-Katholikin|f}} {{qualifier|considered redundant, rare}} (compare {{t|de|Alt-Katholik|m}}, {{t|de|Alt-Katholikin|f}}, {{t|de|Altkatholik|m}}, {{t|de|Altkatholikin|f}})
Roman Catholic (Noun: person)
* German: {{t+|de|Katholik|m}}, {{t+|de|Katholikin|f}}, {{t|de|Römisch-Katholik|m}} {{qualifier|considered redundant, rare}}, {{t|de|Römisch-Katholikin|f}} {{qualifier|considered redundant, rare}} (compare {{t|de|Alt-Katholik|m}}, {{t|de|Alt-Katholikin|f}}, {{t|de|Altkatholik|m}}, {{t|de|Altkatholikin|f}})
Roman Catholic (Noun: person)
* German: {{t+|de|Katholik|m}}, {{t+|de|Katholikin|f}}, {{t|de|Römisch-Katholik|m}} {{qualifier|considered redundant, rare}}, {{t|de|Römisch-Katholikin|f}} {{qualifier|considered redundant, rare}} (compare {{t|de|Alt-Katholik|m}}, {{t|de|Alt-Katholikin|f}}, {{t|de|Altkatholik|m}}, {{t|de|Altkatholikin|f}})
South African English (Proper noun: English dialect of South Africa)
* German: {{t|de|südafrikanisches Englisch|n}} ({{t|de|Südafrikanisches Englisch|n}})
Thousand Island dressing (Noun: salad dressing)
* German: {{t|de|Amerikaner Dressing}} / {{t|de|American Dressing}} / {{t|de|Amerika Dressing}}
Thousand Island dressing (Noun: salad dressing)
* German: {{t|de|Amerikaner Dressing}} / {{t|de|American Dressing}} / {{t|de|Amerika Dressing}}
Trinidadian and Tobagonian (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|von [[Trinidad und Tobago]]}} {{t-check|de|trinidadisch}}
Twents (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Twentisch|n}} (adjective: {{t|de|twentisch}})
aberrant (Noun: person wandering from the rest of the group)
* German: {{t+|de|Abweichler|m}}/{{t+|de|Abweichlerin|f}}, {{t+|de|Abtrünniger|m}}/{{t+|de|Abtrünnige|f}}
ablaut (Noun: substitution of one root vowel for another)
* German: {{t+|de|Ablaut|m}} ({{t|de|Vokalabstufung|f}})
abscond (Verb: to flee, often secretly)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|davonmachen}}, {{t+|de|türmen}}, {{t+|de|davonstehlen}}
abscond (Verb: to withdraw from)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|zurückziehen}}
abscond (Verb: to hide)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|verstecken}}
accomplish (Verb: to finish successfully)
* German: {{t+|de|vollenden}} {{t+|de|vollziehen}}, {{t+|de|ausführen}}
accomplishment (Noun: the act of accomplishing)
* German: {{t+|de|Ausführung|f}} {{t+|de|Durchführung|f}}, {{t+|de|Vollendung|f}}, {{t+|de|Erfüllung|f}}
acedia (Noun: sloth)
* German: {{t+|de|Faulheit|f}} <i>oder</i> {{t+|de|Trägheit|f}} des Herzens / Geistes, <i>(dass heisst auch</i> {{t|de|Acedia|f}} <i>ein lateinisches Wort für eine</i> {{t+|de|Todsünde|f}} <i>der sieben {{t+|de|Todsünden}})</i> (relig.)
ad lib (Adverb: at pleasure)
* German: {{t+|de|beliebig}}, {{t+|de|nach}} {{t+|de|Herzenslust}}, {{t|de|[[nach]] [[Belieben]]}}
add-on (Noun: software: extension of core application)
* German: {{t+|de|Erweiterung|f}}; ''(colloquial:)'' {{t|de|Addon|n}} / {{t+|de|Add-on|n}} / {{t|de|Add-On|n}}
add-on (Noun: software: extension of core application)
* German: {{t+|de|Erweiterung|f}}; ''(colloquial:)'' {{t|de|Addon|n}} / {{t+|de|Add-on|n}} / {{t|de|Add-On|n}}
advertiser (Noun: one who advertises)
* German: {{t|de|Werbender|m}}/{{t|de|Werbende|f}}, {{t|de|Werbetreibender|m}}/{{t|de|Werbetreibende|f}}, {{t+|de|Inserent|m}}/{{t+|de|Inserentin|f}}
amalgamate (Verb: to make an alloy of mercury and another metal)
* German: {{t+|de|verquicken}}, {{t+|de|amalgamieren}}, {{t+|de|mit}} {{t+|de|Quecksilber}} {{t+|de|legieren}}
amalgamate (Verb: to make an alloy of mercury and another metal)
* German: {{t+|de|verquicken}}, {{t+|de|amalgamieren}}, {{t+|de|mit}} {{t+|de|Quecksilber}} {{t+|de|legieren}}
ambiguous (Adjective: open to multiple interpretations)
* German: {{t+|de|mehrdeutig}} ({{t+|de|doppeldeutig}}, {{t+|de|zweideutig}})
ambiguous (Adjective: open to multiple interpretations)
* German: {{t+|de|mehrdeutig}} ({{t+|de|doppeldeutig}}, {{t+|de|zweideutig}})
arrest (Verb: to take into legal custody)
* German: {{t+|de|festnehmen}}, {{t+|de|verhaften}}, {{t+|de|arrestieren}}
as in (Adverb: in the sense of)
* German: {{t+|de|als}}; {{t+|de|wie}}; {{t|de|im Sinne}} ({{t+|de|von}})
attendant (Noun: one who attends)
* German: {{t+|de|Begleiter|m}}, {{t+|de|Begleiterin|f}}, {{t+|de|Bewacher|m}}, {{t+|de|Bewacherin|f}}, {{t+|de|Wächter|m}}, {{t+|de|Wächterin|f}}, {{t+|de|Aufpasser|m}}, {{t+|de|Aufpasserin|f}}, {{t+|de|Aufseher|m}} {{t+|de|Aufseherin|f}}, {{t+|de|Wärter|m}}, {{t+|de|Wärterin|f}}, {{t|de|Begleitperson|f}}, {{t+|de|Aufsichtsperson|f}}
audacity (Noun: insolent boldness)
* German: {{t+|de|Dreistigkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Unverschämtheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Unverfrorenheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Frechheit|f}}. ironically or if viewed as positive: {{t+|de|Chuzpe|f}}. dated: {{t+|de|Kühnheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Verwegenheit|f}}.
audacity (Noun: insolent boldness)
* German: {{t+|de|Dreistigkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Unverschämtheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Unverfrorenheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Frechheit|f}}. ironically or if viewed as positive: {{t+|de|Chuzpe|f}}. dated: {{t+|de|Kühnheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Verwegenheit|f}}.
bandwagon (Noun: (figuratively) Current movement that attracts wide support)
* German: {{l|de|erfolgreiche}} {{t+|de|Partei|f}}, {{l|de|erfolgreiche}} {{t+|de|Seite|f}}
bankrupt (Verb: force into bankruptcy)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|den}} {{l|de|Konkurs}} {{t+|de|treiben}}
bankrupt (Verb: force into bankruptcy)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|den}} {{l|de|Konkurs}} {{t+|de|treiben}}
bankrupt (Verb: force into bankruptcy)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|den}} {{l|de|Konkurs}} {{t+|de|treiben}}
bear (Verb: to be equipped with)
* German: {{tt+|de|tragen}}, {{tt+|de|ausgerüstet}} {{tt+|de|sein}} {{tt+|de|mit}}, {{tt+|de|ausgestattet}} German: {{tt+|de|sein}} {{tt+|de|mit}}
bear (Verb: to be equipped with)
* German: {{tt+|de|tragen}}, {{tt+|de|ausgerüstet}} {{tt+|de|sein}} {{tt+|de|mit}}, {{tt+|de|ausgestattet}} German: {{tt+|de|sein}} {{tt+|de|mit}}
bear (Verb: to wear or display)
* German: {{tt+|de|tragen}}, {{tt+|de|aufweisen}}, {{tt+|de|ausgerüstet}} {{tt+|de|sein}} {{tt+|de|mit}}, {{tt+|de|ausgestattet}} {{tt+|de|sein}} {{tt+|de|mit}}
bear (Verb: to wear or display)
* German: {{tt+|de|tragen}}, {{tt+|de|aufweisen}}, {{tt+|de|ausgerüstet}} {{tt+|de|sein}} {{tt+|de|mit}}, {{tt+|de|ausgestattet}} {{tt+|de|sein}} {{tt+|de|mit}}
bear (Verb: to endure with patience; to be patient)
* German: {{tt+|de|erdulden}}, {{tt+|de|ertragen}}, {{tt+|de|sich}} {{tt+|de|gedulden}}
biological parent (Noun: biological parent)
* German: : {{t|de|biologischer Elterteil|m}} ({{t|de|biologische Elterteile|p}}), {{t|de|biologische Eltern|p}}, {{t|de|leiblicher Elternteil|m}}, {{t|de|natürlicher Elternteil|m}}
bit by bit (Adverb: a small amount at a time)
* German: {{t|de|Stück für Stück}}, {{t+|de|nach und nach}}, {{t+|de|allmählich}} {{t+|de|peu à peu}}
black soup (Noun: ancient Spartan broth)
* German: {{t|de|schwarze Suppe|f}}, {{t|de|spartanische Suppe|f}} ({{t|de|Spartanische Suppe|f}})
bounce off the walls (Verb: to be overly active)
* German: {{t+|de|aufgekratzt}} {{t+|de|sein}}
burger sauce (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Amerikaner Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerikaner Soße}} / {{t|de|American Sauce}} / {{t|de|American Soße}} / {{t|de|Amerika Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerika Soße}}
burger sauce (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Amerikaner Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerikaner Soße}} / {{t|de|American Sauce}} / {{t|de|American Soße}} / {{t|de|Amerika Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerika Soße}}
burger sauce (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Amerikaner Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerikaner Soße}} / {{t|de|American Sauce}} / {{t|de|American Soße}} / {{t|de|Amerika Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerika Soße}}
burger sauce (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Amerikaner Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerikaner Soße}} / {{t|de|American Sauce}} / {{t|de|American Soße}} / {{t|de|Amerika Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerika Soße}}
burger sauce (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Amerikaner Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerikaner Soße}} / {{t|de|American Sauce}} / {{t|de|American Soße}} / {{t|de|Amerika Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerika Soße}}
but (Conjunction: except)
* German: {{t+|de|außer}}, {{t+|de|aber}} {{t+|de|nicht}}, {{t+|de|als}} (only after negative sentences)
by a long shot (Prepositional phrase: by a wide margin)
* German: {{t|de|bei weitem}}, {{t|de|bei Weitem}}, {{qualifier|in the context of a negative}} {{t+|de|lange}}, {{qualifier|in the context of a negative, temporally}} {{t+|de|noch}} {{t+|de|lange}}
calligraphy (Noun: art of writing beautifully)
* German: {{t+|de|Kalligraphie|f}}, {{t|de|Schönschreibkunst|f}}, {{t|de|Schönschreiben}}, {{t+|de|Schönschrift}}, {{t+|de|gute}} {{t+|de|Handschrift}}
cardinal numeral (Noun: grammar: word used to represent a cardinal number)
* German: {{t+|de|Grundzahlwort|n}}, {{t+|de|Grundzahl|f}}, {{t+|de|Kardinale|n}} {{t|de|Cardinale|n}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{t|de|Kardinalzahlwort|n}}, {{t|de|Cardinalzahlwort|n}} {{q|obsolete}}, {{t+|de|Kardinalzahl|f}}, {{t|de|Cardinalzahl|f}} {{q|obsolete}}
carry out (Verb: to hold while moving something out)
* German: {{t+|de|raus}} {{t+|de|tragen}}
carter (Noun: person who transports a load on an animal-drawn cart)
* German: {{t+|de|Fuhrmann|m}} {{t+|de|Wagner|m}}, {{t+|de|Kärrner|m}} {{qualifier|dated}}
cat got someone's tongue (Phrase: why are you not saying anything?)
* German: {{t|de|hast du die Sprache verloren?}} / {{t|de|haben Sie die Sprache verloren?|lit=did you lose your speech/language?}}
cavern (Noun: large cave)
* German: {{l|de|große}} {{t+|de|Höhle|f}}, {{t+|de|Grotte|f}}
centipede (Noun: a segmented arthropod of class Chilopoda)
* German: {{t+|de|Tausendfüßler|m}}, {{t+|de|Tausendfüßer|m}} {{q|rare, dated, or regional}} {{t|de|Hundertfüßler|m}}, {{t|de|Hundertfüßer|m}}
chair (Verb: to act as chairperson)
* German: {{tt+|de|Vorsitz|m}} {{tt+|de|führen}}
chicanery (Noun: deception by use of trickery)
* German: {{t+|de|Täuschung|f}} {{t+|de|Schikane|f}}, {{t+|de|Täuschungsmanöver|n}}
cipher (Noun: concealed message)
* German: {{t+|de|Chiffre|f}} {{t+|de|Geheimschrift|f}}
cisgender (Adjective: having a gender the same as one's assigned sex at birth)
* German: {{t+|de|cisgender}}, {{t|de|cis-gender}}, {{t+|de|cis}}, {{t+|de|cisgeschlechtlich}}/{{t+|de|zisgeschlechtlich}}, {{t|de|zissexuell}}
closed (Adjective: not public)
* German: {{t+|de|nicht}} {{t+|de|öffentlich}} {{qualifier|of people or software}}; {{t+|de|geschlossen}} {{qualifier|used with groups of people only}}
cob (Noun: male swan)
* German: {{t|de|Schwanenmännchen|n}} (cf. {{t|de|Schwanen-}}, {{t+|de|Männchen|n}}), {{t+|de|männlich|alt=männlicher}} {{t+|de|Schwan|m}}
cob (Noun: male swan)
* German: {{t|de|Schwanenmännchen|n}} (cf. {{t|de|Schwanen-}}, {{t+|de|Männchen|n}}), {{t+|de|männlich|alt=männlicher}} {{t+|de|Schwan|m}}
code (Verb: write software programs)
* German: {{t+|de|programmieren}}, {{t|de|koden}} ({{t+|de|coden}})
confront (Verb: to deal with)
* German: sich einer {{t+|de|Sache|f}} {{t+|de|stellen}}, {{t|de|sich mit etwas [[auseinandersetzen]]}}, {{t|de|sich mit einem Problem [[befassen]]}}
consist (Verb: to be composed (of))
* German: (of: {{l|de|aus}}) {{t+|de|bestehen}}
construct state (Noun: a noun form, associated with the genitive)
* German: {{t|de|Status constructus|m}}, {{t|de|Constructus|m}} ({{t|de|Konstruktus|m}})
conundrum (Noun: difficult question or riddle)
* German: {{t+|de|Rätsel|n}}, {{t|de|Scherzfrage|f}}, {{l|de|schwierige}} {{t+|de|Frage|f}}, {{t|de|Vexierfrage|f}}, {{t|de|Rätselfrage|f}}, {{t|de|Kopfzerbrecher|m}}
count on (Verb: to rely on, trust, or expect)
* German: ({{l|de|auf}}) jemanden/etwas {{t+|de|zählen}}
crank (Noun: slang: strange person)
* German: {{t+|de|Sonderling|m}}, {{qualifier|colloquial}} {{t+|de|Spinner|m}}, {{l|de|wunderlicher}} {{t+|de|Kauz|m}}
daimyo (Noun: Japanese feudal lord)
* German: {{t+|de|Daimyo|m}}, {{t+|de|Daimio|m}} ({{t|de|Daimjo|m}}, {{t|de|Daimiô|m}})
daimyo (Noun: Japanese feudal lord)
* German: {{t+|de|Daimyo|m}}, {{t+|de|Daimio|m}} ({{t|de|Daimjo|m}}, {{t|de|Daimiô|m}})
deal with (Verb: take action with respect to (someone or something))
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|auseinandersetzen}} {{l|de|mit}}
deal with (Verb: take action with respect to (someone or something))
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|auseinandersetzen}} {{l|de|mit}}
dear (Adjective: formal way of addressing)
* German: {{t|de|sehr geehrter}}/{{t|de|sehr geehrte}}
defunct (Adjective: no longer in use)
* German: {{t+|de|erloschen}}, {{t+|de|gelöscht}}, {{l|de|nicht}} {{l|de|mehr}} {{t+|de|existierend}}, {{t+|de|tot}}
defunct (Adjective: no longer in use)
* German: {{t+|de|erloschen}}, {{t+|de|gelöscht}}, {{l|de|nicht}} {{l|de|mehr}} {{t+|de|existierend}}, {{t+|de|tot}}
deign (Verb: to condescend)
* German: {{t+|de|sich}} {{t+|de|herablassen}} (with ''zu'' + infinitive), {{t+|de|geruhen}} (with ''zu'' + infinitive)
dentist (Noun: specialized tooth doctor)
* German: {{t+|de|Zahnarzt|m}}, {{t+|de|Zahnärztin|f}}, {{t+|de|Zahnmediziner|m}} {{t+|de|Dentist|m}}
depose (Verb: to give evidence or testimony)
* German: {{t+|de|unter}} {{t+|de|Eid|m}} {{t+|de|aussagen}}, {{t+|de|bezeugen}}
depose (Verb: to give evidence or testimony)
* German: {{t+|de|unter}} {{t+|de|Eid|m}} {{t+|de|aussagen}}, {{t+|de|bezeugen}}
determinator (Noun: determining factor)
* German: {{l|de|bestimmender}} {{t+|de|Faktor|m}}
devilry (Noun: mischief)
* German: {{t+|de|Unfug|m}}, {{t+|de|böser}} {{t+|de|Ulk|m}}
dip (Verb: to use dipstick to check oil)
* German: {{t|de|Ölstand|m}} {{t+|de|prüfen}}
distance learning (Noun: education obtained remotely)
* German: {{t+|de|Fernstudium|n}}, {{t+|de|Fernunterricht|m}} {{t+|de|Distanzunterricht|m}}
disturbance (Noun: )
* German: [1] {{t+check|de|Störung}} [2] {{t+check|de|Belästigung}}, {{t+check|de|Beunruhigung}}, {{t+check|de|Aufregung}} [3] {{t+check|de|Unruhe}}, {{t+check|de|Tumult}}, {{t+check|de|Aufruhr}} [4] {{t+check|de|Verwirrung}}
e.g. (Adverb: initialism used to introduce an illustrative example or short list of examples)
* German: {{t+|de|z. B.}} {{qualifier|[[zum Beispiel]]}} (dated: {{t|de|z. E.}} {{qualifier|[[zum Exempel]]}}), {{t+|de|bspw.}} {{qualifier|[[beispielsweise]]}}
elated (Adjective: extremely happy and excited)
* German: {{t+|de|beschwingt}}, {{t+|de|ermutigt}}, {{l|de|freudig}} {{t+|de|erregt}}
emotion (Noun: person's internal state of being)
* German: {{t+|de|Gefühl|n}}, {{t+|de|Empfindung|f}} {{t+|de|Emotion|f}}
enqueue (Verb: to add an item to a queue)
* German: ''(in eine {{t+|de|Warteschlange|f}})'' {{t+|de|einreihen}}
et al. (Phrase: and others)
* German: {{t+|de|u. a.}} ({{t|de|[[und]] [[andere]]|p}}, {{t|de|[[und]] [[anderes]]|n}} {{qualifier|of uncountable objects}})
