User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-f

fable {n} (fictitious narration to enforce some useful truth or precept) :: bajka {f}
fabliau {n} (short farcical tale) :: fabliau
fabric {n} (material made of fibers) :: tkanina {f}
fabric softener {n} (a chemical agent used to prevent static cling and make fabric softer) :: aviváž {f}
facade {n} (face of a building) :: fasáda {f}
face {v} (to face) SEE: look ::
face {v} (deal with, confront) :: čelit
face {n} (typography: typeface) SEE: typeface ::
face {n} (computing: interface) SEE: interface ::
face {n} (amount expressed on a bill, note, bond, etc.) SEE: face value ::
face {n} (front part of head) :: tvář {f}, obličej {m}
face {n} (facial expression) :: tvář {f}, obličej {m}
face {n} (geometry: bounding surface of a polyhedron) :: strana {f}
Facebook {v} (use the social-networking site Facebook) :: facebookovat
facemask {n} (surgical mask) SEE: surgical mask ::
facet {n} (flat surface cut into a gem) :: fazeta {f}
facet {n} (one member of a compound eye) :: faceta {f}
face to face {adv} (in person) :: tváří v tvář
face-to-face {adv} (face to face) SEE: face to face ::
face value {n} (the stated value or amount) :: nominální hodnota {f}
facial {adj} (of the face) :: obličejový
facial cream {n} (cosmetic product) :: obličejový krém {m}
facial nerve {n} (nerve) :: lícní nerv {m}
facilitate {v} (to make easy or easier) :: usnadnit, ulehčit
facility {n} (physical means of doing something) :: zařízení {n}, vybavení {n}
facsimile {v} (fax) SEE: fax ::
fact {n} (an honest observation) :: fakt {m}
fact {n} (something actual) :: fakt {m}, skutečnost {f}
fact {n} (something which has become real) :: fakt {m}, skutečnost {f}
fact {n} (something concrete used as a basis for further interpretation) :: fakt {m}
fact {n} (an objective consensus on a fundamental reality) :: fakt {m}, skutečnost {f}
fact {n} (information about a particular subject) :: fakt {m}
faction {n} (group of people) :: frakce {f}, křídlo {n}, klika {f}
faction {n} (strife) :: rozkol {m}, rozpor {m}
factor {n} (integral part) :: faktor
factor {n} (mathematical sense) :: faktor
factorial {n} (mathematical operation or its result) :: faktoriál {m}
factory {n} (manufacturing place) :: továrna {f}, fabrika {f}, závod {m}
factory farm {n} (large farm) :: velkofarma {f}
factotum {n} (general servant) :: děvče pro všechno {n}
factual {adj} (of facts) :: faktický
factuality {n} (state or quality of being factual) :: faktičnost {f}
faculty {n} (division of a university) :: fakulta {f}
fag {n} (homosexual man) :: teplouš {m}
fag-end {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt ::
faggot {n} (male homosexual) SEE: fag ::
faggot {n} (piece of firewood) :: špalek {m}
faience {n} (type of tin-glazed earthenware ceramic) :: fajáns
fail {v} (be unsuccessful) :: propadnout
fail {v} (not achieve a stated goal) :: selhat
fail {v} (be negligent) :: selhávat
fail {v} (cease to operate) :: přestat fungovat
fail {v} (cause to fail) :: nechat propadnout
failure {n} (state or condition opposite of success) :: nezdar {m}, neúspěch {m}, selhání {n}
failure {n} (termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function) :: porucha {f}
failure rate {n} (frequency) :: poruchovost {f}
faint {v} (to lose consciousness) :: omdlít {pf}, omdlévat {impf}
fainting {n} (an act of collapsing to a state of temporary unconsciousness) :: mdloba {f}, omdlení {n}
fair {adj} (just, equitable) :: fér, spravedlivý
fair enough {interj} (very well) :: budiž, fajn
fair-haired {adj} (blond) SEE: blond ::
fairheaded {adj} (blond) SEE: blond ::
fairly {adv} (in a fair manner) :: spravedlivě, poctivě
fairly {adv} (favorably; auspiciously; commodiously) :: příznivě
fairly {adv} (honestly; properly) :: čestně, správně
fairness {n} (property of being just, equitable) :: férovost {f}
fair sex {n} (women) :: slabé pohlaví {n}, něžné pohlaví {n}, ženy {f-p}
fairy {n} (mythical being) :: víla {f}
fairy {n} ((derogatory slang) effeminate male homosexual) :: teplouš
fairy floss {n} (fairy floss) SEE: candy floss ::
fairy godmother {n} (benevolent magical female) :: dobrá víla
fairy tale {n} (folktale) :: pohádka {f}
faith {n} (feeling that something is true) :: víra {f}
faithful {adj} (loyal; adhering firmly to person or cause) :: věrný {m}
faithful {adj} (consistent with reality) :: věrný {m}
faithfulness {n} (the state of being faithful) :: věrnost {f}
faith will move mountains {proverb} (proverb) :: víra hory přenáší
fake {adj} (not real) :: falešný {m}
fakir {n} (ascetic mendicant) :: fakír {m}
falafel {n} (Middle Eastern food) :: falafel {m}
falanouc {n} (Eupleres goudotii) :: puchol {m}
falcon {n} (bird of the genus Falco) :: sokol {m}
falconry {n} (sport of hunting by using trained birds of prey) :: sokolnictví {n}
faldstool {n} (portable, folding chair used by a bishop) :: faldistorium {n}
fall {n} (season) SEE: autumn ::
fall {n} (act of moving in gas or vacuum under the effect of gravity from a point to a lower point) :: pád {m}
fall {v} (move to a lower position under the effect of gravity) :: padat {impf}, padnout {pf}
fallacy {n} (deceptive or false appearance) :: klam {m}
fallacy {n} (false argument) :: logický klam {m}
fall asleep {v} (to pass into sleep) :: usnout
fall behind {v} (to be late) :: opozdit se {pf}
fall behind {v} (to be below average in performance) :: zaostávat {impf}
fall down {v} (to fall to the ground) :: spadnout
fall down {v} (to collapse) :: selhat
fall equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox ::
fallible {adj} (capable of making mistakes or being wrong) :: omylný {m}
falling sickness {n} :: padoucnice {f}
falling star {n} (shooting star) SEE: shooting star ::
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of love) :: zamilovat se
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of love towards each other) :: zamilovat se
Fallopian tube {n} (duct) :: vejcovod {m}
fall out {v} (come out by falling) :: vypadnout
fallout {n} (event of airborne particles falling to the ground) :: spad {m}
fallout {n} (particles that fall to the ground) :: spad {m}
fallout shelter {n} (building) :: protiatomový kryt {m}
fallow {n} (ground left unseeded for a year) :: úhor {m}
fallow {n} (uncultivated land) :: lada {n-p}, lado {n}
fallow deer {n} (Dama dama, a ruminant mammal) :: daněk {m}
false {adj} (untrue, not factual, wrong) :: nepravdivý {m}
false {adj} (spurious, artificial) :: falešný, imitovaný, nepravý, umělý
false acacia {n} (black locust) SEE: black locust ::
false alarm {n} (warning sound that turns out to be erroneous) :: planý poplach
false alarm {n} (thing or occurrence initially causing fear, etc. but subsequently seen to be no cause for concern) :: planý poplach, falešný poplach
false analogy {n} (informal fallacy) :: klamná analogie {f}
false hellebore {n} (Veratrum) :: kýchavice {f}
false hellebore {n} (Adonis vernalis) :: hlaváček jarní {m}
false negative {n} ((statistics) type II error) SEE: type II error ::
false positive {n} (result of a test that shows as present something that is absent) :: falešně pozitivní výsledek {m}, nesprávné pozitivní výsledek {m}, falešný poplach {m}, planý poplach {m}
falsetto {n} ("false" (singing) voice in any human) :: falzet {m}
falsifiability {n} (quality of being falsifiable) :: falzifikovatelnost {f}
falsifiable {adj} (able to be proven false) :: falzifikovatelný
falsifier {n} (one that falsifies) :: falzifikátor {m}, falšovatel {m}
falsity {n} (untrue assertion) :: nepravda {f}
falsity {n} (characteristic of being untrue) :: nepravdivost {f}
falter {v} (To waver or be unsteady) :: zakolísat {pf}
falter {v} (To stumble) :: klopýtat {impf}, klopýtnout {pf}, zakopnout {pf}, potácet se {impf}, zapotácet se {pf}
falter {v} (To hesitate) :: váhat {impf}, zaváhat {pf}
falter {v} (To stammer) SEE: stammer ::
fame {n} (state of being famous) :: sláva {f}, věhlas {m}, proslulost {f}
familial {adj} (inherited) SEE: inherited ::
familiar {adj} (known to one) :: známý
family {n} (immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children) :: rodina {f}
family {n} (group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom) :: rodina
family {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification, above both genus and species) :: čeleď {f}
family {n} ((used attributively)) :: rodinný
family doctor {n} (practitioner of family medicine) SEE: general practitioner ::
family name {n} (surname) SEE: surname ::
family tree {n} (family tree) :: rodokmen {m}
famine {n} (extreme shortage of food in a region) :: hladomor {m}, hlad {m}
famine {n} (a period of extreme shortage of food in a region) :: hladomor {m}, hlad {m}
famous {adj} (well known) :: slavný, proslulý, věhlasný
fan {n} (hand-held device) :: vějíř {m}
fan {n} (electrical device) :: větrák {m}
fan {n} (anything resembling a hand-held fan) :: vějíř {m}
fan {n} (admirer) :: milovník {m}, příznivec {m}, fanoušek {m}
fanatic {n} (one who is zealously enthusiastic) :: fanatik {m}, fanatička {f}
fanatical {adj} (having an extreme, irrational zeal or enthusiasm) :: fanatický {m}
fanaticism {n} (characteristic or practice of being a fanatic) :: fanatismus {m}
Fanconi syndrome {n} (disease of the proximal renal tubules of the kidney) :: Fanconiho syndrom {m}
fancy {v} (would like to) :: [mít chuť na+dative case] mít chuť
fanfare {n} (a flourish of trumpets or horns) :: fanfára {f}
fang {n} (canine tooth) :: tesák {m}
fang {n} (a tooth that can inject venom) :: jedový zub {m}
fanny {n} (buttocks) SEE: ass ::
fanny {n} (vulva or vagina) SEE: pussy ::
fanny {n} (Sexual intercourse with a woman) SEE: pussy ::
fanny pack {n} (small pouch worn at the waist) :: ledvinka {f}
fantastic {adj} (existing in or constructed from fantasy) :: fantastický {m}
fantastic {adj} (not believable, only possible in fantasy) :: fantastický {m}
fantastic {adj} (wonderful, marvelous, excellent, extraordinarily good) :: fantastický
fantastical {adj} (fantastic) SEE: fantastic ::
fantasy {n} (literary genre) :: fantasy {f}
FAQ {n} (acronym for Frequently Asked Questions) :: ČKD, ČKO
faqir {n} (fakir) SEE: fakir ::
far {n} (spelt) SEE: spelt ::
far {adv} :: daleko
far {adj} (remote in space) :: daleký
farad {n} (unit of capacitance) :: farad {m}
farandole {n} (a lively chain dance) :: farandola {f}
farce {n} (style of humor) :: fraška {f}
farce {n} (situation full of ludicrous incidents) :: fraška {f}
farce {n} (ridiculous or empty show) :: fraška {f}
fardingbag {n} (rumen) SEE: rumen ::
fare {n} (money paid for a transport ticket) :: jízdné {n}
fare {n} (paying passenger) :: cestující {m}
fare {v} (to travel) :: cestovat {impf}, jít {impf}
fare {v} (to get along) :: vyjít {pf}, vycházet {impf}
fare {v} (to eat, dine) :: jíst {impf}
fare {v} (to happen well, or ill) :: dopadnout {pf}
Far East {prop} (East and Southeast Asia, see also: ) :: Dálný východ {m}
fare dodger {n} (a person who deliberately avoids payment for public transport) :: černý pasažér {m} (black passenger), slepý pasažér {m} (blind passenger)
farewell {n} (a wish of happiness at parting) :: sbohem {n}
far-fetched {adj} (not likely) :: přitažený za vlasy, zavlasypřitažený
far left {n} (most liberal political or religious grouping) :: krajní levice {f}, ultralevice {f}
far-left {adj} (very leftist) :: ultralevicový
farm {n} (a place where agricultural activities take place) :: farma {f}, statek {m}
farmer {n} (person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock) :: rolník {m}, sedlák {m}, zemědělec {m}, farmář {m}
farming {n} (agriculture) SEE: agriculture ::
farmland {n} (land which is suitable for farming and agricultural production) :: zemědělská půda {f}
Faroe Islander {n} (inhabitant of the Faroe Islands) SEE: Faroese ::
Faroe Islands {prop} (group of islands between Scotland and Iceland) :: Faerské ostrovy {m-p}
Faroese {adj} (pertaining to the Faroese language, people or Faroe Islands) :: faerský
Faroese {n} (person from the Faroe Islands) :: Faeřan {m}
Faroese {n} (language) :: faerština
Faroish {n} (person from the Faroe Islands) SEE: Faroese ::
Faroish {prop} (language) SEE: Faroese ::
Faroish {adj} (pertaing to the Faroish language, people or Faroe Islands) :: faerský
far-reaching {adj} (having a broad range, scope, or influence) :: dalekosáhlý {m}
farrier {n} (person who trims and shoes horses' hooves) :: podkovář {m}
far right {n} (extreme right wing) :: krajní pravice {f}, ultrapravice {f}
far-right {adj} (very right-wing) :: ultrapravicový
farrow {n} (litter of piglets) :: vrh selat {m}
farrow {v} (give birth to (a litter of piglets)) :: oselit se, vrhnout
farrow {adj} (not pregnant; not calving in a given year; barren) :: jalová
Farsi {n} (Persian language) SEE: Persian ::
farsighted {adj} (unable to focus with one's eyes on near objects) :: dalekozraký
farsightedness {n} (condition of being unable to focus on near objects) :: dalekozrakost {f}
fart {v} (to emit flatulent gases) :: prdět [frequentative or continuative], [semelfactive] prdnout si, pšoukat, [to fart silently; si] pšouknout, pouštět větry {impf}, bzdít {impf}
fart {n} (an emission of flatulent gases) :: prd {m}, pšouk {m}
fascia {n} (dashboard) SEE: dashboard ::
