Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/1-500

  1. () - det.: one
  2. (zài) - in,at,on,etc.
  3. (yǒu) - have,possess
  4. (ge) - m.[general]
  5. () - I,me,ego,self
  6. () - non,do not,no,nowise,not,nope,nae,no more,nix
  7. (zhè) - now,this,det.: this,it
  8. (le) - entirely
  9. () - he, she, it, they (referring to inanimate things in object position)
  10. () () - also,too,as well,either,even
  11. (jiù) (jiù) - then, at once, right away, an indicator strengthening speaker's evaluation
  12. (rén) (rén) - person, people
  13. (dōu) - all,even,already
  14. (shuō) - speak,talk,explain,scold
  15. (ér) (ér) - conj.: and yet
  16. 我們我们 (wǒmen) - we
  17. () () - you
  18. (le) - particle: indicating new situation; indicating completed action
  19. (yào) - must,should
  20. (huì) - will
  21. (duì) (duì) - toward
  22. () () - conj.: and
  23. () - conj.: and
  24. () - conj.: and,together with
  25. () () - using, taking, from a point on, because of
  26. (hěn) (hěn) - pretty,thrice,monstrously,gey,quite,mighty,stinking,sopping,some,assai,full,most,clinking,much,thumping,awfully,fiendishly,thundering,very,real,really,bally,proper,grossly,powerful,so,rattling,well,considerably,greatly,terribly
  27. (zhǒng) - m.[kind]
  28. (de) - particle: emphasizing an action/situation
  29. () - great,macro,old,very,vast,tall,big,high,much
  30. (néng) - can or to be capable of
  31. (zhe) - [aspect]
  32. () () - she,her,she (neologism for {1ta1}[2]),)
  33. () - det.: that
  34. (shàng) - on,above
  35. (dàn) (dàn) - conj.: but,yet,still,nevertheless,only,merely
  36. (nián) (nián) - m.[standard]
  37. (hái) - still,yet,also,too,as well,besides
  38. 可以 (kěyǐ) - can,may
  39. (zuì) (zuì) - most,to the highest degree,much,superlatively
  40. 自己 (zìjǐ) (zìjǐ) - lonesome,number_one,own,ego,self,oneself,name
  41. (wéi) - by
  42. (lái) (lái) - to
  43. (suǒ) (suǒ) - that which
  44. 他們他们 (tāmen) - they
  45. (liǎng) - det.: two,both (sides),either (side),a few,some
  46. () - det.: each,every
  47. () - can,may
  48. (wéi) - be,become
  49. (wéi) - be,become
  50. (huò) - conj.: or,either or
  51. (hǎo) - good
  52. (děng) (děng) - conj.: and so on, etc
  53. (yòu) (yòu) - again,moreover
  54. (jiāng) - be about to
  55. 因為因为 (yīnwèi) - conj.: because,for,on account of
  56. () - in,at,to,from,out of,by
  57. (yóu) (yóu) - from,via,by,through,owing/due to
  58. (cóng) - from,since,through
  59. (gèng) - more,still/even more,further,furthermore
  60. (bèi) - by
  61. (cái) (cái) - then and only then, just now, only (before a number)
  62. () () - already
  63. (zhě) (zhě) - nominal suffix,one who,-er
  64. (měi) (měi) - det.: every
  65. () - m.[activity]
  66. () - indicating pre-verbal object as thing dealt with by the action
  67. (sān) - det.: three
  68. 什麼什么 (shéme) - anything,what
  69. 問題问题 (wèntí) (wèntí) - problem,mishap,query,job,interface,question,inquiry,matter,enquiry,trouble,issue,worry,subject,topic,hang-up,business,quaere
  70. () - det.: its,his,her,their,it,this,that
  71. (ràng) (ràng) - allow,induce sb. to do sth.
  72. () () - this,det.: this,here
  73. (zuò) (zuò) - make,do
  74. (zài) - again,once more,further(more),in a higher degree,and then,not (do sth.) before
  75. 所以 (suǒyǐ) - conj.: so,therefore,as a result
  76. (zhǐ) - only,merely
  77. () - with,to
  78. () () - then,in that case
  79. 台灣 (Táiwān) (táiwān) - Taiwan
  80. (què) (què) - however,but,yet,indeed
  81. (bìng) - conj.: and
  82. (wèi) (wèi) - location,digit,m.[general],,status,figure,throne,position,place,condition
  83. (xiǎng) (xiǎng) - think,suppose,reckon,consider,want to,would like to,feel like (doing sth.)