et al. (Phrase: and others)
* German: {{t+|de|u. a.}} ({{t|de|[[und]] [[andere]]|p}}, {{t|de|[[und]] [[anderes]]|n}} {{qualifier|of uncountable objects}})
etc. (Phrase: and so on)
* German: {{t+|de|usw.}}, {{t+|de|etc.}} | ''furthermore:'' {{t+|de|&c.}}, {{t|de|rc.}}, {{l|de|ꝛc.}}, {{t+|de|et cetera}}, {{t+|de|u. s. w.}}, {{t+|de|und so weiter}}, {{t+|de|u. ä.}}, {{t|de|u. ähnl.}}, {{t|de|und ähnlich}}
ewe (Noun: female sheep)
* German: {{t+|de|Schaf|n}}, {{t|de|[[weibliches]] Schaf|n}} {{q|for clarity}}, {{t+|de|Mutterschaf|n}} {{q|chiefly when with young}}, {{t+|de|Zibbe|f}} {{q|regional}}, {{t+|de|Aue|f}} *: Alemannic German: {{t|gsw|Au|f}}
extrude (Verb: to push or thrust out)
* German: {{t|de|hinausdrängen}}, {{t|de|herausdrücken}}/{{t|de|rausdrücken}}/{{t+|de|drücken}}, {{t+|de|herauspressen}}/{{t|de|rauspressen}}/{{t+|de|pressen}}, {{t|de|hinausstoßen}}/{{t+|de|ausstoßen}}
extrude (Verb: to push or thrust out)
* German: {{t|de|hinausdrängen}}, {{t|de|herausdrücken}}/{{t|de|rausdrücken}}/{{t+|de|drücken}}, {{t+|de|herauspressen}}/{{t|de|rauspressen}}/{{t+|de|pressen}}, {{t|de|hinausstoßen}}/{{t+|de|ausstoßen}}
extrude (Verb: to form or shape by forcing through a die)
* German: {{t+|de|extrudieren}}, ({{t|de|in Form drücken}}/{{t|de|informdrücken}}/{{t|de|formdrücken}}/){{t+|de|drücken}}, ({{t|de|in Form pressen}}/{{t|de|informpressen}}/{{t|de|formpressen}}/){{t+|de|pressen}}
extrude (Verb: to form or shape by forcing through a die)
* German: {{t+|de|extrudieren}}, ({{t|de|in Form drücken}}/{{t|de|informdrücken}}/{{t|de|formdrücken}}/){{t+|de|drücken}}, ({{t|de|in Form pressen}}/{{t|de|informpressen}}/{{t|de|formpressen}}/){{t+|de|pressen}}
extrude (Verb: to form or shape by forcing through a die)
* German: {{t+|de|extrudieren}}, ({{t|de|in Form drücken}}/{{t|de|informdrücken}}/{{t|de|formdrücken}}/){{t+|de|drücken}}, ({{t|de|in Form pressen}}/{{t|de|informpressen}}/{{t|de|formpressen}}/){{t+|de|pressen}}
feature (Verb: ascribe the greatest importance)
* German: {{t+|de|bieten}}, {{t+|de|aufweisen}}, {{t+|de|darbieten}}, {{t+|de|besonders}} {{t+|de|herausstellen}}
feature (Verb: to star, to contain)
* German: in der {{t+|de|Hauptrolle|f}} {{t+|de|mitspielen}}
fight (Verb: (transitive) to contend in physical conflict against)
* German: {{t+|de|kämpfen}} {{t+|de|gegen}}, {{t+|de|kämpfen}} {{t+|de|mit}}
first aid kit (Noun: collection of first aid supplies)
* German: {{t+|de|Erste-Hilfe-Kasten|m}}, {{t+|de|Verbandkasten|m}}/{{t+|de|Verbandskasten|m}}, {{t|de|Taschenapotheke|f}}
fishmonger (Noun: person who sells fish)
* German: {{t+|de|Fischverkäufer|m}}, {{t|de|Fischmann|m}}/{{t+|de|Fischfrau|f}}, {{t+|de|Fischhändler|m}}
flex (Noun: the act of flexing)
* German: {{t+|de|Anpassungsfähigkeit|f}} {{t+|de|Beweglichkeit|f}}
flex (Verb: to tighten one's muscles)
* German: {{t+|de|Muskeln|f}} {{t+|de|spielen}} {{t+|de|lassen}}
flex (Verb: to tighten one's muscles)
* German: {{t+|de|Muskeln|f}} {{t+|de|spielen}} {{t+|de|lassen}}
flurry (Noun: brief snowfall)
* German: ({{l|de|leichter}}) {{t+|de|Schneefall|m}}, ({{l|de|kurzer}}) {{t+|de|Schneeschauer|m}}
fortitude (Noun: mental or emotional strength)
* German: {{l|de|innere}} {{t+|de|Kraft|f}}, {{l|de|innere}} {{t+|de|Stärke|f}}, {{t+|de|Standhaftigkeit|f}}
foul (Adjective: scurrilous; obscene or profane; abusive)
* German: {{t+|de|unflätig}}, {{t+|de|vulgär}} {{t+|de|ausdrückend}}, {{t+|de|unanständig}}, {{t+|de|obszön}}, {{t+|de|unflätig}}, {{t+|de|gemein}}, {{t+|de|zotig}}, {{t+|de|garstig}}, {{t+|de|verdorben}}, {{t+|de|schlecht}}
fountain (Noun: artificial water feature)
* German: {{t+|de|Springbrunnen|m}},{{t+|de|Fontäne|f}}
gamble (Verb: to take a risk, with the potential of a positive outcome)
* German: {{t+|de|riskant}} {{t+|de|spielen}}, {{t+|de|spekulieren}}, {{qualifier|slang}} {{t+|de|zocken}}, {{t+|de|hasardieren}}
gamble (Verb: (transitive) to risk something for potential gain)
* German: aufs {{t+|de|Spiel|n}} {{t+|de|setzen}}, {{t+|de|hasardieren}}, {{t+|de|wagen}}
get the hang of (Verb: to learn to handle with some skill)
* German: {{l|de|etwas}} {{t+|de|kapieren}}, {{t|de|die Kurve heraushaben}}, {{l|de|mit}} {{l|de|etwas}} {{t|de|umgehen lernen}}, {{l|de|etwas}} {{l|de|in den Griff bekommen}}, {{l|de|etwas}} {{l|de|in den Griff kriegen}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
give someone the cold shoulder (Verb: snub)
* German: {{t+|de|jemandem}} {{t+|de|die kalte Schulter zeigen}}
glaive (Noun: weapon consisting of a pole with a large blade)
* German: {{t|de|Glefe|f}} (alternative spellings: {{t|de|Gläfe|f}}, {{t|de|Gleve|f}}), {{t|de|Fauchard|f}}
glaive (Noun: weapon consisting of a pole with a large blade)
* German: {{t|de|Glefe|f}} (alternative spellings: {{t|de|Gläfe|f}}, {{t|de|Gleve|f}}), {{t|de|Fauchard|f}}
glaring (Adjective: reflecting with glare)
* German: {{l|de|grell}} {{t+|de|leuchtend}}, {{l|de|hell}} {{t+|de|strahlend}}
go (Verb: to take a turn)
* German: {{tt+|de|dran}} {{tt+|de|sein}}, {{tt+|de|ziehen}}
go (Verb: to be destroyed)
* German: {{tt+|de|kaputtgehen}}, {{tt+|de|kaputt}} {{tt+|de|sein}}, {{t-check|de|[[zerstört]] [[sein]]}}
go for it (Verb: to put maximum effort into something)
* German: {{t|de|alles geben}}, ({{l|de|richtig}}) {{t+|de|reinhauen}}
go it alone (Verb: do something alone or independently)
* German: {{t+|de|im}} {{t+|de|Alleingang}} ''+ verb (e.g., ''{{t+|de|erledigen}}'')''
go it alone (Verb: do something alone or independently)
* German: {{t+|de|im}} {{t+|de|Alleingang}} ''+ verb (e.g., ''{{t+|de|erledigen}}'')''
hanky-panky (Noun: mischievous behaviour, dishonest or shady activity)
* German: {{t+|de|fauler}} {{t+|de|Zauber|m}}, {{t+|de|Schwindel|m}}, {{t+|de|Hokuspokus|m}}, {{t|de|Mauschelei|f}}, {{t|de|Mauscheleien|p|f}}, {{t+|de|Trick|m}}, {{t+|de|Tricks|p|m}}, {{t+|de|Taschenspielertrick|m}}, {{t+|de|Taschenspielertricks|p|m}}
harridan (Noun: vicious and scolding woman)
* German: {{t+|de|Drache|m}} (alter {{t+|de|Drachen|m}}), {{t+|de|Xanthippe|f}}, {{t+|de|Hexe|f}}, {{t+|de|Vettel|f}}
harvest moon (Noun: first full moon of autumn)
* German: {{l|de|erster}} {{t+|de|Vollmond|m}} {{l|de|im }} {{l|de|Herbst}}, {{t|de|Herbstvollmond|m}}
harvest moon (Noun: first full moon of autumn)
* German: {{l|de|erster}} {{t+|de|Vollmond|m}} {{l|de|im }} {{l|de|Herbst}}, {{t|de|Herbstvollmond|m}}
harvest moon (Noun: first full moon of autumn)
* German: {{l|de|erster}} {{t+|de|Vollmond|m}} {{l|de|im }} {{l|de|Herbst}}, {{t|de|Herbstvollmond|m}}
hash (Verb: to make a quick, rough version)
* German: {{t+|de|grob}} {{t+|de|entwerfen}}
hearth (Noun: part of furnace)
* German: {{t+|de|Feuerstelle|f}}, {{t+|de|Gestell|n}} in einem {{t+|de|Hochofen|n}}
heel (Verb: To follow at somebody's heels)
* German: ({{tt+|de|jemandem}}) {{tt|de|auf den Fersen sein}} {{qualifier|with dative}}
hemisphere (Noun: half of the Earth)
* German: {{t+|de|Hemisphäre|f}}, {{t+|de|Halbkugel|f}} (rare, e.g., in {{t+|de|Erdhalbkugel|f}} ''"half the [[Earth]]"'')
hemlock (Noun: poisonous plant of genus Conium)
* German: {{t+|de|Schierling|m}}, {{qualifier|Conium maculatum}} {{t|de|Gefleckter Schierling|m}} / {{t|de|Fleckenschierling|m}}
hetty (Noun: heterosexual)
* German: {{t+|de|Hetero|m|f}} (''women also:'' {{t+|de|Hetera|f}}), {{t+|de|Hete|f}}
hibernate (Verb: computer: enter a standby state)
* German: in den {{t+|de|Ruhezustand}} {{t+|de|wechseln}}
hit the ground running (Verb: begin an activity immediately and with full commitment)
* German: {{t+|de|sofort}} {{t+|de|loslegen}}
hoist (Verb: transitive: to raise; to lift; to elevate)
* German: {{t+|de|hochziehen}}, {{t+|de|hissen}} {{qualifier|sail}}{{t+|de|hieven}} {{qualifier|heavy weight}}, {{t+|de|aufziehen}}, {{t+|de|aufhissen}}, {{t|de|aufheißen}}, {{t+|de|heben}}, {{t+|de|anheben}}, {{t+|de|hochheben}}, {{t|de|aufwinden}}, {{t+|de|fördern}}, {{t|de|hochwinden}}, {{t+|de|lichten}} {{qualifier|ancor}}
hold out (Verb: to wait for something better)
* German: {{t+|de|abwarten}}, {{t+|de|ausharren}}, ({{l|de|beharrlich}}) {{t+|de|warten}}, ({{l|de|unbeirrbar}}) {{t+|de|warten}}
horseherd (Noun: person who tends horses)
* German: {{t|de|Pferdehirt|m}}, {{t|de|Pferdehirte|m}}, {{t|de|Pferdehirtin|f}}, {{t|de|Rosshirt|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirte|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirtin|f}} ({{t|de|Rosshirt|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirte|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirtin|f}} {{qualifier|older spellings with [[Eszett]] - [[Roß]]}})
horseherd (Noun: person who tends horses)
* German: {{t|de|Pferdehirt|m}}, {{t|de|Pferdehirte|m}}, {{t|de|Pferdehirtin|f}}, {{t|de|Rosshirt|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirte|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirtin|f}} ({{t|de|Rosshirt|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirte|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirtin|f}} {{qualifier|older spellings with [[Eszett]] - [[Roß]]}})
horseherd (Noun: person who tends horses)
* German: {{t|de|Pferdehirt|m}}, {{t|de|Pferdehirte|m}}, {{t|de|Pferdehirtin|f}}, {{t|de|Rosshirt|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirte|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirtin|f}} ({{t|de|Rosshirt|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirte|m}}, {{t|de|Rosshirtin|f}} {{qualifier|older spellings with [[Eszett]] - [[Roß]]}})
how are you (Phrase: greeting)
* German: {{t+|de|wie geht es dir}}? {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t|de|wie geht es Ihnen}}? {{qualifier|formal singular/plural}}, {{t|de|wie geht es}}? / {{t+|de|wie geht's|alt=wie geht’s?}}, {{t|de|wie geht es euch}}? {{qualifier|informal plural}}
idem (Pronoun: )
* German: {{t+|de|derselbe}} ({{t+|de|ders.}})
immobilize (Verb: render motionless)
* German: {{t+|de|unbeweglich}} {{t+|de|machen}}, {{t+|de|immobilisieren}}
in order to (Phrase: as a means of achieving the specified aim)
* German: {{l|de|um}} {{t+|de|zu}}, {{t+|de|damit}}, {{t+|de|behufs}}
independent city (Noun: city not part of a local government district)
* German: {{t+|de|kreisfrei|alt=kreisfreie}} {{t+|de|Stadt|f}} {{qualifier|Germany}}, {{t+|de|Statutarstadt}} {{qualifier|Austria}}
intuition (Noun: immediate cognition without the use of rational processes)
* German: {{t+|de|Ahnung|f}}, {{t+|de|Anschauung|f}}, {{t+|de|Eingebung|f}}, {{t+|de|Einfühlungsvermögen|n}}, {{t+|de|Gespür|n}}, {{t+|de|unmittelbare}} {{t+|de|Erkenntnis|f}}
inure (Verb: to cause to become accustomed to something unpleasant by prolonged exposure)
* German: {{t+|de|abhärten}}, {{t+|de|an}} (etwas) {{t+|de|gewöhnen}}
kike (Verb: offensive: Jewish person)
* German: {{t|de|Itzig|m}}, {{t|de|Jid|m}}, {{t|de|Krummnase|f}}, {{t+|de|Mauschel|m}} (''all either archaic or restricted to right-wing slang; generally intelligible only compounds like'' {{t|de|Drecksjude|m}}, {{t|de|Judenschwein|n}}), {{t+|de|Judensau|f}}, {{t|de|Saujude|m}}
kike (Verb: offensive: Jewish person)
* German: {{t|de|Itzig|m}}, {{t|de|Jid|m}}, {{t|de|Krummnase|f}}, {{t+|de|Mauschel|m}} (''all either archaic or restricted to right-wing slang; generally intelligible only compounds like'' {{t|de|Drecksjude|m}}, {{t|de|Judenschwein|n}}), {{t+|de|Judensau|f}}, {{t|de|Saujude|m}}
klutz (Noun: a clumsy or stupid person)
* German: ({{l|de|ungehobelter}}) {{t+|de|Klotz|m}}, {{t|de|Trampel|m}}, {{t+|de|Tollpatsch|m}}, {{t+|de|Trottel|m}}
labiodental (Noun: a speech sound articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth)
* German: {{t|de|Lippenzahnlaut|m}} {{t+|de|Labiodental|m}}
lato sensu (Phrase: in the broad sense)
* German: {{t|de|im weiteren Sinne}} ({{t+|de|i. w. S.}})
longevity (Noun: the quality of being long-lasting, especially of life)
* German: {{t+|de|Langlebigkeit|f}}, {{l|de|lange}} {{t+|de|Lebensdauer|f}}
lovebird (Noun: affectionate couple (or a person thereof))
* German: {{t+|de|Turteltauben|f-p}} ({{t+|de|Turteltaube|f}}), {{t|de|Liebesvögel|m-p}} ({{t|de|Liebesvogel|m}})
lump (Noun: small, shaped mass of sugar)
* German: {{t+|de|Stück|n}} ({{t+|de|Würfelzucker|m}})
mass grave (Noun: a grave containing many corpses)
* German: {{qualifier|in a war or any other zone of conflict (corpses are anonymous and not put in a coffin}} {{t+|de|Massengrab|n}}; {{qualifier|natural disaster, war, etc. (corpses are put in a coffin and totally or partially identified)}} {{t|de|Sammelgrab|n}}
memorialize (Verb: to commemorate)
* German: {{l|de|eine}} {{l|de|Denkschrift}} {{t+|de|einreichen}}, {{l|de|eine}} {{l|de|Gedenkfeier}} {{t+|de|abhalten}} ({{l|de|für}} {{l|de|jemand}})
memorialize (Verb: to commemorate)
* German: {{l|de|eine}} {{l|de|Denkschrift}} {{t+|de|einreichen}}, {{l|de|eine}} {{l|de|Gedenkfeier}} {{t+|de|abhalten}} ({{l|de|für}} {{l|de|jemand}})
mill (Noun: manufacturing plant)
* German: {{tt+|de|Fabrik|f}} {{qualifier|general}}, {{tt+|de|Werk|n}} {{qualifier|general}} {{tt+|de|Papiermühle|f}} {{qualifier|for paper}}
mispronunciation (Noun: act of mispronouncing)
* German: {{t+|de|falsche}} {{t+|de|Aussprache|f}}, {{t+|de|fehlerhafte}} {{t+|de|Aussprache|f}}
mouth (Noun: the opening of a creature through which food is ingested)
* German: {{tt+|de|Mund|m}}, {{tt+|de|Maul|n}} {{qualifier|of animals}}, {{tt+|de|Gosche|f}}/{{tt|de|Gosch|f}}/{{tt+|de|Gusche|f}}
mouth (Noun: the opening of a creature through which food is ingested)
* German: {{tt+|de|Mund|m}}, {{tt+|de|Maul|n}} {{qualifier|of animals}}, {{tt+|de|Gosche|f}}/{{tt|de|Gosch|f}}/{{tt+|de|Gusche|f}}
mufti (Noun: civilian dress)
* German: {{t+|de|Zivil|n}} {{t+|de|Zivilkleidung|f}}
multicolumn (Adjective: )
* German: {{l|de|mit}} {{l|de|mehreren}} {{t+|de|Spalten}}, {{t|de|mehrspaltig}}
multicolumn (Adjective: )
* German: {{l|de|mit}} {{l|de|mehreren}} {{t+|de|Spalten}}, {{t|de|mehrspaltig}}
neck (Verb: make love)
* German: {{t+|de|knutschen}}, {{t+|de|sich}} {{t+|de|küssen}}, {{t|de|[[sich]] [[lieben]]}}
non-disclosure agreement (Noun: contract not to disclose certain information)
* German: {{t|de|Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung|f}}, {{t|de|Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung|f}}, {{t|de|Verschwiegenheitsvereinbarung|f}}, ''all also with'' {{t|de|[[Erklärung|-erklärung]]|f}} ''and rarely'' {{t|de|[[Abrede|-abrede]]|f}}
nonce word (Noun: word invented for the occasion)
* German: {{t+|de|Ad-hoc-Bildung|f}}, {{t|de|Ad-hoc-Wortbildung|f}} {{t+|de|Augenblicksbildung|f}}, {{t+|de|Gelegenheitsbildung|f}}, {{t|de|[[okkasionell]]e [[Bildung]]|f}}, {{t+|de|Okkasionalismus|m}}
not even (Adverb: constitutes an emphatic negation)
* German: {{t|de|nicht mal}}, {{t+|de|nicht einmal}}, {{t+|de|eben}}/{{t+|de|selbst}}/{{t+|de|sogar}}... {{t+|de|nicht}} (can be split)
not even (Adverb: constitutes an emphatic negation)
* German: {{t|de|nicht mal}}, {{t+|de|nicht einmal}}, {{t+|de|eben}}/{{t+|de|selbst}}/{{t+|de|sogar}}... {{t+|de|nicht}} (can be split)
not even (Adverb: constitutes an emphatic negation)
* German: {{t|de|nicht mal}}, {{t+|de|nicht einmal}}, {{t+|de|eben}}/{{t+|de|selbst}}/{{t+|de|sogar}}... {{t+|de|nicht}} (can be split)
of one's choice (Prepositional phrase: that one has chosen, or wishes to choose)
* German: {{qualifier|of a male}} {{t+|de|seiner}} {{t+|de|Wahl}} / {{qualifier|of a female; plural: of males, of females, of males and females}} {{t+|de|ihrer}} {{t+|de|Wahl}} — The usage example would be: ''Er gelangte an die Universität '''seiner Wahl'''.''