fascinate {v} (to evoke interest or attraction) :: fascinovat
fascinate {v} (to spellbind) :: fascinovat, okouzlit
fascinate {v} (to be charming or attractive) :: okouzlit
fascinating {adj} (having interesting qualities; captivating; attractive) :: okouzlující, fascinující
fascination {n} (the act of fascinating, bewitching, or enchanting; enchantment; witchcraft) :: okouzlení {n}, fascinace {f}
fascination {n} (the state or condition of being fascinated) :: okouzlení {n}, fascinace {f}
fascination {n} (that which fascinates; a charm; a spell) :: kouzlo {n}
fascism {n} (extreme totalitarian political regime) :: fašismus {m}
fascism {n} (system of strong autocracy or oligarchy) :: fašismus {m}
fascist {adj} (of or relating to fascism) :: fašistický
fascist {adj} (supporting the principles of fascism) :: fašistický
fascist {n} (proponent of fascism) :: fašista {m}
fascistic {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist ::
fascistoid {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist ::
fashion {n} (current (constantly changing) trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons) :: móda {f}
fashion model {n} (model) SEE: model ::
fast {adj} (moving or capable of moving with great speed) :: rychlý
fast {adj} (of sleep: deep or sound) :: hluboký
fast {adv} (with great speed) :: rychle
fast {v} (to abstain from food) :: postit se
fast {n} (train that only calls at some stations) SEE: express ::
fast {n} (fasting) SEE: fasting ::
fasten {v} (to attach or connect in a secure manner) :: připoutat, připevnit
fast food {n} (type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly) :: rychlé občerstvení {n}
fastidious {adj} (excessively particular) :: puntíčkářský, pečlivý, akurátní, náročný, pedantský
fastidious {adj} (overly concerned about tidiness and cleanliness) :: úzkostlivý
fasting {n} (act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food) :: půst {m}
fasting {n} (period of time when one abstains from or eats very little food) :: půst {m}
fat {adj} (carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body) :: tlustý
fat {adj} (thick) :: tlustý
fat {n} (specialized animal tissue) :: tuk {m}
fat {n} (refined substance chemically resembling the oils in animal fat) :: tuk
fatal {adj} (proceeding from fate) :: osudový {m}
fatal {adj} (foreboding death) :: osudný {m}
fatal {adj} (causing death) :: osudný {m}
fatalism {n} (doctrine that all events are subject to fate) :: fatalismus {m}
Fata Morgana {n} (form of mirage caused by temperature inversion) :: fata morgána {f}
fatberg {n} (large accumulation of fat, etc., which clogs sewers) :: tukovec {m}
fate {n} (that which predetermines events) :: osud {m}, úděl {m}
fate {n} (inevitable events) :: osud {m}
fate {n} (destiny) :: osud {m}
father {n} (male parent) :: otec, táta, tatínek, taťka, fotr [pejorative]
Father Frost {prop} (Slavic equivalent to Santa Claus) :: Děda Mráz {m}
fatherhood {n} (being a father) :: otcovství {n}
father-in-law {n} (one's spouse's father) :: tchán {m}, svekr {m} [husband's father, archaic]
fatherland {n} (country of one's ancestry) :: otčina {f}, vlast {f}
Father's Day {n} (holiday in celebration of fatherhood) :: Den otců {m}
fathom {n} (unit of length) :: sáh {m}
fathom {v} ((transitive, figuratively) to manage to comprehend) :: proniknout, porozumět do hloubky
fatigue {n} (weariness) :: únava {f}
fatso {n} (an overweight person) :: tlusťoch {m}
fatty {adj} (containing fat) :: tučný {m}
fatty {n} (fat person) :: tlouštík {m}, tlusťoch {m}
fatty acid {n} (acid) :: mastná kyselina {f}
fatty liver {n} (fatty liver) :: steatóza játer {n}
fatwa {n} (legal opinion, decree or ruling issued by a mufti) :: fatva {f}
faucet {n} (tap) SEE: tap ::
fault {n} (defect) :: chyba {f}
fault {n} (geology fracture in rock) :: zlom {m}
faulty {adj} (having or displaying faults; not perfect; not adequate or acceptable) :: vadný
fauna {n} (animals considered as a group) :: zvířena {f}, fauna {f}
Faustian {adj} (of or pertaining to Faust) :: faustovský
faux pas {n} (social blunder) :: faux pas {n}, trapas {m}
fava bean {n} (Vicia faba) SEE: broad bean ::
favicon {n} (icon for website) :: favicon {m}
favor {n} (deed in which help is voluntarily provided) :: laskavost, pomoc
favor {n} (goodwill; benevolent regard) :: přízeň {f}
favor {n} (small gift) :: pozornost {f}
favor {v} (to look upon fondly; to prefer) :: upřednostňovat, dávat přednost, favorizovat, zvýhodňovat
favorable {adj} (favourable) SEE: favourable ::
favour {n} (favor) SEE: favor ::
favour {v} (favor) SEE: favor ::
favourable {adj} (pleasing) :: příznivý
favourable {adj} (useful) :: příznivý
favourite {adj} (preferred) :: oblíbený
favouritism {n} (unfair favouring) :: protekce {f}, nadržování {n}
fawn {n} (young deer) :: kolouch {m}
fawn {v} (to seek favour by flattery) :: podlézat, lísat se
fax {n} (document transmitted by telephone) :: fax {m}
fax {v} (send document) :: faxovat
fear {n} (uncountable: emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat) :: strach {m}, bázeň {f} [literary], obava {f}
fear {n} (a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone) :: strach {m}
fear {n} (extreme veneration or awe) :: strach {m}
fear {v} (feel fear about (something)) :: bát se {impf}
fear {v} (venerate; to feel awe towards) :: bát se
fearful {adj} (frightening) :: děsivý, hrozný, hrozivý, strašlivý
fearful {adj} (tending to fear) :: bázlivý, lekavý
fearful {adj} (terrible) :: hrozný, děsivý, strašlivý
fearful {adj} (frightened, filled with terror) :: vystrašený, ochromený strachem
fearless {adj} (free from fear) :: nebojácný {m}
fearlessness {n} (quality of being fearless) :: nebojácnost {f}
fearmonger {n} (alarmist) SEE: alarmist ::
feasibility {n} (state of being feasible) :: proveditelnost {f}, uskutečnitelnost {f}
feasible {adj} (that can be done in practice) :: uskutečnitelný, proveditelný, možný
feasibly {adv} (in a feasible manner) :: proveditelně
feast {n} (large, often ceremonial meal) :: hostina {f}
feat {n} (an accomplishment that's relatively rare or difficult) :: čin {m}, výkon {m}, kousek {m}
feather {n} (branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds) :: péro {n}
feather duster {n} (implement used to remove surface dust) :: prachovka {f}
feathergrass {n} (Stipa) :: kavyl {m}
feature {n} (important or main item) :: rys
feature {n} (one of the physical constituents of the face) :: rys
feature {n} (computing: beneficial capability of a piece of software) :: funkce
feature {v} (ascribe the greatest importance) :: podtrhnout, zdůraznit
feature {v} (to star, to contain) :: uvádět v hlavních rolích, uvádět, obsahovat {impf}
feature {v} (to appear, to make an appearance) :: v hlavních rolích
febrile {adj} (feverish) :: horečnatý
febrile {adj} (full of nervous energy) :: horečnatý
February {prop} (second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars) :: únor {m}
fecal {adj} (of or relating to feces) :: fekální
feces {n} :: stolice {f}, výkal {m}
federal {adj} (pertaining to a league or treaty; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations) :: federalistický, svazový
federal {adj} (pertaining to the national government level) :: federální, spolkový
federal government {n} (general term for a federal government) :: federální vláda {f}
Federal Republic of Germany {prop} (Germany's official name) :: Spolková republika Německo {n}
federation {n} (array of nations or states) :: federace {f}
federative {adj} (federal) SEE: federal ::
Federweisser {n} (partially fermented grape must) :: burčák {m}
fedora {n} (a felt hat) :: plsťák {m}
fed up {adj} (frustrated) :: mít plné zuby
fee {n} (monetary payment charged for professional services) :: poplatek {m}, honorář {m}
feeble {adj} (deficient in physical strength) :: slabý
feed {v} (to give food to eat) :: krmit {impf}
feed {v} (to eat, see also: eat) :: živit se
feed {n} (food given to (especially herbivorous) animals) :: krmivo {n}
feed {n} (encapsulated online content that you can subscribe to with a feed reader) :: zdroj {m}
feedback {n} (critical assessment of process or activity) :: zpětná vazba {f}, zpětný názor {m}
feedback {n} (signal that is looped back to control a system within itself) :: zpětná vazba {f}
feeder {n} (baseball:pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
feel {v} (transitive: to sense by touch) :: cítit
feel {v} (transitive: to experience an emotion or other mental state about) :: cítit {impf}
feel {v} (transitive: to think or believe) :: cítit
feel {v} :: pocítit, cítit, mít pocit
feeler {n} (an antenna or appendage used to feel, as on an insect) :: tykadlo {n}
feel free {v} (as imperative, in response) :: klidně
feeling {n} (sensation) :: pocit {m}
feeling {n} (emotion) :: cit {m}
feeling {n} (in plural: emotional state or well-being) :: city {m}
feeling {n} (intuition) :: pocit
feisty {adj} (tenacious) :: houževnatý
feisty {adj} (belligerent) :: útočný, agresivní
feisty {adj} (easily offended) :: svárlivý, hašteřivý
feldspar {n} (any of a large group of rock-forming minerals) :: živec {m}
felicitate {v} (congratulate) SEE: congratulate ::
felicitation {n} (congratulation) SEE: congratulation ::
felicitous {adj} (auspicious, fortunate, lucky) SEE: auspicious ::
felicity {n} (happiness) SEE: happiness ::
feline {n} (cat) SEE: cat ::
Felix {prop} (male given name) :: Felix
fell {v} (to make something fall) :: kácet, skácet
fellatio {n} (oral stimulation of penis) :: felace {f}
feller {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack ::
fellow traveller {n} (one who travels together with another) :: souputník {m}, souputnice {f}
fellow traveller {n} (one who sympathizes without belonging) :: sympatizant {m}
felon {n} (a person convicted of a crime) :: zločinec {m}
felony {n} (A serious criminal offense) :: trestný čin {m}, závažný trestný čin {m}
felt {n} (cloth made of matted fibres of wool) :: plsť {f}, filc {m}
felt {n} (hat made of felt) :: plsťák {m}, plstěný klobouk {m}
felt-tip pen {n} (pen that holds ink conveyed to a writing surface by a felt nib) :: fix {m}
female {adj} (belonging to the sex that typically produces eggs, or the gender typically associated with it) :: samičí [of non-human animals and plants], ženský [of humans]
female {n} (one of the feminine sex or gender) :: žena {f} [person], samice {f} [animal]
female circumcision {n} (operation involving removal of any of various parts of the female external genital organs) :: ženská obřízka {f}
female ejaculation {n} (forceful expulsion of fluids from the vagina) :: ženská ejakulace {f}, mokrý orgasmus {m}
feminazi {n} (intolerant radical feminist) :: feminacistka {f}
feminine {adj} (of the female sex) :: ženský
feminine {adj} (of the feminine grammatical gender distinction) :: ženský
feminine {n} ((grammar)) :: ženský rod {m}
feminine {n} (woman) SEE: woman ::
femininity {n} (femininity) :: ženskost {?}, ženství {?}
feminism {n} (the social theory or political movement) :: feminismus {m}
feminist {adj} (relating to or in accordance with feminism) :: feministický
feministic {adj} (feminist) SEE: feminist ::
femoral {adj} (of, pertaining to, or near the femur or thigh) :: stehenní, femorální
femto- {prefix} (prefix) :: femto-
femtometre {n} (10-15 of a metre) :: femtometr {m}
femtosecond {n} (unit of time) :: femtosekunda {f}
femur {n} (thighbone) SEE: thighbone ::
fen {n} (type of wetland) :: bažina {f}, močál {m}
fen {n} (unit of Chinese currency) :: fen {m}
fence {n} (barrier) :: plot {m}, ohrada {f}, oplocení {n}
fence {v} (to enclose by building a fence) :: oplotit
fence {v} (to engage in (the sport) fencing) :: šermovat
fencer {n} (a participant in the sport of fencing) :: šermíř {m}
fencing {n} (sport) :: šerm {m}
fender {n} (panel of a car) :: blatník {m}
fender {n} (shield on a bicycle) :: blatník {m}
fennec {n} (fox) :: fenek {m}
fennec fox {n} (fox) SEE: fennec ::
fennel {n} (Foeniculum vulgare, the plant) :: fenykl {m}
fennel {n} (spice used in cooking) :: fenykl {m}
Fennicize {v} (to make Finnish) :: pofinštit {pf}
Ferdinand {prop} (male given name) :: Ferdinand
ferial {adj} (festive) SEE: festive ::
fermata {n} (holding a note beyond its usual duration or the notation representing it) :: koruna {f}
ferment {v} (to react using fermentation) :: kvasit
fermentation {n} (anaerobic biochemical reaction) :: kvašení {n}
fermion {n} (particle with totally antisymmetric composite quantum states) :: fermion {m}
fermium {n} (chemical element) :: fermium
fern {n} (plant) :: kapradina {f}, kapraď {f}
-ferous {suffix} (producing a certain material) :: -ferní, -nosný
ferret {n} (the mammal Mustela putorius furo) :: fretka {f}
Ferris wheel {n} (ride at a fair consisting of large wheel) :: ruské kolo {n}
ferroconcrete {n} (building material) :: železobeton {m}
ferromagnetism {n} (the phenomenon whereby certain substances can become permanent magnets) :: feromagnetismus {m}
ferrous {adj} (chemistry) :: železnatý
ferry {n} (boat) :: trajekt {m}, přívoz {m}
ferryman {n} (Charon) SEE: Charon ::
fertile {adj} ((of land etc) capable of growing abundant crops) :: úrodný {m}
fertile {adj} ((biology) capable of reproducing) :: plodný {m}
fertility {n} (the condition, or the degree of being fertile) :: plodnost {f}