  84. () () - in order to
  85. (ne) - particle: marking quesitons about subject already mentioned; indicating strong affirmation
  86. 學生学生 (xuéshēng) (xuéshēng) - academic,pupil,pup,tutee,follower,scholar,schoolchild,schoolboy,alumnus,disciple,learner,scholastic,student
  87. 表示 (biǎoshì) (biǎoshì) - demonstrate,exhibit,prove,show,extend,manifest,express,stamp,signify,mark,witness,look,give,denote,evince,expression,bespeak,say,profess,mean,offer,utter,infer,indicate,represent,read,speak,refer,give tongue to,intend,be,shew,pay,stand_for,establish,stand for,present,render,betoken
  88. (dào) (dào) - up until
  89. 公司 (gōngsī) (gōngsī) - place of business,business organization,incorporation,establishment,business concern,office,concern,business establishment,business,enterprise,company,corporation
  90. (jiāng) - introducing object of main verb
  91. 如果 (rúguǒ) (rúguǒ) - conj.: if
  92. 社會社会 (shèhuì) (shèhuì) - community,society,monde,social,public
  93. (kàn) - see,look at,watch,read,look upon,regard,look after,call on,visit
  94. (xiǎo) (xiǎo) - small,little,petty,minor;young
  95. (tiān) (tiān) - m.[standard]
  96. 因此 (yīncǐ) (yīncǐ) - conj.: therefore,consequently
  97. (xīn) (xīn) - new,fresh,up-to-date
  98. 但是 (dànshì) (dànshì) - conj.: but,however,yet,still
  99. () - they (neologism for {1ta1}[3] [4]), [4]),),this,that,it
  100. (zhōng) - center,middle,interior
  101. 使 (shǐ) - rarefy,piss_off,germinate,drench,blow_out,leave,cut_up,refract,run,dress_up,compose,shed,frizz,put_off,trot,send,strike,send (as envoy),peal,alienate,pull_in,tone_up,bring around,astound,sublease,wither,cripple,bed_down,address,rehearse,usage,warm,smell_out,throw,inflect,get_down,skunk,capsize,congeal,bowl_over,bring_on,unseat,ensure,amalgamate,pro
  102. 工作 (gōngzuò) (gōngzuò) - work,job
  103. (quán) (quán) - det.: all,Surname,whole,Quan
  104. 覺得觉得 (juéde) (juéde) - imagine,guess,believe,reckon,suspect,suppose,think,listen,feel,consider,think_of,appear,conceive
  105. 使用 (shǐyòng) (shǐyòng) - use,employ,apply
  106. 這些这些 (zhèxiē) - det.: these
  107. () () - inside
  108. (bìng) - actually,truly
  109. 由於由于 (yóuyú) (yóuyū) - conj.: owing/due/thanks to
  110. 時候时候 (shíhòu) - day,moment,(a point in) time,(duration of) time,time
  111. 知道 (zhīdào) - tell,have,ken,understand,infer,wis,learn,cognize,gather,know,be aware of,wise up,savvy,mind,realize
  112. 這樣这样 (zhèyàng) - so,such,like this,this way
  113. () - as soon as
  114. 認為认为 (rènwéi) (rènwéi) - find,treat,deem,suppose,look_on,repute,discount,esteem,accredit,feel,account,calculate,estimate,take to be,reckon,expect,think,hold,trust,recognise,opine,sound off,adjudge,consideration,consider,regard as,look upon,believe_in,disbelieve,allow,conceive,regard,call,imagine,view,forecast,believe,suspect,rate,animadvert,look on,listen,speak up,figure,c
  115. 時間时间 (shíjiān) (shíjiān) - moment,day,clock time,fourth_dimension,relativity,hour,duration,time,when,while,temporal,economy
  116. (shì) - responsibility,trouble,event,thing,worry,accident,case,involvement,work,affair,job,concern,business,toast,matter
  117. (guò) - [aspect]
  118. (xiàng) (xiàng) - to,towards
  119. 可能 (kěnéng) (kěnéng) - probably,maybe
  120. 中國中国 (Zhōngguó) (zhōngguó) - Cathay,China,china
  121. 美國美国 (Měiguó) (měiguó) - House_of_Representatives,the United States of America,US,U.S.A.,bench,Columbia,Yankeeland,U.S.,United States,Democrat,Yankeedom,USA,America,United States of America
  122. (dào) (dào) - arrive,reach,go to
  123. () - (together) with
  124. () - det.: how many,a few,several,some
  125. 系統系统 (xìtǒng) (xìtǒng) - lineage,filiation,scheme,pedigree,system,formation,superstructure,programme,organization,succession,tract,system of rules,organisation,program
  126. 政府 (zhèngfǔ) (zhèngfǔ) - sirkar,state,country,nation,governmental,body politic,government,administration,civil order,polity,commonwealth,regime,res publica,land
  127. 大家 (dàjiā) - sundry,great master,rich and influential family,pontiff,all of us,everyone,authority,master,distinguished family
  128. 國家国家 (guójiā) (guójiā) - sirkar,state,country,patria,a people,nationality,nation,republic,soli,body politic,clime,national,civil order,polity,commonwealth,land,res publica
  129. 許多许多 (xǔduō) (xǔduō) - lot,scores,lots,sight,pot,heap,quantity,plenty,slews,ton,battalion,many,scads,tidy sum,power,spate,chunk,pile,crowd,vastness,batch,lashings,whole lot,mint,mound,pocketful,large number,trunkful,ream,mickle,great deal,flock,mass,slew,heaps,a lot of,piles,whole slew,mess,raff,slue,gobs,much,lotta,multitude,volume,wad,store,raft,tons,satiety,rafts,doze
  130. 生活 (shēnghuó) (shēnghuó) - life,existence,livelihood
  131. (gēn) (gēn) - with, to, from
  132. 已經已经 (yǐjīng) (yǐjīng) - already
  133. 大學大学 (dàxué) (dàxué) - university,college
  134. 研究 (yánjiū) (yánjiù) - study,research
  135. (yīn) (yīn) - conj.: because,as
  136. (běn) (běn) - det.: this
  137. (èr) (èr) - det.: two, second
  138. 活動活动 (huódòng) (huódòng) - activity,maneuver,behavior
  139. (gāi) (gāi) - det.: this, that
  140. 世界 (shìjiè) (shìjiè) - mundane,creation,world,monde,orb,nature,domain
  141. (yīng) - should,ought to
  142. () () - det.: four
  143. 希望 (xīwàng) (xīwàng) - hope,wish
  144. 方式 (fāngshì) (fāngshì) - path,plan,pattern,tenor,system,method,manner,style,way,guise,fashion,wise,means,shape,how,embodiment,agency,gate,mode,sort
  145. (nèi) - inside
  146. (xiàng) (xiàng) - m.[general]
  147. (ā) - particle: used in direct address and exclamation; indicating obviousness/impatience/suggestion; used for confirmation
  148. (xià) (xià) - under (condition/fact etc.)