of one's choice (Prepositional phrase: that one has chosen, or wishes to choose)
* German: {{qualifier|of a male}} {{t+|de|seiner}} {{t+|de|Wahl}} / {{qualifier|of a female; plural: of males, of females, of males and females}} {{t+|de|ihrer}} {{t+|de|Wahl}} — The usage example would be: ''Er gelangte an die Universität '''seiner Wahl'''.''
of one's choice (Prepositional phrase: that one has chosen, or wishes to choose)
* German: {{qualifier|of a male}} {{t+|de|seiner}} {{t+|de|Wahl}} / {{qualifier|of a female; plural: of males, of females, of males and females}} {{t+|de|ihrer}} {{t+|de|Wahl}} — The usage example would be: ''Er gelangte an die Universität '''seiner Wahl'''.''
on the fly (Adverb: spontaneously or extemporaneously)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{t+|de|Eile}}, {{t+|de|spontan}}, {{t+|de|unvorbereitet}}, {{t|de|ohne Vorbereitung}}, {{t+|de|fliegend}}, {{t+|de|auf die Schnelle}}, {{t+|de|improvisiert}}
orbit (Verb: place an object into an orbit)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|Umlaufbahn}} {{t+|de|bringen}}
orbit (Verb: place an object into an orbit)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|Umlaufbahn}} {{t+|de|bringen}}
overhaul (Noun: a major repair, remake, renovation, or revision)
* German: {{t|de|Überholung|f}}, {{t+|de|Aufarbeitung|f}}, {{t|de|Grundinstandsetzung|f}}, {{l|de|gründlich|gründliche}} {{t+|de|Überprüfung|f}}, {{t+|de|Revision|f}}, {{t|de|Tuning|n}}, {{t+|de|Erneuerung|f}}
oxytonize (Verb: )
* German: {{q|oxytoned}} {{t|de|oxytoniert}} ({{t|de|oxytonirt}})
paper (Adjective: made of paper)
* German: ''indicated by forming compounds with'' {{t+|de|Papier|alt=Papier-}}: '''paper bag:''' {{t|de|Papierbeutel}}, '''paper cup:''' {{t|de|Papierbecher}}, ''etc''
part (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|trennen|alt=sich trennen}}. {{t+check|de|scheiden}}, [[verlassen]]
passer (Noun: sports)
* German: {{t+|de|Passer|m}} {{t+|de|Passgeber|m}}
past participle (Noun: past participle)
* German: {{t+|de|Mittelwort|n}} {{t+|de|der}} {{t+|de|Vergangenheit}}, {{t+|de|Partizip II|n}}, {{t|de|2. Partizip|n}}, {{t|de|zweites Partizip|n}}, {{t|de|Partizip Präteritum|n}}, {{t+|de|Partizip Perfekt|n}}, {{t+|de|Perfektpartizip|n}}
past participle (Noun: past participle)
* German: {{t+|de|Mittelwort|n}} {{t+|de|der}} {{t+|de|Vergangenheit}}, {{t+|de|Partizip II|n}}, {{t|de|2. Partizip|n}}, {{t|de|zweites Partizip|n}}, {{t|de|Partizip Präteritum|n}}, {{t+|de|Partizip Perfekt|n}}, {{t+|de|Perfektpartizip|n}}
penult (Noun: next-to-last syllable of a word)
* German: {{t|de|Vorendsilbe}}, {{t+|de|vorletzte}} {{t+|de|Silbe}}
perdition (Noun: eternal damnation)
* German: {{t+|de|ewige}} {{t+|de|Verdammnis|f}}
pleiochasium (Noun: inflorescence with several buds)
* German: {{t+|de|Trugdolde|f}} {{t|de|Scheindolde|f}}, {{t|de|Pleiochasium|n}}
pornographer (Noun: person involved in creation or dissemination of pornography)
* German: {{t+|de|Pornograph|m}} ({{t|de|Pornograf|m}}), {{t|de|Pornographin|f}}
principal (Noun: legal: primary participant in a crime)
* German: {{t|de|Haupttäter|m}} or simply {{t+|de|Täter|m}} (which is according to the Criminal Code’s wording, where the hypernym to accomplices, abettors and principals is {{m|de|Beteiligter}})
proprietary (Adjective: created or manufactured exclusively by the IPR owner)
* German: {{t+|de|proprietär}}, {{l|de|urheberrechtlich}} {{t+|de|geschützt}}, {{t+|de|geschützt}}
prosecution (Noun: the institution of legal proceedings against a person)
* German: {{t+|de|Verfolgung|f}} {{q|what they do}}, {{t+|de|Strafverfolgung|f}} {{q|criminal prosecution}} {{t|de|[[strafrechtlich]]e Verfolgung|f}} {{q|criminal prosecution}}
pudding (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Pudding|m}} (1, 2, 4) {{t+check|de|Auflauf|m}}, {{t+check|de|Terrine|f}}, {{t+check|de|Pastete|f}} (3)
purity ring (Noun: type of ring)
* German: {{t|de|Keuschheitsring|m}}, {{t|de|Reinheitsring|m}}, {{t|de|Purity-Ring|m}} ({{t|de|Purity Ring|m}})
raconteur (Noun: storyteller)
* German: {{t+|de|Geschichtenerzähler|m}} {{t|de|Anekdotenerzähler|m}}
rebuke (Verb: to criticise harshly; to reprove)
* German: {{t+|de|tadeln}}, {{t+|de|schimpfen}} {{l|de|mit}}, {{t+|de|ausschimpfen}}, {{t+|de|schelten}}, {{t+|de|ermahnen}}, {{t+|de|mahnen}}, {{t+|de|abmahnen}}, {{t+|de|warnen}}, {{t+|de|rüffeln}}, {{t+|de|zurechtweisen}}, {{t+|de|rügen}}, {{t+|de|maßregeln}}, {{t|de|Vorwürfe machen}}, {{t|de|Ärger machen}}, {{t|de|Vorhaltungen machen}}, {{t|de|einen Verweis erteilen}}, {{t+|de|verwarnen}}, {{t+|de|abkanzeln}}, {{t+|de|verwarnen}}, {{t+|de|verweisen}}
recompilation (Noun: act or process of recompiling)
* German: {{l|de|erneute}} {{t+|de|Übersetzung|f}}
reinstall (Verb: install again)
* German: {{t+|de|neu}} {{t+|de|installieren}}
render (Verb: to cause to become)
* German: {{t+|de|zu}} {{t+|de|etwas}} {{t+|de|führen}}, {{t+|de|machen}}
render (Verb: to cause to become)
* German: {{t+|de|zu}} {{t+|de|etwas}} {{t+|de|führen}}, {{t+|de|machen}}
render (Verb: to yield or give way)
* German: {{t+|de|Vorfahrt|f}} {{t+|de|achten}}, {{t+|de|durchlassen}}
repartee (Verb: to reply with a swift witty retort)
* German: {{t+|de|schlagfertig}} {{t+|de|antworten}}
repartee (Verb: to have a conversation marked by swift witty retorts)
* German: sich einen {{t+|de|Schlagabtausch|m}} {{t+|de|liefern}}
report (Verb: to appear or present oneself)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|melden}}
reprobate (Verb: abandon)
* German: {{t+|de|verlassen}}, für {{t+|de|gottlos}} {{t+|de|erklären}}
ribonucleic acid (Noun: derivative of DNA, used in the transcription of genetic material)
* German: {{t+|de|Ribonukleinsäure|f}} ({{t+|de|RNS|f}})
roller (Noun: roller pigeon that somersaults backwards at high speed)
* German: {{t+|de|Roller|m}}, {{t|de|Rollertaube|f}}, {{t|de|Orientalischer Roller|m}}, {{t|de|Orientalische Rollertaube|f}} (compare {{t|de|Tümmler|m}}, {{t|de|Tümmlertaube|m}}, {{t+|de|Werfer|m}}, {{t|de|Ostpreußischer Werfer|m}})
roller (Noun: roller pigeon that somersaults backwards at high speed)
* German: {{t+|de|Roller|m}}, {{t|de|Rollertaube|f}}, {{t|de|Orientalischer Roller|m}}, {{t|de|Orientalische Rollertaube|f}} (compare {{t|de|Tümmler|m}}, {{t|de|Tümmlertaube|m}}, {{t+|de|Werfer|m}}, {{t|de|Ostpreußischer Werfer|m}})
roller (Noun: roller pigeon that somersaults backwards at high speed)
* German: {{t+|de|Roller|m}}, {{t|de|Rollertaube|f}}, {{t|de|Orientalischer Roller|m}}, {{t|de|Orientalische Rollertaube|f}} (compare {{t|de|Tümmler|m}}, {{t|de|Tümmlertaube|m}}, {{t+|de|Werfer|m}}, {{t|de|Ostpreußischer Werfer|m}})
roller (Noun: roller pigeon that somersaults backwards at high speed)
* German: {{t+|de|Roller|m}}, {{t|de|Rollertaube|f}}, {{t|de|Orientalischer Roller|m}}, {{t|de|Orientalische Rollertaube|f}} (compare {{t|de|Tümmler|m}}, {{t|de|Tümmlertaube|m}}, {{t+|de|Werfer|m}}, {{t|de|Ostpreußischer Werfer|m}})
ronin (Noun: masterless samurai)
* German: {{t+|de|Ronin|m}} ({{t|de|Rônin|m}}, {{t|de|Rōnin|m}})
ronin (Noun: masterless samurai)
* German: {{t+|de|Ronin|m}} ({{t|de|Rônin|m}}, {{t|de|Rōnin|m}})
row (Verb: intransitive: argue noisily)
* German: ''any of the translations above for "noisy argument" followed by'' {{l|de|machen}} ''or by'' {{l|de|veranstalten}} ''or by'' {{l|de|verursachen}}
row (Verb: intransitive: argue noisily)
* German: ''any of the translations above for "noisy argument" followed by'' {{l|de|machen}} ''or by'' {{l|de|veranstalten}} ''or by'' {{l|de|verursachen}}
run (Verb: to make run in a race)
* German: {{tt|de|ins Rennen schicken}}, {{tt+|de|antreten}} + {{tt|de|[[mit]] (etwas, jemandem)}}
run (Verb: to make run in an election)
* German: {{tt+|de|antreten}} + {{tt|de|[[mit]] (etwas, jemandem)}}, {{tt|de|ins Rennen schicken}} {{q|informal}}
sachet (Noun: small, sealed packet)
* German: {{t+|de|Päckchen|n}}; {{t|de|Portionspackung|f}} ({{t|de|[[Portionsbeutel|-beutel]]|m}}, {{t|de|[[Portionstüte|-tüte]]|f}}); {{t|de|Probepackung|f}} ({{t|de|[[Probebeutel|-beutel]]|m}}, {{t|de|[[Probestüte|-tüte]]|f}})
sachet (Noun: small, sealed packet)
* German: {{t+|de|Päckchen|n}}; {{t|de|Portionspackung|f}} ({{t|de|[[Portionsbeutel|-beutel]]|m}}, {{t|de|[[Portionstüte|-tüte]]|f}}); {{t|de|Probepackung|f}} ({{t|de|[[Probebeutel|-beutel]]|m}}, {{t|de|[[Probestüte|-tüte]]|f}})
schnitzel (Noun: a meat dish)
* German: ({{l|de|paniertes}}) {{t+|de|Schnitzel|n}}
schoolmate (Noun: person who attended school with the subject)
* German: {{t+|de|Schulkamerad|m}} ({{t+|de|Schulkameradin|f}}), {{t+|de|Mitschüler|m}} ({{t+|de|Mitschülerin|f}})
scurry away (Verb: to run away with quick light steps)
* German: {{t|de|davonhasten}}, {{t|de|davonhuschen}}, {{l|de|hastig}} {{t+|de|weglaufen}}
semimajor axis (Noun: half of the major axis of a circle or ellipse)
* German: {{t|de|Ellipsenhalbachse|f}}, {{t|de|Halbachse|f}} {{l|de|der}} {{l|de|Ellipse}}
semimajor axis (Noun: half of the major axis of a circle or ellipse)
* German: {{t|de|Ellipsenhalbachse|f}}, {{t|de|Halbachse|f}} {{l|de|der}} {{l|de|Ellipse}}
sesquipedalian (Noun: a long word)
* German: {{t|de|ellenlanges Wort|n}} {{t|de|schwülstiger Begriff|m}} {{qualifier|derogatory}}, {{t+|de|Wortungetüm|n}}
sesquipedalian (Noun: person who uses long words)
* German: {{t|de|Mensch der ellenlangen Worte|m}}, {{t|de|Mensch mit Vorliebe für ellenlange Wörter|m}} {{t|de|schwülstig daherredender Mensch|m}} {{qualifier|derogatory}}
set up (Verb: to ready something for use)
* German: {{t+|de|aufbauen}}, {{l|de|für}} {{l|de|den}} {{l|de|Einsatz}} {{t+|de|vorbereiten}}, {{t+|de|einrichten}}, {{t+|de|installieren}}
set up (Verb: to ready something for use)
* German: {{t+|de|aufbauen}}, {{l|de|für}} {{l|de|den}} {{l|de|Einsatz}} {{t+|de|vorbereiten}}, {{t+|de|einrichten}}, {{t+|de|installieren}}
set up (Verb: to ready something for use)
* German: {{t+|de|aufbauen}}, {{l|de|für}} {{l|de|den}} {{l|de|Einsatz}} {{t+|de|vorbereiten}}, {{t+|de|einrichten}}, {{t+|de|installieren}}
sex education (Noun: sex education)
* German: {{t|de|([[sexuell]]e) [[Aufklärung]]|f}} {{t+|de|Sexualkunde|f}}
shady (Adjective: causing shade)
* German: {{t+|de|schattenspendend}}, {{t+|de|Schatten}} {{t+|de|spendend}}
shield (Noun: armor)
* German: {{tt+|de|Schild|m}} (also: {{tt+|de|Schild|n}}, see the entry for more information)
shiksa (Noun: non-Jewish girl)
* German: {{t+|de|Schickse|f}}, also: {{t+|de|Schicksel|n}} ({{t+|de|Schicksl|n}})
siding (Verb: siding with one party or another)
* German: zu {{t+|de|jemandem}} {{t+|de|halten}}
sleep funny (Verb: to sleep in an uncomfortable position)
* German: {{t+|de|sich}} {{t+|de|verlegen}}
snail mail (Noun: postal mail)
* German: {{t+|de|Schneckenpost|f}}, {{t+|de|Snailmail|f}} {{t|de|Snail-Mail|f}}
specific epithet (Noun: (taxonomy) second word in the scientific name of a species)
* German: {{t|de|Artbeiname|m}}, {{t|de|Artname|m}} {{q|in a strict sense}}, {{t|de|Artzusatz|m}} {{q|rare}}, {{t+|de|Artepitheton|n}}/{{t|de|Art-Epitheton|n}}, {{t+|de|spezifisches Epitheton|n}}, {{t|de|Speciesbeiname|m}}, {{t|de|Speciesname|m}}, {{t|de|Artepithet|n}}
squabble (Verb: participate in a minor fight or argument)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|kabbeln}}, ({{l|de|sich}}) {{t+|de|zanken}}
stand in (Verb: to substitute for)
* German: {{l|de|Ersatzmann}} {{t+|de|sein}} {{qualifier|male person}}, {{l|de|Ersatzfrau}} {{t+|de|sein}} {{qualifier|female person}}, {{l|de|für}} {{l|de|jemanden}} die {{l|de|Vertretung}} {{t+|de|haben}}, {{qualifier|film}} den {{l|de|Platz}} {{t+|de|übernehmen}}
stricto sensu (Phrase: in the strict sense)
* German: {{t|de|im engeren Sinne}} ({{t+|de|i. e. S.}}); {{t|de|stricto sensu}} {{i|dated}}
subrogate (Verb: to replace one person with another)
* German: ''this is formulated differently from the side of the subjective right'': das {{t+|de|Recht}} {{t+|de|übergehen|alt=geht über}}
suffix (Noun: morpheme added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning)
* German: {{t+|de|Suffix|n}} ({{t|de|Suffixum|n}}, {{t+|de|Affix|n}} {{qualifier|narrow sense}}, {{t|de|Affixum|n}}), {{t|de|Postfix|n}}, {{t+|de|Nachsilbe|f}}, {{t|de|Anhängsilbe|f}}
suffix (Noun: morpheme added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning)
* German: {{t+|de|Suffix|n}} ({{t|de|Suffixum|n}}, {{t+|de|Affix|n}} {{qualifier|narrow sense}}, {{t|de|Affixum|n}}), {{t|de|Postfix|n}}, {{t+|de|Nachsilbe|f}}, {{t|de|Anhängsilbe|f}}
suffix (Noun: morpheme added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning)
* German: {{t+|de|Suffix|n}} ({{t|de|Suffixum|n}}, {{t+|de|Affix|n}} {{qualifier|narrow sense}}, {{t|de|Affixum|n}}), {{t|de|Postfix|n}}, {{t+|de|Nachsilbe|f}}, {{t|de|Anhängsilbe|f}}
sweltering (Adjective: hot and humid)
* German: {{l|de|drückend}} {{t+|de|heiß}}, {{l|de|glühend}} {{t+|de|heiß}}, {{t+|de|verschmachtend}}
tabloid (Noun: newspaper that favours stories of sensational nature)
* German: {{t+|de|Boulevardblatt|n}}, {{t|de|Skandalblatt|n}}, {{t+|de|Revolverblatt|n}} (all also with {{l|de|Zeitung|-zeitung|g=f}}, {{l|de|Presse|-presse|g=f}}),{{t|de|Tabloid|n}}
tabloid (Noun: newspaper that favours stories of sensational nature)
* German: {{t+|de|Boulevardblatt|n}}, {{t|de|Skandalblatt|n}}, {{t+|de|Revolverblatt|n}} (all also with {{l|de|Zeitung|-zeitung|g=f}}, {{l|de|Presse|-presse|g=f}}),{{t|de|Tabloid|n}}
take it easy (Verb: relax)
* German: {{l|de|sich}} {{t+|de|entspannen}}
tarragon (Noun: perennial herb Artemisia dracunculus)
* German: {{t+|de|Estragon|m}}, {{t|de|Dragon|m}} / {{t|de|Dragun|m}} / {{t|de|Drachant|m}} {{q|till 19<sup>th</sup> century, replaced by Estragon}}, {{t+|de|Bertram}} {{q|till 18<sup>th</sup> century in this sense}}
tarragon (Noun: perennial herb Artemisia dracunculus)
* German: {{t+|de|Estragon|m}}, {{t|de|Dragon|m}} / {{t|de|Dragun|m}} / {{t|de|Drachant|m}} {{q|till 19<sup>th</sup> century, replaced by Estragon}}, {{t+|de|Bertram}} {{q|till 18<sup>th</sup> century in this sense}}
tarragon (Noun: the leaves of Artemisia dracunculus)