fertilization {n} (act of rendering fertile) :: oplodnění {n}
fertilize {v} (to cause to become pregnant) SEE: impregnate ::
fertilize {v} (to make fertile by adding nutrients) :: hnojit
fertilize {v} (to make creative or productive) :: zúrodnit {pf}, zúrodňovat {impf}
fertilizer {n} (a natural substance that is used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants) :: hnojivo {n}
fescue {n} (stick, etc., used chiefly to point out letters to children) SEE: pointer ::
fescue {n} (grass) :: kostřava {f}
fess {n} (band) :: břevno {n}
fess up {v} (confess) SEE: confess ::
fester {v} (become septic or rotten) :: hnisat
festival {n} (event or community gathering) :: festival, svátek {m}
festive {adj} (having the atmosphere, decoration, or attitude of a festival, holiday, or celebration) :: slavnostní
festively {adv} (in a festive manner) :: slavnostně
fetal {adj} (pertaining to, or connected with, a fetus) :: plodový, fetální
fetcher {n} (one that fetches) :: nosič
fetish {n} (something nonsexual which arouses sexual desire) :: fetiš
fetishism {n} (paraphilia where the object of attraction is an inanimate object or a part of a person's body) :: fetišismus {m}
fetlock {n} (joint of the horse's leg) :: spěnka {f}
fetter {n} (object used to bind a person or animal by its legs) :: pouto {n}
fettered {adj} (bound by chains or shackles) :: spoutaný {m}
fetus {n} (fetus) :: plod {m}
feud {n} (A state of long-standing mutual hostility) :: svár {m}
feud {n} (estate granted to a vassal) :: léno {n}
feudal {adj} (of, or relating to feudalism) :: feudální
feudalism {n} (social system) :: feudalismus {m}
feudalistic {adj} (of feudalism) SEE: feudal ::
feuilleton {n} (article that appears in a feuilleton) :: fejeton {m}
feuilletonist {n} (a writer of feuilletons) :: fejetonista {m}
fever {n} (higher than normal body temperature) :: horečka {f}
feverish {adj} (in the state of having a fever) :: horečnatý {m}
feverish {adj} (filled with excess energy) :: horečný {m}
few {determiner} (indefinite, usually small number) :: málo, trochu, jen pár
few {determiner} (small number) :: málo, několik
few sandwiches short of a picnic {phrase} (Not sane) :: šplouchat někomu na maják
Feynman diagram {n} (pictorial representation of the interactions of subatomic particles) :: Feynmanovy diagramy {m}
F-flat {n} (a tone one semitone lower than an F, denoted F♭) :: fes
fiacre {n} (small carriage for hire) :: fiakr {m}
fiancé {n} (man who is engaged to be married) :: snoubenec {m}, zasnoubený {m}
fiancée {n} (woman who is engaged to be married) :: snoubenka {f}
fiasco {n} (ludicrous or humiliating situation) :: fiasko {n}
fiat lux {phrase} (let there be light) SEE: let there be light ::
fiber {n} (fibre) SEE: fibre ::
Fibonacci number {n} (number) :: Fibonacciho číslo {n}
Fibonacci sequence {n} (sequence of numbers) :: Fibonacciho posloupnost {f}
fibre {n} (single elongated piece of material) :: vlákno {n}
fibre {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre ::
fibroma {n} (benign tumour of fibrous connective tissue) :: fibrom {m}
fibromyalgia {n} (condition characterised by chronic pain, stiffness, and tenderness of the muscles, tendons, and joints) :: fibromyalgie {f}
fibrosis {n} (formation of connective tissue) :: fibróza {f}
fibula {n} (calf bone) SEE: calf bone ::
fiction {n} (literary type) :: beletrie {f}
fiction {n} (invention) :: fikce {f}
fictional {adj} (invented, as opposed to real) :: fiktivní
fictitious {adj} (invented) :: smyšlený
ficus {n} (plant of the genus Ficus) :: fíkus {m}
fiddle {v} (to play aimlessly) :: marnit
fiddle {v} (to play traditional tunes on a violin in a non-classical style) :: šumařit
fiddlefuck {v} (waste time) SEE: waste time ::
fiddler {n} (one who plays the fiddle) :: houslista {m}
fief {n} (estate) :: léno {n}
field {n} (land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country) :: pole {n}
field {n} (wide, open space used to grow crops or to hold farm animals) :: pastvina {f} [for animals], pole {n} [for crops]
field {n} (physics: region affected by a particular force) :: pole {n}
field {n} (course of study or domain of knowledge or practice) :: pole
field {n} (in mathematics) :: pole {n}
field {n} (sports: area reserved for playing a game) :: hřiště {n}
field {n} (computing: area of memory or storage reserved for a particular value) :: pole {n}
fieldfare {n} (Turdus pilaris) :: kvíčala {f}
field hospital {n} (medical unit) :: polní nemocnice {f}
field maple {n} (Acer campestre) :: javor babyka
field marshal {n} (highest military rank after the commander in chief) :: polní maršál {m}, feldmaršál {m}, polní maršálek {m}, feldmaršálek {m}
field mushroom {n} (genus of fungi) :: pečárka polní {f}, žampion polní {m}
field of view {n} (angular extent of what can be seen) :: zorné pole {n}
field poppy {n} (Papaver rhoeas) SEE: corn poppy ::
field trip {n} (educational trip) :: exkurze {f}, škola v přírodě {f}
field vole {n} (field vole) :: hraboš mokřadní {m}
fiendishly {adv} (extremely, very) SEE: extremely ::
fierce {adj} (extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage) :: krutý {m}, nelítostný {m}, zlý {m}
fierce {adj} (resolute or strenuously active) :: urputný {m}, naprostý
fierce {adj} (threatening in appearance or demeanor) :: ohrožující, divoký {m}
fiery {adj} (of, or relating to fire) :: ohnivý {m}
fiery {adj} (having the colour of fire) :: vznětlivý {m}
fiery {adj} (tempestuous or emotionally volatile) :: vznětlivý {m}
fiery {adj} (spirited or filled with emotion) :: ohnivý {m}
fifteen {num} (cardinal number) :: patnáct
fifteenth {adj} (ordinal form of number fifteen, see also: 15th) :: patnáctý
fifth {adj} (Ordinal form of the number 5, see also: 5th) :: pátý
fifth {n} (one of five equal parts of a whole) :: pětina {f}
fifth {n} (musical interval) :: kvinta {f}
fifth column {n} (a group of people which clandestinely undermines a larger group, such as a nation, to which it is expected to be loyal) :: pátá kolona {f}, vnitřní nepřítel {m}
fifth wheel {n} (anything superfluous or unnecessary) :: páté kolo u vozu {n}
fiftieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number fifty) :: padesátý {m}
fiftieth {n} (one of fifty equal parts of a whole) :: padesátina {f}
fifty {num} (cardinal number) :: padesát
fifty-eight {num} (cardinal number) :: padesát osm, osmapadesát
fiftysomething {n} (quinquagenarian) SEE: quinquagenarian ::
fig {n} (tree or shrub) :: fík {m}, fíkovník {m}
fig {n} (fruit) :: fík {m}
fight {v} ((intransitive) to contend in physical conflict) :: bojovat, zápasit, bít se
fight {v} (to strive for) :: bojovat
fight {v} ((transitive) to engage in (a physical conflict)) :: bojovat
fight {v} ((transitive) to contend in physical conflict against) :: bojovat
fight {v} (to counteract) :: bojovat
fight {n} (occasion of fighting) :: boj {m}, rvačka {f}, bitka {f}
fight {n} (battle) :: bitva {f}, boj {m}
fight {n} (physical confrontation) :: rvačka {f}
fight {n} (martial arts match) :: zápas
fight {n} (will or ability to fight) :: bojovnost {f}
fighter {n} (person who fights) :: bojovník {m}
fighter {n} (warrior) :: bojovník {m}, válečník {m}
fighter {n} (aircraft type) :: stíhačka {f}, stíhací letoun {m}
fighter {n} (boxer) SEE: boxer ::
fighter aircraft {n} (fighter aircraft) SEE: fighter plane ::
fighter plane {n} (military aircraft) :: stíhací letoun
fig tree {n} (fig tree) SEE: fig ::
figurative {adj} (metaphorical; not literal) :: přenesený, metaforický, obrazný
figuratively {adv} (in a figurative manner) :: obrazně
figure {n} (figure of speech) SEE: figure of speech ::
figure {v} (to think, to assume, to suppose, to reckon) SEE: assume ::
figure {n} (drawing) :: obrázek {m}, ilustrace {f}
figure {n} (human figure; shape of human body) :: postava {f}
figure {v} (to calculate, to solve a mathematical problem) :: vyřešit
figure of speech {n} (word or phrase) :: řečnická figura {f}
figure out {v} (to calculate) SEE: calculate ::
figure skate {n} (an ice skate used for figure skating) :: krasobruslařská brusle {f}
figure skating {n} (sport where people perform spins, jumps and other moves on skates) :: krasobruslení {n}
Fiji {prop} (Fiji - a country in Oceania comprising over 300 islands) :: Fidži {n}
Fijian {n} (a person from Fiji or of Fijian descent) :: Fidžijec {m}
Fijian {adj} (Pertaining to Fiji, or its language or people) :: fidžijský
Fijian {prop} (language) :: fidžijština {f}
filament {n} (fine thread or wire) :: nitka {f}, drátek {m}
filament {n} (wire in an incandescent light bulb) :: vlákno {n}
filbert {n} (shrub) SEE: hazel ::
filbert {n} (hazelnut) SEE: hazelnut ::
file {n} (collection of papers) :: pořadač {m}, archiv {m}, složka {f}, šanon {m}
file {n} (computer terminology) :: soubor {m}
file {v} (to commit papers) :: podat {pf}
file {v} (to archive) :: založit {pf}, archivovat
file {v} (to store computer data) :: uložit {pf}
file {v} (to make a formal request) :: požádat {pf}
file {n} (column of people) :: zástup {m}
file {n} (chess: vertical line of squares) :: sloupec {m}
file {n} (cutting or smoothing tool) :: pilník {m}
file {v} (to smooth with a file) :: pilovat
file cabinet {n} (piece of office furniture) SEE: filing cabinet ::
file extension {n} (string of characters) :: koncovka souboru {f}, přípona souboru {f}
file manager {n} (a computer program) :: správce souborů {m}
file system {n} ((computing) method of organizing blocks) :: souborový systém {m}
filial piety {n} (respect to one's parents and ancestors) :: úcta k stáří {f}
filicide {n} (person who kills his or her own child) :: synovrah {m}, synovražedkyně {f}, dcerovrah {m}
filigree {n} (a delicate and intricate ornamentation made from gold or silver twisted wire) :: filigrán {n}
filing cabinet {n} (piece of office furniture) :: kartotéka {f}
Filipino {n} (native or inhabitant of the Philippines) :: Filipínec {m}, Filipínka {f}
Filipino {adj} (of or pertaining to the Philippines or its people) :: filipínský
fill {v} (occupy fully, take up all of) :: vyplnit
fill {v} :: plnit
fillet {n} (strip of deboned meat or fish) :: filé {n}
fill in {v} (fill) SEE: fill ::
fill in {v} (fill out) SEE: fill out ::
filling {adj} (of food, that satisfies the appetite by filling the stomach) :: sytý
filling {n} (in dentistry) :: výplň {f}, plomba {f}
filling station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station ::
fillip {n} (brief period of time) SEE: jiffy ::
fillip {v} (to strike or tap smartly) SEE: strike ::
fillip {v} (to drive as if by a fillip) SEE: excite ::
fillip {n} (something unimportant) SEE: trifle ::
fill out {v} (to complete a form) :: vyplnit
fill up {v} (to make full) :: napustit, naplnit
filly {n} (young female horse) :: kobylka {f}
film {n} (motion picture) SEE: movie ::
film {n} (photographic film) :: film {m}
film director {n} (person) :: režisér {m}
filter {n} (device for separating impurities from a fluid or other substance) :: filtr {m}
filter {n} (electronics or software to separate unwanted signal) :: filtr {m}
filter {n} (any device or procedure that acts to separate or isolate) :: filtr {m}
filter {v} (to sort, sift, or isolate) :: filtrovat
filter out {v} (To selectively remove part of something) :: vyfiltrovat
filth {n} (dirt) :: špína {f}
fin {n} (appendage of a fish) :: ploutev {f}
Finagle's law {prop} (Murphy's law) SEE: Murphy's law ::
final {n} (sports: last round in a contest) :: finále {n}
final {adj} (last; ultimate) :: poslední, konečný
finalist {n} (participant in final) :: finalista {m}, finalistka {f}
finalize {v} (to make final or firm; to finish or complete) :: dokončit
finally {adv} (lastly) :: konečně, nakonec
finance {n} (management of money and other assets) :: finance {f-p}
finance {v} (to obtain or provide funding for a transaction or undertaking) :: financovat
financial {adj} (related to finances) :: finanční {m}
financial crisis {n} (period of economic slowdown) :: finanční krize {f}
financial instrument {n} (instrument for borrowing) :: finanční nástroj {m}
financial market {n} (market where financial securities and commodities are bought and sold) :: finanční trh {m}
financier {n} (person profiting from financial transactions) :: finančník {m}
find {v} (encounter, locate, discover) :: nalézat {impf}, nalézt {pf}, nacházet {impf}, najít {pf}
find {v} (point out) :: objevit, nalézt
find {v} (decide that) :: pokládat za
find {v} (discover) SEE: discover ::
finding {n} (result of research or an investigation) :: zjištění {n}
find out {v} (to discover) :: zjistit
fine {n} (payment for breaking the law) :: pokuta {f}
finely {adv} (in a manner to produce a fine result) :: najemno, jemně, nadrobno
fineness {n} (ratio in a precious metal) :: ryzost {f}
finery {n} (fineness) SEE: fineness ::
fine-tune {v} (to make small adjustments to something until it is optimal) :: doladit
finger {v} (to penetrate and sexually stimulate with one's finger) :: prstit
finger {n} (the breadth of a finger) SEE: digit ::
finger {n} ((anatomy) extremity of the hand) :: prst {m}
fingerboard {n} (part of musical instrument) :: hmatník {m}
fingering {n} (specific method) :: prstoklad {m}
fingering {n} (sexual act) :: prstění {n}
fingernail {n} (covering near the tip of finger) :: nehet {m}