  149. 環境环境 (huánjìng) (huánjìng) - circumambiency,environmental,circumstances,environment,entourage,surround,atmosphere,setting,surroundings,ambiance,condition,context,circumstance,surrounding,frame,milieu,ambient,consideration,environs,medium,ambience
  150. 一些 (yīxiē) (yīxiē) - det.: some, a few, a little
  151. 必須必须 (bìxū) (bìxū) - must
  152. 文化 (wénhuà) (wénhuà) - civilization,literacy,acculturation,Kultur,vandalism,cultural,education,schooling,culture
  153. (gāo) (gāo) - tall,high
  154. 孩子 (háizi) (háizi) - kid,issue,chap,daughter,children,sonny,son or daughter,child,spawn,boy,kipper,son
  155. 沒有没有 (méiyǒu) (méiyǒu) - not have,there is not,be without
  156. 不能 (bùnéng) (bùnéng) - must/may/can not,not be allowed
  157. () () - according to,in accordance with,such as,as if,like,for example
  158. 開始开始 (kāishǐ) (kāishǐ) - begin,start
  159. 開始开始 (kāishǐ) (kāishǐ) - begin,start
  160. 開始开始 (kāishǐ) (kāishǐ) - begin,start
  161. (yuán) (yuán) - m.[standard]
  162. 不同 (bùtóng) (bùtóng) - different
  163. (réng) (réng) - yet,anyway,still
  164. 網路网路 (wǎnglù) (wǎnglù) - WWW,net,network,Internet,meshwork,web,world wide web,mesh,reticulation
  165. 日本 (Rìběn) (rìběn) - Nippon,Cipango,Nihon,Japan,japan,Japanese
  166. (yòng) (yòng) - with
  167. 中心 (zhōngxīn) (zhōngxīn) - center,heart,hub
  168. (lái) (lái) - come,arrive
  169. (duì) (duì) - right; correct
  170. 雖然虽然 (suīrán) - conj.: though,although
  171. 重要 (zhòngyào) (zhòngyào) - important,significant,major
  172. 重要 (zhòngyào) (zhòngyào) - important,significant,major
  173. 地方 (dìfāng) - country,soil,terrain,part,clime,way,territory,room,neighbourhood,tinderbox,locality (as distinct from the central administrat,child,tract,province,position,respect,where,region,space,place,local
  174. 進行进行 (jìnxíng) (jìnxíng) - be in progress,go on,carry on/out
  175. 進行进行 (jìnxíng) (jìnxíng) - be in progress,go on,carry on/out
  176. 關係关系 (guānxì) - relation,bearing,impact,membership credentials,"backdoor connections"
  177. 市場市场 (shìchǎng) (shìchǎng) - bourse,bazar,marketplace,grocery store,agora,bazaar,securities industry,grocery,piazza,plaza,rialto,mart,pitch,market
  178. (tài) - excessively, too, extremely, very
  179. 老師老师 (lǎoshī) (lǎoshī) - rabbi,professor,swami,instructor,teacher,mast
  180. 提供 (tígōng) - feed,offer,put_up,afford,proffer,set_up,capitalize,bring_forward,sponsor,extend,ply,provision,sustain,equip,supply,cough_up,bear,render,furnish,cater,billet,provide
  181. 學校学校 (xuéxiào) (xuéxiào) - seminary,schoolhouse,educational institution,school,institution
  182. 應該应该 (yīnggāi) (yīnggāi) - should,ought to
  183. 指出 (zhǐchū) (zhǐchū) - point,point_out,catch_out,bespeak,indicate,denote,point out (that),note,show,designate,point out
  184. 經濟经济 (jīngjì) (jīngjì) - economy,financial condition,income
  185. 其他 (qítā) (qítā) - det.: others,the rest,other,else
  186. (jiā) - family,household,home,house
  187. (jiā) - family,household,home,house
  188. 發展发展 (fāzhǎn) (fāzhǎn) - develop,expand,grow
  189. 發展发展 (fāzhǎn) (fāzhǎn) - develop,expand,grow
  190. 教育 (jiàoyù) (jiàoyū) - education
  191. 成為成为 (chéngwéi) (chéngwéi) - find,join,comprise,turn to,commemorate,sample,entomb,come_up,commence,get hold,learn,add up,necessitate,run,make up,constitute,make,form,come,amount,represent,fall,presage,change,be,turn,turn into,become,line up,come up,shape,portend,foretell,get
  192. (duō) - many,much,more,more than the correct/required number,excessive,too much,much/far more
  193. 非常 (fēicháng) (fēicháng) - extraordinary,unusual,special,very,extremely,highly
  194. 便 (biàn) - as early as,soon afterwards,little as,as early,and then,and so,so,as early/little as,as little as,then,in that case
  195. 方面 (fāngmiàn) (fāngmiàn) - side,aspect,sector,part,light,facet,behalf,way,respect,direction,bearing,field,phase,sphere,angle,hand
  196. 很多 (hěnduō) (hěnduō) - det.:
  197. (chī) - feed,have,be subject to,absorb,chow,live on,eat,have one's meals,be a strain,exhaust,fare,take in,live off,annihilate,wipe out,partake,suffer,ingest,consume,graze,lunch,manducate,incur,take,get,use up,make,taste,soak up
  198. 然後然后 (ránhòu) (ránhòu) - therewith,and so,and_then,and then,thereupon,after that,so,then,with that
  199. (wèi) (wèi) - or not (at end of sentence),have not yet,or not,not
  200. 發現发现 (fāxiàn) (fāxiàn) - find,discover
  201. 電腦电脑 (diànnǎo) (diànnǎo) - electronic computer,computery,data processor,information processing system,computer
  202. 一樣一样 (yīyàng) (yīyàng) - same,equal,similar
  203. 而且 (érqiě) (érqiě) - conj.: furthermore,and
  204. (xīn) (xīn) - heart,mind,feeling,center,core
  205. (xīn) (xīn) - heart,mind,feeling,center,core
  206. 不過不过 (bùguò) (búguò) - conj.: but, however, only
  207. 無法无法 (wúfǎ) (wúfǎ) - nohow,unable to,unable,cannot
  208. 企業企业 (qǐyè) (qìyè) - proposition,business enterprise,business organization,business concern,concern,commercial enterprise,endeavour,endeavor,industry,business,project,corporation,enterprise
  209. (zhèng) - precisely,punctually
  210. 服務服务 (fúwù) (fúwù) - be in the service of,serve
  211. 服務服务 (fúwù) (fúwù) - be in the service of,serve
  212. (jiào) - rather,quite,relatively,more
  213. 不會不会 (búhuì) - won't
  214. 臺灣台湾 (Táiwān) (táiwān) - Taiwan
  215. (zēng) - once,ever,before
  216. () - particle: calling for agreement or disagreement