* German: {{t+|de|Estragon}}, {{t|de|Dragon|m}} / {{t|de|Dragun|m}} / {{t|de|Drachant|m}} {{q|till 19<sup>th</sup> century, replaced by Estragon}}, {{t+|de|Bertram}} {{q|till 18<sup>th</sup> century in this sense}}
tarragon (Noun: the leaves of Artemisia dracunculus)
* German: {{t+|de|Estragon}}, {{t|de|Dragon|m}} / {{t|de|Dragun|m}} / {{t|de|Drachant|m}} {{q|till 19<sup>th</sup> century, replaced by Estragon}}, {{t+|de|Bertram}} {{q|till 18<sup>th</sup> century in this sense}}
tattletale (Noun: one who gossips)
* German: {{t+|de|Klatschbase|f}}, {{t+|de|Quasselstrippe|f}}, {{t|de|Quatschtüte|f}}, {{t+|de|Schwätzer|m}} / {{t+|de|Schwätzerin|f}}, {{t+|de|Tratschtante|f}}
there be (Verb: to exist)
* German: {{t+|de|geben}} ({{t|de|es gibt}}) {{q|+ [[accusative case]]}}
third-party (Adjective: )
* German: {{l|de|von}} {{t+|de|Dritten}}
thrill (Verb: feel a sudden excitement)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|Spannung}} {{t+|de|versetzen}}
thrill (Verb: feel a sudden excitement)
* German: {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|Spannung}} {{t+|de|versetzen}}
ticket stamping machine (Noun: ticket validating machine)
* German: {{t+|de|Entwerter|m}}, {{t|de|Fahrkartenentwerter|m}} {{t|de|Fahrscheinentwerter|m}}
tillage (Noun: land cultivated in this way)
* German: {{l|de|bestellt|bestelltes}} {{t+|de|Land|n}}
tipcat (Noun: game in which a wooden piece is struck with a stick)
* German: {{t|de|Spatzeckspiel|n}} {{q|Upper German}}, {{t|de|Kibbel-Kabbel|n|}} / {{t|de|Kibbel-Kabbel-Spiel|n}} {{q|Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein}}, {{t|de|Pinneken kloppen|n}} {{q|Ruhr area, Münsterland}}
tipcat (Noun: wooden piece used in tipcat)
* German: {{t|de|Spatzeck|n}} / {{t|de|Spatzeckel|m}} {{q|Upper German}}, {{t|de|Pinneken|n}} {{q|Ruhr area, Münsterland}}
tit (Noun: (slang, vulgar) a woman's breast)
* German: {{t+|de|Titte|f}}, {{t+|de|Brust|f}}, {{t+|de|Mops|m}} ({{t+|de|Möpse|m-p}} {{q|usually plural}})
toggle (Verb: to alternate between two positions using a single switch or lever)
* German: {{t+|de|umschalten}} {{t+|de|nach}}, {{t+|de|umschalten}} {{t+|de|auf}}, {{t+|de|einschalten}}
tout (Verb: To flaunt, to publicize/publicise; to boast or brag; to promote)
* German: {{l|de|aufdringlich}} {{t+|de|ankündigen}}, {{t+|de|werben}} {{l|de|für}}
transgressive (Noun: a verb form)
* German: {{t+|de|Transgressiv|m}} ({{t|de|Modus transgressivus}}, {{t|de|Transgressivus}})
transgressive (Noun: a verb form)
* German: {{t+|de|Transgressiv|m}} ({{t|de|Modus transgressivus}}, {{t|de|Transgressivus}})
two (Numeral: numerical value)
* German: {{tt+|de|zwei}} ({{tt+|de|zwo}}, {{tt|de|zween}})
two (Numeral: numerical value)
* German: {{tt+|de|zwei}} ({{tt+|de|zwo}}, {{tt|de|zween}})
umlaut (Noun: vowel so assimilated)
* German: {{t|de|Halbdoppellaut}}, {{t+|de|Umlaut}}, {{t+|de|umgelautet}}er {{t+|de|Vokal|m}}
under (Preposition: less than)
* German: {{t+|de|unter}}, {{t+|de|weniger}} {{t+|de|als}}
untouchable (Noun: member of the lowest caste)
* German: {{t|de|Unberührbarer|m}} {{t+|de|Paria|m}}
vanilla (Noun: flavor)
* German: {{t+|de|Vanille|f}}{{t+|de|Vanille|alt=Vanille-}}
verb (Noun: (grammar) a word that indicates an action, event, or a state)
* German: {{t+|de|Verb|n}}, {{t+|de|Verbum|n}}, {{t+|de|Zeitwort|n}}, {{t+|de|Tätigkeitswort|n}}, {{t|de|Wandelwort|n}}, {{t+|de|Tuwort|n}}/{{t+|de|Tunwort|n}}, {{t+|de|Aussagewort}}
vernier caliper (Noun: measuring instrument)
* German: {{t+|de|Messschieber|m}}, {{t+|de|Nonius|m}} {{t|de|Schiebelehre|f}}, {{t+|de|Schublehre|f}}
waddle (Noun: swaying gait)
* German: {{l|de|watschelnder}} {{t+|de|Gang|m}}, {{t|de|Watscheln|n}}
welcome (Noun: utterance of such a greeting)
* German: {{tt|de|Herzlich willkommen}} {{tt+|de|Begrüßung|f}}
wether (Noun: castrated goat)
* German: {{t+|de|Mönch|m}}, {{t|de|[[kastriert]]er}} {{t+|de|Ziegenbock|m}}
whirl (Verb: to make something whirl around)
* German: {{t+|de|wirbeln}}, {{l|de|schnell}} {{t+|de|drehen}}, {{t|de|im Kreise drehen}}
whitewash (Verb: to paint over with a lime and water mixture so as to brighten up a wall or fence)
* German: {{l|de|etwas}} {{l|de|weiß}} {{t+|de|anstreichen}}, {{t+|de|weißen}}, {{t+|de|weißeln}}
whitewash (Verb: to paint over with a lime and water mixture so as to brighten up a wall or fence)
* German: {{l|de|etwas}} {{l|de|weiß}} {{t+|de|anstreichen}}, {{t+|de|weißen}}, {{t+|de|weißeln}}
whitewash (Verb: to cover over errors or bad actions)
* German: {{qualifier|sb.}} {{l|de|jemanden}} {{t+|de|reinwaschen}}, {{qualifier|sth.}} {{l|de|etwas}} {{t+|de|schönfärben}}, {{qualifier|sth.}} {{l|de|etwas}} {{t+|de|beschönigen}}, {{t+|de|schönreden}}
wire (Verb: informal: to send a message or a money value to another person through a telecommunications system)
* German: {{l|de|Geld}} {{t+|de|überweisen}}
woundwort (Noun: genus Stachys)
* German: {{t+|de|Heilziest|m}}, {{t|de|Gliedkraut|n}}, {{t|de|Wundkraut|n}}, {{t+|de|Ziest|m}}, {{t|de|Ziestkraut|n}}, {{t|de|Berufskraut|n}} / {{t|de|Berufkraut|n}}, {{t|de|Rossnessel|f}}
wow (Verb: to amaze or awe)
* German: {{t+|de|begeistern}}, {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|Begeisterung}} {{t+|de|versetzen}}, {{l|de|tief}} {{t+|de|beeindrucken}}
wow (Verb: to amaze or awe)
* German: {{t+|de|begeistern}}, {{l|de|in}} {{l|de|Begeisterung}} {{t+|de|versetzen}}, {{l|de|tief}} {{t+|de|beeindrucken}}


457 items
-ee (Suffix: forming words meaning a person to whom or a thing to which an action is done)
* German: {{t+|de|ge-}} {{qualifier|prefix}} + {{t+|de|-er|m}}, {{t+|de|-e|f}}, {{t+|de|-es|n}}, {{t+|de|-en|p}} {{qualifier|strong}}, {{t+|de|-e}} {{qualifier|weak}}
-graphy (Suffix: Suffix denoting a written or represented in the specified manner, or about a specified subject)
* German: {{t+|de|-graphie|f}'}'}
-ing (Suffix: to form gerunds)
* German: ''Use {{t+|de|zu}} + infinitive'' (Use + infinitive))
Atlantean (Noun: an inhabitant of the mythical land)
* German: {{t+|de|Atlanter|m}}, ''also'' {{t|de|Atlantier|m}}
Attila the Hun (Proper noun: king of the tribes of Huns)
* German: {{t|de|[[König]] Attila}}; {{t|de|[[Hunnenkönig]] Attila}}; ''instead of'' {{t+|de|Attila}} ''archaic also'' {{l|de|Etzel}} (instead of'' ''archaic also))
BCE (Adverb: before the common era)
* German: {{t+|de|v. u. Z.}} (vor unserer Zeitrechnung); {{t+|de|v. d. Z.}} (vor der Zeitrechnung/vor der Zeitenwende)
CAPTCHA (Noun: computerized test)
* German: {{t|de|Captcha|m|n}}, rarely {{t|de|CAPTCHA|m|n}}
CJK (Proper noun: Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
* German: {{t|de|CJK}} ([[Chinesisch]], [[Japanisch]], [[Koreanisch]])
Crown prosecutor (Noun: state prosecutor)
* German: ≈ {{t+|de|Staatsanwalt|m}} / {{t+|de|Staatsanwältin|f}} (≈ /))
Czechia (Proper noun: country in Europe)
* German: {{t+|de|Tschechien|n}}, rarely {{t+|de|Tschechei|f}}
Czechoslovakization (Noun: process of Czechoslovakizing)
* German: {{t|de|Tschechoslowakisierung|f}}, less often {{t|de|Vertschechoslowakisierung|f}}
Czechoslovakize (Verb: to make or render Czechoslovak)
* German: {{t|de|tschechoslowakisieren}}, less often {{t|de|vertschechoslowakisieren}}
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Proper noun: country in East Asia (official name))
* German: {{t+|de|Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea|f}}, {{t|de|Koreanische Volksdemokratische Republik}} (DDR)
Down syndrome (Noun: genetic disorder caused by a chromosomal excess)
* German: {{t+|de|Downsyndrom|n}} / {{t+|de|Down-Syndrom|n}}, {{t+|de|Trisomie 21|f}}, {{t+|de|Mongolismus|m}} {{q|[[dated]], now [[offensive]]}}
Early New High German (Proper noun: form of German)
* German: {{t+|de|Frühneuhochdeutsch|n}} (as adjective: {{t+|de|frühneuhochdeutsch}})
Eastern Orthodox (Adjective: pertaining to the Eastern Orthodox Church)
* German: {{t+|de|orthodox}}; (''specific, but rare:'') {{t|de|byzantinisch-orthodox}}
English whisky (Noun: distilled alcoholic beverage)
* German {{t|de|Englischer whisky}} <ref>{{quote-web|de|url=|title=Als Alternative zum Whisky aus Schottland:
Eteocypriot (Proper noun: the pre-Indo-European language)
* German: {{t|de|Eteokyprisch|n}}, {{t|de|[[eteokyprisch]]e [[Sprache]]|f}} (adjective: {{t|de|eteokyprisch}})
Etruscan (Proper noun: extinct language of Etruria)
* German: die {{t|de|etruskische Sprache|f}}, {{t+|de|Etruskisch|n}}
Ezekiel (Proper noun: book of the Bible)
* German: {{t+|de|Ezechiel}}, (Protestant also) {{t|de|Hesekiel}}
Great Successor (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Große Nachfolger}} (1)
ICAO (Proper noun: International Civil Aviation Organization)
* German: {{t|de|IZLO}} (Internationale Zivile Luftfahrt-Organisation)
IMO (Prepositional phrase: in my opinion)
* German: {{t+|de|meines Erachtens}} <{{t+|de|m. E.}}>, {{t|de|meiner Meinung nach}} (<>))
Iberia (Proper noun: region south of the Pyrenees)
* German: {{t+|de|Iberien}}, die {{t|de|Iberische Halbinsel}}
International Phonetic Alphabet (Proper noun: standardized symbols for speech)
* German: {{t+|de|Lautschrift|f}}, {{t+|de|Internationales Phonetisches Alphabet|n}}, das {{t+|de|Internationale Phonetische Alphabet|n}}
Jack (Proper noun: pet name of John)
* German: {{t+|de|Hans|m}}, {{t+|de|Hanns|m}}, {{t+|de|Hannes|m}}, {{t+|de|Hänsel|m}} (dated), {{t|de|Hansel|m}} (Bavarian), {{t|de|Hansl|m}} (Bavarian), Hansi
King James Version (Proper noun: 1611 English translation of the Bible)
* German: {{t|de|King-James-Bibel|f}}, {{t|de|King-James-Version|f}} (proscribed: {{t|de|King James Version|f}})
Kleverlandish (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Kleverländisch|n}} (as adjective: {{t|de|kleverländisch}})
Low Franconian (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t+|de|Niederfränkisch|n}} (as adjective: {{t|de|niederfränkisch}})
Low Germany (Proper noun: Northern Germany)
* German: {{t|de|Niederdeutschland|n}}; ''see also:'' {{t+|de|Norddeutschland|n}}
Mennonite Low German (Proper noun: variety)
* German: {{t|de|Mennonitendeutsch|n}}, {{t|de|Mennonitenplatt|n}}, {{t|de|Mennoniten-Niederdeutsch|n}}/{{t|de|Mennonitenniederdeutsch|n}} {{qualifier|rare}}, {{t|de|Mennonitenplautdietsch|n}} {{qualifier|very rare}}
Middle Low Franconian (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Mittelniederfränkisch|n}} (as adjective: {{t|de|mittelniederfränkisch}})
Milankovitch cycle (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Milanković-Zyklen}} (pl.)
Mòcheno (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Fersentalerisch|n}} (adjective {{t|de|fersentalerisch}})
Netherlands (Proper noun: country in northwestern Europe)
* German: die {{t+|de|Niederlande|n-p}}, {{t+|de|Holland|n}}
New York (Proper noun: state of the United States of America)
* German: {{t+|de|New York|n}}, {{t|de|New-York|n}}, {{t|de|Neuyork|n}} (obsolete)
OCR (Noun: optical character recognition)
* German: {{t+|de|OZE|f}} (''Optische Zeichenerkennung'')
OK (Adjective: in good health or in a good emotional state)
* German: {{tt|de|in Ordnung}} ([[sein]]), {{tt|de|alles in Ordnung}} ([[sein]]), {{tt+|de|OK}},
Old Low Franconian (Proper noun: language)
* German: {{t|de|Altniederfränkisch|n}} (as adjective: {{t|de|altniederfränkisch}})
PTO (Proper noun: United States Patent and Trademark Office)
* German: {{t+|de|Patentamt|n}} der Vereinigten Staaten von America.
Primitive Irish (Proper noun: language)
* German: {{t|de|Uririsch}}, das {{t|de|Urirische|n}}
Red Crescent (Proper noun: branch of the Red Cross)
* German: {{t+|de|Roter Halbmond|m}} / {{t|de|der [[Rote Halbmond]]|m}}
Ripuarian (Adjective: )
* German: {{t-check|de|nordmittelfränkisch}}, (19th centrury, also: {{t+check|de|mittelfränkisch}})
Ripuarian (Proper noun: )
* German: (19th century, also: {{t+check|de|Mittelfränkisch}})
Roman Catholic (Noun: person)
* German: {{t+|de|Katholik|m}}, {{t+|de|Katholikin|f}}, {{t|de|Römisch-Katholik|m}} {{qualifier|considered redundant, rare}}, {{t|de|Römisch-Katholikin|f}} {{qualifier|considered redundant, rare}} (compare {{t|de|Alt-Katholik|m}}, {{t|de|Alt-Katholikin|f}}, {{t|de|Altkatholik|m}}, {{t|de|Altkatholikin|f}})
Samson (Proper noun: Israelite judge)
* German: {{t|de|Samson}} (Catholic), {{t+|de|Simson}} (Protestant)
Satan (Noun: a devil)
* German: (ein) {{t+|de|Satan|m}}, {{t+|de|Teufel|m}}
Satan (Proper noun: the Devil)
* German: (der) {{t+|de|Satan|m}}, {{t+|de|Teufel|m}}
Soyuz (Noun: a Soviet/Russian spacecraft)
* German: {{t|de|Sojus|f}} (''rarely'' {{g|m}}, {{g|n}})
Tg (Noun: )
* German: {{t+|de|TG}} (T<sub>G</sub>)
Thai (Noun: person from Thailand or of Thai origin)
* German: {{t+|de|Thailänder|m}}, {{t+|de|Thailänderin|f}}, {{t+|de|Thai|m|f}} (informal)
Thousand Island dressing (Noun: salad dressing)
* German: {{t|de|Amerikaner Dressing}} / {{t|de|American Dressing}} / {{t|de|Amerika Dressing}} (/ /))
Twents (Proper noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Twentisch|n}} (adjective: {{t|de|twentisch}})
aberrant (Noun: person wandering from the rest of the group)
* German: {{t+|de|Abweichler|m}}/{{t+|de|Abweichlerin|f}}, {{t+|de|Abtrünniger|m}}/{{t+|de|Abtrünnige|f}}
absent (Adjective: inattentive)
* German: geistig {{t+|de|abwesend}}
acedia (Noun: sloth)
* German: {{t+|de|Faulheit|f}} <i>oder</i> {{t+|de|Trägheit|f}} des Herzens / Geistes, <i>(dass heisst auch</i> {{t|de|Acedia|f}} <i>ein lateinisches Wort für eine</i> {{t+|de|Todsünde|f}} <i>der sieben {{t+|de|Todsünden}})</i> (relig.) (<i>oder</i> des Herzens / Geistes))
acedia (Noun: apathy)
* German: {{t+|de|Apathie|f}} (lit.), {{t+|de|Phlegma|n}} (lit., veraltet), {{t+|de|Trägheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Dumpfheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Gleichgültigkeit|f}}, {{t|de|Leidenschaftslosigkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Mattigkeit|f}}, {{t|de|Schlappheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Teilnahmslosigkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Unempfindlichkeit|f}}, {{t|de|Stumpfsinn|m}}, {{t|de|Schmachten|n}}.