fingerprint {n} (the pattern of ridges on the tips of the fingers) :: otisk prstu {m}
fingerprint {n} (the patterns left on surfaces where fingertips have touched) :: otisk prstu {m}
fingerprint {n} (unique identification for public key in asymmetric cryptosystem) :: otisk {m}, miniatura {f}
finish {n} (end) :: konec {m}
finish {v} (to complete) :: dokončit
finish {v} (to come to an end) :: skončit
finished {adj} (processed or perfected) :: dokončený {m}
finish off {v} (to kill) SEE: kill ::
finite {adj} (having an end or limit) :: konečný {m}
finiteness {n} (the state of being finite) :: konečnost {f}
finity {n} (state or characteristic of being limited) :: konečno {n}
fink {n} (strikebreaker) :: stávkokaz {m}
Finland {prop} (Nordic country) :: Finsko {n}
Finn {n} (person from Finland) :: Fin {m}, Finka {f}
Finnic {adj} (Finnish) SEE: Finnish ::
Finnish {adj} (of Finland) :: finský {m}
Finnish {adj} (of the Finnish language) :: finský {m}
Finnish {n} (language) :: finština
Finno-Ugric {prop} (non-Indo-European group of languages) :: ugrofinština, ugrofinské jazyky
Finno-Ugric {adj} (of or relating to Finno-Ugric) :: ugrofinský
fir {n} (conifer of the genus Abies) :: jedle {f}
fire {v} (to heat pottery, etc.) :: vypálit
fire {v} (to terminate the employment of) :: vyhodit
fire {v} (transitive: to shoot) :: střílet
fire {v} (intransitive: to shoot) :: vystřelit
fire {v} (to set on fire) SEE: set on fire ::
fire {n} (oxidation reaction) :: oheň {m}, hoření {n}
fire {n} (instance of this chemical reaction) :: oheň {m}
fire {n} (damaging occurrence of fire) :: požár {m}
fire {n} (alchemy: one of the basic elements) :: oheň {m}
fire {n} (heater or stove used in place of real fire) :: kamna {n-p}
fire {n} (in-flight bullets) :: palba {f}
fire and brimstone {n} (punishment of Hell) :: oheň a síra
firearm {n} (personal weapon) :: střelná zbraň {f}
firebird {n} (a magical and prophetic glowing or burning bird (Slavic mythology)) :: pták ohnivák {m}
firebox {n} (chamber of steam engine) :: topeniště {n}
fire brigade {n} (group within a corporation or industrial site) :: hasičský sbor {m}, požární sbor {m}
fire brigade {n} (organization for preventing and putting out fires) :: hasičský sbor {m}, požární sbor {m}
fire escape {n} (emergency doors, ladders etc. as a class) :: nouzový východ {m}, únikový východ {m}
fire escape {n} (emergency escape route) :: úniková cesta {f}
fire extinguisher {n} (device for putting out a fire) :: hasicí přístroj {m}
firefighter {n} (person who puts out fires) :: hasič {m}, požárník {m}
firefly {n} (Lampyridae) :: světluška {f}
firefox {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda ::
fire house {n} (fire station) SEE: fire station ::
firehouse {n} (fire station) SEE: fire station ::
fire hydrant {n} (a device used by firefighters to obtain water from the main) :: požární hydrant {m}, hydrant {m}
fireman {n} (someone skilled in fighting fire) SEE: firefighter ::
fireman {n} (person who keeps the fire going underneath a steam boiler) :: topič {m}
fireplace {n} (open hearth) :: krb {m}
firepower {n} (ability to deliver fire) :: palebná síla {f}
fireproof {adj} :: ohnivzdorný
fire stairs {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape ::
fire station {n} (building for firefighters) :: hasičská stanice {f}
fire up {v} (Of an engine: to start) :: nastartovat
firewall {n} (computer software) :: firewall {m}
fire watch {n} (looking out for signs of fire) :: požární hlídka {f}
firewater {n} (high proof alcohol) :: ohnivá voda
firewoman {n} (female firefighter) :: hasička {f}
firewood {n} (wood intended to be burned, typically for heat) :: palivové dříví {n}, dříví {n} [wood]
firework {n} (exploding device) :: ohňostroj {m}
fireworks {n} (plural of firework) :: ohňostroje {p}
fireworks {n} (event or display of fireworks) :: ohňostroj {m}
firm {n} :: firma {f}
firm {adj} (fixed (in opinions)) :: nepoddajný
firm {adj} (solid, rigid (material state)) :: tvrdý, pevný
firm {v} (to make firm or strong) :: upevnit
firm {v} (to become firm) :: ztvrdnout
firm {v} (Australian, betting: to shorten) SEE: shorten ::
firmly {adv} (in a firm or definite or strong manner) :: tvrdě, pevně
firmly {adv} (securely) :: pevně
first {adj} (numeral first, see also: 1st) :: první
first {adv} (before anything else) :: zaprvé, prvně
first {n} (person or thing in the first position) :: první
first aid {n} (basic care) :: první pomoc {f}
first-aid box {n} (box containing first aid and medical supplies) :: lékárnička {f}
first aid kit {n} (standard collection of first aid supplies) :: lékárnička {f}
firstborn {n} (the first child in a family) :: prvorozený {m}
firstborn {adj} (born as the first one in a family) :: prvorozený {m}
first class {adj} (belonging to the best group in a system of classification) :: prvotřídní
first come, first served {proverb} (people will be dealt with in the order they arrive) :: kdo dřív přijde, ten dřív mele
first cousin {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin ::
first floor {n} (floor at the level of the street) :: přízemí {n}
first floor {n} (floor above the ground floor) :: přízemí {n}
First Lady {n} (the wife of the President of a country) :: první dáma {f}
first lieutenant {n} (rank in the United States) :: nadporučík {m}
first light {n} (dawn) SEE: dawn ::
first name {n} (name chosen by parents) :: křestní jméno {n}
first person {n} (the form of a pronoun verb used when the subject of a sentence is making the statement) :: první osoba {f}
First World War {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I ::
fiscal {n} (attorney general) SEE: attorney general ::
fiscal policy {n} (government policy) :: fiskální politika {f}
fish {v} (intransitive: to try to catch fish) :: rybařit
fish {n} (vertebrate animal) :: ryba {f}
fish {n} (flesh of fish as food) :: ryba {f}
fisher {n} (person who fishes) :: rybář {m} (person)
fisher cat {n} (Martes pennanti) SEE: fisher ::
fisherman {n} (person catching fish) :: rybář {m}, rybářka {f}
fisheye lens {n} (wide-angle lens with extremely wide field of view) :: objektiv rybí oko {m}, rybí oko {n}
fishhook {n} (barbed hook for fishing) :: háček {m}
fishing {n} (act or sport of catching fish) :: rybolov {m}
fishing {n} (business of catching fish) :: rybolov {m}
fishing cat {n} (Prionailurus viverrinus) :: kočka rybářská {f}
fishing hook {n} (fishhook) SEE: fishhook ::
fishing line {n} (chord or line where the hook or lure is attached) :: vlasec {m}
fishing rod {n} (rod used for angling) :: rybářský prut {m}
fishline {n} (fishing line) SEE: fishing line ::
fishpond {n} (freshwater pond stocked with fish) :: rybník {m}
fish slice {n} (kitchen utensil) SEE: spatula ::
fishy {n} (little fish) :: rybička {f}
fishy {adj} (of, from, or similar to fish) :: rybí
fissile {adj} (capable of undergoing nuclear fission) :: štěpný {m}
fission {n} (process by which a bacterium splits into two) :: štěpení {n}
fist {n} (clenched hand) :: pěst {f}
fisting {n} (sexual practice of fisting) :: Pěstění {f-p} {pf}
fistula {n} (abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels) :: píštěl {f}
fit {adj} (suitable, proper) :: vhodný {m}
fit {v} (to conform to in size and shape) :: vejít se {pf}
fit {v} (to have right size and cut, as of clothing) :: sedět, padnout
fit {v} (adjust) SEE: adjust ::
fit {v} (make ready) SEE: prepare ::
fitness {n} (ability to perform) :: vhodnost {f}
fitting {n} (a small detachable part of a device or machine) :: kování
five {num} (cardinal number) :: pět, [collective] patery
five hundred {num} (cardinal number 500) :: pět set
fivescore {n} (hundred) SEE: hundred ::
five thousand {num} (5000) :: pět tisíc
fix {v} (to mend or repair) :: opravit, spravit
fixed cost {n} (cost that does not vary) :: fixní náklad {m}
fixed point {n} (value unchanged by a mapping) :: pevný bod {m}
fixed-term contract {n} (contract which is valid only for a pre-arranged length of time) :: smlouva na dobu určitou {f}
fixer {n} (chemical used in photographic development) :: ustalovač {m}
fizz {n} (carbonated beverage) SEE: soda ::
fizzy drink {n} (fizzy drink) SEE: soda ::
fjord {n} (long, narrow, deep inlet) :: fjord {m}
flabbergast {v} (to overwhelm with bewilderment) :: ohromit
flag {n} (piece of cloth or often its representation) :: vlajka {f}, prapor {m}, praporek {m}
flag {n} (use of a flag) :: praporek {m}
flag {v} (to mark with a flag) :: označit
flag {v} (to signal to) :: mávnout
flag {v} (computing: to signal) :: označit
flag {v} (weaken) :: ochabovat
flag {n} (plant with sword-shaped leaves) :: kosatec {m}
flag {n} (flagstone) :: dlaždice {f}
flag {v} (lay down flagstones) :: dláždit
flag-bearer {n} (one who carries a flag) :: vlajkonoš {m}
flagellum {n} (whip) SEE: whip ::
flagpole {n} (pole for flags) :: vlajkový stožár {m}, žerď {f}
flagship {n} (ship occupied by the fleet's commander) :: vlajková loď {f}
flagship {n} (the most important one out of a related group) :: vlajková loď {f}
flagstaff {n} (flagpole) SEE: flagpole ::
flail {n} (tool) :: cep {m}
flail {n} (weapon) :: řemdih {m}
flake {n} (thin chiplike layer) :: vločka {f}
flambé {v} (to add and ignite alcohol to food) :: flambovat
flame {n} (visible part of fire) :: plamen {m}
flame {n} (romantic partner) :: milenec {m}, milenka {f}
flamenco {n} (a genre of folk music and dance native to Andalusia, Spain) :: flamenco {n}
flamethrower {n} (device that projects a flame) :: plamenomet {m}
flamingo {n} (bird) :: plameňák {m}
flammable {adj} (capable of burning, see also: inflammable) :: hořlavý
flammable {adj} (easily set on fire) :: hořlavý
Flanders {prop} (subnational state in the north of federal Belgium) :: Vlámsko {n}0
Flanders {prop} (historical county) :: Vlámsko {n}, Flandry {f-p}
Flanders {prop} (two provinces in Belgium) :: Flandry {f-p}
Flanders {prop} (former province and region of northern France) :: Flandry {f-p}
flange {n} (rib or rim for strengthening) :: příruba {f}
flange {n} (slang:vulva) SEE: vulva ::
flanker {n} (rugby player in the back row of the scrum) :: rváček {m}
flannel {n} (soft cloth material) :: flanel {m}
flannel {n} (washcloth) SEE: washcloth ::
flapjack {n} (pancake) SEE: pancake ::
flare-up {n} (outbreak, outburst or eruption) :: vzplanutí {n}
flash {v} (to telephone someone, only allowing the phone to ring once) :: prozvonit
flash {n} (burst of light) :: záblesk {m}
flashcard {n} (memorization aide) :: kartička {f}
flash drive {n} (storage device) :: flash disk {m}, fleška {f} [colloquial]
flashlight {n} (battery-powered hand-held light source) :: baterka {f}
flash point {n} (temperature) :: bod vzplanutí {m}
flashpoint {n} (lowest temperature at which a liquid can form an ignitable mixture) SEE: flash point ::
flashpoint {n} (figuratively; a hotspot) SEE: flash point ::
flask {n} (container to carry a small amount of alcoholic beverage; pocket flask) :: plochá láhev {f}, placatka {f}
flask {n} (laboratory glassware) :: baňka {f}
flat {n} (palm of the hand) SEE: palm ::
flat {adj} (having no variations in altitude) :: plochý, rovný
flat {adj} (of a tyre: deflated) :: prasklý
flat {n} (apartment) SEE: apartment ::
flatbed truck {n} (tow truck) SEE: tow truck ::
flatfish {n} (fish of the order Pleuronectiformes) :: platýs {m}, kambala {f}
flatly {adv} (in a manner showing complete certainty) :: jednoznačně, rozhodně, kategoricky
flatly {adv} (in a manner that shows no emotions) :: nevzrušeně, chladně, bez zájmu, jednotvárně
flatten {v} (to make something flat) :: zploštit, zplacatit, splácnout
flatten {v} (to knock down or lay low) :: uzemnit, srazit k zemi, rozdrtit
flatten {v} (to become flat) :: zploštit se, zplacatit se, splácnout se
flatter {v} (to compliment someone) :: lichotit {impf}, pochlebovat {impf}
flatterer {n} (one who flatters) :: lichotník {m}
flattery {n} (excessive praise) :: lichocení {n}, pochlebování {n}
flattery {n} (instant of excessive praise) :: lichotka {f}
flatuency {n} (flatulence) SEE: flatulence ::
flatulence {n} (state of having gas in digestive system) :: plynatost {f}
flatus {n} (gas) :: větry {m-p}
flatus {n} (expulsion) :: prd {m}, vítr {m}
flat water {n} (still water) SEE: still water ::
flautist {n} (flute player) :: flétnista {f}
flavor {n} (a substance used to produce a taste) :: příchuť {f}
flavorless {adj} (lacking taste or flavor) :: bez chuti
flaw {n} (defect, fault) :: vada
flawless {adj} (without flaws, see also: perfect) :: bezchybný {m}
flax {n} (plant) :: len {m}
flaxseed {n} (seed of the flax plant) :: lněné semínko {n}
flay {v} (to strip skin off) :: stáhnout kůži
flayer {n} (one who flays, see also: knacker) :: drnomistr {m}, drnomístr {m}
flea {n} (parasitic insect) :: blecha {f}
flea market {n} (an outdoor market selling inexpensive antiques, curios) :: bleší trh {m}
fleawort {n} (a Plantago plant of laxative seeds) SEE: psyllium ::
fleck {n} (lock) SEE: lock ::
fleck {n} (flake) SEE: flake ::
fleck {n} (small spot) :: skvrna {f}
fledgling {adj} (inexperienced) :: nezkušený
fledgling {n} (young bird) :: ptáče {n}, ptáčátko {n}
flee {v} (to run away; to escape) :: utéct, utéci {pf}, utíkat {impf}
flee {v} (to escape from) :: utéci {pf}, utíkat {impf}