  217. 空間空间 (kōngjiān) (kōngjiān) - elbow room,allowance,margin,roomage,open air/sky/space,road,leeway,way,open air,sheets,room,tolerance,opening,clear,sky,spacial,interspace,vacuity,spatial,dimension,open sky/space,space,place,vacuum
  218. 看到 (kàndào) (kàndào) - view,receive,ken,observe,lamp,catch,see,take in,watch,chatter away,lay_eyes_on,boast,brag,shoot the breeze,spy,catch sight of, catch sight of
  219. () () - det.: five
  220. 如何 (rúhé) (rúhé) - how
  221. 國內国内 (guónèi) (guónèi) - interior (of country),interior,home,intestine,internal,domestic
  222. (men) - pluralizer after pronouns and nouns of persons
  223. () - not have,there is not
  224. 對於对于 (duìyú) (duìyū) - (in regard) to,toward,at,for
  225. 以及 (yǐjí) (yǐjí) - conj.: as well as, along with, and
  226. 之後之后 (zhīhòu) (zhīhòu) - later,behind,at the back of,after
  227. 可是 (kěshì) (kěshì) - conj.: but, yet, however
  228. (dāng) - when,while
  229. 人員人员 (rényuán) (rényuán) - strength,personnel,force,staff
  230. () - compared with
  231. (xiān) - earlier,in advance,before
  232. 產品产品 (chǎnpǐn) (chǎnpǐn) - baby,brand,output,product,produce,end product,merchandise,fruitage,growth,manufacture,wares,production
  233. 資訊资讯 (zīxùn) (zīxùn) - stuff,message,information,news,info
  234. 資料资料 (zīliào) (zīliào) - food,source,info,means,data,information,material,datum,data point,matter
  235. 比較比较 (bǐjiǎo) - relatively,fairly
  236. 先生 (xiānshēng) (xiānshēng) - doctor of Chinese medicine,Don,mulla,Ms.,sir.,teacher,gentleman,gospodin,Signor,signor,fortune-teller,babu,baboo,Herr,Mister,bey,mister,bwana,husband,siree,buckra,sirrah,senor,guv,sahib,Mr.,rabbi,don,signore,Dan,sir,m'sieur,effendi,Tuan,baas,Monsieur,lording,monsieur,doctor,Mr,milord,Mynheer,signior,esquire,bookkeeper,Senor,rabboni,Senhor,sieur,sen
  237. () - the earth,land,soil,fields,ground,place,position,background,distance
  238. 除了 (chúle) (chúle) - except,besides
  239. 大陸大陆 (dàlù) (dàlù) - Ch. mainland
  240. 需要 (xūyào) (xūyào) - need,want,require,demand
  241. (xiàng) (xiàng) - be like
  242. (zài) - indicating an action in progress
  243. (gěi) - give,give to
  244. (suì) (suì) - year (for crops),m.[standard],,year of age,year (of age),year,annum,year for crops
  245. (qǐng) - request,ask (a favor),engage,hire (teacher/etc.),Please...
  246. (yuè) (yuè) - moon
  247. (xiē) - m.[proximation]
  248. (míng) (míng) - m.[general]
  249. (lìng) (lìng) - det.: another
  250. (ruò) - conj.: if,as if
  251. () () - also,too
  252. 地區地区 (dìqū) (dìqū) - section,country,area,latitude,zone,terrain,parts,locality,sector,province,prefecture,region,district,faubourg
  253. 技術技术 (jìshù) (jìshù) - mechanics,know-how,prowess,science,Minerva,superior skill,art,competence,technology,craft,craftsmanship,skill,education,technique,artistry,engineering,technological,equipment,technical
  254. (zhì) - to, until, till
  255. 特別特别 (tèbié) (tèbié) - unusual,specially
  256. 其實其实 (qíshí) (qíshí) - as a matter of fact,actually,in fact
  257. 國際国际 (guójì) (guójì) - international
  258. 不要 (bùyào) (búyào) - never,noway,don't want,don't (do sth.)
  259. 發生发生 (fāshēng) (fāshēng) - happen,occur,take place
  260. 發生发生 (fāshēng) (fāshēng) - happen,occur,take place
  261. 參加参加 (cānjiā) (cānjiā) - join,attend,take part in,give (advice/etc.)
  262. 一定 (yīdìng) (yīdìng) - must
  263. 其中 (qízhōng) (qízhōng) - among,of them,in it,among them,which,them,det.: it,in,in which
  264. (wèn) (wèn) - ask,examine,question,interrogate
  265. 台北 (Táiběi) (táiběi) - capital of Nationalist China,capital of Republic of China on Taiwan,Taipei
  266. 包括 (bāokuò) (bāokuò) - consist_of,consist of,subtend,embrace,comprise,incorporate,embody,involve,count,subsume,take_in,comprehend,incorporation,include,comprize,run,cover,package,consist in
  267. (jiǎng) (jiǎng) - discourse,utter,talk,negotiation,make clear,negotiate,parley,pay attention to,speak,syllable,discuss,explain,tell,be particular about,explanation,interpretation,interpret,relate,discussion,stress,mouth,say,remark,verbalize
  268. 造成 (zàochéng) (zàochéng) - make_for,give rise to,create,set_up,strike,creation,cause,contribute,bring_about,procure,give,bring about,cut_out,necessitate,shape,present,bring_forth,generate,yield,make,breed
  269. (kàn) - think,consider
  270. (xiàng) (xiàng) - be like,resemble
  271. (cháng) (cháng) - often,usually,frequently
  272. () - at present,in the immediate future,then,promptly,at once
  273. 喜歡喜欢 (xǐhuān) - like,love,be fond of,be happy/elated
  274. 喜歡喜欢 (xǐhuān) - like,love,be fond of,be happy/elated
  275. () () - go,go to
  276. (méi) - not
  277. 出現出现 (chūxiàn) (chūxiàn) - appear,arise,emerge
  278. 出現出现 (chūxiàn) (chūxiàn) - appear,arise,emerge
  279. 政治 (zhèngzhì) (zhèngzhì) - paternalism,trouble,government,policy,political relation,political science,polity,politics,political affairs,political
  280. (huà) - words,thing,language,tongue,talk,speech,spoken_language,conversation,utterance,expression,story,tale,saying,natural language,sayings,word
  281. (zǒu) (zǒu) - scram,travel,foot,go away,evaporate,ankle,waltz,step,bugger off,etc.,go through,leave,leak,run,buzz off,leg,pad,fork,visit,go,escape,lose flavor,work,call on,strike,sashay,trace,pursue,gang,lose shape/etc.,get_along,come_along,walk,hoof it,lose flavor/shape/etc.,leg it,let out,shape,drive,cover,take,get,hoof,move