achene (Noun: small dry fruit)
* German: {{t+|de|Achäne|f}}; ''genera Fragaria and Rosa:'' {{t+|de|Nüsschen|n}}
add-on (Noun: software: extension of core application)
* German: {{t+|de|Erweiterung|f}}; ''(colloquial:)'' {{t|de|Addon|n}} / {{t+|de|Add-on|n}} / {{t|de|Add-On|n}} (colloquial:)'' / /))
adder stone (Noun: stone with a naturally formed hole)
* German: {{t+|de|Hühnergott|m}}
adposition (Noun: element combining with a phrase and indicating how to interpret the phrase in the context)
* German: {{t+|de|Adposition|f}}, {{t+|de|Präposition|f}} (broad sense), {{t+|de|Verhältniswort}}, {{t+|de|Lagewort}}
adverb (Noun: lexical category)
* German: {{t+|de|Adverb|n}}, {{t+|de|Umstandswort|n}}, {{t|de|Nebenwort|n}}, {{t|de|Zuwort|n}}, ''dated:'' {{t+|de|Adverbium|n}}, ''dated, rare:'' {{t|de|Zeitnebenwort|n}}
advertiser (Noun: one who advertises)
* German: {{t|de|Werbender|m}}/{{t|de|Werbende|f}}, {{t|de|Werbetreibender|m}}/{{t|de|Werbetreibende|f}}, {{t+|de|Inserent|m}}/{{t+|de|Inserentin|f}}
afire (Adjective: literally on fire)
* German: in {{t+|de|Flammen}}, in {{t+|de|Brand}}
afire (Adjective: metaphorically on fire)
* German: {{t+|de|Feuer und Flamme sein}}, {{t+|de|begeistert}} sein
all right (Interjection: Used to express exasperation or frustration, often with already (5))
* German: {{t|de|schon gut}} (''occasionally doubled in case of impatience, e. g. when the one you're speaking to takes too long to get to the point'')
ambition (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Ehrgeiz|m}}, {{t+check|de|Ambition|f}} (5)
amount (Verb: to total or evaluate)
* German: sich {{t+|de|belaufen}} auf, {{t+|de|betragen}} (sich auf))
anabolic steroid (Noun: class of steroid)
* German: {{t|de|anaboles Steroid|n}} ''(often referred to in plural: “anabole Steroide”)''
apply (Verb: to submit oneself as a candidate)
* German: {{t+|de|bewerben|alt=sich bewerben}} (um etwas)
arrest (Verb: to take into legal custody)
* German: {{t+|de|festnehmen}}, {{t+|de|verhaften}} {{t+|de|arrestieren}}
asleep (Adjective: in a state of sleep)
* German: ''use a form of the verb'' {{t+|de|schlafen}}, {{t+|de|schlafen|alt=schlafend}}
assist (Noun: {{sense)
* German: {{t+|de|Vorlage|f}}, {{t|de|Torvorlage|f}}, ''partially also'' {{t|de|Torschussvorlage|f}}
at bay (Prepositional phrase: cornered)
* German: {{t|de|in Schach}} (halten), {{t|de|in die Enge}} (treiben), {{t|de|in die Ecke}} (drängen)
atavism (Noun: reappearance of an ancestral characteristic)
* German: {{t+|de|Atavismus|m}} (1)
attract (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|anziehen}} (1, 2)
audacity (Noun: insolent boldness)
* German: {{t+|de|Dreistigkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Unverschämtheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Unverfrorenheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Frechheit|f}}. ironically or if viewed as positive: {{t+|de|Chuzpe|f}}. dated: {{t+|de|Kühnheit|f}}, {{t+|de|Verwegenheit|f}}. (ironically or if viewed as positive: . dated))
awkward (Adjective: lacking dexterity in the use of the hands)
* German: {{t+|de|ungeschickt}}, {{t+|de|unbeholfen}}, {{t+|de|umständlich}}, {{t+|de|tollpatschig}}, {{t+|de|tölpelhaft}}, {{t+|de|patschert}} (Austrian)
awkward (Adjective: not easily managed or effected; embarrassing)
* German: {{t+|de|peinlich}}, {{t+|de|betreten}}, {{t+|de|unangenehm}}, {{t+|de|umständlich}}, {{t+|de|patschert}} (Austrian), {{t+|de|beklemmend}}
bastard (Interjection: exclamation of dismay)
* German: (Du) {{t+|de|Bastard!}}
batter (Verb: to hit or strike violently and repeatedly)
* German: (of doors) {{t+|de|rammen}}, (of humans, animals) {{t+|de|prügeln}}, {{t+|de|schlagen}}, {{t|de|auf etwas einprügeln}}, {{t+|de|zerschmettern}}, {{t+|de|zusammenschlagen}}, {{t+|de|einschlagen}}, {{t+|de|verprügeln}}, {{t+|de|bombardieren}}, {{t+|de|zerschlagen}}, {{t+|de|einstoßen}}, {{t+|de|klopfen}}, {{t+|de|beschießen}}, {{t|de|heftig schlagen}}
battleship (Noun: warship)
* German: {{t+|de|Schlachtschiff|n}}. ''Schlachtschiff'' is used for dreadnought battleships, ''[[Linienschiff]]'' is used for pre-dreadnought battleships.
be good for (Verb: be fit)
* German: {{t+|de|taugen}} zu, {{t|de|gut sein zu}}
befriend (Verb: to act as a friend to)
* German: sich jemandes {{t+|de|annehmen}}
bissextile (Adjective: having an extra day)
* German: ''compound with {{l|de|schalten|Schalt-}}''
black pudding (Noun: a blood sausage with much cereal)
* German: {{t|de|Blutpudding|f}} mit [[Hafer]] oder [[Gerste]]
blackberry winter (Noun: period of cold weather around March, April or May)
* German: {{t+|de|Eisheilige|alt=Eisheiligen}} {{qualifier|in May}}, ''see also'' {{t+|de|Schafskälte}} {{qualifier|in June}}
blow (Verb: to explode)
* German: {{t+|de|hochgehen}}, [[in]] [[die]] [[Luft]] {{t+|de|gehen}}, {{t+|de|explodieren}}
blower (Noun: device)
* German: {{t+|de|Gebläse|n}}, {{t+|de|Bläser|m}}, {{t+|de|Lüfter|m}} (fan), {{t+|de|Ventilator|m}} (fan), {{t+|de|Föhn|m}} (hairdryer)
bolt (Noun: short, stout, blunt-headed arrow)
* German: {{t+|de|Bolzen|m}}, kurzer {{t+|de|Pfeil|m}}
boondock (Noun: rural area)
* German: {{t+|de|Einöde|f}}, {{t+|de|Pampa|f}}, {{t+|de|Walachei|f}}, {{t|de|Kartoffelsteppe|f}}, {{t|de|Hundetürkei|f}}, ''vulg.'' {{t+|de|Arsch der Welt|m}}
bosom (Adjective: )
* German: {{t-check|de|der [[Busenfreund]]|n}} (bosom buddy)
bottle (Noun: figuratively: alcohol)
* German: {{tt+|de|Buddel|f}} (Northern German)
box (Noun: cuboid space; container)
* German: {{tt+|de|Kasten|m}}, {{tt+|de|Kiste|f}}, {{tt+|de|Box|f}}, {{tt+|de|Karton|f}} (cardboard box)
boyfriend (Noun: male partner in a romantic relationship)
* German: mein/dein/ihr/sein {{t+|de|Freund|m}}, {{t|de|Boyfriend|m}}, {{t|de|fester Freund|m}}
branch (Noun: part that divides like the branch of a tree)
* German: (''branching roads or rivers'') {{tt+|de|Abzweigung|m}}, (''rare'') {{tt|de|Ästelung|m}}, (''rare'') {{tt|de|Zweigung|m}}
branch (Noun: area in business or of knowledge, research)
* German: {{tt+|de|Branche|f}} (of business), {{tt+|de|Zweig|m}}, {{tt+|de|Gebiet|n}}, {{tt+|de|Wirtschaftszweig|m}}
buckling (Noun: kinking, bending or bulging under pressure or stress)
* German: {{t+|de|Knicken|n}}, {{t+|de|Knick|m}} ''(kink)'', {{t|de|Knickung|f}}, {{t|de|Stauchung|f}} ''(bottom out/ compression)'', {{t|de|Knickbildung|f}} ''(kinking)'', {{t|de|Verbiegen|n}} ''(bend)'', {{t+|de|Beulen|n}} ''(plate or shell buckling)'', {{t|de|Ausbeulen|n}} ''(plate or shell buckling)'',{{t|de|Wölben|n}} ''(bulge)'', {{t+|de|Wölbung|f}} ''(bulge)'', {{t|de|Bombage|f}} ''(e.g. of a tin can)'', {{t|de|Walkung|f}} ''(buckling of tires)''
bunny girl (Noun: club hostess in provocative costume suggestive of a rabbit)
* German: {{t+|de|Häschen|n}}; {{t|de|Playboyhäschen}}; {{t|de|Bunny|n}} (''rare'')
burger sauce (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|Amerikaner Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerikaner Soße}} / {{t|de|American Sauce}} / {{t|de|American Soße}} / {{t|de|Amerika Sauce}} / {{t|de|Amerika Soße}} (/ / / / /))
but (Conjunction: although)
* German: {{t+|de|aber}}, aber {{t+|de|trotzdem}}
captainess (Noun: female captain)
* German: {{t+|de|Kapitänin|f}} (''[[Kapitän#German|on a vessel]]''), {{t+|de|Hauptmännin|f}} (''[[Hauptmann#German|in the military]]''), {{t+|de|Hauptfrau|f}} (''[[Hauptmann#German|in the military]]'')
carpet (Verb: to lay carpet)
* German: mit Teppichboden {{t+|de|auslegen}}
cartomancy (Noun: fortune-telling using cards)
* German: {{t|de|Kartenlegen|n}}, aus den Karten lesen. (possibly also: {{t+|de|Kartomantie|f}} - but extremely uncommon.) (aus den Karten lesen. (possibly also: - but extremely uncommon))
case in point (Noun: example that illustrates a point)
* German: ein {{t|de|typisches Beispiel|n}}, ein {{t|de|einschlägiger Fall|n}}
cat got someone's tongue (Phrase: why are you not saying anything?)
* German: {{t|de|hast du die Sprache verloren?}} / {{t|de|haben Sie die Sprache verloren?|lit=did you lose your speech/language?}}
cavern (Noun: underground chamber)
* German: (manmade) {{t+|de|Kaverne|f}}
chat (Verb: be engaged in informal conversation)
* German: {{qualifier|formal}} sich {{t+|de|unterhalten}}, {{qualifier|informal}} {{t+|de|plaudern}}, {{qualifier|dialectal}} {{t+|de|schwatzen}}, {{t+|de|klönen}}
chat (Verb: talk more than a few words)
* German: sich {{t+|de|unterhalten}}, {{t+|de|plaudern}}, {{t+|de|schwatzen}}, {{t+|de|klönen}}
check (Verb: to mark with a checkmark)
* German: {{t+|de|abhaken}}, {{t|de|anhaken}}, {{t+|de|ankreuzen}}, {{t+|de|abchecken}}, (accept, sign off on) {{t+|de|abzeichnen}}, {{t+|de|markieren}}, {{t|de|abstreichen}}, {{t+|de|ankreuzeln}}
chop-chop (Interjection: hurry up)
* German: zack {{t+|de|zack}}, dalli {{t+|de|dalli}}, hopp {{t|de|hopp}}
cisgender (Adjective: having a gender the same as one's assigned sex at birth)
* German: {{t+|de|cisgender}}, {{t|de|cis-gender}}, {{t+|de|cis}}, {{t+|de|cisgeschlechtlich}}/{{t+|de|zisgeschlechtlich}}, {{t|de|zissexuell}}
clockwise (Adverb: in a circular fashion in the same direction as the hands of an analogue clock)
* German: im {{t+|de|Uhrzeigersinn}}
clogs to clogs in three generations (Proverb: wealth earned in one generation seldom lasts)
* German: {{t|de|Erwerben, Vererben, Verderben}} (earn it, bequeath it, spoil it)
clown around (Verb: have fun in an irresponsible manner)
* German: {{t|de|herumdameln}} {{q|Westphalia}}
cob (Noun: male swan)
* German: {{t|de|Schwanenmännchen|n}} (cf. {{t|de|Schwanen-}}, {{t+|de|Männchen|n}}), {{t+|de|männlich|alt=männlicher}} {{t+|de|Schwan|m}}
cognizant (Adjective: aware)
* German: {{t+|de|gewahr}}, {{t+|de|bewusst}} + reflexive verb
collaborate (Verb: to cooperate treasonably)
* German: {{t+|de|kollaborieren}}, mit dem [[Feind]] {{t+|de|zusammenarbeiten}}
combat (Verb: to fight; to struggle for victory)
* German: {{t+|de|kämpfen}} (gegen, mit), {{t+|de|bekämpfen}}
compose (Verb: to calm oneself down)
* German: sich {{t+|de|fassen}}, sich {{t+|de|beruhigen}}
condominium (Noun: the system of ownership by which such condominiums operate)
* German: {{t|de|Wohnungseigentum|n}}, {{t|de|Teileigentum|n}}, ''(Switzerland)'' {{t|de|Stockwerkseigentum|n}}
confront (Verb: to deal with)
* German: sich einer {{t+|de|Sache|f}} {{t+|de|stellen}}, {{t|de|sich mit etwas [[auseinandersetzen]]}}, {{t|de|sich mit einem Problem [[befassen]]}}
confuse (Verb: to embarrass)
* German: jemanden in {{t+|de|Verlegenheit|f}} bringen (jemanden in bringen))
congestion (Noun: excess of traffic)
* German: {{t|de|stockender Verkehr|m}}, leichter {{t+|de|Stau|m}}, leichter {{t+|de|Verkehrsstau|m}}
consist (Verb: to be composed (of))
* German: (of: {{l|de|aus}}) {{t+|de|bestehen}}
consistence (Noun: )
* German: {{t+|de|Konsistenz}} (1,2)
contraceptive (Noun: means by which impregnating a woman can be prevented)
* German: {{t+|de|Kontrazeptivum|n}} (1), {{t|de|Empfängnisverhütungsmittel|n}} (1), {{t+|de|Verhütungsmittel|n}}
convene (Verb: to come together as in one body or for a public purpose)
* German: {{t+|de|zusammentreten}}, sich {{t+|de|versammeln}}
cook (Verb: colloquial: to be uncomfortably hot)
* German: [[kochend]] [[heiß]] {{t+check|de|sein}}
correct (Verb: to make something become right that was previously wrong)
* German: {{t+|de|ausbessern}}, {{t+|de|korrigieren}}, {{t+|de|richtigstellen}}, {{t+|de|berichtigen}}, {{t|de|nachregeln}} ''Tech.''
count on (Verb: to rely on, trust, or expect)
* German: ({{l|de|auf}}) jemanden/etwas {{t+|de|zählen}}
cream (Verb: to obliterate, to win over someone else quite decisively)
* German: jemanden eins {{t+|de|überziehen}}
crimson (Adjective: having a deep red colour)
* German: {{t+|de|purpurn}}, {{t+|de|purpurrot}}, {{t+|de|blutrot}} (Himmel), {{t+|de|dunkelrot}}, {{t|de|karmesinrot}}
cringe (Verb: to cower, recoil, shrink, or tense, as in disgust, embarrassment, or fear)
* German: {{t+|de|erschaudern}}, {{t+|de|kriechen}}, {{t+|de|schaudern}}, sich {{t+|de|ducken}}, {{t+|de|zurückschrecken}}, {{t+|de|zusammenfahren}}, {{t+|de|zusammenzucken}}
crinkling (Noun: The act or sound or something being crinkled)
* German: {{t|de|Zerknittern}} (act), {{t+|de|Knittern}} (sound)
crux (Noun: central or essential point)
* German: {{t+|de|Kern|m}} ([[Kernpunkt|-punkt]])
crystal (Noun: glassware)
* German: {{t+|de|Kristallglas|n}}, {{t+|de|Kristall|n}} (neuter, not masculine)
cub (Noun: the young of certain animals)
* German: {{t+|de|Junges|n}}, cub of a wolf or fox: {{t+|de|Welpe|m}}, {{t|de|Dachsjunges|n}} {{qualifier|badger}}, {{t|de|Bärenjunges|n}} {{qualifier|bear}}, {{t|de|Gepardenjunges|n}} {{qualifier|cheetah}}, {{t|de|Leopardenjunges|n}} {{qualifier|leopard}}, {{t+|de|Löwenbaby|n}} {{qualifier|lion}}, {{t|de|Löwenjunges|n}}, {{t|de|Pandajunges|n}} {{qualifier|panda}}, {{t|de|Tigerbaby|n}} {{qualifier|tiger}}, {{t|de|Tigerjunges|n}}, {{t+|de|Wolfsjunges|n}}, {{t|de|Braunbärenjunges|n}}, {{t|de|Eisbärenjunges|n}} {{qualifier|polar bear}}, {{t|de|Eisbärjunges|n}}
cup (Verb: form into the shape of a cup)
* German: {{q|cup a hand and hold the opening upward}} {{tt|de|die Hand aufhalten}}; ''otherwise only the noun phrase'' {{l|de|hohle Hand|t=cupped hand}}
curt (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|barsch}} (1)
dangle (Verb: hang or trail something loosely)
* German: {{t+|de|baumeln}} (mit), {{t+|de|schlenkern}} (mit), {{t|de|[[baumeln]] [[lassen]]}}
deaf (Adjective: unable to hear, used as a substantive: deaf people considered as a group)
* German: {{t|de|die [[gehörlos|Gehörlosen]]|p}}, ''rare:'' {{t|de|die [[taub|Tauben]]|p}}
dear (Adjective: formal way of addressing)
* German: {{t|de|sehr geehrter}}/{{t|de|sehr geehrte}}
debt relief (Noun: forgiveness of debt)
* German: {{t+|de|Schuldenerlass|m}}, ''(colloquial)'' {{t+|de|Schuldenschnitt|m}}
decryption (Noun: decoding)
* German: {{t+|de|Entschlüsselung|f}} (1)
defection (Noun: act or incidence of defecting)
* German: {{t|de|Abtrünnigkeit|f}}, {{t|de|Treuebruch|m}}, {{t|de|Überlaufen|n}} (to the other party)
definite (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|definitiv}} (2)
defrauder (Noun: )
* German: {{t+|de|Betrüger|m}}, {{t+|de|Betrügerin|f}}, (Austria, Switzerland) {{t+|de|Defraudant|m}}, {{t+|de|Defraudantin|f}}
deign (Verb: to condescend)
* German: {{t+|de|sich}} {{t+|de|herablassen}} (with ''zu'' + infinitive), {{t+|de|geruhen}} (with ''zu'' + infinitive)
delicate (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|heikel}} (1, 4)
delusional (Adjective: suffering from or characterized by delusions)
* German: {{t+|de|wahnhaft}}, {{t+|de|Wahn}}- (compound noun, e.g. [[Wahnidee]]), {{t|de|[[einer]] [[Wahnvorstellung]] [[anhängend]]}}, {{t+|de|verblendet}}
demonstrative adjective (Noun: type of adjective)
* German: ''see'' {{l|de|[[adjektivisch]]es [[Demonstrativpronomen]]}}
deplorable (Adjective: deserving strong condemnation; shockingly bad)
* German: {{t+|de|miserabel}}, {{t+|de|schimpflich}}, {{t+|de|skandalös}}, {{t+|de|verdammungswürdig}}, {{t+|de|verdammenswert}}, (verdammenswert) {{t+|de|erbärmlich}}, (verdammenswert) {{t+|de|kläglich}}, {{t+|de|verwerflich}}
determinans (Noun: )
* German: ''(in compound words)'' {{t+|de|Bestimmungswort}}, {{t|de|Beysatz}}, {{t+|de|Determinans}}
determiner (Noun: class of words)
* German: ''related terms:'' {{t+|de|Artikelwort|n}}, {{t+|de|Determinans|n}}, {{t+|de|Determinativ|n}}, {{t|de|Determinierer|m}}
detour (Noun: diversion or deviation)
* German: {{t+|de|Umleitung|f}} (diversion), {{t+|de|Umweg|m}} (deviation)
develop (Verb: to progress through stages)
* German: sich {{t+|de|entwickeln}}, {{t+|de|entwickeln}}
dilatory (Adjective: intentionally delaying)
* German: {{t+|de|aufschiebend}}, {{t+|de|dilatorisch}}, {{t+|de|verspätet}} (answer)
dip (Verb: to lower into a liquid)
* German: (''food'') {{t+|de|tunken}}, {{t+|de|eintunken}}, {{t+|de|stippen}}, (''otherwise'') {{t+|de|eintauchen}}
discourse (Verb: write or speak formally and at length)
* German: eine {{t+|de|Rede|f}} halten (eine halten))
disdain (Noun: feeling of contempt or scorn)