flee {v} (to disappear quickly) :: zmizet {pf}, vypařit se {pf}, zdrhnout {pf} [colloquial]
fleece {n} (hair or wool of a sheep) :: rouno {n}, vlna {f}
fleece {n} (insulating skin with the wool attached) :: rouno {n}
fleece {n} (insulating wooly jacket) :: flís {m}
fleet {n} (group of vessels or vehicles) :: flota {f}, loďstvo {n}
fleeting {adj} (passing quickly) :: prchavý
Fleming {n} (native or inhabitant of Flanders) :: Vlám {m}, Vlámka {f}
Flemish {adj} (of or relating to Flanders) :: vlámský
Flemish {prop} (the Dutch language as it is spoken in Flanders) :: vlámština {f}
flerovium {n} (chemical element) :: flerovium
flesh {n} (body tissue) :: maso {n}
flesh {n} (edible part of fruit/vegetable) :: dužina {f}
fletcher {n} (one who feathers arrows) :: šípař {m}
fletcher {n} (a manufacturer of bows and arrows) :: lukař {m}
fleur-de-lis {n} (heraldic charge) :: lilie {f}
flexibility {n} (quality of being flexible) :: ohebnost {f}
flexible {adj} (easily bent without breaking) :: ohebný {m}
flexography {n} (a method of printing) :: flexografie {f}
flick {n} (film) SEE: film ::
flick {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
flight {n} (act of flying) :: let {m}
flight {n} (instance of flying) :: let {m}
flight {n} (group of doves or swallows) :: hejno {n}
flight {n} (journey made by an aircraft) :: let {m}
flight {n} (set of stairs) :: rameno {n}
flight {n} (floor of building) :: patro {n}, podlaží {n}
flight {n} (act of fleeing) :: útěk {m}, úprk {m}
flight attendant {n} (member of the crew of an airplane who is responsible for the comfort and safety of its passengers) :: letuška {f}, stevard {m}, stevardka {f}
flight code {n} (flight number) SEE: flight number ::
flight deck {n} (aircraft cockpit) SEE: cockpit ::
flightless {adj} (unable to fly) :: nelétavý
flight number {n} (callsign) :: číslo letu {n}
flighty {adj} (given to silly ideas) :: nestálý, přelétavý
fling {n} (act of unrestrained indulgence) :: vyhodit si z kopýtka
fling {v} (to throw with violence or quick movement; to hurl) :: mrštit, hodit
flint {n} (hard fine-grained quartz which generates sparks when struck) :: pazourek {m}
flint {n} (piece of flint, such as gunflint used to produce a spark, see also: firestriker) :: pazourek {m}
flip-flop {n} (footwear) SEE: thong ::
flipper {n} (marine mammal's wide limb for swimming) :: ploutev {f}
flipper {n} (kitchen spatula) SEE: spatula ::
flirt {v} (to play at courtship) :: flirtovat
flittermouse {n} (bat) SEE: bat ::
flixweed {n} (Descurainia sophia) :: úhorník mnohodílný
float {v} (to be supported by a liquid) :: plavat, plout
flock {n} (group of birds) :: hejno {n}
flock {n} (group of sheep or goats) :: stádo {n}
floe {n} (a low, flat mass of floating ice) :: kra {f}
flog {v} (to sell) SEE: sell ::
flog {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat ::
flog {v} (to steal) SEE: steal ::
flood {n} (overflow of water) :: povodeň {f}, záplava {f}, potopa {f}
flood {n} (large number or quantity) :: záplava {f}, příval {m}, nával {m}
flood {v} (to overflow) :: zaplavit
flood {v} (to cover as if by a flood) :: zaplavit
floof {v} (fluff) SEE: fluff ::
floor {n} (bottom part of a room) :: podlaha {f}
floor {n} (mathematics: the largest integer less than or equal to a given number) :: dolní celá část
floor {n} (storey of a building) SEE: storey ::
floorball {n} (hockey-like ball game) :: florbal
floor plan {n} (diagram) :: půdorys {m}
floor tile {n} (tile for flooring) :: dlaždice {f}
floozie {n} (vulgar or sexually promiscuous woman) :: coura {f}, děvka {f}, běhna, lehká děva {f}, šlapka {f}
floozie {n} (prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets) :: pouliční děvka {f}, šlapka {f}
flop {v} (to fall heavily, because lacking energy) :: zhroutit se
flop {v} (to fail completely, not to be successful at all) :: propadnout
floppy disk {n} (flexible disk used for storing digital data) :: disketa {f}
flora {n} (plants considered as a group) :: květena {f}, flóra {f}
Flora {prop} (the goddess of flowers) :: Flóra {f}
Flora {prop} (female given name) :: Flóra {f}
Florence {prop} (city in Tuscany, Italy) :: Florencie {f}
Florentine {adj} (of or relating to the Italian city of Florence) :: florentský
Florentine {n} (a native or resident of the Italian city of Florence) :: Florenčan {m}, Florenťan {m}, Florenčanka {f}, Florenťanka {f}
floret {n} (small flower) :: kvítek {m}
Florida {prop} (US state) :: Florida {f}
Floridian {n} (an inhabitant or a resident of the state of Florida) :: Floriďan {m}
floriography {n} (communication through the use of flowers) :: květomluva
florist {n} (a person who sells flowers) :: květinář {m}
florist's {n} (a shop that sells flowers) :: květinářství {n}
flotilla {n} (small fleet) :: flotila {f}
flounce {v} (to make spastic motions) SEE: flounder ::
flounder {n} (any flatfish) SEE: flatfish ::
flounder {n} (Platichthys flesus) :: platýs bradavičnatý {m}, flundra obecná
flour {n} (ground cereal grains or other foodstuff) :: mouka {f}
flourish {v} (to thrive or grow well) :: vzkvétat {impf}, dařit se {impf}
flourish {v} (to prosper or fare well) :: prosperovat {impf}, dařit se {impf}, vzkvétat {impf}
flourish {v} (to be in a period of greatest influence) :: mít vliv {impf}, dopadat {impf}
flourish {v} (to make bold, sweeping movements) :: rozmachovat se {impf}, gestikulovat {impf}
flourish {n} (ornamentation) :: kudrlinka {f}
flourish {n} (ceremonious passage) :: fanfára {f}, tuš {f}
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: run ::
flow {n} (the movement of a fluid) :: tok {m}, proudění {n}
flow {n} (the rising movement of the tide) :: příliv {m}
flow {v} (to move as a fluid) :: téct, proudit
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: stream ::
flower {n} (reproductive structure in angiosperms) :: květ {m}
flower {n} (plant that bears flowers, especially a plant that is small and lacks wood) :: květina {f}
flower {v} (to put forth blooms) :: kvést
flowerbed {n} (place where flowers are grown) :: záhon {m}
flower girl {n} (florist) SEE: florist ::
flowerpot {n} (container in which plants are grown) :: květináč {m}, kořenáč {m}
flowery {adj} (of a speech or piece of writing) :: květnatý
flu {n} (influenza) :: chřipka {f}
fluctuate {v} (to vary irregularly; to swing) :: kolísat
fluctuation {n} (wavering; unsteadiness) :: fluktuace
fluent {adj} (able to speak a language accurately and confidently) :: plynulý {m}, plynný {m}
fluently {adv} (expressing oneself easily) :: plynule, plynně
fluently {adv} (having graceful movements) :: plynule
fluff {v} (to make fluffy) :: načechrat {pf}
flugelhorn {n} (brass instrument) :: křídlovka {f}
fluid {n} (any state of matter which can flow) :: kapalina {f}, tekutina {f}
fluid {adj} (of or relating to fluid) :: tekutý, fluidní
fluid {adj} (in a state of flux; subject to change) :: proměnlivý
fluid {adj} (moving smoothly) :: plynulý
fluke {n} (stroke of luck) :: šťastná náhoda {f}, klika {f}
flukey {adj} (lucky) SEE: lucky ::
flunk {v} (to deny a passing grade) :: propadnout
fluorescent {adj} (of or relating to fluorescence) :: fluorescenční, světélkující
fluorescent lamp {n} (gas-discharge lamp) :: zářivka {f}
fluoride {n} (fluoride) :: fluorid {m}
fluorine {n} (chemical element) :: fluor {m}
fluorosis {n} (any adverse condition due to an excess of fluoride) :: fluoróza
fluoxetine {n} (one of SSRI antidepressant drugs) :: fluoxetin {m}
flush {v} (to cleanse by flooding with generous quantities of a fluid) :: spláchnout
flush {v} (to cleanse a toilet by introducing lots of water) :: spláchnout
flush {n} (poker hand) :: fleš
flush toilet {n} (toilet that uses water to remove waste) :: záchod {m}, záchodová mísa {f}, toaleta
flute {n} (woodwind instrument) :: flétna {f}
flute {n} (architecture: vertical groove in a pillar) :: kanelura {f}
fluted {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
flutist {n} (flute player) SEE: flautist ::
flutter {v} (to flap or wave quickly) :: třepetat
fluvial {adj} (fluvial) :: říční
flux {n} (the rate of transfer of energy (electric flux, magnetic flux)) :: tok
fly {n} (insect of the family Muscidae) :: moucha {f}
fly {v} (to travel through air) :: létat {impf} [abstract], letět {impf} [concrete]
fly {n} (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants) :: poklopec {m}
fly agaric {n} (Amanita muscaria) :: muchomůrka červená {f}
flycatcher {n} (bird) :: lejsek
flyer {n} (someone who pilots or rides in an airplane) :: leták {m}
fly fishing {n} (form of angling) :: muškaření {n}
fly-half {n} (rugby position) :: útoková spojka {f}, útokovka {f}
flying {n} (flying (noun)) SEE: flight ::
flying ace {n} (military aviator) :: eso
flying buttress {n} (buttress that stands apart from the structure that it supports) :: vzpěrný oblouk {m}
Flying Dutchman {prop} (mythical ghost ship) :: Bludný Holanďan {m}
flying fox {n} (bat of the genera Pteropus or Acerodon) :: kaloň {m}
flying fox {n} (bat of the family Pteropodidae) SEE: megabat ::
flying saucer {n} (disc-shaped unidentified flying object) :: létající talíř {m}
Flying Spaghetti Monster {prop} (spaghetti deity) :: Létající špagetové monstrum
flypaper {n} (flypaper) :: mucholapka {f}
flywheel {n} (rotating mass) :: setrvačník {m}
foal {n} (young horse) :: hříbě {n}
foal {v} (give birth (equestrian)) :: ohřebit se {pf}, vrhnout hříbě
foam {n} (substance composed of a large collection of bubbles or their solidified remains) :: pěna {f}
foam rubber {n} (foam rubber) SEE: foam ::
focal length {n} (distance) :: ohnisková vzdálenost {f}
focus {n} (in optics) :: ohnisko {n}
focus {n} (exact point of where an earthquake occurs) :: ohnisko {n}
fodder {n} (food for animals) :: krmivo {n}
foe {n} (enemy) SEE: enemy ::
foetus {n} (fetus) SEE: fetus ::
fog {n} (cloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision) :: mlha {f}
fog {n} (state of mind characterized by lethargy and confusion) :: zamlžení {n}
fog {n} (Scottish: moss) SEE: moss ::
foil {n} (thin sheet of metal) :: fólie {f}
foil {n} (type of sword used in fencing) :: fleret {m}
fold {v} (bend (thin material) over) :: přeložit
fold {v} (poker: withdraw from betting) :: foldovat
fold {n} ((geology) bending of originally flat planar surfaces) :: vrása {f}
folder {n} (container of computer files) :: složka {f}, adresář {m}
folding screen {n} (furniture) :: paraván {m}
foliage {n} (the leaves of plants) :: listí {n}
folic acid {n} (vitamin B9, a polycyclic heterocyclic carboxylic acid) :: kyselina listová {f}
folk {adj} (of or related to local building materials and styles; not imported, see also: vernacular) :: lidový
folklore {n} (tales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population) :: folklór {m}
folklorism {n} (use of tradition outside the cultural context in which it was created) :: folklorismus {m}
folkloristics {n} (formal academic study of folklore) :: folkloristika
follow {v} (to go or come after in physical space) :: sledovat {impf}
follow {v} (to go or come after in a sequence) :: následovat {impf}
follow {v} (to carry out in accordance to) :: řídit se, dodržet
follow {v} (to be a logical consequence of) :: plynout, vyplývat {impf}, vyplynout {pf}
following {adj} (next in sequence or time) :: následující
follow up {v} (take further actions after an event) :: pokračovat {impf}, navázat {pf}, udržet v pozornosti {pf}, udržet komunikaci {pf}
fond {v} (be fond of, like) SEE: like ::
fond {adj} (affectionate) :: milující
fond {v} (have affection for) :: mít náklonnost, mít slabost pro
fond {v} (be fond of, have affection for) :: mít rád
fondle {v} (to fondle) :: laskat
fondness {n} (the quality of being fond) :: záliba {f}, láska {f}, slabost {f}
font {n} (typesetting: a grouping of consistently-designed glyphs) :: písmo {n}, font {m}
fontanelle {n} (soft spot on a baby's head) :: fontanela {f}
food {n} (any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life) :: potrava {f}, jídlo {n}
food chain {n} (feeding relationship between species) :: potravní řetězec {m}
foodie {n} (person with special interest in food) :: gurmán, labužník
food poisoning {n} (any food-borne disease) :: alimentární onemocnění {n}
food processor {n} (kitchen appliance) :: mixér {m}
foodstuff {n} (material that may be used as food) :: potravina {f}
food web {n} (diagram showing the organisms that eat other organisms in a particular ecosystem) :: potravní síť {f}
fool {n} (person with poor judgement or little intelligence) :: hlupák {m}, blázen {m}, šašek, pošetilec {m}, blbec {m}, blb {m}, blboun {m}, pitomec {m}, ňouma {m}
fool {n} (jester) :: šašek {m}, klaun {m}
fool {n} (tarot card) :: blázen
fool {v} (to trick; to make a fool of someone) :: obelhávat, klamat
foolish {adj} (lacking good sense or judgement; unwise) :: pošetilý {m}, hloupý {m}
foolishness {n} (state of being foolish) :: pošetilost {f}
foolishness {n} (thing or event that is foolish) :: pošetilost {f}
foolproof {adj} ((device) fail-safe) :: blbuvzdorný
fool's gold {n} (mineral or other substance often mistaken for gold) :: kočičí zlato {n}
fool's mate {n} (quickest possible checkmate) :: mat bláznů {m}
foosball {n} (table soccer) :: stolní fotbal {m}, stolní fotbálek {m} [colloquial], kalčo [regional]
foot {n} (part of animal’s body) :: noha {f}