  282. 單位单位 (dānwèi) (dānwèi) - department,unit,denomination,module,building block,unit of measurement,monad,unit (in measurement or organization)
  283. 一直 (yīzhí) (yīzhí) - e'er,away,continuously,all the way,right,forever,all_along,always,the whole way,all along,straight,slap,through,ever,evermore
  284. (ba) - particle: used to show mild imperative or uncertainty
  285. 是否 (shìfǒu) (shìfǒu) - whether or not,is it so or not
  286. 當然当然 (dāngrán) (dāngrán) - certainly,of course
  287. (zhěng) (zhěng) - det.: exact
  288. (zhěng) (zhěng) - det.: exact
  289. 處理处理 (chǔlǐ) - handle,deal with,dispose of,process
  290. 處理处理 (chǔlǐ) - handle,deal with,dispose of,process
  291. 歷史历史 (lìshǐ) (lìshǐ) - past records,historical,history
  292. 了解 (liǎojiě) (liǎojiě) - understand,comprehend,find out,acquaint oneself with
  293. 了解 (liǎojiě) (liǎojiě) - understand,comprehend,find out,acquaint oneself with
  294. () - then,in that case
  295. 怎麼怎么 (zěnme) - how
  296. 機會机会 (jīhuì) (jīhuì) - scouth,occasion,good luck,hap,liberty,fortune,opportunity,chance,joss,hazard,happy chance,probability,luck,scope,room,break,turn,opening
  297. (jiā) - m.[general]
  298. (tīng) - hear,list,hearken,obey,obedience,listen,heed,administer,let,allow,hark
  299. 所有 (suǒyǒu) (suǒyǒu) - det.: all
  300. 只要 (zhǐyào) (zhǐyào) - conj.: so long as,provided
  301. 朋友 (péngyǒu) - amigo,connections,kith,friend,boy,crony,ami,boy/girl friend,companion,mate,boy friend or girl friend,compadre,boy friend,Mac,paisano,matey,old_boy,sport,folks,pard,hearty,Kamerad,cocker,cobber,girl friend,pardner,company
  302. (lìng) - make,cause
  303. 甚至 (shènzhì) (shènzhì) - even (to the point of),so much so that
  304. (yòng) (yòng) - use,employ,apply,eat,drink,spend
  305. (zhēn) (zhēn) - really, truly, indeed, clearly
  306. (liù) - det.: six
  307. (ya) - particle: replacing 啊 when preceding word ends in a, e, i, o, or (y)u; used in direct address and exclamation; indicating obviousness/impatience/suggestion; used for confirmation
  308. 情況情况 (qíngkuàng) (qíngkuàng) - event,things,state of affairs,circumstantiality,case,circumstances,way,plight,experimental condition,streak,military situation,matter,condition,mood,circumstance,context,occasion,thing,instance,affair,shape,situation,juncture,consideration
  309. 還是还是 (háishì) (háishì) - still,nevertheless
  310. (qián) - copper coin,cash,money,fund,sum
  311. 方法 (fāngfǎ) (fāngfǎ) - know-how,plan,attack,system,stepping-stone,manner,method,gateway,idea,measure,way,guise,key,wise,quomodo,plan of attack,tack,machinery,process,avenue,modus,how,means,channel,gate,approach,agency,gamesmanship,mode,medium,sort
  312. (diǎn) (diǎn) - m.[proximation]
  313. 任何 (rènhé) (rènhé) - aught,det.: any
  314. 經驗经验 (jīngyàn) (jīngyàn) - experience
  315. 藝術艺术 (yìshù) - beaux-arts,aesthetical,artistic production,artistic,ars,art,academy,aesthetic,artistic creation,skill,craft,artistry,esthetic
  316. 你們你们 (nǐmen) - you,you (plural),you-all
  317. (shí) (shí) - det.: ten
  318. 主要 (zhǔyào) (zhǔyào) - main,chief,principal,major
  319. 媽媽妈妈 (māmā) - mummy,mammy,ma,mother,mamma,mum,mommy,female parent,mom,Mama,mater,mama,momma
  320. 增加 (zēngjiā) (zēngjiā) - increase,raise,add
  321. 增加 (zēngjiā) (zēngjiā) - increase,raise,add
  322. 提出 (tíchū) (tíchū) - put forward,pose,raise
  323. 提出 (tíchū) (tíchū) - put forward,pose,raise
  324. 為什麼为什么 (wèishénme) (wèishéme) - why,why?,how come,why is it that?,whereat,whereto
  325. () () - conj.: in order to, so as to
  326. (nín) (nín) - you
  327. 計畫计画 (jìhuà) (jìhuà) - plan,project,program
  328. (zuò) - do,make,rise,write,compose,pretend,affect,feign
  329. 利用 (lìyòng) (lìyòng) - use,utilize,take advantage of,exploit
  330. 利用 (lìyòng) (lìyòng) - use,utilize,take advantage of,exploit
  331. 東西东西 (dōngxī) - thing,creature
  332. (zài) - exist,live,be at/in/on,depend on,rest with
  333. (tiáo) (tiáo) - bar,item,short note,a long narrow piece,streak,clause,stripe,sth. long and narrow,filet,m.[general],,article,strip,assize,twig,ingot,slip
  334. 設計设计 (shèjì) (shèjì) - design,plan
  335. (zhǎo) (zhǎo) - look for,seek,call on,approach
  336. 之間之间 (zhījiān) (zhījiān) - among, between
  337. 成長成长 (chéngzhǎng) (chéngzhǎng) - grow up,mature
  338. 成長成长 (chéngzhǎng) (chéngzhǎng) - grow up,mature
  339. 能夠能够 (nénggòu) (nénggòu) - can,able,would,may
  340. 決定决定 (juédìng) (juédìng) - decide,resolve,make up one's mind,determine
  341. 學習学习 (xuéxí) (xuéxí) - study,learn,emulate
  342. 學習学习 (xuéxí) (xuéxí) - study,learn,emulate
  343. (shéi) - who,someone,anyone
  344. (jiàn) - see,be exposed to,become visible,call on,refer to,meet with,appear to be,appear,vide,catch sight of,meet
  345. (bàn) (bàn) - det.: half
  346. (bàn) (bàn) - det.: half
  347. 時代时代 (shídài) (shídài) - day,period,a period in one's life,epoch,present time,historical period,time,chapter,period in one's life,modern times,historic period,contemporary world,times,era,modern world,age
  348. 完成 (wánchéng) (wánchéng) - fill in,finish out,fulfil,practice,complete,finish,encompass,clear_up,top_off,cleave,top off,accomplishment,make out,effect,perfective,fulfill,go through,exercise,discharge,fill out,completion,end,run,bring ... to fruition,round_out,achieve,execute,round out,make,cap off,accomplish,practise,follow through,come,finalize,fulfilment,dispatch,bring ...