* German: {{t+|de|Verachtung|f}}, {{t+|de|Geringschätzung|f}} (disrespect), {{t+|de|Missachtung|f}} (contempt)
disintegrate (Verb: break up into one's parts)
* German: sich {{t+|de|auflösen}}, {{t+|de|zerfallen}}
disturbance (Noun: )
* German: [1] {{t+check|de|Störung}} [2] {{t+check|de|Belästigung}}, {{t+check|de|Beunruhigung}}, {{t+check|de|Aufregung}} [3] {{t+check|de|Unruhe}}, {{t+check|de|Tumult}}, {{t+check|de|Aufruhr}} [4] {{t+check|de|Verwirrung}} ([1] [2]))
divorce (Verb: end one's own marriage)
* German: [[sich]] {{t+|de|scheiden}} [[lassen]] ([[sich]] [[lassen]]))
divorce (Verb: obtain a legal divorce)
* German: [[sich]] {{t+|de|scheiden}} [[lassen]] ([[sich]] [[lassen]]))
don't (Verb: do not)
* German: ''imperative'' + {{t+|de|nicht}}, {{t+|de|nicht}} + ''infinitive''
downtown (Adverb: in, or towards the central business district)
* German: {{t|de|[[in]] [[der]] [[Innenstadt]]|f}} ''(location)''; {{t|de|[[in]] [[die]] [[Innenstadt]]|f}} ''(direction)''
dozen (Noun: dozens: a large number)
* German: {{t|de|[[Dutzend]]e}} (''of'': [[von]])
dressed (Adjective: having clothes on)
* German: {{t+|de|gekleidet}}, {{t+|de|bekleidet}}\
driveway (Noun: short private road that leads to a house or garage)
* German: {{t+|de|Einfahrt|f}} (to small building), {{t+|de|Auffahrt|f}} (to large building), {{t+|de|Zufahrt|f}}
duh (Interjection: disdainful indication that something is obvious)
* German: (''after a question:'') {{t|de|ja klar}} ''with a squeaking tone on the second word''; (''after a statement:'') {{t+|de|ach}}; {{t|de|ach nee}}; {{t|de|ach was}}; {{t|de|na sowas}}; {{t+|de|sag bloß}} ''all with an interrogative intonation'' (after a question:'') ''with a squeaking tone on the second word))
e.g. (Adverb: initialism used to introduce an illustrative example or short list of examples)
* German: {{t+|de|z. B.}} {{qualifier|[[zum Beispiel]]}} (dated: {{t|de|z. E.}} {{qualifier|[[zum Exempel]]}}), {{t+|de|bspw.}} {{qualifier|[[beispielsweise]]}}
elephant in the room (Noun: problem that is obvious but ignored)
* German: {{t|de|Elefant im Raum|m}}<ref>Sabine Fiedler: ''Gläserne Decke und Elefant im Raum - Phraseologische Anglizismen im Deutschen''. Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2014, S. 92–96.</ref>
embarge (Verb: to put in a barge)
* German: an {{t+|de|bord}} [[verladen]] (an [[verladen]]))
embarge (Verb: to board a barge)
* German: an {{t+|de|bord}} gehen (an gehen))
empower (Verb: to give permission to)
* German: {{t+|de|bevollmächtigen}}, (''to'' zu) {{t+|de|ermächtigen}}, (''to'' zu) {{t+|de|befähigen}}
end user (Noun: the final consumer of a product: the intended recipient or user)
* German: {{t|de|Endbenutzer|m}}, German: {{t|de|Endbenutzerin|f}}
enforce (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|durchsetzen}} (1), {{t+check|de|bekräftigen}}
enqueue (Verb: to add an item to a queue)
* German: ''(in eine {{t+|de|Warteschlange|f}})'' {{t+|de|einreihen}}
entry date (Noun: The date when a transaction appears in an account)
* German: {{t|de|Buchungstag|m}}; and one distinctly refers to the action itself with {{t+|de|Buchung|f}}
etc. (Phrase: and so on)
* German: {{t+|de|usw.}}, {{t+|de|etc.}} | ''furthermore:'' {{t+|de|&c.}}, {{t|de|rc.}}, {{l|de|ꝛc.}}, {{t+|de|et cetera}}, {{t+|de|u. s. w.}}, {{t+|de|und so weiter}}, {{t+|de|u. ä.}}, {{t|de|u. ähnl.}}, {{t|de|und ähnlich}}
ewe (Noun: female sheep)
* German: {{t+|de|Schaf|n}}, {{t|de|[[weibliches]] Schaf|n}} {{q|for clarity}}, {{t+|de|Mutterschaf|n}} {{q|chiefly when with young}}, {{t+|de|Zibbe|f}} {{q|regional}}, {{t+|de|Aue|f}} *: Alemannic German: {{t|gsw|Au|f}}
exception that proves the rule (Noun: occurrence of counterexample)
* German: {{t|de|[[Ausnahme]], [[die]] [[die]] [[Regel]] [[bestätigt]]}}; ''more idiomatically one says'' {{t+|de|Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel|lit=exceptions prove the rule}}
expedient (Noun: a means for achieving an end)
* German: {{t+|de|Ausflucht|f}}, {{t+|de|Ausweg|m}}, {{t+|de|Hilfsmittel|n}}, {{t+|de|Mittel|f}} (zum Zweck), {{t|de|Tunlichkeit|f}}, {{t+|de|Behelf|m}}, {{t+|de|Notbehelf|m}}, {{t+|de|Nothilfe|f}}, {{t+|de|Notlösung|f}}
extramural (Adjective: taking place outside the walls of an institution, especially a school or university)
* German: {{t+|de|extern}} {{q|university}}, {{t|de|extramural}} {{q|prison}}
extrude (Verb: to push or thrust out)
* German: {{t|de|hinausdrängen}}, {{t|de|herausdrücken}}/{{t|de|rausdrücken}}/{{t+|de|drücken}}, {{t+|de|herauspressen}}/{{t|de|rauspressen}}/{{t+|de|pressen}}, {{t|de|hinausstoßen}}/{{t+|de|ausstoßen}} (//))
extrude (Verb: to form or shape by forcing through a die)
* German: {{t+|de|extrudieren}}, ({{t|de|in Form drücken}}/{{t|de|informdrücken}}/{{t|de|formdrücken}}/){{t+|de|drücken}}, ({{t|de|in Form pressen}}/{{t|de|informpressen}}/{{t|de|formpressen}}/){{t+|de|pressen}} (///))
fancy dress (Noun: disguise to masquerade)
* German: {{t|de|Karnevalskostüm|n}} (carnival costume)
faucet aerator (Noun: a device for faucets/taps which mixes air with watter to reduce the flowrate)
* German: {{t+|de|Strahlregler|m}}, {{t|de|Luftsprudler|m}}, {{t|de|Mischdüse|f}}, {{t|de|Perlator|m}}®
feature (Verb: to star, to contain)
* German: in der {{t+|de|Hauptrolle|f}} {{t+|de|mitspielen}}
feedback (Noun: howling noise)
* German: (akustische) {{t+|de|Rückkopplung|f}}, {{t+|de|Feedback|n}}
fervent (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|glühend}} (1,2), {{t+check|de|inbrünstig}} (1,2)
fess (Noun: band)
* German: {{t+|de|Balken|m}} (''fess''), {{t+|de|Leiste|f}} (''bar'')
final (Adjective: last; ultimate)
* German: {{t+|de|endgültig}}, {{t+|de|End}}-, {{t+|de|Schluss}}-
first aid kit (Noun: collection of first aid supplies)
* German: {{t+|de|Erste-Hilfe-Kasten|m}}, {{t+|de|Verbandkasten|m}}/{{t+|de|Verbandskasten|m}}, {{t|de|Taschenapotheke|f}}
first love (Noun: one's most fundamental interest or attachment)
* German: {{t|de|große Liebe|f}}; {{t|de|erste Liebe|f}} (''the latter only when this interest started very early in life'')
fishmonger (Noun: person who sells fish)
* German: {{t+|de|Fischverkäufer|m}}, {{t|de|Fischmann|m}}/{{t+|de|Fischfrau|f}}, {{t+|de|Fischhändler|m}}
fixed point (Adjective: in computing)
* German: {{t|de|Fixkomma}}-
flex (Verb: to repeatedly bend one's joints)
* German: sich {{t+|de|biegen}}
flinch (Verb: to avoid doing something momentarily)
* German: sich {{t+|de|entziehen}}
fling (Verb: to throw oneself in a violent or hasty manner; to rush or spring with violence or haste)
* German: sich {{t+|de|werfen}}, sich {{t+|de|hinwerfen}}, sich {{t+|de|hinschleudern}}, sich in etwas {{t+|de|stürzen}}, sich {{t+|de|hinunterwerfen}}, sich {{t+|de|hinunterstürzen}}, sich (an jemanden) {{t|de|heranwerfen}}, sich an jemanden {{t|de|ranwerfen}}, sich {{t+|de|herumwerfen}}, sich {{t|de|fallen lassen}}
flip (Verb: to throw (as in to turn over))
* German: {{t+|de|umdrehen}}, {{t+|de|wenden}}, {{t+|de|schwenken}} (food in a pan)
fluency (Noun: linguistics: being fluent in a language)
* German: usually expressed using the adverb {{t+|de|flüssig}}, {{t|de|Sprechflüssigkeit|f}}, rare: {{t|de|Geläufigkeit|f}}, usually for skill and elegance in a native language: {{t+|de|Flüssigkeit|f}}
focus (Verb: (intransitive) to concentrate one's attention on something)
* German: {{t|de|[[sich]] [[konzentrieren]]}} (on/upon: [[auf]]), {{t+|de|fokussieren}}
ford (Noun: stream; current)
* German: {{t+|de|Fjord|m|}} (usually one in [[w:Scandinavia|Scandinavia]])
fountain (Noun: artificial water feature)
* German: {{t+|de|Springbrunnen|m}}{{t+|de|Fontäne|f}}
foursome (Noun: group of four)
* German: {{t+|de|Vierer|m}}, only [[golf]]: {{t+|de|Foursome|m|n}}
fourth (Adjective: ordinal form of the number four)
* German: {{t+|de|vierte}} (''abbreviation'' IV. (in names of monarchs and popes))
frenulum (Noun: small fold of tissue)
* German: {{t|de|Frenulum|n}}, {{w|lang=de|Frenulum|some}} of them are also called {{t+|de|Bändchen|n}}, most of them have specific compounds
fritillary (Noun: plant of genus Fritillaria)
* German: {{t|de|Schachblume|f}}, {{t|de|Kaiserkrone|f}} ''(different species)''
from (Preposition: with the source or provenance of or at)
* German: {{t+|de|von}} (from someone), {{t+|de|aus}} (from somewhere)
frown (Verb: )
* German: {{t-check|de|finster dreinblicken}} (1), {{t+check|de|runzeln}} (1)
full stop (Interjection: Interjection)
* German: {{t|de|Schluss, aus, Ende}}; {{t|de|Punkt. Aus. Ende}}; {{t|de|keine Widerrede}}; {{t+|de|basta}}; {{t|de|und damit basta}}; {{t|de|da ist nichts zu machen}}; {{t+|de|Punktum}} (dated)
functional (Adjective: in good working order)
* German: {{t+|de|funktional}}, {{t|de|Funktions}}-, {{t+|de|funktionell}}, {{t+|de|Gebrauchs}}-, {{t+|de|operativ}}
functional (Adjective: useful, serving a purpose)
* German: {{t+|de|funktional}}, {{t|de|Funktions}}-, {{t+|de|funktionell}}, {{t+|de|Gebrauchs}}-, {{t+|de|zweckmäßig}}
functional (Adjective: having semantics defined purely in terms of mathematical functions, without side-effects)
* German: {{t+|de|funktional}}, {{t|de|funktions}}-, {{t+|de|funktionell}}
gamble (Verb: (transitive) to risk something for potential gain)
* German: aufs {{t+|de|Spiel|n}} {{t+|de|setzen}}, {{t+|de|hasardieren}}, {{t+|de|wagen}}
get one's wires crossed (Verb: to misunderstand one another)
* German: einander {{t+|de|missverstehen}}, an einander {{t+|de|vorbeireden}}
give a shit (Verb: to (not) care)
* German: {{t+|de|scheißegal}} {{qualifier|negative sense}} (e.g.: mir ist (es) scheißegal), {{t+|de|Scheißdreck}} {{qualifier|negative sense, vulgar}} (e.g.: Das kümmert mich einen Scheißdreck)
glaive (Noun: weapon consisting of a pole with a large blade)
* German: {{t|de|Glefe|f}} (alternative spellings: {{t|de|Gläfe|f}}, {{t|de|Gleve|f}}), {{t|de|Fauchard|f}}
go it alone (Verb: do something alone or independently)
* German: {{t+|de|im}} {{t+|de|Alleingang}} ''+ verb (e.g., ''{{t+|de|erledigen}}'')''
go rogue (Verb: behave in an erratic or uncontrolled way)
* German: (ein wütender) {{t+|de|Einzelgänger}} (werden), {{t+|de|ausflippen}}, {{t+|de|ausrasten}} (ein wütender) (werden))
go rogue (Verb: behave in a very unconventional or independent way)
* German: {{t+|de|auf eigene Faust}} (handeln, entscheiden etc.), {{t+|de|aus der Reihe tanzen}}, {{t+|de|eigenmächtig}} (handeln, entscheiden etc.), {{t+|de|abtrünnig}} (werden), (ein rebellischer) {{t+|de|Einzelgänger}} (werden)
go rogue (Verb: switch allegiance, affiliation, or membership)
* German: {{t+|de|abtrünnig}} (werden)
great (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|groß}}, {{t+check|de|weit}}, {{t+check|de|ausgedehnt}}, {{t+check|de|bedeutend}} [3]
hand job (Noun: Manual stimulation of another person's penis)
* German: {{t|de|Handjob|m}}, sich {{t+|de|einen runterholen}}, {{t+|de|wichsen}}
harridan (Noun: vicious and scolding woman)
* German: {{t+|de|Drache|m}} (alter {{t+|de|Drachen|m}}), {{t+|de|Xanthippe|f}}, {{t+|de|Hexe|f}}, {{t+|de|Vettel|f}}
harvestman (Noun: arachnid)
* German: {{t|de|Afterspinne|f}}, {{t|de|Kanker|m}}, {{t|de|Schneckenkanker|m}}, {{t+|de|Schneider|m}}, {{t+|de|Weberknecht|m}}, {{t+|de|Zimmermann|m}} (Switzerland)
has-been (Noun: person declining in popularity or effectiveness)
* German: {{t+|de|ehemalig}}, {{q|more negative, but less frequent}} {{t+|de|gewesen}} (in nominal use combine with some noun like {{m|de|Berühmtheit}}, {{m|de|Größe}}, {{m|de|Star}})
have in mind (Verb: consider, intend)
* German: {{t+|de|vorschweben}}: ''I have something in mind'' — ''Etwas schwebt mir vor''
hearth (Noun: part of furnace)
* German: {{t+|de|Feuerstelle|f}}, {{t+|de|Gestell|n}} in einem {{t+|de|Hochofen|n}}
hemisphere (Noun: half of the Earth)
* German: {{t+|de|Hemisphäre|f}}, {{t+|de|Halbkugel|f}} (rare, e.g., in {{t+|de|Erdhalbkugel|f}} ''"half the [[Earth]]"'') (rare, e.g., in ''"half the [[Earth]]"))
hemlock (Noun: poisonous plant of genus Conium)
* German: {{t+|de|Schierling|m}}, {{qualifier|Conium maculatum}} {{t|de|Gefleckter Schierling|m}} / {{t|de|Fleckenschierling|m}}
heritage (Noun: tradition)
* German: (kulturelles) {{t+|de|Erbe|n}}
hers (Pronoun: that which belongs to her)
* German: {{t+|de|ihrer|m}}, {{t+|de|ihre|f|p}}, {{t+|de|ihres|n}}, {{t|de|ihrs|n}}, {{t+|de|ihr|m|f|n|p}} ''(coll.)'', {{t|de|der Ihre|m}}, {{t|de|die Ihre|f}}, {{t|de|das Ihre|n}}, {{t|de|die Ihren|p}}
hetero (Noun: heterosexual person)
* German: {{t+|de|Hetero|m|f}}; ''female also:'' {{t+|de|Hetera|f}}
hetty (Noun: heterosexual)
* German: {{t+|de|Hetero|m|f}} (''women also:'' {{t+|de|Hetera|f}}), {{t+|de|Hete|f}}
hibernate (Verb: computer: enter a standby state)
* German: in den {{t+|de|Ruhezustand}} {{t+|de|wechseln}}
holiday (Verb: to spend a period of time in recreational travel)
* German: {{t+|de|reisen}}, eine {{t+|de|Ferienreise}} machen, {{t+|de|urlauben}} {{qualifier|colloquial}} (eine machen))
homage (Noun: artistic work imitating another in a flattering style)
* German: {{t+|de|Hommage|f}}, {{t+|de|Huldigung|f}}, {{t+|de|Verbeugung|f}} (fig.)
homicide (Noun: the killing of one person by another)
* German: {{t+|de|Mord|m}} (''intentional''), {{t+|de|Totschlag|m}} (''manslaughter''), {{t+|de|Tötungsdelikt|m}} (''law term'')
horseradish (Noun: condiment)
* German: {{t+|de|Meerrettich|m}}, {{t+|de|Kren|m}} (South German, Austrian)
housekeeper (Noun: someone who manages the home, traditionally female head of household)
* German: (as wife) {{t+|de|Hausfrau|f}}, (hired) {{t+|de|Haushälterin|f}}, (hired) {{t|de|Haushälter|m}}
how are you (Phrase: greeting)
* German: {{t+|de|wie geht es dir}}? {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t|de|wie geht es Ihnen}}? {{qualifier|formal singular/plural}}, {{t|de|wie geht es}}? / {{t+|de|wie geht's|alt=wie geht’s?}}, {{t|de|wie geht es euch}}? {{qualifier|informal plural}}
hundred (Noun: hundred-dollar (-euro, etc.) bill)
* German: ''(hundred-''any-currency'' bill)'' {{tt+|de|Hunderter|m}}
husk (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Hülse|f}} (1,2)
hymn (Noun: a song of praise or worship)
* German: {{t+|de|Hymne|f}} (''now rare in this sense''), {{t+|de|Hymnus|m}}, {{t+|de|Kirchenlied|n}}, {{t+|de|Loblied|n}}, {{t+|de|Lobgesang|m}}
háček (Noun: háček diacritic)
* German: {{t+|de|Hatschek|m}} or {{g|n}}; {{q|technical}} {{t|de|Caron|n}}; {{q|informal}} {{t|de|Krönchen|n}}
incense (Noun: material burnt for fragrant smoke)
* German: {{t+|de|Weihrauch|m}}, {{t|de|Räuchwerk|n}} ''(archaic)''
incident (Noun: event causing interruption or crisis)
* German: {{t+|de|Vorfall|m}}, {{t|de|Störfall|m}} (technical), {{t+|de|Ereignis|n}}, {{t+|de|Zwischenfall|m}}, {{t+|de|Affäre|f}}, {{t+|de|Fehler|m}}
incubator (Noun: apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby)
* German: {{t+|de|Brutkasten|m}}, (''scientific:'') {{t+|de|Inkubator|m}}
incur (Verb: to render liable or subject to; to occasion)
* German: {{t+|de|zurechnen}}, {{t+|de|haftbar}} machen, in {{t+|de|Haftung}} nehmen, {{t+|de|heranziehen}}, {{t+|de|anrechnen}} {{q|only roughly translatable}}
initialism (Noun: term pronounced letter by letter)
* German: ''related:'' {{t+|de|Initialwort|n}}, {{t+|de|Akronym|n}}, {{t+|de|Buchstabenwort|n}}
instant (Adjective: of the current month)
* German: {{t|de|dieses Monats}}, ''archaic:'' {{t+|de|hujus}}
instep (Noun: top of the foot between the toes and the ankle)
* German: [1] {{t+|de|Spann|m}}, {{t|de|Fußrücken|m}}, {{t+|de|Rist|m}}, {{t|de|Fußspann|m}}
insulator (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Isolierstoff|m}} (1), {{t+check|de|Isolator|m}} (1, 2)
intercalary (Adjective: of a time period, inserted between others)
* German: ''compound with {{l|de|schalten|Schalt-}}''
inure (Verb: to cause to become accustomed to something unpleasant by prolonged exposure)
* German: {{t+|de|abhärten}}, {{t+|de|an}} (etwas) {{t+|de|gewöhnen}}
it (Noun: The person who chases others in the game of tag)
* German: {{t+|de|Fänger|m}}, ''but mostly expressed with the verb'' {{l|de|sein|t=to be}}, '' e.g.'' Wer ist? – Du bist!