foot {n} (part of human body) :: noha {f}
foot {n} (bottom of anything) :: spodek {m}
foot {n} (projection on equipment) :: noha {f}
foot {n} (unit of measure) :: stopa {f}
foot {v} (kick) :: kopnout
foot {v} (pay) :: zatáhnout
foot-and-mouth disease {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) :: slintavka a kulhavka
football {n} (Association football) :: fotbal {m}, kopaná {f}
football {n} (game in Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia) :: australský fotbal {m}
football {n} (ball) :: (fotbalový {m}) míč {m}
football {n} (US game) SEE: American football ::
footballer {n} (one who plays football) :: fotbalista {m}, fotbalistka {f}
football player {n} (footballer) SEE: footballer ::
football tennis {n} (ball sport) :: nohejbal {m}
footbridge {n} (bridge for pedestrians) :: lávka {f}
footer {n} (line of information at the bottom of a page) :: zápatí {n}
foothill {n} (hill at the base of a mountain) :: podhůří {n}
foothills {n} (plural of foothill) SEE: foothill ::
footnote {n} (comment at the bottom of a printed page) :: poznámka pod čarou {f}
footpath {n} (path for pedestrians) :: pěšina {f}
footprint {n} (the impression of the foot) :: stopa {f}
foot rot {n} (athlete's foot) SEE: athlete's foot ::
foot soldier {n} (infantryman) SEE: infantryman ::
footstep {n} (mark left by a foot) :: stopa {f}
footstep {n} (signs of a course taken) :: stopa {f}
footstep {n} (step, as in a stair) :: schod {m}
footstep {n} (distance of one footstep) :: krok {m}
footstep {n} (act of taking a step) :: krok {m}
footstool {n} (a low stool) :: podnožka {f}
footwear {n} (an item of clothing that is worn on the foot) :: obuv {f}
footwrap {n} (a strip of cloth worn around the feet) :: onuce {f}, ovinka {f}, zavinovačka {f}
foppery {n} (stupidity) SEE: stupidity ::
for {conj} (because) :: neboť
for {prep} (towards) :: k
for {prep} (directed at, intended to belong to) :: pro
for {prep} (supporting) :: pro
for {prep} (because of) :: pro, za
forage {n} (fodder for animals) :: pícnina {f}, píce {f}
for all I care {phrase} (I really don't care (if)) :: pro mě za mě
foraminifer {n} (any protist of the taxon Foraminifera) :: dírkonošec {m}, dírkonožec {m}
forbear {v} (to keep away from) :: zdržet se {pf}, vyhnout se {pf}
forbear {v} (to refrain from proceeding) :: vzdát {pf}
forbearance {n} (restraint under provocation) :: zdrženlivost {f}
forbearance {n} (not enforcing something due) :: shovívavost {f}
forbid {v} (to disallow) :: zakazovat {impf}, zakázat {pf}
forbidden {adj} (not allowed) :: zakázaný
forbidden fruit is the sweetest {proverb} (forbidden things seem more appealing) :: zakázané ovoce chutná nejlépe
force {n} (anything that is able to make a big change in person or thing) :: síla
force {n} (physical quantity) :: síla
force {v} (compel (someone to do something)) :: nutit, přinutit
force {n} (waterfall) SEE: waterfall ::
forced {adj} (obtained forcefully) :: násilný, vynucený, přinucený
force majeure {n} (unavoidable catastrophe) :: vyšší moc {f}
ford {n} (crossing) :: brod {m}
ford {v} (to cross a stream) :: brodit, přebrodit
Ford {prop} (surname) :: Ford
Fordism {n} (Fordism) :: fordismus {m}
forearm {n} (part of the arm) :: předloktí {n}
foreboding {n} (sense of evil to come) :: zlá předtucha {f}
forebrain {n} (part of the brain) :: přední mozek {m}
forecast {n} (estimation) :: předpověď {f}
forecast {n} (weather prediction) :: předpověď {f}
forefather {n} (ancestor) :: předek {m}
forefather {n} (cultural ancestor) :: praotec {m}
forefinger {n} (first finger next to the thumb) :: ukazovák {m}, ukazováček {m}
forefront {n} (forefront) :: popředí {n}
forego {v} (precede) SEE: precede ::
foreground {n} (The elements of an image which lie closest to the picture plane) :: popředí {n}
forehand {n} (stroke in racket sports) :: forhend {m}
forehead {n} (part of face above eyebrows) :: čelo {n}
foreign {n} (foreigner) SEE: foreigner ::
foreign {adj} (located outside one's own country or place) :: cizí
foreign {adj} (originating from or characteristic of a different country) :: cizí, zahraniční
foreign {adj} (belonging to a different organization) :: cizorodý
foreign affairs {n} (policy) :: zahraniční věci {f-p}
foreign affairs {n} (department) :: ministerstvo zahraničních věcí {n}
foreign country {n} (country of which one is not a citizen) :: cizí země {f}
foreign currency {n} (currency used in a foreign country) :: cizí měna {f}, valuta {f} (in cash), deviza {f} (not in cash)
foreigner {n} (person in a foreign land) :: cizinec {m}, cizinka {f}
foreign exchange {n} (foreign currency) SEE: foreign currency ::
foreign exchange market {n} (market for trading one currency for another) :: měnový trh {m}
foreign key {n} (column referencing another table) :: cizí klíč {m}
foreign language {n} (any language other than that spoken by the people of a specific place) :: cizí jazyk {m}
foreign minister {n} (cabinet official) :: ministr zahraničí {m}
foreignness {n} (quality of being, appearing, or being perceived as foreign) :: cizost {f}
foreign trade {n} (trade between a country and other countries) :: zahraniční obchod {m}
foreland {n} (headland) SEE: headland ::
foreman {n} (leader of a work crew) :: předák {m}
forename {n} (a name that precedes surname) :: křestní jméno {n}
forenoon {n} (morning) SEE: morning ::
forenoon {n} (forenoon - part of the day before noon) :: dopoledne {n}
forensic {adj} (relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law) :: forenzní
foreplay {n} (foreplay) :: předehra {f}
forerunner {n} (precursor, harbinger) :: předchůdce {m}
foresee {v} (to anticipate) :: předvídat
foresight {n} (ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future) :: prozíravost {f}, předvídavost {f}
foresightful {adj} (having foresight) :: prozíravý {m}
foreskin {n} (prepuce / foreskin) :: předkožka {f}
forest {n} (dense collection of trees) :: les {m}
forester {n} (person practicing forestry) :: lesník {m}
forestry {n} (science of planting and growing trees) :: lesnictví {n}
foretell {v} (to predict the future) :: věštit {impf}
for ever {adv} (forever) SEE: forever ::
forever {adv} (for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time) :: navždy, na věky
foreword {n} (an introductory section) :: předmluva {f}
for example {prep} (as an example) :: například
forfeit {v} (to give up in defeat) :: prohrát kontumačně
for free {prep} (without paying) :: zdarma, zadarmo, bezplatně
forge {n} (workshop) :: kovárna {f}
forge {v} (to shape a metal) :: kout {impf}
forger {n} (person who creates forgeries, falsifies documents with intent to defraud; counterfeiter) :: padělatel {m}
forgery {n} (invention) SEE: invention ::
forgery {n} (the act of forging, fabricating or producing falsely) :: padělání {n}
forgery {n} (that which is forged or counterfeited) :: padělek {m}, podvrh {m}
forget {v} (to lose remembrance of) :: zapomínat {impf}, zapomenout {pf}
forget {v} (to unintentionally not do) :: zapomenout
forget {v} (to cease remembering) :: zapomenout, zapomínat
forgetful {adj} (liable to forget) :: zapomnětlivý
forgetfulness {n} (proneness to let slip from the mind) :: zapomnětlivost {f}
forget-me-not {n} (plant of the genus Myosotis) :: pomněnka {f}
forgive {v} (transitive, to pardon) :: odpouštět {impf}, odpustit {pf}
forgiveness {n} (the action of forgiving) :: odpuštění {n}
for God's sake {interj} (Exclamation of anger, surprise, or impatience) :: proboha
for good {prep} (forever; permanently) :: navždy, nadobro
forgotten {adj} (of which knowledge has been lost, which is no longer remembered) :: zapomenutý
for instance {adv} (as an example) SEE: for example ::
forint {n} (unit of currency) :: forint {m}
fork {n} (eating utensil) :: vidlička {f}
fork {n} (intersection) :: rozcestí {n}
fork {n} (computer science: splitting of a project) :: odnož {f}
fork {v} (to divide into two or more branches) :: rozbíhat se {impf}, rozdělovat se {impf}, rozvětvovat se {impf}, rozdvojovat se {impf}
fork {n} (forklift) SEE: forklift ::
fork {n} (UK: crotch) SEE: crotch ::
fork {n} (gallows) SEE: gallows ::
forkful {n} (amount a fork will hold) :: vidlička {f}
forklift {n} (small industrial vehicle) :: vysokozdvižný vozík {m}
form {n} (document to be filled in) :: formulář {m}
form {n} (level of pre-collegiate education) SEE: grade ::
formal {adj} (being in accord with established forms) :: formální
formal {n} (formalin) SEE: formalin ::
formaldehyde {n} (organic compound) :: formaldehyd {m}
formalin {n} (a solution of formaldehyde in water) :: formalin {m}
formality {n} :: formalita {f}
formal language {n} (set of finite strings) :: formální jazyk {m}
formally {adv} (in a formal manner) :: formálně
formally {adv} (in accordance with official procedure) :: formálně
formally {adv} (in accordance with rigorous rules) :: formálně
format {n} (form of presentation) :: formát {m}
format {n} (computing: file type) :: formát
format {v} (computing: prepare a mass storage medium for initial use) :: formátovat, naformátovat
formate {n} (salt or ester of formic acid) :: mravenčan {m}
former {adj} (previous) :: bývalý
formerly {adv} (at some time in the past) :: dříve, kdysi
formerly {adv} (previously; once) :: dříve
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia {prop} (provisional designation of the Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia; North Macedonia) :: Bývalá jugoslávská republika Makedonie {f}
formic acid {n} (methanoic acid) :: kyselina mravenčí {f}
formidable {adj} (causing fear, dread, awe or admiration as a result of size, strength, or some other impressive quality) :: hrozný, ohromný, ohromující, úžasný
formidable {adj} (difficult to defeat or overcome) :: nepřekonatelný {m}
Formosa {prop} (Taiwan) SEE: Taiwan ::
formula {n} (in mathematics) :: formule {f}, vzorec {m}
formula {n} (in chemistry) :: vzorec {m}, formule {f}
Formula One {prop} (discipline in motor racing) :: Formule 1 {f}
formulate {v} (to reduce to, or express in, a formula; to put in a clear and definite form of statement or expression) :: formulovat
formulation {n} (act, process, or result of formulating or reducing to a formula) :: formulace {f}
fornicate {v} (to engage in fornication) :: smilnit {impf}
for sale {prep} (being offered for purchase) :: na prodej
forsooth {adv} (indeed, truthfully, really) :: věru, vskutku, namouduši
for starters {adv} (as an initial point) :: pro začátek
Forster's tern {n} (Sterna forsteri) :: rybák Forsterův {m}
forsythia {n} (shrub of genus Forsythia) :: zlatice {f}
fort {n} (fortified defensive structure stationed with troops) :: pevnost {f}
for the moment {adv} (at the moment) SEE: for the time being ::
for the time being {adv} (temporarily; until later) :: prozatím
fortieth {adj} (ordinal form of forty, see also: 40th) :: čtyřicátý
fortieth {n} (person or thing) :: čtyřicátý {m}, čtyřicátá {f}
fortieth {n} (one of forty equal parts) :: čtyřicetina {f}
fortification {n} (that which fortifies) :: pevnost {f}, opevnění {n}
fortnight {n} (period of two weeks) :: dva týdny {m-p}, čtrnáct dní {m-p}
fortochka {n} (small ventilation window spanning the frame of a window) :: vyhlídka {f}, větrací okénko {n}
fortress {n} (fortified place) :: pevnost {f}
fortuitous {adj} (happening by chance, not necessarily a lucky one) :: náhodný {m}
fortunately {adv} (in a fortunate manner) :: naštěstí
fortune {n} (destiny) :: osud {m}
fortune {n} (good luck) :: štěstí {n}
fortune {n} (lots of riches) :: bohatství {n}
fortune favors the bold {proverb} (luck favors the adventurous) :: odvážnému štěstí přeje
fortuneteller {n} (cootie catcher) SEE: cootie catcher ::
forty {num} (the cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine) :: čtyřicet
forty-one {num} (41) :: čtyřicet jedna
fortysomething {n} (quadragenarian) SEE: quadragenarian ::
forum {n} (place for discussion) :: fórum {n}
forum {n} (gathering for the purpose of discussion) :: fórum {n}
forum {n} (form of discussion) :: fórum {n}
forum {n} (Internet message board) :: fórum {n}
forward {adj} (at the front) :: přední
forward {adv} (towards the front) :: dopředu, vpřed
forward {adv} (in the usual direction of travel) :: vpřed
forward {v} (send (something received) to a third party) :: přeposlat
forward {n} (players nearest to the opposing rugby team) :: rojník {m}
forward {n} (player nearest to the opposing soccer team) :: útočník {m}
forward {n} (centre or winger in ice hockey) :: útočník {m}
forward line {n} (soccer) :: útok
forward pass {n} (foul in rugby) :: přihrávka dopředu {m}
forward slash {n} (slash) SEE: slash ::
fossil {n} (The mineralized remains of an animal or plant) :: zkamenělina {f}, fosilie {f}
fossil fuel {n} (fuel) :: fosilní palivo {n}
foster {v} (to nurture or bring up offspring; or to provide similar parental care to an unrelated child) :: pečovat
Foucault's pendulum {n} (pendulum free to move in any direction) :: Foucaultovo kyvadlo {n}
foul {n} (offence in sports) :: faul {m}
foul one's own nest {v} (to hurt one's own interests, especially to damage the reputation of one's self) :: kálet si do vlastního hnízda {impf}
found {v} (to start an organization) :: založit
found {v} (to begin building) :: založit
found {v} (melt) SEE: melt ::