  349. (dài) (dài) - look after,raise
  350. 相當相当 (xiāngdāng) (xiāngdāng) - quite,fairly,considerably
  351. 同學同学 (tóngxué) (tóngxué) - class fellow,fellow student,condisciple,classmate,schoolmate,schoolfellow,form of address used in speaking to a student
  352. (jiàn) (jiàn) - correspondence,paper,document,bit,m.[general],,single item,letter,piece
  353. 能力 (nénglì) (nénglì) - department,potency,ability,acquisition,acquirement,capacity,performance,oomph,sufficiency,energy,competence,accomplishment,size,might,faculty,hand,coequal,efficiency,inner resources,capability,giftie,attainment,capableness,zip,skill,competency,power
  354. 別人别人 (biérén) (biérén) - others,other people,another person
  355. 生命 (shēngmìng) (shēngmìng) - breath,god,head,anima,days,organism,blood,life,living thing,skin,longevity,being,vital,life form
  356. (xià) (xià) - below,under,underneath
  357. (lái) (lái) - time (since)
  358. (cháng) - m.[event]
  359. 會議会议 (huìyì) (huìyì) - synod,moot,conference,board,convocation,soviet,congress,talks,indaba,negotiation,junta,group discussion,convention,meeting place,session,council,rendezvous,colloquy,coming together,powwow,seance,meeting,forum,consultation,roll-up,get-together,assembly
  360. 容易 (róngyì) - easy
  361. 開發开发 (kāifā) (kāifā) - develop,open up,exploit
  362. 開發开发 (kāifā) (kāifā) - develop,open up,exploit
  363. 民眾民众 (mínzhòng) (mínzhòng) - civil,crowd,masses,populace,rank_and_file,the masses,the masses of the people,the populace,demos,mob,multitude,plebs,commons,the common people,the people,million,public
  364. 事情 (shìqíng) - proposition,pie,shebang,thing,affair,occasions,undertaking,concern,question,business,schmear,matter
  365. (shū) (shū) - volume,document,style of calligraphy,book,script,letter
  366. 事實事实 (shìshí) (shìshí) - mood,circumstance,fact,factual,reality,verity,case,deed,sooth,troth,actuality,truth,matter,matter of fact
  367. 有關有关 (yǒuguān) (yǒuguān) - be related
  368. () - from,since
  369. 組織组织 (zǔzhī) (zǔzhī) - tissue,nerve,weave,organization,organized system
  370. (yán) (yán) - say,talk,speak
  371. (duō) - more than the correct/required number,much/far more
  372. (ài) (ài) - love,like,be fond of,be keen on,cherish,be apt to
  373. 建立 (jiànlì) (jiànlì) - establish,set up,found
  374. 建立 (jiànlì) (jiànlì) - establish,set up,found
  375. 相關相关 (xiāngguān) (xiāngguān) - cognate,relational,interrelate,associated,be interrelated,relevant,related,be mutually related
  376. (jūn) ( jūn) - without exception,all
  377. 產生产生 (chǎnshēng) (chǎnshēng) - come into being,produce,engender,emerge
  378. (duō) - det.: more than,much more
  379. 產生产生 (chǎnshēng) (chǎnshēng) - come into being,produce,engender,emerge
  380. 業者业者 (yèzhě) (yèzhě) - dealer,interest
  381. 解決解决 (jiějué) (jiějué) - solve,resolve,settle,dispose of,finish off
  382. 解決解决 (jiějué) (jiějué) - solve,resolve,settle,dispose of,finish off
  383. 完全 (wánquán) (wánquán) - completely,fully,wholly,absolutely
  384. 的話的话 (dehuà) (dehuà) - conj.: if
  385. 接受 (jiēshòu) (jiēshòu) - receive (honors,have,receive,acknowledge,sweep up,espouse,etc.),come to grips,adopt,embrace,greet,welcome,hook on,seize on,take up,accede,taken,entertain,latch on,buy,fasten on,swallow,imbibe,accept,receive (honors/etc.),undergo,get to grips,take,adapt,acceptance,thole
  386. (zhī) - tell,notify,inform,be expert in,know,sense,be aware of,administration,notification,administer,be in charge of,realize
  387. (yuē) - about,around
  388. 建築建筑 (jiànzhù) (jiànzhù, jiànzhú) - building,structure,edifice,architecture
  389. 一般 (yībān) (yībān) - general,ordinary,common
  390. 推動推动 (tuīdòng) (tuīdòng) - push forward,promote
  391. 推動推动 (tuīdòng) (tuīdòng) - push forward,promote
  392. 過程过程 (guòchéng) (guòchéng) - unconscious process,mechanism,process,act,round,course
  393. 管理 (guǎnlǐ) (guǎnlǐ) - manage,supervise,take care of
  394. 管理 (guǎnlǐ) (guǎnlǐ) - manage,supervise,take care of
  395. 功能 (gōngnéng) (gōngnéng) - functional,niche,function,competence,capacity,anatomy
  396. (shǒu) (shǒu) - hand