jaw (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Kinnbacke|f}} (1,2, ''lower''), {{t+check|de|Rachen}} (2,3), {{t+check|de|Schlund}} (2,3), {{t+check|de|Backe}} (7)
key fob (Noun: active device that controls access)
* German: (elektronischer) {{t+|de|Autoschlüssel|m}}, {{t|de|Funkschlüssel}}
kike (Verb: offensive: Jewish person)
* German: {{t|de|Itzig|m}}, {{t|de|Jid|m}}, {{t|de|Krummnase|f}}, {{t+|de|Mauschel|m}} (''all either archaic or restricted to right-wing slang; generally intelligible only compounds like'' {{t|de|Drecksjude|m}}, {{t|de|Judenschwein|n}}), {{t+|de|Judensau|f}}, {{t|de|Saujude|m}}
knacker (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Abdecker|m}} (4)
knock on wood (Interjection: hopefully; used when undertaking such a customary action)
* German: (dreimal) {{t+|de|auf Holz klopfen|lit=knock (three times) on wood}}
kowtow (Verb: kneel such that forehead touches ground)
* German: einen {{t|de|[[Kotau]] [[machen]]}}
kowtow (Verb: act submissively)
* German: {{t+|de|kriechen}}, {{t+|de|kuschen}}, {{t+|de|katzbuckeln}}, {{t+|de|dienern}}, {{t+|de|zu Kreuze kriechen}}, den {{t+|de|Kotau}} machen (den machen))
league (Noun: distance)
* German: {{q|ancient history}} {{t|de|Leuge|f}}, {{q|otherwise}} {{t+|de|Wegstunde|f}}, {{t+|de|Meile|f}} (the German mile was ≈ 7.5 km)
lemon (Adjective: having the flavour/flavor and/or scent of lemons)
* German: compounds with {{t+|de|Zitrone}}
let's (Verb: let us; forming first-person plural imperative)
* German: {{t+|de|lassen|alt=lass/lasst uns}}, {{qualifier|expressed with the first-person plural of the verb}} + {{l|de|wir}}, {{t|de|[[wollen]] [[wir]]}} {{qualifier|plus infinitive}}
libel (Noun: defamatory false written statement)
* German: schriftliche {{t+|de|Verleumdung|f}}
libel (Noun: act or crime)
* German: schriftliche {{t+|de|Verleumdung|f}}
like (Noun: something similar to a given person or object)
* German: {{t+|de|meinesgleichen}}, {{t+|de|deinesgleichen}}, {{t+|de|seinesgleichen}} (his/its like), {{t|de|euresgleichen}}, {{t+|de|unseresgleichen}}, {{t+|de|ihresgleichen}}
like (Verb: to find attractive)
* German: {{t+|de|mögen}}, {{t+|de|gern haben}}, {{t+|de|gefallen}} + ''dat'' {{qualifier|with subject and object reversed}}
lovesick (Adjective: having an aching desire for one's beloved)
* German: {{t+|de|liebeskrank}}; ''but preferably use a construction with the noun'' {{l|de|Liebeskummer}}
madam (Noun: polite term of address to a woman)
* German: {{t+|de|Frau|f}}, {{t+|de|Fräulein|n}} ''(traditionally, for unmarried women)''
manslaughter (Noun: act of killing unlawfully)
* German: {{t+|de|Totschlag|m}} (''intentional''); [Verbrechen] {{t|de|mit Todesfolge|m}} (''intentional harm but unintentional killing''); {{t|de|fahrlässige Tötung|m}} (''negligent'')
mantle (Noun: anatomy: cerebral cortex)
* German: {{t+|de|Hirnrinde|f}}, ''short:'' {{t+|de|Rinde|f}}
manufacture (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|erzeugen}} (1), {{t+check|de|fertigen}} (1), {{t+check|de|produzieren}} (1), {{t+check|de|fabrizieren}} (1, 2), {{t+check|de|basteln}} (2)
manège (Noun: unroofed arena)
* German: {{t|de|Reitplatz}}, {{t|de|Reitbahn}} (not [[Manege]] = [[circus ring]], riding hall arena)
mass (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Masse|f}} (1,3)
mate (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Mate|m}}, {{t+check|de|Matt}} (5), {{t+check|de|Kumpel|m}}
mercy (Noun: blessing; something to be thankful for)
* German: göttlicher {{t|de|Gnadenerweis|m}}, Gottes {{t+|de|Gnade|f}}
mess (Noun: confusion of things)
* German: {{t+|de|Durcheinander|n}}, {{t+|de|Unordnung|f}}, ([[totales]]) {{t+|de|Chaos|n}}, {{t+|de|Schweinerei|f}}, {{t+|de|Saustall|m}}, (make a mess of) {{t+|de|Mist|m}} ([[bauen]])
meticulous (Adjective: characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details)
* German: {{t+|de|akribisch}}, {{t|de|peinlich genau}}, {{t+|de|pedantisch}} (pej.), {{t+|de|minutiös}}, {{t+|de|minuziös}}
midterm (Adjective: halfway through a term)
* German: {{t+|de|Mitte}} der [[Amtszeit]] {{qualifier|politics}}, {{t+|de|Mitte}} der [[Laufzeit]], {{t+|de|Mitte}} des [[Semester]]s
military (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|militärisch}} (1,2)
minister (Verb: to attend to; to tend)
* German: sich {{t+|de|kümmern}}, {{t+|de|sorgen}}
morning glory (Noun: plant)
* German: die {{t|de|Trichterwinde|f}}, {{t|de|Prunkwinde|f}}
mouth (Noun: the opening of a creature through which food is ingested)
* German: {{tt+|de|Mund|m}}, {{tt+|de|Maul|n}} {{qualifier|of animals}}, {{tt+|de|Gosche|f}}/{{tt|de|Gosch|f}}/{{tt+|de|Gusche|f}} (//))
mouthguard (Noun: device)
* German: {{t|de|Aufbissschiene|f}}, ''Sports:'' {{t+|de|Mundschutz|m}}, {{t+|de|Zahnschutz|m}}
neuropathic (Adjective: of, or relating to neuropathy)
* German: {{t|de|neuropathisch}}, {{t+|de|nervös}} (Leiden etc.), {{t+|de|nervenkrank}}
non-disclosure agreement (Noun: contract not to disclose certain information)
* German: {{t|de|Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung|f}}, {{t|de|Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung|f}}, {{t|de|Verschwiegenheitsvereinbarung|f}}, ''all also with'' {{t|de|[[Erklärung|-erklärung]]|f}} ''and rarely'' {{t|de|[[Abrede|-abrede]]|f}} (all also with'' ''and rarely))
noose (Noun: adjustable loop or rope)
* German: {{q|generally}} {{t+|de|Schlinge|f}}; {{q|in hanging often}} {{t+|de|Strick|m}} (properly the rope)
north (Adverb: towards the north)
* German: {{tt+|de|nordwärts}}, nach {{tt+|de|Norden}}
nose to the grindstone (Noun: )
* German: sich {{t|de|dahinterklemmen}}, sich {{t|de|abschinden}}, sich {{t+|de|abrackern}}
not even (Adverb: constitutes an emphatic negation)
* German: {{t|de|nicht mal}}, {{t+|de|nicht einmal}}, {{t+|de|eben}}/{{t+|de|selbst}}/{{t+|de|sogar}}... {{t+|de|nicht}} (can be split) (//... (can be split))
now (Adverb: (word to introduce a point))
* German: {{t+|de|jetzt}} ''—not sentence-initially''
nudge (Noun: a gentle push)
* German: {{t+|de|Stups}} (leise oder heimlich), {{t+|de|Schubs|m}}, {{t+|de|Stoß|m}}, {{t|de|Stupser|m}}, {{t+|de|Knuff|m}}, {{t+|de|Puff|m}}, {{t+|de|Rippenstoß|m}}
of one's choice (Prepositional phrase: that one has chosen, or wishes to choose)
* German: {{qualifier|of a male}} {{t+|de|seiner}} {{t+|de|Wahl}} / {{qualifier|of a female; plural: of males, of females, of males and females}} {{t+|de|ihrer}} {{t+|de|Wahl}} — The usage example would be: ''Er gelangte an die Universität '''seiner Wahl'''.'' (/ — The usage example would be: ''Er gelangte an die Universität '''seiner Wahl))
on fire (Prepositional phrase: being burned by fire)
* German: {{t|de|in Brand}}, {{t|de|in Flammen}} (''both construed with the verb'' [[stehen]])
on fire (Prepositional phrase: rapidly achieving good results)
* German: {{t+|de|einen Lauf haben}} (''verb'')
on the same page (Prepositional phrase: on the same page)
* German: {{t|de|auf gleicher Wellenlänge}} (sein), {{t|de|die gleiche Wellenlänge}} (haben), {{t|de|der selber Wellenlänge}} (sein), {{t|de|der gleichen Meinung}} (sein)
onboard (Adjective: carried or used on or in a vehicle or vessel)
* German: {{t+|de|Bord}}- {{qualifier|in compounds}}
open-plan (Adjective: having large rooms)
* German: {{t|de|Großraum-}} (in compounds like {{m|de|Großraumbüro}})
opponent (Noun: )
* German: {{t+|de|Gegner|m}} (1,2,3), {{t+|de|Gegenspieler|m}}
original (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Vorlage|f}} (1), {{t+check|de|Original|n}} (1,2,3)
outlook (Noun: attitude, point of view)
* German: {{t+|de|Einstellung}}, {{t+|de|Ansichten|f}} (only plural)
overwhelm (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|überrumpeln}}, {{t+check|de|überwältigen}} (2)
pancreatic (Adjective: of or pertaining to the pancreas)
* German: {{qualifier|technical}} {{t|de|pankreatisch}}, {{t|de|Bauchspeicheldrüsen-}}, {{t|de|der Bauchspeicheldrüse}} ([[nachgestellt]]), {{t|de|Pankreas-}}
paper (Adjective: made of paper)
* German: ''indicated by forming compounds with'' {{t+|de|Papier|alt=Papier-}}: '''paper bag:''' {{t|de|Papierbeutel}}, '''paper cup:''' {{t|de|Papierbecher}}, ''etc'' (indicated by forming compounds with'' : '''paper bag))
park (Verb: bring (a vehicle) to a halt)
* German: {{t+|de|parken}}, {{t+|de|parkieren}} ''(Switzerland)''
part of speech (Noun: the function a word or phrase performs)
* German: {{t+|de|Wortart|f}}, {{t+|de|Wortklasse|f}}, rare: {{t+|de|Redeteil|m}}, rare: {{t|de|Sprachteil|m}}
passing (Adjective: that passes away; ephemeral)
* German: {{t+|de|vorübergehend}}, {{t+|de|verrinnend}} ''(poetic)''
paternal aunt (Noun: the sister or sister-in-law of someone's father)
* German: {{t+|de|Tante|f}} [[väterlicherseits]]
period (Interjection: Interjection)
* German: {{t|de|Schluss, aus, Ende}}; {{t|de|Punkt. Aus. Ende}}; {{t+|de|basta}}; {{t|de|und damit basta}}; {{t|de|keine Widerrede}}; {{t|de|da ist nichts zu machen}}; {{t+|de|Punktum}} (dated)
periodic table (Noun: tabular chart of the chemical elements)
* German: {{t+|de|Periodensystem}} (der Elemente) {{g|n}}
picture (Verb: to imagine or envision)
* German: etwas {{t+|de|vorstellen}}
pig (Noun: dirty or slovenly person)
* German: {{tt|de|Dreckschwein|n}}, {{tt+|de|Dreckspatz|m}}, {{tt+|de|Ferkel|n}}, {{tt|de|Saubartel|m}} (regional), {{tt+|de|Schmierfink|m}}, {{tt+|de|Schmutzfink|m}}, {{tt+|de|Schwein|n}}, {{tt|de|Schweinigel|m}}, {{tt+|de|Wutz|m}} (regional)
point source (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Punktquelle|f}} (1)
poised (Adjective: balanced, in position, equilibrium)
* German: im {{t+|de|Gleichgewicht}}, das Gleichgewicht haltend, ausbalanciert, in der Waage
possibly (Adverb: adverb indicating that an action may successfully be performed)
* German: {{t+|de|vielleicht}}, {{t+|de|eventuell}}, {{t+|de|möglicherweise}}, negated: {{t+|de|unmöglich}}
predicament (Noun: an unfortunate or trying position or condition)
* German: {{t+|de|Lage|f}} (''missliche ~; unglückliche ~''), {{t+|de|Zwangslage|f}}, {{t+|de|Dilemma|n}}, {{t+|de|Zwickmühle|f}}, {{t|de|missliche Lage|f}}
principal (Noun: legal: primary participant in a crime)
* German: {{t|de|Haupttäter|m}} or simply {{t+|de|Täter|m}} (which is according to the Criminal Code’s wording, where the hypernym to accomplices, abettors and principals is {{m|de|Beteiligter}}) (or simply (which is according to the Criminal Code’s wording, where the hypernym to accomplices, abettors and principals is))
procedure (Noun: method for performing a task)
* German: {{t+|de|Verfahren|n}}, {{t|de|Verfahrensweise|f}}, [medizinischer] {{t+|de|Eingriff|m}}
profess (Verb: (reflexive) to declare oneself (to be something))
* German: sich zu etwas {{t+|de|bekennen}}
project (Verb: to present, convey an image)
* German: {{t+check|de|ausstrahlen}}, (sich) {{t+check|de|präsentieren}}, (sich) {{t+check|de|darstellen}}
propriety (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Schicklichkeit|f}} (1)
proselyte (Noun: one who has converted to a religion)
* German: {{t+|de|Proselyt|m}}, {{t|de|Judengenosse|m}} ''(a gentile converted to Judaism)''
provision (Noun: item of goods or supplies obtained for future use)
* German: {{t+|de|Vorrat|m-p|alt=Vorräte}}, (food) {{t+|de|Proviant|m}}, {{t+|de|Vorrat|m}}, {{t+|de|Bevorratung|f}}, {{t+|de|Vorhaltung|f}}, {{t+|de|Vorkehrung|f}}, {{t+|de|Vorsorge|f}}
psyllium (Noun: Subgenus of Plantago)
* German: {{t|de|Flöhkraut|n}}, {{t|de|Flohkraut|n}}, {{t|de|Flohwegerich|m}}, its seeds and occasionally the plant being {{t+|de|Flohsamen|p}}
pudding (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Pudding|m}} (1, 2, 4) {{t+check|de|Auflauf|m}}, {{t+check|de|Terrine|f}}, {{t+check|de|Pastete|f}} (3)
puffin (Noun: Fratercula arctica)
* German: {{t+|de|Lund|m}}, {{t|de|Lundevogel|m}} (genera Fratercula), {{t+|de|Papageitaucher|m}}, {{t+|de|Papageientaucher|m}} (F. arctica), {{t|de|Hundlund|m}} (F. corniculata), {{t|de|Gelbschopflund|m}} (F. cirrhata), {{t|de|Nashornalk|m}} (Cerorhinca monocerata)
quash (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|vernichten}}, {{t+check|de|unterdrücken}}, {{t+check|de|ablehnen}}, {{t+check|de|verwerfen}}, {{t+check|de|aufheben}} (2)
quilt (Noun: bed covering)
* German: {{t+|de|Steppdecke|f}}, only for decorative examples: {{t|de|Quilt|m}}, {{t+|de|Federbett|n}}, {{t+|de|Daunendecke|f}}, {{t+|de|Duvet|n}}
quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
* German: {{t+|de|Anführungszeichen|n}} [„◌“] ''or'' [»◌«], {{t+|de|Gänsefüßchen|n}}, {{t|de|Gänseaugen}}, {{t|de|Hasenöhrchen}}
ram (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Sturmbock|m}} (2), {{t+check|de|Ramme|f}} (2), {{t-check|de|Widderschiff|n}} (3)
ramraid (Noun: )
* German: ''no common term:'' {{t+|de|Blitzeinbruch|m}} {{q|occasionally used, but ambiguous, can mean any swift burglary}}; {{t|de|Rammeinbruch|m}} {{q|unambiguous, but rare}}
rasp (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|raspeln}} (1)
redound (Verb: to result in, contribute to)
* German: zu etw. {{t+|de|führen}}, zu etw. {{t+|de|beitragen}},
remain (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Überrest|m}} (2), {{t+check|de|Überreste|m}} (3), {{t-check|de|sterbliche Überreste|m}} (3)
repartee (Verb: to have a conversation marked by swift witty retorts)
* German: sich einen {{t+|de|Schlagabtausch|m}} {{t+|de|liefern}}
reprobate (Verb: abandon)
* German: {{t+|de|verlassen}}, für {{t+|de|gottlos}} {{t+|de|erklären}}
repudiate (Verb: to reject the truth of, deny)
* German: {{t+|de|verleugnen}} (sb./sth.), {{t+|de|abstreiten}}, {{t+|de|leugnen}}, {{t+|de|zurückweisen}}
rhyme (Verb: transitive, to rhyme with)
* German: sich {{t+|de|reimen}} (mit) (sich (mit))
rhyme (Verb: reciprocal)
* German: sich {{t+|de|reimen}}
ridge (Noun: )
* German: (1) {{t+check|de|First|m}}, (3) {{t+check|de|Bergrücken|m}}, {{t+check|de|Rücken|m}}
rive (Verb: (reflexive) to be split or rent)
* German: (''etwas'') {{t+|de|spalten}}
roller (Noun: roller pigeon that somersaults backwards at high speed)
* German: {{t+|de|Roller|m}}, {{t|de|Rollertaube|f}}, {{t|de|Orientalischer Roller|m}}, {{t|de|Orientalische Rollertaube|f}} (compare {{t|de|Tümmler|m}}, {{t|de|Tümmlertaube|m}}, {{t+|de|Werfer|m}}, {{t|de|Ostpreußischer Werfer|m}})
row (Verb: intransitive: argue noisily)
* German: ''any of the translations above for "noisy argument" followed by'' {{l|de|machen}} ''or by'' {{l|de|veranstalten}} ''or by'' {{l|de|verursachen}} (any of the translations above for "noisy argument" followed by'' ''or by'' ''or by))
run (Verb: to make run in a race)
* German: {{tt|de|ins Rennen schicken}}, {{tt+|de|antreten}} + {{tt|de|[[mit]] (etwas, jemandem)}}
run (Verb: to make run in an election)
* German: {{tt+|de|antreten}} + {{tt|de|[[mit]] (etwas, jemandem)}}, {{tt|de|ins Rennen schicken}} {{q|informal}}
saddle (Verb: to burden or encumber (someone) with some duty or responsibility)
* German: ''(sich etw.)'' {{tt+|de|aufhalsen}}
saddle (Verb: to burden or encumber (someone) with some duty or responsibility)
* German: ''(sich etw.)'' {{tt+|de|aufhalsen}}
sale (Noun: sale of goods at reduced prices)
* German: {{t|de|[[Sonderangebote]] [[haben]]|p}}, {{t|de|[[im]] [[Sonderangebot]] [[haben]]|n}}, {{t|de|[[Angebote]] [[haben]]|p}}, {{t|de|[[im]] [[Angebot]] [[haben]]|n}}, especially Austria: {{t+|de|Abverkauf|m}}, [[clearance sale]]: {{t+|de|Schlussverkauf|m}}, {{t+|de|Ausverkauf|m}}
saunterer (Noun: one who saunters)
* German: {{t+|de|Müßiggänger}} (in), {{t|de|Pflastertreter}} (in)
save (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|aufbewahren}} (2), {{t+check|de|speichern}} (3)
scent (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Geruch|m}} (1,2,3), {{t+check|de|Duft|m}} (1), {{t+check|de|Duftstoff|m}} (2)
schema (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Schema|m}} (1)
scrutiny (Noun: thorough inspection)
* German: {{t|de|[[genaue]] [[Untersuchung]]|f}}, {{t+|de|prüfender}} ''od''. forschender Blick
selection (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Auswahl}} (1,2,3), {{t+check|de|Selektion}} (1)
self-conscious (Adjective: excessively conscious of one's appearance or behaviour)
* German: [[zu]] {{t+|de|selbstbewusst}} sein ([[zu]] sein))
self-deprecation (Noun: disparaging view of oneself)
* German: {{q|humorously}} {{t+|de|Selbstironie|f}}; {{q|otherwise also}} {{t+|de|Selbstkritik|f}}; {{t|de|Selbstherabsetzung|f}}; {{t+|de|Selbstzerfleischung|f}} (colloquial)
serendipity (Noun: unsought, unintended... and/or learning experience that happens by accident)
* German: (glücklicher) {{t+|de|Zufallsfund|m}}, {{t|de|zufällige Entdeckung|f}}, {{t+|de|Serendipität|f}}
shape up (Verb: to improve; correct one's bad habits)
* German: {{t|de|[[besser]] [[werden]]}}, sich {{t+|de|bessern}}, {{t+|de|verbessern}} {{qualifier|reflexive}}
shibboleth (Noun: a common or longstanding belief, custom, or catchphrase associated with a particular group, especially one with little current meaning or truth)
* German: according to the particular context: {{t|de|[[abgedroschene]] [[Ansicht]]|f}}, {{t+|de|Klischee|n}}, {{t|de|[[veraltete]] [[Konvention]]|f}}, {{t+|de|Plattitüde|f}}, {{t+|de|Parole|f}}, {{t+|de|Schlagwort|n}}, {{t+|de|Slogan|m}}
shield (Noun: armor)
* German: {{tt+|de|Schild|m}} (also: {{tt+|de|Schild|n}}, see the entry for more information) (also: , see the entry for more information))
shiksa (Noun: non-Jewish girl)
* German: {{t+|de|Schickse|f}}, also: {{t+|de|Schicksel|n}} ({{t+|de|Schicksl|n}})
shoot (Interjection: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Mist}}! (1), {{t+check|de|verdammt}}! (1), {{t+check|de|Los}}! (2), {{t+check|de|leg los}}! (2)
shunpike (Noun: )
* German: {{t|de|mautfreie Strecke}} (''toll-free section'')
shut up (Verb: transitive: to stop (a person) from talking or (a person or thing) from making noise)
* German: {{t|de|[[Mund]] [[stopfen]]}}, shut someone's trap: Maul {{t+|de|stopfen}}
siding (Verb: siding with one party or another)
* German: zu {{t+|de|jemandem}} {{t+|de|halten}}
sightseeing (Noun: tourism)
* German: {{t|de|Sightseeing|n}}, {{t+|de|Tourismus|m}}, {{t|de|Besichtigen|n}} von Sehenswürdigkeiten, {{t+|de|Besichtigung|f}} von Sehenswürdigkeiten
significance (Noun: extent to which something matters)
* German: {{t+|de|Bedeutung|f}}, {{t+|de|Signifikanz|f}} (1)
sirloin (Noun: cut of beef)
* German: (UK) {{t+|de|Roastbeef|n}}, (US) {{t+|de|Rumpsteak|n}}
sit up (Verb: to rise to a sitting position)
* German: sich {{t+|de|aufsetzen}}
slap (Verb: to give a slap)
* German: {{t+|de|klatschen}}, (leicht) {{t+|de|schlagen}}, {{t+|de|patschen}}, {{t+|de|ohrfeigen}}
slate (Noun: artificial material resembling slate)
* German: {{t|de|Kunstschiefer|m}}, {{t|de|Faserzement|m}}, {{t+|de|Eternit|m|n}} (widely used trademark)
sleep tight (Interjection: farewell)
* German: {{t|de|schlaf gut}} (informal), {{t|de|schlafen Sie gut}} (formal)
slide (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Rutschbahn}} (#2), {{t+check|de|Rutschen}} (#6), {{t-check|de|Rutschpartie}} (#6)
slide (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|schieben}} (#1), {{t+check|de|einschieben}} (#5), {{t+check|de|zuschieben}} (#5)
slumping (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+|de|plumpsend}} (''collo.'')