foundation {n} (act of founding) :: založení {n}
foundation {n} (that upon which anything is founded) :: základy {m-p}
foundation {n} (endowed institution or charity) :: nadace {f}
founder {n} (one who founds, establishes, and erects; one who lays a foundation; an author) :: zakladatel {m}
founding {adj} (who or that founds or found) :: zakládající
founding member {n} (member of an organization that was involved in the organization's foundation, see also: cofounder) :: zakládající člen {m}
foundling {n} (abandoned child, left by its parent) :: nalezenec {m}
foundry {n} (facility that melts metals) :: slévárna {f}
fountain {n} (spring) SEE: spring ::
fountain {n} (artificial water feature) :: fontána {f}, kašna {f}
fountain {n} (structure from which a fountain issues) :: fontána {f}
fountain pen {n} (pen containing a reservoir of ink) :: plnící pero {n}
four {num} (the cardinal number 4) :: čtyři, [collective] čtvery
four by two {n} (Jew) SEE: Jew ::
four-dimensional {adj} (measurable along four mutually perpendicular axes) :: čtyřrozměrný
four-eyes {n} (person who wears spectacles) :: brejloun {m}
fourfold {adj} (four times as great) :: čtyřnásobný
fourfold {adv} (by a factor of four) :: čtyřnásobně
four hundred {num} (cardinal number 400) :: čtyřista
four-leaf clover {n} (clover with four leaves) :: čtyřlístek {m}
four-leaf clover {n} (bringer of good luck) :: čtyřlístek {m}
four-letter word {n} (swear word) SEE: swear word ::
four-stroke engine {n} (type of engine) :: čtyřdobý spalovací motor {m}
fourteen {num} (cardinal number) :: čtrnáct
fourteenth {adj} (ordinal form of the number fourteen, see also: 14th) :: čtrnáctý
fourth {n} (quarter) SEE: quarter ::
fourth {adj} (ordinal form of the number four, see also: 4th) :: čtvrtý
fourth {n} (musical interval spanning four degrees of the diatonic scale) :: kvarta {f}
fowl {n} (bird) SEE: bird ::
Fowler's position {prop} (physical position raising the patient's head by 45-60 degrees) :: Fowlerova poloha {f}
fox {n} (Vulpes) :: liška {f}
fox {n} (cunning person) :: lišák {m}
fox {n} (attractive woman) :: kočka {f}
fox {n} (fox terrier) SEE: fox terrier ::
fox cub {n} (young fox) :: lišče {n}, lištička {f}
foxglove {n} (plant of the genus Digitalis) :: náprstník {m}
foxling {n} (little fox) SEE: fox cub ::
foxtail millet {n} (Setaria italica) :: bér vlašský {m}, bér italský {m}, mohár {m}, čumíza
fox terrier {n} (dog breeds) :: foxteriér {m}
foxtrot {n} (a ballroom dance) :: foxtrot {m}
foyer {n} (lobby, corridor, or waiting room) :: foyer {m}
Fårö {prop} (the island) :: Fårö
fracas {n} (a noisy disorderly quarrel) :: rvačka {f}, hádka {f}
fractal {n} (self-similar geometric figure) :: fraktál {m}
fractal {n} (figure irregular at all scales) :: fraktál {m}
fractal {adj} (having the form of a fractal) :: fraktální
fractal dimension {n} (a dimension for making measurements on a fractal set) :: fraktální dimenze
fraction {n} (part of a whole) :: zlomek {m}
fraction {n} (arithmetic: ratio) :: zlomek {m}
fracture {n} (act of breaking, or something broken) :: zlomenina {f}
fragile {adj} (easily broken or destroyed) :: křehký {m}
fragility {n} (condition or quality of being fragile) :: křehkost {f}
fragment {n} (portion or segment of an object) :: úlomek {m}, fragment {m}, zlomek {m}, střep {m}
fragmentation {n} (act of fragmenting or something fragmented; disintegration) :: fragmentace {f}
fragmentation {n} (the breaking up and dispersal of a file into non-contiguous areas of a disk) :: fragmentace {f}
fragrance {n} (pleasant smell or odour) :: vůně {f}
frailty {n} (condition of being frail) :: křehkost {f}, slabost {f}
frame {n} (rigid, generally rectangular mounting) :: rám {m}
frame of reference {n} (physics: set of axes) :: vztažná soustava {f}
framework {n} (the arrangement of support beams that represent a buildings general shape and size) :: kostra {f}, konstrukce {f}
framework {n} (a basic conceptual structure) :: soustava, systém, aplikační rámec {m}
franc {n} (former currency of France and Belgium) :: frank {m}
franc {n} (any of several units of currency) :: frank {m}
France {prop} (country) :: Francie
Frances {prop} (feminine form of Francis) :: Františka
Francis {prop} (male given name) :: František {m}
Franciscan {n} (a monk or nun belonging to the religious order founded by St Francis of Assisi) :: františkán {m}
Franciscan {adj} (relating to St Francis or to the Franciscans) :: františkánský
francium {n} (chemical element) :: francium {n}
francolin {n} (partridge) :: frankolín {m}
frank {adj} (bluntly honest) :: upřímný
frankenword {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word ::
Frankfurt am Main {prop} (city in Hesse, Germany, see also: Frankfurt) :: Frankfurt nad Mohanem {m}
Frankfurt an der Oder {prop} (town) :: Frankfurt nad Odrou {m}
frankincense {n} (incense) :: kadidlo {n}
Franklin's gull {n} (Leucophaeus pipixcan) :: racek vnitrozemský {m}
frankness {n} (frankness) :: upřímnost {f}
frantically {adv} (in a frantic manner) :: zoufale
Fraser fir {n} (Abies fraseri) :: jedle Fraserova {f}
fraternal {adj} (of brothers) :: bratrský
fraternally {adv} (in a fraternal manner) :: bratrsky
fraternity {n} (group of people associated for a common purpose) :: spolek {m}
fratricide {n} (killing of one's sibling) :: bratrovražda {f}
fratricide {n} (person who commits this crime) :: bratrovrah {m}
fraud {n} (an act of deception) :: podvod {m}
fraudulence {n} (condition of being fraudulent) :: podvodnost {f}
fraudulent {adj} (dishonest; based on fraud or deception) :: podvodný {m}
fraxinella {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant ::
fray {v} (to unravel) :: třepit se {impf}, roztřepit {pf}
fray {v} (to cause exhaustion to a person's mental strength) :: drásat {impf}
freak {n} (sudden causeless change or turn of the mind) :: rozmar {m}, kapric {m}
freak {n} (nonconformist, especially in appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or business practices) :: podivín {m}, [pejorative] magor {m}, blázen {m}
freak {n} (person who has an obsession or extreme knowledge of something) :: nadšenec {m}, fanda {m}, machr {m}
freak {n} (very sexually perverse individual (friendly use)) :: [colloquial] ujetej {m}
freckle {n} (small pigmentation spot on the skin) :: piha {f}
Frederick {prop} (male given name) :: Bedřich {m}
free {adj} (not imprisoned) :: svobodný, volný
free {adj} (unconstrained) :: volný
free {adj} (mathematics: unconstrained) :: volný
free {adj} (unobstructed) :: volný {m}
free {adj} (not in use) :: volný
free {adj} (without obligations) :: volný
free {adj} (software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement) :: svobodný
free {adj} (without) :: prostý
free {adj} (programming: not bound) :: volný
free {adv} (without needing to pay) :: zadarmo
free {v} (make free) :: osvobozovat {impf}, osvobodit {pf}
free {adj} (obtainable without payment) SEE: free of charge ::
free as a bird {adj} (completely free) :: volný jako pták
freedom {n} (not being imprisoned or enslaved) :: svoboda {f}, volnost {f}
freedom {n} (The lack of a specific constraint) :: svoboda {f}
freedom fighter {n} (fighter) :: bojovník za svobodu {m}
freedom fries {n} (french fries) SEE: french fries ::
freedom of speech {n} (right to speak without fear of harm) SEE: free speech ::
freefall {n} (being affected only by gravity) :: volný pád {m}
free kick {n} (kick played without interference of opposition) :: přímý kop {m}
free market {n} (type of market) :: volný trh {m}
freemason {n} (freemason) SEE: Freemason ::
Freemason {n} (member of the Free and Accepted Masons) :: svobodný zednář {m}
Freemasonism {n} (Freemasonry) SEE: Freemasonry ::
Freemasonry {prop} (institutions and ways of the Freemasons) :: svobodné zednářství {n}
free of charge {adv} (without any payment - adverb) SEE: for free ::
free of charge {adj} (not requiring any payment - adjective) :: bezplatný, volný, zdarma, zadarmo
freesia {n} (plant) :: frézie {f}
free software {n} (free of charge software) SEE: freeware ::
free speech {n} (right to express an opinion in public) :: svoboda slova {f}, svoboda projevu {f}, svoboda vyjadřování {f}
free throw {n} (basketball) :: trestný hod {m}
free time {n} (time that can be spent on one's own activities rather than work) :: volný čas {m}
free variable {n} (variable that is not bound to a storage location) :: volná proměnná {f}
free variable {n} (in logic) :: volná proměnná {f}
freeware {n} (free of charge software) :: freeware {m}
freeway {n} (road designed for safe high-speed motoring) :: dálnice {f}
free will {n} (ability to choose one's actions) :: svobodná vůle {f}
freeze {v} (to become solid due to low temperature) :: zmrznout
freeze {v} (to lower something's temperature to freezing point) :: zmrazit
freeze {v} (to be affected by cold) :: mrznout
freeze {v} (to become motionless) :: ztuhnout or znehybnět
freeze {n} (period of cold) :: mráz {m}
freezer {n} (stand-alone appliance) :: mraznička {f}, mrazák {m}
freezing {adj} (frosty) SEE: frosty ::
freezing point {n} (temperature) :: bod mrazu {m}
Fregean {adj} (of or relating to Frege) :: fregovský, fregeovský
freight {n} (goods) :: náklad {m}
french {v} (to kiss another person) SEE: French kiss ::
french {v} (to kiss) SEE: French kiss ::
French {prop} (principal language of France and other related countries) :: francouzština {f}, francouzský jazyk {m}
French {n} (people of France, collectively) :: Francouzi {m-p}
French {adj} (of or relating to France) :: francouzský
French {adj} (of or relating to the French people) :: francouzský
French {adj} (of or relating to the French language) :: francouzský
French bread {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette ::
French curve {n} (drafting template) :: křivítko {n}
french fries {n} (deep fried strips of potato) :: hranolky {m}
French Guiana {prop} (Department of French Guiana) :: Francouzská Guyana {f}
French kiss {n} (a kiss involving the tongue) :: francouzský polibek {m}, francouzák {m}
French letter {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
Frenchman {n} (man of French birth or nationality) :: Francouz {m}
French paradox {prop} (French paradox) :: francouzský paradox
French Republic {prop} (country) :: Francouzská republika {f}
French Republican Calendar {prop} (calendar used for twelve years in revolutionary France) :: Francouzský revoluční kalendář {m}
French stick {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette ::
Frenchwoman {n} (a French woman) :: Francouzka {f}
freon {n} (non-flammable refrigerant) :: freon {m}
frequency {n} (rate of occurrence of anything) :: četnost {n}, frekvence {f}
frequency {n} (property of occurring often rather than infrequently) :: častost {n}, frekvence {f}
frequency {n} (number of occurrences divided by time) :: frekvence {f}, kmitočet {m} [of radio frequency]
frequent {adj} (done or occurring often) :: častý {m}
fresco {n} (artwork made by applying water-based pigment to wet or fresh lime mortar or plaster) :: freska {f}
fresh {adj} (new or clean) :: svěží
fresh {adj} (of produce, not from storage) :: čerstvý
fresh {adj} (refreshing or cool) :: svěží, osvěžující
fresh air {n} (clean air from outside) :: čerstvý vzduch {m}
freshness {n} (freshness) :: čerstvost {f}, svěžest {f}
freshwater {adj} (living in fresh water) :: sladkovodní
fret {v} (to bind, tie) SEE: bind ::
fret {n} (one of the pieces of metal, etc., across the neck of a guitar or other string instrument) :: pražec {m}
Freud {prop} (surname) :: Freud
Freudian {adj} (relating to or influenced by Sigmund Freud) :: freudovský
Freudian {n} (a follower of Sigmund Freud) :: freudista {m}, freudovec {m}
Freudian slip {n} (subconscious mistake in speech or action) :: freudovské přeřeknutí {n}
friar {n} (member of certain Christian orders) :: fráter {m}
fricative {n} (consonant) :: frikativa {f}
friction {n} (The rubbing of one object or surface against another) :: tření {n}
friction {n} (A force that resists the relative motion or tendency to such motion of two bodies in contact) :: tření {n}
Friday {n} (day of the week) :: pátek {m}
fried egg {n} (egg that has been shallow fried) :: volské oko {n}
friend {n} (person whose company one enjoys) :: přítel {m}, kamarád {m}, přítelkyně {f}, kamarádka {f}
friend {n} (boyfriend or girlfriend) :: kluk {m}, holka {f}, přítel {m}, přítelkyně {f}
friend {n} (person with whom you are acquainted) :: známý {m}, známá {f}
friend {n} (person who provides assistance) :: opora {f}
friend {n} (person who backs something) :: příznivec {m}, příznivkyně {f}
friend {n} ((sarcastic) form of address used to warn someone) :: kámo {m}, milej zlatej {m}
friendlily {adv} (friendly) SEE: friendly ::
friendly {adj} (approachable, warm) :: přívětivý, laskavý, přátelský
friendly {adj} (characteristic of friendliness) :: přátelský
friendly fire {n} (fire from allied or friendly forces) :: přátelská palba {f}
friendship {n} ((uncountable) condition of being friends) :: přátelství {n}
friendship {n} ((countable) friendly relationship) :: přátelství {n}
Friesland {prop} (province of the Netherlands) :: Frísko {n}
frieze {n} (architecture: space between architrave and cornice) :: vlys {m}