  397. () - generalized verb of doing with specific meaning determined by its object,strike,hit,fight,construct,forge,mix
  398. (shuǐ) (shuǐ) - water,H2O,liquid,bubble,a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc.,Shiu,waters,aqueous,Aquarius,river,Surname,blister,drink,eau,aqua
  399. 要求 (yāoqiú) (yāoqiú) - request,demand
  400. 小朋友 (xiǎopéngyǒu) - child (adult address to child),little boy,children,little boy/girl,girl,little girl,little boy or girl,child
  401. 教授 (jiàoshòu) - professor
  402. (nán) - make difficulties,take to task,put ... into a difficult position,disagreeable,make difficult,unpleasant,hard,difficult,troublesome,blame
  403. 我國我国 (wǒguó) (wǒguó) - our country
  404. 告訴告诉 (gàosù) - tell,preach,notify,impart,inform,represent,apprize,send word,share,advise,give notice,apprise,assure,let know
  405. 內容内容 (nèiróng) (nèiróng) - subject_matter,content,cognitive content,internal,contents,mental object,meat,substance,matter,lining
  406. 結果结果 (jiéguǒ) - result,outcome,consequence
  407. 調查调查 (diàochá) (diàochá) - investigate,look into,survey
  408. 調查调查 (diàochá) (diàochá) - investigate,look into,survey
  409. 家庭 (jiātíng) (jiātíng) - hearthstone,background,fireside,establishment,household,hearth,domestic,hearthside,menage,home,family unit,family,house
  410. 成立 (chénglì) (chénglì) - found,establish,be tenable,hold water
  411. 成立 (chénglì) (chénglì) - found,establish,be tenable,hold water
  412. 選擇选择 (xuǎnzé) (xuǎnzé) - select,opt
  413. 經營经营 (jīngyíng) (jīngyíng) - manage,run,engage in
  414. 經營经营 (jīngyíng) (jīngyíng) - manage,run,engage in
  415. 然而 (rán'ér) (ránér) - conj.: even so,but
  416. 父母 (fùmǔ) (fùmǔ) - parental,parents,father and mother,folks
  417. (xiě) - description,bewrite,direct,describe,pencil,draw,paint,inscribe,write,depiction,write_out,throw_off,depict,address,author,screeve,word,compose
  418. 人類人类 (rénlèi) (rénlèi) - man,wight,human_being,human,human race,mankind,individual,human species,Homo_sapiens,populace,creature,hominid,world,mortality,microcosm,humans,humanitarianism,humanity,humanness,human beings/species,people,species,humankind,human beings,public,mortal
  419. 至於至于 (zhìyú) (zhìyū) - as for/to
  420. (mǎi) (mǎi) - pick up,invest,hire,buy,purchase,put_down,trade,get
  421. 尤其 (yóuqí) (yóují) - especially
  422. 配合 (pèihé) - coordinate, cooperate
  423. 配合 (pèihé) - coordinate, cooperate
  424. 進入进入 (jìnrù) (jìnrù) - go_into,get_in,debouch,get in,go into,move into,come_into,pass,step_in,lapse,get_into,set in,go in,get into,kick in,penetrate,intromission,pierce,come_in,come in,enter,entry,sink,impenetrate
  425. 例如 (lìrú) (lìrú) - for instance/example,e.g.,such as
  426. (děi) - should be,need
  427. 討論讨论 (tǎolùn) (tǎolùn) - to discuss,to take something up with someone,to talk about
  428. 討論讨论 (tǎolùn) (tǎolùn) - to discuss,to take something up with someone,to talk about
  429. () () - according to,judging by
  430. 作品 (zuòpǐn) (zuòpǐn) - writing,musical composition,whole kit and caboodle,works (of literature,artwork,kit and caboodle,product,whole works,creation,full treatment,kit and boodle,whole kit and boodle,works (of literature/art),composition,thing,piece of music,workpiece,output,art),written material,opus,whole shebang,whole caboodle,production,whole kit,piece,workmanship,wo
  431. 情形 (qíngxíng) (qíngxíng) - circumstance,trimness,event,trim,instance,state of affairs,case,circumstances,status,situation,condition
  432. 資源资源 (zīyuán) (zīyuán) - resource,natural resources,mine,resources
  433. 原因 (yuányīn) (yuányīn) - origin,causation,reason,wherefore,causal,breeder,spore,cause,causal agent,whence,causal agency,occasion,root,subject,causality,why,starter
  434. () - particle: used when informing sb. of st.; indicating excitement/doubt/comfort/etc.
  435. () () - you(female)
  436. 運動运动 (yùndòng) (yùndòng) - sports,athletics,exercise,movement,campaign
  437. 觀念观念 (guānniàn) (guānniàn) - conception,intension,theory,philosophy,idolum,connotation,idea,sense,presentation,notion,concept,construct,intellection,presentment,thought,notional,conceit
  438. (gěi) - for,for the benefit of,by (in passive cons.)