smirk (Verb: to smile in a way that is affected, smug, insolent or contemptuous)
* German: {{t+|de|grinsen}}, {{t+|de|feixen}} (colloquial)
sniff (Verb: to make a short audible inhalation)
* German: {{t+|de|schnüffeln}}, {{t+|de|züngeln}} (for reptiles)
soot (Noun: fine black or dull brown particles)
* German: {{t+|de|Ruß|m}}, ''Swiss spelling:'' {{t+|de|Russ|m}}
sparsity (Noun: the property of being sparse)
* German: {{t+|de|Seltenheit}}; matrices: {{t|de|Dünnbesetztheit}}
spawn (Verb: to reproduce, especially in large numbers)
* German: ''(sich wie [[Karnickel]])'' {{t+|de|vermehren|alt=sich vermehren}}
specific epithet (Noun: (taxonomy) second word in the scientific name of a species)
* German: {{t|de|Artbeiname|m}}, {{t|de|Artname|m}} {{q|in a strict sense}}, {{t|de|Artzusatz|m}} {{q|rare}}, {{t+|de|Artepitheton|n}}/{{t|de|Art-Epitheton|n}}, {{t+|de|spezifisches Epitheton|n}}, {{t|de|Speciesbeiname|m}}, {{t|de|Speciesname|m}}, {{t|de|Artepithet|n}}
spectrum (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Spektrum|n}} (1, 2, 3)
spicy (Adjective: tangy or pungent)
* German: {{t+|de|scharf}} (hot), {{t+|de|würzig}} (herbal)
spotter (Noun: sports: exercise supervisor)
* German: {{t|de|Übungshelfer|m}}, contrasted with the {{t+|de|Übungsleiter|m}} meaning “trainer” (contrasted with the meaning “trainer”))
spring (Noun: season between winter and summer in temperate climates)
* German: {{tt+|de|Frühling|m}}, {{tt+|de|Frühjahr|n}}, {{qualifier|dated}}/{{qualifier|poetic}} {{tt+|de|Lenz|m}}, {{tt+|de|Frühlingszeit|f}}, {{tt|de|Frühjahrszeit|f}}
sprinting (Noun: the action of the verb to sprint)
* German: [[schnell]]es {{t+|de|Rennen|n}}, schnelles {{t+|de|Laufen|n}}, {{t|de|Sprinten|n}} {{qualifier|sports}}
square (Adjective: )
* German: (4): {{t+check|de|anständig}}; (5): {{t+check|de|spießig}}
stalk (Verb: to approach slowly and quietly in order not to be discovered when getting closer)
* German: sich {{t+|de|anpirschen}}, {{t|de|sich anschleichen}}, {{t|de|sich heranschleichen}}
stand in someone's shoes (Verb: to be in situation of somebody else)
* German: {{t|de|an jemandes Stelle sein}}, {{t|de|an jemandes Stelle stehen}}, {{t|de|wenn ich du wäre}}, (in negative sentences, with ''not want to'') {{t|de|in jemandes Haut stecken}}
statutory (Adjective: relating to a statute)
* German: {{t|de|satzungsmäßig}}; {{t|de|satzungsgemäß}}; {{t+|de|statutarisch}}; {{t|de|statutar}} (e.g. ''Statutarstadt'')
steal (Verb: to move silently)
* German: sich {{t+|de|stehlen}}, {{t+|de|schleichen}}
steep (Verb: to make tea or other beverage)
* German: {{t|de|[[ziehen]] lassen}} (tea)
stem (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Stiel|m}} (2)
stir (Verb: to change the place of in any manner; to move)
* German: (sich) {{t+|de|bewegen}}
straighten up and fly right (Verb: to start behaving properly; get one's act together)
* German: sich {{t+|de|zusammenreißen}}
stretcher (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Rahmen|m}} (2), {{t+check|de|Spanner|m}} (3)
strike up (Verb: to start something, e.g. a relationship)
* German: {{t+|de|schließen}} [Freundschaft]
strong (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+check|de|stark}} (1,2,3,4,5,6), {{t+check|de|kräftig}} (1,4)
subject (Adjective: conditional upon)
* German: {{t+|de|abhängig}} (von), {{t+|de|vorbehaltlich}}
subrogate (Verb: to replace one person with another)
* German: ''this is formulated differently from the side of the subjective right'': das {{t+|de|Recht}} {{t+|de|übergehen|alt=geht über}}
swelter (Verb: To perspire greatly from heat)
* German: stark {{t+|de|schwitzen}}
tabloid (Noun: newspaper that favours stories of sensational nature)
* German: {{t+|de|Boulevardblatt|n}}, {{t|de|Skandalblatt|n}}, {{t+|de|Revolverblatt|n}} (all also with {{l|de|Zeitung|-zeitung|g=f}}, {{l|de|Presse|-presse|g=f}}),{{t|de|Tabloid|n}}
take offense (Verb: to feel and possibly show resentment)
* German: {{t+|de|beleidigt}} sein, {{t+|de|gekränkt}} sein, sich {{t+|de|beleidigt}} {{t+|de|fühlen}}
take to the bank (Verb: to utterly trust, believe, or rely on)
* German: {{t|de|drauf wetten}} (können), {{t|de|Gift drauf nehmen}} (können)
tarragon (Noun: perennial herb Artemisia dracunculus)
* German: {{t+|de|Estragon|m}}, {{t|de|Dragon|m}} / {{t|de|Dragun|m}} / {{t|de|Drachant|m}} {{q|till 19<sup>th</sup> century, replaced by Estragon}}, {{t+|de|Bertram}} {{q|till 18<sup>th</sup> century in this sense}} (/ /))
tarragon (Noun: the leaves of Artemisia dracunculus)
* German: {{t+|de|Estragon}}, {{t|de|Dragon|m}} / {{t|de|Dragun|m}} / {{t|de|Drachant|m}} {{q|till 19<sup>th</sup> century, replaced by Estragon}}, {{t+|de|Bertram}} {{q|till 18<sup>th</sup> century in this sense}} (/ /))
tattletale (Noun: one who gossips)
* German: {{t+|de|Klatschbase|f}}, {{t+|de|Quasselstrippe|f}}, {{t|de|Quatschtüte|f}}, {{t+|de|Schwätzer|m}} / {{t+|de|Schwätzerin|f}}, {{t+|de|Tratschtante|f}}
ten (Noun: the number following nine)
* German: {{tt+|de|Zehn|f}} (2)
tendency (Noun: likelihood of behaving in a particular way)
* German: {{t+|de|Tendenz|f}} (''not often used in this sense, one would rather use a verb such as "zu (...) [[neigen]]" or [[tendieren]]'')
tenor (Noun: )
* German: {{t+check|de|Tenor|m}} (1,2,3)
the one (Noun: person destined to save the universe or world, also called the Chosen One)
* German: der/die {{t+|de|Auserwählte|m|f}}, der/die {{t|de|Auserkorene|m|f}}
therefore (Adverb: for that or this reason)
* German: {{t+|de|also}} ([[folglich]]), {{t+|de|daher}}, {{qualifier|archaic, literary}} {{t+|de|sonach}}, {{t+|de|darum}}, {{qualifier|literary}} {{t+|de|demnach}}, {{t+|de|demzufolge}}, {{t+|de|deshalb}}, {{t+|de|deswegen}}, {{t+|de|mithin}}, {{t+|de|somit}}
thick as a brick (Adjective: )
* German: {{t+|de|dumm wie Bohnenstroh}} ("dumb as bean straw"), {{t+|de|dumm wie Brot}} ("as dumb as bread")
tick off (Verb: to annoy, aggravate)
* German: {{t+|de|auf die Nerven gehen}}, (jemanden) {{t|de|auf die Palme bringen}}
tick off (Verb: (UK) to reprimand)
* German: (jemanden) {{t+|de|rüffeln}}
tipcat (Noun: game in which a wooden piece is struck with a stick)
* German: {{t|de|Spatzeckspiel|n}} {{q|Upper German}}, {{t|de|Kibbel-Kabbel|n|}} / {{t|de|Kibbel-Kabbel-Spiel|n}} {{q|Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein}}, {{t|de|Pinneken kloppen|n}} {{q|Ruhr area, Münsterland}}
tipcat (Noun: wooden piece used in tipcat)
* German: {{t|de|Spatzeck|n}} / {{t|de|Spatzeckel|m}} {{q|Upper German}}, {{t|de|Pinneken|n}} {{q|Ruhr area, Münsterland}}
to (Preposition: in the direction of, and arriving at)
* German: {{tt+|de|zu}}, {{tt+|de|nach}} ''(in this sense only used for and sole preposition option for constructions without articles, i.e. general directions (e.g. up, west), most countries and cities etc. and [[nachhause|nachhause/nach Hause (home)]])'', {{tt+|de|in}}
toe (Noun: )
* German: {{t-check|de|Vorspur|f}} (5)
tortoiseshell (Adjective: made of covering of carapace of hawksbill turtle)
* German: aus {{t+|de|Schildpatt|n}}
traffic cone (Noun: cone-shaped marker)
* German: {{t+|de|Leitkegel}} (officially), {{t+|de|Lübecker Hütchen}}, {{t+|de|Verkehrsleitkegel}}, {{t+|de|Pylon}}, {{t+|de|Verkehrshütchen}}, {{t|de|Haberkornhütchen}} (Austrian), {{t|de|Verkehrsstöggel}} (Swiss)
trample (Verb: to treat someone harshly)
* German: {{t|de|herumtrampeln}} auf
transmit (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|senden}} (1), {{t+check|de|übertragen}} (2), {{t+check|de|weiterleiten}} (3)
transmogrify (Verb: completely alter the form of)
* German: {{t+|de|transformieren}}, gänzlich {{t+|de|ummodeln}}
triple (Verb: to become three times as large)
* German: sich {{t+|de|verdreifachen}}
try (Verb: to put on trial)
* German: den {{t+|de|Prozess}} machen, vor {{t+|de|Gericht}} stellen, {{t|de|vor Gericht verhandeln}}, {{t+|de|anklagen}} (den machen))
tuck (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|stecken}} (1)
turn (Noun: movement about an axis ending up with the same orientation)
* German: (vollständige) {{t+|de|Drehung|f}}, {{t+|de|Umdrehung|f}}
umlaut (Noun: vowel so assimilated)
* German: {{t|de|Halbdoppellaut}}, {{t+|de|Umlaut}}, {{t+|de|umgelautet}}er {{t+|de|Vokal|m}}
uncuttable (Adjective: )
* German: nicht {{t|de|schneidbar}}
unlock (Verb: give access to something)
* German: {{t+|de|entsperren}} (screen, Device, PC, smartphone), {{t+|de|freischalten}} (user)
unlucky (Adjective: bringing ill luck)
* German: {{t|de|unglückbringend}}; ''usually expressed verbally:'' {{t|de|[[es]] [[bringen|bringt]] [[Unglück]]}}
unmark (Verb: remove marks)
* German: {{t+|de|Markierung}} [[entfernen]]
upon (Preposition: )
* German: {{t+check|de|auf}} (1), {{t+check|de|von}} (2), {{t+check|de|seit}} (3)
vanish (Verb: become invisible or to move out of view unnoticed)
* German: {{t+|de|verschwinden}}, {{t+|de|vergehen}}, (sich) {{t+|de|verflüchtigen}}
vault (Verb: to build as or cover with vault)
* German: (sich) {{t+|de|wölben}}, {{t+|de|überwölben}}
verb (Noun: (grammar) a word that indicates an action, event, or a state)
* German: {{t+|de|Verb|n}}, {{t+|de|Verbum|n}}, {{t+|de|Zeitwort|n}}, {{t+|de|Tätigkeitswort|n}}, {{t|de|Wandelwort|n}}, {{t+|de|Tuwort|n}}/{{t+|de|Tunwort|n}}, {{t+|de|Aussagewort}}
vested (Adjective: settled, fixed)
* German: {{t+|de|verankert}} ([[in]]), {{t+|de|ausgestattet}} ([[mit]]), {{t|de|[[versehen]] ([[mit]])}}
water tap (Noun: a spout connected to a socket to provide water from the main water supply)
* German: {{t+|de|Wasserhahn|m}}, {{t+|de|Kran|m}} (regional)
wear (Verb: to erode due to use)
* German: sich {{t+|de|abnutzen}}
when (Adverb: at which, on which, during which)
* German: {{tt+|de|als}} (for past events), {{tt+|de|wenn}} (for future events), {{tt+|de|wo}}
when (Conjunction: during the time that)
* German: {{tt+|de|wenn}}, {{tt+|de|als}} (for past events)
when (Conjunction: at what time; at which time)
* German: {{tt+|de|wenn}}, {{tt+|de|als}} (for past events)
while (Noun: uncertain duration of time, a period of time)
* German: {{t+|de|Weile|f}}, {{t+|de|Weilchen|n}} ''diminutive'', {{t+|de|Zeitspanne|f}}
whipped cream (Noun: thick cream that has had air incorporated into it by rapid beating)
* German: {{t+|de|Schlagsahne|f}}, ''in Austria:'' {{t+|de|Schlagobers|n}}
withstand (Verb: )
* German: {{t+check|de|widerstehen}} (1,2)
world-class (Adjective: of a standard that ranks among the best in the world)
* German: {{t|de|Weltklasse-}}; for example {{t+|de|Weltklasseathlet|m}}
woundwort (Noun: genus Stachys)
* German: {{t+|de|Heilziest|m}}, {{t|de|Gliedkraut|n}}, {{t|de|Wundkraut|n}}, {{t+|de|Ziest|m}}, {{t|de|Ziestkraut|n}}, {{t|de|Berufskraut|n}} / {{t|de|Berufkraut|n}}, {{t|de|Rossnessel|f}}
year of our Lord (Noun: anno Domini)
* German: {{t|de|Jahr des Herrn|n}} (= year of the Lord), {{t|de|im Jahre des Herrn}} (= anno Domini, in the year of the Lord)
yield (Verb: to produce as return)
* German: (Ertrag) {{t+|de|abwerfen}}, {{t+|de|bringen}}, {{t+|de|erbringen}}
zolotnik (Noun: an old Russian unit of weight)
* German: {{t|de|Solotnik|m|n}}, less often {{t|de|Zolotnik|m|n}}