frigate {n} (An obsolete type of sailing warship) :: fregata {f}
frigate {n} (A 19th c. type of warship) :: fregata {f}
frigate {n} (A modern type of warship) :: fregata {f}
frigatebird {n} (bird of the family Fregatidae) :: fregatka {f}
frighten {v} (to disturb with fear) :: vystrašit
frightened {adj} (afraid, suffering from fear) :: vyděšený, vystrašený
frigid {adj} (very cold) :: frigidní, ledový
frigid {adj} (chilly in manner; lacking affection or zeal; impassive) :: frigidní
fringe {n} (decorative border) :: třáseň {f}, třepení {n}
fringe {adj} (outside the mainstream) :: okrajový
Frisbee {n} (disk) :: frisbee
fritillary {n} (plant of genus Fritillaria) :: řebčík {m}
frittata {n} (omelette) SEE: omelette ::
Fritz {n} (derogatory: a German person) :: skopčák {m}, Němčour {m}
Friuli-Venezia Giulia {prop} (region) :: Furlansko-Julské Benátsko
frog {n} (amphibian) :: žába {f}
frog {n} (end of a string instrument’s bow) :: žabka {f}
frog {n} (a loop used to attach a scabbard etc. to a belt) :: závěsník {m}
frog in one's throat {n} (hoarseness (idiomatic)) :: knedlík v krku
frogman {n} (diver) :: žabí muž {m}, potápěč {m-p}
from {prep} (with the source or provenance of or at) :: z, ze, od
from {prep} (with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at) :: z, ze, od
from {prep} (with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of) :: od, proti, před
from A to Z {prep} (comprehensively) :: od A do Z
from the bottom of one's heart {prep} (in earnest, with one's full feelings) :: od srdce
from time to time {prep} (occasionally) :: čas od času, občas
front {n} (facing side) :: předek {m}
front {n} (main entrance side) :: předek {m}
front {n} (meteorology: interface between airmasses) :: fronta {f}
front {n} (military: area or line of conflict) :: fronta {f}
front {n} (major subdivision of Soviet army) :: front {f}
front {adj} (located at or near the front) :: přední
frontal {adj} (of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone) :: čelní
frontal bone {n} (bone of the forehead) :: čelní kost {f}
frontal lobe {n} (division of cerebrum) :: čelní lalok {m}
frontal sinus {n} (sinus) :: čelní dutina {f}
front desk {n} (reception) SEE: reception ::
front-end loader {n} (front-end loader) :: kolový nakladač {m}
frontier {n} (part of a country that fronts or faces another country or an unsettled region) :: pohraničí {n}, pomezí {n}, hranice {f}
frontispiece {n} (publishing: title page) SEE: title page ::
frontispiece {n} (publishing: illustration) :: frontispis {m}
frosh {n} (frog) SEE: frog ::
frost {n} (cover of minute ice crystals) :: jinovatka {f}, mráz {m}
frost {n} (cold weather that would cause frost) :: mráz {m}
frost fair {n} :: ledový jarmark
frostily {adv} (in a frosty manner) :: mrazivě
frosting {n} (a layer of frost) :: námraza {f}
frosty {adj} (cold, chilly) :: mrazivý
froth {n} (foam) :: pěna {f}
frothy {adj} (foamy or churned) :: pěnivý
frounce {v} (to crease, wrinkle) SEE: frown ::
frounce {v} (to curl) SEE: curl ::
frown {v} (to have a frown on one's face) :: mračit se
frozen {adj} (having undergone freezing) :: zmrzlý, zamrzlý
fructose {n} (monosaccharide ketose sugar) :: fruktóza {f}
frugal {adj} (economical, avoiding waste, thrifty) :: skromný {m}, [of a person] spořivý {m}
frugality {n} (quality of being frugal; prudent economy; thrift) :: skromnost {f}, spořivost {f}
fruit {n} (part of plant) :: ovoce {n}, plod {m}
fruit {n} (food) :: ovoce {n}
fruit {n} (figuratively: positive end result or reward of labour or effort) :: plody {m-p}
fruit bat {n} (bat of the family Pteropodidae) SEE: megabat ::
fruiterer {n} (one who sells fruit) :: ovocnář {m}
fruiting body {n} (fungal structure) :: plodnice
fruitmonger {n} (fruiterer) SEE: fruiterer ::
fruitseller {n} (fruiterer) SEE: fruiterer ::
frump {n} (somebody who is unattractive, drab or dowdy) :: hastroš {m}, cuchta {f}
frump {n} (clothes that such a person would wear) :: hadry {m-p}
fry {v} (to cook (something) in hot fat or oil) :: smažit {impf}, usmažit {pf}
fry {v} ((intransitive) cook in hot fat or oil) :: smažit se
fry {v} (suffer because of too much heat) :: smažit se, péci se
fry {n} (fried potato) :: čipsy {m-p}
fry {n} (young fish) :: plůdek {m}
frying pan {n} (long-handled, shallow pan used for frying food) :: pánev {f}
F-sharp {n} (a tone one semitone higher than an F, denoted F♯) :: fis
Fu-chien {prop} (Fujian) SEE: Fujian ::
fuchsia {n} (plant) :: fuchsie {f}
fuck {v} (to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar) :: mrdat {impf}, prcat {impf}, šukat {impf}, šoustat {impf}, jebat {impf}
fuck {n} (an act of sexual intercourse) :: mrd {m}
fuck {interj} (expression of dismay or discontent) :: kurva!, do prdele!, do piče!
fuck around {v} (to have sex with many partners) :: kurvit se {f} {impf}, kurevničit {m} {impf}
fucked {adj} (in trouble) :: v prdeli
fucker {n} (one who fucks) :: zmrd {m}
fucking {adj} (as an intensifier) :: kurva {f}, zasraný
fuck off {v} (go to hell, disappear, screw oneself) :: odprejsknout
fuck off {v} (to annoy, irritate, see also: annoy; irritate) :: srát
fuck over {v} :: vyjebat (s někým) {pf}
fuckover {n} :: výmrd {m}, šméčko {n}
fuck you {n} (fuck you) :: jdi do prdele! (go to ass!), jdi do hajzlu! (go to loo!)
fuel {n} (substance consumed to provide energy) :: palivo {n}
fuel tank {n} (a container of fuel) :: palivová nádrž {f}
fugitive {n} (a person who is fleeing or escaping from something) :: uprchlík
fugue {n} (piece of music) :: fuga {f}
Fujian {prop} (province of China) :: Fu-ťien
Fujihara {prop} (surname) :: Fudžihara
Fujiwara {prop} (surname) :: Fudžiwara
Fukuoka {prop} (a city of Japan) :: Fukuoka
Fukushima {prop} (Fukushima, Japan) :: Fukušima
fulcrum {n} (support about which a lever pivots) :: opěrný bod {m}
fulfill {v} (to carry out) :: splnit {pf}
fulfilment {n} (being fulfilled) :: naplnění {n} (satisfaction)
full {adj} (containing the maximum possible amount) :: plný
full {adj} (complete) :: úplný, kompletní
full {adj} (total, entire) :: celý
full {adj} (satisfied, in relation to eating) :: plný, sytý, nasycený, zasycený
full {n} (phase of the moon) SEE: full moon ::
full-back {n} ((rugby)) :: zadák {m}
full board {n} (hotel rate) :: plná penze {f}
fullerene {n} (any of a class of allotropes of carbon having hollow molecules) :: fullereny
full moon {n} (phase of moon when in opposition to sun) :: úplněk {m}
full name {n} (full name of a person) :: plné jméno {n}
full screen {adj} (occupying all the available displayable surface) :: plná obrazovka {f}
full stop {n} (The punctuation mark “.”) :: tečka {f}
full-throated {adj} (having ample breasts) SEE: buxom ::
full verb {n} (verb which has semantic meaning) :: plnovýznamové sloveso {n}
fulmar {n} (seabird in the genus Fulmarus) :: buřňák
fulminant {adj} (coming on quickly and destructively) :: geniální, brilantní, skvělý {m} {n}
fumarole {n} (opening in the crust of an astronomical body that emits steam and gases) :: fumarola {f}
fun {n} (enjoyment or amusement) :: zábava {f}, legrace {f}
function {n} (what something does or is used for) :: funkce {f}, účel {m}
function {n} (professional or official position) :: funkce {f}
function {n} (relation where one thing is dependent on another) :: funkce {f}
function {n} (mathematics: a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs) :: funkce {f}
function {n} (computing: routine that returns a result) :: funkce {f}
function {n} (biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part) :: funkce {f}
functional {adj} (in good working order) :: funkční
functional {adj} (having semantics defined purely in terms of mathematical functions, without side-effects) :: funkcionální
functional analysis {n} (branch of mathematics) :: funkcionální analýza {f}
functional group {n} (characteristic grouping of elements) :: funkční skupina {f}
functionalism {n} (architecture) :: funkcionalismus {m} [architecture]
functionalist {n} (one who believes in functionalism) :: funkcionalista {m}
functionalist {adj} (relating to functionalism) :: funkcionalistický
functionality {n} (ability) :: funkčnost {f}
functional programming {n} (programming paradigm) :: funkcionální programování {n}
functional requirement {n} (description of any of the functions of a software system) :: funkční požadavek {m}
functioning {adj} (functional) SEE: functional ::
fund {n} (sum or source of money) :: fond {m}
fundament {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
fundament {n} (foundation) SEE: foundation ::
fundamental {n} (a leading or primary principle, rule, law, or article) :: zásadní
fundamental {adj} (pertaining to the foundation or basis; serving for the foundation) :: základní, podstatný
fundamental analysis {n} (analysis) :: fundamentální analýza {f}
fundamental force {n} (force between elementary particles) SEE: fundamental interaction ::
fundamental interaction {n} (basic forces that act between elementary particles) :: základní interakce {f}
fundamentalism {n} (religion) :: fundamentalismus {m}
fundamentalist {n} (one who reduces religion to strict interpretation of core or original texts) :: fundamentalista {m}
fundamental particle {n} (elementary particle) SEE: elementary particle ::
fundraiser {n} (event undertaken to get money) :: peněžní sbírka {f}
funduscope {n} (ophthalmoscope) SEE: ophthalmoscope ::
funeral {n} (ceremony to honour a deceased person) :: pohřeb {m}
funeral director {n} (undertaker) SEE: undertaker ::
funereal {adj} (relating to a funeral) :: pohřební
fungal {adj} (of or pertaining to a fungus) :: houbový, mykotický
fungible {adj} (able to be substituted for something of equal value) :: zaměnitelný, směnitelný
fungicidal {adj} (having the ability to destroy or control fungus) :: fungicidní
fungicide {n} (substance used to kill fungus) :: fungicid {m}
fungous {adj} (of or pertaining to a fungus) SEE: fungal ::
fungus {n} (any member of the kingdom Fungi) :: houba {f}
funicular {n} (rail transit system) :: pozemní lanovka {f}
funk {n} (spark) SEE: spark ::
funnel {n} (utensil used to guide poured liquids) :: trychtýř {m}
funnel {n} (smoke flue, chimney) SEE: chimney ::
funny {adj} (amusing; comical) :: legrační, zábavný
funny bone {n} (nerve) :: brňavka {f}
fur {n} (hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick) :: srst {f}
fur {n} (hairy skin processed to serve as clothing) :: kožešina {f}
fur coat {n} (coat made of animal fur) :: kožich {m}
furlough {n} (leave of absence) :: [army] dovolenka {f}
furlough {n} (documents authorizing leave of absence) :: propustka {f}
furlough {n} (period of unpaid time off used by an employer to reduce costs) :: nucená dovolená {f}
furnace {n} (device for heating in a factory, melting metals, etc) :: pec {f}
furnace {n} (device for heating) SEE: oven ::
furnish {v} (to provide with furniture or other equipment) :: vybavit nábytkem
furnished {adj} (supplied with furniture) :: zařízený {m}
furnishings {n} (accessories for a dress) :: galanterie {f}
furniture {n} (large movable items) :: nábytek {m}
furrier {n} (person who sells, makes and deals otherwise with fur) :: kožešník {m}
furrow {v} (to wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle ::
furrow {n} (trench cut in the soil) :: brázda {f}
fur seal {n} (marine mammal) :: lachtan {m}
fursuit {n} (animal outfit in the furry subculture) :: fursuit
further {adv} :: dál
furtive {adj} (stealthy) :: kradmý
furtively {adv} (in a furtive manner) :: kradmo, skrytě, nenápadně
furuncle {n} (boil) SEE: boil ::
furze {n} (Ulex gen. et spp., an evergreen shrub) SEE: gorse ::
fuse {n} (cord) :: doutnák {m}
fuse {n} (device igniting charge) :: doutnák {m}
fuse {n} (device preventing overloading of a circuit) :: pojistka {f}
Fusha {prop} (standard Arabic) :: fusha {f}, literární arabština {f}
fusilli {n} (pasta) :: vřetena {n-p}, fusilli
fusion {n} (nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine) :: fúze {f}
fusional {adj} (tending to overlay many morphemes in a manner that can be difficult to segment) SEE: inflected ::
fuss {n} (excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something) :: povyk {m}
fustian {n} (a kind of coarse twilled cotton or cotton and linen stuff) :: barchet {m}
futile {adj} (incapable of producing results) :: jalový
futility {n} (quality of being futile) :: marnost {f}, zbytečnost {f}
futsal {n} (form of soccer) :: futsal {m}
future {n} (the time ahead) :: budoucnost {f}
future {n} (something that will happen in moments yet to come) :: budoucnost {f}
future {adj} (having to do with or occurring in the future) :: budoucí
future {n} (grammar) SEE: future tense ::
future tense {n} (time form of a verb) :: budoucí čas
futurism {n} (art movement) :: futurismus {m}
futurism {n} (study of possible futures) SEE: futurology ::
futurology {n} (scientific forecasting of future trends in science, technology or society) :: futurologie {f}
fuzz {n} (cop) SEE: cop ::
fuzz {n} (police) SEE: police ::
fuzzy logic {n} (logic based on the notion of fuzzy set) :: fuzzy logika {f}
fuzzy set {n} (set) :: fuzzy množina {f}
FX risk {n} (currency risk) SEE: currency risk ::
fylfot {n} (swastika) SEE: swastika ::
FYROM {prop} (abbreviation of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) :: BJRM