  439. 軟體软体 (ruǎntǐ) (ruǎntǐ) - software
  440. 品質品质 (pǐnzhì) (pǐnzhí) - calibre,appraisal,caliber,character,self,intrinsic,brew,quality,timber,sort
  441. 經過经过 (jīngguò) (jīngguò) - pass,go through,undergo
  442. 如此 (rúcǐ) (rúcǐ) - thus,like this,such
  443. (ēn) - O.K.,How come,Huh,What,Why,Agreed!,well,um
  444. 精神 (jīngshén) - god,guts,heart,pneuma,consciousness,vigor,life,energy,vim,courage,esprit,moral,get-up-and-go,ginger,vitality,Psyche,psyche,spunk,gumption,juice,sand,mind,mental,mens,mickey,mettle,nature,grit,oomph,genius,vigour,substance,psychic,backbone,nous,nerve,pazazz,essence,pep,spirit,inward,drive,push,soul,gist
  445. 影響影响 (yǐngxiǎng) (yǐngxiǎng) - influence
  446. (zhī) (zhī) - it, him, her, this
  447. (guò) - pass,cross,transfer (e.g.,ownership),undergo a process,go through,celebrate,observe
  448. 好像 (hǎoxiàng) (hǎoxiàng) - seem,be like
  449. (chéng) (chéng) - become,turn into
  450. 參與参与 (cānyū) - participate in
  451. 參與参与 (cānyū) - participate in
  452. 以後以后 (yǐhòu) (yǐhòu) - afterwards,later,future,in the future,hereafter
  453. 於是于是 (yúshì) (yūshì) - conj.: thereupon,hence,consequently,as a result
  454. 部分 (bùfen) (bùfèn) - partial,department,section,partialness,slice,pars,part,det.: part,percent,partage,sphere,component,divvy,segment,portion,fraction,sector,chapter,share,percentage,piece,division,sectional,parcel
  455. 另外 (lìngwài) (lìngwài) - conj.: in addition, besides, moreover
  456. 公園公园 (gōngyuán) (gōngyuán) - common,green,garden,commons,park
  457. 透過透过 (tòuguò) (tòuguò) - via
  458. 訓練训练 (xùnliàn) (xùnliàn) - training
  459. 努力 (nǔlì) (nǔlì) - make great effort,try hard
  460. 努力 (nǔlì) (nǔlì) - make great effort,try hard
  461. 研究 (yánjiū) (yánjiù) - research,study
  462. 具有 (jùyǒu) (jùyǒu) - be provided with,have,have got,possess,hold,possession,carry,inhere,bear
  463. 共同 (gòngtóng) (gòngtóng) - common,joint
  464. 所謂所谓 (suǒwèi) (suǒwèi) - so-called
  465. (xià) (xià) - det.: next, second
  466. 行為行为 (xíngwéi) (xíngwéi) - fact,demeanor,form,deportment,dealing,behavior,doings,course,act,point,goings-on,demeanour,procedure,lapse,going,bearing,turn,behaviour,activity,ongoing,thing,human action,conduct,commitment,human activity,behavioral,agency,deed,comportment,action
  467. 合作 (hézuò) (hézuò) - cooperate,collaborate,work together
  468. (jīng) - as a result of,through,after
  469. 合作 (hézuò) (hézuò) - cooperate,collaborate,work together
  470. 目標目标 (mùbiāo) (mùbiāo) - polestar,objective,goal,bourn,object,meaning,aim,end point,target,cause,landmark,butt,lodestar,bull's eye,mark,tee,cynosure,end,bell ringer,loadstar,quaesitum,destination
  471. 起來起来 (qǐlái) (qǐlái) - [aspect]
  472. 考慮考虑 (kǎolǜ) (kǎolù) - think over,consider
  473. 考慮考虑 (kǎolǜ) (kǎolù) - think over,consider
  474. (cháng) - long,be strong/good (in/at)
  475. 意見意见 (yìjiàn) (yìjiàn) - latitude,point_of_view,estimation,sight,conceit,verdict,hypothesis,attitude,estimate,possibility,judgement,appraisal,ground,slant,differing opinion,ruling,complaint,thinking,suggestion,comment,advisement,mind,apprehension,say,vote,impression,deliverance,view,understanding,feeling,idea,notion,sentiment,judgment,advice,current,opinion,advert,theory,v
  476. 辦法办法 (bànfǎ) (bànfǎ) - road,expedient,policy,agency,measure,way,method,means
  477. 音樂音乐 (yīnyuè) (yīnyuè) - music
  478. (lián) - conj.: including
  479. (shòu) - passive signifier
  480. 廠商厂商 (chǎngshāng) (chǎngshāng) - factory owner,factories and stores,firm,maker,business organization,business concern,manufacturing business,concern,manufacturer,business
  481. (zhī) (zhī) - m.[general]
  482. 受到 (shòudào) (shòudào) - experience,receive,come in for,suffer,undergo,come_in_for,be given,come_to,be subjected to
  483. 一切 (yīqiè) (yīqiè) - det.: everything, every
  484. 或是 (huòshì) (huòshì) - conj.: or,perhaps
  485. 中央 (zhōngyāng) (zhōngyāng) - central authorities (of state/party/etc.)
  486. (mǒu) (mǒu) - det.: some,certain
  487. 女性 (nǚxìng) (nǔxìng) - lady,female sex,womankind,feminie,female,sex,petticoat,femininity,female person,woman,she,patroness,womanhood,fair,feminine
  488. 教學教学 (jiāoxué) - teach and study
  489. 教學教学 (jiāoxué) - teach and study
  490. () - extraordinary,unusual,special,very,extremely,highly
  491. 獲得获得 (huòdé) (huòdé) - find,cop,acquirement,come_into,gain,draw,pick_up,pull,achievement,score,procure,come_by,get hold,purchase,nab,come upon,derive,latch,incur,achieve,make,bring,receive,arrive,come_out,pocket,obtain,luck into,sack,win,enter upon,pick up,garner,harvest,attain,come up,line up,extract,secure,possess,earn,reap,accrue,cover,take,acquire,get,arrive_at
  492. 真的 (zhēnde) - really,truly,indeed
  493. () () - road,path,way,journey,distance,means,sequence,logic,line,region,district,route,sort,grade,class
  494. (lái) (lái) - particle: used to denote the beginning of an action
  495. (kuài) (kuài) - fast,quick,quick-witted,ingenious,sharp (of knives),straightforward
  496. 國小国小 (guóxiǎo) (guóxiǎo) - primary/elementary school,primary school
  497. 部份 (bùfen) (bùfèn) - composition,segment,section,side,portion,slice,proportion,part,det.: part,share,component,division,phase,place,piece
  498. 工程 (gōngchéng) (gōngchéng) - process,construction,engineering,engineering project,project
  499. 女人 (nǔrén) - jade,crumpet,female,female person,Gill,bitch,chick,fair,squaw,womenfolk,adult female,doll,momma,wench,skirt,womankind,girl,jill,wife,broad,petticoat,sister,woman,bimbo,bird,jane,she,hen,hairpin,dame,women
  500. 舉行举行 (jǔxíng) (jǔxíng) - hold (meeting/etc.)
  1. ^ 李榮 (1998) 成都方言詞典(現代漢語方言大詞典·分卷), 江蘇教育出版社, →ISBN
  2. ^ 李榮 (1998) 成都方言詞典(現代漢語方言大詞典·分卷), 江蘇教育出版社, →ISBN